David F. DeSante, Kenneth M. Burton, Danielle Kaschube,
Pilar Velez, Dan Froehlich, and Steven Albert
The Institute for Bird Populations
PO Box 518
Petaluma, CA 94953
(707) 789-3224
We thank MAPS biologists Eric Feuss, Denise Jones, Sara Martin, Eric (Zed) Ruhlen,
Hillary Smith, Brett Walker, Kerry Wilcox, and Mellissa Winfield and research
scientists Phil Nott and Jim Saracco for their help in the development of this manual
and for comments on earlier versions and revisions. We especially thank Nicole
Michel and Peter Pyle for critical help with the overall development of this manual
and in word-crafting the more recent revisions. Feedback from the many MAPS
station operators also has been invaluable in refining both the manual and the MAPS
Program itself.
Funding for the development, establishment, and operation of the MAPS Program
has come from many sources. Among the most important are the U.S.D.A. Forest
Service, U.S. Department of Defense/Legacy Resource Management Program,
U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service/Office of Migratory Bird Management and National
Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey/Biological Resources Division, and National
Fish and Wildlife Foundation. We thank these and many other funding sources and
private individuals for their support.
Finally, we thank the many hundreds of station operators and all their assistants,
interns, and volunteers who, year after year, contribute their data to the MAPS
Program. Without their dedication and perseverance, MAPS could not exist.
This is Contribution Number 127 of The Institute for Bird Populations.
Copyright © 2021
Recommended citation: DeSante, D.F., K.M. Burton, D.R. Kaschube, P. Velez, D.
Froehlich, and S. Albert. 2021. MAPS Manual: 2021 Protocol. The Institute for Bird
Populations, Point Reyes Station, CA.
2021 MAPS Manual - i
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5
An Invitation ............................................................................................................ 5
Bird Safety ............................................................................................................... 6
Proper Permitting .................................................................................................... 6
Background and Rationale ..................................................................................... 6
Design and Objectives of the MAPS Program ....................................................... 8
Analysis of MAPS Data ......................................................................................... 11
Siting a MAPS station ........................................................................................... 15
Establishing a MAPS station ................................................................................ 17
MAPS terminology ....................................................................................... 17
General configuration .................................................................................. 18
Mist nets (number) ...................................................................................... 18
Mist nets (density) ....................................................................................... 18
Mist nets (placement) ................................................................................. 19
Mist nets (size, type, and mesh size) .......................................................... 20
Operating a MAPS station .................................................................................... 20
Station registration ...................................................................................... 20
Banding - dates of operation ....................................................................... 20
Effort data .................................................................................................... 22
Breeding Status data ................................................................................... 23
Habitat Structure Assessment (HSA) data ................................................ 23
Instructions and data forms ........................................................................ 23
Recording data and making corrections .................................................... 23
The use of MAPSPROG ........................................................................................ 23
MAPS data-use policy........................................................................................... 24
STATION REGISTRATION .............................................................................................. 26
Joining the MAPS Program .................................................................................. 26
Instructions for completing the MAPS Station Registration Form .................... 26
MIST-NETTING EFFORT ................................................................................................ 31
Operation of nets .................................................................................................. 31
Frequency of mist-netting effort .......................................................................... 31
MAPS Periods and Intended Periods .................................................................. 32
Making up missed effort ...................................................................................... 33
Minimum allowable effort .................................................................................... 33
STANDARD NET OPENING AND CLOSING TIMES ....................................................... 34
Instructions for completing the Standard Net Opening and Closing Times
form .............................................................................................................. 34
SUMMARY OF EFFORT .................................................................................................. 36
Instructions for completing the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort form ............. 36
COLLECTION AND RECORDING OF BANDING DATA .................................................. 39
ii - 2021 MAPS Manual
General procedures for recording banding data ................................................. 39
Primary MAPS data ..................................................................................... 39
Supplemental data ...................................................................................... 39
Optional data ............................................................................................... 40
Codes, scales, and forms ............................................................................ 40
Multiple-station locations ........................................................................... 40
Non-MAPS data ........................................................................................... 40
Page headings and other notations ........................................................... 41
New bands ................................................................................................... 41
Lost and destroyed bands .......................................................................... 41
Recaptures ................................................................................................... 41
Changed bands ............................................................................................ 42
Added bands ................................................................................................ 42
Unbanded birds ........................................................................................... 42
Mortalities .................................................................................................... 42
Banding-data fields .............................................................................................. 43
BANDER’S INITIALS ..................................................................................... 43
CODE ............................................................................................................ 43
BAND NUMBER ............................................................................................ 43
SPECIES NAME ............................................................................................ 44
SPECIES ALPHA CODE ................................................................................ 44
AGE .............................................................................................................. 45
WRP .............................................................................................................. 46
HOW AGED ................................................................................................... 50
SEX ............................................................................................................... 52
HOW SEXED ................................................................................................. 52
SKULL ........................................................................................................... 52
CL. PROT. ..................................................................................................... 54
BR. PATCH ................................................................................................... 55
FAT ............................................................................................................... 55
BODY MLT .................................................................................................... 57
FF MOLT ...................................................................................................... 57
FF WEAR ...................................................................................................... 58
JUV. BDY PL. ............................................................................................... 59
MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE ......................................................................... 60
WING ............................................................................................................ 63
BODY MASS ................................................................................................. 63
STATUS ........................................................................................................ 64
DATE (MO/DAY) .......................................................................................... 64
CAPTURE TIME ............................................................................................ 64
STATION ...................................................................................................... 64
NET ............................................................................................................... 64
DISP .............................................................................................................. 64
2021 MAPS Manual - iii
NOTE NUMBER ............................................................................................ 65
FTHR. PULL .................................................................................................. 65
NOTE ............................................................................................................ 65
A strategy for ageing and sexing birds ................................................................ 65
SUMMARY OF MIST-NETTING RESULTS ..................................................................... 67
Instructions for completing the Summary of Mist-Netting Results form .......... 67
BREEDING STATUS LIST ............................................................................................... 69
PERIOD STATUS .......................................................................................... 71
YEAR STATUS .............................................................................................. 72
OBSERVER’S INITIALS ................................................................................. 76
DATA SUBMISSION ....................................................................................................... 77
What data to submit ............................................................................................. 77
How to submit MAPS data ................................................................................... 77
Submitting data through MAPSPROG ........................................................ 78
Submitting banding data in electronic format other than through
MAPSPROG .................................................................................. 79
Submitting paper copies of banding data .................................................. 81
Due date ................................................................................................................ 81
Where to send data ............................................................................................... 81
LITERATURE CITED........................................................................................................ 84
iv - 2021 MAPS Manual
Figure 1. Map of the continental U.S. and Canada showing the eight MAPS regions. . 9
Figure 2. Diagram of an idealized MAPS station. ........................................................ 19
Figure 3. Recommended starting periods for MAPS stations .................................... 21
Figure 4. Completed MAPS Station Registration Form ............................................... 28
Figure 5. Completed MAPS Standard Net Opening and Closing Times form. ........... 35
Figure 6. Completed MAPS Summary of Mist-Netting Effort (page 1) ....................... 38
Figure 7. Completed MAPS banding-data sheet for Band Size '0' (front). .................. 48
Figure 8. Completed MAPS banding sheet (back). ...................................................... 49
Figure 9. Completed MAPS Summary of Mist-Netting Results form. ........................ 68
Figure 10. Completed MAPS Breeding Status List ...................................................... 73
Table 1. Adult and young MAPS superperiods. ........................................................... 33
Table 2. Species alpha codes for gallinaceous birds .................................................. 44
Table 3. Hierarchical categories of Period Breeding Status (upper case) and
associated Daily Behavior Sub-Codes (lower case) for MAPS Breeding Status
List ........................................................................................................................ 71
Table 4. MAPS Banding-data file structure for 2021 data .......................................... 83
2021 MAPS Manual - 5
An Invitation
Welcome to the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program! MAPS
is a cooperative effort among public agencies, private organizations, and the bird
banders of the continental United States, Canada, and Mexico to provide critical,
long-term data on population and demographic parameters for over 150 target landbird
species at multiple spatial scales. As part of the MAPS family, you team with hundreds
of private individuals, and workers from federal and state agencies and non-
governmental organizations to gather important data for the conservation of birds and
their habitat.
The MAPS Program utilizes standardized, constant-effort mist netting and banding
during the breeding season at an extensive network of stations. The MAPS methodology
provides annual indices of adult population size and post-fledging productivity from data
on the numbers and proportions of young and adult birds captured; and annual estimates
of adult survivorship, adult population size, proportion of resident individuals in the adult
population, recruitment into the adult population, and population growth rate (lambda)
from mark-recapture data on adult birds. This data is used by IBP and our collaborators
to study the causes of population changes in North America’s landbirds. This manual
(and all the forms associated with operating a MAPS station) are available for download
through the MAPS web page
Any public agency, private organization, or independent bird bander currently operating or
able to establish one or more banding stations operated regularly through the breeding
season is encouraged to participate in the MAPS Program. All that is required is the
standardized operation of a series of about ten nets at permanent sites on only one day
during each of six to ten consecutive ten-day periods between May and August.
While the operation of a MAPS station is relatively simple, it is also a substantial
commitment. Standardization from year to year and continuation of the study for at least
five consecutive years at each station are necessary in order to provide reliable
productivity indices and survivorship estimates (“vital rates”). Continuation of the study
for ten to twenty consecutive years at most stations will likely be necessary to obtain
reliable trend information on these critical vital rates. This manual is designed to guide
you through all the steps involved in operating a MAPS station and to address any
questions that may arise. Everything contained herein is important; take the manual with
you on every visit to your station and, please, read and use it.
The Institute for Bird Populations is excited about the possibility of working with you in
an effort to monitor the productivity, survivorship, and population trends of North
American landbirds. We cordially invite you, therefore, to join in the MAPS Program. The
methodology outlined below may seem formidable at first glance. It is, however,
relatively simple: standardized mist netting and banding during the breeding season,
coupled with documentation of apparent breeding status of the birds present at the
station and the preparation of a simple habitat map and habitat structure assessment. In
addition, IBP provides technical assistance and guidance year-round to answer your
6 - 2021 MAPS Manual
questions and guide you through the process. Furthermore, the MAPS Program requires
the operation of nets on only six to ten days during the breeding season. Thus, the effort
required to gather these extremely valuable data on the vital rates (productivity and
survivorship) of landbirds is quite manageable. We invite you to become an important
part of this exciting, cooperative endeavor by establishing one or more MAPS stations in
your area.
Bird Safety
The protocols and objectives outlined in the following pages are designed to collect data
that is valuable for bird conservation. However, protocols should never be followed at
the expense of bird or human safety. As a responsible bander, if safety is ever a concern,
you should suspend protocols until the concerns are addressed. Please insure that all of
the banders at your station know and practice safe banding techniques.
We encourage you to review ethical banding and safety procedures with your crews in
depth at least once a year and always strive towards a safer banding experience. We
recommend reviewing materials such as those provided by the North American Banding
council (NABC;, The Ornithological Council (Guidelines to the Use of
Wild Birds in Research; ), The Mist
Netter's Bird Safety Handbook available from IBP and the 2013 and 2018 MAPS Chats
( which provide bird safety
suggestions for keeping your station as bird safe and smooth running as possible.
Also, in this time COVID-19 we recommend you take extra precautions to keep your
banding crews safe. We have created a bulletin board page with ideas for coping with the
COVID-19 outbreak at bird-banding stations shared with us by members of the banding
community. It will be updated as new ideas are shared.
Proper Permitting
All banders applying to operate or currently operating MAPS stations must adhere to all
federal and state permitting requirements. Check that you have addressed these issues
before beginning banding each season, and that relevant permits are up to date. Note: A
special addendum is required on your federal banding permit to allow you to pull
feathers. If you plan to participate in the cooperative UCLA feather sampling study, or
similar studies, please insure that your permits include these special permissions. Please
see for the latest information on
feather sampling.
Background and Rationale
Earth’s biosphere and its landbird populations are facing a growing number of
environmental threats of ever-increasing severity, many of which, such as climate
2021 MAPS Manual - 7
change, habitat loss, invasive species, and toxic pollution, are global in scale (Brown
1991). It is not surprising, therefore, that a number of large-scale, long-term monitoring
programs for landbirds were already in place on this continent before the MAPS Program
started. They include the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), the Breeding Bird Census and
Winter Bird Population Study, and the Christmas Bird Count. All of these efforts provide
annual information on landbird populations, and many of the resulting trends indicate
serious population declines in many species, including forest- and scrub-inhabiting
Nearctic-Neotropical migrant species (Robbins et al. 1989, Terborgh 1989) and
grassland species (Knopf 1994). These population declines, prompted the establishment
of the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Initiative, "Partners in Flight" (PIF), to
which most federal agencies and many state and private organizations have become
The above-mentioned monitoring efforts, however, all fail to provide data on the primary
demographic parameters or vital rates (productivity and survivorship) of landbirds.
Without these critical data, it is difficult if not impossible to test competing hypotheses
to account for observed population changes, or to determine the stage(s) in the life cycle
at which these population changes are taking place; that is, whether the changes are
being driven by causal agents that affect birth rates or death rates or both (DeSante
1992). Efforts that monitor only avian population trends have generally been unable to
determine to what extent habitat destruction and degradation (e.g., deforestation and
forest fragmentation) on the temperate breeding grounds, versus that on the tropical
wintering grounds, are causes for declining populations of neotropical migratory
landbirds (Wilcove 1985, Holmes and Sherry 1988, Hutto 1988, Morton and Greenberg
1989, Peterjohn et al. 1995).
An integrated approach to monitoring primary demographic parameters and secondary
population trends of landbirds is critical for determining causes of population changes
and for identifying management actions and conservation strategies to reverse
population declines (Baillie 1990). Perhaps even more importantly, this approach aids in
evaluating the effectiveness of the management actions and conservation strategies
actually implemented (DeSante 1995). This is because environmental stressors and
management actions affect primary demographic parameters directly and usually
without the buffering or time lags that often occur with secondary population trends
(Temple and Wiens 1989). Monitoring the vital rates of landbirds also allows models to
be constructed regarding the viability of their populations. Habitat- and landscape-
specific data on vital rates provide a clear index of habitat and landscape quality, and
allow identification of habitat and landscape conditions that provide source populations
and that influence population sinks (DeSante and Rosenberg 1998). An increase in
demographic monitoring has been called for by the Monitoring Working Group of PIF
since 1992 (Butcher and Droege 1992), and an argument for basing avian management
on vital rates has been provided by DeSante et al. (2005).
In 1989, The Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) anticipated these monitoring needs and
created the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program, a
cooperative effort to operate a continent-wide network of constant-effort mist-netting
stations to capture and band landbirds during the breeding season (DeSante 1992,
8 - 2021 MAPS Manual
DeSante et al. 1993, 1995). The MAPS Program was patterned on the British Constant
Effort Sites (CES) Scheme which since 1981 has been one of the cornerstones of the
British Trust for Ornithology’s Integrated Population Monitoring Programme (Baillie et al.
1986, Baillie 1990, Peach et al. 1996) and has inspired at least 15 other European CES
efforts (Robinson et al. 2009). The first three years of MAPS was an IBP-sponsored
feasibility study, during which time the program grew from 16 stations in 1989 to 66
stations in 1991 and the MAPS protocol became standardized. MAPS was endorsed in
1992 by the Monitoring Working Group of PIF and a four-year pilot study was sponsored
by the Migratory Bird Management Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(sponsorship later transferred to the Biological Resources Division of the U.S.G.S.).
The number of stations grew dramatically in subsequent years to nearly 400, primarily
through the involvement of the Department of Defense (Legacy Resource Management
Program) and U.S.D.A. Forest Service.
In 1996, the MAPS methodology underwent an extensive peer-review. Some of the
conclusions of this review were that, “MAPS is technically sound and based on the best
available biological and statistical methods" and that “MAPS complements other land
bird monitoring programs such as the BBS by providing useful information on land bird
demographics that is not available elsewhere” (Geissler 1997). A summary and analyses
of the MAPS methodology were provided by DeSante et al. (2004a) and Burton and
DeSante (2004). MAPS has continued to expand since 1995 to some 300-500 stations
operated each year during 2001-2021.
Design and Objectives of the MAPS Program
MAPS is organized around several monitoring, research, and management objectives: to
provide (a) annual estimates of adult survival rate, adult population size, proportion of
residents in the adult population, recruitment into the adult population, and population
growth rate (lambda); and (b) annual indices of adult population size and post-fledging
productivity. MAPS provides these population and demographic indices and estimates
for nearly over 150 landbird species that are well-distributed among various migration-
strategy, foraging-strategy, nest-location, and habitat-preference guilds. In addition,
MAPS works at multiple spatial scales, from program-wide (essentially the entire
continent north of Mexico), MAPS Regions (Fig. 1), Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs), or
BBS Physiographic Strata, to small scales, such as clusters of stations, on a single
national forest, park, or military installation, or local landscapes surrounding single
stations (e.g., four-km radius areas).
MAPS Regions have been defined by dividing the continent into eight major areas:
Alaska, Boreal & Arctic Canada, Northwest, North-central, Northeast, Southwest,
South-central, and Southeast (Fig. 1). These delineations generally follow the boundaries
of BBS Physiographic Strata and are based on both biogeographic and meteorological
considerations, including the apparent periodicity of the Jet Stream. Seasonal weather
tends to be similar at many locations within a given region, but often varies considerably
among regions. It is likely that population and demographic parameters will vary in a
2021 MAPS Manual - 9
similar manner at many banding stations within a region, at least to the extent to which
they are influenced by weather conditions.
The achievement of the monitoring objectives of MAPS has been well documented in
MAPS reports (DeSante et al. 1996, 1998, DeSante and O’Grady 2000, DeSante and
Kaschube 2006, 2007, 2009) and on the
(DeSante et al. 2015) website in which adult population size and productivity indices and
adult apparent survival rates are presented. The research objectives of MAPS are to
identify and describe: (a) temporal and spatial patterns in the demographic indices and
estimates provided by MAPS (DeSante et al. 2015) and (b) relationships between these
temporal and spatial patterns and (1) ecological characteristics of the target species
(e.g., migration strategy, nest location), (2) population trends of the target species (e.g.,
areas or locations with increasing or decreasing trends) (DeSante et al. 2015), (3)
station-specific and landscape-level habitat characteristics (e.g., total forest cover, mean
FIGURE 1. Map of the continental U.S. and Canada showing the eight MAPS Regions.
10 - 2021 MAPS Manual
forest patch size), and (4) spatially-explicit weather data (e.g., mean, min, and max
temperature or precipitation, extreme events).
MAPS allows these objectives to be met for multiple species at multiple spatial scales.
Achievement of these research objectives is providing empirical information regarding
life-history strategies and other topics of interest to avian ecology (DeSante et al. 1999,
DeSante 2000), including the effects of global climate cycles on avian productivity
(Saracco et al. 2019, Nott et al. 2002). A future important research effort will be to
integrate extensive count data (for example, from E-bird and the Avian Knowledge
Network) with Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data from MAPS and
extensive remote-sensed environmental data in an effort to improve the predictive
accuracy of demographic rates and abundance through space and time (Saracco et al.
2009a). This type of analyses has already been completed applying integrated
population models (IPMs) to MAPS and North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data
to better assess the driving forces behind a declining warbler species (Saracco and
Rubenstein 2020).
In addition, however, by analyzing the relationships between spatial variation in
population trends (using for example, BBS data) and the vital rates that drive those
trends, we have been able to make inferences regarding the proximate demographic
cause(s) of population decline, that is, to suggest whether the decline is caused by low
productivity or low survivorship (DeSante et al. 2001). This, in fact, is the first
management objective of MAPS C an objective that can be achieved by no other North
American avian monitoring program (Saracco et al. 2008).
The second management objective of MAPS is to determine the ultimate
(environmental) causes of population trends and to identify and formulate landscape-
scale management actions and conservation strategies to reverse population declines
and maintain stable or increasing populations. We do this by modeling vital rates
(productivity indices and survival and recruitment estimates) as functions of landscape-
scale and site-specific habitat characteristics and spatially-explicit weather and climate
variables to identify habitat characteristics and weather variables that exert strong
effects on the vital rates of landbird species, especially species of conservation concern.
Management prescriptions developed this way for species for which productivity is
critical for maintaining stable populations, involve modifying habitat characteristics from
those associated with low productivity to those associated with higher productivity.
Examples of these types of analyses of MAPS data, that are allowing us to achieve our
second major management objective, are the focus of the management guidelines and
conservation strategies that we have developed for reversing declines of landbirds of
conservation concern on DOD installations in southeastern United States (Nott 2000,
Nott et al. 2003a) and on national forests in the Pacific Northwest (Nott et al. 2005). We
are developing decision support tools for managers, whereby they themselves can
determine the effects of their proposed management actions on the vital rates of
species of concern. One way to increase populations is to increase productivity and
MAPS data has been used to determine anthropogenic noise effects on productivity
which will be important to determine which areas are important to conserve (Ng et al.
2021 MAPS Manual - 11
The third management objective of MAPS is to evaluate, through the adaptive
management process, the effectiveness of the management actions and conservation
strategies. If the goal is to manage for increased productivity (as is the implicit goal of
most breeding-grounds management), it is imperative to monitor productivity. With
wetter springs in recent years in the grasslands of Nebraska, longer grasses have caused
declines in Grasshopper Sparrow but MAPS data has shown managing these grasslands
with prescribed can help mitigate lowered productivity (Glass et al. 2020). Measuring the
age structure of population, as provided in MAPS data, has also given important clues to
habitat quality with more yearling birds being present in higher numbers in reclaimed
areas compared to undisturbed area (Pyle et al. 2020).
MAPS’ three management objectives can be achieved for multiple species at appropriate
spatial scales.
Analysis of MAPS Data
IBP researchers have also completed a number of analyses and evaluations of the
program in various geographical areas and landholdings. This effort began with a
general analysis of the results of the first ten years (1992-2001) of the MAPS program in
Alaska and adjacent Canada (DeSante et al. 2003a), followed by an analysis of the
statistical power to detect temporal trends and spatial differences in survival of
landbirds breeding in Alaska and adjacent Canada (DeSante et al. 2003b). These were
followed by an evaluation of the data collected at MAPS stations operated on National
Wildlife Refuges in the USFWS Pacific Region (DeSante et al. 2004b) which lead to an
expanded evaluation of the MAPS Program on all stations in the Pacific Northwest
(DeSante et al. 2005). Broadening our scope, we then conducted general analyses of the
statistical power to detect temporal trends and spatial differences in survival from CMR
models (DeSante et al. 2009), and applied those models to MAPS data in each MAPS
region and at the continental scale in order to develop a vision for expanding MAPS and
integrating it into Coordinated Bird Monitoring all across North America (Saracco et al.
