Chair’s Welcome …………………………………………………………………….…
Graduate Student Affirmation Form ………………………………………………….
1.1 Mission Statement ………………………………………………………..
1.2 Department of Nursing Position on Anti-Racism ………………………
1.3 Nursing Core Values ……………………………………………………...
1.4 Program Goal and Learning Outcomes………………………………..
1.5 Graduate Degree Requirement ………………………………………….
2.1 General Information ………………………………………………………
2.2 Fall Immersion Experience ………………………………………..
2.3 Description of Core Courses …………………………………………….
2.4 Nursing Education Concentration
2.4.1 Degree Roadmaps……………………………………………….
2.4.2 Nursing Education Courses ………………………………………
2.5 Nursing Leadership and Administration Concentration
2.5.1 Degree Roadmaps…………………………………………………
2.5.2 Nursing Leadership and Administration Courses……………….
3.1 Project overview.…….………………………………
3.2 Practicum timeline……………………...…..……………………….……
3.2.1 Onboarding requirements
3.3 Synthesis Paper.……………………………………………………….….
3.4 Institutional Review Board (IRB) process ………………………………
4.1 General Information ………………………………………………………
4.2 Student Rights and Responsibilities..…..………………………………
4.3 Essential Functions: Physical and Mental Qualifications …………….
4.4 Students with Disabilities or Limitations ………………………………..
4.6 University and Nursing Program Policies on Academic Dishonesty
and Integrity
4.7 Graduate Nursing Course Grading Policy
4.7.1 Grading Method …………………………………………………….
4.7.2 Graduate Nursing Course Progression …………………………..
4.8 Lines of Communication and Procedures ………………………………
4.8.1 Grade Disputes and other Academic Problems ………………...
4.8.2 Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation ……………………
4.9 Advising ……………………………………………………………………
4.10 Student Retention Program ……………………………………………
4.11 Student Representatives to Nursing Faculty Meetings ……………..
4.12 Social Media Policy ……………………………………………………..
4.12.1 Acceptable Computer Use Policy Student Email Policy...........
4.12.2 Student Email Policy…………….. ……………………………….
4.13 Student Injury Reporting Policy ………………………………………..
4.1 Sigma Nu Xi At-Large Chapter …………………………………………..
4.2 Nursing Professional Development ……………………………………..
A. Sigma Nu Xi Consent Form ……………………………………………….
B. Cal State East Bay Photograph Release Form …………………………
C. Sample health care provider statement form ……….…………………..
D. Student injury form …………………………………………………………
E. Practicum intent form: Leadership & Administration………
F. Practicum intent form: Nursing Education ………………………
G. Synthesis proposal instructions …………………………………………..
H. Preceptor information sheet: Leadership and Administration………….
I. Preceptor information sheet: Nurse educator ……..……………………..
J. Preceptor information sheet: Advanced clinical nurse ………………….
K. Synthesis Paper Outline ………………………………………………
L. Leadership Practicum: Student Evaluation of Preceptor………………..
M. Leadership Practicum: Student Evaluation of Agency………………….
N. Education Practicum: Student Evaluation of Clinical Preceptor……….
O. Education Practicum: Student Evaluation of Clinical Agency …………
P. Education Practicum: Student Evaluation of Education Preceptor……
Q. Education Practicum: Student Evaluation of Education Agency………
June 5, 2024
Dear Masters Students,
Welcome to the MSN program at Cal State East Bay! I look forward to getting to know you as
you begin work on this next step in your nursing career. The faculty and staff are all here to
support you, your professional development, and your academic success.
Over the past decade, Cal State East Bay Nursing has leaned into our responsibility to build a
more inclusive nursing workforce, to address racism and inequities in healthcare, and to
promote social justice throughout the web of communities to which we belong.
You will see evidence of Cal State East Bay Nursing’s commitment to these goals throughout
your graduate program. You will have the opportunity to help us build a more inclusive and
responsive nursing program as we work to apply principles of anti-racism in our baccalaureate
and masters of nursing education and learning environments. You will learn principles of nursing
education and leadership from faculty who are thought-leaders and researchers in social justice
and health equity. You will be among a diverse, inclusive and engaging community of learners
who will help you see problemsand solutionsfrom new, creative perspectives. Most
importantly, you will graduate with the skills and experience that our communities need most to
help us build an equitable, accessible, safe, and strong healthcare system that supports
everyone’s right to a healthy life.
Graduate students do not take their educational journeys alonethe friends, family, coworkers
and others who support you are incredibly important and will help you through challenges. As
you get to know your professors and classmates you will form support networks and bonds that
will help you to grow and stretch beyond your current professional limits. All of us in the Nursing
Department- our staff, faculty, and administrators- are dedicated to and invested in your
success, so let us know what you need to get the most from your MSN experience. Before you
know it, you will be enthusiastically celebrating your graduation with this new group of
colleagues and friends, and joining a strong network of Cal State East Bay Nursing Alumni. I
look forward to being a part of your journey and to following the exciting career paths you will
Monika Eckfield, PhD, RN, PHN
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Nursing
I understand that as a Cal State East Bay graduate nursing student I am a member of a profession,
which places me in a position of confidence requiring the utmost discretion and professionalism to
protect those with and for whom I work. I acknowledge that as a member of the nursing profession I
have a responsibility to act in a manner consistent with the essential attributes of the profession.
In this regard:
I have read the Nursing Student Handbook. I am aware that it contains information on topics
including (but not limited to) program description, program requirements, and policies on student
conduct, and academic performance. I am aware that it describes communication procedures for
student concerns and resources available to me in my student role.
I agree to protect the privacy of faculty, peers, patients and family members of patients by not
inappropriately disclosing confidential information about faculty, peers, patients or their family
members that is disclosed to me in my capacity as a Cal State East Bay nursing student. In addition, I
agree not to inappropriately disclose confidential information about my agency or institution that is
disclosed to me in my capacity as a Cal State East Bay nursing student. I will adhere to HIPAA
I will conduct myself in a manner that exhibits professional values and in accordance with the American
Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses. This document is available to view here.
I have been informed that information contained in the Nursing Student Handbook covers my
rights and responsibilities as a nursing student at Cal State East Bay. I have been informed that it is
incumbent on me to read and apprise myself of the information contained in the Handbook.
I will maintain and uphold the academic integrity policy of the Department of Nursing and will not
condone or participate in any activities of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to,
plagiarism, cheating, stealing or copying another’s assigned work, or lying about any situation.
I will not recreate any items or portions of any assignment or exam for my own use, or for use by
I will not accept or access any unauthorized information related to any assignment or
exam .
I will not discuss or post any information about faculty, peers, patients, family
members, or any clinical facility on any electronic venue without prior written consent. Nor will I
leave/save any patient, family, faculty, clinical facility or student information on any open access
desktop or hard-drive.
I will report any potential or actual breach of exam information to course faculty.
I will not discuss or post any information, photos, or videos about faculty, peers, or any clinical facility
on any electronic venue (i.e., , Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, cell phones, etc.). Nor will I leave/save any
patient, family, faculty, clinical facility or student information on any open access desktop or hard-drive.
Student’s Signature ___________________________________Date: ____________
Student’s Printed Name _________________________________________________
March 2023
Mission Statement
The mission of the Cal State East Bay’s graduate nursing program is to prepare
professional nurses who are committed to the advanced practice of nursing and
responsive to the ever-changing needs of the communities we serve. The program
offers an inclusive learning environment focused on the development of leaders
who are lifelong learners.
The nursing program supports and reflects the University mission of quality education for
a diverse society. We understand that the solutions needed for a healthy society require
a multiplicity of perspectives, skills, worldviews, and a deep commitment to the future of
the nursing profession. Graduates are equipped to provide high quality care and have a
transformative influence on nursing practice, healthcare environments, and the health of
our community.
