Camera FV-5
Camera FV-5
Camera FV-5 Introduction
Camera FV-5 Introduction
Camera FV-5 is an advanced camera application for Android devices. Currently it runs on mobile phones, tablet computers and Android-powered c
camera by providing a unique hardware abstraction layer that it is able to control camera modules of more than 14,000 models of phones, tablets a
varies signicantly. This is discussed through this manual.
Tailored to enthusiast and professional photographers, with this camera application you can capture the best unprocessed photographs so that yo
Camera FV-5 Introduction
Camera FV-5
Installing Camera FV-5
Camera FV-5 is available through Google Play, the marketplace for Android applications. Google Play is preinstalled on all Android
devices. You can nd Camera FV-5 on the top positions of the “Photography” section, as well as searching for “Camera FV-5”.
There are two versions of Camera FV-5: Camera FV-5 Lite and Camera FV-5 (paid version). Both versions are essentially the same,
with the only difference being the resolution limitation on the free Lite version. Therefore you can try the application without any time
limitations and see if the application works properly and ts your demands before buying the full paid application.
Regardless of the version of the application you download, you have access to frequent updates. You get those updates by either
manual download (you get notications on the Android notication drawer when updates become available) or automatically if you
decided to do so. It is recommended that you select automatic application updates. You always get the most stable version and
newer features without having to care to download updates manually. After each update, a dialog will tell you what’s new on the
updated version (new features, bug xes and improvements). Application updates are also free once bought the paid version as well.
Therefore, buying the application is a one-time payment, granting you access to all future updates at no extra cost.
Camera FV-5 Installing Camera FV-5
Furthermore, when you buy the application,
you can install Camera FV-5 on all your Android-powered devices at no extra cost
that, be sure to always download the application using the same account you used for buying it on the rst place. On that case, you
won’t be prompted to pay again each time you install the application on the same or other devices you might own.
Camera FV-5 Installing Camera FV-5
Obtaining support
For any problem related to Camera FV-5, you can contact to the support team via e-mail:
[email protected]. However, before contacting the aforementioned e-mail address for support, please
visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here:, as it is really likely that
your questions is already answered there. Given the amount of e-mails that arrive our support inbox everyday, we
have no other choice but simply skip e-mails that refer topics directly addressed in the FAQ.
If you require help with photographic-related concepts, there are many online resources for general photographic
concepts as well as tips, suggestions and techniques. One of our favorites is Cambridge In Colour (
http:// It contains multiple tutorials in many categories that go from basic photographic
concepts to advanced techniques, and from the camera to the computer techniques to edit the photographs. It is
a very worth read!
Camera FV-5 Obtaining support
Camera FV-5
Basic commands
Camera FV-5 puts all the controls and options —that you would typically nd on dedicated physical buttons on a high-end DSLR camera— directly o
balance is just a tap away. All the controls are located around the viewnder.
Camera FV-5 Basic commands
Camera FV-5 Basic commands
Camera FV-5 Basic commands
Camera FV-5
Shutter button
Located on the right of the viewnder, is the virtual counterpart of the shutter button on traditional cameras. It can
replicate all the functionality of a physical shutter button. However, if your device has a physical shutter button,
you can also use it to take photos.
Virtual shutter button
The virtual shutter button emulates a physical shutter button. Since the screen the virtual shutter button is placed
on cannot react to half-presses like physical two-stage shutters, the two depths of traditional shutters are mapped
Tap and hold to focus and lock focus position.
Release to capture a photograph.
Drag the nger away from the button to cancel.
In detail, the behavior of the virtual shutter button is the following:
Tap and hold: focuses and locks the focus position (corresponds to pressing a traditional shutter button
halfway). While you hold the virtual shutter you can reframe while keeping the same focus position.
Release (after holding): takes the photograph if the focus was properly acquired (corresponds to pressing a
traditional shutter button fully).
Single tap: focuses and when done focusing takes immediately a photograph if the focus was properly
Camera FV-5 Shutter button
Tap and hold, then drag the nger away from the virtual shutter button: focuses, locks the focus position, but
does not take any photograph (corresponds to pressing a traditional shutter button halfway, then lifting the
By default the app attempts to focus when you press the shutter button, and does not take photographs if the
focus routine thinks the focus was not achieved. There are however two settings to override this behavior:
The normal behavior is to cancel the action of taking a picture if the autofocus result was unsuccessful (that
is, the autofocus routine didn’t achieve a sharp subject or couldn’t locate the focus position, both situations
lead to a red focus rectangle). If you want Camera FV-5 to take a picture in any case (whether the focus
succeeded or not), activate the option
Settings > General camera settings > Allow taking a photo
without focus .
If you simply don’t want to trigger autofocus before taking a picture (that is, you want to take a picture without
changing the focus position), activate the option Settings > General camera settings > Focus before
capturing .
Physical shutter button
If your phone has a physical shutter key, you can use it to take photos with Camera FV-5. Save for the zoom (when
not assigned to volume keys) and any other manual controls, you can take photos without having to ever use the
touch screen.
There are two types of shutter keys:
With two steps. Those shutter keys have two depths: you can press it slightly until the middle (half-press) and
then continue until the end (full-press). When you half-press the shutter key, Camera FV-5 focuses the picture
and then locks the focus, meaning that you can reframe your shot and the focus distance will remain. When
you nally fully-press the shutter key, the picture is taken.
With one step. On that case, the physical shutter key will behave the same way as the virtual shutter button.
If the focusing routine fails, the default behavior is not to take the photo. The focus rectangle turns into red in this
case. You can change this behavior in Settings > General camera settings > Allow taking a photo without
focus although it is discouraged, as the resulting photo could be incorrectly focused.
