Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 4 (2), pp. 042-058, February, 2009
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ISSN 1992-2248 © 2009 Academic Journals
Oxidative stress and coxsackievirus infections as
mediators of beta cell damage: A review
Vibha Sharma
, Shahina Kalim
, Manoj K. Srivastava
, Surabhi Nanda
and Sanjay Mishra
1,3 *
Department of Biotechnology College of Egineering and Technology, IFTM campus, Delhi Road, Moradabad 244001,
U.P., India.
Department of Biochemistry, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, U.P., India.
Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, College of Applied Sciences, IFTM Campus, Lodhipur-Rajput, Delhi
Road, Moradabad 244 001, U.P., India.
Accepted 11 December, 2008
Type I diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease resulting in gradual cell-mediated destruction of insulin
producing beta cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The most plausible environmental triggers
to launch and/or accelerate this process in a genetically predisposed organism including enterovirus
infections and oxidative stress. Among other enteroviruses the group B of coxsackieviruses is
associated with potential beta cell toxicity. Beta cells are weak in antioxidative defense, which makes
them hypersensitive to oxidative stress. Acknowledging the inhibitory potential of in vivo conditions
scientists have developed two models resembling a slowly progressing coxsackievirus infection first,
by restricting the production of viral progeny with a selective inhibitor of viral RNA replication and
second, by means of lowering the multiplicity of infection. Hydrogen peroxide has been established as
the oxidative stressor. Recent studies reflect that a productive CVB-infection results in lytic beta cell
death. When pharmacologically restricted by guanidine-HCl, the viability increases dramatically through
decreased necrosis and associates with simultaneous stimulation of apoptotic death. In summary, the
review introduces potential mechanistic models for enterovirus infections in beta cells.
Key words: Oxidative stress, type 1 diabetes, coxsackievirus infection, beta cells, human leukocyte antigen.
T1D is considered to represent a multifactorial disorder
based on genetic predisposition triggered by an environ-
mental factor e.g. virus infection. The effector stage,
insulitis, is characterized by gradual invasion of macro-
phages, T-cells and the produced cytokines and oxidative
radicals into the islets (Rasilainen et al., 2004). The pre-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
Abbreviations: APC, antigen presenting cell; CAR,
coxackie/adenoviral receptor;
CVA, coxackievirus A strain; GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase;
GPx, glutathione peroxidase; HLA, human leukocyte antigen;
IFN, interferon; IL-1, interleukin 1 beta; MHC, major histocom-
patibility complex; NF-B, nuclear factor-kappa B transcription
factor; NO, nitric oxide; NOD mouse, spontaneously diabetic
non-obese; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SOD, super oxide
dismutase; TNF – , tumor necrosis factor alpha.
diabetic period is usually long and characterized by
formation of islet cell autoantibodies even years before
the development of diabetic symptoms. Enterovirus infec-
tions are epidemiologically linked to the pathogenesis of
T1D (Rasilainen et al., 2004). Beta cells exhibit poor
intracellular antioxidative capacity, which renders them
vulnerable to oxidative stress. Thus, both enterovirus
infections and oxdative stress are considered to repre-
sent particularly potential triggers and/or accelerators of
beta cell destruction.
It is generally known that the amount of viral particles
needed to establish a local infection is low and all viruses
invading a physiological environment face natural resis-
tance by factors of the hosting immune system (Rasilai-
nen et al., 2002). Considering that coxsackievirus infec-
tions most often remain subclinical in vivo, the prog-
ression of infection and amount of virus are possibly limi-
ted and submaximal (Roivainen et al., 2000). The pre-
sent review is a comprehension of information on experi-
mental models of slowly progressing enterovirus infection
and reports regarding the patterns of mechanisms of
virus induced beta cell damage. Further, this scientific re-
port includes: characterizing the mechanisms of oxidative
beta cell injury; counteracting it by means of antioxidative
agents and studying the effects of virus infection on
intracellular redox balance.
Background of type I diabetes (T1D)
Juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Type I
diabetes, T1D) is a consequence of selective autoim-
mune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the
pancreatic islets of Langerhans (Bach, 1994; Schranz
and Lernmark, 1998). The resulting insulin deficiency
leads to a chronic metabolic derangement associated
with significant secondary morbidity. According to the tra-
ditional opinion consistent within most autoimmune
diseases, both a genetically predisposed individual and a
suitable environmental trigger are needed for the des-
tructive process, in the case of T1D against beta cells, to
begin. Nowadays, the group of human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) genes is considered to account for the major ge-
netic risk and virus infections to represent prime environ-
mental regulator. Various lines of evidence suggest that
the autoimmune destruction is launched by a local insult
to islet(s) exciting a pool of immune cells, dominantly T-
cells and macrophages, to invade the islets resulting in
insulitis (Anastasi et al., 2005) Considering the pathogen-
nesis, most results are obtained from studies in sponta-
neously diabetic non-obese (NOD) mice, whose
pathogen-nesis mimics human type I diabetes (Anita et
al., 2006). Most probably both cytotoxic (CD8+) and
helper (CD4+) T-cells are required for both the primary
attack and the later overt destruction, respectively, to pro-
gress (Bendelac et al., 1987; Hanafusa et al., 1988;
Jarpe et al., 1990; Jarpe et al., 1991; Miller et al., 1988;
Sumida et al., 1994; Wicker et al., 1994; Wong et al.,
1996). Besides, a pool of antigen presenting cells (APC)
is indispensable in the vicinity of pancreatic islets to intro-
duce the islet antigen to the autoreactive T-cells. Accord-
ing to current opinion, programmed cell death (apoptosis)
represents the dominant mechanism of beta cell death
during immune mediated T1D. The immune reaction rela-
ted proinflammatory cytokines, especially interferon gam-
ma (IFN-), interleukine 1 beta (IL-1) and tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNF-), are thought to play a primary role in
activating signal transduction pathways leading to beta
cell dysfunction and apoptosis (Delaney et al., 1997;
Mandrup, 1996; Rabinovitch, 1998). The direct killing
through the granzyme-perforin pathway by cytotoxic T
cells is also believed to be a key mechanism ultimately
leading to apoptotic beta cell death.
Finland has the highest incidence of T1D in under 15-
year-old children worldwide. It has gradually increased
during the last 43 years from 12/100000 (1953) to
45/100000 (1996); the average relative annual increase
Sharma et al. 043
thus being 3.4 % between 1965 and 1996 (Somersalo,
1955; Tuomilehto et al., 1999). The incidence is not only
geographically, but also seasonally distributed peaking in
winter (Levy-Marchal et al., 1995). Finland and some
other Nordic high-incidence countries have also shown
gender-impact with a slight male predominance (Padaiga
et al., 1997). Approximately 10% of newly diagnosed T1D
patients have an affected first degree relative (Dahlquist
et al., 1985; Tuomilehto et al., 1992). The genetic risk
and familial clustering of T1D have traditionally been con-
cidered to originate from the class II major histocompati-
bility complex (MHC) genes on chromosome 6p21,
including HLA DP, DQ and DR (Campbell and Trowsdale,
1993; Davies et al., 1994;). These genes encode hetero-
dimeric proteins expressed on APC-cells and have a
function in presenting antigenic peptides to CD4+ T cells.
