FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls To Determine
Whether American Airlines Appropriately Identifies,
Assesses, and Mitigates Aircraft Maintenance Risks
Report AV2022004
October 20, 2021
What We Looked At
American Airlines, one of the world’s largest commercial air carriers, has not experienced a fatal
accident in nearly two decades. Despite this safety record, reports of potentially unsafe maintenance
practices have raised concerns about the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) oversight of the
carrier’s maintenance programs. At the request of then-ranking members of the House Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation Subcommittee, we initiated this review. Specifically,
we examined whether FAA ensures that American Airlines implemented effective corrective actions to
address the root causes of maintenance problems and FAA’s oversight of American Airlines’ safety
management systems (SMS).
What We Found
FAA lacks effective oversight controls to ensure American Airlines’ corrective actions for maintenance
non-compliances addressed root causes. According to FAA guidance, FAA inspectors should
collaborate with the air carrier to correctly identify and fix the root cause(s) of deviations or non-
compliances. However, in 171 of 185 (92 percent) of cases we sampled, FAA inspectors accepted root
cause analyses by the air carrier that did not identify the true root cause of the problem. Furthermore,
FAA closed compliance actions before the air carrier implemented its corrective actions. FAA’s
oversight controls are also not effective for evaluating if American Airlines’ SMS sufficiently assesses
and mitigates risk. FAA requires American Airlines to use its SMS to determine the level of risk
associated with maintenance non-compliances. However, we found that FAA inspectors did not
routinely or consistently evaluate whether the carrier adequately and effectively assessed and rated
risks. This is in part because FAA did not provide its inspectors with comprehensive training and tools
for overseeing and evaluating the carrier’s SMS.
Our Recommendations
FAA concurred with five and partially concurred with two of our seven recommendations to improve
FAA’s oversight of American Airlines maintenance programs. We consider recommendations 1, 2, 4,
and 6 resolved but open, pending completion of planned actions. However, we are asking FAA for
additional information and to reconsider its actions for recommendations 3, 5, and 7.
FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls To Determine Whether
American Airlines Appropriately Identifies, Assesses, and
Mitigates Aircraft Maintenance Risks
Requested by
the Ranking Members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its
Aviation Subcommittee
Federal Aviation Administration
| AV2022004 | October 20, 2021
All OIG audit reports are available on our website at www.oig.dot.gov.
For inquiries about this report, please contact our Office of Legal, Legislative, and External Affairs at (202) 366-8751.
Memorandum 1
Results in Brief 3
Background 4
FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls To Ensure American Airlines’
Corrective Actions for Maintenance Non-Compliances Addressed Root
Causes 7
FAA’s Oversight Controls Are Not Effective for Evaluating if American
Airlines’ Safety Management System Sufficiently Assesses and
Mitigates Risk 13
Conclusion 18
Recommendations 18
Agency Comments and OIG Response 19
Actions Required 20
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 21
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 23
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 24
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 25
Appendix. Agency Comments 26
AV2022004 1
Date: October 20, 2021
Subject: ACTION: FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls To Determine Whether American
Airlines Appropriately Identifies, Assesses, and Mitigates Aircraft Maintenance
Risks | Report No. AV2022004
From: Matthew E. Hampton
Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
To: Federal Aviation Administrator
American Airlines, one of the world’s largest commercial air carriers, has not
experienced a fatal accident in nearly two decades. Despite this safety record,
reports of potentially unsafe maintenance practicessuch as congressional
allegations that mechanics have been forced to shortcut repairs to keep aircraft in
servicehave raised concerns about the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)
oversight of maintenance programs at American Airlines. FAA shares the
responsibility to ensure the safety of air carrier maintenance programs along with
aircraft manufacturers and air carriers.
Safety is FAA’s top priority. In March 2015, the Agency developed a formal, top-
down approach to manage safety risks, known as Safety Management Systems
(SMS), and required air carriers to implement it in March 2018. SMS uses the
safety risk management process to identify hazards and address unacceptable
risk. FAA established the Compliance Program in October 2015, which helped to
address safety risk management. This program outlines a process for inspectors
to address non-compliances by correctly identifying root causes and
recommending appropriate corrective actions to adequately mitigate the risks
involved. Nearly 6 years after FAA implemented its Compliance Program, the
Agency is still refining its inspector guidance
for identifying and addressing root
causes of identified non-compliances.
Federal Aviation Administration Order 8900.1, Volume 14, Compliance and Enforcement, November 4, 2016, and
October 14, 2020. Federal Aviation Administration Order 2150.3C, FAA Compliance and Enforcement Program,
September 18, 2018. For the purpose of this report, we refer to FAA Order 8900.1 as “inspector guidance.
AV2022004 2
At the request of then-ranking members of the House Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation Subcommittee,
we initiated a
review of FAA’s oversight of air carrier maintenance programs at two air carriers
in May 2018. This report presents the results of our review of FAA’s oversight of
American Airlinesmaintenance programs. Specifically, we examined whether FAA
ensures that American Airlines implemented effective corrective actions to
address the root causes of maintenance problems and FAA’s oversight of
American Airlines’ safety management systems.
We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted Government
auditing standards. Exhibit A details our scope and methodology, exhibit B lists
the organizations we visited or contacted, and exhibit C lists the acronyms used
in this report.
We appreciate the courtesies and cooperation of Department of Transportation
representatives during this audit. If you have any questions concerning this
report, please call me at (202) 366-0500 or Tina Nysted, Program Director, at
(404) 562-3770.
cc: The Secretary
DOT Audit Liaison, M-1
FAA Audit Liaison, AAE-100
Letter from Congressmen Peter DeFazio and Rick Larsen to DOT Inspector General Calvin Scovel III, dated June 7,
AV2022004 3
Results in Brief
FAA lacks effective oversight controls to ensure American Airlines’
corrective actions for maintenance non-compliances addressed
root causes.
