with the public
A guide for communicating
science through bird banding
Melissa Pitkin
Mist-netting with the public
A guide for communicating science
through bird banding
Melissa Pitkin
PRBO Conservation Science
Klamath Bird Observatory
In cooperation with the
North American Banding Council
Funding provided by:
PRBO Conservation Science
Klamath Bird Observatory
Rogue Valley Audubon Society
Special thanks to all reviewers:
Geoff Geupel, Diana Humple, Sue Abbott, PRBO Conservation Science,
John Alexander and Ashley Dayer, Klamath Bird Observatory,
CJ Ralph, Redwood Sciences Laboratory,
Doug Wachob, Teton Science School,
Shelley Morrell, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
North American Banding Council Publications Committee
And to all the organizations who participated in the survey!
Table of Contents
Pre-visit Planning
Staff Hiring and Training Guidelines 1
Bird and Human Safety 1
Preserving Data Quality 1
Developing Interpretive Tools 1
Publicizing Your Opportunity 1
Conducting a Visit 2
Program Evaluation 2
Toolbox 2
Other Useful Information 3
References 3
The disconnect between humans and the natural world has been cited as a factor contribut-
ing to declining wildlife populations and the destruction of habitat. People are disconnected with
the natural world in part because they lack
understanding of and connection to science
and scientists. The National Science Board
(2002) reported that 70% of Americans do
not have a basic understanding of the sci-
entic process. Furthermore, public percep-
tion and understanding of scientists is poor;
studies have shown that children and adults
typically picture scientists as middle-aged
white men who wear lab coats, glasses, and
Einstein-like hair styles and work in labo-
ratories lled with test tubes and bubbling
potions (Mead and Metraux, 1957, Mirsky
In a recent paper, Nalini Nadkarni (2004) proposed the idea of scientists as “ambassadors of
conservation” who can reach out to a variety of audiences and connect people with their natural
world. Due to the passion and knowledge of their research, scientists are able to relate their
science to the lives of the “scientically unaware” (Nadkarni, 2004). To bridge the gap in under-
standing of science, scientists, and the natural world, scientists can incorporate public education
programs into their research.
Effective education programs are those that provide participants with direct experience in the
subject matter (Trombulak 2004). Inviting the public of all ages to observe, take part in, interact
with, and learn from scientists gives participants direct experience with research and builds under-
standing of the scientic process. The capture of birds in mist nets presents a unique opportunity
to demonstrate science-in-action to a wide variety of audiences while at the same time generating
valuable scientic information on bird populations.
Scientists involved in mist-netting programs are often hesitant to engage the public in their
work due to numerous challenges associated with collecting data on wildlife under the publics
eye. However, interest in combining educational programs with bird research programs is growing
among ornithologists through the recognition that such programs increase awareness of birds and
bird conservation issues, increase potential for funding and support of research, and improve the
communication of results to land management partners (Riparian Habitat Joint Venture, 2004).
Bird Conservation Plans also encourage those conducting research on bird populations to engage
in public education programs. In the March 2005 Memorandum to All Banders, the Bird Banding
Laboratory of the US Geological Service recognized the importance of teaching through banding
and has begun issuing educational banding permits for stations whose sole purpose is education.
These permits are issued to North American Bird Banding Council certied banders who are the
“best possible ambassadors” for bird banding (BBL, 2005).
As a result of the growing interest in linking education programs with research, biologists and
informal educators at various bird observatories and non-prots in the Americas have requested
help in designing and implementing such programs. To answer this request, I have created this
manual with two goals: to connect the public with science, scientists, and conservation and to
improve the quality and quantity of education programs delivered in conjunction with bird research
that uses mist nets. The guidelines contained in this manual are based on feedback through sur-
veys from 25 organizations (Table 1, page 4) in North America, as well as nine years of profession-
al experience conducting education programs with mist-netting at PRBO Conservation Science and
the Klamath Bird Observatory. The goal of the survey was to establish a need for this of manual
and gather information on how the organizations conducted mist-netting education programs.
Twenty-one of 25 respondents answered that this type of a manual would be useful. The re-
maining questions enabled me to identify the challenges of incorporating education programs with
mist-netting and present ways to address these challenges. Challenges include; volume of birds
caught, number of staff, site accessibility, funding, and stress to birds. Solutions and strategies
for safely and effectively involving the public in mist-netting demonstrations include conducting
extensive pre-visit planning, implementing staff hiring and training guidelines, developing a plan for
bird and human safety, using interpretive tools, publicizing your opportunity, and evaluating your
programs. It is my hope that this manual will achieve its goals of bridging the gap between science
and the public while facilitating the delivery of education programs with mist-netting research.
History of Bird Banding
In 1595, one of King Henry IV’s banded Peregrine Falcons disappeared in France, chasing a
bustard. It turned up about 1350 miles away in Malta, an island in the Mediterranean south of
Sicily, 24 hours later, and averaging 56 miles an hour! With this discovery, the fascination with un-
derstanding bird migration was born. Questions including where do birds go, how long do they live,
how do nestlings know where to disperse (to name a few) were formulated and tested in the spirit
of scientic inquiry. In 1899, a Danish school teacher, Hans Mortensen, developed the system of
putting aluminum rings on the legs of pintail, teal, hawks, starlings, and storks. On the bands he
included his name and address in the hopes they would be returned if found. This system was
formalized in the United States in 1909 with the formation of the North American Bird Banding
Council (NABBC) (www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/homepage/history.htm).
Current Status in North America
Today, there are many organizations and individuals who band birds in North America. Table
one contains a list of 45 bird observatories and organizations that band birds. This table is not
inclusive of all organizations and individuals. There are many more, including biologists working
for state and federal agencies and individuals permitted to band birds independently. In addition,
many groups partner with biologists in Central and South America. Each year approximately 1.1
million birds are banded in North America. As of 2005, a total of 57 million birds had been banded
(www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbl/default.htm). With non-government organizations, agencies, and individu-
als studying birds throughout the Americas, this presents an excellent opportunity to teach people
about birds, research and conservation, and the scientic process. Many groups are already utiliz-
ing this opportunity and currently implement education programs in conjunction with mist-netting.
Each year, at least 47,000 people participate in mist-netting demonstrations (Pitkin 2005).
To use this manual, you must rst be able to answer the question Why invite the public to my
mist-netting station? Whether you work within an education or research organization, involving the
public in mist-netting demonstrations presents several benets. Most importantly it is an oppor-
tunity to bridge the gap between scientists and the public. Connecting people with birds through
in-the-hand observation also helps build appreciation and understanding of birds among partici-
pants. Educators and researchers who observe this appreciation among visitors recount stories of
amazement and wonder as people discover the diversity of bird species surrounding them. From a
marketing point of view, it is a chance to raise funds, build organization memberships, and recruit
volunteers due to the potential to reach large numbers of people each year. Based on survey feed-
back, the annual number of visitors to mist-netting stations ranged from 30 to 15,000 people with
an average of 1,900 people reached annually. Every mist-netting demonstration presents educa-
tional, scientic, and organizational benets.
Common Fears and Challenges
Despite numerous benets, many fears and challenges exist when inviting the public to a
research site. Common challenges
include: adequate staff, funding, high
capture rates, site accessibility, space
needed to accommodate groups, and
the ability to convey educational mes-
sages. Survey respondents were asked
to list the challenges they face (Figure
1). Challenges listed in the ‘other’ cat-
egory include low capture rates, public
perception, stress to birds, and preser-
vation of data quality. All documented
challenges are addressed in this manual
with specic recommendations for addressing them.