2006, DeSante and Saracco 2009). Most recently, we built upon that continental vision
and provided detailed recommendations for integrating MAPS into Coordinated Bird
Monitoring in the Northeast, i.e., USFWS Region 5 (DeSante et al. 2008). We are currently
seeking resources to allow us to continue these latter analyses and provide analogous
detailed recommendations for the remainder of the United States and Canada. This has
become critically important as state and federal agencies and non-governmental
organizations seek to develop bird conservation plans to deal with the huge threats
posed by climate change. The assessment and monitoring of avian vital rates using
MAPS may well provide one of the optimal resources with which to model and predict
the effects of climate change on landbird populations, to guide adaptation and
conservation efforts to mitigate those effects, and to evaluate the effectiveness of those
Annual indices of adult population size and post-fledging productivity (i.e., reproductive
index, the ratio of young to adults in the catch) are calculated for each species from the
numbers of young and adult birds captured, which are pooled over all the stations. The
statistical significance is inferred from confidence intervals calculated from the standard
12 - 2021 MAPS Manual
errors of the mean percentage changes in these indices for species captured at the
stations. This analytical method has been applied successfully to constant-effort
mist-netting data generated by the CES and MAPS (Peach et al. 1996, DeSante et al.
1998) programs. Long-term changes in numbers of young and adult birds are assessed
through application of log-linear Poisson regression models, which allow tests for
temporal trends and for differences in trends for different groups of stations (Peach et
al. 1998).
Annual estimates of adult survival rate, proportion of residents in the adult population,
recruitment into the adult population, and population growth rate (lambda) are obtained
for each species from modified CMR analyses. Major advances have been made in both
the theory and application of data from CMR experiments (Pollock et al. 1990, Lebreton
et al. 1992). These advances provide for increased precision in the resulting estimates
and also allow spatial, age, and/or time dependence in the estimates of survival and
recapture rates to be assessed, permit some parameters to be set equal to fixed a priori
values, and allow any of the parameters to be related to external variables (Clobert et al.
1987). This approach was initially applied to mark-recapture data from both Great Tits
and Black-headed Gulls in Europe (Clobert et al. 1987), and from Sedge and Reed
Warblers in Britain (Peach et al. 1990, 1991) and has become a major analytical tool. By
using reverse-time analysis of CMR data, models have been developed to permit
estimation of recruitment and population growth rates (Pradel 1998). In addition, models
have been developed to account for the negative bias of transient (non-resident)
individuals on survival-rate estimates and to estimate the proportion of resident
individuals among newly captured adult birds (Pradel et al. 1997, Nott and DeSante 2002,
Hines et al. 2003). These transient models are incorporated into the capture-mark-
recapture analyses of MAPS data (e.g., Rosenberg et al. 1999) and can be utilized
through the computer programs SURVIV (White 1983), TMSURVIV (Hines et al. 2003),
and MARK (White and Burnham 1999).
More recently, using both reverse time (Pradel 1998) and transient (Pradel et al. 1997,
Nott and DeSante 2002, Hines et al. 2003) CMR models, we can examine relationships
between spatial variation in MAPS trend estimates (lambda) and spatial variation in
critical vital rates including adult apparent survival, recruitment, productivity, and first-
year survival. As a pilot analysis, we assessed the demographic contributions of adult
survival and recruitment rates to BCR-scale variation in MAPS population trends for 27
Nearctic-Neotropical migratory species using 12 years (1992-2003) of MAPS data
(Saracco and DeSante 2008). We found that recruitment tended to be about three times
as important as adult survival in driving spatial variation in population trends, but that
first year survival tended to be more important than productivity in driving recruitment. By
looking at the overall (program-wide) MAPS population trends for these 27 species,
however, we found that: first-year survival was the most important driver of spatial
variation in trend for species with significant population declines, both first-year and
adult survival were the most important drivers of spatial variation in trend for species
with significant population increases, and productivity was most important driver of
spatial variation in trend for species with non-significant (relatively stable) population
2021 MAPS Manual - 13
Using these same methods, we examined both annual and BCR-scale spatial variation in
the vital rates of 158 species of North American landbirds using 15 years (1992-2006) of
MAPS data, and presented the results on the Vital Rates of North American Landbirds
website (DeSante et al. 2015). For each of these 158 species, the site presents 1)
estimates of population change (lambda), adult apparent survival, recruitment, and
residency, along with indices of productivity, post-breeding effects, and adult population
density; 2) graphs showing annual variation and maps showing spatial variation in these
vital rates; and 3) the results of temporal and spatial pairwise correlations among these
vital rates. The website also includes species account narratives for these 158 species
that provide hypotheses regarding the proximate demographic drivers of the observed
temporal and spatial variation in their population changes, as well as suggestions as to
research and management efforts to reverse population declines and maintain stable or
increasing populations. These results also suggest that enhancing survival of both adult
and, especially, first-year birds, must be a very important conservation strategy for
slowing population declines and achieving stable populations. Because both first-year
and adult survival of migratory species may be driven primarily by processes acting on
the wintering ranges and migration routes of these species, identifying relationships
between these vital rates and both habitat characteristics and weather on the non-
breeding grounds may well be critical for successful conservation of migratory landbirds.
MAPS data, used in conjunction with data from the overwintering period provided by the
MoSI (Monitoreo de Sobrevivencia Invernal - Monitoring Overwintering Survival) and
additional information on migratory connectivity can provide insights regarding the
mechanisms whereby survival throughout the year can drive populations trends of
migratory birds (Saracco et al. 2009b).
In cooperation with researchers at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, we have
recently begun to incorporate Bayesian hierarchical spatial autoregressive models to
better describe spatial variation in adult apparent survival rates and residency
probabilities. To date, we have completed such analyses for American Robin, Wood
Thrush (Saracco et al. 2010), and Common Yellowthroat (Saracco et al. 2011). These
spatial models represent a significant advance over approaches to investigating spatial
patterns in vital rates that aggregate data at coarse spatial scales (such as the BCRs
described above) and do not explicitly incorporate spatial information in the models.
They tend to overcome, to some extent, difficulties caused by geographical areas (or
BCRs) with sparse data and by the non-random distribution of stations, can easily
accommodate missing data within the modeling framework, and permit MAPS data and
results to be included in models and analyses based on any previously or subsequently
established grid system. These important papers, which have appeared in Ecology
(Saracco et al. 2010) and the Journal of Ornithology (Saracco et al. 2012), indicate that
residency probability is often more spatially heterogeneous than survival and not
positively spatially correlated with survival. They thus illustrate the importance of
understanding the role of transients in local populations.
MAPS data has also helped determine how to truly define what a "population" is for a
bird species (Rushing et al. 2016). Many conservation plans and management strategies
work at the level of the population so this delineation is important, but should the
14 - 2021 MAPS Manual
population be defined geographically or biologically? In cooperation with researchers at
the Smithsonian Institution, an approach was developed for using Breeding Bird Survey
data to quantify geographic structure in trend and abundance, and identify distinct
natural populations for eight species of passerines. The researchers then used vital rates
derived from MAPS data to independently validate their method of population
The MAPS program has also worked in cooperation with other programs to utilize the
continent wide range of stations to further other avian research. Using feather samples
collected by MAPS cooperators, scientists from the Bird Genoscape Project isolated
DNA and stable isotopes to map the connectivity of the breeding grounds to the
wintering grounds of several species, including Wilson’s Warbler (Ruegg et al. 2014).
Using this genetic data, six distinct populations of Wilson’s Warbler have been delineated
allowing scientists to concentrate conservation efforts in areas where declining
populations breed, migrate, and winter (Ruegg et al. 2020). Colorado State University
scientists utilized MAPS data to determine the impact of West Nile virus on survival rates
of 49 species, determining that for some landbird species the effect is short-lived for
some, but is persistent in others (George et al. 2015).
Even though MAPS is a breeding season program, using MAPS data, IBP scientists to
have been able to explore migration strategies of landbirds including to better
understand molt migration (Pyle et al. 2018).
We hope we have conveyed to you the importance of demographic monitoring and the
value of the MAPS Program. Each year, as more data accumulate from established
stations and as additional stations are established in new areas and new landscapes, the
power of the data for revealing spatial and temporal patterns in landbird demographic
parameters, and thus their usefulness for avian conservation, increases dramatically. We
hope also that we have conveyed some of the excitement and intense commitment we
feel regarding the role of MAPS in North American landbird conservation. Again, we invite
you to participate in this growing cooperative effort. But remember, MAPS may not be for
everyone. Yet, if your heart is thrilled by holding in your hands the life of a precious
warbler, thrush, or bunting, and knowing that you are providing data that will aid the
survival of its species, then maybe MAPS is for you!
2021 MAPS Manual - 15
The following guidelines for the establishment and operation of MAPS stations will
optimize the usefulness of data obtained from MAPS stations. These guidelines conform
to those recommended for constant-effort mist netting in Ralph et al. (1993), and were
discussed in DeSante et al. (2004a). Because a major objective of the program is to
generate estimates of temporal variation in productivity and survivorship, standardization
in station operations from year-to-year and station continuity over a number of years are
critical. Continuity is also important for minimizing population-parameter fluctuations that
may result from year-to-year changes in the geographic distribution of stations. We
realize that, because of vagaries of weather and other uncontrollable factors, no station
will be able to achieve perfect standardization. Nevertheless, every attempt should be
made to follow these guidelines as closely as possible.
Although standardization and continuity are critical components of the MAPS Program,
the first year of operation at a MAPS station should be considered a pilot year;
nevertheless, all data from the first year should be submitted. Station boundaries and net
sites may be shifted during or after the first field season if problems arise or net sites
prove to be unproductive. Any such changes must be documented and reported, and no
further changes ought to be made after the start of the second field season. If net sites
are changed, the new net designations must differ from those of the discontinued sites.
Siting a MAPS station
It is important to keep in mind that the productivity indices generated at a MAPS station
provide a landscape-level, rather than site-specific, measure of productivity. This is
because the young birds captured by the MAPS protocol include many dispersing
individuals from the surrounding landscape, as well as a few individuals that may have
fledged from nests within the boundaries of the 20-ha MAPS study area. Data on the
dispersal characteristics of young and adult birds after the breeding season but before
fall migration are just now being obtained for a very few species from radio-telemetry
studies (Anders et al. 1997, Vega Rivera et al. 1998). These studies suggest that the
landscape from which the dispersing young originate may be on the order of several
thousand hectares (perhaps about 10,000-12,000 acres). Although management actions
occur on a site-specific basis, their effects on bird populations become pronounced only
when the specific management actions occur over substantial portions of the landscape.
The ability of MAPS to provide landscape-level information on productivity is one of the
unique strengths of the program. Thus, when siting MAPS stations to investigate the
effects of a particular habitat type or management action, it is important to consider the
habitat type or management characteristics of the overall landscape, that is, of the area
within perhaps a four-km (2.5-mile) radius of the station.
16 - 2021 MAPS Manual
It is also important to consider site-specific habitat characteristics when siting MAPS
stations as these can influence the extent to which dispersing young and adult birds
concentrate there. Recent work on forest-breeding species suggests that many
individuals, both young and adult, desert forest interior locations immediately after the
young attain independence from their parents and disperse to edge locations to molt and
stage before initiating fall migration (Anders et al. 1997, Vega Rivera et al. 1998). These
edge locations are generally characterized in mid to late summer by dense cover and an
abundance of food resources, often fruit. Indeed, we have found that mid-to-late-summer
capture rates of both adults and young are much lower at forest-interior MAPS stations
than at stations that contain forest-edge or scrub habitat (DeSante 1996). Because
productivity indices are calculated from the proportion of young in the mid-to-late-
summer catch, the precision of the resulting indices will tend to be lower at forest-interior
stations than at stations containing edge and scrub habitats. On the other hand, because
late spring and early summer capture rates of breeding adults are often high at forest-
interior stations, especially for forest-interior species, such stations can provide important
data for estimating adult survival rates.
As mentioned above, the goals of MAPS include identifying and describing spatial and
temporal patterns in demographic parameters; relating these to species-specific
population trends and life history strategies, habitat characteristics, and weather
variables; and using the resulting relationships to formulate management strategies for
reversing population declines. As such, MAPS stations are often sited under some
hypothesis-driven sampling strategy. Although we appreciate that MAPS stations can
only be sited where long-term standardized mist netting is practical and permissible, the
value of the data for testing hypotheses can often be enhanced if some elements of a
probability-based sampling strategy can be incorporated into the siting of stations. For
example, assume you are able to establish three stations in a nearby state park or forest
and are particularly interested in upland oak-hickory habitat. A promising strategy might
be to lay a suitably scaled grid over a GIS layer showing the distribution of upland oak-
hickory habitat within the park or forest, and randomly select 10-12 grid points that lie
within landscapes comprised primarily of that habitat. Then, examine the immediate
landscape around each grid point and try to identify a suitable MAPS-station site within
about one km of the point. If none is available around the first point, go on to each
successive point until three suitable sites have been identified. A suitable site would
include an area of about 20 ha (50 acres) within which long-term mist netting is both
practical and permissible and that lies at least partially in upland oak-hickory habitat, but
with some edge or scrub habitat as well. Remember, most of the dispersing young and
adult birds that will contribute to productivity indices will originate from the surrounding
landscape rather than from within the station itself. In contrast, the breeding adults that
will contribute to survivorship estimates will originate from the station itself.
With these concepts in mind, we offer the following guidelines for siting stations:
(1) If possible, try to use some elements of a probabilistic sampling strategy to site
stations within the selected landscape.
(2) Within the selected landscape, stations should be established at sites that are
expected to remain accessible and free of major anthropogenic disturbance for at least
2021 MAPS Manual - 17
five (preferably ten) consecutive years. Note that there can be disturbance, even heavy
disturbance, in the surrounding landscape. If there is disturbance at the station (or in the
landscape), it should be described through the Habitat Structure Assessment (see p. 23).
(3) Stations should be sited where substantial numbers of individuals of many of
the common species breeding in the area, or of a particular target species, can be
(4) In order to capture large numbers of dispersing young and adult birds, stations
should contain some edge habitat, such as a forest edge, riparian corridor, montane
meadow, or power-line right-of-way. Stations can be sited entirely in forest-interior
situations, but capture rates at such stations will likely be low.
(5) The habitat types at the station should be fairly representative of those present
in the surrounding landscape. Stations not representative of the landscape or at which
large numbers of transient or migrating birds concentrate (such as narrow points of land
jutting into large bodies of water, or isolated oases in desert or grassland habitats) should
be avoided.
(6) Because the derived population and demographic parameters are likely to be
highly sensitive to successional changes in the habitats sampled, stations generally
should be sited in relatively mature habitats or where the habitat is held in a lower
successional stage by active management. The latter type of station is particularly
desirable for the long-term monitoring of scrub- and/or second-growth-inhabiting species.
Stations sited in highly-successional habitats must be indicated as such so that habitat
change can be factored into analyses.
(7) In order to ensure standardization, MAPS stations may not incorporate any
artificial food or water sources such as feeders, compost piles, dumps, birdbaths,
fountains, and livestock pens. Audio playback calls should also not be used.
If you have the resources available to establish and operate more than one station, it
might be advantageous to select two (or more) sites of similar habitat within a few
kilometers (but further than one kilometer) from each other. Such an arrangement would
give greater precision to the population-parameter estimates for that habitat in that
region and might allow us to examine the extent of local dispersal and site fidelity.
Establishing a MAPS station
MAPS terminology: A MAPS “station” is a discrete study area consisting of a number of
net sites (“nets,” the exact places at which nets are located). Each station is given a name
and a four-character code (e.g., Copper Creek = COPP or COCR). Upon receipt of a
station’s first data submission, we will also assign the station a unique, five-digit station
number. Each station is part of a “location” that may contain other stations in the same
general area (e.g., on the same national forest, national park, military installation, or
nature reserve) operated by the same individual or organization. Each location is
identified by a four-character code (e.g., Fremont National Forest = FREM). If the location
18 - 2021 MAPS Manual
contains only a single station and is likely to remain that way, the location and station
codes generally are the same.
General configuration: An idealized MAPS station is roughly square or circular in shape
and encompasses an area of about 20 hectares (50 acres, about 450 meters on a side or
circular with a 250-meter radius; Fig. 2). Ten 12-meter mist nets are distributed more or
less uniformly but opportunistically (where birds will be caught) within a core area of
about eight hectares (20 acres, about 280 meters on a side or circular with a 160-meter
radius). The station includes everything within 100 meters of any net. If nets are
separated by more than 200 meters, the area between the nets (at least a 25-meter-wide
corridor) should also be considered as part of the station. Note that the nets are
numbered in a roughly circular arrangement; this reduces the likelihood of net numbers
being recorded incorrectly as the nets are checked consecutively. We realize that many
MAPS stations will not be situated in a study area that permits a square or circular
configuration. Some study areas may be quite irregular in shape and others, perhaps in
riparian habitats, may be long and narrow. In these cases, nets should be established as
uniformly and systematically as possible in order to cover the entire core area,
maintaining the recommended net density (see below) but still allowing each net run to
be completed in a reasonable time. Even in these cases, the station is considered to
include everything within 100 m of any net.
Mist nets (number): The number of nets utilized at a station should be the maximum
number (at the appropriate density) that can be operated safely and efficiently given the
personnel available to run the station. Thus, only the number of nets that can be operated
in a standardized manner over the long term should be established. In most instances,
ten 12-meter nets might be the optimal number that can be operated by one person or
two people. With a larger number of personnel or fewer birds, this number might be
increased to 15 or even 20 nets; the size of the station should be increased accordingly
so as to maintain the appropriate net density. With a smaller number of personnel and
more birds, this number might need to be decreased to six or seven nets over a smaller
area. The number and distribution of nets should be such that all the nets can be checked
within 15-20 minutes if there are no birds to extract (i.e., an empty net run). We have set
five as the minimum number of nets permissible at a station, since it is unlikely that really
useful data can be obtained from a station with fewer than five nets.
Mist nets (density): The density of nets is an important variable with regard to the
precision of the data that can be obtained from mark-recapture analyses. Net density will
affect both the number of different individuals captured C thus the population size
sampled C and the capture probabilities of those birds. Spreading the nets as widely as
possible will tend to increase the number of territories intersected, and thus the
population size sampled, but will tend to decrease the capture probability for the birds on
any given territory. Moving the nets closer together will do the reverse. Thus, there must
be some optimal intermediate density of nets that will maximize precision by optimizing
simultaneously both the capture probability and the population size sampled. This
optimal density may vary from species to species and from station to station depending
upon average densities and territory sizes of the various species. Analyses of MAPS data
indicate that stations that produce both high capture probabilities and high capture rates
2021 MAPS Manual - 19
operate with net densities of about one to two nets per hectare. We suggest that the
optimal density of nets for most MAPS target species may be about 1.25 to 1.5 nets per
hectare. Thus, ten nets could be placed effectively in a study area of about seven or eight
hectares. With nets placed at this density, the distance between adjacent nets will
average about 75-100 meters. In general, except in steep, rugged terrain, visiting ten nets
placed 75-100 meters apart in 15-20 minutes should present no problem. The size of the
netting area may need to be reduced (and the consequent net density increased) for
stations established in steep, rugged terrain so that an empty net run can be completed
within the allotted 15-20 minutes.
Mist nets (placement): Nets should be placed opportunistically at sites at which birds can
be captured most efficiently, such as the brushy portions of wooded areas, forest breaks
FIGURE 2. Diagram of an idealized MAPS station.
20 - 2021 MAPS Manual
or edges, and in the vicinity of water. The establishment of net sites at a station should
strike a balance between the conflicting needs of capturing substantial numbers of
breeding adults for estimating adult survival rates and substantial numbers of dispersing
young and adults for indexing productivity. This may best be achieved by placing nets in
both edge and non-edge portions of the study area. To optimize both the number of birds
captured and their capture probabilities, nets should be placed relatively uniformly over
the available habitat at each station. Because it is not permissible to move nets after the
start of the second field season, care must be taken to select optimally-efficient,
permanent net sites. Care also should be taken to ensure the safety of captured birds by
not placing nets low over water or at sites subject to extreme wind or heat. Nets stacked
two high or placed end-to-end in batteries are acceptable but not recommended, as they
double the netting effort but generally don’t double the number of captures. Although
artificial food and water sources are not permissible within stations, they may exist
adjacent to stations on property not under the control of the MAPS operator; remember
that the station boundaries extend outward 100 meters from the net. Once the net sites
are established, choose and flag a fixed net-run route that will minimize travel time to all
nets, and number the nets sequentially along this route. Net designations should be
numeric, unique within a station, and two characters long (e.g., 01, 02, 10). Remember
that nets within batteries and stacked nets must be numbered individually.
Mist nets (size, type, and mesh size): We strongly recommend that all nets used in the
MAPS Program be 12-meter, 30-mm mesh, four-tier, black, tethered, nylon mist nets.
Other sizes, types, and meshes may be used if local conditions so warrant, but these
variables should remain constant at each net site over all periods and years that the
station is operated. One 12-meter net operated for one hour represents an effort of 1.0
net hour. Thus, if nets of other sizes are used, the effort reported must be adjusted
accordingly. For example, a nine-meter net operated for one hour would be counted as
0.75 net hour.
Operating a MAPS station
Station registration: Before taking up station operations, a station registration form
should be submitted for each station. The information on the form provides us with
contact information for the station operator or operators. It also provides us with
information on the station’s geographic setting, critical for accessing remotely sensed
data covering the station, and information on intended station operations. Once we
receive a registration form for a station, the station operator or operators are added to the
mailing list for the anticipated initial banding season. Refer to pages 21-24 for detailed
Banding - dates of operation: MAPS is strictly a breeding-season study. The breeding
season, in general, is considered to extend from May to August and is divided into ten
10-day periods: (1) May 1-10; (2) May 11-20; (3) May 21-30; (4) May 31-June 9; (5) June
10-19; (6) June 20-29; (7) June 30-July 9; (8) July 10-19; (9) July 20-29; and (10) July
30-August 8. The strategy for the timing of operation is that each station should be
operated for all ten-day periods beginning with the first period during which (a) the great
2021 MAPS Manual - 21
majority of the breeding adults of the target species have established territories; and (b)
individuals of these species migrating toward more northerly breeding grounds are no
longer passing through the area. The start of operation will vary, therefore, from station to
station depending on the timing of the breeding season at each station, which, in turn, is
dependent primarily on latitude and altitude but also, to some extent, on longitude. Refer
to Figure 3 for the recommended starting period at your location. Note that the starting
period for stations at higher altitudes may have to be delayed by one (or, in years of
exceptionally heavy and late-melting snowpack, even two) period(s) after the period
indicated in Figure 3. In years in which late-melting snowpack do cause a delay in the
initiation of breeding, the operation of periods subsequent to the starting period may also
have to be delayed somewhat, more so earlier than later in the season. Nevertheless, it is
extremely important that the number of periods during which the station is operated be
held constant at each station for all years.
It is also important not to begin the operation of a MAPS station before migrating
individuals of the locally-breeding species, bound for breeding areas farther north, have
Period 5
Period 3
Period 5
Period 4
Period 2
Period 1
Period 2
Period 1
Period 4
Period 3
FIGURE 3. Recommended starting periods for MAPS stations. Appropriate periods
for stations at high elevation stations may be later than indicated on the maps.
Stations in habitats adjoining the Gulf of Mexico may start in Period 1.
22 - 2021 MAPS Manual
finished moving through the area. These birds, if captured, will bias estimates of the
proportion of residents in the adult population as well as productivity indices. The
presence of such spring migrant individuals will also tend to lower the precision of all
these estimates. Furthermore, the locally-breeding adults of any given species are usually
the first individuals to arrive at a given location and, if captured before the start of the
MAPS data-collection period, may learn to avoid the nets. Elimination from analysis of
banding data collected before the official start of the season will tend to negatively bias
adult survival rates, because most breeding adults are captured early in the season and
net avoidance may prevent their recapture. Thus, in general, spring-migration monitoring
should not be conducted at MAPS stations. If operators must run a spring-migration
monitoring program and a MAPS program in the same place, they must use different net
sites for the two programs.
