Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards**
The 2019 Arkansas Library Media Standards are profoundly influenced by the American Association of School Librarians’ National
Standards Framework for Learners. These national standards form the basis for the grade level benchmark documents.
The 2019 Arkansas School Library Standards for Learners have removed repetitive skills from the previous framework in order to
streamline the documents. This allows for a progression of learning in which learners can enter at their personalized point of need.
The revised standards provide flexibility in order for each school librarian to develop curriculum that is tailored to fit the needs of their
These standards are not a scope and sequence progression or curriculum. These standards are competencies; describing behaviors
of learner engagement for expansion of skills, knowledge and understanding. The fluidity of the standards framework provides
opportunity for instructional partnerships and personalized learning. This framework presents a future-ready approach to learning that
will serve beyond formal education. Learners are encouraged to inquire and engage both independently and collaboratively, within
and beyond their school community.
**Based on the American Association of School Librarians National Standards Framework for Learners
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Standard I. Inquire: Learners will build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems,
and developing strategies for solving problems.
I can think by displaying curiosity and initiative:
1. I.T.1 Formulate questions about a personal interest or a curricular topic.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Form simple, factual
level questions and
begin to explore ways
to answer them.
Ask “I wonder”
questions about
topic, question, or
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Ask “why” questions.
With guidance,
formulate a question
about a topic.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Write questions
independently based
on key ideas or areas
of focus.
Refine questions
based on the type of
information needed.
Pose questions that
focus on “How do we
know what we
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Refine questions to
provide a framework for
an inquiry and to fulfill
the purpose of the
Design questions that
systematically test a
hypothesis or validate a
thesis statement.
Develop questions that
require making
connections between
ideas and events.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Formulate essential
questions through
reading, constructing
hypotheses, research
questions, and thesis
1. I.T.2 Recall prior and background knowledge as a context for new meaning.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Connect ideas to
one’s own interests.
Add details from
personal experience
and research to
support new ideas.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use appropriate
sources to gain
Predict answers to
questions based on
prior knowledge.
Make connections
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
State what is known
about a topic,
problem, or
question and make
connections to prior
Identify keywords
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Read background
information to identify
key components of the
problem or question.
Identify keywords or
synonyms to use in
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Examine prior
knowledge to establish
a base understanding
about a topic and
combine with
additional information
to construct new
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
between what is
known and
formulating a new
question to broaden
or narrow a topic with
about a topic,
problem, or
question to use as
search terms.
Gather background
information from a
variety of sources.
Develop strategies for
expressing the big idea
and the relationships
among supporting
ideas in topics of
Develop questions that
require making
connections between
ideas and events.
Develop questions that
challenge previous
I can create by engaging with new knowledge by following a process:
1. I.C.1 Use evidence to investigate questions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Explore ways to
answer questions.
With guidance, find
facts to answer
questions from more
than one source.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
From a list, access a
variety of information
resources to answer
Identify facts and
details that support a
main idea.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Analyze what is
already known, or
what is observed or
experienced, to
predict answers to
inquiry questions.
Determine what
information is needed
to support an
investigation and
answer questions.
Evaluate and select
information based on
established criteria.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Identify and prioritize
possible sources of
information to answer
Evaluate sources based
on established criteria.
Recognize that the
manner in which
information is organized
can influence how it is
presented and use this
understanding to
access information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Select and evaluate
sources appropriate for
information needs.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. I.C.2 Devise and implement a plan to fill knowledge gaps.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance,
preview resources to
decide which best
meet information
With guidance, note
similarities and
differences in
information from
different sources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Activate prior
knowledge by
generating a list of
key words to use in
With support, preview
resources to decide
which best meet
information needs.
With support, note
similarities and
differences in
information from
different sources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Determine what
information is needed
to support an
investigation and
answer questions.
Make changes to
original focus and
questions based on
information collected.
Identify alternate
strategies to find
needed information.
Generate additional
questions and use
additional resources
to deepen
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Read background
information to identify
key components of the
problem or question.
Identify keywords or
synonyms to use in
Develop strategies for
expressing the big idea
and the relationships
among supporting
ideas in topics of
Develop questions that
require making
connections between
ideas and events.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Develop a detailed plan
and self-monitor
progress in completing
an inquiry project.
Independently modify
inquiry focus,
questions, and search
strategies as needed.
Describe criteria used
to make resource
decisions and choices.
1. I.C.3 Generate products that illustrate learning.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Individually or in
groups, express
ideas and opinions
that demonstrate new
knowledge through
simple products and
different formats.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Present information
clearly and
Create a simple
using information
gathered during the
inquiry process.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Create products that
incorporate writing,
visuals, and other
forms of media to
convey message and
main points.
Follow legal and
ethical guidelines
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Produce ideas and
projects that can be
applied in real
Produce projects that
connect with relevant
issues in the local,
national, and global
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Use the most
appropriate format to
clearly communicate
Use details and
language that show
authority and
knowledge of the topic.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Use a variety of tools
to illustrate concepts
and convey ideas.
Create products that
knowledge based on
established criteria
appropriate to format
and audience.
when creating
products and
Follow copyright
guidelines in generating
products and
Present information
Generate products
(e.g., research papers,
speeches, art exhibits,
multimedia) appropriate
for a specific audience
other than teacher.
I can share by adapting, communicating, and exchanging learning products with others in a cycle:
1. I.S.1 Interact with content presented by others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share knowledge and
ideas with others
through discussion
and listening.
Formulate questions
related to content
presented by others.
Use simple note-
taking strategies
about presented
content as modeled
by school librarian.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use simple note-
taking strategies
about presented
Post a relevant
comment or question
on a shared
document or respond
to content presented
in other media.
Recognize that
people have different
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Offer information and
opinions at
appropriate times in
group discussions.
Explain the effect of
different perspectives
on the information.
Listen respectfully,
contribute to the
discussion, and ask
clarifying questions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Take notes using one
or more note-taking
strategies, including
reflecting on the
Categorize information;
add new categories as
Interpret information
presented in various
Take the lead in
encouraging others to
share their ideas and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Integrate new
information presented
in various formats with
previous information or
Analyze initial synthesis
of the findings of others
and construct new
hypotheses or
generalizations if
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. I.S.2 Provide constructive feedback.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
When appropriate,
offer information and
positive opinions in
group discussions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Show respect and
respond to the ideas
and products of
others in a variety of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Offer information and
opinion at appropriate
times in group
Encourage team
members to share
ideas and opinions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Analyze alternative
perspectives and allow
differing points of view.
Listen respectfully and
objectively; offer
constructive feedback.
Contribute ideas,
opinions, and questions
in a responsible
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Provide timely
feedback with an
opportunity for peer
1. I.S.3 Act on feedback to improve.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Use simple rubrics to
assess work.
Revise work with
peer or teacher
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Rely on feedback to
improve process and
Apply revision
suggestions to
research and fill gaps
in the knowledge
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Ask questions of
others in a group to
elicit their information
and opinions.
Ask for help in
revising and editing
products when
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Compare new ideas to
understandings and
make changes to a
mental framework when
Revise work based on
feedback from teachers
and peers.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Respectfully evaluate
and incorporate
feedback from
instructors and peers.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. I.S.4 Share products with an authentic audience.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance,
produce ideas and
projects that can be
applied in real
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Identify the audience
and purpose before
selecting a format for
the product.
Share products in
formal and informal
Share information
products with
members of the
learning community
outside of the
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Select presentation
form based on
audience and
Present solutions to
problems using
modeled examples.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
clearly so that
main points are
Use information
appropriate to task
and audience.
Identify and evaluate
the important features
needed for a good
Investigate and
present solutions to
real problems.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Use a format that
clearly communicates
ideas to targeted
Design and implement
projects that include
participation from
diverse groups.
Use technology tools to
collaborate, publish,
and interact with peers,
experts, and other real-
world audiences.
Respond to audience
questions that
demonstrate authority
and knowledge of topic.
I can grow by participating in an ongoing inquiry-based process:
1. I.G.1 Continually seek knowledge.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Seek continual
assistance in
selecting resources
and information.
