Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
JCSR Journal of
Comparative Study of Religions
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in
Challenging Christianity in Bangladesh
Md Helal Uddin
International Islamic University Malaysia
Md Maruf Hasan*
International Islamic University Malaysia
Professor Dr. Abdullah Jahangir is considered as one of the important
prominent Islamic gures in Bangladesh for his various writings, lectures, and
social activities. Due to his critical approach in writings and lectures, he is not
only well-known in Bangladesh but also in India among Bengali native speaking
people. On Islam and comparative Religion, he had outstanding knowledge and
contribution as to provide solutions for existing problems in the context of Indian
subcontinent. This paper aims to explore the methodology of Abdullah Jahangir
in the study of Christianity with special reference to his master piece Pobitra Bible
Porichiti O Porjalochona. The research is based on qualitative in nature method will
be used in this article and to examine the methodology of Abdullah Jahangir to
understand how he studied and viewed about Christianity especially Bible in the
context of Indian subcontinent. The outcomes of this research will enhance new
outlook in the eld of comparative religion and improve our understanding in the
study of religious studies. The outcomes of this research will enhance new outlook
in the eld of comparative religion and improve our understanding in the study
of religious studies.
Keywords: Abdullah Jahangir, Bible, Christianity, Islam, Pobitra Bible Porichiti O
Porjalochona, Bangladesh,
Profesor Dr. Abdullah Jahangir dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh penting
Islam di Bangladesh untuk berbagai tulisan, kuliah, dan kegiatan sosialnya. Melalui
pendekatan kritis yang tertuang dalam tulisan dan ceramahnya, menjadikan
beliau tidak hanya terkenal di Bangladesh melainkan pula di India terutama
pada masyarakat berbahasa Benggali. Kontribusinya pada kajian keislaman
Jalan Gombak, 53100, Selangor, Malaysia.
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
dan perbandingan agama dianggap luar biasa dalam mengurai problem pada
konteks kawasan anak benua India. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi
metodologi Abdullah Jahangir dalam studi Agama Kristen melalui pembacaan
secara khusus karya fenomenalnya, Pobitra Bible Porichiti O Porjalochona. Penelitian
ini didasarkan pada pendekatan kualitatif guna mengkaji metodologi Abdullah
Jahangir dalam memahami bagaimana beliau mempelajari dan memandang Agama
Kristen khususnya Alkitab dalam konteks anak benua India. Hasil penelitian ini
diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan baru dalam bidang perbandingan agama
sekaligus meningkatkan pemahaman kita dalam studi keagamaan.
Kata Kunci: Abdullah Jahangir, Alkitab, Kristen, Islam, Alkitab Pabitra Porichiti O
Porjalochona, Bangladesh.
Abdullah Jahangir was a multifaceted and productive Muslim
scholar of 21
century in Bangladesh. Due to his vast knowledge and
deep understanding, he practiced dierent branches of knowledge
and engaged himself throughout his life in producing new knowledge
to enlighten the society. He has wrien on a subject that no other
Bangladeshi scholar has wrien before or in his time. He has made
intellectual contributions to Fiqh, Sahih hadith, contemporary
religious issues, and comparative religions.
Though the North American Conference on Muslim
Evangelisation was held in 1978, the tension seems on the rise in
Muslim populated developing country like Bangladesh in recent
years during 21
century. Smith quoted an interesting data on
evangelization program across Muslim country like Bangladesh,
According to the human rights organization Christian Freedom
International, it is estimated that as many as 91,000 Muslims across
Bangladesh have converted to Christianity in the last six years,
even though apostasy in many Muslim cultures is punishable by
the actual situation might grow in more alarming rate since
few Muslim organizations are working for this eld due to lack of
awareness and funding from Muslim donors and Government of
Muslim countries.
The question is how such high level of conversion is happening
digital country like Bangladesh where the Muslim religious leaders
Biraj), (Photo: Reuters/Andrew. “Thousands of Muslims Converting to
Christianity in Bangladesh despite Rising Persecution.” The Christian Post, July 20, 2016.
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
and scholars spent their most of the time delivering religious lectures
across Bangladesh and contents are also available on social media
like Facebook, YouTube and so many other means? The systematic
approach like Kitabul Mukaddas (Misleading name of bible for local
Muslim community) can answer the question perhaps whereby
preachers claim themselves as Isa-I Muslim (technical misleading
name) while maintaining calling prophets by Arabic names. Now the
trick is yet to reveal. The poverty level among less educated Muslims
in villages are extremely high. When no Muslim organization or
donor agencies come forward to help these underprivileged villagers,
the Christian missionary and patronized NGOs are appearing like
divine vicegerent and guardians with merciful message of Jesus with
the name of Islam. That must be quite thought provoking for less
educated villagers since these villagers are emotionally vulnerable to
any kind of religious authorities. And when you get enough nancial
security by following these religious missionaries, it would not be
wise to miss such lucrative opportunity to stay in the path of God
while having some nancial security. This is the basic mentality that
villagers hold towards this Christian missionary and Christan NGO
groups. Hence, we can say that The North American Conference
on Muslim Evangelisation can be considered as most eective and
inuential conference. Christian missionaries would be successfully
capable to implement their preaching approach across Muslim
countries with their dierent strategic plans.
Moreover, the basic cursory search on internet regarding
converted Christians in Bangladesh would make any readers
sympathetic to these Christian minority in Bangladesh. At the same
time, we can notice the sophisticated hidden and open propaganda
against Islamic missionaries if we use our critical approach to the
same sources.
To understand this, you need to perhaps read Kitabul Mukaddas
at rst.
Then, if you search for internet resources regarding Christian
conversation in Bangladesh, you can notice that almost all the English
articles are against Muslim community as if whole Muslim population
are ploing against Christian missionaries. In this scenario, the
global community would easily get misconception regarding Muslim
community in Muslim countries. This is also good for them to raise
Kitabul Muqaddas (কিতাবুল মোকাদ্দস) holy bible in Bengali by BBS. (n.d.).
Retrieved May 10, 2022, from hps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40614055-kitabul-
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
fund for their work plan to work for their missionary missions. In
fact, Muslim organizations get lile fund if you could compare their
funding strategies and eorts.
