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11.3 Islands in the Stream
The input files weve discussed so far all contain a single language. For
example, DOT, CSV, Python and Java files contain nothing but text conforming
to those languages. But, there are file formats that contain random text sur-
rounding structured regions or islands. We call such formats island languages
and describe them with island grammars. Examples include template engine
languages such as StringTemplate and the LaTeX document preparation
language, but XML is the quintessential island language. XML files contain
structured tags and
-entities surrounded by a sea of stuff we dont care
about. (Because there is some structure between the tags themselves, we
might call XML an archipelago language.)
Classifying something as an island language often depends on our perspective.
If were building a C preprocessor, the preprocessor commands form an island
language where the C code is the sea. On the other hand, if were building a
C parser suitable for an IDE, the parser must ignore the sea of preprocessor
Our goal in this section is to learn how to ignore the sea and tokenize the
islands so the parser can verify syntax within those islands. Well need both
of those techniques to build a real XML parser in the next section. Lets start
by learning how to distinguish XML islands from the sea.
Separating XML Islands from a Sea of Text
To separate XML tags from text, our first thought might be to build an input
character stream filter that strips everything between tags. This might make
it easy for the lexer to identify the islands, but the filter would throw out all
of the text data, which is not what we want. For example, given input
, we dont want to throw out
Instead, lets build a baby XML grammar that lumps the text inside of tags
together as one token and the text outside of tags as another token. Since
were focusing on the lexer here, well use a single syntactic rule that matches
a bunch of tags,
sections, and text (the sea):
grammar Tags;
makes no attempt to ensure the document is well formedit just
indicates the kinds of tokens found in an XML file.
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To split up an XML file with lexer rules, we can just give rules for the islands
and then a catchall rule called
at the end, to match everything else:
COMMENT : '<!--' .* '-->' -> skip ;
CDATA : '<![CDATA[' .* ']]>' ;
TAG : '<' .* '>' ; // must come after other tag-like structures
ENTITY : '&' .* ';' ;
TEXT : ~[<&]+ ; // any sequence of chars except < and & chars
Those rules make heavy use of the nongreedy
operation (see Matching String
Literals, on page ?) that scans until it sees what follows that operation in
the rule.
matches one or more characters, as long as the character isnt the
start of a tag or entity. Its tempting to put
instead of
, but that would
consume until the end of the input once it got into the loop. Theres no string
to match following
that would tell the loop when to stop.
An important but subtle ambiguity-resolving mechanism is in play here. In
Section 2.3, You Can't Put Too Much Water into a Nuclear Reactor, on page ?,
we learned that ANTLR lexers resolve ambiguities in favor of the rule specified
first in the grammar file. For example, rule
matches anything in angle
brackets, which includes comments and
sections. Because we specified
first, rule
only matches tags that failed to match the
other tag rules.
As a side note, XML technically doesnt allow comments that end with
comments that contain
. Using what we learned in Section 8.4, Error Alter-
natives, on page ?, we could add lexical rules to look for bad comments and
give specific and informative error messages:
BAD_COMMENT1: '<!--' .* '--->'
{System.err.println("Can't have ---> end comment");} -> skip ;
BAD_COMMENT2: '<!--' ('--'|.)* '-->'
{System.err.println("Can't have -- in comment");} -> skip ;
Ive left them out of grammar
for simplicity.
Now lets see what our baby XML grammar does with the following input:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?do not care?>
<PLANT id="45">Orchid</PLANT>
Heres the build and test sequence, using
to print out the tokens:
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$ antlr4 Tags.g4
$ javac Tags*.java
$ grun Tags file -tokens XML-inputs/cat.xml
[@0,0:37='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',<3>,1:0]
[@2,39:53='<?do not care?>',<3>,2:0]
[@6,65:79='<PLANT id="45">',<3>,4:0]
This baby XML grammar properly reads in XML files and matches a sequence
of the various islands and text. What it doesnt do is pull apart the tags and
pass the pieces to a parser so it can check the syntax.