Collection of MAPS data should be curtailed before substantial numbers of individuals (of
the locally-breeding species) that are migrating south from breeding areas farther to the
north begin to pass through the station. Inclusion of these individuals in productivity
analyses will produce productivity indices that will tend to be more representative of
areas farther north than of the local landscape. Analyses conducted on data from the
four-year (1992-1995) MAPS pilot project indicated that substantial numbers of migrating
individuals (as determined from the fat contents of the banded birds) began moving
through most areas, regardless of latitude, after Period 10 (July 30 - August 8) (DeSante
et al. 2004a). As a result, MAPS protocol now calls for the operation of all MAPS stations
through Period 10 each year, but not thereafter.
In contrast to the situation in spring, however, it is not necessary to actually curtail the
operation of the station late in the season before fall migrants begin passing through the
area. Rather, the station can be operated after Period 10 and data from these later
periods can be removed from analysis after the fact. This is because very few, if any,
breeding adults are captured for the first time late in the season and the elimination of
data from these periods will not affect survival-rate estimates. Thus, a station can use the
same nets for fall-migration monitoring as for MAPS monitoring without compromising
the value of the MAPS data. Indeed, analyses of age ratios from successively later
periods during fall-migration monitoring will provide measures of productivity from areas
increasingly farther north. It is very important to note, however, that if MAPS nets are
operated outside of the breeding season, such operation must be discontinued at least
three months prior to the beginning of the appropriate starting period for that station. This
will assure that net avoidance by breeding individuals of permanent resident species will
not bias survival-rate estimates for these species.
Effort data: Effort data are critical for comparing capture rates among years and for
assessing both productivity indices and population trends. Because daily activity patterns
differ both by age class and species, period-by-period, net-by-net, and hour-by-hour effort
data are necessary for comparing productivity levels among years and for estimating
numbers of birds missed because of missing effort. These data should be summarized
on the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort form. Refer to pages 31-38 for detailed
instructions regarding effort at MAPS stations.
2021 MAPS Manual - 23
Breeding Status data: The goal of the Breeding Status List is to provide a complete
assessment of the summer residency status of all species present at each station each
season. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to record observations of the nesting
behavior, singing, and overall presence of each species during each visit to the station.
These data should be summarized on the Breeding Status List. Refer to pages 69-76 for
detailed instructions.
Habitat Structure Assessment (HSA) data: The habitat structure assessment data serve
three main functions: they provide a classification for each station, permit detection of
gross changes in habitat structure at the station that may explain changes in population
demographics, and provide station-specific habitat data to complement remotely-sensed
landscape data at a fine resolution. HSA’s should be conducted every five years, unless
the habitat at your station has undergone a major change (e.g., fire, hurricane, logging,
construction, brush-clearing, etc.). Please refer to the separate Habitat Structure
Assessment Protocol (Nott et al. 2003b) for detailed instructions.
Instructions and data forms: Operators of registered stations will receive a beginning-of-
season letter from The Institute for Bird Populations in early April each year. This will also
direct new operators to download a copy of the MAPS Manual; the Habitat Structure
Assessment Protocol; MAPSPROG, our computer data entry and verification program.
Operators who have submitted data in the past will receive a printout of the overall
breeding status of all species ever captured or encountered at their stations and a
summary of the information we have for their stations. All operators will be asked to
download blank copies of the following data forms: Banding, Unbanded, and Recaptures
banding-data sheets, the Standard Net Opening and Closing Times form (first year of
operation only), the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort, the Summary of Mist-Netting Results,
the Breeding Status List, and the forms associated with the Habitat Structure
Assessment. They should also download a description of our collaboration with the
Center for Tropical Research and the Bird Genoscape Project, which explains the optional
feather-pulling protocol.
It is the operators’ responsibility each year to make as many copies of the forms as they
will need that year. Unused forms should be discarded at the end of the season because
they may become obsolete the following year.
Recording data and making corrections: All data should be recorded in dark, water stable
(i.e. not gel pen) ink. If you make corrections on any data sheet, use fast-drying correction
fluid or correction tape. Do NOT just write over errors.
The use of MAPSPROG
MAPSPROG is a Windows-based computer program for entry/import, editing, verification,
and error tracking of MAPS data (Froehlich et al. 2006). It offers contributors the
opportunity to computerize their MAPS banding data; edit coding problems (codes that
do not conform to IBP’s preferred codes set forth in this manual); and address and
correct, if applicable, within-record inconsistences (conflicts between codes within a
record, such as juvenile birds with breeding condition or after hatching year birds with no
24 - 2021 MAPS Manual
skull pneumatization) and between-record inconsistencies (conflicts in species, age, or
sex determinations in different capture records for a given band number). The verification
procedures encoded in the program reflect the MAPS data-collection guidelines
described in this manual and ageing and sexing criteria presented in Pyle (1997) for the
months covered by the MAPS season.
By providing a data entry/editing/verification program to contributors, IBP hopes to
decentralize the process of data correction, returning it to the control of those who
collected the data and who should, therefore, be better situated to make necessary
corrections and adjustments. As a result, we hope that the quality of MAPS data overall
will improve and that contributors, by verifying their own data, will be better able to
identify areas in which they can improve their data-collection techniques in future
seasons. We highly recommend using MAPSPROG during the field season to enter and
verify within-record consistency to improve data collection as the season progresses.
MAPSPROG integrates data entry modules for Banding, Effort, Breeding Status, and
Habitat Structure data.
MAPS data-use policy
Data contributed to the MAPS program will be used by IBP to further the mission and
goals of the MAPS program, as detailed on pages 6-11 of the MAPS Manual. These goals
include providing estimates and indices of demographic parameters, linking demographic
parameters to population trends and environmental variables (e.g., habitat, climate), and
providing information to land managers that will help create and maintain habitats to
conserve and enhance North American landbird populations. Individual MAPS
contributors will be acknowledged by name in any IBP publication or report arising from
the use of MAPS data whenever their data represent more than 5% of the MAPS data
used in that publication or report, and will be offered co-authorship whenever their data
represent a substantial proportion (more than 30%) of the MAPS data used in that
publication or report.
The MAPS database is the most extensive database on landbird demographics in North
America and represents an invaluable scientific resource of immense conservation
potential. As such, IBP is eager to share this resource with outside researchers, provided
that the proposed research has well-defined objectives and does not impinge on current
or planned IBP research projects. Requests for data should be submitted in writing and
should include clearly defined objectives for the use of the MAPS data. Researchers who
anticipate requesting MAPS data are encouraged to contact Danielle Kaschube, MAPS
Coordinator, (609-892-0445), to discuss their request and details
of the MAPS database prior to submitting their written request. All requests for MAPS
data require approval by an IBP research scientist, who will also be available to provide
advice on the feasibility of the proposed research. If 20% or more of the MAPS data
requested by a researcher will come from any single MAPS contributor, IBP will forward
the written request to that contributor for permission to use those data. IBP also requests
that publications or reports using MAPS data acknowledge the MAPS Program and IBP
as the source of the MAPS data, and acknowledge individual MAPS contributors by name
2021 MAPS Manual - 25
whenever their data represent more than 5% of the MAPS data used in that publication or
report. We request that researchers offer co-authorship of any publication or report using
MAPS data to individuals whose data represent a substantial proportion (more than 30%)
of the entire data set used in that publication or report. Finally, we request that a copy of
the final publication or report be sent to The Institute for Bird Populations (a PDF version
is fine) so that it can be archived and included on The Institute for Bird Populations
publications page:
An example of some language for an acknowledgement could be:
We thank the many dedicated volunteers who have collected and donated these data to the
MAPS program. We also thank The Institute for Bird Populations for developing the MAPS
Program and curating the MAPS data. Data used in this analysis were made available via
funding from the National Science Foundation (Grant EF 1703048).
By submitting your MAPS data, you are allowing your data to be included in analyses
completed by IBP and non-IBP researchers who make data requests. Although we
assume that our data-use policy will be followed and you will be acknowledged and
offered co-authorship when appropriate, we cannot guarantee our policy will be followed
once data are distributed to non-IBP researchers.
26 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Joining the MAPS Program
If you are interested in establishing one or more MAPS stations and feel that you
are able to meet our requirements, please contact the MAPS Coordinator, Danielle
Kaschube, at The Institute for Bird Populations at dkaschu[email protected] or at 609-892-
0445. You will be sent a registration form on which you will detail the proposed location,
habitat, and operation of your station (Fig. 4). Subject to approval of your proposal, you
will be added to the roster of active MAPS operators and will receive the necessary forms
and instructions, as well as annual reports on the results of the program and the
program’s newsletter, MAPS Chat. Please register each MAPS station with the Institute
for Bird Populations before initiating operations. This helps us plan and budget
accordingly and ensures that you receive program and protocol updates.
Instructions for completing the MAPS Station Registration Form
Date: Record the date the form is completed.
Station Manager Contact Information:
Name: The name of the station manager, the person in charge of the MAPS station and
responsible for seeing that changes in forms and protocol are communicated to all
persons helping at the station. This will be IBP’s official contact person to whom mailings
and phone calls with data questions will be addressed and who will be acknowledged in
publications and reports. Please keep us up-to-date concerning changes in contact
information or responsibilities.
Title: The job title of the station manager within the organization, if any, with which the
station is affiliated.
Affiliated Organization: The organization, if any, with which the station is affiliated.
Address and phone numbers: The mailing and e-mail addresses and phone numbers for
the station manager.
Federal Banding Permit #: Provide the federal bird banding permit number under which
the station will be operated. If you haven’t yet received your federal permit, write “in
process” in this space and provide the permit number once you have been approved.
Contact Information for an Additional Station Operator: You may provide contact
information for another individual with station operation responsibilities on this form.
Both operators will be included in our mailing lists and receive mailings concerning
station operations. Often, secondary operators are staff biologists, technicians, students,
or volunteers who play a critical role in conducting the banding station field work. If more
than two individuals should be associated with this station, please provide the additional
names and contact information via email at the time the registration form is submitted.
2021 MAPS Manual - 27
Location Code: A unique, four-character code which you may select to designate your set
of stations. If the code you propose conflicts with established MAPS location codes, we
will contact you to discuss an alternative.
Station Code: A unique, four-character code which you may select to designate your
station. For single-station locations, this is typically identical to the location code. If the
code you propose conflicts with established MAPS station codes, we will contact you to
discuss an alternative.
Name of Station: The full name of your station; please try to keep it short (four words or
Funding Source(s): List government agencies, non-governmental organizations,
foundations, and grants providing financial support for station operation. Use “private” if
the station is self-financed or if private individuals provide funding.
Property Name: The name of the piece of land on which the station is located. Please be
precise in listing the property name e.g., Wenatchee National Forest; Kittitas County
Environmental Educational Center; or Starr Ranch Sanctuary. If the property is owned by
an individual or family, just write “private property”.
Land Owner: The owner of the land on which the station is located. Please be precise in
listing the land owner, i.e., for a station in Wenatchee National Forest, the "United States
Forest Service, Wenatchee National Forest, Naches Ranger District"; for Kittitas County
Environmental Education Center, "Kittitas County School District" rather than just Kittitas
County; or for the Starr Ranch Sanctuary, "Audubon California" rather than just Audubon
Society. If the land is owned by an individual or family, just write “private”.
Nearest Town: Indicate the nearest reasonably sized community, as the neotropical
migrant flies, on state-level road map or web application such as Google Earth.
County: This equates to parishes in LA, boroughs in AK, etc. Western provinces please
indicate your regional or municipal district.
Latitude and Longitude: Please provide the lat/long coordinates in degrees, minutes, and
seconds to the nearest second for the center of the station; please convert UTM
coordinates and lat/longs given in decimals (many GPS units give seconds in decimals).
North American longitudes are negative (except in the outer Aleutians).
Source of lat-long coordinates: The information source from which you determined the
lat/long coordinates of the center of the station (e.g., Google Earth, hard copy of
topographic map, online topographic map, GPS unit, etc.).
Datum: The reference point around which latitude and longitude are structured. If using a
topographic map created before 1983 this will be NAD27. If using a topographic map
created after 1983, a GPS unit, or online mapping information, the datum will be available
somewhere on the source. (Google Earth uses NAD83.)
Average Altitude: The station’s average altitude (elevation) in meters (1m=3.280833ft).
Please do not give us a range.
28 - 2021 MAPS Manual
2021 MAPS STATION REGISTRATION FORM Date: February 20,2021
Please refer to the instructions in the current MAPS Manual when completing this
Station Manager Contact Information
Name: ______Joe Smith ______________ Title: ____Biologist_________________
Affiliated Organization: Bird Park County Park ______________
Address: Charles County Parks and Rec.
456 Main St., Grayton, MD 20678
Phone numbers: Work: 301-555-4444 Home or Cell: 301-556-2222
E-mail: [email protected] _________ Federal Banding Permit # __12345____
You may also provide contact information for another individual with station operation
responsibilities here. To add additional people, please submit a separate list of their contact
information when the registration form is submitted:
Name: _____ Sam Jones ______________ Title: ______________________________________
Affiliated Organization: Maryland Ornithological Society ___ __
Address: ___123 State St._________________________________________ ___
_____ Port Tobacco, MD 20677_________________________________
Phone numbers: Work: 301-654-3333 Home or Cell: 301-558-4141
E-mail: ____ [email protected] ____________ Federal Banding Permit # __12345 - CX
Station Information
(pick up to 4 letters for each; the two codes may be the same)
Location Code: __BIPA_________ Station Code: __SMCR_________
Name of Station: ________ Small Creek___________________________________
Funding Source(s): __ Charles County _____________________________________
Property Name: __ Bird Park County Park __________________________________
Land Owner: __ Charles County Parks and Recreation ________________________
Nearest Town: __ Grayton ________ County: __Charles___ State/Province: _MD__
2021 MAPS Manual - 29
Please include latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds; to the nearest second.
Latitude: 38
26' 20" Longitude: -077
10' 41"
Source of lat/long coordinates: eg. GPS, Google Earth, etc. _______ Google Earth ______
Datum: NAD27 or WGS84/NAD83 (check one)
Average Altitude (in m): __11_________
General Habitat Description (e.g., “Mixed woodland in suburbia”; “cottonwood-willow riparian
corridor”): __ mixed deciduous forest and riparian corridor _________________
Please include a map showing the position of the station relative to nearby towns, major
roads, and other geographic features; maps that are ideal for this purpose can be
produced for free using Google Earth (free at
Station Operation
First year of operation (expected): 2021
Number of nets: 10
Number of hours of operation per day (We recommend six): 6
Number of days of operation per ten-day period (We recommend one): 1
Periods of operation: From Period 3 through Period 10 .
Please refer to the MAPS Manual to read the full data-use policy.
In summary, if you submit data to the MAPS program your data will be made available for
analysis by both IBP and other researchers, upon request.
JS Initial here to indicate awareness of this policy
To ensure receiving a timely spring packet of data sheets and information, submit this form
by April 1 to Danielle Kaschube, dka[email protected]. Forms submitted after April 1 are
still valid but may delay receiving the beginning-of-season materials.
FIGURE 4. Completed MAPS Station Registration Form.
30 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Please include two maps: 1) a map on which the location of the station is clearly marked
relative to nearby towns, roads, and other geographic features. 2) a map on which the
exact location of the station is clearly marked relative to habitat features. Maps that are
ideal for this purpose can be produced for free by using Google Earth (downloadable for
free at Having the “eye alt” [bottom left of Google screen] at
about 100 kms usually provides a good scale for the first map and about 1-2 kms usually
provides a good scale for the second map.)
First year of operation (expected): Please indicate the year in which you plan to begin
operating your station.
General Habitat Description: Using key words, provide a brief description of the habitats
at the station. Some examples: “Spruce-fir forest/meadow with willow thickets” or
“Cottonwood riparian corridor/desert scrub” or “Maple-basswood forest with kettlehole
marsh,” etc.
Number of nets: The optimal density appears to be about one net for every two acres in
the 20-acre core of the study area. The minimum number of nets permitted is five (see
“Establishing a MAPS station,” above). Note: a six-meter net = 0.5 net
Number of hours/day and days/period: In order to provide maximum comparability
among stations, we strongly recommend six hours of operation per day (beginning at
local sunrise) and only one day of operation per 10-day period.
Periods of operation: See Figure 3 for appropriate starting period. All stations should run
through Period 10. High-altitude stations may start one or even two periods later as
appropriate. MAPS net sites should not be used in the spring before the appropriate
starting period, since spring banding activity at MAPS net sites may induce net avoidance
among resident birds for the remainder of the breeding season (see “Establishing a MAPS
station,” above).
Data-use Policy: Initial to indicate that you have seen and agree to the IBP data-use
2021 MAPS Manual - 31
Operation of nets
The importance of standardizing effort between periods and between years cannot be
overemphasized. The accuracy and precision of MAPS indices and estimates depends
on effort being equal, both in quantity and in timing, in all periods and all years. Thus, the
number of nets operated and the timing of their operation should be standardized for all
days of operation and kept constant from year to year at each station.
The first net should be opened at official local sunrise or at 0400, whichever is later;
thus, starting time will change during the course of the season. The nets should be
opened in the same sequence on each day of operation. If possible, they also should be
checked in this same sequence on every net run. They should remain open, if possible,
for exactly six hours and should be closed in the sequence in which they were opened.
At stations being operated in hot climates, it may be necessary to close nets earlier than
six hours after opening and to open nets earlier in the morning, but no more than 30
minutes before sunrise. Effort for a given day may be shifted up to 30 minutes early or
late (relative to the standard at the station) if circumstances demand it. Nets never
should be opened more than 30 minutes before sunrise nor be closed any later than 30
minutes after the standard closing time for the station. Nets should not be operated if
the average wind speed exceeds ten knots or gusts exceed 20 knots (the tiers of the net
will be blown into concave ‘C’s) or if other weather variables (e.g., precipitation or
extreme heat or cold) are likely to endanger the lives of captured birds. Efforts to lure or
drive birds into nets are not permitted.
Frequency of mist-netting effort
MAPS nets should be operated on only one day during each ten-day period, and the
dates of operation in consecutive ten-day periods should be fairly far apart (in general,
at least six days). While it is true that increasing the number of days of operation in each
ten-day period will tend to increase the resulting capture probabilities, the payoff from
this increase seems to fall off rapidly after two or three days of operation. Although two
days per ten-day period may offer the best return on capture probability per effort spent,
the two days certainly will be spent better by operating two different stations for one day
each and thereby effectively doubling the total number of birds handled. Thus, if the
personnel at a given station have the ability to operate on multiple days in each ten-day
period, we strongly recommend the operation of multiple stations for one day each, even
if the stations must be adjacent to each other (Burton and DeSante 2004). Only for
certain experimental stations and other already-established stations that have a long
history of operating on more than one day per ten-day period will multiple days of
operation per period be accepted. In these cases, the number of days of operation
during each period should, if possible, be standardized for all periods; the total effort
and timing, however, must be kept consistent from year to year at each station.
32 - 2021 MAPS Manual
MAPS Periods and Intended Periods
The primary assumption of MAPS effort standardization is that banding effort at any
time during a given period is equivalent to effort at any other time during the same
period. Refer to pages 20-22, ‘Banding C dates of operation’ for clarifications of the
MAPS Periods. Generally, banding effort in the middle of the period is likely to best
approximate the proportion of young to adults prevailing for that period. However, any
banding effort within the span of ten days that comprises that period is considered to be
an appropriate estimator of that proportion.
Circumstances will occasionally make it impossible to conduct banding effort within the
defined ten-day period. If it is impossible to put in the effort for a given period within the
period itself, the station may be operated within five days before or after the period in
question. For example, an operator who knows she/he will not be able to band during
Period 3 due to prior engagements, may band for Period 3 as early as May 16, but no
earlier. Even though the date May 16 falls in the range of Period 2, the effort is intended
for Period 3. As another example, suppose your station starts operation in Period 3, but
due to thunderstorms during this ten-day block, you are unable to band. You will need to
make-up this effort by running the station no later than June 4. In this case, even though
the date June 4 falls in Period 4, the effort is intended for Period 3.
This effectively lengthens the MAPS season by five days on either end; thus, all data
collected at MAPS nets from April 26 to August 13 should be submitted.
At higher altitudes in western mountains (generally above about 2,000 m), the entire
season may need to be shifted up to ten, or even 20, days later if a heavy late-lingering
snowpack delays the onset of breeding. This is a rare situation, but operators at such
stations may decide to delay the entire operation of their station by one or even two
periods in that year, thus completing station operation in Period 11 or 12. These
operators are, in effect, banding during Period 4 (or Period 5) for Intended Period 3, etc.
In this case, the season may extend as late as August 23, or even September 2 (allowing
for the five-day grace period at the end of the period). If you are unable to put in the
effort for Periods 9 or 10 within the allowable time frame, please try to make up the
effort as soon as possible, but certainly well before the end of August. Periods 9 and 10
are critical periods for calculating productivity indices, and we may be able to use data
from later in August to make up the missing effort.
Alternatively, MAPS operators may decide to delay operations by one or two periods at
the beginning of the season, then gradually “catch up” to normal or near normal station
operation, and complete late in Period 10 or in Period 11. This is the preferred method of
shifting effort, as neotropical migrants in years of phenological delay tend to speed up
the breeding season by shortening the time between broods or between nesting
attempts in order to leave the breeding range shortly after they would have left in a
normal breeding season. In such a situation, banding should extend no later than Period
11, and the number of days between banding sessions should be decreased, and remain
relatively equal, over the course of the season. For example, for a station that normally
begins operation in Period 3 (May 21- 30), but instead begins in Period 5 (June 10-19 -
essentially 20 days late) and plans to continue banding through Period 11 (August 9-18 -
2021 MAPS Manual - 33
essentially 10 days late), there are only seven periods - or 70 days - in which to conduct
eight sessions of banding. Thus, banding should occur approximately every 8-9 (8.75)
days, rather than every 10 days, over the course of the season, ending in Period 11.
Making up missed effort
If nets are closed early or opened late (relative to the standard at the station) due to
inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances, the missing hours should be recovered
if possible. This may entail either ending the day late (but no more than 30 minutes) as
shown in Figure 6 for Intended Period 7, or making up the missed effort on another day
within the same ten-day period as shown in Figure 6 for Intended Period 5. You must
make up this effort if the missing effort amounts to more than half of a normal day’s
operation. For example, assume a normal full day’s operation is 60 net hours (ten 12-
meter nets open for six hours). On one particular day, however, the nets are opened at
0600 but have to be closed at 0830 due to rain. Only 25 net hours have been
accumulated. If the nets can be reopened at 0900, they should be closed at 1230 to
recover the lost 30 minutes (5 net hours). If, however, it continues raining beyond 0900,
the remaining 35 net hours should be made up as soon as possible during the
appropriate hours (0830-1200) on another day within that period. If circumstances will
prevent your return later in the intended period to make up the lost effort, then reopen
the nets later in the morning, conditions permitting, to accumulate as much effort as
possible (and at least half a normal day’s operation) for that intended period (as shown
for Intended Period 7 in Figure 6).
