I wish for a puppy
Mallory, 10
Welcome 2
Meet Giliani 5
Preparing for Wish Week 6
Wish Week Assemblies 7
Wish Week Agenda 9
Sample Ideas for Wish Weeks 17
Promong Wish Week 18
Wish Week Time and Checklist 20
Budget Form 22
Frequently Asked Quesons 23
Make-A-Wish Name, Logo, and Usage 25
YOU! Students around the country are engaging friends
and family, leading others and hosng successful
Wish Week fundraisers at their schools. An individual,
group of students or club (like Student Council or Key
Club), or small commiee can start Wish Week; and
teachers, principals and club advisors are oen excellent
resources. We trust you to keep adults in the loop for
permission and help as needed.
Wish Week is a fundraising campaign held at your school
in support of the Kids For Wish Kids program and the
Make-A-Wish mission to grant the wish of every eligible
child. Students can create their own ways to raise funds
during Wish Week or combine their eorts with exisng
school events, like homecoming or spirit week. Many
schools have dierent acvies planned for each day of
the week, while others plan one or two fundraisers to
take place during the week. Its totally customizable!
Wish Week is part of the Make-A-Wish Kids For Wish Kids
program, which gives students the chance to
raise funds to help grant life-changing wishes for kids with crical illnesses. Students are responsible for the
program; from brainstorming fundraising ideas, to developing a plan of acon and then seeing their ideas
come to life. Teachers and parents oen serve as advisors, but ownership of the project belongs solely to the
students involved.
Make-A-Wish is excited to partner with you through the Kids For Wish Kids program! The Make-A-Wish staff
is here to help throughout your planning and you can always reach your staff partner, Rossana Powell, from
Make-A-Wish Orange County and Inland Empire at [email protected] or 714-573-9474 ext. 229. We
can’t wait to hear your Wish Week ideas!
This planning guide contains ideas for daily fundraisers
that can be held during your Wish Week. Choose from
the list of suggested fundraising ideas or come up with
your own! Successful Wish Week fundraisers oen include:
Bring your school together for an opening assembly to
kick o your Wish Week and get students excited!
Create a theme for the day and encourage students to
make a donaon to dress in theme or costume. Base
your theme on your favorite wish story to help connect
to the mission.
Sell food, Make-A-Wish swag, or other items before,
during, or aer school.
Hold a sporng event or tournament and charge
students/sta admission to watch or compete.
Hold a walkathon, danceathon, or any other type of
‘thon and encourage students/sta to get pledges from
friends and family.
Challenge students/sta to donate their change – or
dollars – to see how much your school can raise in just
one minute!
Host a grand nale fundraising event and celebrate
your success!
Wish Week fundraisers are usually held on a
school campus but can also take place at a local
venue or restaurant.
Wish Weeks can happen anyme; although they oen
culminate around an already exisng event, such as
homecoming, spirit week, or prom. Consider the ming
carefully, especially if you want your Wish Week to
become an annual event. It’s good to hold your Wish
Week at the same me each year, so students and the
community will expect it and get excited.
Wishes have proven physical and emoonal benets that
can give kids with crical illnesses a higher chance of
survival. And wishes not only help these children – they
also have far-reaching, posive impacts on their families
and communies. In addion to giving students the
opportunity to help grant wishes, Wish Week can unite
your school community and create a beer
understanding of:
The value of
community service
Leadership skills
Money management
School spirit
1. 
Review this planning guide and the Kids For Wish
Kids toolkit for ideas, ps, and guidelines; then
choose the acvies you’d like to include in
your Wish Week (or come up with your own
creave ideas!).
2. 
Geng adult leaders involved will greatly increase
the success of your Wish Week. The more
involvement within the community you have, the
more people will be willing to donate and help your
cause. Talk to them about possibly geng other
schools in the district involved and be sure to get
permission for your acvity ideas.
3. 
Recruit your peers and encourage them to get
involved in Wish Week. Tell everyone you know to
spread the word about Wish Week and why you are
raising money for Make-A-Wish.
