Central Command Regulation 638-1
(CCR 638-1), 18 May 2022
Deceased Personnel
Supersedes: CCR 638-1, 13 July 2018
Pages: 94
Expiration: 18 May 2027
This regulation was restructured to provide clearer direction, remove redundant guidance that
exists in other publications, and incorporate and retire prior night orders and guidance issued by
United States Central Command. Substantive policy changes were incorporated to include
guidance on contaminated remains, temporary interment, large scale combat operations,
memorial/ramp ceremonies, theater evacuation escorts, the movement of non-Department of
Defense affiliated human remains, reporting requirement for deceased contractors, and processes
for handling deceased contractor’s personal effects. The following policy documents were
rescinded, superseded by, or incorporated into other policies, or incorporated into this regulation.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Policy on Contaminated Human Remains, 28 March
2008 was cancelled and incorporated into Department of Defense Directive 1300.22 Change 2.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Transportation of Remains on U.S. Military Aircraft,
19 August 2015 was incorporated into Department of Defense Instruction 4515.13, Air
Transportation Eligibility, Incorporating Change 5, 23 October 2020. United States Central
Command message, Modification 4 to United States Central Command Military Working Dogs
policy, date time group: 152116Z JUN 11 is rescinded and incorporated into this regulation as
Appendix G. United States Central Command memorandum, Delegation of Authority to Approve
Exception for Human Remains Escort, 8 March 2010 is superseded by paragraph 2.10. United
States Central Command Policy Letter Number 106, Repatriation of Deceased Military Working
Dogs in United States Central Command Area of Responsibility, 4 June 2019 has been
incorporated into this regulation as Appendix G. USCENTCOM J4 Memo, Standard Operating
Procedure for Requesting Formal Approval to Move Civilian U.S./Non-U.S. Human Remains On
U.S. Military Aircraft, 29 January 2009 is rescinded and has been incorporated into this
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
SECTION 1: GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Applicability ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.3. References: ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Concept of Operations ......................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 2: POLICY .................................................................................................................. 7
2.1. Recovery Operations and Initial Preservation ..................................................................... 7
2.2. Death Reporting ................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. DD Form 93 Record of Emergency Data ............................................................................ 9
2.4. Human Remains Transfers ................................................................................................. 10
2.5. Refrigerated Storage – Human Remains Acceptance at a Mortuary Affairs Collection
Point or Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point ........................................................................ 13
2.6. Refrigerated Storage – Temperature Monitoring ............................................................... 14
2.7. Authorizations for Deceased Transportation and Mortuary Services. ............................... 14
2.8. Mortuary Affairs Facility Restrictions ............................................................................... 16
2.9. Mortuary Affairs Collection Point Minimum Processing Procedures ............................... 18
2.10. Theater Evacuation Escorts ............................................................................................. 19
2.11. Unit Representatives. ....................................................................................................... 21
2.12. Contaminated Human Remains ....................................................................................... 21
2.13. Temporary Interment Operations – Non-Contaminated Remains ................................... 22
2.14. Personal Effects ............................................................................................................... 23
2.15. Disassociated Effects ....................................................................................................... 24
2.16. Personal Protective Equipment – Shipments to Armed Forces Medical Examiner System
.............................................................................................................................................. 25
2.17. Portions ............................................................................................................................ 26
2.18. Customs Pre-Clearance of Human Remains and Personal Effects .................................. 26
2.19. Mortuary Affairs Awareness and Training Outreach Program ....................................... 29
2.20. Host Nation Mortuary Affairs Coordination ................................................................... 29
2.21. Records Management and Information Management ...................................................... 30
2.22. Resiliency and Mental Health Readiness ......................................................................... 31
SECTION 3: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................. 33
3.1. Headquarters United States Central Command Logistics and Engineering Directorate ... 33
3.2. Service Component Commands......................................................................................... 33
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3.3. United States Central Command Distribution and Deployment Operations Center Director
.............................................................................................................................................. 34
3.4. U.S. Army Central ............................................................................................................. 34
3.5. U.S. Air Force Central Command ..................................................................................... 35
3.6. U.S. Naval Forces Central Command ................................................................................ 36
3.7. U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command ................................................................... 36
3.8. Theater Mortuary Affairs Office ........................................................................................ 37
3.9. Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point ................................................................................... 40
3.10. Mortuary Affairs Collection Point ................................................................................... 41
3.11. Service Component Command Mortuary Affairs Officer ............................................... 42
3.12. Senior Defense Officials at U.S. Embassies .................................................................... 43
3.13. U.S. Army Regional Mortuary, Europe and Africa ........................................................ 43
3.14. Reports ............................................................................................................................. 44
3.15. Boards .............................................................................................................................. 44
SECTION 4: ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................ 45
4.1. Proponent ........................................................................................................................... 45
4.2. Accessibility ....................................................................................................................... 45
4.3. Releasability ....................................................................................................................... 45
4.4. Expiration ........................................................................................................................... 45
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 46
Appendix A: Human Remains Acceptance for Refrigerated Storage ...................................... 46
Appendix B: Authorizations for Deceased Transportation and Mortuary Services ................. 50
Appendix C: Sample Mortuary Affairs Officer Appointment Memo ...................................... 64
Appendix D: Example Theater Evacuation Escort Memo ........................................................ 65
Appendix E: Contractor Personal Effects ................................................................................. 67
Appendix F: Joint Personal Effects Depot Summary Court-Martial Officer Checklist ........... 70
Appendix G: Repatriation of Deceased Military Working Dogs ............................................. 77
Appendix H: Points of Contact ................................................................................................. 86
Appendix I: Glossary ................................................................................................................ 88
Appendix J: References ............................................................................................................ 92
Figure 1. DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document ......................... 27
Figure 2. DD Form 2855, U.S. Military Customs and Border Clearance Program .................. 28
Figure 3. Sample HR Transportation Request .......................................................................... 54
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Figure 4. Funds Verification and Use Authorization (FVUA) ................................................. 56
Figure 5. Example Theater Evacuation Escort Memo .............................................................. 65
Figure 6. Joint Personal Effects Depot Summary Court-Martial Officer Checklist ................. 70
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
This regulation stipulates policy and procedures required for Mortuary Affairs (MA) support in
the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR) to care for
our fallen Service members, Contractors, Civilians, Coalition partners, and others authorized
mortuary services.
This regulation applies to U.S. Military, Coalition Military, and DoD affiliated personnel in the
USCENTCOM AOR including all elements of Headquarters (HQ) USCENTCOM and
subordinate commands, to include Service Component Commands, sub-unified commands, Joint
Task Forces (JTF), and Security Cooperation Organizations during peace time and contingency
operations. This regulation applies to non-DoD affiliated personnel when requesting assistance
from DoD mortuary affairs. For commonly used language in MA see Appendix I.
See Appendix J.
a. The Commander, USCENTCOM (CDRUSCENTCOM) has assumed mission command
and centralized the mortuary affairs evacuation responsibility by designating U.S. Army Central
(USARCENT) as the Lead Service (LS) to provide geographical mortuary affairs general support
in the USCENTCOM AOR. This type of coordinated theater MA support is referred to as the
concurrent return program. The USCENTCOM Joint Mortuary Affairs Office (JMAO), within
the USCENTCOM Logistics and Engineering Directorate (CCJ4), establishes theater mortuary
affairs policy and procedures. This CCR codifies concurrent return mortuary affairs program
policy and procedures. The transition from Combatant Commander MA support responsibilities
back to Service Component peacetime operation responsibility will be made by the
CDRUSCENTCOM when operational considerations warrant transition. This type of MA
Support is referred to as the current death program. The decision to return to the current death
program will be published through an official USCENTCOM Night Order.
b. USARCENT has established a Theater Mortuary Affairs Office (TMAO) to coordinate
mortuary affairs area support throughout USCENTCOM AOR and enforce policies and
procedures to ensure dignity, honor, and respect for all decedents. Unit commanders recover
their deceased personnel to the nearest Mortuary Affairs Collection Point (MACP) where the
USCENTCOM mortuary affairs system coordinates further evacuation.
c. The Commander (or civilian equivalent for non-military organizations) is responsible for
the casualty reporting, recovery, and transport of deceased military members, civilians, or
contractors assigned to their organization to the nearest MACP. The TMAO then coordinates
and tracks continued evacuation operations from the MACP through arrival at the Armed Forces
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Medical Examiner System (AFMES) or the final Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) serviced by
military airlift for non-AFMES cases.
d. Mortuary Affairs Facilities across the USCENTCOM AOR have the capabilities to prepare
remains for evacuation, generate required documentation, provide refrigerated storage to aid in
preservation while awaiting transportation and evacuate Decedents authorized mortuary services
to required destinations.
e. Remains will be transported from a MACP to the Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point
(TMEP) located at Kuwait (alternate TMEP located at Al Udeid, Qatar) for onward movement to
Ramstein Air Force Base (AFB), or other refueling site determined by Air Mobility Division
(AMD). The remains will be re-iced and the aircraft refueled for the final flight to Dover AFB
for repatriation.
f. A secondary mission of USCENTCOM Mortuary Affairs Facilities is the evacuation of
Personal Effects (PE) to the Joint Personal Effects Depot (JPED) pursuant to DoD Mortuary
Affairs Program.
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a. Initial recovery of a decedent to a MACP should occur within four hours of death. Notify
TMAO of potential recovery delays that may exceed four hours. This enables TMAO to identify
potential theater assets that may be available to assist in expediting recovery to the nearest
MACP if the delay is caused by air asset availability.
b. If recovery will or may exceed four hours, the decedent should be cooled while awaiting
transportation. Refrigeration must be maintained between 34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Freezing temperatures cause tissue damage and must be avoided, therefore dry ice is never used.
Likewise, extreme heat causes accelerated tissue deterioration. Cooling may be accomplished by
placing the Human Remains Pouch (HRP) containing the decedent inside a second HRP when
refrigeration capabilities are not available. The second HRP is then packed with water-ice while
avoiding the face area. The HRP is placed in an air-conditioned indoor area (or cool, shaded and
private outdoor area, if an indoor area is not available) to aid in preservation until evacuation is
available. The HRP is periodically monitored to ensure cooling efforts are still adequate.
c. Local camp or contingency base commanders that are at high risk of not accomplishing
recovery of a decedent to a MACP within four hours due to weather, enemy threat, or aircraft
availability may elect to establish a Mortuary Affairs Transfer Point (MATP), also known as a
Mortuary Affairs Transit Point, to provide direct support to the parent command. MATPs
normally consist of just a refrigeration unit for temporary holding. Some may have camouflage
netting, T-walls, or other shrouding installed to provide privacy while moving remains into or
from the refrigerated storage. MATP are approved by the first O-6 in the chain of command and
reported to TMAO. If the command elects to establish a MATP, the command will ensure
checks of temperature are completed to ensure temperature can be maintained between 34 and 40
degrees Fahrenheit. When no remains are present checks may occur daily. When remains are
present checks will be hourly. A water bottle marked with “TEST BOTTLE” will be kept inside
the refrigeration unit to permit immediate visual warning that freezing temperatures have
occurred. Refrigeration units that are unable to maintain temperature must not be used as they
place remains at great risk of tissue damage due to freezing or extreme heat. On the 5th of each
month a memorandum will be submitted to TMAO signed by the O-6 whom approved the
MATP. The Memo will list the personnel assigned the additional duty of maintaining the
MATP, their contact information and the monthly log will be attached indicating temperature
check results with dates and times. MATP are visually separate from a casualty collection point
at a contingency location, are not normally staffed, and are unit funded and maintained by
personnel from the local command. A MATP’s sole purpose is to provide refrigerated storage
capability for Human Remains (HR) when evacuation to a USARCENT Staffed MACP or
TMEP is not immediately possible. HRs will be recovered to a MACP as soon as weather,
enemy threat, or aircraft availability makes it possible. MATP locations are beneficial when
ground or air evacuation is historically delayed preventing a unit from transferring a decedent to
a MACP or TMEP within four hours.
d. After HR recovery to a MACP, USCENTCOM has established a within 24-hour goal for
each subsequent movement: from MACP to the TMEP; TMEP to Ramstein, Germany (or other
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
refueling location); and refueling location to the AFMES at Dover AFB or other-directed final
destination. The total within 72-hour evacuation goal aids in preservation of the unembalmed
HR and forensic evidence.
e. Emergency Burial/Hasty Burial. The first O-6 in the chain of command may authorize a
hasty burial. During Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) the capability of U.S Forces to
recover a decedent to a MACP may be denied by the opposing forces. A hasty burial should be
considered when tactical conditions permit and evacuation delays are anticipated to exceed 24-48
hours that would subject the decedent to extreme heat or freezing temperatures. A hasty burial
requires enough soil be removed to accommodate the decedent and permit a minimum of 12 to
24 inches of soil to cover the decedent. A hasty burial is an informal preservation technique used
by unit personnel to protect remains when evacuation to a MACP is not possible in the
immediate foreseeable future due to active combat operations. Hasty burial is not temporary
interment. The difference is that temporary interment requires remains be evacuated to a
designated temporary interment site thus allowing formal temporary interment operations to
commence. Hasty burial is a preservation technique required when air evacuation, ground
evacuation, refrigerated storage, or other preservation technique is not available nor projected to
be available for the next 24-48 hours. GPS location of each HR is documented and reported to
higher HQ. When communications are interrupted and anticipated to be unavailable for 12 hours
or more, the senior military member present may authorize a hasty burial and report GPS grid
location upon re-establishing communications with higher HQ. Leave any ID tags or ID card
from the HR on the HR. Only remove unit property or classified documents for safeguarding
and transfer back to the unit or to an intelligence officer for reviewing sensitive media.
f. Unit Recovery Teams are non-mortuary affairs unit personnel that are available to conduct
immediate recovery operations. Initial search and recovery operations are performed by the unit
recovery team to search for and recover HR and PE during the combat phase. Initial search and
recovery operations occur when the tactical situation permits recovery with the forces at hand
without detailed planning or coordination.
g. Pursuant to Reference (l), a ship’s captain may authorize burial at sea without the
knowledge or consent of the decedent’s family only when remains pose a health hazard due to
lack of preservation capability and when transfer to shore is operationally impossible or
inadvisable. Burial at sea should only be conducted after consultation with the AFMES and the
military criminal investigative organization that has investigative jurisdiction, as appropriate,
pursuant to References (d) and (r) unless under the rare circumstance when mission security must
absolutely prohibit communications of all types or communications ability is nonexistent.
a. Reporting falls under personnel services (S1/M1/N1/A1). The reported information is
critical to ensure mortuary affairs can transport and evacuate remains without delay, therefore
reporting requirements are emphasized here. The official report of death is critical to provide
care to the decedent and the decedent’s surviving family members. Official reporting to the
Theater Casualty Assistance Center (TCAC) or Services’ Casualty Office initiates associated
Service support mechanisms. The USCENTCOM Commander’s Critical Information
Requirements report through command channels to the HQ USCENTCOM Joint Operations
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Center provides official reporting to the CDRUSCENTCOM for awareness and required
command actions and support. If reporting to the AFMES has not been confirmed to have
occurred by the TCAC or Service Casualty Office, the commander or civilian equivalent must
contact AFMES to ensure they have received the report (see Appendix H for contact
information). DoD regulations require a completed report within 12 hours of learning of a death.
However, immediate notification to TMAO, AFMES, and command channels, with periodic
updates as information becomes available, will aid in determining and coordinating
investigation, examination, and transportation requirements. Early reporting will aid in
preventing delays and providing the greatest level of support.
b. Military Affiliated: Pursuant to References (m) and (z), the deceased member’s unit
commander will ensure casualty reporting is completed within 12 hours of learning of the death
of a U.S. Service Member, DoD Civilian Employee, or other personnel specified in Reference (z)
through the command to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center or Service Casualty Office.
Casualty reports, and the preparation of the DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty, are required for
all decedents or missing U.S. Service Members or DoD Civilian Employees. In addition to being
provided to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center, a DA Form 1156, Casualty Feeder Card, or
the USCENTCOM equivalent, will accompany the decedent when transported to a Mortuary
Affairs Collection Point.
c. Contractors: Pursuant to Reference (m), the employer, with assistance from the
commander of the supported command to which the contractor was assigned, will ensure
casualty reporting is completed within 12 hours of learning of the death of a DoD contractor
through the supported DoD command to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center or respective
Service Casualty Office. Casualty reports, and the preparation of the DD Form 1300, are
required for all decedents or missing DoD contractors, Outside Continental United States
(OCONUS), who are casualties as a result of hostile or non-hostile action or while
accompanying Armed Forces in the field. In addition to being provided to the Theater Casualty
Assistance Center or Service Casualty Office, a DA Form 1156 or the USCENTCOM equivalent
will accompany the decedent when transported to a Mortuary Affairs Collection Point.
a. Service Members and DoD Civilians. Form preparation and annual updates fall under
personnel services (S1/M1/N1/A1). The reported information is critical to ensure mortuary
affairs can transport remains without delay, especially when remains are not directed to AFMES
and the Service Casualty Office must direct transportation. Therefore, the initial requirement to
complete the DD Form 93 and annual updates are emphasized so the Service Casualty Office
may expedite transportation directions when required.
b. Contractors. The complexity of contractor nationality and personnel statuses elevate the
importance of the DD Form 93 being completed prior to admission to a possible theater of
operations or deployment with the Armed Forces and available to the contract company and
Service Casualty Office of the supported Service as required in Reference (m). The Contractor
shall be responsible for notification of the employee’s designated Next of Kin (NOK) in the
event of an employee death. A DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data, will be completed by
contractors during mobilization. The DD Form 93 will be uploaded to the synchronized pre-
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deployment and operational tracker system to ensure the contract company can accomplish
timely notification if necessary. The DD Form 93 will be reviewed annually and uploaded to
synchronized pre-deployment and operational tracker to ensure information is current.
c. When a DoD contractor death occurs, the employer will notify the contractor’s NOK within
24 hours of death and provide confirmation of notification to the Service Casualty Office.
The following policies have been established pursuant to Reference (n) to maximize preservation
of remains and ensure the most expeditious repatriation of fallen Service members and all
decedents while permitting ramp ceremonies. These movements are referred to as an honorable
carry or dignified carry.
a. Component commanders must utilize the first airlift mission provided by any aviation unit,
the USCENTCOM Distribution and Deployment Operations Center (CDDOC) or AMD.
Component commanders may not delay or withhold the request of HR evacuation airlift for any
reason to include waiting on arrival of ramp ceremony attendees, HR portions and/or PE. HR
portions and disassociated PE from the incident location that are not ready for evacuation with
remains are sent on the next available flight out.
b. HR will not be moved from refrigeration/storage for any reason other than immediate
evacuation unless directed by the AFMES, HQ USCENTCOM JMAO, or the TMAO.
c. HR transfers to evacuation aircraft will only be conducted by MA and aerial port carry
team personnel unless otherwise coordinated through the USCENTCOM JMAO or TMAO
d. HR transfers will not be delayed or interfered with for any reason, nor will they interfere
with other flight line operations, unless it is an operational necessity. Airfield managers will not
call for quiet engines nor ramp freezes to facilitate ramp ceremonies.
e. Ramp ceremonies: The CDRUSCENTCOM has authorized ramp ceremonies and has
directed that the first General Officer in the decedent’s chain of command may approve a ramp
ceremony that minimizes risk to the decedent and attendees and complies with the stipulations
listed in 2.4.e.(1) through (6). However well intended, ramp ceremonies routinely delay
evacuation of HRs. Delays negatively affect the condition of unembalmed HRs and may cause
additional grieving time to NOK awaiting the repatriation of their loved one. Transfer case
temperatures are affected by ambient temperatures. These delays may cause fluctuations in the
internal temperatures of these transfer cases that are carefully planned by mortuary affairs
personnel by placing pre-measured ice bags at the preparatory MA facilities. These adverse
effects may prevent the ability of the decedent’s family to elect a viewing during funeral
services. Any delay in reaching normal aircraft cruise altitude cabin temperatures can increase
the risk of non-viewable remains. Planeside attendees at ramp ceremonies should be limited to
immediate teammates and the member’s leadership to render honor to the decedent and
recognize their loss. The term transfer observance is preferred so as to place emphasis on the
fallen and the individual attendee’s loss opposed to the collective masses who create a large
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ceremonious gathering with multiple elements that increases the risk of delays that can degrade
the condition of a decedent. The approving general officer must ensure:
(1) The ramp ceremony does not delay the transportation of remains.
(2) Official or unofficial photography, videography, or any other type of media recording
of the ramp ceremony is prohibited.
(3) The transfer case containing the remains of the decedent will not be placed on the
tarmac for any length of time.
