NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Technical Report
May 2019
Uptower Investigation of Main and
-Speed-Shaft Bearing Reliability
Jonathan Keller
, Yi Guo, and Latha Sethuraman
tional Renewable Energy Laboratory
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
303-275-3000 •
Technical Report
May 2019
-Speed-Shaft Bearing Reliability
, Yi Guo, and Latha Sethuraman
tional Renewable Energy Laboratory
, Yi Guo, and Latha Sethuraman. 2019. Uptower Investigation of Main
-Speed-Shaft Bearing Reliability. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy
This work was authored by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding
provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Energy
Technologies Office. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991
and a growing number of pre-1991 documents are available
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Cover Photos by Dennis Schroeder: (clockwise, left to right) NREL 51934, NREL 45897, NREL 42160, NREL 45891, NREL 48097,
NREL 46526.
NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-
AC36-08GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Funding for the work was
provided by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wind Energy
Technologies Office. This work was also made possible by the contributions of SKF GmbH
under cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) CRD-16-608, Flender
Corporation under CRADA CRD-17-694, and SKF USA under CRADA CRD-17-702.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
List of Acronyms
cooperative research and development
cylindrical roller bearing
design verification support tool
General Electric
inboard generator side
outboard generator side
high-speed shaft
meters per second
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Wind Technology Center
low-voltage ride-through
revolutions per minute
rotor side
spherical roller bearing
turbulence intensity
white-etching crack
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................ viii
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Test Article and Instrumentation Overview ....................................................................................... 2
2.1 Main Bearing ................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Gearbox ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Turbine and Meteorological Tower ............................................................................................... 4
3 Test Program ......................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Example Results ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Normal Power Production ............................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Startups and Shutdowns .............................................................................................................. 20
4.3 Parked/Idling ............................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Grid Events .................................................................................................................................. 31
5 Exceptions ........................................................................................................................................... 35
6 Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 36
References ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Appendix A. Data Elements ..................................................................................................................... 39
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
List of Figures
Figure 1. SKF SRB-Wind main bearing (left) and instrumentation (right). Photos by Jonathan Keller
and Jerry Hur, NREL 49379 and 49959 ............................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Winergy PEAB 4410.4 gearbox side (left) and rear (right) view. Photos by Jonathan
Keller, NREL 49044 and 49045 ............................................................................................................ 3
Figure 3. High-speed-shaft instrumentation schematic .......................................................................... 4
Figure 4. Gearbox swap (left) and installation in turbine (right). Photos by Dennis Schroeder,
NREL 49409 and 49413 ........................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 5. Normal power production data acquisition durations ............................................................ 9
Figure 6. Power (left), rotor speed (middle), and blade pitch angle (right) in normal power
production ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7. Main bearing proximity probe raw (left) and filtered (right) measurements in a normal
power production case ...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8. Main shaft net axial motion in normal power production ..................................................... 11
Figure 9. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) electrical current in a normal
power production case ...................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 10. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current in normal
power production ............................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 11. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed in
normal power production cases ....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed in
normal power production cases ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 13. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
900 rpm and 257 kW ........................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 14. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
1,220 rpm and 600 kW ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 15. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
rated speed and power ...................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed in
normal power production .................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 17. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed in
normal power production .................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 18. Unfiltered high-speed-shaft torque in normal power production ...................................... 16
Figure 19. Filtered high-speed-shaft torque in normal power production .......................................... 17
Figure 20. Filtered high-speed-shaft Y (left) and Z (right) bending moment at B in normal power
production ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 21. Filtered high-speed-shaft Y (left) and Z (right) bending moment at C in normal power
production ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 22. Gearbox and generator stray electrical current in a normal power production case ...... 18
Figure 23. High-speed-shaft generator-side-out (left), generator-side-in (middle), and rotor-side
(right) stray electrical current in normal power production ........................................................... 19
Figure 24. High-speed-shaft generator-side-out (left), generator-side-in (middle), and rotor-side
(bottom) bearing outer raceway temperature in normal power production ................................. 19
Figure 25. Gearbox oil water activity (left) and temperature (right) in normal power production .... 20
Figure 26. Gearbox air and dew point temperature difference during normal power production .... 20
Figure 27. Main shaft torque and speed during a normal startup ........................................................ 21
Figure 28. Main bearing axial motion during a normal start-up ........................................................... 22
Figure 29. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
normal start-up ................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 30. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a normal start-up .................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 31. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during a normal start-up .................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 32. High-speed-shaft torque and speed during a normal shutdown ....................................... 24
Figure 33. Main bearing axial motion during a normal shutdown ....................................................... 24
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Figure 34. Main bearing generation-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
normal shutdown ................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 35. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a normal shutdown ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 36. High-speed-shaft generator side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during a normal shutdown ................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 37. Main shaft torque and speed during an emergency stop ................................................... 26
Figure 38. Main bearing axial motion during an emergency stop........................................................ 27
Figure 39. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during
an emergency stop ............................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 40. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during an emergency stop ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 41. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during an emergency stop ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 42. Main shaft torque and speed during idling .......................................................................... 29
Figure 43. Main bearing axial motion during idling ............................................................................... 29
Figure 44. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during
idling .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 45. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during idling ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 46. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during idling ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 47. High-speed-shaft torque and speed during a low-voltage ride-through ........................... 32
Figure 48. Main bearing axial motion during a low-voltage ride-through ........................................... 32
Figure 49. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
low-voltage ride-through ................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 50. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a low-voltage ride-through ................................................................................................
.... 33
Figure 51. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a low-voltage ride-through .................................................................................................... 34
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List of Tables
Table 1. Turbine State Values and Descriptions ...................................................................................... 7
Table 2. Capture Matrix for Normal Power Production ........................................................................... 8
Table 3. Capture Matrix for Normal Transients ...................................................................................... 21
Table 4. Capture Matrix for Parked/Idling ............................................................................................... 29
Table 5. Capture Matrix for Low-Voltage Ride-Throughs ..................................................................... 31
Table A-1. Data Elements ......................................................................................................................... 39
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1 Introduction
The cost of energy from wind has declined tremendously during the past three decades because
of a combination of lower capital costs, higher production, and more efficient operation [1].