The website article under the title, Christian converts targeted
by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh is completely misleading to
international community and false propaganda against Muslim
community in Bangladesh. No doubt that Muslim missionaries are
not funded and educated like Christian missionaries. Hence, it is
easy for Christian missionary groups to spread the misconception
and propaganda against minor Muslim missionary groups (Only
few nominal Muslims working in this eld due to lack of education
and awareness without proper training like Christian missionary
groups). As a consequence, Government has taken always neutral
and strict position to solve the problem if any crime occurs which
promotes violence among dierent religious groups in Bangladesh.
It goes without saying that there are some Muslim local scholars
who understand and raise concern against this evangelization
program in Bangladesh for ordinary less educated Muslims. Late
Adullah Jahangir is one of them. History tells us the most of the
forced conversation happened in history by Christian missionaries
and Islam has no record on forced conversation but the recent article
portrays as if Bangladeshi Muslim groups are forcing minority
to convert to Islam
which is completely misleading information
against Muslim community in Bangladesh. Surprisingly, famous
Muslim NGOs are also labelled as dangerous and threatening and
funded by militant Muslim terrorist organisations to make Muslim
governments fool as like western narrative did against Muslims in
the West.
For this reason, OIC can easily raise the concern among
Muslim countries regarding these Muslim NGOs where Government
of Muslim countries can easily observe the workplans of these
Muslim NGOs towards under privilege Muslim community. If a
Muslim converts just because of poverty and these Muslim NGOs
Al Arabiya English. (2020, May 20). Isis claims murder of Christian convert
in Bangladesh. Retrieved May 10, 2022, from https://english.alarabiya.net/News/
Forced conversion of Bangladeshi tribal kids on the rise - UCA News. (n.d.).
Retrieved May 10, 2022, from hps://www.ucanews.com/news/forced-conversion-of-
AsiaNews.it. (n.d.). Authorities suspect 17 Islamist ngos of funding to terrorism.
Retrieved May 10, 2022, from hps://www.asianews.it/news-en/Authorities-suspect-17-
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
can teach any business skill and support for initial start-up business
to these vulnerable Muslims, and their workplans save a Muslim
from converting Christianity, that should be the responsibility of
the Muslim country’s government to support these types of Muslim
NGOs. This is very easy for Government to ban any NGOs if they nd
any militant activities since the donors are also from within Muslim
government and countries. OIC can have check and balance system
for Muslim NGOs within Muslim countries. Ministry of Religion
can have also check and balance system in each country. This is very
important and necessary to save Muslim community within Muslim
When Christian missionaries in dierent parts of Bangladesh,
especially in the border districts, were converting poor and
uneducated Muslims to Christianity in various ways, he took practical
steps as well as stood up against the malpractices of intellectual
Christian missionaries.
He has a special acceptability among people of dierent Muslim
sects, scholars and people of all classes and professions in Bangladesh
for producing new knowledge on broad, authentic and contemporary
issues. This paper has started with a brief biography of Abdullah
Jahangir such as early life of Abdullah Jahangir, his birth and
death, education, teachers, and major works. In the second part, the
researcher has discussed the methodology used by Abdullah Jahangir
in his master peace Pobitra Bible porichiti O Porjalochona, critique of
Abdullah Jahangir on the bible, signicance of Pobitra Bible and so
on. The researcher employed descriptive and analytical method in
this paper to provide the appropriate information and analysed
the method of Abdullah Jahangir in the study of Christianity. The
research is qualitative in nature method will be used in this article
and to examine the methodology of Abdullah Jahangir to understand
how he studied and viewed about Christianity especially Bible in
the context of Indian subcontinent. The collection of data was based
on library research along with internet resources. The aim of this
research is to raise concern about the Christian evangelization in
Bangladesh and the contribution of Abdullah Jahangir in the study
of Christianity in Bangladesh.
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
Life of Abdullah Jahangir
The full name of Abdullah Jahangir is Khandaker (ANM)
Abū Naser Muhammad Abdullah Jahangir. His surname is
Khandaker, but he is well known as Abdullah Jahangir. Abdullah
Jahangir was born on 1st February 1961, to a distinguished Muslim
family at Norshighapur village in Jhenaidah (a south-western district
in Bangladesh). His father Khandaker Anowerujjaman was a
schoolteacher, and his mother, Begum Lutfunnahar, is a homemaker
and well-known for her morality and benevolence. Though Abdullah
Jahangir passed away, his mother is still alive. Abdullah Jahangir
was the only son his father, and he had three sisters. His father was
known as a pious and honest man. Abdullah Jahangir, thus, grew
up in a devout Muslim family.
Abdullah Jahangir was coming to Dhaka (Capital city of
Bangladesh) from Jhenaidah (a District of Bangladesh) to aend a
TV program on May 11, 2016. On the Dhaka-Khulna highway at
Magura (A District of Bangladesh), Abdullah Jahangir’s microbus
collided with a covered van, and this great soul departed to meet
his generous Lord on the spot. He was 53 years old at the time
of his death.
His research-based masterpiece book Pobitra Bible
Porichiti O Porjalochona (consisting approximately 700 pages) got
published earlier in January 2016 containing extensive criticism
towards the widespread misleading Christian missionary works
across Bangladesh. Albert Camus, noble laurate, found death in street
accident with no trace.
The problem with modern world reects in
Sir Willima Shakespeare’s famous masterpiece Hamlet “To be or not
to be, that is the question”. Despite the problem what modern people
are still facing for the God in current academia, faith base conspiracy
seems still in the screen in 21st century. Intellectual dishonesty is still
practiced among faith-based institutions. Abdullah Jahangir pointed
towards that intellectual dishonesty done by Christian missionary
Meer Monjur Mahmood, Abdullah Jahangir O Tar Fiqhi Rochonabli: Ekti
Poddotigoto Bislesion (Abdullah Jahangir and his Fiqh Literature: A Methodological
Analysis), (Dhaka: Islami Ain O Bichar, 2018), Vol. 14, 2.
“IU Professor among 5 killed in road crashes”. The Daily star. May 11,
2016. https://www.thedailystar.net/country/iu-professor-among-5-killed-road-
TRTWorld. (2019, December 06). Was Albert Camus murdered? Retrieved May
10, 2022, from hps://www.trtworld.com/magazine/was-albert-camus-murdered-31963/
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
works in Bangladesh.
Abdullah Jahangir grew up in a religious family. In his youth,
he was well-known for his talent. For primary education, he aended
his village primary school, Jhenaidah Butiargaty primary school. His
primary teachers suggested him to take admission into a public school
because they were concerned about the future of Madrasah education.