Camera FV-5 Physical shutter button
Camera FV-5
Main photographic controls
The main photographic controls —exposure compensation (EV), ISO, light metering mode, focus mode and white
balance (WB)— are always available at the bottom of the screen. Changing those parameters is a breeze: they are
just two taps away, and you always get a preview of the effects reected on the viewnder.
Exposure compensation (EV)
Adjust the compensation of the exposure time. A value of +1 effectively doubles the exposure time, whereas a
value -1 halves the exposure time. The EV range and step vary across devices. A range of [-2, 2] and a step of ½
stop is typical. If exposure bracketing (BRK) is enabled, the exposure compensation will compensate the
bracketing exposures, and the bracketing number of pictures and step will limit the EV range. Read more on this
on chapter Automatic exposure bracketing (p. 37).
Sensor sensitivity (ISO)
Select the ISO value: automatic (AUTO) or in the range from ISO 50 to ISO 3200, depending on the device (some
sensitivities may not be available, or may take no effect if Camera FV-5 is unable to detect the available ISO range
of your device).
Light metering modes
Select which zones to use from the picture to meter light. The available options are:
White balance Focus mode Light metering mode ISO Exposure compensation
You can reset altered photographic parameters to their defaults by long-pressing on their corresponding buttons.
The device will produce a short vibration to conrm that the setting was reset to its default and the icons will also
reect the change. White balance is reset to AWB, focus mode to AF, metering mode to matrix, ISO to Auto and
exposure compensation to +/- 0.
Camera FV-5 Main photographic controls
Focus mode
You can choose from one of the following focus modes, plus a focus lock switch.
Symbol Description
Matrix. Use all zones to meter light.
Center. Use the central part of the picture to meter light.
Point. Use the area of the focus rectangle when it is centered on the viewnder. In case you are
using touch-focus (i.e. the focus rectangle is not centered) the metering point will still be
centered. If you want point metering, but not centered, you can use touch metering (if available).
Touch metering. Allows you to select the metering point from any point on the picture. This
option is only available on devices whose camera hardware supports this feature. The metering
point is chosen by long-pressing on the viewnder (if touch-metering is not available, long-
pressing on the viewnder will have no effect). Then, a metering rectangle will appear. This
rectangle can be dragged around the viewnder with the nger once is placed on a specic
position. You can reset the metering mode by selecting any of the other metering modes (matrix,
center or point).
Auto-exposure lock. Stops the automatic exposure algorithm, keeping the last automatic
exposure time calculated while the lock is active. Tap the toggle again to unlock. Supported only
on Android 4+ devices with the appropriate support from the camera hardware.
Symbol Description
Autofocus. Focus anywhere on the picture. Focus priority depends on camera maker. Tap
anywhere on the viewnder to trigger AF.
Manual focus. Available only on Android 5+. The focus rectangle is hidden, and you can slide
vertically the nger over the viewnder to adjust manually the focus position between innity and
Camera FV-5 Focus mode
White balance (WB)
You can compensate white biasing because of different illuminant temperatures. As of now, you can choose from
different presets (ordered from warmer to colder temperatures):
Symbol Description
Macro. Gives AF system a hint to prioritize closer objects. On some devices, effectively lowers
the allowed minimum focusing distance.
Face detection focus. The focus rectangle is hidden, and the focus is automatically adjusted to
be positioned on faces, that are automatically detected in real time in the viewnder.
Touch focus. Gives AF system a hint to focus on the selected object. Tap anywhere on the
viewnder to select the focus point and trigger AF. Touch focus, under Android 2.x, is only
available on some Motorola, HTC and Nvidia camera drivers, plus some Samsung drivers.
Android 4.0+ it is always supported.
Continuous autofocus. The focus is automatically and continuously adjusted according to the
camera autofocus mode criteria.
Innity. Set the focus to innity. Tapping on the screen always result in focus conrmation and
AF is not triggered.
Autofocus lock. Locks the focus at the current position. Tap the toggle again to unlock.
Camera FV-5 White balance (WB)
Symbol Description
Automatic. The camera calculates the temperature of the light source present on the scene and
automatically compensates it.
Fluorescent light.
Warm uorescent light.
Incandescent light.
Auto white balance lock. If the white balance is set to auto, when the toggle is active, the
automatic white balance algorithm will stop running, keeping the last calculated scene
temperature. Tap again the toggle to unlock it and recalculate the scene color temperature.
Preset white balance settings depend on device manufacturer support.
Camera FV-5 White balance (WB)
Camera FV-5
Program modes, shooting utilities and ash settings
At the left side of the viewnder, from top to bottom, the following settings are located:
Program mode
Here you can see the current selected exposure program mode and change it by tapping on it and selecting a new
one from the popup menu. Read more on section Exposure program.
Shooting utilities
Contains different shooting utilities.
Symbol Description
Automatic exposure bracketing. Takes pictures with different exposure compensations. Read
more on section Automatic exposure bracketing.
Intervalometer. Takes picture series and timelapses. Read more on section Intervalometer.
Camera FV-5 Program modes, shooting utilities and ash settings
Takes pictures after a predened time interval. You can tap on this mode to select 2, 5 or 10 seconds delay, as
well as to deactivate the self-timer. When the self-timer is active, tapping on either the virtual or physical shutter
button takes the picture after the predened interval.
This mode can be useful (but not only) for:
Taking self-portraits.
Taking photos on a tripod in low light conditions avoiding the blur caused by the nger moving the camera
when activating the shutter button.
Touch capture mode
Symbol Description
Image stabilization. Activates or deactivates the image stabilization. On most devices, this is
digital image stabilization. If image stabilization is not supported on the device this button might
not be present.
Burst mode. Activates or deactivates the burst mode. When the burst mode is active, tapping
and holding the virtual shutter button or the shutter key (if the device has one) will result in a
continuous ow of photos being taken, as long as the virtual shutter button or the shutter key are
not released.
Touch capture mode.