California State University East Bay (CSUEB)
Department of Nursing Position on Anti-Racism
Cal State East Bays (CSUEB) Department of Nursing acknowledges that structural
racism is a reality in our society, institutions of higher education, health sciences, and
healthcare. This acknowledgment requires that we apply the principles of anti-racism to
dismantle the negative and divisive impact of racism in all forms in our program
including, but not limited to, admission policies, program curricula, and priorities of our
committees. We recognize that anti-racism in nursing education will positively impact
the experiences and wellness of communities beyond our program. Therefore,
CSUEB Department of Nursing holds a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in
a manner that prepares our graduates to personally and collectively contribute to a
future where health equity is a reality.
CSUEB’s Department of Nursing resolves to:
Nurture and maintain a culture and environment of accountability where
students, staff, and faculty can work and learn free from racism and any
accompanying forms of oppression including, but not limited to, sexism,
transphobia, ableism, and ageism.
Contribute to a more diverse and inclusive nursing education and workforce
Value lived experiences of learners and colleagues when considering various
charges and priorities of committees, boards, and curricular planning
Uphold a commitment to full engagement and respect in learning settings
(classroom, skills lab, clinical, field days, etc.)
Systematically design, introduce, and integrate learning materials, clinical
evaluations, pedagogical approaches, and learning experiences consistent
with anti-racism and cultural humility.
Encourage research and service activities that put anti-racism into practice.
Maintain an oversight committee that ensures that our stated intentions are
put into action, are effective, transparent, and are adapted as needed.
Approved 5/20/2021
Department of Nursing Core Values
CARING: We believe Caring is essential to the practice of nursing and seek to treat
those we serve with sensitivity, respect, and empathy. We embrace the provision of
holistic care through therapeutic relationships directed towards health, comfort and well
COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION: We believe that open Communication and
Collaboration require accountability, honesty, integrity, and respect for all participants.
We seek to practice shared decision-making with our fellow nurses as well as inter-
CULTURAL INCLUSIVITY: We believe in the practice of Cultural Inclusivity, recognizing
the rich diversity of humanity. We endeavor to honor that diversity by continually
broadening our scope of care to include all members of our community and by modeling
respect, sensitivity and equality for all.
CRITICAL THINKING: We believe Critical Thinking is essential to nursing as a self-
reflective and purposeful approach to thinking. We value the ability to make connections
between patient data and acquired knowledge, leading to appropriate clinical
interventions for our patient
EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE: We believe in the use of Evidence Based Practice to
guide our Nursing practice. We foster the integration of current research, clinical
expertise, and the rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of nursing interventions to
make sound decisions in the care of our clients.
PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIORS: We believe that Professional Behaviors encompass the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes described by American Nurses Association (ANA) Code
of Ethics for Nurses. As professional, we model altruism, integrity, respect,
accountability, responsibility, and ethical conduct. We promote lifelong learning for the
advancement of professional Nursing.
SAFETY: We believe Safety is of utmost importance to the practice of nursing and strive
above all to prevent harm to our patients and ourselves while delivering quality
SOCIAL JUSTICE: We believe Social Justice in nursing embodies the principles of
fairness, equity, dignity and equal opportunity for health for all. We embrace a moral
mandate to improve access to quality health care for the marginalized and under-served
and to attend to those who are suffering inequities.
The goal of Cal State East Bay graduate program is to provide accessible, affordable
advance nursing education to our diverse, multicultural nursing community, and to benefit
our community and the profession of nursing through increasing diversity among nurse
educators, leaders and administrators in clinical, organizational, and academic settings.
The program builds on baccalaureate education in nursing and provides seamless
pathway to a practice or research doctoral program for those interested in pursuing a
terminal degree.
The graduate program offers two concentrations. The MSN in Nursing Education
specialty aims to prepare nurses to be effective educators and mentors in clinical or
academic settings. The MSN in Leadership and Administration specialty aims to provide
nurses with knowledge and skills to undertake leadership role and influence healthcare
delivery in a variety of organizations and settings.
This program seeks to prepare graduates who will:
Integrate theoretical and scientific knowledge of ethical/legal principles,
advanced nursing practice and clinical excellence in professional practice and
role development in clinical, organizational and academic settings.
Demonstrate effective leadership in advanced practice roles in nursing our
diverse multicultural community.
Integrate theoretical and scientific knowledge of ethical/legal principles,
advanced nursing practice and clinical excellence in professional practice and
role development in clinical, organizational and academic settings.
Critically analyze evidence in the advanced practice of nursing and in the
planning, delivery, and evaluation of quality care in clinical, organizational, and
academic settings.
Integrate healthcare technologies in collaboration with interdisciplinary teams
to improve clinical practice, education, and organizational management.
Design culturally inclusive, ethical, and comprehensive nursing care practices
and systems in clinical prevention and population care for individuals, families,
and communities for individuals, aggregates, and communities across the
health care system.
Engage in lifelong learning and professional development to advance a culture
of excellence.
Graduate Degree Requirement
The Cal State East Bay Nursing graduate program requires completion of 33 semester units. A
cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 must be maintained to satisfy the degree
requirements. The program mandates that the degree must be completed within four years.
In addition to Nursing Department requirements, every student must also satisfy the University
requirements for graduation. These include the 70%-unit residence requirement and the
minimum 23 units in 600-level courses (or up to 9 transferred units). Refer to the University
Catalogue for complete list of Cal State East Bay graduate degree requirements.
Students who accumulate more than six units of work graded as Incomplete or “I” may not
register for courses applicable to the degree until the “I” grades are removed. Students who
fail to maintain progress by falling below a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses for two
consecutive semesters will be academically disqualified from the university.
Filing for spring graduation takes place during the fall semester just before. Students should
follow the graduation procedures outlined in the university catalog.
Fall Immersion Experience
The purpose of Immersion is to orient students to the program and upcoming academic
year, help students establish a supportive network, familiarize students with campus
resources, and einforce academic skills to succeed in an online learning environment.
Broadly speaking, this orientation also strives to welcome students to graduate
education. The two-day experience provides students opportunities to meet with course
faculty, and fellow students, and to participate in workshops focused on strategies for
success as graduate students, developing a writing practice, and supporting familiarity
with the online learning management system utilized by Cal State East Bay.
The MSN Immersion experience takes place in August at the beginning of every
academic year. Attendance is mandatory. The specific dates are communicated to
current students by mid-May. Incoming students are notified either at the time they are
offered admission (if notified after mid-May) or at the same time current students are
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum
General Information
The Cal State East Bay graduate nursing program seeks to build and expand on
Baccalaureate nursing practice and to prepare nurses with broad knowledge and skills
for advanced nursing practice and leadership.
Professional nursing standards are used in the development, implementation, and
evaluation of program curricula as well in teaching and evaluation of student learning
outcomes. The professional standards incorporated on the MSN program curriculum
include Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (AACN, 2021)
, Core Competencies
of Nurse Educators (NLN)
, and the ANA Code of Ethics for nurses.
The curriculum consists of five core courses, five specialty courses, a practicum, and
Master synthesis. All course instructions are delivered via online asynchronous
methods. Additionally, students are required to attend a two-day MSN immersion
experience each fall at the Cal State East Bay Hayward campus.
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum
Descriptions of Core Courses
N601 Theoretical Perspectives for Advancing Nursing Practice (3 units) This course
explores theories used to advance nursing practice. Learners apply knowledge
synthesis and translation to practice to address health inequities, leadership, and
complex healthcare systems.
N602 Introduction to Scientific Research in Practice (3 units) This course introduces
and reinforces the application of scientific inquiry to inform leadership in evidence-
based practice to improve patient care.
N603 Healthcare Systems, Technologies, and Informatics (3 units) Learners analyze
current and emerging healthcare information and communication technologies to
enhance care of individuals, communities, and populations with a focus on inter-
professional collaboration to employ best practice in electronic health, mobile health,
and telehealth systems
N604 Health Equity, Systems of Power, and Population Health (3 units) This course
focuses on critically examining how systems shape the conceptualization,
measurement, promotion, and protection of health for individuals, communities, and
populations. Students will explore various collaborative strategies to design and
evaluate initiatives, programs, and services to advance health equity.