Minimum allowable effort
For the purposes of MAPS analyses, we divide the MAPS season into two
“superperiods,” an adult superperiod, during which adults usually predominate in the
catch, and a young superperiod, during which young often predominate. For a given
location, the dates of these superperiods depend on the recommended starting period
for that location (Fig. 3). Table 1 lists the adult and young superperiods for each starting
period. For data from a given station-year to be useable in MAPS analyses, the station
must have been operated for a minimum of three periods during the adult superperiod
and a minimum of two periods during the young superperiod. Please note that for
stations having a recommended start in Periods 4 or 5, absolutely no periods may be
missed during the young superperiod (Periods 9 and 10). Please also keep in mind that
all stations should be run from the recommended starting period through Period 10.
Table 1. Adult and young MAPS superperiods.
Recommended start Adult superperiod Young superperiod
Period 1 (May 1-10) Periods 1-6 (May 1-Jun. 29) Periods 7-10 (Jun. 30-Aug. 8)
Period 2 (May 11-20) Periods 2-7 (May 11-July 9) Periods 8-10 (July 10-Aug. 8)
Period 3 (May 21-30) Periods 3-7 (May 21-July 9) Periods 8-10 (July 10-Aug. 8)
Period 4 (May 31-Jun. 9) Periods 4-8 (May 31-July 19) Periods 9-10 (July 20-Aug. 8)
Period 5 (Jun. 10-19) Periods 5-8 (Jun. 10-July 19) Periods 9-10 (July 20-Aug. 8)
34 - 2021 MAPS Manual
In order to assist operators in timing the operation of their nets consistently from year to
year, the Standard Net Opening and Closing Times sheet (Fig. 5) provides space for
filling in local sunrise times and the net-opening and -closing schedule you intend to
follow. This information is essential for analyses of effort comparability across years
and for corrections for missed effort. In addition, should station operations be passed
on to someone else, this information will provide the new operators and their volunteers
with the times at which the nets are to be operated each period.
Typically, the standard opening time is local sunrise and the standard closing time is six
hours later. Operation at some stations may deviate from this schedule consistently,
year after year. In hot climates, for example, nets may need to be opened before sunrise.
In cold climates, nets may need to be opened after sunrise, as shown in Periods 3 and 4
in Figure 5. In either case, the standard opening time should be no more than 30 minutes
earlier or later than sunrise.
To make it easier to coordinate with banding assistants, the change from period to
period in the standard opening times you designate may deviate from sunrise by 10-20
minutes, as demonstrated in Periods 8 and 10 in Figure 5. Fill out this form only once
and submit a copy of the completed form to IBP with your data packet at the end of the
season; please resubmit the form in future seasons only if you must change your
Instructions for completing the Standard Net Opening and Closing
Times form
Operators Name: Record the name of the MAPS Station Manager.
Location: Record your four-character location code.
Station: Record your four-character station code.
Date: Record the date the form is completed.
Sunrise: In the ‘Period’ field, record the sunrise time for your station for each period that
you normally operate. Enter the sunrise time for the dates indicated in the period column
(roughly, the mid-period dates), not the sunrise times for the dates you ran this season.
U.S. sunrise tables are available free on the Web at . Once on the web-site, Form A
provides sunrise times for entries of city/town and state, while Form B provides sunrise
times for lat/long coordinates.
Standard Open and Standard Close: Following the guidelines given above, record the
standard opening and closing times for your nets in each period. Be sure to record the
standard open and standard close times you intend to open and close your nets each
2021 MAPS Manual - 35
period for your station every season; these times are not necessarily the times your nets
were actually operated in any given season.
Location: BIPA Station: SMCR Date: 08/13/2021
Station Manager: Joe Smith
Standard Open
Standard Close
1 Sunrise 05/05:
2 Sunrise 05/15:
3 Sunrise 05/25:
4 Sunrise 06/04:
5 Sunrise 06/14:
6 Sunrise 06/24:
7 Sunrise 07/04:
8 Sunrise 07/14:
9 Sunrise 07/24:
10 Sunrise 08/03:
FIGURE 5. Completed MAPS Standard Net Opening and Closing Times form.
36 - 2021 MAPS Manual
The Summary of Mist-Netting Effort is the only information available that allows us to
analyze between-year changes in mist-netting data in a constant-effort manner. It is
critical that this form be completed exactly as indicated. Please review this section of
the manual carefully before filling out the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort forms. The
most common problems that we encounter are unspecified net number(s), unspecified
timing (to the nearest ten minutes) of the opening and closing of the net(s), and net-hour
calculations. Remember, the opening and closing times you should record are the times
which you started the net runs to open or close the nets and should be recorded in the
same format as capture times. Also, please be sure to double-check all net-hour
calculations. All effort at MAPS nets from Intended Period 1 through Intended Period 10
[including August data for stations at higher altitudes that were delayed by one (or, in
years of exceptionally heavy and late-melting snowpacks, even two) period(s)] must be
recorded on the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort forms (Fig. 6), including any effort
conducted before the recommended starting period. Banding data submitted for
Intended Periods 11(August 9-18) and 12 (August 19-28) must also be accompanied by
effort data.
MAPSPROG incorporates a module to enter all effort data; program checks ensure that
all MAPS season banding records occurred on days the nets were actually operated.
Instructions for completing the Summary of Mist-Netting Effort form
Location: Record your four-character location code.
Station: Record your four-character station code.
List net numbers of all 12-m nets: Record the net designations of all 12 meter nets.
List net numbers and lengths of all other nets: Record the net designations and lengths
of all other nets. If you do not operate other length nets, please indicate by recording
“N/A” or “none.”
If any nets are stacked, list their net numbers and how stacked: For example, nets 02
and 03 stacked: 02-low and 03-high.
Describe net changes from last year: Indicate any previously operated nets that were
not operated in the current year and any new nets added. Please note that any moved
nets will require new net numbers.
MAPS season shift due to heavy snowpack at high elevation stations: See page 31 for
a complete explanation of when this rare season shift may be necessary.
Intended Period: Record the intended period for the date operated. Remember, if it is
impossible to put in the effort for a given period within the period itself, it may be done
within five days before or after that period. If the date operated falls outside the
2021 MAPS Manual - 37
standard ten-day period, include a note explaining why the operation did not occur in the
standard ten-day period.
Date: Record the month and day of the date of operation.
Net Numbers: Record the net designations of the nets operated (not the quantity of nets
opened). A single day’s effort should be recorded on multiple lines if nets of different
sizes are used or if the nets are open for varying periods of time. For example, if all ten
nets were opened at 0600 and nets 08 and 09 were closed at 1000 due to sun or wind
while the remaining eight were closed as planned at 1200, then the effort should be
recorded on at least two lines. See also the example for Intended Period 3 in Figure 6.
Open Time and Close Time: These times should be recorded in the same format as
capture times. That is, using the 24-hour clock, record, to the nearest 10 minutes, the
opening and closing times of the first net opened or closed. Always enter three digits.
Note that the ultimate zero is preprinted on the form; e.g., 6:24 a.m. = 062(0), 1:48 p.m. =
Net Hours: Record the net hours accumulated (to the nearest 0.01 net hour) for the nets
recorded on each line.
Period Net Hours: Record the total effort for all days in an intended period on the last
line for the intended period.
Note No.: Record a note (with a note number) on the reverse (page 2) side of the form
indicating why nets were opened or closed at times that deviate from the standard
protocol. Record the note numbers for these notes in the Note No. column on the form.
Total net hours for all MAPS periods combined: Carefully sum the Period Net Hours for
all MAPS periods operated during the year and enter the sum in the appropriate box on
the reverse side (page 2) of the form. Please use a calculator to sum these Period Net
Hours and please double-check your sum. A comparison of this sum to the sum
obtained from the computerized effort file (in both IBP’s verification procedures and
MAPSPROG) provides an important check that all effort data have been entered.
38 - 2021 MAPS Manual
List net numbers of all 12-m nets: 01- 09
List net numbers and lengths (in meters) of all other nets: Net 10 = 9 m
If any nets are stacked, list their net numbers and how stacked (i.e., nets 02 and 03
stacked: 02-low, 03-high, etc.): No stacked nets
Describe any changes in your nets or net sites since last year. Any moved nets
require new net numbers! No changes
Period One: May 01 - May 10
Period Two: May 11 - May 20
Period Three: May 21 - May 30
Period Four: May 31 - June 09
Period Five: June 10 - June 19
Period Six: June 20 - June 29
Period Seven: June 30 - July 09
Period Eight: July 10 - July 19
Period Nine: July 20 - July 29
Period Ten: July 30 - August 08
NOTE: Heavy snowpack in some years can cause the breeding season to be delayed in the higher
elevations of the western mountains. We allow the entire MAPS season to be shifted later by one or
even two periods in these instances. If your station experienced a delay in breeding this year due to
heavy snowpack, please indicate the number of periods you shifted this year (1 or 2): ____
Open Time
(nearest 10 minute)
hour minute
Close Time
(nearest 10 minute)
hour minute
e.g. 3
* Please write note on reverse side of this page.
FIGURE 6. Completed MAPS Summary of Mist-Netting Effort (page 1).
2021 MAPS Manual - 39
All birds captured throughout the season, including recaptures, must be identified to
species and must be aged and sexed if possible (use “unknown” if necessary). Age and
sex birds by the extent of skull pneumatization and/or other appropriate plumage,
breeding, mensural, or molt characters (Bird Banding Offices 1991, Pyle 1997).
Incorrectly-identified, -aged, and/or -sexed birds are detrimental to analyses. All birds
not already banded and not excluded from the operator’s banding permit (except
hummingbirds, which are not included in MAPS analyses because most banders don’t
band them) must be banded with a numbered aluminum band issued by your country’s
banding office.
We consider Pyle (1997) as the authority for in-hand age, sex, and difficult species
determinations of North American passerines and near-passerines. The information in
this book is accepted by the banding offices as well. MAPS banders are expected to be
using this book in the field, and the validity of your determinations will be checked using
it as well. Please ensure that you understand the concepts presented in Pyle (1997) and
apply them appropriately. Please also ensure to correct your copy of Pyle (1997) with
the latest version of the errata (
General procedures for recording banding data
Primary MAPS data: Primary MAPS data are the data upon which all analyses of
productivity indices, survival-rate estimates, and population trends are based. Thus, it is
crucial that complete primary MAPS data be taken on all birds captured, including
recaptures. Primary MAPS data include the following data fields (see pages 43-65):
capture code (e.g., newly banded, recaptured, band changed), band number, species (as
given by the species alpha code), age, how aged (if age determined), sex, how sexed (if
sex determined), status (as required on banding schedules submitted to the banding
office), date, capture time, station, net number, disposition, and feather pull. It is
important to note that the primary MAPS data fields are the only ones that may be
subject to modification based on other information obtained during the capture or by
comparisons with other capture records of the same band number. Date, capture time,
and net number will allow us to screen out records that cannot be used for multi-year
comparisons. Ageing and sexing criteria will allow us to screen out improperly-aged
or -sexed birds and to evaluate the reliability of these criteria.
Supplemental data: MAPS operators are also asked to collect supplemental data on all
birds captured, including recaptures: extent of skull pneumatization, breeding condition
(presence or absence of a cloacal protuberance or brood patch), extent of body and
flight-feather molt, extent of primary-feather wear, extent of juvenile plumage, existence
of molt limits and information on feather generation for selected feather tracts or
groups of feather tracts, wing chord, body mass, and fat class. These data are used in
verification programs to assure the accuracy of the species, age, and sex
40 - 2021 MAPS Manual
determinations. They can also provide invaluable information regarding spatial
(geographic) and temporal variation in the timing and extent of breeding and molt and
the physiological condition of the bird. Because supplemental data reflect information
taken directly from the bird in the hand, supplemental data must never be modified and
should mirror precisely what was recorded in the field.
Optional data: Additional data, such as exposed culmen and tail length, may also be
taken but are not required, although they sometimes are useful in verifying the primary
Codes, scales, and forms: All data should be taken according to the standardized
guidelines and utilizing the standardized codes described in these instructions and
should be recorded on copies of the standardized 8 ½" by 14" MAPS banding-data
sheets (Figs. 7 and 8) included in your spring MAPS package.
We realize that some contributors to the MAPS Program have long been recording many
of these data according to slightly different codes and scales. The codes suggested in
these guidelines are the result of thousands of hours of field work and subsequent
analysis by researchers at the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
the Point Blue Conservation Science (previously Point Reyes Bird Observatory), and The
Institute for Bird Populations and are summarized in Ralph et al. 1993. In an effort to aid
in the standardization of the capture and banding data now being collected in North
America, we suggest that you adopt the scales and codes presented here. If you find it
impossible to adopt these scales and codes, you must provide us with an explanation of
how your codes correspond to MAPS codes so that they can be converted to MAPS
codes. Note that codes other than MAPS codes are not accepted by the MAPS
entry/verification program, MAPSPROG.
Please use the MAPS banding-data sheets for recording all MAPS banding data. We
have examined well over 70 different banding-data sheets and have designed these
sheets to increase the ease, logic, and accuracy of recording banding data in the field,
as well as the efficiency and accuracy of entering those data into a computer for
analysis and the production of banding schedules.
There are three types of MAPS banding-data sheets: the MAPS Banding Sheet for
recording the use of new bands; the MAPS Recaptures Sheet for recording recaptures;
and the MAPS Unbanded Sheet for recording birds that are captured but left unbanded.
Multiple-station locations: If more than one station is operated at a location, band
strings are shared among stations, and banding is not conducted simultaneously at
multiple stations, then the data from these stations should be combined on a single set
of banding-data sheets to avoid gaps in the band sequences on the forms. If more than
one set of banding-data sheets must be used, please use a different page-numbering
sequence for each set (A1, A2,.; B1, B2...) so that each location/year/band-size/page
combination is unique.
Non-MAPS data: Banding data from non-MAPS sites (e.g., nestlings, traps, feeder
stations) or collected before or after the MAPS season (April 26-August 13, or through
September 2 if effort for periods 9 and 10 is being made up) can be submitted to the
2021 MAPS Manual - 41
MAPS Program if it makes clerical/administrative work easier for your banding
operation, but is not required. We recommend non-MAPS data should be recorded on
separate forms and, if possible, with separate band strings so as to avoid breaks in the
band sequences on the MAPS Banding Sheets. However, occasionally, individual
records that technically cannot be considered MAPS data are included on MAPS
banding-data sheets. These records might include birds found dead on a trail or they
might consist of a bird captured accidentally not in a MAPS net or at your MAPS station.
These records must be identified as non-MAPS in order to avoid including them in
constant-effort analyses. Mark these records by recording NM” in the NOTE NUMBER
Page headings and other notations: Be sure to fill out the headings - Location, Year,
Band Size (for new bands), and Page # - on each banding-data sheet. Use the four-
character location code determined during station registration. Number the pages
sequentially for each band size, starting with page 1 every year; in other words, there will
be a page 1 for each band size used each year. This is very important, as it will allow us
(and you) to see at a glance that all data are submitted. Please write “End of year” at the
bottom of the last page of each band size each season.
New bands: To ensure that band numbers are recorded and computerized correctly and
to facilitate band inventory and scheduling, it is of the utmost importance that original
banding data for only a SINGLE STRING OF BANDS be included on any single MAPS
Banding Sheet and that the bands be recorded (and, as much as possible, used) in
sequence. Please write “End of string” below the last record for each band string.
Lost and destroyed bands: Lost and destroyed bands should be recorded in sequence
on the MAPS Banding Sheets. Record only code, band number, species name as “Band
Lost” or “Band Destroyed,” date, and station.
Recaptures: Every capture of a banded bird is a “recapture”. Recaptures thus include
returns (first captures in the current year of birds banded previously in the same place
on the same permit), repeats (subsequent captures, even on the same day, of birds
banded or recaptured in the same place earlier in the current year), and foreign
recaptures (first captures of birds banded in a different place or on a different permit).
Birds banded outside of MAPS operation and recaptured during MAPS operation are
considered recaptures. Previously-banded birds that escape or are inadvertently
released before the band number is read should also be recorded as recaptures.
Complete data should be taken for all recaptures and should be recorded only on MAPS
Recaptures Sheets. It is crucial that new and recapture banding data NOT be entered on
the same sheets. Do NOT separate recaptures by band size. Recaptures of birds with
non-USGS bands from another country, i.e. not from the USA or Canada, are handled
differently than recaptures of birds with federal USGS bands. Record the band number
from the foreign country on the recapture page and then add a USGS aluminum band to
the other leg. Record this new band on the newly banded page for the appropriate band
size. Leaving the original band on the bird will allow the other country to keep tracking
the history of the bird and adding the new band will allow tracking of the bird in the
USGS databases and, if the bird is recaptured in the country of origin, allow those
banders to know that it was captured in the US or Canada as well. Cross reference the
42 - 2021 MAPS Manual
band numbers in the note fields on the back of each page and both records should be
given capture code “A.”
Changed bands: If a band is replaced, record the capture on both the MAPS Banding
Sheet (new band) and MAPS Recaptures Sheet (recapture record). Record the old band
number on the Recapture Sheet, with the new number as a note on the back. Record the
new band number on the Banding Sheet, with the old number as a note on the back. The
old band should be sent to the banding office with the schedule on which the new band
is reported. Both records should be given capture code “C.” NEVER re-use a band you
have taken off a bird; it makes tracking individuals exceedingly difficult and, because the
structural integrity of the band is compromised, increases the risk of injury to the bird.
Importantly, a changed band should be counted only as a single recapture on the
Summary of Mist-netting Results (see below), because it involves only one bird.
Added bands: Occasionally, birds wind up with a band on each leg. Usually, this is the
result of a bander not realizing that the bird is a recapture and applying a band to the
other leg or due to a foreign recapture of a bird banded in a country other than the
United States or Canada (see recapture section above). Accidental double banding can
be avoided by ensuring that all banders at your location are banding on the same leg. If
both bands are readable and neither is endangering the bird’s welfare, it is best, because
of the risk of injury to the bird, not to attempt to remove one of the bands. If the bird was
captured with two bands, enter a record for each band, both with code “A” (for “Added
Band”), on the Recapture Sheet. If you have applied the second band, record it (again as
code “A”) on the Banding Sheet, with the original band number in a note, and record the
original band on the Recapture Sheet (also with code “A”) with the added band number
in a note (analogous to changing a band, except that no band was removed). As with
changed bands, added bands should be counted only as single recaptures on the
Summary of Mist-netting Results (see below).
Unbanded birds: As much information as possible (including all primary MAPS data)
must be recorded on the MAPS Unbanded Sheets for all birds that are captured but not
banded (escapes, releases, and mortalities) regardless of the size of band they would
have received had they been banded. Data on these birds is essential for calculating
capture rates, and mortalities can be used in productivity analyses. A bird is considered
an “escape” if it was touched prior to escape; a bird that bounces out of or escapes from
a net before it is touched should not be recorded. “Releases” might include species that
a bander is not authorized to band (gallinaceous species or hummingbirds) and birds for
which the recommended band size is unavailable. See Table 2 for species alpha codes
for gallinaceous birds.
Mortalities: Even if all reasonable precautions are taken, mortalities do occur
occasionally in the course of mist netting. If a bird dies before it is banded, it should be
recorded on the MAPS Unbanded Sheet. If a bird dies just after it is banded, remove and
destroy the band. Record the bird's data on the Unbanded Sheet to account for the
capture and the band number on the Banding Sheet as destroyed (code “D”) to account
for the destroyed band. In either case, the bird should receive “000” in the “STATUS” field
and a “D” or “P” in the “DISP” field for “death due to cause other than predation” or
“predator-caused mortality,” respectively. If the mortality is a recapture, record the
2021 MAPS Manual - 43
individual's band number and all normally collected data on the Recapture Sheet and
then remove the band. Destroy the band unless it is a recovery, in which case you should
submit the information electronically at As before, enter
“000” in the STATUS field and “D” or “P” in the DISP field.
Banding-data fields
The front of the banding-data sheet is broken into 36 fields each containing one or more
columns. Each of these fields is described separately below. Please write out
completely the first record on each sheet each day. After that, use a “greater than” (>) or
TIME, and STATION fields if the entry is repeated (on the same day only) on the next
line; do not use ditto marks or vertical lines that can be mistaken for ‘1’s and do not use
these symbols in any other fields. If data for a given field are not collected, leave the
field blank; do not use zeroes, nines, hyphens, slashes, or any other symbols to
designate data not taken.
Please record all data taken, even if the values are “0,” and do not make assumptions.
For example, if you have what you believe is a female with a brood patch, please verify
that there is no cloacal protuberance. Once you have done so, enter “0” in the CP field; if
you leave it blank, we cannot assume that you checked to make sure there was not a
BANDER’S INITIALS -- Place the initials of the bander or person taking the data in this
field. Write the initials and full names of all the banders on the page in the spaces
provided at the bottom of the form.
CODE -- Capture Code. Use the codes shown at the top of the banding-data sheet. Use
“N” for all newly-banded birds; “L” for lost bands; “D” for destroyed bands; “U” for
unbanded birds; “C” for changed bands (refer to the section on changed bands [above]
for instructions on code- “C” captures); “A” for added bands (refer to the section on
added bands [above]); and “R” for all other recaptures, regardless of whether they are
repeats, returns, or recoveries. Note that the only capture codes acceptable on a given
sheet are those presented at the top of the sheet (e.g., “N” does not appear on the
Recapture Sheet). The code for unbanded birds, “U,” is already filled in on the Unbanded
Sheet for these birds.
BAND NUMBER -- For new, lost, and destroyed bands, enter the complete band number
for the first band on the first line of each page. Do not use a hyphen to separate the
prefix from the rest of the band number. Please double-check to be sure that this first
band number is completely correct. Thereafter, for all other band numbers on the page,
enter only the last three digits right-justified. For all recaptures, however, be sure to enter
the full band number each time. Furthermore, please double-check the band numbers on
all recaptured birds before releasing them. Incorrect band numbers on recaptures are
the most serious errors of all because correct band numbers on recaptured birds are the
basis for all mark-recapture analyses. We strongly recommend the use of some form of
optical magnification, preferably a magnification visor, to read the band numbers of
44 - 2021 MAPS Manual
recaptured birds and to examine skull pneumatization of all birds. The best one we have
found is the OptiVISOR, an optical glass binocular magnifier that fits over your head, tilts
up when not in use, and leaves both hands free to band and examine the bird. We
recommend the DA-5 model (2.5 power at a focal length of 8"; price about $30). It is
distributed by lapidary and jewelers’-supply houses or on Amazon.
It is extremely important that all band numbers be nine characters long. Three-digit
prefixes must be recorded prefaced with a “0” (e.g., 972 becomes 0972). Two-digit
prefixes must be recorded prefaced and followed by ‘d’s (e.g., 81 becomes 0810). For
unbanded birds, leave BAND NUMBER blank.
SPECIES NAME -- Enter at least an abbreviation of the species name (e.g., “Blk-cap
Chick” for Black-capped Chickadee). This abbreviation will not be entered in the MAPS
database but will serve as a check against the error-prone SPECIES ALPHA CODE
(below), such as Barn Swallow (“BARS”) and Bank Swallow (“BANS”), both of which are
often written incorrectly as “BASW”. Write “Band Lost” or “Band Destroyed” in this space
where appropriate.