Camera FV-5 Self-timer
Activates or deactivates the touch capture mode. When this mode is active, after tapping anywhere on the
viewnder, the camera will take a photo immediately. This can be useful in two scenarios:
Take seles with the rear camera. You can point the rear camera to you, and then tap anywhere on the screen.
Camera FV-5 will adjust focus as usual (depending on the current focus mode) and then will capture a photo.
Since you cannot see the screen in this case, the touch capture mode helps you to take the photo by tapping
anywhere on the viewnder.
Take effectively photos of moving objects when using touch focus mode. When taking pictures of moving
objects, the delay between tapping on the subject to focus on that position and take the photo might be
enough for the object to move and the focus to be lost. When using touch capture mode, the photo will be
taken immediately after setting the focus position, reducing the possibility of missed focus.
Flash mode
Lets you choose the ash mode. Depending of the type of the ash unit and the device, the available options are:
Symbol Description
Automatic. The ash is red if the camera considers the lighting conditions require additional
Always on. The ash is always red regardless of lighting conditions.
Always off. The ash is never red even if the scene is poorly lit.
Slow sync. The ash is red in slow sync mode. In slow sync mode, the exposure time is
adjusted as if the ash wasn’t going to be red. This captures extra light from the background of
the subject while the ash is used to freeze the main subject.
Red eye. The camera res the ash twice. The rst time (the pre-ash) uses a low power
discharge to cause the iris of the eyes present on the photo to close, minimizing the effect of red
eyes when the main, full-power ash res and the camera captures the photo.
Camera FV-5 Flash mode
Symbol Description
Red eye x. The ash res as usual but the camera removes red eyes from the picture digitally
(locating them and replacing the color with black).
Continuous. If the ash is of LED type, the ash is permanently turned on, allowing you to
preview the effect of the ash on the nal photo while you frame it. This option is not available if
the ash is of xenon type.
If you use the front camera, even if it does not have a front ash, the ash setting always on will still be available. In
that case, the screen will briey turn white at maximum brightness to serve as ash. This, although cannot
compensate a true ash, works good enough in low light environments.
Tip: screem front-camera ash
If the device lacks a ash unit, the ash mode button will be hidden.
Camera FV-5 Flash mode
Camera FV-5
Image review
Camera FV-5 has a built-in gallery to review the photos you take. By default, Camera FV-5 will use its built-in gallery.
To review the last taken photo, tap on the playback
button (or the thumbnail of the photo) on bottom of the left side of the screen to
open the gallery.
Built-in gallery
The built-in gallery provides the basic functions for you to review your images.
The functions include:
Swipe images to the left or to the right in order to browse your selected photo storage folder.
Pinch to zoom in and out.
Double tap anywhere on a photo to zoom in at 100% magnication on that particular spot.
Single tap anywhere to toggle the full screen mode. In full screen mode, the background turns black, and the toolbar is hidden.
On the gallery toolbar:
Zoom on the next face. If faces are detected on the current photo, tap on this button to make the rst face ll the entire
screen space. Tap again to zoom on the rest of the detected faces. When the face is shown, the rst one will be shown
again. Use this function to quickly review face focus and spot blinking eyes.
Share the current photo with any external app. A menu will be shown displaying all compatible apps.
Edit the current photo on any external image editor installed on the phone.
Delete photo. Tap on the button, and then tap again on the red menu to conrm.
In the left side of the toolbar, the current le name is displayed, along with an icon that displays the type of format this photo is
recorded in: JPEG, or JPEG+RAW.
Press the back key or the arrow in the top-left corner of the screen to return to the camera.
The gallery only displays JPEG or PNG images in case a RAW version exists as well. Given speed and resources limitations, the RAW
image cannot be previewed on the gallery, so the JPEG or PNG image is required in this case.
Camera FV-5 Image review
Use an external gallery
If you prefer, you can use any external image gallery app on your phone to review your images instead of using Camera FV-5's built-in
one. To do so, go to Settings > General camera settings tab (2nd) , and enable the option Prefer external applications
Then opening the gallery, Camera FV-5 will invoke any external image viewer you have installed on your system. By default, almost
any Android device have a gallery application preinstalled. Other phones have also the Photos app by Google. In any case, you can
preview the last image taken on any of these external application, and then you can either come back to Camera FV-5 or you can ick
over all the other pictures besides the last one.
In case there are more than one application available to view images on your phone, you will see a dialog that lets you choose which
application you can to use. Furthermore, you can either use one application just once, or assign this application as the default one for
viewing images.
In case you want to reset an app set previously as "by default" so that you get asked again which one you want to use, you can reset
the association on Android settings > Application manager / Apps > All > [Current default gallery application] >
Launch by default > Clear defaults .
Camera FV-5 Use an external gallery
Settings button
Arguably the second most important button on Camera FV-5 —after the shutter button of course— is the settings
button. It opens the settings panel, where you can adjust the rest of the settings of Camera FV-5 not present on
the main screen. Operation with the settings panel is usual for the advanced photographer, and it provides
extensive conguration of your camera. Photo encoding settings, photo organization options, advanced
photographic parameters or viewnder adjustments are just some of the options found on the settings panel.
Camera FV-5 Settings button
Exposure program
Like on cameras with manual exposure controls, you can nd on Camera FV-5 the typical PSAM exposure
programs. However, those are only available on real cameras, like the Samsung Galaxy Camera. On mobile phones
only P and S are available.
Each exposure program lets you either control exposure time or aperture or both, and let Camera FV-5 calculate
the remaining parameters automatically to achieve a correct exposure.
