Trafc Sign Design Manual
Delivery & Operations Division | Trafc Roadway Section
August 2023
Traffic-Roadway Section
ODOT Traffic Sign Design Manual
August 2023 page i
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Oregon Department of Transportation
Engineering & Technical Services Branch
Traffic Roadway Section
4040 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
Traffic-Roadway Section
ODOT Traffic Sign Design Manual
August 2023 page ii
Revision History
Table 1: Major Updates
Summary of Update Revision Date
Updates include:
Text edits.
August 2023
Traffic-Roadway Section
ODOT Traffic Sign Design Manual
August 2023 page iii
DATE: August 12
, 2023
TO: Sign Designers
FROM: Marie Kennedy, P.E.
State Sign Engineer
SUBJECT: 2023 Sign Design Manual, version 03-05
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize new sign designers with their responsibilities and
provide them with an organized collection of standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures
to design a permanent signing plan for a project on the state highway system. The concepts in
the manual work for local roads as well as state highways, so a road authority for a city or
county can use this document as well.
The amount of design work consulted out by ODOT has increased dramatically over the last
decade. This manual is intended to provide instruction that will not only help in developing
ODOT design staff, but will also provide the information necessary for consultants or
municipalities to produce PS&E documents for ODOT contracts.
All the information included in this manual is in compliance with the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices with Oregon Supplements, and the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the
state highway system.
This manual is not a standalone manual that contains everything needed to know to create a
perfect sign design plan. There are links to many different websites and publications in this
manual that should be used when mentioned in the text. This information, in combination,
will give sign designers the background to put the whole design together.
This manual is not intended to replace any existing ODOT policy. It is intended to
supplement existing ODOT policies and enhance the specific discipline of Permanent Signing
Plans Design. This manual is to be used as a resource, a guide, a technical reference, and a
teaching aide, as well. Please contact the Traffic-Roadway Section for clarification or
interpretation of any policies and standards within this manual.
The procedures described in preparing sign plans provide one way of completing a set of
contract plans. There are other acceptable ways of completing contract plans. When preparing
contract work on a set of ODOT signing plans, it is important to check with the region sign
designer prior to beginning design work, to coordinate design expectations for the project.
Email comments to State Sign Engineer Marie Kennedy, P.E.: [email protected]
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Chapter 1 – Developing Plans .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 – Project Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 – Project Limits .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 – Vertical Clearance .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 – Treatment of Existing Signs and Supports .................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 – Design Expectations ............................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 – Service Life of Signs ............................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 – Service Life of Sign Supports ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 – Critical Sign Locations ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 – Conventional Highways........................................................................................................ 7
1.3.2 – Typical Layouts of Sign Placement ...................................................................................... 8
1.3.3 – Sign Spacing .......................................................................................................................... 18
1.3.4 – Sign Specific Needs and Guidance .................................................................................... 22
Chapter 2 – Designing Signs ................................................................................................... 36
2.1 – Choosing Substrate and Sheeting Types...................................................................................... 36
2.1.1 – Sign Substrates ...................................................................................................................... 36
2.1.2 – Sign Sheeting ......................................................................................................................... 40
2.1.3 – Sign Sheeting Identification ................................................................................................ 42
2.1.4 – Sign Legend ........................................................................................................................... 42
2.2 – Designing Regulatory and Warning Signs .................................................................................. 43
2.2.1 – Regulatory Signs ................................................................................................................... 44
2.2.2 – Warning Signs ....................................................................................................................... 44
2.3 – Designing Guide Signs ................................................................................................................... 46
2.3.1 – Legend Sizes and Spacing ................................................................................................... 46
2.3.2 – Arrow Sizes and Design ...................................................................................................... 48
2.3.3 – Design Layout ....................................................................................................................... 50
2.3.4 – Freeway and Expressway Design ...................................................................................... 50
Chapter 3 – Designing Supports ............................................................................................ 52
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3.1 – Choosing a Support Type .............................................................................................................. 52
3.2 – Wood Posts ...................................................................................................................................... 52
3.3 – Steel Supports-Major ...................................................................................................................... 52
3.3.1 – Truss Sign Bridge ................................................................................................................. 52
3.3.2 – Monotube Sign Bridge ......................................................................................................... 53
3.3.3 – Butterfly Sign Support ......................................................................................................... 54
3.3.4 – Cantilever Sign Support ...................................................................................................... 54
3.4 – Steel Supports-Minor ...................................................................................................................... 55
3.4.1 – Multi-post Breakaway Supports ........................................................................................ 55
3.4.2 – Triangular Base Breakaway ................................................................................................ 56
3.4.3 – Special Pipe Sign Support ................................................................................................... 56
3.4.4 – Perforated Steel Square Tube Slip Base Supports ............................................................ 57
3.4.5 – Perforated Steel Square Tube (PSST) Sign Supports (Anchor) (differentiate from slip
base) ................................................................................................................................................... 57
3.4.6 – Pipe Sign Support ................................................................................................................. 58
3.5 – Mounts .............................................................................................................................................. 58
3.5.1 – Structure Mounts .................................................................................................................. 58
3.5.2 – Bridge Rail Mounts .............................................................................................................. 59
3.5.3 – Exit Number Sign Mounts .................................................................................................. 60
3.5.4 – Signal Pole Mounts .............................................................................................................. 60
3.5.5 – Mast Arm Street Name Sign Mounts ................................................................................ 61
3.5.6 – Adjustable Sign Mounts ...................................................................................................... 61
3.5.7 – Vertical Sign Mounts on Existing Structures (Stainless Steel Clamps) ......................... 61
3.5.8 – Secondary Sign Supports .................................................................................................... 61
3.6 – Miscellaneous Sign Supports and Tools ...................................................................................... 62
3.6.1 – Crosswalk Closure Support ................................................................................................ 62
3.6.2 – Milepost Marker Posts ......................................................................................................... 63
3.6.3 – Route Marker Frame ............................................................................................................ 64
Chapter 4 – Drafting Standards .............................................................................................. 65
4.1 – General .............................................................................................................................................. 65
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4.1.1 – Plan Requirements ............................................................................................................... 65
4.1.2 – CADD Files ........................................................................................................................... 65
4.1.3 – Design Format ...................................................................................................................... 65
4.1.4 – Consolidation of Base File ................................................................................................... 66
4.1.5 – File Clean-Up ........................................................................................................................ 67
4.1.6 – Creating and Naming a Design File .................................................................................. 68
4.1.7 – Sheet Borders ........................................................................................................................ 68
4.2 – Plan Sheets ....................................................................................................................................... 69
4.2.1 – Clip Boundary and Referencing of Files ........................................................................... 70
4.2.2 – Mapping Existing Signs ....................................................................................................... 73
4.2.3 – Use of Legend Notes ............................................................................................................ 74
4.3 – Sign Details ...................................................................................................................................... 76
4.3.1 – Format of Detail Sheets ........................................................................................................ 76
4.3.2 – Regulatory and Warning Signs .......................................................................................... 78
4.3.3 – Guide Signs ........................................................................................................................... 78
4.3.4 – Sign Design Software ........................................................................................................... 81
4.4 – Sign and Post Data Tables .............................................................................................................. 81
4.4.1 – Sign Number & Sign Location ............................................................................................ 82
4.4.2 – Sign Dimensions ................................................................................................................... 82
4.4.3 – Sign Type ............................................................................................................................... 83
4.4.4 – Substrate ................................................................................................................................ 83
4.4.5 – Background Color ................................................................................................................ 84
4.4.6 – Legend Color......................................................................................................................... 84
4.4.7 – Legend Type ......................................................................................................................... 84
4.4.8 – Sign Number ......................................................................................................................... 84
4.4.9 – Type of Support .................................................................................................................... 85
4.4.10 – Post Size and Length .......................................................................................................... 87
4.4.11 – Footing Location and Minimum Depth .......................................................................... 88
4.4.12 – Remarks ............................................................................................................................... 89
4.5 – Sheet Numbers ................................................................................................................................ 90
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4.6 – Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Verification ................................................. 91
Chapter 5 – Standards .............................................................................................................. 95
5.1 – Standard Drawings and Standard Details ................................................................................... 95
5.2 – Standard Specifications and Special Provisions ......................................................................... 95
Chapter 6 – Estimates ............................................................................................................... 98
6.1 – List of Bid Items ............................................................................................................................... 98
6.2 – Providing Quantities ...................................................................................................................... 98
6.3 – Unit Costs and Regional Factors ................................................................................................. 100
6.4 – Anticipated Items .......................................................................................................................... 101
Chapter 7 – Design Follow-Up ............................................................................................. 102
7.1 – Construction Support ................................................................................................................... 102
7.2 – Shop Drawings / Submittals ........................................................................................................ 102
7.2.1 – Signs ..................................................................................................................................... 103
7.2.2 – Steel Supports ..................................................................................................................... 105
Chapter 8 – Special Design Considerations ....................................................................... 106
8.1 – Review Requirements for Interstate Signing ............................................................................ 106
8.1.1 – Project Delivery .................................................................................................................. 106
8.1.2 – Maintenance Sign Changes and Additions .................................................................... 107
Appendix A Signing Contracts ......................................................................................... 108
A.1 – Project Leader / Consultant Project Manager .......................................................................... 108
A.2 – Roadway Designer ....................................................................................................................... 108
A.3 – Specification Writer ..................................................................................................................... 108
A.4 – Region Sign Designer .................................................................................................................. 109
A.5 – Traffic-Roadway Section Staff .................................................................................................... 109
A.6 – District Sign Supervisor/Coordinator ....................................................................................... 109
A.7 – State Parks ..................................................................................................................................... 109
A.8 – Oregon Travel Information Council (TIC) ............................................................................... 109
A.9 – Right of Way ................................................................................................................................. 110
A.10 – Sign Structures Designer ........................................................................................................... 110
A.11 – Geotechnical Engineer ............................................................................................................... 110
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A.12 – Landscape Designer ................................................................................................................... 111
A.13 – Other Traffic Designers ............................................................................................................. 111
A.14 – Project Manager (and Inspector) / Residential Engineer ...................................................... 111
A.15 – Bicycle & Pedestrian Design Engineer .................................................................................... 111
A.16 – Construction Materials Inspection Lab ................................................................................... 112
A.17 – Survey Crew ............................................................................................................................... 112
A.18 – Region Mobility Liaison ............................................................................................................ 112
Appendix B Sign Design Resources ................................................................................. 113
B.1 – Existing Sign Inventory & Photos .............................................................................................. 113
B.2 – Digital Video Log .......................................................................................................................... 113
B.3 – Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) ......................................................... 113
B.4 – Standard Highway Signs Manual .............................................................................................. 114
B.5 – Oregon Supplements to the MUTCD ........................................................................................ 114
B.6 – Sign Policy & Guidelines for the State Highway System ........................................................ 114
B.7 – ODOT Traffic Manual .................................................................................................................. 114
B.8 – Speed Zone Orders ....................................................................................................................... 114
B.9 – No Parking Resolution ................................................................................................................. 115
B.10 – Contract Plans Development Guide ........................................................................................ 115
B.11 – Standard Specifications and Special Provisions ..................................................................... 115
B.12 – Standard Drawings..................................................................................................................... 116
B.13 – As-Built Plans .............................................................................................................................. 116
B.14 – Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan ........................................................................................ 116
B.15 – OARs and ORSs .......................................................................................................................... 116
B.16 – Qualified Products List .............................................................................................................. 117
B.17 – Traffic Control Devices Handbook .......................................................................................... 117
B.18 – Interstate Highways Control Cities List .................................................................................. 117
Appendix C Level of Development .................................................................................. 119
C.1 – Draft Design Acceptance Package ............................................................................................. 119
C.2 – Design Acceptance Package........................................................................................................ 119
C.3 – Preliminary Plans ......................................................................................................................... 119
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C.4 – Advance Plans and Specifications ............................................................................................. 120
C.5 – Final Plans ..................................................................................................................................... 121
C.6 – PS&E (Plans, Specifications and Estimates) ............................................................................. 121
Appendix D Sign Sizes ....................................................................................................... 122
Appendix E: Mileage Control Table .................................................................................... 125
Appendix F Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 138
Appendix G ProjectWise Naming Conventions for Signs .......................................... 139
Appendix H Example of a QA/QC Check List for Sign Design ................................. 141
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Chapter 1 – Developing Plans
1.1 Project Scope
The first information needed is the planned scope of the work. There are many types of
highway construction projects, and the type of work will have a big effect on the scope of the
work for the permanent signing.
A preservation overlay, for example, will not directly impact existing signs in the same manner
as a modernization project that includes major widening, alignment changes, and changes in
grade, yet signing should not be ignored in a preservation project.
Even when existing signing seems to be unaffected, a designer must evaluate whether it meets
all minimum standards set for signing on our highway system.
1.1.1 Project Limits
For most projects, the physical limits (stations, mile points) for the signing plans will coincide
with those of the roadway plans. Some projects, however, may not include roadway work and
still others may be limited to sign work only. In these cases, the designer should contact the
project leader or consultant project manager for information such as project limits, or scope of
sign work.
In some instances, the signing limits will extend beyond those of the roadway plans. For
example, the project paving limits could end in the middle of a school zone, in which case the
designer should include all the signing for the school zone in the sign plans.
A project may only involve realignment of ramps at an interchange, but it may necessitate
changes in guide signs a mile in advance of that interchange.
A small widening project to create a left turn lane will require striping and signing changes ¼
mile in advance of each end of the left turn lane.
These are just a few of the scenarios in which the signing limits would exceed the roadway
limits. An open dialog between the sign designer and the project manager will help keep
signing issues that may not have been considered at the beginning from hampering the project.
1.1.2 Vertical Clearance
Another consideration for the scoping efforts is whether any project design features will impact
vertical clearance in any way such as the addition of any new overhead sign supports. Any time
new overhead traffic structures are added or an additional one is modified that alters the
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vertical clearance, contact the region mobility liaison. The region mobility liaison will provide
the appropriate coordination with the region and Commerce & Compliance Division.
Each project is unique, so the scope of the sign work can vary widely from one project to the
next. Identifying the full scope of the anticipated work early on will make the design process
1.2 Treatment of Existing Signs and Supports
When gathering information to create a sign plan, first determine which signs need replacing.
Consider the next time a project will be in the location of the current project, as signs not
replaced on the current project probably won’t be evaluated for replacement again until the
next project comes to the location.
On some modernization projects, every sign will need to be replaced. This will depend on the
scope of work, how it affects existing sign installations, the condition of those signs, and how
long until another project can replace the signs.
The sign designer must replace signs that do not meet the minimum requirements of the
MUTCD or State Sign Policy. The project could be the only chance for many years to bring signs
up to standards. Since the MUTCD and Sign Policy are updated frequently, keep informed of
current standards. Refer to the resource manuals listed in Appendix B Sign Design Resources.
1.2.1 Design Expectations
Review the sign inventory for non-conforming sign installations. Minimum sign sizes for the
state highway system are found in Appendix D Sign Sizes and the MUTCD. Use Appendix D
first as ODOT sometimes requires larger minimums than MUTCD.
The appropriate size of sign depends on speed and type or classification of highway. There are
also minimum legend sizes for guide signs that need to be followed (See 2.3 – Designing Guide
If signs do not meet the minimum size standards shown, replace them with the larger required
size, which will usually necessitate replacement of the support as well.
1.2.2 Service Life of Signs
The service life of a sign on the state highway system is usually about 10 to 20 years unless it is
damaged. If signs on the inventory are approaching the end of their life span, consider
replacing them as part of the project. It is not fiscally responsible to reinstall a sign that will fail
in a few years.