N607 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Economics & Social Policy (3 units) Current
national health economics and policy issues are analyzed with a focus on the impact to
accessibility, affordability, and quality. Engagement strategies for advanced practice
nurses in health policy development, implementation, and advocacy for public health
are critically evaluated
N693 Master Synthesis (3 units) This course reflects student’s expertise and capability as
a nurse leader in education or administration. The student will integrate theory and
research knowledge to address a selected clinical problem or organizational issue. The
outcome of this course is a formal scholarly paper (Refer to Syllabus for guidelines and
rubrics). Students are encouraged to share their findings with the nursing community by
submitting a peer reviewed manuscript or conference abstracts for presentation.
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum 2024-2025
Nursing Education Concentration: Full Time Degree Roadmap
Degree Aim: To prepare aspiring nurses to become effective educators and mentors in clinical,
community, and academic settings. (33 units total)
Fall (9 units)
Spring (9 units)
Theoretical Perspectives for Advancing
Nursing Practice (3 units)
Health Equity, Systems of Power, and
Population Health (3 units)
Introduction to Scientific Research in
Practice (3 units)
Learner-Centered Theories and
Methods (2 units)
Healthcare Systems, Technologies, and
Informatics (3 units)
Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology,
Pharmacology, and Health Assessment
(4 units)
Fall (9 units)
Spring (6 units)
Contemporary Issues in Healthcare
Economics and Social Policy (3 units)
Instructional Practicum: Teaching and
Clinical Specialty Practices (3 units)
Curriculum Design & Outcomes (3 units)
Master Synthesis (3 units)
Instructional Strategies & Educational
Technology (3 units)
*Nursing Education concentration courses
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum 2024-2025
Description of Nursing Education Concentration Courses
N611 Learner-Centered Theories and Methods (2 units) - Learner-centered
education encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the
teacher to the student. This course will explore theories of learning, strategies for
learner centered teaching including learner-centered principles. The four domains
important to learning will be examined.
N612 Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology, Pharmacology & Health Assessment
(4 units) - The course deepens conceptual understanding of pathophysiologic processes
that explain human responses to selected acute and chronic diseases across the life
span. Pharmacotherapy knowledge of further drug classifications with emphasis on their
therapeutic uses and the nurse educator’s role in teaching safe and effective patient
management is integrated. The course builds on basic and experiential knowledge of
health assessment. Comprehensive physical, psychological, and cultural assessment
focuses on applying critical thinking in systematic and focused assessment for common
diseases in clients across the life span.
N613 Curriculum Design and Outcomes (3 units) - This course focuses on the
components of curriculum design, development, implementation and evaluation in
nursing education. Application of curriculum theory is included. Analysis of program
data for continuous improvement is discussed.
N614 Instructional Strategies & Educational Technology (3 units) - This course
introduces pertinent principles of teaching/learning, instructional methods, and
educational technology that facilitate teaching, assessment, and evaluation in the
21scentury classroom setting. The focus is on applying popular and innovative strategies
in healthcare education, including the use of a variety of technology resources to achieve
teaching/learning goals.
N615 Instructional Practicum: Teaching & Clinical Specialty Practices (3 units) -
This course is a concentrated teaching and practical experience to support the
development of nurse/patient educator in a clinical specialty area. Under the supervision
of a graduate faculty and a doctorate prepared RN preceptor, students have the
opportunity to put in practice the role of clinical educator to actively engage nurses and
communities participation.
About the Instructional Practicum: This is a field-based learning experience taken
concurrently with the Master Synthesis in the final semester of the graduate program.
There are two components: a teaching practice and clinical practice.
Teaching practice - Students will implement actionable part of the Synthesis project in
clinical or academic setting. The field experience is guided by course faculty and
agency preceptor who has an advanced degree in nursing and in a formal educator
role. Upon completion, students will submit a written abstract that addresses the
teaching projects’ significance, objectives, methodology, and evaluation.
Clinical practice - Students will gain direct care experiences that help advance their
expertise in a clinical area of practice. Students will spend a portion of the course time
with a clinical preceptor who is an advanced practice provider (e.g. CNS, NP, MD) in an
interdisciplinary care setting. Students will develop learning objectives and planned
activities, and submit a summary report that addresses learning outcomes and
reflections on the learning experience.
Refer to course syllabi for specific guidelines and established rubrics.
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum
Nursing Leadership and Administration Concentration:
Full Time Degree Roadmap
Degree Aim: To prepare aspiring nurse leaders in their advancement to managerial and leadership
roles in clinical or organizational settings. (33 units total)
Fall (9 units)
Spring (9 units)
Theoretical Perspectives for Advancing
Nursing Practice (3 units)
Health Equity, Systems of Power, and
Population Health (3 units)
Introduction to Scientific Research in
Practice (3 units)
Principles and Practices of Quality
Patient Care (3 units)
Healthcare Systems, Technologies, and
Informatics (3 units)
Leadership Influence and Change (3
Fall (9 units)
Spring (6 units)
Contemporary Issues in Healthcare
Economics and Social Policy (3 units)
Leadership Practicum: Nurse
Administrative Role in Organizational
Setting (3 units)
Organizational Systems & Finance
Management in Healthcare (3 units)
Master Synthesis (3 units)
Human Resources Management for
Healthcare (3 units)
*Leadership & Administration concentration courses
Master of Science in Nursing Program Curriculum 2024-2025
Description of Nursing Leadership and Administration Concentration Courses
N621 Principles and Practices of Quality Patient Care (3 units) - This course
examines the principles and practices of quality improvement in health care settings.
Theories, models, and methods of quality improvement and patient safety are discussed.
Applications of system assessment, data management and analysis, and evaluation
methods to design safe, effective, and efficient healthcare delivery systems are
N622 Leadership Influence and Change (3 units) - This course explores concepts of
effective leadership in nursing in the context of changing healthcare systems and
provides the student with the skills needed to develop the leadership role. Theories of
leadership and influence will be analyzed and strategies for effective leadership including
complex system thinking, organizational culture, ethics, inter-professional communication,
change models, conflict resolution, characteristics of leaders and team building will be
N623 Organizational Systems & Finance Management in Health Care (3 units) - This
course examines organizational health care delivery systems, and nursing management
perspective of organizational development. Issues of healthcare economics and financial
management, budgeting, current standards and regulatory agency requirements are
N624 Human Resources Management for Health Care (3 units) - This course
examines human resource management in the current healthcare with a focus on
the role of the nurse manager/executive. Application of organizational and
administrative theories to human resources models will be discussed.
N625 Leadership Practicum: Nurse Administrative Role in Organizational Setting (3
units) - This practicum course directs the student in application leadership and
administrative principles to the leadership role through a mentored practice experience in
an organizational setting.
About the Leadership Practicum: This is a field-based learning experience taken
concurrently with the Master Synthesis in the final semester of the graduate program.
Students will implement actionable part of the Synthesis project organizational
setting. The field experience is guided by course faculty and agency preceptor who
has an advanced degree in nursing and in a formal leadership /administrative role.
Upon completion, students will submit a written paper that addresses the leadership
projects’ significance, objectives, methodology, and evaluation.
3. Guidelines for the Synthesis Project: Practicum and Synthesis Project
3.1 Project overview
The purpose of this project is for students to apply cumulative theoretical knowledge
acquired throughout the program. Students demonstrate originality, independent thinking,
and the ability to contribute as leaders in their respective practice settings by planning,
implementing, and evaluating a project aligned with their concentration. N693 Master’s
Synthesis is taken concurrently with the practicum corresponding to the student’s
concentration (N615 for Nursing Education or N625 for Nursing Leadership and
Students complete their projects with the guidance and mentorship of faculty and one or
two preceptors (one for Leadership and Administration; two for Nursing Education). All
projects should contribute to increased quality of nursing practice and patient outcomes.
