Welcome to the Regis High School Auction
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Philip G. Judge, S.J. ‘80, President
Dr. Gary J. Tocchet, Principal
Cover art courtesy of
Alice Jacob, P’05
20 April 2013
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Regis this evening! Thank you for joining us for
a night of good company, tasty food and drink, and a chance to bid on some wonderful
prizes. Tonight marks that 20th year of this Regis fundraising and friend raising
tradition. Our motto this year is: “Be a hero” – your support promises that. In addition,
I am sure you will have a great time.
Our Parents’ Club and its Auction Committee have been hard at work putting together
this year’s gala. All of it is in support of a worthy cause. For almost 100 years Regis has
provided the finest possible education for young men of great academic and leadership
potential. Whether students begin their high school career with us, or more recently,
join us in the middle school REACH program, they benefit from a full scholarship.
The ability to provide those scholarships depends on annual fundraising, of which the
Parents’ Club Auction is our largest event. So, as you hunt for that perfect gift or go
after that outstanding trip, please know that the money you spend at the auction funds
the future for deserving young men. Bid early and often, buy some raffles, raise your
paddle high knowing that your contributions make a huge difference for the 650 young
men REACH and Regis educate each year.
Thanks again for being with us for an evening of fun to benefit a great cause. Enjoy
bidding for good!
(Rev.) Philip G. Judge, S.J. ‘80
Office of the President
55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028-0884 ● (212) 288-1100 ● [email protected]
55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028-0884 ● (212) 288-1100 ● [email protected]
20 April 2013
Dear Friends of Regis,
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Regis Auction 2013. It is hard to believe that this
is the 20th anniversary of the Parents’ Club auction and amazing to reflect on how it has
grown through the years to become Regis’ largest fundraiser. The first auction was a very
humble affair that began with a simple folding table in the hallway outside the conference
room where Father Judges advisement meets daily. Today, the logistics and preparation
for the event and the event itself span from the cafeteria all the way to the Development
Office on the top floor. The theme of this year’s auction is “Be a hero” and through the
years many heroes have come forward to make this event a continual success.
Tonight, you will have an opportunity to “Be a hero” for Regis, as you bid on the many
hundreds of items that have been generously donated by Regis’ friends, faculty and staff,
alumni and students, as well as local and national vendors. The auction has something
for everyone – from golf outings, vacation homes and sporting events to jewelry, art and
the latest technological gadgets. You truly can be a hero by bidding freely and often, not
only in the silent auction in the gym, but also at the live auction that will begin at 8:00 pm
in the auditorium.
An event of this magnitude is not possible without the support and assistance of many.
The auction committee is grateful to all who made tonight possible, including the Regis
administration and staff as well as the many parent and student volunteers who have
given countless hours to make this night a success. Whether it was stuffing envelopes,
requesting and keeping track of donations, writing thank you notes, wrapping baskets, or
setting up for this evenings festivities, it took many hands and many heroes to orchestrate
tonight’s auction.
Thank you, also, to all who attended Regis Auction 2013. Your continued support of
Regis is invaluable in assuring that our sons are able to receive the extraordinary educa-
tion that Regis has to offer. It has also assured that every dollar raised this evening goes
directly to support Regis.
Finally, thank you to our sons who continue to be the heroes and blessings in all of our
With gratitude,
Regis Auction 2013 Committee
55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028-0884 ● (212) 288-1100 ● [email protected]
20 April 2013
Dear Regis Family, Alumni, and Friends,
Welcome to the main event of the year, REGIS AUCTION 2013! True to tradition, this event promises
to be lled with great energy, excitement, and a remarkable show of love for Regis High School. This
evening provides a unique opportunity to support Regis for all they do and at the same time be doubly
rewarded with a family vacation or a beautiful piece of art. Tonight, you have an exciting mission: “Be
a Hero” and make this auction “super” successful for the benet of our sons and future Regis students
to come--the superheroes of tomorrow!
The Parents’ Club meetings have become increasingly focused and job oriented in order to make
sure that Auction 2013 would break all records. Thank you so much for your time and dedication.
The fruits of your work are evident in every gift basket and auction item on display tonight. Behind
the scenes, visiting local merchants for donations, stufng envelopes, writing letters, and collating
mailings made this night possible. At the forefront of this dynamic team is our Auction Committee.
You have worked hard and deserve the utmost praise for your tireless dedication. We thank you from
the bottom of our hearts!
We also recognize the tremendous assistance of the faculty, administration, and staff. A special thank
you goes to Joe Amatrucola and Chris Croce for their technical support including a rst-time ever
PowerPoint presentation in the library of our Live Auction items. Please be sure to check it out!
While you are there, please tour through and see how your generous Challenge funds transformed
the library. We are also grateful to our friends in Development for their resources and for opening
their door with a smile to our storage of baskets lining the pathways and corners of their ofce. Mrs.
Zamora and Mrs. Jacob, you have been there every step of the way and have watched this auction
ourish. Thank you for your optimism and support.
We thank Father Judge, Dr. Tocchet, and Don Allison for their insight, guidance, and condence
throughout the year. The Parents’ Club would also like to express gratitude to all the faculty and staff-
-so many heroes to name here--who contribute directly and indirectly to the Auction. Your support and
commitment tells us that Regis must be a very special place in which to work. Our sons are blessed to
be under your care.
Speaking of our young men, we have over 100 faithful Regians who are volunteering their time to
thank Regis once again for the gift of their education. They are a perfect reminder of why we are here
Finally, thank you for attending this evening in support of all that is Regis. I know that each one of
you is a “Hero” and has come to “save the day” to make this night an incredible nancial success for
our beloved school. So, please enjoy yourself, bid often, and raise your paddles high.
With much gratitude and appreciation,
Saretha Post
Regis Parents’ Club 2012-2013
6:00 pm
Live Auction items previewed in library
Silent Auction opens in upper gym
Treasure Chest Raffle opens in upper gym
Tuition Raffle tickets sold by our student volunteers
8:00 pm
All Silent Auction categories close
Treasure Chest Raffle closes
Live Auction begins in auditorium
9:00 pm
Tuition Raffle closes
Treasure Chest Raffle winners will be posted
in the Rotunda
Tuition Raffle winners will be announced
at the conclusion of the Live Auction
Please Note: Closing times may vary based on activity.
Cashier tables in the cafeteria will open for checkout as quickly as possible
following the conclusion of the Live Auction.
Program of the Evening
Silent Auction Rules
The Silent Auction begins at 6:00 pm and closes at 8:00 pm.
Using the bidder number assigned to you, please write your number,
name and amount of bid on the sheet next to each item. PLEASE PRINT
CLEARLY! The use of stickers intended for the treasure chest raffles on
the bid sheet is not permitted and could invalidate the bid.
Bids less than the starting bid or minimum raise will not be accepted.
You may raise your bid at any time during the Silent Auction by adding
your number, name and new bid to the next available line.
Please do not remove any bid sheets prior to the end of the Silent Auction.
Any bid written after the close of the Silent Auction is invalid.
The Auction Committee will validate the written bids and determine the
winning bidder.
In the event of a dispute, the Auction Committee shall have the final dis-
cretion to determine the highest bidder.
“Buy It Now
Some items offered in the Silent Auction may have a “Buy It Now” option
which enables the bidder to purchase the item immediately at the desig-
nated price. “Buy It Now” prices are non-negotiable and will be awarded
to the first bidder who pays the designated amount.
Live Auction Rules
Guests may preview the Live Auction items in the library from
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
The Live Auction begins at 8:00 pm in the auditorium.
To enter a bid, raise your paddle high enough to attract the attention of
the auctioneer or one of the spotters.
All valid bids must be recognized by the auctioneer.
The auctioneer will acknowledge the highest bidder as the purchaser by
repeating the bidders number and the amount of the final bid.
The winning bidder will be asked to fill out an information sheet listing
the auction item and winning bid. The winner will list their name and bid-
der number.
Any item not sold at a satisfactory price may be withdrawn at the option
of the Auction Committee.
In the event of a dispute, the auctioneer or the Auction Committee shall
have the final discretion to determine the highest bidder.
At the end of the evening, the item will be the full responsibility of the win-
ning bidder.
Tuition Raffle Rules
Tuition Raffle
$100 per ticket
Tuition raffles will be sold by student volunteers throughout the
Please include your name, address, telephone number and email
address on the return portion of the ticket. Keep the appropriate portion
of the raffle ticket and return the stub portion to the student volunteers.
The winners of the Tuition Raffle will be announced at the conclusion of
the Live Auction. Winners need not be present at the time of the drawing.
The Fine Print: Drawing to be held at Regis Auction 2013 on Saturday,
April 20, 2013 at 10:30 pm at Regis High School. Winners need not be
present. Prize will be paid directly to K-12 schools, colleges or universi-
ties. Up to two (2) students may be designated by the purchaser to receive
the award (not to exceed $10,000 combined total for first prize or $5,000
combined total for second prize). Students must be named within four
(4) years of drawing. The winners may designate self, relatives, friends
or financially needy student(s) recommended by the educational institu-
tion. The prize is to be paid in consecutive years for up to four (4) years
commencing with the first year of the student recipients education at the
selected institution. Any unused portion of the prize remaining after the
four (4) years beyond the date that payment commences would revert to
Regis High School. Eligible expenses include tuition, room and board,
books, and associated fees. Prize is not redeemable for cash. No sub-
stitution or cash redemption permitted. All proceeds to benefit annual
operating expenses at Regis High School.
Treasure Chest Raffle
Treasure Chest Raffle
Three tickets for $20.00
The Treasure Chest Rafe begins at 6:00 pm and closes at 8:00 pm.
Treasure Chest Raffle tickets may be purchased in the upper gym.
Keep one half of the raffle ticket. Either place a sticker with your name
and bidder number (which have been given at check-in) or print your
name and bidder number on the return portion of the ticket.
Place ticket with your bidder information in the box alongside the prize
you wish to win. You may place more than one ticket in the same box.
At the end of the evening, all winners will be posted on a board and dis-
played in the Rotunda. Please see a Table Captain at the entrance to the
upper gym to receive your prize.
Winners need not be present at the time of the drawing.
The Fine Print
Every effort has been made to describe the auction items accurately.
All items are sold “as is.
All sales are final. No exchanges or refunds are permitted. Please read
all descriptions carefully and take note of conditions and limitations.
Please check certificates for expiration dates. All prizes expire on April
20, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
The dates and times of “mutual convenience” prizes should be arranged
directly between the donor and the buyer, not through Regis High School.
All auction items must be removed from Regis High School at the con-
clusion of the event. Please check envelopes containing gift certificates
before leaving tonight.
Please be sure to check the Auction Journal addendum for corrections
and the tables for additional items.
Any item not sold at a satisfactory price may be withdrawn at the option
of the Auction Committee.
Please keep in mind that all of the items in our Auction were generously
donated by the families and friends of Regis High School. Please respect
our donors and do not ask them to duplicate or alter the terms of their
donation in any way.
In keeping with the spirit of the evening, please remember that this is a
charitable event created for the purpose of raising funds for Regis High
Instructions for Payment
Checkout will open as quickly as possible following the conclusion of the
Live Auction.
Cashier tables will be located in the cafeteria.
All merchandise must be paid for on the night of the Auction. All sales are
Payments may be made by check, cash or credit card. Please make
checks payable to “Regis High School.
You may collect your merchandise from the Silent Auction tables upon
presentation of the “paid” receipt from the cashier.
If you are the winner of a non-merchandise item (tickets, gift certificates,
etc.), you may collect these at the “Certificates” table located in the caf-
eteria. Please check envelopes containing gift certificates before leaving
Merchandise must be removed from Regis High School on the night of the
Please join us in welcoming
our auctioneer for the evening
with the help of
Jack Flanagan P11, P14
Assisted by special guest auctioneers:
Eric DiMichele
of the Regis Admissions Office
John Donodeo P’02
of the Regis Physical Education Department
A 12” x 8” framed intaglio by Ukrainian printmaker Oleh Denysenko; printed
from a copper plate on acid-free archival Fabriano paper; second in an edition
of 50; includes album about the artist
Baseball Tonight
For the baseball enthusiast, grab a front row seat as you join Sportscaster Jon
“Boog” Sciambi Regis ‘88 Alum for a tour of the ESPN studios in Bristol,
Connecticut, followed by your inside ticket to view a live broadcast of Baseball
Tonight on a mutually agreed upon date prior to December 31, 2013, for a
group of up to four people. (Bristol CT)
L3 Calling All Pinheads and Patriots/
The O’Reilly Factor
Meet your favorite “Culture Warrior,” Bill O’Reilly and enter the No Spin
Zone. Four guests will have the opportunity to view a taping of the FOX News
Channel show, The O’Reilly Factor; on a mutually agreed upon date prior to
December 31, 2013. (NY NY)
Late Show with David Letterman
Often imitated but never duplicated, David Letterman presents an
unpredictable nightly hour of innovative comedy. After 18 years he remains
blunt and caustically funny. You and a friend will be on hand to watch this
award-winning show, featuring the CBS orchestra with legendary musical
director Paul Schaffer. Attend a live show taping on a mutually agreed upon
date. Must be 18 years or older. (NY NY)
Friday Night Dance
A 24” x 30” framed oil on canvas painting of the 85th Street entrance on a
snowy evening by Regis ‘96 parent Dr. Jane Haher Izquierdo
L6 Sleepy Hollow Country Club Golf Outing
In addition to being voted one of the top 100 country clubs in the United
States, Sleepy Hollow is also one of the most picturesque. This outstanding
18-hole course, located in Scarborough, New York, has sweeping views of
the Hudson River and its surrounding banks. This package includes golf for
four, a forecaddie (required), regular caddie fees, carts, and lunch (grill menu).
