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Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3
What does it do? ......................................................................................................... 3
How does it work? ....................................................................................................... 3
How can you use it? .................................................................................................... 3
Creating a conversion profile ........................................................................... 4
Defining the destination and naming rules used by the conversion rule ............... 6
Merge PDF Option ....................................................................................................... 7
Converting your SOLDIWORKS Drawings ........................................................ 8
From an opened assembly in SOLIDWORKS ............................................................ 8
If no documents are opened in SOLIDWORKS ......................................................... 8
Filtering the documents to be selected for conversion .......................................... 10
From other functionalities of CUSTOMTOOLS ......................................................... 11
Creating DXF/DWG files ................................................................................. 12
Creating DXF from the SOLIDWORKS Drawings with the Cutting Profile .............. 12
Creating DXF from the SOLIDWORKS parts ............................................................ 15
Merging sheet metal parts into the same DXF files ............................................... 16
Inserting a property note in the converted DXF ...................................................... 16
Inserting bend lines and bend notes ....................................................................... 18
Creating DXF for multi-body parts ............................................................................ 20
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Batch converting your SOLIDWORKS Documents
What does it do?
Automates the conversion of your SOLIDWORKS parts, assemblies and drawings. CUSTOMTOOLS
supports all 25 file formats available in SOLIDWORKS.
How does it work?
The file conversion is managed via profiles. Profiles can be defined based on the output file format
(e.g. PDF, DXF…). Rules where the converted documents will be stored and named can also be
How can you use it?
If an assembly is opened in SOLIDWORKS, click on the Print & Convert icon. The Print & Convert
dialog opens, then select the Batch Conversion button. The list of defined conversion profiles
appears. Multiple conversion profiles can be selected at once. The SOLIDWORKS Files do be
converted do not have to be opened in SOLIDWORKS. The Print & Convert dialog can also be
accessed from the CUSTOMTOOLS search results and from the CUSTOMTOOLS command bar, when
no SOLIDWORKS files are opened.
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Creating a conversion profile
To create a conversion profile, open the CUSTOMTOOLS Options dialog,
1. Activate the Profile Options tab,
2. Select File conversion from the tree view,
3. Click on Add to open the Add batch file conversion rule dialog.
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1. Name: Define the name of the conversion rule as it will appear in the Print & Convert dialog.
2. File type: Select the output file format to be used by the conversion rule (e.g. PDF, DXF,…).
3. Apply conversion rule to: Select the type of SOLIDWORKS documents where the conversion
profile will be applied: Drawing, Part or Assembly.
4. Target file name (Including path): Define the rules used to store and name the converted
5. Sheets to convert: With CUSTOMTOOLS the selection of the drawings’ sheet to convert can be
managed. The Sheets to convert offers three choices:
a. All: Once the profile is selected, all the sheets available in the list of documents to
print will be selected.
b. and is referenced by model configuration: Prints configuration specific drawing
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c. Select the last active sheet if referenced configuration is not available: Selects the
sheet that was last active if the specific referenced configuration cannot be found By clicking
on the >
i. AND &: Selects the sheets to be converted based on multiple criteria that
must be contain in the sheet name in order to be selected.
ii. OR : Selects the sheets to be converted if one of the defined criteria
iii. NOT !: Excludes the sheets from being selected if it matches with the criteria.
This can be used to exclude certain sheets from being selected (E.g.: Sheet
called DXF).
6. Execute rule: Run the conversion rule after the SOLIDWORKS file is saved into SOLIDWORKS.
Defining the destination and naming rules used by the conversion rule
The path and naming rules used for the converted SOLIDWORKS files can freely be defined.
The storing and naming rules are defined under the Target filename (Including the path). By clicking
on > then different options are offered to the users.
Defining the location where to save the converted files:
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Select the Source path to store the converted files in the same folder as the SOLIDWORKS source
files. A folder and/or sub-folder structure can also be built. Folders to be created can also be
manually typed and created automatically during the conversion (e.g. \Converted documents\PDF\).
Defining the file naming convention of the converted files:
Select the Source filename to use the same file name between the SOLIDWORKS source file and the
converted file. More advanced file name can be generated by combining different rules (e.g. property
value, source configuration, sheet name project number…).