SPECIES ALPHA CODE -- Enter the four-letter code for the species (e.g., “BCCH” for
Black-capped Chickadee) from Four-letter and six-letter alpha codes for birds recorded
from the American Ornithologists’ Union check-list area (Pyle and DeSante 2003). This
list (further updated in Pyle and DeSante [up through 2020) can be downloaded from
The Institute for Bird Populations’ website at .
Very few discrepancies that are likely to be encountered by banders exist between this
list and the current BBL codes. In the very few cases where the species codes differ, and
until the BBL is able to update their codes, MAPSPROG will convert the alpha codes
provided by Pyle and DeSante (2003, 2005, 2006) to current BBL codes when producing
the export file for Band Manager. Species codes for gallinaceous birds are given in
Table 2; these species do not fall under the jurisdiction of the federal banding offices,
which consequently do not provide alpha codes for them.
Table 2. Species alpha codes for gallinaceous birds.
Species Alpha codes
Plain Chachalaca PLCH
Chukar CHUK
Himalayan Snowcock HISN
Gray Partridge GRAP
Ring-necked Pheasant RNEP
Common Peafowl CPEA
Ruffed Grouse RUGR
Greater Sage-Grouse GRSG
Gunnison Sage-Grouse GUSG
Spruce Grouse SPGR
Willow Ptarmigan WIPT
Rock Ptarmigan ROPT
White-tailed Ptarmigan WTPT
Species Alpha Codes
Dusky Grouse DUGR
Sooty Grouse SOGR
Sharp-tailed Grouse STGR
Greater Prairie-Chicken GRPC
Lesser Prairie-Chicken LEPC
Wild Turkey WITU
Mountain Quail MOUQ
Scaled Quail SCQU
California Quail CAQU
Gamble’s Quail GAQU
Northern Bobwhite NOBO
Montezuma Quail MONQ
2021 MAPS Manual - 45
Occasionally, notes associated with a record indicate that the species determination for
a recapture or an unbanded bird was uncertain. Mark these records by recording QS”
in the NOTE NUMBER field.
AGE -- Enter a single-digit numeric code for the age class of the bird, as shown at the top
of the banding-data sheets. Alternate, single-character, alpha codes for each age class
also are presented below. We strongly recommend using the numeric codes, however,
because of the difficulty we have experienced in distinguishing between a printed ‘H’
and a printed ‘A’, which together comprise the vast majority of the age classes. Note:
MAPSPROG will only accept the numeric codes. These codes are:
4 - Local (L): A young bird incapable of sustained flight. (These birds always
should be processed as quickly as possible and released very close to the net
in which they were captured.)
2 - Hatching Year (H): A bird capable of sustained flight and known to have
hatched during the calendar year in which it is captured. If these birds are in full
juvenile plumage, consider releasing them near the net in which they were
captured. Parents may still be feeding these young.
1 - After Hatching Year (A): A bird known to have hatched before the calendar year
in which it is captured; year of hatching otherwise unknown.
5 - Second Year (S): A bird known to have hatched in the calendar year preceding
the year in which it is captured (known to be in its second calendar year of life).
6 - After Second Year (O): A bird known to have hatched earlier than the calendar
year preceding the year in which it is captured (known to be at least in its third
calendar year); year of hatching otherwise unknown.
7 - Third Year (T): A bird known to have hatched two calendar years prior to the
year in which it is captured (known to be in its third calendar year).
8 - After Third Year (Z): A bird known to have hatched more than two calendar
years prior to the year in which it is captured (known to be at least in its fourth
calendar year); year of hatching otherwise unknown.
0 - Indeterminable (U): Age unknown because age indeterminable; i.e., age
determination attempted but not possible with confidence.
9 - Not attempted (X): Age unknown because age determination not attempted.
Please attempt (without relying on previous capture data) to age adult birds as second
year (SY) or after second year (ASY). It should be possible to reach this level of precision
with at least some individuals of roughly 95% of North American passerine and near-
passerine species. In addition, many near-passerines (including woodpeckers) and a
few passerines may be aged to third year (TY) and after third year (ATY). Our ability to
index juvenile survival rates and estimate recruitment rates of young and immigration
rates of adults hinges on your ability to discriminate between SY and ASY age classes.
Since the presence of juvenile or first-alternate feathers indicates SY, whereas the lack
of such feathers often is not definitive, it is likely that more SYs than ASYs will be
46 - 2021 MAPS Manual
WRP Wolfe-Ryder-Pyle age classification. Enter the three-character code for the cycle-
based age class of the bird. This code describes the plumage and molt stage of the
individual. Entry of these codes is currently optional.
The first of the three characters indicates the cycle:
F - first cycle
S - second cycle (usually used only for woodpeckers)
T - third cycle (used rarely for woodpeckers)
D - definitive cycle
U - unknown cycle
The second of the three characters indicates the molt status:
C - mid-cycle, no molting feathers on bird
P - bird in molt. For HYs it can be in body-feather molt; for AHYs it should be
in primary molt. This code can also be used for a bird not actively molting
if it is in the suspended phase of a suspended molt, e.g. REVI, but this
situation will be very rare.
A - after a known cycle, but current cycle not known and with no molting
feathers on bird. In MAPS used for AHYs given code FAJ.
The third of the three characters indicates the plumage. I.e., the plumage a non-
molting individual is currently in or the plumage in which a molting individual is
molting into:
J - juvenile plumage
F - formative plumage
A - alternate plumage
B - basic plumage
U - unknown plumage
Not all of the three-character code combinations are valid. Below is a list of the codes
most frequently used in MAPS, followed by the calendar based age code that usually
applies in North America, but note that there is no direct correspondence between WRP
and calendar-based age codes. The most common codes are listed first and in the order
they are encountered in a typical passerine:
FPJ - First prejuvenile molt: The individual is molting into its juvenile plumage and
must have molting body and/or flight feathers. This molt is also known as the
"first prebasic molt" under new terminology but because of the unique
qualities of the first generation feathers produced in this molt, the molt is
more commonly called the prejuvenile molt. AGE=2/HY in North America and
during the MAPS season.
FCJ - First cycle juvenile plumage: The individual is in full juvenile plumage, i.e. only
juvenile feathers are present and the bird has no molting feathers. AGE=2/HY
during the MAPS season.
FPF - First preformative molt: The individual is molting into its formative plumage.
The bird must have molting body and/or flight feathers. Usually AGE=2/HY
during the MAPS season.
2021 MAPS Manual - 47
FCF - First cycle formative plumage: The individual is in full formative plumage, i.e.
the bird has no molting feathers and most often has a mixture of retained
juvenile feathers and replaced formative feathers. Note that this code can
apply to both fresh HYs that have finished the preformative molt (e.g.,
warblers) and worn SYs of many species. Thus it is important to also code
these as AGE=2/HY or AGE=5/SY, respectively.
FPA - First prealternate molt: The individual is molting into its first alternate
plumage. The bird must have molting body and/or flight feathers. Usually
AGE=5/SY during the MAPS season.
FCA - First cycle alternate plumage: The individual is in full first-alternate plumage,
i.e. the bird has no molting feathers and has a mixture of juvenile, formative,
and alternate feathers. Usually AGE=5/SY during the MAPS season.
SPB - Second prebasic molt: The individual is molting into its second basic
plumage. It must have molting primaries and still retains some juvenile,
formative and/or first alternate feathers. Usually AGE=5/SY during the MAPS
FAJ - After first cycle juvenile: The individual does not have any juvenile feathers
but it can’t be determined if it is in formative or basic plumage or for
known adults (by skull, breeding condition, etc) but in unknown plumage. In
the original definition, this code is used only for species that have a complete
preformative molt, e.g. WREN, BUSH, NOCA, GRSP, HOSP, swallows, and
other species. We have adjusted the coding to allow other species to be used
for unknown plumage adults. Usually AGE=1/AHY during the MAPS season.
DCB - Definitive cycle basic plumage: The individual is in full basic plumage, i.e. the
bird has no molting feathers and has only basic feathers. Often AGE=6/ASY
during the MAPS season.
DPA - Definitive prealternate molt: The individual is molting into its definitive
alternate plumage. The bird must have molting body and/or flight feathers.
Often AGE=6/ASY during the MAPS season.
DCA - Definitive cycle alternate plumage: The individual is in full alternate plumage,
i.e. the bird has no molting feathers and has a mixture of basic and alternate
feathers. Often AGE=6/ASY during the MAPS season.
DPB - Definitive prebasic molt: The individual is molting from one basic plumage to
another definitive basic plumage. It must have molting primaries and show
both retained and replaced definitive basic and/or alternate feathers. Often
AGE=6/ASY during the MAPS season.
Less common codes:
UCA - Unknown cycle alternate plumage: The individual is known to be in alternate
plumage, but it is unknown which cycle the individual is in and the bird has no
molting feathers. Usually AGE=1/AHY during the MAPS season.
MAPS BANDING Sheet Location B I P A Band Size 0
2021 Page # 1
New Band N Local 4 Skull S Feather Wear F Cycle:F,S,D,U None 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 None 0 None N None 0 Juvenal J Malformed M
Band Destroyed D Hatching Year 2 Cloacal Pr. C Mouth/Bill I Middle:C,P,A Trace 1 Small 1 Smooth 1 Trace 1 Trace 1 Adventitious A Slight 1
Juv. & Form.
Old/healed Injury
Band Lost L After Hatching Year 1 Brood Patch B Eye Color E Plumage: < 1/3 2 Medium 2
2 Light 2
2 Symmetric S Light 2 Formative F Illness/Disease I
Band Changed*
C Second Year 5
Juv. Body Plum.
J Wing Length W J,S,F,A,B,U Half 3 Large 3 Heavy 3 Half 3 Medium 3 Juv. growth J Moderate 3 Basic B
Stress/Shock S
Band Added* A After Second Year 6 Molt Limit L Tail Length T > 2/3 4 Wrinkled 4 Filled 4 Heavy 4 JUV BDY PL Heavy 4
Juv. & Basic
R Eye Injury E
*Old Band No. in note Third Year 7 Plumage P Other (Note) O
Almst Com.
5 Molting 5 Bulging 5
Full 3
Excessive 5
Mixed Basic
M Tongue Injury T
After Third Year 8 Molt M
Fully Comp.
6 Gr. Bulging 6 >1/2 2 Alternate A Wing Injury W
Male M Indeterminable 0 Invisible 8 V. Excess. 7 < 1/2 1
N Body Injury B
Not attempted 9
None 0 Unknown U Leg Injury L
Indeterm. U
Not attempt.
C C C 1 9 3 0 3 8 3 8 8 C A C H 6 S P
C 6 2 0 0 0 N B B B 6 3 9
7 3 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 6 5
U P E D 0 5 1
P B N 3 8 9 A C F L 5 S L
F B 6 0 4 0 0 N J U U J 3 6 8 1 2
9 > > 0 7 2
> 0 4 2
C C N 3 9 0 C H S P 1 P
> > 0 8 0
> 0 9 3
C C N 3 9 1 C O Y E 2 S J
U 1 0 0 0 1 N 2 5 4 1 0
1 5 0 0 > 1 0 4
> 0 1 W 4
A B N 3 9 2
E V I 6 E P
U 6 0 0 0 1 N B B U U B 6 0 1 2
7 3 0 0 0 7 0 8 1 0 0
C R 0 1 5
C C N 3 9 3 B A
P 8 0 0 0 4 S J J 7 0 1 0
5 5 0 0 > 1 1 5
> 1 0 I 6 O
A B N 3 9 4 C O Y E 1 S B
F P B 6 0 3 0 0 N J U U U B 5 3 9
8 3 0 0 0 7 1 3 0 8 4
U P E D 0 7 7 O
P B N 3 9 5 N R
S 1 S P
P 5 0 0 0 0 N N N N N 1 6 1 4
9 3 0 0 0 7 1 6 0 8 4
C R 0 3
P B N 3 9 6 P R O
6 S P
P 6 0 0 0 4 S B B U 7 1 1 5
5 > > 1 0 0
> 0 1 8 O
C C N 3 9 7 A
R E 2 S J
U 2 0 0 0 3 N 1 6 3 8
2 3 0 0 0 7 2 5 0 7 3
U P E D 0 5
A B N 3 9 8 Y E
A 5 S L
P C 6 2 0 0 0 N J F J A 6 2 9
6 > > 0 9 3
> 0 8 9 O
A B N 3 9 9 C A C H 1
U 8 0 5 0 4 S U U U 6 5 1 0
2 3 0 0 0 7 2 7 0 8 4
C R 0 4 1 0
P B N 4 0 0 H O
A 2 S L
P 2 0 0 0 2 N 1 J J 6 4 1 0
8 3 0 0 0 8 0 5 0 7 1
C R 0 6 1 1 O
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 0
C C Chris Countersong Bander: P B Peter Bridgestone Bander:
Andrea Bassethound
Figure 7. Completed MAPS banding-data sheet for Band Size '0' (front). Associated notes are shown in Figure 8.
2021 MAPS Manual - 48
Black & white warb.
C. Yellowthroat
N.Rough-wng Swal.
Proth. Warbler
American Restart
Yellow Warbler
Carolina Chickadee
Hooded Warbler
Leave blank if you didn't look at
that feather tract.
White-eyed Vireo
Carolina Chickadee
Acadian Flycatch
Chipping Sparrow
C. Yellowthroat
1 band changed, original band number = 122045678
2 molt limit within lesser and med covs
3 aged by adult plumage; escaped before fully processed
4 Unable to fly on release but couldn't recapture
5 couldn't see molt limit betw/ terts and middle ss (but Pyle says can be hard to see)
6 pox on legs; pp 1-2 growing
7 male seen near net during extraction. Rects looked ~truncate but pp covs looked ~tapered - unsure of SY/ASY, aged AHY
8 molting pp 3-4. unreplaced outer pp covs & rects truncate
9 gr covs w/ 3 feather gens - 3 alternate coverts; rects with limited yellow (like Fig. 263 B)
10 molting pp 2-3, ss 8-9, & pp covs, L & R r 1, unsure of brood patch 5
11 preformative nearly complete; head & upper breast feathers black w/ yellow edging
49 - 2021 MAPS Manual
50 - 2021 MAPS Manual
SCB - Second cycle basic plumage: The individual is in second basic plumage with
a few retained juvenile feathers and has no molting feathers. This and the
following two codes are used almost exclusively for woodpeckers during
MAPS banding. Usually AGE=7/TY during the MAPS season.
TPB - Third prebasic molt: The individual is molting into its third basic plumage. It
must have molting primaries and retains at least some juvenile and second
basic feathers. Usually AGE=7/TY during the MAPS season.
TCB - Third cycle basic plumage: The individual is in third basic plumage with
retained juvenile and second basic feathers and has no molting feathers. This
code is only rarely used for woodpeckers. Usually AGE=4Y during the MAPS
FCU - First cycle unknown plumage: The individual is its first cycle because it
retains juvenile feathers, but it is unknown if it is in formative or alternate
plumage. Used often for species where the difference between formative and
alternate plumages is subtle, e.g. OVEN or female COYE, etc. Usually
AGE=5/SY during the MAPS season.
DCU - Definitive cycle unknown plumage: The individual is its definitive cycle but it is
unknown if it is in basic or alternate plumage. Used often for species where
the difference between basic and alternate plumages is subtle, e.g. OVEN or
female COYE, etc. Usually AGE=6/ASY during the MAPS season.
UPB - Unknown prebasic molt: The individual is molting into a definitive basic
plumage but is it unknown if the previous plumage was formative or basic. It
must have molting primaries. This code is also used for birds completing a
prebasic molt with, e.g., p10 or s6 growing, but has no feathers remaining
from the previous generation. Usually AGE=1/AHY during the MAPS season.
UCU - Unknown cycle unknown plumage: It is unknown which plumage and cycle
the individual is in and the bird has no molting feathers. Usually AGE=1/AHY
or 0/U during the MAPS season.
UPU - Unknown cycle, unknown plumage, but molting: Used when it is unknown if
bird is undergoing the FPF or the DPB (see also UPB, above). Usually
AGE=1/AHY or 0/U during the MAPS season.
UUU - Unknown cycle, unknown plumage, and unknown molting status: Usually
AGE=0/U during the MAPS season.
Please contact IBP if you have any questions!
The WRP determination must be supported by data in the body molt, flight feather
molt, juvenile body plumage, and/or the first seven MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields.
HOW AGED -- The how-aged codes indicate the criteria that you used to determine the
age of the bird. Use only the appropriate code(s) shown at the top of the banding-data
sheets. Use two codes if possible and enter them from left to right in order of
2021 MAPS Manual - 51
importance for your age determination. If you use only one code, enter it left-justified.
You must record at least one criterion unless the age is unknown (i.e., unless AGE = 0 or
9). The how-aged codes are as follows:
S - Skull: The degree of skull pneumatization.
C - Cloacal Protuberance: The presence of a cloacal protuberance on adults.
B - Brood Patch: The presence of a brood patch on adults.
J - Juvenile Plumage: The presence of juvenile body plumage on juveniles.
L - Molt Limit: The presence of two generations of feathers within a feather tract
(e.g., within the greater coverts) or between two adjacent feather tracts (e.g.,
between the primary coverts and greater coverts). If the Molt Limit code is
used, at least one of the first seven MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields (see
below) must be filled in.
P - Plumage: The appearance, if reliable for ageing, of plumages other than
juvenile body plumage. Feather color, shape, quality, and wear are plumage
characteristics; measurements are not. Contrasts in color, shape, quality, or
wear between two generations of feathers or groups of feathers should
generally be treated as a molt limit characteristic (L), not a plumage
characteristic (P). If the Plumage code is used, at least one of the first seven
MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields (see below) must be filled in.
M - Molt: The presence and characteristics, if reliable, of active molt, indicated by
pinfeathers and/or missing flight feathers in a symmetric pattern.
F - Feather Wear: The degree, if reliable, of flight-feather wear.
I - Mouth/Bill: The external and/or internal appearance, if reliable, of the bill or the
presence of a fleshy gape on very young birds.
E - Eye color: The color of the iris, if reliable. This does not include the eye ring.
O - Other: Any criterion not listed above (e.g., date, orbital apterium, talon-flange
serration, tail fork, egg visible, etc.). If you use this code, you must explain how
the bird was aged in a note on the back of the sheet.
Note that W (Wing Length) and T (Tail Length) are not valid how-aged codes. If tail
length (or tail fork) are used to age Barn Swallows or Great-tailed Grackles use “O” and
provide a note to that effect.
Please do not age recaptures based upon previous captures. Each capture should be
treated in the field as if it were a new bird in order to avoid perpetuating previous errors
and to enable us to see what is possible from field observations at that time of year.
Please remember that you must record at least one ageing criterion unless the age is
unknown (indeterminable or unattempted). In many cases, especially with adults, more
than one criterion is available; RECORD TWO! Try to look at and indicate features such
as plumage, eye color, and bill/mouth that are not recorded elsewhere on the form. Don’t
forget that CPs and BPs can be used for ageing adults, since HY birds don’t get them.
52 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Please study the sample banding sheet (Fig. 7) to better understand how this field
should be used.
You must record data in at least one of the first seven MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields
whenever L” or P” is used as a how-aged code. You also must record data in at least
one of the MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields whenever you age an adult bird more
specifically than AHY (i.e., SY, ASY, TY, or ATY). Remember, however, that when you age
an adult bird as SY by Molt Limit, you must also indicate, with an additional how-aged
code, what you used to determine that it was not a HY bird (e.g., skull, cloacal
protuberance, brood patch, plumage, molt, feather wear, mouth/bill, eye color, or other).
This additional how-aged code should generally be recorded as the left-justified one.
SEX -- Enter “M” for male, “F” for female, “U” for indeterminable (sex unknown because
sex indeterminable, i.e., sex determination attempted but not possible with certainty), or
“X” for not attempted (sex unknown because sex determination not attempted). If you
must use numeric codes (we strongly recommend against them), use “4” for male, “5”
for female, “0” for indeterminable, and “9” for not attempted.
HOW SEXED -- Use the codes below as in HOW AGED above. As with age, do not sex
recaptures in the field based on previous captures. Note that S (skull), L (molt limit), M
(molt), and F (feather wear) are not valid how-sexed codes.
C - Cloacal Protuberance: The presence of a cloacal protuberance, if reliable, on
adult males.
B - Brood Patch: The presence or degree of a brood patch, if reliable, on adult
J - Juvenile Plumage: The appearance of juvenile body plumage, if reliable, on
P - Plumage: The appearance, if reliable, of all plumages other than juvenile
plumage. Does not include measurements.
I - Mouth/Bill: The appearance, if reliable, of the bill.
E - Eye Color: The color, if reliable, of the iris.
W - Wing Length: The wing chord, if reliable.
T - Tail Length: The length, if reliable, of the tail.
O - Other: Any criterion not listed above (e.g., singing, tail fork, egg visible, etc.).
Use of this code requires an explanatory note.
We commonly see data for species that cannot be sexed by plumage with “CP” or “BP”
in the HOW SEXED field. This invariably is the result of a bander instructing a recorder to
enter “male by CP” or “female by BP” and the recorder not realizing that “P” in this case
stands for plumage. It is much safer (and faster) to say the codes (e.g., “M by C”) rather
than the words.
SKULL -- Skull Pneumatization. In order to determine the degree of skull pneumatization,
it is necessary to part the feathers of the head to get them out of the way (wetting them
2021 MAPS Manual - 53
slightly may help), then gently rock the skin back and forth over the skull while looking
through the skin to the skull. The best procedure is to start at the back of the skull and
proceed toward the front looking for the pattern of the line that separates the
pneumatized area from the area that is not pneumatized. A pneumatized skull consists
of two layers of bone connected by tiny “struts” and filled with air, much like the wing of
a plane. A pneumatized skull appears opaque and grayish with tiny whitish dots. In
contrast, an un-pneumatized skull, consisting of a single, thin layer of bone, appears
pinkish and somewhat translucent and never shows the minute dots characteristic of a
pneumatized skull. We very strongly recommend the use of a binocular magnifier such
as the OptiVISOR for determining the degree of skull pneumatization (see above under
BAND NUMBER). See Yunick 1979, Ralph et al. 1993, and Pyle 1997 for more complete
information (including diagrams) on the determination of age by skull pneumatization.
Skull pneumatization should be recorded by means of the scale shown below. We
strongly recommend using the numeric codes, although corresponding alpha codes that
were developed by Ralph et al. (1993) also are shown below; these alpha codes may be
used in the field if necessary, but we request that they be converted to numeric codes
prior to submission.
0 - (N = none): Skull not pneumatized; that is, only a single thin layer of bone
covers the entire brain, which shows through the thin covering of bone and
appears as an unmarked, pinkish color. Beware of thick-skinned species such
as corvids and parids, whose skull can be very difficult to see because the skin
itself tends to be rather opaque; and heavily-muscled species such as
grosbeaks and cardinals, whose jaw muscles can obscure the rear of the skull.
1 - (T = trace): A trace of skull pneumatization can be seen at the very back of the
skull, usually appearing as an opaque, grayish crescent or a very-small,
triangular area. Somewhere from 1 to 5% of the skull is pneumatized.
2 - (L = less than 1/3): Skull less than 1/3 pneumatized but some pneumatization
is obvious. Thus, somewhere from 6 to 33% of the skull is pneumatized.