4. 
Use this planning guide to help set a fundraising
goal for your Wish Week. Invite your peers, friends,
and family to donate to help reach your Wish Week
fundraising goal.
5. 
Be sure to complete the Kids For Wish Kids
fundraising form provided by your Make-A-Wish
sta partner. Use the form to let us know your
awesome plans so we can support you every step
of the way!
Gilianis one true wish was to experience a real winter
just like the one in her favorite movie. To celebrate her
recovery from surgery, she got to do just that in the
frosty mountains of Vermont.
Today, Giliani knows all about winter – from the feeling
of the snowakes on her cheeks to the crunching sound
of her gloved hands creang a perfect snowball. And
thanks to Make-A-Wish, she knows that there are great
possibilies despite the challenges she faces.
Every 20 minutes, a child is diagnosed with a crical
illness. Every one of these kids needs a wish to help give
them strength and joy.
Research shows that wishes can help children feel
stronger, more energec and more willing and able to
bale their crical illnesses. For many, it marks a turning
point in their ght against their illnesses.
When a wish is granted, a child replaces:
fear with condence
sadness with joy
anxiety with hope
Thanks to your support, together,
we are creang life-changing wishes
for children with crical illnesses.
I wish to be a buttery
in the snow
blood disorder
Many schools will form a Wish Week Commiee to lead the eorts – check out a sample commiee structure below!
(Teacher, Club Advisor, or Administrator )
Manages the volunteer commiee to help ensure an epic Wish Week. Serves as the
commiee contact for all administrave personnel and Make-A-Wish sta.
Responsible for spreading the word about
Wish Week. Create, order, and distribute
markeng materials.
Recruit and manage daily event chairs.
Responsible for planning the opening and/or
closing ceremony.
Responsible for planning the details necessary for the successful creaon of daily fundraising events.
Holding an opening assembly is a great way to get your school and students excited about Wish Week – and
to rally around the Make-A-Wish mission! Many schools hold their opening/kicko Wish Week assemblies on
the Friday before acvies are set to begin. On the nal day of Wish Week, a closing assembly is the perfect
way to wrap up and celebrate your hard work and success.
<5 hours
Sound system
Make-A-Wish guest
speaker(s) & video
Determine whether you will be hosng an opening
or closing assembly (or both!).
Work with your school administraon to idenfy the
best day and me for the assembly.
Contact your Make-A-Wish sta partner to request
a guest speaker.
Secure a locaon for the assembly.
Make logiscal arrangements:
· Have you secured approval from the appropriate
school teachers and/or administrators?
· How long will the assembly last (30–45 minutes
is recommended)?
· What is the agenda?
· How will you make the event fun with giveaways,
music, decoraons, etc.?
· Will you fundraise with a Miracle Minute (see next
page) at the assembly?
· What equipment is needed for the event?
· How many volunteers do you need?
· How will you collect and secure the funds raised?
Limitless! Miracle Minute revenue varies based on the
size of the student body, but schools have reported
totals as high as $9,000!
Giveaways (oponal)
Decoraons (oponal)
Presented by: School Administrator
or Student Body President
2. 
Show video or have Make-A-Wish speaker
3. 
Presented by: Wish Week Commiee
4. 
Presented by: Wish Week Commiee
5. 
Presented by: Wish Week Commiee
Presented by: School Administrator
or Student Body President
2. 
Presented by: Wish Week Commiee
3. 
Presented by: Make-A-Wish guest speaker
or Wish Week Commiee
4. 
Wish Week Commiee – Give a nal push to your
school to help meet or exceed your Wish Week
fundraising goal!
Miracle Minute takes just a minute, but the potenal impact lasts a lifeme. During your all-school assembly,
introduce the Miracle Minute as a chance for students/sta to use their spare change – or dollars – to help
make wishes come true. Set the clock on the scoreboard or use a mer for one minute and pass donaon
buckets through the stands (with heavy supervision from volunteers) as part of the program. See how much
your school can raise by emptying their pockets and dropping in loose change or dollars. If possible, give a
total of how much was raised before the end of the assembly (or the end of the day) to get students excited.