However, wind power plant operations and maintenance costs remain an appreciable contributor
to the overall cost of wind energy. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored a
drivetrain reliability workshop led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and
Argonne National Laboratory [2]. The purpose of the workshop was to explore the state of the
art in wind turbine drivetrain mechanical system reliability as well as research and development
challenges that, if solved, could have significant benefits. Workshop attendees, including many
wind plant owners and operators, reported that a significant portion of the wind turbine operation
and maintenance costs are related to drivetrain reliability—in particular, continuing premature
main bearing and gearbox bearing failures. Specifically related to these failures and highlighted
in this drivetrain reliability workshop [2] and other works [3,4] are the importance of main shaft
spherical roller bearing (SRB) micropitting wear and the phenomenon of gearbox bearing white-
etch flaking (a.k.a. white-etch cracking [WEC] or axial cracking). Neither of these failure modes
are related to classical rolling contact fatigue and are thus not accounted for in current design
standards. These failures can occur well before the equipment’s predicted design life; for
gearbox bearing WECs, after as little as 5%–20% [4], and for main bearing wear, after less than
6 years [5]. Although these types of failures have been reported for more than a decade, the
conditions leading to them and the reasons for their apparent prevalence in wind turbines is not
universally agreed upon.
A multipronged research program supported by DOE at Argonne National Laboratory and NREL
is examining the causes of main bearing micropitting wear and WECs in wind turbine gearbox
bearings as recommended in the drivetrain reliability workshop report [2]. For each failure mode,
the research program strives to:
Conduct benchtop tests to determine the detrimental physical conditions and mechanisms at
the material level that replicate the premature failures [6–11]
Conduct full-scale wind turbine tests to determine the operations that result in these
detrimental physical conditions at the material level within the components of interest [11–
Assess the benchtop and full-scale test results and make recommendations for mitigation
solutions [7,13,14].
This purpose of this report is to summarize progress in the second step in the research program,
conducting full-scale wind turbine tests to determine the operations conducive to premature main
bearing wear and gearbox bearing axial cracking failures. The report expands upon previous
initial analyses [12,13] and fully describes the series of tests conducted and measurements
gathered in the first wind season of testing—from commissioning of the instrumented drivetrain
in January 2018 through June 14, 2018.
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2 Test Article and Instrumentation Overview
The test article is a specially instrumented, commercial 1.5-megawatt (MW) drivetrain. The
instrumented portion of the drivetrain consists of a SKF SRB-Wind main bearing and a
Winergy 4410.4 gearbox, described herein. The drivetrain is mounted in a three-point
configuration consisting of the main bearing, which largely supports the rotor weight and forces,
and the two torque-arms on the gearbox, which react the torque and any rotor moments.
2.1 Main Bearing
The main bearing is a new SRB-Wind bearing model BS2-8115/C2H produced by SKF.
Although similar to a standard 240/600 double-row series SKF Explorer SRB, its design was
updated to optimize internal geometry, use a new cage, provide better sealing and improve
lubrication [15]. It is housed in a SKF model HC-Z 7051 BF housing and was first filled with
SKF Winter Grade LGWM2 grease in September 2017. The main bearing and associated
instrumentation are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. SKF SRB-Wind main bearing (left) and instrumentation (right). Photos by Jonathan Keller
and Jerry Hur, NREL 49379 and 49959
Instrumentation on the main bearing comes in three categories: proximity sensors for motion,
Rogowski coils for electrical current, and the design verification support tool (DVST)
instruments, described as follows. Four inductive sensors spaced around the circumference of a
custom frame installed just behind the generator side (GS or position B) row of the main bearing
measure the axial motion of the main bearing locknut (and main shaft and inner race of the main
bearing) with respect to the bearing housing (and outer race of the main bearing). Combined with
the main rotor azimuth, these axial motions can be resolved to account for geometric errors such
as out-of-squareness [16]. Rogowski coils attached to the rotor side (RS or position A) and GS of
the main bearing housing measure any “strayelectrical current being conducted through the
main shaft and main bearing, most likely a result of pitch motors [17]. Separately, a total of eight
Stray Current
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DVSTs, split evenly between the two sides of the main bearing, measure strain, acoustic
emission, vibration, and temperature at four locations around the circumference of each bearing
row [12]. The main bearing, auxiliary equipment, and some instrumentation was contributed to
the project by SKF USA under cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA)
2.2 Gearbox
The gearbox is a Winergy model PEAB 4410.4 produced by the Flender Corporation. It has a
nominal power rating of 1,660 kilowatts (kW). With a gearbox ratio of 78.292, it increases a
main rotor speed of 18.39 revolutions per minute (rpm) to an output shaft speed of 1,440 rpm.
The gearbox is composed of a single planetary stage followed by two parallel stages with helical
gearing. The test gearbox and main shaft, shown while in storage in Figure 2, were contributed
by Flender to the project under CRADA CRD-17-694.
Figure 2. Winergy PEAB 4410.4 gearbox side (left) and rear (right) view. Photos by Jonathan Keller,
NREL 49044 and 49045
The primary gearbox instrumentation is focused on the high-speed shaft (HSS) and support
bearings [18] as shown in Figure 3. The shaft speed is measured with an encoder, and torque and
bending moments are measured with strain gauges. The NU 2326 ECML/L4BC3 and
NU 232 ECML/L4BC3 cylindrical roller bearings (CRBs) on the RS (or position “A”) and GS
inboard (GS-in or position “B”) of the pinion, respectively, each have a magnetized roller and
patented instrumentation developed by SKF. The bearings and these devices measure rolling
element speed [19] and were contributed to the project by SKF GmbH under CRADA CRD-16-
608. Commercial proximity switches detect the passing of a single metal pin in the cages each
cage revolution, thus determining the average cage speeds over the revolution and indicating the
precise circumferential position of the magnetized roller. Additional instrumentation measures
the tribological environment of the RS and GS-in bearings and the outboard GS (GS-out or
position “C”) bearing, including the bearing inner and outer ring temperatures, Amsoil PTN 320
lubricant temperature and water content, air temperature and humidity within the gearbox cavity
with respect to the wind turbine nacelle, and any stray electrical current across the bearings.
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Figure 3. High-speed-shaft instrumentation schematic
The drivetrain data acquisition enclosure is mounted to the right side of the rear upper housing of
the gearbox. All the gearbox measurements, plus the main bearing motion measurements and
stray electrical current, are collected by this National Instruments-based system. The
measurements are time-synchronized with the other collected meteorological and turbine
operational parameters described in the next section. These drivetrain data acquisition rates are 1
hertz (Hz), 50 Hz, and 5 kilohertz of varying durations, depending on the purpose and
measurement of interest.