Schedule your round with advance notice on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during
April, May and September or Thursdays during April, May, September and
October. Valid through November 1, 2013. (Scarborough NY)
L7 Here’s Cookin’ at You/Cooking Demonstration at Sugar & Spice Culinary Arts
Paula Deen and Bobby Flay move over. Theres a new gal in town. You and up
to 11 guests will join Chef and Regis ‘15 parent Vivian Flood for a cooking
class/dinner at her culinary school, Sugar & Spice Culinary Arts, LLC in
Garden City, NY. Chef Vivian has had a 26-year passion for cooking. In her
storefront business you will nd a professionally outtted kitchen with a
cozy, friendly atmosphere. This dinner demonstration will provide a close-up
experience and an evening that is sure to be remembered. Great for a ladies
night out, unique interactive couples evening, also benecial for college-bound
Regians, who know the trigometric identities of “pi,” but cant bake one. On a
mutually agreed upon date and time. (Garden City NY)
L8 Hit Me with Your Best Shot/Indoor Extreme Sports Reball Party
Experience todays fastest growing extreme sport, paintball, at Indoor Extreme
Sports. Conveniently located in Long Island City, Indoor Extreme Sports boasts
a state-of-the-art 34,000 square foot, climate-controlled indoor turf facility.
Easily reached from Regis via Times Square/Grand Central Station, the LIRR
or the LIE. This package includes paintball party for ten with Unlimited
Reballs and rental of equipment. Great way to spend a half-day after an AP
exam! Winner must call in advance to arrange party. *Reball is a re-usable
rubber paintball, you will not get messy, it still hurts the same exact amount,
and you get unlimited balls! So you wont have to worry about running out. You
will play 15 games in a three-hour session* (Long Island City NY)
Men for Others
A 20” x 24” framed archival color photograph by Regis ‘05 parent Alice Jacob
of the Regis President’s Ofce
L10 Rao’s Table for Two
Sure youve heard about Raos, but getting a reservation at this New York hot
spot is impossible, not gonna happen! But, we know somebody, who knows
somebody, who knows somebody whose second cousin went to Regis and,
well, youre in. With ten tables and just one seating nightly in this East Harlem
jewel, this may be the most difcult reservation in NYC, but youve landed a
table for two on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. sharp. The date and
time are nonnegotiable. Winner will show up at Raos on set date and time and
let them know they are there from “Regis High School.” Reservation will be
under Regis’ name. Item includes this much sought-after reservation and $300
cash for this cash-only restaurant. (NY NY)
L11 All the News Thats Fit to Print/
New York Times
Experience with
Correspondent Mark Mazzetti ‘92
Join New York Times Washington Bureau correspondent and Regis ‘92 alum
Mark Mazzetti for an extraordinary behind-the-scenes look at the New York
Times. Mark has covered national security as a correspondent from the Times
Washington bureau since 2006. Mark’s accomplishments include winning the
2010 George Polk Award for Military Reporting, sharing a 2009 Pulitzer Prize
Award, being a 2008 Pulitzer nalist and a Livingston Award winner in the
category of National Reporting, and receiving the 2006 Gerald R. Ford Prize
for Distinguished Reporting on National Defense. In 2003, Mark spent two
months embedded in Iraq with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force and has
made several reporting trips to Afghanistan and Iraq. Join Mark for a day at
the New York Times building in New York City. First thing in the morning, roll
up your sleeves in the conference room and sit in as the Times editors meet to
discuss what the lead stories will be at their daily “Page 1” meeting. Tour the
building with Mark and then have lunch together while discussing the work
of a correspondent. This rare opportunity is limited to one Regis student or
alum on a mutually agreed upon weekday, during a non-school period before
December 19, 2013. (NY NY)
L12 Legal Eagle meets Owlet/Lunch with Patrick J. Fitzgerald ‘78, Esq.
Appointed by President George W. Bush in 2001, Regis ‘78 alum Patrick J.
Fitzgerald served as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois.
Throughout his career he has led numerous high-prole investigations
and prosecutions including signicant fraud, civil rights, organized crime,
narcotics and national security cases. As Assistant U.S. Attorney for the
Southern District of New York, he was lead counsel in the investigation,
prosecution and trial of U.S. v. Osama bin Laden, et al. (bombing of the U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania) and U.S. v. Omar Abdel Rahman (1993
WTC attack). A graduate of Amherst College and Harvard Law School, now
in private practice, Mr. Fitzgerald takes the rare opportunity to lunch with
your Regian and one friend/sibling, at a mutually convenient time, prior to
December 15, 2013 in New York City to share his professional and personal
experiences. Truly an amazing mentoring opportunity. (NY NY)
L13 Disney World Magic/Fourth of July in Kissimmee, Florida
Pack your bathing suit and head south to Kissimmee, Florida for a magical
week at Silver Lake Resort. Your two-bedroom/two-bathroom villa
comfortably sleeps eight and includes a full kitchen, living room, dining area
and washer/dryer. Silver Lake Resort boasts outstanding recreational amenities
and is located next to Disney’s Animal Kingdom and close to all theme parks.
Week of Sunday, June 30 - Sunday, July 7, 2013. Must be over 21 years of age
with valid credit card for security. Winner must contact donor by May 1, 2013
to arrange. Excludes transportation. No smoking or pets. BONUS! Includes
four Walt Disney World one-day Park Hopper passes for admission to Animal
Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom; passes valid
through April 2015. (Kissimmee/Lake Buena Vista FL)
Claire Après-Midi à Regis
An 18” x 30” original oil painting in modern Impressionist style with ornate
gold wood antique frame, featuring Regis High School on a bright afternoon
with the sun illuminating the sky and moon, by Regis ‘12 parent Debra Ann
L15 The Sport of Kings Near Queens
Belmont Park attracts horse racings nest, including the horses owned by
Regis ‘75 alum John Carberry of Magis Thoroughbreds. John will take you
on a behind-the-scenes morning visit to the training barn of Gary Contessa
who recently celebrated his 2,000th career win - with a Magis lly! You will
enjoy a “railbirds” view of the training track during workouts, gain admission
to the park with box seats for four guests (jackets required for men), access to
Belmonts famed paddock area, lunch for four at the Belmont Garden Terrace
dining room and reserved parking. Choose a mutually agreed upon date during
either the Spring or Fall 2013 racing meet. Belmont Stakes Race Day not
included. (Elmont NY)
L16 Walking Tour of Catholic New York/Regis’ Founding Family
Join Father Anthony Andreassi for an amazing historical tour of the most
important Catholic sites in New York City including the site of the rst Jesuit
school (1658-88), the rst Catholic Church (St. Peters on Barclay Street), the
Shrine of Mother Seton and the site of the rst Catholic Mass. Over lunch,
listen to the story of the founding family and Regis. For six on a mutually
agreed upon date prior to April 20, 2014. (NY NY)
L17 Inside ABC
World News
with Brian Ross
Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent and father of Regis
‘08 and current Alumni Mentor Colin Ross, will give you the inside scoop
on network broadcasting with a behind-the-scenes tour of ABC News. Brian
is one of the most honored and respected journalists in the country, reporting
exclusively for World News with Diane Sawyer, Nightline, Good Morning
America, and 20/20, as well as for ABC News Radio and The Blotter on
ABCNEWS.com. Your group of four will uncover the real story on how World
News gets put together before you view the live taping of the show at 6:30 p.m.;
on a mutually agreed upon date prior to December 15, 2013. (NY NY)
Watch What Happens Live! with Andy Cohen
Spend the evening with Bravos own Andy Cohen as he chats about what has
transpired on air and in pop culture that week. Youll be part of the super
exclusive studio audience in the Bravo Clubhouse as they tape the show LIVE
from Soho in New York City. During the taping, enjoy cocktails with Andy
Cohen and his guests. You never know who will turn up or what will happen!
Date to be mutually agreed upon by Bravo and the winner through December
20, 2013. (NY NY)
Regis in the Snow Storm of February 8, 2013
A 17” x 21” framed oil on linen canvas painting by Regis ‘01 parent Adrienne
L20 Regis Class of 2013 “R” Autographed Photograph
This 18” x 24” matted and framed photograph of Regis Class of 2013 is
extraordinary in that it is signed by each member of the graduating class. A
wonderful keepsake that will conjure up memories of Regis for years to come.
L21 “Regis” Quilt
This one-of-a-kind twin quilt was crafted by Regis ‘13 parent Cindy Rogers
utilizing authentic Regis-wear. The quilt makes a perfect wall decoration or
completes a Regians bed.
L22 All Points Bulletin/Author Ed Conlon ‘83
Regis has put out an APB. Wanted: two law-abiding individuals to join best-
selling author, retired NYPD detective and Regis ‘83 alum Ed Conlon on his
home turf for lunch and conversation at his favorite restaurant. Ed, a Harvard
grad and fourth-generation NYPD ofcer, is truly one of New Yorks nest.
Bring along your copies of his best sellers Blue Blood and Red on Red so Ed
can autograph them for you after this unique experience. BONUS: Ed will
name a character in his next book after you! On a mutually agreed upon date
prior to December 31, 2013. (Location TBD)
L23 Firehouse Fixin’s/Dinner with New Yorks Bravest
In a certain borough that rhymes with “tonx” you and ve friends will be the
guests of honor for dinner tastefully prepared by New York’s Bravest. You
select the menu and the guys will take care of the rest. On a mutually agreed
upon date and time prior to March 30, 2014. (Tonx NY)
L24 Gentlemens Photo League of Regis/Volume II
The very talented photographers of the Gentlemens Photo League of Regis
have published a second edition of their work depicting photographic images
take by the League in this 20-page original Volume II.
L25 New York City Romantic Getaway/Marriott, Broadway, Becco and Limo
Its never too soon to make plans for a delightful anniversary gift or special
celebration. Weve done all the work for you. This package includes a $500
gift certicate to any Marriott hotel, a $300 gift certicate for Broadway.com,
a $100 gift certicate for the incomparable Becco and a gift certicate for
Hawthorne Limousine round-trip car service to New York City from anywhere
in the tri-state area. (NY NY)
L26 Location, Location, Location
This is one piece of Manhattan real estate whose value continues to increase
and, for a Regian, the most sought-after venue for a graduation celebration,
business cocktail party, or other special event: the Regis Quad. Entertain your
guests in this historic courtyard on a mutually agreed upon date. You provide
the refreshments and Regis will provide the landmark locale. On a mutually
agreed upon date prior to April 1, 2014. (NY NY)
L27 The Sporting Life/Long Island Wyandanch Club
Join Regis Vice President for Finance, Don Allison at the 500-acre Long
Island Wyandanch Club in Eastport, New York for a morning of shooting
sporting clays (for the novice, with professional instruction) or a tower shoot of
ducks or pheasants (for the intermediate or experienced gun handler), followed
by lunch. You may use your own equipment or equipment can be provided.
(Have your son or a friend join you for the morning; two additional guests
may join for lunch). On a mutually agreed upon date prior to March 31, 2014.
Sporting clays (and lessons) are year-round; tower shoots are Saturdays during
the season, October through March. (Eastport NY)
L28 Tee It Up High and Let It Fly/Regis Alumni Golf Outing
Choose your weapon of grass destruction and hit the links for the annual
Regis Alumni Golf Outing on Monday, June 17, 2013. Your favorite foursome
of Regis grads, parents and friends will be guests at the beautiful Rockaway
Hunting Club in Lawrence, New York. Rockaways classic Scottish links style
course features natural water holes and challenging winds. Relax after your
game in the 19th-century clubhouse, the centerpiece of one of the nations
oldest country clubs. This package includes everything you need; greens fees,
carts, pre-round brunch, lunch and beverages on the course AND clubhouse
dinner after play for four. Makes a perfect graduation gift or family outing.
(Lawrence NY)
L29 Tchoukball Tournament Three-peat!
Invented by Swiss Biologist and Regis ‘22 alum, Dr. Herman Brandt,
Tchoukball is the high-energy game made famous in the United States by
Regis ‘02 parent Coach John Donodeo. Rumor has it that the faculty will not
accept defeat this year so bragging rights are on the line when six Regians
play a six-on-six rematch game against Regis faculty members. Can the Sons
of Regis outscore Team Tocchets Faculty Ringers? Coach will be on hand to
referee, ensuring that USTA rules are enforced, while Dr. Tocchet will provide
pizza and soda to the winners (and losers) after the game. Upper Gym game
scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. Team shirts provided for Sons
of Regis players. Total of twelve Regians needed to play. (NY NY)
Springtime at Regis
A 24” x 36” (canvas size) oil painting in gold leafed wood frame by Regis ‘14
parent Christopher Spinelli
L31 Ultimate Insider New York Knicks Broadcasting Experience with Mike Breen
Let your Regis student get a rsthand look at the broadcasting production of
a Knicks game. The lucky winner will follow New York Knicks television
play-by-play commentator and Regis ‘09, ‘15 parent Mike Breen through his
pregame preparation during a 2013-2014 regular season game. One of the
NBAs signature voices, this year marks Mikes 22nd year calling Knicks
games. He won Emmy Awards in 2007 and 2009. He has also called NFL,
WNBA, college hoops, and ve Olympic Games. At tip-off, the lucky student
will join a friend or family member in the newly refurbished MSG Club
Gold Seats (Section 118, Row 15, Seats 11 and 12) to enjoy the game. Perfect
opportunity for your budding broadcaster to go behind the scenes at Madison
Square Garden! Game date to be mutually agreed upon at the beginning of the
2013-2014 season. (NY NY)
L32 Sunday Mass and Brunch with the President
Join Regis President Father Philip Judge ‘80 for a very special Mass and
brunch. Your group of eight will attend Mass in the Regis Chapel and then
travel cross-town and take in the magnicent view of Central Park as you
enjoy lively conversation and delight in a gourmet brunch together at the New
York Athletic Club. On a mutually agreed upon Sunday prior to March 31,
2014. (NY NY)
L33 Maialino
Dinner for four in the Wine Room at Maialino, Danny Meyers Roman
Trattoria in the Gramercy Hotel. Chef Nick Anderer Regis ‘95 alum will create
a menu especially for you and your guests, along with reserve wine pairings
chosen specically for your unique dishes. Reservations required 28 days in
advance. (NY NY)
L34 Go to the Head of the Class/Graduation Ticket Upgrade
Upgrade two tickets in the senior parent reserved section at the Regis 2013
Graduation Ceremony to two front row seats in the same section. Note: This is
an upgrade of your two senior parent seats, not two additional seats. (NY NY)
Sunday Night Baseball
on ESPN Experience
Get a look behind-the-scenes before the May 26, 2013 Braves-Mets Sunday
Night Baseball on ESPN telecast and radio broadcast. Your experience
includes two tickets to the game, a tour of the ESPN TV Production Truck,
the ESPN TV and Radio broadcast booths, a meet and greet with the ESPN
Sunday Night Baseball broadcast team - Dan Shulman, Orel Hershiser, John
Kruk - and the ESPN Radio Sunday Night Baseball broadcast team - Regis
88 alumn Jon Sciambi and Chris Singleton. And if time and conditions
permit, eld access to view a portion of batting practice. (Queens NY)
Another Regis Win
An 11” x 14” framed oil on canvas painting of the 85th Street entrance with
returning victorious Regis basketball players by Regis ‘96 parent Dr. Jane
Haher Izquierdo
L37 The Cabin/Arizona
Affectionately called “The Cabin” by faithful Regis ‘62 alum Dr. Brendan
Thomson and wife Sandy, this magnicent home is located 7,200 feet above
sea level in Westwood, Arizona (just ve minutes from downtown Flagstaff).