Merge PDF Option
All the drawings made for an assembly can be merged into a single PDF file.
From the Add batch file conversion rule click on Conversion Options to open the Advanced Options
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Select the Merge PDF documents check box and click on OK.
NOTE: The merge PDF is created in the BOM Order.
Converting your SOLDIWORKS Drawings
From an opened assembly in SOLIDWORKS
To batch convert all the drawings related to an assembly. Open the top level assembly in
SOLIDWORKS and click Print & Convert to open the Batch operation dialog.
Open the Print & Conversion functionality:
1. Click on the Batch Conversion button, to view the Batch Conversion Rule:
2. Select the Batch conversion rules to be used.
The sheets of the listed drawings will be automatically selected based on the settings defined for the
selected file conversion rule in the Options. Click OK to start the printing process.
If no documents are opened in SOLIDWORKS
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Opening the Batch operation dialog
The Print & Convert functionality can also be accessed if no documents are opened in SOLIDWORKS.
Click on the Print and Convert icons from the CommandManager to open the batch operation dialog.
Adding the files to be printed
When the Batch operation dialog opens, the list of files to process is empty.
To add files to the list of files to process, click File Operations, then CUSTOMTOOLS offers three
possibilities to select the files to add to the list of files to convert:
- Add files: The files to be added are selected by the user from the Windows Explorer.
- Add folder: The user selects the Folder where the files to be added are located. If the Include
Subfolders check box is selected, then files located in sub-folders will also be added
- Add assembly: The user selects an assembly and all child components are automatically loaded.
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Filtering the documents to be selected for conversion
To open the Filter Selections dialog, click Filter from the Batch Operation dialog.
NOTE: The filters are applied to the files selected by the selected profile.
1. Files types: The filter can be used to select or exclude certain file types from being selected,
parts, assemblies, drawings made for part or assemblies can be selected.
TIP: The filter can be used to convert only the assemblies’ drawings, if the Drawing
referencing assembly check box is selected.
2. Custom properties: Documents can also be converted based on a property value. From the
When Column menu, select the property used to filter the selection and define the selection
criteria from the Has value text box.
NOTE: Custom properties used has filter must have the option Display in Print and
convert selected from the Property wizard on the Additional Options page.
3. Select or clear: If the Property is defined at the part or assembly level then parts or assemblies
will be selected/cleared.
4. Select or clear referencing drawing: If the Property is defined at the part or assembly level
then the drawings made for those parts or assembles will be selected/cleared.
5. Select: Select the files that matches with the filter criteria defined in the File type or Custom
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6. Clear: Clear the files that matches with the filter criteria defined in the File type or Custom
From other functionalities of CUSTOMTOOLS
The batch conversion functionality of CUSTOMTOOLS can also be launched from:
- The Search results:
Select an assembly from the search result and click PrintAndConvert. If an assembly has been
selected, click BOM of Selected File(s)… to add the assembly and its child component to the list
of document to process.
- Export
- Where used or Open drawing
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Creating DXF/DWG files
Creating DXF from the SOLIDWORKS Drawings with the Cutting Profile
Using the Cutting Profile
Use the Cutting Profile functionality (available only from the SOLIDWORKS Drawings) to add a new
sheet to the drawing. The sheet that is added is a flat pattern view of the sheet metal, scaled 1:1
and without any annotations.
The Cutting Profile can be accessed from the Command manager or from the CUSTOMTOOLS menu.
Defining the name used by the sheet created by the Cutting Profile
The name of the sheet that will be added by the Cutting Profile into the drawing can be customized.
Open the CUSTOMTOOLS Options,
1. From the Profile Options tab,
2. Select Cutting Profile Options, from the tree view,
3. Enter the name of the drawing sheet created by the Cutting Profile in New created sheet
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TIP: The drawing sheet created by the Cutting Profile can be associated with a conversion
profile based on the sheet name. (E.g. with a DXF file conversion rule).
4. A Note template, defined in the Database Options, Note Templates can also be inserted
when the view is flattened. The note can be configured with property values.
