Harnessing A.I. for Augmenting Creativity: Application to Movie
Trailer Creation
John R. Smith
, Dhiraj Joshi
, Benoit Huet
Winston Hsu
, Jozef Cota
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,
National Taiwan University
In this paper, we describe the rst-ever machine human collabo-
ration at creating a real movie trailer (ocially released by 20
t h
Century Fox). We introduce an intelligent system designed to under-
stand and encode patterns and types of emotions in horror movies
that are useful in trailers. We perform multi-modal semantics ex-
traction including audio visual sentiments and scene analysis and
employ a statistical approach to model the key dening components
that characterize horror movie trailers. The system was applied
on a full-length feature lm, “Morgan” released in 2016 where the
system identied 10 moments as best candidates for a trailer. We
partnered with a professional lmmaker who arranged and edited
each of the moments together to construct a comprehensive trailer
completing the entire processing as well as the nal trailer assembly
within 24 hours. We discuss disruptive opportunities for the lm
industry and the tremendous media impact of the AI trailer. We
conrm the eectiveness of our trailer with a very supportive user
study. Finally based on our close interaction with the lm industry,
we also introduce and investigate the novel paradigm of tropes
within the context of movies for advancing content creation.
Information systems Multimedia content creation
puting methodologies Video summarization;
Automatic Trailer Generation; Computational Creativity
The multimedia and vision communities have witnessed tremen-
dous advances in the eld of image and video understanding in the
last two decades. Besides semantics, researchers have also made
active contributions in highly challenging domains such as aes-
thetics, emotions, and sentiments in the audio-visual space. If we
observe the spectra of research in multimedia content analysis in
the last decade or so, we can see a shift in focus towards solving
This work was performed while Benoit Huet and Winston Hsu were visiting IBM T.J.
Watson Research.
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MM ’17, October 23–27, 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4906-2/17/10.. .$15.00
more creative and subjective problems with large quantities of data.
Computational creativity lies along the far reaches of this space
that researchers have begun to tread only recently.
One of the biggest beneciaries of research in computational
creativity within the context of audio-visual analysis can be the
media and entertainment industry that produces thousands of TV
shows and movies every year. Typical shooting ratios for TV shows
and movies can vary anywhere from 10:1 to 100:1. In other words,
this means that in order to produce a two hour movie about 200
hours of video is shot, recorded, manually watched, selected and
curated. Video understanding technology that can analyze hours
and hours of footage and identify “good” content which can in
turn signicantly enhance the creative process. With thousands
of movies coming out every year
, one of the key tasks for the
producers is creation of trailers to advertise them. A trailer, besides
being an advertising platform for a movie and its cast can be one
of the most important determinants in the reception, popularity,
and ultimately the success of the movie. Movie trailers are growing
more important in the marketing of lms because in the past they
were typically conned to theaters and screened during the pre-
views for upcoming attractions [
]. Now, they are seen by much
wider audiences across the globe via social media platforms such
as YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook months before a lm is released.
Over the years, trailers have been seen worthy of study. Accord-
ing to the noted lm expert, Dr Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli, of Edinburgh
University, "trailers play on emotional impact, set up situations, and
produce an overall feel, both aesthetic and emotional, very quickly”.
From a creativity standpoint, movie trailers typically involve high
levels of human cognitive eort. The reasons for this are multi-fold;
The trailer-maker has to select which scenes from the lm are the
most pertinent to attract viewer’s attention, The trailer should re-
veal some of the plot but not give away any key information that
will spoil the lm for anyone who has not previously watched it,
The tone of the trailer has to be true to the genre of the lm (for
example one would not want to create a comedic trailer for a lm
that is actually more dramatic in nature), and nally the pacing is
important to sustain the viewers intrigue and interest.
The above are just some examples of the many highly creative
decisions that have to be made for a lmmaker who is working on
a movie trailer. Since the creation of a movie trailer requires a great
deal of human eort, they also typically require a great deal of time
and cost. Teams have to sort through hours of footage and manually
select each and every potential candidate moment. This process is
expensive and time consuming taking anywhere between 10 and 30
days to complete. We demonstrate that it is possible to accomplish
some of the above tasks with intelligent multimedia analysis while
leaving the nal creative decision making to the human.
In this paper, we present a novel and rst of the kind application
of multimedia analysis to creative trailer making for a real feature
lm. We demonstrate how a team of machine and human can eec-
tively accomplish the highly creative task of creating a trailer that
is traditionally extremely labor-intensive. We tackle the complex
and creative process of selecting scenes for trailers especially in the
domain of horror-thriller movies. The system has been trained on
horror trailers from the top 100 horror movies by segmenting out
each scene from the trailers and performing audio-visual analysis
including visual sentiment and scene analysis of visual key-frames,
audio analysis of the ambient sounds (such as the character’s tone
of voice and the musical score) to understand the sentiments asso-
ciated with each of those scenes, and an analysis of each scene’s
composition (such as the location of the shot, the image framing,
and the lighting) to categorize the types of locations and shots that
traditionally make up suspense/horror movies. In summary, the
key contributions of this paper are listed below:
We demonstrate the
world’s rst ever
joint computer-
human eort for creating a trailer that has been ocially
released, recognized, and received tremendous media at-
tention. This was performed for a full-length feature lm,
Morgan released in September 2016 by 20
t h
Century Fox
We make a case for the fact that the current state-of-the-
art multimedia AI technologies have already arrived at the
stage where they can signicantly enhance creative pro-
cesses such as creating trailers. We leverage some of the the
best available multimedia analysis tools and demonstrate
how they can be eectively used to accomplish a highly
creative task that is traditionally very labor intensive.