(4) The movement of the transfer case from the transport vehicle to the aircraft is an
honorary transfer of the decedent. Under no circumstances will the transfer case be placed on
the ground once removed from the transport vehicle.
(5) The transfer case with the remains of the decedent will only be handled or touched by
the carry team wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.
(6) Pursuant to Reference (a), artifacts will not be placed on the U.S. flag covering the
transfer case. This includes unit coins, patches, or other memorabilia.
f. Military personnel in observance of HR transfers planeside may show their respect by
providing a silent three-second slow salute as the Transfer Case (TC) for the fallen Service
member passes directly from the transport vehicle to the evacuation aircraft. A slow three-
second movement of hand-over-heart is recommended for civilians in attendance or by all for
fallen civilian movements. Base and camp commands may authorize personnel to line the most
direct route that the transportation vehicle carrying the remains will take when tactical conditions
permit. No deviations from the most direct route from the mortuary affairs facility to the aircraft
are authorized. To provide the greatest respect for the decedent, remains will not be paraded
over longer distances in order to accommodate attendees. Personnel will line up from the entry
to the airfield sequentially towards the origin of the route while not extending onto the mortuary
affairs facility grounds. Military personnel in observance of a fallen Service member movement
may show their respect by providing a silent three-second slow salute as the transfer vehicle
approaches and passes in front of them. Non-military in attendance of a fallen Service member
movement may render respects with a slow three-second movement of hand-over-heart. All
attendees of a fallen civilian movement may render respects with a slow three-second movement
of hand-over-heart.
g. A unit memorial ceremony is coordinated by the command to provide a location for unit
members and others to reflect upon the loss of a comrade and honor their sacrifice. A display of
an inverted rifle, replica ID chain and tags, boots, and photographs celebrating the fallen’s life or
other available symbols provide a focal point of reflection. A unit memorial ceremony is
authorized and encouraged as soon as tactical conditions allow in order to provide the greatest
number of Service Members the opportunity to show their respects and grieve the loss of their
fallen comrade(s). Tactical conditions may allow a large gathering or require individual or small
groups to independently cycle through the location to pay respects. A unit memorial ceremony
with HR or HR portions present is prohibited. During unit memorials, PE to include ID tags,
boots, helmet, etc., of the deceased member will not be present or displayed in order to preserve
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forensic evidence and ensure these items are returned to family without delay. Unit memorial
ceremonies might also be rudimentary in nature and extremely brief based on threat level. That
is, conducted with an inverted rifle on the ground with a helmet placed atop the buttstock and
less than five minutes in duration. Temporary use of unit equipment for unit memorial displays
are authorized. Immediate teammates and professional peers should be offered locations at the
front of the unit memorial services as a position of honor. Unit memorials may be recorded by
video and still photography.
h. Video and/or photos of HR Transfers (or TC containing HR) are strictly prohibited by DoD
policies to protect the family’s privacy. This includes the movement from the place of death to
the MACP or from storage to the evacuation aircraft. TCs used for honorable carry training will
not be flag draped and will be clearly marked on all four sides and top with “FOR TRAINING
ONLY NO REMAINS PRESENT” readable from 50 feet away.
i. MA Processing Timelines: Per Reference (n) Paragraph 3.3.a, “Deceased personnel,
including Service members, DoD civilians, and covered contractor personnel, will be recovered
from a theater of combat operation, designated combat zone, or combat support area, and
returned for forensic pathology investigation at a location designated by the AFME. HR will be
evacuated without delay to preserve the HR and the integrity of forensic evidence, unless very
specific extenuating circumstances presented by Primary Next-of-Kin (PNOK) of the decedent
can be reasonably accommodated by the DoD and is approved by the AFME.” The “72-hour
goal” to complete evacuation is explained in Paragraph 2.1.d.
j. Flag Draping: During contingency operations, flag draping of TCs from the AOR to the
Port Mortuary at Dover AFB, is mandatory unless operational considerations dictate otherwise,
or flags are not available. Pursuant to Reference (a), TCs containing remains of U.S. Citizens
will not be covered by any item other than the U.S. flag unless determined to be operationally
necessary by the aircraft load master. Plastic sheeting can be applied to cover the flag during air
transportation to protect the flag from hydraulic leaks. Flags will be secured to the TCs without
damaging either the flag or TC, and without impeding access to the handles. The flag’s blue star
field is positioned over the remains left shoulder symbolically closest to the heart. Refer to the
U.S. Army Joint Mortuary Affairs Center (JMAC) for guidance on how to secure the flags to
TCs. The TMEP and other evacuation locations will stock U.S. flags with a 5-foot hoist by 9-
foot 6-inch fly: NSN 4530-00-753-3232 (cotton). Flags in excellent condition will be returned
by the Port Mortuary at Dover AFB to the TMEP for re-use. The load master is authorized to
remove the flag from a TC during transport if mission requirements warrant it. The flag
provided by the TMEP for the purpose of transport will not be presented to the family following
the Dignified Transfer at the Dover Port Mortuary, or at the place of final disposition.
Evacuation flights are not delayed nor postponed if a flag is not immediately available.
(1) Coalition Nations TCs may be flag draped upon request. Coalition nations will provide
their appropriate National flag in the 5-foot hoist by 9-foot 6-inch fly to the mortuary affairs
collection point to be secured to the coalition member’s TC if flag draping is desired. Plastic
sheeting can be applied to cover the Flag during air transportation to protect the Flag from
hydraulic leaks. Coalition Nations are encouraged to develop a liaison with their local mortuary
affairs collection point to provide their National flag for safekeeping in advance of any potential
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need. Ensure subsequent rotations of personnel are introduced to the MACP staff to provide
continued liaison.
(2) U.S. national flags that become unserviceable due to age or damage may be respectfully
retired (destroyed). U.S. Boy Scout troops, American Legion Posts, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
and other patriotic organizations provide flag retirement ceremonies for unserviceable flags as
part of their citizenship teachings or patriotic traditions. U.S. national flags may be mailed (or
hand carried upon redeployment) to these organizations for retirement after coordination.
Unserviceable U.S. national flags may be locally retired by conducting a flag retirement
ceremony where traditionally folded flags are placed into a well burning fire while assembled
members provide a salute. Flags may also be expediently retired by medical waste incineration,
especially if biologically contaminated. U.S. flags prepared for destruction by medical waste
incineration will be placed in a red biohazard bag and destroyed by incineration upon
coordination with the operator. The preparer should witness the burn to ensure completion. No
salute or ceremony is recommended. Consult the appropriate property book officer to ensure the
flag(s) is not on the property book. The coalition nation’s liaison will be consulted to determine
proper disposition of a coalition national flag that becomes unserviceable due to age or damage.
Prepare a memorandum for record documenting the details of type, number of flags destroyed,
and method used for historical record. File locally at the mortuary affairs activity and in the
Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System (MARTS) in the future when programming to
allow mortuary affairs location specific documentation to be uploaded is complete.
(3) Remains are frequently draped with a U.S. national flag or the respective flag of the
individual’s partner nation during evacuation to render honors and respect during transportation.
Upon receipt at a MACP, a flag used for this purpose is folded and sealed in a biohazard bag, the
bag marked as unit evacuation flag, and forwarded with remains for disposition. These flags are
not considered personal effects.
a. U.S. Military mortuary affairs facilities in the USCENTCOM AOR may be the only
accessible locations to provide refrigerated storage for HR to aid in HR preservation. Losing
commands will notify MACPs of a Human Remain(s) being recovered to their location. The
AFMES may not have the statutory authority to exert medico-legal jurisdiction or the
circumstances of death may not warrant a medico-legal death investigation by AFMES. In these
cases, the losing command’s assistance is needed to coordinate the final disposition. (Detailed
guidance and procedures for HR acceptance are provided in Appendix A).
b. The following decedents are accepted at all USCENTCOM MACPs or TMEPs:
(1) U.S. Military, DoD Civilian Employees, U.S. Contractors, U.S. Citizens, and Coalition
(2) Non-U.S. Citizens who die on U.S. Military installations.
(3) Deceased enemy who die in U.S. Custody.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
c. The following decedents are not normally recovered to nor accepted at mortuary affairs
(1) Deceased enemy who die outside of U.S control or custody or during combat
(2) Civilians who die while NOT on a U.S. military instillation. This designation would
include civilians also killed during an attack on U.S. or Coalition forces.
Refrigerated Preservation requires well maintained equipment and monitoring to ensure 34 to 40
degrees Fahrenheit is maintained. Freezing temperatures and extreme heat may result in tissue
damage. Temperature checks are completed to ensure temperature can be maintained between
34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. When no remains are present checks may occur daily. When
remains are present checks will be hourly. A water bottle marked with “TEST BOTTLE” will be
kept inside the refrigeration unit to permit immediate visual warning that freezing temperatures
have occurred. Refrigeration units that are unable to maintain temperature must not be used as
they place remains at great risk of tissue damage due to freezing or extreme heat.
a. Historically, almost all decedents in the USCENTCOM AOR were evacuated to the
AFMES for an examination. Changes throughout the Global War on Terror campaign era in host
nation agreements, mortuary affairs policy, and casualty affairs policy, have all factored into
AFMES decisions on determining jurisdiction to direct remains to AFMES. AFMES
consideration of the circumstances of death, status of the decedent, location of death, and
competent local medical authority’s death findings impact jurisdiction and the basis for an
examination (see Reference (d) for specific considerations). These variables have thus resulted
in updated USCENTCOM policies for decedent transportation. The main criteria for movement
decisions are based upon AFMES’ decision on whether or not to direct to AFMES for an
examination. The following summarizes transportation for each category of decedent, (see
Appendix B for specific guidance and procedures).
b. U.S. Military, DoD Civilian Employees, or sponsored dependent accompanying member
on official orders.
(1) Directed to AFMES: HR transported to the location specified by AFMES.
(2) Not directed to AFMES: the respective Service Casualty Office will direct remains to a
servicing mortuary based on family wishes. Normally Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations
(AFMAO) at Dover AFB is the servicing mortuary unless the Person Authorized to Direct
Disposition (PADD) directs remains be prepared OCONUS due to family residency or wishes.
c. U.S. Citizen DoD Contractors (Includes U.S. Military retirees working in a DoD contractor
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(1) Directed to AFMES: Employer coordinates commercial air or formally requests
opportune and non-interference basis reimbursable U.S. Military Airlift (MILAIR) transportation
if authorized by their contract or based on commercial transportation limitations using the
procedures in Appendix B.
(2) Not directed to AFMES: Employer coordinates commercial air to the destination
directed by the NOK or formally requests opportune and non-interference basis reimbursable
MILAIR transportation if authorized by their contract or based on commercial transportation
limitations to Dover AFB where the local Dover Funeral Home selected by the family or the
employer receives the remains at a direct transfer on the flight line. Any human remains transfer
case(s) provided by the government must be returned to AFMAO by the funeral home
transporting remains from Dover AFB within 72 hours to avoid the contractor being billed for
the cost of the transfer case.
(3) Whether or not the remains are directed to AFMES, if commercial air becomes
available that will transport the deceased to the required destination quicker, and the decedent
has not begun the MILAIR movement, the employer may utilize the commercial airlift.
d. Non-DoD affiliated U.S. Citizens (including contractors supporting contracts for U.S.
Government agencies other than the DoD.)
(1) Directed to AFMES: In consultation with Department of State (DoS), the federal
agency or employer coordinates commercial airlift to the location directed by AFMES. The
federal agency’s Executive Secretary may formally request U.S. MILAIR transportation from the
Secretary of Defense (SecDef) Executive Secretary. The family or employer may contact the
DoS and ask that DoS formally request U.S. MILAIR transportation from the SecDef Executive
Secretary. Any reimbursable cost requirements are indicated in approved responses. DoS
coordination ensures required U.S. documentation of death is obtained or created to support the
(2) Not directed to AFMES: In consultation with DoS, the federal agency or employer
coordinates commercial airlift to the location based on family wishes or employment
agreements. When commercial air is not available or may cause delays, the federal agency’s
Executive Secretary may formally request U.S. MILAIR transportation from the SecDef
Executive Secretary. With the same commercial air limitations, the family or employer may
contact the DoS and ask that DoS formally request U.S. MILAIR transportation from the SecDef
Executive Secretary. Any reimbursable cost requirements are indicated in approved responses.
MILAIR transportation terminates at the first Contiguous United States (CONUS) APOD,
normally Dover AFB where a civilian funeral home selected by the family or employer must be
retained to continue transportation. DoS coordination ensures required U.S. documentation of
death is obtained or created to support the family.
(3) Whether or not the remains are directed to AFMES, if commercial air becomes
available that will transport the deceased to the required destination quicker, and the decedent
has not begun the MILAIR movement, the employer may utilize the commercial airlift.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
e. Coalition Forces.
(1) Intra-theater airlift for deceased coalition personnel will be provided on an opportune
and non-interference basis pursuant to current agreements, authorities, or policies. Coalition
commanders will submit a MILAIR request to JTF J4. When authorized, MILAIR will be used
to evacuate HR to a determined APOD location within USCENTCOM. The MILAIR request is
coordinated by the JTF J4 with TMAO, CDDOC, CCJ5-CCC/Coalition Air Operations, and HQ
USCENTCOM CCJ3-Force Deployment. Approval and funding sources will be coordinated by
CCJ3-Force Deployment, DSN: 312-529-3446, SVoIP: 302-529-3092, Duty Phone: 813-841-
0751, Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet): centcom.macdill.centcom-
hq.mbx.ccj3-f-fd-[email protected]l.
(2) Upon the completion of airlift to the APOD, coalition HR will be turned over to their
respective governments for final repatriation flight(s). Any transfer cases provided for the
movement will be sanitized and returned to TMEP operational control upon completion of the
repatriation to avoid coalition reimbursement billing.
f. Foreign National Citizens. Remains of foreign national citizens and foreign national
detainees held by the U.S. Military or government will be handled pursuant to existing
international laws and the laws of the Geneva Convention. U.S. Embassy assistance may be
g. Military Working Dogs (MWD). MWDs have proven to be a force enabler and asset to
safeguard U.S. forces. They are treated with dignity and respect upon death. If co-mingled with
HR, canine remains will be evacuated to the Dover Port Mortuary for AFMES Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (DNA) analysis and separation. Clearly distinguishable MWD remains are placed in a
separate transfer case, (see Appendix G for further detailed guidance on the disposition of MWD
a. In order to provide the highest dignity, honor, and respect to our deceased and to provide
the highest security and safeguarding of PE, mortuary affairs facility access is restricted to
authorized personnel only. All mortuary affairs facility doors, windows, or other openings will
be fitted with locking mechanisms to protect remains and PE while also complying with life
safety requirements. Mortuary affairs facilities will be secured or guarded at all times when staff
are not present and remains or PE are contained within.
b. When remains are present and being prepared in a mortuary affairs facility, access is
restricted to personnel directly required to care for the remains. These personnel include
mortuary affairs facility staff, Mass Casualty (MASCAL) augmentation personnel, investigative
agency personnel involved in the deceased case, medical personnel involved in the care of the
deceased, Explosive Ordnance Disposal personnel, unit member or command completing the DD
Form 565, Statement of Recognition of Deceased, Theater MA personnel (Company or TMAO)
augmenting or providing site visit to the location, or other required personnel directly supporting
the care of the HR. When support personnel is required to provide an emergency fix or repair of
equipment needed for HR processing, the HRP must be closed or a sheet or other covering used
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
to prevent viewing of the deceased if present. A log will be maintained while remains are in the
facility that will list all personnel granted access to the mortuary affairs facility. The log will list
personnel’s name, DoD ID or PIV number, unit, purpose of entry, date and time of entry, date
and time of exit, and the visitor’s signature. HR Arrival in the facility will be annotated by
evacuation number only with no name nor believed to be name written on the log to protect the
identity of the deceased. Multiple HRs will be annotated in the same format and listed as they
arrive. This process allows the log to indicate who was present during the time period when
specific remains were present. Upon closing the evacuation (remains have departed for next
evacuation point), the log is uploaded to each decedent’s MARTS documents.
c. When remains are in refrigerated storage and not being actively prepared, access continues
to be restricted. Visitors may be authorized and escorted by mortuary affairs facility staff to
accomplish inspections, repairs or other mission essential functions. When repairs are required
on a refrigerated storage unit, transfer of remains to another refrigerated unit if available must be
accomplished before arrival of repair personnel.
d. When remains are not within the mortuary affairs facility, access continues to be restricted
to maintain the sanctity of the facility. Orientations of the facility may be provided to
commanders and their leadership, support partners, and others for purposes such as to provide
awareness of capabilities, procedures, and support requirements when advanced notice is
provided to TMAO. Any PE must be secured and any personally identifiable information for the
deceased must be sanitized and not viewable to visitors. A memo will be submitted to JMAO
through the TMAO and USARCENT upon completion of the orientation detailing the names of
MA staff providing the orientation, names of visitors, orientation provided, and a summary of
visitor/Commander’s comments, recommendations or observations.
e. On-site billeting are living quarters constructed within a mortuary affairs compound or
perimeter. The mental health of mortuary affairs staff benefits from on-site billeting: peer
support is more readily available; group debriefings are easily coordinated; open discussions are
possible in a controlled environment, ostracization from fellow service members is reduced, and
rest plans are more easily enforced. Where possible, future mortuary affairs facility designs
should include on-site billeting for mortuary affairs staff. Commands should explore adding on-
site billeting to existing facilities or compounds in future construction projects. To protect
decedent names, circumstances of death and other confidential information officially obtained
during operations and to allow debriefing of traumatic cases, only TMAO approved mortuary
affairs personnel will occupy or reside in billeting or living areas located within the perimeter of
a MACP campus or facility. Accommodations for both genders must be provided. Visitors
other than Chaplains and mental health teams are prohibited. Off-duty socializing with non-
mortuary affairs staff must occur outside of the MACP campus or building were general
population gatherings are permitted such as MWR or United Service Organization facilities.
f. Mortuary affairs facilities will report violations of restricted access safeguards to
USCENTCOM JMAO through the TMAO and USARCENT MAO Offices on a memorandum
for record.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
a. MACP remains preparation normally follows school trained doctrine and Soldier Training
Publications guidance. Minimum processing procedures may be required when the MACP
workload exceeds processing and storage capabilities and no reduction in the flow of HR being
recovered to the MACP that would allow for recovery is anticipated (for example in LSCO).
The MACP officer in charge (or Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge [NCOIC] when no
Officer in Charge [OIC] is assigned to the MACP location) may decide to follow the minimum
MACP processing procedures to expedite the evacuation process. MACP OIC (or NCOIC)
reports the reason for switching to minimum processing to the TMAO. TMAO informs the
TMEP of the reason why the MACP is using minimum processing. TMAO concurrently
analyzes personnel and equipment that may be available to direct to the MACP to increase
capabilities to meet requirements without affecting the overall theater MA mission. AFMES will
be consulted to determine their minimum requirements for the event are being met.
b. The MACP minimum processing procedures are as follows:
(1) Remove any ammunition, explosives, weapons, or classified material from HR and
return to the unit or the BN S2/Operations or Security manager for proper disposition.
(2) During minimum processing, the priority will be to obtain a tentative death certificate,
record the tentative identification of the decedent on DD Form 1075, Chain of Custody for
Transportation of Remains and Personal Effects of Deceased Personnel, and DD Form 1077,
Collection Point Register of Deceased Personnel, and the inventory of PE on DD Form 1076,
Record of Personal Effects of Believed to Be (BTB) Deceased, to expedite the evacuation of the
HRs. When necessary, the TMAO may authorize the MACP not to complete the DD Form
(3) Compare information on documents accompanying HR to MACP with ID media on
HR. Place documents in case file:
(a) Check for recovery tags.
(b) Check to see if a DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card, is
(c) Check for DD Form 2064, Certificate of Death (Overseas), (signed by a medical
authority, obtain if missing).
(d) Check for SF 600, Chronological Record of Medical Care, or other treatment
(e) Check for ID tags, ID card, and ID media to assist with tentative ID.
(f) Check for a DD Form 565 (if the situation allows, attempt to execute).
(g) Annotate HR information on DD Form 1077.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(h) Complete a DD Form 1076.
(i) Initiate the MACP individual deceased case file folder that will travel with the HR.
The top portion of the file should have believed to be name, rank, last four SSN or DoD ID
number (if available), metal security seal number, and evacuation number.
(4) Prepare a duplicate case file to keep at the MACP until determination of further
disposition by the TMAO or JMAO for archiving.
(5) Place HR in an HRP (if not already in one) with PE bag (if required). Place individual
body armor and helmet inside HRP if evacuated with HR.
(6) Load the case file information into MARTS (scan documents).
(7) Attach an evacuation tag to the outside zipper of the HRP.
