The Newsletter of Hendersonville Presbyterian Church
February 2023
As I shared in January, I love a good quote. Especially when
it challenges me or convicts me. Words can comfort or rile up,
tear down or build, give life or suck life, encourage or demean.
Words are powerful. I think we are seeing a battle of the power
of words taking place in culture today. That is why I nd certain quotes so meaningful.
In a short, succinct way, an author or speaker can challenge or convict me, who they do
not know, of a great truth which they are expounding upon. And their argument for truth
challenges me to grow.
At the beginning of each year, I reread Dietrich Bonhoeer’s book, “Life Together.” It is
such a great work! If you have not read through this beautiful book at what fellowship
among disciples can and should look like, I would encourage you to read it. I hope to
study it with the Session in the near future.
In Life Together, Bonhoeer says, “Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At
the end all his disciples deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded
by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies
of God. So, the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the
thick of foes. There is his commission, his work.”
This quote challenges me, and should challenge you to look at who you are spending
time with. Do you surround yourself with a group of only Christian people who believe
the same thing as you? Or do you have areas of life when you are around people
regularly who are not believers in Jesus, so that you can build relationships and earn the
right to share Jesus with them?
As we move forward in 2023, we will be focusing on how we can eectively reach out
to engage the ever-changing culture around us with the never-changing truth of God’s
love for us in Jesus Christ. I will encourage you now to prepare yourself and begin now
praying for who God might be calling you to love well and share the grace of Christ with
so his kingdom can grow.
If that was not a big enough challenge, Bonhoeer then quotes Martin Luther when he
writes, “The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not suer this
does not want to be of the Kingdom of Christ; he wants to be among friends, to sit among
roses and lilies, not with the bad people but the devout people. O you blasphemers and
betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing who would ever have been
Wow! That is a good challenge! Even when we don’t like hearing it.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Rob
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Volume 38 Number 02
February 2023
The Newsletter of
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Rob McClelland
Brenda Bradshaw
Church Oce
Deadline for submissions is the
21st of each month.
Deacon’s Meeting - Feb 13, 2:30 pm
Session Meeting -Feb 20, 6:30 pm
The complete minutes of session meetings are posted on the Session
Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall as soon as they are approved.
Session met with 10 elders, Rev. Charles Reed, Deacon Priscilla Rouse,
and Treasurer Larry Mobley.
There had been several email votes taken which were reconrmed:
a. Setting a date for ordination/installation of ocers on Jan. 8;
b. On changing church insurance from Brotherhood Mutual to
Church Mutual on January 1, which will save the church about
$10,000 this year;
c. And two end of year bookkeeping changes required for
Creative Beginnings.
The Deacon’s Report was given by Priscilla Rouse who commented
that she was excited about the enthusiasm level of the new group of
deacons. At the Deacons request, the pre-COVID quarterly communion
at Carolina Village and Lake Point Landing was reinstituted. There
was prayer for the Deacons and their work, followed by a roundtable of
prayer for members facing various concerns.
Pastor’s Report began with a multiple choice pop quiz on the duties
of the session versus individual elders and deacons, followed by a
discussion of The Book of Order descriptions of these duties. Rev.
McClelland then gave a report on his recent Mid-Sized Church
Conference in Orlando. This included an admonition that the session
needs to be prepared to face a variety of newly developing issues arising
from our current cultural environment. This was followed by a discussion
of our book study of Church Unique, including a brief review to bring the
new elders up to date, which included our previous work to identify local
problems,and issues, our collective congregational strengths, and our
core values (printed in our November Highlights).
Finance Committee reported that the General Fund balance at the end
of the year was approximately $170,000 after the previously approved
move of the surplus income from 2022 to Global Mission (10%), Local
Outreach (10%) and Building (80%) Designated Funds. There was a
lengthy discussion of the level of church funding for Creative Beginnings.
Discipleship Ministry after Easter this year will organize a week in which
the church gathers together to honor God and His Word by reading the
entire Bible in one week (80 hours or 14 hours a day at 30 minutes per
reader) in the Sanctuary. There will also be a need for additional persons
for security and welcoming, beyond the 28 readers a day required in
order to make this event an outreach to the community.