We rigorously evaluate user reception of our Augmented
Intelligence (AI) trailer produced with joint computer and
human eort versus the ocial 20
t h
Century Fox Trailer
for the same lm with an extensive user study of more
than 100 participants from all over the world.
Inspired by our interaction with the movie industry, we
introduce another complex multimodal ontology, “tropes”,
employed commonly in movies. We characterize tropes and
show their utilities in lm production by mining frequent
visual elements across 140 lms. We also discuss emerging
opportunities for this open research problem and a new
paradigm for contextual understanding.
In the light of our current work, we discuss about several related cre-
ative tasks in the movie and TV show industry that can signicantly
benet from augmented intelligence (AI).
2.1 Multimedia Analysis for Trailers
Movie and in general video summarization or abstraction has been
studied within the multimedia community for a few decades [
]. There are however a number of major dierences between
a summary and a trailer. The rst relates to the intent. An abstract
aims at giving the viewer a complete overview of the original con-
tent without watching it entirely, while trailers aim at attracting
the viewer to see the entire content. Hence, while the summary
will reveal the plot and the end, the trailer will attempt to keep it
unspoiled. Similarly, summaries tend to follow the original timeline
while teasers almost systematically break the temporal order so as
to not divulge the underlying narrative.
Trailers did not receive the same attention as video summaries
did from the multimedia analysis research community. Among the
few works addressing the issue, the work of Smeaton et al. [
focuses on action movies and studies specically the visual motion
level throughout the movie and the detection of specic audio cues
(speech, music, silence, etc..) in order to describe and select individ-
ual sequences for creating a trailer. Another approach, proposed
in [
] in the context of TV program, focuses on nding textual cor-
respondences between sentence in the program summary (provided
by the Electronic Program Guide) and the program’s closed cap-
tion. Among the short-comings inherent to such an approach, there
is the strong requirement for a textual summary to be prepared
prior to having the trailer made. Other approaches are focusing on
the identication of salient events to determine key moments in
a movie. In [
], an approach combining visual motion features,
audio energy and aective word analysis is proposed. Salient video
segments are selected by fusing the individual condence score
along the three modality.
The MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evalua-
tion has hosted a task aimed at identifying violent scenes which has
evolved (since 2015) into a task addressing the Emotional Impact
of movies task [
]. Approaches tackling this challenge focus on
the prediction of valence and arousal scores at the level of short
excerpts (time window and/or segments) and employ a wide range
of features, ranging from visual to audio, to train various regression
models, ranging from Support Vector [5] to deep RNNs [23].
2.2 Audio Visual Sentiment Analysis
Visual sentiment and emotion analysis within the context of images
was explored extensively in the last two decades [
]. Traditional
visual sentiment modeling was treated as a multi-class classica-
tion problem (using insights from psychology literature) and well
curated controlled datasets such as IAPS [
]. IAPS consists of a
diverse set of photos showing animals, people, activities, and na-
ture, and has been categorized in valences (positive, negative, or
no emotions) along various emotional dimensions [
]. More re-
cently with the availability of very large-scale image datasets and
advent of powerful deep learning approaches, newer philosophies
to sentiment analysis are being explored [
]. Both [
] explore
the association between sentiments and adjective-noun pairs (e.g.
happy dog) wherein the hypothesis is that an adjective-noun pair
evokes a specic mix of sentiments and the mapping is learned
from large image datasets.
Within the audio domain, emotion recognition has been studied
for speech [29] and music [17]. One of the most prominent recent
works that focuses on audio-based sentiment is the OpenSMILE
project [
]. OpenSMILE provides an open-source audio feature
extractor that incorporates features from music and speech within
the framework of emotion recognition. A survey of joint audio
visual aect recognition methods and spontaneous expressions is
presented in [
]. In one of the earlier works [
], audio visual
emotion recognition was studied for facial and vocal expressions.
In a recent work, fusion of audio, visual and textual clues has been
Figure 1: The high-level architecture of the Intelligent Mul-
timedia Analysis driven Trailer Creation Engine.
proposed for sentiment analysis in [
]. In addition to these works,
the annual AVEC challenge is largely devoted to studying mood
and emotion (esp. depression) within the context of audio visual
analysis [36].
2.3 Film Datasets
Datasets are critical for image/video learning. However, for lm
analysis, there are very limited datasets available due to copyright
concerns. MovieQA dataset [
] aims at evaluating video compre-
hension for multiple modalities. There are 400 movies with parts
or video segments, subtitles, plots, etc. It is mainly for question
and answering along with its 15,000 multiple choice questions. The
MovieBook Dataset [
] aims for movie and book alignment. The
authors collected 11 movies with subtitles, shots, and alignment an-
notations. MPII Movie Description dataset (MPII-MD) [
] aims for
movie descriptions from video content for visually impaired people.
It contains 68K sentences and video snippets from 84 movies. How-
ever, the videos are generally short segments without dialogues. In
short, we are unable to leverage existing datasets for trailer gener-
ation. We however obtained 100 trailers from the horror genre in
order to train our system. Additionally, we will demonstrate how
to mine lm production rules, in a new paradigm, by leveraging
video segments from MovieQA dataset [34].