(8) Place inside a slide interlocking sealed plastic bag the numbered security seal, and the
other evacuation tag pinned to the case file with the documents for evacuation with the HR.
Secure this plastic bag inside the HRP, awaiting evacuation.
(a) Place the HR in the refrigeration container while awaiting transportation (omit this
step, if ready to load for evacuation).
(b) Attach the numbered security seal inside the case file to the HRP when all processing
is complete.
(c) Remove the HR from cold storage and prepare for evacuation after processing is
complete (if the HR are in the refrigeration container).
(d) Load the HR on the covered transportation vehicle for evacuation.
(e) Complete DD Form 1075. The driver must sign for the HR on DD Form 1075.
(f) Retain a duplicate case file at the MACP, if possible.
c. Continually analyze operations to determine the ability to return to normal processing
d. Notify TMAO upon return to normal processing operations. TMAO informs TMEP of the
MACP’s transition to normal procedures.
a. No Escort Requirement. Per Reference (m), the official escort mission begins at the Dover
Port Mortuary and continues to the final place of disposition. Evacuation escorts are not required
by DoD. The CDRUSCENTCOM has authorized and permitted Theater Evacuation Escorts
(TEE) in the following circumstances, but may suspend approval of TEE at any time to
implement force health protection measures, when casualty rates exceed the ability of the
evacuation system to support escorts, or when combat power risks becoming degraded.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
CDRUSCENTCOM will periodically review the limited intent of TEE approvals and any
potential negative effects TEE have on the evacuation system, transit base resources, or
surviving family members to determine continuation of the TEE program.
(1) U.S. Military NOK. Military NOK of military decedents whom are also deployed in
the USCENTCOM AOR are authorized to travel concurrently with their deceased family
member to attend the dignified transfer upon their request and approval of their command. The
approving command is responsible for coordinating life support, billeting, and local
transportation for the escort at all potential transit points during evacuation. A USCENTCOM
Theater Evacuation Escort request (see Appendix D) and official travel orders will be submitted
from the first O-6 in the NOK chain of command to the TMAO for coordination, and forwarded
to CDDOC to validate TEE life support coordination. Initial requests and any subsequent
approvals must be uploaded to MARTS. In a rare event where, exceptional conditions exist that
prevent the NOK and the deceased to travel concurrently, HR will take precedence for
movement and the NOK will follow on the first available flight.
(2) U.S. Military. The commander requesting a TEE will submit a request to the first
General Officer in a decedent’s chain of command if special circumstances dictate that a military
member should travel concurrently with the deceased during evacuation. If approved, a
USCENTCOM Theater Evacuation Escort request (see Appendix D) and official travel orders
will be submitted from the first O-6 in the chain of command to the TMAO for coordination, and
forwarded to CDDOC to validate TEE life support coordination. The request must describe the
special circumstance that requires the member to travel concurrently with the deceased. The
requesting command is responsible for coordinating life support, billeting, and local
transportation for the escort at all potential transit points during evacuation. Initial requests and
any subsequent approvals must be uploaded to MARTS. HR evacuations will not be delayed to
allow time for Theater Evacuation Escort requests to process. Personnel wishing to travel to the
Dover Port Mortuary, or to other CONUS locations to attend services, are considered unit
representatives not escorts (see Paragraph 2.11).
(3) Multiple Decedents. If there is more than one decedent within a component, or when
more than one component experiences a fatality from an incident, the first commander with
authority over the multiple units will designate one TEE to accompany the remains per aircraft
departing the TMEP. Where two commanders are of the same rank, the commander with senior
time-in-grade shall designate the TEE.
b. Official DoD Escort. Commanders may not appoint or send deployed unit members as the
official DoD Service escort for HR transportation movements from the Dover Port Mortuary to
the place of final disposition. Pursuant to Reference (l) commanders must submit their request to
the Service Casualty Office for the Service’s approval and coordination of travel. The official
escort duties usually do not commence until approximately 10 days after HR arrives at Dover
AFB and potentially six months or more depending upon the family’s funeral service desires. If
approved, these unit members will travel to CONUS through normal passenger services.
c. Coalition Military. TEE for coalition military HR will be authorized pursuant to current
legal authorities, agreements, and/or policies between the U.S. and the associated country when a
National representative is required to ensure chain of custody and to properly care for the
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
deceased during transportation and transfers. Coalition requests for a TEE are submitted to the
JTF J4 for approval mirroring decedent transportation requests (see Appendix B, Paragraph 4.d).
Coalition Military TEE assume responsibility for their National flag if elected to drape the
transfer case. Mortuary affairs personnel will assist with securing the flag to the transfer case to
ensure carry handles and document compartment are not impeded. HQ USCENTCOM CCJ3-
Force Deployment approval is only required for coalition escort requests where preexisting
agreements do not exist. For more information regarding the movement of coalition HR, refer to
Paragraph 2.7e.
d. U.S. Contractors. TEE may be required when the employer’s staff is primarily based in
USCENTCOM AOR with limited personnel in CONUS and is unable to ensure a company
representative will be present at Dover AFB to facilitate remains transfer to a local Dover funeral
home on the flight line or upon release from AFMES. A Theater Evacuation Escort request will
be submitted to TMAO in addition to the MILAIR request if the contract company desires to
send a representative. The contractor’s employer will arrange all logistical support for their
Theater Evacuation Escort. If authorized MILAIR, transportation of the escorting representative
may not necessarily be in conjunction with the transportation of the HR. The employer’s Theater
Evacuation Escort will take possession of the HR upon release from AFMES or during a flight
line transfer if remains are not directed to AFMES. See Appendix B, Paragraph 4b and 4c for
more information regarding a request for MILAIR for the purpose of transporting contractor
The unit commander will determine appropriate unit representation at funerals and/or memorials.
Unit member(s) will travel to CONUS through normal passenger services. Transportation of the
unit representative(s) is not in conjunction with the transportation of the HR. The assigned unit
must arrange all logistical support for the representative’s departure/return to the parent
organization and place of final disposition. Unit representatives must have official travel orders
before departure from AOR. If not, they may not receive reimbursement for expenses paid out
of pocket. The unit commander is responsible for funding unit rep travel.
If remains are contaminated with biological, chemical, or radioactive agents, all efforts will be
made to mitigate the contaminant and return the remains through routine mortuary channels.
However, for remains that cannot be decontaminated to a safe transportation level, protecting the
health of Service members and the public must take precedence over the rapid repatriation of
remains. Temporary interment or temporary storage of those contaminated remains that pose a
threat to public health is the recommended method of disposition until safe handling procedures
and materials can be identified. Temporary interment should be considered only after exploring
all other courses of action. Authority for temporary interment in a theater outside of the United
States resides with the Geographic Combatant Commander.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
a. Military operations and especially LSCO have the potential to produce a large number of
fatalities that may overwhelm the military and civilian evacuation capabilities. This may impede
the evacuation of HR from theaters of operations. Weapons of mass destruction attacks, inter-
continental ballistic missiles, and man-made or natural disasters have the potential to create mass
fatalities. Once the process of decomposition begins, HRs poses a health risk to personnel. HRs
become a biohazard risk as well as attract insects and predators which carry transmittable
b. Temporary interment is a physical operation at a centralized geographical location for the
purpose of interment of HR. The temporary interment site is established so HR can be organized
and preserved in a known location which acts as the temporary resting place for those remains
that cannot be returned to CONUS immediately. HRs that cannot be returned in a timely manner
may pose a serious health and morale threat to U.S. and coalition forces. HR are disinterred and
returned to CONUS when combat operations allow and logistical support capabilities are at a
level to support repatriation requirements. Temporary interment sites may become a U.S.
National Cemetery for final resting if geopolitical conditions and public support warrant.
c. Upon learning of a potential for LSCO or mass fatality incidents that may result in
temporary interment, USCENTCOM JMAO, in consultation with USARCENT Mortuary Affairs
Officer (MAO) and TMAO, will review geography for a potential location or multiple locations
to recommend for temporary interment based on combat operations or location of the mass
fatality incident. All interment possibilities will be considered before committing to an
acquisition of property that will have a significant impact on the surrounding nations or HN.
When interment is necessary, the interment site should be under U.S. control and on high ground
with good drainage. Avoid areas that have high water tables or flood easily. 1TSC G4 forward
and TMAO coordinate and conduct an aerial reconnaissance to confirm site location(s) are
adequate. USCENTCOM J4 is provided a situational update. USARCENT begins a review of
available engineer assets in theater and potential Request for Forces (RFF) if theater assets
cannot support temporary interment requirements.
d. Interment Triggers: Temporary interment may be necessary when the number of HR out-
pace the logistical support required to repatriate (evacuate) them, exceed processing or storage
capacity with no anticipated relief from inbound HRs allow recovery, or the unit sustaining
fatalities is isolated from the higher HQ. In addition, temporary interment may be required when
AFMES determines a medicolegal investigation is not required and preparing mortuaries are
unable to process the HR in a timely manner to prevent decomposition. The potential condition
of unembalmed HR upon repatriation to the family after significant delays must be taken into
e. Decision Point: When the risk of out-pacing logistical support becomes high, a decision
conference call will be coordinated with AFMES Director, AFMAO Commander, United States
Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) J4, Joint Staff J4, HQDA G4, USARCENT G4 and
MAO, First Theater Sustainment Command (1TSC) SUS BDE G4 and TMAO, hosted by
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
USCENTCOM J4 and JMAO. The purpose of the conference call is to determine if the event
has out-paced the capabilities of logistical support and require temporary interment.
f. If the decision point is reached to require temporary interment, USARCENT G4, as the lead
service for mortuary affairs, recommends to CDR, USARCENT that temporary interment
operations commence. CDR, USARCENT and USCENTCOM J4 provide a decision brief
including proposed temporary interment site locations to CDRUSCENTCOM with a
recommendation to authorize temporary interment.
g. If the CDRUSCENTCOM Directs temporary interment the following actions occur:
(1) CDRUSCENTCOM submits a request through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (CJCS) to the SecDef requesting the U.S. Ambassador to negotiate approval with the nation
where the temporary interment site(s) is(are) located. If no U.S Ambassador presence exists in
the required country, the request goes to the DoS.
(2) USARCENT sources logistical support and engineer assets to develop the designated
temporary interment site(s).
(3) CDDOC coordinates airlift support for equipment positioning and evacuation of
remains to the temporary interment site.
(4) TMAO assigns a mortuary affairs team to manage and document temporary interment
See Appendix E for a detailed list of PE handling requirements specifically for contractors based
on decedent’s location.
a. PE are a secondary mission of the Collection Points. PE for deceased or missing U.S.
military personnel and DoD civilian employees will be collected and inventoried within 24 hours
of death and delivered to a MACP by the Theater Summary Courts-Martial Officer/Inventory
Officer/Inventory Board (SCMO/IO/IB) who collected the PE within 72 hours of death. A
memorandum for record will accompany the PE explaining the delay if operational constraints or
other challenges prohibited meeting these goals. The nearest MACP will be verbally notified of
any potential delay and an expected date PE will be delivered to the MACP. The SCMO/IO/IB
designated by the commander for these duties is encouraged to contact the TMAO or the JPED
for guidance on preparing PE, (see Appendix F for the JPED SCMO Worksheet). Personal
property of living personnel departing theater due to combat or non-combat related injuries or
illness will not be turned into the MACP, but returned to CONUS rear-detachments through unit
supply channels.
b. Movement of PE. MACPs will accept PE containers from the Theater SCMO/IO/IB,
perform the customs inspection to certify clear of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and prohibited
items (may be a paper review if already sealed), provide numbered seals to the SCMO/IO/IB and
witness the SCMO/IO/IB seal the containers if not already sealed. Mortuary affairs facilities
will document the containers received and their associated seal numbers on a memorandum for
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
record or DA Form 4137, Evidence/Property Custody Document, and provide a copy to the
SCMO/IO/IB. Mortuary affairs facilities with x-ray capability will scan to confirm no UXO.
MACPs will coordinate evacuation of PE to the JPED at Dover AFB. MACPs normally do not
joint inventory or document PE delivered by the SCMO/IO/IB on inventory forms. MACPs
receive sealed containers and ship to the JPED. Ensure all PE is prepared for shipment with
special handling code of “KY” where “K” indicates clothing and “Y” indicates that the shipment
requires special handling hand-to-hand receipt. This designation complies with requirements to
protect PE from damage and pilfering.
c. Household Goods (HHG). Household goods (e.g. furnishings, refrigerators, wash
machines) will be processed through normal transportation channels pursuant to the Joint Travel
Regulation and Service regulation authorizations. HHG will not be processed through MACPs,
d. Retained PE. PE may be retained as evidence by law enforcement or investigative
authorities (e.g., U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division, Air Force Officer of Special
Investigations, Naval Criminal Investigative Service). These retained items must be documented
with a copy of the chain of custody document provided to the SCMO/IO/IB to add to the
inventory packet. The JPED may be able to offer assistance with the agency’s disposition of the
property upon release of the retained items. Investigative agencies may contact AFMES and/or
JPED to inquire about additional items that may have been received with HRs or PE that are
subsequently determined to be required for investigation purposes. Arrangements may be made
to transfer custody of the item(s) to the appropriate agency.
e. If LSCO prevent the ability of local Aerial Port Squadrons to ship PE, PE pallets will be
moved to the Kuwait City International Airport TMEP without delay. The Kuwait TMEP
functions as the Theater Personal Effects Depot to consolidate PE and ship to the JPED. Any
deviations from this location will be coordinated with the TMAO and CDDOC for approval.
a. Disassociated PE are PEs found at an incident site or at the location of the death but not
found on the HR or cannot be associated to a particular decedent at the time of recovery. These
effects may also be referred to as unassociated effects. Disassociated Effects (DE) provide
investigators important information to aid in determining the potential identities of those
involved in the incident and potential evidence that may be used to determine the events.
b. DE recovered from a mass casualty incident that can not immediately be associated to an
individual decedent will be placed into a separate biohazard bag or Ziplock bag as needed to
maintain the integrity of the whole item that is still connected to itself. As items are checked for
UXO and UXO cleared from the item, return found items to the location on the item (pocket or
pouch) where found. This aides AFMES in re-associating an item to an individual decedent for
forensic evidence purposes and aides the JPED/Mortuary SCMO in determining association for
disposition. Place the disassociated effects card in the Ziplock bag containing the item. All
individually packaged DE are placed into as few HRPs as necessary and then placed into a
transfer case for shipping to AFMES.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
a. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is on the Service Member at the time of the
incident/death should remain on the deceased member through evacuation undisturbed until
received at the AFMES. Visible PPE is annotated on the DD Form 1076 and shipped with the
deceased undisturbed other than ensuring no unexploded ordnance is present.
b. PPE from the incident site separated from and not physically on the deceased due to
lifesaving measures or force of the incident is preferred to be collected by the unit (or MACP
staff if recovering from a medical facility) and brought to the MACP with the deceased. Do not
remove any identifying name tapes or tags. PPE will be annotated on a DD 1076, placed in a
biohazard bag, zip tied, placed towards the feet end of the transfer case (outside of the remains
HRP) and shipped with the deceased in the same transfer case to the AFMES. A memo will be
created and forwarded with the PPE shipment by the MACP indicating who recovered the PPE,
from where it was recovered and who delivered it to the MACP. Dates and times or an
approximate time of these events will be included in the memo when available to aid in
associating PPE to an individual deceased member. Any reports that PPE is positively
associated to an individual deceased member will be documented on the memo as to who
reported and their reasoning for positive association to the deceased. Contact info will be
provided for each individual listed on the memo. These memos are critical in aiding AFMES
and the JPED/Mortuary SCMO in confirming the association of PPE, and any PE that may be
contained within, to an individual decedent in mass casualty events.
c. PPE separated from the deceased and subsequently discovered at the incident site during
clearing operations or overlooked at a medical treatment facility and not recovered in time to be
evacuated with the deceased will be collected by the unit (or MACP staff if recovering from a
medical facility) and brought to the closest MACP. PPE will be annotated on a DD 1076, placed
into a biohazard bag, zip tied closed, entered into MARTS under a new “D” disassociated effects
evacuation number and shipped under a new unique TCN in a transfer case to the AFMES. A
memo will be created and forwarded with the PPE shipment by the MACP indicating who
recovered the PPE, from where it was recovered and who delivered it to the MACP. Dates and
times or an approximate time of these events will be included in the memo when available to aid
in associating PPE to an individual decedent. Any reports that PPE is positively associated to an
individual decedent will be documented on the memo as to who reported and their reasoning for
positive association to the decedent. Contact info will be provided for each individual listed on
the memo. These memos are critical in aiding AFMES and the JPED/Mortuary SCMO in
confirming the association of PPE, and any PE that may be contained within, to an individual
decedent in mass casualty events.
d. Any MACP or TMEP that becomes aware of DE will immediately notify the TMAO. The
TMAO will call the on-call AFMES Medico-legal Death Investigator on the on-call duty cell to
advise of any subsequent found PPE that will be shipped to AFMES so that the assigned Medical
Examiner can be made aware of the items being shipped. AFMES may also be called to provide
specific guidance on any unique circumstances that arise that are not covered by this guidance.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
e. PPE (TA-50/OCIE/782 Gear) and other U.S. Government property subsequently found
after an incident in living quarters or billeting area of the deceased member, but not present or
involved in the incident, will be collected by the SCMO/IO/IB. Items may appear to be issued
even though the member purchased the item. After verifying with logistic personnel (Unit
Supply Rep) the SCMO/IO/IB (not MA personnel) will determine the disposition of the items
not on government hand receipts or accountability documents. Items reasonably suspected to be
personally owned will be shipped in a footlocker(s) or other sealed container(s) as PE to the
JPED for processing.
See Reference (eye) for detailed guidance.
a. Portions recovered from the same general location should not be individually bagged,
unless instructed to do so by an AFMES official. The recovery location for each portion is
critical to an investigation. When at all possible, maintain anatomical integrity and keep HR
together. Place the portions in a clear sealable bag for evacuation. Bagged portions are placed in
an HRP and shipped to AFMES in a transfer case.
b. Portions from the same incident found in multiple locations with a low probability of
comingling should be bagged individually with other portions from the same location. E.g.,
portions from two rooms in which a grenade attack occurred where the center wall is intact.
Portions from one room should be packaged together in one bag and portions from the other
room should be packaged in another bag. Recovery location is indicated on the bag, both
collections are double bagged, sealed and then placed in an HRP to be shipped to AFMES in a
transfer case.
a. The DoD Customs and Border Clearance Senior Agriculture Agent (SAA) program is in
place to enhance military operations by preventing entry of contraband and agricultural pests into
the Defense Transportation System, U.S., and host nations. Trained SAA staff were formerly
known as Customs and Border Clearance Agents (CBCA). CBCA is now associated with the
fully trained individuals that clear all items for re-entry to the Customs Territory of the United
States. USARCENT is designated as the program manager for USCENTCOM. USARCENT
G36 Customs Program Manager provides training for deploying mortuary affairs personnel
(military occupational specialty 92M) to pre-clear HR and PE. The commander of the unit
deploying under 1TSC’s mortuary affairs company Force Tracking Number (FTN) to staff
USCENTCOM mortuary affairs facilities is required to ensure the program manager is contacted
at least 120 days prior to deployment in order to schedule and complete training before
deployment. Trained and certified mortuary affairs personnel receive limited scope authorization
to pre-clear HR and PE during their deployment. Authority to pre-clear HR and PE ends upon
redeployment. Mortuary affairs personnel are not authorized to pre-clear unit equipment for
deployment nor redeployment.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
b. Human Remains. MACPs and TMEP are responsible for ensuring that HR and transfer
case/containers are examined and certified by mortuary affairs personnel to prevent introduction
of narcotics, drugs, and other contraband items during processing and movement of remains to
the Customs Territory of the United States.
(1) The mortuary affairs individual present during the preparation and inspection of
remains will ensure that each HR and transfer case/container is examined for prohibited and
restricted items prior to closure and sealing of the transfer case/container. Any prohibited items
found are reported to the Geographic Combatant Command’s Customs, Agriculture, and Border
Clearance Coordinator (i.e., Provost Marshall) for final determination and disposition.
Documentation will be uploaded to MARTS to provide a record of item(s) withdrawn and
disposition (e.g., chain of custody form, confiscation memo, etc.).
(2) Mortuary affairs certifies completion of the examination by annotating and signing the
following statement on the DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document,
The attached HR transfer case contains no prohibited items or commodities.” See Figure 1.
Figure 1. DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
c. PE of Deceased, or Missing in Action Service Members, DoD Civilian employees, or
contractors. PE must be free of narcotics, drugs, and other contraband items prior to movement
to a CONUS Joint Personal Effects Depot or family members/NOK.