But his father wanted him to be an Islamic scholar. Accordingly,
he continued study in Madrasah to full his father’s desire. After
completing primary education, he took admission into Jhenaidah
Siddiqia Kāmil Madrasah (Master’s). From the same institution, he
passed Dākhil (Secondary School Certicate) in 1973, ῾Ᾱlim (Higher
Secondary School Certicate) in 1975, and Fādil (Degree) in 1977.
After completing graduation from Madrasah, he moved to the capital
city Dhaka for higher education. He enrolled in the department of
Hadīth at Dhaka ῾Ᾱlia Madrasah ((Government Madrasah), and he
earned his Kāmil degree (Master’s) with the best result at Dhaka ῾Ᾱlia
in 1979.
Along with Islamic education, Abdullah Jahangir wanted
to study at Jhenaidah Cadet College. He studied at Magura
Shahid Shohrawardi college and achieved his Higher Secondary School
Certicate in 1980 with the best result in the Jessore
At that time, those who stood rst in various education boards,
the then President Ziaur Rahman
took them on a boat trip Abdullah
Jahangir was among them since he secured rst-place in the Jessore
Board.106 After graduation, he worked as a teacher for two years in
Bangladesh. He had a thirst for knowledge. So, with a scholarship,
he moved to Saudi Arabia for higher education and enrolled in
the department of Arabic literature at Imām Muhammad Bin Saud
Islamic University, Saudi Arabia. He achieved Bachelor’s (1986),
Ibid., 2
Magura is a district in south-western Bangladesh.
Jessore District, ocially known as Jessore District, is a District in the south-western
region of Bangladesh.
Abdul Kalam Azad, Preronar Batigor (The beacon of inspiration), (Dhaka: Batigor
Prokashani, 2017), 88.
Ziaur Rahman, who served as the President of Bangladesh during 1977-1981.
Abdul Wahab Bin Zakaria, Muslim Ummahr Ekjon Dorodi Manush Abdullah
Jahangir k Jemon dekhesi (A compassionate man of the Muslim Ummah: As has been
seen Abdullah Jahangir), Sazu, 16 March 2017. Retrieved 2020-04-10.
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
Master’s (1992), and Ph.D. (1998) from there.
His Ph.D. research was
on grammatical analysis of Qur᾿ān and its various dialects.
At the
Imām Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Abdullah Jahangir obtained
a rst-class with the best result in every program, be it undergraduate,
Master’s, or Ph.D. It is worth noting that during his studies at Imam
Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Abdullah Jahangir received
the best student award twice.
Moreover, Abdullah Jahangir studied
in Qur᾿ān , Hadīth, Fiqh, History, Arabic literature, Economics, and
Abdullah Jahangir studied with a lot of renowned teachers from
Bangladesh and abroad. Among his teachers are Mia Muhammad
Qāsim, Obaidul Haqq, Anowārul Haqq Qāsimī, ῾Abd al-Rahīm, ῾Abd
al-Bārī, Ayub ῾Alī
Shaikh ῾Abd al-῾Aziz ῾Abd Allāh ibn-Bāj, Shaikh
Muhammad ibn Sāleh al-῾Uthaʾīmān, Shaikh Sāleh ibn ῾Abd al-Aziz
al Ash-Shaikh, Shaikh ῾Abd Allāh ibn ῾Abd al-Rahmān al-Jibrīn,
Shaikh Sāleh ibn Fawzān al-Fujān and many more.
Major Works of Abdullah Jahangir
Abdullah Jahangir’s signicant contributions to the academic
world acquired a reputation in Bangladesh and the subcontinent,
especially among Muslims and scholars. He is viewed as one of
the inuential Islamic scholars of Bangladesh. He spent his last
eight years of life in writing. His works were published by 51
journals in Bangladesh as well as abroad. He published more than
50 books and numerous articles with different publishers and
journals in Bangladesh and abroad. He spent six hours every day
for writing.
Among the extraordinary work of Abdullah Jahangir
are A women from the desert, Pobitra Bible: Porichiti O Porjalochona (The
Mawlana Mizanur Rahman Azhari waz, The Biography of Khandoker
Abdullah Jahangir. https://mizanurrahmanazhariwaz.com/blogs/dr-abdullah-
jahangir-biography/. Retrieved 2020-04-10.
Abdul Kalam Azad, Preronar Batigor (The beacon of inspiration).
(Dhaka: Batigor Prokashani, 2017), 88.
Ibid., 91.
Ibid., 89.
Miraz Rahman, Bohumukhi Protivar ononno odharon ekjon Doctor Abdullah Jahangir
(A unique example of multifaceted talent is Abdullah Jahangir). May 12, 2016. https://m.
Accessed 2020-04-15.
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
Holy Bible: Introduction and Review), Hadiser Name Jaliyati (Fraud
in the name of Hadīth), Islam er Name Jongibad: Alochito O Onalochito
Karonsomoh (Militancy in the name of Islam: discussed and non-
discussed reasons), Bohūs ῾lūm al-Hadīth (Research in Hadīth
Science), A Summary of three Fundamentals of Islam, ‘Iihya’ alsanan
(The revival of the Sunnah), Rasulullah er (PBUH) er Poshak O Islam e
Poshaker Bidhan (The dress of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the
provision of dress in Islam, Guidance for fasting Muslims, Bangladeshe
Ushar Ba Fosoler Zakat-: Gurutto O Proyog (Crop Zakat in Bangladesh-:
importance and application), Qur᾿ān and Sunnah er Aloke Islam
Aqīdah (Creed in Islam in the light of the Qur᾿ān and Sunnah).
The Book Pobitra Bible: Porichiti O Porjalochona
Abdullah Jahangir has wrien many books and articles on
Christianity in the context of Bangladesh. Perhaps the most important
one is Pobitra Bible: Porichiti o Porjalochona (the holy Bible: introduction
and Review). This book is the most original, informative, and detailed
book wrien in the Bengali language to critique Christian scriptures.
There is a painful history involved with the text of Pobitra Bible:
Porichiti o Porjalochona. After writing the entire book, the author was
preparing to publish it; before publishing this book, he died, and this
book was with him when he died. Hossain Zakir said this book is a
blood-stained manuscript of Abdullah Jahangir.
Abdullah Jahangir
was socially conscious; he always thought about society’s happenings.