Read regularly for
personal enjoyment
and growth.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Connect ideas or
topics to one’s own
Read regularly for
personal enjoyment
and growth.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Select a variety of
resources in
different formats
relevant to
personal interests
and academic
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Select print, non-
print and digital
representing a
variety of
perspectives for
academic, personal,
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Make connections
between real life and
information gathered
through research.
Use what has been
learned to make
decisions or deal with
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
With guidance,
understand that
reading is a learning
tool and actively
participate in the
reading and learning
Actively participate in
reading and learning
Brainstorm new ways
of searching for
information when the
existing strategy
doesn’t work.
Read a variety of
fiction and
nonfiction for
personal interest
and growth.
and real-world
Select resources on
topics of interest at
both comfortable and
challenging levels of
Read a variety of
fiction and nonfiction,
international works
and authors outside
one’s own culture.
Apply strategies for
making personal and
connections with
situations in their
personal lives.
Read a variety of fiction
and nonfiction for
personal and academic
Find information about
personal interest
independently using the
same criteria and
strategies used to seek
academic information.
1. I.G.2 Engaging in sustained inquiry.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, follow
an inquiry
experience, compare
what was known at
the beginning of the
inquiry with new
learning and ideas as
a result of research.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, find
new ways to search
for information when
the existing strategy
Generate additional
questions and
resources to deepen
Continue the inquiry
process with new
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Analyze different
points of view
discovered in various
Determine patterns
and discrepancies by
comparing and
information from
different sources.
Assess the
importance of ideas
by comparing
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Read, listen to, and
view information in a
variety of formats to
explore new ideas,
form opinions, and
solve problems.
Seek and locate
information about
personal interests,
applying the same
criteria and strategies
used when seeking
academic information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Use ranges of
resources to broaden
or deepen perspectives
on inquiries.
Display continuing
curiosity through self-
generated investigation
of inquiries.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
treatment in multiple
Interpret information
and ideas by using
patterns to draw
Form opinions and
judgements backed
by supporting
1. I.G.3 Enact new understanding through real-world connections.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Identify how a topic
or question relates to
a real-world problem.
With guidance,
consider evidence
and other people’s
views on a particular
topic in developing
personal opinions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Identify how a topic
relates to the real
Apply new knowledge
to situations and
people in the larger
With guidance, create
products with real-
world contexts.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Use real-world
examples to establish
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Apply or adapt
conclusions or
decisions to new
Draw on
understandings to
make personal
Make connections
between real life and
information gathered
through research.
Actively seek valid
alternative perspectives
when seeking
Investigate authors and
evaluate points of view
of all information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Independently and
systematically use an
inquiry-based process
to deepen content
knowledge, connect
academic learning with
the real world, pursue
personal interests, and
opportunities for
personal growth.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1. I.G.4 Use reflection to guide informed decisions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Explain personal
criteria for selecting a
particular resource.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Reflect on research
to formulate an
opinion and find
evidence to support
Reflect on how
understandings apply
to new situations.
Reflect at conclusion
of research in order
to determine new
ideas to pursue.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Evaluate information
before using it to
make decisions.
Reflect on what was
learned about the
process itself in order
to identify areas of
Reflect at the end of
an inquiry process to
identify additional
areas of personal
interest for pursuit in
the future.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Modify inquiry focus
based on data
Revise questions based
on new information.
Modify search
strategies to deal with
emerging findings.
Determine process for
making products and
presentations as
effective as possible.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Review the initial
information need to
clarify, revise, or refine
the questions.
Employ various
strategies for revising
and reviewing work.
Standard 2. Include: Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for
diversity in the learning community.
I can think by contributing a balanced perspective when participating in a learning community:
2. IN.T.1 Articulate an awareness of the contributions of a range of learners.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Listen respectfully
and, when
appropriate, offer
information and
opinions in group
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Ask peers for
guidance on a
Offer guidance to
peers on a project.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Offer information and
opinions at
appropriate times in
group discussions.
Encourage others to
share ideas and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Share relevant
information to
contribute to the
learning of others
through discussions
and presentations.
Contribute opinions and
supporting evidence to
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Identify the value of
and differences among
potential resources and
differing points of view.
Actively seek the
opinions of others and
contribute positively to
an environment in
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Accurately describe
or summarize the
ideas of others.
group deliberations.
Listen to opinions and
evidence of others.
Ask and respond to
questions in group
exchanges of ideas.
which all participants’
ideas are shared and
When appropriate,
defend information
brought by others to a
group discussion.
2. IN.T.2 Adopt a discerning stance toward points of view and opinions expressed in information resources and learning products.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance,
recognize the
difference between
fact and opinion.
With guidance and
discussion, identify
the author’s opinion
or perspective.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Distinguish between
fact and opinion.
Identify the author’s
opinion or
With guidance, look
for relevance in
information sources.
Recognize when
facts conflict in
different sources and
seek additional
sources to verify
Recognize one’s own
misconceptions when
new information
conflicts with
previously held
What it look like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Recognize that
information has a
point of view.
Evaluate and select
information based on
its usefulness,
accuracy, currency,
authority, and point of
Form opinions and
judgements backed
up by supporting
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Evaluate information
from a variety of social
or cultural contexts,
based on currency,
accuracy, authority, and
point of view.
Recognize that
knowledge can be
organized into
disciplines that
influence the way
information is
Critically examine and
analyze relevant
information from a
variety of sources to
discover relationships
and patterns among
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Explain the impact of
context on interpreting
Challenge ideas
represented and make
notes of questions to
pursue in additional
Compensate for the
effect of point of view
and bias by seeking
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
2. IN.T.3 Describe their understanding of cultural relevancy and placement within the global learning community.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Listen to diverse texts
in various genres to
find out about self
and the surrounding
Through guidance
and discussion,
connect content with
one’s own personal
culture and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Articulate and identify
one’s own place in
the cultural fabric of
the global community
and respect others’
cultural identities.
With guidance, seek
sources written by
authors from other
parts of the world.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Recognize that
information can have
a social or cultural
Curate information
that represents
different points of
view about a
research topic.
Connect ideas
reflected in various
resources to one’s
own life experiences.
Seek sources written
by authors from other
parts of the world.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Produce projects that
connect with relevant
issues in the local,
national, and global
Read a variety of fiction
and nonfiction outside
of the student’s own
Read books that
connect to real-world
Actively seek valid
alternative perspectives
when seeking
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Recognize the social,
cultural, or other
context within which
information was
Explain the impact of
context on interpreting
Investigate and
evaluate multiple sides
of issues, particularly
on controversial or
culturally based topics.
I can create by adjusting my awareness of the global learning community:
2. IN.C.1 Interact with learners who reflect a range of perspectives.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share ideas and
opinions comfortably
in both informal and
formal settings.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Share ideas and
opinions in a variety
of groups.
With support, seek
diverse opinions and
points of view.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Encourage group
members to share
ideas and opinions.
Ask questions of
others in a group to
elicit information and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Seek ideas and
opinions from others.
Respect and help
groups find and
incorporate diverse
Describe ideas of
others accurately.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Model social skills and
character traits that
advance a team’s
ability to identify issues
and problems and to
work together on
solutions and products.
Design and implement
projects that include
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Help to organize and
integrate contributions
of all group members
into products.
participation from
diverse groups.
2. IN.C.2 Evaluate a variety of perspectives during learning activities.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, understand
that considering
others’ ideas can
lead to new or deeper
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Show respect for
differing points of
view by listening
intently and
considering others
ideas during
Accurately describe
or restate ideas of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Analyze different
points of view from
different sources and
other learners.
Select a variety of
credible sources in
different formats
relevant to research
Seek alternative
perspectives before
making decisions or
drawing conclusions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Recognize the benefits
of differing points of
view to expand
Identify the presence of
bias and explain its
effect on the
information presented.
Pursue a balanced
perspective by
countering the effect of
bias on the accuracy
and reliability of
information presented.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Describe criteria used
to make decisions and
choices about
Ask leading questions
that draw out the
interests and
experiences of others.
Analyze information for
prejudice, deception, or
Critically examine the
soundness and
relevance of
2. IN.C.3 Represent diverse perspectives during learning activities.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, select and
discuss works that
offer a variety of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Actively seek a
variety of
perspectives to
understanding of a
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
when new
information conflicts
with previously held
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Validate the
authority and
authenticity of
diverse points of
view before using
evidence to draw
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Seek and respond to
the different interests
and perspectives of
group members.