(1) For PE shipped to JPED by mortuary affairs personnel: Very strict security protocols
are in place at the JPED. PE of eligible decedents are delivered to a mortuary affairs collection
point. A mortuary affairs NCO will conduct an inspection/examination of the PE, ensure the
containers are sealed, and will affix a DD Form 2855, U.S. Military Customs and Border
Clearance Program, label to the PE shipping container to certify as cleared of any prohibited
items (See figure 2). The PE will be shipped to the JPED by the mortuary affairs personnel
primarily through the military transportation system or official US Mail if the military
transportation system is not available. Current Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Prohibited
and Restricted Items are listed at https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us- citizens/know-before-you-
go/prohibited-and-restricted-items. Any prohibited items found are reported to the Geographic
Combatant Command’s Customs, Agriculture, and Border Clearance Coordinator (i.e., Provost
Marshall) for final determination and disposition. Documentation will be uploaded to MARTS
to provide a record of item(s) withdrawn and disposition (e.g., chain of custody form,
confiscation memo, etc.).
Figure 2. DD Form 2855, U.S. Military Customs and Border Clearance Program
(2) For PE NOT shipped to JPED by mortuary affairs personnel: Personal effects that are
not eligible for preparation by the JPED must be inspected and cleared of prohibited items before
being shipped to home station personal effects inventory officer, employing company
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
representatives or directly to Family. The shipper is responsible for scheduling the Geographic
Combatant Command’s Customs, Agriculture, and Border Clearance Coordinator (i.e., Provost
Marshall), to ensure PE shipments are free of the contraband items (see CBP Prohibited and
Restricted Items at https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us- citizens/know-before-you-go/prohibited-and-
restricted-items). If a CBCA conducts an inspection/examination of the PE, the CBCA will affix
a DD Form 2855 label to the PE shipping container and seal the container. Commercial carrier,
military transportation system, or U.S. Mail procedures will be utilized if the combatant
command does not have a clearance coordinator. CBP will be responsible for completing
customs clearance at the first CONUS arrival port.
d. PE of Injured Service Members, DoD Civilian employees, or contractors evacuated from a
Theater of Operation. PE must be free of narcotics, drugs, and other contraband items prior to
movement to the injured member’s location, family members, or NOK. The unit supply
sergeant, company human resources representative or other shipper is responsible for scheduling
the Geographic Combatant Command’s Customs, Agriculture, and Border Clearance
Coordinator (i.e., Provost Marshall), to ensure PE shipments are free of the contraband items (see
CBP Prohibited and Restricted Items at https://www.cbp.gov/travel/us- citizens/know-before-
you-go/prohibited-and-restricted-items). If a CBCA conducts an inspection/examination of the
PE, the CBCA will affix a DD Form 2855 label to the PE shipping container and seal the
container. Commercial carrier, military transportation system, or U.S. Mail procedures will be
utilized if the combatant command does not have a clearance coordinator. CBP will be
responsible for completing customs clearance at the first CONUS arrival port.
MACP and other MA personnel are available to provide an orientation or training on MA
policies and procedures to include MASCAL fatality operations and unit recovery team
operations. In coordination with TMAO, local MACP personnel or other subject matter experts
may be requested to assist unit commanders with mortuary affairs awareness and specific
training. Commanders at all levels are encouraged to include mortuary affairs personnel in
exercises and training to assist in providing a better understanding of operations and capabilities.
Mortuary affairs personnel are true professionals that are dedicated to the honorable care for all
decedents. A memo will be submitted by the MA activity to JMAO through the TMAO and
USARCENT MAO upon completion of the training or exercise. The memo will include relevant
details such as the names of MA staff providing training or participating, the participating unit,
names of the supported commander and senior enlisted advisor, and a summary of training or
exercise comments, recommendations or observations relating to mortuary affairs.
a. Successful timely recovery of U.S. Military and other U.S. Citizen decedents from host
nations often require extensive coordination between mortuary affairs, U.S. Embassy, DoS,
medical services, local law enforcement agencies and others. MACP OIC and NCOIC pre-
coordination and relationship building efforts upon assignment to a MACP can greatly aid in
expediting remains release. Becoming familiar with host nation procedures, documentation
requirements, and cultural differences to capture or update in local MACP Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP) provides a basis to expedite releases in the future. Mortuary affairs personnel
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
possess vast knowledge and experience in matters of death that can produce better mortuary
affairs language in host nation support agreements.
b. MACP OIC and NCOICs should make contact with their camp or air base Host Nation
Coordination Cell if their location has one, U.S. Embassy staff, and the host nation’s support
office or the equivalent offices upon assignment to begin building relationships. MA review of
host nation support agreements can identify areas to focus or assist in coordination that de-
conflicts jurisdictional issues between the U.S. Military and the Host Country for the control and
release of U.S. Human Remains when a death occurs on or off-base, to eliminate litigation, and
minimize recovery and transportation delays. Knowledge gained may also benefit coalition
partners in the recovery of their coalition remains.
a. MA records management adheres to Reference (x). Due to the inherent sensitivity of death
and the mortuary affairs mission, all information obtained by MA personnel must be kept
confidential and used for official purposes only.
b. Individual Deceased Case File (IDCF) records are primarily maintained electronically in
MARTS. All documentation received by a mortuary affairs facility must be uploaded to the
MARTS program. The document originals are forwarded with remains.
c. Mortuary affairs facility level documentation is maintained at the specific mortuary affairs
facility. Upon closing of the site, records are transferred to the next higher echelon: MACP or
TMEP to TMAO to USCENTCOM JMAO. Efforts are being pursued to add a capability to
MARTS to allow uploading facility level documentation to a new section in MARTS. These
original facility documents must be maintained and held until a permanent system of record is
available to record a scan of these documents.
d. Paper IDCF are forwarded with remains to AFMES. AFMES will retain these documents
from the IDCF indefinitely as part of the AFMES case file. When AFMES does not direct
remains to AFMES, also forward case file with remains. Disposition of the case file cannot be
ensured when received by civilian funeral homes and other entities. Therefore, the mortuary
affairs facility will perform a quality control review to ensure all documents in the deceased case
file are uploaded to MARTS as a permanent historical record. Prioritize scanning and uploading
any final death certificate or consular report of overseas death.
e. IDCF are maintained at the local MA facility for two years. Most documents are local
working documents used to evacuate remains out of the USCENTCOM AOR. These documents
are copies of documents permanently filed in other systems of record.
(1) Upon expiration of the holding period, a quality control review is conducted by the
MACP to ensure all documents in the individual case files are uploaded to the deceased’s
individual evacuation record in MARTS. The MACP OIC (or NCOIC if an OIC is not assigned)
will prepare a memorandum for record listing the deceased files by name and evacuation number
certifying that the records were confirmed to be uploaded to MARTS. The MACP will ship the
records to the TMAO.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(2) TMAO will conduct a random review of 10 percent of the listed decedent case files to
confirm complete uploading of the files to MARTS. Audit results will be reported to the
USARCENT MAO and USCENTCOM JMAO listing any discrepancies (e.g., description of
documents found to not be uploaded to MARTS). USARCENT MAO and USCENTCOM
JMAO will review the discrepancies. If USARCENT MAO and USCENTCOM JMAO approve,
the certified files may be destroyed by incineration or shredding to ensure the end product cannot
be reassembled nor read. The OIC or NCOIC supervising the destruction will prepare a
memorandum for record certifying that the listed case files were destroyed, the date of
destruction, location, and the means used to complete destruction.
a. Avoid exposing professional mortuary affairs personnel or personnel assigned to support
mortuary affairs operations to the “deadly triangle.” Limit personnel’s exposure to all three main
stressors: Human Remains, Surviving Family Members, and Personal Effects. Exposure to all
three grief elements completes the overall picture of the deceased and creates a familiarity that
causes the mortuary affairs team member to increase the risk of internalizing the death.
b. MA personnel endure unique stresses placed upon them during deployments. By design a
Quarter Master MA company deployment is for six-month rotations during extended
contingency operations for elements that actively have an affiliated MA company mission. This
methodology has reduced the post-traumatic stress disorder cases among MA personnel working
in an arduous and grueling environment. Leaders must ensure that during and after these
deployments, MA Staff are allowed to decompress after dealing with death on a daily basis. The
mortuary affairs facility should allow staff to process experiences together as a group or one-on-
one when the workload allows. Leaders should coordinate with the local chaplain and
behavioral health team personnel to plan and implement a decompression program upon a
Service member’s return from deployment and maintain a resiliency program that will promote a
healthy physical and mental fitness life style.
c. Before deployment and before especially traumatic cases, leaders should tell personnel
what they are likely to see and give some suggestions on how they can deal with it. For
example, personnel are likely to confront details of the deceased’s personal life when working
with PE and overwhelming sensory stimulation (examples of this would be sights, smells, and
sounds) when working with the HR.
d. For many, exposure to and handling of PE is more difficult than handling HR. The
deceased are likely to have photos, letters, a watch, and a ring, all of which can provoke thoughts
about the deceased’s life. Electronic media constitute a minefield of personal material.
Exposure to personal material can inadvertently draw one into the story of the deceased’s life.
As one learns more about the deceased, emotions may become involved and feelings of loss and
grief are more likely. It is best to keep exposure to a minimum such as by taking breaks, avoid
dwelling on the PE or their content, and avoid becoming emotionally involved. It may help the
worker to share his/her thoughts with others and keep in mind the family will appreciate what is
being done for their loved one. Limiting this stressor is the intent of and why USCENTCOM
allows MACPs to receive sealed PE containers and provide a chain of custody form to confirm
receipt of the sealed containers.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
e. Mortuary personnel may see a wide variety of causes and manners of death: penetrating
wounds, blasts, burns, drowning, accidents, suicides, homicides, and natural death. Reactions to
HR may include surprise, shock, horror, curiosity, anger, and grief. Some HR are more
universally stressful to process such as remains of children. The remains of family or friends as
well as deceased Service members who were about the same age, sex, and race and wearing the
same uniform also tend to be stressful.
f. Exposure to HR and risk for emotional involvement should be kept to a minimum.
Suggestions include: Avoid looking at the hands or face, do not dwell on the cause or manner of
death, avoid imagining what the person’s last moments might have been like, remember the soul
is gone and the worker is performing a job.
g. Unpleasant odors associated with HR cannot be avoided and people are likely to feel sick
when they first encounter them. Some supervisors will recommend using masks or masking the
smell by applying menthol cream under the nose or in the nostrils, but the drawback is the
masking smell may become associated with the particular work. Mouth breathing tends to be an
effective way of diminishing unpleasant odors. Some become used to the unpleasant odors over
time, but such adaptation may be difficult.
h. It is particularly important for commanders to receive training on how to recognize distress.
Consulting with the local supporting behavioral health providers is strongly encouraged.
Training should include being alert to signs of distress, being open and approachable by
subordinates, providing support (examples of this would be listening skills and offering
guidance/advice), and knowing when and to whom to make referrals. It is command’s
responsibility to ensure personnel know what support is available, how to access it, and how to
promote a healthy environment. Service members should support one another and encourage
each other to seek help.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
HQ USCENTCOM Logistics and Engineering Directorate will:
a. Manage MA support in the AOR pursuant to DoD, Joint Staff, Service regulations, and HQ
b. In coordination with the LS, determine when to transition from the Combatant Command
MA Program based on contingency operations back to the Peacetime MA Support Program.
c. During contingency operations ensure that MARTS is operational and used by all MA sites.
d. Establish MA policy, procedures, and operational requirements.
e. Ensure compliance by LS, TMAO, and all MA activities.
Service Component Commands will:
a. Ensure subordinate commanders comply with theater MA policies and procedures.
b. Ensure subordinate commanders can perform unit level MA operations.
c. Designate a primary and alternate MAO by memorandum or another official document
(See Appendix C). Provide contact information of the primary and alternate MAOs to the LS,
TMAO, and USCENTCOM JMAO (see Appendix H). Appointees must attend the first
available 4V MAO course at the JMAC, Fort Lee, Virginia upon assignment. JMAC is
developing a virtual 4V course to increase accessibility.
d. Ensure MARTS is operational and used by all MA sites.
e. Use available resources to conduct MA operations. In the event MA resources are not
available or insufficient, notify the TMAO to request assistance.
f. Develop SOPs that specify how subordinate units will conduct MA operations during
contingency operations. The SOP must address actions units are to perform in the event of a
mass fatality and aircraft recovery procedures in both contaminated and non-contaminated
g. Ensure HR transfers and evacuations are not delayed or interfered with for any reason.
h. Ensure HR transfers do not interfere with other flight line operations unless required due to
operational necessity.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
i. Ensure subordinate commanders do not withhold the request of HR evacuation airlift for
any reason.
j. When directed, provide MA services at the local level by regional Service mortuaries or
through established Service contracts in the USCENTCOM AOR pursuant to Reference (ee)
(MTTP 4-46 when published and supersedes ATP 4-46), and Service directives.
k. Develop plans in support of LSCO involving large scale fatalities in the USCENTCOM
AOR. Plans will specify when and where all mortuary facilities will be established and their
projected capabilities.
USCENTCOM Distribution and Deployment Operations Center Director will:
a. Assist TMAO with transportation requests in order to maximize preservation of remains
and ensure the most expeditious repatriation of fallen Service members and other decedents.
b. Serve as review authority for U.S. MILAIR transportation and evacuation of U.S.
government contractors, U.S. Citizens, escorts, coalition forces’ intra-theater airlift and non-U.S.
civilian personnel.
c. CDDOC will strive to return HR as expeditiously as airlift will allow to the Dover Port
Mortuary as directed by AFMES. Airlift will be priority one pursuant to Reference (gg).
U.S Army Central will:
Serve as the LS for MA under the Combatant Command concurrent return MA Program unless
otherwise directed by CDRUSCENTCOM to return to current death MA Program. As the LS,
a. Execute MA operations including those duties exceeding normal peacetime capabilities,
such as responding to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks.
b. Coordinate with HQ USCENTCOM JMAO to establish MA processing facilities which
include a TMAO, Theater Personal Effects Depot, TMEP, MACPs, and a MACRMS based on
MA operational requirements.
c. Report, as directed, to HQ USCENTCOM JMAO on the force structure requirements to
support MA operations.
d. Conduct inspections of MA units (MACPs and TMEPs) assigned to the USCENTCOM
AOR to ensure each site is visited at least once per MA company rotation. Identify program
deficiencies and follow up to ensure corrective actions are taken. Report the results of these staff
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
assistance visits to include corrective actions and progress towards accomplishment of these
e. Ensure units participating in contingency operations are informed of theater MA policies
and procedures and are able to conduct established unit level MA operations.
f. Coordinate with the U.S. Army Regional Mortuary, Europe and Africa (USARM, E-A) to
obtain point of contact information for MA support when the USARM, E-A is used as the
servicing mortuary.
g. Ensure TMAO publishes daily reports detailing the evacuation status of decedents’ remains
and PE. Message traffic is Secret-REL to USA, FVEY until the PADD of HR has been verified
and notified; at which point it becomes Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
h. Ensure TMAO provides HQ USCENTCOM JMAO a monthly update (theater roll-up)
detailing the total number of deaths in the AOR for that month, status of PE recovery and
shipment to JPED, and the overall capability and status of the TMEP, MACPs, and, if applicable,
MACRMS personnel/equipment. In addition, include an explanation of any deficiency and
status of actions and efforts required for correction.
i. Ensure a minimum of one 92M30 Liaison Officer is assigned and located at each MACP
and TMEP to ensure subject matter expertise is available to the local command, MARTS is
accessible, MARTS entries are accurate, and theater MA policies are adhered to.
j. Maintain or establish a refrigerated storage capability for 50 HRs at each MACP or TMEP
to support LSCO. Commercially procured or locally fabricated shelving systems may be used to
increase capacity while avoiding stacking of transfer cases.
U.S. Air Force Central Command will:
a. Maintain a trained MA force structure capability to provide support for geographically
supported units.
b. Ensure AFCENT MACPs and TMEPs comply with Theater MA guidance and policies.
c. Provide and maintain the existing MACP and TMEP capability provided by USAFCENT
to evacuate the deceased of all Services, civilians, and others entitled to mortuary affairs support
from outside the CONUS theaters to the specified DoD mortuary. Maintain or establish a
refrigerated storage capability for 50 HRs at each MACP or TMEP to support LSCO.
d. Serve as the LS under the Peacetime (Current Death) MA Support Program when directed
by CDRUSCENTCOM. As LS for the Current Death MA Program when reimplemented,
(1) Execute MA support to all Services pursuant to References (m) and (n).
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(2) Keep decedents name Secret-REL to USA, FVEY until PADD has been verified and
notified at which point it becomes CUI.
(3) Provide HQ USCENTCOM JMAO a monthly update (theater roll-up) detailing the total
number of deaths in the AOR for that month and the overall capability and status of the MA
facilities. In addition, include an explanation of any equipment or supply deficiency and status
of actions required for correction.
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command will:
a. During contingency operations, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (USNAVCENT)
commanders afloat will evacuate all U.S. HR and PE to the TMEP or nearest MACP. The
TMEP (or MACP) will evacuate HR to the Port Mortuary at Dover AFB. If unable to evacuate
HR due to operational constraints, USNAVCENT will work with the TMAO on an acceptable
means of movement for HR to the Dover Port Mortuary. The conditions established in
Paragraph 2.1g and 2.1g provide guidance on Burial at Sea.
b. Ensure HR are properly stored, comply with USCENTCOM policies, and keep the TMAO
informed of HR evacuation or movement activity. Maintain or establish a refrigerated storage
capability for 50 HRs at each MACP or TMEP to support LSCO.
c. When operations return to the Peacetime MA Support Program, USNAVCENT will follow
Service regulations for the process and evacuation of HR while afloat. Notify and provide
USAFCENT information on HR status.
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command will:
a. Will coordinate through HQ Marine Corps, to request assistance from Marine Forces
Reserves to deploy personnel retrieval platoons when required.
b. Ensure USMC MACPs and TMEPs comply with Theater MA guidance and policies when
c. Maintain or establish a refrigerated storage capability for 50 HRs at each MACP or TMEP
to support LSCO when employed.
d. Provide geographical area support to all Services.
e. Keep decedents name Secret-REL to USA, FVEY until PADD has been verified and
notified at which point it becomes CUI.
f. Provide TMAO a monthly update (theater roll-up) detailing the total number of deaths in
the AOR for that month and the overall capability and status of the MA facilities. In addition,
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
include an explanation of any equipment or supply deficiency and status of actions required for
Theater Mortuary Affairs Office will:
a. During contingency operations, provide MA support, evacuation tracking of the fallen,
guidance, and manage MA operations and assets within the USCENTCOM AOR under the
supervision of USARCENT MAO.
b. Ensure AFMES and the TCAC or Service Casualty Office have received a report of death
for any remains being evacuated to a MACP or TMEP. Confirm whether or not AFMES is
directing remains to Dover AFB. When remains are not directed by AFMES to AFMES for
examination, coordinate transportation disposition with the Service Casualty Office.
c. Notify AFMES immediately upon learning of any subsequent found Portions, PPE, or DE
that will be shipped to AFMES to ensure the assigned Medical Examiner can be made aware of
the items being shipped.
d. Coordinate flight travel for the fallen with CDDOC utilizing the first airlift mission
provided by Air Mobility Division. Coordinate transportation of HR from originating collection
point or TMEP through Ramstein AFB, Germany or other refueling location directed by AMD,
for re-icing and onward movement to final destination.
e. Validate contract company MILAIR Requests to ensure proper reimbursement TAC billing
information and billing POC is included. Ensure the contract provides reimbursable MA support
information to the contractor.
f. Submit HR joint movement request via the “Intra-Theater Airlift Request System (ITARS)”
upon notification from MACP. The ITARS request establishes the requirement for airlift and is
used to justify scheduling the remains movement from the AOR back to Dover Port Mortuary. If
the ITARS request is missing information, it should be submitted as-is and the TMAO will
communicate with the CDDOC to keep them updated as data becomes available.
g. Conduct quarterly inspections of MA facilities (MACPs and TMEPs) assigned to the
USCENTCOM AOR to ensure each site is visited at least once per calendar year. Identify
program deficiencies, ensure SOPs adhere to this regulation, U.S. Army, and USARCENT
guidance, and follow up to ensure corrective actions are taken. Report the results of these staff
assistance visits to include corrective actions and progress towards accomplishment of these
h. Assist USARCENT in developing contingency plans in support of LSCO involving
fatalities in the HQ USCENTCOM AOR.
i. Provide HQ USARCENT and USCENTCOM JMAO daily reports detailing the status of
decedents’ HR and PE pending recovery or in transit until arrival at final destination (AFMES,
final MILAIR requested DoD APOD, or JPED).