The Clerk requested the production of a Church Directory with members
and “friends” names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
along with the Church Organizational Chart. This printed hardcopy
will be available for members who have diculty accessing all this
information which is available on our website through our Realm
Respectfully submitted,
Mimi Jamieson, Clerk
Session Highlights - January 23, 2023
Deadline for the UPDATE is the
21st of each month. If you have
information or articles for the
March UPDATE, please get them to
us by Febtuary 21.
You can leave written copy/photos in
the Communications mailbox in the
Church oce, or send electronically to
the church oce or direct to Brenda
Bradshaw :
Our Christian sympathy
is extended to
her family and friends.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Eadie
January 3, 2023
Visit our Website:
Wed. 3:00 Handbell Choir
reearse in preparation
for ringing on March 19
Wed. 4:00 Choir
New Choir Members
are always
Those interested in joining
may call Gayle at 692-3211
Ext. 6 or just come to the
Choir Room on Wednesday
at 4 pm.
Victor Luttmann, Carol Stewart
Patricia Johnson
Donna Dalton, Vivianne Henry
Meredith Hickson, Margaret Regeness
Paula Bonner
Ellen Bashore-Elley
Jerry Miller, Carol Saluppo, Keith Smith
Norris Bond, Darlene Davey, Lynne Hemenway
Kevin Reid
Ed Foster
Glenn Compton
Ed Smith
at the corner of
7th Avenue and Grove Street.
Parking lot is accessible
from Grove Street, King Street,
and 6th Avenue (64 E).
We have a place for you!
Presbyterian Church
Holy Communion is
celebrated on the rst
Sunday of every month and at
other special services.
We will share
Communion together
at Sunday services
on February 5
and March 5.
If you would like to
honor or remember a
loved one with altar
owers, a calendar is
available outside the
oce door on which
you may sign up for
the opportunity of pro-
viding the owers for
any available Sunday
worship service.
Visit our Website:
New Elders and Deacons installed on January 8
Pictured above are the ocers installed at the 11 am service
From left to right are: Richard Thomas, deacon; Pat Johnson, elder,
Doug DiRienzo, elder; Mimi Jamieson, elder; Susan Sitler, deacon;
Sara Emel, deacon, and Maureen DiRienzo, deacon.
Installed at the early service were:
David Demirgian, deacon, and Robert Wallace, elder.
The Reverend Robert T. Henderson
February 21, 1928 – December 23, 2022
Pastor Bob Henderson will be
remembered by many of the
older members of our con-
gregation as a man of great
faith and an incredible gift of
teaching. He and his wife
Betty brought The Bethel
Bible Series to our church
and trained more than 20
Bethel Bible teachers who,
in turn, took an amazing percentage of the
membership on the exciting two-year journey
through Scripture.
One visiting pastor confessed that he loved
being in our pulpit, but that it was daunting
to realize the degree of biblical literacy in his
Pastor Bob served as pastor here from 1979
through 1992.
Member Life
Our Member Life committee continues
its commitment to provide our members
a means of enjoying fellowship with one
another between or after our church services.
A cup of tea or coee, not to mention our
delicious homemade cookies, encourages new
friendships to be established and our church to
be a blessing to all.
However, this is not all of what our Member
Life committee is about. We plan outside
activities such as the wonderful church picnic,
and outside adventures including our past
year’s Lake Lure cruise and lunch.
Our church directory is now available to you
through our Realm app, certainly a way to
keep in touch with church friends and a way to
contact new friends.
Visit our Website:
On Sunday, January 8th . . .
the Fellowship Hall was the scene of
many hugs and warm birthday wishes
for our dear Dorothy Managan
who turned 100 years old on
January 5th.
We applaud Dorothy’s 100 years of
service to her country, service to her
God, and service to her fellow man.
Both coee hours were packed with
friends of all ages to sing to her and
enjoy the beautiful birthday cake.
Dorothy’s ve adult children were also
there to help her celebrate this very
special occasion.
Our other
Miss Margaret,
sat beside
Dorothy and
provided a
photo op.
A special table was set up to
display pictures of
Dorothy’s life, a book of her
biography, and a
framed list of her wise
counsel to her grandchildren.
Visit our Website:
HPC Children
We need men and women to greet Sunday
arrivals and help direct people as needed. We
will divide up the doors and hours to cover the
main entrances from the time we open Sunday
morning, through Worship and Sunday School,
and then to lock up the building. The more
volunteers we have, then the fewer days and
hours each would
need to serve.
