Old Testament Commentary Recommendations from Dr. Joel Beeke, March 2009
OT Series or overall OT emphasis
Keil, Carl Friedrich and Franz Delitzsch. Commentary on the Old Testament in Ten
Volumes. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1986.
Boice, James Montgomery. Genesis : An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: Baker Books, 1998.
Bonar, Horatius. Thoughts on Genesis. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1979.
Candlish, Robert Smith. Studies in Genesis. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1979.
Harbach, Robert C. Studies in the Book of Genesis. Grandville, MI: published by a
committee of members of Grandville Protestant Reformed Church, 1986.
Hughes, R. Kent. Genesis : Beginning and Blessing. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2004.
Law, Henry. The Gospel in Genesis. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1960.
Pink, Arthur Walkington. Gleanings in Genesis. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1922.
Ross, Allen P. Creation and Blessing : A Guide to the Study and Exposition of the Book
of Genesis. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1988.
Vos, Howard Frederic. Genesis. Chicago: Moody Press, 1982.
Waltke, Bruce K. and Cathi J. Fredricks. Genesis : A Commentary. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Zondervan, 2001.
Young, Edward J. Studies in Genesis One. International Library of Philosophy and
Theology: Biblical and Theological Studies Series. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and
Reformed Pub. Co., 1964.
Bush, George. Notes on Exodus. Limited collectors ed. Minneapolis: James & Klock,
Currid, John D. A Study Commentary on Exodus. Auburn, MA: Evangelical Press, 2000-
<2001 >.
Law, Henry. The Gospel in Exodus. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.
Murphy, James G. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus.
Limited Classical Reprint Library. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock, 1979.
Pink, Arthur Walkington. Gleanings in Exodus. Chicago: Moody Press, 1962.
Ryken, Philip Graham and R. Kent Hughes. Exodus : Saved for God's Glory. Preaching
the Word Series. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2005.
Bonar, Andrew A. A Commentary on Leviticus. A Geneva Series Commentary. London:
Banner of Truth Trust, 1966.
Bush, George. Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Leviticus : Designed as a
General Help to Biblical Reading and Instruction. New York: James & Klock,
Law, Henry. Christ is all : The Gospel of the Pentateuch. Tentmaker Publications, 2005.
Ross, Allen P. Holiness to the Lord : A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus.
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2002.
Bush, George. Notes on Numbers. Limited Classical Reprint Library. Minneapolis,
Minn.: James & Klock, 1976.
Duguid, Iain M. and R. Kent Hughes. Numbers : God's Presence in the Wilderness.
Preaching the Word. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2006.
Calvin, Jean. Sermons on Deuteronomy. 16th-17th Century Facsimile Editions.
Edinburgh; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 1987.
Currid, John D. A Study Commentary on Deuteronomy. Darlington, England: Evangelical
Press, 2006.
Ridderbos, J. Deuteronomy. Bible Student's Commentary. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Regency
Reference Library, 1984
Boice, James Montgomery. Joshua : An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Baker Books, 2005.
———. Joshua : We Will Serve the Lord. Old Tappan, N.J.: F.H. Revell, 1989.
Bush, George. Notes on Joshua. Minneapolis: James & Klock, 1976.
Pink, Arthur Walkington. Gleanings in Joshua. Chicago: Moody Press, 1964
Block, Daniel Isaac. Judges, Ruth. The New American Commentary. Vol. 6. Nashville,
Tenn.: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999.
Block, Daniel Isaac. Judges, Ruth. The New American Commentary. Vol. 6. Nashville,
Tenn.: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999.
Duguid, Iain M. Esther and Ruth. Reformed Expository Commentary. Phillipsburg, NJ:
P&R Pub., 2005.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Faithful God : An Exposition of the Book of Ruth. Bridgend, Wales:
Bryntirion Press, 2005.
Lawson, George and Alexander Carson. An Exposition of Ruth & Esther. MacDill,
A.F.B., FL: Tyndale Bible Society, 19--?.
1-2 Samuel
Calvin, Jean and Douglas Kelly. Sermons on 2 Samuel. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth
Trust, 1992-.
Davis, Dale Ralph. I Samuel : Looking on the Heart. Focus on the Bible. Fearn, Ross-
shire, Scotland: Christian Focus, 2000.