Those 4 program modes are:
P. Program. Exposure time and aperture are automatically chosen. You can however adjust other camera
parameters, like ISO for instance. You don’t have to worry about exposure time and aperture while in this
S. Speed priority. You can set the exposure time and ISO and/or aperture (if available) will be automatically
calculated for a correct exposure. A basic shutter speed selection dialog is available in Android 4.4 and older,
while a newer and more advanced dialog is available for Android 5.0 and newer, as well as in some devices
even running an older Android version
A. Aperture priority. Only available on real cameras that sport iris blades, lets you adjust manually the lens
aperture. The exposure time will be automatically calculated and set for a correct exposure.
M. Manual. Only available on real cameras, lets you adjust manually both exposure time and aperture. On this
mode, you can get over or underexposed photos, since both parameters are set by the user, and you can
select exposure times and apertures that in combination produce photos with “wrong” lightning (in
photography theres nothing wrong or right when it comes for exposures, since that wrong exposure might be
the one you are looking for, for specic effects or artistic purposes).
All exposure parameters are reected on the viewnder as closely as possible, with the exception of the manual
exposure time on mobile phones. Other exposure parameters like long exposures on real cameras of 5” and
longer are sometimes not correctly displayed, since the camera cannot predict how the image will look like after
such a long exposure time.
The advanced shutter speed selection dialog is available on full-compatible Android 5.0 devices, but also on the
Samsung Galaxy Camera, Samsung Galaxy Camera 2, Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom and HTC One (2014, M8).
Camera FV-5 Exposure program
In Program mode, both exposure time and aperture are automatically selected. While you don’t need to worry
about those parameters, you are still allowed to tweak other parameters that might affect the exposure, like the
ISO, light metering, exposure compensation, etc. If the exposure compensation is disabled (that is, it is set to 0)
you always will get photos “correctly” exposed (that is, according to the camera, not you, that’s the reason of the
existence of exposure modes that allow you to override cameras automatic decisions).
Camera FV-5 Program
Speed priority
Lets you set the exposure time manually. There are two different versions of the dialog for setting the exposure
time depending on which device you are running Camera FV-5 on.
Mobile phones running Android 4.4 KitKat or older
On mobile phones running Android 4.4 KitKat or older, there is no specic exposure time control (like in fractions
of seconds) like traditional cameras, given a limitation of the operating system and closed camera drivers.
Therefore, the only available options for setting the exposure time are some presets.
Short. Forces a short exposure time suitable for handheld shooting. On most devices this gives 1/30s or
Long. Forces a long exposure. On most devices, this gives ½ of a second to 1” exposure time.
Long+. Forces a longer exposure. On most devices, this gives 1” to 2” exposure time.
There are also some presets for long exposure (1”, 2” and 5”) but you can also manually select the exposure time
from 0.3 to 60” with an accuracy of 0.1 seconds. Those open shutter modes are actually digitally composed long
exposure photos that don’t provide the same quality as true long exposure provided by real cameras. Also, the
photo resolution on this mode drops to 1 MP to 2 MP depending on the device, because the live view is used to
produce the long exposure photograph.
Mobile phones with Android 5.0 Lollipop or newer, and Android-based
compact cameras
The dialog simply provides an exposure time scale where you can select manually the exposure time. The range
of exposure times you can select is device-dependent, the same for the number of steps between the maximum
and minimum exposure times. The exposure times are shown as fractions of seconds up to 0.4”, and then as
decimal numbers onwards. The exposure time scale is logarithmic.
Camera FV-5 Speed priority
Camera FV-5
Aperture priority
Let's you set the lens aperture manually.
Camera FV-5 Aperture priority
The range of apertures available depends on the characteristics of the lens. You can drag the marker over the aperture scale to
adjust the aperture F number. The selected value will be displayed on the top of the viewnder.
The Aperture priority mode (A) only applies to real cameras (not mobiles phones). The aperture is not adjustable on mobile phones
because mobile camera modules have a xed aperture. The aperture of the lens depends approximately on the diameter of the lens.
Conventional cameras with adjustable aperture have blades that close or open to reduce or increase the amount of light reaching the
sensor, respectively. Those blades usually have the look of the virtual shutter icon button that used on the app, but ironically, mobile
phones doesn’t have such blades, nor any kind of device that is able to close the diameter of the aperture. Therefore, the aperture is
inherently xed on those camera modules, and therefore, no application will be able to control the aperture. The aperture (F-number)
shown is queried to the camera driver, and it is also the maximum aperture, as, given the diameter of the lens, cannot be larger, without
building the lens differently.
The maximum aperture (minimum F/number) you can select depends on the actual focal length (zoom value). You can see the
maximum aperture you can select on the aperture scale.
Camera FV-5 Aperture priority
The dialog lets you select both the aperture and the exposure time simultaneously. Therefore depending on the specic combination
you choose you can end up with underexposed or overexposed photos. Both the exposure time and aperture scales are the same as
in their individual selection dialogs. You can preview the nal exposure in the viewnder as soon as you adjust the scales.
Camera FV-5 Manual
The viewnder
The viewnder is comprised of a live camera sensor view (that updates in real time to all photographic parameter
changes) with additional information and composition guides overlaid on top. On the upper part of the viewnder
you can see the actual camera parameters —aperture, exposure time, ISO—, the remaining shots on the current
selected media and the buffer status. On the right many indicators are shown. Finally, there are a number of
composition guides overlaid on top that can be activated at any time.
Furthermore, you can activate a live histogram, which is a very powerful exposure guide. Unlike most cameras,
that display this information at photo review, Camera FV-5 can provide you a live histogram (both full RGB and
luminance) that update in real time, giving you a very useful information to judge the photos exposure.
Camera FV-5 The viewnder
Upper display
On the upper display you can see the photographic parameters like exposure time, aperture and ISO and the
buffer/storage information.
Information Description
F2.0 Aperture. This serves as a reference only on mobile devices, since the aperture in Android mobile
devices is xed and thus cannot be adjusted. On real cameras supporting aperture adjustment,
this reects the current selected aperture in aperture priority mode or manual exposure mode.