Students are expected to identify an clinical or educational practice issue during the
summer prior to graduating.
3.2 Practicum: Timeline
Successful and timely progression through the program includes preparation for the
Synthesis Project. These dates are meant to guide you to successful completion of your
project. Note that this timeline includes both full-time and part-time students.
Last week of May / Early June
□ Attend a virtual concentration-specific information session to review expectations,
required forms, due dates, and ask questions
□ Draft a preliminary personalized timeline for project preparation
Review faculty feedback on assignments submitted during the previous year to
continue to develop your writing practice
FALL SEMESTER PRIOR TO GRADUATING (dates are specific to students
graduating spring 2025)
Practicum Intent Form (Friday, August 2, 2024): upload the form as a Word
document to your designated folder (you will receive access to your specific folder by
July 30; folders will only be accessible by MSN staff and faculty involved with
Synthesis & Practicum)
Immersion (August 9-10, 2024): Attend all sessions designated for returning
students, corresponding to your concentration; be prepared to discuss the status of
your project with faculty and staff
Monday, September 30, 2024 the following are due:
□ Project proposal: upload to your designated folder
□ Finalized Practicum Intent Form: upload your completed document to your folder
□ File for spring 2025 graduation; the university will email eligible students with
Tuesday, October 15 - the following are due in N607:
□ Health documentation, background check, and drug screening via CastleBranch
□ Preceptor Information Sheet(s): upload your sheet(s) to your designated folder;
ensure that your preceptor(s) have reviewed the preceptor manual
Monday, November 11: submit an IRB proposal to CSUEB and/or the practicum site,
as needed
Friday, January 10, 2025
Students must complete all practicum site onboarding by this date, including site-
specific training modules; if not, students will complete practicum and synthesis
during the spring 2026 semester
□ Complete N615/N625 and N693 with regular communication with faculty and
Monday, April 28, 2025
□ Submit your completed synthesis paper in N693
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
□ Submit evaluations of practicum site(s) and preceptor (see appendices)
Mid-May 2025
□ Participate in the Department of Nursing commencement ceremony on the Hayward
3.2.1 Onboarding Requirements
Consistent with university and practicum site policies, all MSN students
are required to complete onboarding requirements in a timely manner to facilitate
placement. There are three components: 1) health documentation, 2)
background check, and 3) drug screening. All students will be provided with
access to a secure online account through Castlebranch, which is where all
documentation will be submitted.
For students who seek to complete their project at their place of
employment, it is imperative to understand that these are separate roles: while
health documentation is required as an employee and as graduate student, the
approval processes involved are separate and MSN students’ adherence to
onboarding policies impacts our department’s relationship with our clinical
The Department of Nursing and University’s Each role requires
adherence to particular institutional policies to protect privacy and ensure
appropriate preparation. As such, health documentation must be submitted even
when students are completing practicum at their place of employment. Health
documentation includes the following: Measles (Rubeola) Titer
Mumps Titer
Rubella Titer
Varicella (Chicken Pox) Titer
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer
Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test
TB symptom review
Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap)
CPR Certification
Health insurance
Influenza vaccine
RN license
COVID-19 vaccine and booster(s)
Some sites are also requiring information about N95 mask fitting and completion
of particular modules. These are site-specific and it is the responsibility of
students to complete these in accordance with the onboarding due dates above.
3.3 Synthesis Paper
During students’ final semester in the program, they take the practicum course
corresponding to their concentration (N615 or N625) and N693 Master’s Synthesis.
Central to the N693 course is the writing of this paper, which serves as the culmination
of learning in the MSN program. The format of this paper, to be written in APA 7
edition, is aligned with scientific writing (see appendix K for the template). Students are
welcome to submit their synthesis papers to a scholarly journal for publication. (See
Appendix K for the template).
3.4 Institutional Review Board (IRB)
If you are working with human subjects (employees, patients, etc.), contact the IRB
office at your practicum site prior to submitting this proposal in order to determine
whether a proposal is required and to inquire about their meeting schedule. Note that
the IRB review process can take several weeks.
4. Policies and Procedures
General Information
The faculty has prepared policies and procedures by which many activities in the
Nursing Program are governed. They are presented in this section of the student
handbook for your information and reference. If a policy is developed or amended
during the school year, students will be notified by announcements in class as well as
distribution of written copies of it. The date the new/amended policy takes effect also will
be announced and described in the written version.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Cal State East Bay exists for the pursuit of knowledge, a commitment to lifelong
learning, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are
indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of the academic
community, students are encouraged and expected to develop the capacity for critical
judgment, to accept appropriate responsibilities, and to engage in rational debate
utilizing critical thinking, in a sustained and independent search for truth. Freedom to
teach and freedom to learn are inseparable components of academic freedom. The
freedom to learn depends largely upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the
classroom, on the campuses and in the larger community. The responsibility to secure
and to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to teach and learn is shared
by all members of the academic community.
Refer to University website for complete description of student rights, student conduct
and responsibilities.
Essential Functions: Physical and Mental Qualifications
A student with a disability that is requesting accommodations has to be registered with
the Accessibility Services office at Cal State East Bay. It is to the student’s advantage to
do this as soon as possible in the semester to ensure that approved accommodations
can be granted in a timely manner.
There are essential functions or abilities necessary for admission and progression in the
complex discipline of nursing at Cal State East Bay. To matriculate or progress in the
nursing curriculum, the candidate must be able to perform all of the essential functions.
These essential functions include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Critical ThinkingA student must demonstrate critical thinking ability sufficient for
clinical judgment.
2. Professional-Ethical ConductA student must possess the ability to reason
morally and practice nursing in professional and ethical manner.
3. Interpersonal SkillsA student must demonstrate appropriate interpersonal
abilities while interacting with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of
social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds.
4. CommunicationA student must have the ability to clearly communicate in oral
and written forms, and to effectively interpret communication with others.
5. Mobility and StaminaA student must possess sufficient gross and fine motor
skills and endurance to provide safe and effective nursing care in all health care
6. AuditoryA student must have sufficient auditory ability to effectively monitor and
assess health needs of patients.
7. VisualA student must possess visual ability for observation and assessment
necessary in nursing care.
8. Behavioral-Emotional HealthA student must possess the emotional health
required for full use of his or her intellectual abilities, the exercise of good
judgment, and the prompt completion of all responsibilities attendant to the care of
Students with Disabilities and Limitations
The Department of Nursing follows the Cal State East Bay non-discrimination policy,
and students requesting accommodations in the classroom or in clinical internship
placements must be registered with the Accessibility Services office. It is to the
student’s advantage to meet with their Accessibility Services counselor prior to the start
of semester in order for AS and the Nursing Program to collaborate on reasonable
accommodations. Students requesting accommodations must demonstrate their ability
to meet the Essential Functions.
Accessibility Services offers academic accommodations to qualified individuals with
temporary or permanent disabilities. Nursing students most often consult with
Accessibility Services because of a learning disability that requires academic support
services and/or alternative test-taking arrangement. For more information refer to the
Accessibility Services website.
If, after admission to the nursing program, a student develops a physical or mental
disability that limits his/her ability to meet the Essential Functions, it is the student’s
responsibility to bring this information to the attention of the faculty. If unable to meet the
practicum course objectives, the student will not be allowed to participate in activities at
clinical agency. The student must provide documentation from a primary care provider
prior to returning to clinical agency, which states that the student is able to meet the
Essential Functions.
Sample Physician’s Statement Form can be found in Appendices.