Table 1. A Selection of Bird Observatories/Research Organizations in North America
* Indicates organizations which participated in the survey
Organization Name
Alaska Bird Observatory (Alaska)*
Atlantic Bird Observatory(Nova Scotia)*
Bainbridge Island Bird Observatory (Washington)
Beaverhill Bird Observatory (Alberta)*
Black Swamp Bird Observatory (Ohio)*
Braddock Bay Bird Observatory (New York)
Bruce Peninsula Bird Observatory (Ontario)*
Cape May Bird Observatory (New Jersey)
Big Sur Ornithology Lab/Ventanna Wilderness Society (California)*
Chipper Woods Bird Observatory (Indiana)*
Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory (Virginia)*
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (New York)
Deep Portage Bay Learning Center (Wisconsin)*
Derby Hill Bird Observatory (New York)
Fundy Bird Observatory (New Brunswick)*
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory (California)
Great Basin Bird Observatory (Nevada)
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory (Texas)
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory (Ontario)
Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory (Texas)
Humboldt Bay Bird Observatory (California)*
Institute For Bird Populations (California)*
Idaho Bird Observatory (Idaho)*
Innis Point Bird Observatory (Ontario)
Institute For Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies (Ontario)*
Klamath Bird Observatory (Oregon)*
Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory (Alberta)
Long Point Bird Observatory (Ontario)*
Manitoba/Delta Marsh Bird Observatory (Manitoba)
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences (Massachusetts)
Ohio Bird Banding Association (Ohio)*
Old Myakka Bird Observatory (Florida)
Powdermill Bird Banding (Pennsylvania)
PRBO Conservation Science (California)*
Prince Edwards Point Bird Observatory (Ontario)*
Rio Grande Valley Bird Observatory (Texas)
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (Colorado)*
Rocky Point Bird Observatory (British Columbia)*
Rouge River Bird Observatory (Michigan)*
Southeast Arizona Bird Observatory (Arizona)
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (California)*
Starr Ranch Audubon Sanctuary (California)*
Sutton Avian Research Center (Okalahoma)*
Toronto Bird Observatory (Toronto)
Whitesh Point Bird Observatory (Michigan)
Prepare your site
It is important to consider your site when planning educational programs at mist-netting sta-
tions. Whether you are working at a permanent banding station with a facility or at eld sites
without facilities, you must have a plan for access, parking, safety, and interpretation.
Vehicle Access
Access is critical and applies to accessibility by vehicles as well as by people on-site. Stations
located over an hour drive from major cities and towns may have a harder time securing partici-
pants, especially from the K-12 community who are conned by school hours. Nearby camping or
other overnight accommodation may make accessing the site for school groups easier. In addi-
tion, more remote sites may offer multiple experiences for groups traveling long distances. If you
are at a location farther from a city center, think about partnering with organizations or naturalists
who may want to collaborate in offering multi-disciplinary eld experiences as part of their existing
programs. Once at the site, visitors will need ample parking. Larger groups may come on a bus
or in multiple cars. Be sure to have adequate parking and bus turnaround. If parking is a prob-
lem, you may want to limit group size and number of vehicles or arrange a shuttle to and from a
nearby parking area.
Human Access
On-site access to trails, mist nets, or interpretive sites
must also be considered. Trails must be maintained, free
of poison oak or ivy, nettle, thistle, downed trees or logs,
and large holes. Tall grasses and other vegetation should
be pointed out to visitors as possible sources of ticks or
chiggers. Trail maintenance will need to be done through-
out the year or season, especially in areas with vigorous
plant growth. Be sure to plan time for staff, volunteers, or
interns to maintain trails. Trails that encounter hazards
such as steep or rocky slopes, creek crossings without a
bridge, standing water, deep mud, or wet vegetation should be avoided, as they may be unsafe or
uncomfortable for visitors, taking away from the educational experience. Also consider accessi-
bility by handicapped people. The trail itself may be inappropriate for visitors in wheelchairs, but
perhaps your banding site can be modied to accommodate wheelchairs. Blind visitors may also
be unable to traverse difcult trails but can still participate in the experience by listening to bird
sounds, handling study skins, touching tools and equipment, and listening to interpretation.
Interpretation Area
Designating an area for interpretation, or a speaking point, is a critical component of site
preparation. Due to the nature of mist-netting sites, open areas may be limited. Limit your group
size if you cannot accommodate large groups. It is important to address the entire group upon ar-
Pre-visit Planning
rival: introduce them to the experience, and outline how the program will be structured. Maintain
the interpretation area free of hazards as outlined above, to allow room for sitting or standing. At
sites with a permanent facility, such as at PRBOs Palomarin Field Station, an interpretive deck
was built to accommodate groups. This created seating opportunities that were dry and comfort-
able for a wide variety of ages of visitors.
Conveying the Message
It is critical that you determine the messages you wish to convey before you begin your mist-
netting demonstrations. As with any educational program it is important to know your audience
and tailor your message to your audiences age, background, and learning ability. Participants in
mist-netting programs come from a variety of audiences including K-12 students, college stu-
dents, community members, scientists, and habitat managers. Community members can include
the public, Audubon groups, scout groups, naturalist groups, Elderhostel groups, and birding
groups. From the survey participants, K-12 students were the audience type that most commonly
participates in these types of programs.
Survey respondents listed the following as key messages they communicate through
• Value of long-term monitoring*
• The scientic process*
• Linking science and conservation*
• Appreciation for birds*
• Migration*
• Bird diversity and adaptations
• Bird population dynamics
• Birds as indicators
• Habitat loss or change
• Careers in wildlife biology
Items with * were listed by 20 or more out of 25 respondents. These messages are elaborated
below with key points to consider when conveying these messages.
Long-term Monitoring
Long-term monitoring of bird populations is often the motivation for mist-netting birds. Moni-
toring is the continuous scientic study of an organism or population with the goal of detecting
changes over time. Because these changes often take years to detect, monitoring is a com-
ponent of science that is not often emphasized when studies that provide quick and interest-
ing answers can be used instead. It is critical to stress the importance of long-term monitoring
programs for understanding population changes in birds and other wildlife. The National Science
Foundation states that long-term research is important because: changes occur slowly; effects
of rare events can only be evaluated when ongoing studies have been conducted; ecological
Pre-visit Planning
processes vary from year to year and can only be understood from a long-term view; and long-
term studies allow us to interpret short-term studies (NSF, 2004). Because mist-netting stations
exemplify long-term research and monitoring of bird populations, they provide biologists with an
excellent opportunity to teach people about this component of science. The toolbox on page 25
contains a hands-on graphing activity where students investigate changes in population size and
discuss the value of long-term studies. The activity was created by PRBO using Warbling Vireo
data but can easily be adapted to your site.
Scientic Process, Science and Conservation, Scientic Research
To bridge the gap between scientists and the general public, mist-netting demonstrations
should strive to communicate the scientic process, the value of scientic research, and the link
between science and conservation. The scientic process can be summarized as a ve-step
Identify a problem or question that is driving your scientic investigation.
Develop a hypothesis proposing the answer to the question or problem. A hypothesis must
be testable.
Test the hypothesis.