Generally, the posterior part of the cranium has an inverted ‘u’- or ‘v’-shaped
area of pneumatization that is usually distinctly grayish and contrasts with the
unpneumatized area. The grayish area typically shows the characteristic, small,
whitish dots of a pneumatized skull.
3 - (H = half): Skull greater than 1/3 but less than 2/3 pneumatized. In typical birds,
most of the rear half of the skull is pneumatized, as is a small portion of the
front part extending back around the eyes. This front part of the skull is usually
very difficult to see because the feathers of the forehead are dense and short
and difficult to move out of the way. In most cases, a bird given a “3” skull will
show a pneumatized area extending up the midline or sides of the skull.
4 - (G = greater than 2/3): Skull at least 2/3 pneumatized but at least small areas
of skull not pneumatized. Thus, somewhere from 67 to 94% of the skull is
pneumatized. The un-pneumatized areas generally show either as two oval,
pinkish spots on either side of the cranium or (rarely) as a single spot in the
center of the skull.
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5 - (A = almost complete): Somewhere from 95 to 99% of the skull is pneumatized.
These birds have virtually a fully-pneumatized skull that shows one or two tiny,
dull-pinkish areas where the pneumatization is incomplete. It should be noted
that some birds, including many flycatchers, thrushes, and vireos, never
develop a fully pneumatized skull, even when adult, but retain a “5” skull
throughout life. Thus, a “5”-skull bird cannot necessarily be called a HY/SY bird
because it could be an AHY/ASY bird whose skull never completely
6 - (F = fully complete): Skull fully pneumatized.
8 - (I = invisible): Skull examined but extent of pneumatization not visible. Do not
use this code if you have determined that pneumatization is incomplete but are
unsure of the appropriate score; in this case, make your best guess!
CL. PROT. -- Cloacal Protuberance. As the breeding season approaches, the cloaca of
most male birds (and female Wrentits) begins to enlarge and forms an obvious
protuberance which serves a role in sperm storage. The development of the cloacal
protuberance is recorded according to the system shown below. Again, we strongly
recommend using the numeric codes, although corresponding alpha codes are also
0 - (N= none): Cloaca not enlarged.
1 - (S= small): Cloaca somewhat enlarged and noticeably swollen. The shape of
the protuberance is generally such that it is widest at the base and narrowest
near the tip (conical). Since small cloacal protuberances (CPs) can be hard to
discern, caution should be used in ageing or sexing birds on the basis of a CP
of 1 alone. A CP of 1 can not be used to age or sex the thrushes of the genera
Catharus, Hylocichla, Turdus, or Ixoreus. We have found that unenlarged
cloacas in these species have often been designated CP = 1, which regularly
has led to incorrect age or sex determinations.
2 - (M = medium): Cloacal protuberance large, with a diameter fully as large near
the tip as at the base (cylindrical).
3 - (L = large): Cloacal protuberance very large and with a diameter considerably
larger in the middle than at the base (bulbous).
Unlike a brood patch (see below), a regressing CP simply goes back down the scale:
3-2-1-0. CPs vary greatly in size and shape among species, being largest and most
prominent in sparrows and thrushes and much less prominent in jays and Wrentits. It
may be possible to sex species that rarely show prominent CPs by examining the angle
of the CP with respect to the body axis. In males, the CP seems to point straight out,
more or less perpendicular to the body axis. In females, the cloaca seems to point
toward the rear of the bird, somewhat more parallel to the axis of the body. This same
tendency can be used with caution to distinguish the occasionally slightly enlarged
cloacal region of a female from a true class- 1 CP of a male. Class- 2 and - 3 CPs of
males, of course, cannot be confused with those of females in any species except,
possibly, in Wrentits.
2021 MAPS Manual - 55
Please note that all cloacas, whether enlarged or not, stick out. A true CP is
characterized by firmness and lateral swelling. Note also that immature birds DO NOT
get CPs.
BR. PATCH -- Brood Patch. Just prior to and during the time that the female (and in
some species, the male as well) is incubating eggs in a nest, the feathers of the lower
breast and abdomen are lost, vascularization increases just below the skin, and
considerable fluid collects below the skin. The purpose of these changes is, of course,
to facilitate the transfer of heat from the incubating bird’s body to the eggs. The scale
shown below should be used to record the sequence of events in the development and
regression of a brood patch. Again, we strongly recommend using the numeric codes,
although corresponding alpha codes are also given.
NOTE: In hummingbirds and in juveniles of most species, the lower breast and abdomen
are normally unfeathered. This can cause it to look like a brood patch of 1 or 4, but the
area is darker red and unwrinkled and usually has a less distinct margin.
0 - (N = none): No brood patch is present. The lower breast and abdomen are
more-or-less feathered. Unfeathered areas of the breast and abdomen are
smooth, without evident vascularization.
1 - (S = smooth): The lower breast and abdomen feathers are dropped and some
vascularization can be seen, but most of the area is still rather smooth and dark
2 - (V = vascularized): Vascularization is evident, some wrinkles are present, and
some fluid is present under the skin, giving the area a pale, opaque, pinkish
color as opposed to the normal, dark-red muscle color.
3 - (H = heavy): The vascularization is extreme, the brood patch becomes thickly
wrinkled, and much fluid is present under the skin, often giving the region a
yellow blistery appearance. This is the maximum extent of the brood patch and
corresponds closely to the time during which the bird is incubating eggs.
4 - (W = wrinkled): The vascularization mostly has disappeared and the fluid under
the skin is mostly gone. The skin, however, retains many thin, dry-looking,
contracted wrinkles.
5 - (M = molting): The vascularization and fluid and most of the wrinkles are gone.
New pinfeathers are present as the area begins to become re-feathered. Most
birds do not reach class 5 BPs until the nesting season is over and the prebasic
molt has begun.
The sequence of 0 to 5 is rather symmetric. Classes 1 and 5 resemble each other, class
5 being distinguished most easily by the growth of new feathers. Similarly, classes 2 and
4 resemble each other but class 4 can be distinguished by its dry, thin wrinkles, as
opposed to the thick, fluid-filled wrinkles of class 2.
FAT -- Fat Content. Subcutaneous fat is a yellow or orange substance that is stored just
under the skin and is used as fuel for migratory flights and for maintenance during the
colder winter months. Fat generally is stored in three discrete areas that usually begin
56 - 2021 MAPS Manual
filling in the following order: (1) the hollow in the furculum (wishbone) just below the
throat at the top of the breast muscles; (2) the hollow directly under the wing, essentially
in the “wingpit”; and (3) the lower abdomen just anterior to the vent area. The stored fat
can be seen clearly through the nearly- transparent skin and contrasts with the dull, dark-
reddish color of the breast muscles. It is seen most easily by holding the bird on its back
while placing the index and middle fingers on the front and back of the bird’s neck,
stretching the head slightly forward along a line parallel to the body, and gently blowing
the feathers away from the upper breast to expose the furculum. Then check under the
wing and on the abdomen, again by blowing the feathers gently out of the way. Fat
content generally can be assessed quite easily while checking for breeding condition
and body molt. The placement of the field on the banding-data sheets reflects this fact.
The codes shown below should be used to record fat content. Again, the use of the
numeric codes is strongly recommended.
0 - (N = none): No fat in the furculum or anywhere on the body.
1 - (T = trace): A very small amount of fat in the furcular hollow (< 5% filled) but not
enough to cover the bottom of the furculum, and no fat or just a trace of fat is
present under the wing, on the abdomen, or anywhere else on the body; or, if
there is no fat in the furcular hollow, at least a trace of fat is present under the
wing, on the abdomen, or both.
2 - (L = light): The bottom of the furculum is completely covered but the furcular
hollow is less than 1/3 filled, and a small amount of fat may be present under
the wing, on the abdomen, or both; or, if there is no fat in the furcular hollow, a
covering pad of fat is definitely present under the wingpit and, usually, on the
3 - (H = half): The furcular hollow is about half full (actually anywhere from 1/3 to
2/3 filled), and a covering pad of fat is definitely present under the wingpit and,
usually, on the abdomen; or, if there is no fat in the furcular hollow, a thick layer
of fat occurs under the wing and on the abdomen.
4 - (F = filled): The furcular hollow is full (actually anywhere from 2/3 full to level
with the clavicles) and a thick layer of fat also occurs under the wing and on the
abdomen; or, if the fat in the furcular hollow is not full, the fat under the wing as
well as on the abdomen is well mounded.
5 - (B = bulging): The furcular hollow is more than full; that is, the fat is bulging
slightly above the furculum. The fat under the wing as well as that on the
abdomen is also well mounded.
6 - (G = greatly bulging): Fat is bulging greatly above the furculum. Large mounds
of fat occur under the wings and on the abdomen.
7 - (V = very excessive): The fat pads of the furculum, "wingpit," and abdomen are
bulging to such an extent that they join. Nearly the entire ventral surface of the
body is thus covered with fat, and fat even extends onto the neck and head.
Such birds are nicknamed “butterballs.”
2021 MAPS Manual - 57
NOTE: The upper fat classes (5-7) are seen most often just prior to and during
BODY MLT -- Body Molt. Body molt should be determined by examining the bases of all
the contour feathers on the bird’s body, including all the body feathers as well as the
upper- and underwing coverts and the upper- and undertail coverts. The bases of the
feathers can be exposed by blowing lightly but continuously over the body. The
presence of pinfeathers is a sure sign of the early stages of molt. Later stages can be
recognized by a remnant, scaly sheath at the base of each growing feather. These
sheaths persist until the feathers are fully grown. You should integrate several factors in
making your rating, including the number of feather tracts in molt and the proportion of
feathers in molt in each feather tract. Body molt should be rated according to the scale
shown below. Again, numeric codes are preferred.
0 - (N = none): No body molt. No feathers in sheath or growing.
1 - (T = trace): Only a very few feathers molting anywhere on the bird’s body,
usually in no discernible pattern.
2 - (L = light): A few feathers are molting from a few feather tracts, or some
feathers (fewer than ½) are molting from only one tract. In general, fewer than
1/3 of the contour feathers on the bird are molting.
3 - (M = medium): Some feathers (generally fewer than ½) are molting from most
tracts, or many feathers (generally more than ½ ) are molting from one tract or
a few tracts. In general, from 1/3 to 2/3 of a bird’s contour feathers are in molt.
This class also should be used for a bird in spring whose pre-alternate molt
normally includes only the head but that has nearly all head feathers in molt.
Such a bird would be given a class “3” even though fewer than a of all its
contour feathers are molting.
4 - (H = heavy): Many feathers (generally more than 1/2) are molting from many or
most tracts. In general, more than 2/3 of the contour feathers on the bird are in
FF MOLT-- Flight-feather Molt. “Flight feathers” is a collective term for primaries,
secondaries, and rectrices but when of recording flight feather molt on the MAPS
banding data sheet, only consider the primaries and secondaries.
Most adult passerines in North America undergo a complete molt following the breeding
season. This molt usually occurs from July to September and most often occurs on the
breeding grounds, although there are some notable exceptions (see Pyle 1997). We refer
to this complete molt in adults as the “prebasic molt” (= “adult prebasic molt” in Pyle
1997). At the same time of year (July to September), juvenile birds also undergo a molt
which, following the new terminology of Howell et al. (2003), we refer to as the
preformative molt” (= “first prebasic molt” in Pyle 1997). In contrast to the complete
prebasic molt of adults, the preformative molt in juveniles of most passerine species is
“partial”; that is, it includes the body feathers but not the flight feathers, except
sometimes the innermost rectrices (the “decks”) and the innermost secondaries (the
“tertials”). Thus, the presence or absence of symmetric flight-feather replacement in a
58 - 2021 MAPS Manual
bird undergoing molt in the late summer and early fall often provides another good
indicator of the age of the bird. First, be sure to check Pyle (1997) to make sure that the
species does not replace flight-feathers during the preformative molt (termed “first
prebasic molt” in Pyle). Then, examine the primaries and secondaries for the presence
or absence of flight-feather molt, and examine both the left and right sides to be sure
that the replacement is symmetric and not adventitious (the accidental, generally
asymmetric, loss of flight feathers or body feathers anywhere on a bird). Record
flight-feather molt with the codes shown below. In this case, we recommend using alpha
codes since the codes are categorical and do not represent a sequence that can be
expressed numerically.
N - (0 = none): No flight-feather molt.
A - (1 = adventitious): Accidental, adventitious, usually asymmetric flight-feather
S - (2 = symmetric): Normal, symmetric or nearly-symmetric flight-feather molt,
indicative of prebasic molt in adult birds and preformative molt in some young
birds. A few species also exhibit prealternate flight-feather molt (see Pyle
J - (3 = juvenile growth): Growth of juvenile flight feathers in fledgling birds (only to
be used for very young birds, just out of the nest, growing their first flight
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a bird is exhibiting flight-feather molt, record, as a note, the
particular group(s) of feathers (primaries or secondaries) in which molt is occurring. If
possible, record which feathers are molting. This information will aid greatly in the
verification of age data.
FF WEAR -- Flight-feather Wear. The juvenile generation of flight feathers (primaries,
secondaries, and rectrices) is structurally weaker than later (adult) generations of
feathers and thus may wear and fade at a faster rate. Furthermore, because young birds
grow their juvenile flight feathers considerably before adults molt their flight feathers, at
any given time during the following 12 months, juvenile flight feathers are older than the
new generation of adult flight feathers. The result is that juvenile feathers in the
following spring are likely to show greater degrees of feather wear than do adult
feathers at that time. If so, these data may help to determine the age of birds first
captured in the spring. In addition, hatching year birds in the summer have very fresh,
new flight feathers, while adult flight feathers, before they are molted, are very old and
worn. This also helps facilitate the determination of age in mid-summer birds. Examine
only the outer 4-5 primaries to determine wear. Flight-feather wear should be classified
according to the scale shown below. Again, numeric codes are preferred.
0 - (N = none): No wear at all. The feather edges are perfect. A light-colored edge
exists all the way around the feathers, including the tips.
1 - (S = slight): Very little wear. Feather edges are only slightly worn and no actual
fraying or nicks have occurred. Often, a light-colored edge exists around the
sides of the feathers but not at the tips.
2021 MAPS Manual - 59
2 - (L = light): Relatively light wear. The feathers are definitely worn but with very
little fraying and very few actual nicks.
3 - (M = moderate): The feathers show considerable wear and some very definite
fraying. Nicks and chips are obvious along the vanes.
4 - (H = heavy): The feathers are very heavily worn and frayed. The tips are often
worn completely off.
5 - (X = excessive): The feathers are extremely ragged and torn up, and the shafts
are usually exposed well beyond the vanes. All the tips are usually completely
worn or broken off.
JUV. BDY PL. -- Extent of Juvenile Body Plumage. Most fledgling birds wear a juvenile
plumage that is distinct, at least in texture, from any other plumage of the species.
Juvenile plumage is generally distinguished from adult plumages by loosely-textured
(“fluffy”) contour feathers, often with streaks or spots not found on corresponding adult
feathers. It is important to examine individual feathers in assessing the extent of
juvenile plumage. This plumage may be worn from only a few days to several months,
depending on species and fledging date, until the preformative molt, at which time it is
molted into “formative plumage” (= “first prebasic plumage” in Pyle 1997, which see for
descriptions and timing of juvenile plumage and an extensive discussion of molt). The
extent of juvenile body plumage on a young bird, therefore, is often a good indicator of
how long the individual has been out of its nest. Note that flight feathers (primaries,
secondaries, and rectrices) are generally not replaced during the preformative molt and
should not be considered when assessing the extent of juvenile plumage. The extent of
juvenile body plumage should be recorded according to the scale shown below. Again,
we recommend using the numeric codes rather than the alpha codes. For the purpose of
this field, only juvenile birds have juvenile body plumage! Most birds do retain some
juvenile wing coverts through the first breeding season, but these second-year birds are
considered to have no juvenile body plumage because they have completed the
preformative (and in some cases prealternate) body molt.
3 - (F = full): Full juvenile body plumage. The bird has not yet begun its
preformative (= “first prebasic”) molt.
2 - (G = greater): More than half of the juvenile body plumage remains, although
the bird already has begun its preformative molt. The individual looks mostly
like a juvenile, but some formative (= “first basic”) body plumage is evident.
1 - (L = less): Less than half of the juvenile body plumage remains. The bird has
molted primarily into formative body plumage, but some juvenile body plumage
0 - (N = none): No juvenile body plumage. The individual has molted already into
full formative body plumage. All adult birds, including SYs, therefore, have “0”
juvenile plumage, even if they have some retained juvenile coverts or flight
60 - 2021 MAPS Manual
In summary, a bird is in full (3) juvenile plumage from fledging until the onset of the
preformative (= “first basic” in Pyle 1977) molt. During this molt, juvenile plumage is
replaced by formative (= “first basic” in Pyle 1977) body plumage. Thus, birds in partial
(2 or 1) juvenile plumage must be in molt. Recently-fledged birds still may be growing
their juvenile feathers but should be classed as “3” juvenile plumage. Similarly, birds in
the final stages of the preformative molt may have shed all of their juvenile body
feathers but still be growing their formative feathers; such birds have “0” juvenile
MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE - These fields are to be used for adult birds aged more
specifically than AHY (i.e., SY, ASY, TY, or ATY), as well as for any birds (including those
aged HY or AHY) aged by molt limit or plumage (i.e., any time “L” or “P” is used as a
how-aged code). Up to eight fields, which describe individual (or multiple) feather tracts
or non-feathered body parts, may be considered for any individual bird. At least one of
the first seven fields must be filled in if the bird is aged by molt limit or plumage, and at
least one of the fields must be filled in if the bird is aged SY, ASY, TY, or ATY. Refer to
Pyle (1997), Froehlich (2003), and Saracco (2004) for additional discussion and
examples of the use of molt limits and plumage criteria for ageing landbirds. Note that
in Saracco (2004) and in the material that follows, we use the new molt terminology of
Howell et al. (2003) as discussed by Pyle (2004). In particular, as compared to molt
terminology in Pyle (1997), we use “formative feathers” instead of “first basic feathers,”
preformative molt” instead of “first prebasic molt,” “basic feathers” to mean “adult
basic feathers,” and “prebasic molt” to mean “adult prebasic molt.” The eight MOLT
LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields are:
PRI. COVS - Primary coverts.
SEC. COVS - Secondary coverts (i.e., greater, median, lesser, carpal, and alula coverts
and alula).
PRIMARIES - Primaries.
SECONDS - Secondaries, not including the tertials.
TERTIALS - Tertials.
RECTRICES - Rectrices.
BODY PLUM. - Includes all feather tracts of the head, upperparts and underparts
(including the underwing coverts).
NON-FEATH - Includes all non-feather parts including bill, mouth, eye, legs, and feet.
A note is required if this field is used.
The codes entered in these fields should reflect the feather generation(s) present within
the particular feather tract (or multiple feather tracts in the case of body plumage).
Adventitiously (accidentally) replaced feathers should be ignored (except to provide
context to the other feathers in the tract) because recognizing them as a separate
feather generation will lead to mis-aging birds. Similarly, brand new or actively molting
feathers should be ignored when coding tracts containing actively molting feathers.
2021 MAPS Manual - 61
The use of any of the following three codes during the MAPS season on an adult bird
prior to completion of its prebasic molt indicates that it is a SY bird; the use of any of
these codes on a young bird after its preformative molt (= “first prebasic molt” in Pyle
1997) confirms that it is a HY bird.
J - Juvenile: Feather tract comprised entirely of retained juvenile (or a mix of
juvenile and alternate) feathers, but no formative (= “first basic” in Pyle 1997)
feathers. This code should also be used for NON-FEATH if non-feathered body
parts show characteristics indicative of a young bird.
L - Molt limit: Molt limit between juvenile and formative feathers exists within the
feather tract, regardless of whether or not alternate feathers are also present in
the tract.
F - Formative: Feather tract comprised entirely of formative (or a mix of formative
and alternate) feathers, but no juvenile feathers.
The use of any of the following three codes during the MAPS season indicates that the
bird is not a SY or HY bird:
B - Basic: Feather tract comprised entirely of basic (or a mix of basic and
alternate) feathers (note that basic feathers = “adult basic feathers” in Pyle
1997), but no juvenile or formative feathers. The use of this code during the
MAPS season on an adult bird prior to its prebasic molt indicates that it is an
ASY bird; the use of this code during the MAPS season to describe feather
tracts on an adult bird after its prebasic molt indicates only that it is an AHY
Individuals of some near-passerine species (e.g., woodpeckers) can be aged to TY or
ATY during the MAPS season (see discussion in Pyle 1997, pp. 39-40) due to incomplete
molts, which result in feathers that are retained through the next prebasic (not
preformative) molt. Such individuals can have up to three generations of juvenile and
basic feathers present within the same feather tract (these species do not acquire
alternate feathers). Two codes are to be used to distinguish cases in which juvenile and
basic (rather than juvenile and formative) feathers are present, from situations in which
two generations of basic (rather than formative and basic) feathers are present:
R - Retained: Both juvenile and basic (rather than juvenile and formative) feathers
are present within the tract (e.g., see Figs. 25 and 26 in Froehlich 2003). The
use of this code during the MAPS season on an adult bird prior to its prebasic
molt indicates that it is a TY bird; the use of this code during the MAPS season
to describe feather tracts on an adult bird after its prebasic molt indicates that
it is a SY bird. Typically, only used for woodpeckers.
M - Mixed: Multiple generations of basic feathers are present in the tract (e.g., see
Fig. 27 in Froehlich 2003). The use of this code during the MAPS season on an
adult bird prior to its prebasic molt indicates that it is an ATY bird; the use of
this code during the MAPS season to describe feather tracts on an adult bird
62 - 2021 MAPS Manual
after its prebasic molt indicates only that it is an ASY bird. Typically, only used
for woodpeckers.
The following two codes, which can be used during the MAPS season (prior to the
prebasic molt) to distinguish adult (AHY) from young (HY) birds, are generally not useful
for ageing adult birds to more specific age classes (i.e., SY, ASY, TY, ATY):
A - Alternate: body feather tracts contain at least some alternate feathers or
the entire tract of wing coverts is of alternate plumage. If ANY juvenile,
formative, or basic feathers are present in a wing covert tract, the alternate
feathers should be ignored and the code for the feather tract should be based
on the other feathers, that is “J”, “L”, “F”, or “B”.
N - Non-juvenile: Feathers in this tract are definitely not juvenile feathers (or the
non-feathered body part is not characteristic of a young bird), but whether or
not they are formative or basic feathers cannot be determined with confidence.
Note that if primary coverts are coded “J” and a molt limit exists between the
primary coverts and the secondary coverts, the secondary coverts must be
formative feathers and, thus, must be coded “F”, not “N”, even though formative
and basic secondary coverts might be indistinguishable from each other. The
code “N” should only be used as a last resort; every effort should be made to
identify appropriate feather tracts to formative or basic. Often, this is best
accomplished by considering the tract in the context of other tracts which, for
example, have perhaps been reliably aged juvenile. This code should also be
used for NON-FEATH if non-feathered body parts show characteristics
indicative of an adult bird.
The following code should be used for feather tracts examined, but not meeting any of
the above criteria:
U - Unknown: This code should be used for any feather tract or non-feathered body
part that is examined, but that shows ambiguous characteristics or that cannot
be coded with confidence.