One should do a sign inventory, preferably in the field, and note the condition of signs and take
photos for each sign. One can also obtain an inventory through the ODOT sign database. Talk to
the region designer to obtain an inventory for the project. The sign database has information
such as the date of the post installation that can help determine if the sign and its posts need
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replacing. These items help determine which signs are physically in need of replacement. Signs
that are broken, dented, cracked, delaminating, or contain scratched sheeting or bullet holes
need to be replaced. Once the cell pattern of the sign sheeting has been damaged or
compromised, its retro-reflective qualities can deteriorate and be ineffective in the dark or in
conditions of limited visibility.
If there is any uncertainty as to the quality of an existing sign, the district sign supervisor or
coordinator for that area can provide valuable input as to the age and condition of the signs. A
field visit is always a good idea to understand the condition, the layout and how the signs look
to the public. Driving the route will help a designer realize physical constraints and
obstructions that may hamper sign placement.
1.2.3 Service Life of Sign Supports
Use the sign inventory to determine if the sign support is new enough that it can stay in place or
be removed and reinstalled. Replace small sign supports with unknown remaining service life
condition. Sign Bridges, Cantilevers, Structure Mounts, Etc.
The useful life of a sign support varies with the type of support. Large, manufactured steel sign
supports such as sign bridges, cantilevers, structure mounts, butterfly supports, etc. have a
service life of about 50 years. Usually, the steel will outlast the galvanizing on the steel. These
supports are not breakaway and should be shielded from traffic.
These supports can be reused, unless the size of the sign being replaced changes. If there is any
change in sign size, the support must be structurally evaluated to see if the change will require
replacement of the support. If the support is over 20 years old, a field inspection should be done
on the support before reusing it.
Bridge inspectors inspect large sign structures every six years. They are a good resource to
check with about the condition of the support. Check the useful life of the bolted connections
and/or galvanizing before new signs are installed on it. If there are indications of deterioration,
consider rebuilding or replacing the support.
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Figure 1: Truss Sign Bridge Multi-Post Breakaway
The useful life of steel multi-post breakaway sign supports is up to 50 years. Conduct a field
inspection of the supports after 20 years and a decision made whether to reuse or replace the
Any change in loading (even simply shifting an exit number panel to the right or left side)
requires a reevaluation of structural adequacy of the supports.
Figure 2: Multi-Post Breakaway Supports
Traffic-Roadway Section
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August 2023 page 5 Triangular Base Breakaway
The useful life of galvanized triangular base breakaway steel supports is about 50 years. The
designs of this support have undergone several changes throughout the years and only the
newest version should be considered for reuse. A quick check of the base plate will indicate if
the latest version is in use. There should be a 5’ square concrete pad present and the bolt slots
on the base plate should be cut out at 90-degree angles and 4” of minimum clearance of the
lower slip plate compared to the surrounding surface. If these features are not present, then the
support does not meet current standards and cannot be reused. See TM602 and TM635.
Figure 3: Standard Triangular Base Breakaway
If there are any steel sign supports on the project that do not meet current standards, they must
be replaced with a triangular base breakaway sign support or multi-post breakaway sign
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Figure 4: Triangular base breakaway with a round post; a standard no longer supported by
ODOT. Other Steel
The reuse of other steel supports such as signal pole mounts, bridge rail mounts, etc. should be
based on the condition of the existing support. Conduct a field inspection for loss of
galvanizing, fatigue cracking, bolted connections, etc. If there is any doubt whether the support
will last another 10 years or more – replace it. Wood Posts, Perforated Steel Square Tube Posts,
Most small sign supports such as wood posts, perforated steel square tube posts (PSST), etc.,
should be replaced along with the sign, as the support will probably need replacing long before
a new sign will need replacement. Round steel pipes are not allowed on the state highway
system because the crash worthiness is not known, and maintenance does not stock round
posts. Replace any round steel pipe even if it is in good condition.
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Figure 5: Wood Post for a warning sign
1.3 Critical Sign Locations
1.3.1 Conventional Highways
The priority for sign placement is:
1. Regulatory.
2. Warning.
3. Guide.
In general, first consider the location of regulatory signs, followed next by the location of
warning signs, and then the location of guide signs.
Several regulatory signs have critical locations. For example, the MUTCD is very specific about
placing speed zone signs as close as possible to where the speed changes (MUTCD, Section
2B.13). The same logic applies to no-passing zones, school zones, no parking areas, disabled
parking, loading zones, etc. Placement of STOP and YIELD signs are also critical placements.
Warning signs have the next highest priority for location placement. These include Stop Ahead
or Signal Ahead Symbol signs, curve-warning signs, chevrons, DEAD END, NO OUTLET,
object markers, etc.
After the regulatory and warning sign locations have been established, the guide sign locations
can be considered. These include placing street name signs on all intersecting roadways,
installing route shield assemblies (if required), destination and distance signs, city hall, library,
airport, train station, permissive parking and park & ride signs, etc.
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1.3.2 Typical Layouts of Sign Placement
There are also specific situations that require specific placement, sequencing, or combinations of
regulatory, warning and/or guide signs. Typical sign locations for various circumstances are
shown on Figure 7: Standard Signing for Passing or Climbing Lanes through Figure 15: Low
Mount Signing-Ramp Terminal with Concrete Island.
Not all the signs in the figures will be appropriate for every project; only select the signs that
meet the particular needs of the project. Safety Corridors
Safety corridors are stretches of state highways where fatal and serious injury traffic crash rates
are higher than the statewide average for similar types of roadways. See ODOT’s safety corridor
website for more information.
Figure 6: Standard Signing for Safety Corridors
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See the Highway Design Manual for more information on the design of passing lanes and
climbing lanes. It is important to place lane reduction signing in accordance with the striping.
Below is a typical layout for signs and placement of the signs for these types of lanes.
Figure 7: Standard Signing for Passing or Climbing Lanes
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August 2023 page 10 Slow Vehicle Turn-out Lanes
Slow moving vehicle turnouts are not routinely installed in Oregon. However, the signs
accompanying these turnouts may have to replace existing signing as part of a project.
Figure 8: Standard Signing for Slow Vehicle Turn-outs. Divided Highway Transitions
If a highway design has a transition to a divided highway or it is being implemented as a safety
measure, the following sign layout should be used for the transition.
It is important to place lane reduction signing in accordance with the striping. Situations may
require engineering judgement, as this is just a typical layout for transitioning for a divided
highway transition.
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Figure 9: Transition Signing for Physical Separation of Lanes – Freeways and Expressways
For freeways and expressways, several types of signs have critical locations for placement. Most
of the critical locations relate to interchanges, as they are the beginning point for measurements.
Figure 11 and Figure 13 show the locations mandated for ramp terminal signing. On freeways
and expressways, a minimum spacing of 800 feet between all guide signs and other signs,
including other guide signs, should be maintained (Reference: MUTCD sections 2E.30 03 and
2E.35 04).
Use figures 10-15 to determine the locations for the DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY, WRONG
WAY, STOP, and Stop or Signal Ahead Symbol signs. The MUTCD allows signs on ramps every
100’ following the EXIT SPEED sign. Review the other existing signs and arrange them in a
sequence that gives the driver enough notice that they can get into the appropriate lane to make
their turn at the ramp terminal.
Remember the priority for signs is: Regulatory, warning, and then guide signs. Use the back of
the posts of the DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY signs for signs facing the opposite
direction. Even with implementation of low mounted signs, WRONG WAY signs should be
installed downstream of the end of the off-ramp.
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Figure 10: Regulatory Signing at Exit Ramp
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Figure 11: Typical Guide Signing at Exit Ramp
Figure 12: Typical Signing for Exit Ramp with Right Turn Lane
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Figure 13: Enhanced Wrong Way Signing-Folded Diamond Ramp Terminal
Figure 14: Low Mount Signing-Standard Ramp Terminal through Figure 17: Low Mount Sign
ONE WAY Sign Installation provide additional guidance regarding low mounted installations
for Wrong Way Entrance signing on the interstate.
Prevention of wrong-way traffic movement is a concern whenever an entire roadway is
dedicated to one-way traffic, especially on high-speed facilities like the interstate where
instances of wrong way driving often result in very damaging or fatal crashes.
MUTCD Section 2E.53 provides guidance in the placement of signs to discourage wrong way
driving. A combination of ONE-WAY, DO NOT ENTER, and WRONG-WAY signs is
recommended. It is also recommended for low or no light rural areas to add a red retroreflective
strip to the DO NOT ENTER signposts. MUTCD Section 2A.21 provides guidance on the use of
retroreflective strips on signposts. MUTCD also allows for lane use arrows and markings.
MUTCD Section 2B.41 includes language that would allow for the use of a lower mounting
height for signs in locations where an engineering study indicates it would address the issue of
wrong way movements.
Low mounted signs at the end of off-ramps to prevent wrong way driving should be installed at
interchanges. In order to implement the use of low mounted sign installations to prevent wrong
way entrances at freeway exits, ODOT adopted a standard for low mounted installations
(Figure 16: Low Mount Sign Do Not enter Sign Installation).
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Guidance and examples on where to place the low mounted signs can be found in Figure 14:
Low Mount Signing-Standard Ramp Terminal and Figure 15: Low Mount Signing-Ramp
Terminal with Concrete Island.
For locations where it is not attainable to construct low mounted signing, note why low
mounted signs are not being used. All installations for wrong way entrance signing shall use
wide angle prismatic sheeting (ASTM Type IX or better), because:
Wrong way entrance signs are typically installed at a 45-degree angle to approaching
Of the limited performance of high intensity sign sheeting for nighttime retro reflectivity
when viewed at angles other than 90 degrees to approaching traffic.
Sign designers are responsible for field inspecting the proposed location to determine if
circumstances exist that would impede a driver’s ability to view low mounted installations (e.g.,
barrier, fencing, snow embankment, etc.). If the designer determines the signs will not be clearly
visible at the lower mounting height, the signs shall be installed at the standard mounting
Figure 14: Low Mount Signing-Standard Ramp Terminal
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Figure 15: Low Mount Signing-Ramp Terminal with Concrete Island
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Figure 16: Low Mount Sign Do Not enter Sign Installation
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Figure 17: Low Mount Sign ONE WAY Sign Installation Ramp Metering
Most signs required for a ramp meter are detailed on the ramp meter plans and paid for under
the lump sum ramp meter bid item. The STOP HERE ON READ and FORM 2 LANES WHEN
METERED signs are the two exceptions; these are detailed on the sign plans and paid for under
the applicable signing bid items.
See the ODOT Traffic Signal Design Manual Section 13.3 for more information and ramp meter
sign layouts. Coordinate with the signal designer for these plans.
1.3.3 Sign Spacing Conventional Highways
Now is a good time to look at the plan sheets and the spacing between signs, both on the state
highway and the intersecting roads. Remember some of the regulatory signs cannot be moved
from where they are placed. Warning signs should be placed using the “Guidelines for Advance
Placement of Warning Signs” listed in the MUTCD (Table 2C-4). Note these are guidelines, not
mandatory placement distances.
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Warning sign placement should give drivers enough time to determine and take corrective
action before they get to the item about which they are being warned. This does not mean place
the sign at the exact distance shown on the chart just because it is on the chart. Visibility and
applicability of the sign is just as important.
Warning sign legends with small letter size (less than 6”) or more than four words might justify
using a longer distance. Too long of a distance will risk the driver forgets about the warning
sign. Finding proper placement of these signs is why they should be placed before guide signs.
This leaves other signs subject to moving in order to obtain the proper spacing between the
signs to make them readable for the driver. This is also a good time to think about combining
some of the signs on the same support to reduce the number of sign installations on the
roadway. Do not combine different types of signs on the same post if it can be avoided.
Regulatory and warning signs should be installed on their own posts. The following table
provides guidelines at various speeds and sections.
Table 2: Distance between Signs
Speed (mph) Distance Between Signs (feet)
55, 2-lane sections
55, multi-lane sections
60, 2-lane sections
60, multilane sections
65, 2 lane sections
65, multilane sections
70, 2-lane sections
70, multilane sections Freeways and Expressways
Starting at the off-ramp Exit Direction Sign, pencil in locations at 800’ spacing between locations
on the main line. Existing signs will probably include logo signs in addition to major guide
signs. These signs should be at 800’ minimum spacing.
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If logo signs are included, there is a sequence they are to be in approaching the interchange. The
GAS sign is closest to the interchange, preceded by FOOD, LODGING, CAMPING, and
ATTRACTION. There are only four logo signs allowed preceding an interchange, so if all five
types of logos are present, one of the signs will have to be a combination of two different
services. Any service covered by Specific Service (logo) signing at a particular exit, is not to be
included on General Service signing for that same exit.
Pencil in the major guide signs on the sign plan starting at the Exit Direction sign. Going back
away from the interchange, they would most likely be: Gas Logo, Food Logo, Supplemental
Guide Sign, Lodging Logo, Camping Logo, and Advance Guide Sign. Check to see if there is
space available to install a 2 Mile Advance Directional sign if warranted. Usually, any
interchange other than a minor one would warrant a 2 Mile Advance Directional sign according
to the MUTCD Section 2E.33 02.
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Figure 18: Guide sign spacing on a freeway in regard to the exit sign, the supplemental sign and
the advance guide sign.
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1.3.4 Sign Specific Needs and Guidance
After taking stock of the existing signs, consider new signing needs. These needs vary
depending on the type of project and the type of facility upon which it is located. Curve Warning
Curve warning signs are recommended when the advisory speed on the curve is at least 5 MPH
less than the posted speed on the roadway. Curve warning signs with an advisory speed plaque
are required when the advisory speed on the curve is at least 5 MPH less than the posted speed
on the roadway.
The standard to check the advisory speed on curves is with a ball bank indicator. Use the ball-
bank indicator values in Section 2C.08 07 of the 2009 MUTCD to establish advisory speeds for
curves. If paving the roadway with this project, the paving may change the super-elevation on
the road, thereby changing the safe speed. The region traffic personnel should ball-bank the
curves after the project is paved to determine if the speed riders (as designed) are correct. Use
the following rules for evaluation of each curve in each direction:
The ball bank indicator values in Section 2C.08 07 of the 2009 MUTCD are not-to-exceed
Establishing, changing, or removing an advisory speed plaque requires a ball-bank
indicator evaluation using the enhanced ball-banking equipment capable of measuring
vehicle speed, curve radius, and side friction. If the curve is located such that these data
cannot be collected (e.g.: because GPS signal is lost in a canyon), use an electronic ball-
bank indicator.
Sometimes there are circumstances that occur where the required or recommended standards
for curve warning signs cannot, or should not, be followed. If it is decided to not use the
recommend or required curve warnings for any of the reasons below, document the decision
and why it was made, and store it in a place future sign designers will find it.
Special circumstances and locations:
1. Curves in snow zones
a. In locations where repeated damage to chevrons or arrows from snow plow
operations is likely, chevrons or arrows may be installed substantially above the
minimum height in the MUTCD section 2C.09 or ODOT’s current standard
installation height of 7 feet.
Consider how vertical alignment may affect sign visibility when implementing
this measure. Upgrading supports to resist snow thrown by plowing operations
and addition of a vertical strip of retro-reflective material to the post are options.
4’x4’posts should not be used in snow zone areas, see TM670.
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b. In locations where repeated damage to chevrons or arrows from snow plowing
operations is likely and installation at an alternate height is not achievable,
chevrons or arrows may be omitted. Alternative warning methods should be
2. Curves for on/off ramps
a. Advisory speeds for curves on ramps are set using the same criteria outlined in
the guidance section.
b. Guidance for application of horizontal alignment signing is dependent on posted
speed and advisory speed. Because ramps are not part of the mainline or
crossroad, speed is governed by basic rule when the ramp is not within a
designated or statutory speed zone.
c. In locations where crash history indicates horizontal alignment signing would be
beneficial, chevrons or arrows should be installed.
d. In locations where the crash history is of a type that would not benefit from
installation of chevrons or arrows, they may be omitted. Alternative warning
methods targeting the crash history should be considered.
e. In locations without positive separation of on/off traffic or other geometric
issues, chevrons or arrows may be omitted. Alternative warning methods should
be considered.