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(1) HR trackers (PowerPoint) will include: time elapsed (calculated from Remains Actual
Time of Arrival [RATA], at the origin MACP) with the date and time group of the calculation;
MA Evacuation number; air mission number, decedent type “who;” combat or non-combat
reported status “what;” the location of death “where;” the reported date and time of death
“when;” and disposition “why” (e.g. Pending final determination by AFME, MILAIR
repatriation, or other applicable description). The report will include evacuation status from the
point of origin to the Dover Port Mortuary graphically on a slide scale. The graphic will indicate
time of incident, time TMAO Notified, and all MA sites on the evacuation plan. Estimated times
of arrival and departure will be updated with actual times as movements are confirmed. An
updated tracker is distributed when evacuation path is established, modified, or movements are
confirmed. Message traffic is sent on SIPRNet as Secret-REL to USA, FVEY and limited to
qualified personnel until PNOK has been verified and notified at which point it becomes CUI.
The term “Fallen Hero” insinuates other deaths eligible for mortuary services titled differently
without “Hero” were not heroes or as important. To ensure all decedents are properly honored,
HR tracker filenames and headers will use the “Mortuary Affairs Tracker” heading followed by
the qualifier: “SM” for Service Member, “CIV” for Civilian, “CTR” Contractor, “DEP” for
DoD Sponsored Dependent, or “CL” for Coalition.
(2) Temporarily held HR at a MACP that are not being evacuated to AFMES or a Service
Casualty Office directed location will be reported daily by SIPRNet e-mail until transferred back
to originating organization (e.g. temporary hold of a contractor or coalition member to allow
contract company or coalition nation to arrange evacuation by commercial or coalition air). The
report will include decedent’s status (e.g. Royal Navy, Contractor, etc.), date arrived at MACP,
MACP location, originating organization (e.g. UK Coalition, Lucent Targeting LLC, etc.) and a
description of the plan for disposition updated as the plan may evolve.
(3) A consolidated HR report (Excel Spreadsheet) will be used when six or more
evacuation movement missions are under execution or expected for mass fatality events. Entries
are created upon manifesting a HR on an evacuation mission and removed when the HR arrives
at AFMES or the directed final MILAIR destination. The consolidated HR report will include:
Corresponding Mortuary Affairs Tracker number (correlates to the published tracker for the air
mission) Service (USA, USN, USMC, USAF), personnel status (SM, CIV, CTR), rank, last
name, first name, date of death, location of death, date HR arrived at origin MACP, Radio-
Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag number, last known location with date. HR mission
trackers will be titled “Mortuary Affairs Tracker-YYYY-A update 1” using the calendar year of
initial scheduled flight and a one character sequential alphabet letter to distinguish missions and
the update number to distinguish future updates. Once all one character alphabet letters are used,
double letters will be used (e.g., AA, AB, AC, AD) until exhausted. The sequence continues
with the next sequential combination (e.g., BA, BB, BC, BD). Message traffic is sent on
SIPRNet as Secret-REL to USA, FVEY and limited to qualified personnel until PNOK has been
verified and notified at which point it becomes CUI.
(4) PE trackers ensure PE is monitored for collection and evacuation in a timely manner for
U.S. Service members, DoD civilians, and DoD contractors when PE will be sent to JPED.
Entries are created on an Excel spreadsheet upon death and removed when the PE shipment
arrives at the JPED. The PE tracker will include: Service (USA, USN, USMC, USAF),
personnel status (SM, CIV, CTR), rank, first two letters of last name, date of death, location of
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
death, date PE delivered to MACP, RFID Tag number, last known location with date. Each
individual transfer case containing disassociated effects from an event being shipped to AFMES
will be reported on a single line entry with the corresponding RFID tag tracking number.
Message traffic is sent encrypted on Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet)
as CUI and is limited to qualified JPED, TMAO, ARCENT MAO, and USCENTCOM JMAO
j. Provide HQ USARCENT and HQ USCENTCOM JMAO a monthly update (theater roll-up)
by the fifth of the month for the previous month detailing by location the total number of fallen
prepared, the total number of PE processed and shipped, the total refrigerated HR storage
capability, equipment status, and supply level status of all MA assets. Include corrective actions
and progress towards accomplishment of these actions in the report.
k. In countries operating under the Peacetime MA Support Program, the TMAO will work
with the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate to coordinate casualty procedures and
l. Forward paper records to USCENTCOM J4 JMAO at the end of concurrent return
operations and the closing of the TMAO. Ensure an electronic copy of the current
MACP/TMEP/TMAO SOP is provided to USARCENT MAO and JMAO within 10 days of
effective date.
m. Coordinate with MA Company FTN rotations to identify and deploy a minimum 92M20
level Liaison Officer to non-USARCENT MA sites to provide concurrent return MA program
expertise, theater MA policy and procedure oversight, and to ensure MARTS operational
support. Confirm incoming MA Company has coordinated JMAC MARTS training and the
activation of individual MARTS accounts between 90 to 120 days prior to deployment to ensure
MARTS accounts are activated before deployment.
n. Develop a maintenance support plan in coordination with the MA Company FTN rotations
to ensure all essential MA equipment and systems are fully mission capable (e.g., vehicles,
refrigeration units, ice machines, MARTS access, printers, scanners, phone lines, computers,
networks, RFID write capability). Track faults resulting in non-mission capable status being
reported until corrective actions are taken. Supervise MA Company FTN rotation’s liaison
relationship with local supporting commands providing direct maintenance support to ensure
cooperative efforts to resolve any faults with an emphasis on non-mission capable faults.
o. Supervise the MA company’s resiliency plan to ensure MA staff are cared for while
performing the demanding MA mission. Ensure mental health support is provided for MA
locations and communication systems are in place to make sure staff are coping well and have
readily available means to reach out for assistance privately if desired. Chaplain and other
mental health support resources’ contact information must be provided to all MA staff. An
emphasis should be placed on established support networks that MA staff may already be
familiar with and more likely to contact.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point will:
a. Provide general support in the reception and evacuation of all HR. Upon receipt at the
TMEP, remains will be processed and stored in refrigerated units until onward movement is
available. Use of the USCENTCOM Mortuary Affairs Evacuation Ice Worksheet is required by
all mortuary affairs activities to document icing efforts and resulting transfer case internal
temperature at the receiving mortuary affairs facility. TMEP personnel are responsible for
conducting quality control procedures to ensure all data collected by the MACP is complete,
accurate, uploaded to MARTS, and forwarded with each HR. Storage capability for 50 HRs will
be maintained to support MASCAL events.
b. Notify TMAO immediately upon learning of any subsequent found Portions, PPE, or DE
that will be shipped to AFMES so that the assigned Medical Examiner can be made aware of the
items being shipped.
c. The TMEP will notify the TMAO or HQ USCENTCOM JMAO if strategic airlift cannot
be scheduled to evacuate HR from the TMEP or designated inter-theater hub within 24 hours of
their arrival at the facility. Pursuant to Reference (ee), remains should not be held at the TMEP
for more than 24 hours in order to minimize decomposition, preserve forensic evidence, and
expedite return of remains to the family.
d. Ensure RFID tags are programed and operational. Place a tag on each TC and PE shipment
to track real-time movement. Tracking numbers are normally fourteen numerical digits. Seven
digit RFID tags are obsolete and should be turned in to the local Transportation Movement
Office (TMO).
e. In countries operating under the Combatant Command concurrent return MA Program,
MACPs and/or the TMEP will serve as the primary means of processing, providing quality
control, and evacuating deceased persons eligible for mortuary services from the place of death
to the Dover Port Mortuary.
f. Forward paper records to TMAO when the TMEP ceases operation.
g. Function as a TPED during LSCO to consolidate PE, prepare pallets, and ship PE to the
JPED. Ensure all PE is prepared for shipment with special handling code of “KY” where “K
indicates clothing and “Y” indicates that the shipment requires special handling hand-to-hand
receipt. This designation complies with requirements to protect PE from damage and pilfering.
h. Provide MA Company HQ a monthly update (theater roll-up) by the third of the month for
the previous month detailing the total number of fallen prepared by the TMEP, the total number
of PE processed, the total refrigerated HR storage capability, the overall capability, and
equipment and supply status of all MA assets at the TMEP. Include corrective actions and
progress towards accomplishment of these actions in the roll-up to TMAO.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Mortuary Affairs Collection Point will:
a. Receive, refrigerate, document, and evacuate HR and all their associated PE. MACPs will
contact the TMAO when HR are received for processing; at which time they will begin gathering
preliminary identification information and inventory all PE recovered with the remains. Visible
PE on remains are inventoried without removal or disturbance. All PE on the remains will be
evacuated to AFMES unless an item presents a risk to personnel or aircraft (e.g., explosives, pint
of butane lighter fluid, etc.). Any item nominated for removal must be reported through TMAO
to USARCENT MAO for JMAO approval. HR must be refrigerated until they can be evacuated
to the TMEP or loaded on an aircraft for onward movement. Storage capability for 50 HRs will
be maintained to support MASCAL events.
b. Process and evacuate HR for those authorized MA services pursuant to established training
and regulations. Current icing techniques are published by the Joint Mortuary Affairs Center and
are included in Reference (ee). The goal of water icing and re-icing is to maintain a 34-40
degree Fahrenheit temperature inside the transfer case during the transportation movement to
ensure optimal preservation of unembalmed remains. Use of the USCENTCOM Mortuary
Affairs Evacuation Ice Worksheet is required by all mortuary affairs activities to document icing
efforts and resulting transfer case internal temperature at the receiving mortuary affairs facility.
Uploading completed worksheets to MARTS allows real-time feedback to prior MACPs on the
effectiveness of the icing effort and potential quantity adjustments needed.
c. Notify TMAO immediately upon learning of any subsequent found Portions, PPE, or DE
that will be shipped to AFMES so that the assigned Medical Examiner can be made aware of the
items being shipped.
d. Ensure remains are processed and prepared for evacuation as quickly as possible using air
transport when available, or retrograde convoys to the TMEP for onward movement. Notify the
TMAO and the intermediate MACP or TMEP destination of onward movement.
e. Notify the TMAO, or if unavailable, USCENTCOM JMAO, if intra-theater airlift cannot
be scheduled to evacuate remains from the MACP to the TMEP within 12 hours of arrival.
f. Ensure RFID tags are programed and operational. Place a tag on each TC and PE shipment
to track real-time movement. Tracking numbers are normally fourteen numerical digits. Seven
digit RFID tags are obsolete and should be turned in to the local TMO.
g. Institute formal chain of custody procedures by documenting receipt and onward
movement of remains in the MARTS. Use DD Form 1075 convoy list of remains to document
the chain of custody from the MACP onward.
h. Forward paper records to TMAO when the MACP ceases operation.
i. Provide MA Company HQ a monthly update (theater roll-up) by the third of the month for
the previous month detailing the total number of fallen prepared by the TMEP, the total number
of PE processed, the total refrigerated HR storage capability, the overall capability, and
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
equipment and supply status of all MA assets at the MACP Include corrective actions and
progress towards accomplishment of these actions in the roll-up to TMAO.
j. Submit an after action review to USCENTCOM JMAO, through TMAO and USARCENT
MAO, upon completion of the coordinated release of U.S. human remains from a host nation
hospital, mortuary, or other host nation agency. As soon as practicable once the MACP staff
have recovered, detail actions taken, other personnel or agencies that supported the MACP, and
documentation required by host nation to secure the release in order to aid future coordination
efforts at all MACPs.
k. Update MACP SOP prior to end of rotation and provide a copy to TMAO.
Service Component Command Mortuary Affairs Officer will:
a. Conduct MA training and awareness to ensure compliance with this regulation,
Reference (ee) and applicable Service regulations and with assistance from TMAO. MA support
begins at the tactical unit level.
b. Advise commanders to ensure a DA Form 1156 is prepared with available information to
accompany the remains to the MACP when a death occurs.
c. Monitor recovery of remains and associated PE of assigned personnel, including
organizational clothing and individual equipment. Recovery of deceased personnel must be
accomplished as soon as the operational environment permits safe recovery. Units unable to
recover deceased personnel due to traumatic loss, loss exceeding unit capabilities, or operational
environmental factors will request additional search and recovery support from the TMAO.
d. Ensure remains are recovered utilizing HRP(s) and transported with the personal effects
found on remains.
e. Ensure a member of the recovery team is prepared to provide tentative identification and
accompany the remains to the MACP or medical facility.
f. Ensure HR(s) are transported by the quickest means possible to the closest MACP for
processing and evacuation to the Dover Port Mortuary. If transportation of HR from the incident
location or medical treatment facility cannot be accomplished within four hours of death, HR
may be moved to an alternate location for cooling and proper preservation while awaiting
evacuation. Units will notify the TMAO, and if necessary, request command assistance to
transport HR to a MACP for onward movement. See Paragraph 2.1.b for guidance on
accomplishing cooling of an HR.
g. Ensure initial and supplemental personnel casualty reports are submitted pursuant to
established DoD and Service directives.
h. Provide the TMAO relevant information related to a death (as applicable): The believed-
to-be identities of the deceased (name, grade, SSN, branch of service, and unit of assignment),
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
estimated date, time, and place of the incident, and the apparent cause of death. These details
will not be discussed, displayed or announced publicly for any reason. This information will
only be shared with MA personnel and immediate commanders on a NEED-TO-KNOW basis,
and managed as personally identifiable information. Positive identification is determined by
AFMES and notifications to NOK are made through the casualty notification process.
i. Ensure the decedent’s billeting area is secured as soon as practical to protect PE. Ensure a
Summary Courts-Martial Officer/Inventory Officer/Inventory Board is assigned within 12 hours
of death to recover PE within 48 hours, safeguard and deliver decedent’s PE to the nearest
MACP within 72 hours of death. See Appendix F for the SCMO Checklist and JPED contact
info for guidance. Submit a memorandum with an estimated SCMO/IO/IB appointment,
collection and delivery timelines to TMAO if operational constraints prevent meeting specific
j. Maintain a stock of HRPs equal to 10 percent of current manpower strength for units at
Brigade, Regiment, and below. Division-level units and above, Combat Support, and Combat
Service Support units will maintain a stock of HRPs equal to 5 percent of their current strength.
Units responsible for maintaining Class IX stocks for the theater will maintain additional stocks
of HRPs equal to 5 percent of the combined strength of the units they support. Units will ensure
HRPs are secured, stored out of sight, and issued for MA purposes only.
Senior Defense Officials at U.S. Embassies will:
a. Designate a primary and alternate MAO in writing (see Appendix C). Provide contact
information for the primary and alternate MAO to the LS, TMAO, and USCENTCOM JMAO
(see Appendix H). Ensure MAO is properly trained in MA operations. They may attend the first
available on-line distance learning 4V MAO course provided by JMAC, Fort Lee upon
b. Maintain updated copies of all Joint and Service specific MA regulations, directives and
guides as listed in Appendix J.
c. Develop SOP for local MA processes and evacuation. Provide the current SOP to HQ
USCENTCOM JMAO and as updated.
d. Request support as needed from the TMAO.
When requested on behalf of HQ USCENTCOM, USARM, E-A is available to guide and assist
the LS and the TMAO on mortuary procedures when recovering and transporting HR to
Ramstein AFB with transfer to USARM, E-A facilities in Landstuhl, Germany for mortuary
services and processing.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
MA-related information for USCENTCOM is included in Component situation reports, fallen
evacuation status reports, monthly TMAO MA supply roll-up, or as otherwise directed by
3.15. BOARDS
The HQ USCENTCOM JMAO, USARCENT MAO, and TMAO do not participate routinely on
any USCENTCOM Boards. Participation is as needed upon request.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
The proponent of this regulation is the HQ USCENTCOM Operations Division, Directorate of
Logistics and Engineering (CCJ4-J43). Units are invited to submit comments and suggested
improvements directly to HQ USCENTCOM ATTN: CCJ4-J43OPS/JMAO, 7115 South
Boundary Boulevard, MacDill AFB FL 33621-5101, JMAO SIPRNet e-mail:
centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-[email protected], SVoIP 302-529-3453; NIPRNet e-
mail centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-joint[email protected], DSN 312-529-3453;
Commercial 813-529-3453.
Publications and Forms are available on the USCENTCOM SIPRNet Releasable (REL)
Publications Information Portal at the following link:
https://ccj6.rel.centcom.smil.mil/R_DIV/RD/RDP/SitePages/Home.aspx. This CCR and related
references are available on the USCENTCOM JMAO page at
There are no releasability restrictions on this instruction within the U.S. Federal Government.
Contact the USCENTCOM Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Office if requested for public
release pursuant to the FOIA.
This regulation will expire in five years pursuant to USCENTCOM CCR 25-30, Preparation of
Administrative Publications, unless revised or rescinded.
Major General, U.S. Army
Chief of Staff
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Purpose. To provide guidance on the refrigerated storage of HR in the USCENTCOM AOR.
The intent of this policy is to ensure support is provided within the scope of authorizations.
2. Applicability. This policy applies to all U.S. and Coalition units operating in the
USCENTCOM AOR. JTF Commanders and Service Component Commanders are responsible
for implementing this policy within their commands. Contractors Authorized to Accompany the
Force (CAAF) are subject to Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA) and Uniform
Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
3. References.
a. DoDD 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy, Incorporates Change 2, 2 September 2021
b. DoDI 1300.29, Mortuary Affairs Program, 28 June 2021
c. DoDI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS), Incorporates Change 2, 31 August
d. AR 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program, 13 July 2021
4. Policy. U.S. Military mortuary affairs facilities in the USCENTCOM AOR may be the only
accessible locations to provide refrigerated storage for HR to aid in HR preservation. Losing
commands will notify MACPs of a human remain(s) being recovered to their location. TMAO
will be notified by phone of alerts to inbound decedents without delay. Acceptance of remains
occurring without an alert will be reported to TMAO within an hour of arrival and MARTS
entries will be completed within four hours of arrival. The following procedures apply to the
acceptance and refrigerated storage of the specific status of HR. The AFMES may not direct
remains to AFMES if the circumstances of death do not warrant a medico-legal death
investigation or if statutory authority to exert jurisdiction cannot be made. In these cases, the
losing command’s assistance may be needed to coordinate the final disposition.
a. U.S. Military, DoD Civilian Employees, U.S. Contractors (U.S. Citizen and non-citizen),
U.S. Citizens, and Coalition Partners are authorized recovery to a MACP for refrigerated storage
until transportation or disposition can be arranged. The losing command or activity must provide
a death certificate, identification media (e.g., photo identification) for the deceased, a DA 1156,
or USCENTCOM equivalent, and a point of contact whom will assist with arranging final
disposition if not directed to AFMES. Companies are responsible for coordinating transportation
for their deceased employees; see Appendix B for specific guidance.
b. Non-U.S. Citizens (local national or other country national citizens) that are not employees
of a U.S contract company who die on U.S. Military installations may be recovered to a MACP
for refrigerated storage until release to parent nation or disposition can be arranged. The
documentation requirements listed in 4.a. are met to the extent allowed by circumstances of the
deceased. The physician declaring death will contact AFMES to determine if a forensic
examination is required. The physician declaring death will contact host nation authorities to
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
coordinate transfer of remains to local authorities when an AFMES examination is not required.
When host nation authorities refuse to accept the transfer of non-U.S. Citizen (non-U.S.
Contractor remains) the following steps are followed:
(1) For local national remains, the mortuary affairs activity will contact the International
Committee of the Red Crescent (ICRC) to request assistance in transfer of remains to local
(2) For citizens of countries other than where the mortuary affairs activity is located or
when local transfer is unavailable due to political or other reasons, the mortuary affairs activity
will contact the nearest U.S. Embassy for assistance. When there is no U.S. Embassy, the U.S.