HLA class II genes have a high degree of polymorphism
and marked linkage disequilibrium that potentiate the risk
to form certain high-risk allele-pairs. Furthermore, these
susceptibility alleles may then choose potential autoreac-
tive T-cells during thymic sorting, and enhance the dis-
ease probability. Many recent studies have demonstrated
the DQ-locus to primarily harbor the susceptibility for T1D
(Dorman and Bunker, 2000; Heimberg et al., 1992;
Thorsby and Ronningen, 1993). Specifically, worldwide
approximately 30% of T1D patients are heterozygous for
the high risk HLA-DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201 / DQA1*0301-
DQB1*0302 alleles (previously referred to as HLA-DR3/4
or HLADQ2/ DQ8). In addition lack of the protective HLA-
DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 allele (HLADR2 or HLA-DQ6)
increases T1D susceptibility through potentiating the
impacts of predisposing alleles (Pociot and McDermott,
2002). Genes present in the HLA-region, including genes
worthy for structure and function of both the HLA-DQ and
DR, are considered capable of accounting for less than
50% of the inherited disease risk (Pociot and McDermott,
2002). Largely by means of genome 13 scan dependent
linkage studies of affected sib-pair families at least 17
non-HLA T1D susceptibility loci have also been identified
(Pociot and McDermott, 2002). Among these, the insulin
gene locus (IDDM2) is the strongest and most consistent
(Bennett et al., 1995).
Necrosis of cell death and their association to T1D
Various routes and mechanisms have been described for
a cell to die. The specific pathway chosen depends large-
ly on the trigger, but the ultimate result may vary accord-
ing to the cellular capacity of defense and the net status
of the host (age, inflammation etc.). A general divi- sion is
traditionally done by the resulting morphological charac-
teristics: apoptotic, pyknotic, necrotic (Figure 1).
Necrotic cell death is an accidental, traumatic event
always associated with specific pathology. It is an unre-
gulated process and follows no specific pattern. The sa-
lient features include cytoplasmic and mitochondrial
swelling and breakdown of cell to cell junctions and com-
044 Sci. Res. Essays
Figure 1. Illustration of nuclear morphology associated with different forms of cell
munication that lead to early rupture of cellular mem-
branes and thereafter leakage of the contents to the
extracellular space provoking inflammation (Buja et al.,
1993; Lemasters, 1999). Considering beta cells, compre-
hensive studies on cytokine-induced stress in rat islets
have revealed nitric oxide (NO) to mediate functional de-
terioration and mostly necrotic beta cell death (Hoorens
et al., 2001). More recently, necrotic beta cell damage
was shown to dominate the pattern of spontaneous, NO-
induced and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in
diabetes prone BB rats (Fehsel et al., 2003). Particularly
considering cell culture models, environmental factors
such as high cell density may also lead the outcome of
cell death towards necrosis.
The term apoptosis descends from the Greek words:
'apo' (away) + 'ptosis' (drop) and characterizes a cellular
suicide (Ueda and Shah, 1994). Apoptosis is a physiolo-
gical, energy-requiring, orderly phenomenon used by
multicellular organisms to control the size of cell popula-
tions and to eliminate damaged, infected or mutated
cells. It is thus important for proper embryonic morpho-
genesis, development, and adult cellular homeostasis.
The apoptotic machinery is constitutively expressed in all
nucleated animal cells and is strictly regulated by a set of
evolutionarily conserved genes (Horvitz, 1999; Vaux et
al., 1992). The apoptotic process can be divided in three
stages: a) initiation: a cell receives an apoptotic stimulus;
b) execution: enzymatic events, and 3) degeneration:
disintergration and elimination of the cell. In generally
apoptotic stimuli may activate two different pathways: an
extrinsic death-receptor pathway or an intrinsic pathway
based on mitochondrial dysfunction (Hengartner, 2000).
The extrinsic trail is launched by triggering of a death
receptor on cell surface, the most common of which
belong to the family of tumor necrosis factor receptors
(TNF-R) (Armitage, 1994; Baker and Reddy, 1998).
These receptors include a death domain (Tartaglia et al.,
1993), which is responsible for the activation of the down-
stream cascade: the employment of intracellular adapter
proteins (FADD, TRADD, RAIDD) and the following acti-
vation of caspase (cysteine aspartic acidspecific pro-
teases) 8 and possibly caspase 2 (Alnemri et al., 1996;
Ashkenazi and Dixit, 1998). T-cells use alternative extrin-
sic routes by activating either Fas (discussed later) or
granzyme B leading to stimulation of either caspase 8 or
the intrinsic pathway (Pinkoski et al, 2001). Commonly
the intrinsic route is activated by stress factors including
DNA damage, cell cycle perturbation or growth factor
deprivation. They engage pro-apoptotic members of the
Bcl-2-family (Bak, Bax) to translocate to mitochondria and
form pores to permit cytochrome c to release from the
mitochondrial intermembrane space and to compose the
apoptosome with Apaf-1 and procaspase 9 (Rodriguez
and Lazebnik, 1999; Zou et al., 1999;). Recently, a new
mitochondrial flavoprotein (apoptosis inducing factor; AIF)
was observed to translocate to nucleus in response to
e.g. oxidative apoptotic stimuli and launch caspase- (in)
dependent chromatin condensation and DNA cleavage
(Susin et al., 1999). At the last, both routes activate the
effector caspases (3, 6 and 7) that proteolytically activate
other downstream caspases (Nicholson and Thornberry,
1997; Slee et al., 2001). Caspase 3 activates DFF/CAD,
which results in DNA cleavage to n x 180 bp fragments
(Enari et al., 1998; Liu et al., 1997). This step is called
'point of no return', as the proteolytic cascade irreversibly
results in to cellular collapse featured by the character-
ristic morphology: cell shrinkage, chromatin conden-
sation, blebbing of the plasma membrane and formation
of apoptotic bodies that become eliminated by neigh-
boring phagocytes (Kerr et al., 1972; Wyllie, 1981).
Apoptotic death mediated by immune effector cells is
considered to dominate beta cell death. Several mole-
cular pathways may be activated for this outcome to
occur. Macrophages and activated T-cells produce and
secrete proinflammatory cytokines, IL-6, IL-2, IL-10, IL-
1, TNF- and IFN-, the last three of which are known
for their potential to induce functional and structural beta
cell damage and to provoke apoptosis (Liu et al., 2000a;
Marselli et al., 2000; Saldeen, 2000; Zumsteg et al.,
2000). A recent microarray study on cytokine-stressed rat
islets revealed the transcription factor NF-B to be a core
regulator of cytokine induced signaling pathways (Cardozo
et al., 2001). By inhibiting its activity the cytokine induced
beta cell apoptosis could be prevented (Heimberg et al.,
2001). Attracted T-cells express Fas-ligand (FasL) on cell
surface, which by binding to the target cell Fas receptor
results in apoptosis (Kagi et al., 1994). In spontaneously
diabetic NOD mice the proinflammatory cytokines may
induce Fas expression in beta cells and thus contribute to
beta cell death through interaction with FasL on the sur-
Sharma et al. 045
Table 1. Species and subgroup division of enteroviruses.