Issuing Context-Sensitive Tokens with Lexical Modes
The text inside and outside of tags conform to different languages. For
is just lump of text outside of a tag but its three tokens inside
of a tag. In a sense, we want an XML lexer to match different sets of rules
depending on the context. ANTLR provides lexical modes that let lexers switch
between contexts (modes). In this section, well learn to use lexical modes by
improving the baby XML grammar from the previous section so that it passes
tag components to the parser.
Lexical modes allow us to split a single lexer grammar into multiple sublexers.
The lexer can only return tokens matched by entering a rule in the current
mode. One of the most important requirements for mode switching is that
the language have clear lexical sentinels that can trigger switching back and
forth, such as left and right angle brackets. To be clear, modes rely on the
fact that the lexer doesnt need syntactic context to distinguish between dif-
ferent regions in the input.
To keep things simple, lets build a grammar for an XML subset where tags
contain an identifier but no attributes. Well use the default mode to match
the sea outside of tags and another mode to match the inside of tags. When
the lexer matches
in default mode, it should switch to island mode (inside
tag mode) and return a tag start token to the parser. When the inside mode
, it should switch back to default mode and return a tag stop token.
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Islands in the Stream 5
The inside mode also needs rules to match identifiers and
. The following
lexer encodes that strategy.
lexer grammar ModeTagsLexer;
// Default mode rules (the SEA)
OPEN : '<' -> mode(ISLAND) ; // switch to ISLAND mode
TEXT : ~'<'+ ; // clump all text together
mode ISLAND;
CLOSE : '>' -> mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ; // back to SEA mode
SLASH : '/' ;
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; // match/send ID in tag to parser
are in the default mode.
matches a single
and uses
lexer command
to switch modes. Upon the next token request
from the parser, the lexer will only consider rules in
matches any sequence of characters that doesnt start a tag. Because none
of the lexical rules in this grammar use lexical command
, all of them
return a token to the parser when they match.
mode, the lexer matches closing
, and
tokens. When the lexer
, it will execute the lexer command to switch back to the default mode,
identified by constant
in class
This is how the lexer ping-
pongs back and forth between modes.
The parser for our slightly-augmented XML subset matches tags and text
chunks as in grammar
, but now were using rule
to match the individ-
ual tag elements instead of a single lumped token:
parser grammar ModeTagsParser;
options { tokenVocab=ModeTagsLexer; } // use tokens from ModeTagsLexer.g4
file: (tag | TEXT)* ;
tag : '<' ID '>'
| '<' '/' ID '>'
The only unfamiliar syntax in the parser is the
option. When we
have the parser and lexer in separate files, we need to make sure that the
token types and token names from the two files are synchronized. For example,
lexer token
must have the same token type in the parser as it does in
the lexer.
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Lets build the grammar and try it out on some simple XML input:
$ antlr4 ModeTagsLexer.g4 # must be done first to get ModeTagsLexer.tokens
$ antlr4 ModeTagsParser.g4
$ javac ModeTags*.java
$ grun ModeTags file -tokens
Hello <name>John</name>
[@0,0:5='Hello ',<2>,1:0]
The lexer sends
to the parser as the three tokens at indexes 1, 2, and
3. Also notice that
, which lives in the sea, would match rule
but only
mode. Since the lexer starts out in default mode,
matches as
. You can see the difference in the token types between tokens at
index 0 and 2 where
matches as token
(token type 5).
Another reason that we want to match tag syntax in the parser instead of the
lexer is that the parser has much more flexibility to execute actions. Further-
more, the parser automatically builds a parse tree for us:
< <
name /
name> >
John tag
To use our grammar for an application, we could either use the usual listener
or visitor mechanism or add actions to the grammar. For example, to imple-
ment an XML SAX event mechanism, we could shut off the automatic tree
construction and embed grammar actions to trigger SAX method calls.
Now that we know how to separate the XML islands from the sea and how to
send tag components to a parser, lets build a real XML parser.
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Islands in the Stream 7