3. Multiple Curves
In some cases, multiple curves in a series may limit driver speed on entering a curve
from one or both directions. Chevrons or arrows may be omitted for locations where all
the following are true:
a. One or more curves are located between curves having lower speeds that would
limit the speed of the interior curve; and
b. The curves meet the criteria in Section 2C.07 04 of the 2009 MUTCD allowing the
installation of a WINDING ROAD (W1-5) sign; and
c. The crash history for those specific curves is one of a type that would not benefit
from installation of chevrons or arrows.
MUTCD Table 2C-5 recommends or requires the use of different curve warning signs based on
the difference between speed limit and the recommended advisory speed. ODOT has taken a
more conservative approach, where anything recommend in the MUTCD table will be required
for ODOT projects unless a different sign is recommended or allowed by the provisions of the
MUTCD and/or this manual.
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Table 3. ODOT’s Requirements for Table 2C-5 of the MUTCD; MPH designations indicate the
difference between speed limits and advisory speeds
Type of Horizontal
Alignment Sign
5 mph 10 mph 15 mph 20 mph
25 mph or
Turn (W1-1), Curve (W1-2),
Reverse Turn (W1-3), Reverse
Curve (W1-4), Winding Road
(W1-5), and Combination
Horizontal Alignment /
Intersection (W10-1)
Required Required Required Required Required
Advisory Speed Plaque (W13-
Required Required Required Required Required
Chevrons (W1-8) and/or One
Direction Large Arrow (W1-6)
Recommended Required Required Required Required
Exit Speed (W13-2) and Ramp
Speed (W13-3) on exit ramp
Recommended Recommended Required Required Required
While these requirements are for roadways with an ADT of 1,000 or greater, similar signing can
be applied to any location where it may enhance safety.
The Large Arrow sign (W1-6) or chevron markers (W1-8) are required as a supplement to the
curve or turn warning signs when the safe speed on the curve is at least 10 MPH less than the
posted speed. Placement of these signs or markers should conform with the locations listed in
the MUTCD Sections 2C.09 and 2C.12). Exit Direction / Advance Guide for Freeways
The legend on the Exit Direction and the Advance Guide sign are required to be the same
message (MUTCD Section 2E.30). There is a limit of two destinations per guide sign.
If there are more than two destinations for the interchange, use a supplemental guide sign. Only
one supplemental guide sign is allowed per exit.
This means only four destinations are allowed per exit for guide signs on freeways. Most exits
have all four destinations already signed for and are unable to sign for other destinations.
The MUTCD requires the exit number on the sign face or as an Exit Number sign placed over
the guide sign (MUTCD Section 2E.31). Intersection Signing
Typical intersection signing for cross-roads, T-intersections, and separated roadways is shown
in the MUTCD Section 2A.
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August 2023 page 25 Milepost Markers
Milepost markers are sometimes replaced as part of the signing plans. Check the location of the
existing installations. They are frequently in the wrong location and need to be moved.
Contact the Road Inventory and Classification Services unit ([email protected]), as
they keep information on mile points and their markers for ODOT’s data system, to let them
know of the new locations. Motorist Service
Motorist service signs may include destinations such as state police, city police, sheriff’s office,
DMV, DEQ, hospital, rest area, rest rooms, visitor information center, scenic areas or overlooks.
These are general service signs maintained by ODOT (MUTCD Section 2I.02). Replace these, as
appropriate, as part of standard sign plans.
These should not be confused with specific service signs maintained by the Oregon Travel
Information Council (Oregon TIC). These signs are maintained by TIC. See section on Specific
Service signs. No-Parking Resolution
If there are any no-parking resolutions (See Appendix B “B.9 – No Parking Resolution”), draw
the locations on the plan sheets. Draw (or describe) the type of restriction on the plan sheet for
future reference.
Some NO PARKING signs may not be located according to the no-parking resolution and need
to be moved. Some of the NO PARKING signs may have been installed without any recorded
resolution on file. NO PARKING signs installed without a no-parking resolution should be
removed. Other Regulatory Signs
These include Lane Use Control signs, Turn Restriction, DO NOT PASS, KEEP RIGHT, DO
In general, these are replaced in the existing location, but designers should make sure the
messages are still appropriate.
Check changes in the pavement marking design that would require relocation of these signs. Post Interchange Sign Sequence for Freeways
Where spacing between interchanges permits, place a route marker assembly (e.g. I-5 shield
with NORTH or SOUTH above it) 500 feet beyond the end of the acceleration lane, followed by:
1. SPEED LIMIT XXAfter 1,000 feet.
2. Mileage/Destination SignAfter 1,000 feet.
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3. EMERGENCY PARKING ONLYAfter 1,000 feet.
4. KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASSAfter 1,000 feet (not more often than once every 5
miles). Ramp Terminal
Review all ramp terminal signs and check for appropriate legends. Check the crossroad for jct.
signs, route shield assemblies (may be incorporated in the guide signs), lane use control signs,
speed signs, guide signs, etc. Check the on-ramps for lane drops and place the merge or add
lane warning sign.
Use Figure 10: Regulatory Signing at Exit Ramp through Figure 15: Low Mount Signing-Ramp
Terminal with Concrete Island for guidance on ramp terminal sign placement. Road Names under Warning Signs / Advanced
Road Name Signs
When road names are placed under warning signs in this fashion, the road name must be a
yellow background with black legend for the warning sign rider. The road name sign should
not exceed the width of the main warning sign. Use guide signs to provide advance road name
notice at locations where no intersection or signal ahead warning signs are needed. Route Signing
All state highways have an official state route assigned to them, but not all of them are signed.
Route shield assemblies are required in certain circumstances, such as intersections of two state
highways and the beginning of routes, etc.
In the past, route shield assemblies were considered optional in many circumstances. The
MUTCD Section 2D.32 01B makes route signing at the beginning of state highways mandatory.
Many people navigate by using the route shields, so they should be included whenever a
change in direction is required.
The use of route shield assemblies as trail blazers and confirmation signs is also critical to some
drivers. Route shields can be placed inside the guide signs, directions for do so is discussed in
Chapter 2: 2.3 – Designing Guide Signs.
Review the existing guide signs to ensure the legend is still appropriate for the project. The
legend size may need enlarging to meet current MUTCD standards; more on this in Chapter 2.
Pencil in the locations and proposed text for all the guide signs. Advance guide signs on
conventional highways are encouraged where right of way permits their use. – School Speed Zones
Review the speed zone order (See Appendix B
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B.8 – Speed Zone Orders”) for any school zone exceptions. The school speed limit 20 zones are
exceptions to the speed zone order, because the school speed is different than the normal
posted speed.
The limits shown for the school speed exception are the exact locations for placing the SCHOOL
SPEED LIMIT 20 sign for traffic flowing that direction. Directly across the road from the
SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT 20 signs (for traffic flowing the other direction), place an END
SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT sign, or use an END SCHOOL ZONE sign for zones posted with FINES
HIGHER signs. Various school zone scenarios and their associated signing are presented in
ODOT’s Sign Policy & Guidelines (Chapter 7).
Sign the school zone with the required School Advance Warning Assembly (S1-1). Refer to the
Sign Policy and Guidelines, Chapter 7 for their location. Oregon has taken exception to the
location of the signing in the MUTCD. The MUTCD recommends placement of the sign with
respect to the school grounds or school crossing, but the Oregon supplements require the
placement based on the location of the School Speed Limit Assembly (Oregon Supplements to
the MUTCD, Section 7B.15)). For the School Crosswalk Warning Assembly (S1-1) the use of the
downward pointing arrow (W16-7p) is required (MUTCD, Section 7B.12). The School
Crosswalk Warning Assembly (S1-1) shall not be installed on approaches controlled by a STOP
sign (MUTCD, Section 7B.12). Specific Service (TIC & TOD Signs)
In addition to general motorist service signs installed by ODOT, there are other types of blue
signs installed by the Oregon Travel Information Council (TIC). Logos are available for gas,
food, camping, lodging, and tourist attractions. Tourist oriented directional signs (TODS) are for
any business that gets most of their income from people who live outside the local area.
TIC signs are placed on ODOT right of way but belong to the TIC. These signs are usually listed
as “maintain and protect” as part of a project, if possible. If existing signs are impacted at all,
notify TIC of the project. TIC can be reached at 1-800-574-9397.
If widening the road necessitates moving the logo or TODS, check the new cross section to see if
the signs can be removed and reinstalled on the existing supports. The move may require
different post heights.
TIC may request new supports or the change in slope may require a new support. TIC needs to
review the preliminary, advance, and final plans. The logo and TODS signs need to be
maintained during construction and the work zone traffic designer should be reminded to
provide for them, if necessary.
There are occasional brown TOD signs for historic districts, museums, or historic properties.
The brown signs are limited to three destination groups:
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These signs can be word messages or symbol signs or a combination of both. Brown
background signs would include:
Historic districts, properties, and highways.
Recreational Areas.
On the interstate, brown signs are almost always owned by ODOT. For other state highways,
you may need to contact TIC to see if the sign is theirs or ODOT’s.
Since TIC signs require payment from organizations, TIC has a much more comprehensive list
of the signs they own. Speed Zones
Review the speed zone order(s) (See Appendix B
B.8 – Speed Zone Orders”), which cover the particular section of highway, and pencil in the
limits of the speed zone and place the appropriate speed sign at all changes in speed. If there
are major intersections between breaks in the speed zone, allow for one speed sign each
direction as close as possible to the intersection. This allows the driver to determine the
appropriate speed upon entering the roadway.
Locate SPEED LIMIT XX signs at the points of change from one speed limit to another (MUTCD
Section 2B.13) according to the speed zone order. If the location in the speed zone order is not
practical, an adjustment of up to 100 feet is permissible. If the location is not suitable for
appropriate signing, contact the region traffic section to discuss the possibility of reevaluating
the speed zone order.
See the figure below for example of typical speed zone signing.
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Figure 19: Typical Speed Zone Signing State Supplied Signs
Many projects will include signs with unique graphic designs such as scenic byway or tour
route signs, State Parks Shields (D-434), and others that require digital printing.
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Whenever these signs are needed, it may make sense for them to be designated state-supplied,
so they do not enter the bid. If this is the desire, then the subject signs would be noted in the
plans as “state supplied.” Money is then put into the contract for these signs to be purchased
later, during construction, from the ODOT Sign Shop or other appropriate source as an
anticipated item.
Anticipated items are discussed in Chapter 6. Stop Signs
Locate all the STOP sign installations on the plan sheets. Almost all state highways are
considered through highways. Meaning the highway has priority over intersecting roads except
in those locations where the intersecting roadway has a larger volume or an identified safety
issue dealing with alignment. Unless the existing signs show otherwise, assume all public roads
leading into the state highway should have a STOP sign. See the Sign Policy and Guidelines for
considers on installing stop signs on low volume roads.
Any STOP sign application on the state highway that stops traffic traveling on the state
highway requires approval from the state traffic engineer (ODOT Traffic Manual). Decisions for
STOP sign applications on cross streets that are not state highways are done by the region traffic
manager/engineer (ODOT Traffic Manual).
Private approaches may be signed on state highway right of way due to visibility problems.
There is a policy on allowing these signs (Sign Policy and Guidelines). Private businesses are
not allowed to place STOP signs and other traffic control devices on state highway right of way.
The standard STOP sign size is 36” for any road 30 mph or greater. This would also be the size
of the STOP signs on any cross street that intersects on a road 30 mph or greater. Even if the
cross street is 25 mph or lower, the STOP sign should be a 36” sign because of the impact to the
traffic on the faster highway. Stop Ahead / Signal Ahead
Check the alignment of the roads entering the state highway for sufficient, safe stopping sight
distance. Place Stop Ahead symbol signs if the stopping sight distance is lacking.
If a new signal is installed as part of the project, a Signal Ahead symbol sign should be
considered both on the main line and cross streets. If the new signal is near other signals, a
Signal Ahead Symbol sign may not be necessary. Street Name
Install street name signs for highway and public side streets if the highway has a name. If the
highway does not have a name, install route shield assemblies at all the major road connections.
Place street name signs on both sides of the post above the STOP sign. At T-intersections, place
street name signs (for the highway name) on both sides of the STOP signpost above the side
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street name signs. At cross street intersections, the street name signs for the highway only need
to be on the highway side of the STOP signpost.
Street name signs mounted on traffic signal mast arms shall be shown and detailed on the
signing plans, but only referenced on the signal plans.
Since the signs are shown in the signing plans, they need to be covered under the bid item for
the specific sign type. These signs shall not be paid for as part of the lump sum for signal
installation bid item. Weigh Station
Typical signing layouts for weigh stations off-interstate and those on the interstate with weigh-
in-motion are shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21, respectively. The weigh station signs typically
have an electronic OPEN/CLOSED changeable part of the sign that requires a bigger support
than typical for the size. Designers should make sure to check the crashworthiness of the
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Figure 20: Weigh Station Signing Off-Interstate (MUTCD Figure 2D-17, ref.)
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Figure 21: Weigh Station Signing Interstate with Weigh-In-Motion
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August 2023 page 34 Signs Requiring STRE Approval
Some signs or a traffic control change that results in posting a sign need approval from the state
traffic/roadway engineer (STRE). Many times this was not done in the past or there is no paper
work to verify it.
Any sign that will be replaced or added that requires STRE approval will need the appropriate
paperwork filed at both headquarters and the region office. Check to make sure that the
appropriate paperwork is in order. If there is no approval on record, it can slow down the
project. A request for STRE approval is recommend to be sent into headquarters before the end
of the design acceptance package (DAP) due date.
The following signs require STRE approval:
Guidelines for the requirements to post this sign. If there is an approval on record, it
does not need to meet the requirements again. Check the fee amount to make sure it is
correct ($2000 in 2019).
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) signs that require STRE approval:
Curve warning systems.
Road condition warning systems.
Variable message signs.
Variable speed limit.
Travel time VMS.
Traffic control that a sign posting will accompany that require STRE approval:
CROSSWALK CLOSED (OR 22-7 and OR 22-8) – If any crosswalks are closed that cross
the roadway that is part of the project in question, make sure that there is paperwork at
HQ allowing these crosswalks to be closed.
on our right of way, and now is using the MUTCD sign R1-10P.
EXCEPT RIGHT TURN (R1-10P) – Having a STOP sign, but allowing free flow right
turns requires STRE approval. Also see above.
Multi-way stop signs (R1-1) – Installation of a stop sign on the state highway requires
STRE approval, although the accompanying sign does not. Make sure there is
paperwork that document all installations.
School Crossing (S1-1).
NO TURN ON RED (R10-11).
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U-turn permitted (OR3-12).
RRFB signing – The RRFB must be approved.
SPEED LIMIT signs – In conjunction with an approval of a speed zone order.
This is not a comprehensive list of all traffic controls requiring STRE approval. Please see the
Traffic Manual for additional items.
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Chapter 2 – Designing Signs
2.1 Choosing Substrate and Sheeting Types
A typical road sign consists of three components:
Sign sheeting.
Sign legend.
This chapter discusses the common construction and materials used in the construction of road
2.1.1 Sign Substrates
ODOT commonly uses sheet aluminum sign substrate material. However, there are situations
where sheet aluminum is not the best choice for sign substrate. The other two materials ODOT
may use for permanent sign substrate are extruded aluminum and High-Density Overlay
(HDO) plywood. All three of the signs’ substrate materials are recyclable.
There are numerous types of substrates for road signs used over the years and new products are
being introduced every year. This chapter deals with the substrates currently used in Oregon.
The overall dimensions and location of a sign will often help determine the appropriate
substrate material for fabrication. Sheet Aluminum
Sheet aluminum is ODOT’s most common choice of sign substrate at most locations. It has a
smooth flat surface and comes in a variety of precut sizes to match most standard sized signs.