3.1 High-Level Architecture
A high-level architecture of our system is shown in Figure 1. The
system incorporates both domain-specic and cross-domain knowl-
edge as depicted in the gure. We leverage state-of-the-art research
in audio and visual modeling and analysis in a wide spectrum of
domains from web photos to news audio in order to create a set
of diverse audio-visual representation for movie segments. Thus
our representation incorporates a wide variety of aective signals
and semantics learned from common world images and video. At
the same time, we adapt these representations to learn domain-
specic knowledge specic to the horror-thriller genre of movies.
This forms the core of the multimedia learning involved. The aug-
mented creative process involves application of domain specic
learning to a given movie (as shown in Figure 1) to come up with a
selection of a few scenes that are used by the human editor to create
a trailer. In the following sections, we will describe the individual
components that constitute the system.
3.2 Audio Visual Segmentation
The rst step in creating a comprehensive understanding of a movie
or a trailer was to break it into audio/visual snippets each of which
bears a coherent theme. Each of the snippet can then be used as an
individual entity for audio-visual modeling.
For this work, we performed audio and visual segmentation in-
dependently and later reconciled these segments to form composite
pieces of the movie story as a whole. Visual shot-boundary detec-
tion was performed and for simplicity each shot was represented
by a visual key-frame for further visual feature extraction. Audio
segmentation was performed using OpenSmile [
]. For each au-
dio segment a full edged emotional vector representation was
extracted using OpenEAR [
] an OpenSmile extension dedicated
to audio emotion recognition. In totality, for the full movie Morgan
we obtained a total of 1935 visual shots and 676 audio segments. Rec-
onciliation of the audio visual segments was performed as follows:
we aggregated visual sentiment features for all key-frames that
fall within an audio segment to form a composite visual sentiment
3.3 Audio Sentiment Analysis
Audio, whether speech, music or sounds conveys a key message
concerning what is happening in a scene. Even with your eyes
closed you can guess with a pretty good accuracy whether a person
talking is sad or happy, or if a musical track is cheerful, peaceful or
even suspenseful. Horror and thriller movies, as any other genre,
do exhibit scenes with carefully chosen audio tracks in order to
place the viewer in the right mood for the current or sometime
upcoming scene. The intelligent selection of scenes for the creation
of a movie trailer requires the identication of which sentiment is
expressed within every scene. Indeed, when constructing the trailer
of a horror/thriller, a director is going to favor certain scene versus
others based on the emotion they communicate to the viewer.
In the work presented here, we employed OpenSmile [
] for
performing audio analysis, and in particular the OpenEAR [
] ex-
tension which provides an ecient framework for emotion recogni-
tion. The strength of this framework is in the set of models provided
which have been trained on six datasets for recognizing emotion.
OpenEAR provides a variety of high level characteristics extracted
from the audio track. There is almost as many feature sets are there
are datasets used for its training (Berlin Speech Emotion Data-
base [
], Airplane Behaviour Corpus [
], Audio
Visual Interest Corpus [
], Belfast Sensitive Articial Listener [
and Vera-Am-Mittag [
]). Some emotional classes, like Anger, Dis-
gust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness and Neutral are available multiple
times, but might capture dierent audio signal properties for mak-
ing the classication as they were trained on independent training
data. Other emotional states, (such as Aggressive, Boredom, Cheer-
ful, Intoxicated, Nervous, Surprise and Tired) are dened uniquely
with a label. The aforementioned emotion are assigned a probabil-
ity score which corresponds to the class prediction of the model
with respect to some input audio signal. In addition to the discrete
high level feature listed above, OpenEAR allows for two continuous
dimensional features, namely valence and activation (also referred
to as arousal in the literature), both in the range from -1 to +1, to
dene the emotion contained in the input signal. A total of 18 audio
Figure 2: Sentibank output for a frame from the movie, Mor-
gan (courtesy -
t h
Century Fox). The relevant adjective
noun-pairs (anps) in terms of sentiments they evoke are la-
beled in green. We also show the emotion vector correspond-
ing to the anp with the highest score.
sentiment features are computed using OpenEAR for each audio
segment extracted from a video (a trailer or a movie).
3.4 Visual Sentiment Analysis
While audio is a key component for setting the tone of a scene, visual
imagery is equally if not more decisive especially in the context
of horror lms. Directors often choose the visual composition of
scenes carefully to convey the sentiments of fear and suspense
often through powerful imagery. Visuals such as somber scenes,
scary forests, and haunted houses can evoke fear and suspense
quite strongly (Figure 2).
In order to understand the visual sentiment structure of a movie
scene, we need to create a holistic representation over a spectrum
of emotions. In this work, we employed Sentibank [
] to extract
visual sentiment information from movie key-frames. Sentibank is
a departure from traditional visual sentiment modeling paradigm.
Traditionally sentiment prediction was treated as a multi-class
classication problem and careful sentiment labeling was an imper-
ative part of the process. On the contrary Sentibank solely relies on
crowd-sourced information and constructs associations between
sentiments and adjective-noun pairs (e.g. happy dog). These as-
sociations are constructed by learning from large image datasets
from the web. Sentiment prediction is an indirect consequence of
adjective-noun pair classication wherein the hypothesis is that
an adjective-noun pair evokes a specic mix of sentiments (along
the 24 dimensions of the Plutchik’s wheel of emotions
). An image
is rst classied into an adjective-noun pair category and is then
assigned sentiment scores specic to that category. Our choice of
Sentibank was based on the fact that it’s one of the most recent
state-of-the-art visual sentiment modeling methodology. For our
purposes, we used a Sentibank API to obtain top 5 adjective-noun
pairs (anps) for each key-frame in a trailer or movie. We then con-
structed a visual sentiment feature using the 24 sentiment scores
corresponding to the sentiment distribution for the highest ranked
anp. In order to create a composite visual sentiment representation
for an entire segment, we computed a dimension-wise mean across
all the key-frames in the segment.