According to FAA guidance,
FAA inspectors should conduct an investigation and
collaborate with the air carrier to correctly identify and fix the root cause(s) of
deviations or non-compliances. However, we found that FAA inspectors accepted
root cause analyses by the air carrier that did not identify the true root cause of
the problem. In 171 of 185 (92 percent) maintenance compliance cases we
sampled from fiscal years (FY) 2016 to 2020, American Airlines did not identify
the root cause at all, or the root cause was determined to be related to human
factors issueswhich, according to FAA guidance and industry best practices, are
not considered true root causes. FAA accepted insufficient root causes in part
because FAA inspectors were not adequately trained on root cause analysis.
Furthermore, we found that FAA closed compliance actions before the air carrier
implemented its corrective actions. Of the 394 corrective actions proposed by the
carrier that we reviewed, FAA inspectors accepted all of the corrective actions
including 20 actions that were closed out before American Airlines could actually
implement them. This occurred because, at the time of our review, FAA’s
Compliance Program did not require inspectors to verify that the carrier had
taken its planned corrective actions. Without conducting comprehensive root
cause analysis and verifying corrective actions, FAA cannot reasonably ensure
that American Airlines is sufficiently identifying root causes and mitigating future
maintenance non-compliances.
FAA’s oversight controls are not effective for evaluating if
American Airlines’ SMS sufficiently assesses and mitigates risk.
FAA requires American Airlines to use its SMS to determine the level of risk (e.g.,
“risk rating”) associated with maintenance non-compliances and report to FAA
what controls failed and what consequences would occur had safety controls
failed. However, our review found that FAA inspectors did not routinely or
consistently evaluate whether the carrier adequately and effectively assessed and
rated risks. This is because inspectors do not conduct comprehensive team
inspections of the carrier’s risk rating process on a regular basis. For example,
from October 2020 to March 2021, a team inspection of SMS yielded 27 findings
where an individual inspector using the same inspection checklist identified only
one. Further, FAA does not provide its inspectors with comprehensive training on
how to assess an air carrier’s risk assessment process, and FAA inspectors stated
Federal Aviation Administration Order 8900.1, Volume 14, Compliance and Enforcement, October 14, 2020.
AV2022004 4
that their data collection tool is insufficient for comprehensively evaluating the
effectiveness of the carrier’s SMS. As a result, FAA is limited in its ability to
reasonably ensure that American Airlines is assigning risk levels that are
commensurate to the identified non-compliance and that the carrier’s
corresponding corrective actions and controls are appropriate to address the
We are making recommendations to improve FAA’s oversight of American
Airlines maintenance programs. We made similar recommendations in our
previous report on FAA’s oversight of Allegiant Air’s maintenance programs.
that report, we recommended that FAA review the quality of its root cause
analysis training and revise inspector guidance to ensure corrective actions are
implemented before closing compliance action cases. According to FAA officials,
the Agency has made progress in addressing recommendations from our
previous report; however, until FAA has completed these actions, these
recommendations will remain open. The recommendations in this report further
refine the actions FAA needs to take to address our findings related to American
Since its first mail carrier flight in 1926, American Airlines has grown into one of
the world’s largest air carriers, operating nearly 900 Boeing and Airbus aircraft. As
shown in figure 1 below, much of American’s growth was likely due to mergers
with other major airlines such as Trans World Airlines and US Airways. As a result
of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and the sudden drop in demand
for air travel, American decommissioned more than 150 aircraft and retired five
aircraft types: Embraer 190, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Airbus A330,
and Bombardier CRJ200. American replaced many of these aircraft with newer
aircraft, such as the Boeing 737 MAX and the Airbus 321 Neo. As a result,
American currently has one of the youngest fleets in the world. Together with
regional partner American Eagle, the American Airlines Group averages nearly
6,000 flights per day to 318 destinations in 42 countries.
FAA Needs To Improve Its Oversight To Address Maintenance Issues Impacting Safety at Allegiant Air (OIG Report No.
AV2020013), December 17, 2019. We made nine recommendations, of which two remain open. OIG reports are
available on our website: https://www.oig.dot.gov/
This data is based on American’s projected flight activity for July 2021 (July 2020 flight data is skewed by the drop in
demand for air travel as a result of the coronavirus pandemic of 2020). According to American, July is its peak travel
AV2022004 5
Figure 1. History of American Airlines
American Airlines employs approximately 9,000 certificated mechanics and
aircraft inspectors at maintenance facilities in the United States and around the
world, and operates one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated aviation
maintenance facilities in Tulsa, OK. This facility employs over 2,700 mechanics, all
whom are licensed aircraft and jet engine mechanics.
To oversee a large air carrier such as American Airlines, FAA inspectors based in
Irving, TX, and Coraopolis, PA, are responsible for overseeing American’s
maintenance programs. Approximately 60 inspectors manage the air carrier’s
operating certificate by performing inspections to ensure the carrier is meeting
Federal safety standards. To conduct its oversight, FAA relies on its Safety
Assurance System (SAS), a risk-based oversight system, which is intended to
evaluate an air carrier’s ability to manage risk and ensure safe operations, as well
as focus on air carriers’ safety systems and controls. In addition, it provides a risk-
assessment tool for FAA inspectors to identify and document potential risks. SAS
is also part of FAA’s broader SMS, which is focused on enhancing safety through
data analysis to better respond to changes in industry business models (i.e.,
growth and fleet changes).
SMS has been adopted worldwide as a standardized approach to managing risk.
FAA requires air carriers to implement SMS to identify and analyze potential
hazards and mitigate risk to an acceptable level based on each carrier’s operating
environment. Under this approach, FAA and air carriers develop systems to
AV2022004 6
identify hazards and implement corrective actions. Specifically, air carriers must
identify root causes for hazards and proactively manage risk to prevent accidents.
To identify safety issues and effectively correct them in a timely manner, FAA
shifted from an enforcement-based oversight model in October 2015 to one that
stresses a more collaborative approach with carriers. Previously, under FAA’s
enforcement-based program, the level of action taken by the Agency was
commensurate with the type of violation. For example, FAA inspectors
investigating a mechanic’s failure to follow aircraft manual repair instructions
would likely initiate enforcement action in the form of an administrative letter of
correction. In contrast, the Compliance Program encourages a collaborative
approach between FAA and air carriers to achieve rapid compliance, identify
safety errors, and emphasize improvements to procedures or training programs
over penalizing air carriersas long as the carrier demonstrates that it is willing
and able to take corrective action.