DoS will be contacted to assist with transfer to nation of citizenship or other disposition. A
request for assistance will be elevated to TMAO, USARCENT MAO and USCENTCOM JMAO
if disposition is not coordinated after 24 hours of the receipt of remains.
c. Deceased enemy who die in U.S. Custody may require an AFMES examination. As such,
these deceased enemy are authorized recovery to a MACP for refrigerated storage until
transportation to AFMES or disposition can be arranged. AFMES and the command’s legal staff
must be consulted to determine whether or not an examination is required. Deceased enemy are
afforded the same dignity, honor and respect as U.S. Citizens, but are stored separately in
refrigerated storage designated for enemy combatants. The documentation requirements listed in
4.a. are met to the extent allowed by circumstances of the deceased. The command exercising
authority over enemy decedent at the time of death is responsible for coordinating release to the
host nation or other entity for final disposition when not directed to AFMES for examination.
d. Deceased enemy who die outside of U.S control or custody or during combat engagements
are left undisturbed for local authorities or enemy combatants to provide recovery and
e. Local civilian population not on a U.S. military instillation who die as a result of enemy
action or as a result of U.S. or Coalition military operations are not recovered to a MACP or
TMEP. The deceased are cared for by the host nation under local traditions and religious beliefs.
f. Remains temporarily held to allow contract companies, coalition members, or other entities
time to coordinate transportation require the same documentation as listed in 4.a. The limitations
of MARTS programming require unique procedures to document the temporary hold. Mortuary
affairs personnel will perform a joint inspection with the origin activity to ensure no UXO is
present. The HRP will be sealed in the presence of the origin activity’s representative and a
memorandum for record created to be signed by both parties attesting to the number of the seal
applied. The memo will include a final signature line to be used when retrieving remains by the
original activity to document the seal matches the original seal. When the seal memo is used, no
DD Form 1076 is required. Mortuary affairs personnel will create an entry in MARTS and
upload the required documentation. A MARTS remarks entry will be made indicating
“Temporary Hold for (name of originating activity).” No ship to entry is required. Upon release
to the originating activity, the DD Form 1075 will be completed with legible entries for the
person recovering the remains. The entry for “action/change of custody purpose” will be “return
to original activity for disposition.” The final DD Form 1075 will be uploaded to MARTS. A
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
MARTS remarks entry will be made indicating “Remains released to originating activity (Name
of person recovering remains) for final disposition.”
g. Decedent with U.S. Government interest. Military Criminal Investigative Organizations,
U.S. State Department or other Investigative agencies that present an investigative interest in a
specific decedent that normally would not be recovered to a MACP for evacuation to AFMES
will present such interest to AFMES for further coordination. AFMES will verbally notify the
JMAO and TMAO and follow up with e-mail confirmation on the rare occurrence where enemy
or other decedents who die outside of U.S control or custody or during combat engagements are
directed to AFMES for examination so that the mortuary affairs team may be prepared to
receive. Other unique circumstances may originate at the Combatant Command level.
Approved DoD support will be communicated by the JMAO.
5. Responsibilities.
a. U.S. Military Commanders or Civilian Leadership.
(1) Recover authorized decedents to the nearest MACP.
(2) Provide an alert to the local mortuary affairs facility of inbound remains and provide
required documentation.
(3) Assist in disposition of remains when AFMES does not require an examination.
b. Employers of contractors supporting the DoD.
(1) Recover authorized decedents to the nearest MACP.
(2) Coordinate with Next-of-Kin to provide disposition of remains when AFMES does not
require an examination.
(3) Coordinate transportation of decedents to disposition location directed by the Person
with Authority to Effect Disposition (PAED).
c. Attending physician or physician declaring death.
(1) Complete a death certificate for the deceased.
(2) For non-U.S. Citizens, contact AFMES to determine if a forensic examination is
required. Coordinate with host nation to determine death investigation requirements or
jurisdictional considerations.
d. Mortuary affairs facility.
(1) Alert TMAO on inbound remains.
(2) Coordinate with ICRC for disposition of non-U.S. Citizen remains.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(3) Request TMAO and JMAO assistance when disposition of remains has not been
confirmed after 24 hours of the receipt of remains.
6. Point of Contact. The point of contact for this policy is the JMAO in the CCJ4-J43OPS
Division who can be reached at: SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-
[email protected].mil, or NIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Purpose. To provide guidance on the movement of HR to comply with the AFMES
examination, when directed, or to provide disposition as coordinated by the respective Service
Casualty Office when remains are not directed to AFMES. The intent of this policy is to ensure
support is provided within the scope of authorizations.
2. Applicability. This policy applies to all U.S. and Coalition units operating in the
USCENTCOM AOR. JTF Commanders and Service Component Commanders are responsible
for implementing this policy within their commands. CAAF are subject to MEJA and UCMJ.
3. References.
a. DoDD 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy, Incorporates Change 2, 2 September 2021
b. DoDI 1300.29, Mortuary Affairs Program, 28 June 2021
c. DoDI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS), Change 2, 31 August 2018
d. DoDI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility, Incorporating Change 5, 23 October 2020
e. DoDI 5154.30 Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) Operations, Incorporates
Change 1, 21 December 2017
f. DoDI 5505.10, Criminal Investigations of Noncombat Deaths, Change 1, 28 April 2020
g. AR 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program, 13 July 2021
4. Policy. HR will be evacuated out of the USCENTCOM AOR as expeditiously as possible to
preserve the HR for the AFMES forensic examination and to best preserve remains for the
family’s funeral services. The following summarize transportation and mortuary services
provided based on whether or not remains are directed to AFMES. Transportation authorities
become more complicated when remains are not directed to AFMES.
a. U.S. Military, DoD Civilian Employees, or DoD sponsored dependent accompanying
member on orders. HR will be prepared and evacuated to Dover AFB (or other AFMES
location) when directed by AFMES. When AFMES does not direct to Dover (or other AFMES
location), the respective Service Casualty Office will direct remains to a servicing mortuary
based on family wishes. Normally AFMAO at Dover AFB is the servicing mortuary for
USCENTCOM unless the PADD directs remains be prepared OCONUS due to family residency
or wishes.
b. U.S. Citizen DoD Contractors (Includes U.S. Military retirees working in a DoD contractor
status). Pursuant to References (l) and (o), HR of U.S. DoD contractors who die while
accompanying or supporting U.S. Forces within the AOR will receive MA support pursuant to
established contractual agreements. If the deceased member’s employment contract authorizes
airlift as a government furnished service, and the member’s death occurred during the period of
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
the contract, the parent company may elect to use commercial air or formally request opportune
and non-interference basis reimbursable U.S. MILAIR transportation. (Tabs to Appendix B
provide examples of MILAIR requests for specific circumstances). If MILAIR is desired, the
employer must submit a MILAIR request to TMAO, a Funds Verification and Use Authorization
(FVUA) with sections 1 and 2 completed, a copy of the employee’s Letter of Authorization
(LOA), contract pages covering mortuary affairs support provided by government, death
certificate, U.S. Passport, and confirmation of the death report having been completed with the
Theater Casualty Assistance Center or the supported Service’s Casualty Office. The employer
must provide their Transportation Account Code (TAC) and POC information on their MILAIR
request for coordinating payment of reimbursable expenses. The TMAO will compile and
submit the request using the procedures in Appendix B, Tab 1. MILAIR requests with required
documentation and subsequent approvals will be uploaded to MARTS and will be forwarded to
USCENTCOM JMAO for audit purposes. DoD contractors must be a U.S. citizen to receive
U.S. MILAIR evacuation to the Dover Port Mortuary. Upon completion of the AFMES
examination, the remains are released to a Funeral Home local to Dover coordinated by the
employer or family. When AFMES does not direct to Dover, the Funeral Home local to Dover
selected by the family or the employer receives the remains at a direct transfer on the flight line.
Any human remains transfer case(s) provided by the government must be returned to AFMAO
by the funeral home transporting remains from Dover Air Force Base within 72 hours to avoid
the contractor being billed for the replacement cost of the transfer case.
c. Non-DoD affiliated U.S. Citizens (including contractors supporting contracts for U.S.
Government agencies other than the DoD). Pursuant to Reference (i), subsections (a)(1)-(6), the
DoD is authorized to furnish transportation of HR for specific groups of U.S. citizens on a
reimbursable basis. Subsection (a)(5) of the reference extends transportation to any U.S. citizen
upon the specific request of the DoS. DoS Executive Secretary (EXECSEC) may formally
request U.S. MILAIR transportation from the SecDef EXECSEC. The DoS will provide TMAO
a copy of the SecDef EXECSEC response approving the DoS MILAIR request. MILAIR
requests submitted by TMAO require a predetermined TAC to be provided with the request to
Air Mobility Command (AMC). Therefore, DoS must also provide TMAO a TAC for AMC to
bill the flight or a DoS resource or funds manager POC name and contact info to coordinate re-
imbursement. If DoS is unable to provide a TAC, USCENTCOM JMAO will attempt to
coordinate the temporary use of a TAC with a Service casualty office or USTRANSCOM J8.
Once a billable TAC is coordinated by USCENTCOM JMAO, the TMAO may compile and
submit the transportation request using the procedures in Appendix B, Tab 1. Once approved,
documentation will be uploaded to MARTS and forwarded to USCENTCOM JMAO for audit
d. Coalition Forces. Remains of coalition forces will receive MA support based upon current
legal authorities, agreements, regulations, and policies between the U.S. and the associated
country. To care for the fallen coalition member and expeditiously begin preservation, all
MACPs are authorized to receive deceased coalition members and place in refrigerated storage
upon the request of coalition forces. Pursuant to agreements, and upon written request by the
coalition senior national representative, MACP and/or the TMEP will prepare the HR of
coalition forces for evacuation. If no agreement exists covering MA support, OSD Military
Personnel and Readiness must approve the coalition request for support. The remains and
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
transfer case(s) may be draped with the coalition member’s national flag if provided by the
coalition forces.
(1) When handling coalition HR, MA personnel must document all actions and MA assets
used. The method of reimbursement for HRP, TCs, and transportation costs (if applicable) will
be based on agreements, authorities or policies in place at the time of requirement. Coalition
representatives will advise the MACP/TMEP if there are specific cultural sensitivity
requirements that need to be accommodated upon receiving or while preparing the HR for
(2) Intra-theater airlift for deceased coalition personnel will be provided on an opportune
and non-interference basis pursuant to current agreements, authorities or policies. Coalition
commanders will submit a MILAIR request to Joint Task Force J4. When authorized, MILAIR
will be used to evacuate HR to a designated APOD location within USCENTCOM. The
MILAIR request is coordinated by the JTF J4 with TMAO, CDDOC, CCJ5-CCC/Coalition Air
Operations, and HQ USCENTCOM CCJ3-Force Deployment. Approval and funding sources
will be coordinated by CCJ3-Force Deployment, DSN: 312-529-3446, SVoIP: 302-529-3092,
Duty Phone: 813-841-0751, SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj3-f-fd-
(3) Upon the completion of airlift to the APOD, coalition HR will be turned over to their
respective governments for final repatriation flight(s). Coalition personnel will ensure their
respective governments are prepared to receive and provide follow-on transfer to the final place
of disposition. The TMEP may provide additional re-icing support to assist in preserving
remains. Any transfer cases provided for the movement will be sanitized and returned to TMEP
operational control upon completion of the repatriation to avoid coalition reimbursement billing.
e. Foreign National Citizens. Remains of foreign national citizens or foreign national
detainees held by the U.S. Military or government will be handled pursuant to existing
international laws and the laws of the Geneva Convention. U.S. Embassy assistance may be
required to coordinate foreign national citizen repatriation when they are employees of a U.S.
f. MWD. MWDs have proven to be a force enabler and asset to safeguard U.S. forces. They
are treated with dignity and respect upon death. If co-mingled with HR, canine remains will be
evacuated to the Dover Port Mortuary for AFMES DNA analysis and separation. Clearly
distinguishable MWD remains are placed in a separate transfer case. See Appendix G for further
detailed guidance on the care and disposition of MWD remains.
5. Responsibilities.
a. U.S. Military Commanders or Civilian Leadership.
(1) Assist mortuary affairs activities with obtaining documentation as needed.
(2) Monitor subordinate contract companies to aid with transportation as authorized.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
b. Employers of contractors supporting the DoD.
(1) Begin commercial air coordination as soon as possible when AFMES directs an
(2) Coordinate with Next-of-Kin for disposition of remains when AFMES does not require
an examination.
(3) Coordinate transportation of decedents to disposition location. MILAIR options may
be available if commercial air will cause additional delays in transportation.
c. Mortuary affairs facility.
(1) Confirm AFMES exam requirement and ensure TMAO knows of the decision.
(2) Coordinate MILAIR information requests with TMAO when contract companies are
considering MILAIR as an option to avoid commercial delays.
(3) Request assistance when disposition of remains has not been confirmed after 24 hours
of the receipt of remains at a mortuary affairs facility.
6. Point of Contact. The point of contact for this policy is the CCJ4-J43 CUOPS Division who
can be reached at: SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-[email protected]l, or
NIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-JointMAO@mail.mil.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. The TMAO request for intra-theater and inter-theater airlift support for HR movement is
accomplished by entering an electronic request on the respective web portal.
a. Intra-theater airlift support is requested by TMAO staff on the USTRANSCOM
Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System (CAMPS) website:
https://campswebcen.maf.ustranscom.smil.mil/Portal/UnprotectedForms/Banner.aspx. Requests
are routed in CAMPS to CDDOC for review and approval. AMD assigns the validated
transportation request to available missions.
b. Inter-theater requests are submitted by TMAO directly to 618th Air Operations
Center/Tanker Airlift Control Center using their web portal: https://tacc.us.af.mil/Home (see
Figure 3). An intra-theater CAMPS request also should be entered if intra-theater airlift will be
or may be required to position HR at an alternate departure APOD in order to assign the quickest
evacuation flight mission out of theater. TMAO’s SOP contains details of specific procedures.
Figure 3. Sample HR Transportation Request
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
2. Billing information is critical: TAC – Transportation Account Code.
a. Military, DoD Civilian, or authorized dependent: TMAO uses the designated pre-
determined TAC provided by the parent Service.
b. DoD Contractors:
(1) When MILAIR is authorized for contractors on a reimbursable basis, the employer will
request a FVUA form from the local MACP or TMAO with block 1.N. and 1.O. pre-filled with
the origin and destination locations. The MACP or TMAO also enters the MACP NCOIC’s
contact information and the corresponding International Civilian Air Organization codes in the
origin and destination blocks on page two to aid in obtaining the cost estimate. TMAO obtains a
USTRANSCOM Single Mobility System cost estimate for box 1L. Alternately, the funds
manager can obtain a cost estimate from the contact information provided in the instructions on
the form for block 1L. This may be pursued concurrently while the company researches
commercial air availability. The employer will then enter their funds manager info in sections 1
and 2, obtain their assigned funds/resource manager’s approval signature, and submit the FVUA
with their MILAIR Request to the MACP or TMAO (see Figure 4 for recommended entries).
The FVUA form’s continuation page three is not needed if printed or scanned. On occasion, the
contract company may not have an assigned TAC for air shipping. In those cases, the contract
company will coordinate with the command they support or their assigned contracting officer to
utilize an available TAC for billing purposes. The contract company will coordinate
reimbursement to the TAC funds manager for air movement charges. If commercial air becomes
available that will transport the deceased to the required destination quicker, and the decedent
has not begun the MILAIR movement, the employer may utilize the commercial airlift.
(2) The MACP and TMAO will ensure the MILAIR request indicates the TAC to be used
and billing POC information. The TMAO submits the MILAIR request on the respective web
portal. The MACP submits the FVUA and DD Form 1384 to the APOD Transportation
Movement Office. MACP will ensure the TAC is entered in Box 17 “TR ACCT” on the DD
Form 1384 to ensure the correct transportation account is billed.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 4. Funds Verification and Use Authorization (FVUA)
(Current fillable version of the form is available from TMAO)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
c. When non-DoD decedents are authorized MILAIR by the SecDef EXECSEC, ensure the
TMAO MILAIR request includes the DoS designated TAC with billing POC information or the
USCENTCOM JMAO coordinated TAC. The MACP submits the FVUA and DD Form 1384
with designated TAC in box 17 to the APOD Transportation Movement Office.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Sample US Citizen, CAAF Contractor MILAIR transport request from AOR to AFMES
(No Mortuary Affairs Paragraph in contract)
Company Letterhead
Subject: Military Airlift (MILAIR) Request
Our employee (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport # (123456789), SSN (123-45-6789),
passed away on (DD MMM YYYY) at (Location), (Combat or Non-Combat) related. The
official death report has been made to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center or the supported
Service’s Casualty Office.
(Contract Company) currently forward headquartered at (Location, Country) requests opportune,
non-interference reimbursable Military Airlift (MILAIR) to repatriate our fallen contractor to
Dover Air Force Base as directed by the AFMES. Upon AFMES release, remains will be
transferred to (Name of Local Funeral Home) for preparation and transportation to the location
directed by primary next-of-kin.
Our employee is categorized as Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the Force
(CAAF) and was working under Contract # (X99X9X-99-X-9999/9999). See employee’s
attached letter of authorization (LOA). Our contract does not include a mortuary affairs
paragraph; therefore, we request MA support and transportation pursuant to DoDD 1300.22.
(if contract does not specify MA support provided, include this paragraph) Our efforts to secure
commercial transportation has not been successful. (or include other justification: e.g.,
commercial air unavailable at location due to COVID crisis) Additional delays in pursuing non-
MILAIR will jeopardize unembalmed remains preservation and compromise forensic analysis.
Transportation Account Code (TAC) for billing is: (9999). This memo guarantees payment of
reimbursable costs. Payment POC is (First MI Last, Title, company or department, commercial
phone, DSN phone, mobile phone, e-mail). A Funds Verification and Use Authorization
(FVUA) letter with sections 1 and 2 completed is attached and the electronic version will be e-
mailed to TMAO for the additional electronic processing.
A company representative (will/will not) accompany the remains to Dover to complete the
transfer to a local funeral home. (If COVID or other restrictions are lifted and allow a
representative include their name (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport #, SSN, mobile
phone, e-mail). A theater evacuation escort request memo is attached.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Point of Contact for this request is the undersigned at (commercial phone, DSN phone, mobile
phone, e-mail).
First MI. Last
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Sample US Citizen, CAAF Contractor MILAIR transport request from AOR to AFMES
(Contains Mortuary Affairs Paragraph in contract)
Company Letterhead
Subject: Military Airlift (MILAIR) Request
Our employee (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport # (123456789), SSN (123-45-6789),
passed away on (DD MMM YYYY) at (Location), (Combat or Non-Combat) related. The
official death report has been made to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center or the supported
Service’s Casualty Office.
(Contract Company) currently forward headquartered at (Location, Country) requests opportune,
non-interference reimbursable Military Airlift (MILAIR) to repatriate our fallen contractor to
Dover AFB as directed by the AFMES. Upon AFMES release, remains will be transferred to
(Local Funeral Home) for preparation and transportation to the location directed by primary
Our employee is categorized as Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the Force
(CAAF) and was working under Contract # (X99X9X-99-X-9999/9999). See employee’s
attached Letter of Authorization (LOA) and the contract page(s) indicating U.S. GOVT provided
reimbursable mortuary affairs support and transportation.
Transportation Account Code (TAC) for billing is: (9999). This memo guarantees payment of
reimbursable costs. Payment POC is (First MI. Last, title, company or department, commercial
phone, DSN phone, mobile phone, e-mail).
A company representative (will/will not) accompany the remains to Dover to complete the
transfer to a local funeral home. (If COVID or other restrictions are lifted and allow a
representative include name (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport #, SSN, mobile phone,
e-mail). A theater evacuation escort request memo is attached.
Point of Contact for this request is the undersigned at (commercial phone, DSN phone, mobile
phone, e-mail).
First MI. Last
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Sample U.S. Citizen, CAAF Contractor MILAIR transport request from AOR to DAFB (Local
Funeral Home)
Company Letterhead
Subject: Military Airlift (MILAIR) Request
Our employee (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport # (123456789), SSN (123-45-6789),
passed away on (DD MMM YYYY) at (Location), (Combat or Non-Combat) related. The
official death report has been made to the Theater Casualty Assistance Center or the supported
Service’s Casualty Office.
(Contract Company) currently forward headquartered at (Location, Country) requests opportune,
non-interference reimbursable Military Airlift (MILAIR) to repatriate our fallen contractor to
Dover AFB. The AFMES has not directed remains to AFMES. Upon arrival at DAFB, remains
will be transferred on the flight line to (Name of Local Funeral Home) for preparation and
transportation to the location directed by primary next-of-kin. The human remains transfer
case(s) provided by the government must be returned to AFMAO by the funeral home
transporting remains from Dover AFB within 72 hours to avoid the contractor being billed for
the cost of the transfer case.
Our employee is categorized as Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the Force
(CAAF) and was working under Contract # (X99X9X-99-X-9999/9999). See employee’s
attached letter of authorization (LOA) and the contract page(s) indicating U.S. GOVT provided
reimbursable mortuary affairs support and transportation.
Transportation Account Code (TAC) for billing is: (9999). This memo guarantees payment of
reimbursable costs. Payment POC is (First MI. Last, title, company or department, commercial
phone, DSN phone, mobile phone, e-mail). A Funds Verification and Use Authorization
(FVUA) letter with sections 1 and 2 completed is attached and the electronic version will be e-
mailed to TMAO for the additional electronic processing.