The thickness of the aluminum is increased as the size increases to maintain the strength of the
sign. Sheet aluminum can also be purchased in sheets just like plywood. The Oregon Standard
Specifications for Construction lists the allowable thickness for the size of sign and also lists the
acceptable types of aluminum sheeting (Specification 02910.10). Using something other than the
specified type of aluminum sheeting may result in failed substrate.
Sheet aluminum substrate should not be specified in high wind areas or snowplow areas, as the
aluminum is prone to bending. In rural areas with recurring gunshot vandalism, consider using
HDO plywood substrate, rather than aluminum, because the plywood can often sustain
gunshot damage and remain readable.
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Figure 22: Sheet aluminum on a wooden post
Signs designed using sheet aluminum should be designed in width and height that increase in
3” increments (the same as plywood signs). The maximum size of sheet aluminum signs is 4’ x
5’, due to its tendency to deform or sustain wind damage when used for signs larger than this.
Many other states have limited normal sheet aluminum sign use to this dimension for the same
Sheet aluminum overlays on extruded panel signs are not limited in size since the extruded
aluminum panels support the sheet aluminum. Mast arm mounted street name signs are limited
in size per TM655 to 21.0 sq. ft since the signal mast arm helps support the sheet aluminum. A
change in size for a sign attached to a mast arm may require a structural evaluation to make
sure the mast arm can handle the extra load.
In some locations of the state, designers must include painting the backs of aluminum signs to
blend in with the environment. When required to do this, special provision Section 00940
should be used for this purpose, and it automatically calls up Sections 00593 and 00594 that
have the coating specifications. Different locations may call for different colors of paint. Most of
these places will also require the metal sign supports to be painted as well. Extruded Aluminum Panels
Extruded aluminum panels are composed of pre-formed structural shapes bolted together to
create the sign substrate. The shape is shown on Oregon Standard Drawing number TM675 in
the upper left corner. The extrusions come in 6” and 12” tall panels up to 40’ in length. Each
extrusion is covered with sign sheeting prior to bolting the panels together to form the sign.
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Normally, the border, text, route shields, etc. are placed on a thin aluminum background and
then pop-riveted to the preformed sign background. Signs designed using aluminum extrusions
should be designed in width and height that increase in 6” increments. Due to size restrictions
for plywood and sheet aluminum, extruded aluminum panels must be used for all signs larger
than 4’ x 8’. The nature of their fabrication requires their fastening to the support by means of
post clips rather than bolts. Many of the steel signs supports (Chapter 3) such as triangular base
breakaway posts, multi-post breakaway supports, exit number sign mounts, vertical mounts
and signal pole mounts are designed specifically for fastening by clips. Where such supports are
used, extruded panel signs (regardless of size) should be specified.
Figure 23: Extruded panel sign with fasteners
Occasionally, a legend can be applied directly to the extruded panel if the legend does not span
from one extrusion to the other. When applied to two extrusions, direct applied legends will
accumulate dirt and other materials where the two extrusions meet, causing a dirt pocket that
retains moisture. When it freezes, the sheeting can be damaged by the expanding mass and
looks unsightly. High Density Overlay (HDO) Plywood
HDO plywood is the only plywood allowed for permanent signs on ODOT projects.
HDO plywood has a smooth surface similar to a Formica cabinet face. Primer is not required
between the face of plywood and the sign sheeting. HDO plywood does not have the surface
blemishes found in the medium density overlay (MDO) plywood, due to the thicker overlay
applied when the plywood was made. HDO plywood is very rigid and is an excellent substrate
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for signs that must withstand a lot of wind pressure. This substrate should be used in snow
zone areas because it holds up well against snow blower and snowplow damage. It should also
be used in rural areas where with recurring sign damage from gunshot vandalism, because the
plywood can often sustain gunshot damage and remain readable.
Figure 24: Aluminum sign with a bullet hole
This product is available in 4’ x 8’ sheets (maximum size allowed for plywood substrate signs)
and is cut to the size needed for a particular sign. ODOT uses ¾-inch HDO plywood. If the
project design is not on ODOT right of way, check on the thickness the local agency uses. Signs
designed using HDO or MDO plywood (MDO is only for temporary signing see below)
should be designed in width and height that increase by 3” increments (e.g. 4’-6” x 3’-9”). Medium Density Overlay (MDO) Plywood
MDO plywood is allowed on ODOT contracts for temporary signing only. MDO plywood was
the standard for almost all the plywood signs in Oregon for years. However, following a
massive, statewide product failure (related to the primer), ODOT only uses this material
MDO plywood has surface blemishes (plugs) that sometimes distract from the smooth, finished
sign face. This plywood is rigid and is an excellent substrate for signs that must withstand a lot
of wind pressure. This product is available in 4’ x 8’ sheets and is cut to the size needed for a
particular sign.
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August 2023 page 40 Other Substrates
ODOT has tried using plastic and fiberglass substrates on signs with little success. Different
substrates will likely be available in the future that will fulfill ODOT requirements for a
dependable long lasting sign substrate.
When designing a project for a local government on their right of way and they want to use
another substrate, include a detail and specifications of what the substrate looks like and the
materials specification for each type.
2.1.2 Sign Sheeting
There are numerous types of sign sheeting available and each type has its advantages and
disadvantages. It is important to specify which type of sheeting to use on each sign designed. ASTM Type III
This sheeting is also known as high intensity. On state highways, this is the minimum reflective
sheeting allowed. Almost all ground mounted signs will use Type III or Type IV sheeting for
backgrounds and almost all the legends. Type III sheeting is also used for background sheeting
on overhead guide signs. This sheeting is warranted for 10 years from the manufacturer. ASTM IV
This sheeting is multi-layer sheeting, sometimes called prismatic sheeting. Type IV sheeting
performs similarly to Type III sheeting. ASTM Type IX
This is a highly retroreflective sheeting, mainly used for overhead sign installations. This
sheeting has a much wider angularity and is not quite as bright as the Type VII used in the past.
It can be used for ground mounted signs but should be reserved for places where high impact is
needed. It is commonly used for legend on overhead mounted signs and can be used as
background where more high impact is needed.
Viewing distance is up to 800 feet away. The warranty on this sheeting is 12 years. It also comes
in fluorescent colors: Yellow, yellow-green, and orange. In the fluorescent colors, a 10-year
warranty applies. ASTM Type XI
This wide angle, highly retroreflective sheeting is mainly used for overhead sign installations
and signs placed at angles or locations where a lesser retroreflective sheeting would require
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It can be used for ground mounted signs but should be reserved for places where high impact is
needed. Some have commented that this type of sheeting can be extremely bright, especially in
rural areas where there are few other light sources at night.
The warranty on this sheeting is 12 years. It also comes in fluorescent colors: Yellow, yellow-
green, and orange. In the fluorescent colors, a 10-year warranty applies. Other ASTM Type Sheeting
The following sheeting types are no longer used on Oregon’s state highway system.
ASTM Type I.
ASTM Type V.
ASTM Type X. Non-Reflective Sheeting
Since the MUTCD requires all signs to be retroreflective and the same color at night as during
the day, the use of non-reflective sheeting has become extinct except for black.
Black sheeting comes in rolls or as a “tape” that is the common width of most borders. The use
of black in Oregon is limited to legends for regulatory and warning signs. Electronic-Cuttable Film (EC Film)
Electronic-cuttable film (EC film) is a semi-transparent film placed over the underlying sign
sheeting to change the color of the sign sheeting. It is an alternate to applying another layer of
sheeting (usually for legend but could be a background) in the manufacturing process. Usually,
this is not an item that would be specified when building a sign plan, but it is something of
which to be aware. There is also a black non-reflective EC film used in lieu of the standard black
sheeting mentioned above.
The Sign and Post Data Table sheet provides the sign manufacturer precise information on the
construction of the sign specified (See Chapter 4: 4.4 – Sign and Post Data Tables). This doesn’t
mean there isn’t another way the sign can be built and still perform to ODOT standards. One
option is the use of EC film not usually listed as a construction method but meets ODOT
specifications and performs very well.
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The EC film allows light to reflect through to create the colors required on the sign. It is cost
effective for unusual designs (such as the Tsunami Series, Oregon Trail, Lewis & Clark, etc.)
since it replaces the silk-screening method.
For sign shops that do not silk screen, EC film is a practical method of building signs. EC film is
also resistant to vandals trying to remove letters from the legend as the film will come off in
tiny pieces.
2.1.3 Sign Sheeting Identification
View or download a two-page document illustrating the identification marks of several
sheeting manufacturers. This is valuable information when designers are asked to identify
Access it at:
2.1.4 Sign Legend
Once the sign sheeting has been applied to the sign substrate, the legend can be applied to the
sign face in four different fashions:
Direct applied.
Demountable legend.
EC film. Direct Applied
Sign sheeting or black tape is cut into letters, borders or whatever else a legend requires. Most
sheeting or border tape has a removable backing allowing it to be removed and applied over the
background sheeting to form the legend on the sign. Demountable Legend
Sign sheeting specified for the legend is applied to a thin aluminum and then the letters are cut
out with a die or a router. The legend is then laid out on the sign as specified and pop-riveted to
the sign.
The advantage of making signs this way is that the legend can be changed on the sign after it is
made or erected. This method is required for extruded panel signs if any of the legend on the
sign overlaps or crosses the joint between extrusions. This legend is often referred to as
“Removable Legend” since the legend can be removed from the sign by drilling out the rivets.
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Figure 25: Demountable legend on extruded aluminum Silk Screening
Smaller signs can have a legend applied by the silk-screening process similar to the way that t-
shirts are screen printed. This process is used for many of the standard signs in an effort to keep
manufacturing costs to a minimum. Electronic Cuttable Film
EC film is applied to white sheeting, with the legend cut out of the color portion of the film,
letting the white show for the legend.
2.2 Designing Regulatory and Warning Signs
There are rules for designing signs coming from several different sources including the
MUTCD. The Standard Highway Signs manual shows most of the sign designs for standard
regulatory and warning signs shown in the MUTCD. If a standard sign is from the MUTCD, the
sign design is already complete, but the appropriate size to install must still be determined.
The sizes of standard signs shown for regulatory and warning purposes in the MUTCD (see
Tables 2B-1 and 2C-2) vary by highway classification, with larger sizes called for on the wider,
higher speed classifications such as freeways and expressways.
In many cases ODOT has decided to use larger minimum standard sizes than what is shown in
these MUTCD tables. As a result, ODOT has created standard size chart for regulatory and
warning signs, intended to supplement the MUTCD tables; see Appendix D. Sign sizes for use
on the state highway system are determined by using this chart. For those regulatory and
warning signs not found in Appendix D, sizes are to be determined from use of the MUTCD
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2.2.1 Regulatory Signs
These are almost always rectangles with a white background and black legend (they can also be
red or green background or have a red or green legend) and always have a border and a
margin, detailed in the following table. Try to use standard sign blank sizes, when possible, to
make the signs easier to build.
Table 4: Regulatory Sign Border Dimensions
Sign Dimension Border Inset Radius
24” to 30”
30” Square
30” to 48”
Always use a legend size consistent with the speed of the highway. Refer to examples of
regulatory signs in the Standard Highway Signs as a guide. Where practical, it is best to use at
least a D font or wider for legend on regulatory signs.
It is important to realize that any regulatory sign not in the MUTCD or Sign Policy and
Guidelines should be approved by the state traffic engineer. It is important to make sure that a
regulatory sign can be enforced.
Regulatory and warning sign sizes for expressways and freeways are larger than conventional
highways. The Standard Highway Signs book shows layouts for the larger signs and should be
referenced for examples. It is always better to put up a sign that is too big compared to one that
is too small.
2.2.2 Warning Signs
For warning signs, use the same border, margin, and radius sizes as for regulatory signs.
Permanent warning signs should always be yellow with black legend except for school related
signs which must be fluorescent yellow-green (see below). Use the standard blank sizes if
possible. Fluorescent yellow can be used on warning signs when extra attention is needed, such
as curve warning signs and overhead exit only signs.
Always use a legend size consistent with the speed of the highway. Refer to examples of
warning signs in the Standard Highway Signs as a guide.
Where practical, it is best to use at least a D font or wider for legends on warning signs. It is
always better to put up a sign that is too big compared to one that is too small. Minimum sign
size for warning signs on the state highway system is 36”.
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For lane drop situations (EXIT ONLY), often a yellow overlay is placed on an overhead guide
sign. The yellow overlay is typically a rectangle instead of a diamond. Other situations may also
require a rectangle instead of a diamond.
Figure 26: Signed lane drop on the freeway Fluorescent Yellow-Green
ODOT policy reserves the use of fluorescent yellow-green sign sheeting for school zone signing
on state highways including the “SCHOOL” portion of the School Speed Limit (S5-1) sign and
any supplemental plaques used in association with these warning signs.
Pedestrian and bicycle warning signs should use the standard yellow color. Fluorescent yellow
sign sheeting may be used for pedestrian and/or bicycle crossing signs if there is a need to call
extra attention to a particular crossing.
The region traffic engineer may allow the use of fluorescent yellow-green for pedestrian and
bicycle warning signs on a state highway if the requesting jurisdiction can demonstrate an
existing systematic approach to pedestrian signing which includes the fluorescent yellow-green
sign background.
However, consider other treatments before choosing fluorescent yellow-green sign sheeting
(e.g. curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands, rapid flash beacons, etc.). Avoid mixing
standard yellow and fluorescent yellow-green backgrounds for pedestrian and bicycle signs
within a selected site area.
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2.3 Designing Guide Signs
2.3.1 Legend Sizes and Spacing
Lower-case letters following an initial upper-case letter are the standard primary legend style
(destinations) to be used on guide signs. Other secondary legend (directional, guiding) is to
consist entirely of upper-case letters. Legend sizes are typically referred to by the upper-case
letter size. The lower-case value will be 75% of the upper-case value. For example, 8” legend
refers to 8” upper-case along with 6” lower-case, where needed.
The MUTCD allows the use of 4” legend for principal legend on guide signs where the posted
speed of the highway is 25 MPH or less (MUTCD, Section 2D.06). On the state highway system,
the smallest legend for principal legend on guide signs is usually 5”. The exceptions to this are
Adopt-A-Hwy signs and riders, historic trail riders, and other riders where the main message is
a symbol sign (such as recreational symbol).
The use of 6” legend is required for principal legend on guide signs where the posted speed of
the highway is over 25 MPH. The majority of guide signs on conventional highways use a 6-
inch C legend. The use of D or wider fonts is a judgment call for the designer. Wider fonts make
the signs easier to read but it also makes the sign wider. When a sign width exceeds the
maximum permitted for a single post, wider fonts are sometimes used to increase the size of the
guide sign to the minimum required for multiple posts.
Figure 27: Different types of MUTCD fonts
The MUTCD recommends the use of 8” legend where the highway is a multi-lane, high-speed
facility (MUTCD, Section 2D.43). Larger legend is also warranted for overhead sign locations
such as signs mounted on a signal pole, signs viewed from a long distance, or critical signs.
The use of 10”C, 8”-6” EM, or larger can also be used on the multi-lane, high-speed highways.
Always make sure that the size of legend is consistent with the speeds, number of lanes and
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width of the lanes on the highway. It is always better to put up a sign that is too big compared
to one that is too small.
The MUTCD recommends the use of 12” legend for overhead street name signs (Section 2D.43).
Due to the higher speeds and volumes associated with expressways and freeways, the legend
on guide signs are larger than on conventional highways. The MUTCD outlines (Tables 2E-2
through 2E-5) the minimum legend size used on these facilities. The tables apply to any
highway (or portion of a highway) built to expressway or freeway standards.