Now when an FAA inspector identifies a non-
compliance that meets the criteria, FAA may issue a non-punitive compliance
action to an air carrier, and the Agency expects the carrier to determine the root
cause and proposed corrective action(s) to prevent reoccurrence. The errors are
identified, reported, and analyzed to establish accountability without assigning
blame so that the specifics of each case can determine the appropriate corrective
action. However, for instances where an air carrier is unwilling or unable to
collaboratively correct compliance or safety issues, inspectors must use
enforcement-based oversight tools, such as assessing civil penalties or
suspending operations. As shown below in figure 2, the number of enforcement
actions against American Airlines dropped dramatically since FAA transitioned to
its Compliance Program approach in 2015.
A compliance action is FAA’s non-punitive method for addressing unintentional deviations stemming from flawed
systems and procedures, simple mistakes, lack of understanding, or diminished skills. In contrast, a legal enforcement
action is punitive in nature and could result in civil penalties or suspension of operations. In this report, we refer to
legal enforcement action as an enforcement action imposed by FAA.
AV2022004 7
Figure 2. FAA’s Shift From Enforcement Actions to
Compliance ActionsAmerican Airlines
Source: OIG analysis of FAA data
FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls To
Ensure American Airlines’ Corrective Actions for
Maintenance Non-Compliances Addressed
Root Causes
FAA lacks effective controls to ensure that American Airlines provided
comprehensive root cause analyses to show why maintenance non-compliances
occurred. In addition, FAA accepted the results of the carrier’s root cause analysis
and closed out compliance actions before the air carrier implemented its
corrective actions.
FAA Did Not Ensure American Airlines
Provided Comprehensive Root Cause Analyses
for Maintenance Non-Compliances
FAA did not ensure American Airlines provided comprehensive root cause
analysis for maintenance non-compliances. The concept of root cause analysis is
to get to the underlying cause of the problem, identify the factors that are
2010-2015 2015-2020
Number of Actions
Enforcement Actions vs. Compliance Actions
Enforcement Actions Compliance Actions
AV2022004 8
causing the problem, and recommend solutions that address all of the factors. A
key principle of root cause analysis is to identify underlying problems that
increase the likelihood of errors while avoiding the trap of focusing on mistakes
by individuals. Root cause analysis became an integral part of FAA oversight with
the implementation of the Compliance Program in 2015. According to FAA
guidance, inspectors should work with air carriers to identify and address the root
cause of a problem and then develop appropriate corrective actions to prevent
future reoccurrence.
However, we found that FAA inspectors accepted root cause analyses by the air
carrier that did not identify the true root cause of the problem. Specifically, we
reviewed 60 randomly selected compliance actions from fiscal years 2016 to
2020, consisting of 185 maintenance non-compliance cases. In 171 of 185 cases
(92 percent), American Airlines did not identify the true root cause of non-
compliances either because the root cause was not identified at all or the root
cause was determined to be related to human factors issues. The remaining
14 non-compliances were instances in which the carrier conducted thorough
investigations but did not explicitly state the underlying cause of the non-
compliance (see figure 3).
Figure 3. Breakdown of FAA’s Acceptance of American Airlines’
Root Cause Analysis of Maintenance Non-Compliances
Source: OIG analysis of FAA data
Of the 171 instances of insufficient root cause analysis, we identified 50 instances
(29 percent) in which the carrier did not address the root cause of the problem at
all. In these 50 instances, the carrier either did not provide a root cause or merely
restated the results of its investigation as a root cause without determining why
the non-compliance occurred. For example, in 2016, FAA notified American
AV2022004 9
Airlines that unidentified aircraft parts were found in an administrative building
on a paper recycle bin and tops of lockers. These parts were not properly tagged
to indicate whether they were usable or not. FAA expected the carrier to
investigate and provide a root cause analysis into why the non-compliance
occurred and identify appropriate corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.
However, in its response, American Airlines repeated that the aircraft parts were
found on the paper recycle bin and the carrier was unable to determine why they
were there. Conversely, American Airlines did identify the root cause of a non-
compliance involving mechanics documenting excessive tire pressure in hot
aircraft tires. In this example, the carrier conducted a thorough investigation into
FAA’s finding and determined that errors occurred because the mechanic’s
maintenance manual did not clearly state that hot tire pressure is permitted to be
higher than the maximum operational pressure.
FAA also accepted root cause analysis in which human factors
were identified as
the root cause. According to recently issued FAA guidance,
human factors
should not be considered the root cause of a non-compliance; instead,
investigations into root cause should determine why the individual erred. FAA’s
guidance is consistent with aviation industry practices in calling for more
comprehensive analyses rather than attributing the cause of non-compliance on
human factors, such as “the technician did not follow procedures.” Further,
according to TapRooT,
a widely recognized root cause analysis tool, “human
error is probably a causal factor.
When you see human error as a root cause, the
result is often to find blame and ineffective corrective action.” Similarly, the
healthcare industry stresses addressing root causes that are inherent to the
system, and not the people, to improve overall system safety. When individuals
are blamed for an incident, remedial action focuses on the person or people
involved, but this represents a missed opportunity to make wider reaching
changes to the system to prevent future occurrences of a similar error.
Contrary to industry best practices and subsequently FAA’s own guidance,
inspectors accepted root cause analyses identifying human error as the root
cause in 121 (71 percent) of the 171 non-compliances reviewed. For example, in
September 2019, FAA found mechanics overlooked a work step on a
maintenance task card pertaining to passenger cabin doors. According to the air
carrier response to FAA, the Root Cause was complacency of the Supervisor.”
Additionally, in January 2018, FAA identified an erroneous maintenance task card
Human factors is the scientific discipline concerned with understanding how humans interact with other elements of
a system in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
Federal Aviation Administration Order 8900.1, Volume 14, Compliance and Enforcement, October 16, 2020.
According to its website, TapRooT is a systematic process, software, and training for finding the real root causes of
audits, precursor incidents, or major accidents.