Please call the
church oce
to help.
Thank you!
The Member Life Committee wants to thank all those
who have contributed in making our Coee Hour a
big success this year. As you know, coee hours don’t
just happen. It takes conscious eort and committed
people. Every Sunday there are dedicated ladies who
arrive early to prepare coee and trays of cookies
to serve both services. Others stay after church to
clean up. Still other saints keep us well supplied with
their delicious homemade cookies as well as those
who contribute the store bought variety. So it takes a
dedicated team to keep things running smoothly.
We especially appreciate OCC and Women in
Ministry for their valuable help during the year.
Remember, at its best, a church coee hour is a
venue for the Holy Spirit to work. It is in relationship
with others and time spent together that Christians
grow in their love for others and for God.
We invite new worshipers to get involved in the
coming year in this joyful ministry!
In Christ,
Sara Emel and Betsy Price
In February . . .
Join us Sunday morning as we seek to learn
more about R-E-S-P-E-C-T !
Disclaimer: you just may hear
Aretha belting out her song
through the hallways
as we go deeper discussing
how we can show others
they are important
by what we say and do!
Sundays, 11 am-12 noon
in Room #112
Do you love
working with children?
If so, then HPC Children’s Ministry
would LOVE your help!
Our nursery is open on Sundays
from 8:45-10:30 am and would
LOVE more volunteers.
Our children’s hour
from 11 am-12 noon
on Sundays would LOVE more
volunteers working with out
K-5th grade children!
Contact Stacy McClelland at
828-692-34211 for more details.
Visit our Website:
Creative Beginnings
Ink Jet Cartridges
For Cash
Let’s turn trash into cash. CBCP
has started a recycle program
for ink jet cartridges. We have a
basket on our information table at
the rst playground door. You can
drop them o anytime and we will
be able to recycle them into cash
used to purchase supplies like
paper, tape, and cardstock. Things
we use quite often. So help save
the planet and earn money for
CBCP at the same time.
After dwelling on the joyous gift of the birth of Christ, in the new year,we
typically move into discussions on how we are a community. We encour-
age the children to think about how a community is a group of like-
minded individuals working together in love.
CBCP is honoring the core values proposed by Pastor Rob. We are a
community devoted to mission outreach within Henderson Co. We are
spreading the love of Christ amongst our school families and reaching
out to new families in the county. We are Intentionally hospitable with
our open doors and joyful smiles. CBCP is reaching and inuencing
intergenerational families with most of our students seeing participation
in school activities from both their parents and grandparents.
We are, of course, biblically based in our curriculum with our Bible
stories, verses, songs and chapel services, as well as in our approach
to discipline incorporating God’s love and the “Golden Rule.” And there
is no doubt that our teachers are providing sacricial service to provide
their students with a loving, creative, and enriched learning environment.
Each one of them is devoting hours outside of the classroom and apart
from their family time to ensure that we are running CBCP to the highest
standards of love, learning and fun centered around Christ’s love.
One little, two little,
three little children
love to hear stories ...
And many sweet allegories!
Would you like to volunteer
for storytime March through
May with Creative Beginnings
Preschool? If interested in
giving time as a storyteller in our
preschool classrooms, please
contact Stacy McClelland via
email at dcm@hendersonvillepc.
org or church phone at (828) 692-
It is truly a blessing to be a part of
a community that embraces these
values and has members devoted
to their mission and service. As we
celebrate yet another joyful holiday
on the 14th, let’s all remember one
of our favorite Bible verses here at
CBCP,— “We love because God
rst loved us.” 1 John 4:19.
Pictured in the hallway we now
have our “Community Tree of
Love,” which is being created
by the children and families of
CBCP to represent visually how
a community loves one another.
Circles are available on the
information desk across from the
tree if anyone would like to add
their own circle leaf of love.
Thank you,
Katrina Bowen
Link your shopping VIC cards to Creative Beginnings
Here’s how.. .
Help Creative Beginnings to earn dollars while you shop. You can do
this at the register when you check out or online. The rewards that we
receive go directly towards our purchases of supplies for the school year.
Unfortunately, we must re-enter these numbers each year. Thank you for
being a helping hand for our community of little learners.