This quality home is nestled on two acres of ponderosa pine forest with an
ample 3,000 square feet of beautifully appointed rooms and a 360-degree
wrap around porch. The Cabin has three bedrooms, a loft with a sofa bed,
ve bathrooms and easily sleeps eight. Huge outtted game room for indoor
family fun with oor to ceiling windows. Make this your home for a week
and tour the Grand Canyon (75 miles), Lake Powell and Rainbow Arch (80
miles), Meteor Crater (45 miles) and Sedona (25 miles). Flagstaff is magical
and attracts outdoor enthusiasts year-round with its picturesque vistas and
cool, clean mountain air. Favorite activities include wilderness hiking,
ballooning over Sedona, horseback riding, mountain biking, river rafting
down the Colorado, and rock climbing. After a day out exploring, dine at one
of Flagstaff’s eclectic gourmet restaurants or shop the unique galleries and
boutiques. Everything you need for a memorable family vacation. Reserve
this home for a mutually agreed upon week prior to April 1, 2014. Not
available Memorial Day, July 4th or Labor Day weekends. No smoking or pets.
Transportation is not included. (Westwood AZ)
L38 New York Giants Extravaganza
This giant of a package includes Big Blue at their best. Two tickets to a 2013-
2014 regular season home game, a signed Eli Manning jersey with certicate
of authenticity AND four VIP passes to attend a New York Giants 2013
summer practice session at Giants Training Camp at the Timex Performance
Center at Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Game date to be
coordinated with donor on a mutually agreed upon date; practice date to be
coordinated before July 10, 2013 with NY Giants representative on a mutually
agreed upon date. (East Rutherford NJ)
L39 LIVE, From New York, Its Saturday Night!
Experience Saturday Night Live, NBC’s Emmy Award-winning late-night
comedy showcase, in its 38th season of laughs, surprises, and memorable
performances. Entertaining millions each week, highlights from SNL skits are
still talked about at work on Monday mornings. Staten Island native, comedian
and writer Colin Jost ‘00 will take you and a friend on a backstage tour and
then drop you into two seats to watch the show on a mutually agreed upon date
prior to April 1, 2014. Must be 16 years or older. (NY NY)
L40 MLB 2013 World Series Game 1 and Game 2
Every World Series has a hero, whether its Don Larson, Reggie Jackson, Kirk
Gibson, Joe Carter, or Mariano Rivera to name just a few. Who will it be this
year? Be a Regis hero and nd out in person with two tickets to Games 1 and
2 of the 2013 Fall Classic. Transportation and lodging not included. (Location
ASR1 Regis 2012 Costa Rica Trip - 17" x 13" framed group photo
ASR2 Regis 2011 Galapagos Islands Trip - 15" x 10" framed group photo
ASR3 Regis 2012 Belize Trip - 15" x 10" framed group photo
ASR4 Regis Freshman Basketball Team - Original drawing of Regis owl with
basketball by Regis '13 parent Laura Lavan and signed by the team
ASR5 Regis Junior Varsity Basketball Team - Original framed drawing of Regis
owl with basketball by Regis '13 parent Laura Lavan and signed by the
ASR6 Regis Varsity Basketball Team - Original framed drawing of Regis owl
with basketball by Regis '13 parent Laura Lavan and signed by the team
ASR7 Regis Junior Varsity Soccer Team - Signed team ball
ASR8 Regis Varsity Soccer Team - Signed team ball
ASR9 Regis Varsity Volleyball Team - Signed team ball
ASR10 Regis Varsity Baseball Team - Signed team bal
ASR11 Regis Junior Varsity Baseball Team - Signed team ball
ASR12 Regis The Crow Staff - Framed photo
ASR13 Regis The Owl Staff - Framed photo
ASR14 Regis Animal Rights Club - Framed photo
ASR15 Regis Aprenda Center - Framed photo
ASR16 Regis Asian Cultural Society - Framed photo
ASR17 Regis B-Boyz Club - Framed photo
ASR18 Regis Catalyst Club - Framed photo
ASR19 Regis Chess Club - Framed photo
ASR20 Regis Chinese Tutors - Framed photo
ASR21 Regis Classical Music Society - Framed photo
ASR22 Regis Computer Club - Framed photo
ASR23 Regis Diesel Club - Framed photo
ASR24 Regis Economics Club - Framed photo
ASR25 Regis Engineering Club - Framed photo
ASR26 Regis Fencing Club - Framed photo
ASR27 Regis Flag Football League - Framed photo
ASR28 Regis French Tutors - Framed photo
ASR29 Regis Games Club - Framed photo
ASR30 Regis Gentlemens Photo League - Framed photo
ASR31 Regis German Club - Framed photo
ASR32 Regis German Tutors - Framed photo
ASR33 Regis Heritage Club - Framed photo
ASR34 Regis Hockey Club - Framed photo
ASR35 Regis Images Staff - Framed photo
ASR36 Regis Indian Cultural Society - Framed photo
ASR37 Regis Lacrosse Club - Framed photo
ASR38 Regis Latin Tutors - Framed photo
ASR39 Regis Le Cercle Français - Framed photo
ASR40 Regis Medical Science Club - Framed photo
ASR41 Regis Middle Eastern Cultural Society - Framed photo
ASR42 Regis Phoenix Historical Society - Framed photo
ASR43 Regis PMAC (Peer Math Achievement Center) - Framed photo
ASR44 Regis Regian Staff - Framed photo
ASR45 Regis Science Olympiad - Framed photo
ASR46 Regis SLACS (Spanish and Latin American Cultural Society) - Framed
ASR47 Regis Stage Crew - Framed photo
ASR48 Regis Tennis Club - Framed photo
ASR49 Regis The Examined Life Staff - Framed photo
ASR50 Regis Young Democrats and Young Republicans Club - Framed photo
ASR51 Regis Freshman Basketball Team - Framed photo
ASR52 Regis Junior Varsity Basketball Team - Framed photo
ASR53 Regis Varsity Basketball Team - Framed photo
ASR54 Regis Indoor Track Team - Framed photo
ASR55 Regis Indoor Throwers - Framed photo
ASR56 Regis Freshman Cross Country Team - Framed photo
ASR57 Regis Varsity Cross Country Team - Framed photo
ASR58 Regis Freshman Outdoor Track Team - Framed photo
ASR59 Regis Junior Varsity Outdoor Track Team - Framed photo
ASR60 Regis Varsity Outdoor Track Team - Framed photo
ASR61 Regis Junior Varsity Soccer Team - Framed photo
ASR62 Regis Varsity Soccer Team - Framed photo
ASR63 Regis Varsity Volleyball Team - Framed photo
ASR64 Regis Junior Varsity Baseball Team - Framed photo
ASR65 Regis Varsity Baseball Team - Framed photo
ASR66 Regis Junior Varsity Baseball Team - 13" x 10" coffee table book of high-
quality photos capturing images of players and coaches and showcasing
the team's season
ASR67 Regis Freshman Cross Country Team - 22" x 33" photograph on canvas of
the team at the Sectional Championship in Van Cortlandt Park signed by
runners and coaches
ASR68 Regis Freshman Cross Country Track Team - 13" x 10" coffee table book
of high-quality photos chronicling the team's outstanding season and
showcasing runners competing in nearly every event at multiple meet
ASR69 Regis basketball hoop from the upper gym recovered from May 14, 2011
fire; prepared for wall mounting by Regis '13 parent Patrick Benasillo
AA1 Water Bloom, a 7" x 9" framed original watercolor by Regis '13 parent
Laura Lavan
AA2 Desert Bloom, an 8" x 10" framed original watercolor by Regis '13 parent
Laura Lavan
AA3 Regis - Our Second Home, an 11" x 14" matted and framed archival color
photograph of the Regis 84th Street entrance sign by Steven Korker
AA4 Regis - 84th Street, an 11" x 14" matted and framed archival color
photograph of the school name engraved over the 84th Street entrance by
Steven Korker
AA5 Regis - My Alma Mater, an 8" x 10" matted and framed archival black and
white photograph of the 84th Street entrance by Steven Korker
AA6 Loyola Cross, an 8" x 10" matted and framed archival color photograph of
the Loyola cross on the 84th Street fence by Steven Korker
AA7 Once a Regian, Always a Regian, a 27" x 20" framed original watercolor by
Regis '13 parent Laura Lavan
AA8 Madonna and Child, a 13" x 17" framed feather portrait
AA9 Madonna and Child, a 13" x 17" framed feather portrait
AA10 New York Owl, a 12" x 12" framed print by artist Wrenay Gomez Charlton
A A11 Regis Front Door, a 13" x 17" framed pencil drawing by Regis '13 parent
Denise DeMarzo
AA12 Parrot Pair, a 13" x 17" framed feather portrait
AA13 Regis Owl - Standing Firm on Our Foundation, a 20" x 26" framed original
watercolor by Regis '13 parent Laura Lavan
AA14 Above and Beyond, a framed 16" x 20" sepia toned photograph of the Regis
lower gym by Regis '05 parent Alice Jacob of the Regis President's Office
AA15 Bubo Regis 2013, a 24" x 18" owl on white pine from a tree felled by Sandy
combined with objects salvaged from Central Park by Regis '91 alum James
P. O'Brien
AA16 Derrynane House, a 16" x 24" framed photograph
AA17 Happy Spring, a 6.5" x 6.5" framed painting with a needle by Regis '16
parent Susan Kwok
AA18 A 4 Year Experience, a framed and matted 21″ x 28″ photo collage of some
of the experiences and images a Regian has during his four years in the
school by Regis ’01 parent Tony Zamora
AA19 Entrance, a framed and matted 21″ x 28″ photo collage depicting a young
man entering Regis through the "Tunnel," leaving his former world behind
as he steps into a new environment with new challenges by Regis ’01 parent
Tony Zamora
AA20 Exit, a framed and matted 21″ x 28″ photo collage which uses the RHS
symbol on the 84th Street door to describe the attributes of a "graduate at
graduation" - who a Regian has become as he leaves after his four years in
the school by Regis ’01 parent Tony Zamora
AA21 Regis High School - For God and Country, a framed 18" x 24" Epson
pigment on paper print of the 84th Street facade by Malcolm Greenaway
AA22 Autumn Sky, a 16" x 20" oil painting by Lisa Sepetjian
AA23 Orange Elephant, a 16" x 18" acrylic painting by artist and Regis '13 uncle
Dominic J. Gaston
AA24 Tablit - Moses Receives The Commandments, a framed 24" x 32" Chagall
AA25 Sterling silver owl statuette designed by Italo Gori of Florence, Italy
AA26 Owl #1, a 5″ x 7″ original watercolor by Katie Kessler of the Regis Dean's
AA27 Emblem, an 8" x 10" matted and framed archival color photograph of the
emblem on the 84th Street entrance doors by Steven Korker
AA28 Owl #2, a 5" x 7" original watercolor by Katie Kessler of the Regis Dean's
AA29 Owl #3, a 5" x 7" original watercolor by Katie Kessler of the Regis Dean's
AA30 Owl #4, a 5" x 7" original watercolor by Katie Kessler of the Regis Dean's
AA31 Courtyard Conversation, an 11" x 14" framed Epson pigment on paper print
of the Regis Quad by Malcolm Greenaway; also includes Block Island:
Rhode Island's Jewel by Mr. Greenaway
AA32 Hearn Booty, an 8" x 10" framed color photograph of Hearn trophies by
Regis ‘13 student Brendan Rogers
AA33 On the Way to the Village, a 33" x 40" Chagall lithograph
AA34 A Mantle of White, an 11 x 14 framed black and white photograph by
Regis ‘05 parent Alice Jacob of the Regis President’s Office
AA35 The Welcome Mat, an 11″ x 14″ framed archival color photograph by
Regis ‘05 parent Alice Jacob of the Regis President’s Office
AA36 Prise de Fer, a 16" x 20" framed archival color photograph by Regis '05
parent Alice Jacob of the Regis President's Office
AA37 “REGIS” alphabet art
AA38 Regis Ukrainian Eggs - Pysanky, six decorative eggs prepared using the
ancient process of pysanky, which involves the use of beeswax and vibrant
dyes by Regis '13 student Christopher Haddad
AA39 Medallion, an 8.5" x 11" matted and framed archival pencil and watercolor
drawing of the monogram hanging in the Regis Quad by Regis '15, '17
parent Lenore Vanden Handel
AA40 Regis - the Alma Mater, an 11" x 14" framed oil sketch by Regis '98 parent
Rob Morgan
BHF1 Country Chic by Bath & Body Works collection
BHF2 EFT Personal Training - Three personal training sessions in your home or
apartment building gym; valid through November 30, 2013 (NY NY)
BHF3 EFT Personal Training - Two $100 certificates for boot camps held in
Central Park and $150 certificate for one-hour of personal training in your
home, your apartment building or Central Park; valid through November
30, 2013 (NY NY)
BHF4 New York Sports Club - 30-day membership pass; valid through
December 31, 2014 at more than 150 network locations
BHF5 Molton Brown - Private shopping party for you and ten friends at Molton
Brown's on Madison Avenue; sip champagne, enjoy mini-facials and hand
massages; also includes candle and hand wash (NY NY)
BHF6 Gussy Up and Go - Basket includes makeup and accessories for a night out
BHF7 Kimara Ahnert New York - $200 gift certificate for a customized makeup
lesson; valid through April 20, 2014 (1113 Madison Avenue, NY NY)
BHF8 Equinox Fitness Clubs - Three-month All Access membership; good at
any location; valid through March 15, 2014
BHF9 The Fhitting Room - One-month unlimited pass to High Intensity
Training Classes; valid through December 31, 2013 (1166 Lexington
Avenue, NY NY)
BHF10 Space NK Apothecary - Private pampering party for five people; includes
a mini-facial, makeover and gift bag for each guest
BH F11 Estee Lauder Pleasures fragrance gift set
