Question 2
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t (hours) 0 1 3 4 7 8 9
Lt (people)
120 156 176 126 150 80 0
Concert tickets went on sale at noon
0t = and were sold out within 9 hours. The number of people waiting in
line to purchase tickets at time
t is modeled by a twice-differentiable function L for 0 9.t≤≤ Values of
various times
t are shown in the table above.
(a) Use the data in the table to estimate the rate at which the number of people waiting in line was changing at
5.5 .t = Show the computations that lead to your answer. Indicate units of measure.
(b) Use a trapezoidal sum with three subintervals to estimate the average number of people waiting in line during
the first 4 hours that tickets were on sale.
09,t≤≤ what is the fewest number of times at which
must equal 0 ? Give a reason for your answer.
The rate at which tickets were sold for
09t≤≤ is modeled by
rt te
= tickets per hour. Based on the
model, how many tickets were sold by 3
3,t =
to the nearest whole number?
() ()
150 126
5.5 8
74 3
people per hour 2 :
1 : estimate
1 : units
(b) The average number of people waiting in line during the first 4 hours is
() ()
() ( )
() ()
01 13 34
10 (31) 43
42 2 2
LL LL LL++ +
−+ +
155.25= people
2 :
1 : trapezoidal sum
1 : answer
L is differentiable on
0, 9 so the Mean Value Theorem implies
> for some t in
1, 3 and some t in
4, 7 . Similarly,
for some t in
3, 4
and some t in
7, 8 .
Then, since
continuous on
0, 9 , the Intermediate Value Theorem implies that
= for at least three values of t in
0, 9 .
The continuity of L on
1, 4 implies that L attains a maximum value
there. Since
() ()
31LL> and
() ()
34,LL> this maximum occurs on
1, 4 . Similarly, L attains a minimum on
3, 7 and a maximum on
4, 8 . L is differentiable, so
= at each relative extreme point
0, 9 . Therefore
= for at least three values of t in
0, 9 .
[Note: There is a function L that satisfies the given conditions with
= for exactly three values of t.]
3 :
1 : considers change in
sign of
1 : analysis
1 : conclusion
3 :
1 : considers relative extrema
of on 0, 9
1 : analysis
1 : conclusion
972.784rt dt=
There were approximately 973 tickets sold by 3
2 :
1 : integrand
1 : limits and answer
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©2008 The College Board. All rights reserved.
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©2008 The College Board. All rights reserved.
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©2008 The College Board. All rights reserved.
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©2008 The College Board. All rights reserved.
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©2008 The College Board. All rights reserved.
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Question 2
This problem presented students with a table of data indicating the number of people
in line at a concert
ticket office, sampled at seven times t during the 9 hours that tickets were being sold. (The question stated that
was twice differentiable.) Part (a) asked for an estimate for the rate of change of the number of people in line
at a time that fell between the times sampled in the table. Students were to use data from the table to calculate an
average rate of change to approximate this value. Part (b) asked for an estimate of the average number of people
waiting in line during the first 4 hours and specified the use of a trapezoidal sum. Students needed to recognize
that the computation of an average value involves a definite integral, approximate this integral with a trapezoidal
sum, and then divide this total accumulation of people hours by 4 hours to obtain the average. Part (c) asked for
the minimum number of solutions guaranteed for
during the 9 hours. Students were expected to
recognize that a change in direction (increasing/decreasing) for a twice-differentiable function forces a value of 0
for its derivative. Part (d) provided the function tickets per hour as a model of the rate at which
tickets were sold during the 9 hours and asked students to find the number of tickets sold in the first 3 hours, to
the nearest whole number, using this model. Students needed to recognize that total tickets sold could be
determined by a definite integral of the rate
rt te
at which tickets were sold.
Sample: 2A
Score: 9
The student earned all 9 points. In part (c) the student might have given a more complete justification for the
existence of a local maximum on the interval
1, 4 .
It would have been better if the student had used the word
“graph” rather than “line” in the first paragraph. The response is more complete and uses better terminology in the
second and third paragraphs, and the student gives the correct answer.
Sample: 2B
Score: 6
The student earned 6 points: 2 points in part (a), no points in part (b), 2 points in part (c), and 2 points in part (d). The
student earned both points in part (a) with a correct estimate and correct units. In part (b) the student’s expression
reflects subdivisions of
of equal length. The student did not earn any points. In part (c) the student earned the
first point by considering
0, 4
changing from increasing to decreasing. (The student goes on to consider
changing from decreasing to increasing, but this was not necessary to earn the first point.) The student did not earn
the second point since it is not necessarily true that
changes from increasing to decreasing on the interval
The student earned the third point with the correct answer of 3. The student earned both points in part (d).
3, 4 .
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Question 2 (continued)
Sample: 2C
Score: 3
The student earned 3 points: 2 points in part (a), no points in part (b), no points in part (c), and 1 point in part (d). The
student earned both points in part (a) with a correct estimate and correct units. The student’s use of f rather than L
was not penalized. The student did not earn points in part (b) because the given expression is not a valid trapezoidal
sum. In part (c) the student did not earn the first point. As a result of the incorrect answer (“two times”), the student
did not earn the other points in part (c). In part (d) the student earned the integrand point. Since the value of the
integral is not correct, the student did not earn the second point, even though the limits on the integral are correct.
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