When using Tables 2E-2 through 2E-5, determine the interchange classification (from MUTCD
Section 2E.32) for the design. In most cases, it will be major, category B or an intermediate. The
numbers listed in the tables are for an EM font since that is the standard for guide signs on
expressways and freeways (MUTCD, Section 2E.14).
The tables are broken up into sections, so each part of the sign has a specified letter or numeral
height, or specific dimensions. Use the correct column for the sign design. The principal legend
size of category A and B signs under the major category call for 20”-15” legend for ground
mounted signs. The principal legend for overhead signs is 16”-12” legend.
When designing guide signs, the width of the sign is determined by the legend plus the outside
(lateral) spacing that normally includes the border. Outside spacing is required on any sign to
make them more readable. The ideal lateral clearance is usually one letter height from the side
of the sign to the end of the legend, but may be as little as one half the letter height (Standard
drawings TM223 and TM224). The average of the upper- and lower-case letters should be used
for the vertical clearance from the legend to the top (or bottom) of the sign. The spacing
between lines of legend (vertically) ideally would be about ¾ of the legend height. It usually
varies between ½ and 1 letter height.
Typical layouts for guide signs can be seen on Oregon Standard Drawings TM223 and TM224,
the Standard Highway Signs book, and in the Sign Policy and Guidelines.
Spacing between letters of the legend is a function of the font. Individual spacing also depend
on what letters are being used. This information can be found in FHWA’s Standard Alphabets
for Highway Signs. Most software packages have this information built in, so don’t be
concerned with figuring these distances unless doing the design by hand.
Spacing between words of the legend is a called out in the ODOT Specifications to be based on
the font size (ODOT Specifications Section 00940.45), summarized in Table 5.
Table 5: Font Sizes
Series Font Word Spacing
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Series Font Word Spacing
2.3.2 Arrow Sizes and Design
Arrow types are discussed in Section 2D.08 of the MUTCD. The Type A arrow (tapered, long
shaft) is used most for exit direction guide signs, exit gore signs and some “Exit Only” signs.
These arrows are typically pointing upward and to the right, usually at a 45-degree angle.
The Type B arrow (tapered, short shaft) is not as commonly used, but has some application for
overhead directional guide signs where sign space is limited and use of the Type A arrow may
not be appropriate. The Down Arrow is used only for overhead application. It is commonly
used for Pull Thru signing and for some “Exit Only” signs.
Type D arrows (straight shaft, extendable) are used for directional guide signs on conventional
highways and at freeway/expressway ramp terminals.
ODOT almost exclusively uses Type D arrows for guide signs, with the exceptions mentioned
The size of Type D arrows on guide signs is set up to match the upper-case letter height for the
primary sign legend (destination), shown in Table 5.
Table 6: Type “D” Arrow Sizes
Upper-Case Legend Height Arrow Size
These arrows are shown on Oregon Standard Drawing TM233, along with the arrow styles
(Types A, B and Down) used for larger legends.
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Figure 28: Different types of MUTCD arrows
The Type D arrows have a straight (non-tapered) shaft. Therefore, their length can be increased
to “balance” the sign. Sometimes when the sign is designed, the arrow will look too small. If the
arrow is placed horizontally at the bottom of the sign, increase the arrow length to ½ the width
of the sign to make it easier to read.
If using a single arrow at the side of a two-line legend, consider making the arrow longer or
increase the arrow to the next legend size to improve the readability of the sign.
Hook arrows (ODOT tends to use a straight shaft version similar to Type D, instead of the Type
C arrow shown in MUTCD) are used for advance sign placement where the driver should turn
at the next intersection instead of the place where the sign is installed.
There is a hierarchy in the placement of arrows as they appear on a destination sign (Section
2D.37 MUTCD). Destinations that are straight ahead are listed at the top of the sign with the
“up” arrow. Below that would be any destinations to the left with the arrow pointing left,
followed by any destinations to the right with the arrow pointing right. All destinations in a
given direction shall have one directional arrow.
Figure 29: Example from the MUTCD that displays proper order of arrows.
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2.3.3 Design Layout
Separate destinations with a horizontal divider line all the way across the sign, to show groups
of destinations in a particular direction. Shorter horizontal lines on the guide sign face can be
used to highlight a section of the legend, or separate lines of legend if needed for clarity.
The number of destinations on a guide sign should be as limited as possible. The MUTCD
recommends no more than three lines of destinations on standard highways and no more than
two destinations on freeway guide signs (MUTCD 2009, 2D.07 02 and 2E.10). If there is a major
intersection with multiple destinations of equal importance, consider making two signs with
less legend and spacing them apart so drivers have ample time to react to each one.
Advance guide signs on conventional highways are preferable, but not always possible due to
right of way constraints. When designing these signs, include a positive guidance message such
as: “NEXT RIGHT,” “LEFT ½ MILE,” etc. This gives the driver more information they can use
to make better decisions.
Route shield assemblies are often required since the MUTCD requires their use where the
highway has a route number. All state highways have a route number assigned to them, but not
all of them have been signed. For single installations, the assemblies are placed on a single
support. When placing the route shield assemblies in conjunction with guide signs, either place
them on the guide sign face or attach the assemblies underneath the guide sign.
The standard size for a route shield is 24” when used by itself. Use smaller shields when placed
on a guide sign. The 18” version is the smallest and should only be used when in an urban area
using 6” legend on the guide sign. Use a 24” shield when using 8” legend.
2.3.4 Freeway and Expressway Design
Legends on all overhead guide signs shall be ASTM Type IX or XI retroreflective sheeting. All
“EXIT ONLY” panels on overhead guide signs shall be ASTM Type IX or XI and utilize
fluorescent yellow retroreflective sheeting, with black, non-reflective legend.
Guide signs for interchanges may have no more than two destinations on the Advance Guide
signs and Exit Direction signs, and the destinations must match on these signs. One
supplemental sign with a maximum of two destinations is allowed per interchange. This means
that only four destinations total are allowed per exit.
Mount exit number panels flush with the right side of the guide sign for right exits. Exit number
panels for left exits are mounted flush with the left side of the guide sign. Standard exit panel
sizes for Oregon are different than the standards shown in MUTCD Table 2E-1. Our standards
can be found in Oregon Standard Drawing TM225. The Oregon version of these signs is
considerably narrower than the MUTCD version, yet it still satisfies MUTCD guidelines for
margin spacing (Sec. 2E.15). The ODOT version eliminates excess “green” space that would
otherwise make these panels unnecessarily large. Exit numbers on supplemental signs can have
the exit number as part of the legend, or as an exit number panel.
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Border width for guide signs depends on the legend size, not the sign size.
Signs having a legend in upper- and lower-case letters with 10 2/3” or smaller upper-
case letters and signs having a 12” or smaller all capital lettered legend shall have a 1”
Signs having a legend in upper case smaller than 6” shall have a ½” border.
All signs with a legend larger than specified above shall have a 2” border.
The exceptions to this would be any standard sign included in the FHWA Standard Highway
Signs book.
Table 7: Border sizes for Guide Signs
Upper-Case Legend Height Lower-Case Legend Height Border width
<=10.67” and >=6”
The corner radii of a sign should be 1/8 of the smaller sign dimension rounded to the nearest of
the following numbers: 1.5, 3, 6, 9, and 12. A 12-inch radius should not be exceeded.
There are sample sign designs shown on Oregon Standard Drawing TM224. Exit Gore sign
standards are shown on Oregon Standard Drawing TM225 and are consistent with the
standards shown in MUTCD Table 2E-1.
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Chapter 3 – Designing Supports
3.1 Choosing a Support Type
There are numerous types of sign supports available that the designer specifies for each sign on
the project. This chapter describes the various sign supports used on ODOT projects. The
designer should always contact the district sign supervisor/coordinator when deciding which
post material to specify for the smaller sign supports.
Sign supports used on the state highway system must have breakaway features when used
inside the clear zone and should have breakaway features when located outside the clear zone.
Sign supports without breakaway features are required to be shielded from traffic (when inside
the clear zone) with a concrete barrier, guard rail, or some other device to keep errant vehicles
from hitting the support.
The standard supports for side mounted signs shown in the Oregon Standard Drawings are all
breakaway supports when properly installed to the details outlined in the standard drawings.
Overhead signs are not breakaway and need to be installed outside of the clear zone.
3.2 Wood Posts
This is by far the most common support on the state highway system. ODOT allows only
pressure-treated wood posts. Post sizes are computed using the formula shown on standard
drawing TM670.
Multiple wood post installations require a distance between the wood posts to maintain the
breakaway design. For 4”x4” wood posts, this distance is 3’-6”. Since this configuration is not
often used, specify the clearance between the posts in the “Remarks” column of the Sign and
Post Data Table (see Chapter 4: 4.4 – Sign and Post Data Tables).
Multiple wood post installations usually utilize 4”x6” or larger posts. These require 7’ clearance
between posts to be considered breakaway. If the sign installation is behind barrier, the
clearance between posts can be decreased.
All wood posts 4”x6” and larger require holes to be drilled in the post at the base and below the
sign that are field treated, according to Specification 0219.30, so they break off at the proper
3.3 Steel Supports-Major
3.3.1 Truss Sign Bridge
These are engineered supports for supporting large signs over traffic lanes. A structural
designer is responsible for designing these supports, with the information supplied by the sign
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designer. These supports are not breakaway and require shielding from traffic. New sign bridge
design requires the sign designer to contact the region mobility liaison during the scoping phase
to determine vertical clearance requirements. See standard drawing TM614 through TM620.
New truss sign bridge installations requires a designer familiar with structural design and
details to:
Include a drawing in the plans.
Check shop drawing detail submittals.
Respond to construction manufacturer and field issues.
Figure 30: Sign truss bridge
3.3.2 Monotube Sign Bridge
These are engineered supports for large signs and/or variable message signs (VMS) over traffic
lanes. A structural designer is responsible for designing these supports with the information
supplied by the sign designer for the static signs.
These supports are not breakaway and require shielding from traffic. New sign bridge design
requires the sign designer to contact the region mobility liaison during the scoping phase to
determine vertical clearance requirements. See standard drawings TM621-628.
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Figure 31: Monotube sign bridge
3.3.3 Butterfly Sign Support
These supports are engineered to support large signs overhead, in a confined area. These often
support interchange sequence signs. A structural designer is responsible for designing these
supports with information supplied by the sign designer.
These supports are not breakaway and require shielding from traffic. New butterfly support
design requires the sign designer to contact the region mobility liaison during the project
scoping phase to determine vertical clearance requirements.
New butterfly cantilever installations require a designer familiar with structural design and
details to:
Include drawings in the plans.
Check shop drawing detail submittals.
Respond to construction manufacturer and field issues.
3.3.4 Cantilever Sign Support
These supports are engineered to hold large signs projecting out over a lane of the roadway. A
structural designer is responsible for designing these supports, with information supplied by
the sign designer.
These supports are not breakaway and require shielding from traffic. New cantilever support
design requires the sign designer to contact the region mobility liaison during the project
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scoping phase to determine vertical clearance requirements. See standard drawing TM621
through TM628.
New cantilever installations require a designer familiar with structural design and details to:
Include drawings in the plans.
Check shop drawing detail submittals.
Respond to construction manufacturer and field issues.
Figure 32: Monotube cantilever sign structure. Monotube cantilevers are now the standard for
cantilever sign supports.
3.4 Steel Supports-Minor
3.4.1 Multi-post Breakaway Supports
These are steel supports for larger signs usually located on expressways or freeways.
See standard drawings TM600 and TM601.
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Figure 33: One support for a large sign that has multi-post breakaway supports
3.4.2 Triangular Base Breakaway
This is an FHWA approved design for mounting signs up to 15’ in width. The support is multi-
directional, meaning that it can be hit from any direction and still performs as a breakaway
support. Larger signs use an H-frame to help stabilize the sign.
The design for a triangular base breakaway support is on standard drawing TM602. See Figure
3: Standard Triangular Base Breakaway for more details.
3.4.3 Special Pipe Sign Support
This is a commercially available round steel support with a triangular slip base.
It can be viewed on standard detail DET4237. This support is not used on the state highway
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3.4.4 Perforated Steel Square Tube Slip Base
These PSST supports are sometimes known by their commercial name, “Telespar posts.” That is
just one of the manufacturers listed on the qualified products list (QPL) for these types of posts.
See standard drawings TM681 and TM688.
Figure 34: Slip base perforated steel square tube sign support
3.4.5 Perforated Steel Square Tube Anchor Sign
These supports are sometimes known by their commercial name “Telespar posts.” That is just
one of the manufacturers listed on the QPL for these types of posts.
See standard drawings TM681 and TM687.
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Figure 35: Anchor based perforated steel square tube sign support
3.4.6 Pipe Sign Support
These are the round steel pipes frequently seen in urban areas.
These posts are not used on the state highway right of way since they are not an approved
breakaway post.
There is an example of a pipe sign support on standard detail DET4235.
3.5 Mounts
3.5.1 Structure Mounts
These mounts are engineered steel brackets bolted to the sides of bridges to hold extruded
aluminum signs. A structural designer is responsible for designing these supports, with
information supplied by the sign designer.
New structure mount design that alters the vertical clearance requires the sign designer to
contact the region mobility liaison during the project scoping phase to determine vertical
clearance requirements.
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Figure 36: Sign mounted on the side of a bridge
3.5.2 Bridge Rail Mounts
On occasion, a designer will need to install a small sign mounted from the railing on a bridge.
Limit the size of these signs to 30 square feet or less.
Bridge rail mounts are a bid item and the estimated pounds of structural steel in the special
provisions should be supplied (see 6.2 – Providing Quantities). A structural designer is
responsible for designing these supports with information supplied by the sign designer.
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Figure 37: Sign mounted on the side of a bridge
3.5.3 Exit Number Sign Mounts
These are S3x5.7 members (with 2” x 2” structural tubes attached as sign spacers) used to attach
exit number signs on top of large guide signs. Sometimes these supports can be used to hang
auxiliary sign under the main guide signs. See standard drawing TM220.
3.5.4 Signal Pole Mounts
This support is for mounting small to medium sized signs on signal, luminaire, or similar poles.
It can be used for signs up to 60 square feet.
These supports attach to a signal pole, luminaire pole, or other steel pole that can support the
increased load. The sign designer needs to coordinate their design for a signal pole mount with
the signal designer. See standard drawing TM680.
Most signal pole mounts have an “H” frame for mounting the major guide sign. Most of these
guide signs are extruded panel signs attached using the post clips shown on standard drawing
If a sign is larger than 60 square feet, a different type of support is needed.
Guide signs mounted on the vertical post of a signal support at the corner of an intersection can
have the edge of the sign 2’ from the curb where there is restricted right of way, as shown on
TM200. Trucks will sometimes run over the curb performing a sharp turn and can hit the sign.
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Guide signs mounted on traffic signal poles shall be shown and detailed on the signing plans,
but only referenced on the signal plans. Since the signs are shown in the signing plans, they
need to be covered under the bid item for the specific sign type. These signs shall not be paid
for as part of the lump sum for signal installation bid item.
Note of caution: Many decorative poles will not handle the added wind load of this support
3.5.5 Mast Arm Street Name Sign Mounts
These supports consist of a group of extruded beams, riveted to the back side of a sheet
aluminum sign substrate. Each beam, in turn, is mounted to the signal mast arm using a strap
and buckle.
These supports are shown in greater detail on standard drawing TM679.
3.5.6 Adjustable Sign Mounts
This is a bracket bolted or strapped to a signal pole, mast arm, luminaire pole, or similar
support to hold up a sign. There are similar sign supports of this type not shown on the
drawing but are available from signal supply companies. This support is also called adjustable
sign bracket or adjustable sign clamp.
See standard drawing TM462.
3.5.7 Stainless Steel Clamp and Vertical Sign Mounts
on Existing Structures
Vertical signs mounts are usually stainless steel clamps buckled on a luminaire, pipe signpost or
a power pole.