University Policy on Academic Dishonesty
The University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another
with honesty, fairness, respect and trust. Students should realize that deception for
individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is their
responsibility to be informed of University regulation on Academic Dishonesty by
reading the catalog. It is a duty of faculty members to take measures to preserve and
transmit the values of the academic community in the learning environment that they
create for their students and in their own academic pursuits. To this end, they are
expected to instill in their students a respect for integrity and a desire to behave
honestly. They are also expected to take measures to discourage student academic
dishonesty, to adjust grades appropriately if academic dishonesty is encountered, and,
when warranted, to recommend that additional administrative sanctions be considered.
Grading policies are the exclusive prerogative of the faculty; administrative sanctions
are under the authority of the Student Disciplinary Officer (SDO). This document
provides policies and procedures to be followed when academic dishonesty is
encountered. Refer to the university’s website for complete description of the policy.
Nursing Program Policy on Academic Integrity
Society has entrusted nurses and other health care professionals with the comfort and
safety of its most vulnerable people. Therefore, the nursing profession requires people
of absolute integrity.
A violation of the signed Student Affirmation form will result in disciplinary action that
may result in dismissal from the nursing program.
When a student is found to have violated these standards in a Nursing prefix course,
depending upon the circumstances of the situation, one or more of the following actions
may be taken: 1) a warning; 2) a requirement that work be resubmitted under qualified
conditions and with a possible grade penalty; 3) a requirement that an exam be retaken
under qualified conditions and with a possible grade penalty; 4) an adjustment in the
grade of an assignment; 5) an adjustment in the grade for a course. Grade adjustments
include the possibility of assigning an F. The use of grades to address questions of
academic integrity is at the sole discretion of the faculty.
May 2020
Graduate Nursing Course Grading Policy
Grading Method
Graded nursing coursework will use the following grade scale where a grade of B- or
higher is considered passing. Rounding method is not use for overall nursing course
percentage. Course percentage associated with assigned course grade are listed here:
93 100 A
90 92 A-
87 89 B+
83 86 B
80 82 B-
77 79 C+
73 76 C
70 72 C-
67 69 D+
63 66 D
60 62 D-
59 and below F
Graduate Nursing Course Progression
Nursing core courses should be successfully completed in the proper sequence. In
order to progress to Practicum and Master Synthesis courses, the graduate nursing
student must earn a grade of “B-” or better in all master level courses before the final
semester. N615 or N625 Practicum and N693 Master Synthesis must be taken
concurrently. University policy will be followed for all add/drop/withdrawal requests.
Consistent with Cal State East Bay policy, “an “I” must normally be made up within one
calendar year immediately following the end of the term during which it was assigned.
This limitation prevails whether or not you maintain continuous enrollment. You may not
repeat a course in which you currently have an incomplete grade.” However, if the
course is required for progression in the Nursing program, the earlier completion of the
required work may be mandatory.
Your instructor will specify the work needed for completion and will communicate the
requirements to you in writing with a copy to the department or program chair. When
you complete the required work and it has been evaluated, your instructor will submit a
change of grade form and a final academic grade will be recorded. If you do not
complete your work within the allowed time limit, the grade will be recorded as an “IC”
(See University Catalog Grading and Academic Standards: Incomplete).
A student who has two failures (“C+ or lower”) in any nursing prefix courses will be
dropped from the MSN program.
Part-time enrollment in the program, consisting of 2 courses per semester, is an option,
and the progression plans are outlined above. Students interested in this option are to
discuss this with the program coordinator.
Nursing Department Lines of Communication and Procedures
ADVISOR / MSN Program Coordinator
Grade Disputes and Other Academic Problems
Grade disputes and other academic problems are initially discussed between student
and instructor. In addition, students may choose to consult with their advisor who can
help a student by clarifying the issue, and provide information on how to proceed in
order to resolve the problem. Most problems can be settled within the department
between student, instructor, and, when needed, coordinator, department chair and
Program Executive Committee. If the student is not satisfied with the results of such
meetings, or perceives that academic unfairness or discrimination has occurred, the
student is directed to the Dean of the College of Science, who may send the issue back
to the department chair for reconsideration, or refer the student to the University
Fairness Committee.
A Note on Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR)
California State University East Bay is committed to a community free from sexual
assault and violence. Title IX and CSU policy prohibit discrimination, harassment and
retaliation, including Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence.
CSUEB encourages anyone experiencing such behavior to report their concerns
immediately. CSUEB has both confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting
options available to you. As a faculty member, I am required to report all incidents and
thus cannot promise confidentiality. I must provide our Title IX coordinator and or the
DHR Administrator with relevant details such as the names of those involved in an
incident. For confidential services, contact the Confidential Advocate at 510-885-3700
or go to the Student Health and Counseling Center. For 24-hour crisis services call the
Bay Area Women against Rape (BAWAR) hotline at 510-845- 7273. For more
information about policies & resources or reporting options, please visit
The MSN program coordinator serves as the advisor for all registered students in the
graduate nursing program. Students are encouraged to communicate with the
coordinator throughout their time in the program to continue to enrich their learning
experience and discuss progression through the program.
General advising may include: program planning, course equivalency determination,
graduation evaluation and procedures, course withdrawal, request for incomplete, and
adding/dropping courses.
Students should contact the coordinator to schedule a meeting time that is mutually
agreed upon. The Canvas website and university and department communication via
Horizon emails are additional resources for updates in University requirements. In this
way students will keep abreast of University and program requirements.
For concerns and questions regarding individual courses, please contact course faculty.
For concerns and questions regarding support with graduate application and registration
services, please contact Maria CD Lopez.
Student Retention Program
BACKGROUND: The faculty has developed a program to identify students at risk of
failing nursing courses. The program provides guidance to assist students in identifying
the nature of their academic problem(s). The students and the program coordinator then
develop an appropriate plan for correction of these identified problems.
RETENTION ADVISING: Nursing Program Faculty provides advising for the student at
risk. Faculty serve as retention advisor for their respective courses. The purpose of
retention advising is to identify and contact students at risk of failing, help students to
identify the problems hindering their success in the graduate program, encourage and
ato correct the identified learning needs.
ADVISING ASSISTANCE: While it is the coordinator, with faculty consultation and
dialogue with the student, who guides students at risk academic problems, the student
is expected to take significant responsibility for the identification of the problems and
planning for their amelioration. Non-academic stressors often impede achievement and
must also be assessed. A grade of “Incomplete” may be considered if a student needs
more time to successfully complete a theory course in which successful passage has
been jeopardized due to temporary, non- academic stressors.
Student Representatives at Nursing Faculty Meetings
The Nursing Program Faculty invites student representation at regular meetings.
Although you do not have voting privileges, your input can significantly affect the
decision making process.
Your role as a student representative is to contribute your unique perspective to the
discussions at hand, as well as serving as a spokesperson for your peers. In order to
facilitate the gathering and reporting of information from and to your peers, a limited
amount of class time is available for you to present committee issues. If the gathering or
reporting of information consumes more time than allotted, you will have to continue this
process outside of class time.
Meetings are scheduled once a month and typically are held on the last Thursday of
each month. However, the schedule for meetings is subject to change from term to term
as may be required by unforeseen events. Cal State East Bay’s students are
encouraged to attend these regular faculty meetings by Zoom videoconference or in-
person at the Hayward campus. If circumstances preclude you from attending, it would
be helpful if the class can identify student representative(s) to attend the monthly
meeting. Please feel free to request that any student item of concern be placed on the
agenda with a short statement of purpose. A lead-time of three days for doing this is
appreciated, but it is acceptable for items to be added to the agenda at the time of the
meeting. You will be excused from those portions of the meeting that may be
confidential in nature.
Social Media Policy
The Cal State East Bay Department of Nursing recognizes that communication via
social media is integral to reaching audiences important to the university, including
current students, prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni, local communities, and
other stakeholders. Student participation on social media is guided by university policy.
Many students use social media platforms that include but are not limited to Facebook,
Twitter, Snapchat, blogs, podcasts, YouTube, LinkedIn, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest,
Whisper, and Yik Yak. These allow for the exchange of ideas but must be utilized
responsibly and must not violate patient confidentiality or professional behavior.