Finally, a standard SKF IMx-8 condition monitoring system [20] was installed on the drivetrain,
measuring vibration at two locations on the main bearing, five on the gearbox, and one on the
generator. A Poseidon Trident DM4500 wear debris monitor [21] and two LogiLube SmartGear
systems [22] were installed as part of the gearbox lubrication system. Each of these systems
records data in their native formats, separate and apart from the data described in this report.
2.3 Turbine and Meteorological Tower
DOE installed a General Electric (GE) 1.5-MW wind turbine at the National Wind Technology
Center (NWTC) over the winter of 2008 and 2009. This turbine, hereafter referred to as the DOE
1.5, is an integral part of several research initiatives for the DOE Wind Program and other
industry research initiatives. The DOE 1.5 is built on the platform of the GE 1.5 SLE commercial
wind turbine model, but was installed in a nonstandard configuration. Therefore, these and other
test results may not represent the performance capabilities of other GE 1.5 SLE turbines.
Important for this project and others is the fact that the DOE 1.5 is equipped with an ESS Mk 6
controller [12,23].
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A series of tests were previously conducted to characterize the baseline properties and
performance of the DOE 1.5, including mechanical loads per International Electrotechnical
Commission 61400-11 in March 2011 [23]. The test program included specially installed
instrumentation throughout the turbine and on a meteorological tower in front of the turbine.
These measurements from the original test program are in many cases identical to the drivetrain
tests described in this report, but important deviations are detailed herein. Routine measurements
acquired on the meteorological tower are air temperature, pressure, and humidity; wind speed
and direction at several heights, plus nacelle direction, rotor speed, and blade pitch angles; main
shaft, tower, and blade loads; turbine power; and several supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) channels. A full list of data channels recorded by this system are described in
Appendix A. These turbine and meteorological data acquisition rates are 1 Hz and 50 Hz, also
depending on the purpose and measurement of interest. Data at 1 Hz are collected for 24 hours in
duration, while data at 50 Hz are collected for 10-minute periods.
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3 Test Program
After production acceptance testing of the gearbox and instrumentation checkout at the Flender
facility in September 2017 [12,18], the gearbox, main bearing, and main shaft were mated
together. The assembled drivetrain was delivered to the NWTC on October 18. The exposed
instrumentation on the main bearing and gearbox lubrication system were installed after delivery.
The existing GE Transportation Services 7GA87E2 gearbox and main bearing were then
removed and the new drivetrain was installed on December 16, 2017, as shown in Figure 4. This
original drivetrain had produced approximately 6 million kilowatt-hours of energy in 14.17
thousand hours of grid operation time. After an additional maintenance procedure to replace the
generator coupling and brake disk assembly, the turbine and new drivetrain were
recommissioned on January 5, 2018.
Figure 4. Gearbox swap (left) and installation in turbine (right). Photos by Dennis Schroeder, NREL
49409 and 49413
An additional two weeks were required to install, power, and network connect the drivetrain data
acquisition system equipment, with the first gearbox data collection tests occurring on January
18. One additional week was required to reinstall some of the associated turbine data acquisition
equipment, with the first tests including measurements from the meteorological tower, other
turbine instrumentation, and SKF IMx-8 system occurring on January 25. The first
measurements by the SKF DVST and LogiLube systems were acquired February 7. Finally, the
main shaft bending and torque measurements were installed on February 13. The tests described
in this report then continued through June 14, 2018. During that period, the new drivetrain had
produced an additional 0.21 million kilowatt-hours (6.21 kilowatt-hours total) of energy in 290
hours (14.46 thousand hours total) of grid operation time.
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4 Example Results
Example results of main bearing and gearbox measurements are described in the following
sections for a range of test states. Much like the mechanical loads test report [23], this report
divides the test states into normal power production, normal transients, and parked/idling
conditions. Additional to this test report are the induced stops, emergency stops, and grid events.
When interpreting the gearbox and main bearing data, determining the turbine operational status
is an important consideration. It can be ascertained through some of the recorded SCADA
channels described in Appendix A. These SCADA channels are given certain integer values
listed in Table 1 depending on operational status of the turbine or fault messages. The table also
includes the authors’ observation of the meaning of the value based on analysis of the recorded
turbine and drivetrain data, including rotor seed, blade pitch angle, and active power. The
operational state channel (signal name OPC_OpCtl_TurbineStatus) used in this report is only
assigned values between 1 and 11. The state fault channel includes additional information and
can be assigned values between 1 and 1000+x, where x is the value of a turbine controller
Table 1. Turbine State Values and Descriptions
Value Description Observation
1 Turbine OK Turbine not running, grid disconnected
2 Turbine with grid connection Turbine not running with grid connection
3 Run up/idling Turbine startup
7 Weather conditions Normal stop because of high wind
Stopped (manual stop, if turbine OK)
Manual stop
11 Emergency stop Emergency stop
Event message x is active Appears after emergency stop event
4.1 Normal Power Production
The recorded data files were filtered by the following criteria to identify normal power
production cases:
Main shaft speed >10.5 rpm, equivalent to an HSS speed >822 rpm
Blade 1 pitch angle <50°
Active power >0 kW.
The resulting capture matrix of simultaneous drivetrain, turbine, and meteorological data during
normal power production operation of the turbine is provided in Table 2. The results are binned
according to the measured wind speed (signal name OPC_In_WindSpd), from cut-in at 3.5
meters per second (m/s) to cut-out at 25 m/s [23], and turbulence intensity (TI).
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Table 2. Capture Matrix for Normal Power Production
Wind Speed, m/s
TI 3–5 5–6 6–7 7–8 8–9
<3% 5 8 6 8 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
3–5% 5 9 5 9 3 9 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 47
5–7% 6 3 1 4 2 5 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 25
7–9% 2 7 8 5 3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 34
9–11% 2 1 6 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15
1113% 1 2 7 5 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 20
1315% 2 4 3 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 17
1517% 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13
1719% 1 3 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
1921% 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
2123% 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
2325% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2527% 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2729% 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
>29% 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 29 45 42 40 14 28 9 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 221
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For these recorded normal power production cases, the duration of each data acquisition varies as
shown in Figure 5. Note that because of the focus on the drivetrain and the need for data
collection at rates up to 5 kilohertz, the data acquisitions described in this report are mostly short
in duration. They are not for the typical duration of 10 minutes; except for a few that lasted up to
5 minutes, the majority of the data acquisitions are less than 25 seconds (s) in length.