A causal factor is a mistake, error, or failure that leads directly to or causes an incident, or fails to mitigate the
consequences of the original error.
AV2022004 10
pertaining to fuselage repairs in which all steps were signed as completed when
they should not have been because some steps did not apply to that situation.
According to the carrier’s assessment of the discrepancy, “The Structures
Mechanic was unable to explain why he failed to properly document the
inspection.” In both of these cases, FAA did not press American Airlines for root
causes of the problems and just accepted human error as the reason for the non-
FAA accepted insufficient root causes in part because the Agency did not
adequately train its inspectors on root cause analysis. FAA’s Compliance Program
and its inspector guidance emphasize the importance of inspectors using critical
thinking in problem solving and correctly identifying root causes so they can
recommend appropriate corrective actions. While 13 of 18 maintenance
inspectors we interviewed received some form of root cause analysis training
(e.g., 2-hour computer-based training), 5 of these inspectors received no training.
Furthermore, 6 of the 13 inspectors who did receive trainingincluding
managersstated that these courses did not provide the level of detail needed
to determine whether corrective action plans would effectively address the root
cause of non-compliances.
Further, FAA did not initially ensure the carrier documented its root cause analysis
process. According to FAA inspectors and American Airlines officials, they
typically work together to uncover the root cause of maintenance non-
compliances. The carrier stated that it conducted root cause analyses and verbally
discussed the results with FAA to gain concurrence, but at the outset of the
Compliance Program, FAA did not require the carrier to formally document root
cause determinations. When we asked for documentation of root cause analysis
discussions, neither FAA nor American Airlines could provide any. According to
inspectors, FAA did not require air carriers to submit written root cause analyses
even though inspectors asked American to identify root causes in their
notification letters. However, starting in mid-2018, the local oversight office
stated that it began requiring the carrier to provide written root cause
determinations in its response letters to FAA. As noted above, we also found that
many of these root cause analyses still did not identify the true root cause of
maintenance discrepancies, and FAA continued to accept the analyses to close
out compliance actions. Without a determination of the true root cause of the
problem, FAA cannot be sure that corrective actions proposed to address
maintenance non-compliances will effectively mitigate the problems and prevent
future recurrences.
Ineffective root cause analysis and the associated corrective actions may have
contributed to a number of repetitive non-compliances at American Airlines.
Based on our review, the most frequent non-compliances were maintenance
recordkeeping errors and omissions, insufficient maintenance training, and
improperly completed maintenance. For example, recordkeeping errors
AV2022004 11
(i.e., failure to document required maintenance steps) occurred in 29 of the 60
compliance actions we sampled over a 5-year period. Repetitive maintenance
record errors likely occurred because the carrier identified human factors as the
root cause of the problem and did not continue its investigations to determine
why maintenance personnel erred. As a result, FAA and the carrier missed an
opportunity to make more expansive enhancements to the system to prevent
future occurrences of the same or a similar error.
FAA Inspectors Closed Out Compliance
Actions Prematurely
FAA inspectors prematurely closed compliance actions before ensuring that the
carrier completed its corrective actions. This is because at the time of our review,
FAA’s Compliance Program guidance
did not require inspectors to validate
(i.e., conduct an inspection) that corrective actions are in place and effective at
addressing the discrepancies prior to closing out a compliance action, as long as
the corrective action follow-up inspection is tracked in a separate FAA database.
Yet, inspectors could not identify these actions in the database when asked to do
so. As a result, the trail of corrective actions tied to a specific compliance action is
lost, and inspectors cannot be sure that air carrier non-compliances are actually
resolved and corrective actions are effective.
In our review of 185 non-compliances between March 2016 and March 2020, we
determined that American Airlines proposed 394 corrective actions (many of
these 185 non-compliances contained multiple corrective actions). FAA inspectors
accepted all of the corrective actionsincluding 20 actions that were closed out
before American Airlines could actually implement them. For example, in 2018, an
inspector identified weaknesses in the carrier’s maintenance procedures and its
tool calibration program and initiated a compliance action to address the issue.
After the carrier submitted its corrective action plan to FAA, the inspector
reviewed and approved the plan, closing out the compliance action and stating
that FAA had validated the corrective actionseven though the carrier’s
documented response showed that 8 of the 19 corrective actions would not be
completed for up to 5½ months later.
According to senior FAA inspectors, FAA guidance at that time permitted
inspectors to close out compliance actions before corrective actions were
completed, but guidance stated inspectors should hold open the follow-up
inspection record in FAA’s inspection database until inspectors can validate the
FAA revised Order 8900.1, Volume 14, Compliance and Enforcement on October 16, 2020, which is after the time
period of our review of compliance actions.
AV2022004 12
corrective action. However, we found that inspectors could not determine
whether the follow-up inspection had occurred when consulting their inspection
database. This is because when inspectors closed out the compliance action, they
did not clearly link the follow-up inspection to its corresponding compliance
action. As a result, inspectors were unable to determine whether a follow-up
inspection actually occurred, which would have validated that corrective actions
were implemented and effective at addressing non-compliances.
In comparison, a similar programFAA’s Voluntary Disclosure Reporting
Program used by air carriers to self-disclose errors to FAAalso requires root
causes analysis and submission of comprehensive fixes to prevent future
reoccurrence of problems. However, this program goes one step further by
requiring FAA inspectors to validate that comprehensive fixes address the
problem before closing out the disclosure.
Further, as part of its compliance action close-out process, FAA formally notifies
American Airlines that it accepts its root cause analyses and proposed corrective
actions and considers the compliance actions closed. Yet, we found that this
formal notification occurred whether or not FAA had completed its work related
to the compliance action. According to FAA guidance at the time of our review, a
compliance action is typically considered closed when inspectors document their
validation of corrective actions in its inspection database. Further, some
corrective actions can be complex and take time for the carrier to implement.