Finally, LEAVE BLANK any field representing a feather tract or non-feathered body part
that was not examined for any reason, including cases where that feather tract provides
no useful information for ageing the bird.
As an example of the use of these fields, consider the age determination of a SY bird
(i.e., AGE = 5) prior to its prebasic molt. The age of SY birds can be determined by the
retention of juvenile feathers, which will be evident in some feather tracts but not others
(depending on the extent of the preformative molt). Any feather tract for which retained
juvenile feathers are evident will have either a “J” or “L” entered in its field, depending on
whether molt limits are between or within feather tracts, respectively. If the molt limit is
between feather tracts, the tract with juvenile feathers would be coded “J” and the tract
with formative feathers would be coded “F.” If the molt limit is within the feather tract,
the tract would be coded “L.” In each of these cases where a molt limit between juvenile
and formative feathers can be discerned, the bird should be aged by molt limit (HOW
AGED = L). If, however, a molt limit cannot be discerned, but the juvenile feathers
2021 MAPS Manual - 63
present can be distinguished as juvenile (as opposed to basic) feathers by their
appearance alone (i.e., color, shape, quality, or wear), the bird would be aged by plumage
(HOW AGED = P). Remember, any feather tract or non-feathered body part that was
examined, but for which a code could not be determined, should have a “U” entered in its
As another example, consider an ASY bird (i.e., AGE = 6) prior to its prebasic molt. Birds
of this age are typically distinguished by having undergone a complete prebasic molt B
adjacent feather tracts generally show little if any contrast in quality or wear. Such birds
should have a “B” entered in all fields for which the basic feathers present can be
distinguished as basic (as opposed to juvenile) feathers by their appearance alone (i.e.,
color, shape, quality, or wear), and should be aged by plumage (HOW AGED = P). They
should not be aged by molt limit (HOW AGED = L) because there is no molt limit. Note
that any alternate feathers present provide no information as to whether the individual is
a SY or ASY bird.
As a third example, consider a species that can undergo a complete preformative molt
(e.g., a Northern Cardinal). When examining an adult of these species during the
breeding season, you may find that all of the feathers are of a single generation (i.e., no
molt limits). Because formative and basic feathers appear identical in this species, you
will not be able to age the bird specifically to SY or ASY and so the bird must be aged
AHY (i.e., AGE = 1). Such birds should have “N” entered in all fields for which the
formative or basic feathers present can be distinguished as non-juvenile feathers by
their appearance alone (i.e., color, shape, quality, or wear), and should be aged by
plumage (HOW AGED = P). If a molt limit is present in these species, the limit must be
between juvenile and formative feathers and "N" should not be used in any field because
evidence for the existence of formative feathers is provided in context by the presence
of juvenile feathers. Therefore, the bird must be aged SY (AGE = 5). Birds of species that
can undergo a complete preformative molt can never be aged ASY (AGE = 6) in the field.
Finally, it is possible that various feather tracts in an individual bird will show conflicting
characteristics (i.e., characteristics that indicate different age classes). When making an
age determination for such a bird, give more weight to tracts that are more reliable or
have the most obvious reliable features. Although it is not necessary that all tracts in a
record agree, you should be confident in your ultimate age designation. During the
MAPS season, a bird with no reliable feather tracts or a bird for which conflicting
characteristics make age determination difficult should be aged as AHY (AGE = 1) prior
to the prebasic molt and as indeterminable (AGE = 0) after the prebasic (or
preformative) molt.
WING -- Wing Chord. Record wing chord (the length of the unflattened wing) to the
nearest mm. See Pyle (1997) or Ralph et al. (1993) for an explanation of the technique.
Unless there is little or no overlap in wing lengths between sexes (e.g., icterids), DO NOT
sex birds by wing length alone in the absence of population-specific wing-chord data.
BODY MASS -- Using an electronic balance, record the mass of the bird to the nearest
tenth of a gram. If an electronic balance is not available, record the weight of the bird to
the nearest 0.5 gram using a Pesola (or other spring-operated) scale.
64 - 2021 MAPS Manual
STATUS -- Record status as a single, three-digit code as shown in Bird Banding Offices
1991 (revised 1992); The most-
frequent codes are “300” - normal wild bird captured, banded, and released;
“301” - normal wild bird captured, banded and color-banded, and released; and
“500” - injured bird (see DISP). In addition to these standard status codes, please use
code “000” for all birds that were not banded or that died prior to release. Please note
that status “000” birds are now requested to be included in schedules submitted to the
banding offices if they are mortalities. Live released unbanded birds with status "000"
are not to be included on schedules.
DATE (MO/DAY) -- Month/day. Record the date of capture as month and day, all in
numbers. The year is entered once on the top of the form. Record all months and days
as two-digit numbers (i.e., June is written “06”). The first entry on a page for each date
must be written out completely; subsequent entries for that date may be entered as “>.”
CAPTURE TIME -- Using the 24-hour clock, record, to the nearest 10 minutes, the
starting time of the net run on which the bird was extracted. Thus, all birds extracted (or
escaping) on a given net run will have the same capture time. This is necessary for
standardizing effort between years. Do not enter the time at which the bird was
extracted, processed, or released. Always enter three digits. Note that the ultimate zero
is preprinted on the form; e.g., 6:24 a.m. = 062(0), 1:48 p.m. = 135(0).
STATION -- Record the four-character code for the MAPS station as determined during
station registration.
NET -- Enter a two-digit, numeric code (e.g., “06”) for the net site at which the bird was
captured. It is important that net codes not include alpha characters nor be more than
two characters long. Please enter "?" into this field if the net number is unknown.
DISP -- Disposition. Enter a code from the list below indicating the final disposition of
any injured or dead bird. A bird is considered “injured” if its survival probability is thought
to be compromised, or for healed injuries, could previously been compromised; thus, a
minor flesh wound or loss of a few feathers is generally not worthy of note. Any injured
or dead bird also should have a status code of “500” or “000,” respectively.
M - Malformed (deformity such as crossed mandibles)
O - Old (healed) injury.
I - Ill or diseased.
S - Stress or shock.
E - Eye injury.
T - Tongue injury.
W - Wing injury (unable to fly).
B - Body injury.
L - Leg injury.
P - Predator-caused mortality.
2021 MAPS Manual - 65
D - Death due to a cause other than predation.
R - Band removed from bird and then bird released bandless. Only should occur
for leg injuries where other leg cannot be banded.
NOTE NUMBER -- Enter a number (starting with “1” on each page) if additional
information needs to be recorded, and record this information with the corresponding
note number in the NOTE field on the back of the banding-data sheet. Occasionally,
individual records that technically cannot be considered MAPS data are included on
MAPS banding-data sheets. These records must be identified as non-MAPS in order to
avoid including them in constant-effort analyses. Mark these records by recording NM”
in the NOTE NUMBER field. Occasionally notes associated with a record indicate that
the species determination for a recapture or an unbanded bird was uncertain. Mark
these records by recording QS” in the NOTE NUMBER field.
FTHR. PULL -- Enter a code from the list below indicating which feathers were pulled
during this capture event. Only record this information when the feathers are actually
pulled, not on a recaptured bird that has previously had feathers pulled. If no feathers
were pulled, leave the field blank.
O - Outer two rectrices were pulled (i.e., rectrix 6 from both the left and right
side of the tail). Previously, this was indicated by FTHR. PULL = P.
I - An inner and an outer rectrix were pulled (i.e., rectrix 1 from one side and
rectrix 6 from the other side were pulled).
NOTE -- Record notes on the back of the banding-data sheet. These include
characterizations of examined feather tracts in adult birds (see AHY/SY/ASY/TY/ATY
above). Other examples of notes include measurements of difficult-to-identify species
such as Empidonax flycatchers; documentation of rarities or extralimital species;
suspected age or sex determinations of birds given age code “0” or “9” or sex code “U”
or “X”; details of any “O” (other) code for HOW AGED or HOW SEXED; explanations for
injured, dead, and unbanded birds; and sequence of color bands, if present. Please be
liberal in your note-taking, especially to indicate which, if any, flight feathers are missing,
erupting, or growing.
A strategy for ageing and sexing birds
A useful strategy for ageing and sexing is to complete the skull, cloacal
protuberance, brood patch, molt, wear, and juvenile plumage fields first (that is, after
identifying the bird and banding it or, if a recapture, reading and recording the band
number). In most cases, ageing and sexing should be straightforward if you keep the
following breeding-season “rules” in mind:
A skull of 0 to 4 indicates a hatching year bird (except in a few species such as
cuckoos that may never progress beyond 4); a skull of 5 or 6 indicates an adult.
Presence of a CP indicates an adult male (except in Wrentits).
66 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Presence of a BP indicates an adult and, in most species, a female (for exceptions
see "Sex" in individual species accounts (Pyle 1997) or “List of species in which
males can develop brood patches” at on the IBP website. A full (class
3) BP indicates a female (except in cuckoos, kingfishers, woodpeckers, Clark’s
Nutcracker, and Wrentit, in which males develop full brood patches).
Heavy body molt in the absence of symmetric flight-feather molt generally indicates a
hatching year bird. Conversely, symmetric flight-feather molt, especially of the
primaries, indicates an adult in most species (see "Molt" in individual species
accounts (Pyle 1997) for exceptions).
Flight-feather wear of 3 or greater generally indicates an adult.
Presence of juvenile body plumage indicates a hatching year bird.
If your data conflict with one another, look again! And remember that the absence of
CP, BP, molt, or wear is not, by itself, conclusive evidence of anything!
If you use how-aged codes of “L” or “P”, you must fill in at least one of the first seven
MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields. Also, if you have an adult bird prior to its prebasic
molt, please go on and attempt to age it more specifically to SY, ASY, etc., by recording
the feather generations of the relevant feather groups (or soft-part features) in the
appropriate MOLT LIMITS & PLUMAGE fields.
2021 MAPS Manual - 67
This summary serves as a check to ensure that all of your capture records C for newly
banded, unbanded, and recaptured birds C have been submitted and that the dates and
station are correct for each capture. Please complete this form using your raw banding-
data sheets at the end of each banding day. Please do not fill out this sheet from your
computer file! Remember to count changed and added bands only once (as recaptures)
and to omit lost and destroyed bands. Refer to Figure 9 for an example.
Instructions for completing the Summary of Mist-Netting Results form
Location: Record your four-character location code.
Station: Record your four-character station code.
Intended Period: Record the intended period for the date operated.
Date: Record the month and day of the date operated.
New: Record the number of new individuals banded. Remember, if a bird dies before
processing, this individual should be recorded on the data sheet as an unbanded bird.
The band that was applied to the individual should be taken off the bird and be recorded
as destroyed.
Unbanded: Record the number of birds captured but not banded.
Recaps: Record the number of recaptures. Remember that previously-banded birds that
escape or are inadvertently released before the band number is read should be recorded
and counted as recaptures (BAND NUMBER remains blank on the banding data sheet).
Total: Tally the number of new, unbanded, and recaptured birds for each day of
operation. At the end of the season, record the totals of these three categories at the
bottom of the form.
68 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Period One: May 01 - May 10
Period Two: May 11 - May 20
Period Three: May 21 - May 30
Period Four: May 31 - June 09
Period Five: June 10 - June 19
Period Six: June 20 - June 29
Period Seven: June 30 - July 09
Period Eight: July 10 - July 19
Period Nine: July 20 - July 29
Period Ten: July 30 - August 08
For each banding date, fill in the number of captures on your Banding, Unbanded and
Recaptures banding-data sheets. Assign each date to the period for which your banding
effort was intended, following the guidelines in the Manual.
d Period
E.g. 3
FIGURE 9. Completed MAPS Summary of Mist-Netting Results form.
2021 MAPS Manual - 69
Many of the individual adult birds captured in the MAPS program are transients that do
not breed at the MAPS station. They include floaters that have not yet acquired a
breeding territory, failed breeders searching for a new mate or new breeding territory,
and post-breeding individuals dispersing from breeding territories to molting and pre-
migration staging areas. Because the presence of such transient individuals negatively
biases adult survival rates, we use a transient modification (Pradel et al. 1997) of
Cormack-Jolly-Seber mark-recapture models (Pollock et al. 1990) to estimate the
survival rate of resident individuals and the proportion of residents among newly
captured birds. We suggest, however, that the proportion of residents in the adult
population may be more than a simple nuisance parameter. Rather, we suggest that this
proportion may vary in a predictable manner as a function of population change and,
thus, may be of fundamental importance to avian population dynamics. In order to
obtain the most useful measure of the proportion of residents, we pool data for a given
species only from those stations at which the species is a regular or usual breeder, that
is, only from those stations where at least one individual of the species was known to be
a summer resident attempting to breed during more than half of the years the station
has been operating.
As part of MAPS protocol, therefore, we ask MAPS operators to record breeding status
information on all species seen or heard during each visit to each station. We ask
operators to record anecdotal observations of active nests; birds carrying nesting
material, food, or fecal sacs; distraction displays; courtship; copulation; and territorial
singing or drumming using a protocol similar to that employed in Breeding Bird Atlas
projects. These observations are recorded on the stations’ Breeding Status List. Using
these data, coupled with capture data, MAPS operators are asked to determine the
breeding (summer residency) status of all species at each station each year.
In addition to providing unbiased data on the proportion of residents in the population,
this protocol provides a unique and extremely valuable database, one which allows the
construction of temporally and spatially explicit species-habitat relationships based on
actual breeding status at each of the hundreds of MAPS stations. This database can
overcome many of the limitations of traditional species-habitat relationships derived
from point-count data. Such limitations are caused by including species as breeders
that are in fact only transients at the location in question; and by excluding actual
breeding species at the location in question because they are not encountered within
the short duration of most point counts.
It is important to understand that what we are asking you to determine by asking for
breeding status is whether or not any portion of at least one breeding territory or home
range of a given species includes any portion of the area of your MAPS station.
Remember, breeding status is determined only for the area contained within the
boundaries of your MAPS station, NOT the preserve, county, or any other area in which
your station is located. Remember also that the boundaries of your station include all of
70 - 2021 MAPS Manual
the area extending outward for 100 m from your outermost nets. In general, typical
MAPS stations include an area of about 20 ha (50 acres).
Station-specific Breeding Status Lists (Fig.10) are included with the spring email sent to
MAPS operators in mid-April. Operators of stations from which no previous data have
been received by IBP will receive a blank Breeding Status List with the four-letter alpha
location code, four-letter alpha station code, unique five-number numerical station code
assigned by IBP (“Sta”), and the current year preprinted on the form. Before the season
begins, such operators should list in the SPECIES CODE field, the four letter code for the
species (e.g., “BCCH” for Black-capped Chickadee) from the most current Four-letter and
six-letter alpha codes for birds recorded from the American Ornithological’ Society check-
list area (Pyle and DeSante 2003). This list (further updated in Pyle and DeSante [up
through 2019 from Chesser et. al 2019) can be downloaded from The Institute for Bird
Populations’ website at Operators of stations
from which previous MAPS data have been received by IBP will receive a preprinted
Breeding Status List that lists all species ever encountered at the station in American
Ornithological Society (AOS). checklist order. (If data were not submitted using
MAPSPROG, species recently added to the list by the operator may not be included on
the preprinted list because of a backlog in data entry and processing at IBP). Species
that are encountered at the station during the MAPS season, but that are not on the
preprinted (or anticipated) list, should be added to the end of the list. At the end of the
season, the completed Breeding Status List will thus include all species detected at the
station during all breeding seasons that the station has been operated, not just those
species detected during the current year or only those species for which individuals
have been captured.
Breeding Status Lists for stations from which previous MAPS data has been received
will also contain filled-in BRSTAT codes for each species. The BRSTAT code is the
cumulative breeding status at the station for all previous years of operation, a kind of
breeding status summary. First time operators’ Breeding Status Lists will have a dash
preprinted in BRSTAT. For each species, the BRSTAT code represents a summary of all
of the yearly breeding status codes. The following BRSTAT codes are in use:
B - Regular breeder. Summer resident or suspected summer resident during all
years the station was operated.
U - Usual breeder. Summer resident or suspected summer resident for more
than ½ of the years the station was operated, but not all years.
O - Occasional breeder. Summer resident or suspected summer resident for ½
or fewer of the years the station was operated.
T - Transient. The station lies within the species’ breeding range, but no
individual of the species was a summer resident at that station during any
A - Altitudinal disperser. A species which breeds only at lower elevations than
that of the station, and which disperses to higher elevations after breeding.
M - Migrant. The station falls outside of the species’ normal breeding range.
2021 MAPS Manual - 71
? - Unidentified. Individuals of the taxon were not identified to species; no
breeding status was assigned.
These codes are provided to inform you of the overall breeding status for each species.
It is important that you determine each new year’s breeding status independently of the
PERIOD STATUS: The Period Breeding Status (i.e., Confirmed - C; Probable - P, Observed
- O) of each species encountered during each period of operation at each station must
be recorded on the list for that station, either during the day as the birds are detected or
at the end of the day before leaving the field. Record, using upper case letters, the
highest hierarchical Period Breeding Status (Table 3 or Fig. 10) detected for each
species that period; and, using lower case letters, the appropriate Daily Behavior Sub-
Codes (Table 3 or Fig. 10) Associated with that Period Breeding Status. Note that sub-
codes can only be combined with other sub-codes at the same breeding status level. For
example, ‘Cf’ and ‘Obe’ are acceptable combinations; ‘Cs’ and ‘Obs’ are not. Use a ‘-‘ to
indicate that a species was not observed in a given period. Note that the certainty
Table 3. Hierarchical categories of Period Breeding Status (upper case) and associated
Daily Behavior Sub-Codes (lower case) for MAPS Breeding Status List
The criteria used to designate Period Breeding Status are as follows:
Confirmed (C): The following criteria confirm a species as a breeder:
(n) current year’s nest found in the study area with eggs or young, in the
process of being built, or already depredated or abandoned;
(m) adult seen gathering or carrying nesting material to a likely nest site in the
study area;
(f) adult seen carrying food or fecal sac to or from a likely nest site in the
study area;
(d) distraction display or injury feigning by an adult bird;
(l) capture of a young bird incapable of sustained flight (a “local”), or very
young (stub-tailed) fledglings being fed by parents in the study area.
Probable (P): The following criteria suggest, but do not confirm a species as a
(c) copulation or courtship observed of a species within its breeding range;
(t) other territorial behavior observed in the study area;
(s) territorial song or drumming heard.
Observed (O): The following criteria indicate the species was detected, but with no
evidence of local breeding:
(b) bird captured or banded. NOTE: The presence of a brood patch or cloacal
protuberance on a single individual is not valid evidence of local breeding;
(e) bird encountered (seen or heard) in the study area but with no territorial
(o) bird encountered flying over the study area.
Absent ( -- ): The species was not encountered during that period.
72 - 2021 MAPS Manual
of Period Breeding Status codes likely will decrease for most species as the season
progresses and breeding behavior diminishes. For example, a species recorded as a
probable breeder in May and confirmed as a breeder in June may drop back to a
probable breeder in July and show no signs of breeding (or disappear altogether) by
August. Please also include observations at the station that were not from the banding
day when determining the code for the period. E.g. if a species was only observed during
the banding day but during a subsequent visit to the station the next day for non-
banding purposes the species was heard singing, the period code should be Ps, not Oe.
YEAR STATUS: The current year breeding status. At the end of the season, review your
period status codes and enter the apparent breeding status for the current year for each
species in the right-hand column, using one of the following nine categories:
Breeder (B): Summer resident. A Breeder is a species within its normal breeding range
that is confirmed or determined to be a breeder or summer resident within the station
(i.e., at least one individual was determined to reside at least partly within the station
boundary during the breeding season of the year under consideration). It needn't be
proven that the species actually bred, or even found a mate. Summer residents outside
their normal breeding range should be given the code “E” (see below).
A species automatically qualifies for a Breeder (“B”) Year Status if it was given a
Confirmed (“C”) Period Breeding Status in one or more periods. Thus, a current year’s
nest found in the study area with eggs or young, in the process of being built, or already
abandoned or depredated qualifies the species for a “B” Year Code, as does the sighting
of an adult carrying nesting material, food, or a fecal sac to or from a likely nesting site,
or doing a distraction display or feigning injury within the station. The sighting of very
young (stub-tailed) fledglings being fed by parents within the study area also qualifies
the species for a “B” Year Code. Probably the most common means of classifying a
species as a Breeder is by the presence of at least one territorial (singing or drumming)
male in the study area throughout the breeding season. Note that such territorial
behavior is coded “Ps” (probable breeder) for individual periods, but if it occurs over
much of the season, the species should be considered a Breeder’ (“B”) rather than a
Likely Breeder (“L”). Multi-period observations of courtship, copulation, or other
territorial or mating behaviors also qualifies the species as a Breeder, especially if
coupled with song or drumming in other periods. In summary, note that it is acceptable
to assign a year status of “B” to a species that exhibits persistent territorial singing
during the height of the breeding season, as well as to those confirmed by nest
sightings, fledglings or other “hard evidence” of breeding activity.
Banding data are also useful for determining breeding (summer residency) status.
Within-year recaptures or resightings of an adult, at least seven days apart and with at
least one occurrence during the height of the breeding season, indicates a summer
resident, as does the recapture of an adult during the height of the breeding season over
two or more years. Note that the species is given a “B” code for the first and last year
that it was captured during the height of the breeding season and for all intervening
years. The capture of a single adult in breeding condition (i.e., with a greatly enlarged
cloacal protuberance or a heavily vascularized brood patch) is not sufficient evidence to
classify the species as a breeder because failed breeders often wander widely before
2021 MAPS Manual - 73
List all species ever encountered at the station!
Location: B I P A Station: U P E D Sta: 1 6 6 9 8
Period Status Codes: Please record only the highest hierarchical breeding status observed during each period (C
supersedes P and O; P supersedes O), and the appropriate daily sub-codes (hierarchically listed) describing the
behavior or observation indicating that status (e.g., Cn, Pc, or Ob). If a species wasn’t observed, use a ---. If a
station was operated two or more days in a period, record only the highest breeding status observed.
C = Confirmed Breeder
n = current year’s nest found
m = carrying nest material
f = carrying food or fecal sac
d = distraction display l = local bird
P = Probable Breeder
c = courtship/copulation
t = other territorial behavior
s = song/drumming
O = Observed
b = banded/captured
e = encountered
o = flyover
= Absent
2021 YEAR
BRSTAT: Cumulative breeding status for all previous years
of operation
B = Regular Breeder (all years) A= Altitudinal Disperser
U = Usual Breeder (>, not all, years) M = Migrant
O = Occasional Breeder (< years) ? = Uncertain Species ID
T = Transient
2021 YEAR STATUS: Current year breeding status
B = Breeder M = Migrant
L = Likely Breeder E = Extralimital Breeder
T = Transient ? = Uncertain Species ID
A = Altitudinal Disperser --- = Absent
H = Higher Altitude (than usual) Breeder
FIGURE 10. Completed MAPS Breeding Status List
74 - 2021 MAPS Manual
losing their BPs and CPs. However, several individuals showing breeding characteristics
at various times during the season could warrant a “B” designation for the species for
the year.
