End-of-Course Assessments
Instructions for
Accommodated Testing
2 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
Dear Educator:
This manual contains the instructions for coordinating ACT QualityCore
End-of-Course Assessments for examinees requiring accommodations.
It is intended as a supplement to the ACT QualityCore Administration
Manual and the ACT QualityCore Teacher Manual. Please refer to those
manuals for instructions on distributing materials to each teacher,
following general administration procedures, reporting irregularities,
and packaging materials for return to ACT.
If you or your faculty have any questions about test administration or the
ACT QualityCore program, contact ACT QualityCore Support toll-free
at 866.764.7228 or e-mail QualityCoreSupport@act.org. If you have any
concerns about testing irregularities and/or prohibited behaviors, please
complete your ACT QualityCore Testing Irregularity Report and return
it to ACT. In exceptional situations, testing staff may wish to file an
anonymous report about concerns that the ACT QualityCore tests may
have been compromised. If you wish to report such concerns
anonymously, you may do so by reporting it at act.ethicspoint.com or
by calling 855.382.2645.
© 2015 by ACT, Inc. All rights reserved. ACT
and ACT QualityCore
is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., in the USA.
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Security Agreement
For District and School Officials
1. Read the following statement:
I understand ACT owns these test materials, including this manual, and the test questions and responses
in the online system. By opening this manual, I agree to keep all test materials confidential and only use
the test materials in connection with the administration of the test to authorized examinees. I further
agree that I will not share ACT questions and responses with anyone by any form of communication
other than with authorized examinees at test timeand understand that violating this agreement may
result in legal penalties.
2. Complete the information below, and sign and date as you would any official document. Fax the form
to 831.333.1632.
Your name
District name
Position of job title
School name (for school users only)
Your e-mail address
State office/section (for state users only)
Telephone number
Your supervisor’s name
4 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
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Security Agreement ............................................................................................. 3
Accommodated TestingGeneral Information .................................................................6
Recommended Eligibility Requirements for ACT QualityCore®
Accommodated Testing .....................................................................................................6
Testing Arrangements .........................................................................................................6
Class Rosters ......................................................................................................................6
Ordering Accommodated Testing Materials .......................................................................7
Materials Provided by ACT ................................................................................................7
Other Materials ...................................................................................................................7
Testing More than One Examinee at a Time .......................................................................8
Accommodated Testing Options .........................................................................................8
Accommodated Testing Administration ............................................................. 9
Braille Administration ........................................................................................................9
Multiple-Choice Section(s) ...........................................................................................9
Constructed-Response Section ........................................................................................9
Large-Type Administration............................................................................................... 10
Large-Type Answer Documents .................................................................................... 10
Audio CD Administration................................................................................................. 11
Verbal Instructions (abbreviated) .................................................................................. 12
Reader Script Administration ........................................................................................... 12
Verbal Instructions (abbreviated) .................................................................................. 13
Returning Test Materials .................................................................................. 14
General Information ......................................................................................................... 14
Group Headers ................................................................................................................. 14
Packaging Answer Documents for Scoring ...................................................................... 15
Packing Boxes for Return Shipping .................................................................................. 16
Using Authorized Return Service for Accommodated Testing Materials ........................... 19
Additional Resources ........................................................................................................ 17
ACT Test Security Principles ........................................................................... 18
6 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
Accommodated TestingGeneral Information
Recommended Eligibility Requirements for ACT
QualityCore® Accommodated Testing
Examinees with disabilities first need to determine whether they can test under
standard conditions, which means within the standard time limits using a standard test
booklet and answer document. Examinees with disabilities who cannot complete the
ACT QualityCore End-of-Course Assessments in the standard time limits using
standard test materials may be tested under special conditions and/or using
accommodated testing materials available from ACT.
Administration of accommodated testing for ACT QualityCore is entirely at the
discretion of school personnel. Examinees and parents should understand that, although
examinees may receive accommodations on the ACT QualityCore End-of-Course
Assessments, they will not necessarily be eligible for accommodations on the ACT
college readiness assessment.
Testing Arrangements
Accommodated testing may be administered at a time mutually convenient for the
examinee and teacher and as close as possible to the date the ACT QualityCore
End-of-Course Assessments are administered to other examinees.
Examinees receiving extended time or any type of assistance from a reader or
transcriber should be tested in a separate room. Tests are to be administered at the
school and not in the examinee’s home or other location unless the examinee is
currently confined to the home or is receiving homebound instruction.