Figure 5. Normal power production data acquisition durations
The statistics for the turbine active power, rotor speed, and blade pitch angle for all the normal
power production cases captured are shown in Figure 6. As listed in Table 2, most of the data
were measured within a wind speed range from cut-in to the rated wind speed of 14 m/s [23],
with a few events at wind speeds just below cut-out. Measured power ranged from near zero to
as high as 1,800 kW. In the rated wind speed region, the rotor speed ranged from 17 to 19.4 rpm,
although the average value is the rated rotor speed of 18.39 rpm.
Figure 6. Power (left), rotor speed (middle), and blade pitch angle (right) in normal power
In the following sections, typical main bearing and gearbox measurements are discussed for
these normal power production cases. Both example time series and scatter plots as a function of
wind speed near the rotor hub height are examined.
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4.1.1 Main Bearing Axial Motion Measurements
Example main bearing proximity probe measurements are shown in Figure 7 (filename
“DRC15_fast_2018_04_02_16_42_18.h5”). Each measurement is shown with respect to the
time-synchronized main shaft azimuth over multiple revolutions of the shaft. Normal
measurement values are less than 1 millimeter (mm). Each measurement does show an excursion
from these nominal values to 20 mm. This excursion is a result of a slot in the locknut, visible in
Figure 1, and is not meaningful in and of itself. Because the probes are 90° apart, this excursion
occurs at approximately 35°, 125°, 215°, and 305° azimuth values for probes 1, 2, 3, and 4,
respectively. To make the proximity probe measurements more useful, the excursions can be
selectively filtered out by using a window around these azimuths up to 30° in width. The
resulting filtered signals are also shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Main bearing proximity probe raw (left) and filtered (right) measurements in a normal
power production case
The filtered time-history data from each probe were further smoothed by applying a 0.1 s (500
point) moving average to remove short-term fluctuations. The net axial motion of the main
bearing is then the instantaneous average of the smoothed time histories of each probe, excluding
the periods where the filter has been applied to any probe. The descriptive statistics for the
maximum, minimum, and mean of main bearing net axial motion across the range of normal
power cases is shown in Figure 8. The net axial motion generally follows the same shape as the
thrust curve for the turbine, with the maximum axial displacement occurring at the rated wind
speed. Overall, the main bearing moves downwind (i.e., the distance decreases as the bearing
moves closer to the probe) over 1 mm from its central resting position at very low wind speeds or
in idling conditions to its position at the rated wind speed. The correlation between the range of
motion and the turbulence intensity for each wind speed is being investigated.
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Figure 8. Main shaft net axial motion in normal power production
4.1.2 Main Bearing Electrical Current Measurements
Example time histories of stray electrical currents measured on both sides of the main bearing
are shown in Figure 9 (filename “DRC15_fast_2018_04_02_16_42_18.h5”). In general, these
measurements exhibited noncontinuous, near-symmetric time-varying oscillations of current on
the order of tens to hundreds of milliampere (mA).
Figure 9. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) electrical current in a normal
power production case
The descriptive statistics for the maximum, minimum, and root-mean-square (RMS) level of
main bearing electrical current across the range of normal power cases is shown in Figure 10.
The correlation between these measurements and blade pitch motor activity [17] or other
parameters is being investigated; however, the largest currents up to almost 800 mA were
observed on the RS Rogowski coil in the variable speed operating region for the turbine from 3
to 14 m/s. The measurements on the GS coil are similar, but lower in magnitude. The RMS
current is on the order of 10 mA because of the noncontinuous nature of the measurement as
seen in Figure 9.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (m/s)
Net Axial Motion (mm)
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Figure 10. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current in normal
power production
4.1.3 Gearbox High-Speed Shaft Cylindrical Roller Bearing Speed Measurements
Example 5-second time histories of the rotational speed of the rollers in the CRBs supporting the
HSS are shown in Figure 11. Three different wind speed cases, 5 m/s, 9 m/s, and 12 m/s, are
shown (filenames “DRC15_fast_2018_04_06_17_56_34.h5”, “DRC15_fast_2018_04_
10_19_20_45.h5”, and “DRC15_fast_Normal_power_1500KW2018_03_04_21_55_27.h5”). As
expected, the measured roller speeds increase as the wind speed, drivetrain speed, and torque
increase. In each case, the roller speeds exhibit roughly a sinusoidal behavior, in which the
maximum roller speed is reached when the roller is in the bearing load zone. In this situation, it
achieves a pure rolling condition as evidenced by the measured speed reaching the theoretical
speed for the pure rolling condition. The maximum roller speed for the 12 m/s and 9 m/s cases
reach the speed for pure rolling, while for 5 m/s it only reaches two-thirds of that value. As the
rollers leave the load zone, they decelerate and the minimum roller speed typically occurs just
prior to them re-entering the bearing load zone.
Figure 11. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed in
normal power production cases
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Example time histories of both CRB cage speeds are shown in Figure 12 for the same conditions.
In each case, the measured cage speed is nearly constant, as the measured HSS speed that
determines the cage speed in pure rolling conditions is also nearly constant. The measured cage
speed at 12 m/s wind speed is almost exactly equal to the theoretical speed, whereas the
measured cage speed at 9 m/s is slightly less than the speed for pure rolling conditions. In
contrast, the measured cage speed at 5 m/s wind speed is about two-thirds of the speed for pure
rolling conditions. Like the roller speed results in Figure 11, this indicates that significant sliding
of the rollers is occurring even within the bearing load zone.
Figure 12. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed in
normal power production cases
The bearing roller speeds can also be examined as they proceed around the circumference of the
bearing with the cage as shown in Figure 13 to Figure 15. The orientation of the figure is viewed
from the generator looking upwind toward the rotor with the rollers and cage rotating around the
circumference in the counterclockwise direction. The applied forces to the bearing consist of a
combination of the weight of the shaft, pointing downward, and the gear mesh force, pointing to
the right for this gearbox [18]. For medium and higher load cases, the center of the bearing load
zone points to the right at an azimuth of 270°, whereas for the lowest load cases gravity makes a
greater contribution than the gear mesh force and the load zone points downward and to the
right. The measured speeds from the uptower tests can be compared to the theoretical values for
pure rolling conditions and the measurements acquired during previous production acceptance
testing [18], which was conducted in steady-state conditions at three different drivetrain speeds
and power settings. At the lowest 900 rpm and 257 kW setting shown in Figure 13, the measured
roller speeds are much slower than the theoretical values, suggesting that every roller is sliding,
even when the rollers are in the middle of the load zone.