* Oce Depot- https://www.o
The ID number is 70201197
* Harris Teeter- Needs to be done at the register in the store
The ID number is #5192
* Ingles Tools for Schools -
The ID number is 11006 To link your card be sure to use ALL the
numbers on your card including any zeros.
* AmazonSmile- We receive .5% of all your Amazon purchases. Link it just
once and you are good to go. Our Unique AmazonSmile link:
Visit our Website:
Thank you
for your
support of
Christmas Child!
Learn, Grow, and Serve by
becoming a Stephen Minister
Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement,
and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider
becoming a Stephen Minister. Hendersonville
Presbyterian Church will be training another
class of Stephen Ministers this spring begin-
ning in March. Stephen Ministers work along-
side our pastors to care, encourage, and pro-
vide emotional and spiritual support to people
who are going through a dicult time, such as
divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment,
terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or
When Stephen Ministers and people going
through challenging experiences work togeth-
er, God accomplishes wonderful things! Is God
calling you to get together with this team?
There are twenty classes in the training and
they will be taught over four months. Here are
a few of the topics you can learn about:
The Art of Listening
Distinctively Christian Caring
Assertiveness: Relating Gently
and Firmly
Maintaining Boundaries in Caregiving
Crisis Theory and Practice
Using Mental Health Professionals
and Other Community Resources
If you are interested in learning more about
Stephen Ministry, please contact Pastor Rob or
Pastor Charles, or Sara Emel or Caryl Mobley,
or call the church oce so Susan can have one
of us contact you. We would love to hear from
you soon, after you have prayerfully consid-
ered this opportunity.
It’s Never Too
Early to Think
About Christmas!
Last November our
church packed 1853
shoeboxes for Opera-
tion Christmas Child,
a Samaritan’s Purse
program. We were
able to do this be-
cause of your loving
generosity. Each box
contained school sup-
plies, soap and wash-
cloth, toothbrush, toy,
and assorted other
items. After a holiday
is a great time to get
a bargain. A stued animal with a heart says
love in December as well as February. We are
still collecting clean milk carton lids (with no
printing please) and greeting cards. All dona-
tions can be left at church in the orange bucket
outside of the church oce.
Volunteers are needed to join the OCC team.
We meet once a month. It would be a blessing
to have some young people join us. A volunteer
is also needed to be a drop o location leader.
Contact Dale Stephens at stephedi51@gmail.
com for more information.
After receiving shoebox gifts, many children
are invited back to participate in a discipleship
program, The Greatest Journey. Through this
12-lesson course, which includes Bible stories
and Scripture memorization, they learn how to
follow Christ in their daily lives as they share
Him with friends and family. More than 14.9
million children have enrolled in this program
since 2009. Will you help this Christian outreach
Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself
what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and
do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what
you get.
... from e Message:
—Matthew 7:12
Visit our Website:
All You Need is Love”, in the
words of John Lennon, and in
the words of your librarian all
you need is a good book about
There are some great stories
about love in the ction section
of the library. Karen Kingsbury
is a favorite author and 2 of
her novels you might want to
read are Truly, Madly, Deeply,
a Baxter family story about
Tommy ghting crime and
ghting to save his girlfriend
in her medical battle. Another
Kingsbury title is A Thousand
Tomorrows, a story about
unfailing love in a race for time
for Ali and Cody.
The Scent of Love, by Keith
Miller is an evangelism out-
reach book of 6 sections
exploring authentic Christian
Jan Karon is a familiar author
whose novel Come Rain or
Come Shine will delight as it
is the story of a June wedding
between Dooley Kavanaugh
and Lace Harper, who are
favorite characters from the
Mitford novels.
Finally, Sue Monk Kidd’s
novel The Invention of Wings
is a story, set in 1803 in
Charleston, of the relationship
between 11-year-old Sarah,
who is given ownership of
10 yr old Handful, who is to
be her handmaid. It follows
their lives over 35 years and
their journey to strive for lives
of their own and the uneasy
ways of love.
Please drop into the library
and share our love of good
Carolyn Baker, Librarian
An invitation for Sunday mornings
The Trinity Bible Study Class is one of HPC’s Sunday School
oerings for adults. It is a social class where together we learn,
share, question, and grow in our understanding of the New
and Old Testaments and how it all apples to us today. We meet
each Sunday morning in Room 210 at 9:30 am. We are cur-
rently studying the Gospel of Luke and will soon move to some
short books in the Old Testament: Song of Solomon, Lamen-
tations, and Haggai. If you don’t know what’s in these books,
then you ought to come for a visit.