Figure 3: Selected scenes from scary (top), tender (center),
and suspenseful (bottom) moments from movie
The Omen,
1976 (courtesy - 20
t h
Century Fox).
3.5 Visual Attributes: Places and Scenes
We observe that the production teams often manipulate the atmo-
sphere and the aesthetic factors in lms by using certain visual
composition rules. For example. in “horror” movies, we often have
scenes with dark colors, complex backgrounds, a huge face, etc.
Readers can see some of such scene examples in Figure 3 and 4.
(A more advanced investigation into this will be presented in Sec-
tion 7.2). For modeling essential scene oriented visual attributes
for trailer generation, we adopted Places 205 CNN model [
] as
the main visual feature because the network essentially models
places (or locations) and emphasizes more the global context in
scene composition. We experiment with features from dierent
layers including softmax, fc7, and fc6.
3.6 Multimodal Scene Selection - Experiments
and Results
Having extracted high level audio and visual features from a set
of hundred horror trailers available on-line, the Augmented Intelli-
gence (AI) system analyzed all the data gathered and computed a
statistical model capturing the prominent characteristics exhibited
by trailers from this specic movie genre. Implementation wise,
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the features
extracted from the collection of horror trailers. The three dominant
dimensions resulting from this analysis of the multimodal data were
believed to capture the main characteristics important in horror
movie trailers. This served as the basis to identify trailer worthy
scenes from a movie of the same genre. In eect, each scene of a
movie is projected onto the 3 dimensional space obtained through
PCA and the scenes with the highest response, those that best
match the requirement of such trailers, as selected as candidate for
making the trailer. Through audio-visual inspection of the scenes
responding strongly along each of those axes, we perceived that
the three major dimensions corresponded in some fashion to scary,
tender, and suspenseful moments.
Figure 4: Selected Scenes from the Morgan Trailers arrange d
in timely fashion from top to bottom. The A.I. Trailer is
shown on the left while the ocial
t h
Century Fox Trailer
is on the right. Arrows highlight common scenes used in
both trailers. (Courtesy - 20
t h
Century Fox)
In order to validate our approach, we analyzed an award winning
1976 motion picture The Omen
also produced by 20
t h
Century Fox.
Some scary, tender, and suspenseful moments from the movie The
Omen are shown in Figure 3.
In Figure 4 we present a qualitative evaluation of our AI based
Morgan trailer vis-a-vis one of the professionally produced Fox
trailers for Morgan (a quantitative evaluation will be presented in
Section 5). The gure depicts eight scenes from two trailers for
the Morgan movie. Frames representing scenes from the movie are
organized temporally (from top to bottom) following the original
ordering of each trailer with the Augmented Intelligence one on
the left and the one made by 20
t h
Century Fox on the right. One
can see certain scenes selected through our Multimedia Analysis
framework (left) are also present in the original movie trailer (right).
Common scenes from both trailers are highlighted by arrows con-
necting them. It is important to notice that the scene selection
process resulted from the analysis of movie trailers of the same
cinematographic genre but did not include any footage from Mor-
gan. It is interesting to see how, after learning key multimedia
characteristics and semantics extracted automatically from a large
set of example trailers, it was possible to identify pertinent scenes
from an unseen movie. Moreover, this clearly indicates that scenes
selected for making a movie trailer are not chosen randomly from
the entire movie and that is it possible to model such a selection
process using Augmented Intelligence.
The movie trailer industry is a $200 million a year industry [
Movie trailers that are created for large budget (studio lms) are
typically created in trailer houses. A trailer house is a post produc-
tion facility that is specically geared and specialized in creating
movie trailers. Sometimes they may be hired to create several ver-
sions of a trailer and conduct focus groups to see if they appeal to
mass audiences. Sometimes a movie studio may actually contract
the trailer to be produced by several trailer houses and then select
the trailer that they think is the best match for the lm. In recent
years with the emergence of social media platforms, there may be
even several trailers released that would accompany or precede the
release of a lm, whereas in the past word of mouth played a bigger
role [
]. The role of social media in lm marketing has risen in
prominence, in which the average lm has its own website, most
likely its own Facebook page, and possibly numerous versions of
the trailer.
Figure 5: The roles played by the computer and the human
in the augmented creative trailer making process.
The creative role a lm-maker within our context was to look
through the footage provided by our multimedia analysis engine
and rene that into a nished trailer. Figure 5 captures the roles of
the computer and human in the augmented creative trailer making
process. Our system (the computer) provided domain and cross-
domain multimedia analysis to come up with selected scenes for
the movie. However the nal creative touch which involved compo-
sition of shots, creating good transitions and overlaying the ocial
Fox soundtrack for Morgan movie was provided by our lm-maker
colleague. In the current scenario, this entailed sifting through the
ten scenes that had a running time of two minutes and fty-eight
seconds and then selecting and re-arranging the best shots and
cutting it to a version that was 1 minute and nineteen seconds.