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Figure 13. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
900 rpm and 257 kW
At the mid 1,220 rpm and 600 kW condition shown in Figure 14, the measured roller speeds
briefly approach the theoretical values at the center of the load zone; however, aside from this
point, the speeds are slower and indicate sliding in the rest of the load zone. There is also good
correlation between the production acceptance and uptower test results, especially for the RS
Figure 14. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
1,220 rpm and 600 kW
At the rated speed and power condition shown in Figure 15, the rollers are in pure rolling
conditions for the almost the entire width of the load zone, which extends from approximately
195° to 345°. As the rollers leave the load zone near 345°, they slowly decelerate until they reach
the re-entry to the load zone near 195°. The roller acceleration at the entrance to the load zone is
very evident. The correlation between the test bench results and the uptower measurements is
also very good for both bearings.
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Figure 15. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speeds at
rated speed and power
The maximum, mean, and minimum values of the roller and cage speeds for the GS-in and RS
bearings across all the normal power cases are shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17, respectively.
As shown in Figure 16, the maximum measured roller speed values do achieve pure rolling
conditions relatively quickly, except for the very slowest wind speed conditions of less than 5
m/s. Because the measured rotor speed frequently exceeds the rated rotor speed, as shown in
Figure 6, the maximum measured roller speed also exceeds the value assumed for rated
conditions. The minimum roller speed is typically three-fifths (60%) of the pure rolling condition
at more than 8 m/s wind speed; however, it decreases to approximately one-third (33%) at the
slowest wind speeds.
Figure 16. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed in
normal power production
5 10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (m/s)
GS-in Roller Speed (rpm)
Pure Rolling
5 10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (m/s)
RS Roller Speed (rpm)
Pure Rolling
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As shown in Figure 17, the measured cage speed typically matches the speed for pure rolling
conditions when the wind speed is more than 8 m/s. However, at less than this wind speed, the
cage speed decreases and the amount of sliding in the roller set increases.
Figure 17. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed in
normal power production
4.1.4 Gearbox High-Speed Shaft Load Measurements
The HSS torque and bending moments are presented in this section, calculated from calibration
measurements acquired from bench testing [18]. The processed statistics for the HSS torque from
the normal power production cases are shown in Figure 18. Unfortunately, the torque and
bending moments became increasingly dominated by noise, likely because of degradation of the
slip ring or associated wiring during the test period. By the beginning of March, interpretation of
a single value or a time history of these signals is no longer possible as the maximum values are
many times the rated values. After April, the maximum values have become saturated by noise.
Figure 18. Unfiltered high-speed-shaft torque in normal power production
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
HSS Torque (% of Rated)
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Various physical troubleshooting steps have to date been unsuccessful in removing the signal
noise. However, various signal filters have been applied to yield some reasonable HSS torque
and bending moment results. Figure 19 shows the same torque statistics after a 1-Hz low-pass
filter and moving mean was applied. The filtered torque increases with wind speed from cut-in to
12 m/s at which point it reaches its rated value of slightly more than 10 kilonewton-meter (kNm).
Figure 19. Filtered high-speed-shaft torque in normal power production
Applying the same low-pass filter to the bending moments yields the statistics shown in Figure
20 and Figure 21 for two other locations on the HSS, in the fixed coordinate system. Similar to
the bearing designations of A through C, the terminology A, B, and C has been used to indicate
the location of the bending moments from the RS to the GS. The A and B strain gauges are just
upwind and downwind of the HS pinion, while the C strain gauges are just downwind of the GS-
out bearing. As shown in Figure 20 for the B strain gauges, the torque and the resulting
tangential component of the gear mesh force result in a clear negative moment about the vertical
(Z) direction and very little moment about the lateral (Y) direction.
Figure 20. Filtered high-speed-shaft Y (left) and Z (right) bending moment at B in normal power
5 10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (m/s)
Torque-Filtered (kNm)
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As shown in Figure 21, the bending moments at C are far fewer than the bending moments at B.
Because the C strain gauges are downwind of the GS-out bearing, they are not influenced by the
gear mesh force. Instead, they only experience moments induced from motion of the gearbox and
the generator coupling stiffness.
Figure 21. Filtered high-speed-shaft Y (left) and Z (right) bending moment at C in normal power
4.1.5 Gearbox Electrical Current Measurements
Example time histories of stray electrical currents measured in the gearbox are shown in Figure
22 (filename “DRC15_fast_2018_04_02_16_42_18.h5”). In general, these measurements exhibit
a different behavior than the main bearing electrical currents shown in Figure 9. For the electrical
current measurements, location A is just upwind of the pinion, location B is just upwind of the
GS-in bearing, and location C is just downwind of the GS-out bearing. The current measured at
location C is up to 1,000 mA (1 A). Electrical currents at locations A and B are much lower.
Figure 22. Gearbox and generator stray electrical current in a normal power production case
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The descriptive statistics for the maximum, minimum, and RMS level of gearbox electrical
current at each location across the range of normal power cases is shown in Figure 23. The
correlation between these measurementsother parameters is being investigated; however, the
largest currents up to 1.5 A were observed in the variable speed operating region for the turbine
from 3 to 12 m/s.
Figure 23. High-speed-shaft generator-side-out (left), generator-side-in (middle), and rotor-side
(right) stray electrical current in normal power production
4.1.6 Gearbox Temperature Measurements
The gearbox bearing and air temperature measurements are presented in this section. Like the
load measurements, the HSS CRB inner ring measurements became increasingly dominated by
noise after January because they are transmitted by the same slip ring. However, the outer ring
measurements shown in Figure 24 are acquired by contact probes and provide useable results for
the entire test period. Like the speed and loading behavior of the bearings, the temperatures
follow the same behavior as the power curve. The maximum temperature of the outer ring for
each bearing is less than 70°C. The lowest bearing temperatures are approximately 25°C,
occurring just after cold starts in the early portions of the test in January through March.