However, FAA sent the carrier close out letters, leaving the air carrier to believe
that it has met FAA’s requirements for compliance action closure. For example,
FAA closed out a compliance action for incorrectly signed maintenance work
cards one day after the carrier provided its response to FAA. Some of these work
cards showed mechanics how to perform aircraft maintenance checks. This quick
turnaround raises questions as to whether inspectors would have had enough
time to review the response and validate the effectiveness of the corrective
action. American Airlines stated in its response to FAA that one of the corrective
actions was not due to be completed until one month later. Yet, FAA informed
the carrier in its close-out letter that it “verified that the implementation of the
agreed upon comprehensive fixes.” As a result of this process, FAA closeout
letters may lead the carrier to believe it does not have to take corrective actions
and the case is closed, even though inspectors have not yet validated corrective
AV2022004 13
FAA’s Oversight Controls Are Not Effective for
Evaluating if American Airlines’ Safety
Management System Sufficiently Assesses and
Mitigates Risk
FAA’s oversight of American Airlines’ SMS hinders the Agency from fully
assessing the carrier’s risk management process and assuring the effectiveness of
safety risk controls. In particular, FAA is not routinely evaluating the carrier’s risk
Performing risk assessments is the most challenging part of the risk management
process because of the subjectivity of accurately identifying the severity of the
consequences. As part of the risk assessment, each hazard’s associated safety risk
is assessed against the risk acceptance criteria and plotted on a risk matrix based
on the severity and likelihood of the outcome. The objective of this step is to
determine the safety risk level acceptability. A risk matrix provides a visual
depiction of the safety risk and enables prioritization in the control of the
FAA is responsible for overseeing American Airlines’ implementation of its SMS,
including the carrier’s assessment of safety risk ratings and controls. FAA requires
American Airlines to use its SMS to determine the level of risk (e.g., “risk rating”)
associated with maintenance non-compliances and report to FAA what controls
failed and what consequences would occur as a result of the failed safety
However, our review found weaknesses in American Airlines’ risk assessments and
FAA’s oversight. Our analysis of 193 findings (from our sample of 60 compliance
actions) indicated that the carrier rated 141 of them (73 percent) as “low” or “very
low” risk. Table 1 shows examples of non-compliances that were rated “low” or
“very low.”
AV2022004 14
Table 1. Examples of American Airlines’ Non-Compliances
Rated Low or Very Low Related to Potential Outcomes
Potential Outcome Had the
Non-Compliance Continued
Severity Risk
Reactive Risk
Mechanic failed to
perform a bird strike
damage inspection
The aircraft departed
without the maintenance
task being accomplished
Mechanic failed to
perform an engine
leak check
The work task card would
continue to have a signature
stamp missing
Very Low
documented that
tire pressure checks
were performed, but
never used a tire
pressure gauge
Calibrated tire gauges would
not have been tracked in
accordance with American’s
procedures manual
Very Low
Source: OIG analysis of FAA data
While categorizing risk assessments is inherently subjective, accurately identifying
these ratings is integral to decision making in SMS, as all actions performed to
address the safety issue depend on the initial and subsequent risk assessments.
According to American Airlines’ Risk Assessment Matrix, only five risk severity
categories are used for risk assessment, although there are 14 severity categories
identified. An air carrier official explained that these are the only five categories
on its risk matrix that could lead to an accident, incident, injuries, or threats of
injuries to their employees. The five categories the carrier uses are:
Accident or incident (e.g., accident with fatalities or significant aircraft
Employee or customer injury (e.g., injury or fatality),
Operational event (e.g., operating with no meaningful safety margins or
operating beyond aircraft limitations),
Security (e.g., terrorist activity or civil unrest), and
Systems or processes (e.g., disruptions to aircraft operations or system
Two of the remaining categories“regulatory” and “airworthiness”are rarely
used. (According to American Airlines’ SMS guidance, the regulatory category
may only be used with management approval.) This is significant because,
AV2022004 15
according to FAA, the use of “regulatory” or “airworthiness” categories could
result in higher risk ratings. Additionally, the risk rating ultimately determines the
corrective actions the carrier must take and what level of air carrier management
will be responsible for accepting and mitigating the risk. For example, American
flew an aircraft with an inoperable emergency evacuation slide for 877 days
before reporting the non-compliance to FAA. The inoperable slide was
categorized as an “accident or incident” (even though neither event occurred)
resulting in a “moderate” risk rating. For this rating, a director-level management
authority would be required to approve the risk mitigation plan. However, had
American categorized the event as an “airworthiness” issue, the level of risk could
have risen to a “serious” risk rating. As a result, this new rating would have
required a different set of corrective actions and controls and a higher level of
management at American Airlinesa Vice President or higher levelto review
and accept the risk mitigation plan.
However, FAA did not evaluate whether American Airlines’ risk ratings adequately
captured the level of risk for these findings. This is in part because inspectors lack
training on how to review the risk assessments. As part of its oversight of an air
carrier’s SMS, FAA inspectors are required to evaluate risk ratings, determine root
causes, and develop corrective actions in a similar way the air carrier uses its SMS.
To effectively oversee an air carrier’s SMS, inspectors need to be properly trained
on safety risk management and have comprehensive guidance to help to
facilitate inspections. However, inspectors told us that the training they received
was more of a high-level overview of SMS, and it lacked details of how to
accurately review air carrier risk ratings. As a result, FAA could not verify whether
the 73 percent of findings that American Airlines rated as “low” or “very low” were
indeed low risk. This also limits FAA’s ability to effectively assess the carrier’s
controls for those safety risks.
A lack of an effective inspection checklist (i.e., data collection tool) also limits
FAA’s SMS oversight. Inspectors routinely evaluate SMS using inspection
checklists that are designed to identify whether a carrier’s SMS is working
effectively. However, according to FAA inspectors, the way FAA’s checklist is
written does not provide an opportunity to dig down to the level of detail
needed to effectively review American Airlines’ SMS. This is because the
questions they answer during a typical inspection are aimed at determining
whether the air carrier’s management has sufficient authority and effective
processes in place to operate an SMS. For example, one question used in the
inspection was “Were the certificate holder’s process measurement(s) used to
evaluate the performance of the Accountable Executive process and if necessary,
implement corrective action?” Although the inspectors’ response to this question
contained two examples of aircraft flown in non-airworthy conditions, the details
did not relate to whether process measurements were effective and corrective
actions were implemented. This indicates that the inspectors devised a
AV2022004 16
workaround to the inspection checklist in a way that allowed them to more
thoroughly examine the carrier’s SMS. Even though this workaround was not a
standard inspection process, it allowed FAA to conduct a more comprehensive
review of the carrier’s SMS which ultimately disclosed system weaknesses.