A stainless steel clamp (SSC) is a bracket strapped to a vertical pole with a band and a buckle.
The SSC shall not be used with signs wider than 36”. Use two clamps for signs less than 48” tall
and three clamps for signs greater than 48” and up to and including 60”.
See standard drawing TM677.
3.5.8 Secondary Sign Supports
These are supports for signs that are attached to larger extruded aluminum signs. They are
needed to attach additional signs to the main guide signs.
See standard drawing TM678.
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Figure 38: Secondary sign support
On the sign and post data table, there are columns for secondary sign supports that are used to
specify how the secondary signs are attached below the main guide sign.
Refer to standard drawing TM678 for the secondary supports and to standard drawings TM200
and TM678 for installation details.
3.6 Miscellaneous Sign Supports
3.6.1 Crosswalk Closure Support
These supports serve two purposes:
1. They act as a shield to block the crosswalk.
2. They provide a sign support for the required signing.
See standard drawing TM240.
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Figure 39: Crosswalk closed support and sign
3.6.2 Milepost Marker Posts
These are supports for mile markers, delineators, and object markers. The design for a milepost
marker post is on standard drawing TM222.
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Figure 40: Mile post marker
3.6.3 Route Marker Frame
This is a frame bolted to a sign support with other signs bolted to the frame. It is useful for
installing multiple route shield assemblies and can be used for other sign assemblies as well.
The design for a route marker frame is on standard drawing TM678 .
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Chapter 4 – Drafting Standards
4.1 – General
4.1.1 Plan Requirements
All sign plans in a STIP project shall have:
Sign plans showing where the signs will be physically on the project.
Sign details that show what the sign looks like.
The sign and post data table, summarizing the physical aspects to construct the sign,
such as:
o Station of the sign.
o Type of substrate.
o Color of the sign.
o Post information.
o Other remarks for construction.
4.1.2 CADD Files
The exact workflow for sign design may differ among designers. This chapter guides a designer
through one possible workflow that works for ProjectWise naming conventions for signs.
To begin the process of assembling the signing plans, first obtain the necessary electronic data
from the roadway designer or survey. The CADD files needed include, but are not limited to:
Existing features files.
Alignment files.
New construction files.
Right of way files.
4.1.3 Design Format
The majority of design work produced for ODOT contracts is done in 11” x 17” format using
surveyed alignments. This manual focuses on the production of these plans. For some
preservation jobs of minor complexity, the roadway designer may select an 8½” x 11” format.
When this occurs, develop the signing plans using that same format.
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In some cases, a surveyed alignment either does not exist for a particular project or may not be
available to the sign designer for producing their plans. When this occurs, the designer should
create their own “alignment” using straight-line format.
Draft straight segments of roadway, with an assumed centerline, to serve as the alignment for
the sign plans. Add center-line stationing or mile point references consistent with those used by
the roadway designer.
Always contact the roadway designer or project leader before starting design work to
coordinate the proper format. It is difficult to change formats when the design is mostly
4.1.4 Consolidation of Base File
The first step is to create a “base” file to set up the plan sheets. Set up to include all the features
necessary to show on the plan sheets and leave out the unnecessary ones. Begin by merging all
the necessary files (e.g. existing features, right of way, alignments, new roadway, and striping
design files) together into a single two-dimensional file. This newly created base file will be
used later as a reference to the design file.
The file that is usually named TN_K#####_snd_bas_##; where the K###### corresponds to the K-
number of the project and the _## is used if the designer would like multiple versions. If
multiple versions of any document are used, make sure to fill out the document description in
detail so others will know the purpose of each version.
When progressing through the design, keep in mind the roadway designer is also progressing
through their design. An open line of communication with the roadway designer will be the
best tool for determining when to update the base file. They can let the sign designer know
when they are making changes that will significantly affect the base file.
Anytime the plans are printed and distributed for review, they should show alignments and
other features consistent with the roadway plans. This is only accomplished by keeping an up-
to-date base file.
For some projects, minor in scope and complexity, there either will be no roadway plans, or
they may only consist of typical sections. In this case, the usual information is not available to
create a base file for the design. There are two other options available.
The first involves “borrowing” alignment from as-builts of previous projects at that
The second involves using the straight-line format described in the previous section on
“Design Format.”
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4.1.5 File Clean-Up
After creating the base file, the next goal is to clean out extraneous information. This is
accomplished through a combination of turning off levels and deleting unwanted elements.
Information such as utilities, easements, curve data and existing signing data isn’t needed in the
plans, but must be retained as a resource. Take care not to delete these items. The items that
should be shown on the plans include:
Stationing and station marks.
Lane lines.
Edge of pavement.
Street names.
North arrows, etc.
Also include lane-use control arrows at intersections to show allowed turning movements. It
will prove useful to incorporate actual striping features into the plans, if possible, since the lane
lines and markings in the roadway design files won’t always match those shown in the actual
striping plans.
Items such as landscape features, buildings, and drainage features clutter the plans; for this
reason, they should not be shown. In some cases, a lane line may conflict with the center line. In
this case, delete the lane line so the center line stands out more clearly.
Once extraneous information is removed, some line codes and weights may need to be changed
for consistency with ODOT drafting standards. For instance, the centerline in the roadway file is
usually a heavy solid line. ODOT drafting standards require a line weight of zero with a line
style of seven. The stationing tick marks also have a line weight of zero but would remain a
solid line style. One other possible change involves the line style used for new curbs and
barriers. These are often shown with a dashed line style in the roadway files, but ODOT
standards call for them to be solid.
Do not show existing striping and other pavement markings on the plan sheets unless they are
being maintained as is. Do not show both the new and the existing edge of pavement lines on
the plans when they are in nearly the same location, as is the case in a project with only minor
widening. Instead, reduce the clutter by not showing the old edge of pavement.
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In cases where the new and the old edge of pavement differ considerably, as in projects with
significant realignment, show both. This can be helpful in eliminating confusion as to why
existing signs sometimes are shown in the middle of the new alignment or far beyond the new
edge of pavement.
Replace all the existing sign symbols with those included in the ODOT pull-down menu. The
sign symbols from the original existing features file are very small and hard to see. The symbols
in the pull-down menu are scaled to stand out better on the plan sheets, making it easier to
show orientation of sign faces.
Figure 41: Symbols for signs used on sign plans
4.1.6 Creating and Naming a Design File
Once you’re comfortable with the way the base file looks, it is time to start building the design
file. Assemble the design in a separate file, referencing the base file as needed to develop the
design sheets.
Begin by opening a new two-dimensional design file in MicroStation. If there is a need for more
than a single design file, then the suffix would increase with each additional file. In ProjectWise
many designers do their work in sign folder and use the name TN_K######_snd_wrk_##. This is
considered the working design for sign plans produced.
See Appendix G for Project Wise naming conventions for sign drafting.
4.1.7 Sheet Borders
Open the named design file. Set up the plan sheets in this file or in the CAD file and reference
pieces of the base file to individual plan sheets to cover the entire length of the project.
Consultants may have a different method to set up sheet borders and plot sheets than the one
ODOT uses. Although the approach may be different, the goal is the same.
Set up the file so that it has organized rows or columns of identical sheet borders placed and
identified allowing for quick and easy prints.
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ODOT uses a tool within the MicroStation environment called Print Organizer that allows for
customization of how the sheets are organized and printed, both on paper and digital. By
creating “print set” definitions, a collection of any or all sheets in a design file can be identified
for printing (paper or digital) in a selected order, without requiring individual fencing of sheets.
Begin by adding sheet borders for 11” x 17” sheets at a 1200 scale (1” = 100’) to the file. The
number of borders placed doesn’t matter so much at this point, because more can be added or
deleted as needed. Eventually there should be enough borders to take care of all signing plan
sheets, sign detail sheets, and sign and post data tables.
There are several features common to all sheets in the design file. After creating the sheet
borders, place these common features inside of the first sheet border. Copy them to all sheet
borders. This way, they will not have to be recreated for each sheet. Among the features
common to all or most sheets are:
Title block (with professional stamp).
Sheet header (plan sheets only).
LEGEND notes (plan sheets only).
General notes (plan sheets only).
These items can be found among the “General” or “Signing” workflows that are a part of the
overall “Traffic” workflow. For consultants, the ODOT workspace will include templates for
these under the task tab. Consultants can download the ODOT workspace here:
Whatever LEGEND or general notes are used can usually fit in the area directly above the title
block and below the sheet header. After placing this information inside of the first sheet border
it can be fenced and copied inside of all other sheet borders. The title block is the same on all
sheets. Sheet headers and general notes will be used on all plan sheets and details sheets
although the contents will differ slightly.
Sign and post data table sheets have the same spreadsheet style layout. This also is a standard
cell, accessible from the “Signing” workflow. The cell can be placed inside of each sheet border
that serves as a data table. ODOT has also provided blank data table sheets for consultant use
within the same file mentioned above.
4.2 – Plan Sheets
The next step is to lay out the plan sheets. There is more than one way to accomplish this task,
but this manual focuses on the method which involves referencing portions of the base file into
individual plan sheet borders in the design file. Many designers set the plan sheets in the CAD
file, while others use their design file depending on the size of the project and if multiple
designers will need to access to a file where plan sheets are made.
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All the existing traffic signs should be included on the signing plan sheets, including signs to:
Maintain and protect.
When all signs are on the plan sheets, they can be reviewed with a clear picture of all the sign
work planned for within the project limits. This is beneficial when the plans are filed as “as-
built” records for that section of highway.
4.2.1 Clip Boundary and Referencing of Files
On most 11” x 17” plan sheets, the usable design space will be an area of about 10” x 10”.
Within this space, two different stretches of highway alignment with lengths anywhere from
800 to 1000 feet should be able to comfortably fit.
Begin by creating a box (rectangle) of approximately 4” tall by 9” (400’ x 900’) wide. Create it on
a level which does not need to be turned on for the final prints. The boxes can be made with
construction lines and turned off for printing. Place this box over adjoining pieces of alignment
in the base file, from beginning to end of the project, such that the entire alignment is covered
with minimal overlap. Each box should be rotated, if necessary, such that its length runs (more
or less) parallel with the center line of the alignment.
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Figure 42: Example sign plans with two segments of highway parallel to the long side of the
If there is an interchange or a crossroad with a considerable amount of work on it, consider:
Limiting that sheet to only one section of alignment, instead of the two.
Using a 9” x 9” (900’ x 900’) box to mark that alignment section.
Once these boxes are placed end-to-end covering the entire alignment, reposition them as
needed to ensure all the important features, including station numbers are encompassed within
them. Make sure there is a north arrow to define the alignment orientation within each box.
Make sure the text for highway names and any crossroads are present within each box.
The next step is to individually fence around each box and copy their contents as references to
the sheet borders within the design file. The fence contents may need rotating on the page as
they are referenced to make the boxes run horizontal. Some sheets will have room for two
boxes, one above the other. Other sheets will only have room for a single box if it is the 9” x 9”
(900’ x 900’) variety.
The sheets need to be filled systematically, so the overall alignment stationing increases left to
right and top to bottom from first sheet to last, as if reading a book.
To begin the referencing, put a fence tight around the outside of the first box at the beginning of
the project alignment. Attach this as a reference to the design file inside the sheet border for the
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first plan sheet. One way is to name the reference according to the sheet number and whether it
takes up the top or bottom portion of the sheet. Remember, most sheets will have two separate
portions referenced to them, one on the top and the other on the bottom. Make sure the
specified “clip boundary” and the fence setting is on “clip” when moving the referenced
material into position within the design sheet border. Rotate this referenced material, as needed,
so the alignment is horizontal on the plan sheet and make note of the degree of rotation used.
Repeat this procedure for each of the remaining boxes, in order of increasing stationing until
each of the plan sheets with the necessary alignments is filled in. If referenced properly, the
boxes themselves will also show up on the plan sheets. If done correctly, these boxes are placed
on a unique level, which can be turned off, prohibiting the data from appearing on the printed
plan sheets.
As mentioned earlier, for some projects an actual surveyed alignment is not available to the sign
designer, and a straight-line format is necessary. In this case, instead of referencing pieces of
alignment from a base file into the design file, create horizontal pieces of alignment directly
onto each plan sheet and draft a centerline using mile points or stationing to match what is
shown on the sign inventory provided.
No particular scale is necessary, but it should use as few sheets as possible without making the
sign symbols so crowded the information is difficult to read. If there are long sections of
highway with no signs present, the designer may consider leaving out these sections.
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Figure 43: Example sign plans that use a straight line method.
4.2.2 Mapping Existing Signs
After referencing the base sheet alignment to the plan sheets, plot the existing sign locations
onto each sheet.
Sign symbols from the original, existing features file will auto-populate the alignment by
default. Replace these with symbols found in the pull-down menu.
Compare the sign inventory locations with those shown on the plan sheets. Some of the
locations in the inventory maybe missing from the plan sheets or vice-versa. Some of the
symbols may not be shown in the exact location as listed in the inventory or some of the
symbols are not oriented with the signs facing the same direction shown in the inventory.
Resolve any conflicts by looking at the digital video log or by making a trip on-site. Add or
move any sign symbols, as needed, according to the most accurate representation of the current
signing for that particular location.
After verifying locations of the existing signs, it is time to document their use. Do this for all the
signs in the project. Differentiate existing signing from proposed new signing. One option is to
make paper prints of all the plan sheets and make notes (in ink) of each existing installation. An
alternative is to mark the plans digitally. Place the cell symbols for the signs within the plan
sheets on a construction level. Draw a line from each sign face to a blank area on the page where
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a rough sketch can be placed of what it looks like or use a brief word message like “speed 35”
whichever is easiest.
Later begin marking in locations for proposed new signing. When working from a hard copy,
use pencil because there may be numerous changes before settling on a particular plan. This is
why using ink to designate the existing signing is best.
Written indications about the types of supports should not be needed. There are different
symbols available in the ODOT pull-down menu, and from other sources, for each of the
different types of commonly used supports, such as:
Wood posts.
Steel posts.
Pipe installations.
Signal pole mounts.
Use the representative symbol for the appropriate type of support used. Also, use symbols
which accurately depict the number of posts present in the installation, as well as showing sign
faces on all sides of the support where present.
Whether it is an existing installation which might be removed and discarded, or new signing
and supports to be installed, it is important to provide an accurate picture of what is currently
out there and what is desired to eliminate any confusion later when the plans are read by a
contractor or inspector.
4.2.3 Use of Legend Notes
Once a completed rough layout of all signing, existing and proposed, is on the plan sheets,
indicate the action needed for each installation shown.
The ODOT pull-down menu contains a complete set of all commonly used legend (bubble)
notes. These notes are in the form of hexagons, with enclosed letters and numbers. The alpha
numeric designations indicate the action(s) needed for each sign and/or support.
Within each bubble, the number (N) represents the sign number in question. The letter (M) in
the bottom half of the bubble represents the type of support. The other letters in the bubble (RX,
EX RS, RI, etc.) represent the necessary action(s) for the sign and support.
Each plan sheet should include a list of the legend notes used on the sheet. Edit the legend so
that only notes that apply to the sheet they are on are shown.
At the bottom of the list are definitions for each coded message and for the various possible
support types. The most common possibilities are included in the ODOT pull-down menu.
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Figure 44: The full legend that accompanies all sign plans. Edit the legend to only show notes
applicable for that sheet.
Sign installations may have signs facing only in one direction or facing in two or more different
In using bubble notes, use a separate string of notes for each sign face. Begin by drafting a
leader line outward from one of the sign faces. At the end of this leader line, place the string of
bubble notes needed to sufficiently describe the planned work for each sign on that face.
The bubbles should be in order, moving outward, so they are representative of how the work
would be accomplished. Begin with bubbles showing existing signs being removed, followed by
the bubbles showing new signs being installed. Repeat this process for each sign face in the
entire installation.