BHF12 Estee Lauder Beautiful fragrance gift set
BHF13 Kimara Ahnert New York - One makeup lesson; valid through May 1,
2014 (1113 Madison Avenue, NY NY)
BHF14 Jackie Payne Acupuncture - Ninety minute initial acupuncture treatment;
valid through April 1, 2014 (80 Fifth Avenue, NY NY)
BHF15 Full facial Botox treatment - Botox treatment for rejuvenation of the areas
of forehead, between and around the eyes, as well as around the mouth;
treatment will be administered by Hector R. Rodriguez, MD (Bronx NY)
BHF16 Neiman Marcus Westchester Day of Beauty - An afternoon of pampering
for four; includes an exclusive skin care consultation and makeover from
luxury cosmetics line of your choice followed by a leisurely spa lunch at
NM's Zodiac Restaurant; valid through September 2013 (White Plains NY)
BHF17 Rodan + Fields REDEFINE Skincare Regime
BHF18 Gift of Beauty - Basket includes $1,000 gift certificate for Botox,
Juvederm, or Restylane administered by Regis '15 aunt and plastic surgeon
JoAn Monaco, MD, MS and an assortment of professional skin care
products; valid through April 20, 2014 (1034 Fifth Avenue, NY NY)
BHF19 Spa-di-dah - Basket includes buckwheat therapy body wrap, bath body set
and candles
EE1 Ripley's Believe It or Not! - Admission for four; valid through April 2014
EE2 Broadway Comedy Club - Book of ten coupons each admitting two adults to
one performance (318 West 53rd Street, NY NY)
EE3 Blue Man Group - Two tickets for a Sunday - Thursday performance at the
Astor Place Theatre; valid through April 14, 2014, excluding Thanksgiving
2013 weekend and December 19, 2013 - January 3, 2014 (434 Lafayette
Street NY NY)
EE4 Westwood Cinemas - Eight admission passes; valid through June 23, 2013
(Westwood NJ)
EE5 Homefield Bowl - Twelve passes good for one game of bowling (Yonkers NY)
EE6 T-Bowl - Two free games for four people including shoes; valid through
October 20, 2013, excluding weekends (Wayne NJ)
EE7 The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center - Two tickets to a 2013 main
stage performance; available concert dates include April 28, May 10, May
19 and May 21 (Lincoln Center, NY NY)
EE8 Bowlmor Lanes - $100 gift certificate; valid through June 30, 2013 at any
location (NY NY)
EE9 Bowler City - 25 free games; one coupon per person per visit; subject to lane
availability (Hackensack NJ)
EE10 Rab's Country Lanes - $30 bowling certificate, five Laser Maze Challenge
plays, one cheese pizza and one pitcher of soda (Staten Island NY)
EE11 Empire State Building Observatory - Two tickets to an incomparable view;
valid through January 18, 2015 (NY NY)
EE12 Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts - Four tickets to a Friday or Sunday
concert and four tickets to one Dancing at Dusk or Family Concert, during the
2013 Caramoor International Music Festival; certain performances may be
excluded including the Pops, Patriots and Fireworks concert (Katonah NY)
EE13 Fun Fuzion at New Roc City - Four Fuze Cards with two entitlements each;
cards valid through five areas (New Rochelle NY)
EE14 Westwood Cinemas - Six admission passes; valid through October 13, 2013
(Westwood NJ)
EE15 T-Bowl - Two free games for four people including shoes; valid through
October 20, 2013 (Wayne NJ)
EE16 New York Philharmonic - Two seats in Orchestra 2 section for one concert;
valid through June 29, 2013 (Lincoln Center, NY NY)
EE17 The Paley Center for Media - One-year dual/family membership (25 West
52nd Street, NY NY)
EE18 The Skyscraper Museum - Three family passes, each admitting up to five
persons (39 Battery Place, NY NY)
EE19 PNC Bank Arts Center - Two lawn seats to a mutually agreed upon
performance during the 2013 season (Holmdel NJ)
EE20 Dangerfield's Comedy Club - Cover charge for four people to one comedy
show; valid any night except Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve (1118 First
Avenue, NY NY)
EE21 IFC Center - One-year membership for two to the best of independent
foreign and documentary movies (323 Avenue of the Americas, NY NY)
EE22 Ohman School of Ballet/New York Dance Theatre Inc. - Two tickets to the
2013 Nutcracker Ballet at Hofstra University; valid through December 31,
2013 (Uniondale NY)
EE23 The Irish Repertory Theatre - Two tickets to any performance; valid through
February 28, 2014 (132 West 22nd Street, NY NY)
EE24 Cousins Paintball - Ten admission passes; includes rental gun, full goggle
system, and safety orientation; must purchase an individual bag of 500
paintballs for each admission; valid through August 31, 2013 (Four locations
in NJ and NY)
EE25 Laser Bounce of Long Island - Five reloadable Fun Cards, each good for one
open play and 20 tokens (Levittown NY)
EE26 The Little Orchestra Society - Four tickets to a Lolli-Pops or Happy
Concerts for Young People performance (NY NY)
EE27 The New Victory Theater - Two tickets to any production in the 2013-2014
season; excludes holiday show (229 West 42nd Street, NY NY)
EE28 Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Two Frequent Visitor passes, each good for two
adults and children under age 16; valid through April 20, 2014 (Brooklyn NY)
EE29 Imagine That - Basket includes acrylic and watercolor paint, sketching tools,
chalk drawing and sketchbooks
EE30 Land of Make Believe - One-day admission for eight; valid through
September 9, 2013 (Hope NJ)
EE31 Sacred Music in a Sacred Space - Two preferred subscriptions to three
choral concerts at St. Ignatius Loyola Church; concert dates to be
determined in late summer (980 Park Avenue, NY NY)
EE32 Pearl Paint - $100 gift card
EE33 Bronx Zoo - Four general admission tickets; valid through March 11, 2014
(Bronx NY)
EE34 Delaware River Tubing - Outing for two; includes tube rentals, life jackets,
bus ride to/from river and BBQ lunch; valid any day of the 2013 - 2014
season (Frenchtown NJ)
EE35 Friday Fun for the Boys - Everything your hungry boy needs for after-school
rest and relaxation! Includes four tickets to Regal Cinemas; $20 Blockheads
Burritos gift cards; $25 Five Guys Burgers and Fries gift cards; and $25
iTunes gift card
EE36 Palisades Center Dave and Busters - $25 gift certificate; valid only at this
location; valid through October 31, 2013 (West Nyack NY)
EE37 Lucky Lottery Tree
EE38 Game On - Basket includes Legos, games, puzzles, DVDs and a Regis
zippered hoodie - size S
EE39 Mommy, I'm Bored - Basket includes craft books, model kits and
scrapbooking supplies
EM1 USS Slater - Five tour tickets (Albany NY)
EM2 Preservation Society of Newport County - Two guest passes to one
property: The Breakers, Chateau - Sur Mer, Chepstow, The Elms, Green
Animals Topiary Garden, Isaac Bell House, Kingscote, Marble House,
Rosecliff or Hunter House (Newport RI)
EM3 Fenimore Art Museum and the Farmers' Museum - Two admission tickets;
valid through 2014 season (Cooperstown NY)
EM4 Harvard and a Museum - Basket includes Harvard hoodie - size L with
coordinating blanket, and four admission tickets to Boston's Paul Revere House
EM5 Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Frequent Visitor passes for two adults and
two children for one year of unlimited visits; valid through April 20, 2014
(Brooklyn NY)
EM6 Historical Tour of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware - Includes four
tickets for Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center (Little Falls NJ); two
tickets for Winterthur, the former home of Henry du Pont (Winterthur DE);
and two tickets for Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square PA)
EM7 Philadelphia Trip - Includes four tickets for National Constitution Center;
and six tickets for the Eastern State Penitentiary Museum (Philadelphia PA)
EM8 Metropolitan Museum of Art - One-year family/dual membership; includes
access to members' dining room and various member discounts (NY NY)
EM9 Old Westbury Gardens - One-year family membership (Old Westbury NY)
EM10 Long Island Children's Museum - Four admission passes; valid through
October 31, 2013 (Garden City NY)
EM11 New York Hall of Science - Six admission passes; valid through December
31, 2013 (Queens NY)
EM12 United Nations - Two guided tour passes (NY NY)
EM13 Wave Hill - One-year family/dual membership (Bronx NY)
EM14 Cradle of Aviation - Four general admission passes to a museum dedicated
to Long Island's aerospace industry (Garden City NY)
FJ1 Steven Corn black fox headband
FJ2 Lily Bloom owl laptop bag
FJ3 R&Em straw tote bag
FJ4 Steve Madden - $100 gift card
FJ5 Pashmina scarf - green and black
FJ6 Pashmina scarf - red
FJ7 Pashmina scarf - red and orange
FJ8 Carlisle three-piece aubergine pantsuit - size XL
FJ9 Michael Kors faux gold link bracelet
FJ10 Fendi raspberry wool scarf
FJ11 Women's pantsuit - white pants, lilac jacket and paisley pashmina scarf – size
FJ12 Women's dress top - black velvet with beaded cuffs and collar - size 14
FJ13 Women's two-piece suit - purple jacket and skirt - size 14
FJ14 Owl rhinestone cuff bracelet
FJ15 Pastel hand-knit scarf with owl pin
FJ16 Pashmina scarf - khaki green paisley and owl pin
FJ17 Liz Claiborne black tote and handmade black/blue scarf with blue owl pin
FJ18 Mary Francis "Night Owl" evening bag
FJ19 Demetrios pink sequined gown - size 0
FJ20 Porcelain bracelet
FJ21 Lucky Brand owl necklace
FJ22 Super Hunter - Basket includes Hunter espresso leather tote, Hunter black
nylon jacket - size 10, and oatmeal colored ruffled wrap
FJ23 Diane von Furstenberg - 100% leather “Harper Laurel” handbag in black,
white and pink
FJ24 Geneva men's and women's stainless steel watches
FJ25 DKNY black sleeveless sequined top and satin cargo pants - size M and 36"
faux pearl necklace
FJ26 Gold-plated necklace and earrings with clear colored stones
FJ27 Gold-plated necklace, earrings and ring with emerald colored stones
FJ28 Gold-plated necklace, earrings and ring with ruby colored stones
FJ29 You Look Mahvelous - Basket includes ladies turquoise sweater, multi-color
scarf, jewelry box and owl pin
FJ30 Rose gold-plated crystal and sterling silver bracelet with matching earrings
FJ31 Calvin Klein handbag
FJ32 Coach black wristlet
FJ33 Ermano Scervino handbag
FJ34 Coach signature striped tote
FJ35 Coach beige leather bag
FJ36 Little Eric Shoes - $40 gift certificate (1118 Madison Avenue, NY NY)
FJ37 Vintage black Italian wool scarf with owl bracelet
FJ38 Swiss Legend watch with white mother of pearl dial
FJ39 Michael Kors Jet Set red travel tote with Michael Kors Red Blaze scarf
FJ40 Carnelian and freshwater pearl necklace on a sterling silver chain
FJ41 Jade and freshwater pearl necklace on a sterling silver chain
FJ42 Brass and sterling silver cuff with jade
FJ43 Brass and sterling silver cuff with turquoise
FJ44 Relaxed Man - Basket includes Nautica navy lounge set - size L, Regis
athletic t-shirt - size L, and slippers
FJ45 Well Groomed Man - Basket includes Regis polo - size L, Nautica dress
shirt - size 16.5-32/33, and Molton Brown travel set
FJ46 Wool shrug hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent Grace Chan
FJ47 Bloomingdales - $50 gift card
FJ48 Stubbs & Wootton green black plaid wool bag with leather detail
FJ49 J. Crew - $200 gift card
FJ50 Splash of Color - Basket includes coral pink and teal tote bag, turquoise
necklace and earrings, and green, white and turquoise shoulder scarf
FJ51 Very Vera - Basket includes an assortment of Vera Bradley's Marina Paisley
pattern items, and an owl necklace and earring set by Aris
FJ52 Lady on the Go - Basket includes faux croc handbag, insulated lunch tote,
owl necklace and bracelet, and scarf
FJ53 Regis Sister - Basket includes cosmetics, bath and body items, and brown-
studded shoulder bag
FJ54 TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Home Goods - $100 gift card
FF1 Yosemite National Park, an 8" x 12" framed photograph by Mr. John
Donodeo of the Regis Physical Education Department
FF2 Zermatt: Matterhorn, an 8" x 10" framed photograph by Mr. John Donodeo
of the Regis Physical Education Department
FF3 Zermatt: Matterhorn, an 11" x 14" framed photograph by Mr. John Donodeo
of the Regis Physical Education Department
FF4 Grand Canyon Colorado River, an 11" x 14" framed photograph by Mr. John
Donodeo of the Regis Physical Education Department
FF5 Owl tile wall plate from Greece donated by faculty chaperones of the 2013
Latin students' trip to Italy and Greece
FF6 Tour de Regis - Enjoy a spring afternoon of bike riding with Mr. James
Kennedy, Mr. Justin Kiczek and Mr. Joe Quinn of the Regis English
Department and Mr. Joe Borkowski of the Regis Computer Science
Department. Up to four people, any mix of current Regians, alumni, parents
or friends of the school. The trip can be personalized depending on the
bidder's ability. Starting location will be Central Park and the date will be
mutually agreed upon - but a spring afternoon is most desirable.