Evaluate the data. Once you have nished
testing your hypothesis, determine if the
data collected support the hypothesis
Do your results cause you to ask further
Every mist-netting station should be able to
list the goals and specic questions being asked
through the research and monitoring (Ralph
et al., 1993). With mist-netting, the problem
or question may have to do with declining bird
populations, changing habitats, changing species composition in an area, timing of migration,
bird species diversity, survivorship in birds, bird response to restoration, etc. There are numer-
ous questions that can be answered by studying birds using mist nets. It is important to address
the questions central to your research and monitoring, and explain why you are mist-netting birds
within the framework of the scientic process.
How your organization utilizes data you collect is an important question to answer to visitors.
Talk about the land managers and scientists your organization partners with. Share examples of
how ndings have been used to modify or inform management decisions or answer conservation
related questions. This is a good opportunity to talk about Bird Conservation Plans and Partners
In Flight.
Pre-visit Planning
Appreciation for birds
A fascination with and appreciation for birds is also fostered during mist-netting demonstra-
tions. Twenty-four of 25 participants selected appreciation for birds as a focus of their educational
programs. The live bird in the hand is the hook or draw that gets people interested. Visitors of all
ages are in awe of the brightly colored warbler or the sparrow resting calmly in your hand. Holding
a live bird in your hand presents an easy and effective way to demonstrate relationships between
natural history and adaptations including: bill shape and prey type, wing length and migratory or
resident status, rictal bristles and ycatching, large eyes and low light conditions, etc.
Migration remains in part a mystery to scientists and the average person. Twenty-three out of
25 respondents said it was a key theme in their banding demonstrations. Knowing wintering and
breeding ranges and distances traveled for commonly caught species and presenting that informa-
tion during demonstrations is an excellent way to inspire people about bird migration. Studying bird
migration also helps us answer conservation questions such as ‘What are important stop-over hab-
itats that need to be protected?’ or ‘What are important bird migration routes?’ Survival estimates
of birds on wintering vs. breeding grounds can be used to help explain bird population declines.
Many researchers are now participating in DNA studies to determine migratory patterns of related
populations. All of these topics are interesting components of a banding demonstration.
An excellent way to teach people about migration is to join in the celebration of International
Migratory Bird Day (IMBD). Mist-netting demonstrations are an excellent addition to an IMBD cel-
ebration. If your organization bands birds, consider organizing an IMBD celebration, or partner with
your local Audubon group or environmental education center to create a celebration. Mist-netting
in a fair/festival situation is different than a scheduled group visit. Visitors may arrive constantly
throughout the morning, in a steady ow. This may put a strain on your staff and volunteers, es-
Pre-visit Planning
Partners In Flight and Bird Conservation Plans
Partners In Flight is an international coalition of land managers (public and pri-
vate), non-government organizations, researchers, individuals, and lawmakers working
together to reverse the decline of songbirds. To achieve this goal, Partners In Flight
has created local chapters and Bird Conservation Plans for specic states, regions, or
habitats. The goal of the Bird Conservation Plans is to prevent further habitat loss or
degradation resulting in the decline of focal bird species. Conservation Plans identify
focal bird species and associated habitat objectives important for maintaining stable
populations of these species. For more information visit www.pif.org.
pecially if your site receives a high volume of birds. Having guided trips to mist-netting posted at
scheduled times is one way to limit continuous trafc to the banding station. It is also important
to have additional staff on hand to accommodate visitors. Keep in mind that public perception of
mist-netting is critical, especially in a widely publicized community event.
Connection with scientists and science as a career
Though this was not emphasized by a majority of the organizations surveyed, it is a topic that
every banding demonstration should emphasize. Public perception of scientists is poor, and many
youth don’t consider being a scientist or biologist a career option. When you have a group at your
site, tell them how you became a biologist and have your staff and interns do the same. Inviting
the public to mist-netting demonstrations is an excellent way to broaden peoples view of scientists
and possibly open doors in a young persons life.
Logistics of a visit
Your site and resources will determine many of the lo-
gistical concerns. Program length varies based on group
size and site accessibility. A typical visit will last just over
an hour with a maximum group size of 30 people. This
hour assumes visitors will tour the nets in addition to the
banding station. If groups will not be taken to check the
nets the visit may be shorter. The majority of organiza-
tions surveyed took people to at least some of the mist-
nets (18/25) and on average, 9 people at a time were
taken on a net run. The largest group size taken on a net
run was 20, however, I recommend that the number of
people touring the nets not exceed 15 (typically half a nor-
mal school class size). Sites with narrow, heavily vegetated trails lend themselves to smaller group
sizes. With groups approaching 30 people, splitting the group into two or more smaller groups (~15
students) is critical. To split groups, you must have enough staff and activities to simultaneously
occupy each group. With a split group, one half accompanies at least two banders to check the
nets and then observe the banding process. The other group is engaged listening to a talk, observ-
ing birds in the eld, examining study skins, watching a video, etc. Then the groups switch. Split-
ting the group will extend the length of a visit because both groups engage in the full program.
Mist-netting demonstrations are generally offered in the morning, as constant effort mist-netting
Pre-visit Planning
Dedicating one person to interpretation and group management is
critical to a successful mist-netting demonstration.
follows the protocol outlined in the Handbook of Field Methods for Monitoring Landbirds (Ralph et
al, 1993). Having groups arrive mid-morning is best for higher capture rates, as more birds tend
to be caught at this time . However, it is best to have groups arrive no earlier than after the rst
net run, allowing banders ample time to get organized. Realistically, most groups can’t arrive at a
site before 8:30 a.m., due to site location and limitations of the school day. The seasons and fre-
quency of programs offered depends upon the monitoring protocol. Stations following the Moni-
toring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) protocol are operated once every 10 days, dur-
ing the breeding season only, and are thus limited in the number of groups that can be scheduled.
Stations that mist net birds daily and/or year round can schedule more group visits. Scheduling
visits in the winter is discouraged due to low capture rates and weather-related cancellations. In
my experience, scheduling more than 3 visits a week may also result in staff burnout.
Another consideration is whether to offer your programs free of charge or for a fee. Of the 25
survey respondents, 12 charge some sort of fee. Fees were charged either per person ($3-$5
each) or a at rate ($35-$125). Some groups ask for a donation of an unspecied amount. Con-
sider your costs and funding sources, and if you will create a sliding scale or fee waiver for groups
without sufcient funds.
Depending on the resources in your community, transportation costs for school groups may be
prohibitive. You may be able to secure grants from education groups to cover bus fees. Check
with your local school districts, Rotary clubs, local Audubon chapters, National Audubon Society
and other natural history or conservation organizations for eligibility and availability.
Pre-visit Planning
Summary of logistic considerations
• Visit length 11.5 hours,
• Maximum group size—30 people
• Maximum number of people checking nets15
• Program start time-between 8:0010:00 am
• Offer visits spring, summer and fall
• Fees optional- $3—$5 per person or $35—$125 per visit
Hiring Guidelines
It is absolutely critical that biologists who operate your mist nets are good with people and are
trained to talk with the public. Job, internship, and volunteer postings should list working with
the public as a component of the position. In addition, it is extremely helpful to have one person
dedicated to interpretation and managing the group, in addition to at least two people whose
primary duties are to band birds. The North American Banding Councils’ Banders Study Guide
recommends that at least two people, preferably three, are necessary when groups are visiting
(NABC, 2001, pg. 48-49). Twelve out of 25 organizations have a dedicated educator in addition to
banding staff when a group is visiting, and 15 out of 24 organizations felt it necessary or prefer-
able. Having enough people is key to keeping birds safe and maintaining a positive perception of
Training Guidelines
It is critical to have well trained and prepared staff, volunteers, and interns. The North Ameri-
can Banding Council has produced three publications relevant to banding passerines:
The North American Banders’ Study Guide (English and Spanish)
The Instructors’ Guide to Training Passerine Bird Banders in North America (English and
The North American Banders' Manual for Banding Passerines and Near-passerines (English
and Spanish)
Information on how to obtain these publications is available at www.nabanding.net/naband-
ing/pubs.html. Certication with the North American Banding Council is also recommended.