If you’d like to incorporate Make-A-Wish bracelets with
your spirit day, check in with your Make-A-Wish sta
partner to determine any costs your school might need
to cover.
Show your support for wish kids and the
wishes that change their lives with a
school-wide spirit day!
Create a theme for the day and allow
students to purchase a bracelet for $5–10
to be able to dress up for the day; or allow
them to make a donaon. Check with your
principal to ensure your dress-up days are
compliant with school policy.
Promoonal Materials
Determine what kind of spirit day you will plan
and promote.
Spread the word! Use all of the promoonal
opportunies available to you: morning
announcements, posters around school, classroom/
teacher announcements, social media, etc.
Make logiscal arrangements – While the look
and feel of spirit days can vary, some basic
quesons should be answered as part of every
planning process.
· Have you secured approval from the appropriate
school teachers and/or administrators?
· What kind of spirit day will you host?
· Are donaons required or recommended?
· What is the minimum donaon amount?
· How and where will the donaons be collected?
School Spirit
Wear school colors to
show your loyalty to your
school and your support
of Make-A-Wish.
Aloha Day
Dress up in leis, grass
skirts, and Hawaiian shirts.
Decade Day
Dress up in are from
your favorite decade.
Western Day
Dress up in cowboy boots,
jeans, and cowboy hats.
Thrift Store Prom
Go to the thri store and
grab a prom dress or suit.
Make-A-Wish Spirit Day
Wear blue and white
(Make-A-Wish colors) to
show your spirit for the
thousands of kids who are
eligible for wishes.
Hat Day
Hats are typically forbidden
at school, but not on
Hat Day. Your donaon
to Make-A-Wish makes
breaking the rules possible.
200 participants x $5 donation each = $1,000
Selling Make-A-Wish paper stars, products,
food, or other items is a great way to raise
money for Make A-Wish. Schedule a sales day
and encourage everyone to parcipate before,
during, or aer school. Or, your sales events
can take place every day of Wish Week.
Product(s) to sell
Date, me, & locaon for event
Long table & chairs
Money box & change
Gloves (to serve food)
Paper towels or napkins to serve food
Organize a group of students, parents,
or faculty to sell products before or aer
school, or during lunch
Determine what you will sell.
Place product order with the appropriate vendor
(restaurants, Make-A-Wish oce, etc.).
Spread the word! Use all of the promoonal
opportunies available to you: morning
announcements, posters around school, classroom/
teacher announcements, etc.
Make logiscal arrangements –
· Have you secured approval from the appropriate
school teachers and/or administrators?
· How will the products arrive at school? Are
items being shipped or do you need to make
arrangements for pickup?
· How will you pay for the inial cost of
the product?
· How much will you charge for the product?
· How many volunteers do you need?
· Where will the money be stored before, aer, in
between sales?
Inial cost of product (oset this cost by asking students
to bring items to donate or pursuing donaons from
local businesses).
*Before contacng any businesses, be sure to reach out to
your Make-A-Wish sta partner to let them know your
plans. This will help us ensure there is no duplicaon of
eorts that may be currently under way.
Revenue potenal varies signicantly based
on the product you choose to sell. Use this
generic formula to help:
(# of products sold X sale price) – cost of
products = Revenue Potential
Sell pizza, snack items, have a bake sale, or get food
items donated and charge students a set price. Dine-out
nights are also a great way to easily enhance fundraising.
Check to see which of your local restaurants oer
a percentage back to schools/groups and consider
scheduling some dine-out nights and promong them to
your supporters. Be sure to set one up for the day/night
of your big event!
Create a fun T-shirt design for your fundraiser and sell
it to your students and sta. Look for a local t-shirt
manufacturer or markeng company in your area or nd
a t-shirt design company online. There are even some
online companies that allow you to design & sell your
shirts online. Be sure to share your t-shirt design with
your Make-A-Wish sta partner for logo usage approval
before going to print!