He was mainly concerned about the faith, education, awareness of
Muslims, especially the less educated ones, and loved to work for
them. For a long time, Bangladesh’s Christian missionaries spread
misinformation, misinterpretation, and misleading ideas about
Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) among the poor and the
less educated Muslims across Bangladesh in rural areas to convert
them to Christianity.
In the context of Bangladesh, there was no available Bengali
book wrien in response to the Christian missionary false narratives
such as Isa-e Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Meer Monjur Mahmood, Abdullah Jahangir O Tar Fiqh Rochanaboli: Ekti Poddotigoto
Bisleshon (Abdullah Jahangir and his Fiqh Literature: A Methodological Analysis), (Dhaka: Islami
Ain O Bichar, 2018), 15.
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir. Pobitra Bible: Porichiti O Porjalochona (The Holy
Bible: Introduction and Analysis), (Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications, 2016), 3
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
only came for Arabs, not for all human beings, Isa (Jesus) will come
back to save all human beings.115 Writing some books was essential
in response to the Christian missionary’s incorrect propaganda
against Islam to protect the poor and the less educated Muslims
from converting to Christianity. It is vital to mention here that some
preachers asked Abdullah Jahangir to write a book to defend Islam
and prove Christian missionaries’ untruthful publicity against Islam.
As a socially conscious person, intellectual, academician, and a ī
of Islam, he realized the situation. He thought to do something
intellectually to save Imān (faith) of common Muslims, to open
their eyes to the spurious publicity of missionary, and to teach them
about Islam’s fundamental beliefs. From this intention, he wrote this
monumental treatise.
In this book, Abdullah Jahangir presents the Christian
missionary concoction. First, he provides an introduction about the
Old and New Testament of Christian scripture. He intends to point
out that the present Bible is altered from its original text and the
distortion and contradiction by its people. He also demonstrates that
the Bengali Bible is also corrupted, modied, and this book contains
many wrong things. The most concerning thing about Christian
missionaries is that they are propagating by misleading ideas among
the deprived, the less educated, and the illiterate Muslims who do not
know about Islam, falsication of the Bible, and the hidden purpose
of converting people to Christianity. Within this scripture, Abdullah
Jahangir presents many distortions and human manipulation cases
in the Bible’s text. The alteration and changes have been done
deliberately or unknowingly by the Christian theologians. The
Christian missionaries spread unreliable narratives with the distorted
Bible among illiterate Muslims to convert them to Christianity. Most
importantly, the author emphasizes the distortion of the Bengali Bible.
He thoroughly highlights the errors, contradictions, and distortions
of the Bengali Bible.
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Kitabul Muqaddas, Injil Sharif O Isayee Dharma
(The Bible, the Gospel, and the Jesus religion), (Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications,
2018), 3
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 33
Ibid., 36-37
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
The Contents of Pobitra Bible: Porichiti O Porjalochona
Pobitra Bible is a signicant volume book with ten chapters
written on the Bible in the Bengali language. In this part, the discussion
presents the contents of the Pobitra Bible briey. In the r chapter,
Abdullah Jahangir oers the hiorical development of the Bible
based on hiorical evidence. When the author discusses the Bible,
he explains the Bible, such as the origin of the Bible’s word, how the
Bible has changed over the ages, and the Old and New Teament
descriptions. In this portion, the author also uses the Bible’s book,
the change of compilation, the Chriian sects, and their dierent
books. Mo importantly, Abdullah Jahangir does a comparative
review of the Bible’s text to show how the Bible has been changed
by number, name, and translation in dierent languages. Since the
author has written this book for Bengali speaking people, he has
given a detailed account of the Bengali translation of the Bible and
shown huge miranslation and interpretation have been compiled in
the Bengali Bible.
In the second section, the author, Abdullah Jahangir, discusses
the importance of the scriptures’ authenticity and the necessity of
the scriptures’ original manuscript, authenticity, and infallibility.
Highlighting the authenticity of the religious text, the author says
that the scriptures’ authenticity is crucial because the spiritual life is
based on scriptures. If the scriptures are not authentic, the follower of
this world’s Christian life and hereafter is ruined.
The author then
presents a review of biblical text, legitimacy, and trustworthiness in
light of the historical context. Most importantly, he points out that the
Bible’s ancient original manuscripts have been lost. There are many
additions, omissions, and alterations in the Christian holy text that
do not prove the authenticity of a biblical text.
The third chapter covers the contrast, which has been done
in the Old and New Testament. Abdullah Jahangir shows many
discrepancies in the Bible, especially in the New Testament. For
Abdullah Jahangir, there are four types of distinction made in the
Bible such as contradictions of the one-dimensional information
that exists in the Bible, the information contained in the Bible is
Ibid., 80
Ibid., 113
Ibid., 128-129
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
proven wrong in light of other evidence, changing, adding, or
omiing biblical discourses proves that the original treatises have
been distorted, and unusual and anti-conscientious information in
the Bible.
In chapter four, the author illustrates the errors in the scriptures
of the Bible. He says that besides the contradictions in the Bible’s
book, many errors existed in the Bible, which Jews and Christian
theologians recognize. The author demonstrates the rejection in the
Old and New Testament by comparing dierent verses, chapters,
books, volumes, or editions of the Bible’s text. It cannot be ignored
but demands further interpretation. On the other hand, mistakes
are known from the outside. It is possible to nd them through
knowledge, conscience, historical information, or by judging biblical
stories through other sources of knowledge.
In the fth chapter, Abdullah Jahangir discusses alteration,
distortion, change, deformation, perversion, corruption, and
fabrication. Signicantly, the author discourses about the falsication
of the current most useable and recognized king James version of
the Bible and the Bengali Bible. In this connection, Abdullah Jahangir
was able to gure out the colossal distortion in the bible.
The writer
of the New Testament is responsible for the distortion of the Old
Testament. Most importantly, many modern Christian scholars have
acknowledged the perversion of the Bible and stated that the Bible
is no longer God’s book, but a religious and historical book wrien
by a man. On the other hand, a Christian religious expert claims that
though distortion existed in the Bible, the Bible is still unequivocal.