Likely Breeder (L): Probable summer resident. A species within its normal breeding
range that was suspected to be a breeder or summer resident but was encountered
somewhat infrequently during the breeding season of the year under consideration is
classified as a Likely Breeder. This code permits a degree of uncertainty when
determining single-year breeding status and need be used only for species that were
suspected summer residents but were encountered infrequently during the field season.
We suspect this may happen with species that reside on the fringes of the station or are
difficult to detect. To avoid the uncertainty associated with the status “L,” all efforts
should be made to assign one of the more definitive status codes to each species
whenever possible.
Please note that while continual territorial singing throughout the breeding season
would merit a “B” status, singing on only two or three different days may indicate an “L,”
or even a “T.” In such cases, one should consider the likelihood of summer residency in
terms of habitat suitability for that species, the dates on which the singing occurs, and
any behavioral knowledge of that species. As shown in Figure 10, two instances of a
Hairy Woodpecker drumming in June at a station within its breeding range (and with no
additional records) likely (but not definitively) indicates summer residency, and thus
merits a year status of “L.” However, two instances of Swainson's Thrushes singing in
May within their breeding range, again with no additional records, would not suggest a
single-year status of “L,” as this species is known to sing during migration and to sing
well into the season if a summer resident. The year status, in this latter case, should be
“T.” When the cumulative breeding status (BRSTAT) is calculated, years coded “L” are
treated as if they were coded “B.
Transient (T): A species that breeds in the general area of the station (perhaps even
less than a kilometer away) but, because of habitat or patchy distribution, does not
breed at the station is classified as a Transient. In order to qualify as a Transient, the
station must lie within the breeding range of the species, but no individuals of the
species can be thought to be breeders or summer residents within the station (see
above definition of “Breeder”). Transient individuals may be adults within their normal
breeding range that move through the station during the breeding season but do not
establish a territory or home range within the station boundaries. Early in the season,
such adult individuals could be birds still in migration, birds that have completed
migration but not yet established territories, or birds that might never establish
territories that year (floaters). For example, capturing one or two individuals of a rarely
observed species in June with well-developed CPs or BPs would not permit categorizing
that species as anything other than a transient. Mid-season transients could be failed
breeders from beyond the station boundary that are simply moving through the station.
Later in the season, transient individuals could be adults or young in post-breeding
dispersal, or even very early individuals in fall migration. A species may be a Transient at
one station within a location and a Breeder at another station.
2021 MAPS Manual - 75
Altitudinal Disperser (A): A species which breeds only at lower elevations than that of
the station and which disperses to higher elevations after breeding. In the Sierra and, to
a lesser extent, the Cascades and other western montane areas, this is a common
phenomenon for Orange-crowned Warblers, Nashville Warblers, and House Wrens. In
order to qualify as an altitudinal disperser, the station must lie upslope from the
breeding range of the species.
Higher Altitude (than normal) Breeder (H): An altitudinal disperser that has resided
during the height of the breeding season (not just during the post-breeding period) in a
given year above its normal breeding elevation. When the cumulative breeding status
(BRSTAT) is calculated, years coded “H” are treated as if they were coded “A.”
Migrant (M): The station does not lie within the breeding range of the species, and the
species did not reside at the station during the breeding season. Migrant species may
pass through the station on migration, or reside through the winter. Specifically, the
species’ breeding range, as delineated by range maps and descriptions, does not include
the specific geographic location of the station. (The primary references we use are the
range maps from Birds of North America Online, The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of
Eastern North America and The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America. We
also use National Geographic's Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Peterson's
Field Guide to Western Birds and Field Guide to Eastern Birds, Birds of North America
Online (Rodewald 2015) and range descriptions in the A.O.U. Checklist of North
American Birds [1957 for subspecies, 1983, and 1998]; and status codes in DeSante and
Pyle's Distributional Checklist of North American Birds, 1986).
There is one important exception to the above definition of Migrant. If a station lies
within a mountain range at a higher elevation than a given species breeding range, but
adults and young of the species habitually move through it during post-breeding and
juvenile dispersal, respectively (as in a foothill species that disperses upslope), the
species should be classified as an Altitudinal Disperser (A; see above) at the station
rather than a Migrant (M). The inclusion of capture data for such species from such
stations can provide important information for regional productivity indices. A Migrant
status for such a species would cause it to be overlooked during productivity analyses.
Finally, do not confuse the terms “Migrant” and “migratory”; migratory species can be
classified as Migrants, Altitudinal Dispersers, Transients, Likely Breeders, or Breeders.
Extralimital Breeder (E): A summer-resident species that is outside of its normal
breeding range. As with species given a code of “B,” it need not be proven that the
species actually bred, or even found a mate; merely residing at the station during the
breeding season is sufficient to warrant a code of “E.” These vagrant individuals are not
given a code of “B,” as they are unlikely to return in subsequent years; in pooled
analyses, a “B” code could bias survivorship estimates for the species. When the
cumulative breeding status (BRSTAT) is calculated, years coded “E” are treated as if
they were coded “M.”
Unidentified (?): This code is used primarily for observed (non-captured) individuals that
were not identified to species. Examples include UNGU, UNCR, UNSW. This code is also
used if an unidentified individual was captured but not banded, for example UNHU or an
76 - 2021 MAPS Manual
unbanded UEFL. A species that has been banded would receive a breeding status of “?”
if, during verification, the species identification of an individual became uncertain and no
other individuals of that species were encountered in that year.
Absent ( -- ): No individual of the species was detected at the station C neither
captured, heard nor seen C for the duration of the MAPS field season in the year under
consideration. This code applies both to species previously captured/encountered at the
station in a past field season and to those anticipated but not yet encountered.
OBSERVER’S INITIALS: Record the initials of the people involved with collecting
breeding status data for each intended period.
Please note that it is very important to classify each species correctly, to the best of
your ability, within the boundaries of your station (i.e., within 100 m of nets). Inclusion of
data for a species in mark-recapture analyses from stations where it does not regularly
or usually breed will deflate estimates of proportion of residents and lower the precision
of survival-rate estimates as well. However, transients can be included in the calculation
of productivity indices. Bear in mind that the Breeding Status List is annual in nature (i.e.,
you will consider breeding status of each species on a year-by-year basis) and that a
species’ year status may change from one year to the next. Generally, such changes will
be a species changing from Breeder to Likely Breeder or Transient or vice versa, but
occasionally a species can change from an Extralimital Breeder or Migrant to a Breeder
or Transient (or vice versa) as its breeding range changes.
It is important to remember to assign a breeding status each year to all species ever
captured or encountered at the station, and not just to those that were captured during
the most recent field season.
Occasionally, during the verification process, recapture data or other information come
to light that require re-determination of Breeding Status Codes for various species at a
station. IBP biologists may change some Year Codes and will want you to examine their
Additionally, if non-MAPS data is included with your submission, the following three
additional codes may be used in your breeding status files:
D = The species was only encountered at the station outside of the MAPS
season, but the station lies within breeding range of the species.
W = The species was only encountered at the station outside of the MAPS
season, and the station lies outside of the breeding range of species.
@ = The Breeding Status List is missing or incomplete for this species this year.
2021 MAPS Manual - 77
Making sure the required data from each station become a part of the compiled MAPS
database is the final C and crucial C step in operating a MAPS station. To maximize the
use that can be made of the data, all elements listed below must be included. It is also
important to ensure that data submission occurs within a reasonable amount of time;
delays hold up analyses, prevent us from providing you with timely feedback, and require
us to spend time rounding up outstanding data.
What data to submit
Each year, for each location, MAPS operators must submit the following data:
- Banding data for newly banded birds
- Banding data for recaptured birds
- Banding data for unbanded birds
- Summary of mist-netting effort data for each station
- Summary of mist-netting results data for each station (if not using
- Breeding status data for each station
Habitat Structure Assessment (HSA) data (including the station map) must also be
submitted for each station during its first year of operation and every five years
following (i.e., sixth year, eleventh year, etc.). However, if substantial habitat change has
occurred within five years as a result rapid succession or catastrophic events
(anthropogenic or natural), a revised HSA, along with the creation of a revised station
map, should be completed. A revised station map should also be submitted anytime that
nets are moved. Be sure to show the locations of the old, as well as the new, nets. Refer
to the HSA Protocol (Nott et al. 2003; which can be downloaded from the IBP website)
for directions on how to create the station map.
In addition, submit a completed Standard Net Opening and Closing Times sheet for each
station at the end of the first season of operation and after any season in which any of
the standard operating times are changed, that is, whenever you have changed any of
the times at which you plan to operate your station in the future.
How to submit MAPS data
Currently, data may be submitted to the MAPS program in three ways: electronically
using MAPSPROG, electronically not using MAPSPROG, or non-electronically by
submitting hard (paper) copies of all data.
78 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Submitting data through MAPSPROG: Coinciding with the Bird Banding Offices’ effort to
institute electronic data submission for banding schedules, IBP has developed a
Windows-based data entry/import, verification/editing, and error-tracking program
called MAPSPROG for submitting MAPS data to IBP. We strongly encourage all
operators to submit their 2021 data using MAPSPROG, which was introduced on p. 23.
MAPSPROG includes modules to enter and verify your banding, effort, breeding status,
and habitat structure assessment data collected during the 2021 MAPS season.
MAPSPROG is designed to mimic the data verification procedures that have been
developed by IBP over more than 25 years and have been applied to every set of MAPS
data contributed to the MAPS program. The checks embedded in the program will allow
you to see and correct any errors or inconsistencies that occur in your own data and will
help you to improve your data collection. Moreover, submission of data through
MAPSPROG will, in the long run, reduce the amount of time IBP biologists must spend in
verifying data from the over 300 MAPS stations operated each year, thus allowing them
more time and resources to focus on analyses aimed at understanding the causes of
population declines in landbirds and at formulating management and conservation
strategies for them.
The most current version of MAPSPROG, Version 5.5.0, is available for download from
the MAPSPROG web page but a
new version will be provided early in the season to accommodate updated WRP codes.
Do NOT use any MAPSPROG version prior to 4.2.1 with your 2021 data. Please check
the IBP website to ensure you have the latest version. To ensure that you have the
latest version of the program, open the program and click on the “Utilities” drop down
menu header. You will see Version 5.5.0" below the “Utilities” header if you have
updated the program to 5.5.0.
For stations that have run for more than one year, proper use of MAPSPROG requires
that recapture records from the current year be checked against banding data from
previous years in order to correct discrepancies among recaptures and to screen
recaptures for possible misread band numbers. Follow the instructions in “MAPSPROG
Version 4.1: User’s Guide and Manual” (Froehlich et al. 2006), which is also available for
download from the MAPSPROG web page, to append the data from previous years to
your NEWMAPS file at the appropriate stage in the process (between-record
verification). All operators who ran station(s) in 2020 should append their <LOCA>20 file
to NEWMAPS. Operators whose station(s) ran in 2020 and who did not use MAPSPROG
should contact IBP for a file containing their previous years' data.
To ensure that first-time MAPSPROG users are using the program appropriately, IBP will
compare their MAPSPROG output files against output verified by IBP biologist using
IBP’s traditional verification procedures. Once this comparison is completed, IBP will
provide feedback on the results by certifying those operators whose results closely
match ours and by providing recommendations to those whose results suggest that
they encountered considerable difficulties with the program. To undertake these
comparisons, we require paper copies of all data sheets and a copy of RAWMAPS, the
initial raw data file produced by MAPSPROG, regardless of whether the data were
entered or imported into it. To make sure we receive RAWMAPS, follow the instructions
2021 MAPS Manual - 79
in the “Submitting Verified Data Files to IBP” section in the MAPSPROG Version 4.1
User’s Guide when submitting data files. It is extremely important to proof your
RAWMAPS file against your raw data before using MAPSPROG to verify it. MAPSPROG
will facilitate this proofing by allowing you to print out your RAWMAPS file. Thus, all
first time MAPSPROG users, and those who have not yet been certified, must submit
paper copies (we prefer originals, but clear photocopies, including notes, are
acceptable) of all their MAPS data for the year being submitted (including their
Summary of Results form). Once a MAPSPROG user is certified, we anticipate that the
user will continue to submit her/his MAPS data using MAPSPROG and that her/his
MAPSPROG output files will be reliable. Certified MAPSPROG users need not submit
paper copies of any MAPS data (except any revised Standard Net Opening and Closing
Forms or revised stations maps). Please contact Ron Taylor at or
707-789-3224 or Danielle Kaschube at dkasch[email protected] or 609-892-0445 if you
have questions regarding the use of MAPSPROG.
Once the Bird Banding Offices require banding schedules be submitted electronically,
IBP will require MAPS data to be submitted using MAPSPROG. The Bird Banding Offices
is now requiring the use of BANDIT by all banders. As of the release of this manual (April
2021), BANDIT easily imports the file created by MAPSPROG. MAPSPROG will no longer
support creating a banding file for import into BAND MANAGER. Documentation is
available on our website on how to import your MAPSPROG file into BANDIT. If you get
frustrated, please contact us for assistance. We don’t want you to have to enter your
data twice (once into MAPSRPOG and once for BBL submission) and think it is useful
for you to submit MAPSPROG-verified data to the Bird Banding Offices.
MAPSPROG version 4.2.x and later will create an output file, export<yr>.dbf (e.g.
export20.dbf) for import into Bandit 3.1. MAPSPROG version 4.4.x can create both an
export file for Bandit 3.1, export<yr> or for Bandit 4.0, expt4<yr>.dbf (e.g. expt420.dbf).
The export file from versions 5.5.x will contain all records for the current year only.
Additionally, in those very few cases where the species alpha codes in Pyle and DeSante
(2019) differ from those used by the BBL, the alpha codes will be converted to BBL
codes in the export.dbf file. Please use the export<yr>.dbf or expt4<yr>.dbf file instead
of the <loca><yr> file when importing data into BANDIT, to avoid importing a file with
alpha codes not recognized by the BBL. We strongly encourage all MAPS operators to
use MAPSPROG for their data.
Submitting banding data in electronic format other than through MAPSPROG: IBP can
also accept electronic banding data as an e-mail attachment or on a CD in any of three
formats: dBase, Excel, or ASCII. Data for all stations and for all band sizes and capture
codes should be merged into a single file. Please use the template we provide online for
entering banding, effort and breeding status data into Excel. It can be downloaded at Using this
template will allow us to more easily import your data into our databases.
If you are entering your data using Access, please export each table within the database
as a separate Excel spreadsheet.
80 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Table 4 (pg 83) shows the file structure that must be used when submitting electronic
banding data not entered using MAPSPROG. Following are explanations of the fields
listed in Table 4; for further details on the codes used, consult the “Collection and
Recording of Banding Datasection of this manual. All character fields should be
entered left-justified and numeric fields right-justified.
LOC - Location. Enter your four-character location code.
BI - Bander's Initials. Enter the two-character bander's initials.
BS - Band size. The purpose of this and the following field is to enable us to
find original data easily. Records on ‘Unbanded’ and ‘Recapture’ sheets
should be entered with band sizes ‘U’ and ‘R’, respectively. Unbanded
birds on new-band sheets should be given the band size for the sheet
PG - Page number.
C - Capture code.
BAND - Band number (always nine digits long).
SPEC - Four-letter species alpha code.
AGE - Age.
HA - How aged.
WRP - Wolfe-Ryder-Pyle plumage and molt code.
SEX - Sex.
HS - How sexed.
SK - Skull.
CP - Cloacal protuberance.
BP - Brood patch.
F - Fat.
BM - Body molt.
FM - Flight-feather molt.
FW - Flight-feather wear.
JP - Juvenile body plumage.
WNG - Wing chord.
WEIGHT - Body mass.
STATUS - Status.
DATE - In dBase, enter as MM/DD/YYYY. In a text file, enter as YYYYMMDD.
TIME - Omit the final ‘0’.
STATION - Station code.
NET - Original net designation. Enter your net number (preferably two digits)
or “?” if net number is unknown, left justified
DISP - Disposition.
NOTE - Enter the note number if the record has a note. Otherwise, leave blank.
PPC - Primary coverts.
SSC - Secondary coverts.
PPF - Primaries.
SSF - Secondaries.
TT - Tertials.
RR - Rectrices.
2021 MAPS Manual - 81
BPL - Includes all feather tracts of the head, upperparts and underparts (this
field is to be used for MAPS data in and subsequent to 2004).
NF - all non-feather parts including bill, mouth, eye, legs, and feet. A note is
required if this column is used.
NOTES - Enter a brief note. This field is only 30 characters long so notes must
be brief.
FTHR. PULL - Enter ‘O’ if the outer two rectrices were pulled or 'I' if an inner and outer
rectrix were pulled. If no feathers were pulled, leave this field blank.
It is imperative that character fields be entered as character fields. dBase will put ‘0’
into a blank numeric field by default, and there is a big difference between blank and
zero! Before submitting electronic banding data, it is extremely important that you proof
your electronic file against the banding-data sheets for data-entry errors. When
submitting electronic data not using MAPSPROG, please remember to send paper
copies of all data sheets not included in your electronic file, e.g., paper copies of your
Summary of Effort, Summary of Results, and Breeding Status List for each station. PDF
scans of the non-entered data sheets can be emailed if you prefer not to send hard
Submitting paper copies of banding data: Operators who are unable to use MAPSPROG
and are unable to submit electronic data must submit paper copies (hard copy originals,
or photocopies or PDF scans, including notes, are acceptable) of all of the forms
mentioned above, including completed Banding Data Sheets for newly banded birds,
unbanded birds, and recaptured birds; completed Summary of Mist-Netting Effort
forms for each station, completed Summary of Mist-Netting Results forms for each
station, and completed Breeding Status Lists for each station each year. In addition,
such operators must submit paper copies of their completed HSA forms and the
associated station map for each station (once every five years or more often if
substantial habitat change has occurred), and their Standard Net Opening and Closing
Times form (after the first season and whenever they change their standard operation).
Please do not staple data sheets together or put them in binders when submitting data.
Due date
MAPS operators are requested to return their completed data and map(s) to The
Institute for Bird Populations as soon as possible after the completion of the season. In
general, the due date is September 15. The due date for operators using MAPSPROG is
October 15. Data will be accepted after these dates, but late data, especially from long-
standing stations, compromise our ability to conduct analyses and prepare reports on
schedule. However, we would rather receive complete, proofed, carefully-compiled data
packets a little late than incomplete or sloppy packets submitted on schedule.
Where to send data
MAPSPROG files or other electronic files can be e-mailed to our data manager Ron
Taylor at [email protected] or the MAPS Coordinator, Danielle Kaschube, at
82 - 2021 MAPS Manual
Hard copy data packets should be addressed to: MAPS Data Manager, The Institute for
Bird Populations. Our mailing address is PO Box 518, Petaluma, CA 94953 USA.
We will acknowledge receipt of your data; if you do not hear from us within a month of
sending your data, chances are we did not receive them!
2021 MAPS Manual - 83
Table 4. MAPS Banding-data file structure for 2021 data
Field Field Name Type Width Dec Description
1 LOC Character 4 Location code
2 BI Character 2 Bander's initials
3 BS Character 2 Band size
4 PG Character 3 Data page number
5 C Character 1 Capture code
6 BAND Character 9 Band number
7 SPEC Character 4 Four-letter species alpha code
8 AGE Character 1 Age
9 HA Character 2 How aged
10 WRP Character 3 Wolfe-Ryder-Pyle plumage code
11 SEX Character 1 Sex
12 HS Character 2 How sexed
13 SK Character 1 Skull pneumatization
14 CP Character 1 Cloacal protuberance score
15 BP Character 1 Brood patch score
16 F Character 1 Fat content score
17 BM Character 1 Body molt score
18 FM Character 1 Flight feather molt score
19 FW Character 1 Flight feather wear score
20 JP Character 1 Juvenile plumage score
21 WNG Numeric 3 0 Wing chord
22 WEIGHT Numeric 5 1 Body mass
23 STATUS Character 3 Status upon release
24 DATE Date 8 Capture date
25 TIME Character 3 Time of capture
26 STATION Character 4 Station code
27 NET Character 4 Net
28 DISP Character 1 Disposition on release
29 NOTE Character 2 Notes on data sheet
30 PPC Character 1 Feather generations in primary coverts
31 SSC Character 1 Feather generations in secondary coverts
32 PPF Character 1 Feather generations in primaries
33 SSF Character 1 Feather generations in secondaries
34 TT Character 1 Feather generations in tertials
35 RR Character 1 Feather generations in rectrices
36 BPL Character 1 Feather generations in body plumage
37 NF Character 1 Generation indicated by non-feather parts
38 FP Character 1 Feather pull status
39 NOTES Character 30 Notes taken in the field
84 - 2021 MAPS Manual
American Ornithologists’ Union. 1957. Check-list of North American Birds. 5
American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC.
American Ornithologists’ Union. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds. 6
American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC.
American Ornithologists’ Union. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds. 7
American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC.
Anders, A.D., D.C. Dearborn, J. Faaborg, and F.R. Thompson III. 1997. Juvenile survival in
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Baillie, S.R. 1990. Integrated population monitoring of breeding birds in Britain and
Ireland. Ibis 132:151-166.
Baillie, S.R., R.E. Green, M. Boddy, and S.T. Buckland. 1986. An Evaluation of the Constant
Effort Sites Scheme. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, UK.
Bird Banding Offices. 1991. North American Bird Banding Manual, Vol. II. U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Washington, DC, and Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, ON.
Brown, L.R. 1991. State of the World, 1992. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC.
Burton, K.M., and D.F. DeSante. 2004. Effects of mist-netting frequency on capture rates
at monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) stations. Pp. 7-11 in Ralph,
C.J., and E.H. Dunn, eds. Monitoring Bird Populations Using Mist Nets. Studies in Avian
Biology 29.
Butcher, G., and S. Droege. 1992. Needs Assessment: Monitoring Neotropical Migratory
Birds. Neotropical Migratory Birds Conservation Program. 58 pp.
Chesser, R.T., K.J. Burns, C. Cicero, J.L. Dunn, A.W. Kratter, I.J. Lovette, P.C. Rasmussen,
J .V. Remsen, Jr, D.F. Stotz, K. Winker. 2019. Sixtieth Supplement to the American
Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk 136(3): 1-23
Clobert, J., J.-D. Lebreton, and D. Allaine. 1987. A general approach to survival rate
estimation by recaptures or resightings of marked birds. Ardea 75:133-142.
DeSante, D.F. 1992. Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS): a sharp,
rather than blunt, tool for monitoring and assessing landbird populations. Pp. 511-
521 in McCullough, D.C., and R.H. Barrett, eds. Wildlife 2001: Populations. Elsevier
Applied Science, London, UK.
DeSante, D.F. 1995. Suggestions for future directions for studies of marked migratory
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conservation. Journal Applied Statistics 22:949-965.
DeSante, D.F. 1996. General Evaluation of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and
Survivorship (MAPS) Program in: An Evaluation of the Monitoring Avian Productivity
and Survivorship (MAPS) Program. The Institute for Bird Populations, Point Reyes
Station, CA. 128 pp.
DeSante, D.F. 2000. Patterns of productivity and survivorship from the MAPS Program.
Pp. 166-177 in Bonney, R., D.N. Pashley, R.J. Cooper, and L. Niles, eds. Strategies for
Bird Conservation: the Partners in Flight Planning Process. Proceedings of the Third
Partners in Flight Workshop; 1995 October 1-5; Cape May, NJ. Proceedings RMRS-P-
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