Species Subgroup and species
Poliovirus Polioviruses 1-3
Human enterovirus A coxsackievirus A 2-8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Human enterovirus B coxsackievirus A9
coxsackievirus B 1-6
echovirus 1-7, 9, 11-21, 24-27, 29-33
echovirus 69
Human enterovirus C coxsackievirus A 1, 11, 13, 15, 17-22, 24
Human enterovirus D echovirus 68, 70
face of the neighboring CD4+ T-cells (Augstein et al.,
2003; Nakayama et al., 2002; Petrovsky et al., 2002;
Suarez-Pinzon et al., 1999). Also human beta cells in
pancreatic biopsies from newly diagnosed diabetics have
been reported to express Fas and to contain apoptotic
beta cells (Moriwaki et al., 1999). As mentioned earlier
CD8+ T-cells, suggested to have a critical role in the
early stages of beta cell destruction, may mediate apop-
tosis also through the perforin-granzyme pathway, de-
pendent on perforin-built channels on target cell mem-
brane allowing granzyme entry and caspase activation
(Garcia-Sanz et al., 1987; Kagi et al., 1994; Yoon and
Jun, 1999).
Beside the well-known apoptotic and necrotic path-
ways, a pyknotic form of cell death has also been differ-
rentiated. It morphologically resembles apoptosis with an
intact plasma membrane, but is characterized by con-
densed but intact chromatin, unlike the apoptotic frag-
mented DNA, demarcated at the margins of the nucleus
(Agol et al., 1998; Tolskaya et al., 1995). Pyknotic mor-
phology is typically seen in the early phase of a cytocidal
virus infection when the first virus-induced alterations in
host cell membrane organization and cytoskeleton have
on set (Koch and Koch, 1985). This change is often ire-
versible and results in lytic cell death. A comparable
phenomenon has also been observed during an apoptotic
process, which due to a sudden ATP depletion or some
other disability was interrupted and turned into secondary
necrosis (Hirsch et al., 1997; McCarthy et al., 1997).
Picornaviruses are a diverse group of small, non-enve-
loped animal viruses with single-stranded RNA genome
of positive polarity ('pico' Greek: very small – RNA vi-
ruses) (Racaniello, 2001). The first infections, later pin-
pointed to have been caused by a specific picorna-virus,
were described over 3000 years ago (poliomyelitis in a
temple record from Egypt ca. 1400 BC). Nowadays they
comprise the most common infections of humans in the
developed world (Rotbart, 2002). Picornaviruses were
previously classified according to their physicochemical
properties (particle density, pH-sensitivity) and serolo-
gical relatedness. More recently, the classification has
been based on nucleotide sequence comparisons. The
picornavirus genera infecting man include enteroviruses,
hepatoviruses, kobuviruses, parechoviruses and rhinovi-
ruses. The enterovirus genus is further divided into five
species, which are listed in Table 1 together with the pre-
vious subgroups (based on pathogenesis in experi-
mental animals) and serotypes (Hyypiä et al., 1997; King
et al., 1999).
Enteroviral genome and viral replication cycle
In order to multiply, the virus must first bind to its specific
receptor on the surface of a target cell. Several receptors
have been demonstrated for enteroviruses: coxsackiea-
denovirus receptor (CAR) is recognized by CVB 1-6 and
decay-accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) by CVB 1, 3, 5
(Bergelson et al., 1995, 1997, 1998). In addition, CVA 9
has been shown to use alpha v beta 3 integrin, the vitro-
nectin receptor, to penetrate host cells (Roivainen et al.,
1994). In studies using neutralizing antibodies, both alpha
and beta cells in human islets were observed to express
CAR (Chehadeh et al., 2000). After contacting the recep-
tor, the virus should successfully enter the cell, which
commonly requires some conformational changes of the
viral capsid. During entry or immediately afterwards, the
viral genomic material is released into the host’s cyto-
plasm in a process called uncoating (Figure 2). Once
released in the cytoplasm, the viral genomic RNA, about
7500 nucleotides in length, functions directly as a tem-
plate for the production of viral proteins. The single open
reading frame encodes a large precursor poly-protein.
This precursor includes two proteolytic sequences (2A
and 3C), which cleave the precursor into intermediate
products P1, P2 and P3 (Kitamura et al., 1981). P1 is fur-
ther digested into capsid (structural) proteins VP0, VP3
and VP1 (Korant, 1973). P2 and P3 are in the sequential
steps cleaved into seven non-structural proteins func-
tioning in the replication and encapsidation of the viral
RNA and in the processing of the proteins. One specific
product is the virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(3D). It duplicate the genomic RNA into a negative sense
strand, which then acts as a template for positive -strand
046 Sci. Res. Essays
Figure 2. The replication cycle of enteroviruses.
RNA synthesis. Finally, the newly pro-duced genomic
material is packaged into the procapsids formed by
twelve pentameric structures, each of which contains five
protomers (VP0-VP3-VP1 –heterotrimers) (Korant, 1973).
During this RNA-encapsidation, the VP0-protein is further
cleaved into VP2 and VP4 (maturation cleavage; relevant
for enteroviruses, but not for all picornaviruses (Hyypiä et
al., 1992; Yamashita et al., 1998)) stabilizing the pro-
Host Vs virus infection
As suggested earlier, the outcome of an enterovirus
infection may vary between aggressive fulminant and
acute subclinical (Ramsingh, 1997b; Yoon et al., 1979).
In suitable conditions persistence may develop (Adachi et
al., 1996; Chehadeh et al., 2000; Conaldi et al., 1997a;
1997b Klingel et al., 1992; Tam and Messner, 1999). In
general, a viral invasion into an organism supplied with a
properly functioning immune system always attracts it to
respond. The innate arm of immunity composed of natu-
ral killer cells, natural (nonspecific) antibodies, the com-
plement system, phagocytes, antimicrobial peptides and
interferons (IFNs) together constitute the first line of
defense. IFNs may mediate the antiviral response
through many routes. Firstly, through binding to type I
IFN receptor (Platanias et al., 1996) they stimulate pro-
tein tyrosine kinases (JAK 1, TYK2) which further act to
stimulate STAT-, Crk- and IRS- pathways (Ahmad et al.,
1997; Darnell et al., 1994; Uddin et al., 2000). These
routes finally lead to the induction of anti-viral interferon
stimulated genes (ISG) (Bose and Banerjee, 2003).
Interferons are also able to induce the production of
MHC-molecules on virus-infected cells and on antigen
presenting cells required for CD4+ T-cell action. Further-
more, they may initiate or contribute to the production of
antigen specific antibodies and thus activate the second
line of antiviral host defense, the adaptive or cell-media-
ted arm of immunity (Kadowaki et al., 2000). Recent
observation in human islets concluded CVB-infection to
stimulate INF- production selectively in beta cells, which
by inhibiting the efficiency of viral replication prevents the
infection from disseminating and maintains its persis-
tence (Chehadeh et al., 2000). Furthermore, infection–
induced IFN- has been speculated to participate in the
initiation of beta cell autoimmunity (Chakrabarti
et al., 1996; Chehadeh et al., 2000; Stewart et al., 1993).