Create a gallery wall of support for Make-A-Wish.
Students purchase paper stars for $1 (or more!), sign
their name and post it on the wall.
Students show their support of Make-A-Wish by
purchasing (recommended donaon is $5) and wearing
a blue bracelet.
Planning to sell T-shirts and wristbands? A great idea is
to sell them together as a Wish Kit! Most schools sell
these for $20–$30, and some allow students to use the
wristbands to get into related fundraising events for
free. Now, thats a win-win!
To request stars and/or bracelets for
your Wish Week, please reach out to:
Rossana Powell
714-573-9474 ext. 229
Why not get a lile exercise while you
make a dierence?
Date, me, & locaon for event
Promoonal materials
Sales items (oponal)
Check in table for teams & parcipants to
check in when they arrive
Money box and change
Copies of bracket (if needed) posted on
easily accessible walls
Whistles for referees
A stopwatch to keep game me for each court
Spread the word! Use all of the promoonal
opportunies available to you: morning
announcements, posters around school, classroom/
teacher announcements, social media, etc.
Consider selling refreshments, Make-A-Wish
bracelets and stars, and/or other items to raise
addional funds.
Make logiscal arrangements –
· Have you secured approval from the appropriate
school teachers and/or administrators?
· What type of a sporng event or tournament will
you hold?
· When and where will the event take place?
· How much will you charge for parcipaon in the
game? Will you sell ckets for students, parents
and teachers to aend the game?
· If you are selling any refreshments or items, what
will you sell, what will the cost be, and who will be
in charge of the sales?
· Who is responsible for bringing change?
· How many volunteers do you need?
3-on-3 Basketball tournament
Dodgeball tournament
Four-square tournament
Volleyball tournament
Students vs. teachers tournament
Teachers vs. administrators tournament
Charge teams to parcipate ($20–30 a team
and sell ckets ($510) to watch the game).
100 attendees x $5 average seat for tickets =
20 teams x $30 per team = $600
Proceeds from sales = TBD
Determine an entry fee. We advise charging $20–30
per team, which equals $10–15 per parcipant. Have
teams wear a similar color so you can idenfy teams.
Decide how much to charge event aendees or if you
want to ask for a suggested donaon.
Establish rules. Decide how long games will last.
Decide if your tournament will be single eliminaon,
double eliminaon, or round robin.
Create an entry form. The entry form should list the
rules of the game and the details of the date, place,
and start me of the tournament. The entry form
should include team parcipants’ names, grade level,
team name, entry amount, contact person, and phone
number. Have each team turn in the entry fee with
the entry form.
Once you have received the students’ entry forms
and money, create a bracket for the tournament.
Once you have the teams placed in the bracket, set
mes for each game. Each team should have a start
me for the rst game and include start mes for
second and third round games.
Make copies of the bracket and send a bracket
home with each team or each student so each
team knows its start me.
Don’t forget to get referees for the game!
Choose an acvity and do lots of it! All
parcipants invite their friends and family
members to make pledges based on how
long they will parcipate in the acvity
(laps walked, minutes danced, etc.) or set a
donaon amount to Make-A-Wish.
Appropriate locaon
Any necessary equipment
Donaon sheets (ask your Make-A-Wish
sta partner)
Registraon forms
Determine what kind of ‘thon event you will plan.
Spread the word, register parcipants and
distribute donaon forms. Use all of the
promoonal opportunies available to you: morning
announcements, posters around school, classroom/
teacher announcements, social media, etc.
Make logiscal arrangements –
· Have you secured approval from the appropriate
school teachers and/or administrators?
· What is the best locaon for the event?
· Will you accept pledges (collected aer the event)
or only upfront donaons?
· What equipment is needed to safely execute
the ‘thon?
· Should you provide food or water?
· What adult presence is necessary?
· How many volunteers do you need? Have you
determined the appropriate method for tracking
laps walked or minutes engaged in the acvity?