Sharing sensitive and confidential information is governed by the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) and professional nursing standards. Any statements and/or photos placed
on a social media site should reflect positively on oneself, fellow classmates, the
University and clinical sites. Prior written consent* is required before taking or posting
student photographs and video, faculty photographs and video, or College events on
social media sites and the Cal State East Bay Website. The Department of Nursing
adheres to the ANA Social Media Policy.
Cal State East Bay Photographic Release Form can be found in Appendices.
Acceptable Computer Use Policy
Cal State East Bay is a public institution fully committed to the ideals of academic
freedom, freedom of expression and multicultural diversity. CSUEB provides access to
technology resources (e.g., computing hardware, software, electronic information
systems, networks, etc.,) for purposes related to its mission and to the responsibilities
and necessary activities of its faculty, students and staff. These resources are vital for
the fulfillment of the academic, research and business needs of the CSUEB community.
To promote and protect these ideals and resources, this policy is intended to define
acceptable and unacceptable computing uses and practices on the university campuses
and among members of the university community.
Student E-mail Policy
University use of e-mailE-mail is the official method for communication at Cal State
East Bay because it delivers information in a convenient, timely, cost effective, and
environmentally aware manner. For the majority of the student population, this Student
E- mail Policy does not represent a change from current practice. However, the policy
does ensure that all students have access to this important form of communication.
Furthermore, it ensures that students can be accessed through a standardized channel
by faculty and other staff of the University as needed.
Assignment of student e-mail accountsOfficial University e-mail accounts are
available for all applicants and will be automatically assigned to all enrolled students.
The addresses are all of the form [Name] These accounts
must be activated before the University can correspond with its students using the
official e-mail accounts. The website has been designed for
this purpose. The official e-mail address will be maintained in SAIL (the university’s
student information system). Official e- mail addresses will be directory information
unless the students request otherwise (see the University catalog for more information).
Redirecting e-mailStudents may elect to redirect (auto forward) messages sent to
their Horizon official student e- mail address. Students who redirect e-mail from their
official address to another address (such as AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail) do so at their own
risk. The University is not responsible for the handling of e-mail by outside vendors or
unofficial servers. Privacy of confidential information may be compromised by
redirecting the Horizon account.
Expectations about student use of e-mailThe University will only communicate with
students via their official Horizon e-mail account. Students are expected to check their
e- mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University-related
communications, including availability of resources, communication regarding practicum
onboarding, and course-related information. Students have the responsibility to
recognize that certain communications may be time-critical.
Authentication for confidential informationThe University does not send, or request,
confidential information via e-mail. Confidential information is made available only
through MYCAL STATE EAST BAY which is password protected. In these cases,
students will receive e-mail directing them to MYCAL STATE EAST BAY, where they
can access the confidential information only by logging in as required. The confidential
information will not be included within the e-mail message itself. Mail sent to the Horizon
e-mail addresses may include notification of University-related actions, including
disciplinary actions. However, e-mail shall not be the sole method for notification of legal
PrivacyUsers should exercise extreme caution in using e-mail to communicate
confidential or sensitive matters, and should not assume that e-mail is private and
confidential. It is especially important that users are careful to send messages only to
the intended recipient(s). Particular care should be taken when using the “reply all”
command during e- mail correspondence. All use of e-mail will be consistent with other
University policies, and local, state, and federal law, including the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). E-mail addresses are directory information as
defined by the University’s unless a request is made to withhold it.
Educational uses of e-mailFaculty will determine how electronic forms of
communication (e.g., e-mail) will be used in their classes, and will specify their
requirements in the course syllabus. This Student E-mail Policy will ensure that all
students will be able to comply with e-mail-based course requirements specified by
faculty. Faculty can therefore make the assumption that students’ official accounts are being accessed, and faculty can use e-mail for
their classes accordingly.
Student Injury Reporting Policy
If a student is injured in the clinical setting and needs medical attention, the student
must have medical insurance to cover the cost or pay cash.
A Student Non-Employee Accident/Injury Report Form must be completed by the
student and the clinical faculty person.
Report the accident/Injury to your Dept. Chair within 8 (eight) hours.
Copies of the Accident/Injury Report should be distributed to Dept. office and Risk
Management (SA RM4700) within 24 hours of date of Accident/Injury. This form is
placed in the student’s department file.
The student is not covered by Workman’s Compensation because she/he is not an
Student injury form can be found in Appendices.
Cal State East Bay Student Resources and Services
SIGMA NU XI At-Large Chapter
Sigma, formerly known as Sigma Theta Tau International, is an international nursing
honors society founded in 1922. The society represents excellence in nursing which is
reflected in the achievements of individual members and by the accomplishments of its
collective chapters.
Sigma’s mission is to advance world health and celebrate nursing excellence in
scholarship, leadership, and service. Sigma’s vision is to be the global organization of
choice for nursing. For decades, faculty at Cal State East Bay Nursing has been Sigma
members, as have many of our students at or upon graduation.
Sigma’s Nu Xi At-Large Chapter, henceforth Nu Xi, was established in 1992. Nursing
programs from Cal State East Bay and Samuel Merritt University worked collaboratively
to establish an official chapter to serve the East Bay Nursing Community.
Members of the Nu Xi Chapter have various professional opportunities including: the
ability to collaborate with a variety of accomplished nurse members who live and work
throughout the East Bay region; potential participation in national and international
conferences hosted by Sigma, and exclusive access to Sigma’s job boards. The Nu Xi
Chapter has been recognized for its exemplary accomplishments by Sigma in various
ways, including but not limited to being honored with Sigma’s prestigious Chapter Key
Award. At Cal State East Bay, nursing faculty will determine which students have met
the high standards consistent with being invited to join Sigma. If you are among those
students, Cal State East Bay will forward your contact information to Sigma so that you
may receive a formal induction invitation. Your address will only be shared with Sigma if
you have given the nursing department permission to do so.
The criteria for induction into the Nu Xi Chapter of Sigma change periodically, since it is
governed by Sigma’s international by-laws. Historically, the requirements to be inducted
for an MSN/Graduate Nursing Student must have: completed at least one fourth (25%)
of the nursing curriculum; a cumulative nursing GPA in the top 35% of the class (with at
least a 3.5 GPA); and meet academic integrity standards.
Consent to share basic contact information with Sigma if you are selected for induction
can be found in Appendices.
Nursing Professional Development
Professional Certification
All Cal State East Bay MSN students with RN licensure and experience are encouraged
to seek nursing professional certification(s) of their professional interest and expertise.
Nursing professional development certification demonstrates that “a nurse has the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes to provide high quality care to patients and their
families. A certified nurse is a lifelong learner who cares about the quality of care they
deliver. Nurses who are certified feel more confident that the care they are delivering is
based on the most up-to-date evidence. Certified nurses are proud of their achievement
and are role models for nurses and other health care professionals. Certification shows
that nursing is a profession that cares about safety, quality, and excellence of health
care delivery.”
Graduates of the MSN in Nursing Education specialty are eligible for certification as
Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator exam (CNE®-cl) by National League of
Nursing (NLN); Nurse Leadership and Administration graduates who currently hold
managerial positions maybe eligible for Nurse Executive certification (NE-BC) through
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
Graduates will also be prepared to pursue the Nursing Professional Development
Certification, through the Association for Nursing Professional Development.
For additional information on practice-specific certification, refer to professional
organizations, ANCC, or
Student Leadership Opportunity
Cal State East Bay MSN students are encourage to participate in AACN’s Graduate
Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) activities as member or serve as student liaison for
the school. Student members have access to free resources and services through the
GNSA as well as opportunity to develop leadership and networking skill in its
Leadership Council. Interest student should contact GNSA for information. AACN
Graduate Nursing Student Academy at
Appendix A
Cal State East Bay Nursing students need to sign, scan and submit this sheet to the
nursing office (as occurs for immunization documents). It relates to possible invitation
into the Nu Xi at Large Chapter (“Nu Xi”) of the Sigma Nursing Society.