Explore problems or
questions for which
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
With support,
misconceptions when
new information
conflicts with
previously held
Utilize and embed
perspectives and
points of view in
discussions and
Solicit and respect
diverse perspectives
while searching for
collaborating with
others, and
participating as a
member of the
there are multiple
answers or no “best”
Compensate for the
effect of point of view
and bias by seeking
I can share by exhibiting empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas:
2. IN.S.1 Engage in informed conversation and active debate.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share ideas and
opinions comfortably
in both informal and
formal settings.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Respect others’
opinions through
active listening and
Express ideas
appropriately and
effectively while
working in groups.
In group discussions,
offer opinions with
supporting evidence
to group discussions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Consider evidence
and point of view of
others when forming
personal opinions.
Present conclusions
that are clearly
articulated and
supported by
Practice responsible
and ethical use of
information sources.
Participate in a
process in a group.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Participate in
discussions to
analyze information
problems and suggest
Explain how a topic or
question relates to
issues in the real
understanding of
intellectual freedom
and First Amendment
Solicit and respect
diverse perspectives
while searching for
collaborating with
others, and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Investigate multiple
sides of issues and
evaluate them carefully,
particularly on
controversial or
culturally based topics.
Participate in the social
interchange of ideas
through discussions,
interest groups, and
online sharing.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
participating as a
member of a
2. IN.S.2 Contribute to discussions in which multiple points of view on a topic are expressed.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Show respect for the
ideas of others.
Give positive
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance,
actively engage with
others by using
Contribute opinions,
ideas, and questions
in a responsible
Offer appropriate
information to help
groups deliberate and
reach decisions
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Actively engage with
others by using
Offer relevant
information and
opinions at
appropriate times in
group discussions.
Make sure that
points of view are
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Engage with others in
discussions and
debates around
important issues.
Seek valid and
accurate information on
current issues to be
able to contribute to
group discussions.
Solicit and listen
respectfully to ideas
and opinions of others.
Build on ideas of others
in discussions.
State own opinions
respectfully, using
Seek common ground
in discussions.
Create safe zones
without fear of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Engage in
conversations and
debate by offering
relevant information.
Present complex ideas
with clarity and
Listen respectfully,
contribute and ask
clarifying questions,
and take the lead in
encouraging others to
share their ideas and
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
I can grow by demonstrating empathy and equity in knowledge building within the global learning community:
2. IN.G.1 Seek interactions with a range of learners.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With direction,
actively seek a
variety of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Make connections
with others outside of
one’s own school,
city, state, country,
and world.
Use social tools to
share information and
communicate with
Act responsibly and
respectfully while
communicating with
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Seek more than one
point of view by using
diverse sources.
Explain the effect of
different points of
view on information
Use interactive tools
to exchange data
collected and
collaborate to solve
Responsibly and
safely, use social
networking tools to
share ideas and
information and
collaborate with
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Organize and
integrate contributions
of all group members
into information
Recognize the
benefits of differing
points of view for
Show social
responsibility by
participating actively
with others in learning
situations and by
contributing questions
and ideas during
group discussions.
Engage in safe and
ethical use of social
applications to
construct and share
ideas and products.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Collaborate locally and
remotely with peers,
experts, and others to
collect, produce, and
share information.
Work with others to
solve problems and
make decisions on
issues, topics, and
themes being
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
2. IN.G.2 Demonstrate interest in other perspectives during learning activities.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Recognize people in
a group have may
have differing
perspectives and
points of view.
With guidance, ask
questions, comment,
and respectfully
challenge when
perspectives differ.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Consider point view
when drawing
Explore the benefits
of differing points of
view for expanding
Build on ideas of
others in group
conversations and
Ask questions, when
thoughtfully, and
challenge ideas when
perspectives differ.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Read with purpose to
explore new ideas.
Use a variety of
keyword search
strategies, search
engines and
databases to pursue
multiple perspectives.
Seek diverse
opinions and points
of view while
investigating a topic
of personal interest.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Seek more than
one point of view
by using diverse
Develop personal
views on a topic or
issue by taking into
account documented
evidence and views
expressed by others.
Use a range of
resources and formats
to present information.
Encourage others to
share their ideas and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Investigate multiple
sides of issues and
evaluate them carefully,
particularly on
controversial or
culturally based topics.
Encourage others to
share their ideas and
Challenge the thinking
of groups to move them
toward better decision
2. IN.G.3 Reflect on one’s place within the global learning community.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
discussion, reflect on
the question “Where
do I fit within my
With guidance, reflect
on the question “How
can I include others
in my learning?”
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Through guidance
and discussion,
reflect on the
question “Where do I
fit within the learning
Through guidance
and discussion,
reflect on the
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Through discussion
and self-assessment,
reflect on the
question “Where do I
fit within this learning
Through discussion
and self-assessment,
reflect on the
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Reflect on the question
“Where do I fit within
this learning
Reflect on the question
“What is my role now
that I have an informed
point of view?”
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Reflect on the
questions, “How has
my own thinking
changed or improved
from my interaction with
others and their
differing opinions and
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
question “How has
my thinking changed
from my interaction
with others who have
different opinions and
question “Who can
offer a new
perspective on this
concept or idea?”
Standard 3. Collaborate: Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
I can think by identifying collaborative opportunities:
3. C.T.1 Demonstrate a desire to broaden and deepen understandings.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Request, choose,
and share a variety of
materials from
various genres
related to personal
interests or curricular
Understand that
listening to others’
ideas can lead to new
or deeper knowledge.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Reflect at the end of
the inquiry process
and identify new or
related ideas that
would be interesting
to pursue.
Explore print, digital,
and other resources
to find information on
a topic of personal
Work in teams to
produce original
works or solve
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Ask questions of
others in a group to
elicit their information
and opinions.
Seek more than one
point of view by using
diverse sources.
Read with purpose to
investigate new ideas
for classroom
learning and personal
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Seek ideas and
opinions from others.
Describe ideas of
others accurately.
Participate in
discussions to analyze
information problems
to suggest solutions.
Work with others to
select, organize, and
integrate information
and ideas from a
variety of sources and
Apply conclusions or
decisions to new
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Offer and defend
information brought to
the group.
Seek consensus from a
group, when
appropriate, to achieve
a stronger product.
Model social skills that
advance a team’s
ability to identify issues
and problems and work
on solutions.
Work with others to
solve problems and
make decisions on
issues, topics, and
themes being
Use what has been
learned to make
decisions or deal with
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
situations in personal
3. C.T.2 Develop new understandings through engagement in a learning group.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Acknowledge the
opinions of others
on a particular topic
or issue.
With prompting,
guidance, and
support, use others’
ideas to create new
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Show respect for
ideas of others by
actively listening and
questioning in order
to connect ideas.
Modify point of view
or conclusion based
on new information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Work in self-
managed teams to
understand concepts
and solve problems.
Formulate a solution
with whole-group
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Help groups find and
incorporate diverse
Work with others to
select, organize, and
integrate information
and ideas from a
variety of sources and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Organize and integrate
contributions of all
group members into
Interact with diverse
groups on a variety of
3. C.T.3 Decide to solve problems informed by group interaction.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With prompting,
guidance and
support, use others’
ideas to make
decisions and/or to
solve problems.
With guidance, create
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Encourage team
members to share
ideas and opinions.
Encourage a group
consensus after all
members have
shared ideas.
Work in teams to
produce original
works or solve
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Work in self-
managed teams to
understand concepts
and solve problems.
Formulate a solution
with the whole group
Use interactive tools
and websites to solve
problems with peers.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Organize and integrate
contributions of all
group members into
Participate in
discussions to analyze
information problems to
suggest solutions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Respond to the
different interests and
perspectives of
members of a group.
Recognize changes of
opinion that result from
exposure to different
ideas of others in the
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
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Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
I can create by participating in personal, social, and intellectual networks:
3. C.C.1 Use a variety of communication tools and resources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance,
experiment with a
variety of oral,
written, nonverbal,
and digital
communication tools
and resources.
With guidance,
experiment with a
variety of web
resources to locate
information including
online encyclopedias
and databases.