In chapter six, the author confers about the Bible’s absurdities
such as Bible vulgarities, obscenities, and the Bible atrocities
regarding almighty God and the prophets (PBUH). In this regard,
the author explains the informational issues with specic quotations
from the Bible.125 Jesus Christ and all apostles were very respectful
to everyone. They came to spread the truth in this world and were
encouraged to follow to rule of Almighty God. But it was mentioned
that Jesus Christ’s and the apostles’ mission was to unrest and made
a division in this world, which are oensive, irrational, vulgar, and
Ibid., 205
Ibid., 341
Ibid., 397
Ibid., 400
Ibid., 439
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
disrespectful to Jesus Christ and the apostles. Abdullah Jahangir
focuses on the above issues in chapter seven.
In chapter eight, the author disputes the absurdities, vulgarities,
and obscenities of the Bible.
Chapter nine describes how the Bible
describes the creator as extremely cruel and murderous and the
biblical religion as brutal and evil.128 In the last chapter, he discusses
Prophet Muhammad’s name (PBUH) in the Bible. The Christian
scholar claims that many essential things are mentioned in the Bible,
but Prophet Muhammad’s name (PBUH) was not mentioned in the
Bible. Muslim scholars argue that Christian scholars removed Prophet
Muhammad’s name (PBUH) from the Bible or misinterpreted that
verse that discusses Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Pobitra Bible: Porichiti
O Porjalochona
Abdullah Jahangir made tremendous eorts in the study of
Christianity to dene the basis to provide insight. He employed
dierent methodologies to aain a thorough and precise interpretation
of Christian scripture. It has been seen through a close examination
while studying Abdullah Jahangir’s book Pobitra Bible that he
is amenable to apply the Qur᾿ān in the study of Christianity.
It is a recognized fact that the Qur᾿ān is the leading source for
understanding other religions. In many places in the Qur᾿ān, Allah
has mentioned the People of the Book and the previous books and
their truth, falsehood, and acceptability. As Allah says in the Qur᾿ān
Can ye (O ye men of Faith) Entertain the hope that they will believe
in you? -Seeing that a party of them Heard the word of Allah,
And perverted it knowingly After they understood it. (Sūrat al-
Baqarah, 2:75)
The Holy Qur᾿ān inspires and motivates the fundamental basis
of Muslim scholarship in the study of religions other than Islam. It
is not merely oering religious instruction for praising the one and
Ibid., 505
Ibid., 559
Ibid., 619
Ibid., 707
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, transl., 2004, al-Bakarah: 75. Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s
translation of the Holy Qur᾿ān will be used in this thesis.
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
only God but also providing detailed knowledge and documents on
faiths, spiritual values, norms, and core concepts relating to dierent
aspects of life.131 Abdullah Jahangir used verses of the Qur᾿ān to
show that the People of the Book have some books called Torah, Jabur,
and Injil, in which the People of the Book have combined the words
of God and human perversion. The People of the Book corrupted
their books by distorting, adding, omiing, and concealing them,
which has proved their books’ unreliability.
When Abdullah Jahangir studied the treatise of the Pobitra Bible,
he applied the textual review method to study Christian scriptures.
He used Bengali and English Bible in his research on Christianity and
compared it to the Bible versions. More explicitly, Abdullah Jahangir
uses the Old Testament, New Testament, and several Bengali versions
of the Bible. He also discusses the oldest manuscript of the Bible to
evaluate the authenticity of the Bible.
Moreover, the Pobitra Bible
author presents auent quotations from Christian scriptures and
opinion, elucidation of Jews and Christian scholars supporting his
explanation, which demonstrates Abdullah Jahangir’s earnestness
and integrity in the study of Christianity.
In the study of Christianity, Abdullah Jahangir attempts
to highlight the transmission of the Bible to prove the Bible’s
contradiction. In this case, Abdullah Jahangir discusses historical
evidence and Jewish and Christian scholars who studied the Bible.
Biblical inconsistencies are due to the small number of narrators, the
lack of continuity of narrators, the loss of the Bible, the mention of
the narrator’s own word in the Bible, which creates opportunities for
falsehood in verses of the Bible, raise the question about the narrators,
and prove that the Bible is no longer the book of God.
Jahangir was able to gure out the discrepancies of the various
translations of the Bible that have been found in his review. He
discovered the historical corruption, contradiction, errors, alteration
and distortion that have been done in the Christian scriptures of the
Bible and how Christian missionaries propagate their faith to the
adherent of other religions through false narratives of their book. He
Muhammad Azizan Sabjan, the people of the book and the people of a
dubious book in Islamic Traditions, Flipside Digital Content Company Inc., 2008.
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible: Porichiti o Porjalochona,34
Ibid., 120
Ibid., 142
Ibid., 130-131
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
was interested in showing the truth and errors of the Bible through
his textual review. He relied on the Bengali translation propagated
by the Bible Society or Christian organizations in providing all the
Abdullah Jahangir is inclined to apply logic and reason in his
method to the study of Christianity. He uses extensive logic and
reasoning when discussing the errors and authenticity of the Bible. He
states that we check the documents in dierent ways in the purchase
of material resources. In scriptures, clear documentation is essential
because forgery or error in worldly documents destroys the eeting
life of money, property or the world. In contrast, eternal life is lost
due to fraud or mistake in religious forms.
Abdullah Jahangir utilizes the descriptive method in his
book Pobitra Bible. Abdullah Jahangir is not critical of Christian
scripture and religious practices. He uses the descriptive approach
to gather and compile information from many Bible topics to give
a descriptive overview of a Christian’s beliefs and practices. His
concise explanation includes detailed facts from initial Christian
texts and provides the shape of a biblical encyclopedia. In short, he
explains the philosophical, religious views, processes and practices,
and a religion’s traditional customs.138 Abdullah Jahangir is not
susceptible to signicant controversies and is often found to make
short statements if any. But he makes distinctions with text to
explore and discuss much of the Bible’s topics.
While Abdullah
Jahangir presents comprehensive abstract details concerning
Christian scriptures, there is a lack of adequate information regarding
singularly appropriate theological knowledge sources.
Nevertheless, his respective writings provide a comprehensive
understanding of Christian scriptures. Abdullah Jahangir also
practices the logical and rational method regarding the execution of
Jesus. He refers to the Injil and demonstrates the contradiction among
the Christian scholars over this issue that he highlights through his
logical thinking and rationale.
Ibid., 34.
Ibid., 113.
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 47-48.
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 57
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 253, 254.
