School/Campus Address Primary Phone Principal (s)
Building Response Team Planning Document
Please note that this chart may be used to help plan for staffing the BRT. Information should be shared with all members of the BRT and your Borough Safety Director.
BRT Position
Suggested Staff
Brief Description of Role
Name & Contact Information
(Email, Extension, DOE Cell)
BRT Leader
AP, Lead Dean
The BRT Leader is responsible for providing direction, leadership and guidance to BRT
members during an emergency. At the onset of an incident, they activate the necessary BRT
roles. The BRT Leader also acts as the communications liaison between the BRT and Principal
during an emergency.
Emergency Officer
AP, Counselor,
The Emergency Officer provides support based on the specific circumstances of each
incident. The EO may relay information between BRT members if communication devices are
unavailable. In some incidents, the EO may be required to report to the hospital with staff or
students. The EO may be assigned to a relocation site prior to staff and student arrival to
review the relocation plan with the host school. The EO may also coordinate parent staging
areas if required. Based on building size, the BRT Leader may assign more than one
Emergency Officer and activate them as needed during an incident.
Incident Assessor (s):
To work with the
nurse in medical
situations and the
custodian during
facility situations
Various, as needed
The Incident Assessor conducts an on-scene initial assessment of the incident or emergency
to assess the severity of the situation. S/he fulfills a secondary role by collecting all essential
elements of information (EEI) from the scene, relays the information to the BRT Leader, and
compares this information to other information gathered by the BRT recorder for the
purpose of completing official reports. [EEI includes incident specific information that is
documented during an incident, such as names of 911 responders, DOE, and external agency
Special Needs
Coordinator: On a
campus with a LYFE
Center and/or District
75 program, an
additional SNC is
required for each
AP Special Ed, IEP
The Special Needs Coordinator serves as the primary contact when issues arise with students
and staff requiring special assistance during an evacuation emergency. They track all
identified students and staff during emergencies, collect information on unaccounted for
individuals, and ensure that all students and staff requiring special assistance have what they
need during incidents that involve an evacuation. They work with the school’s IEP
Coordinator to ensure that staff members assigned to support identified students are
present (daily) and that they keep track of necessary personal equipment and supplies.
Assembly Point
Coordinator, Dean,
Supervising Aide
The Assembly Point Coordinator monitors and assists with the relocation of staff, teachers,
and students to either an internal or immediately external assembly point(s) during an
emergency. They fulfill a secondary role by collecting information from teachers and other
staff on missing students or unaccounted for individuals (including contractors, vendors,
substitute staff, or persons who were signed into the building as visitors) for emergency
The Recorder is responsible for collecting detailed information from the beginning to the end
(recovery phase) of an incident. Multiple recorders can be assigned to a BRT and activated in
an incident. One recorder may work with the Principal and another may work with the BRT
Alternate/Additional BRT Members may be assigned based on school size or campus needs, and should be recorded/attached.
School/Campus Address Primary Phone Principal (s)
School/Campus Address Primary Phone Principal (s)