Recognize the
purpose of the online
catalog to locate
Use word- processing
and drawing tools to
create simple
products and
communicate ideas.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance, use a
variety of selected
oral, written,
nonverbal, and digital
communication tools
and resources.
Search an online
catalog to locate
Use word processing,
graphing, and other
productivity tools to
illustrate concepts
and ideas.
With guidance, use
social networking
tools to create and
share information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Select and use
appropriate electronic
reference materials
and teacher-selected
websites to answer
Use interactive tools
to participate as a
group in analyzing
and organizing
Identify and apply
common productivity
tools and features to
plan, create, and edit
a variety of
documents and
Use interactive tools
to collaboratively
design products and
solve problems with
peers, experts, and
other audiences.
Responsibly and
safely use social
networking tools to
share information and
With guidance, use
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Identify and apply
common utilities (e.g.,
spellcheck, thesaurus,
formulas, video clips,
sound clips) to enhance
communication while
complying with all
copyright provisions.
Use online
environments or other
collaborative tools to
facilitate the design and
development of
materials, models,
publications, and
Use interactive tools
and websites to
collaboratively design
products and solve
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Collaborate locally and
remotely with peers,
experts, and others to
collect, produce, and
share information.
Use technology tools to
collaborate, publish,
and interact with peers
and real-world
Prepare and deliver a
presentation to
audiences outside of
Serve as a mentor for
others who want to use
information technology.
Responsibly and safely
participate in social
networks using
appropriate tools to
collaborate and share
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
social networking
tools to create and
share information.
3. C.C.2 Establish connections with other learners to build on their own prior knowledge and create new knowledge.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share information
and ideas through
discussion with a
friend, teacher, or
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Offer appropriate
information to help
groups deliberate and
reach decisions
Connect beyond the
classroom to
collaborate, discuss
or celebrate a
common event
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Observe and analyze
an experience or
demonstration which
introduces a topic,
problem, or question
to gather background
Participate in a
process with a group.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Show social
responsibility by
participating actively
with others in learning
situations and by
contributing questions
and ideas during group
Demonstrate teamwork
by working productively
with others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Model social skills that
advance a team’s
ability to identify issues
and problems and to
work together on
solutions and products.
Collaborate locally and
remotely with peers,
experts, and others to
collect, produce, and
share information.
I can share by working productively with others to solve problems:
3. C.S.1 Solicit and respond to feedback from others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, solicit
and listen respectfully
to ideas and opinions
of others.
With guidance and
support, seek
common ground in
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Solicit and listen
respectfully to ideas
and opinions of
Seek common
ground in
Rely on feedback to
improve products and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Follow a plan of work
but seek feedback for
improving the
Ask the question
“How can I get
feedback on my
process and final
product to use in my
next inquiry project?
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Set clear standards for
work and develop
criteria for self-
assessment or use
established criteria
(e.g., rubrics,
Revise work based on
ongoing self-
assessment and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Employ various
strategies for revising
and reviewing work.
Identify strengths,
assess inquiry
processes and
products, and set goals
for improvement.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Offer information and
opinions in group
discussions, when
Consider the views
and opinions of
others in developing
or modifying personal
opinions on a
particular topic or
feedback from teachers
and peers.
3. C.S.2 Involve diverse perspectives in their own inquiry processes.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Through modeling
and support, listen to
the opinions of others
and modify one’s own
opinions when
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Connect beyond the
classroom to seek
information from
multiple sources.
Identify “expert”
peers to assist in a
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Seek more than one
point of view by using
multiple sources.
Explain the effect of
different points of
view on information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Find and incorporate
diverse ideas when
working in groups.
Accurately describe or
summarize ideas of
others and respond
Counter the effect of
bias on the accuracy
and reliability of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Analyze information for
prejudice, deception, or
Compensate for the
effect of point of view
and bias by seeking
I can grow by actively participating with others in learning situations:
3. C.G.1 Actively contribute to group discussions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share what is known
about a topic,
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Respect others’
opinions through
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Listen attentively and
share ideas/opinions
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Seek ideas and
opinions from others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Offer and defend
information brought to
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
problem, or question.
Show respect for the
ideas of others.
Give positive
active listening and
Formulate relevant,
informed, and
thoughtful responses
to others during
discussion times.
in group discussions.
Ask questions of
others in a group to
elicit information and
Encourage others to
share ideas and
opinions and ensure
points of view are
Engage in
conversations and
debate by offering
relevant information.
Ensure that in group
discussions shared
ideas are
Describe the ideas of
others accurately.
Participate in
discussions in order to
analyze information
problems to suggest
Share reading,
viewing, and listening
experiences in a
variety of ways and
formats (e.g., book
clubs, interest
the group.
Work with others to
solve problems and
make decisions on
issues and topics being
Help to organize and
integrate contributions
of all group members.
Seek consensus from a
group, when
appropriate, to achieve
a stronger product.
Participate in the social
interchange of ideas
(e.g., book discussions,
interest groups, online
3. C.G.2. Recognize learning as a social responsibility.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Share knowledge and
ideas with others
through various
learning activities.
With guidance and
support, practice
mutual respect,
active listening, and
academic honesty.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Respect others’
opinions through
active listening and
Formulate relevant,
informed, and
thoughtful responses
to others during
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Work in self-
managed teams to
designate roles in a
group project.
Articulate the
importance of
intellectual freedom.
Differentiate clearly
between information
gathered from
sources and original
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Recognize that
equitable access to
information depends
on student
Respect guidelines
and comply with
policies for access in
different information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Responsibly and safely
participate in social
networks using
appropriate tools to
collaborate and share
ideas and knowledge.
Create products that
have the quality and
applicability to be used
in the real world.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
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Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
responsibility by
completing products
to express learning.
Listen respectfully and
when appropriate, offer
information and
opinions in group
Apply group decision
making to situations of
larger democratic
values, such as equity,
freedom, and
Standard 4. Curate: Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of
personal relevance.
I can think by acting on an information need:
4. CU.T.1 Determine the need to gather information.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, generate
questions about a
topic and select a
focal question to
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
Generate questions
about a topic and
select a focal
question to explore.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Determine what
information is
needed to support
an investigation and
answer questions.
Refine questions
depending on the
type of information
needed (e.g.,
overview, big idea,
specific detail,
cause and effect,
Seek opportunities
to explore personal
interests and
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Generate specific
questions to focus
the purpose of the
Refine questions to
provide a framework
for the inquiry and to
fulfill the purpose of
the research.
pursue answers to
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Explore problems or
questions for which
there are multiple
Review the initial
information need to
clarify, revise, or refine
the questions.
Recognize that the
purpose of an inquiry
determines the type of
questions and thinking
required (e.g., defend a
position in an historical
context, design
questions to test a
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
4. CU.T.2 Identify possible sources of information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Recognize that
information can come
from human, print,
and electronic
Recognize the
purpose of the online
catalog to locate print
and digital materials.
Recognize various
electronic information
Explain personal
criteria for selecting a
particular resource.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Make a list of all the
possible sources of
information that will
help answer the
questions or an
information need.
Use text features and
illustrations to decide
which resources are
best to use and why.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Locate appropriate
nonfiction resources
by using the library’s
classification scheme.
Recognize the
organization and use
of special sections in
the library (e.g.,
reference, reserve
books, special
Use an expanding
range of resources
and formats.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Identify and prioritize
possible sources of
information based on
specific information
needs and strengths
of different
information formats.
Use specialized
reference materials to
find specific and in-
depth information.
Use both primary and
secondary sources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Identify and prioritize
possible sources of
information based on
specific information
needs and strengths of
different information
Use both primary and
secondary sources.
4. CU.T.3. Make critical choices about information sources to use.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Recognize and use
facts that answer
specific questions.
With guidance and
support, determine
whether text contains
appropriate evidence
to answer a question.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use text features and
illustrations to decide
which resources are
best to use and why.
With guidance,
evaluate a source
based on a specific
set of criteria (e.g.,
relevance, timeliness,
authority, text
features) to select
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Evaluate sources
based on criteria
such as copyright
date, authority of
author or publisher,
readability, and
alignment to
determine usefulness
in meeting research
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Evaluate sources
based on criteria such
copyright date,
authority of author or
publisher, depth of
coverage, and
relevance to research
Identify and prioritize
possible sources of
information based on
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Identify the value of
and differences among
potential resources in a
variety of formats.