Although an installation may have signs facing in multiple directions, there is only one
common support for that installation. Once the removal or replacement of the support has been
detailed with one of the bubble strings, there is no need to repeat it on any of the other strings
for that installation.
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Figure 45: Example sign plans showing the leader line and the instructions for the signs,
including the type of new post to be installed.
4.3 Sign Details
In order to adequately explain the signing work needed for a project, provide the contractor
with a detailed description of the signs, both existing and new.
This task is partially accomplished by developing sign detail sheets that include the likeness of
each sign. Not only is this necessary for performing the work under contract, but these sheets
will prove beneficial later on as a set of as-built records for that area.
4.3.1 – Format of Detail Sheets
Refer to the end of this section for an example sign detail sheet layout.
Start the sign drawing at the upper left corner and then proceed down the sheet in rows until
the sheet is full. The signs within a given row are left-justified with respect to each other, and
the sign numbers are centered below each respective sign. Allow an adequate amount of space
between signs within each column and between each of the columns so that the sheets do not
appear cluttered and are easy to read. Refer to the penciled-in plan sheet for sign numbering.
One way to number the project is to start with the first sign at the beginning of the alignment on
the first plan sheet and call it number one. The corresponding design should be placed in the
upper left corner of the sign detail sheet and labeled Sign No. 1. Working through the plan
sheets, the next sign would be numbered 2 and so forth. All the signs on the sign detail sheet are
numbered in this fashion.
This is the easiest way to number the project, but it doesn’t always produce the best-looking
detail sheets. The end result will be some small signs mixed in with some very large signs and
will not make very efficient use of the space on the sheets.
Another way to number the sheets and make better, more efficient use of the space on the detail
sheets is to begin at the start of the alignment and proceed on the plan sheets numbering the
smaller regulatory, warning and other standard signs first.
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Once these signs have been covered for the entire project, repeat the process for the smaller
guide signs and other small signs requiring custom designs.
Lastly, repeat the process for the larger guide signs and other large signs requiring custom
designs. By using this second method, the signs on the detail sheets line up more uniformly and
use the space more efficiently. This method places signs requiring custom designs at the end of
the sign detail sheets.
Signs that supplement each other should share the same sign number. Examples include:
Warning sign with an accompanying speed or distance rider.
Guide sign with secondary route assemblies or recreational symbols mounted below it.
Guide sign with an exit number sign mounted above it.
In each of these cases, show the entire collection of signs together in one location on the sign
detail sheet and assign a single sign number.
To differentiate between the primary sign and the supplemental signs, each of the supplemental
signs are further designated by a suffix. So, if the entire collection was known as sign 1, the
supplemental signs accompanying it would be labeled 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. In this manner, the entire
collection of signs that supplement each other on that sign face can be referred to as sign
number 1 in the bubble notes on the plan sheet. At the same time, each individual sign in that
collection has its own unique designation that can be referred to in the Sign and Post Data
Tables, when more specific details are required.
Figure 46: Example installation in the sign details that includes three signs, one main sign and
two supplemental labeled (a) and (b).
Once a particular sign has been located and numbered on the sign detail sheets, do not show it
again. For example, if sign number 1 is a STOP sign, then refer to every other STOP sign on the
project as sign number 1.
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Any signs that will be removed altogether, or otherwise not replaced with new signs, will be
drafted with dashed (broken) borders on the sign detail sheets. Draft others that require new
signs with solid borders.
4.3.2 Regulatory and Warning Signs
Most of the more common regulatory and warning signs are depicted in cell libraries or cache
files, for convenience.
The GuideSIGN Sign Design program, used for designing custom signs, also contains a library
of cells for the most common regulatory and warning signs shown in the MUTCD. It also
includes many styles of route shields and several standard recreational and motorist services
Any of these cells which apply to the project can be copied to the sign detail sheets. Take
advantage of this and other cell libraries to save time and reduce rework. A good source for
these standard signs is a cache file in the ODOT workspace.
Download the ODOT workspace:
Access directions for the ODOT workspace:
Regardless of what source the sign depictions are from, it is important they closely resemble the
actual signs needed on the project. This way there is no question on the part of the contractor as
to what signs they need to install.
These depictions should be drafted at a scale large enough to be easily recognized, but small
enough to allow a reasonable number of them on a sheet. With these smaller standard signs, 25
to 40 signs can fit on a single sheet. Scale them with respect to each other, such that signs which
are the same size appear the same size on the sheet. If one sign is twice the size of another, draft
it such that it is twice the size on the sheet. If there is not an exact depiction of a particular
standard sign, find a similar sign and modify its legend to suit the need. Once done, consider
creating a cell of this sign for future use.
4.3.3 Guide Signs
Most guide signs are unique to a particular location. There are standard layouts for signs such
as exit gore signs and exit number signs, but even though the overall dimensions for these signs
are set, the spacing of the legend will vary with the exit number.
Because of this, a unique design layout should be worked up for each guide sign. Using the sign
design software, produce likenesses of each guide sign for placement onto the sign detail sheets.
As best practice, use the software in a separate design file, rather than the project design file.
This protects the existing plan sheet data and offers a clean space to work with.
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As each sign is designed, copy it into the project design file using the clipboard feature. Copy
the necessary dimensioning text along with each sign. Ideally, each guide sign should include:
Dimensioning text showing the overall height to the left of the sign.
Overall width above the sign.
Letter sizes and fonts as well as arrow and shield sizes to the right of the sign.
Do not show any dimensions below the signs, if possible.
Begin with the smaller guide signs such as street name signs and work up to the larger signs as
the sheets are built. The signs will fit more uniformly on the sheets and space will be used more
efficiently by doing this. Refer to Chapter 2 for information on the actual design of the sign.
Copy the signs onto the sign detail sheets and be sure to scale them appropriately so they are
proportionately sized with respect to the regulatory and warning signs already placed on the
sign detail sheets.
Place the text for the sign dimensions such that its size is consistent from sign to sign. Use a text
size that is easy to read, but does not take up a lot of room or interfere with the depiction of the
Show all signs on a particular face that are installed together as a single sign number. Use
suffixes for each sign, other than the primary sign, within each sign number. As an example, if a
primary guide sign contains two route shields has an exit number sign mounted above it and
has an “exit only” panel at the bottom of it, refer to the entire collection as sign number 1. The
exit number sign might be referred to as 1a, the “exit only” panel as 1b, and the route shields as
1c and 1d. By doing this the entire installation can be referred as sign 1 on the plan sheet(s) and
also be able to identify each sign separately when more detail is required in the Sign and Post
Data Tables, which will discussed later in this chapter.
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Figure 47: Example sign installation in the sign details showing an exit panel with the (a) suffix
and a route shield with a (b) suffix. All parts of the sign are referred to by a single sign number in
the sign plans.
In most cases, a guide sign will be one of three colors:
The color depends on the type of destination(s) to which the sign is directing people.
In some cases, a guide sign needs to be partly green and partly brown or blue. In other cases, a
guide sign will include a yellow “EXIT ONLY” message at the bottom. For either of these
scenarios, it is best to label with the suffixes “a” and “b” to differentiate between the two colors
on the same sign.
Later, in the Sign and Post Data Table give more specific details as to the type of sheeting and
the dimensions involved for each color. Using these suffixes allows the details of the two-
colored portions of one sign to show separately.
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Figure 48: Example sign installation in the sign details showing an exit panel with the (a) suffix
and an EXIT ONLY panel with a (b) suffix. The EXIT ONLY panel is a different color than the guide
sign and has a suffix in the details to help call out that difference.
4.3.4 Sign Design Software
There are several programs available to design and draft the signs not available in the signing
cell library.
ODOT uses “GuideSIGN” sold by Transoft Solutions,
“SignCAD” from Bentley Systems is another similar system that will help design and
draft the sign,
The advantage of using software to design signs is the speed of the design, plus the drafting is
to scale so what is seen on the design is an exact replica of what the finished sign will look like.
If using software to design signs for a project, printing the design for each sign out individually
for the shop drawings is required with the sign plan. The sign designer will be asked to send
these drawings to the construction project manager’s office, and they will provide them to the
contractor for the project.
The sign manufacturer uses the drawings to build the signs according to their design. Make
sure the sign numbers on the drawings match those shown on the sign details sheets. Also,
validate the information on the drawings regarding sizes, sheeting types and colors, etc.
matches the information entered into the Sign and Post Data Tables (see next section).
4.4 Sign and Post Data Tables
Refer to the end of this section for a layout example of a Sign and Post Data Table.
This section explains the Sign and Post Data Tables column by column, explaining what type of
data needs to be entered in each case. Examples are provided along the way, and the completed
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data table at the end of the chapter should also be examined while reading through the
instructions for each column. Read this entire section prior to filling out a Sign and Post Data
Table for the first time.
Before filling in the data tables, tally up the number of each individual sign needed to complete
the work shown in the plans. Count entries only where a new sign and/or support are to be
installed or where an existing sign and/or support are to be removed, saved and reinstalled, or
somehow modified. Do not count signs and supports removed and not replaced, or signs and
supports maintained and protected in their existing location.
Once the tally is completed, fill in the first data table. Leave a few empty lines after each sign
number, especially if additional signs are expected in the future.
4.4.1 Sign Number & Sign Location
Start with sign number 1 and make the entries in numerical order. If there are three installations
tallied for sign 1, then fill in data in three different rows, one line for each location.
In this case only entering the number “1” for the first row is needed. It is understood that the
other following rows were also number 1 unless otherwise numbered.
If the sign 1 has a secondary sign (1a) along with it, then fill the data in six different rows. The
entries in the sign number column would read “1, 1a, 1, 1a, 1, 1a” down the column. Entries are
only needed in the sign location column for the rows next to number 1 (not 1a), because the
location of 1 and 1a would be the same in each case.
For the sign location column, it is preferred the entry consist of an alignment name, engineering
station and a designation of “lt.” for left of centerline or “rt.” for right of centerline, when
looking ahead on line. If the installation is in the median, then use the designation “ctr.”
If engineering stationing is not available, as is the case in some preservation overlay projects,
then enter mile points, to the nearest one-hundredth of a mile, into the sign location column. A
directional suffix (EB, WB, NB, SB) should accompany it to indicate which side of the highway
the installation is on.
After completing each of the rows for sign 1, skip a row and begin making entries for signs
numbered 2, then 3 and so on until all numbers have been covered.
It is best to leave a blank row after finishing the entries for a particular number. This provides a
little separation and makes the data easier to read.
4.4.2 Sign Dimensions
The sign dimension entries are simply the width and height for each sign.
For all custom designed signs, enter these values in terms of feet and inches, as determined by
the custom sign design software used in their design.
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For all standard signs (regulatory signs, warning signs, shields, arrow boards, rec. symbols,
milepost markers, etc.) show the dimensions in inches only.
Dimensions for most of the more common regulatory and warning signs are included in
Appendix D. Please note that many of the standard sign sizes for ODOT are larger than the
MUTCD. Always check Appendix D before using the MUTCD for proper sizing. Dimensions
for other standard signs can be found in FHWA’s Standard Highway Signs, our Sign Policy and
Guidelines, and our standard drawings (TM200 series).
When detailing a sign that already exists in the field, bracket each dimension with parenthesis
to differentiate it from the new signs. It is not always necessary to show dimensions for existing
signs, but it will prove useful if the existing sign needs a new support. Sign sizes are needed for
the contractor or project inspector to be able to field verify sizes of new supports.
4.4.3 Sign Type
Sign types were removed with the 2018 Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction.
4.4.4 Substrate
ODOT accepts only three types of substrate material for permanent signing on the state
highway system:
Sheet aluminum.
HDO plywood.
Extruded aluminum panels.
Place a checkmark in the appropriate column for each row to designate the desired substrate
material for each sign.
As a general rule of thumb, ODOT only uses extruded aluminum panels for signs that are too
large to be made of plywood. This would be anything larger than what can be fabricated out of
a 4’ x 8’ sheet of plywood. Some signs that would otherwise be small enough to go on plywood
should instead use extruded aluminum panels if they have structural steel supports. These
supports are designed for signs mounted to them with post clips, instead of being thru-bolted.
Extruded aluminum panel signs are designed in 6-inch increments for overall height and width,
whereas plywood and sheet aluminum signs are designed in 3-inch increments.
Plywood can be used as a substrate for signs up to 4’ x 8’ in size. Sheet aluminum can be used
for ground-mounted signs up to 4’ x 5’ in size and is also used as an overlay material riveted to
extruded aluminum panels (route shields and EXIT ONLY panels on large guide signs).
Because of its relatively light weight, sheet aluminum is also used for virtually all street name
and lane use control signs mounted on signal pole mast arms.
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Plywood is sturdy and therefore is resistant to bending or warping around the support in high
wind conditions or in snow-blowing operations. Because of this, plywood may make for a
better substrate material than sheet aluminum for signs wider than 3 feet which would be the
most susceptible to bending or warping in severe conditions.
4.4.5 Background Color
Abbreviations for each of the colors are listed in footnote 1 at the bottom of each Sign and Post
Data Table.
Enter the color abbreviation into whichever column is appropriate for that sign type, be it
standard sheeting (known as ASTM Type III or type IV) or wide-angle sheeting (known as
ASTM type IX or XI).
4.4.6 Legend Color
There are three columns where legend color information can be entered. Choose only one of
these columns for the sign legend and enter the appropriate legend color.
“ASTM Type III or Type IV” column.
“ASTM Type IX or Type XI” column.
“Non-Reflective” column.
Whenever the legend color is black, enter the abbreviation “BK” into the “Non-Reflective”
column. Black legend is always non-reflective. No other colors will be entered in the “Non-
Reflective” column.
For all other legend colors, use the same abbreviations referred to previously in footnote 1.
Enter the abbreviation for the sign color into whichever column is appropriate.
4.4.7 Legend Type
Enter a checkmark into one of the two columns.
If the sign is to be made of plywood or sheet aluminum, then the legend type is direct
applied and will always be considered “permanent.”
If the sign is to be made of extruded aluminum panels, then the legend is riveted on and
will always be considered “removable.”
4.4.8 Sign Number
This column is a repeat of the first column. Copy the first column directly over to this column. It
makes the table easier to read if the sign numbers repeated in this location near the center of the
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Steel Multi-post Breakaway Installations
For steel multi-post breakaway installations, incorporate individual designations for each post
into this column. Provide extra rows to accommodate the total number of posts in the
installation. This allows you to enter design details for each steel breakaway post in its own
specific row. This is necessary because each post might have its own unique length and offset
distance to specify.
As an example, for a steel multi-post installation (assume sign number 1) using three posts,
allow for three rows to detail each individual post. In the first column the first row would have
the number “1” entered, but the next two rows would be left blank.
The corresponding sign number column in the middle of the sheet would have the following
entries: 1L, 1C, and 1R, respectively in those same three rows to represent the left, center and
right posts. This allows each posts to be detailed individually.
The information specific to the sign would only need to be entered in the first row. There is no
need to repeat it in the other two rows.
Multiple Wood Post Installations
It is not necessary to detail posts separately for multiple wood post installations. For those
installations, the posts can all be detailed in a single row.
Figure 49: Example sign and post data table entry, where the two supports for a sign are listed.
4.4.9 Type of Support
These columns include all the primary and secondary support types common to permanent
signing on ODOT’s highway system.
Enter a check mark in the appropriate column for each sign. In most cases, check no more than a
single column for any given row. Rarely, check more than a single column. For example, a
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triangular base breakaway support may or may not have an “H” frame associated with it; if so,
insert checks in both of these columns. Many installations will have a primary support and
some secondary supports, as well. In such cases, make sure the check marks for each column
are in the appropriate row corresponding to the sign it supports.