Conducting practice runs prior to a group visit will prepare your staff for the visit. In addition,
the outline for conducting a visit, pages 20-23, is a good training tool.
Visitors always want to know answers to a few key questions, such as ‘Why are you doing
this?’, ‘Who is your organization, and ‘Where do you get your funding?’ These and other common-
ly asked questions and answers can be found in the toolbox, page 33. Distribute or go over these
with your crew. Make sure staff, interns, and volunteers can answer the big-picture questions
about bird conservation and your organization. It is also important to know how to answer ques-
tions about injuries to birds. For more on this topic, see the Bird and Human Safety section.
Staff Hiring and Training Guidelines
Human Safety
Human safety is an important consideration when you bring people to an outdoor setting. As
described in the pre-visit planning section, rough ter-
rain, creek crossings, and poisonous plants and animals
could jeopardize human safety. Prepare your site for
visitors, anticipate hazards, and be prepared with ap-
propriate rst-aid. For some groups, this may be the
rst time out of a city or urban area. Assess the condi-
tion of visitors before heading out on the net trail. If you
have a question about a persons ability to navigate the
trail, describe the conditions and suggest they wait at the banding area for the rest of the group
to return. If no restrooms are available, let people know ahead of time so they can make other
Bird Safety
Bird safety should always be the number one priority after human safety. The North American
Banding Council has published the Bander’s Code of Ethics (see page 15) as a guide for safe
bird banding. In addition, the North American Banding Councils North American Banders’ Study
Guide (NABC, 2001), addresses bird safety and injury prevention. All personnel should adhere to
the code of ethics when banding birds and be familiar with bird safety considerations. Even when
banders adhere to the code of ethics, situations may arise when a bird becomes injured or dies.
If this happens when the public is present, their support and perception of bird banding is at
stake. Therefore, it is important that banding presentations do everything possible to ensure that
visiting groups do not interfere with bird safety.
Preventing injury is done by following the code of ethics, minimizing the time birds spend in
nets and in hand, adhering to protocol, paying attention to weather conditions and the needs of
individual birds, and knowing which species are vulnerable to stress, wing strain, or other injuries.
When a group is visiting, it is important that these same guidelines are followed, despite the ad-
ditional distraction. Follow these steps to prevent harm to birds:
Attend to sensitive bird species rst and with the special attention they need.
Always have qualied, highly-trained banders handling and processing birds when groups
are visiting.
Have the materials on hand to deal with stressed or cold individuals, such as a “hospital
box” or other dark quiet container to put birds in until they are calm and warm enough to
y away.
Have sugar water on hand for hummingbirds and other rst-aid items such as medical
tape for splinting and styptic powder to stop bleeding.
For more on bird safety, please refer to the Mist-netter’s Bird Safety Handbook (Smith et
al., 1999) and the North American Banders’ Study Guide (NABC, 2001)
Bird and Human Safety
Human safety checklist
maintain trails
assess visitor abilities
warn about hazards
communicate bathroom options
when scheduling visits
System of communication
Banders should communicate with each other and education staff or volunteers about what
they need in order to focus on the needs of the bird at
all times. For example, difcult extractions from the
net may be easier without a group watching. A good
idea is to work out some phrases such as “Would you
mind taking the group on to the next net? This bird is
going to take a lot of concentration for me to untangle
it” or “Why don’t you move on with the group to see
what other birds we caught, and I'll focus on this bird?”
Avoid displaying injured or dead birds to the public. If
asked directly about injuries and death it is important to answer truthfully and calmly. Calculate
the injury rate for your site. It will likely be less than 1%. Knowing this will help you answer the
tough questions about bird mortality. The following are some scenarios and suggestions for han-
dling difcult situations with the public.
Scenario 1— Injured/dead bird at net
When checking nets, if you come across an injured or dead bird in a net, the bander who
discovers it rst should signal to the other bander to take the group on to another net while they
attend to this bird.
Scenario 2— Injured/dead bird at banding station
When bringing birds back to the banding area, banders should be aware of the condition of the
bird in the bag. If it is dead, don’t pull it out in front of the group; instead, move on to another bird
and discreetly alert other banders of the situation so they can attend to the needs of that bird
without the stress of people watching. If a bird shows signs of stress during processing, address
it by placing it in the hospital box and explaining to the group what you are doing.
Scenario 3— Bird won’t y away after processing
When a bird doesn’t y off after banding, the bird should be picked up and placed in the hos-
pital box if re-catching it won’t increase the birds stress. Let people know that the dark, warm,
quiet box will help birds calm down, enabling them to y away. At this point it is best to continue
processing another bird or move the group on to another activity. If possible, have one bander re-
lease the bird when it’s ready, out of the public’s eye. Once it ies off, the bander can report back
to the group if they are still present.
Scenario 4— Bird dies during processing
If a bird dies during processing in front of the group it is important to remain calm. Discuss
possible reasons for the death: hatch-year birds are generally not as healthy, extreme heat or
cold, prior injury, or unknown reasons. Talk about the mortality rate for your site, the precau-
Bird safety checklist
train staff in bird handling
monitor weather
pay attention to sensitive species
communicate with each other
have a hospital box, or equivalent
Bird and Human Safety
tions you take, and the symptoms you look for to prioritize bird safety. Compare the mortality
that results from mist-netting to that which may result from other causes. For example, survival
estimates of wintering birds suggest that as many as half of the young birds caught in the fall will
die of natural causes by the following spring. If you contribute dead birds to a study skin collec-
tion, mention that the bird becomes a valuable scientic specimen contributing to the knowledge
of the species.
Other considerations
Many people are concerned about the impact to the bird from the weight of the band and the
process of banding and measuring the bird. Explain that lightweight aluminum bands are negli-
gible: bands increase most birds weight by less than 0.5%. In comparison, many birds increase
their weight by 75-100% in preparation for migration. It is also good to point out that many healthy
birds are recaptured, year to year, day to day, and even within a day, showing that banded birds
are able to resume their lives after the brief banding process. Having examples of long-lived
banded individuals demonstrates that banded birds can survive many years with bands. Know
how long it takes you or your staff to process a bird, from start to nish (when a group is not visit-
ing) as a way to illustrate the minimal impact to the bird. Always emphasize that bird safety is
your rst priority. Finally, be able to talk about the benets of studying birds using mist nets.
Safe release techniques
Releasing the bird is often the favorite part of the program for visitors. Twenty of 25 organiza-
tions allow visitors to release the bird once it is banded. However, it is not always as simple as
opening your hand and watching it y away. If you band birds at a banding laboratory, be sure you
are releasing birds well away from the building, windows, and parked cars. Birds may turn back
when released and hit the window. It is also important to release birds close to the ground in an
open area to allow for quick and easy recapture of a bird that immediately lands on the ground
instead of ying off (NABC 2001, pg 26). Chasing a bird through shrubs or vegetation adds extra
stress to the bird. Always assess the birds condition before you hand it to someone to release.