As a result of FAA’s limited inspector guidance and training, inspectors may not
be effectively and consistently reviewing American Airlines’ SMS. In the last year,
FAA has conducted three inspections pertaining to American Airlines’ SMS. Each
inspection yielded very different results, as shown in table 2 below.
Table 2. American Airlines’ SMS Inspection Results
Type of
December 2020
October 2020
March 2021
Individual Finding in 1 of 21
inspection questions
(one inspector)
No findings
(six inspectors)
Findings in 19 of 21
inspection questions
Source: OIG analysis of FAA data
While the January 2020 inspection was a routine inspection of SMS, the
inspection in OctoberDecember 2020 was directed from FAA Headquarters. FAA
inspectors for all major air carrier
oversight offices were directed to review and
report on the overall effectiveness of air carrier’s SMS using a specially-designed
checklist. This review did not require any new data collection, and inspectors were
asked to simply answer six high-level questions to assess whether air carriers
made progress since the inception of SMS. Although this national review was
conducted while the team inspection was ongoing, the FAA principal inspector
had no findings as a result of this review.
In contrast, during this same timeframe, a team of inspectors conducted a routine
inspection of American Airlines’ SMS using the same data collection tool used in
January 2020. However, the team used a workaround to be able to assess the
SMS more comprehensively, as we mentioned previously. This inspection
reported 27 findings to American Airlines. According to FAA, the reason for the
This refers to large, commercial operators regulated under 14 CFR Part 121, Operating Requirements: Domestic,
Flag, and Supplemental Operations. These carriers operate larger aircraft with primarily scheduled flights.
AV2022004 17
significant number of findings in this inspection was twofold: the team consisted
of six inspectors that were assigned to review specific portions of SMS; and the
workaround resulted in a more thorough review of SMS. The team found multiple
issues with maintenance manuals and training, but the team also identified a
pattern of improper risk categorization, risk control ineffectiveness, and missing
hazard identification documentation, as shown in table 3 below. According to
FAA, improper risk categorization and/or control effectiveness negatively impacts
the risk assessment.
Table 3. Findings From FAA’s Team Inspection of American Airlines’ SMS
Finding Type Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Corrective Actions Unable to provide data to
support that corrective actions
were validated and the risk was
mitigated for voluntarily
reported events
Discrepancy identified in
early 2020 remained
unresolved, indicating gaps
in monitoring corrective
Risk Assessments Aircraft used in two revenue
flights with open mechanical
discrepancies. No risk
identification documentation
found although aircraft was
operated contrary to
regulatory standards
No hazard identification for
discrepancies identified in
Voluntary Disclosures,
Airworthiness Directive
Overflies, and Compliance
No risk assessment for
missing engine bushings and
improper engine mount strut
installation. Aircraft operated
for 1,002 cycles in an
unairworthy condition.
Root Cause "Primary Cause" listed does
not correlate with the Root
Cause found on the FAA
Voluntary Disclosure
Risk Categorization
Aircraft operated in service
for 877 days with an
inoperable door slide. Risk
category was “Accident or
Incident.” The Hazard
identification did not
document operating an
unairworthy aircraft in
revenue service for 877 days
or the associated risk
Operated an aircraft for two
flights with an open
maintenance discrepancy.
Risk category was “Systems or
Processes.” No associated risk
assessment was completed.
Source: OIG analysis of FAA data
The team’s report not only identified weaknesses in American Airlines’ SMS, but
also in FAA’s own review and acceptance of the carrier’s risk ratings. Specifically,
AV2022004 18
the team sampled compliance actions and voluntary disclosures from American
Airlines that the local inspection office had previously reviewed and approved.
The team found that the carrier’s responses lacked sufficient details to justify
appropriate root causes, corrective actions, and risk controls, calling into question
why the local inspection office originally closed out these cases. For example, in
2020, the carrier disclosed an engine maintenance non-compliance and described
that, had the problem not been caught by maintenance mechanics, the aircraft
would have continued to operate in an unairworthy condition. Yet, at the time of
disclosure, FAA accepted the disclosure and corrective actions and closed the
case even though American Airlines stated the aircraft was unairworthy. In
another example in 2020, an aircraft operated for over 2 years with an inoperable
emergency escape slide. According to the team’s assessment, the carrier
incorrectly identified the hazard category and risk controls to prevent the event
from reoccurring. However, the local inspection office reviewed and accepted the
carrier’s response anyway and closed the case.
While the local oversight office’s team inspection of the SMS successfully
uncovered significant findings, they have not previously conducted any such
team inspections. As a result, FAA may be missing opportunities to identify
weaknesses in American Airlines’ SMS related to assessing and mitigating safety
Ensuring that air carriers are complying with maintenance requirements and
promptly addressing non-compliances is critical to maintaining safety of
commercial air carrier operations. FAA continues to improve its oversight system,
including working more closely with air carriers such as American Airlines to
improve compliance and implement effective SMS. To further enhance aviation
safety, FAA must continue to lead and implement strong oversight controls to
help ensure that American Airlines more closely analyzes risks to its operations,
adequately identifies root causes of issues, and develops appropriate and
effective corrective actions that will prevent reoccurrence of maintenance non-
compliances. These steps will be critical to maintain confidence that U.S. air
carriers are operating at the highest degree of safety.
To improve the effectiveness of FAA’s oversight of American Airlines’
maintenance program, we recommend that the Federal Aviation Administrator:
AV2022004 19
1) Develop and implement root cause analysis training for inspectors more in
line with training in the aviation industry.
2) Develop and implement a management control to ensure that inspectors
maintain the link between the compliance action and the corrective action
validation inspection within its inspection databases.
3) Develop and implement a management control to ensure inspectors require
air carriers to provide written root cause analyses and that these analyses do
not specifically identify human factors issues as root causes.