Figure 24. High-speed-shaft generator-side-out (left), generator-side-in (middle), and rotor-side
(bottom) bearing outer raceway temperature in normal power production
The gearbox water activity, a measure of the amount of water in the gearbox oil supply, is shown
in Figure 25. The measured water activity was less than 0.2 for the entire test period, indicating
that the oil has little dissolved water content. Oil temperatures ranged from quite cold conditions
as low as 15°C after startups in the winter months to as high as 65°C.
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Figure 25. Gearbox oil water activity (left) and temperature (right) in normal power production
Finally, the difference between the gearbox air and dew point temperatures is summarized in
Figure 26. The air temperature is anywhere from 20°C to 50°C above the dew point, indicating
that at least while in normal power production conditions there is no water vapor that would be
condensing within the gearbox itself.
Figure 26. Gearbox air and dew point temperature difference during normal power production
4.2 Startups and Shutdowns
The capture matrices for startup and shutdown events are provided in Table 3. These transient
events are identified by tracking the turbine status values (signal OPC_OpCtl_TurbineStatus) to
identify cases where the turbine goes from producing power to not generating power (shutdown)
or vice versa (startup). Example transient events are described in the following sections.
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Table 3. Capture Matrix for Normal Transients
Wind Speed Range
Duration(s) Obtained
Normal Startup 3–12 m/s 164299 7
1216 m/s 92195 2
>16 m/s 166278 2
Normal Shutdown
3–12 m/s 17157 2
1216 m/s 141243 2
>16 m/s 195 1
Emergency Stops
3–12 m/s 45 1
1216 m/s 45-60 3
>16 m/s - 0
4.2.1 Normal Startup
There are three phases during a startup event for this turbine that can be seen in an example
startup in Figure 27. In the initial phase, the drivetrain speed increases to approximately 900 rpm,
or a rotor speed of 11.5 rpm, while under no appreciable load. Upon reaching this speed, in the
second phase the turbine governs this speed for approximately 1 minute until the generator
engages and the drivetrain begins to transmit torque and generate electrical power. If the winds
are strong enough, in the third phase the drivetrain will continue to accelerate up to the rated
speed of 1,440 rpm or a rotor speed of 18.4 rpm. This behavior is illustrated in Figure 27 for a
startup on March 4 (filename “DRC15_fast_Start_command2018_03_04_22_24_19.h5”). In this
case, the time required to reach just over rated power conditions is almost 300 s, or 5 minutes.
Figure 27. Main shaft torque and speed during a normal startup
The main bearing axial motion during this startup is shown in Figure 28. Prior to engagement of
the generator, very little thrust is produced, so the main bearing remains at its central resting
position of nearly 0.6 mm. After the generator engages and rotor thrust and torque increases, the
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main bearing moves downwind approximately 0.6 mm. The gaps apparent in the net axial motion
are the result of exclusion of periods of time where the main bearing locknut was in front of the
proximity probe as described in Section 4.1.1.
Figure 28. Main bearing axial motion during a normal start-up
The electrical current measurements through the main bearing during this start-up event are
shown in Figure 29. Currents of up to 200 mA were observed throughout the event, regardless of
the engagement of the generator, which occurs at approximately 200 s as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 29. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
normal start-up
Figure 30 and Figure 31 show the HSS bearing roller and cage speeds, respectively. In each
figure, the measured values are compared to the theoretical value for the pure rolling condition in
the bearing. Pure rolling conditions are only achieved when the bearings are loaded by the
drivetrain torque. Without appreciable load, the rollers have a combination of rolling and sliding
with the bearing races. In extreme low-load conditions, the rollers cease to rotate and simply
slide against the races. Prior to the engagement of the generator, the roller and cage speeds for
both bearings are well below their theoretical values for pure rolling conditions. For a portion of
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)
Axial Motion (mm)
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the rotation, the minimum measured roller speed is close to pure sliding conditions (that is, a
roller speed of zero). After engagement of the generator, the maximum measured roller speed
and cage speed for each bearing quickly reach the theoretical value for pure rolling conditions in
the bearing load zone. The same behavior can be seen in the measured cage speeds during the
event. In comparing the two bearings, the GS-in bearing demonstrates lower sliding than the RS
Figure 30. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a normal start-up
Figure 31. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during a normal start-up
4.2.2 Normal Shutdown
An example of a manually-induced stop event is described in this section (filename
DRC15_fast_Stop_command2018_03_04_22_37_51.h5”). The stop was intentionally
commanded via the turbine control computer when the turbine was operating above rated power.
After the stop command is given, the blades pitch to slow the rotor and reduce power prior to
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disengaging the generator. The rotor then slows to a stop over about a 2-minute period as shown
in Figure 32.
Figure 32. High-speed-shaft torque and speed during a normal shutdown
The main bearing motion during the stop is shown in Figure 33. At the start of the shutdown, the
main bearing position oscillates about 0.3 mm as evidenced in the normal power production
cases in Figure 8, but as the rotor slows and power decreases, the rotor moves forward to its
central, resting position at slightly less than 0.6 mm. In this case, the gaps in the net axial motion
are more apparent because as the rotor slows, the locknut is in front of a probe for a longer
period of time, resulting in a wider gap.
Figure 33. Main bearing axial motion during a normal shutdown
The electrical current measurements through the main bearing during this shutdown event are
shown in Figure 34. Like the startup, currents of up to 200 mA were observed throughout the
event, regardless of the engagement of the generator. They continue even after the rotor has
come to a complete stop.
0 20 40 60
80 100 120 140 160
180 200
Time (s)
Axial Motion (mm)
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Figure 34. Main bearing generation-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
normal shutdown
Figure 35 and Figure 36 show the HSS bearing roller and cage speeds during the shutdown,
respectively. Prior to the disengagement of the generator, the maximum measured roller and cage
speeds for both bearings reach their theoretical values, indicating conditions of pure rolling in the
bearing load zone. After disengagement of the generator, the measured roller speeds decrease
with the minimum reaching almost pure sliding conditions. Like the start-up event, the GS-in
bearing demonstrates less sliding than the RS bearing in terms of both the measured roller speed
and the measured cage speed.