· How will you collect the funds raised?
100 participants x $20 average donation
per person = $2,000
Walk or jog laps in the gymnasium or on the school
track. Solicit pledges per lap walked or secure at
donaons based on a pre-set number of laps.
Create a new event where parcipants dance ‘l they
drop (not literally, please) or include a Make-A-Wish
danceathon as part of an exisng school dance. Solicit
pledges per minute danced or donate a poron of the
cket price.
Spruce up your school and support Make-A-Wish at
the same me. Find out from administraon what
rooms need a fresh coat of paint and get to work.
Solicit pledges per minute worked, rooms completed
or straight donaons.
Revenue varies based on the event.
Vary based on the event
100 ckets sold x $10 cket price = $1,000
Let’s celebrate! The school has rallied
around Make-A-Wish all week. A Grand
Finale event will provide one last fundraising
opportunity while celebrang your success.
Think about planning the Grand Finale
around an already exisng event, like a big
football game or homecoming.
Locaon for nale event
Table and chairs
Money and change
Determine what kind of Grand Finale event you will
be planning.
Secure an appropriate locaon.
Spread the word! Use all of the promoonal
opportunies available to you: morning announcements,
posters around school, classroom/teacher
announcements, social media, school website, etc.
Secure a locaon for closing assembly.
Make logiscal arrangements –
· How will you raise money at the event?
· What equipment is needed to execute the event?
· How many volunteers do you need?
· How will you collect the funds raised?
· What will the program be for the closing assembly?
· Will you have a guest speaker? Who do you want
to thank?
Homecoming or big rivalry games can serve as a
fantasc culminang event to your Wish Week.
Throughout the game, have announcers promote Wish
Week and at half-me send volunteers throughout the
stands with buckets to collect donaons.
Plan a school dance or join forces with an exisng
school dance and donate a poron of the cket price
to Make-A-Wish.
Come up with your own creave ideas or grab one of the sample Wish Week plans below!
Friday Before Wish Week:
Opening Assembly with
Miracle Minute
Monday: Wear Your Spirit Day
Tuesday: Paper Star Sales
Dodgeball Tournament
Thursday: Jogathon
Friday: Closing Assembly with
Miracle Minute
Friday Before Wish Week:
Promote Wish Week
Monday: Opening Assembly
with Miracle Minute/Spirit Day
Tuesday: Nacho Bar Sales
Wednesday: Danceathon
Thursday: Student vs. Teacher
Volleyball Tournament
Friday: Grand Finale:
Homecoming Game with
Half-me Donaon Collecon
Friday Before Wish Week:
Opening Assembly with
Miracle Minute
Monday: Spirit Day:
Make-A-Wish Colors
Tuesday: Make-A-Wish
Bracelet Sales
Wednesday: Spirit Day: Hat Day
Thursday: Basketball Tournament
& Dine-out Night at Local
Friday: Closing Assembly and
Grand Finale: Spring Dance
Friday Before Wish Week:
The key to the success of your Wish Week lies in your ability to engage your school community before, during and aer
your fundraising acvies. Choose from the ideas listed below and add your creave twists.
A few weeks before Wish Week begin to introduce the
concept 2–3 mes a week. Don’t get too detailed yet,
but hint at the fun things to come. During Wish Week,
focus on one day at a me, leng students know what is
needed of them the next day.
Use social media to promote your Wish Week via
Twier, Facebook, and Instagram.
Students from around the country are parcipang
in Wish Week programs. See what others are up to
and show them how your school is doing by using
#wishweek and #kfwk.
Tag us, follow us, show us what you have going on!
Take your eorts online! For tracking purposes,
Make-A-Wish will register your school/group via our
Wish Your Way online fundraising plaorm and provide
you with a custom URL. Whether near or far, friends and
family want to help. Give them the opportunity to show
their support online and encourage students to create
their own secure personal fundraising pages. You can
also add your unique URL to your school/group website
– its a great way to get visitors to check out your Wish
Your Way site and donate!