If it looks stressed at all, release it yourself and away from visitors. A bird that does not y away
may leave the group feeling uneasy about the process of mist-netting. Finally, selecting one
student in a large group of kids to release a bird may cause unnecessary disappointment among
Visitors often want to take photographs of birds prior to release. Photographs may increase
handling time and delay processing of birds waiting to be processed. Holding a bird in the pho-
tographer’s grip may also result in injury to the bird if it is agitated and apping its wings wildly.
It is OK to politely say no to visitors, explain why, and continue processing birds. However, if you
have the time and staff to allow this, it can be an advantageous experience. Some people have
speculated that the ash may be harmful or disorienting to birds. I have not found any evidence
to support or disprove this. Some organizations ask photographers to turn off the ash as a pre-
Bird and Human Safety
caution. Remember, people who want to touch and photograph birds are doing so because they
are amazed and excited about what they are seeing. When denying requests to touch and photo-
graph birds, always do so in a kind and respectful manner.
Banding in a facility
Banding inside a facility raises another bird safety issue. Birds that escape during process-
ing run the risk of hitting windows or walls or becoming difcult to re-capture. Be sure you have
a long handled net for capturing birds from the ceiling or other means for safely capturing birds
in an enclosed space. Opening doors and windows and asking the group to wait outside will help
minimize stress and injury to the bird.
Bird and Human Safety
The Bander’s Code of Ethics– North American Banding Council (NABC, 2001)
1. Banders are primarily responsible for the safety and welfare of the birds they study so that
stress and risks of injury or death are minimized.
Some basic rules:
handle each bird carefully, gently, quietly, with respect, and in minimum time
capture and process only as many birds as you can safely handle
close traps or nets when predators are in the area
do not band in inclement weather
frequently assess the condition of traps and nets and repair them quickly
properly train and supervise students
check nets as frequently as conditions dictate
check traps as often as recommended for each trap type
properly close all traps and nets at the end of banding
do not leave traps or nets set and untended
use the correct band size and banding pliers for each bird
treat any bird injuries humanely
2. Continually assess your own work to ensure that it is beyond reproach.
reassess methods if an injury or mortality occurs
ask for and accept constructive criticism from other banders
3. Offer honest and constructive assessment of the work of others to help maintain the highest
standards possible
publish innovations in banding, capture, and handling techniques
educate prospective banders and trainers
report any mishandling of birds to the bander
if no improvement occurs, le a report with the Banding Ofce
4. Ensure that your data are accurate and complete.
5. Obtain prior permission to band on private property and on public lands.
Preserving data quality was listed as another challenge when conducting educational pro-
grams with mist-netting. As with promoting bird safety, preserving data quality starts with making
sure your banding crew members are well trained in the methods of bird banding and data col-
lection. The North American Banding Council (NABC) has produced three publications relevant to
banding passerines (see page 11). Banders can also be certied by NABC, which is a good way to
ensure your banders are highly trained in bird banding techniques.
There are a few other tips for managing groups that
can help maintain data quality. With large groups or
busy capture sites, the extra time it takes to interpret
banding can slow down processing. Having a dedicated
educator trained in bird banding and handling birds
makes a huge difference. The dedicated educator can
take the group aside with one bird, data sheets, and
banding equipment and go through the process slowly
for the group. This enables the banders to continue
processing birds without the extra time and focus
required when interpreting banding. Splitting the group
into two smaller groups also reduces the time it takes to
interpret banding, as smaller groups are easier to man-
age. In addition, banders feel less crowded and pres-
sured with fewer people. If you band at an extremely
busy site, you may need additional staff, volunteers, or
interns on days when groups are visiting. Keep this in
mind and plan accordingly.
Preserving Data Quality
Using interpretive tools and materials will enhance your program by enabling you to reach all
types of learners. If you are using a banding laboratory or visitor center, there are more options
for permanent displays and multi-media tools but visual aids can be created and used in a eld
setting as well. The interpretive tools listed in the box below are used at bird observatories in
North America. The most commonly used tools are band recovery statistics, eld guides, and
information on commonly caught species. Having these prepared as posters, handouts, student
worksheets, or displays will enhance your banding demonstration.
Many of these tools can be easily and inexpensively made with a printer and laminating ma-
chine. Some organizations offered their examples for inclusion in this guidebook to be adapted,
duplicated, or purchased as indicated in the Toolbox section, pages 25-37.
Developing Interpretive Tools
Interpretive Tools Used in Mist Netting Demonstrations
Field guides
Student-created eld guide to commonly caught birds (prepared prior to a visit)
One-page laminated eld guide of common species for people to take home
Commonly caught species proles and posters
Banding tools and/or extra banding kit with tools for people to touch
Mounted birds, study skins, and nature center displays
Long-term bird monitoring activity (Toolbox page 30)
Skull ossication diagram (Toolbox page 25)
Illustrations of the banding process
Migration maps and band recovery maps (Toolbox page 32)
Video of banding process
Demonstration net or piece of mist net for people to touch
Aerial photos of research site and nets
Bird nests
White board for group data collection
Birds In Hand and Field (Toolbox page 27)
Longevity records (Toolbox page 28)
If you are going to spend the time and energy preparing for and offering mist-netting demon-
strations, it is important to advertise it. How you advertise and recruit participants depends upon
your audience. The most common audience type participating in mist-netting demonstrations
is the kindergarten through 12
grade category (K-12), followed by community groups, college
groups, and managers. Community groups include members of the public and special interest
groups such as Audubon Societies, Boy and Girl Scouts, naturalists, birders, visiting scientists,
and Elderhostel groups.
K-12 Audience
If you are trying to encourage participation from the K-12 audience, contacting local schools is
the best place to start. Distribute yers to local school districts or schools that include contact
information and critical notes about scheduling. More effective than sending yers is to make
personal contacts with the school principal or teachers. Specically targeting science teachers
in middle and high schools is also effective. Finally, linking this opportunity with school science
standards, both federal and state, will encourage school participation as well (see page 37 for
National Science Education Standards for the U.S.).
Community groups
Distributing yers and making presentations at community meetings is a good way to get the
word out to your local community. Announcements in weekend editions of newspapers, travel
magazines, and newsletters of similar organizations are excellent ways to draw people in. Make
sure you clearly state that group visits must be scheduled in advance, and include appropriate
contact information. If you have a site that is open to drop-in visitors, consider setting a size limit
for what constitutes a group versus a family stopping by. Usually, groups of 5 or less can be eas-
ily handled in a drop-in situation.
Managers and partners
Encouraging managers and partners to visit
mist-netting stations is an excellent way to trans-
late scientic ndings to conservation planners and
partners and secure continued support and fund-
ing. A personal invitation is the best way to involve
managers and partners. When working on publicly
or privately managed land where research on other
taxa may be occurring, consider inviting other biolo-
gists to learn about the bird research and share nd-
ings. This will help avoid conicts in research meth-
ods as well as to encourage collaborative research
Publicizing Your Opportunity
If you do not have education staff available to conduct program promotion, consider partner-
ing with other environmental or conservation education groups. Offer a banding demonstration
as a component of existing programs. For example, local Audubon groups often have dedicated
volunteers or staff members conducting educational programs and could add your mist-netting
demonstration to their programs. This would raise exposure for your organization, educate people
about science and conservation, and increase the diversity of program offerings for the partner
group. The partner could handle publicity and advertising.