It was recently found that efforts of the host to inhibit viral
dissemination and persistence often involve induction of
apoptosis through either perforin-granzyme or death
receptor mediated pathways (Ashkenazi and Dixit, 1998;
Froelich et al., 1998). IFNs are reported to sensitize infec-
ted cells to apoptosis (Balachandran et al., 2000; Tanaka
et al., 1998). As and when beta cells are stimulated with
IFNs in combination with double-stranded viral RNA or
the cytokine IL-1ß, a synergistic apoptotic effect is
observed (Liu et al., 2002). To defend them-selves, many
viruses have evolved to counteract the host responses.
To secure the replicative potential and production of pro-
geny virions, it is favorable for the virus to maintain the
host cell viable and for this purpose many routes of the
host signaling machinery may be manipulated. For
example, various steps of the IFN cascade may be block-
ed by several different viruses (Katze, 1995; Komatsu et
al., 2000; Munoz-Jordan et al., 2003; Ronco et al., 1998).
Also cleavage of p21(ras) GTPase-activating protein
(RasGAP) and activation of the MAPK family members
ERK 1/2, registered essential for CVB3 replication, could
be affected (Huber et al., 1999a; Luo et al., 2002; Opav-
sky et al., 2002). After stimulation of the innate arm of
immunity a cell-mediated immune response is launched.
The dendritic cells, stimulated during the innate res-
ponse by cytokines and the pathogen itself, present anti-
gen to naive T-cells, which start to develop differential
markers. Specifically the Th1 type CD4+ T-cells secrete
proinflammatory cytokines, which enhance virus-specific
host cell lysis by CD8+ T-cells and stimulate the MCH
upregulation on APC cells, that further helps in activating
antibody production by B-cells. Other interleukines
secreted by Th2 type CD4+ T-cells promote this B-cell
activation (Salusto et al., 1998). The host responsiveness
to virus and the outcome of the infection have been
observed to furthermore depend on the status of the host
cell cycle. Several studies have revealed actively dividing
cells, like T-cells, to be more susceptible to virus and to
efficiently produce viral progeny (Liu et al., 2000b; Molina
et al., 1992). Quiescent cells (in G0 phase) on the other
hand do not support viral multiplication, but may harbor
infective viruses thus creating persistence (Feuer et al.,
2002). These theories may partially explain the individual
susceptibility of cells to infection. Some studies further
indicate several viruses capable of forcing the host cell
into a favored phase of cell cycle (Op De Beeck and
Caillet-Fauquet, 1997; Swanton and Jones, 2001). Viral
mRNA, containing an internal ribosome entry site (IRES)
instead of the eukaryotic 5' cap, may also redirect the cel-
lular translation pattern and favor viral protein synthesis,
particularly in enterovirus-infected cells where cap-de-
pendent translation is specifically inhibited (Kuyumcu-
Martinez et al., 2002; Marissen et al., 2000).
Infections and clinical evidence
Enteroviruses are predominantly transmitted by the fecal-
oral route into the human body, although transmission via
either upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eye
is also possible. They normally replicate in the respiratory
and gastrointestinal mucosa, where the infection may
remain subclinical or result in mild symptoms. In a pro-
portion of cases, the virus spreads through the lympha-
tics into the circulation, and after a brief viraemic phase
may establish secondary replication sites in specific
tissues and organs. Polioviruses may proverbially enter
the central nervous system, replicate in the motor neu-
rons and in about 1% of cases with the most virulent
strains result in flaccid paralysis (Melnick, 1996). Coxsac-
kie A viruses typically induce diseases with mucosal and
skin lesions (e.g. herpangina, hand, foot, and mouth dis-
ease) (Bendig and Fleming, 1996; Itagaki et al., 1983;
Seddon and Duff, 1971). In addition to the milder dis-
orders, coxsackie B viruses are also associated with
more severe and possibly chronic diseases including
meningitis, myopericarditis, epidemic pleurodynia and
T1D (Beck et al., 1990; Gauntt and Huber, 2003; Muir
and van Loon, 1997; Rotbart, 1995; Tracy et al., 2000).
They are together with echoviruses responsible for se-
vere neonatal viral infections (Chiou et al., 1998; Sawyer,
Sharma et al. 047
Enteroviruses Vs T1D
Enterovirus infections could initiate or accelerate beta cell
damage many years before the clinical onset of T1D.
Seroepidemiological studies exist to support this at least
after early CVB and rubella exposures (Hyöty et al.,
1995; Lönnrot et al., 1998, 2000; Salminen et al., 2003).
Some mini case reports show evidence for intrauterine
viral exposure, a maternal enterovirus infection, as a risk
factor for future development of T1D (Dahlquist et al.,
1995, Hyöty et al., 1995). In a larger birth cohort study
(Funchtenbusch et al., 2001) contradictory results were
obtained. A recent survey reveals that while the incidence
of T1D has doubled within the last 40 years in Finland,
the incidence of enterovirus infections has simultaneously
decreased (Karvonen et al., 1999; Viskari et al., 2002).
Despite the fact that the maternal enterovirus antibody
levels have decreased (Viskari et al., 2002), the low
maternal antibody status could boost the viral exposure
of the fetus/newborn and the rarer incidence furthermore
exposes the child to catch the infection later, often in the
absence of protecting maternal antibodies.
This peculiar phenomenon could partially explain the
increase-ing number of patients with type I diabetes and
supports the role of enteroviruses as possible triggers.
Coxsackie B viruses have long been associated with the
pathogenesis of T1D (Andreoletti et al., 1997; Banatvala
et al., 1985; Yoon, 1990). Groundbreaking findings were
made in 1979. When the autopsy specimens of a 10-
year-old patient with diabetes showed lymphocytic infiltra-
tion of the islets and beta cell necrosis which lead to the
detection of a diabetogenic variant of CVB-4 from the
pancreatic cultures (Yoon et al., 1979). This very sero-
type was further observed to induce T1D in mouse. How-
ever, in a series of 88 pancreas-specimens from patients
who died soon after onset of T1D, coxsackie-viruses
were not detected in the islets (Foulis et al., 1990).
Therefore, it should be considered unlikely that an acute
CVB infection in pancreatic islets would frequently asso-
ciate with the onset of T1D. However, this does not
exclude the possibility that CVB could have been present
in the islets at an earlier stage of T1D pathogenesis. In
recent seroepidemiological studies several enterovirus
serotypes have been shown to share the association with
T1D (Frisk et al., 1992; Helfand et al., 1995; Roivainen et
al.,1998; Otonkoski 2000; Vreugdenhil et al., 2000). In
fact, it has been proposed that any serotype could poten-
tially possess diabetogenicity. Furthermore, aggre-ssive,
cytolytic isolates can develop from originally benign ente-
rovirus serotypes (Roivainen et al., 2002).