Figure 35. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a normal shutdown
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Figure 36. High-speed-shaft generator side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during a normal shutdown
4.2.3 Emergency Stop
Emergency stops were manually induced by a technician at the base of the tower on two
occasions, February 15 and March 4. Stops at a range of power levels and rotor speeds were
conducted to examine their effect on the gearbox and main bearing behavior. In addition to
recording the main bearing and gearbox behavior, the hydraulic brake activation signal was also
recorded. Upon engaging the brake, the drivetrain quickly decelerates from rated speed to
stopped in about 10 s. During this initial braking period, there are severe torque oscillations that
typically reach double the initial torque value. After the rotor stops, the drivetrain torque
continues to oscillate a few more times with amplitudes up to one-half of rated torque. This
behavior is illustrated in Figure 37 for an emergency stop on March 4 (filename
Figure 37. Main shaft torque and speed during an emergency stop
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The main bearing axial motion during the emergency stop is shown in Figure 38. Like previous
cases, at rated power the main bearing has moved downwind approximately 0.6 mm from its
central resting position. As soon as the hydraulic brake is engaged and the rotor quickly
decelerates, the main bearing quickly moves forward. It actually moves slightly forward of its
central resting position before returning to this position of slightly less than 0.6 mm over several
Figure 38. Main bearing axial motion during an emergency stop
The stray electrical currents measured across the main bearing are shown in Figure 39. Like
other events, electrical currents of up to 150 mA were observed regardless of generator
engagement or even rotation of the rotor.
Figure 39. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during
an emergency stop
Figure 40 and Figure 41 show the HSS bearing roller and cage speeds, respectively. Prior to the
engagement of the brake, the maximum measured roller speed and the cage speed for each
bearing is equivalent to the theoretical value for pure rolling conditions. When the brake is
engaged, the roller and cage speeds drop dramatically. During the deceleration period, the two
0 10
20 30
Time (s)
Axial Motion (mm)
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bearings have similar but slightly different behaviors. The cage speed of the GS-in bearing
returns to the theoretical value for the remainder of the event. In contrast, the cage speed of the
RS bearing oscillates between one-half and full theoretical value.
Figure 40. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during an emergency stop
Figure 41. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing cage speed
during an emergency stop
4.3 Parked/Idling
The capture matrix for the parked events is provided in Table 4. Parked events were identified
using the turbine status codes. Four idling events were captured during the testing period.
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Table 4. Capture Matrix for Parked/Idling
Wind Speed Range
Duration (s) Obtained
3–12 m/s 1993 2
1216 m/s 65 1
>16 m/s 82 1
An example period that includes both parked and idling conditions is examined in Figure 42
(filename “DRC15_fast_slow_roll2018_03_04_22_52_49.h5”). The rotor turns very slowly at
about 2.5 rpm, resulting in a HSS speed of approximately 200 rpm. No power is being generated,
and the drivetrain torque is very low as expected.
Figure 42. Main shaft torque and speed during idling
The main bearing axial motion during this period, shown in Figure 43, is very low as expected.
Essentially, the main bearing remains at its central, resting position of slightly less than 0.6 mm.
Figure 43. Main bearing axial motion during idling
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (s)
Axial Motion (mm)
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The main bearing stray currents have similar magnitudes as other events ranging up to 200 mA
as shown in Figure 44.
Figure 44. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during
The HSS roller and cage speeds during this idling condition are presented in Figure 45 and
Figure 46. With the only torque transmitted as a result of rotor and generator inertia and drag
friction throughout the drivetrain, it is not surprising that the rollers and cages are experiencing
sliding conditions. Like the other events previously described, this is especially true for the RS
bearing. The GS-in bearing is actually close to pure rolling conditions, which is clearly evident
from the cage speed measurement shown in Figure 46. However, the overall shaft, cage, and
roller speeds are quite slow, and the loads are very low in this condition.
Figure 45. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during idling
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Figure 46. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during idling
4.4 Grid Events
Two types of grid events, underfrequency and low-voltage ride-through (LVRT), were induced
with the NWTC’s controllable grid interface in the original test period. Underfrequency events
were induced on January 30 and February 8. LVRT events, described in the capture matrix in
Table 5, were induced on March 5. The LVRT events were induced with voltage drops of 10% to
50% for a duration of 300 milliseconds (ms) at a variety of wind speeds and turbine power
Table 5. Capture Matrix for Low-Voltage Ride-Throughs
Event Drop Percentage
Duration (ms)
LVRT 10 300 6
20 300 6
30 300 6
40 300 5
50 300 3
An example LVRT event for a 50% voltage drop is shown in Figure 47 (filename
DRC15_fast_50LVRT300ms2018_03_05_21_45_59.h5”). The event occurs just after 10 s in the
figures below at slightly less than the rated power and torque conditions. Unlike the
underfrequency events, the drivetrain torque is significantly affected by the LVRT. The torque
initially drops as expected, but quite quickly the voltage returns to nominal and the torque
oscillates to nearly double the initial value. This behavior is similar to previous dynamometer
results [24]. The torque continues to oscillate for many cycles at the natural frequency of the
system. The drivetrain speed is largely unaffected by the LVRT, although the effect of the
drivetrain torque oscillations are reflected in slight speed oscillations.
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Figure 47. High-speed-shaft torque and speed during a low-voltage ride-through
The main bearing motion during the LVRT is shown in Figure 48. Unlike the drivetrain torque,
the main bearing axial motion is not significantly affected by the LVRT event.
Figure 48. Main bearing axial motion during a low-voltage ride-through
The main bearing stray electrical currents are shown in Figure 49. For this event, larger
currents—up to 300 mA—are measured than in many of the other events previously described;
however, it is unclear if they are a result of the LVRT event itself or another phenomenon.
0 5 10 15
20 25
Time (s)
Axial Motion (mm)
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Figure 49. Main bearing generator-side (left) and rotor-side (right) stray electrical current during a
low-voltage ride-through
The HSS bearing roller and cage speeds during the event are shown in Figure 50 and Figure 51.
Because the LVRT is so short in duration, the period in which the drivetrain torque is low and
the roller sliding would be expected to be very short. The measured roller and cage speeds
change in behavior only during the 300 ms period of the LVRT itself and quickly return to
normal once the voltage returns to normal.