Use various search
systems to retrieve
information in a variety
of formats.
Explain criteria used to
make resource
decisions and choices.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
and use most
resource(s) for the
information need.
specific information
needs and strengths of
different information
Use consciously-
selected criteria to
determine whether the
information contradicts
or verifies information
from other sources.
I can create by gathering information appropriate to the task:
4. CU.C.1 Seek a variety of sources.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
Understand that the
library has an
Select and use
appropriate sources
to answer questions
(e.g., picture
database articles,
With guidance and
support, identify
sources from multiple
cultures, and formats
to answer questions.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
Understand the
scheme and what
main topics are
included in each
Select and use
appropriate sources
to answer questions
(e.g., specialized
reference sources,
Use different types of
sources from multiple
cultures, and formats
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Locate appropriate
nonfiction resources
by using the library’s
classification system.
Select a variety of
credible sources in
different formats
relevant to research
Read from or listen to
a variety of
increasingly complex
literacy, and
multicultural texts.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Use specialized
reference materials to
find specific and in-
depth information.
Use both primary and
secondary sources.
Prioritize possible
sources of information
based on information
needs and strengths of
different formats.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Describe criteria used
to make resource
Use various search
systems to retrieve
information in a variety
of formats.
Seek and use a variety
of specialized
resources available
from libraries, the web,
and the community.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
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Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
4. CU.C.2. Collect information representing diverse perspectives.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, select
resources from the
various sections of
the library.
Recognize that
diverse perspectives
come from using a
variety of sources
(e.g., human, print,
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use sources that
convey a large range
of differing
Find information to
support one point of
view, but
acknowledge that
another point of view
Seek additional
sources to verify
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Recognize that
information has a
social or cultural
context based in
currency, accuracy,
authority, and point of
Seek information
from different sources
to get balanced
points of view.
Explain the effect of
different perspectives
(points of view) on
the information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Identify presence of
bias and explain the
effect on the
Counter the effect of
bias on the accuracy
and reliability of
information by actively
pursuing a balanced
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Challenge ideas
represented and make
notes of questions to
pursue in additional
Analyze information for
prejudice, deception, or
Investigate different
points of view
encountered, and
determine whether and
how to incorporate or
reject these points of
4. CU.C.3 Systematically question and assess the validity and accuracy of information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, explore
works that contain
both fact and opinion
and distinguish one
from the other.
Note similarities and
differences in
information from
different sources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance,
evaluate a source
based on a specific
criteria (e.g.,
relevance, timeliness,
Modify personal view
based on analysis of
new information and
Read widely from
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Identify main ideas
and find supporting
definitions, and
Use additional
resources to verify
Identify misleading
information and gaps
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Design questions that
systematically test a
hypothesis or validate a
thesis statement.
Identify the presence of
bias and explain the
effect on the
information presented.
Critically examine
relevant information
from a variety of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Identify the value of
and differences among
potential resources in a
variety of formats.
Use various search
systems to retrieve
information in a variety
of formats.
Explain criteria used to
make resource
decisions and choices.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
varied sources to
pinpoint inaccurate
in information that
lead to inaccurate
sources to discover
relationships and
patterns among ideas.
Evaluate information
from a variety of social
or cultural contexts,
based on currency,
accuracy, authority, and
point of view.
Use consciously
selected criteria to
determine whether the
information contradicts
or verifies information
from other sources.
4. CU.C.4 Organize information by priority, topic, or other systematic scheme.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Demonstrate simple
organizational skills
such as sorting,
categorizing, and
With guidance,
organize information
into different formats
(e.g., charts,
drawings, graphic
organizer, notes).
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use common
patterns (e.g.,
chronological order,
main idea with
supporting ideas) to
make sense of
Organize information
into different formats.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Combine and
information by using
a variety of formats
(e.g., outline, mind
map) to show
connections among
Use common
patterns to
information and
draw conclusions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
information in a
variety of formats
and add new
categories as
Experiment with
structures to make
sense of information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Organize information
independently, deciding
the structure based on
the relationships
among ideas and
general patterns
I can share by exchanging information resources within and beyond my learning community:
4. CU.S.1 Access and evaluate collaboratively constructed information sites.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance,
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
Access information
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Use grade-level
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Identify the value of
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
information sites
(e.g., selected
websites, Google
With guidance,
interpret information
represented in
pictures, illustrations,
and simple charts.
With guidance,
discuss the validity
and accuracy of
from a provided list of
information sites for
specific research.
Interpret information
taken from maps,
graphs, charts, and
other visuals.
Discuss the validity
and accuracy of
information sites to
answer questions.
Evaluate and select
information from
constructed sites
based on provided
criteria (e.g.,
usefulness, currency,
accuracy, authority,
point of view).
information sites
appropriate to the
research need.
Evaluate and select
information from
constructed sites based
on established criteria
(e.g., copyright, depth
of coverage, bias,
relevance to research
and differences among
potential collaboratively
constructed information
Use consciously-
selected criteria to
determine whether
information from
constructed sites
contradicts or verifies
information from other
4. CU.S.2 Contribute to collaboratively constructed information sites by ethically using and reproducing others’ work.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Rephrase rather than
copy whole
Identify and name
resources used in the
process of gathering
Credit sources by
citing author and title.
Through modeling
and with guidance,
follow copyright
guidelines for text,
visuals, and music in
generating products
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance, cite
sources used when
Use quotation marks
for all material taken
directly from a
With guidance, follow
legal guidelines in
using information by
using only excerpts
and crediting the
author or creator.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Document quotations
and cite sources
using correct
bibliographic format.
Follow copyright
guidelines by using
only excerpts and
crediting the source
of all text, visuals,
and music.
Follow ethical
guidelines by
presenting only
accurate and valid
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Understand what
constitutes plagiarism
and refrain from
representing others
works as one’s own.
understanding of
intellectual property
rights by giving credit
for all quotes, and by
citing them properly
in notes and
Abide by copyright
guidelines for use of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Responsibly and
ethically use programs,
websites, and social
Analyze the costs and
consequences of
unethical use of
information and identify
ways of addressing
those risks.
Present information
ethically by
distinguishing between
cited information and
original thinking.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
and presentations.
Responsibly and
safely use social
networking tools to
share information and
materials not in
public domain.
Legally obtain, store,
and disseminate text,
data, visuals, or
Engage in safe and
ethical use of social
networking applications
to construct and share
ideas and products.
4. CU.C.3 Join with others to compare and contrast information derived from collaboratively constructed information sites.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, compare
and contrast
information on a
given topic while
working in a group.
With guidance and
support, note
similarities and
differences in
information from
different sources
while working in
Compare new ideas
with what was known
at the beginning of an
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, collect
information from a
variety of sources,
and compare the
information for
relevance, validity,
and accuracy.
Recognize when
facts from two
different sources
conflict and seek
additional sources to
verify accuracy.
Compare and
contrast ideas in
various types of
resources to
experiences in real
Use simple graphic
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Compare and
contrast points of
view on a topic and
discuss what effects
the different
perspectives have
on the information.
patterns and
discrepancies by
comparing and
information found
in different
Compare and
contrast two literary
texts (e.g., story
elements, writing
styles, genres).
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Recognize similarities
and differences
among authors
writing on the same
theme or topic.
Use appropriate
patterns to capture
point of view and
draw conclusions
(e.g., cause and
effect, compare and
Compare new ideas to
understandings and
make changes to
mental framework
where appropriate.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Derive multiple
perspectives on the
same themes by
comparing and
contrasting different
literary and
informational texts.
Identify universal
themes in various
forms of creative
expressions and
identify similarities and
differences in cultural
approaches to those
Develop graphic
organizers and
classifications to
compare and contrast
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
organizers and
technology tools to
capture the main
ideas and their
relationships to each
big ideas and related
I can grow by selecting and organizing information for a variety of audiences:
4. CU.G.1 Perform ongoing analysis of and reflection on the quality, usefulness, and accuracy of curated resources.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance, use a
rubric to evaluate a
variety of provided
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
With guidance, select
the most credible,
relevant, and useful
sources from a given
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Create products that
incorporate writing,
visuals, and other
forms of media to
convey message.
