Revised 5/24/2024
The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Siouxland is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us
most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Siouxland
The Club, Teen Center
823 Pearl Street
813 Pearl Street
Sioux City, IA 51101
Sioux City, IA 51101
(712) 258-5545
(712) 226-0150
Website: www.bgcsiouxland.org
Facebook: Boys & Girls Clubs of Siouxland, Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @bgcsiouxland
School Year Summer
Monday Thursday 3:00 pm 7:30 pm Monday Friday 7:30am 5:30pm
Friday 1:00 pm 7:00 pm
On Sioux City Community School District (SCCSD) no-school days, we are open 7:30 am 5:30 pm. We will open at 1 pm on
days when school is dismissed early. If schools dismiss early for inclement weather, the Club will be closed. *See Severe
Weather Procedures section.
We are closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4
of July, July 5
, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & the day after, and all the
Sioux City Community School District’s Christmas break.
Youth remaining at the Club past closing time will receive a late fee based on the times listed below:
School Year:
Monday - Thursday Friday Summer and No School Days:
7:35 7:20 $7.00 per family 7:05 7:20 $7.00 per family 5:35 5:50 $7.00 per family
7:41 7:55 $14.00 per family 7:21 7:35 $14.00 per family 5:51 5:55 $14.00 per family
7:56 8:10 $21.00 per family 7:36 7:50 $21.00 per family 6:06 6:20 $21.00 per family
8:11 8:25 $28.00 per family 7:51 8:05 $28.00 per family 6:21 6:35 $28.00 per family
After 1 hour, the police will be notified. Arrangements for late fee payments need to be made and paid as soon as possible
to ensure continued attendance at the Club.
Members must dress appropriately for the activities at the Club. Open-toed and open heeled shoes, such as flip-flops, clogs,
sandals, platform shoes, etc. are not allowed. We ask that Club members do not wear Crocs. If worn, heel strap must be in
place properly behind heel at all times and members wearing Crocs are not allowed in the gym or mini-gym. Hard soled
shoes, such as cowboy boots, will not be allowed in our gyms. Winter or Rain Boots must be exchanged for regular shoes at
the Club. Attire must not promote alcohol, drugs, sex, or weapons, and clothes with inappropriate language or innuendo is
not permitted. We do not have extra shoes or clothing. Children who are not dressed properly will not be admitted and
guardians will be contacted.
Members will not be allowed to participate in any Club activities on days they are absent from school due to illness or an
unexcused absence.
Members will be issued a membership card. The card is used to identify members, check them in and out of the Club, check
out equipment, and/or take part in certain programs. Because of this, it is important for members to always have their
membership card with them while at the Club. Replacement cards can be purchased for $2.00.
Each day, members must prearrange what time they will be picked up and by whom. To provide the highest quality program
experience, there will be times during the program when we will not allow access to the phone unless it is an emergency.
The Club will not replace or pay for lost, broken, or stolen personal items. We will provide everything Club Members may
need during their time at the Club unless otherwise stated. Members are not allowed to bring personal property to the Club.
This includes but is not limited to reading materials, notebooks, writing/drawing utensils, and toys of any kind. Coats, boots,
bags, and school materials must be checked in at the counter. All belongings need to be labeled with the Club member’s
name and/or card number to confirm the owner’s identity.
Marshall Building
Cell phones, Smart Watches and other technological devices are not allowed in program areas. We encourage members not
to bring their phones and technological devices to the Boys & Girls Club, but we understand the possible need. All cell phones
and other technological devices need to be checked in at the front office. While at the Club members are only allowed to use
their phones/technological devices in case of emergency and must ask permission from staff.
The Club Teen Center
Members at The Club Teen Center are only allowed to use their phones, or other digital technology, in the Hub area.
In either building, any misuse of phones or technological devices or refusal to follow policy will result in losing the privilege of
bringing it to the Club. Members will not be allowed to Facetime or video chat with nonclub members, take pictures or video
of other members, staff, or themselves, or allow other members to use their technology devices. Inappropriate use of digital
technology, social media, and/or networking sites such as to harass, threaten, or otherwise cause harm will result in the
immediate loss of privilege and may warrant further consequences, depending on severity.