Keddie, Gordon J. Triumph of the King : The Message of 2 Samuel. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington, Co. Durham, England: Evangelical Press, 1990.
———. Dawn of a Kingdom. Welwyn Commentary Series.1988.
Leithart, Peter J. A Son to Me : An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel. Moscow, ID: Canon
Press, 2003.
1-2 Kings
Cumming, John. Expository Readings on the Books of Kings. London: Arthur Hall,
Virtue ..., 1859.
Davis, Dale Ralph. 2 Kings : The Power and the Fury. Focus on the Bible. Fearn:
Christian Focus, 2005.
———. The Wisdom and the Folly : An Exposition of the Book of First Kings. Fearn:
Christian Focus, 2002.
1-2 Chronicles
Barber, Cyril J. 1 Chronicles : The Faithfulness of God to His Word Illustrated in the
Lives of the People of Judah. Focus on the Bible. Ross-shire, Scotland: Christian
Focus Pub., 2004.
———. 2 Chronicles : God's Blessing of His Faithful People. Focus on the Bible. Ross-
shire, Scotland: Christian Focus Pub., 2004.
Dillard, Raymond. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1982-
Pratt, Richard l. 1 and 2 Chronicles. Fearn, Ross-shire: Mentor, 1998.
Beville, Kieran. Exploring Ezra : The Secret of Spiritual Success. Leominster: Day One
Publications, 2004.
Evers, Stan K. Doing a Great Work : Ezra and Nehemiah Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1996.
Boice, James Montgomery. Nehemiah : Learning to Lead. Old Tappan, N.J.: F.H. Revell,
Evers, Stan K. Doing a Great Work : Ezra and Nehemiah Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1996.
Packer, J. I. A Passion for Faithfulness : Wisdom from the Book of Nehemiah. A Living
Insights Bible Study. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1995.
Carson, Alexander. Confidence in God in Times of Danger : A Study of God's Providence
in the Book of Esther. Sterling, VA.: G.A.M. Publications, 1990.
Cassel, Paulus. An Explanatory Commentary on Esther : With Four Appendices
Consisting of the Second Targum Translated from the Aramaic with Notes : Mithra :
The Winged Bulls of Persepolis : And Zoroaster. Clark's Foreign Theological Library ;
New Series, v. Xxxvi; Clark's Foreign Theological Library ; New Ser., v. 34.
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1888.
M'Crie, Thomas. Lectures on the Book of Esther. New York: Robert Carter, 1838.
Caryl, Joseph and John Berrie. An Exposition of Job. Evansville, IN: Sovereign Grace
Publishers, 1959.
Dickson, David. A Commentary on the Psalms. Limited Classical Reprint Library.
Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1980.
Goldingay, John. Psalms. Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms.
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2006-.
Murphy, James G. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Psalms : With a
New Translation. Minneapolis: James Family Pub., l977, .
Plumer, William S. Psalms : A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and
Practical Remarks. Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 1975.
Spurgeon, C. H. The Treasury of David : Containing an Original Exposition of the Book
of Psalms, a Collection of Illustrative Extracts from the Whole Range of Literature, a
Series of Homiletical Hints upon almost Every Verse, and Lists of Writers upon each
Psalm. Pasadena, Tex.: Pilgrim Publications, 1983.
Arnot, William. Studies in Proverbs : Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. Grand
Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications, 1978.
Brady, Gary. Heavenly Wisdom : Proverbs Simply Explained. Welwyn Commentary
Series. Darlington England ; Webster, NY: Evangelical Press, 2003.
Bridges, Charles. A Commentary on Proverbs. A Geneva Series Commentary.
Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1968.
Kitchen, John A. Proverbs : A Mentor Commentary. Fearn, Ross-shire: Mentor, 2006.
Lawson, George. Proverbs. Kregel Expository Commentary Series. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Kregel Publications, 1980 (1984 printing).
Waltke, Bruce K. The Book of Proverbs. The New International Commentary on the Old
Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2004-c2005.
Buchanan, Robert. The Book of Ecclesiastes; its Meaning and its Lessons. London:
Blackie, 1859.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. and Banner of Truth Trust. The Pundit's Folly : Chronicles of an
Empty Life. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1995.
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm. Commentary on Ecclesiastes : With Other Treatises.
Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1860.