Use interactive tools
to participate as a
group in analyzing
and organizing
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Evaluate every
source to determine
whether the author’s
point of view has
skewed the accuracy
of the information
Differentiate between
information gathered
from sources and
original thinking.
Evaluate sources
based on criteria
(e.g., copyright date,
authority of author or
publisher, depth of
coverage, and
Evaluate information
from a variety of social
or cultural contexts,
based on currency,
accuracy, authority,
and point of view.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Find information that
credibly represents all
relevant perspectives
on a research topic.
Recognize the social,
cultural, or other
context within which the
information was
created and explain the
impact of context on
interpreting the
Evaluate historical
information for validity
of interpretation, and
scientific information for
accuracy and reliability
of data.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
4. CU.G.2 Integrate and depict in a conceptual knowledge network their understanding gained from resources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, use
simple note-taking
Identify the main idea
and supporting
Summarize or retell
key points.
Note similarities and
differences in
information from
different sources.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Use various note-
taking strategies
(e.g., outlining,
highlighting, graphic
Paraphrase or
information in various
Draw conclusions
based on facts and
misconceptions when
new information
conflicts with
previously held
With guidance, make
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
paraphrase, and
information using
various note-taking
Use both facts and
opinions responsibly
by identifying and
verifying them.
Interpret information
and ideas by
defining, classifying,
and inferring from
information gathered.
Use appropriate
media and formats to
design and develop
products that clearly
and coherently
display new
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Take notes using one
or more note-taking
strategies, including
reflecting on the
information and add
new categories as
Critically examine and
analyze relevant
information to
discover relationships
and patterns among
Identify main,
supporting, and
conflicting information
using multiple sources
to support one’s own
interpretation or point of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Integrate new
information presented
in various formats with
previously obtained
Build a conceptual
framework by
synthesizing ideas
gathered from multiple
Analyze initial findings
and construct new
hypotheses if needed.
Create a system to
organize information.
Analyze the structure
and logic of supporting
4. CU.G.3 Openly communicate curation processes for others to use, interpret, and validate.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2.
Explain the basic
structure of a book
and how it enables
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Explain how text
features and
illustrations can be
used to determine
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Explain the library’s
classification system
and demonstrate how
it can be used to
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Explain process for
locating and choosing
resources for a specific
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Create electronic
learning spaces by
collecting and
organizing links to
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
one to locate specific
Describe the
scheme of a library
and how it functions
in the location of
With guidance and
support, explain
personal criteria for
selecting a particular
Use word-processing
and drawing tools to
organize and share
which resources are
best to use and why.
Explain basic
strategies (e.g.,
author, title, subject)
to locate information
using the library’s
online catalog.
Explain personal
criteria for selecting a
particular resource.
Use a variety of
technology tools to
retrieve and organize
Share list of
resources as a
locate appropriate
Describe keyword
search strategies
used to locate
resources on a
specific topic.
Participate in a group
to develop a set of
criteria for selecting
Demonstrate proper
citation format
appropriate for the
topic (e.g., MLA,
APA, Chicago, etc.).
Explain choices of
technology tools to
retrieve and organize
Demonstrate keyword
search strategies used
to locate resources on
a specific topic.
Develop criteria for
resource choices
appropriate to a specific
purpose and explain to
a peer.
Use proper citation
format appropriate for
the topic.
Use social media tools
to share resources.
information resources,
working collaboratively,
and sharing new ideas
and understanding with
Create a plan of action
for a research project
and share with peers in
order to receive
feedback and refine the
Standard 5. Explore: Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
I can think by developing and satisfying personal curiosity:
5. E.T.1 Read widely and deeply in multiple formats and write and create for a variety of purposes.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
Routinely select
picture, fiction, and
information books.
Explore new genres.
Begin to recognize
that different genres
require different
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
Read, listen to, and
view a range of
resources for a
variety of purposes
(e.g., live the
experiences of a
character, answer
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Read, listen to, and
view an increasingly
wide range of genres
and formats for
recreation and
Independently locate
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Select print, non-print,
and digital materials
based on personal
interests and
knowledge of authors.
Read, listen to, and
view information in a
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Routinely read, view,
and listen for personal
enjoyment, in order to
learn, solve problems,
and explore different
Read widely to develop
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
reading, listening, or
viewing strategies.
Make connections
between literature
and personal
Select books at the
appropriate reading
level, to be read
aloud, or challenging
books for browsing
and enjoyment.
Express feelings
about a story through
pictures and words.
Express ideas
through simple
products in different
questions, learn
something new,
explore personal
Recognize features
of various genres and
use different reading
strategies for
Connect personal
feelings to emotions,
characters, and
events portrayed in a
literary work.
Set reading goals.
knowledge of favorite
authors and genres.
Create learning
products for a variety
of audiences and
Use technology tools
for independent and
publishing activities.
and select
information for
personal, hobby, or
vocational interests.
Respond to images
and feelings evoked
by a literary work.
Create products that
incorporate writing,
visuals, and other
forms of media to
convey message and
main points.
Experiment with
various types of
technology tools for
artistic and personal
Share reading,
listening, and viewing
experiences in a
variety of ways and
variety of formats to
explore new ideas, form
opinions, solve
problems, and to
connect to real-world
Assess emotional
impact of specific works
on the reader or viewer.
Express ideas through
creative products in
multiple formats using a
variety of technology
Select presentation
format to effectively
communicate and
support a purpose,
argument, point of view,
or interpretation.
a global perspective
and understand
different cultural
Connect universal
themes and ideas
presented in various
formats to the human
Create original
products using a variety
of technology tools to
express personal
Use the most
appropriate format to
clearly communicate
ideas to targeted
5. E.T.2 Reflect and question assumptions and possible misconceptions.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, recognize
when facts from two
different sources
conflict and seek
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support,
recognize when facts
from two different
sources conflict and
seek additional
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Seek more than one
point of view by
using diverse
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Develop questions
that challenge
previous thinking.
Identify misleading
information and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Analyze the structure
and logic of supporting
Analyze information for
prejudice, deception, or
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
additional sources to
verify accuracy
With guidance and
support, recognize
when new
information conflicts
with previously held
sources to verify
With support,
recognize own
misconceptions when
new information
conflicts with
previously held
Explain the effect of
different perspectives
on the information
gaps in information
that lead to
Identify the presence of
bias and explain the
effect on the
information presented.
Determine whether and
how to incorporate or
reject different points of
view encountered.
5. E.T.3 Engage in inquiry-based processes for personal growth.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, select
resources of
particular interest for
browsing and
Identify personal
criteria for selecting
resources to meet
personal learning
Participate in reading
opportunities to
pursue a personal
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Independently select
appropriate to one’s
individual level of
Explain personal
criteria for selecting
resources to meet
personal learning
Seek inquiry-based
reading opportunities
prompted by personal
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Seek out resources
to answer personal
Use personal
criteria for
resources to
meet personal
learning needs.
With support, devise,
complete, and share
independent, un-
assigned projects.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Seek and locate
information about
personal interests.
With support,
adapt personal
criteria for
dependent on the
personal learning
Devise, complete and
share independent, un-
assigned projects.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Read, view, and listen
to solve problems and
explore ideas of
personal interest.
Adapt personal criteria
for selecting resources
dependent on the
personal learning need.
Independently devise,
complete, and share
personal learning
I can create by constructing new knowledge:
5. E.C.1 Problem solve through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance and
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
With support, follow
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Follow an inquiry-
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Follow an inquiry-based
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Independently, follow
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
support, follow an
process in seeking
knowledge to solve a
With guidance and
support, revise
questions based on
new information.
With guidance and
support, modify
search strategies to
deal with emerging
With guidance and
support, identify
when more
information is
With guidance and
support, reflect on the
process of inquiry
and identify areas for
With guidance and
support, participate in
hands-on activities to
solve problems.
an inquiry-based
process in seeking
knowledge to solve a
With support, practice
different ways to
locate and evaluate
sources for needed
With support, revise
questions based on
new information.
With support, modify
search strategies to
deal with emerging
With support, apply
new skills and
understanding of new
based process to ask
questions, investigate
answers, and
develop new
understandings for
personal or academic
learning activities.
Refine questions
based on type of
information needed
(e.g., overview,
specific detail, big
idea, comparison,
cause and effect).
Modify search
strategies to
accommodate new
information or gaps.