Hang Wish Week posters, banners, or yers
everywhere. Make sure your schedule of events is
front and center.
Take advantage of this me to show a quick
Make-A-Wish video, do a skit promong the next
day’s fundraiser or hold a themed contest (for
example – best dressed for spirit day).
Ask your school radio staon to acvely promote
Wish Week. Provide suggested announcements for
each day to ensure that the student body has accurate
informaon about Wish Week acvies.
Engage extracurricular groups in the promoon of Wish
Week acvies. Invite sports teams to raise awareness
by wearing royal blue bands on their arms during any
games that take place during Wish Week. Student
Council, Key Club, and Naonal Honor Society all have
community service requirements. Invite those students
to serve as volunteers for your fundraisers and to help
you spread the word.
Keeping teachers in the loop is the rst step to engaging
them in Wish Week. One to two weeks prior to the
kicko assembly, deliver a leer to all teacher mailboxes
on what to expect from Wish Week. Invite them to
parcipate by incorporang Make-A-Wish themes
into their lesson plans and ask that they provide verbal
reminders regarding the ongoing fundraisers.
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Assemble the Wish Week Planning Commiee
Set meeng dates and mes
Determine the fundraising goal
Choose daily fundraising acvies
Secure approval for all ancipated acvies from
school administraon
Contact your Make-A-Wish sta partner to share
fundraising forms and request guest speakers
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Create detailed acon plans for each
commiee posion
Complete the Wish Week budget form
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Create all school assembly plan
Dra Wish Week promoonal plan
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Begin logiscal planning for all-school assembly
Focus on detailed planning of daily
fundraisers (collect supplies, make logiscal
arrangements, etc.)
Create promoonal items (posters, yers) and
submit them to Make-A-Wish for approval
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Public promoon of Wish Week begins: prepare
and inspire students with teasers of what is
to come
Connue detailed planning of daily fundraisers
including volunteer recruitment
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Connue promoon of Wish Week
Finalize assembly plans
Finalize daily fundraising acvity plans
To-Dos Responsible Finished?
Y or N
Monitor and track daily fundraising results
Make daily reminder announcements about the
next day of acvies
Share updates/results via announcements,
social media, school website, etc.
Keep your Make-A-Wish sta partner posted
on how the events are going
Fundraising Sources Estimated $ Raised
Ex: Sponsorship / In-Kind Donaon $500
Ex: Event Ticket Sales $1,000
Decoraons $
Food & Beverage $
Entertaining $
Supplies $
Prinng/Adversing $
Other $
Total Dollars Raised $
Total Expenses $
Total Net Revenue (Income minus Expenses) $
 $
Typically, 76% of the funds raised are used to grant the
wishes of local children ghng crical illnesses.
A child with a crical illness who has reached the age of
2½ and is younger than 18 at the me of referral is
potenally eligible for a wish. Aer a child is referred,
Make-A-Wish will work with the treang physician to
determine the childs eligibility for a wish. Once qualied,
a team of two Make-A-Wish volunteers visits the child to
determine his or her wish.
Make-A-Wish encourages kids to creavely design a
bucket or other collecon container(s). Most groups nd
it necessary to have change available for fundraising
acvies. At the end of the program, the school or
organizaon should submit a check for the total amount
raised to Make-A-Wish.
Collecng and counng funds is a great opportunity to
involve the student council, key club or PTA/PTO. Cash
collected can be deposited into the school’s account and
a check can be submied to Make-A-Wish.
No, you may not open a bank account under the
Make-A-Wish name. If parcipants make checks payable
to Make-A-Wish, they should be mailed to:
Please forward checks made out to Make-A-Wish
within 8 weeks of the check date. Supporters who give
checks and credit card donaons in the amount of $250
or more will receive a wrien tax acknowledgment
from Make-A-Wish.
All cash raised the day of the event should be collected
and given to pre-designated individuals from the school
or organizaon. These designated individuals should
secure and monitor the cash in a safe or locked box unl
the money can be counted and deposited.