Sigma (formerly Sigma Theta Tau International), founded in 1922, is the International
Honor Society for nursing. The society represents excellence in nursing which is
reflected in the achievements of individual members and by the accomplishments of its
collective chapters. Sigma’s mission is to advance world health and celebrate nursing
excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. Sigma’s vision is to be the global
organization of choice for nursing. For decades, most full-time faculty at Cal State East
Bay Nursing have been Sigma members, as have many of our students at or upon
Sigma’s Nu Xi Chapter, henceforth Nu Xi, was established in 1992. Nursing programs
from Cal State East Bay, Samuel Merritt University, and Holy Names University worked
collaboratively to establish an official chapter to serve the East Bay Nursing Community.
Members of the Nu Xi Chapter have various professional opportunities including: the
ability to collaborate with a variety of accomplished nurse members who live and work
throughout the East Bay region; potential participation in national and international
conferences hosted by Sigma, and exclusive access to Sigma’s job boards.
At Cal State East Bay, nursing faculty will determine which students have met the high
standards consistent with being invited to join Sigma. If you are among those students,
Cal State East Bay will forward your contact information to Sigma so that you may
receive a formal induction invitation. Signing this form grants Cal State East Bay
permission to share your basic contact information with Sigma if you are selected for
induction. If you do not wish us to provide Sigma your contact information, write “Do not
share my contact information” below your signature on this form and you will not be
considered for possible induction.
The criteria for induction into the Nu Xi Chapter of Sigma changes periodically, since it
is governed by Sigma’s international by-laws. Historically, the requirements to be
inducted have included the following:
• For Undergraduate Nursing Student: completed at least half (50%) of the nursing
curriculum; a nursing GPA in the top 35% of the class (with at least a 3.0 GPA); and
meet academic integrity standards.
• For an MSN/Graduate Nursing Student: completed one fourth (25%) of the nursing
curriculum, have achieved academic excellence (at schools where a 4.0 grade point
average system is used, this equates to at least a 3.5)
Print Student Name: _______________________________________Date:
_____________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Office Staff Use Only If name & signature only mark as “Granted” If “Do not share my
contact information” also handwritten mark as “Declined”
Appendix B
Cal State East Bay Photographic Release Form
Please initial in the spaces below what uses of photographs of you are consented to,
and sign at the end of the release form. Photos will only be used in the ways you
consent to. Your name will not be identified in these photos
______ Photographs can be reviewed by the designated individual or individuals.
______ Photographs can be used for project illustration (i.e., yearbook, DVD).
______ Photographs can be used for promotional materials, such as brochures or fliers.
______ Photographs can be used for classroom presentations.
______ Photographs can be used for academic conference presentations.
______ Photographs can be used for fundraising presentations/proposals.
______ Photographs can be used for newspaper or magazine publication.
______ Photographs can be posted on a web site for promotional purpose
NAME _________________________________________________
SIGNATURE __________________________________________________
DATE ____________________
Appendix C
Sample Health Care Provider’s Statement
Dear Physician/Nurse Practitioner:
There are minimum entry level qualifications required for professional nursing practice
for students in the nursing program at California State University, East Bay.
_______________________________ is a student in the CSUEB Nursing program and
should provide you with a copy of the Essential Functions for Nursing Practice. Please
complete the following:
To the Chair of the Nursing Department:
__________________________________ (student name) has been under my care for
a Medical Condition on ____________(date) I have reviewed the Essential Functions
for Nursing Practice and certify that this student is capable of performing
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation without limitations.
Yes/No (circle one)
__________________may return to clinical practice with no limitations.
Yes/No (circle one)
Provider’s Name
Provider’s Signature
Appendix D
Student Injury Form
California State University East Bay Risk Management & Internal Control 25800 Carlos
Bee Blvd., SA4700, Hayward, California 94542 (510) 885-3833
Non-Employee Accident/Incident Report
Instructions: Please print using blue or black ink pen. Complete, sign and return to
Risk Management & Internal Control, SA4700
PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name of Involved Party: Date and Time of
Address of Involved Party: Phone Number:
Reported to: Name: Dept: Ph#
DETAILS OF ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Location where accident/incident occurred:
If occurred during a class, give Class Identification and Name of Instructor:
Please describe accident/incident:
Were there injuries? If so , nature and extent of Injuries:
Did injuries require medical care? If yes, give location, name of treating physician and
medical finding
Name: Facility & Location:
Medical Finding:
Were there witnesses? If yes, provide name, addresses, and phone numbers.
Was personal property damaged? If yes, attach a description and value of the property.
Signature of Involved Person: Date:
Case # (if UPD investigated): RM 33 11/29/11
Appendix E Practicum Intent Form: Nursing Leadership and Administration
Students will be able to submit information through an online survey. This information
will assist the placement coordinator in the onboarding process for Practicum.
Responses are due by Friday, August 2, 2024.
Contact Information
Names (Include all names used
at CSUEB and workplace)
Email Address and Phone Number
Nursing Leadership and Administration Synthesis/Practicum Project
Agency: ______________________________ City: __________
Department/Unit: ____________________________
Same as workplace
Name and credentials:
I have reviewed the preceptor information sheet with my preceptor
What data will be collected and how? Who will see the results?
Appendix F Practicum Intent Form: Nursing Education
Students will be able to submit information through an online survey. This information
will assist the placement coordinator in the onboarding process for Practicum.
Responses are due by Friday, August 2, 2024.
Contact Information
Names (Include all names used
at CSUEB and workplace)
Email Address
Clinical setting
Education setting
Nursing Education Instructional Synthesis/Practicum Project
(40 hours)
Name and credentials:
I have reviewed the preceptor information sheet with my preceptor
(50 hours)
Name and credentials:
Academic institution or Clinical setting:
Appendix G
Synthesis Proposal Instructions
The Synthesis Proposal is a 3-page (minimum) description that is comprised of the
following sections. Submit as a Word document to your designated Synthesis and
Practicum Google folder by Monday, September 30, 2024.
Title page
Key project contacts: Student and Faculty names and contact information
Problem Description and Purpose Statement: The purpose statement should be a
succinct statement regarding the purpose or aim of the project and the issue or problem
of focus. Explain why this topic/ project is significant and outline the objectives of the
Summary of the Initial Literature Review: The review of evidence, including the
literature review, provides insight into the state of knowledge in the topic area of the
project. In this section, include a brief summary of the literature reviewed in preparation
for the project. The review of the literature will continue as the project develops;
however, a good base of literature reviewed is important at the start of the project to
guide the development. Include a description of your search strategies.
Proposed Methods: A preliminary plan of the project should be described here.
Include where the project will take place, who will be involved, and the procedures. As
the project is developed further changes may take place. Be sure to outline how human
subjects might be involved in the proposed work, the consent process, how you will
engage in recruitment, and how long participants can expect to be involved. Include a
preliminary outline or draft of the consent form and any data collection instruments you
anticipate utilizing.
Participant demographics: Indicate the number of participants proposed and their
demographics; indicate if there will be special populations participating (e.g. CSUEB
students, incarcerated persons, children/minors, etc.). Be sure to outline how you would
access the population, minimize the possibility of coercion, and provide the rationale for
involving vulnerable populations.
Dissemination: Who will have access to your findings and final paper? How might you
present and/or publish your findings?
Reference List: The proposal should include a list of the references discussed in this
proposal and should show significant preparation for the project. The references must
be current (published within 7 years), scholarly and can include professional standards
from recognized nursing and health organizations.