4) Develop and implement a management control to ensure that inspectors do
not send compliance action close out letters until the corrective actions have
been completed and validated.
5) Develop and implement a team inspection approach in order to periodically
assess the air carrier’s Safety Management System.
6) Develop and implement Safety Management System training for inspectors
that is specifically designed to aid inspectors in evaluating air carrier risk
7) Revise the Safety Management Systems data collection tool to allow
inspectors to perform more detailed reviews and accurately document the
results of these reviews.
Agency Comments and OIG Response
We provided FAA with our draft report on August 10, 2021, and received its
response on September 22, 2021, which is included as an appendix to this report.
FAA concurred with five of our seven recommendations and partially concurred
with two. FAA provided appropriate planned actions and completion dates for
recommendations 1, 2, 4, and 6. We are requesting that FAA reconsider its
response or provide additional information for recommendations 3, 5, and 7, as
detailed below.
FAA partially concurred with recommendation 3. The Agency agreed that
additional guidance is needed to address root cause analysis, but states it cannot
statutorily require an air carrier to provide written root cause analyses.
Alternatively, FAA stated it will publish a policy that provides clear expectations
when requesting outputs and performing analyses of an air carrier’s SMS
processes. However, the Agency did not address how it will ensure inspectors do
not accept human factors as root causes. While FAA’s response reflects a more
narrow interpretation of its power to obtain records of certificated air carriers
AV2022004 20
than the Agency’s long-standing interpretation of its authority as stated in 14
C.F.R. § 119.59 (Conducting tests and inspections), we agree with FAA’s proposed
alternative action if the additional guidance clarifies that human factors should
not be identified as the root cause of an non-compliance. Accordingly, we are
requesting additional information regarding how FAA’s planned actions will
address this concern. Until then, we consider recommendation 3 open and
FAA concurred with recommendation 5. However, FAA’s planned action does not
meet the intent of our recommendation. In its response, FAA proposed
enhancing its National Certificate Holder Evaluation Program (CHEP) to provide
an independent team inspection approach to oversight. However, CHEP
inspections are conducted by outside inspectors once every 5 years to evaluate
the air carrier’s ability to adhere to Federal aviation regulations. Conversely,
inspectors in the local inspection offices conduct SMS-specific evaluations
annually. As we noted in our report, FAA’s team inspection resulted in a more
comprehensive assessment than could be accomplished by a single inspector. We
ask FAA to reconsider its response regarding team inspections at local inspection
offices as part of SMS oversight. Until then, we consider recommendation 5 open
and unresolved.
FAA partially concurred with recommendation 7, stating that an update is not
needed to its current SMS Data Collection Tool (DCT). However, FAA did not
explain how it made this determination. During our audit, FAA inspectors
expressed concerns that the current tool hinders their ability to conduct detailed
SMS reviews. We agree with FAA’s proposed alternative action as long as the
additional guidance will demonstrate how inspectors can use the current tool to
conduct and document thorough SMS assessments. Accordingly, we are
requesting additional information regarding (1) how FAA determined the DCT did
not need to be updated and (2) how its updated guidance will demonstrate how
inspectors can use the current DCT to conduct a thorough assessment. Until then,
we consider recommendation 7 open and unresolved.
Actions Required
We consider recommendations 1, 2, 4, and 6 resolved but open pending
completion of the planned actions. In accordance with DOT Order 8000.1C, we
request that FAA provide, within 30 days of this report, the additional information
on recommendations 3, 5, and 7, as described above.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 21
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology
We conducted this performance audit between November 2019 and August 2021
in accordance with generally accepted Government auditing standards as
prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on
our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
We initially planned to conduct an industry-wide audit of FAA’s oversight of air
carrier maintenance programs. However, we decided to refocus the audit after
determining that FAA had adjusted its oversight strategy from emphasizing
enforcement actions to working with carriers collaboratively to address the root
causes for violations of safety regulations. Furthermore, the congressional request
asking us to examine FAA’s oversight of air carrier maintenance highlighted both
Allegiant Air and American Airlines. Allegiant Air was experiencing continued
maintenance problems while American Airlines was being sued by its own
mechanics due to alleged pressure to shortcut maintenance to keep aircraft in
service. We decided to report on these two carriers separately. We issued our
findings on FAA’s oversight of Allegiant Air in December 2019, and this report
presents our findings related to FAA’s oversight of American Airlines.