FF7 Art History at the Met - Take a personalized tour of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art with Regis' knowledgeable and enthusiastic art history
teacher, Mrs. Karin Miller-Lewis of the Regis Fine Arts Department. Up
to five people will roam the hallowed halls of the Met while discovering
its hidden treasures with Mrs. Miller-Lewis. The Met's earliest roots date
back to 1866 in Paris, France, when a group of Americans agreed to create a
"national institution and gallery of art" to bring art and art education to the
American people. Date to be mutually agreed upon.
FF8 Tennis Outing in Central Park - Two-hours of friendly doubles tennis in
Central Park with Mr. Brendan MacDonnell and Ms. Lee Chua of the Regis
Mathematics Department. From beginners to advanced, all levels of players
are welcome. Teams will be set up to ensure optimal fun for all. A delicious
treat of ice cream (or other mutually agreed upon dessert) to follow the fun
match on the court. Date of tennis outing to be mutually agreed upon.
FF9 A Night Out with the AMP Guys - Enjoy a night out with your beloved
Alumni Mentors from the Regis Class of 2008. Paul Masi, Colin Ross, and
Tony Negrin will treat the winner to a fun night out in the city. Specific
details of the night will be worked out with the winner. Limit of four people.
FF10 Shake Your Family Tree - Mrs. Diane DelPriore, Regis librarian, will
help you trace your family history by offering four hours of genealogy
instruction; valid through April 1, 2014
FF11 South African tiger eye gem tree brought back by Ms. Caroline Christie of
the Regis Computer Science Department
FF12 South African hand-carved wooden giraffe brought back by Ms. Caroline
Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF13 South African wire art saxophone brought back by Ms. Caroline Christie of
the Regis Computer Science Department
FF14 South African Mother/Child soapstone sculpture (4.5") brought back by Ms.
Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF15 African tribal art hand-carved memo holders (two) brought back by Ms.
Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF16 South African Thinking Man soapstone sculpture brought back by Ms.
Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF17 South African batik art tray cloth brought back by Ms. Caroline Christie of
the Regis Computer Science Department
FF18 South African 24" x 17" batik art panel brought back by Ms. Caroline
Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF19 South African Mother/Child soapstone sculpture (7") brought back by Ms.
Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF20 Xhosa doll clothed in traditional tribal dress from the South East of South
Africa brought back by Ms. Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science
FF21 South African batik cushion covers brought back by Ms. Caroline Christie
of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF22 South African 38" x 28" framed batik art panel brought back by Ms.
Caroline Christie of the Regis Computer Science Department
FF23 Black and silver ruffled scarf hand-knit by Regis '01 parent Elisa Zamora of
the Regis President's Office
FF24 Multi-wine colored ruffled mohair blend scarf hand-knit by Regis '01 parent
Elisa Zamora of the Regis President's Office
FF25 White and silver scarf hand-knit by Regis '01 parent Elisa Zamora of the
Regis President's Office
FF26 Newsies playbill from the 2012 Tony Award-winning musical; signed by
the entire cast and procured by Ms. Kathryn Humora of the Regis Science
FF27 Two publications from the Just the Fur of Us collection: Double-Circus
Story-Book and Intense City - Integrity, Victory & More, both written and
signed by Mr. Edgar Jackson of the Regis Foreign Language Department
and illustrated by his wife, Anna H. Walter
FF28 Handcrafted artist's book from the Just the Fur of Us collection, The Four
Monkeys Review New York City Restaurants, or, Five Ripe Bananas, written
by Mr. Edgar Jackson of the Regis Foreign Language Department and
illustrated by his wife, Anna H. Walter
FF29 Introduction to Meditation - This session with Dr. Eelka Lampe of the Regis
Foreign Language Department offers an introduction to Realization Process
Meditation, a guided body-centered meditation that helps to develop non-
dual awareness. Dr. Lampe is fully certified as a Meditation, Embodiment
and Subtle Self Work teacher by Judith Blackstone, Ph.D. who developed
the Realization Process methodology. Dr. Lampe has been offering this
meditation approach to faculty and students at Regis since 2008. As a
suggestion, the session could take place on a Friday afternoon in May
from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Regis; no previous experience is necessary;
maximum eight people.
HG1 Lenox owl figurines
HG2 Tea for Two - Basket includes two owl plates and mugs, glass teapot and
various flavorful teas
HG3 Williams-Sonoma - $75 gift certificate
HG4 Owl boot scraper
HG5 Harvest Table - Basket includes autumn-themed serving pieces and
decorative items
HG6 Owl ceramic mosaic statue
HG7 Easter Spring - Basket includes ceramic bunny, dessert plates and “Spring
Has Sprung” sign
HG8 Warm and Cozy Owl - Basket includes toasty owl slippers, Ivy & Castle
beauty set and collapsible tote
HG9 Breakfast in Bed - Basket includes china cup and plate, jams and assorted
teas, pancake mix and “Heatable Hooty
HG10 Four Tiffany & Company lager glasses
HG11 Sweet Dreams - Basket includes owl-themed childs wall hanging, stuffed
toy owl and throw blanket
HG12 Decorative owl pillow and throw
HG13 Tea Time - Basket includes variable-patterned tea set for four, teapot,
creamer and assorted teas
HG14 Christmas Entertaining in Style - Basket includes Christmas table linens,
dessert serving plates and tiered candy plate
HG15 Love from Lidia - Basket includes four Lidia Bastianich autographed cookbooks
and 12 settings of hand-painted dinnerware
HG16 Owl Hostess - Basket includes 90" round tablecloth, four owl mugs, pitcher
and bowl
HG17 Regis Graduation/Entertaining - Basket includes assorted red, black and
white linens plus Mariposa serving pieces
HG18 Happy Halloween - Basket includes Halloween owl decor
HG19 Lenox vase
HG20 Outdoor Entertaining - Basket includes large beverage bin, serving pieces,
trays and eight place settings
HG21 Organize Your Accessories - Basket includes an assortment of Waverly
storage organizers
HG22 Whooo Wants Coffee - Basket includes mugs, plates, and coffee
HG23 Lilly Pulitzer Summer Entertaining - Basket includes Lilly Pulitzer linens,
outdoor lanterns and serving pieces
HG24 Lenox owl votive vase
HG25 Here's Grillin at Ya - Basket includes grilling accessories and Regis
HG26 Tutti a Tavola! - Basket includes two autographed Lidia Bastianich
cookbooks, a Regis cookbook and an assortment of "Regis red" cooking
HG27 Now That's Italian! - Basket includes assortment of cooking items to make
your pizza at home
HG28 Mr. Coffee espresso/cappuccino maker
HG29 Hostess with the Mostest - Basket includes decorative teapot and four cake
plates with oval serving dish
HG30 Cake and Ice Cream - Basket includes ice cream dishes and scoops, cake
pop maker, cake mixes, cupcake stencils, candy wafers and serving tray
HG31 Tea and Antiquities - Basket includes estate teas, antique plates, 60" x 84"
white cotton tablecloth and owl tea towels
HG32 Memories - Basket includes photo album, collage frame, red throw blanket,
clock and a copy of The Examined Life Volume II
HG33 Seymour Mann crystal 22" porcelain doll; includes certificate of
HG34 Owl Have a Day at the Beach - Basket includes child's beach chair, owl
towel and beach toys
HG35 Beach House Bath - Basket includes white towels, bathroom accessories
and vintage print
HG36 Backyard Living - Basket includes gardening tools and outdoor decor items
HG37 Spring floral wreath
HG38 Two 18" x 18" decorative pillows in teal and ecru stripes with taupe
embroidery geometric pattern
HG39 Waterford crystal bouquet vase
HG40 Glass birdbath with metal stand
HG41 Trick or Treat - Basket includes owl and Halloween candles, votive holders,
salt and pepper shakers, and bowls
HG42 Puppy Stuff - Basket includes toys, supplies and “Regis” dog tag
HG43 Asian Fusion - Basket includes Japanese stoneware, cooking wok and Asian
MM1 Rebecca Krohn, New York City Ballet - Autographed ballet slippers
MM2 David Wright, New York Mets - Autographed baseball
MM3 Amar'e Stoudemire, New York Knicks - Autographed photograph; includes
certicate of authenticity
MM4 Oscar De La Hoya - Autographed boxing glove; includes certicate of
MM5 Mark Sanchez, New York Jets - Autographed Jets football
MM6 Darrelle Revis, New York Jets - Autographed 18" x 24" poster
MM7 Travis Zajac, New Jersey Devils - Autographed hockey puck
MM8 Mathias Kiwanuka, New York Giants - Autographed football
MM9 Van Gogh: The Life - Book autographed by Steve Naifeh and Gregory
White Smith, Pulitzer Prize-winning authors of Jackson Pollock
MM10 Billy Taylor, New York Giants - Autographed 8" x 10" photograph; includes
certicate of authenticity
MM11 Arnold Palmer - Autographed framed poster
MM12 Henrik Lundqvist, New York Rangers - Autographed jersey
MM13 Black Sabbath and Philosophy - Edited and autographed by Professor of
Philosophy at King's College and Regis '88 alum William Irwin
MM14 The Avengers and Philosophy - Edited and autographed by Professor of
Philosophy at King's College and Regis '88 alum William Irwin
MM15 Superman and Philosophy - Edited and autographed by Professor of
Philosophy at King's College and Regis '88 alum William Irwin
MM16 Spider-Man and Philosophy - Edited and autographed by Professor of
Philosophy at King's College and Regis '88 alum William Irwin
MM17 The Big Lebowski and Philosophy - Edited and autographed by Professor
of Philosophy at King's College and Regis '88 alum William Irwin
MM18 1997 “The Beatles” vintage calendar, new in plastic
MM19 Phil Rizzuto, New York Yankees - Autographed 16" x 20" poster of the
1998 Tomorrow's Children Fund and The Alan T. Brown Foundation to
Cure Paralysis
MM20 MLB Life Magazine - Three rst edition prints, circa 1993, sealed in plastic
with certicate of authenticity
MM21 LeBron James - NBA 2003 handpainted 16" x 20" rookie portrait with
actual game-used number #23 from LeBron's jersey sleeve; #151/300 -
limited edition
MM22 A Day at the Races vintage 27" x 20" print
MM23 John Tavares, New York Islanders - Autographed jersey
MM24 Richard Jefferson, New Jersey Nets - Autographed 2005-2006 New Jersey
Nets Upper Deck Signature Portrait, new in box
MM25 Shaquille O'Neal - Pre-worn #33 sleeveless Cole High School jersey from
"The Original High School Legends"
MM26 Thompson & Co. genuine leather cigar holder, wrapped new in box
MM27 Orpheus Chamber Orchestra - Autographed poster featuring Gil Shaham
(violin) and CD
MM28 Orpheus Chamber Orchestra - Autographed poster featuring Albrecht
Mayer (oboe) and CD
MM29 New York Yankees DVD collection
MM30 Mickey Mantle Limited Edition autographed photograph, framed,
with certificate of authenticity from the Mickey Mantle Museum in
Cooperstown New York. This authentic signed photo is numbered
2415/2415. Previously owned by Mickey's good friend and autograph agent
Tom Catal and the authenticity is personally guaranteed by Tom to be
genuine! The certification number is 1129. Under the signed photo it reads
"Mickey Mantle most career homeruns by a switch hitter 536."
MM31 New York Yankees 1986 team photograph framed with letter signed by
George Steinbrenner
MM32 New York Yankees Greats multi-signed oversized 16" x 20" photograph
signed by over 20 legendary New York Yankees featuring a classic shot of
Mickey Mantle. The notable Yankee legend did not sign this mint piece;
however, the following notables did: Moose Skowron, Ralph Houk, Bobby
Shantz, Sparky Lyle, Lee Thomas, Horace Clarke, Gene "Stick" Michael,
Jesse Barfield and others. Letter of authenticity included.
MM33 Yogi Berra, New York Yankees - Autographed photograph
MM34 Tony Kubek and Joe Pepitone, New York Yankees - Dual-autographed
MM35 New York Mets - Over 100 vintage baseball cards from the 1960s-1970s
MM36 Alicia Keys Set the World on Fire Tour - Basket includes autographed
photograph and program, custom blanket and tote bag
MM37 Up Country - First edition copy autographed by Nelson DeMille
MM38 The Lion - First edition copy autographed by Nelson DeMille
MM39 Plum Island - Autographed by Nelson DeMille
MM40 Wild Fire - Autographed by Nelson DeMille
MM41 The Panther- Autographed by Nelson DeMille
OKE1 Le Pain Quotidien Baking Class - Three-hour hands-on baking class for
two; learn the basics of bread baking, then taste and bring home all the
delicious products made in class; ages 12 and up; valid on weeknights
only (Bleecker Street, NY NY)
OKE2 "Day" at the Museum - For 125 years, the American Museum of Natural
History has been one of the world's preeminent science and research
institutions. This private guided tour for eight is with Regis '07 parent
Stephen Quinn, retired former AMNH Senior Project Manager and
author. Your day at the museum includes admission to the AMNH, the
Rose Center Planetarium and two special exhibitions. On a mutually
agreed upon date prior to December 15, 2013. (NY NY)
OKE3 Steinway-designed Essex grand player piano - Six-month rental of 51"
ebony grand player piano; delivered to winner's home in the tri-state area.