1/33 Exposure time. This shows the exposure time being used, displayed as a fraction of a second, or
in decimal format for longer exposures.
ISO 100 ISO value (sensitivity). This shows the selected ISO value, or the automatically chosen value, in
case ISO Auto is selected.
[3025] Remaining shots in memory card. This value is an approximate value of the remaining shots
calculated based on the selected storage medium, the selected resolution and picture format
(JPEG or PNG). In some devices the value is more accurate than others, since JPEG compression
hardware in different devices perform different and give smaller le sizes given the same quality
+0 Photos in buffer. Photos are processed and developed in the background as you continue with
camera operation and picture taking. When taking a photo, it is stored in the buffer, and they are
processed one-by-one in the background. If enough RAM is available, raw photos are stored in
memory to be processed. When no more memory is available, internal memory is used to store
pending pictures. Therefore, the amount of pictures in the buffer depends on internal memory
size. RAM memory typically stores around 2 or 3 photos, whereas internal memory can hold
hundreds. Camera FV-5 keep processing photos even if you close the camera application, and you
should see buffer status next time you open the application, in case that there were still pending
photos in the buffer.
Camera FV-5 Upper display
Camera FV-5
The main interaction with the camera takes place through the viewnder. A part from framing the picture, all the
controls and displays are laid out around the viewnder.
On the top part:
Symbol Description
Battery indicator. Shows in a 5 segment battery indicator the approximate remaining battery
charge available.
Location x indicator. If the location tagging is enabled in Settings, when a location is available,
this indicator is shown. Only if the indicator is displayed, location information will be written to
photo metadata.
Burst indicator. Displayed when burst mode is activated. If burst mode is active, tapping-and-
holding the capture button or holding down the camera hardware button will result in a
continuous stream of photographs being captured and queued in the buffer.
Autofocus lock indicator. Displayed when the focus lock is active. To release the lock, tap on the
following icon on the focus toolbar:
Auto exposure lock indicator. Displayed when the auto exposure lock is active. To release the
lock, tap on the following icon on the light metering modes toolbar:
Auto white balance lock indicator. Displayed when the auto white balance lock is active. To
release the lock, tap on the following icon on the white balance toolbar:
Camera FV-5 Indicators
Camera FV-5
On-screen composition aids
Two different on-screen composition aids can be activated via the settings panel: composition grids and crop
guides. Those are found in
Settings > Viewfinder > Overlays .
Composition grids
Light grids that aid during framing and scene compositing. They are very helpful for framing good and
aesthetically pleasing photos.
Crop guides
Allow you to frame objects as if the frame had actually a different aspect ratio as the picture size you have
selected. That way, you can use the typical native 4:3 aspect ratio of the sensor to get the maximum output
resolution, but frame as if you had, for instance, 3:2 aspect ratio. You can later crop the image to the aspect ratio
you used for composition, but if you change your mind, you always have the full resolution shot to keep it or frame
(crop) it another way.
Crop guides, when active, show the unused part of the image with a darker semi-transparent overlay. Note that the
image is not actually cropped to the selected aspect ratio, crop guides (as the name implies) are just guides for
cropping later.
When the composition grids are active, they adapt to the highlighted area left by the selected crop guide.
Name Description
Rule of
The simplest of all grids. Display a grid that subdivides the frame in 3x3 cells. Interesting objects,
people and edges should lay in the grid intersections or along edges of the grid.
Like the previous one, but the frame is subdivided in 4x4 cells.
Crosshair A simple grid (2x2 cells), useful to keep horizontal features horizontal, and vertical features
Triangles Two types: topleft-bottomright and bottomleft-topright.
Four directions: top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left.
Camera FV-5 On-screen composition aids
Guide Description
Square format Keeps a centered square on top of the viewnder, to aid you in framing square shoots.
3:2 That is the typical aspect ratio of DSLRs. Selecting this crop guide, you can frame your shots
with 3:2 aspect ratio, while shooting in 4:3. If you really want your photos to come out
already with 3:2 aspect ratio, you can select a 3:2 aspect ratio picture size in Settings >
General camera settings > Picture resolution.
Widescreen 16:9 Typical aspect ratio of widescreen lms. As explained before, if you want to shoot directly in
16:9 format, select a 16:9 aspect ratio picture size in Settings. In that case, no crop guides
will be necessary, as the viewnder will accommodate a 16:9 preview in your device screen
(since most devices have 16:9 aspect ratio screens, the typical black bands of surrounding
the preview will go away, and the on-screen buttons will show on top of the preview).
Widescreen 16:9
(upper part)
The option Widescreen 16:9 uses the central part of the native shooting resolution to show
the guides. You can align the 16:9 crop to the top by selecting this option.
Widescreen 16:9
(lower part)
The same as the previous option, but the crop area is at the bottom of the native frame.
Cinema 2.35:1 This option shows the typical cinematic aspect ratio.
(grid for cinema)
Two crop guides (widescreen 16:9 and cinema 2.35:1) are shown simultaneously. In this
option, the grid is adapted to the 2.35:1 area.
(grid for 16:9)
Two crop guides (widescreen 16:9 and cinema 2.35:1) are shown simultaneously. In this
option, the grid is adapted to the 16:9 area.
Camera FV-5 Crop guides
Camera FV-5
Live histogram
The histogram is a powerful guide to evaluate a photo exposure.
A histogram is a graph that counts how many occurrences of a particular brightness channel has. In case of color photos, there are
three color channels (red, green and blue) each with its own intensities, whereas in black and white images theres only one
luminance channel. Also, even with color images, you can opt to get a luminance-only histogram. Internally, the picture is converted
to grayscale to calculate the histogram.
Activating the live histogram
Go to Settings > Viewfinder > Live histogram and activate Show histogram. The histogram is calculated in real time and
changes when you move the camera or the subject, or you change settings that affect the lightning or color distribution.