Our audit objective was to assess FAA’s processes for investigating improper
maintenance practices at American Airlines. Specifically, we examined the
effectiveness of FAA’s oversight of American Airlines and determined whether
FAA ensures that the carrier implemented effective corrective actions to address
the root causes of maintenance problems. We conducted our audit work both
physically and virtually at FAA Headquarters and the FAA Certificate Management
Offices in Irving, TX, and Coraopolis, PAwhich are responsible for overseeing
American Airlines. We also interviewed key management officials at American
Airlines to understand their maintenance programs and obtain their perspective
of FAA’s air carrier oversight. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted all
of our work at American and follow-up interviews with FAA management
To assess FAA’s ability to investigate improper maintenance practices at
American Airlines, we reviewed and evaluated FAA policies and procedures that
govern the oversight of air carrier maintenance. We interviewed 17 inspectors
who were available at the time of our site visitsregarding American Airlines
maintenance programs. We also reviewed correspondence exchanged between
FAA and American. Additionally, we analyzed FAA inspection data from 2010 to
2021, obtained from its Enforcement Information System, SharePoint site,
submissions to FAA’s Hotline database, and its SAS.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 22
To determine whether FAA ensured American Airlines implemented effective
corrective actions to address the root causes of maintenance problems, we
analyzed FAA’s Compliance Actions. We obtained a list of all airworthiness
compliance action records—516 in allfrom fiscal years 2016 to 2020. We then
drew a sample of 60 closed cases and requested that FAA provide corresponding
records. We performed a file review of all 60 closed records to determine if FAA
inspectors required the carrier to address the underlying causes of non-
compliances and if they conducted follow-up inspections of the Compliance
To quantify how often FAA accepted root causes attributed to human error
instead of addressing the underlying root cause, we determined that the 60 cases
we reviewed contained a total of 185 instances of non-compliance. We then
analyzed the root causes of these 185 instances and determined that 121 of these
instances contained air carrier investigative results attributing human error as the
root cause. For example, if it was stated that American officials “coached and
counseledan employee after the employee committed an error, we counted this
as a human factors root cause because no other reason was given as to why the
error was committed. Similarly, to determine whether FAA conducted follow-up
inspections for the 60 Compliance Actions in our analysis, we reviewed each of
the 185 non-compliances and identified 394 associated corrective actions. We
then compared the dates of closure for these corrective actions to the dates
associated with FAA’s close-out letters to determine that 20 corrective actions
were closed out before inspectors validated the effectiveness of the corrective
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 23
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted
Department of Transportation
FAA Headquarters, Flight Standards Service
FAA Office of Audit and Evaluation
FAA System Approach for Safety Oversight Program Office
FAA Quality Control & Investigations Branch A
FAA American Airlines Certificate Management Office
FAA Contracts and Program Administration Branch
Other Organizations
American Airlines
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 24
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms
CHEP Certificate Holder Evaluation Program
DCT Data Collection Tool
DOT Department of Transportation
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
OIG Office of Inspector General
SAS Safety Assurance System
SMS Safety Management System
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report 25
Exhibit D. Major Contributors to This Report
Appendix. Agency Comments 26
Appendix. Agency Comments
Federal Aviation
Date: September 22, 2021
To: Matthew E. Hampton, Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
From: H. Clayton Foushee, Director, Office of Audit and Evaluation, AAE-1
Subject: Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Response to Office of Inspector General
(OIG) Draft Report: FAA Lacks Effective Oversight Controls to Determine Whether
American Airlines Appropriately Identifies, Assesses, and Mitigates Aircraft
Maintenance Risks
The FAA’s approach to aviation industry safety oversight incorporates the principles of Safety
Management Systems (SMS) and the FAA Compliance Program. It is a risk management-based
approach that has sustained an exemplary safety record. The Agency is strongly committed to
continuous improvement of that record and will continuously implement enhancements to our
oversight programs as they are identified.
We have reviewed the draft report and offer the following observations:
The draft report asserts that the FAA can require an air carrier to provide a written root
cause determination. The FAA can request a root cause determination from an air carrier
as part of an investigation, but there is no specific statutory or regulatory provision
requiring an air carrier to provide such a determination. However, the FAA can pursue
traditional enforcement mechanisms if a certificate holder is not effectively identifying
and addressing the root causes of non-compliance. The Agency believes that identifying
and effectively addressing root causes of noncompliance is the most effective way to
prevent a recurrence, and safety risk assessment is an essential element of a well
implemented SMS, which is required.
The draft report suggests that there is no existing inspection team in place to periodically
assess an air carrier’s SMS program. However, the National Certificate Holder
Evaluation Program (CHEP) has been in existence since 2005. The CHEP is independent
of Certificate Management Offices (CMO) that have general oversight responsibility for
air carriers. The CHEP performs an in-depth evaluation of the design and performance of
14 CFR part 121 certificate holders’ systems. This evaluation includes oversight of the
application of safety attributes within the certificate holder’s technical processes. The
safety attributes directly correlate to the requirements in 14 CFR part 5 for an approved
SMS. A CHEP team is required to perform an evaluation when a certificate holder’s risk
Appendix. Agency Comments 27
factors increase. With enhancements, the Agency believes that the CHEP model can
satisfy the OIG’s recommendation for a “team inspection approach.”
The OIG recommends “root cause analysis training for inspectors” and “Safety
Management System training for inspectors that is specifically designed to aid inspectors
in evaluating air carrier risk assessments. The Agency agrees that training in these areas
is vital to the effectiveness of safety oversight, and the FAA intends to address the OIG
recommendations for both types of training in parallel. In a December 2019, audit report,
the OIG recommended additional root cause analysis training for inspectors, and in May
2021, the Agency provided an update to OIG stating that FAA would complete a
competency assessment for aviation safety inspectors and engineers by September 2022.
That competency assessment will form the basis for determining any necessary additional
root cause analysis and SMS training revisions.
Upon review of the recommendations, the FAA concurs with Recommendations 1, 2, 4, and 6.
For recommendations 1 and 6, the FAA plans to begin implementing this training by December 31,
2022. The FAA plans to implement controls for recommendations 2 and 4 by September 30, 2022.
The FAA concurs with Recommendation 5. The Agency intends to make enhancements to the
existing National CHEP to provide more comprehensive oversight of certificate holders’ SMS.
The FAA will incorporate SMS custom DCTs into the National CHEP. This will provide a
standardized team inspection approach to the assessment of a certificate holder’s SMS. The FAA
plans to complete this action by March 31, 2022.
The FAA partially concurs with Recommendation 3. The FAA cannot statutorily require an air
carrier to provide a written root cause analysis. SMS should detect noncompliance and the Agency
can utilize other enforcement mechanisms when certificate holders fail to identify noncompliance
as expected. However, the Agency agrees that additional guidance is needed on the topic of root
cause analysis. As an alternative action, the FAA will publish policy that provides clear
expectations for FAA personnel when requesting the outputs of an air carrier’s SMS processes and
when performing analyses of such information. The FAA plans to implement the alternative
action, publishing revised guidance, by December 31, 2022.
The FAA partially concurs with recommendation 7. While the FAA consistently updates its
Data Collection Tools (DCTs) based on Safety Assurance System (SAS) user feedback, the FAA
does not believe that a specific revision for the SAS DCTs is necessary. However, the Agency
agrees that additional guidance is needed on the use of the DCTs for reviewing SMS. In
particular, the guidance should clarify that the DCTs should not be viewed as limiting and how
investigative personnel can use the existing tools to conduct a thorough assessment. The FAA
will implement the alternative action, publishing revised guidance, by September 30, 2022.
The FAA appreciates this opportunity to respond to the OIG draft report. Please contact H. Clayton
Foushee at Clay[email protected] if you have any questions or require additional information
about these comments.
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590
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