Media visits
Inviting the media to observe mist-netting may be a good way to promote your message or to
raise the prole of your organization. However, media representation may be misleading as tech-
nical terms are often not presented accurately. To prevent this, it is critical to have the following
items ready during each visit with a media representative:
• mist-netting fact sheet (Toolbox, page 25-37)
• a handout with the main points you want to emphasize
• commonly caught bird list with bird names spelled accurately to prevent articles about
‘miss nets’ and ‘olive sighted’ ycatchers
• contact sheet with your contact information as well as the names spelled correctly, of all
staff, interns, or volunteers present that day
It is also a good idea to ask to review the nal article, though it is very rare that a writer will
grant you this request. Under-
stand that media representatives
work under tight schedules and
odd hours, often nishing a story
the evening before it goes to print.
Ask about the printing deadlines
and offer to help answer ques-
tions. If a printed article has
mistakes and inaccuracies con-
tact the author and politely point
out the mistakes. Creating a good
relationship with one or two media
contacts will improve the quantity
and quality of your media expo-
sure pieces in the future.
Publicizing Your Opportunity
Now that you have prepared your site, hired and trained enough staff and developed a plan for
bird and human safety, you are ready to host a group. Based on my experience conducting mist-
netting demonstrations, I present the following outlines and some specics on terminology and
Conducting a Visit
Visit Outline for groups of 15 or fewer, times are approximations
9:00 Group arrives, greet group at parking area, welcome, introductions,
and program outline—what can the group expect: restrooms, back-
packs, time, terrain.
9:10 Check the nets—go over the rules prior to departing for trail
9:40 Banding site—interpreting banding process and questions
10:10 Other activities: birding, visitor center, nature writing etc. if time
10:30 Both groups together: wrap up, conclusions, review what they learned
and departure
Visit Outline for groups larger than 15, times are approximations
9:00 Group arrives, greet group at parking area, welcome, introductions,
and program outline—what can the group expect: restrooms, back-
packs, time, terrain. Split group.
9:10 Group 1Check the nets and band birds—go over the rules prior to
departing for trail
Group 2—begin alternative activity: birding, visitor center, nature writ-
ing, bird specimens, etc.
10:00 Switch groups—Group 2—check nets and band birds Group 1alterna
tive activity
10:50 Both groups together: wrap up, conclusions, review what they learned
and departure
Checking the Nets
The following are some tips and suggestions for checking nets with the public. These may
need to be adapted for your site. This section could be copied and given to staff, interns, and
volunteers as a training tool.
Notes for Banders
The following are considerations for taking groups to check mist nets:
Work in pairs: Always have at least two people who can comfortably extract birds from nets when
taking a group on the net trail.
Help each other out: Partners should be aware of how the bird being extracted is caught. If it is
really tangled, one person should take the group to the next net, giving the person extracting the
bird the time and space needed for difcult extractions. This also eliminates fears for bird safety
among the participants.
Know your group: Walk slowly; be aware of the age of your group. Very young and old visitors
may have trouble keeping up with the fast pace of young eld biologists. Stop periodically to let
people catch their breath, and assess the groups ability. Don’t let the group get spread out.
Enjoy the surroundings: Point out birds ying overhead to the group, take time to talk about the
habitat and listen to bird songs.
Leave extra stuff behind: Have participants leave all backpacks in a safe location at the banding
site. Backpacks and extra stuff may get tangled in mist nets or slow people down along the trail.
Try to make sure everyone sees a caught bird: If you have a split group and you catch a bird
with one group, show the bird to the group engaged in another activity. This can be as brief as
holding the bird for the group engaged in another activity to see. This is particularly important for
sites with low capture rates.
Rules for Visitors
Before you begin the hike to check the nets, it is important, especially with young students, to
go over the rules for your site. How you talk about these rules and what rules you institute will
vary by site. I have summarized some concerns into three rules. The corresponding text is how I
introduce them to children:
1. Stay on the trail
: Who knows what poison oak is? Poison oak is an important part of the
habitat for many bird species. Some birds choose to nest in poison oak and even use the bark
to build their nests. We keep the trails clear of poison oak so if you stay on the trail you won’t
get poison oak. (People often ask if birds get poison oak. No they don’t, but they can spread it to
banders who handle them.)
2. Keep voices down and walk
: Remember, we are about to enter a study area. Who wants
to catch birds today? Great, me too, and we will have a better chance of catching them if we are
walking and talking quietly while we go on the net trail.
3. Keep out of the nets
: The nets are very delicate and can tear easily. If you have any
backpacks you can leave them at the banding area, and as we walk close to the nets, try to keep
Conducting a Visit
your arms in (demonstrate how) to make sure your watches or jewelry don’t get caught. (Remem-
ber, some kids and adults will always touch the nets, it’s inevitable. I like to let people touch a
net that does not have birds in it at the beginning of the trail to get it out of their system. Avoid
spending the entire hike telling kids to keep their hands out; there are many more interesting
things to focus on.)
A journey along the trail
Starting at the rst net, have the participants stand a few feet away from the net to view it.
Explain how the net is hard to see by having them look through the net and focus on the vegeta-
tion. When you do this, the net becomes nearly invisible. Using a rolled up bird bag, toss the bag
into the net to show how a bird gets caught. This is a good time to talk about when you open and
close the nets, how often you band birds at this site, and to answer any questions.
Proceed along the trail, again stopping to see how the group is doing. I like to stop at certain
points along the way to point out changes in habitat or interesting notes about the surroundings.
Stop somewhere along the way and have them stand quietly to listen to how many different birds
they can hear.
If you did not get any birds, take the group back to the banding area and show them the
bands and pliers and talk a bit about what you would have done if you had a bird. Some organiza-
tions have a video they play of the mist-netting and banding process. This would be an excellent
tool for sites with a low volume of birds captured.
If you did get birds, take the group to the banding area, and go through the steps of banding
with them.
Interpreting the banding process
Once gathered, wait for the group to quiet down before taking the bird out of the bag. I nd it
works well to have one person band and process the bird while I narrate. It is important to use
basic terms or clearly dene unfamiliar terminology. Terms such as brood patch, ossication, and
even wing chord will need explanation. Here are some ways to talk about the different terminol-
ogy of the banding process.
Brood patch— When birds have eggs in the nest that they need to keep warm or incubate,
they lose the feathers on their belly so that their warm skin comes in contact with the eggs. This
featherless area on a bird’s stomach is called the brood patch. In most cases, only females
develop a brood patch so it is very useful for determining males from females. Show diagrams if
Conducting a Visit
Cloacal Protuberance — This is something that males develop in the breeding season only.
The cloaca is the main organ for fertilization for birds and, when males are ready to breed, it
becomes enlarged. The size of the cloaca can help determine a male from a female. Show dia-
grams if possible.