Mechanisms of beta cell obliteration
T1D is an immune-mediated disease in which a specific
immune response to islet beta cells is induced. In the
animal model of T1D, the NOD mouse, diabetes may be
transferred only with cells of the immune system. Also in
048 Sci. Res. Essays
Figure 3. The putative pathways involved in virus induced beta cell death. A potential
course of the process: Virus infects the beta cell and stimulates intracellular IFN/ ß and
MHC I production and the innate arm (IFN, nonspecific antibodies and NK cells) of the
hosting immune system. The resulting initial beta cell damage provokes the activation and
infiltration of macrophages and T cells, which secrete cytokines and finally stimulate
antibody production. The produced cytokines, interferons, nitric oxide, ROS and perforin
contribute to beta cell death through apoptosis or necrosis.
humans T1D has been adoptively transferred via bone-
marrow transplantation from a diabetic donor. However,
there are several mechanisms through which a virus
could induce immune mediated destruction of islet beta-
cells, as shown in Figure 3.
Cell lysis
Lytic cell death is an aggressive, rapid process featured
by breakdown of the cell's structural integrity. It equals
necrosis, which is used generally to describe cell death of
aggressive nature. As mentioned earlier viruses often
induce host cell pyknosis in the initial phase of infection
(Koch and Koch, 1985), which may in later stages turn
into lysis. In a recent study (Roivainen et al., 2002) a
large group of prototype enteroviruses from different ge-
netic subgroups were characterized according to their
cytolytic activity. Echovirus 6, 7, 11, CVA 13, CVB 1, 3, 4,
5, 6 and poliovirus type 1/Mahoney were detected to
cause beta cell lysis. Furthermore an echovirus 9 isolate,
from a 6-week-old baby with acute onset T1D was found
with destructive features unlike its corresponding proto-
type virus. These variations of outcomes might have to
do with donor-related characteristics, thus the possibility
that a certain HLA-type or antibody-positivity could confer
resistance or susceptibility for destructive beta cell death
Programmed cell death (Apoptosis)
In order to maintain an efficient multiplication environ-
ment, viruses may prevent or delay host cell death
through various routes. Especially the abilities to block
p53 tumor suppressor -dependent and Bax/Bak/Bik
dependent apoptosis are well characterized (Afonso et
al., 1996; Bargonetti et al., 1992; Chen et al., 1996; Hen-
derson et al., 1993; Dobner et al., 1996; Scheffner et al.,
1993). On the other hand the same pathways may be
used in the opposite direction to induce host cell apop-
osis and safely release new viral particles in enveloped
bodies to be engulfed by other target cells (Debbas and
White, 1993; Sastry et al., 1996; Westendorp et al.,
Additionally, by this mechanism the inflammatory
/immune reactions following lytic cell death or free virus
exposure are avoided and contact with neutralizing anti-
bodies is prevented, thus potentiating the survival of the
virus and uninterrupted dissemination of infection (Glied-
man et al., 1975; Jeurissen et al., 1992). Concerning non-
enveloped viruses, into which category enteroviruses be-
long, the mechanisms of exit from a dying host cell are
still obscure. Although cell lysis is thought to play a major
role, a recent report presents host cell apoptosis as a
potential new explanation. It would result in the formation
of membrane-bound bodies enabling viral exit (Teodoro
and Branton, 1997). In the group of picornaviruses, apop-
tosis has been extensively studied by the model of CVB3
induced myocarditis, during which persistence often
develops and apoptotic myocardial death is evident
(Carthy et al., 1998; Huber et al., 1999b). Also poliovirus
infection or individual poliovirus proteases alone are
reported to be able to induce apoptotic death in selected
cell types (Barco et al., 2000; Girard et al., 1999;
Goldstaub et al., 2000; Lopez-Guerrero et al., 2000;
Tolskaya et al., 1995).
Considering development of T1D, virus infections are
regarded as the leading environmental triggers and apop-
tosis the leading form of beta cell death (Eizirik and
Mandrup-Poulsen, 2001). Their possible association is
difficult to study in clinical materials. Experimentally,
recent studies on rat islets stressed with synthetic double
stranded RNA, a general product of viral replication;
reveal enhanced susceptibility to cytokine induced islet
cell apoptosis by Fas-FasL interaction (Liu et al., 2002).
Virus infections generally induce an inflammatory reac-
tion mediated in part by proinflammatory cytokines. In
addition to their direct proapoptotic potential, cytokines
may also launch the expression of MHC class I mole-
cules in beta cells followed by their appearance on plas-
ma membranes, which exposes beta cells to T cell me-
diated death through Fas or perforin dependent pathways
(Kim et al., 2002; Seewaldt et al., 2000).
Enteroviruses as key players of autoimmunity in T1D
Molecular mimicry
Molecular mimicry is based on a sequential and structural
homology between a foreign antigen and a host protein
enabling an immunologic attack against the pathogen to
cross-react with the host molecule (Davies, 1997). Gluta-
mic acid decarboxylase GAD65, an enzyme synthesizing
the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma amino butyric acid
(GABA), is one of the important islet cell auto-anti-gens in
T1D. The sequences of GAD65 and the non-structural
protein 2C of CVB-like enteroviruses were shown to
share a similar motif (PEVKEK) and to bind the same
groove in a MHC-molecule in an exactly similar position
(Kaufman et al., 1992). In later studies with synthetic pep-
tides, the binding was restricted to HLA-DR3 molecule
(Vreugdenhil et al., 1998). Furthermore, GAD65-reactive
T-cells are present and circulating in both T1D patients
and healthy normal people, with the difference of func-
tioning like pre-activated memory cells in patients and
thus being highly more susceptible to enter clonal expan-
sion. These data have given evidence for molecular
mimicry between enteroviral and self-fac-tors as a possi-
ble mechanism of beta cell destruction, although contra-
dictory observations have also been made (Atkinson and
Maclaren, 1994; Horwitz et al., 1998; Marttila et al., 2001;
Schloot et al., 2001). Accordingly, molecular mimicry
could also exist between GAD and cytomegalovirus on T-
cell level (Roep et al., 2002).
