© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 33
Understanding-based Curriculum
Open-ended questions designed to promote sustained inquiry and meaning making.
Essential questions differ in scope and breadth. We distinguish between overarching
and topical questions. Overarching essential questions point beyond the particulars
of a unit to the larger, transferable ideas and enduring understandings. They recur
fruitfully across the grades, spiraling throughout the curriculum to provide conceptual
through lines. Effective overarching essential questions:
Topical 
processes within particular topics within a unit of study.
1. Provoking deep thought, lively discussion, sustained inquiry, and additional
questions leading to new and/or deeper insight(s)
2. Asking students to consider alternatives, weigh evidence, support their ideas
and rethink key ideas
3. Support connections within and across content and context
Overarching Essential Questions
Visual Art
well as shape it?
and materials to express their ideas?
English/Language Arts
their readers?
Topical Essential Questions
unit on masks
the culture? What tools, techniques, and
materials are used in creating masks from
different cultures?
unit on mysteries
hold their readers?
© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 35
Understanding-based Curriculum
Arithmetic (numeration)
Arts (visual and performing)
Culinary Arts
Foreign/World Language
Essential Questions
© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 36
Understanding-based Curriculum
Physical Education/Athletics
Reading/Language Arts
Essential Questions
© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 37
Understanding-based Curriculum
What Makes an Essential Question?
can be overarching or topical, convergent or divergent.
Essential questions yield inquiry and argument -- a variety of plausible (and arguable) responses, not
straightforward facts that end the matter. They should uncover rather than cover (up) the subject’s con-
troversies, puzzles, and perspectives.
2) is thought-provoking and intellectually engaging, often sparking discussion and debate.
Essential Questions work best when they are designed and edited to be thought-provoking to students,
engaging them in sustained, focused inquiries. Such questions often involve the counter-intuitive, the
visceral, the whimsical, the controversial, the provocative. Is the Internet dangerous for kids? Are
censorship and democracy compatible? Does food that is good for you have to taste bad?
3) calls for high-order thinking, such as analysis, inference, evaluation, prediction. It
cannot be effectively answered by recall alone (or via a Google search).
Their aim is to stimulate thought, to provoke inquiry, and to spark more questions, including thought-
ful student questions, not just pat answers. They serve as doorways into focused yet lively inquiry and
research. They are intended to result in conclusions drawn by the learner, not recited facts.
4) points toward important, transferable ideas within (and sometimes across) disciplines.
study. Is history inevitably biased? What is a proof? Nature or nurture? By examining such questions,
5) raises additional questions and sparks further inquiry.
Thought-provoking essential questions are naturally generative. They lead to other important questions
within, and sometimes across, subject boundaries. For example: In nature, do only the strong survive?
leads to other questions and inquiries into human biology and the physics of physiology. What do we
mean by “strong?” Are insects strong (since they are survivors)?
Essential questions are intended to elicit a variety of plausible (and arguable) responses. Students are ex-
pected to provide reasons and evidence. Thus, teachers pose follow-up prompts; e.g., Why?, What’s your
reasoning? Who agrees? Who disagrees? What’s another way of viewing this?
7) recurs over time; i.e., the question can and should be re-visited again and again.
the point. The same important questions get asked and re-asked throughout one’s learning and in the
What makes a great book great? Are the Harry Potter novels great
books? 
Over time, student responses become more sophisticated, nuanced, and well-reasoned.
© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 39
Understanding-based Curriculum
strategy, tactics
purpose, value
underlying concepts
Essential Questions in Skill Areas
cal education, and mathematics. On the contrary: everything we know about learning tells us that that
Essential questions in skill areas may be considered in terms of the following categories:
key concept(s) What are the “big ideas” underlying effective skill performance?
purpose, value Why is the skill important?
strategy, tacticsWhat strategies do skilled performers employ? How can skill performance
 
context When should you use the skill?
Use the space below to brainstorm possible essential questions for important skills.
don’t understand the text?
without losing control?
 
what you are reading?
of counting everything?
their comprehension?
examples from:
- reading
© 2015 Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins 38
Understanding-based Curriculum
Original Draft Commentary Revision Commentary
from the deforestation
of the rain forests?
The question calls for
some information gather-
ing and analysis, but ends
in a list.
weigh the costs of
The revised question
broadens the inquiry
and calls for a more
sophisticated analysis;
far more likely to spark
debate and deeper
inquiry into any list of
pros and cons.
How does this diet
match up with the
USDA Guidelines?
The question requires
some analysis and evalu-
What should we
A much more open
version with lots of
inquiry and debate
with an unambiguous
How much license
does a writer of
make a point?
This version of the
question explores an
having both histori-
cal and contemporary
Who speaks Spanish in
our community?
A straightforward ques-
tion asking for a list.
How well can you
thrive speaking only
A more provocative
version calling for
greater analysis and a
shift of perspective.
What is an axiom?
A straight-forward
question calling for a
Why should we
assume that?
A much more open
question that gets at
why some things are
not seem obvious or
What distinguishes
Impressionist art?
an expected set of charac-
Why and how do
artists break with
These questions re-
quire an examination
of artistic trends and
call for a generaliza-
tion by learners.
What types of exercises
This question involves
research but is leading-
toward expected answers.
“No pain, no gain”
– agree?
A more provoca-
tive question, likely
to spark discussion,
Revising Essential Questions