Class Rosters
All examinees must be registered in a Class Roster in the ACT QualityCore system at
www.qualitycore.act.org. If you have examinees who will need testing accommodations,
they must be registered and have their accommodations assigned in the QualityCore
system. ACT ships enough standard test materials for all examinees and will supplement
those materials with braille books, audio CDs, large-type books, or reader scripts when
an accommodated testing materials order is submitted.
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Ordering Accommodated Testing Materials
ACT QualityCore test forms are offered in braille and 18-point large-type, on audio CD,
and as reader scripts. Large-type answer sheets also are available for students with
motor or vision impairments to mark responses to multiple-choice questions.
Accommodated testing materials can be ordered in the online system or by contacting
ACT QualityCore Support at 866.764.7228. Accommodated testing materials must be
ordered no later than 4 weeks prior to the test administration date to ensure delivery.
Materials Provided by ACT
Your standard ACT QualityCore test shipment should include enough standard test
booklets, answer documents, and reference sheets to cover all studentsincluding
those students receiving accommodations. These materials are preprinted with
examinee information for all examinees in Student Rosters and include necessary
School Headers and Group Headers to use when returning used answer documents.
Your supplemental accommodated testing materials shipment has been shipped in a box
with ACCOMMODATIONS stamped on the side.
Your accommodated testing materials shipment may include:
Instructions for Accommodated Testing (this manual)
Accommodated test bookletslarge-type (18-point) or braille
Audio CDs
Reader scripts
Accommodated reference sheetslarge-type or braillefor Algebra I,
Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, Chemistry, and Physics
Large-type answer documents
Legal statement insert
Other Materials
Tell examinees to bring soft-lead (No. 2) pencils with good erasers to the testing
session. Examinees should also bring any of the following devices they specifically
need to complete the test:
Braille stylus
Magnifying glass
Color overlays
Permitted calculator for use on all mathematics tests and Physics and Chemistry
tests (See the ACT QualityCore Administration Manual for a list of permitted
8 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
The teacher or test administrator is responsible for providing the following items:
A supply of soft-lead (No. 2) pencils to lend to students who do not bring them
A pencil sharpener
If the audio CD version of the test is being used, a CD player with earphones
(if the examinee cannot supply one)
Testing More than One Examinee at a Time
ACT normally encourages group administrations for examinees with similar
An examinee testing with a reader must test individually. Readers may not read the tests
to a group of examinees. An examinee who is responding orally to the questions must
also test individually. Examinees using CDs may test as a group provided they all use
individual earphones and can control the progress of their own CD players.
Accommodated Testing Options
Examinees who are blind or who have visual impairments may use an audio CD, use a
large-type or braille test booklet, have the test read aloud, have assistance marking their
responses, use a large-type answer document, and/or receive extended time. The ACT
QualityCore test booklet is available in 18-point large-type and braille editions.
With large-type booklets, ACT provides a large-type answer document that can be
used by examinees who cannot mark responses on the standard answer document.
Testing via audio CD is available. ACT will provide a reader script for the tests to be
read aloud, if requested.
Examinees with hearing impairments whose hearing loss has caused a reading
disability may receive extended time. A sign language interpreter may assist with
the pretest information and instructions but not with the test items.
Examinees with learning disabilities may be eligible for extended time and/or a
large-type test booklet or reader, consistent with testing accommodations currently
provided at the school.
Examinees with motor disabilities that affect their ability to mark the answer
document are eligible for extended time, use of a large-type answer document,
or assistance in marking responses.
For examinees who use a large-type answer document, item responses must be
carefully transferred by school personnel to a standard ACT QualityCore answer
document for scoring. ACT will not score a large-type answer document or transfer
responses to a standard answer document.
If you have any questions about test materials available for examinees with
disabilities, call ACT QualityCore Support at 866.764.7228 or e-mail
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Accommodated Testing Administration
Examinees with disabilities who take an ACT QualityCore End-of-Course Assessment
may listen to an audio CD version, have the test read aloud from a script, use a large-
type (18-point) or braille test booklet, and/or use a large-type answer document.
The large-type answer document, which ACT provides with the large-type test booklets,
may be requested by any examinee who cannot mark responses on the standard ACT
QualityCore answer document.