Figure 50. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a low-voltage ride-through
The GS-in cage speed appears to have three additional anomalies in the data, at approximately 6,
7.5, 9, and 16 s, where the cage speed drops to half its nominal value. It is most likely that the
proximity probe switch missed a passing of the pin in the cage, so these particular readings are
not believed to be physical. In contrast, the LVRT event itself is readily apparent at 10 s, where
the cage speeds drop by approximately 20%. A few similar anomalies can also be seen in the
normal power production cases in Figure 17 where the cage speed drops to half its nominal
value. Generally speaking, these GS-in cage anomalies are very infrequent.
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Figure 51. High-speed-shaft generator-side-in (left) and rotor-side (right) bearing roller speed
during a low-voltage ride-through
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5 Exceptions
Over the course of the testing period, some deviations in the drivetrain instrumentation did occur
as can be expected of these types of tests. Those deviations are summarized here:
The HSS bending moment measurement (A_Y) was not operable for any of the tests. Upon
inspection, the strain gauges appear to have de-bonded from the shaft.
The HSS torque (TQ), bending moments (A_Z, B_Y, B_Z, C_Y, and C_Z), and bearing
inner ring temperatures (A_IR_Temp, B_IR_Temp, and C_IR_Temp) degraded in quality
over the test period, especially after the end of February. However, the mean values of these
signals can be recovered using band-pass filters as shown in Section 4.1.4.
The nacelle air temperature and dew point measurements (Nacelle_Air_Temp and
Nacelle_Air_Dew) were not operational until February 28.
Oil supply temperature (Oil_Supply_Temp) measurements from the period of April 3 to
April 6 were excluded because of unexplained anomalies resulting in unrealistically low
The gearbox voltage potential (voltage direct current) signal was disconnected May 9.
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6 Summary
Main and gearbox bearing failures continue to have a significant impact on the reliable operation
of wind turbines, and the root causes of both failure modes are still a subject of debate. A
multipronged DOE research effort is investigating main bearing and gearbox bearing operational
conditions to understand the potential causes of these failures. This report specifies the
instrumentation package that has been installed on a commercial SKF main bearing and Winergy
PEAB 4410.4 gearbox that were then installed in the GE 1.5-MW SLE turbine at the NWTC.
The instrumentation focuses on measuring the operational conditions within the main bearing
and high-speed stage of the gearbox, including shaft torque and loads, bearing sliding, and the
tribological environment.
Over the initial test period from January through June 2018, the turbine was operated for 290
hours and generated 0.21 million kilowatt-hours of energy. Hundreds of data sets were acquired
in normal power production up to 1,800 kW, and in induced transient events such as startups,
shutdowns, emergency stops, and grid events. Initial results from operational testing demonstrate
main bearing motions up to 1.5 mm and electrical currents on the order of hundreds of mA,
along with significant sliding of the gearbox HSS bearing rolling elements, even in steady-state
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
1. U.S. Department of Energy. 2015. “Wind vision: a new era for wind power in the United
States.” DOE/GO-102015-4557. U.S. Department of Energy: Washington, DC, 2015.
2. Keller, J., S. Sheng, J. Cotrell, and A. Greco. 2016. Wind Turbine Drivetrain Reliability
Collaborative Workshop: A Recap (Technical Report). DOE/GO-102016–4878. National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (US).
3. Kotzalas, M.N., and G.L. Doll. 2010. “Tribological advancements for reliable wind turbine
performance. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society.” 368 (2010) 4829–4850. doi:
4. Greco, A., S. Sheng, J. Keller, and A. Erdemir. 2013. “Material Wear and Fatigue in Wind
Turbine Systems.” Wear, 302: 1583–1591. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.01.060.
5. Sethuraman, L., Y. Guo, and S. Sheng, S. 2015. Main Bearing Dynamics in Three-Point
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Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (US).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
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20. SKF Multilog On-line System IMx-8. n.d.
21. Poseidon Systems Trident DM4500 Wear Debris Monitor. n.d.
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24. Keller, J., B. Erdman, D. Blodgett, and C. Halse. 2016. NREL-Prime Next-Generation
Drivetrain Dynamometer Test Report. NREL/TP-5000-66350. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (US).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Appendix A. Data Elements
Table A-1. Data Elements
Expanded Nomenclature
Time, seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904 GMT
Met tower
Air pressure
Met tower
Air pressure
Met tower
Relative humidity
Met tower
Air temperature
Met tower
Relative humidity
Met tower
Air temperature
Met tower
Wind speed, 38 m height
Met tower
Wind speed, 55 m height
Met tower
Wind speed, 87 m
height m/s
Met tower
Wind direction, 87 m height
Met tower
Wind speed, 92 m height
Met tower
Wind speed, 90 m height
Met tower
Wind direction, 38 m height
Met tower
speed, 80 m height m/s
Met tower
Wetness sensor
Rotor azimuth, blade 1 pointing up at 0 degrees
Edge bending moment, blade 1
Flap bending moment, blade 1
Edge bending moment, blade 2
Flap bending moment, blade 2
Edge bending moment, blade 3
Flap bending moment, blade 3
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Expanded Nomenclature
Pitch angle, blade 1
Pitch angle, blade 2
Main Bearing
Main bearing electrical current, rotor
-side A
Main Bearing
Main bearing electrical current, generator
-side A
Main Bearing
Main bearing axial motion, position 1
Bearing MB_Prox_2
Main bearing axial motion, position 2
Main Bearing
Main bearing axial motion, position 3
Main Bearing
Main bearing axial motion, position 4
Main Shaft
Mainshaft speed
Main Shaft
Mainshaft bending moment, rotating
Main Shaft
Mainshaft bending moment, rotating
Main Shaft
Mainshaft torque
-speed shaft speed rpm
Turbine active power
Turbine power factor
Turbine reactive power
Tower top acceleration, East
-West g
Tower top
acceleration, North-South g
Tower top bending strain measurement
Tower top bending strain measurement
Tower top torqueing strain measurement
Tower base bending strain measurement
Tower base bending strain measurement
Tower base torqueing strain measurement
Nacelle yaw angle, relative to
true north deg
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Expanded Nomenclature
Turbine generator dynamic torque
active power kW
Pitch angle, blade 1
Pitch angle, blade 2
Pitch angle, blade 3
Brake command signal
Brake closure signal
Main shaft
speed rpm
Nacelle wind speed
Nacelle yaw position
Wake steering module active
Wind vane reading, relative to nacelle, 180 deg is
aligned deg
Modified wind vane reading for wake steering research
data acquisition system;
low-speed shaft