A company representative (will/will not) accompany the remains to Dover to complete the
transfer to a local funeral home. (If COVID or other restrictions are lifted and allow a
representative include name (First Middle Last), a U.S. Citizen, Passport #, SSN, mobile phone,
e-mail). A theater evacuation escort request memo is attached.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Point of Contact for this request is the undersigned at (commercial phone, DSN phone, mobile
phone, e-mail).
First MI. Last
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Unit Letterhead
Subject: Appointment of Mortuary Affairs Officers
Reference: CCR 638-1, Mortuary Affairs Support
1. Pursuant to CCR 638-1, the following personnel are assigned as the primary and alternate
Mortuary Affairs Officers (MAO) to perform duties as outlined in the above regulation:
a. Primary: MAJ John Doe, Comm: +900-0-000-0000, DSN 318-430-XXXX, or e-mail
b. Alternate: MAJ Jane Doe, Comm: +900-0-000-0000, DSN 318-430-XXXX, or e-mail
2. This memorandum supersedes any previous published memorandums.
3. My point of Contact for this request is MAJ Jack Doe, Comm: +900-0-000-0000, DSN 318-
430-XXXX, or e-mail jack.d.doe[email protected].
Major General, U.S. Army
Director of Operations
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 5. Example Theater Evacuation Escort Memo
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 5. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Purpose. To provide guidance on the handling of PE for contractors whom die in the
USCENTCOM area of Operations. The intent of this policy is to ensure proper support is
provided to affected contract employees and their survivors
2. Applicability. This policy applies to all U.S. and Coalition units operating in the
USCENTCOM AOR. JTF Commanders and Service Component Commanders are responsible
for implementing this policy within their commands. CAAF are subject to MEJA and UCMJ.
3. References.
a. DoDD 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy, Incorporates Change 2, 2 September 2021
b. DoDI 1300.29, Mortuary Affairs Program, 28 June 2021
c. DoDI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS), Incorporates Change 2, 31 August
d. AR 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program, 13 July 2021
4. Policy. PE, also known as personal property for the living, for contractors that are medically
evacuated from or die in a theater of operations will be immediately secured upon the
contractor’s death or departure from theater for safeguarding and proper disposition. Contractors
are an integral force enabler and deserve proper handling of their PE.
a. Contractors medically evacuated out of a theater of operations. Personal property, for
contractors that are medically evacuated out of a theater of operations with no expectation of
returning will be immediately secured and joint inventoried by two company representatives
within 24 hours of the employee’s departure from theater. The senior company (employer)
representative will confirm no UXO nor customs prohibited items are packed for shipment. PE
will be carefully packed, secured in a durable container, and shipped within 72 hours by the
employer to the location directed by the contract employee. Carrier shipment tracking will be
used when available and provided to the employee. The inventory personnel’s contact
information will be included on the PE inventory. When an employment agreement exists that
contradicts this guidance, the employment contract language will apply.
b. Deceased U.S. Citizen contractor’s PE located on a U.S. Military base or at a place under
the jurisdiction of the U.S. Military in a Theater of Operation; the commanding officer of the
place or command shall permit the legal representative named on a decedent’s duly executed will
or the surviving spouse of the decedent, if present, to take possession of the effects of the
deceased that are then in camp or quarters. If there is no legal representative or surviving spouse
present, the installation commanding officer shall appoint a SCMO to collect the effects of the
deceased that are then in camp or quarters. A joint inventory will be conducted by the SCMO
and one company representative within 24 hours of death using a DD Form 1076. The SCMO
will confirm no UXO nor customs prohibited items are packed for shipment. PE will be
carefully packed, secured in a durable container, and delivered by the SCMO to the nearest
MACP. The MACP will confirm no UXO nor customs prohibited items are present, will accept
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
the sealed containers from the SCMO on a chain of custody form, and coordinate military
shipment of PE to the JPED. The inventory personnel’s contact information will be included on
the PE inventory. The JPED will prepare PE for delivery to the decedent’s personal
representative, NOK, or executor of the will as directed by the employer in accordance with the
state laws in which the employee was a resident. The company will provide a POC name, phone
number, and e-mail at the company or insurer whom JPED may coordinate payment of charges
for the shipment to the NOK. Each shipping container will include a copy of the PE inventory
and will be shipped without delay upon legal determination of the Person Eligible to Receive
Effects (PERE) by the contract company as reported to the Service Casualty Office. Carrier
shipment tracking will be used when available. The use of the JPED SCMO Checklist is highly
c. Deceased non-U.S. Citizen, other country national, or local national contractor’s PE located
on a U.S. Military base or at a place under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Military in a Theater of
Operation; the commanding officer of the place or command shall permit the legal representative
named on a decedent’s duly executed will or the surviving spouse of the decedent, if present, to
take possession of the effects of the decedent that are then in camp or quarters. If there is no
legal representative or surviving spouse present, the installation commanding officer shall
appoint a SCMO to collect the effects of the decedent that are then in camp or quarters. A joint
inventory will be conducted by the SCMO and one company (employer) representative within 24
hours of death using a DD Form 1076. The SCMO and senior company (employer)
representative will confirm no UXO nor customs prohibited items are packed for shipment. PE
will be carefully packed and secured in a durable container. Custody of the containers will be
transferred to the contract company (employer). The inventory personnel’s contact information
will be included on the PE inventory. The contract company (employer) will prepare PE for
delivery to the decedent’s personal representative, NOK, or executor of the will as directed by
the country laws in which the employee is a citizen. Each shipping container will include a copy
of the PE inventory and will be shipped without delay upon legal determination of the PERE by
the contract company (employer). Carrier shipment tracking will be used when available. The
use of the JPED SCMO Checklist is highly encouraged. When an employment agreement
language or host nation laws exists that contradicts this guidance, the employment contract or
host nation laws will apply.
d. For contractor PE located in a Theater of Operation at a place off-base on the local
economy not funded by nor under contract with nor under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Military;
status of forces agreement or host nation laws prevail. The employer should permit the legal
representative named on a decedent’s duly executed will or the surviving spouse of the decedent,
if present, to take possession of the effects of the decedent. If there is no legal representative or
surviving spouse present and the employer provided billeting, the employer shall appoint two
company representatives within 24 hours of death to conduct a joint inventory to collect the
effects of the decedent that are then in the non-U.S. Government owned or contracted living
quarters. The senior company (employer) representative will confirm no UXO nor customs
prohibited items are packed for shipment. PE will be carefully packed, secured in a durable
container, and shipped by the employer to the NOK, personal representative, or executor of the
decedent’s will as directed by the country laws in which the employee is a citizen. Each
shipping container will include a copy of the PE inventory and will be shipped without delay
upon the contract company’s legal determination of the PERE. The inventory personnel’s
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
contact information will be included on the PE inventory. Carrier customs clearance procedures
apply and shipment tracking will be used when available. For non-U.S. Citizen CAAF or Non-
CAAF contractor/employee PE consult with the U.S. Embassy in the respective country for
specific guidance. When an employment agreement language or host nation laws exists that
contradicts this guidance, the employment contract or host nation laws will apply.
e. Reimbursable Support for PE shipments from austere locations to destinations other than
JPED; Contractors are generally responsible for providing their own logistical support.
However, in austere, uncertain, and/or hostile environments where commercial shipping or postal
operations are not available at the location of PE, the DoD may provide logistical support to
transport PE accompanied by a company (Employer) representative to the first nearest location
with commercial shipping services or U.S. Postal operations to enable the employer to ship PE.
CAAF may receive Government-furnished support commensurate with the operational situation
in accordance with the terms and conditions of their contract.
5. Responsibilities.
a. U.S. Military Commanders or Civilian Leadership with contractors assigned.
(1) Assign a Summary Courts-Martial Officer/Inventory Officer when required under
Reference (k) to care for the contractor’s PE.
(2) Ensure a report of death is completed with the TCAC or Service Casualty Office for
any contractor who becomes seriously ill or injured, very seriously ill or injured, or deceased.
b. Employers of contractors supporting the DoD.
(1) Assign an employee to assist the appointed Summary Courts-Martial Officer/Inventory
Officer with joint inventory when required under Reference (k) to care for the contractor’s PE.
(2) Collect PE from non-U.S. controlled areas where the employer maintains jurisdiction
through lease or agreement and provide to appropriate NOK when spouse is not present.
(3) Coordinate with U.S. Embassy, host nation or Parent nation as applicable to recover
and provide disposition for PE when PE is located in an area not controlled or under the
jurisdiction of the U.S. government nor employer.
c. MACPs or TMEP. Accept PE for covered contractors for shipment to JPED. HHG such as
furnishings, refrigerators, and wash machines will be processed through the contract company’s
normal transportation channels. HHG will not be processed through MACPs, TMEP, or JPED.
6. Point of Contact. The point of contact for this policy is the CCJ4-J43 CUOPS Division who
can be reached at: SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-jmao@mail.smil.mil, or
NIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-JointMAO@mail.mil.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. Joint Personal Effects Depot Summary Court-Martial Officer Checklist
*** The most current copy may be obtained by contacting the JPED directly ***
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Figure 6. (Continued)
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Purpose. To provide interim policy based on past practices until the DoD publishes joint
policy on repatriation of deceased MWDs from all deployed locations. The intent of this policy
is to provide dignity and honor for the deceased MWD during repatriation within the constraints
of deployed locations.
2. Applicability. This policy applies to all U.S. and Coalition units operating in the
USCENTCOM AOR. JTF Commanders and Service Component Commanders are responsible
for implementing this policy within their commands.
3. Policy. Deceased MWDs in the USCENTCOM AOR will be evacuated to Kuwait for
cremation to enable onward movement to their home station when no cremation or medical
incineration facilities are available at the place of death (See Tab 1 for approved alternate
medical incineration facilities and Tab 2 for medical incineration facilities standards of care). If
co-mingled with HR, canine remains will be evacuated with HR to Dover AFB for AFMES
DNA analysis and separation. Clearly distinguishable MWD remains are placed in a separate
transfer case.
a. MWD is defined as a canine with a DoD Tattoo or a Special Operations Forces managed
canine. Contract companies are responsible for the repatriation of their deceased Working Dogs
at no additional cost to the Government. U.S. Forces with MWDs should become familiar with
the nearest U.S. Army veterinary unit’s location. Veterinary units in the USCENTCOM AOR
will assist with the disposition of deceased MWDs within the USCENTCOM AOR.
b. Forward deployed Veterinary Corps Officers (VCO) at Role 2 Veterinary Treatment
Facilities (VTF) will stock two remains Pouches type 2A (NSN 9930-01-331-6244), one
commercially available container large enough to accommodate a MWD and one commercially
available temporary cremation urn kit (plastic temporary urn, shipping box, plastic liner bag, and
twist tie) per MWD in quantities to support 10 percent of the MWDs assigned to their care. The
U.S. Postal Service offers a Cremated Remains Animal Kit 2 (CRE_P2) that may be pre-ordered
on the U.S. Postal Service website by VCOs. The kit contains the outer mailing box, package
sealing tape, bubble cushion, and a self-sealing plastic bag for a secondary containment for the
transport urn (not included).
c. MWD handlers are responsible for recovering their assigned MWDs who become deceased
in a deployed location. The U.S. Forces to which the MWD team was attached are responsible
for recovery if the handler is not able. MWDs are placed in a remains pouch and then placed in
non-class I refrigeration for preservation, if available, while awaiting transportation to a VTF. If
no refrigeration is available, the most appropriate container available will be used with ice to aid
in preservation. Place the MWD in a remains pouch and then into the container. Add a
sufficient amount of ice to assist in preservation. If neither is available, the kennel may be
utilized with the MWD placed in leak-proof bags and a blanket overwrap before placing in the
kennel for transport. A U.S. Flag may cover the fallen MWD during evacuation. The MWD
should be transferred to refrigeration or an iced container as soon as available.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
d. The VCO who is treating the MWD at the time of death or is first to access the MWD after
death should perform a post-mortem examination as soon after death as possible. Post-mortem
results will be reported to the MWD Trauma Registry to aid in research to improve survivability
of deployed MWDs. The level of examination and shipping tissues for routine data collection is
dependent upon available shipping capability from the deployed location and most current
guidance from the veterinary services. MWD Microchip number will be validated where
reasonably possible and included on all disposition documentation. The MWD parent
organization is responsible for notifying the DoD MWD Chief at Lackland AFB to remove the
MWD from the rolls. VCO should secure and finalize the MWD deployment record and start
chain of custody to ensure it is uploaded to Veterinary Services Systems Management, the
electronic Veterinary Health Record.
e. VCOs will become familiar with the nearest cremation facility or clean incineration facility
that will accept MWDs and where funding has been coordinated. The current list of
USCENTCOM deceased MWD approved medical incineration or cremation sites may be found
at Tab 1 of this Appendix G or from the USCENTCOM POC in Paragraph 5. Clean incineration
is defined as: The process in which an incinerator is completely cooled and cleaned before the
MWD is cremated to ensure no foreign debris are comingled with MWD cremated remains. This
ensures dignity and honor for the MWD within the constraints of deployed locations. Standards
of Care may be found in Tab 2 of this Appendix G. The VCO or Animal Care Specialist (MOS
68T) assigned by the VCO will supervise the cremation or incineration and collection of MWD
cremated remains into the temporary cremation urn kit if permitted by the facility. VCO will
provide a death certificate and memorandum for record to accompany the cremated remains
stating that a clean incineration of remains was accomplished and the remains pose no health
hazard (zoonotic). If the MWD parent organization provided an escort to receive the cremated
remains, the VCO will transfer the packaged cremated remains and documents to the escort so
they may hand-carry to the parent organization for repatriation. Escort must be prepared to show
these documents to customs upon departing Kuwait and upon arrival in the CONUS. If the
MWD parent organization desires shipment, the VCO will transfer the urn and shipping
materials to the handler or kennel master who will prepare the temporary cremation urn for
MILAIR transport (with a copy of the documents inside the urn shipping box and a second copy
affixed to the outside of the box) to the address requested by the MWD unit and deliver the
package to the nearest Transportation Management Office on the flight line for MILAIR
f. If no facilities exist in the location of MWD death, the U.S. Forces to which the MWD team
was attached or operating with will coordinate transportation to Kuwait with the Component
Service Validator and CJOA J4 for intra-theater airlift. Utilization of either the Channel Routes
or the air casualty evacuation procedures used for HR to recover the MWD to Kuwait Theater
Mortuary Evacuation Point are authorized by the USCENTCOM intra-theater transportation
Letter of Instruction. Both handler/escort and the fallen MWD should be moved together by the
most expedient method available. If veterinary refrigeration and ice is not available during
evacuation delays, MA refrigeration units may be used when no HR are present. Concurrently,
the CJOA J4 will contact Area Support Group-Kuwait (ASG-KU) VCO at Camp Arifjan to
prepare for receiving the MWD and to coordinate cremation. The handler, escort, or MWD
parent organization will provide the ASG-KU VCO the address/base and POC contact
information in writing for the MWD parent organization where the cremated remains are to be
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
shipped or the name and contact information for the Service member who will be hand carrying
the cremated remains released by the ASG-KU VCO. If necessary due to personnel availability
or loss of clean cremation capability in Kuwait, the ASG- KU VCO may coordinate with another
VCO to perform these duties on a case-by-case basis. This is authorized only if the
accommodating VCO’s unit agrees and funding is coordinated.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. Proper dignity and honor for a fallen MWD requires a team effort.
The following organizations are required to implement procedures to support this policy.
a. U.S. Forces operating with MWD teams.
(1) Become familiar with the nearest Role 2 VTF location to their operating area and the
mortuary affairs evacuation procedures for their operating area. Be prepared to self-recover
MWD and evacuate using established procedures to nearest cremation or incineration facility or
Camp Arifjan for cremation if one does not exist near the location of death. Coordinate a
handler, kennel master or unit representative to receive the urn after cremation.
(2) Stock remains pouches or other suitable biological containment bags large enough for
MWDs operating with the command for self-recovery.
b. VCOs.
(1) Forward deployed VCOs will order the items listed in the policy and maintain stocks.
(2) Forward deployed VCOs should consider if an MWD with a terminal medical condition
may be transported to Veterinary Medical Center Europe or CONUS Home Station if it would
not be considered inhumane to delay euthanasia. This alternative minimizes the challenges of
repatriating the MWD.
(3) Forward deployed VCOs will explore alternate cremation sites suitable for deceased
MWDs closer to their VTF that become available and are encouraged to report and nominate
them to Camp Arifjan ASG-KU VCO and USCENTCOM POC in paragraph five. Incinerators
currently contracted for other uses may not be utilized for MWD clean cremation unless the
contract allows for this use
(4) Camp Arifjan ASG-KU VCO will maintain visibility of the International Veterinary
Hospital’s cremation service and report any service disruptions to the
USCENTCOM/USARCENT Veterinarian and the USCENTCOM POC in paragraph six.
(5) Camp Arifjan ASG-KU VCO will monitor the evacuation status and be prepared to
receive MWD from evacuation assets to temporarily store deceased MWD until cremation can
be accomplished.
(6) Prepare a death certificate if one did not accompany the MWD.
(7) Ensure cremated remains are packaged in the temporary cremation urn and transferred
to the handler/escort/kennel master to carry or ship by MILAIR to the location designated by the
MWD parent organization. Prepare a memorandum for record to accompany the cremated
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
remains stating that a clean incineration of remains was accomplished and the remains pose no
health hazard (zoonotic) nor contain any item of United States Department of Agriculture
agricultural concern.
c. Area Support Group-Kuwait.
(1) Develop a method of payment for the sole animal cremation facility in Kuwait, the
International Veterinary Hospital, and ensure the cremation facility receives payment for
cremation services.
(2) Initiate a contract modification to the incinerator contracts to allow for clean
incineration/cremation as a secondary capability when incinerators described in Tab 2 to this
Appendix G are identified and nominated.
d. Mortuary Affairs Collection Points, Transfer Points or Evacuation Points.
(1) Be prepared to utilize refrigeration capabilities to temporarily store MWDs until
cremation, if VCO does not have refrigeration capability. MWDs should be isolated from HR.
(2) Provide assistance in scheduling evacuation and completing movement when requested.
5. POINT OF CONTACT. The point of contact for this policy is the CCJ4-J43 OPS Division
who can be reached at: SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-jmao@mail.smil.mil,
or NIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom[email protected]. J43 Group Phones
are Commercial: 813-529-3453, DSN: 312-529-3453, SVoIP: 302-529-3453
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Tab 1: United States Central Command Military Working Dog, Approved Alternate
Medical Incineration or Cremation Sites, As of 2 NOV 2021
Contractor Officer Representative (COR):
COR Email:
Contract Number:
Contract expiration Date:
Contractor Officer Representative (COR):
COR Email:
Contract Number:
Contract expiration Date:
Contractor Officer Representative (COR):
COR Email:
Contract Number:
Contract expiration Date:
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Purpose. To establish policy based on best practices to provide alternate cremation capability
for deceased MWDs in the USCENTCOM AOR. The intent of this policy is to provide dignity
and honor for the deceased MWD during alternate cremation within the constraints of deployed
locations. This policy recognizes the limitation on facilities available in the USCENTCOM AOR
while providing a capability to meet or accomplish customs exportation or repatriation
2. Applicability. This policy applies to all United States (U.S.) and Coalition units operating in
the USCENTCOM AOR. JTF Commanders and Service Component Commanders are
responsible for implementing this policy within their commands.
3. Policy. Customs, mailing and shipping regulations require deceased MWDs to be cremated to
enable the MWD’s repatriation to CONUS or other country for final disposition. Military and
contracted medical waste incinerators may offer a capability to ensure MWDs can be brought
home after enduring the ultimate sacrifice. The following standards ensure the most respectful
cremation of MWDs can be accomplished:
a. The use of a medical waste incinerator as an alternate cremation capability must be
coordinated with the contracting officer (KO) or contracting officer representative (COR)
supervising the contract for which the medical waste incinerator performs. Military commanders
must approve the use of government owned medical waste incineration equipment operated by
military members in their command.
b. A nomination is sent to the USCENTCOM JMAO to request the site be added to the
approved alternate cremation site list. Documentation is submitted showing POCs information
as listed on Tab 1 to this Appendix G and confirmation that coordination has been completed to
ensure no unexpected costs to the government will be incurred and the contractor can perform
MWD cremation in an honorable and respectful manner.
c. The single chamber, single burn medical waste incinerators, such as the Medi-Burn units,
are most appropriate for effecting the cremation of an MWD. Multi-chamber continuous feed
medical waste incinerators do not provide the level of respect and honor MWDs deserve.
d. The nominated medical waste incinerator must be capable of providing these minimum
standards of care:
(1) Capable of allowing the MWD to be respectfully placed in a cool single chamber or
feed by a mechanical system into a pre-heated single chamber and the ability to recover the
cremated remains upon cooling. (Chambers utilizing blowers that would disturb and dissipate
the cremated remains preventing a minimum 95% recovery of cremated remains would not meet
(2) Contract company or commander has procedures in place to assure chain of custody.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(3) Contract company or commander assigns a qualified, trained and experienced operator
for the equipment used to conduct the incineration / cremation.