Histogram types
In Settings > Viewfinder > Live histogram > Histogram type you can select:
RGB (3 color channels). This option is only available when taking color photos.
Luminance. This option is also available when taking color photos. It shows the luminance histogram of the viewnder
converted to grayscale.
Camera FV-5 Live histogram
Furthermore, you can adjust the size of the graphs in Histogram size (Normal and Mini
) and the style of the histogram in Histogram
style (Transparent or Solid).
Camera FV-5 Histogram types
Photo organization
Whether you are a prolic shooter or not, you may want to set your rules on how photos are organized inside your
smart device running Camera FV-5. Normally all photos are put into a folder with a le name. With Camera FV-5
you can change both the storage folder and the le naming scheme.
Camera FV-5 Photo organization
Camera FV-5
Storage folders
To change the storage folder, go to
Settings > Photo encoding settings > Photo storage & Numbering > Storage location
can choose the following options:
DCIM folder. Photos will be saved to /DCIM folder.
DCIM/CameraFV5 folder. Photos will be saved to /DCIM/100_CFV5 folder. That is the default option.
Custom location. You will be required to provide a custom folder in the Custom storage folder setting. If you don’t set that setting, DCIM/
CameraFV5 option will be used instead.
In Settings > Photo encoding settings > Photo storage & Numbering > Custom storage folder you can set a custom folder to store
your pictures (remember to set the Storage location setting to Custom location). A folder browser will open that will let you navigate around your
folder structure. Tap Select to dene the current selected folder as the storage folder.
Camera FV-5 Storage folders
Theres no universal location of the external SD card location. As the internal memory, the external SD card is shown on the device le system as a
normal folder. Usually is called externalSD or extSdCard, and its location varies across devices (/sdcard/ or /mnt/ folders are typical but not the only
Camera FV-5 Storage folders
Camera FV-5
File names
By default, photos are named according to the DCIM standard (photos stored in a folder with the session number with 3 digits and a 5 letters
sux, 100_CFV5, and photos named with a 4 letters prex and 4 digits counters, DSC_0001.JPG). That is the standard that follows most
compact digital cameras and all DSLR cameras. It allows printers and other devices to automatically locate sessions and photos. However, you
might want to change the le names to suit your needs, although they don’t follow the DCIM standard any longer.
Custom prexes
In Settings > Photo encoding settings > Photo storage & Numbering > Photo numbering pattern you can set the le name to one of the
following patterns (all of them complying with the DCIM standard):
Custom. This one lets you customize the prex with the 4 letters of your choice (for instance your initials or the four rst letters of your
name). After setting this option, tap on the Custom photo prex setting and type the 4 letters of the prex. If you provide less than 4, the
prex will be padded with underscores (“_”) to ll 4 letters, and if you provide more, the rst 4 will be taken.
Custom with patterns. More on this on the next section.
Custom le names with patterns
If need more customization of the le naming scheme, you can select the option Custom with patterns in the setting Photo numbering pattern.
Then, go to Custom photo name with patterns option and another panel will open. Tap on Custom photo name with patterns to compose your
own pattern.
Camera FV-5 File names
The le name pattern is composed of xed and dynamic text. For instance, the le naming scheme DSC_####.JPG, has a xed part (“DSC_”)
and a dynamic part (the photo counter).
The dynamic part of the name pattern is specied with placeholders, which are pieces of special text that are replaced with their corresponding
values in the moment of saving the picture (when the le name is created). Those special pieces of text (placeholders) are written between
angle brackets and are:
<date> . Prints preformatted date. E.g. 2001-12-31 .
<time> . Prints preformatted time. E.g. 13-20-20 .
<day> . Prints the current day with 2 digits. E.g. 31 .
<month> . Prints the current month with 2 digits. E.g. 12 .
<year> . Prints the current year with 2 digits. E.g. 01 .
<year4> . Prints the current year with 4 digits. E.g. 2001 .
<hour> . Prints the current hour with 2 digits in 24-hours format. E.g. 13 .
<minute> . Prints the current minute with 2 digits. E.g. 20 .
<second> . Prints the current second with 2 digits. E.g. 20 .
<counter> . Prints the current photo counter with 4 digits. E.g. 0001 .
Camera FV-5 Custom le names with patterns
Furthermore, it is possible to control the case (uppercase of lowercase) of the le extension in this mode by using the option
Some examples of custom patterns:
<date>_<time> would produce 2001-12-31_13-20-20 .
<day><month><year><hour><minute><second> would produce 311201132020 .
CAMERA<counter> would produce CAMERA0001 .
In the case that two le names collide because the patterns dened are not specic enough or change during the time, Camera FV-5 automatically
adds an extra number of 4 digits to prevent the new le to overwrite the old one. That counter will be increased as much as needed to prevent
always le name collision. You might want to design the le name pattern in a way that avoids collisions so that Camera FV-5 doesn’t need to add
an extra, non-congurable counter.
Camera FV-5 Custom le names with patterns
The intervalometer can be used to take automated picture series at a regular time interval. One of the uses of the
intervalometer is to create timelapses, but it has other users as well.
Camera FV-5 Intervalometer
Camera FV-5
Usage and conguration
The intervalometer is located under the button:
at the left side of the viewnder, under the icon pictured as:
Camera FV-5 Usage and conguration
The intervalometer can operate in different shooting modes. You can select which one you want to use by tapping on the button and choosing one
Interval + total shots. In this mode, the interval (in seconds between photos) and the total number of photos can be set. As reference, the
time will be shown, as well as the playback time in case the photos are compiled into a clip.
Interval + shooting duration. In this mode, the interval (in seconds between photos) and the total shooting time (in hours, minutes and seconds
set. As reference, the total number of shots required to meet these criteria will be calculated, as well as the playback time
compiled into a clip.