The structures of trailers vary. However most lms adhere to
something called three act structure (unless they are an experi-
mental lm). Three act structure essentially means that there’s a
beginning (where the characters are introduced), and what’s called
“an inciting incident” which puts the protagonist into a forward
trajectory in which they have to face an obstacle/or come head
to head with the antagonist. There’s the second act which puts
the main character/protagonist in a deeper state of conict. Then
nally there’s the third act which is the climax and resolution of the
story. This is classical story telling in the form of narrative ction
and the vast majority of studio produced lms strictly adhere to
this. A typical trailer introduces audience to an idea of what the
story is about, who some of the main characters are, and what
obstacles they may face in the story while ideally not revealing too
much of what occurs in the third act i.e. which is the resolution
of the conict. The order and the ow of these clips is extremely
important in terms of the quality of the trailer. Fractions of a second
can change the feel of how an audience perceives a scene.
In this work, no deliberate attempt was made to learn the three
act structure of trailers. However, our system selected a diverse
enough assembly/reel of scenes for our lm-maker colleague to
work on. He performed further cutting and mixing of the scenes so
that an audience feels intrigued by the story but paid special heed
not to reveal or spoil anything with the plot of the story. Our system
eliminated the need for the decision process for which scenes should
be selected in the rst place which would have taken considerable
time and eort. This expedited the process substantially. The nal
human editing of the trailer was completed within a span of 8
The previous section reported and covered the direct benets and
experiences of a professional lm maker in creating a trailer using
the video footage “hand-picked” by our system. A dierent yet very
important test of our performance is to measure user perception
of the trailer created using Augmented Intelligence (AI). In order
to do so, we set up two anonymized user studies for (1) our AI
trailer and (2) an ocial trailer created by 20
t h
Century FOX for
the movie Morgan. Survey participants were shown a trailer and
were asked a total of 10 questions including questions about their
age and gender and 8 questions to assess what they felt about the
trailer. Questions included assessing user’s interest in horror lms,
their rating of the trailer, their feelings (suspense, fear) evoked by
the trailer, and whether they would be interested in watching the
lm Morgan after watching the trailer. In the spirit of Turing Test,
we also asked a question about whether they feel AI was used in
the making of the trailer in question. Participants only lled in one
of the 2 surveys, either for the AI trailer or for the ocial one.
In terms of demographics, participants of the survey cover a
wide range of ages from 18 to 60 from many dierent geographic
locations (all continents are represented although North America,
Europe and Asia dominate the data collected). A total of 80 and 54
responses were obtained for AI and Fox trailers survey respectively.
In order to evenly compare responses from both surveys as well as
represent both genders equally, we focus our further analysis on 50
participants from each survey (25 male and 25 female) who were
the rst responders from each gender.
Readers can view the complete AI trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Figure 6: Comparing distributions of user ratings for ve dif-
ferent questions for (left panel) all participants, (right panel)
horror-movie fans. Ratings range between 0 (very low) to 5
(very high). Fox Trailer response is in blue while AI trailer
response is shown in orange. Questions compared are: (a-b)
Give the trailer you just saw a rating, (c-d) Does the trailer
evoke feeling of fear in you, (e-f) Does the trailer evoke feel-
ing of suspense in you, (g-h) Do you think this trailer gives
away too much of the movie (spoilers), (i-j) Would you want
to watch the movie Morgan after watching the trailer.
In Figure 6, we show the distributions of user responses across
the two trailers for ve of the questions most pertinent to our anal-
ysis. For each question, we plot the distribution for all participants
(left panel) and those who answered “Yes” to the question about
whether they watch horror lms (right panel). From the gure, we
see several interesting trends.
Overall trailer rating trends (a) and (b) for both Fox and AI
trailers are bell shaped (modes at 4) and in general horror-
movie fans assign higher ratings to both trailers (b).
The AI trailer appears to evoke more fear in viewers who
watch Horror movies than the Fox trailer (c-d). This is also
true for the feeling of suspense but the eect is somewhat
less pronounced (e-f).
Clearly the AI trailer reveals less of the story than the Fox
trailer (g-h). This is a consequence of the fact that only the
rst 80% of the movie was considered for selection for the
trailer in order to avoid spoiling the end in the trailer.
Studies about both trailers indicate that horror fans are
more likely to see the movie after seeing either trailer
than non horror fans (i-j). This is somewhat expected as
the question about being motivated to watch Morgan is
somewhat of a personal preference.
We further analyze the dierences in the overall trailer rating
distributions for both trailers by performing a two sample, two
tailed T-test wherein the null hypothesis is that the means of the
two distributions are same. The signicance level
is set at 0
and a p-value of 0
06 is obtained thus indicating that we do not have
sucient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. In other words, this
means that the two distributions come from a population with the
same mean and that at population level, dierences are marginal.
What is also interesting to report is that while for the actual AI
trailer, 50% people answered “Yes” to whether they thought AI was
used in the creation of this trailer, for the Fox trailer, this percentage
was 54% thus indicating that there was no credible evidence for
users to dierentiate between the two in terms of AI usage. In other
words, the AI trailer looked as human-produced as the ocial Fox
Our AI trailer made a tremendous impact in media which indicates
a substantial interest from the general public about the creation of
this technology and its potential impact for the future of the lm
industry. Following the release of this trailer there were articles
in over 100 publications including Fortune, Entertainment Weekly,
Popular Science, TechCrunch, Mashable, Engadget, Renery 29, Just
Jared, Buzzfeed, Fast Company, Business Insider, NY Daily News
and Ad Week, where it was the most popular story.