The verbal instructions contained in this section are meant to supplement the
instructions in the ACT QualityCore Teacher Manual. Please consult that manual for
comprehensive test administration instructions. Legal statement inserts have been
provided for all accommodated students. If the student is able to read the legal
statement, provide it to the student prior to starting testing. Otherwise, use the legal
statement insert as a script to read to the student during the time he or she would
normally be reading it.
Braille Administration
For each requested Braille ACT QualityCore End-of-Course Assessment, ACT has
shipped the following materials in addition to the standard materials:
Braille versions of test booklets
Braille versions of reference sheets, as applicable
Legal statement insert
Multiple-Choice Section(s)
All examinee responses to the multiple-choice section of the End-of-Course
Assessments must be gridded on the standard answer document by school personnel.
Constructed-Response Section
Computers, computer voice-activated software, or braillers:
NOTE: Examinee response(s) to constructed-response prompts that are brailled, typed,
or printed using voice-activated software must be returned to ACT for scoring, along
with the corresponding transcribed answer documents. See page 14 for additional
The grammar check feature must be turned off.
Transfer (transcribe) the response(s) to the answer document.
Students using computers or braillers may test as a group. Students using
voice-activated software must test individually in a separate room.
The student’s name and QualityCore ID must appear at the top of each page.
The response(s) must be printed in 12-point type on standard 8.5-by-11-inch paper
with the following margins:
Top of page ............2 inches
Bottom of page . . . . . . . 1.5 inches
Left and right margins ....1 inch
10 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
You must record on the constructed-response pages of the answer document
exactly what the examinee dictates, even if there is an error.
You can transcribe for only one examinee in a separate room.
You must write or print legibly using a soft-lead (No. 2) pencil.
You are not to organize or paraphrase the examinee’s thoughts into a final draft.
If the examinee requests you to write down any notes or outlines, please do so in the
space in the test booklet or on scratch paper, but the final response(s) must be written
in the constructed-response section of the answer document. The examinee is
responsible for indicating what is and is not part of the final response(s).
Do not make any corrections not dictated to you by the examinee or comment in any
way on what the examinee dictates. If you are not clear on what the examinee wants
you to write, you may ask him/her to repeat or clarify, but you must not point out or
correct any errors.
The examinee must provide all information, including spelling of difficult words,
spelling of words that can be spelled more than one way (e.g., two, to, and too),
punctuation, grammar, paragraphing, etc.
You are authorized to read the response aloud, but you must read it verbatim with
no changes of inflection or pauses that would alert the examinee to mistakes.
Large-Type Administration
For each requested large-type ACT QualityCore End-of-Course Assessment, ACT
has shipped the following materials in addition to the standard materials:
Large-type version of test booklets
Large-type version of reference sheets, as applicable
Large-type answer document
Large-type legal statement insert
Large-Type Answer Documents
The ACT QualityCore large-type answer document is intended to help examinees
complete the test under standardized conditions. This document cannot be scored by
ACT. At the conclusion of the test administration session, the teacher or other school
personnel must transfer the examinee’s answers from the large-type answer document to
the standard answer document. Examinee demographic information must also be
entered on the standard answer document.
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NOTE: The large-type answer document is used only for multiple-choice sections of the
test. An examinee with a visual impairment who is taking a multiple-choice section and
a constructed-response section should mark the multiple-choice answers on the large-
type answer document. The constructed-response section should be completed on the
standard answer document. Then the multiple-choice responses should be transferred to
the same answer document in which the examinee answered the constructed-response
section of the test.
Examinees may do scratch work in the test booklet, as needed, to determine the correct
answers to items. However, answers must be transferred to the answer document.
Responses marked only in the test booklet will not be scored.
Audio CD Administration
For each requested audio CD version of the ACT QualityCore End-of-Course
Assessments, ACT has shipped the following materials:
Audio CDs: one multiple-choice and one constructed-response or two
multiple-choice CDs
Legal statement insert
Large-type testing materials, if requested
CD players should have the capability to move forward or backward by track. The first
track of the CD contains the directions for the test. The remaining tracks contain the test
items and alternative responses. Examinees must be allowed time to replay any portion
of the test being worked on as many times as necessary.
Examinees may do scratch work in the test booklet, as needed, to determine the
correct answers to items. However, answers marked only in the test booklet will not
be scored.