(4) Capability performing a pre-cleaning of the cold chamber to remove 95% of all loose
ashen and metalogic waste before placing the MWD in the chamber.
(5) Capability of incineration at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit with expected recovery of 95% of
cremated WMD remains.
(6) Capability to complete the incineration / cremation in one operation cycle.
(7) Capability to allow the MWD handler to witness the incineration / cremation if desired
and if allowed within contract or military unit safety limitations.
(8) Capability to recover approximately 95% of cremated remains into a temporary transfer
urn provided by the military animal care specialist, MWD handler, or unit representative.
(9) Medical waste incinerator has passed any required inspection or certification.
(10) Medical waste incinerators utilized for stray deceased animals allow a capability to
perfect procedures and times to ensure complete cremation of animals the size of an MWD.
e. The processes developed at each alternate cremation location will include:
(1) MWD escort (Handler, unit representative or VET Staff) will schedule a date and time
convenient for the contract company or military unit commander to avoid interruptions to their
(2) Medical waste incinerator operator will provide an estimate of time required to
complete the cremation based on the medical waste incinerator’s rated pounds per hour
capabilities and historical cooling time needed after the cycle. *Note: Pounds per hour means if
the MWD is 100# and placed in a chamber certified for 50# per hour, it should run at least 2
hours to insure complete cremation of material.
(3) Medical waste incinerator operator will ensure the chamber of the medical waste
incinerator is completely clean (vacuum or use blower) prior to introducing the MWD for
(4) MWD escort will bring MWD to Cremation location contained in leak proof bags.
Prior coordination should be made with the operator to determine if the HRPs are able to be
incinerated in their medical waste incinerator. The metal bindings may prevent incineration of
the HRP. The best practice is to ensure the MWD is prepared within a leak proof bag within the
(5) MWD escort will certify that no UXO is present and will provide a temporary transfer
urn into which the cremated remains will be placed.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
(6) MWD escort deserves the military unit or the contractor’s attention and empathy while
they are at the facility. Non-standard hours may be used to avoid a need to rush the cremation
and if more convenient for the military unit commander or the contractor to avoid additional
costs that a service interruption may incur.
(7) Handle the MWD with the highest dignity, honor, and respect.
(8) Allow escort to place MWD in the chamber if desired and if safety protocols allow.
Escorts should be allowed to witness the cremation if desired and protocols allow even if
positioning at a lengthy distance is required.
(9) The contractor operator will allow the medical waste incinerator to thoroughly cool and
then recover the cremated remains of the MWD as much as possible and place in the temporary
transfer urn provided by the MWD escort.
(10) Refer to the MWD as “ready to go home” after cremation services are rendered.
(11) Always maintain a professional composure.
(12) The MWD escort will receive the cremated remains from the contractor operator.
(13) The contractor operator will completely clean (vacuum or use blower) the chamber of
the medical waste incinerator prior to introducing next MWD for cremation.
4. Responsibilities. Proper dignity and honor for a fallen MWD requires a team effort. The
following organizations are required to implement procedures to support this policy.
a. U.S. Forces operating with MWD teams.
(1) Become familiar with the potential medical waste incinerators in the operational area to
provide a nomination as an alternate cremation location to the POC office in paragraph 5.
(2) Provide a command representative to accomplish MWD cremation coordination if the
MWD Handler is unable to perform the duties. Ensure directions provided by the VCO or
Animal Care Specialist (MOS 68T) are followed.
b. VCOs.
(1) Forward deployed VCOs will assist the MWD escort in coordinating cremation.
(2) Stock temporary transfer urns and shipping over-boxes and provide to MWD escort to
facilitate transport of the MWD cremated remains to the final destination.
(3) Ensure cremated remains are packaged in the temporary cremation urn and transferred
to the handler/escort/kennel master to carry or ship by MILAIR to the location designated by the
MWD parent organization. Prepare a memorandum for record to accompany the cremated
remains stating that a clean incineration of remains was accomplished and the remains pose no
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
health hazard (zoonotic) nor contain any item of United States Department of Agriculture
agricultural concern.
(4) Become familiar with the potential medical waste incinerators in the operational area to
provide a nomination as an alternate cremation location to the POC office in paragraph 5.
c. Component Operational Contract Support Integration Cell
(1) Coordinate with cognizant contracting officer to ensure use of medical waste
incinerator would not obligate additional costs to the government or such additional costs are
captured, approved, budgeted and paid.
(2) Develop COR checklists to ensure contractor performance of duty.
d. Theater Mortuary Affairs Office, Mortuary Affairs Collection Points, Transfer Points or
Evacuation Points.
(1) Be prepared to utilize refrigeration capabilities to temporarily store MWDs until
cremation, if VCO does not have refrigeration capability. MWDs should be isolated from HR.
(2) Provide assistance in scheduling evacuation and completing movement when requested.
5. Point of Contact. The point of contact for this policy is the CCJ4-J43 OPS Division who can
be reached at: SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj4-[email protected], or
NIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx[email protected]. J43 Group Phones are
Commercial: 813-529-3453, DSN: 312-529-3453, SVoIP: 302-529-3453.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
a. USCENTCOM JMAO (Joint Mortuary Affairs Office)
7115 S. Boundary Blvd, BLDG 570, Room N152, MacDill AFB/Tampa, FL 33621-2101
Group Phones – Ask for the Joint Mortuary Affairs Officer
Comm: 813-529-3453, DSN: 312-529-3453, SVoIP: 302-529-3453
SIPRNet e-mail: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mesg.ccj4-jmao@mail.smil.mil
NIPRNet e-mail: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mesg.ccj4-jointmao@mail.mil
USCENTCOM JMAO Page (CAC Access Required):
b. USCENTCOM CCJ3-Force Deployment (Coalition Transportation Approvals)
DSN: 312-529-3446, SVoIP: 302-529-3092, Duty Phone: 813-841-0751
SIPRNet: centcom.macdill.centcom-hq.mbx.ccj3-f-fd-[email protected]
c. USARCENT MAO (Mortuary Affairs Office)
G4 Battle Watch Desk - Ask for the Mortuary Affairs Office
DSN: 312-889-7460, SVoIP: 302-367-9049
SIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.shaw.usarcent.mbx.g4-chops@mail.smil.mil
NIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.shaw.usarcent.mbx.g4-chops@army.mil
d. TMAO (Theater Mortuary Affairs Office)
1st TSC OCP, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, DSN: 318-480-3532, SVoIP: 308-430-0037 or 1452
SIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.arifjan.1-tsc.mbx.1tsc-ma@mail.smil.mil
NIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.arifjan.1-tsc.mb[email protected]
e. AFMES (Armed Forces Medical Examiner System)
24-hour on-call investigator for death reporting
Commercial: 202-409-6811
f. TCAC (Theater Casualty Assistance Center)
1st TSC HRSC, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
DSN: 318-432-5116 or 318-480-2106, SVoIP: 308-430-2219 or 0518
SIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.arifjan.1-tsc.mbx.hrsc-casualty-[email protected]
NIPRNet e-mail: usarmy.arifjan.1-tsc.mbx.centcom-casualty-reports@mail.mil
g. Joint Personal Effects Depot (JPED) (DODAAC FB4497)
CDR, JPED, (ATTN: Operations Manager), 122 Purple Heart Drive, Dover, Delaware 19902
Comm: 302-346-7965, DSN: 312-366-7965
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
h. U.S. Embassy locator
USEmbassy.gov (Provides contact info and website lookup based on country)
i. Insulated Human Remains Transfer Case (IHRTC) Repairs
Repair Parts are available from the manufacturer using government purchase/credit card.
Skydyne Sales 845-858-6400. No DLA NSNs are assigned and no depot maintenance program
j. International Committee of the Red Crescent (ICRC)
Global Protection Delegate
Commercial (202) 808 6252
k. American Red Cross
Wiesbaden, Germany Service to the Armed Forces
DSN: 314-548-1769
l. U.S. Army Regional Mortuary, Europe and Africa (USARM, E-A)
Landstuhl Teamlines Comm: 06371-9464-6950, DSN (314) 590-6950
Group Mailbox: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.21-tsc.list.dmc-mortuary@army.mil
m. RFID Tag Tracking Website
n. Joint Mortuary Affairs Center (JMAC)
1840 Quartermaster Road, Bldg., 7143, Fort Lee, VA 23801
Email: usarmy.lee.tradoc.list.lee-qm-jmac-[email protected]
Website: https://quartermaster.army.mil/mac/jmac_main.html
JMAC milSuite Site:
Sergeant Major: Comm. (804) 734-4673, DSN: 312-687-4673
Director: Operations: Comm. (804) 734-3665, DSN: 312-687-3665 (Readiness, MARTS,
Director: Training & Development: (804) 734-3674, DSN: 312-687-3674 (AIT, NCOES,
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms. Pursuant to the DoD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms, an abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase pronounced as a word
(e.g., SecDef). An acronym is a shortened form of a phrase of words, where the letters of the
acronym stand for the terms of its meaning and is also read as a word (e.g., ASAP [as soon as
possible]). An initialism is a shortened form of a word or phrase that is not spoken as a word;
each letter is spoken separately (e.g., DoD).
First Theater Sustainment Command
Air Force Base
Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations
Armed Forces Medical Examiner System
Air Mobility Command
Air Mobility Division
Area of Responsibility
Aerial Port of Debarkation
Area Support Group-Kuwait
Contractors Authorized to Accompany the Force
Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System
Customs and Border Clearance Agents
Customs and Border Protection
United States Central Command Logistics and Engineering
United States Central Command Operations Division,
Directorate of Logistics and Engineering
United States Central Command Distribution and Deployment
Operations Center
Commander, United States Central Command
Contiguous United States
Controlled Unclassified Information
Disassociated Effects
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Department of State
Executive Secretary
Force Tracking Number
Household Goods
Human Remains
Human Remains Pouch
International Committee of the Red Crescent
Individual Deceased Case File
Inventory Officer
Intra-Theater Airlift Request System
Joint Mortuary Affairs Center
Joint Mortuary Affairs Office
Joint Personal Effects Depot
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Joint Task Forces
Letter of Authorization
Lead Service
Large Scale Combat Operations
Mortuary Affairs
Mortuary Affairs Collection Point
Mortuary Affairs Officer
Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System
Mass Casualty
Mortuary Affairs Transfer Point
Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act
Military Airlift
Military Working Dog
Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge
Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network
Next of Kin
Outside Continental United States
Officer in Charge
Person Authorized to Direct Disposition
Person with Authority to Effect Disposition
Personal Effects
Person Eligible to Receive Effects
Primary Next-of-Kin
Personal Protective Equipment
Request for Forces
Radio-Frequency Identification
Senior Agriculture Agent
Summary Courts-Martial Officer
Secretary of Defense
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
Standard Operating Procedures
Transportation Account Code
Transfer Case
Theater Casualty Assistance Center
Theater Evacuation Escorts
Theater Mortuary Affairs Office
Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point
Transportation Movement Office
Uniform Code of Military Justice
United States Army Central
United States Army Regional Mortuary, Europe and Africa
United States Central Command
United States Naval Forces Central Command
United States Transportation Command
Unexploded Ordnance
Veterinary Corps Officers
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
Veterinary Treatment Facilities
2. Terms/Definitions. Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definition are for the
purpose of this regulation.
combatant command mortuary affairs support program. Also known as Concurrent Return
Mortuary Affairs Program. The CDRUSCENTCOM has assumed responsibility for the
evacuation of decedents for all Services and others for whom mortuary services are authorized.
TMAO and the DoS (U.S. Embassy) assist in arranging unique evacuations from areas within the
USCENTCOM AOR where no contingency operations exist nor is there an established U.S.
Military presence.
dignified carry or honorable carry. A team of trained mortuary affairs, aerial port squadron or
other specialized members conducts an organized movement of a transfer case containing human
remains or portions from one conveyance to another during evacuation with dignity, honor, and
disassociated effects. Personal effects located at an incident site but not found on the human
remains or cannot be associated to a particular decedent at the time of recovery. Also referred to
as unassociated effects.
mortuary affairs (MA) operations. The search, recovery, tentative identification, care,
processing, and evacuation of HRs.
mortuary affairs collection point (MACP). USARCENT staffed or designated location
designated to receive, process, provide tentative identification (if feasible), complete
documentation in MARTS and evacuate human remains to the AFMES. MACPs provide
support to all Services in a geographical area. The secondary MACP mission is to receive
personal effects from the unit SCMO or inventory officer, securely store and evacuate to the
JPED as soon as transportation is available. MACPs are the first mortuary affairs facility in the
USCENTCOM Combatant Command Mortuary Affairs Support Program. Once a unit
commander recovers their deceased member to a MACP, their evacuation requirements end and
USCENTCOM assumes responsibility. MACPs are normally located at the logistic support
mortuary affairs transfer point or mortuary affairs transit point (MATP). A temporary holding
location that is approved by the first O-6 in the chain of command, is visually separate from a
casualty collection point at a contingency location, and is not normally staffed. MATPs are
funded and maintained by personnel from the local command. A MATP’s sole purpose is to
provide refrigerated storage capability for the command’s human remains when evacuation to a
USARCENT Staffed MACP or TMEP is not possible due to weather, enemy threat or aircraft
availability. MATP locations are beneficial when ground or air evacuation is historically
delayed preventing a unit from transferring a decedent to a MACP or TMEP within four hours.
peacetime mortuary affairs support program. Also known as Current Death Mortuary Affairs
Program in doctrine. TMAO is deactivated and USAF becomes the lead Service for evacuation
of remains to AFMES or CONUS. Mortuary affairs coordination and evacuation responsibilities
revert to individual Services.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
person authorized to direct disposition of human remains (PADD). The only person authorized
to direct the disposition of remains. Contact the Service Casualty Office for specific guidelines
and the designated PADD.
person with authority to effect disposition (PAED). The term used to designate the person
authorized to direct the disposition of civilian remains. (For brevity, this document’s reference
to PADD applies to the civilian equivalent PAED situations)
ramp ceremony/transfer observance. A small group of immediate teammates and the member’s
leadership present at the evacuation aircraft or vehicle to render honor and recognize the loss of a
teammate. USCENTCOM chooses to use the term transfer observance to signify the somber
sanctity of the action of evacuating a decedent to the medical examiner for forensic examination
requirements. The term transfer observance places emphasis on the individual attendee’s loss
opposed to the collective masses who create a large ceremonious gathering with multiple
elements that increases the risk of delays that degrade the condition of a decedent.
theater evacuation escort (TEE). An individual designated to accompany the remains of a
deceased Service Member during evacuation from the point of death in USCENTCOM AOR to
the AFMES. No DoD requirement nor authorization exists for TEE. Unique circumstances may
require a TEE such as when the decedent’s next-of-kin is deployed to Theater or a contract
company representative is needed to take custody of remains after release from AFMES.
theater mortuary evacuation point (TMEP). The TMEP is responsible for validating the
documentation prepared at the MACP, completing any processing of the remains, and
coordinating strategic airlift for evacuation of the remains to the servicing mortuary. A TMEP is
typically located at a strategic Aerial Port of Embarkation/Debarkation.
“three-second” silent salute. A modified salute conducted in a slow three-second motion,
opposed to the normal military snap, to convey honor and respect for the fallen Service member.
The three-second silent salute demonstrates the nation pauses to honor the sacrifice of the fallen
Service member. Non-military in attendance of a fallen Service member movement may render
respects with a slow three-second movement of hand-over-heart. All attendees of a fallen civilian
movement may render respects with a slow three-second movement of hand-over-heart.
united states central command area of responsibility. This includes all states on the Arabian
Peninsula; the Central and South Asian and the Levant Region.
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
a. Title 4 U.S. Code 8, Respect for the flag, 7 July 1976
b. Title 5 U.S. Code 5742, Transportation of remains, dependents, and effects; death
occurring away from official station or abroad, 28 January 2008
c. Title 10 U.S. Code 562, Transportation of Remains of Casualties Dying in a Theater of
Operation, 1 January 2007
d. Title 10 U.S. Code 1471, Forensic pathology investigations, 5 October 1999
e. Title 10 U.S. Code 1481, Recovery, Care, and Disposition of Remains: Decedents
Covered, 10 August 1956
f. Title 10 U.S. Code 1482, Expenses incident to Death, 10 August 1956
g. Title 10 U.S. Code 1484, Pensioners, indigent patients, and persons who die on military
reservations, 10 August 1956
h. Title 10 U.S. Code 1485, Dependents of members of armed forces; death while outside
United States, 10 August 1956
i. Title 10 U.S. Code 1486, Other citizens of United States, 10 August 1956
j. Title 10 U.S. Code 1487, Temporary interment, 10 August 1956
k. Title 10 U.S. Code 7712, Disposition of effects of deceased persons by a summary court-
martial, 1 February 2019
l. DoDD 1300.22, Mortuary Affairs Policy, Incorporates Change 2, 2 September 2021
m. DoDI 1300.18, Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies, and
Procedures, Incorporates Change 1, 14 August 2009
n. DoDI 1300.29, Mortuary Affairs Program, 28 June 2021
o. DoDI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support (OCS), Incorporates Change 2, 31 August
p. DoDI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility, Incorporates Change 5, 23 October 2020
q. DoDI 5154.30, Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) Operations, Change 1,
21 December 2017
r. DoDI 5505.10, Criminal Investigations of Noncombat Deaths, Change 1, 28 April 2020
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
s. Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) – Part V, Department of Defense Customs and
Border Clearance Policies and Procedures, Chapter 502, Paragraph L. Human Remains and
Personal Effects, 7 January 2022
t. Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) Part V, Department of Defense Customs and
Border Clearance Policies and Procedures, Chapter 506, DoD Customs and Border Clearance
Senior Agriculture Agent (SAA) program, 12 October 2021
u. JP 4-0, Joint Logistics, 8 May 2019
v. NATO ATP-92 Edition A Volume 1E (STANAG 2070), Emergency Burial Procedures,
January 2016
w. NATO QSTAG 655, Handling of Deceased Personnel in an Area of Operations,
5 September 1996
x. Army Regulation (AR) 25-400-2, Army Records Information Management System
(ARIMS), 2 October 2007
y. Army Regulation (AR) 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program, 13 July 2021
z. Army Regulation (AR) 638-8, Army Casualty Program, 23 June 2015
aa. Army Regulation (AR) 715-9, Operational Contract Support Planning and Management,
24 March 2017
bb. Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 638-2, Procedures for The Army Mortuary
Affairs Program, 23 June 2015
cc. Army Field Manual (FM) 4-40, Quartermaster Operations, October 2013
dd. Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 1-05.05, Religious Support and Casualty Care, 28
August 2019
ee. Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-46, Contingency Fatality Operations,
17 December 2014. (until superseded by Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
(MTTP) 4-46, Mortuary Affairs in a Theater of Operations, Final Draft Pending Publishing)
ff. Mortuary Affairs Contaminated Remains Mitigation Site Tactical Handbook, September
gg. USCENTCOM Intra-Theater Airlift Letter of Instruction (FOUO), 22 January 2021
hh. USCENTCOM memorandum, Delegation of Authority to Approve Passengers, Cargo,
and Human Remains Airlift Requirements, 13 May 2019.
ii. Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-501, Mortuary Affairs Program, 16 April 2019
CCR 638-1, 18 May 2022
jj. Air Force Instruction (AFI) 31-126, AR 700-81, OPNAVINST 5585.3B, MCO 5585.6,
DoD Military Working Dog (MWD) Program, 17 January 2019
kk. Marine Corps Order (MCO) 4050.38D, Personal Effects and Baggage Manual,
2 November 2009
ll. Marine Corps Order (MCO) 4400.201-V13, Management of Property in Possession of the
Marine Corp, 3 November 2016
mm. Department of the Army memorandum, Hazardous Material Packaging Waiver, MAW-
ECBC-2017-03-A, for Chemically – Contaminated Human Remain (C-CHR) Packaged in a C-
CHR Transfer Case System (C-CHRT), 21 June 2017
nn. Air Transportability Test Loading Activity (ATTLA) Internal Air Transport Certification
for Chemical Contaminated Human Remains Transfer Case (C-CHRT), 28 June 2017
oo. Technical Guide [TG]195A, Safety and Health Guidance for Mortuary Affairs
Operations: Infectious Materials, November 2015 (United States Army Public Health Center’s