Winner will be required to complete a credit application for credit check
prior to delivery; piano must be ordered by December 21, 2013.
OKE4 Saint Patrick's Cathedral Private Tour - You and five guests will have
the unique opportunity to take a private tour of St. Patrick's Cathedral
hosted by Cathedral Rector, Monsignor Robert Ritchie. Each year, over 3
million people visit the Cathedral but few will experience it up close with
Monsignor Ritchie. Available on a mutually agreed upon date prior to
December 15, 2013. (NY NY)
OKE5 Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 18th edition - Edited by
Dennis Kasper, Anthony Fauci, Stephen Hauser, Dan Longo, J. Larry
Jameson and Joseph Loscalzo. Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, Medical Division. Includes inspirational note and signature by
Dr. Fauci.
OKE6 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Breakfast - A very special opportunity
for one Regis family to enjoy the 2013 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,
from the eighth story apartment at the White-Marrero, Regis '07, '10
family, home on Central Park West. Get the perfect view of the parade
while staying warm and cozy and having a delicious breakfast. (NY NY)
OKE7 Channel 7 Station Tour with Ken Rosato '85 - A private Channel 7 station
tour for up to four people given by Eyewitness News anchor and Regis
'85 alum Ken Rosato. See the Eyewitness News studios, tour the facility
where Live with Kelly and Michael originates and sit in during a live TV
newscast. Meet anchors, reporters and behind-the-scenes staffers who
put together the most-watched television newscasts in the nation; on a
mutually agreed upon date prior to April 20, 2014. (NY NY)
OKE8 Broadcast Journalism with Bloomberg Radio's Michael Lysak '75 - Do
you know a Regian interested in a career in broadcast journalism?
Regis '75 alum and ’14, ’16 parent Michael Lysak , who is a manager
at Bloomberg Radio, and also an adjunct professor at CUNY Graduate
School of Journalism, will personally give feedback to a Regian on his
writing, then will have him read his script in front of a microphone,
and give one-on-one voice coaching tips. Afterwards, take a tour with
Michael of the Bloomberg Radio and Television World Headquarters
located in Midtown Manhattan. After touring the broadcast operations,
you will be Michael's guest for lunch and discussion about what it is like
to be a broadcast journalist. Michael oversees Bloomberg Radio's national
network and podcasts, has supervised the launch of Bloomberg Television
and was previously an award-winning news anchor and reporter at radio
stations including WCBS, WOR, WNEW and Kiss-FM. On a mutually
agreed upon date prior to December 13, 2013. (NY NY)
OKE9 Open Gym Night - Exclusive use of the Upper Gym by 20 Regians for
up to four hours to play hoops, indoor soccer, handball - you get the idea.
Afterwards relax in the cafeteria and relive the top plays at the post-game
party. Winning bidder provides parental supervision and post-game eats
and beverages. On a mutually agreed upon evening or vacation break
prior to May 30, 2014. (NY NY)
OKE10 Carmelo Anthony Autographed Basketball - On September 29, 2012,
five-time NBA All-Star and New York Knicks standout small forward
Carmelo Anthony was "on location" at Regis to shoot a video for an
upcoming vitamin commercial in the Chemistry Laboratory. Before
leaving, Anthony, a 2012 gold medalist at the London Olympic Games,
graciously posed for photos and autographed this basketball as a "thank
you." Package also includes a Carmelo Anthony Class of 2003 Official
Rookie Draft Card #121/400 (5" x 8").
OKE11 National Review Extravaganza - National Review is America's most
widely read and influential magazine for conservative news, commentary
and opinion, and publisher Jack Fowler '78 has pulled together an
extravaganza of prizes. This package includes a signed leather-bound
copy of William F. Buckley's memoir, Windfall: End of the Affair. Non-
fiction Windfall, the last of Buckley's sailing books written in the mid-
nineties, details his transatlantic trip, retracing the journey of Columbus
on the 500th anniversary of his discovery of the New World. As you
would expect, this book is full of humor, absurdity, spirituality and
politics. Also included is an authentic premier issue of National Review -
Volume 1, No. 1, dated November 19, 1955, and a full year subscription to
National Review; package also includes a National Review cap and mug.
OKE12 Mad Money with Jim Cramer - Join the Mad Man himself, Jim Cramer,
as you view a live taping of the show at the CNBC studios in Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey. This package includes four tickets to the show, a VIP
tour of the set and an opportunity to chat with Jim. On a mutually agreed
upon date before December 31, 2014. (Englewood Cliffs NJ)
OKE13 Sea the New York Skyline/Private Sightseeing and Dinner Cruise - Take
in the magnificent views of Manhattan aboard this 29' Larson with twin
300 hp Mercury cruisers. You and three friends will be the guests of
Captain Matthew O'Brien, Regis ’16 parent, on the "Off Duty" departing
from the Locust Point Yacht Club in the Bronx for a three-to-four hour
sightseeing trip around Manhattan. Afterwards dinner will be served
(drinks, appetizers and main course) as you relax on the waters of
Long Island Sound. On a mutually agreed upon date and time prior to
September 30, 2013. (All Around New York)
OKE14 Regis Honey Basket - The Regis honey bees have been toiling for months.
The fruits of their labor are represented in this basket which includes
1/2 lb. honey jar, body balm, hand lotion, honey glycerin soap, bee
aromatherapy perfume and beeswax candle.
OKE15 Not Your Average Board Games - Basket contains a collection of ten
board games including Merchants of Amsterdam, New England Railways,
Masons, Maya, Hockey Sur Table, Bridgetown Races, Master Builder,
Salty Ocean, Pergamon and Borneo
OKE16 Hes the One - Two tickets to award-winning actor-writer-director-
producer Ed Burns’ next movie premiere and an 8" x 10" autographed
photo of this Long Island native. Winner of the 1995 Sundance Film
Award for Brothers McMullen, this indie superstar's other films include
Shes the One, 27 Dresses, and most recently The Fitzgerald Family
OKE17 College Road Trip - Basket includes 2013 Fiske Guide to Colleges,
College Road Trip DVD, Professor Pathnder's U.S. College and
University Reference Map, and travel bingo
OKE18 Letting Go, or Not - Care package for a mom and dad embracing their
Regian's first year of college. Basket includes a cozy blanket, bottle
of wine, box of tissues and the book Letting Go: A Parents Guide to
Understanding the College Years by Karen Levin Coburn. Book includes
a personal inscription by Dr. Gary Tocchet, Regis High School Principal.
SS1 Harmony By Karate - Two private sessions on a mutually agreed upon date;
valid through June 20, 2013 (NY NY)
SS2 GK Framing - $250 gift certificate for custom archival framing and
consultation; multiple certificates cannot be combined for the same piece;
valid through April 20, 2015 (169 Hudson Street, NY NY)
SS3 GK Framing - $250 gift certificate for custom archival framing and
consultation; multiple certificates cannot be combined for the same piece;
valid through April 20, 2015 (169 Hudson Street, NY NY)
SS4 Ballet Academy East - $100 gift certificate good toward child or adult class;
valid through April 20, 2015 (1651 Third Avenue, NY NY)
SS5 Riccardi Landscaping Design - One-hour landscape design consultation
within 50 mile radius of New York City; valid through December 3, 2013
SS6 Elite SAT Preparation - Ten one-hour sessions with Regis '09 parent Phil
Gillen at a mutually agreed upon time and location; valid through April 20,
SS7 Next Level Learning Center - Gift certificate for three SAT subject test
tutoring sessions; new clients only; valid through June 30, 2014 (850 Seventh
Avenue, NY NY)
SS8 Next Level Learning Center - Gift certificate for three PSAT tutoring
sessions; new clients only; valid through June 30, 2014 (850 Seventh Avenue,
SS9 Kenneth Chen Portraits - $500 gift credit for one modern family portrait or
toward artist's time; travel fee beyond New York City; valid through July 31,
2013 (NY NY)
SS10 Vincent Gaetano Admissions Consulting - Six hours of tutoring for the SAT,
ACT, or selected SAT subject tests; by appointment in winner's Manhattan
home, Mr. Gaetano's office or via Skype; valid through December 31, 2013
(232 West 24th Street, NY NY)
SS11 Bradford Portraits - Gift certificate for a 20" museum quality portrait of a
family or individual (no pets); valid through October 21, 2013 on selected
dates (White Plains NY)
SS12 Bradford Portraits - Gift certificate for a 14" museum quality portrait of a
family or individual (no pets); valid through October 21, 2013 on selected
dates (White Plains NY)
SS13 PAS Auto School - Gift certificate for five one-hour private driving lessons;
available in Manhattan, Bronx, Westchester, Rockland, Orange or upstate
NY; valid through April 20, 2014
SS14 Proof Pawsitive - Basket includes a $100 gift certicate to Kathy Santo Dog
Training valid through March 2014 (Ramsey NJ), copies of Kathy Santo's
Dog Sense and The Big New Yorker Book of Dogs, and mini dog treats
SR1 Owl tie
SR2 Owl table lamp
SR3 "REGIS" alphabet art
SR4 Lands’ End cable knit scarf in Regis red with owl pin
SR5 Sterling silver owl necklace
SR6 Posh Couture sterling silver owl necklace
SR7 Lucky Brand owl necklace and earrings
SR8 Owl cuff bracelet
SR9 Jonathan Adler owl salt and pepper set
SR10 Mudd khaki handbag with leather owl applique
SR11 Owl bookends with limited edition Regis Cookbook and Examined Life
Volume II
SR12 Regis candy dispenser
SR13 The Regis Claw - Electronic arcade game vending machine
SR14 Regis hot pink and white tote
SR15 Regis "Life's a Hoot" tote bag and mini pouch
SR16 Regis High School 10K yellow gold class ring by Herff Jones; to be ordered
in January 2014, for a member of the Class of 2015
SR17 Crocheted owl afghan
SR18 Thistle & Bee sterling silver and enamel owl cufflinks
SR19 Betsey Johnson women's gold owl watch
SR20 Gold owl pin with crystals
SR21 Black and silver owl bracelet and necklace
SR22 Regis 2013 square pillow - Hand-knit, sewn, and embroidered by Regis '13,
'16 grandparent Terry Huber
SR23 Regis rectangular pillow - Hand-knit, sewn and embroidered by Regis '13,
'16 grandparent Terry Huber
SR24 The Twelve Owls of Christmas - Basket includes a collection of tree
SR25 Ready For Regis - Basket includes Regis gym bag, shorts, T-shirt and jacket;
all clothing - size L
SR26 Regis Workout - Basket includes men's Regis "School's in Session" T-shirt -
size XL, sweatpants - size XL, flexible baseball cap and gym bag
SR27 Wine for a P' Owl - Basket includes six bottles of Owl Ridge Cabernet, owl
wine butler and large ice bucket
SR28 Owlmania - Basket includes owl clipboard, notebooks, erasers, hat, socks
and lunchbox
SR29 "Regis" red footlocker
SR30 Regis Spring Jazz Band - Four front row seats to a performance on May 3 or
May 4, 2013
SR31 Regis Spring Jazz Band - Four front row seats to a performance on May 3 or
May 4, 2013
SR32 Regis Play - Eight front row seats to a 2013-2014 performance
SR33 Regis Musical - Eight front row seats to a 2013-2014 performance
SR34 Handcrafted "Regis" shelf piece on finished solid oak base by Regis '17
grandparent Nicholas C. Cagliuso
SR35 Framed "Regis" Scrabble board
SR36 Regis basketball hoop recovered from the May 14, 2011 fire; mounted on
handcrafted solid oak base by Regis '17 grandparent Nicholas C. Cagliuso
SR37 Regis Homework Helpers - Basket includes desk set, lap desk, The Oxford
Anthology of English Poetry and other assorted books
SR38 Regis Varsity 13" wool dog sweater hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent Grace
Chan; stuffed doggie not included
SR39 Regis Varsity 32" wool dog sweater hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent Grace
Chan; stuffed doggie not included
SR40 Women's burgundy wool owl sweater hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent
Grace Chan - size 6/8
SR41 Owl mascot pillow hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent Grace Chan
SR42 "REGIS" alphabet art
SR43 Fun with the Regis Community - Two tickets to each of the following
Parents' Club events for the 2013-2014 academic year: Fall Liturgy and
Dinner Dance, Family Communion Liturgy and Breakfast, Family Super
Bowl Party, Mother/Son Liturgy and Dinner Dance, Regis Auction 2014 and
Senior/Parents Pasta Dinner
SR44 Regis Survival Kit/School Lunch and Stuff - This package is bursting with
everything your new (or current) Regian needs to be successful on 84th
Street. Package includes "free lunch" (breakfast too) in the school cafeteria
(maximum to $1,000) for the 2013-2014 academic year, as well as gift cards
to local "fine dining establishments." Lunch has no cash value and is non-
SR45 Regis High School Entry Doors, an 8" x 10" framed print
SR46 College "Call Home" Basket/What Boys Want - Okay, so Mom packed all
the essentials but these items are what our Regis alum told us we must have;
please refer to display sign for specific contents
SR47 College "Send Money" Basket/What Boys Want - Okay, so Mom packed all
the essentials but these items are what our Regis alum told us we must have;
please refer to display sign for specific contents
SR48 "Regis Mom" black and white bandana print canvas tote with red trim
SR49 Custom-designed Regis tile coasters - Set of twelve
SR50 Mom's College Basket - All those essentials for a mom to pack for her
college-bound son; please refer to display sign for specific contents
SR51 Chocolate for a Regian
SR52 Regis tote bag with lanyard
SFE1 Trump Rink - Two season passes for all public ice skating sessions; valid
through April 1, 2014 (Central Park, NY NY)
SFE2 Blue Man Group skateboard designed by Tony Hawk
SFE3 Grand Prix New York Racing - Ten race passes; valid Monday - Thursday;
one per person per day; does not include race day membership (Mount Kisco
SFE4 Island Rock Indoor Rock Climbing - $45 gift card (Plainview NY)
SFE5 Yonkers Tennis Center - $100 gift card; valid through August 21, 2013
(Yonkers NY)
SFE6 Chelsea Piers - Four multi-sport Gold Passports; valid through October 20,
2013 (Pier 60, NY NY)
SFE7 Fishsticks Charters - One half-day fishing charter for up to four on a 26'
Jones Brothers Cape Fisherman with Regis ’78 alum Captain Kurt Freund.