For examinees who use a large-type answer document, item responses must be carefully
transferred by school personnel to a standard ACT QualityCore answer document for
scoring. ACT cannot score a large-type answer document or transfer responses to a
standard answer document.
The teacher must not read tests to students who are using the audio CD version.
12 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
Verbal Instructions (abbreviated)
If you will be administering both
sections of the test in one session, say:
If you will be administering the two parts
of the test on separate days, say:
There are two parts of this test. When
you finish the first part, you will be
allowed a [specify 10- or 15- minute]
break before beginning the second part.
There are two parts of this test. After you
complete the first part today, I will
collect your audio CDs, test booklet, and
answer document. The audio CDs, test
booklet, and the answer document will be
redistributed before the second part is
Reader Script Administration
For each requested reader script of the ACT QualityCore End-of-Course
Assessments, ACT has shipped the following materials:
Reader script: one multiple-choice and one constructed-response booklet or two
multiple-choice booklets
Legal statement insert
Large-type version of test booklets, if requested
Large-type version of reference sheets, if requested
Large-type answer document, if requested
Readers may read the contents of a table presented with an item to the examinee if
asked to do so. Readers may not read or explain figures to examinees.
Examinees may do scratch work in the test booklet, as needed, to determine the correct
answers to items. However, answers marked only in the test booklet will not be scored
unless transferred to the answer document.
For examinees who use a large-type answer document, item responses must be
carefully transferred by school personnel to a standard ACT QualityCore answer
document for scoring. ACT cannot score a large-type answer document or transfer
responses to a standard answer document.
You are about to take the ACT QualityCore [name of course] End-of-Course
Assessment. You have been given audio CDs and a test booklet. You may use a
calculator if you are taking a Chemistry test, Physics test, or any mathematics test.
The first track of each CD contains the directions for the test. The remaining tracks
contain the test items and alternative responses. You may replay any portion of the
test questions at any time and as many times as you wish. Once you complete the test,
you may return to any portion of the test to check your answer(s).
You may now begin listening to the CD.
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Verbal Instructions (abbreviated)
If you will be administering both
sections of the test in one session, say:
If you will be administering each section
of the test on separate days, say:
Please consult the Teacher Manual for comprehensive test administration instructions.
You are about to take the ACT QualityCore [name of course] End-of-Course
Assessment. You have been given a test booklet. Remember that you may use a
permitted calculator on any mathematics test and on the Chemistry and Physics
There are two parts of this test. When There are two parts of this test. After
you finish the first part, you will be you complete the first part today, I will
allowed a [specify 10- or 15-minute] collect your test booklet and answer
break before beginning the second part. document. The test booklet and the
answer document will be redistributed
before the administration of the second
I will read, verbatim, the script of the ACT QualityCore [insert name of test].
You may stop me at any time and ask me to reread any portion of the question
and/or answers. Once you complete the test, you may ask me to reread any portion
of the test to check your answers. I will not read the contents of tables, unless
requested, nor will I describe any figures. You should refer to the tables and/or
figures in your test booklet.
I will begin now by reading the instructions.
14 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
Returning Test Materials
General Information
After testing, all materials must be stored in a locked, secure place until they are
shipped. All accommodated testing materials, test booklets, manuals, and other testing
materials provided by ACT must be returned within two days after testing is completed.
Please note the two different couriers, return addresses, and the materials that
must be shipped to each address.
The accommodated testing materials listed below must be returned to ACT via FedEx for
inventory and storage at this address:
ACT Services
McCarrel Center
2727 Scott Blvd. PO Box 4059
Iowa City, IA 52243-4059
Large-type test booklets (used and unused)
Large-type reference/formula sheets and periodic tables
Audio CDs
Reader scripts (used and unused)
Braille test booklets and reference sheets
Completed Test Booklet Tracking Log
The materials listed below must be returned via UPS to ACT for scoring at this address:
QualityCore Processing Center
50 Education Way
Dover, NH 03820
All used and unused standard test booklets and related testing materials
All materials containing student responses, including brailled, large-type, typed, or
computer-generated responses
All scannable answer documents, completed by students or transcribed
Group Headers
ACT can score tests only for examinees who have a valid QualityCore ID, are in a valid
roster in the ACT QualityCore system, and whose responses are recorded on a standard
answer document. Please consult the Administration Manual for detailed instructions
on registering examinees in Class Rosters and on completing the Group Headers.