Participate in hands-
on activities to solve
process to expand
content knowledge,
connect academic
knowledge to the real
world, and pursue
personal interests.
Monitor own
processes for
effectiveness and
progress, and adapt as
Monitor gathered
information, and assess
for gaps or
With support,
participate in
opportunities to solve
problems through
design thinking and
system thinking.
an inquiry-based
process to investigate
to deepen content
knowledge, and pursue
personal interests.
Recognize that the
purpose of the inquiry
determines the type of
questions and the type
of thinking required.
Review the initial
information need to
clarify, revise, or refine
the questions.
Explore problems for
which there are multiple
answers or no “best”
Actively pursue and
participate in
opportunities to solve
problems through
design thinking and
system thinking.
5. E.C.2 Persist through self-directed pursuits by tinkering and making.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With encouragement,
pursue information or
solve a problem
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Continue to pursue
information or solve a
problem when
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Continue to pursue
information or solve a
problem despite
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Independently pursue
information or solve a
problem despite
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
willingness to pursue
information or solve a
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
when confronted with
With encouragement,
try different tools,
materials, or
strategies when the
first solution does not
confronted with
Try different tools,
materials, or
strategies when the
first solution does not
With support,
describe how
challenges and
obstacles can add to
the learning
Try different tools,
materials, or
strategies to identify
alternate solutions to
Articulate how
struggling to meet
challenges and
overcoming obstacles
can deepen the
learning experience.
Explore how different
tools, materials, or
strategies used to solve
problems can affect the
Reflect on how
struggling to meet a
challenge or
overcoming an obstacle
can influence
willingness to take risks
in the future.
problem despite
challenges or
Demonstrate how
different tools,
materials, or strategies
used to solve problems
can affect the outcome.
Reflect on how
challenges or obstacles
encountered will affect
future learning
I can share by engaging with the learning community:
5. E.S.1 Express curiosity about a topic of personal interest or curricular relevance.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, explore and
share favorite
literature, both fiction
and nonfiction.
With support, pursue
answers to self-
generated questions.
Satisfy personal
information needs
using limited
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
Explore and share
favorite literature,
both fiction and
Pursue answers to
questions using an
increasing range of
print and digital
Demonstrate an
interest in reading,
viewing, or listening
to meet personal
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Read voluntarily for
With support,
explore various
With support, seek
diverse opinions
and points of view
while critically
investigating a
topic of personal
With support,
select and use a
range of familiar
and new print and
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Read voluntarily for
pleasure and
independently explore
various genres.
Seek diverse opinions
and points of view while
critically investigating a
topic of personal
Select and use a range
of familiar and new print
and digital resources
based on personal
interests and academic
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Read voluntarily for
pleasure in a range of
genres maintaining
personal reading logs.
Explore various
information formats and
literary genres to meet
personal needs.
Satisfy personal
information needs
using a range of
Demonstrate evidence
of seeking different
views and opinions on
topics of interest.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
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Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
digital resources
based on personal
interests and
academic needs.
5. E.S.2 Co-construct innovative means of investigation.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, perform
assigned role within a
With guidance and
support, work with a
partner or in a group
to explore a variety of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, assign
and perform roles
within a group based
on personal
With support,
develop a plan to
progress through an
inquiry process or to
solve a problem.
With support, reflect
on success of plan to
investigation or solve
a problem.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Assign and perform
roles within a group
based on personal
develop a plan to
progress through an
inquiry process or to
solve a problem.
Collaboratively carry
out an investigation
following an inquiry
Reflect as a group on
success of plan to
investigation or solve
a problem.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Assume different roles
within a group to plan
and complete an
investigation or solve a
Reflect on the process,
and assess for
completeness of
Contribute to a toolkit of
strategies and skills for
use in future
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Assume a leadership
role within a group to
plan and complete an
investigation or solve a
Reflect on the process,
assess for
completeness of
investigation, and
identify areas for
Utilize a collaboratively
developed toolkit of
strategies and tools for
use in future
5. E.S.3 Collaboratively identify innovative solutions to a challenge or problem.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, brainstorm
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance,
working a group
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support,
generate and test
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Generate and test
multiple solutions to
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Model social skills and
character traits that
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
multiple solutions to a
problem and
hypothesize the best
solution within a
identify, brainstorm,
and test multiple
solutions to a
multiple solutions to
real-world challenges
generated by self-
selected groups.
real-world challenges
generated by self-
selected groups.
advance a team’s
ability to identify and
work together to create
multiple solutions to
real-world issues and
I can grow by developing through experience and reflections:
5. E.G.1 Iteratively respond to challenges.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, identify new
pathways to
knowledge when
confronted with an
obstacle or problem.
With guidance and
support, practice
basic strategies to
solve simple
With guidance and
support, examine
why some strategies
work better than
others when solving
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 5
With support, identify
new pathways to
knowledge when
confronted with an
obstacle or problem.
With support, practice
a variety of strategies
to solve simple
With support,
examine the success
or failure of the
strategies used to
solve problems.
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 8
Identify multiple
pathways to
knowledge when
confronted with an
obstacle or problem.
Apply a variety of
strategies to solve
Examine the
success or failure
of strategies used
to solve problems
in order to
determine which
strategies might
be more effective
in solving future
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 10
Apply a variety of
strategies to solve
complex problems.
Assess the success or
failure of various
strategies used to
solve complex
What it looks like by the
end of :
Grade 12
Analyze complex
problems in order to
determine what
strategies to use.
Assess the usefulness
of various strategies
used to solve complex
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
5. E.G.2 Recognize capabilities and skills that can be developed, improved, and expanded.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Seek appropriate
help when needed.
With guidance, self-
assess with a simple
rubric and identify
areas for self-
With guidance,
provide constructive
feedback on the skills
of others that need
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Seek appropriate
help when needed.
With support, self-
assess with a simple
rubric and identify
areas for self-
With support, provide
constructive feedback
on the skills of others
that need
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Reflect upon
personal learning
experiences and
identify areas for self-
With support,
participate in learning
opportunities to
improve and expand
With support, provide
and accept
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Reflect upon personal
learning experiences,
identify areas of
weakness, and create a
plan for self-
Participate in learning
opportunities to
improve and expand
Provide and accept
constructive feedback.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Develop a detailed plan
and self-monitor
progress in completing
high-quality work in a
timely manner.
Actively seek learning
opportunities to
improve and expand
Independently, provide
and accept constructive
5. E.G.3 Open-mindedly accept feedback for positive and constructive growth.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Use interaction with
and feedback from
teacher and peers to
guide inquiry
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
characteristics of
With support, apply
teacher or peer
feedback when
revising an inquiry
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Practice providing
Recognize that
feedback is about a
product and/or
process, and
suggestions for
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Demonstrate the
characteristics of
Acknowledge that
feedback is about a
product and/or
process, but take a
critical stance on
what will be accepted
and what will be
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Provide appropriate
constructive feedback
when asked.
constructive feedback
but take a critical
stance on what will
be accepted and
what will be rejected.
Adapt a plan for inquiry
or solving a problem
based on feedback for
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Follow a plan of work
but seek feedback for
improving the
Follow a plan but seek
feedback for improving
the process or product.
improving the process
or product.
Standard 6. Engage: Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products
independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.
I can think by following ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information:
6. EN.T.1 Responsibly apply information, technology, and media to learning.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
acknowledge the
work of others by
citing sources.
With guidance and
support, maintain
safe behavior when
accessing websites.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance and
support, use
appropriately by
avoiding plagiarism
and citing
Articulate personal
consequences of
inappropriate use of
technology, and
With support, use
digital tools
responsibly by
protecting personal
information and
respecting the
privacy of others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support,
provide reference
citations for all
direct quotations
and cite sources.
With support, select
and use digital tools
and websites
Avoid plagiarism by
information in one’s
own words.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Follow copyright
guidelines for text,
visuals, and music in
generating products
and presentations.
Practice responsible
use of technology
and describe
consequences of
inappropriate use.
Actively preserve the
rights of self and others
to express ideas freely
and pursue the right to
read, view and listen.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
understanding of
plagiarism by
information or noting
direct quotes.