Appendix H Preceptor Information Sheet: Nursing Leadership & Administration
Nursing Leadership & Administration Preceptor Information
Thank you for your interest in serving as a preceptor for a MSN student’s practicum. This field project
solidifies the student’s preparation as an advanced practice nurse leader. The preceptor serves as a
mentor for the student within the host agency, complementing the role of the faculty who guides the
academic aspect of the project. Please review the Preceptor Manual, which students have access to.
The general role of a Nurse Leadership & Administration Preceptor is to:
1. Share insight on the role of an advanced practice nurse leader to influence nursing practice and
quality improvement using evidence-based approach.
2. Consult with the student to ensure the relevance of the project to the host agency.
3. Approve the student’s plan.
4. Serve as a liaison for the student such as facilitating the coordination and implementation of the
project at the host agency.
5. Provide feedback on the student’s performance.
*Estimated contact hours: Minimum 45 hours, Spring 2025. As this is a 3 unit course, students are
expected to spend 90 hours total completing the practicum experience.
The MSN student has full responsibility for the leadership/administrative project from the development
of the plan and materials to the implementation of activities at the host agency. The Cal State East Bay
Nursing faculty is responsible for guiding the student throughout the teaching project and assigns course
grade that reflect Preceptor’s feedback. The preceptor is not responsible for formal student evaluation
or grading of any assignment.
Preceptor Name & Credentials: ______________________________________________________
Preceptor Title (Division): ___________________________________________________________
Preceptor Email: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Host Agency Name: _________________________________ City ________________________
I agree to serve as a preceptor for CSUEB MSN Student for Spring 2025.
Preceptor signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________
Appendix I: Preceptor Information Sheet: Nursing Education
Nurse Educator Preceptor Information
Thank you for your interest in serving as a preceptor for a MSN student’s practicum. This field teaching
project solidifies the student’s preparation as an advanced practice nurse educator. The preceptor
serves as a mentor for the student within the host agency, complementing the role of the faculty who
guides the academic aspect of the teaching project. Please review the Preceptor Manual, which students
have access to.
The general role of a Nurse Educator Preceptor is to:
1. Share insight on the role of a nurse educator to influence nursing practice and quality improvement
using evidence-based approach.
2. Advise the student on the relevance of the project to the host agency.
3. Approve the student’s teaching plan.
4. Serve as a liaison for the student such as facilitating the coordination and implementation of the
teaching activities at the host agency.
5. Provide feedback on the student’s teaching performance.
*Estimated preceptor and student contact hours: 50 hours, Spring 2025 (January-April)
The MSN student has full responsibility for the teaching project from the development of the teaching
plan and materials to the implementation of activities at the host agency. The Cal State East Bay
Nursing faculty is responsible for guiding the student throughout the teaching project and assigns course
grade that reflect Preceptor’s feedback. The Educator Preceptor is not responsible for formal student
evaluation or grading of any assignment.
Preceptor Name & Credentials: ______________________________________________________
Preceptor Title & Department: ___________________________________________________________
Preceptor Email: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Host Agency Name: _________________________________ City ________________________
I agree to serve as a preceptor for CSUEB MSN Student for Spring 2025.
Preceptor signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________
Appendix J: Advanced Clinical Preceptor Information Sheet: Nursing Education
Advanced Clinical Practice Preceptor Information
Thank you for your interest to serve as a preceptor for a MSN student’s clinical practicum. The purpose
of this practicum is to expand students’ clinical expertise as an advanced practice nurse educator. The
preceptor serves as a mentor and facilitator for the student within the host agency, complementing the
role of the faculty who guides the academic development of the student. Please review the Preceptor
Manual, which students have access to.
The general responsibility of an Advanced Clinical Practice Preceptor is to:
1. Share insight on the role of an advanced clinical practice nurse to influence clinical practice and
quality improvement using evidence-based approaches.
2. Consult with the student to assist with complex problem-solving skills for a specialized clinical
3. Approve the student’s clinical learning objectives and proposed activities.
4. Serve as a liaison for the student at the host agency to facilitate the direct care experience and
achievement of learning outcomes.
5. Verify the student’s clinical participation hours.
*Estimated preceptor and student contact hours: 40 hours, Spring 2025 (January-April)
The MSN student has full responsibility for the clinical learning objectives and plan. The Cal State East
Bay Nursing faculty is responsible for supporting the student throughout the clinical practicum and
assigns the course grade. The Advanced Practice Clinical Preceptor is not responsible for formal student
evaluation or grading of any assignment.
Preceptor Name & Credentials: ______________________________________________________
Preceptor Title & Department: ___________________________________________________________
Preceptor Email: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Host Agency Name: _________________________________ City ________________________
I agree to serve as a preceptor for CSUEB MSN Student for Spring 2025.
Preceptor signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________
Appendix K: Synthesis Paper Outline
Project Description
Significance of Project
Project Purpose and Objectives
Project Method
Organization of Paper
Search and Retrieval Strategies for Literature
Review Literature
Education Project methodology
Administration/Leadership project methodology
Outstanding Questions/Issues
Implementation Benefits
Further recommendations
Literature Review Table
Appendix L
Student Evaluation of Preceptor
Preceptor: _____________________________
Completed by Student: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Not Satisfied
The Preceptor:
Demonstrated high level of motivation and interest to
mentor graduate student
Facilitated a positive and supporting learning
environment at the host agency.
Utilized effective leadership and administrative strategies
to achieve student learning objectives.
Provided constructive feedback regularly to promote
learning improvement and progress.
Was a professional role model in stimulating my personal
and professional growth in advanced practice nursing.
Appendix M
Student Evaluation of Agency
Clinical Agency: _____________________ Unit: _________________
Completed by Student: _________________________________ Date: _____________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Not Satisfied
The Agency:
Offers a positive and supporting learning environment.
Administrators and staff demonstrated interest in
assisting students on the unit.
Shows commitment to advocacy and evidence-based
patient care.
Has an effective system to facilitate graduate nursing
students’ clinical practicum.
Appendix N
Student Evaluation of Clinical Preceptor
Preceptor: _____________________________
Completed by Student: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Not Satisfied
The Preceptor:
Demonstrated high level of motivation and interest to
mentor graduate student
Facilitated a positive and supporting learning
environment at the host agency.
Utilized effective teaching strategies to achieve student
learning objectives.
Provided constructive feedback regularly to promote
learning improvement and progress.
Was a professional role model in stimulating my personal
and professional growth in advanced practice nursing.
Appendix O
Student Evaluation of Clinical Practicum Agency
Clinical Agency: _____________________ Unit: _________________
Completed by Student: _________________________________ Date: _____________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Not Satisfied
The Agency:
Offers a positive and supporting learning environment.
Administrators and staff demonstrated interest in
assisting students on the unit.
Shows commitment to advocacy and evidence-based
patient care.
Has an effective system to facilitate graduate nursing
students’ clinical practicum.
Appendix P
Student Evaluation of Education Preceptor
Preceptor: _____________________________
Completed by Student: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
5. Very satisfied
6. Satisfied
7. Somewhat satisfied
8. Not Satisfied
The Preceptor:
Demonstrated high level of motivation and interest to
mentor graduate student
Facilitated a positive and supporting learning
environment at the host agency.
Utilized effective teaching strategies to achieve student
learning objectives.
Provided constructive feedback regularly to promote
learning improvement and progress.
Was a professional role model in stimulating my personal
and professional growth in advanced practice nursing.
Appendix Q
Student Evaluation of Education Practicum Agency
Clinical Agency: _____________________ Unit: _________________
Completed by Student: _________________________________ Date: _____________
Using the following scale, please indicate how satisfied you are about how well the preceptor
met the following objectives:
5. Very satisfied
6. Satisfied
7. Somewhat satisfied
8. Not Satisfied
The Agency:
Offers a positive and supporting learning environment.
Administrators and staff demonstrated interest in
assisting students.
Shows commitment to advocacy and evidence-based
patient care.
Has an effective system to facilitate graduate nursing
students’ clinical practicum.