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
In short, Abdullah Jahangir adopted several methods in his book
Pobitra Bible in the study of Christian scripture to assess the Bible with
historical evidence and opinions of Jewish and Christian scholars,
specically textual, rational and logical, and descriptive review. He
proves the inauthenticity, contradiction, errors, and discrepancies in
the Bible, especially demonstrating the dierentiation and polarity
of the translation of the Bengali Bible.
The Signicance of Pobitra Bible: Porichiti O Porjalochona
Although Abdullah Jahangir gives a complete picture of the
change, expansion, and corruption of the Christian sacred scripture
in his book Pobitra Bible (Holy Bible), it is crucial in Bangladesh’s
society and education. According to the researcher’s best knowledge,
there has been no reaction or criticism from the Christian community
in Bangladesh to this book. Since the missionaries use many false
narratives in their campaigns mentioned in this book, this book’s
descriptions can help Bangladesh’s people, especially the uneducated,
semi-educated, and poor people in the rural areas; through this
book, the false tales of the Christian missionaries.
This book
clearly illustrates the integrity and seriousness of Abdullah Jahangir
in addressing the Christian missionary disinformation and false
accusations against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is
said that the Holy Bible is a blood-stained manuscript because when
Abdullah Jahangir died, he had the draft manuscript of this book, his
handwrien notes, and advice on his typed text. It is a review that is
truthful, transparent, concise, and educated.
The writer did not modify his critiques to appease or
accommodate but followed straightforwardly and boldly what he
saw as the Bible’s facts. Every man is guided and inuenced by his
faith. Abdullah Jahangir was neutral in his review. As he states, “in
presenting and reviewing the information in this book, I have tried my
best to present it objectively.” This text has also provided an example
for many other Muslim clerics of the value of seriously researching
other faiths.
Pobitra Bible offers multiple interpretations and
perspectives that help understand how the book of Christianity could
be interpreted by an intelligent Muslim and consider and evaluate
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 34.
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 3
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 33-34
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
the past and see its consequences in the present. In the history of
Bangladesh, Abdullah Jahangir was the only person who played an
active role against various inconsistencies in the Bible and the false
propaganda of Christian missionaries through his institutional and
intellectual work.
Abdullah Jahangirs Sources in the Study of Christianity
In Abdullah Jahangir’s study of Christianity, it has been
observed that one of the essential features of his texts, discussions,
and lectures on any topics such as Christianity and Islam, more often
than not, is that he provides references from the Qur᾿ān. Referring to
Qur᾿ānic verse is the standard for Abdullah Jahangir that has been
seen in almost all of his works. Without providing interpretation
from the Qur᾿ān, he never put his opinion on any purpose he writes
or deliberate lectures. When he discussed and criticized Christianity,
he gave references from the holy Qur᾿ān. It is an undeniable truth
that his mission was possible only due to his in-depth knowledge of
the Qur᾿ān. For example, Christians claimed that Prophet Ibrahim
sacriced his son Ishak for the sake of almighty Allah.
In this case,
Abdullah Jahangir proved that Ismael was oered for the sake of
Almighty Allah, providing references from the holy Qur᾿ān.
also showed that the Bible has been distorted and changed by its
people. He realized that the Qur᾿ān has a signicant impact to prove
any allegation against Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Abdullah Jahangir uses the Bible for his criticism and refutation
of Christianity. Christian scholars included many things in the Bible
that had not existed in the original Bible. Jesus did not even mention
those books of the Bible during His time. Abdullah Jahangir presents
all quotations from the Bible related to Christianity. For example,
the Christians believe in Trinity’s doctrine that God is one God, but
three inseparably connected equally eternal persons
, which refers
to the father, the son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit, as one God in
Abul Kalam Azad, Preronar Batigor (The beacon of inspiration), (Dhaka:
Batigor Prokashani, 2017), 106
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Tawrat, Zabur, Injeel O Quraner aloke Zabeehullah
(According to the Bible and the Qur’an who was the sacriced one), (Jhenaidah:
As-Sunnah Publications, 2010), 7.
Ibid., 19-21.
The Family Bible encyclopedia, s.v. Copylab. 1972, 3790
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
three divine persons.
The early fathers of church belief in the trinity
remains a maer for discussion. Many pieces of evidence found to
justify an early belief in the trinity were triadic declarations from
the New Testament and the church fathers (referring to God, Son,
and the Holy Spirit). At the rst council of Nicaea in 325 AD, the
son’s belief was of the material of father, God of Heaven, and holy
was ocially approved. The holy spirit was mentioned in the rst
council of Constantinople in 381 AD, which ocially conrmed the
relationship between the father, the son, and the holy spirits as one
entity and three co-equal entities.
Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God. In this regard,
Abdullah Jahangir responses with quotations and references from
the Bible. He proved that the Son of God was never mentioned in
the Bible but that it was new and consistent. Most importantly, Jesus
himself was never announced as a son of God. Abdullah Jahangir does
use the Bible to demonstrate Christians’ imperfections and erroneous
assertions in their teachings. Abdullah Jahangir claims that Paul has
corrupted the Bible. He altered, added, and misinterpreted the Bible
from its original form. Even Christians are not following the actual
teachings of Jesus.
The Qur᾿ān also clearly says that
O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say
Of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah Jesus son of Mary Was
(no more than) A Messenger of Allah, And His Word, Which He
bestowed on Mary, And a Spirit proceeding From Him: so believe
In Allah and His Messengers. Say not “Trinity”: desist: It will be
better for you: For Allah is One God: Glory be to Him: (Far Exalted
is He) above Having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens
And on earth, And enough Is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. (Sūrat
al-Nisā᾿, 4:171)
Leonard Geddes, ed. Charles Herbermann, Catholic Encyclopedia, Robert
Appleton Company, 1911
John Norman Davidson Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines. A&C Black, 1965,
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Kitabul Mokaddas, Injil Sharif O Isayee Dharma
(The Bible, The Gospel, and Jesus Religion), (Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications,
2018), 30-31
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
According to Abdullah Jahangir, there is Biblical evidence of
biblical perversion. He claims that Jeremiah
himself said that the
clergyman’s false pen or scribe had falsied the Holy Book. That is
to say, the meaning of the original statement has changed and has
come to be faulty through the distortion of addition, subtraction,
changes, etc.
Besides the sources mentioned above, Abdullah Jahangir
used some other references to discuss and criticize Christian
allegations against Islam. For example, Injil (the Gospel of Jesus),
the Tawrat (Torah or the Law), the Zabur (Psalms) revealed to
Prophet Dawud (David), and Kitabul Muqaddas (the Holy Bible).