Next meeting
February 13
Please join us for our February Women in Ministry program on
Monday, February 13th at 9:45 in the Fellowship Hall.
We will continue with our Bible Study of Priscilla Shirer’s The
Armor of God, led by Pat Johnson. We will be doing Lesson 4 on
the Shoes of Peace.
9:45 Fellowship & Refreshments
10:00 Welcome and Devotions
10:15 Bible Study Lesson 4, “The Armor of God”
A short fellowship circle will take place after the study.
All women of the church, young and old, are welcome.
Say hello to the Member Life
Committee ladies who helped
plan the lovely celebration for
Dorothy’s 100th birthday.
What a very special occasion!
Well done, one and all.
[See page 5 for story and
more photos.]
Visit our Website:
In September of 2013 the Endow-
ment for Mission Support was cre-
ated to replace the no longer avail-
able Lovett Fund. Each year a small
portion of the proceeds of this fund
is reinvested to continue growing the
fund. The majority of the proceeds
are evenly divided between the
Missionary Care Designated Fund
and the Local Church Missions
Fund. The only source of monies
now for missionary transportation
costs, shortfalls; or special needs
not covered by the church’s annual
Benevolence support, is from the
Missionary Care Designated Fund.
When Henderson County organiza-
tions our church supports through
Local Missions are in need of extra
monies for their support, the only
source is the Local Missions
Designated Fund.
This is a reminder that, should you
want to give to either of these ac-
counts, please write your check to
the church and on the bottom state
either “For Missionary Care DF” or
“For Local Missions DF,” or “For the
Mission Endowment.”
Both committees thank you.
Designated Fund
for Missionary Care
and Local Missions
The Great Commission
After His resurrection Jesus com-
manded his disciples as recorded
in Matthew 28:18-20:
And Jesus came and said to them,
“All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me. Go therefore
and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to ob-
serve all that I have commanded
you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
January is a time
of reection and
planning. In
his most recent
update, John
Hanna, Director
of InterVarsity’s
Carolina Region is
thankful for
the Lord’s
blessing and
provision to
see students
and faculty
transformed by
the Gospel in
John highlights the 4-day student mission conference known
as Urbana, held Dec. 28-31, 2022. There were 62 students
from the universities of the Carolinas Region that attended the
conference. Students enjoyed Bible teaching and testimonies
with speakers from around the world, participated in
multiethnic praise and worship, and gathered in student-led
Bible study to explore the book of Acts. They could also choose
to attend seminars from among 150 topics, investigate displays
of mission organizations, spend time in prayer, and seek
ministry coaching.
The event ended by celebrating a fresh sense of calling
for 2023. What a life changing event! Please pray for the
attendees to have clarity and courage to follow the Holy Spirit’s
vision for their lives.
John shared some of InterVarsity’s regional plans for 2023.
His team will work to rebuild ministry in chapters that are
still struggling post-pandemic. Goals also include lling some
Campus Sta positions that need to be lled, specically at
East Carolina University, NC State, UNC-Charlotte, and UNC-
Asheville. Ask God to raise up the right people to ll these
roles. Pray that the chapter members would have wisdom and
insight to reach out to those struggling and invite them into a
community that models Jesus’ love and redemption.
On a more personal note, John’s wife, Shelly, continues to
have nerve pain that radiates down to her left foot. She has a
consultation scheduled with a neurosurgeon at Duke University
Hospital in late January to discuss a spinal stimulation
procedure. Please be praying for Shelly’s healing.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring
good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who
proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
Isaiah 52:7
Students at Urbana 22
Visit our Website:
Thanks to all involved in hospital visitation
Feb 5 Richard Thomas 520-841-0978
Feb 12 Ragena White 828-458-8229
Feb 19 Priscilla Haynes 772-929-2624
Feb 26 Priscilla Rouse 828-697-7234
Let’s show our love to
our shut-ins
with cards, prayers
and visits.