Interval + playback duration. In this mode, the interval (in seconds between photos) and the total playback time if the photos are meant to be c
into a video clip (in hours, minutes and seconds) can be set. As refence, the total number of shots required to meet these criteria will be calcula
well as the nalization time.
Shooting + playback duration. In this mode, the total shooting time (in hours, minutes and seconds) and the total playback time
to be compiled into a video clip (in hours, minutes and seconds) can be set. As reference, the interval (in seconds) and the
required to meet these criteria will be calculated.
Shooting duration + total shots. In this mode, the shooting time and the total number of photos can be set. As reference, the
the playback time (in hours, minutes and seconds) —if the photos are meant to be compiled into a video clip— can be set.
Regardless of the shooting mode chosen, there will be two parameters to set. In order to set them, tap on the corresponding button to set the desir
To start the intervalometer, tap Start now, on the top right corner of the screen. Then, the intervalometer dialog will disappear, and a toolbar will be
with information about the progress (current shot/total shots) and the expected remaining time based on the specied time interval. Two buttons l
pause/resume the intervalometer, and stop it.
All settings are available when taking photos with the intervalometer. Even more, if exposure bracketing is enabled when starting the intervalomete
bracketed exposures will be taken and they will count as one shot for the intervalometer. You can use this feature to create HDR timelapses by gro
bracketed exposures taken during an intervalometer session.
The frames per second needed to calculate this can be set by pressing the three vertical dots icon, and selecting Dene playback frames per second...
If the time interval between shots is shorter than the time needed to create the shot(s), one or more picture slots will be omitted, effectively lowering the
of pictures nally taken. Take care to properly measure/calculate the time needed to create the shot(s), specically when exposure bracketing is enable
Camera FV-5 Conguration
There is the option to refocus before every shot
taken as part of the series. You can nd that option in the three vertical dots button in the top righ
the screen (a menu will be displayed). That option is disabled by default, and that is the recommended setting. In order to achieve consistent focus
shots, set the focus before entering the intervalometer to lock it. If for any reason the focus cannot be locked, or refocusing before each shot is req
enable that option.
Settings desired for the picture series, specically picture focus, must be set prior starting the intervalometer. When the intervalometer starts, the AF is
triggered. However, you can still tap on the viewnder to manually trigger the AF system while the intervalometer is running. Focus misadjustments can
the subsequent pictures. To avoid accidental focus changes during intervalometer operation, activate the focus lock (AF-L).
Camera FV-5 Usage
Producing videos out of pictures
Currently Camera FV-5 does not include built-in functionality to produce videos from the pictures taken with the
intervalometer functionality. Therefore, if your purpose is to build a timelapse video with the pictures taken with
the intervalometer, you need another application for either Android or desktop computer.
Although application for mobile devices might exist to produce such timelapse videos, a full-edged application
for desktop computers is still recommended.
Some of the reasons a desktop computer is a better options are:
Mobile devices have limited memory and serious power constraints. Therefore applications built for mobile
devices are usually optimized with those constrains in mind. Optimizing an application for mobile devices is
always a tradeoff of quality. Applications sacrice quality in order to meet power and memory contrains. On
mobile devices you would expect a video to be produced in a few seconds, but it normally takes minutes to
hours on full-edged desktop computers, with a lot of available memory and power. This is because computer
software doesn’t sacrice quality for speed (or you can always choose to go for speed, but at least you have
the choice to go for quality or this is the default option).
You might want to do additional post-editing on your captures pictures before producing the timelapse, like
cropping the picture, leveling it, adjusting colors or doing something more complex like inpainting to remove
undesired objects or image stabilization. Although it is theoretically possible on mobile devices, most post-
production image editing apps lack batch processing features, therefore makes the processing of multiple
pictures simply not possible or realistic.
If you are aiming at a professional production, you’ll want to take time to produce a good timelapse video.
Therefore it is always a good option to spend more time with a computer than trying to accomplish everything
with a mobile phone.
Most video software and NLEs (non-linear editors) let you import picture series as video clips. Commercial
software like Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects are suitable for this, as well as VirtualDub among the free
alternatives, but the same applies to other software. For this to work, it is important to use sequential le naming
for images produced, since most software relies on this to determine the les that form part of the same clip.
Camera FV-5 Producing videos out of pictures
Camera FV-5
Automatic exposure bracketing
Camera FV-5 has a built-in exposure bracketing feature. Bracketing means taking multiple shots varying some parameters between them. Therefor
exposures. On other DSLR cameras, this feature is known as BRK or AEB (auto exposure bracketing).
Exposure bracketing is useful to:
Capture a photo with good exposure when you don't know the correct exposure beforehand, or you think that you would need to change the ex
Capture a broader dynamic range scene: either you can expose for a bright area or a dark area but not both. Later, with the bracketed pictures,
This is the Camera FV-5 interface, when bracketing is not activated:
Camera FV-5 Automatic exposure bracketing
Notice the exposure meter on the lower right corner. The red mark shows the current exposure compensation. At +0 EV, the exposure is at the auto
Now, tap on [MENU] icon at left bar, then BRK. The bracketing settings dialog will open:
Camera FV-5 Automatic exposure bracketing
The dialog contains the following settings:
Number of shots. Is the total number of shots to be taken. You can take from 3 up to 7 frames. You can tap on the + and - buttons to increase/
see either 1F, 3F, 5F or 7F, depending the number of frames. 1F means bracketing is disabled.
Exposure step. Is the exposure compensation step between frames. The smallest EV step is device dependant, but a typical value is half stop
Camera FV-5 Automatic exposure bracketing
When you are done adjusting the number and step of the bracked pictures, dismiss the dialog by tapping outside it. Check the number and exposu
lower right corner.