A social campaign shared the story via Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram has garnered 1.6M+ views. There have been 4K mentions
of the activation on Twitter. Also on social media it was shared
by Entertainment Weekly (5.6M followers), 20
t h
Century Fox (2M
followers) and Engadget (1.92M followers). It also ranked in the Top
20 trending articles on Reddit’s Futurology. Most importantly the
YouTube video featuring the AI trailer (released by 20
t h
Fox on August 31
2016) has been viewed more than 2.9 million
times about a million of which were received within the rst 48
hours of its release. There are several reasons for the overwhelm-
ingly positive response by the world. Firstly, this was the rst of its
kind accomplishment. Our AI trailer literally disrupted the movie
industry and brought to light that AI can and should be increas-
ingly incorporated even for creative tasks such as making trailers.
Secondly, it comes at a time when there is an increasingly active
interest in articial intelligence and its future potential with respect
to all walks of life.
In this section, we shift our discussion to yet another very useful
creative device employed in movie industry that we learned about
from our previous interaction and demonstrate how they can be
modeled and understood using modern multimedia methodologies.
Current state-of-the-art solutions in content analysis mostly rely on
low-level features or visual recognizers (e.g., objects, scenes, etc.).
However, via this cross-disciplined collaboration for AI trailer, we
learned that there are specic “recipes”– tropes – in creative works
such as lms, television, comics, etc. Here, we take an initiative to
introduce tropes for the rst time to the multimedia community,
identify open research problems in this domain, and demonstrate
how they will advance research in content analysis, contextual
understanding, and even computer vision. In a pilot study, we will
show how to mine frequent visual elements across movie genres
for approximating tropes.
7.1 Tropes in Film Production
A trope is a storytelling device or a shortcut for describing situations
the storyteller can reasonably assume the audience will recognize.
Beyond actions, events, activities they are tools that the art creator
uses to express ideas to the audience. In other words, tropes convey
a concept to the audience without needing to spell out all the details
and are frequently used as the ingredients for lm/TV production
recipes. For example, “Heroic Sacrice” is a frequent trope dened
as a character saves others from harm and is killed as a result
. A
lm usually contains hundreds of tropes orchestrated intentionally
by the production team. Some others include “Bittersweet Ending”
, “Going Cold Turkey”, “Kick the Dog”, etc.
Similarly, in sports videos, there are corresponding tropes for
describing the salient contexts in the major events. For example,
“buzzer beater”: A shot in the nal seconds of a game (right before
the buzzer sounds) and results in a win or overtime, and “Hail
Mary pass”: a very long forward pass in American football, made
in desperation with only a small chance of success. It is widely
believed that tropes are of audiences’ great interest.
Rich lm tropes are (weakly) annotated in “tvtropes”
, which is a
wiki-like community service focusing on various conventions found
in creative works such as lms, television, comics, etc. For example,
in our analysis, 367 lms among the 408 in MovieQA dataset [
] are
annotated with tropes (manually annotated by the lm community).
There are totally 42,359 tropes (11,773 unique) among the 367 lms.
The number of tropes per lm is 115 (average), 84 (media), 627 (max),
and 3 (min). The occurring frequency per trope is 3.60 (average),
203 (max), 1 (min). Among them, 266 tropes occur more than 20
times and 814 tropes occur more than 10 times in the 367 lms. For
example, in lm “Interstellar”, trope “Oh Crap!”
, which is often
used to reveal the moment when the character realizes something
bad is about to happen – intending to create tension in the lm.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
spacesuit, pressure_suit,
astronaut, traveler,
person, gray_color,
alabaster_color, ocean
spacesuit, astronaut,
traveler, person,
gray_color, ocean
astronaut, traveler,
person, spacesuit,
spacewalker, traveler,
astronaut, soldier,
serviceman, gray_color,
azure_color, boat_deck
outboard_motor, engine,
motor, machine,
motorboat, wa t e rcraft ,
seashore, wreck, ship,
swimming, water_sport,
sea_green_color, ocean
Speedboat, motorboat,
watercra ft, vehicle,
sea_green_color, ocean,
anfloor), nature,
volcano, wave
fighter_pilot, aviator,
soldier, serviceman,
artilleryman, gray_color,
airplane_cabin, cockpit
Hydroplane, motorboat,
watercra ft, speedboat,
sea_green_color, wave,
Figure 7: Selected keyframes from a video segment, which was labeled with trope “Oh, Crap!” in lm “Interstellar”. Corre-
sponding annotations by a visual recognition engine are shown below. Meaningful objects, scenes, and colors can be detected
by current technologies. However, the situation (and the tension) danger is imminent can be perceived by humans but
cannot be detected by current solutions. See more details in 7.1. Best seen in color and in PDF. (Courtesy - MovieQA Dataset).
See sampled key-frames in Figure 7. There are rich descriptions
regarding instances of tropes for lms
such as:
Oh, Crap!: After landing on Miller’s planet, Brand no-
tices what appear to be mountains in the distance, until
Cooper realizes that the “mountains” are actually waves.
However, they also notice that the waves are receding,
so nobody panics... until they look behind them and see
the ones approaching.
Being able to recognize or synthesize tropes will augment cre-
ativity in a very substantial way having further capability for
contextual understanding beyond literally recognizing only appear-
ances. For example, state-of-the-art visual recognition can annotate
the keyframes in Figure 7 with proper objects, places, and colors.