Muffet, Peter. A Commentary on the Whole Book of Proverbs. (includes John Cotton’s
exposition of Canticles). Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1868.
Nisbet, Alexander. An Exposition with Practical Observations upon the Book of
Ecclesiastes. Edinburgh: Printed by George Mosman, 1694.
Olyott, Stuart. A Life Worth Living ; and, A Lord Worth Knowing. Welwyn, Herts. Eng.:
Evangelical Press, 1983.
Wardlaw, Ralph. Exposition of Ecclesiastes. Limited Classical Reprint Library.
Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1982.
Song of Solomon
Brady, Gary. Heavenly Love : The Song of Songs Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington England ; Webster, NY: Evangelical Press, 2006.
Burrowes, George. A Commentary on the Song of Solomon. A Geneva Series
Commentary. London ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 1973.
Collinges, John. The Intercourses of Divine Love Betwixt Christ and His Church, Or, the
Particular Believing Soul : Metaphorically Expressed by Solomon in the First
Chapter of the Canticles, Or Song of Songs : Opened and Applied in several Sermons,
upon that Whole Chapter : In which the Excellencies of Christ, the Yernings of His
Bowels Towards Believers, Under various Circumstances, the Workings of their Heart
Towards, and in Communion with Him, with Many Other Gospel Propositions of
Great Import to Souls, are Handled. London: Printed by T. Snowden, for Edward
Giles Bookseller in Norwich, near the Market-place, 1683.
Gill, John. An Exposition of the Song of Solomon. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Sovereign Grace
Publishers, 1971.
Hawker, Robert and Frederick Silver. A Commentary on the Song of Solomon ; with the
Sacred Text at Large; to which is Now Added Notes from the Writings of Dr. Gill, Mr.
Fry, Calmet, Percy, Durham, and Others, Elucidatory on the Text by Robert Hawker;
Compiled by Frederick Silver. Southampton, Eng. Huntingtonian Press 2004.
Krummacher, F. W. Solomon and Shulamite : Sermons on the Song of Solomon. New
Ipswich, N.H.: Pietan Publications, 1994.
Moody, Stuart, A. and William Skinner Rentoul. The Song of Songs : An Expostion of the
Song of Solomon. Philadelphia: W.S. Rentoul, 1869.
Spurgeon, C. H. "The Most Holy Place" : Sermons on the Song of Solomon. Pasadena,
Tex.: Pilgrim Publications, 1974
Alexander, Joseph A. Commentary on Isaiah. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1992.
MacCulloch, Robert. Lectures on the Prophecies of Isaiah. London: Printed for J.
Johnson etc., 1791-1804.
Motyer, J. A. The Prophecy of Isaiah : An Introduction & Commentary. Downers Grove,
Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993.
Ortlund, Raymond C. and R. Kent Hughes. Isaiah : God Saves Sinners. Preaching the
Word. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2005.
Ridderbos, J. Isaiah. Bible Student's Commentary. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Regency
Reference Library, 1985.
Thomas, Derek. God Delivers : Isaiah Simply Explained. Darlington: Evangelical Press,
Young, Edward J. The Book of Isaiah : The English Text, with Introduction, Exposition,
and Notes. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1969.
Calvin, Jean. Sermons on Jeremiah. Texts and Studies in Religion. Vol. 46. Lewiston,
N.Y., USA: E. Mellen Press, 1990.
Calvin, Jean and Calvin Translation Society. Calvin's Commentaries. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: Baker Book House, 1996.
Mackay, John L. Jeremiah : An Introduction and Commentary. Mentor Commentary.
Fearn, Ross-shire: Mentor, 2004.
Orelli, C. v. The Prophecies of Jeremiah. Limited Classical Reprint Library.
Minneapolis, Minn.: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1977, 1889.
Ryken, Philip Graham. Jeremiah and Lamentations : From Sorrow to Hope. Preaching
the Word. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2001.
Brooks, Richard. Great is Your Faithfulness. Welwyn Commentary Series.1989.
Kaiser, Walter C. Grief and Pain in the Plan of God : Christian Assurance and the
Message of Lamentations. Fearn: Christian Focus, 2004.
Ryken, Philip Graham. Jeremiah and Lamentations : From Sorrow to Hope. Preaching
the Word. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2001.
Fairbairn, Patrick. An Exposition of Ezekiel. Limited Classical Reprint Library.
Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1979.
Greenhill, William and Banner of Truth Trust. An Exposition of Ezekiel. A Geneva Series
Commentary. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1994.
Thomas, Derek. God Strengthens : Ezekiel Simply Explained. Welwyn Commentary
Series. Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1993.
Boice, James Montgomery. Daniel : An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids, MI:
Ministry Resources Library, 1989.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. A Heart for God. Christian Character Library. Colorado Springs,
Colo.: NavPress, 1985.
Olyott, Stuart. Dare to Stand Alone. Welwyn Commentary Series. Welwyn: Evangelical,
Veldkamp, Herman. Dreams and Dictators : On the Book of Daniel. St. Catharines, Ont.:
Paideia, 1979.
Minor Prophets
Boice, James Montgomery. The Minor Prophets. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications,
Hutcheson, George. Exposition of the Minor Prophets : Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
Habakkuk, Zephaniah Sovereign Grace, 1962.
Orelli, C. The Twelve Minor Prophets. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers,
Burroughs, Jeremiah. An Exposition of the Prophecy of Hosea. Beaver Falls, Pa.: Soli
Deo Gloria Publications, 1989?.
Veldkamp, Herman. Hosea, Love's Complaint. St. Catharines, Ont.: Paideia Press, 1985?.
Busenitz, Irvin A. Commentary on Joel and Obadiah. A Mentor Commentary. Geanies
House, Fearn, Ross-shire, Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications, 2003.
Robertson, O. Palmer. Prophet of the Coming Day of the Lord : The Message of Joel.
Welwyn Commentary Series. Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 1995.
Beeley, Ray. The Roaring of the Lion : A Commentary on Amos. Edinburgh: Banner of
Truth Trust, 1997.
Cripps, Richard S., Richard S. Cripps, and Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. A
Commentary on the Book of Amos. Limited Classical Reprint Library. Minneapolis:
Klock & Klock, 1981.
Keddie, Gordon J. The Lord is His Name. Welwyn Commentary Series. Welwyn:
Evangelical, 1986.
Smith, Gary V. Amos : A Commentary. Library of Biblical Interpretation. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: Regency Reference Library, 1989.
Veldkamp, Herman. The Farmer from Tekoa : On the Book of Amos. St. Catharines, Ont.:
Paideia Press, 1977.
Marbury, Edward. Obadiah and Habakkuk. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock, 1979.
Fairbairn, Patrick. Jonah : His Life, Character, and Mission. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Man Overboard : The Story of Jonah. Living Studies. Tyndale
House ed. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 1982.
Martin, Hugh. A Commentary on Jonah. 1st ed. Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust,
1958, 1978 printing.
Bentley, Michael. Balancing the Books : Micah and Nahum Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 1994.
Calvin, Jean and Benjamin Wirt Farley. Sermons on the Book of Micah. Phillipsburg,
N.J.: P&R Pub., 2003.
Bentley, Michael. Balancing the Books : Micah and Nahum Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 1994.
Maier, Walter Arthur. The Book of Nahum : A Commentary. Minneapolis: James Family,
Robertson, O. Palmer. The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. The New
International Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B.
Eerdmans, 1990.
Moore, T. V. A Commentary on Haggai and Malachi. A Geneva Series Commentary.
London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1960.
Kersten, G. H. The Night Visions of Zechariah : A Practical Exposition of the Prophecy
of Zechariah. Grand Rapids: Netherlands Reformed Book and Pub. Committee, 1995.
Moore, T. V. A Commentary on Zechariah. The Geneva Series of Commentaries.
London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1958.
Wright, Charles H. H. Zechariah and His Prophecies : Considered in Relation to Modern
Criticism: With a Critical and Grammatical Commentary and New Translation. Eight
Lectures Delivered before the University of Oxford in the Year 1878, on the
Foundation of the Late Rev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury. Limited
Classical Reprint Library. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1980.
Benton, John. Losing Touch with the Living God. Welwyn Commentary Series. Welwyn:
Evangelical, 1985.
Moore, T. V. A Commentary on Haggai and Malachi. A Geneva Series Commentary.
London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1960.
New Testament Commentary Recommendations from Dr. Joel Beeke, April 2009
NT Series or overall NT emphasis:
Hendriksen, William and Simon Kistemaker. New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Baker
Book House, 1953-.