Molt — We also look at how a bird is molting or changing its feathers. We can sometimes
determine a birds age by looking at how it molts its feathers. The specic information we need
to determine a birds age from feather molt is outlined in this guide: Guide to Ageing and Sexing
Passerines, Peter Pyle. This is an amazing resource for scientists who mist-net birds, but not
something you would want to take birding with you (let people have a chance to see the guide if
Skull ossication — When birds rst hatch from an egg they have one thin layer of bone over
their head. You can see right through the rst layer and it looks pink. Then when the second lay-
er grows over the top the bone becomes ossied or fused and it appears white. We look through
the birds’ skin to see if there is a contrast between white bone and pink. If we nd a contrast we
know that the bird is less then one year old. If it is solid white bone then it is at least one year
old. You can use the skull poster as a tool for this (Toolbox, page 25).
Wing Chord — This is a measurement we take on all birds. It is sort of the equivalent of mea-
suring someones height. For some birds the length of a birds wing can also help us tell males
from females.
Body Weight— We record the weight of each bird, teaching us about the health of a bird and
sometimes to help us tell males from females. (Describe your weighing process — if using a can-
ister, explain that the birds are OK as they go head-rst into the cup. If using a paesola, this may
be a good opportunity for a student to have a hands-on experience. Let them hold the paesola
and read the weight. Make sure you talk about weighing the bag rst.
When nished, let the group watch you release the bird if possible. Please follow the guide-
lines for releasing birds with a group outlined in the Bird and Human Safety section, page 14.
Conducting a Visit
As with all educational programs, it is critical to evaluate your ability to successfully conduct and
deliver your message. Program evaluation is important for accountability to a funding agency.
However, program assessment is important for much more (Thomson and Hoffman, 2005).
Assessment is a way to check for understanding and determine if ideas or concepts are being
taught (Colburn, 2003). Assessing your ability to meet the goals of your program enables you to
revise your methods and programs to focus on areas where understanding gaps exist.
Traditional evaluation methods often take the form of written tests, evaluations, and tracking
number of participants. Tracking the number of participants is a good way to determine
participation but may not tell you much about what your audience learned. Written evaluations
are an effective way to capture what people learned, but it can be difcult to encourage
participants to ll out an evaluation on-site after a program. Alternative assessment tools are
more appropriate for informal education programs. Student groups often write thank you letters
or send drawings; these are useful for demonstrating what they learned. Having a post-visit
activity for teachers to conduct in the classroom and asking teachers to share results is another
good idea. Verbally asking students to describe what they learned or enjoyed at the end of a
program is a valid form of evaluation and allows you to immediately address misconceptions,
but this method is difcult to document. Sign-in books can be used to capture comments
from people as they leave your site. Regardless of your specic program goals, some form of
evaluation technique should be used in conjunction with your program.
The following pages contain a set of interpretive materials you may nd useful when conducting
mist-netting demonstrations. You may copy materials right out of this manual for use at your
site, modify them to meet your needs, and in some cases purchase copies from the organization
that created them.
Program Evaluation
Skull Ossication Chart (PRBO Conservation Science)-ok to use at your site
Skull Ossification in Young Birds
A tool for ageing birds
First hatched
from egg
Banding Station Scavenger Hunt, (Klamath Bird Observatory)
Ok to use/modify for your site.
Scavenger Hunt
Welcome to Klamath Bird Observatory! Our scientists use
many tools to help them collect data. They also use many ob-
servation skills to nd birds. Today during your visit at the banding station, see
how many things you can observe on the list. Good luck!
Cloth bags
Mist nets
Banding pliers
Band removers
Wing rulers
Data sheets
A hotbox for birds
A bird that still has juvenile feathers
A bird caught with a band showing it has been previously caught
Tabular Pyle Guide
Birds in Hand and Field, (Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory)
Biologists the world over use banding to study bird migration, populations, and habitat use. This 16-
page booklet is lled with activities for learning about this important research method. Topics include
basic bird identication, migration, data collection, and more. Suitable for grades 1-7, and used in
training adults at bird banding stations. Available in English and Spanish. Cost: $5 plus $2 shipping
and handling. To order, contact Shelly Morrell, Education Division Director, Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory, 230 Cherry Street, Fort Collins, CO 8052, 970-482-1707 www.rmbo.org
Longevity Records Poster, (PRBO Conservation Science)
This is an example of a poster created for the PRBO Bird Banding Lab illustrating longevity records
for commonly caught species. Longevity records for birds can be found at on the BBL website at
www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/homepage/longvrec.htm. OK to modify for your site.
Toolbox-Bird Banding Fact Sheet, (Klamath Bird Observatory)
OK to use for your site.
Bird Banding Fact Sheet
What is bird banding?
Bird banding is a method used by scientists to study
birds. Birds are safely caught by scientists and given an
identication band. A band is a small aluminum ring that
ts around the bird’s leg like a bracelet. The band is
engraved with a unique number, allowing scientists to keep
track of each individual bird. No other bird will have the
same number.
Why do scientists band birds?
Putting a band with a unique number on a bird allows scientists to keep track of each individual bird
when it is caught again. This is important for answering questions (testing hypotheses) about birds.
Some of the questions bird banding allows scientists to answer include: How long do birds live?
Where do birds go? What birds are present at this site? How are bird population numbers changing
over time? and How many baby birds were born each year? Answering these questions provides
information useful in protecting birds and their habitats.
How do scientists catch the birds?
The birds are gently caught in soft, ne nets called mist-nets. These nets are stretched between two
poles, usually among trees and bushes. The birds cannot see the nets, so they y into them. Scientists
carefully remove the birds from the nets so they can be banded and released unharmed.
Who bands birds?
Scientists from bird observatories, government agencies, research organizations, and graduate schools
band birds as part of their research programs. In order to band birds you must have a permit and
be trained to safely handle and band birds. All the data collected on birds banded in North America
is kept by the Bird Banding Laboratory of the US Department of the Interior and is available for any
scientist to access.
How many birds are banded each year?
Each year approximately 1.1 million birds are banded. In total, 57 million birds have ever been banded.
What do I do if I nd a banded bird?
If you nd a banded bird report it to 1-800-327-BAND or on the web at
Warbling Vireo Graphing Activity
(PRBO Conservation Science) - ok to modify for use at your site.
Grades 3 and up (the information and questions can be adapted to the audience)
1. Introduce Banding / Mist-netting
What is banding and mist-netting?
Why study birds? (Birds are indicator species, etc.)
What can we learn from banding birds? (i.e. productivity and survivorship)
2. Introduce Warbling Vireos
What type of bird is a Warbling Vireo?
What time of year do we catch them in our nets (get them thinking about Warbling Vireos’ life
cycle, breeding, migration, etc.)?
Why would we want to study them using mist-nets?
3. Break into groups of 2 students (or keep them together)
Each group (or individual) will receive a special card containing actual data from PRBO’s Palomarin
Field Station mist-net study, including number of Warbling Vireos captured in the nets during a
specic year.
Call on students (or groups) to plot each point (you can also choose select points to plot to save
They must use their card to plot the data point on the white board graph.
After all points have been plotted, ask a volunteer group to complete the graph by connecting the
data points with a line.
4. Discuss Results
Ask for volunteers to interpret the graph; What do they think is happening with the Warbling
Vireo population; Do they think having many years of data is important (compare looking at only a
few years versus all years on the graph)?
What can we do with the data? (i.e. nd out more about the problem by nest searching, use
information for recommendations to land managers, etc.)
Draw on importance of long-term data by talking about up-down cycles in population numbers.