However, it is very challenging to understand the context “Oh,
Crap!” – the danger is approaching. We argue that tropes will be
another challenging ontology for understanding the (multimodal)
context, metaphors, sentiments, intension, etc., in videos.
At the moment, “trope understanding” poses a brand-new and
open research problem for the research community. As a rst step,
we attempt to align the numerous tropes to video segments in lms
via cross-domain alignment (e.g., [
]) using trope descriptions
(exemplied above) and the multimodal recognition results (e.g.,
the methods proposed in this work). Because of limited training
data, we are investigating zero-shot learning [
] for contextual
recognition. In the following section, instead, we propose “weak
tropes” for mining salient visual factors for lm production.
7.2 Weak Tropes for Film Analysis
Motivated by tropes, commonly adopted practices in the creative
works, we aim to discover the major “visual elements” as (compu-
tational) weak tropes i.e., the combination of dominant colors,
objects, and scenes for lms across genres. As shown in Figure 7,
certain colors (azure, sea green), scenes (ocean, cockpit, wave), and
objects (spacesuit, astronaut, watercraft) could be used to exem-
plify a trope. Besides analyzing the possible visual elements for
tropes in a quantitative manner, we also investigate the feasibility
of synthesizing (weak) tropes for parameterizing visual elements
in a generative manner. We conducted an investigation over video
segments from 140 lms with average duration of 4293 seconds
(i.e., 72 minutes) per lm, from the MovieQA dataset [34]. Among
See the descriptions from http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/Interstellar.
Also see the video segment from https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzazgk2wv8887oy/
them, videos are labeled with multiple genres per lm including
Drama, Adventure, Thriller, Romance, Comedy, Action, Fantasy,
Crime, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Family, Biography, Horror, History, Music,
War, etc. The top 10 genres with ratios (%) are listed in Figure 8.
We annotate the keyframes via a state-of-the-art visual recognition
system, which can provide dozens of thousands labels across colors,
objects, and scenes. Some of the results are illustrated in Figure 7.
As we found that salient (and meaningful) annotations from
keyframes are sparse (in dozens), we argue to construct association
rules [
] for mining the eective weak tropes. The intuition is that
the production team will manipulate certain visual elements to
shoot a lm. We need to nd the frequent items
(among visual
annotations), frequently occurring patterns in the lms across all
the keyframes
, with certain supports , and measure its correlation
with the genre types
in terms of the condence. From a computa-
tional perspective, we wish to measure the frequent weak tropes
that co-occur a lot with the genres
. We believe it will be even
more interesting if we can associate that with other factors such as
directors, casts, ratings, studios, etc.
Computing over 137,672 keyframes across 140 lms, we found
that weak tropes (visual elements) do saliently exist within gen-
res. For example, the visual elements with the highest condence
score for genre drama is {person, astronaut, spacesuit, traveler}
(0,915), {indigo_color, discotheque, nightclub} (0.675) for thriller,
{person, dressing_room, beauty_salon, claret_red_color} (0.832) for
romance , {pink_color, female} (0.818) for comedy, {spacesuit, astro-
naut} (0.958) for sci-, etc. Readers will agree that these ndings
align with how we perceive movies from the respective genres (in
terms of their visual depiction). It also conrms the practices of us-
ing certain coherent visual elements (as weak tropes) to orchestrate
the atmosphere for lms.
For visualizing the elements across (visual recognizer) categories
(e.g., colors, objects, and places), we show the major (with highest
condence scores) annotations (recognition outputs) in Figure 8.
Each row represents the genre ordered by its proportion in the
140 lms. Each column shows the top ranked visual annotations
for the category. In the cell, each annotation
comes with the
condence score (in the parentheses), which means that
, along
with other visual elements, is in the frequent items with the top
condence score. For example, in row #3, indigo_color (0.675) is the
top ranked visual element among the frequent items {indigo_color,
discotheque, nightclub} for thriller. It means that for colors, in-
digo_color, coal_black_color, black_color, are the condently repre-
sentative colors adopted in the thriller genre. It is also interesting
to observe that some genres generally employ specic color tones;
for example, claret red, pale yellow, and pink for romance, and pink,
claret red, light brown, and Tyrian purple for comedy.
Similarly, salient objects are frequently associated with dierent
genres (cf. column 3 in Figure 8); for example boxing_ring, wit-
ness_box, man_with_shaven_head, motor_vehicle, mustachio, etc.,
for genre crime (row #8), v.s., girl, child, waitress, platinum_blonde,
couple for romance (row #4). Similarly for the scenes (places, 4th col-
umn). For example, discotheque, engine_room, rock_climbing, air-
plane_cabin, elevator_shaft, etc., for genre action (row #6) v.s. home
theater, dressing_room/beauty_salon, bar/pub, nursing_home, etc.,
for comedy (row #5).
With weak tropes, we attempt to understand production rules
for the lm industry for approximating tropes in a computational
manner. We can potentially leverage these as additional ingredients
for trailer generation, review prediction, and even generating syn-
thesized tropes based on current generative deep neural networks.
We have demonstrated the power of modern multimedia technology
for very highly creative tasks such as trailer making as well as
analyzed tropes, another creative device employed in movies. Here
we lay out certain ideas and applications that can benet from the
synergy of computational creativity, people (as editors, consumers,
and providers of data), and the massive data available today.