All tackle and bait provided, and no license is required. (Martha's Vineyard
SFG1 Ladies golf package including Tour Edge Liftoff (pure steel right-hand mid-
wedge iron), tiger putter cover, golf towel and golf shoe bag
SFG2 Ridgewood Country Club - Golf for three with Regis '10 parent John
Esposito; includes lunch and caddies; on a mutually agreed upon date and
time; valid through April 2014 (Ridgewood NJ)
SFG3 Philadelphia Country Club - Golf for three on a 1930 William Flynn
championship course; includes carts, lunch and a collection of autographed
golf books; on a mutually agreed upon date and time; valid through
December 2014 (Gladwyne PA)
SFG4 Garden City Country Club - Golf for four including lunch; available Tuesday
through Thursday on a mutually agreed upon date and time; valid through
April 20, 2014 (Garden City NY)
SFG5 North Hills Country Club - Golf for four on a mutually agreed upon date; tee
time is at discretion of manager (Manhasset NY)
SFG6 Three Regis golf head covers hand-knit by Regis '13, '16 parent Grace Chan
SFT1 Hudson Valley Renegades (Class A affiliate of Tampa Bay Rays) - Family
four-pack to a non-fireworks home game (Wappingers Falls NY)
SFT2 Hudson Valley Renegades (Class A affiliate of Tampa Bay Rays) - Family
four-pack to a non-fireworks home game (Wappingers Falls NY)
SFT3 2013 U.S. Open - Two upper promenade tickets for the day session on
Tuesday, August 27, 2013 (session 3); tickets not eligible for exchange or
refund due to inclement weather (Flushing NY)
SFT4 Brooklyn Cyclones (Class A affiliate of New York Mets) - Four general
admission tickets to choice of one of the following dates: June 21, July 7, July
17, July 28, August 6, August 19, August 28 or August 31 (Brooklyn NY)
SFT5 Lakewood Blue Claws (Class A affiliate of Philadelphia Phillies) - Four
tickets for a Monday through Thursday home game during the 2013 regular
season (Lakewood NJ)
SFT6 Philadelphia Phillies vs. New York Mets - Four tickets for 1:35 p.m. game
on Sunday, June 23, 2013; Diamond Club Seats, Section E, Row 14, Seats
12-15; exclusive entrance to Diamond Club Restaurant and Hall of Fame
Club; includes reserved parking pass (Citizens' Bank Park, Philadelphia PA)
SFT7 New York Giants - Two tickets to see the New York Giants in action in a
game against either the Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota
Vikings, Oakland Raiders or Seattle Seahawks; Section 128 Lower Level,
Row 42. The winning bidder will be able to select from the five games after
the schedule of dates is published. (East Rutherford NJ)
SFT8 Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays - Eight right field bleacher tickets for
7:10 p.m. game on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 (Fenway Park, Boston MA)
SFT9 New York Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays - Four tickets for 1:05 p.m. game
on Saturday, June 22, 2013; great seats just above the on-deck circle (Bronx
SFT10 Meadowlands Racetrack - Nine admission passes to the Clubhouse or
Grandstand and a Meadowlands program (East Rutherford NJ)
SF T11 New York Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays - Four field level seats for 1:05
p.m. game on Saturday, May 18, 2013; Section 110, Row 14, Seats 12-15
(Bronx NY)
SFT12 New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox - Four tickets for game on Sunday,
June 2, 2013; Section 227A, Row 14, Seats 14-17; game time TBD (Bronx
SFT13 Staten Island Yankees (Class A affiliate of New York Yankees) - Two
vouchers for any regular 2013 season game; redeem vouchers prior to game;
subject to availability (Staten Island NY)
SFT14 New York Giants - Five tickets to a New York Giants home game during the
2013 regular season; aisle seats on the 10 yard line, Row 4; on a mutually
agreed upon date; includes complimentary parking pass (East Rutherford NJ)
SFT15 New York Mets vs. Pittsburgh Pirates - Four tickets for 7:10 p.m. game on
Friday, May 10, 2013; Section 123, Row 5, seats 5-8 (behind third base);
includes admission to exclusive areas; entry through the exclusive Seaver
VIP entrance (Queens NY)
SFT16 Chelsea vs. Manchester City - Two Category 1 tickets for Premier League
teams game on Saturday, May 25, 2013 (time TBA) at Yankee Stadium;
includes on-field visit for warm ups (Bronx NY)
SFT17 Spain (2010 World Cup Champions) vs. Ireland - Two Category 1 tickets for
game on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 (time TBA) at Yankee Stadium; includes
U.S. Men's National Soccer Team jersey that will be signed by your favorite
player (Bronx NY)
TY1 Amazon Kindle Fire
TY2 iPod Shuffle 2GB and Riot armband
TY3 Samsung 32" LED TV
TY4 Amazon Kindle Fire with protective cover and fast power charger
TY5 Sony Network Speakers (SA-NS500)
TY6 Monster/EA Sports gaming headset
TY7 On It, Boss! - Basket includes NCIS Seasons 1-8 DVDs, NCIS "Cast &
Crew" long sleeve T-shirts - sizes adult M and adult L, and NCIS "Cast &
Crew" gray hoodie - size adult L
TY8 Samsung Galaxy Tablet 10.1"
TY9 The Best of HBO - Basket includes Game of Thrones DVDs (seasons 1
and 2), Girls DVD (season 1), Grey Gardens DVD, 41 DVD plus Game of
Thrones T-shirt and hat
TY10 Bose Wave Music System III - High-end tabletop music system with lifelike
room-filling sound for CDs and AM/FM enjoyment
T Y11 Windows 8 Intel Core i7 High-End Gaming Computer - Custom-built (and
supported, should you need the help) by a Regis dad who is also the chief
editor of a major computer buying website. Specifications are as follows:
Intel Core i7-930 2.8GHz quad-core processor, Intel DX58sO2 motherboard,
4GB DDR3 Crucial memory, AMD Radeon 6850 graphics card (1GB), 1
TB Western Digital Caviar hard drive, 120GB Mushkin solid-state boot
drive, Samsung DVD+/- RW CD/DVD reader and writer, Thermaltake
Chaser chassis and liquid-cooling system (instructions included), Windows
8 Professional Edition with Media Center, 23" Asus LCD monitor, high-end
AZIO Levertron mechanical gaming keyboard, Logitech T620 touch mouse,
and two games - Bioshock and Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
TY12 Xbox 360 with rechargeable battery pack, wireless controller and iHome
iD99 in a red trunk
TY13 Arion Foldable Bluetooth Headset
TG1 Chatham Bars Inn - One-night stay for two; includes breakfast; excludes
major holidays and July/August; valid through April 20, 2014 (Chatham MA)
TG2 Oheka Castle Hotel and Estate - One-night weekday stay for four in
two Chateau Rooms; includes breakfast; valid through April 20, 2014
(Huntington NY)
TG3 Sea Pines Villa on Hilton Head, South Carolina – Home to one of the most
distinguished PGA golf tour courses, Harbour Town Golf Links, the Sea
Pines Resort on Hilton Head Island is the ideal location for a golf or family
vacation. One-week stay at the Sea Pines Resort; deluxe two-bedroom
townhouse; walk to tennis/golf and bike to the beach. No smoking or pets;
week of Saturday, July 27 – Saturday, August 3, 2013. (Hilton Head SC)
TG4 Ocean Sky Hotel and Resort - Two-night stay at full-service hotel located
directly on the beach; subject to availability; valid through December 20,
2013 (Fort Lauderdale FL)
TG5 Hudson Valley Vacation Home – Built in 2006 this log home boasts all
modern amenities on over six acres of beautiful wooded privacy. Four-
bedroom/three-bath comfortably sleeps six adults and seven children.
Spend time antiquing in Saugerties or toasting smores under the stars on the
wrap-around porch. Close to golf, swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, apple-
picking and skiing. Three-night weekend stay; subject to availability; no
smoking or pets; valid through April 2014. (Saugerties NY)
TG6 Long Island-East End - Basket includes one-night stay at Holiday Inn
Express; tickets for two adults and two children for Riverhead Raceway
(certain blackout dates may apply); Vera Bradley garment bag; $100 gift
card to TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Home Goods; a bottle of local vineyard wine;
and area guides (Riverhead NY)
TG7 The 1661 Inn and Hotel Manissis - $50 gift certificate; valid through
December 31, 2015 (Block Island RI)
TG8 Palmetto Dunes Resort Studio on Hilton Head, South Carolina - Just a short
stroll to the beach, with an on-premises pool, miles of bike paths and the
essential location for mid-island golf courses, Palmetto Dunes is a luxury
resort offering the best that Hilton Head has to offer. This package includes
one week in a studio apartment with a kitchenette. A perfect fall getaway
for golf with the guys. No smoking or pets; sleeps four; for the week of
October 19-26, 2013. Excludes transportation. (Hilton Head SC)
TG9 The Bethel Inn Resort - Three-day/two-night stay for two; includes
breakfast, unlimited golf, tennis, health club, fitness center, canoeing and
kayaking; excludes spa services and golf carts; valid through February 8,
2014 (Bethel ME)
TG10 Total Tennis - Two-night midweek stay for one person; includes lodging,
meals, 8-10 hours of group tennis instruction and one private 1/2 hour lesson;
excludes holiday weeks; valid through January 21, 2014 (Saugerties NY)
TG11 The New Haven Hotel - One-night stay; includes breakfast; valid through
September 30, 2013 (New Haven CT)
TG12 Vacation Village in the Berkshires - Drop your shovel and head for the
slopes. Make plans now to spend President’s Week/Winter Recess 2014
in the Berkshires with this package that includes an eight day/seven night
stay in Vacation Village in the Berkshires, a RCI Gold Crown rated resort.
Saturday, February, 15 – Saturday, February 22, 2014. Luxury suite
accommodation with full kitchen and two bathrooms. Sleeps four persons
comfortably with a private bedroom for two adults. Amenities include
world-class indoor pool with mountain views. This resort is just minutes
from Jiminy Peak Mountain Ski Resort and the famed Norman Rockwell
Museum. Excludes transportation. No smoking or pets. (Hancock MA)
TG13 Hershey Lodge - One-night European Plan stay for four; excludes major
holidays; valid through April 20, 2014 (Hershey PA)
TG14 LeSportsac black patent leather extra large weekender bag with cosmetic bag
TG15 Washington D.C. Package - Includes four tickets for Crime Museum; two
tickets for International Spy Museum; two tickets-for-two for Alexandria-
National Harbor Water Taxi; two tickets for Washington by Water
Monuments Cruise; and a $100 gift certificate to Clyde's Restaurants, valid
at any of 12 locations (Washington D.C.)
TG16 Gettysburg Getaway - Includes one-night stay and buffet breakfast at
Quality Inn Gettysburg Motor Lodge; four tickets for American Civil War
Wax Museum; and two tickets for two-hour historical horse ride at Artillery
Ridge Campground and National Riding Stables (Gettysburg PA)
TG17 New Orleans Here We Come! - Includes one year dual/family membership
for the New Orleans Museum of Art; guided tour for two of Houmas House
Plantation and Gardens in Darrow, LA; four tickets for National WWII
Museum; and two pieces of decorative New Orleans art (New Orleans LA)
TG18 Hotel Indigo East End - One-night stay for two valid Sunday-Thursday,
blackout dates may apply; and two tickets for Long Island Aquarium
(Riverhead NY)
TG19 Travel to Tampa - Includes eight tickets and guided sanctuary tour for Big
Cat Rescue (no children under 10 years old); and four tickets-for-two for
Tampa Improv Comedy Theater and Restaurant (Tampa FL)
TG20 Island Links Resort Villa on Hilton Head, South Carolina - Say farewell to
summer as you dip your toe into an Atlantic Ocean warmed by the South
Carolina sun. Your three-bedroom/two-bath villa, located at Island Links
Resort, a Gold Crown Resort at Port Royal Plantation, sleeps up to ten
guests and includes a full kitchen, living room, dining area and washer/
dryer. Island Links Resort is a short bike ride to the beach and boasts
a full range of recreational amenities including golf, tennis, swimming
and a gym. Hilton Head can't be beat for a family vacation, men's golf
week or ladies-only destination. Week of Friday, August 16 - Friday,
August 23, 2013. Must be over 21 years of age with valid credit card for
security. Winner must contact donor by May 1, 2013 to arrange. Excludes
transportation. No smoking or pets. (Hilton Head SC)
TG21 ME by Melia Cabo - Winner of the Traveler's Choice 2012 third most trendy
hotel in Mexico and with a privileged location on the only beach in Los
Cabos where swimming is permitted, the ME by Melia Cabo has it all.