Members who must take medication while at the Club must get a Medication Release Form from the front office and have
their physician complete it and send it directly to the Club for staff to be able to dispense medications of any sort. Club
members should remain at home when experiencing symptoms of an illness. The Boys & Girls Club of Siouxland illness policy
requires students to stay at home:
During the first 24 hours of antibiotic treatment for an any illness (strep throat, etc.)
When experiencing undiagnosed, new, and/or untreated rash or skin conditions
If questionable or undiagnosed pink eye appears
When diagnosed with COVID until fever free for 24 hours
If members have a significant temperature, pink eye, open sores, ringworm, impetigo, lice, or any other contagious disease, a
parent will be contacted, and arrangements must be made to pick up that child immediately. A parent and/or doctor’s note
will be required for a member to return to the Club.
Children that have special needs, whether physical, emotional, or intellectual, are welcome at the Club. Please be
forthcoming about your child’s background in your application. This information helps us provide the appropriate
accommodation for your child. Youth must be able to succeed within a 1 to 20 staff-to-child ratio.
The Club participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This makes the cost of meals and snacks free to all
members. Members are not required to eat but are highly encouraged. Members aged 7-11 may not bring outside food,
beverages, gum, or snacks. If they wish to bring their own cold lunch/dinner, it must be approved by a BGCS staff. Members
may have a bottle of water (no additives) with them.
School Year Summer
Dinner 4:00 pm 5:00 pm Light Breakfast 9:00 am 9:30 am
Snack 6:00 pm 6:30 pm Lunch 12:00 pm 1:00 pm
Afternoon Snack 3:00 pm 3:30 pm
Our facilities, grounds, and programs are drug, alcohol, and tobacco free. Smoking, vaping, using drugs, and consuming
alcohol on Club property are strictly prohibited. No one shall enter the Club while under the influence of alcohol or illegal
drugs, or in possession of alcohol, smoking/vaping/drug products, illegal drugs and/or related paraphernalia. Noncompliance
with this policy will result in removal from the facility and law enforcement being contacted.
If an injury or emergency occurs, a Club staff member will call 911 (when appropriate) and will contact the primary contact
listed in the member’s file. It is important that emergency contact information is always current, and updates can be made
any time in the Parent Portal. We require you to have 3 additional emergency contacts in addition to parent/guardian contact
For the safety of our members and staff, when the school district closes due to inclement weather the Club will be closed. No
transportation will be provided to the Club. Updates on any closures will be provided through our Facebook page, on local
television stations and their websites, and through our parent/guardian text notification system.
If inclement weather occurs during operating hours, emergency procedures will be followed based on the weather condition.
We conduct periodic fire and tornado drills to ensure staff and members are prepared for an emergency.
Tornado Warnings: Members will be taken to a safe designated area. We will not send members home or release them from
the building during a tornado warning. Parents will be able to stay at the Club for their safety if they arrive during a warning.
Fire: In case of a fire, the Club uses practiced escape routes to ensure a safe exit.
Academic Success: Members graduate from high school with a plan for their future. They are ready for college, trade school,
military, or employment.
Good Character & Citizenship: Members are engaged citizens involved in the community and model strong character.
Healthy Lifestyles: Members learn and practice healthy lifestyle choices, building the foundation for good health throughout
their lifetime.
Life & Workforce Readiness: Teens and young adults gain the knowledge and skills that support their occupational
trajectories and future economic mobility.
Eligibility for all field trips and special events is based on current and past Club behavior and is at the discretion of Club
staff. Club parents are not allowed to drop off or pick up their members at field trip locations.
Some Club activities may require a parent/guardian permission slip signed before members can participate.
Parents/guardians may sign a blanket permission slip at the beginning of the season for any activities happening at the Club
or within 30 miles. You may opt-out of these activities at any time. Additional permission slips are required for any activities
further than 30 miles from the Club.
The Club does not provide swimming instruction. If you sign your child up for a swimming or water park trip, you are
attesting that your child can swim and knows basic water safety rules. If we later determine a Club member cannot swim
and/or does not know water safety rules, they may lose the ability to participate in any water-related field trips.
We are happy to welcome prospective families, Club alumni, former staff, and volunteers to our facility. When programming
is in session, it can be difficult to accommodate visitors without compromising our member’s experience or safety. Virtual
tours are available on our website. If you would like an in-person tour of the facility, please contact our office.
Positive and safe behavior is required to ensure members can have an optimal experience. The Club is a privilege, and
consequences will be enforced for misconduct.