5. Show bend lines: Bend lines can be inserted in the flattened view.
6. Show bend notes: Information related to the bend can also be inserted.
1. Select Show bend notes to insert the bending information,
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2. Bend note format: Configure what attributes will be used in the note and how they will
be display,
3. List of attributes available to customize the bend note.
NOTE: The Show bend lines and Show bend notes can also be used if you are creating DXF directly
from the parts. The Bend lines options are available in the Conversion Options of the conversion rule.
Configuring the file conversion profile
File Conversion profiles that automates the creation of DXF from drawing can be configured to select
only the sheets that were created by the Cutting Profile.
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Edit/create a File conversion rule. From the File type, select DXF or DWG.
1. Select Drawings from Apply conversion rule to,
2. Activate the Drawing tab,
3. Enter the name of the sheet created by the Cutting Profile in CUSTOMTOOLS (E.g. DXF Sheet)
in the Sheet which name contains text box.
Creating DXF from the SOLIDWORKS parts
To automate the creation of DXF/DWG file from part, create/edit a file conversion profile.
- From the File type select DXF or DWG. Select Parts from Apply conversion rule to.
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Merging sheet metal parts into the same DXF files
CUSTOMTOOLS can be used to merge sheet metal plates having the same thickness and using the
same material into the same DXF/DWG file.
To merge sheet metal into the same DXF, open/edit a File conversion rule.
1. Select Dxf or Dwg from File type.
2. Then click on the Conversion Options to open the Advanced Options for DXF dialog.
3. Select the Generate file from assembly according to sheet metal part thickness check box.
NOTE: Please the merge DXF options is only available when the conversion rule applies to Parts.
Inserting a property note in the converted DXF
Create a note template
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DXF or DWG files created by CUSTOMTOOLS can be customized with notes containing property
To create a DXF Note template, open the CUSTOMTOOLS Options, activate the Database Options tab,
then select Notes templates.
1. Activate the Database Options tab,
2. Select Note Templates,
3. Name: Defines the name of the note template as it will appear in the Conversion Options of
the File conversion rule if a DXF or DWG type has been selected,
4. SOLIDWORKS: Inserts a SOLIDWORKS attributes available: Material, Quantity or Thickness,
5. Model Properties: Inserts a property defined in CUSTOMTOOLS,
6. Annotation Output: Defines how the note will be formatted. Text can be manually typed and
custom properties to be added can be dragged and dropped or doubled clicked.
Associate a note template with a file conversion profile.
Once a note template has been added it can be associated with a File conversion rule.
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To associate a CustomNote Template to a File conversion rule, open/edit a file conversion profile.
1. Then select Dxf/Dwg from File Type,
2. Select Drawings or Parts from Apply conversion rule to,
3. Then click on Conversion Options to open the Advanced Options for DXF dialog,
4. Select the Display CustomNote Template to every view check box. Then select the
CustomNote template to be used by the File conversion rule.
Inserting bend lines and bend notes
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Bend lines and Bend notes can be inserted in the output DXF files created by CUSTOMTOOLS.
1. Notes configured with CUSTOMTOOLS or SOLIDWORKS attributes can be inserted. The note
is defined in the Note template under the Database Options, in the CUSTOMTOOLS Options,
2. Show bend notes: Information related to the bend can also be inserted,
3. Show bend lines: Bend lines can be inserted in the flattened view.
To insert Bend lines and bend notes in DXF created from part
1. From the Profile Options tab,
2. Select File Conversion,
3. Select a profile,
4. Click Add,
5. Click on the Conversion Options,
6. Select Show bend lines from the Bend line options for part to insert bend lines in the
created DXF,
7. Select Show bend notes to activate the Bend note format and configure how the note will be
inserted and displayed in the DXF.
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Creating DXF for multi-body parts
If working with multi-body parts, it can be defined how CUSTOMTOOLS will create DXF files: one DXF
file per body or one DXF file containing all the bodies (Merged).
To create a DXF per sheet metal body, Add or Edit a File conversion rule.
1. Select Dxf or Dwg from the File type,
2. Select Parts from the Apply conversion rule to:
NOTE: The creation of individual Dxf per body can only be ran from parts, NOT from
3. Click on > from the Target filename to expand the menu,
4. Select Body Number or Cut-List Item Name.
NOTE: If Body number or Cut-List Item Name are not selected then multi-body part will
automatically be merged in the same DXF/DWG file.