Local inflammatory destruction and bystander
The model of locally (intra-pancreatically) launched beta
cell autoimmunity and destruction has been widely stu-
Sharma et al. 049
died by Horwitz et al. (1999). Their recent report con-
cluded that the primary role of an enterovirus infection
(pancreatrophic CVB4) in the pathogenesis of T1D is to
specifically infect and damage beta cells leading to
release of sequestered islet antigen and stimulation of a
local inflammatory response. The intra-pancreatic antigen
presenting cells introduce the antigen to the population of
resting beta-cell-autoreactive T-cells resulting in initiation
of the disease process. Unless a critical threshold level of
these precursor autoreactive T-cells exist, the destructive
process will not be triggered (Horwitz et al., 1998). They
also observed the critical role of beta cell damage as the
driving force of virus induced T1D, since a non-specific
cytokine-attack did not precipitate T1D in mice with a
diabetogenic T cell repertoire, while exposure to the beta-
cell toxin streptozotozin was able to do it (Horwitz et al.,
2002). CVB infections have previously been reported to
lead to necrotic cell death in both rodent and human exo-
crine pancreatic tissue (Arnesjo et al., 1976; Lansdown,
1976; Ozsvar et al., 1992; Ramsingh, 1997a; Vella et al.,
1992). The inflammatory mediators produced during this
infective process have been speculated to activate the
bystanding beta-cell-autoreactive T-cell pool and thus
possibly accelerate T1D development (Serreze et al.,
Oxidative stress
Oxidative metabolites Vs apoptosis
Oxygen derived reactive metabolites (reactive oxygen
species, ROS) appear abundantly in the human body
(Figure 4). They form as a consequence of incomplete
reduction of molecular oxygen by the mitochondrial respi-
ratory (electron-transport) chain (Fernandez-Checa et al.,
1998) or through some reactions of cellular metabolism
by oxidizing enzymes including xanthine oxidase, P450
mono-oxygenase, cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, mono-
amine oxidase etc (Boveris and Chance, 1973; Forman,
1982; Maeda et al., 1999; Siraki et al., 2002). The most
common intracellular ROS molecules include superoxide
anion (O
), hydrogen peroxide (H
) and hydroxyl radi-
cal (-OH) (Fridovich, 1998; DiGuiseppi and Fridovich,
1984). ROS react with biological molecules such as pro-
teins, lipids, carbohydrates and DNA threatening their
integrity and exposing the organism to toxic, mutagenic
and carcinogenic assaults (Stadtman and Levine, 2000;
Steinberg, 1997; Marnett, 2000). Low molecular weight
GTPases Ras and Rac1, for example, have been shown
to be ROS targets leading to altered signal transduction
(Irani et al., 1997; Sundaresan et al., 1996). Except for -
OH, which is mostly noxious, ROS also have beneficial
functions mainly as stimulators and mediators of intra-cel-
lular signaling cascades (Krieger-Brauer and Kather,
1992; Lo and Cruz, 1995; Ohba et al., 1994; Sundaresan
et al., 1995). They also function in microbial killing during
infection, for example through inactivating viral enzymes
by nitrosylation (Adams et al., 1990; Babior, 1978a,b;
050 Sci. Res. Essays
Figure 4. The major pathways of ROS generation and antioxidant defense
(modified from Jacobson MD 1996).
Colasanti et al., 1999). Their properties often shift into
pathologic in response to increasing concentrations,
which might be due to the metabolic state (Di Meo and
Venditti, 2001; Gambelunghe et al., 2001), pH, oxygen
partial pressure (pO
) and ADP availability. Very com-
monly, overproduction of ROS is triggered by nonphysio-
logical states like inflammation or exogenous toxins,
which stimulate phagocytic cells to produce ROS. In a
variety of disease processes associated with either acute
or chronic inflammation, increased oxidative stress ap-
pears to be involved. Depending on the surrounding
milieu, ROS molecules may also react together. Speci-
fically, in a reaction between O
and NO highly cytotoxic
peroxynitrite, ONOO
is formed (Beckman and Koppenol,
1996), which may further react with carbon dioxide (CO
to form peroxocarboxylate (ONOOCO
). H
may react
with H
+ Cl
or Cu
forming either highly reactive
HOCl (hypochlorus acid) or a hydroxyl radical, respect-
tively (Babior, 2000).
Highlighting the dual role of ROS in both physiological
and disease states, recent data show concentration de-
pendent stimulation of either cell growth or death. Mode-
rate levels of pro-oxidants may promote mitogenic stimuli
(Burdon and Rice-Evans, 1989) e.g. by affecting kinase
or proto-oncogene activities (Cerutti and Trump, 1991;
Larsson and Cerutti, 1988). At slightly increased levels
ROS are reported at various different experimental
conditions to be able to induce apoptotic cell death either
directly or in combination with antioxidant, mainly gluta-
thione (GSH), depletion (Hampton and Orrenius, 1997;
Lennon et al., 1991; Macho et al., 1997). The stimulatory
mechanisms often involve exposing to or triggering the
mitochondrial membrane permeability transition which
leads to the release of apoptogenic factors and thus
stimulation of the downstream apoptotic cascade (Arm-
strong and Jones,2002; Armstrong et al., 2002; Costan-
tini et al., 1996;. Datta et al., 2002; Dypbukt et al., 1994;
Fleury et al., 2002; Petronilli et al., 1994; Ueda et al.,
2002; Wei and Lee, 2002) Also, HIV-infection mediated
apoptosis of CD4+ T-cells is preceded by ROS produc-
tion and antioxidant depletion. This process has recently
been associated with p53, NF-B and AP-1, pro-apoptotic
redox-active factors, that also support expression of viral
genes and pro-inflammatory cytokines (Perl et al., 2002).
p53, independent of the activating factor, may further
stimulate ROS production and induce apoptosis (Sawada
et al., 2001; Li et al., 1999).
Moreover, studies evidencing antioxidants' capacity to
inhibit apoptosis and recent observations on antiapoptotic
molecules with antioxidative properties further argue for a
role for ROS in stimulating apoptosis (Kelso et al., 2001;
Melnick, 1996; Sato et al., 2002). Additionally, oxidants
may direct an apoptotic process into a necrotic one by
inactivating caspases or impairing the mitochondrial
energy production resulting in subsequent ATP depletion
(Leist et al., 1999; Samali et al., 1999). Although possible
in the other direction, overwhelming oxidative stress
usually always leads to necrosis leaving no possibilities
to inhibit or re-regulate the process towards apoptosis.
Antioxidative system
In an attempt to prevent ROS-mediated damage, cells
have developed an antioxidative defense system (Benzie,
2000). The main goal is to maintain the intracellular
milieu in a reduced and stable state. This antioxidative
machinery consists of several components including
heme- or thiol-based enzymatic systems and non-enzy-
matic scavengers. The most ubiquitous and abundant of
them is the glutathione (GSH) system (Anderson, 1998;
Deneke and Fanburg, 1989). GSH is formed from the
aminoacids glutamate, cysteine and glycine in two ATP-
dependent enzymatic reactions by gamma-glutamyl-
cysteine synthetase and glutathione synthetase (Griffith
and Mulcahy, 1999). GSH itself functions mainly as a
sulfhydryl buffer and helps to detoxify xenobiotics in con-
jugation reactions catalyzed by glutathione S-transferase.
Most importantly glutathione peroxidases, selenocys-
teine-containing enzymes, use GSH as substrate in the
elimination of e.g. hydroxyl radical, peroxynitrite, hydro-
peroxides and reactive electrophiles. In these reactions
two GSH-molecules are oxidized to GSSG, which is
converted back to reduced GSH in an NADPH-dependent
reaction either by glutathione reductase or the thioredoxin
system, described below. Furthermore, as a thiol-con-
taining reductant, GSH maintains so-called thiol-enzymes
in their catalytically active forms, and low molecular
weight antioxidants, vitamins C and E in their biologically
active forms (Fridovich, 1999; Havivi et al., 1991; Living-
stone and Davis, 2007). Other major antioxidants include
catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). As
referred to by its name, the latter inhibits ROS-mediated
damage by scavenging O
(Fridovich, 1995, 1999). Two
isoenzymes exist: an essential mitochondrial Mn-SOD
and a less essential cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD. They meta-
bolize two O2
molecules to O
and H
; thus another
ROS is formed. The general and ubiquitous mechanism
to remove H
is by peroxisomal heme-containing CAT,
which converts two H
molecules to O
and 2 x H
(Kirkman and Gaetani, 1984; Kirkman et al., 1999). More-
over, CAT detoxifies e.g. phenols and alcohols via cou-
pled reactions with H
Another thiol-containing and
ubiquitous reducing enzyme system is the thioredoxin
(Trx) machinery. Trx functions as a hydrogen donor for
other catalytic enzymes (e.g. glutathione peroxidase) and
reduces disulfide bonds of diverse proteins (Holmgren,
1984). It protects particularly against peroxide induced
stress (Nakamura et al., 1994; Spector et al., 1988) and
has also been reported to have anti-apoptotic power
Sharma et al. 051
(Saitoh et al., 1998). Like the GSH system, oxidized Trx
is converted back to reduce form by a flavoenzyme thio-
redoxin reductase (TrxR) in an NADPH-dependent reac-
tion (Holmgren, 1985). In addition to Trx, TrxR reduces
lipid peroxides, diverse antioxidative selenium containing
compounds and converts vitamin C back to its active
reduced form.
