3/6/20 DS; U:\Library\APA\APA 7th edition\Parts of a citation
Edition APA Reference List Citation Journal Article
Ciula, R., & Skinner, C. (2015). Income and beyond: Taking the measure of child deprivation in the United States.
Child Indicators Research, 8(3), 491-515. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-014-9246-6
Hanging indent use a .5” hanging indent for all reference list citations. Not sure how? This handout has directions.
Authors do not spell out an author’s first or middle name or include their credentials. For two to twenty authors, an
ampersand “&” precedes the last author’s name. More information for citing multiple authors is in the APA Style Blog.
Article title capitalize the first word of the title, first word of a subtitle (usually after a colon “:”), and proper nouns.
Journal title capitalize all major words.
Volume and issue number include both if present. There is no space between the volume and issue number.
DOI format DOIs as a hyperlink beginning with: https://doi.org/ If there is no DOI, end the citation after the page range.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Year of
Title of article
Title of journal
in italics
Volume number in italics followed by issue
number in parentheses
Digital object
identifier (DOI)