Nadine Dillon
Accordius Health
200 Heritage Circle
Hendersonville, NC 29891
William R. (Bill) Eadie
31 Woodlee Road
WSV Apt 11
Staunton, VA 24401
Dona Mennella
The Bridge at
Lake Pointe Landing
334 Thompson Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Rosie Pardue
Wesley Court Assisted Living
916 Wesley Court
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Marilyn Stark
The Laurels of Hendersonville
290 Clear Creek Road
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Jo Tyler
The Bridge at
Lake Pointe Landing
334 Thompson Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
And All Those in Military Service
The Bashores’ grandson George in the UK
Chris and Beth Matthews’ son Nick and wife Alaura in SC,
their son Pete and wife Laura in AZ, and son Sam in VA
Pray for the safety of the United States,
our troops, our citizens,
and for a return to being a Godly nation.
Jean Austin
Beverly Barstow
Jeanie Beinert
Nadine Dillon
Reva Dixon
Jauhnell Durham
Len and Ruth Dykstra
Ed and Marilyn Frenier
Hannah, Becky and Clay Haskins
Bob Hollis
Charlie Horne
Ginger Houlton
Ian MacGregor
Rosie Pardue
Nancy Payne
Joanne Radman and Don
Joyce and Fred Schoch
Ed Smith
Geri Sorrell
Georgia Spencer
Dave Stephens
Dave and Carol Stewart
Bette Lee Taylor
Jo Tyler
Heidi Weicker
Paul and Anita Weinert
Other family and friends:
Brenda Bradshaw’s
brother-in-law William
Carol Broyles granddaughter Kristin
Donna Dalton’s grandson Ryan
Michael Flake’s daughter
Marilyn Frenier’s sister’s friend
Audrey Loyd
Dick and Eva House’s friends:
Evelyn Douglas, Charlene Harris,
Hospital Visitation Schedule
Brent Holler, Charlene Harris, neighbors’
grandson, Allan Howard, Meg Williams,
Eva’s cousin Maria, and their friend Dave
Jan, one of the OCC donors
Don and Pat Johnson’s grandson Devin
and son Ben
Rená Johnson’s friend
Larry and Tanya Jones’ friends
Bobby Gardner, Anita Rozell, and
son Brian
Lauren MacGregor’s nephew
Jerey Moore
Cheri Matthews’ stepdad and mom Dwight
and Linda Sledge
Betty Muller’s granddaughter
Chelsey Mossberg
Bill and Pat Neuenschwander’s
daughter-in-law, Patti
Nancy Payne’s son Chris
Margaret Regeness’ daughter-in-law
Francine and son Tom
Glenn Richardson’s friends Je and
Renee Wu, Bill O’Connel and
Brian James
Peggy Richardson’s friends Debbie O’Hare
and Roger and Brenda Peters
Joyce and Fred Schoch’s daughter
Kathy Ziprik
Lynnette Stark’s mother
Lynnette and Tim Stark’s
daughter Wendy
Dale and Linda Stephens’ friend’s
toddler Hudson, son’s best friend’s
mother Polly Hardesty, grandson Carson,
daughter-in-law’s cousin Jenna
Bette Lee Taylor’s daughter Kristin
Judy Van Wagoner
for prayer concerns
or 713-582-5114, or call the
church oce at 692-3211. * HPC
Prays* is the new prayer chain.
Thank you to the members of our
church family for their prayers,
cards, messages and hugs given
to Dick and me after the death of
my son, John.
Dick and Eva House
to Church
Visit our Website:
Hendersonville Presbyterian Church
699 North Grove Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792-3729
Tel: 828 692-3211
Fax: 828 692-6872
e-mail: o
1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ec-
stasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creak-
ing of a rusty gate.
2 If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all
his mysteries and making everything plain as day,
and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,
and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing.
3-7 If I give everything I own to the poor and
even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr,
but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no mat-
ter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m
bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me rst,
Doesn’t y o the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the owering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
8-10 Love never dies. Inspired speech will be
over some day; praying in tongues will end; un-
derstanding will reach its limit. We know only a
portion of the truth, and what we say about God
is always incomplete. But when the Complete ar-
rives, our incompletes will be canceled.
11 When I was an infant at my mother’s breast,
I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew
up, I left those infant ways for good.
12 We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squint-
ing in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t
be long before the weather clears and the sun
shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as
clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just
as he knows us!
13 But for right now, until that completeness, we
have three things to do to lead us toward that
consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope un-
swervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of
the three is love.
—I Corinthians 13 (The Message)
What the Bible teaches about Love