Abdullah Jahangir uses these books to study Christianity because
those books are essential in Bangladesh’s context. Bangladesh’s
Christian missionary uses those books against Islam and misleads
the less educated Muslims in Bangladesh to convert to Christianity.
Christian preachers claim that since the Qur᾿ān mentions, praises,
and commands these books for Muslims, it proves that the Qur᾿ān
preserves the Torah, the Psalms, and the Injil are held by Jewish and
Christians. Therefore, it is essential for a person who believes in the
Qur᾿ān to think that everything in these three books is real.
But all
Christian scholars unanimously agree that the conventional Gospel
books are all human-made and full of innumerable distortions and
errors. There is nothing wrong with claiming that it is only to make
confusion in the mind of Muslims.
The Critique of Abdullah Jahangir on the Bible
After an immediate investigation on Abdullah Jahangir’s study
of Christian holy book, it seems that he was not interested in showing
the history of Christianity, the progress of Christian churches,
doctrines; instead, he was very much concerned with focusing on
the Christian scriptures, and he tries to give a complete sketch of
Christian text with his deep understanding.
He was one of the major Prophets of the Hebrew Bible, according to
Jewish tradition
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra bible, 200
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Al-Qur’ān er Aloke Tawrat, Zabur, Injil Bonam
Pobitra Bible (Torah, Psalms, Injil vs. Holy Bible in the light of Al-Qur’ān), (Islamic
University: Islamic University Research Newspaper, 2007), 1
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
It is widely accepted that Christian scriptures are corrupted.
Additions, deletions, distortions have been made in their religious
book at dierent times in history. This can be understood easily by
comparing one scripture with another through the contradictory
statements of Jewish and Christian scholars and the conicting
accounts of dierent sects of Christians. It is claimed that the present
Torah (Pentateuch) is Prophet Musa’s original book (peace be
upon him). But followers and specialists of the scriptures could not
provide any logical and irrefutable evidence supporting their claim.
In this regard, Abdullah Jahangir tries to prove based on historical
information that the present Torah is not the Torah of Prophet Musa
(PBUH), but the original Torah has been lost. It has been seen that for
about the thousand years from Prophet Moses (peace be upon him)
to Prophet David (Dawood) (PBUH), for most of this period, except
for a few years, the Jews were isolated from the Torah for various
reasons, including wickedness, apostasy deteriorating religious, and
moral conditions.
Besides, after Prophet Solomon (Sulaiman) (PBUH), the nation
of Israel engaged in idolatry, communal strife, war, destroying the
city, the place of worship, religious book, and various immoralities,
especially during the bale of locating the Torah, “The Masjid al-
Aqsa,” was plundered by victorious enemies and turned into a
centre of idolatry. Moreover, during the reign of King Josiah, who
tried deadly eort to nd, practice, and establish the Torah rules
but could not nd the Torah, children of Israel lost the Torah, which
we see based on historical facts. Almost one thousand years later, of
the Prophet Musa, eighteen years later of king Josiah ascent to the
royalty, a religious priest named Hilkiah claimed to have found the
Torah manuscript. Abdullah Jahangir argues that based on only a
priest who found the Torah, it cannot be believable that it is the Torah
of Prophet Musa (PBUH). He claims that Hilkiah wrote the present
Torah based on the prevailing truths and lies of that time. It has no
connection with the Torah of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him).
According to historical evidence, after king Josiah,
Nebuchadnezzar and Zedekiah invaded Jerusalem and burned and
destroyed all the books, documents of particular signicance. Based
on historical records, it is clear that there have not existed any forms
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 132
Ibid., 133
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
after the catastrophic incursion.
The Jews claim that a priest with the
name Ezra wrote the books of the Old Testament. But there are various
changes and contradictions in the books, such as contradictions in
terms, numbers, and the text.
According to the above apparent historical and textual fact, it
is clear that the present Pentateuch (Torah) is not a book of Prophet
Moses (Musa) (PBUH), but rather a human-made book. Most
importantly, Christian and Jewish scholars admit that the present
Pentateuch is not a book of Prophet Moses (PBUH). The second
part of the Bible is called the New Testament. There is a total of 27
books in this section. Christians believe that the rst twenty books
are authentic.
There is enough doubt about the genuineness of the
seven remaining books.
According to Christians’ belief, the New
Testament books were wrien inspired by Jesus teaching later.
Though Christians claim that the books of the New Testament that
were wrien inspired Jesus’, there are not enough reliable documents
that Christians have presented to support their claim when it comes
to the authenticity of the books. The reality is that Christians distorted
the books of the New Testament and preached them in the name of
Jesus, which can be understood by examining the language of the
scriptures, authority, contradictions in the text, and the statements
of the Jewish and Christian scholars. According to Christian belief,
the ancient and modern manuscripts of the New Testament were
wrien in Greek; historical evidence shows that Jesus did not speak
Greek or preach the Gospels in Greek, but Jesus preached in Hebrew
or Aramaic, and His followers also used the same language.
is relevant to mention here that the author of Izharul Haqq claims
that the Gospel of Mathew was initially wrien in Hebrew but was
corrupted by Christians.
Most importantly, there is no authority for the present Gospel
in the Greek language. Some Christian scholars claim that Mathew
has wrien the present Gospel but cannot provide any valid evidence
or logical argument to support their claim. Rahmatullah Kairanawi
Ibid., 134-135
Rahmatullah Kairanawi, Izharul Haqq (Truth Revealed), trans, Mohammad
Waaly Razi, (World of knowledge for publishing & distribution, 1992), 10
Ibid., 14
Ibid., 1
Khandaker Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 141-143
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
argues that such a statement cannot be believable for religious text
regarding the author of the Gospel. Still, it is for sure that Christians
have corrupted the original Gospel.
When Abdullah Jahangir studied the treatise Pobitra Bible, it is
viewed that he presented three observations as an unspoken reason
for the corruption of the original Gospel. Writing books by religious
persons inspired by the “Holy Spirits” and preaching in the name of
Jesus, false propaganda against a religious person or a Prophet should
not be considered a forgery and false publicity in the name of Jesus
apostle Paul. Abdullah Jahangir states that Apostle Paul misled the
Christian mind, corrupted the original Gospel, wrote fake Gospel, and
preached in Jesus’s name. Hence, Paul is responsible for the Gospel
forgery and should be condemned.