A distinct, non-enzymatic group of antioxidants of low
molecular weight include vitamins E and C, several sele-
nium-containing compounds, lipoic acid, and ubiqui-
nones. Ascorbic acid (AA; vitamin C) and alpha-toco-
pherol (alpha-TOH; vitamin E) constitute the major water-
soluble and lipid-soluble small antioxidants, respectively
(Buettner, 1993). As alpha-TOH reduces e.g. peroxyl
radicals by its OH group and converts into tocopheroxyl
(chromanoxyl) radical, vitamin C, as its main function,
reduces it back to alpha-TOH, the active vitamin E (Sies
et al., 1992). Additionally, vitamin C acts as an electron
donor for some transmembrane enzymes with oxidore-
ductase activity (May et al., 1995). As previously men-
tioned, TrxR reduces oxidized vitamin C (Mendiratta et
al., 1998), but its major recycler is GSH (May et al.,
1996). Heme (Fe protoporphyrin IX) is an integral protein
to life delivering oxygen into cells. It circulates incorpo-
rated in hemoproteins and occurs unbound (free) only in
pathologies sometimes associated with tissue accumula-
tion. Free heme as such is a powerful oxidative molecule
and thus a system for its degradation exists. It consists of
an oxidative stress–inducible protein HO-1 (heme oxy-
genase-1, HSP32) and the constitutive isozyme HO-2,
which catalyze the oxidation of heme to biologically active
molecules: free iron, a gene regulator (Ferris et al. 1999),
biliverdin, an antioxidant and carbon monoxide, a heme
ligand (Maines, 1997). Uric acid is produced in liver and
represents the end product of the purine metabolism
reaction chain. The enzyme xanthine oxidase catalyses
the last two reactions from hypoxanthine through xanthine
to uric acid as byproducts of which two molecules of H
are created. Uric acid is considered a powerful antioxi-
dant (Ames et al., 1981) especially because of its poten-
cy in peroxynitrite scavenging (Balavoine and Geletii,
1999; Regoli and Winston, 1999; Whiteman et al., 2002)
but also in its ability to chelate transition metal ions and
stabilize reactive hypochlorus acid and hydroxyl radical
(Becker, 1993). On the other hand, its increased produc-
tion indicates increased H
production, which may
further react with peroxynitrite and form new aggressive
oxidative metabolites (Santos et al., 1999; Skinner et al.,
1998; Vasquez-Vivar et al., 1996) including alloxan and a
nitrite derivative capable of NO release. These both are
known for their direct or indirect beta cell toxicity (Lenzen
and Panten, 1988). NO may further stimulate peroxy-
nitrate production by reacting with superoxide, thus con-
tributing to beta cell injury (Suarez-Pinzon et al., 1997,
2001). However, there is evidence that uric acid might
further react with and scavenge also these newly formed
radicals (Kooy et al., 1994; Whiteman and Halliwell,
052 Sci. Res. Essays
1996), which implies to a dual role for this molecule in
controlling/affecting the cellular redox status.
Redox status in beta cells Vs T1D
It is well recognized that type 2 diabetes is a progressive
condition with insulin production tending to fall with time
as the beta cell mass fails and the cells synthesize less
insulin. Hyperglycaemia is recognized to have toxic
effects on beta cell, so-called ‘glucotoxicity’ leading to
reduced insulin gene expression, impaired insulin secre-
tion and ultimately cell death (Robertson, 2004). Recently
it has been hypothesized that chronic oxidative stress as
a consequence of hyperglycaemia is an important me-
chanism for glucotoxicity (Robertson et al., 2003). The
mechanisms whereby glucose can lead to the production
of relative oxidative species (ROS) in beta cells are well
defined. Beta cells appear to be vulnerable to oxidative
stress as they contain relatively low levels of glutathione
peroxidase (GPx) and other protective enzymes com-
pared to other cells (Grankvist et al., 1981). Moreover,
studies on pancreatic islets and beta cell lines observed
the cells to be incapable of increasing their antioxidant
enzyme expression in response to cellular stress induced
by exposure to glucose (Tiedge et al., 1997). There is
evidence that ROS are also involved in the pathogenesis
of peripheral insulin resistance (Haber et al., 2003). Nitro-
sative stress is also thought to contribute to the
pathogenesis of beta cell apoptosis (Bast et al., 2002).
Over time these factors increase the burden on beta
cells, promoting the development of diabetes.
Nevertheless, cellular damage in diabetes is associated
with various biochemical pathways. There is some evi-
dence of trace element and vitamin deficiencies in dia-
betes which may contribute to beta cell damage (Aruoma,
1998; Havivi et al., 1991), concomitant with oxi-dative
mechanisms participating in the pathogenesis of both
beta cell destruction at the prediabetic period and of
vascular damage and endothelial dysfunction during the
development of further disease complications. According
to recent knowledge, the latter are mostly due to
increased mitochondrial production of superoxide anion
stimulated by prolonged hyperglycemia (Nishikawa et al.,
2000). The earlier mentioned NF-B, an important media-
tor of cytokine induced pathways of beta cell damage, is
also redox-sensitive and assumably also activated by the
minor amounts of ROS produced at the initial stage of
beta cell destruction. NF-B is further reported to
increase the expression level of iNOS (among other
genes) and then through NO-signaling to down regulate
the expression levels of beta cell specific genes including
Pdx-1, Glut-2, and Isl-1 and also to stimulate the produc-
tion of cytokines and chemotactic agents amplifying the
production of ROS. This cascade then leads to beta cell
dysfunction and death through apoptosis or necrosis
depending on the overall stress (Cardozo et al., 2001; Ho
and Bray, 1999). A chain of events resembling this is also
considered to characterize insulitis, during which T-cells
and macrophages invade the islets and act as sources of
inflammatory mediators and ROS (Rabinovitch et al.,
1996b). Many studies have discovered the general anti-
oxidative capacity to be defective in diabetic patients
(Maxwell et al., 1997; Santini et al., 1997; Tsai et al.,
1994). Depending on the design of the study, decreased
levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, uric acid, GSH and GSH-
related enzymes have been detected in diabetics com-
pared to control subjects (Courderot-Masuyer et al.,
2000; Hoeldtke et al., 2002; Jain and McVie, 1994; Marra
et al., 2002; Maxwell et al., 1997; Ruiz et al., 1999;
Seghieri et al., 1998; Seghrouchni et al., 2002; Sharma et
al., 2000). Controversial results also exist and imply the
need for critical evaluation of the markers measured to
assess oxidative stress (Leinonen et al., 1998;
VanderJagt et al., 2001; Vessby et al., 2002). Importantly,
beta cells themselves have a poorer antioxidative
defense system in comparison to other cell types. Speci-
fically, the expression levels and activities of antioxidants
are low and the adaptive properties to increase antioxi-
dant enzyme production during stress are limited, thus
rende-ring beta cells extremely vulnerable to oxidative
damage (Grankvist et al., 1981; Lenzen et al., 1996;
Tiedge et al., 1997). Further evidence for these defects
have been obtained from substitution studies on insulin
producing cells showing effective protection against
ROS- or cytokine mediated cell death by a cocktail of
antioxidants namely CAT+Gpx+SOD (Loetz et al.,2000;
Tiedge et al., 1998). Beta cells' own properties are also
considered to affect their survival, exemplified by exagge-
rated ROS-sensitivity during low glucose levels and slow
mitochon- drial metabolic rate. Thus, normal kinetics of
glucose metabolism may protect beta cells against ROS-
induced damage (Pipeleers et al., 2001).