Suggested Items to Use for Activity:
Dry erase white board with markers, with a blank graph with grid lines and years on the x-axis
and numbers on the y-axis drawn on in permanent marker, This makes it easier for the students
to nd and plot their data points)
28 PRBO Warbling Vireo Data Cards (laminated)
Yard Stick (to help students with plotting points)
There are a total of 28 laminated cards for students in this activity. Each card represents a data point
and allows students to plot each point on the graph, as explained in the activity outline above.
Band Recovery Map, (Big Sur Ornithology Lab)
Created by PRBO Conservation Science - ok to modify and reproduce.
Commonly asked questions and answers for bird banding demonstrations.
1. Do the bands hurt the birds? No, the band ts around their leg, loose like a bracelet, not
as tight as a watch.
2. Does the band impede their ying? No, studies on captive birds have shown no effect.
The bands for small birds are made of aluminum (the same material soda cans are made from),
and they are very light.
3. Do birds ever die or get hurt in the net? Very rarely. We are very careful to always put
the birds’ safety rst. By watching how the birds are behaving we can tell if the bird is under
stress and we would let a stressed bird go or put it in our hot box to warm up before letting
it go.
4. The birds you are holding seems so calm, why is that? The way I am holding it keeps it
from struggling. Its wings are pressed against the back of my hands and my ngers are actually
on its shoulders.
5. Do you ever catch the same bird twice, or twice in one day? Yes, about 1/3 of
the birds we catch are re-captured. It is really our hope to re-capture birds. That way we
can learn things such as how long birds live (survivorship) and how birds change as they
age. When we re-capture migratory birds from season to season we are able to tell that
that individual survived the winter and migration. We do also catch the same bird in one
day usually this occurs in the breeding season when birds are very distracted and are busy
defending territories and feeding young. Some individuals may learn where the nets are
located, but the fact that we catch them repeatedly even in a day suggests that learning to
avoid the nets is not a major factor in the population declines we notice.
6. If you catch a bird again, do you just let it go or do you still band it? If we catch
a bird with a band already, we still process it, or take all the data, because this can teach us
about how the bird has changed since we last captured it. If we catch the same bird twice in
one day then we weigh it again and release it.
7. Why are you banding birds here? Mist-netting and bird banding allows us to monitor
long-term changes in bird populations and relate them to factors such as weather, restoration,
and habitat change. Banding allows us to determine how long birds live (survivorship) and
how successful the population is at producing young. By understanding these factors we can
better conserve bird populations.
8. Are you part of the National Forest, or Audubon? Fill in answer for your organization/
9. Do you receive government funding? Fill in answer for your organization/afliation.
10. Where do you get your funding? Fill in answer for your organization/afliation.
11. Can I hold the bird? No, we can’t let you hold the birds, it takes time to learn to safely hold
birds and we need to quickly nish the banding process so we can let the bird go.
Commonly Asked Questions, (PRBO Conservation Science)
Bird Banding Brochure, (Rouge River Bird Observatory)
Bird Banding Brochure, (Rouge River Bird Observatory)
~ Feedback Form-Teachers~
Your feedback is important to us! We intend to improve the quality of our programs by incorporating
feedback from participants in our mist netting demonstration. We welcome all comments and suggestions
for change.
Do you feel this program contributed something to your science education programs? Please state
What did you and your students enjoy most about the mist netting demonstration?
What did you and your students enjoy LEAST about the mist netting demonstration?
Is there anything you would add or change?
Please place any additional comments on a separate page.
Name (optional): ________________________________________________
Afliation: ____________________________________________________
Thank you! Please return this form to us, either via fax or email.
Add your contact information here
National Science Standards
The full content standards for life sciences can be found online at the National Science Education
Standards webpage in chapter 6: http://books.nap.edu/html/nses/6a.html.
Peer reviewed literature on effects of bird banding
Ishida, Ken Safety of Ringing Techniques: Load of Ring Weight to Small Birds. Strix, Vol. 11. p. 293-298.
1992. In Japanese with English summ. WR 240 ISSN: 0910-6901
Berggren, Asa; Low, Matthew. Leg problems and banding-associated leg injuries in a closely monitored
population of North Island robin (Petroica longipes) Wildlife Research, 31(5): 535-541; 2004 ISSN:
Haas, William E.; Hargrove, Lori A Solution to Leg Band Injuries in Willow Flycatachers. Studies in
Avian Biology, (26): p. 180; July 2003 ISSN:0197-9922
Other Useful Information
Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). 2005. Memorandum to all banders, MTAB87. USGS Patuxent Wildlife
Research Center, Bird Banding Laboratory, Laurel, MD.
Caduto, Michael J.. (1985). A Guide to Environmental Values Education. Environmental Education Series
#13, UNESCO-UNEP International Environmental Education Programme.
Gardali, T., G. Ballard, N. Nur, and G. R. Geupel. 2000. Demography of a declining population of
Warbling Vireos in coastal California. Condor 102: 601-609 (www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBL/mtab/mtab87.
Mead, M., and R. Metraux. 1957. "Image of the Scientist among High School Students: A Pilot Study,"
Science 126: 386-87.
McNamara, C. (1999). Basic Guide to Outcomes-Based Evaluation in Nonprot Organizations with
Very Limited Resources. www.managementhelp.org/evaluatn/outcomes.htm
Nadkarni, N. 2004. Not Preaching to the Choir; Communicating the Importance of Forest
Conservation to Nontraditional Audiences. Conservation Biology 18(3): 602-606/
National Science Board 2002. Science and Engineering Indicators 2002. US Government Printing
Ofce, Washington, D.C.
National Science Foundation (NSF). 2004. Environment, Taking the Long View. Report.
North American Banding Council (NABC) 2001. The North American Bander’s Study Guide. The
North American Banding Council. Point Reyes Station, CA. (www.nabanding.net/nabanding/pubs.
Pitkin, M. 2005. Useful products for forest bird conservation: A session summary. in California
Partners in Flight, Flight Log Newsletter 15, Summer 2005. 9pp
Pitkin, M. 2005. add thesis citation here.
Rahm, J. and P. Charbonneau. 1997. Probing stereotypes through students drawings of scientists
American Journal of Physics 65, 774
Ralph, C.J., G.R. Geupel, P. Pyle, T.E. Martin, and D.F. DeSante. 1993. Handbook of eld methods for
monitoring landbirds. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-144. Albany, CA: Pacic Southwest Research Station,
Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 41p.
RHJV 2004. Version 2.0. The Riparian Bird Conservation Plan, A strategy for reversing the decline of
riparian associated songbirds in California. California Partners In Flight. www.prbo.org/calpif/.
Smith, H., J. McCracken, D. Shepnerd, and P. Velez. 1999. The Mist-netter’s Bird Safety Handbook.
Institute for Bird Populations, Pt. Reyes Station, California. 105 pp.
Thomson, G. and J. Hommfan. 2005. Measuring the success of environmental education programs.
Canadian Parks and Wildnerness (CPAWS) www.cpawscalgary.org/education/evaluation/
Trombulak, S., K. Omland, J. Robinson, J. Lusk, T. Fleischner, G. Brown, M. Domroese. 2004. Principles
of Conservation biology: Recommended Guidelines for Conseration literacy from the Education
Committee of the Society for Conservation Biology. 18(5): 1180-1189.
Melissa Pitkin
PRBO Conservation Science
3820 Cypress Drive #11
Petaluma, CA 94954
(707) 781-2555 ext. 307