(1) Intelligent Indexing and Curation for Documentaries
and TV shows
: Like in movies, documentaries and TV
shows also suer from very high shooting ratios and re-
quire costly manual intervention to create nal produc-
tions. Multimedia analysis could directly help with the
organization and sorting of massive amounts of such video
footage. Intelligent systems can also be built to learn do-
main specic information about them. For e.g. producers
may like to see raw footage that is most dierent in con-
tent from that went into nished production of a certain
show, or may want to view all comic/sad scenes, or the
most surprising scene in a certain show.
(2) Personalization of Media Content
: Researchers have
begun to explore ways of learning user interests from their
publicly available multimedia data on the social media
forums.A compelling application of creating such inter-
est proles is to automatically identify prominent interest
groups in a population (such as animal lovers, nature lovers
etc.) and tailoring the semantic/emotional content of lm
trailers and TV shows to target interest communities.
(3) Video Hyperlinking
: Video hyperlinking refers to the
creation of interconnection between video sequence shar-
ing related content. Fine grained multimodal video analysis
approaches such as the ones described in this paper are
required to address this challenging task with limited or no
human eort. This research domain is receiving increasing
attention from the multimedia community and beyond [
colors objects places
astronaut/spacesuit (0.915),
furniture (0.801), building (0.789),
device (0.785),
(0.801), kitchen
spacesuit/astronaut (0.970),
/laborer (0.932)
aquarium (0.975), underwater
(0.975), catacomb/grotto/cavern
corn_field (0.951)
(0.649), official (0.633),
underclassman (0.543)
discotheque (nightclub) (0.675),
conference_center (0.636),
television_studio (0.634),
home_theater (0.613)
claret_red_color (0.832),
pale_yellow_color (0.810),
pink_color (0.752)
girl (0.793), child (0.733),
waitress (0.733),
(0.714), couple (0.07)
(0.832), wedding_celebration
(0.810), clothing_store (0.732),
pub (0.691)
pink_color (0.818),
claret_red_color (0.801),
light_brown_color (0.800),
Tyrian_purple_color (0.799)
female/woman (0.818), girl
(0.801), waitress (0.786), couple
home_theater (0.793),
(0.792), bar/pub (0.725),
nursing_home (0.712)
coal_black_color (0.757),
ultramarine_color (0.725),
black_color (0.700)
android (0.844), device (0.844),
robot (0.772),
oxygen_mask/aviator (0.764),
plate/shield (0.764), armor (0.757),
laser (0.755)
discotheque (0.755),
engine_room (0.749),
rock_climbing (0.728),
airplane_cabin (0.701),
elevator_shaft (0.697)
black_color (0.896),
coal_black_color (0.871)
land_dweller (0.924), fish (0.871),
nature (0.871), animal (0.871),
primitive_man (0.860)
underwater/aquarium (0.924),
corn_field (0.884),
bamboo_forest (0.866), jail_cell
black_color (0.465),
coal_black_color (0.442),
gray_color (0.441),
jade_green_color (0.433)
boxing_ring (0.465), witness_box
(0.447), compartment (0.447),
man_with_shaven_head (0.446),
stock_trader (0.441),
motor_vehicle (0.434),
mustachio/beard (0.420)
food_court (0.567),
archive/server_room (0.483),
boxing_ring (0.465),
dressing_room (0.446),
parking_garage (0.443)
coal_black_color (0.957),
black_color (0.957),
gray_color (0.932),
ultramarine_color (0.667)
spacesuit/astronaut (0.958),
headdress/helmet (0.878),
/aviator (0.779),
fighter_pilot (0.741),
robot (0.737)
cockpit (0.741),
science_museum (0.667),
discotheque (0.655),
music_studio (0.608)
reddish_brown_color (0.397)
toilet (0.436), device (0.420),
railcar/vehicle (0.415), matrix
(0.410), official (0.398)
office (0.457),
elevator (0.415),
Figure 8: Showing “weak tropes” characterized by salient col-
ors, objects, and places across genres. Readers can observe
that visual elements characteristic to dierent genres dis-
covered via frequent itemset mining correspond to our per-
ception of these genres. See more details in Section 7.2. Best
seen in PDF.
Second screen applications, displaying additional or com-
plementary information about content visualized on the
main screen are among the compelling applications encom-
passed by such emerging technologies. Video hyperlinking
is genre agnostic so if a movie director wants to provide
additional content to a scene or to an object/person it is
sure to create additional value.
In this paper, we presented the great potential of intelligent multime-
dia technology in augmenting the highly creative task of making a
movie trailer. We performed analysis on the genre of horror thriller
movies and produced a trailer for a major 20
t h
century Fox produc-
tion, Morgan. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst ever real
collaboration between researchers in multimedia and the movie
industry to jointly accomplish this highly manual and creative task
for a real lm. We demonstrated the tremendous value of AI as
part of the creation process, while focusing on the edition of a
movie trailer, in terms of time and eort reduction. We evaluated
the quality of our AI trailer with an extensive user study. Our AI
trailer has been viewed around 3M times on YouTube. Finally, we
explored applications of multimedia technology to another new
creative paradigm, tropes that is commonly used in movies. This
research investigation is the rst of many into what we hope will
be a very promising area of machine and human creativity espe-
cially in the arena of creative lm editing. We’re very excited about
pushing the possibilities of how AI can augment the expertise and
creativity of individuals.
The authors would like to thank 20
t h
Century Fox for this great
collaboration that lead to creation of the world’s rst joint human
and machine made trailer for a full length feature lm Morgan.
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