It is documented that since
then, many rulers have aacked, persecuted, tortured the follower
of Jesus, and occupied the area where they lived. Simultaneously,
religious places of worship were destroyed, Scriptures were burned,
religious gures were murdered, and even the city of Jerusalem was
burned down several times by the then superpower country recorded
in history. It is nowhere recorded that anyone after Jesus saved the
Gospel, memorized it, or narrated it frequently. Christians claim
somebody has wrien after Jesus, which is baseless and cannot prove
the authenticity of the Gospel of Jesus. Although it is claimed that
Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote the Gospel as a proponent of
Jesus, there is no credible or authentic evidence or logical record of
the scriptures they wrote, except for the controversy, contradictions,
and falsehood.
After the revelation of the Qur᾿ān, thousands of Muslims
memorized it, preserved it in writing, and when the Qur᾿ān ’ was
wrien in a text, it was rigorously scrutinized. Similarly, before
compiling the adīth, a thorough examination was strictly performed,
such as the reliability of the narrator of the adīth, the number
of narrators, the chain of narrators, and the quality of the adīth.
Nevertheless, no method has been found to preserve and compile
the book of the Bible like the Qur᾿ān and adīth. Hence, to what
extent the Christians and Jews claim regarding the authenticity of
Rahmatullah Kairanawi, Izharul Haqq, 41
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 148-151
Ibid., 153
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
their scriptures.
Muslim scholars raised questions and proved the
inauthenticity of the Bible. Most ancient and modern scholars have
agreed at one point that the present Gospel is not an original one,
but Christians faked and distorted the Gospel and the books of the
New Testament. For example, Christian scholar Celsus says that the
present Gospel is counterfeit, and Christians distorted the original
Gospel and mixed false with true, added, deleted, and corrupted it.
Hence, the present Gospel cannot be considered as a true Gospel.
Another scholar, named Festus, says that
It has been established that the books of the New Testament
are neither the books of the Christ nor are they the books of his
apostles, but unknown people have written them and attributed
them to the apostles and their friends.
Jews and Christians claim that the name of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) is not forecasted anywhere in the Bible. In his discussion
on this subject, Abdullah Jahangir presents several quotations from
the Bible and mentions Jews, Christians, and Muslim scholars’
statement and review specialized in the Bible. The rst book of
the Bible, Genesis, chapter 17, verse 20, mentioned that God gave
Abraham (Prophet Ibrahim) the good news that Abraham’s son Ismail
(PBUH) would make the nation a “great nation.” According to the
explanation of Abdullah Jahangir, by referring to the “great nation”
here, Allah has given a particular indication of the arrival of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). This is because Allah is not referring here to a
normal status or descent by a “great nation” but a particular nation,
which is the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after Prophet
Ismail (PBUH).
Though Jews and Chriians refute the prediction of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible, nevertheless, it is already well
eablished in the holy Qur᾿ān that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will
come into this world. Allāh says:
Behold! Allah took The Covenant of the Prophets, saying: “I
give you A Book and Wisdom; Then comes to you A Messenger,
Fadhl Mohammed Fushoosh, “A critical Study of ibn Taymia’s Response
to Christianity” (Ph. D. thesis, Aligarh Muslim University, 2016), 178
Rahmatullah Kairanawi, Izharul Haqq, 44
Abdullah Jahangir, Pobitra Bible, 707-708
Md Helal Uddin, Md Maruf Hasan
(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
confirming What is with you; Do you believe in him And render
him help.” Allah said: “Do ye agree, And take this my Covenant As
binding on you?” He said: “Then bear witness, And I am with you
Among the witness.” (Sūrat Ᾱl-Imrān, 3:81)
There are dierent interpretations available on the above
verse, but no one disagreed that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was
meant to be Prophet in this verse. Moreover, every Prophet and
Messenger who came before Muhammad (PBUH) has been promised
about Muhammad (peace be upon him), and previous prophets and
messengers have instructed their followers to believe in Muhammad
(PBUH) and to support him.
Another verse of the holy Qur᾿ān
Allāh says:
And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel!
I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law
(which came) before me and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to
come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he came to
them with clear signs, they said, “this is evident sorcery!”. (Sūrat
Al-Saff, 61:6)
In the above verse, Jesus (peace be upon him) has informed the
nation of Israel about the coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
But when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrived, Jews and Christians
refused to accept him as a Prophet and Messenger.
In a nutshell, though Jews and Christians are the people of
the book, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Christianity
is no longer a valid religion. The Bible is not authentic scripture
because of massive distortions, corruption, and failure to preserve
it. They are not faithful followers of Jesus and Moses; if they were
true followers of Jesus and Moses, they must have accepted Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) because the Bible mentioned the coming of
Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Jesus and Moses instructed their
followers to acknowledge and support Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Muhammad Sha, Tafsir Ma’ariful Qur’ān, Bengali Trans, Muhiuddin Khan,
(Medina: Badshah Faisal Qur’ān printing projects, 1992), 184
The Methodology of Abdullah Jahangir in Challenging Christianity
Vol. 2 No. 1, November 2021
Unlike the propaganda approached by Christian missionaries,
Abdullah Jahangir presents his methodologies with integrity and
sincerity in Pobitra Bible. The methods used by Abdullah Jahangir
in Pobitra Bible, which is very simple and easy to understand for
the readers. He makes an unambiguous statement with objective
evidence regarding the Christian scriptures. The methods employed
by Abdullah Jahangir, which not only signicant for the readers
but also crucial for the Christian community because he provides
extensive logic and reasoning regarding Christian scriptures based
on authentic historical documents. Most importantly, Abdullah
Jahangir uses Christian scholars’ statement on the Bible in support
of his argument. Indeed, Abdullah Jahangir uses unique methods in
Pobitra Bible in Bangladesh that makes him an extraordinary person
though other renowned Muslim scholars have used similar methods.
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religion). Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications, 2018.
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(JCSR) Journal of Comparative Study of Religions
Porjalochona” (The Holy Bible: Introduction and Analysis).
Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications, 2016.
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was the sacriced one). Jhenaidah: As-Sunnah Publications,
Azizan Sabjan, Muhammad. “The people of the book and the people of
a dubious book in Islamic Traditions”, Flipside Digital Content
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