With exposure compensation. Exposure compensation affects the exposure compensation of the central photo, and hence the rest of the bracketed ph
dark or multiple bright pictures, depending of the sign and magnitude of the EV shift.
Camera FV-5 Automatic exposure bracketing
What you can do with the photos taken with BRK
Mainly two things:
Take the best of them
If you are in a hurry and you face a scene with high contrast, you might nd adjusting the exposure compensation
all the time cumbersome. Having Camera FV-5 take for instance 5 photos with different exposures can be handy,
as you can later pick the best exposed photos.
HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos
If you cannot decide which photo is better exposed from a set of bracketed ones, why don’t keep the best parts of
each? That’s the concept of HDR photos. You take multiple photos with different exposure times, and then you
merge them into one with the best exposed areas of each one. Although there are applications that do this
process on the phone, there are quality compromises being done by the restrictions imposed by mobile platforms
(memory, processing power and battery drain). The best option is to do this processing on the computer. There
are plenty of software options for both PC and Mac available for this task, among them:
Dynamic Photo-HDR.
Luminance HDR.
Camera FV-5 What you can do with the photos taken with BRK
Camera FV-5
All shots come out with the same exposure
In this case, probably your device does not change exposure compensation instantly and Camera FV-5 leaves not
enough time for the exposure to adapt. You can introduce a delay in
Settings > General camera settings >
Compatibility > Pause between exposures . You can also set the setting Pause duration to either Short or
Photos are out of focus, specially after the rst one
Some camera hardware reset the focus after taking a shot. You can force in that case Camera FV-5 to refocus
after each shot. To do that, activate
Settings > General camera settings > Compatibility > Refocus after every shot .
Bracketing does not work (nothing seems to happen)
If bracketing doesn’t seem to work and it is nothing related with the previous two possible problems, follow the
next checklist:
You are in program mode (P icon at left side of the viewnder). In speed priority mode (S) the bracketing
settings are disabled (you are setting the shutter speed in this mode, so you cannot override this parameter).
You are using ISO AUTO. It might happen that, when exposure time is limited, ISO is needed to compensate
the exposure. If ISO is not set to AUTO, this won’t be possible, and you will get some (or all) shots with the
same exposure.
Be sure to set at least 3 frames (3F is shown in the upper display) in the bracketing settings. When 1F is
displayed, means bracketing is disabled.
Be sure to set at least one EV step increment (the lower display should be different than 0.0). If the increment
is 0.5, you can set it to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc.
Check the number of frames to be bracketed at the lower exposure meter display. The red mark denotes the
central frame, whereas the white marks denote the bracketed frames (darker/brighter). If you see only one red
mark, that means that bracketing is disabled (see points 2 and 3).
Also, check that there is enough exposure compensation range for the bracketed frames to be taken. That is:
if your camera have an exposure compensation range of [2, +2], in 0.5 steps, and you have set the exposure
compensation to 1, for instance, you have set the BRK step to 2.0 (the maximum), and you try to change 1F
to 3F, the resulting compensation would be 3, 1 (the current EV compensation) and +1, and of course, your
camera negative EV compensation reach only 2, so the 3 compensation is out of range, that’s why Camera
Camera FV-5 Troubleshooting
FV-5 won’t let you to change to 3F in that situation (you will need to change EV to 0 to bracket 3 frames with
2.0 step).
Camera FV-5 Bracketing does not work (nothing seems to happen)
RAW photo capture
Beginning with version 2.2, Camera FV-5 while running under compatible Android 5.0 Lollipop devices, can shoot
true RAW photos with up to 16-bit per color channel, as well as the usual JPEG. RAW photos are stored in the
industry-standard DNG les (Adobe Digital Negative). RAW photographs store exactly the information as it was
captured by the sensor, with no processing applied. Therefore, you can extract a lot of detail from the RAW image,
and also you can process it to your liking, adjusting exposure from a greater dynamic range source, adjusting
white balance, and applying any kind of noise reduction algorithm, just to name a few.
Camera FV-5 RAW photo capture
Camera FV-5
How to enable RAW capture
First, ensure that you have Camera FV-5 2.2 or newer. If your phone supports RAW capture and you are running, follow these steps to enable RAW c
Open the Settings panel (tap on the cog icon on the top left corner of the screen).
Select the Photo encoding settings tab (2nd).
Enable the option Enable RAW capture.
Camera FV-5 How to enable RAW capture
When you enable RAW capture, you will get JPEG+DNG (i.e. both developed and raw images). The RAW photos are stored as DNG les. The le nam
customize. Also, DNG les are stored on the same folder used to store the JPEG images, and you can choose any folder on your internal memory t
RAW images are processed in the background, and take substantially longer to write, since the raw image sizes are considerably bigger than JPEG imag
Camera FV-5 How to enable RAW capture
Considerations with RAW capture
When shooting in RAW, consider the following.
RAW images are considerably bigger than JPEG or PNG images, and therefore they take much longer to write,
and take much more space from the selected storage.
RAW images contain the same EXIF information present in JPEG images.
RAW images have no processing, that means that any post-processing that Camera FV-5 does to pictures are
not applied to RAW images. Specically:
Digital zoom takes no effect. Digital zoom means cropping and stretching the image to simulate zoom.
RAW images contain exactly what the sensor sees, and therefore digital zoom is not present in RAW
White balance. White balance is applied in post-processing. However, the DNG metadata contains the
white balance preset used in Camera FV-5 in the moment of capture, and therefore the RAW converter
software will apply the same white balance preset that Camera FV-5 used by default. However, the white
balance is still applied in post-processing, meaning that the recorded image itself does not contain this
The RAW image, as an exact copy of the sensor data, follows always the sensor orientation (i.e.
landscape). However, the orientation is recorded in the DNG metadata, and it is up to the RAW converter
to honor this orientation when converting the DNG image.
Camera FV-5 Considerations with RAW capture