Lenski, R. C. H. The Interpretation of the New Testament. Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg Pub.
House, 1961-1966.
Lünemann, Gottlieb, Joh Ed Huther, and Friedrich Hermann Christian Düsterdieck. Commentary
on the New Testament. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1883-1887.
Stonehouse, Ned Bernard, F. F. Bruce, Gordon D. Fee, William L. Lane, Joel B. Green, Leon
Morris, Douglas J. Moo, Paul Barnett, James B. Adamson, Peter H. Davids, I. Howard
Marshall, and Robert H. Mounce. The New International Commentary on the New
Testament. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974-.
Gospels (overall)
Brown, John. Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. and enl. ed. London:
Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.
Alexander, Joseph A. The Gospel According to Matthew. Lynchburg, Va.: James Family
Christian Pub., 1979?.
Boice, James Montgomery. The Gospel of Matthew. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books, 2001.
Carson, D. A. When Jesus Confronts the World : An Exposition of Matthew 8-10. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: Baker Book House, 1987.
Dickson, David. A Brief Exposition of the Evangel of Jesus Christ According to Matthew.
Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 1981.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Kingdom Life in a Fallen World : Living Out the Sermon on the Mount.
The Christian Character Library. Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 1986.
Legg, John. The King and His Kingdom : The Gospel of Matthew Simply Explained. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Darlington England ; Webster, NY: Evangelical Press, 2004.
Ridderbos, Herman N. Matthew. Bible Student's Commentary. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Regency
Reference Library, 1987.
Ryle, J. C. Expository Thoughts on the Gospels : Matthew. Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of
Truth Trust, 1986.
Watson, Thomas. The Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5: 1-12. New ed., revised in layout.
ed. London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1971.
Alexander, Joseph A. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Limited Classical Reprint Library.
Minneapolis, MN: Klock & Klock Christian Pub., 1980.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Let's Study Mark. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1999.
Hughes, R. Kent. Mark : Jesus, Servant and Savior. Preaching the Word. Westchester, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 1989.
Morison, James. A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Mark. 4th ed., rev. ed.
Minneapolis, MN.: Klock & Klock Christian Publishers, 1981.
Bock, Darrell L. Luke. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids,
Mich.: Baker Books, 1994-c1996.
Milne, Douglas J. W. Let's Study Luke. Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust, 2005.
Boice, James Montgomery. The Gospel of John : An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Pub. House, 1975-.
Carson, D. A. The Gospel According to John. Leicester, England; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Inter-
Varsity Press; W.B. Eerdmans, 1991.
Hutcheson, George. The Gospel of John. A Geneva Series Commentary. London: The Banner of
Truth Trust, 1972.
Pink, Arthur Walkington. Exposition of the Gospel of John. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub.
House, Ministry Resources Library, 1975.
Ridderbos, Herman N. The Gospel According to John : A Theological Commentary. Grand
Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 1997.
Alexander, Joseph A. Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Limited Classical Reprint
Library. Two volumes complete in one. ed. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian
Publishers, 1980.
Dick, John. Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. 2d ed. New York: R. Carter, 1845.
Foakes-Jackson, F. J. and Kirsopp Lake, eds. The Beginnings of Christianity : The Acts of the
Apostles. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979.
Gloag, Paton J. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Minneapolis:
Klock & Klock, 1979.
Hughes, R. Kent. Acts : The Church Afire. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books,
Johnson, Dennis E. Let's Study Acts. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2003.
Keddie, Gordon J. You are My Witnesses : The Message of the Acts of the Apostles. Darlington:
Evangelical Press, 1993.
Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn. Compelling Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed.
Vol. 6. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2007.
———. Triumphant Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed. Vol. 5. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2006.
———. Glorious Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed. Vol. 4. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2004.
———. Victorious Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed. Vol. 3. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2003.
———. Courageous Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed. Vol. 2. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2001.
———. Authentic Christianity. Studies in the Book of Acts. 1st U.S. ed. Vol. 1. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2000.
Stott, John R. W. The Spirit, the Church, and the World. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press,
Boice, James Montgomery. Romans. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1991-c1995.
Brown, John. Analytical Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans.
Minneapolis: James Family Christian Pub. Co., 1979.
Chalmers, Thomas. Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. 2d. ed. New
York: Robert Carter, 1843.