Loitering (front desk, bathroom, hallway, steps).
Failure to keep hands to themselves.
Foul language/gestures/teasing.
Poor sportsmanship.
Arguments with other Club members.
Reckless behavior that does or could cause harm to others, themselves, or property.
Dismissal Procedure
When a minor infraction occurs, staff will mark down the notice and remind the Club member of the rules.
If the member receives three or more infraction notices on any single day, consequences will be given. This may
include loss of privileges at the Club and result in the member being dismissed for the remainder of the day.
Infractions are on a day-to-day basis. We start over at the beginning of each day. A Club member who habitually
receives multiple infraction notices may be suspended from the Club for a length of time or a behavior contract may
be implemented.
A staff member will contact a parent or guardian to inform them that their child needs to be picked up immediately
and why. The child must be picked up as soon as possible. Club members will wait in the office until their ride
arrives. *
Fighting and/or intentionally causing harm to others (play fighting will be considered real fighting).
Disrespect to staff and other club members (abusive language, failure to cooperate with staff, and disregard for
Illegal activities.
Intentional destruction of club property or equipment.
Leaving Club property without staff or parent permission.
Threatening to harm self or others.
Inappropriate public display of affection.
Being in an unauthorized area.
Dismissal Procedure
Certain situations and behaviors may result in suspension from the Club. The length of suspension is based on
previous behavior and the severity of the infraction.
In some situations, members can be put on a behavior contract.
A member of staff will contact a parent or guardian to inform them that their child is being suspended and why. The
child must be picked up as soon as possible. Club members will wait in the office until their ride arrives. *
*If a member is being sent home or suspended, contacts have one and a half (1 ½) hours from the initial time staff called
and either spoke with a contact OR left a voice message, to pick up their member. The timestamps of either will be
recorded. If the member has not been picked up within that time limit, the following lateness policy will be in effect. Fees
will be doubled past the first hour.
5 - 15 minutes $7.00 per family
16 - 30 minutes $14.00 per family
31 45 minutes $21.00 per family
46 60 minutes $28.00 per family
Expulsion may be warranted depending on the frequency or severity of a member’s behavior. If a member is expelled, they
may only return if the Director of Operations and Chief Executive Officer decide requirements have been met. In some
extreme cases, there will not be a chance to return to the Club.
Please keep this handbook in a convenient location for future reference. If you have any questions that may not have been
addressed in this handbook, please call the Club at 712-258-5545.
For the 2024/25 school year, available transportation to the Boys & Girls Clubs is as follows. A waiting list will be established
for families needing transportation if a particular school is full.
The Club has multiple vehicles. Every effort will be made to ensure your member is riding in the save vehicle daily, but there
may be exceptions. Please make sure your members are familiar with all our vehicles including: two white passenger vans,
red passenger van, yellow minibus, white shuttle bus
PLEASE NOTE: Transportation spots are very limited. It is important that your member attends regularly. Sign-up is on a first-
come, first-served basis. Your member may be put on a waitlist. Any member who misses 2 consecutive days of
transportation without prior notification will be removed from the bus list. If there is a time your member will not be
attending, please call the Club to let us know so that absence will not count against them. Members who do not follow
transportation rules may be suspended from transportation for a time and/or potentially denied future transportation
services. This includes field trips. These consequences will be determined by the frequency and severity of the offense.
At the Club, safety is our top priority. It is important for members to follow the transportation rules for the Club vehicles
and the school district. These rules apply for school year transportation and field trips any time of year. Failure to follow
the safety rules may result in a loss of all transportation services, including the ability to go on field trips.
Club Vehicle Transportation Rules:
The bus will be loaded from back to front.
There will be only 1 person in a seat. Once you pick a seat you must remain in that seat.
Your whole body must remain in your own seating area:
o You are seated on your backside.
o Hands are kept to yourself.
o Both feet are on the floor
You will remain seated until:
o The driver dismisses you.
o The doors are open.
Food and beverages must stay in your backpack.
Use appropriate language and your quiet/inside voice.
Club members MUST wear a seat belt if it is available on the bus/van.
Club Member Name: __________________________________________________________________________
I acknowledge that I have received and read my personal copy of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Siouxland
“Parent Handbook”. I understand that I am responsible for adhering to the policies within.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________