The role of Trx has been studied in nonobese diabetic
mice overexpressing Trx specifically in beta cells. The
incidences of both spontaneous autoimmune and drug-
(streptozotocin, a ROS generating agent) induced T1D
were reduced (Hotta et al., 1998). Also after major injury
(partial pancreatectomy) or transplantation, antioxidative
molecules have been shown to increase beta-cell survival
through e.g. attenuated apoptotic beta cell death and
increased viability (Ribeiro et al., 2003; Laybutt et al.,
2002; Bottino et al., 2002; Gunther et al., 2002; Pileggi et
al., 2001). Overall, the existing data indicates oxidative
molecules to be important mediators of beta cell damage
and thus suggests a role for antioxidant supplementation
in diabetes. Due to the complexity and non-specificity of
the machinery controlling redox status, this balance is of
crucial importance.
Interaction between oxidative stress and Virus
Malnutrition is known to result in defective and inefficient
antioxidative capacity and aggravated exposure to oxida-
tive stress triggered by various pathogens, e.g. viruses
(Sofic et al., 2002). According to the traditional view, mal-
nutrition could predispose an individual to infections by
weakening the host's immune system and thus allowing
the pathogen to multiply and disseminate in the orga-
nism. Today it is generally known that many virus infec-
tions (e.g. influenzavirus induced pneumonia, HIV, cox-
sackievirus myocarditis) exert many kinds of oxidative
stress in the host (Maeda and Akaike, 1998; Schwarz;
1996; Xie et al., 2002b). Phagocytes become activated
and produce ROS (Peterhans et al., 1987) and pro-oxida-
tive cytokines (TNF-, IL-1, which further poten-tiate
oxidative and other viral damage through e.g. increased
virus multiplication, impaired mitochondrial function and
reactive iron accumulation (Polla et al., 1996; Schulze-
Osthoff et al., 1992; Schreck et al., 1992; Klempner et al.,
1978). Various studies have demonst-rated the effect of
these cytokines to provoke ROS, especially NO, produc-
tion within the islets, both in macrophages and beta cells
(Rabinovitch and Suarez-Pinzon, 1998; Eizirik et al.,
1996; Rabinovitch et al., 1996a; Mandrup-Poulsen et al.,
1990). Similarly, the pathogenesis of influenza virus
induced pneumonia has been reported to be mostly due
to IFN- mediated NOS and iNOS activation resulting in
NO and further peroxy-nitrate production (Akaike et al.,
1996). The previously mentioned antioxidant-substitution
studies confirm ROS production to mediate IL-1+ TNF-
+ IFN- stimulated beta cell damage (Lortz et al., 2000).
These interactions are further strengthened by the know-
ledge of NF-B as a mediator of both ROS and cytokine
induced apoptosis and the fact that also ROS me-
diate p53- dependent apoptosis, the pathway com-
monly used by viruses (Datta et al., 2002; Armstrong et
al., 2002). The exposure to radical stress is further inten-
sified by virus-mediated impairment of host's antioxidative
defenses through decreasing concentrations of several
ROS scavengers (Allard et al., 1998; Bannister et al.,
1986; Hennet et al., 1992; Staal et al., 1992; Xie et al.,
2002a). Many in vitro studies have characterized this
phenomenon and observed reparative effects by supple-
menting antioxidants. In vivo the effect of antioxidant
therapy is usually tested as a supplement to some speci-
fic antiviral treatment, because of the antioxidants weak
efficiency alone. In some combinations, antioxidative sup-
plement has resulted in improved outcome of the specific
therapy for influenzavirus and HIV infections, although
the specific mechanisms of protection still remain poorly
understood (Allard et al., 1998; Oda et al., 1989). Con-
cerning the immune system, ROS may act as immuno-
modulators allowing or activating T-cell proliferation, an
essential phenomenon in cell-mediated immune res-
ponse. This idea is based on observations on the ability
of several antioxidants to directly inhibit T-cell prolife-
ration or the activation of transcription factors involved in
T-cell activation (Chaudhri et al., 1986; Hunt, 1994). On
the other hand, the fatality of HIV infection lies on the exact
opposite: increased apoptosis of CD4+ T-cells potentiated
or possibly even triggered by the changed redox status
Sharma et al. 053
(Banki et al., 1998; Romero-Alvira and Roche, 1998).
At last but not least, it has been shown that the interact-
tions extend further malnutrition and deficiency of antioxi-
dants are capable of affecting not only the host, but also
the pathogen by increasing its virulence. In a series of
experiments Beck et al. (1997) first observed that an
avirulent strain of CVB3 (3/0), which did not cause any
damage in normally fed control mice, established mode-
rate myocardial lesions in both selenium and vitamin E
deficient mice. When this avirulent strain was further pas-
saged in a selenium or vitamin E deficient mouse and
then reinoculated into a control mouse, severe myocar-
dial damage was provoked. This was shown to be due to
six point mutations in the viral genome, which changed
an originally avirulent strain into virulent (Beck, 1997). As
an example of another virus, ROS are reported to acti-
vate the binding of NF-B to the viral promoter region of
HIV resulting in increased viral replication and production
of Tax protein. Tax again stimulates NF-B (Baruchel and
Wainberg, 1992) thus creating a vicious cycle for the
benefit of the dissemination of the infection.
An institutional research promotion grant to the Depart-
ment of Biotechnology, College of Engineering and Tech-
nology, Moradabad, U.P., India is duly acknowledged.The
authors are grateful to Prof. R.M. Dubey (Managing
Director), Prof. B.N. Basu (Director, Acade-mics) and
Prof. B. N. Kaul (Director, Administra-tion) of CET, IFTM,
Moradabad, U.P., India for providing the necessary facili-
ties and encouragement. Besides, Prof. R.B. Singh,
Halberg Hospital & Research Institute, Moradabad, U.P.,
India is thanked for critical and valuable comments on the
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