Aer your fundraiser, checks should be mailed directly to
Make-A-Wish; while the school or organizaon tallies the
money and combines the total campaign cash donaons
in a single check for forwarding to Make-A-Wish.
For accounng and security purposes, Make-A-Wish
prefers to receive a check instead of coins or cash.
Please ask the event organizer to deposit the coins and
send the funds to the local Make-A-Wish oce in the
form of a check. Net proceeds from the program should
be submied within 30 days of the conclusion of
the campaign.
Orange County and Inland Empire
3230 El Camino Real Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92602
Orange County and Inland Empire
1650 Spruce St Suite 100
Riverside, CA 92507
Donors who provide their physical address or email
address will be included in Make-A-Wish mailing lists,
unless otherwise instructed. Donors may receive
Make-A-Wish newsleers, annual mailing appeals,
invitaons to special events or emails.
As a maer of naonal policy, Make-A-Wish does not
engage in telemarkeng or door-to-door solicitaon.
No. Make-A-Wish is responsible for procuring
sponsorship, in-kind goods, and services for exisng
internal fundraisers and for wish-granng purposes only.
However, you are welcome to secure sponsorships on
your own. We ask that you please contact Make-A-Wish
before reaching out to any sponsors for your event
or promoon. This will help us ensure there is no
duplicaon of eorts that may be currently under way.
Make-A-Wish has a “DO NOT CONTACT” list of
businesses that we would like to share with you before
you begin your outreach. Please make sure to keep
track of businesses that you plan to contact and
their responses so you can update Make-A-Wish
throughout your plans and at the end of your event.
A W-9, which includes the tax idencaon number for
Make-A-Wish, can be provided upon request. The IRS
does not allow the waiver of sales tax for items used for
events that are not produced by Make-A-Wish.
Businesses may request a copy of the Make-A-Wish
tax determinaon leer that idenes Make-A-Wish
as being qualied for tax-exempt status under secon
501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Businesses
may include this leer with their tax lings to prove the
charies they support are legimate.
Together, we create life-changing wishes for
children with crical illnesses.
Thank you for helping raise awareness about the
important mission of Make-A-Wish by using the
trademarks, including name and logo, in a way that is
consistent with the organizaon’s branding standards
provided below:
Please note that “Make-A-Wish” is spelled with a capital
A” and has hyphens between the words.
Correct: Make-A-Wish
Incorrect: Make a Wish
The logo may not be altered in font, color,
conguraon or posion.
The registraon ® symbol must appear in superscript
aer the rst and/or most prominent display of the
Make-A-Wish name in your materials.
Avoid making Make-A-Wish possessive (correct
“the Make-A-Wish message” vs. incorrect
Make-A-Wish’s message).
The name and logo should never be altered for a
specic event (i.e., “Bake-A-Wish”).
There are three appropriate colors that may be
used to display the logo: Black / White /
293 Blue
Focus on the posive! When talking about
Make-A-Wish, please do not use words such as
“terminally ill” or “dying,” as many wish kids do not have
a terminal condion. These labels can insll a sense of
defeat and can be counterproducve as our wish kids
connue to ght to overcome their illnesses.
Like any other corporation – Coca-Cola, McDonald’s,
Wal-Mart, Target, Ford, etc. – Make-A-Wish Orange
County and Inland Empire name and logo are federally
registered trademarks, and Make-A-Wish has rules for
the proper usage of its trademarks in marketing and
publicity efforts. The Make-A-Wish brand is shaped by
its mission statement:
Contact Rossana Powell at [email protected] to
obtain a high-resolution copy of the logo. Please
don’t copy and paste the logo from the internet.
Make-A-Wish is here to help! If you plan to use the
Make-A-Wish and/or Kids For Wish Kids logos in any
public-facing documents, please send associated
materials to your Make-A-Wish contact prior to
distribution. If you have any questions regarding
branding rules or guidelines, please contact Rossana
Powell, Corporate and Community Engagement
Manager at [email protected].