Package includes 4-days/3-nights in a Vibe Room, double occupancy, meals
not included. Reservations are subject to availability and must be made
in advance of arrival date with original certificate signed by managing
director presented. Valid Sunday to Thursday. Excludes holidays, Labor
Day, Spring Break, Christmas, New Year or special events. Valid through
April 1, 2014. Excludes transportation. (Cabo Mexico)
TG22 Villa Del Palmar Cancun Beach Resort & Spa - Located on the pristine
beaches of Playa Mujeres, Villa Del Palmar Cancun Beach Resort &
Spa offers amazing 5-star service, extravagant amenities and plenty of
activities to keep your adventurous side entertained. This package includes
a 5-night stay in a Deluxe Garden View room for two people/all inclusive.
Reservations must be booked a minimum of 30 days prior to travel and
is subject to availability. Certain restrictions (e.g. holiday travel) and
blackout dates may apply. Certificate must be presented at time of check
in. Valid thru March 11, 2014, non-transferable and no cash value. Excludes
transportation. (Cancun Mexico)
TG23 Saratoga Springs, New York Bed & Breakfast - Off to the races for a two-
night, mid-week, in-season stay at the lovely Springwater Bed & Breakfast.
The home of the historical Saratoga Race Track, Saratoga Springs is an easy
3-hour drive from New York City. The track season runs from July 19th
through Labor Day. Certificate includes full breakfast each morning plus
a dinner at the Brook Tavern. The B&B is conveniently located just blocks
from the racetrack and a short 10-minute walk to downtown where you
will find great shopping, fun bars and excellent dining. On-site parking is
available. Certificate may be used off-season. (Saratoga Springs NY)
TG24 New York Palace Hotel - One-night weekend stay in a superior guestroom;
includes tax and gratuity; not valid September and December; valid through
April 20, 2014 (455 Madison Avenue, NY NY)
WD1 Cafe D'Alsace - $30 gift certificate (1695 Second Avenue, NY NY)
WD2 Candle 79 - $50 gift certificate; excludes tip; not valid on major holidays
(154 East 79th Street, NY NY)
WD3 Crabtree's Kittle House Restaurant and Inn - Dinner for two; not valid on
holidays or Saturdays; excludes beverages and tip (Chappaqua NY)
WD4 The Kimberly Hotel - American buffet breakfast for two served in the
rooftop lounge "Upstairs" (145 East 50th Street, NY NY)
WD5 Mohegan Sun - Dinner for two at buffet restaurant (Uncasville CT)
WD6 The Brooklyn Brewery - Gift certificate for ten beer tokens (Brooklyn NY)
WD7 Two Little Hens - Gift card good for one six-inch cake (1652 Second
Avenue, NY NY)
WD8 Kings' Carriage House - Afternoon tea for two; reservation required;
excludes tip; valid through October 31, 2013 except on holidays, Saturdays,
and Sundays (251 East 82nd Street, NY NY)
WD9 Tony's Di Napoli - $50 gift certificate; valid at either location (147 West
43rd Street or 1081 3rd Avenue, NY NY)
WD10 Sotto Cinque - $50 gift certicate (322 East 86th Street, NY NY)
WD11 Heidelberg Restaurant - $75 gift certificate; valid through October 1, 2013
(1628 Second Avenue, NY NY)
WD12 Clinton Street Baking Company - Gift certificate good for one 12-inch
custom birthday cake (4 Clinton Street, NY NY)
WD13 Caffe Grazie - Lunch for two not to exceed $50; excludes alcohol, tax and
tip; valid through April 20, 2014 (26 East 84th Street, NY NY)
WD14 Il Tesoro Restaurant - Dinner for two; excludes alcohol, tax and tip (1578
First Avenue, NY NY)
WD15 Park Avenue Tavern - Sunday brunch for four people, including two hours
of unlimited champagne and/or mimosas (99 Park Avenue, NY NY)
WD16 Park Avenue Tavern - Pour your own beer party for four people; includes
two hours of unlimited beer you pour yourself from built-in tabletop draught
beer system and two appetizers per person. Each table is equipped with
three taps, you choose from a selection of 16 beers (99 Park Ave, NY NY)
WD17 Cascabel Taqueria - $25 gift card (1542 Second Avenue, NY NY)
WD18 Gargiulo's Restaurant - $50 gift certificate; valid through October 20, 2013
(Coney Island NY)
WD19 Ottomanelli's Cafe - Lunch for two; excludes tax and tip; valid through July
1, 2013 (1626 York Avenue, NY NY)
WD20 Wolffer Estate Vineyard - Premium wine tasting for four people; valid
through April 30, 2014 (Sagaponack NY)
WD21 Bottle of Red, Bottle of White - Basket includes two bottles of wine,
opener, cheese board, wine stopper and aerator
WD22 Mimi's Pizza - $50 gift certificate for dinner for two; valid through
December 31, 2013 (1248 Lexington Avenue, NY NY)
WD23 Yorkshire Wines & Spirits - Gift certificate for one bottle of 2002 Twomey
Merlot (1.5L); must be 21 years or older to claim (1646 First Avenue, NY NY)
WD24 Sparks Steak House - $200 gift certificate (210 East 46th Street, NY NY)
WD25 C & C Catering - Catered party for 20 people; includes free delivery within
five boroughs and Nassau; valid through December 1, 2013 (Brooklyn NY)
WD26 Alison Eighteen - $150 gift certificate for dinner for two including house
wine; excludes tax and tip; valid thought April 20, 2014 (15 West 18th
Street, NY NY)
WD27 Amanda's Restaurant - $200 gift certificate for dinner for four; restaurant
owned by Regis '10 parents Joyce and Eugene Flinn (Hoboken NJ)
WD28 Rana Restaurant at Chelsea Market - Gift certificate for lunch or dinner
WD29 Panera Bread for a Year - One loaf of freshly baked bread each month for a
year; valid through December 2014
WD30 Le Perigord Restaurant - $150 gift certificate (405 East 52nd Street, NY NY)
WD31 Demarchelier Restaurant - $80 gift certificate for lunch only; valid through
October 20, 2013 (50 East 86th Street, NY NY)
WD32 Bronx Alehouse - $50 gift card and assorted beers (Bronx NY)
WD33 The Thayer Hotel - Sunday brunch for two; includes tax; valid through
January 17, 2014 (West Point NY)
WD34 Belle Pente Vineyard and Winery - Owned and operated by Regis alum
Brian O'Donnell '72, Belle Pente wines are served at New York's best
restaurants; enjoy a mixed case of Belle Pente 2009 Pinot Noir wines
including four bottles each of Murto, Belle Pente and Estate Reserve
WD35 Hot Stuff - Basket includes an assortment of McIllhenny Co. Tabasco
brand sauces and products
WD36 Come Fly with Me - Basket includes Sterling Chardonnay 2010, Marques
de Riscal Rioja 2003, Johnny Walker Black Label, Vieux Labbe Rhum and
St. Raphael Aperitif plus a Frank Sinatra CD
WD37 Wine and Cheese Party - Basket includes six custom-designed Regis
coasters, six stemless wineglasses, chocolate, wine, wine opener and Cabot
Cheese items
WD38 Starbuck's gift set with $25 gift card
The 2013 Regis Auction Committee thanks
the Regis faculty and staff
for their unwavering support.
We could not have successfully planned
this evening without the assistance of:
Elisa Zamora
Alice Jacob
Mary Ellen Brockmeyer
Joe Amatrucola
Chris Croce
Don Allison
Jennifer Reeder
Johanna O’Hare
Mrs. Diane Del Priore
Ms. Katie Kessler
Jim Buggy & the Regis Development Staff
Eric McGregor & the Regis Custodial Staff
Joanne Sepetjian, Josh Albert & the Cater to You Staff
The 2013 Regis Auction Committee
is delighted to announce that
the following event expenses
were wholly underwritten by
members of our Regis High School community
who wish to remain anonymous:
Bar Beverages
Decorations and Displays
Faculty Tickets
Framing Costs
Journal Printing Costs
Light Dinner Fare
Mailing Expenses
Pizza and Soda for Student Volunteers
Tuition Raffle Prizes
Wrapping Supplies
We extend our most sincere thanks to them
for their generosity and support.
Thank you Regis
for providing
the path and inspiration
for our sons
to become
"Men For Others"
The Carley Family
Thank You Regis!
The Hannan Family
Neil ‘11, Tim ‘14
Congratulations to the Class of 2013
A Gift Bestowed
A Cherished Memory
A Promise for the Future
With grateful appreciation for
our Regis education
The Balletta Family
John ‘12
New Yorks finest ravioli,
fresh pasta and
Italian specialties since 1967
7425 New Utrecht Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11204
(718) 236-9615
V.P. of Sales/Operations
Class of 1997
Thank you Regis!
The Singleton Botta Family
Benjamin ‘09 & Sean ‘15
Marymount School of New York
Regis High School
continued success
in educating young men
in a tradition of
academic excellence
and moral values.
With warm regards from
Concepcion R. Alvar, Headmistress,
and the whole Marymount community
Marymount School of New York
TEL 212.744.4486 FAX 212.744.0163 WWW.MARYMOUNTNYC.ORG
Thank you Regis!
The Hall Family
Ian '10 Ryan '15
Thank you to the
Faculty and
Staff of
Regis High School.
With our sincere gratitude,
The Caparelli Monaco Family
Peter, Pamela, Joseph ‘15 and Alexander
Protecting and Nurturing Children and Youth
Feeding the Hungry and Sheltering the Homeless
Strengthening Families and Resolving Crises
Supporting the Physically and Emotionally Challenged
Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees
The Catholic Charities
of the
Archdiocese of New York
Providing Help. Creating Hope.
Proudly Supports
Regis High School
Catholic Charities helps solve the problems of New Yorkers in need non-Catholics and Catholics alike. The neglected
child, the homeless family and the hungry senior are among those for whom we provide help and create hope. We rebuild
lives and touch almost every human need promptly, locally, day in and day out, and always with compassion and dignity. We
help your neighbors, as you would like to be helped if your family were in need.
Monsignor Kevin Sullivan
Executive Director
Friends Never Say
The Regis Auction Committee congratulates
the outstanding young men
of the Class of 2013 and their
“Moms for Others
Thank you for your incredible devotion to
this event for the love of Regis
Elissa Anticev
Maryl Apadula
Diane Benasillo
Gail Benoit
Denise DeMarzo
Eileen Downey
Arlene Jaklitsch
Missy Kennedy
Laura Lavan
Mary Beth Polke
Cindy Rogers
Susan Wengler
Ann-Carroll Wibbelsman
The Holy Land & Egypt and Nubia
First editions, 1842-49
The tinted issue, in four cloth portfolios
EW YORK, NY 10128
12- 4 27-2 7 30
Is proud to support
Regis High School
& their dedication to quality
Catholic Education
Mr. James L. Hayes
Monsignor Leslie J. Ivers
88-04 43rd Ave. at Whitney Ave.
Elmhurst, NY 11373
(718) 424-4000
In Honor of the Alumni
Thomas A. Neufeld
Christopher Neufeld
Michael Neufeld
Saint David’s School
Regis High School
for its commitment to
academic excellence and fostering
a spirit of generosity and service to those in need.
The 2013 Regis Auction Journal
was printed by
to our
Parents’ Club Volunteers
for their tireless efforts
throughout the year
Commercial & Financial Printing
Charles Basile
One Edward Hart Drive
Jersey City, NJ 07305
(800) 344-0280 ext. 341
Fax: (201) 333-9002
Cell: (732) 620-8369
136332_Mark_Charles_BC_Gorenstein Bus Card 3/23/11 12:16 PM Page 1
We are especially pleased to
have a crew of Regis students
volunteering tonight
Our sincere thanks to these
“Men for Others
Who gives a hoot?
We do!
The Bigelow Family
Congratulations to the
Regis Freshman Basketball Team
And a huge
thank you
to Coach Taylor
for a spectacular season!
2012-13 CHSAA City Champs!
Cater to You
Proudly Serving the Regis High School
“ a hands on approach to fresh food”
Best Wishes from Wright Risk Consulting, LLC
To Our Valued Client
Regis High School
The right partnership for you.
With sincere thanks to
the faculty, staff and
administration for all that
they do for the boys
Congratulations to the Class of
The Rogers Family
Brendan ‘13
1584 First Avenue New York, NY 10028
Bet. 82nd & 83rd Street
(212) 988-2844
Serving the Upper East Side for over 50 years
Wishes Regis a Successful 2013 Auction
1248 Lexington Avenue (Corner of East 84th Street)
(212) 861-3363
Open 7 days a week from 11:00am - 11:00pm
Delivery available—We cater all types of parties!
Voted one of the best 100 pizzerias in the United States
Best wishes to the
Administration, Faculty and Staff
and the Class of 2013.
Mary E. Larkin, Principal, and the
Faculty, Staff and the Children of
Saint Ignatius Loyola School
48 East 84
New York, New York
Blessings to the Jesuit Community on the election of
Jesuit Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as our 266th Pope,
Pope Francis
Auction Invitations printed by Ron Romano P’16
Ron Romano
LDI Color ToolBox
1500 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Thank you for attending
Regis Auction 2013
be sure to patronize
the many generous donors
who made tonight
is proud to support
Many thanks to everyone at Regis
The Burke Family14
The Passannante Family
William ‘10, Luke ‘14
Best Wishes from
The Yozwiak/Jankovic Family
The Keating Family
Thank you Regis Auction Team for
the wonderful memories and laughter we shared.
Congratulations Class of 2013.
Welcome Class of 2017.
The Anticev Family
Thank you Regis!
The Apadula Family
Daniel ‘13, Matthew ‘14
(with love to the ladies on the Auction Committee!)
From the bottom of our hearts...
Thank you
Joe Amatrucola,
Chris Croce
and Reggie Schmitt P‘10!
Thank You Regis
From the Proud Parents of
Attorneys at Law
TELEPHONE: (212) 766-1888 mdafny.com
Our Best Wishes!
Auction Alumni Committee Parents
Class of 2001
Thank you Regis High School
for being so loyal to us.
We appreciate your business.
Neofytos Deli
Best Wishes
For a Bright Future to the
Class of 2016.
Thank you Regis!
The Morin Family