Credit all sources
Respect privacy of
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
6. EN.T.2 Understand the ethical use of information, technology, and media.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
Respect rules and
procedures as a
responsible library
With guidance and
support, articulate the
need to give credit to
the originator of a
With guidance and
support, articulate the
rights to read, view,
listen, write, and
express ideas freely.
With guidance an
support, identify
positive and negative
behaviors for using
computing devices
(e.g., cyber bullying,
protecting personal
information, Internet
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Demonstrate an
understanding of
plagiarism by
information or noting
direct quotes
Observe web safety
With guidance and
support, clearly
differentiate between
information gathered
from sources and
original thinking.
With support,
exercise the rights to
read, view, listen,
write, and express
ideas freely.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support, clearly
differentiate between
information gathered
from sources, original
thinking, and
With support, use
digital tools,
programs, and
websites responsibly
and ethically.
With support, follow
copyright guidelines
by using only
excerpts and
crediting the source
of all information.
Follow ethical
guidelines by
presenting only
accurate and valid
With support, actively
preserve the rights of
self and others to
express ideas freely
and pursue the right
to read, view, and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
With support, choose
appropriate citation
style (e.g., APA, MLA,
Chicago), and use in all
products and
With support,
communicate accurate,
complete, and unbiased
picture of a topic and
distinguish between
cited and original
Use digital tools,
programs, and websites
responsibly and
Follow copyright
guidelines by using only
excerpts and crediting
the source of all
With support, actively
preserve the rights of
self and others to
express ideas freely
and pursue the right to
read, view, and listen.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Choose appropriate
citation style (e.g.,
APA, MLA, Chicago),
and use in all products
and presentations.
Communicate accurate,
complete, and
unbiased picture of a
topic and clearly
distinguish between
cited and original
Observe web safety
procedures including
safeguarding personal
information, displaying
ethical behavior toward
others, and following
legal guidelines in use
of materials
Actively preserve the
rights of self and others
to express ideas freely
and pursue the right to
read, view and listen.
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
6. EN.T.3 Evaluate information for accuracy, validity, social and cultural context, and appropriateness for need.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, evaluate the
usefulness of a resource
based on individual or
academic need.
With guidance and
support, use additional
sources to verify facts.
With guidance and
support, identify
misleading information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support,
evaluate a source
based on a provided
set of criteria
With support, use
additional sources to
verify facts.
With support,
distinguish between
fact and opinion.
With guidance and
support, identify bias
and misleading
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Evaluate a source
based on a provided
set of criteria
With guidance and
support, identify
social and cultural
contexts within an
information source.
Use a variety of
sources to verify
With support, identify
opinions, bias, and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
With support, develop a
set of criteria for the
evaluation of a source
of information.
With support, identify
social and cultural
contexts within an
information source.
Identify opinion, bias,
and misleading
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Develop a set of criteria
for the evaluation of a
source of information.
Evaluate historical
information for validity
of interpretation, and
scientific information for
accuracy and reliability
of data.
Recognize the social,
cultural, or other
context within which the
information was
created, and explain
the impact of context
on interpreting the
I can create by using valid information and reasoned conclusions to make ethical decisions in the creation of
6. EN.C.1 Ethically use and reproduce others’ work.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, put
information into their
own words.
With guidance,
identify who should
be given credit for
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, use
simple note-taking
strategies and
summarize to avoid
With guidance and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Avoid plagiarism by
information in one’s
own words.
With support, give
appropriate credit in
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Understand what
constitutes plagiarism
and refrain from
representing others
work as one’s own.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Refrain from
others’ work as
one’s own.
Use appropriate
formats for internal
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
sources used.
support, give
appropriate credit in
source list or simple
source list or simple
understanding of
intellectual property
rights by giving credit
for all quotes.
Abide by copyright
guidelines (e.g., fair
use, Creative
Commons) for use of
citations and works
Abide by copyright
guidelines for use of
all materials.
6. EN.C.2 Acknowledge authorship and demonstrate respect for the intellectual property of others.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, credit
sources by citing
author and title.
With guidance and
support, identify and
name resources used
in the process of
gathering information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, cite
sources using
bibliographic format.
With support,
accurately represent
the information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support,
document quotations
and cite sources
using correct
bibliographic format.
Accurately represent
the information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Credit all sources
Put information into
one’s own words rather
than simply changing a
word or two.
Use quotation marks for
all material taken
directly from a source.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Provide credit and
citations in proper
bibliographic format.
Put information into
one’s own words, and
use quotation marks for
all materials taken
directly from a source.
6. EN.C.3 Include elements in personal-knowledge products that allow others to credit content appropriately.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, provide
information (e.g.,
name, date of
creation, title of work)
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, provide
information following
a simple bibliographic
format on a product
allowing others to
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Provide appropriate
information following
a standard
bibliographic format
on a product allowing
others to credit one’s
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
With guidance,
provide information
following a variety
of citation styles on
a product allowing
others to credit
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
understanding for the
need and process of
copyrighting one’s own
Provide information
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
on a product so that
others can credit
original work.
credit one’s original
original work.
one’s original
following a variety of
citation styles on a
product allowing others
to credit one’s original
I can share by responsibly, ethically, and legally sharing new information with a global community:
6. EN.S.1 Share information resources in accordance with modification, reuse, and remix policies.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, recognize
that reworking and
remixing multiple
sources into an
original product still
acknowledging the
sources of
information used.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support,
recognize that
reworking and
remixing multiple
sources into an
original product
acknowledging the
sources of
information used.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Recognize that
reworking and
remixing multiple
sources into an
original product
acknowledging the
sources of
information used.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Acknowledge the
sources of information
used when modifying,
reworking, and remixing
multiple sources into an
original product by
following correct
citation formats.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
acknowledge the
sources of information
used when modifying,
reworking and remixing
multiple sources into an
original product by
following correct
citation formats.
6. EN.S.2 Disseminate new knowledge through means appropriate for the intended audience.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, use a variety
of formats to present
information. (e.g., art,
music, movement,
oral language, written
language, poetry,
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With guidance,
choose from a variety
of products to share
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
Choose from a
variety of products to
share information.
With guidance,
consider the most
appropriate format to
share information
based on the
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Choose from a variety
of products to share
With support, consider
and use the most
appropriate format to
share information
based on the audience.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Independently choose
from a variety of
products to share
Consider and use the
most appropriate
format to share
information based on
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
the audience.
I can grow by engaging with information to extend personal learning:
6. EN.G.1 Personalize use of information and information technologies.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance, follow
given criteria for
choosing an
information source
that matches
interests and needs.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
With support, use a
set of criteria for
choosing an
information source
that matches
interests and needs.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support, develop
personal criteria for
choosing an
information source
that matches
interests and needs.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Select resources for
academic, personal,
and real-world
Use print, non-print,
and electronic
information resources
for information about
personal needs.
Apply strategies for
making personal and
real world connections
with information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Find information about
personal interests
independently, using
the same criteria and
strategies used to seek
academic information.
6. EN.G.2 Reflect on the process of ethical generation of knowledge.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance,
discuss and follow
school guidelines
related to the
acceptable use of
With guidance, use a
simple rubric to
assess one’s own
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Follow school
guidelines related to
the acceptable use of
With guidance,
develop a set of
criteria to assess
one’s own ethical use
of information.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
With support, develop
a set of criteria to
assess one’s own
ethical use of
ethical and
responsible use of
programs and
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Develop criteria or use
established criteria to
assess one’s own
ethical use of
Reflect on one’s own
ethical and responsible
use of information
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Independently develop
criteria or use
established criteria to
assess one’s own
ethical use of
Independently reflect
on one’s own ethical
and responsible use of
Arkansas K-12 Library Media Standards
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
ethical use of
information sources.
6. EN.G.3 Inspire others to engage in safe, responsible, ethical, and legal information behaviors.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 2
With guidance and
support, identify
school guidelines
related to the
acceptable use of
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 5
Discuss guidelines
related to the
acceptable use of
information with
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 8
responsible, ethical,
and legal use of
resources, and
when working in
groups, encourage
others to do the
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 10
Practice responsible,
ethical, and legal use
of information
resources, and when
working in groups,
encourage others to
do the same.
What it looks like by the
end of:
Grade 12
Model responsible,
ethical, and legal use
of information
resources, and when
working in groups,
expect others to do
the same.