Hodge, Charles. A Commentary on Romans. A Geneva Series Commentary. London: Banner of
Truth Trust, 1972.
Hughes, R. Kent. Romans : Righteousness from Heaven. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 1991.
Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn. Romans. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1970-2003.
Murray, John. The Epistle to the Romans : The English Text with Introd., Exposition, and Notes.
The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.
Plumer, William S. Commentary on Romans. Kregel Reprint Library. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Kregel, 1971.
Shedd, William Greenough Thayer. A Critical and Doctrinal Commentary on the Epistle of St.
Paul to the Romans. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock Christian, 1879, 1978 printing.
Stott, John R. W. Romans : God's Good News for the World. The Bible Speaks Today Series.
Downers Grove, Ill.; InterVarsity Press, 1994.
1, 2 Corinthians
de Valdés, Juan, John T. Betts, Edward Boehmer, and Juan Pérez. Juan De Valdés' Commentary
upon St. Paul's First Epistle to the Church at Corinth: Now for the First Time Translated
from the Spanish, having Never before been Published in English. London: Trübner & Co.,
Edwards, Thomas Charles. A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Limited
Classical Reprint Library. Minneapolis: Klock & Klock, 1979.
Ellsworth, Roger. Strengthening Christ's Church : The Message of 1 Corinthians. Welwyn
Commentary Series. Durham: Evangelical Press, 1995.
Hodge, Charles, A Commentary on 1 & 2 Corinthians. A Geneva Series Commentary.
Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1974.
Hughes, R. Kent. 2 Corinthians : Power in Weakness. Preaching the Word. Wheaton, Ill.:
Crossway Books, 2006.
Jackman, David. Let's Study 1 Corinthians. Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust,
MacArthur, John. 1 Corinthians. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody
Press, 1984.
Naylor, Peter. A Study Commentary on 1 Corinthians. An EP Study Commentary. Darlington ;
Webster, New York: Evangelical Press, 2004.
———. A Study Commentary on 2 Corinthians. EP Study Commentary. Darlington: Evangelical
Press, 2002-.
Andrews, E. H. Free in Christ : The Message of Galatians. Welwyn Commentary Series.
Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 1996.
Brown, John. An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians. Evansville, Ind.:
Sovereign Grace Book Club, 1957.
Calvin, Jean. Sermons on Galatians. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1997.
Luther, Martin. Commentary on Galatians. Kregel Reprint Library. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel
Publications, 1979.
Perkins, William, Gerald T. Sheppard, Brevard S. Childs, John H. Augustine, and Ralph
Cudworth. A Commentary on Galatians. Pilgrim Classic Commentaries. New York: Pilgrim
Press, 1989.
Ridderbos, Herman N. The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia : The English Text with
Introd., Exposition and Notes. The New International Commentary on the New Testament.
Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 1953.
Stott, John R. W. The Message of Galatians. The Bible Speaks Today. London: Inter-Varsity P.,
Baynes, Paul. An Entire Commentary upon the Whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians :
Wherein the Text is Learnedly and Fruitfully Opened with a Logical Analysis, Spiritual and
Holy Observations, Confutation of Arminianism and Popery, and Sound Edification for the
Diligent Reader. Nichol's Series of Commentaries. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1866.
Calvin, Jean. Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Rev. translation. London: Banner of Truth
Trust, 1973.
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Let's Study Ephesians. Edinburgh ; Carlisle, Pa.: Banner of Truth Trust,
Goodwin, Thomas and Paul Baynes. An Exposition of Ephesians, Chapter 1 to 2:10. Puritan
Commentary. Evansville, Ind.: Sovereign Grace Book Club, 1958-1959.
Hodge, Charles. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians. London: Banner of Truth Trust,
Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn. An Exposition of Ephesians. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books,
M'Ghee, Robert J. Expository Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians. 2nd ed. New York:
Robert Carter, 1853.
Olyott, Stuart. Alive in Christ : Ephesians Simply Explained. Welwyn Commentary Series.
Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1994.
Boice, James Montgomery. Philippians : An Expositional Commentary. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Pub. House, 1971.
Carson, D. A. Basics for Believers : An Exposition of Philippians. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker
Books, 1996.
Daillé, Jean. An Exposition of Philippians. Tyndale Bible Society, 196?
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Let's Study Philippians. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1997.
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