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Packaging Answer Documents for Scoring
Your standard test material shipment included the ACT Scoring Services envelopes
and Return Used Answer Documents (RUAD) boxes needed to return documents for
scoring. This shipment should also have included sufficient Group Headers to use for
any examinee(s) receiving accommodations.
NOTE: All additional examinee response material must be returned to ACT with the
used answer documents in the ACT Scoring Services envelopes. This includes large-
type answer documents and materials used to produce responses for the braille test
administrations. Make sure to pack these materials behind the answer document for the
examinee who used them.
Refer to pages 20 ̵21 of the Administration Manual for detailed information on
packaging answer documents for return to ACT.
16 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
Packing Boxes for Return Shipping
Preaddressed shipping labels are provided. These should be used to ship nonscorable
accommodated testing materials via FedEx to ACT. The labels are scannable; take care
not to damage or alter them. These labels cannot be photocopied.
Confirm that all remaining test materials (other than used answer documents) have been
packaged for return by checking the items and quantities packed against the information
shown on your Packing List. Fill your original boxes in reverse order (see figure 4). For
example, if your shipment includes four boxes, you will begin packing test booklets first
in the original shipping box identified as box 4 of 4, then box 3 of 4, etc.
Pack used and unused test booklets in the boxes in which they were delivered. Contents
should be placed in the following order, bottom to top, as illustrated below:
Large-type test booklets (used and unused)
Large-type reference/formula sheets and periodic tables
Audio CDs
Reader scripts (used and unused)
Braille test booklets and reference sheets
Completed Test Booklet Tracking Log
Place your original Pack/Return Slip on top of the envelopes. Record the box numbers
(“Box 1 of 4,” etc.) onto the flaps containing the ARS labels. Seal each box securely
with the clear packing tape.
Using Authorized Return Service for Accommodated Testing
If FedEx regularly picks up or delivers packages at a supervised area at your school,
place the sealed packages there. A supervised mail room or central office is acceptable.
The next time FedEx stops at your location, the driver will pick up the packages. Do
not call FedEx to arrange pickup; you may incur a service charge that cannot be paid by
If your normal pickup area is not supervised, or you do not expect a FedEx driver to
come within 24 hours, you must take the packages to a FedEx service location. Do not
leave the packages unattended in a location such as a hallway, common area, or loading
If you do not have regular FedEx pickup at your school (at least every other day), you
should take your sealed packages to any staffed site that provides FedEx drop-off
service. As long as the shipping labels are clearly visible, the site will accept the
packages for shipment without additional paperwork. Please make a record of where and
when you dropped the packages for shipment. Do not leave packages at an unattended
drop-off location.
NOTE: Please refer to "Returning Test Materials" on page 17 of the Administration
Manual for information on the two different couriers and return addresses, and the
materials that must be shipped to each address.
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Additional Resources
The following resources are available in your ACT QualityCore Administration Manual.
Copies of this manual were sent with your shipment of standard testing materials.
The manual is also available for download from the ACT QualityCore system at
Testing Irregularity Report
Test Booklet Tracking Log
Information on the use of calculators for the End-of-Course Assessments
School Test Coordinator’s Checklist, for your reference
Copy and use these materials as needed.
If you or your staff have any questions about the information contained in this manual
or the ACT QualityCore program, contact ACT QualityCore Support toll-free at
866.764.7228 or by e-mail at QualityCoreSupport@act.org.
18 Test Day Questions? Call 866.764.7228
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ACT Test Security Principles
1. Ensure that ACT business processes, distribution models, tests, test scores, and the
information and insights we provide are “secure by design.”
2. Protect the integrity of our testing assets and the information and insights ACT
provides throughout the entire life cycle of a test (from test concept to development,
delivery, reporting, investigation, and remediation).
3. Promote conduct that enhances test security. Deter and detect conduct that will
materially and negatively affect the reputation and integrity of our testing assets, test
scores, the information and insights ACT provides, and the ACT brand.
4. Ensure that a reported test score and associated information are accurate and valid
indicators of the test taker’s own achievements, behaviors, and/or goals.
5. Foster effective communication that enables prompt reporting and resolution of test
security concerns.
6. Ensure that everyone in the testing process is aware of, competent for, and supported
in their roles. Avoid placing individuals or organizations in situations that may pose
or appear to pose a conflict of interest or a safety concern.
7. Build a sense of community, collaboration, and trust that engages and empowers
people to act upon these principles.