As an example, a primary guide sign (number 1) may have two steel multi-post breakaway
supports (1L, 1R), and it may have a secondary exit number sign above it (1a) supported by an
exit number sign support and another secondary sign (1b) mounted below it using a C4x5.4
channel support. In this case,
Rows 1L and 1R (for sign number 1) would each have a check entered in the multi-post
breakaway column.
The row for sign number 1a would have a check entered in the exit number sign support
The row for sign number 1b would have a check entered in the C4x5.4 column under
secondary sign supports.
Figure 50: Example sign and post data table entry where the two main supports plus an exit
number support and C4x5.4 support.
Some sign numbers and their corresponding rows will have no check marks entered in the
support columns. This is because each support, whether primary or secondary, is only to be
detailed once in the data table. This eliminates confusion when calculating actual material
quantities needed.
For example, if a single wood post supports a STOP sign (number 1) and street name signs for
two different streets (numbers 2 and 3), then the wood post column would only be checked in
the row for sign number 1. The other signs (2 and 3) would not have any check marks in their
rows for support types. They would, however, contain notes in the remarks column (discussed
later) indicating their support is detailed with sign number 1.
Detail each support only once, but make cross references so it is obvious how each individual
sign is supported.
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4.4.10 Post Size and Length
The post size and length columns are only filled in for the following types of supports:
Wood posts.
Perforated steel square tube sign supports.
Triangular base breakaway sign supports.
Multi-post breakaway sign supports.
Exit number sign supports.
Milepost marker posts.
Lengths for secondary sign supports are also required in the data table. However, there is a
separate column for this data located next to the other columns which are specific to secondary
sign supports.
In the post size column, enter information specific to the cross-sectional size of the support. In
the post length column, enter the length of the support, usually in feet and inches. The actual
design of supports and determination of sizes and lengths is detailed in the Traffic Structures
Design Manual.
Post sizes for wood posts and perforated steel square tube sign supports have nominal cross-
sectional size in inches. ODOT uses wood post sizes of:
Perforated steel square tube sign supports come in the following cross-sectional sizes:
Post lengths for wood posts are calculated in even two-foot increments, which is consistent with
how they are sold on the market (14’, 16’, 18’, etc.). The lengths shown represent the total length
of post from the bottom of the embedment (4’ to 7’ below the surface) to the top of the three-
inch reveal above the sign(s) supported.
Calculate post lengths for perforated steel square tube sign supports to the nearest inch and
show them in terms of feet and inches. The lengths shown represent the total length of the main
square tube post from the bottom of the embedment (18” below the surface) to the top of the
sign(s) supported.
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Milepost marker posts all have a specific size detailed in standard drawing TM222. The
designer can either enter the specific size or “SEE TM222” in this column to specify post size for
milepost marker posts.
Post lengths for milepost marker posts can be found on standard drawing TM222. These values
vary with the size of the milepost marker supported. Enter the appropriate measurement (in
feet and inches) from the chart.
Post sizes for triangular base breakaway, multi-post breakaway, and exit number sign supports,
have industry recognized structural member names. All exit number sign supports are short
flange members of a specific size (S 3x5.7). Use them in pairs and indicate the need for two of
them in the entry.
All multi-post breakaway sign supports are wide flange members which come in a range of
sizes shown on standard drawing TM601 (W 6x9, W 6x12, W 6x15, etc.). All triangular base
breakaway sign supports are tubular steel members made of three-sixteenths inch thick steel.
The available sizes are shown on standard drawing TM602 (range from TS 3x3 thru TS 8x8).
Enter lengths for multi-post breakaway and triangular base breakaway sign supports in units of
feet and inches, in each case to the nearest inch. Unlike some of the other supports the length
indicated does not include the portion of the support below the surface in the concrete footing.
Lengths shown for the multi-post supports represent the entire post beginning at the top of the
base plates and working up to the top of the post at or just above the top of the primary sign.
Lengths shown for the triangular base supports represent the entire post beginning at the top of
the base plates and working up to the top of the post. The top of the post will not always
coincide with the top of the sign(s). If a triangular base breakaway support has an “H” frame,
then the length is only calculated up to where the post ends at the “H” frame. This coincides
with a distance halfway up the back of the sign. If the support does not have an “H” frame, then
the top of the post coincides with the top of the sign and the length shown should reflect that.
Exit number sign supports are used in pairs and will almost always be 7’ in length. This is the
length required for a standard application of this support which involves supporting a 30-inch-
tall exit number sign above a primary guide sign, with the supports also running a length of
nearly 4 feet 6 inches down the back of the primary sign. These supports, however, are also
used for signs other than exit number signs, so the length needed could vary. It is also possible
that the primary sign may be shorter than 4 feet 6 inches, requiring the exit number sign
supports to be shortened so as not to extend below the primary sign. Enter the appropriate
length in feet and inches.
4.4.11 Footing Location and Minimum Depth
The footing location and minimum depth columns are only for ground-mounted installations
that specifically require concrete footings. That limits it to:
Multi-post breakaway sign supports.
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Triangular base breakaway sign supports.
Perforated steel square tube sign supports.
The location column should show an offset value, in feet and inches, representing the distance
from a particular point of reference to the center of the desired footing location. Use a point of
reference most appropriate for the circumstance, such as:
Edge of pavement.
Edge of travel lane (fog line).
Face of guardrail or concrete barrier.
Face of curb.
Back of sidewalk.
Include a note in the remarks column to specify which point of reference to measure from. This
specified distance will allow the contractor to accurately stake the location of the footing to
ensure that it gets installed where it needs to be.
The minimum depth column includes a measurement in feet and inches representing the total
minimum depth required for the concrete footing. The perforated steel square tube sign support
foundation depth values can be found on standard drawings TM687 and TM688. For multi-post
and triangular base breakaway supports, the minimum footing depths vary with the size of the
support. Depth values can be found in the same charts referred to earlier in standard drawings
TM601 and TM602.
4.4.12 – Remarks
The last column is reserved for any remarks needed to further explain the installation of the
sign or support detailed within the row. Sometimes further explanation is needed to
supplement the location or offset of a sign or footing.
Reasons to include remarks:
Installations containing several signs, especially those facing different directions, to
document the orientation.
When the support for a sign has already been detailed for one of the other signs.
Sign supplied by an agency other than ODOT, such as state parks.
Reference other drawing numbers (plan sheets) relating to some of the signs, i.e., signal
poles, cantilevers, sign bridges or other supports.
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Figure 51: Example sign and post data table remarks entry, where some signs are on a support
already listed and larger slip base for a PSST was requested.
4.5 Sheet Numbers
All sign plan sheets, sign detail sheets, and sign and post data table sheets require unique sheet
numbers assigned by the Traffic-Roadway Section. These numbers are used to archive all the
signing sheets on a project.
Request sheet numbers when the sign plans are finalized, and no more changes will occur. This
usually occurs sometime between the advanced plans and printing of the PS&E plans for
construction projects. The unique sheet numbers run consecutively; once a set of numbers is
assigned, it is difficult to simply add or delete plan sheets from the project. If a sheet is added or
deleted later, often a completely new set of numbers is assigned and the old numbers voided.
Projects on freeways or expressways or in urban areas frequently include overhead sign
supports, requiring the production of structural design drawings. If these drawings are for
standalone supports, such as sign bridges, cantilevers or butterfly supports, they must be
assigned signing sheet numbers. If they are for supports that attach to a bridge structure, such
as structure mounts or bridge rail mounts, the drawings must be assigned bridge drawing
numbers from Bridge Engineering Section.
Ideally, bundle structural drawings needing signing sheet numbers with the signing plans
when requesting sheet numbers. This takes some coordination and cooperation among the
different designers to get it done right. Place the structural sheets related to the signing plans
immediately after the Sign & Post Data Tables, so they are assigned numbers consecutive with
the signing plans.
All sheets can then be sent in together as part of a single request. If they come in separately
there are no guarantees the numbers assigned will be consecutive. This may seem like a small
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matter, but it makes a big difference down the line when somebody searches our records for as-
built information. It is much easier to find information on overhead support structures when
the sheets are part of the same run of numbers as the signing sheets to which they relate.
If it is not possible or practical to request these sheet numbers together as one group, then cross
reference the related sheets to one another. For example, a note might be inserted in the remarks
column of the Sign & Post Data Table referencing a particular drawing number for the sign
structure relating to the subject sign number from the data table.
To request sheet numbers for all the plan sheets on the project, call 971-372-0590 or email
4.6 Quality Control, Assurance and Verification
Each region at ODOT has a quality control quality assurance (QA/QC) plan in place to ensure
ODOT designs undergo a QA/QC review before submittal to the Project Controls Office (PCO).
Consultants working on ODOT projects are also required to have a QA/QC plan. More
information for consultants can be found at Statewide Project Delivery Quality Management
Plan ( ODOT does not perform QA/QC on consultant work, the consultant is
expected to do that. ODOT verifies the QA/QC has been done.
A sample check list for quality control of sign designs is included in Appendix H Example of a
QA/QC Check List for Sign Design. This is not a comprehensive list of all things that can or
need to be checked in sign plans submitted, but an example of what some regions have chosen
to focus on.
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Figure 52: Example sign plans sheet.
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Figure 53: Example sign details sheet.
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Figure 54: Example sign and post data table sheet.
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Chapter 5 – Standards
5.1 Standard Drawings and Standard Details
The standard drawings which support permanent signing are located in the TM200 and TM600
series of drawings, accessible at:
Many of these standard drawings were discussed in chapter 4. Others not previously
mentioned include:
TM211, TM212 – Interstate, U.S. and Oregon route shields.
TM221 – Mile post marker signs.
TM223-TM225Guide signs, conventional and freeway/expressway.
TM230-TM233Demountable legend.
As part of the final submittal of PS&E documents to the spec writer, list all standard drawings
that apply to the work described in the plans. List them as “Accompanied by Drawings” in the
lower right corner of the title block on the first plan sheet, just above the sheet number. The spec
writer will also include this information in their index, which appears just after the title sheet.
All sheets listed will be added at the end of the set of contract plans.
5.2 Standard Specifications and Special
Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction are located at the following website:
Most of the specifications dealing with permanent signing are in Part 00900 – Permanent Traffic
Control and Illumination Systems and Section 02910 – Sign Material.
For each section of this book on standard specifications, there is a corresponding document
containing information that has been updated, modified or deleted since the publication of the
current spec book. These documents, or special provisions, can be found at:
Boilerplate special provisions supplement or supersede the corresponding information shown
in the standard specifications.
Any special provision covering an item or a type of work shown in the plans must be included
in the contract documents for that project. Some of the boilerplate special provisions do not
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contain any updated information, but simply make reference to the corresponding standard
specification. These boilerplate special provisions must still be included in the contract
In some cases, the boilerplate special provisions may contain some information that does not
apply to a particular project. In this case, delete that information from the boilerplate before
submitting it to the spec writer. Turn on track changes before editing, so the spec writer can see
the changes.
If there is a need to change or add to the content of the boilerplate special provision, consult
with the technical resource of the specification first.
For permanent signing issues, contact the ODOT Sign Engineer who can be reached at
[email protected]; 503-986-4013.
For issues with structural steel supports or their footings/foundations, contact the
ODOT Senior Traffic Structures Engineer, who can be reached at
[email protected]; 503-510-2204.
Table 8: Commonly Used Special Provisions
Section Project Details
Milepost marker post installations
Removals or reinstallations of existing signs and/or supports
Installation of new wood posts
Installation of sign support footings
Installation of any metal sign support
Fabrication and installation of new signs
Many of these special provisions refer to other related provisions which must also be included
in the final submittal to the spec writer. Among these are sections 440, 2110, 2190, 2530, 2910
and 2920. There are still other special provisions such as Section 941 (Sign Covers) which apply
to items not frequently used on ODOT contracts.
Special provision section 160 (Source of Materials), subsection 160.30, deals with agency-
furnished materials. Whenever the project includes the installation of certain specialty signs
provided by ODOT or another agency, then a list of these signs is to be provided in this
subsection along with an indication of where these signs will be delivered. These agency-
supplied materials are usually signs that have a graphic or unique design and would therefore
be difficult for a sign supplier to reproduce. These are almost always signs which are part of the
standard stock at the ODOT Sign Shop.
Of the permanent signing special provisions mentioned above, only a few typically require any
modification. In most cases the special provision is sufficient in its boilerplate version. Notable
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exceptions are sections 920 and 930. They contain subsections requiring the designer to list
materials quantities for certain bid items.
Other notable exceptions are present in sections 930 and 940, which contain language specific to
painting of metal sign supports and the backs of aluminum substrate signs. This is generally not
done except for under special circumstances, as requested by other agencies or jurisdictions.
Therefore, delete these subsections from the special provisions to ensure the work is not
performed, unless it was specifically requested.
Submit all special provisions pertaining to the design, along with the plan sheets and an
engineer’s estimate showing a breakdown by bid item, to the spec writer. This is first done at
the advance PS&E stage of design. There may be some modification required after the review
process, and the final special provisions package will be submitted at the final PS&E stage.
The special provisions are MS Word documents and should be submitted electronically. They
are typically attached to and submitted with an email message.
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Chapter 6 – Estimates
6.1 List of Bid Items
As part of the submittals to the spec writer at both advance and final PS&E, include a detailed
cost estimate broken down into individual bid items.
Organize the bid items, in order, by item code (section number from standard specs). For each
item, indicate the official bid item name and associated unit of measure, as shown in the
standard specifications and special provisions. Other information needed for the estimate
includes item code, quantity, unit cost, and total cost for each bid item.
Most regions and consultants have their own way to calculate and store estimations. These are
often spreadsheets with simple macros to organize all the bid items for a project. Download the
bid item list to make use of the most current and accurate specs and quantity units. The sign
and post data table can also estimate quantities and provide estimates if using a macro-enabled
ODOT is deploying AASHTOWare Estimation, a program that helps streamline our estimation
process. More information on this effort can be found here:
6.2 Providing Quantities
Each of the bid items used for permanent signing falls into one of three categories for payment:
Per each.
Per unit of measure.
Lump sum.
Look in the standard specifications and the corresponding special provisions for the subsections
defining measurement and payment to determine which of the three applies to a particular bid
item. This information is found at the end of the section corresponding to each bid item,
There will be language specifying how the item is to be measured, to what degree of accuracy,
and how it is to be paid for. Mile post marker posts, for example, are paid for per each post.
Wood signposts are paid for per foot board measure (FBM). An individual FBM is calculated for
each wood post detailed in the plans, then the sum of these is provided as the quantity on the
cost estimate for that bid item. FBM is calculated for each post by multiplying the nominal
cross-sectional dimensions in inches and dividing the resulting value by 12. Multiply the
resulting value by the length of the post in feet to get the number of FBM for that post. A 6”x6”
post of 20-foot length equals 60 FBM.
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Each type of sign is paid for by the square foot. The easiest way to tabulate quantities for these
is to go through each sign and post data table and calculate a square footage for each new sign
by multiplying together the dimensions (converted to feet). Once complete, tally up a total
square footage for each sign type and enter the amount as quantities onto the cost estimate
Sign (and post) removals are lump sum bid items, as are removal and reinstallation of existing
signs. Although quantities do not required for either of these items for bid purposes, it is
necessary to tally the number of removals and reinstallations for the project so an estimate of
the lump sum amount is included in the overall estimate.
For removals, categorize by size of removal, number of footings involved and whether the sign
is ground mounted or overhead. The cost of removal will vary considerably depending on:
How large it is.
Whether there are concrete footings to break up and remove.
Whether special equipment is needed to remove signs from overhead supports.
After assigning a reasonable amount of money for each type of removal, or removal and
reinstallation, total up the projected costs and enter them into the appropriate location on the
cost estimate spreadsheet.
Sign support footings is another lump sum bid item, but unlike sign removals, it requires that a
quantity be provided in the Section 920 Special Provision for bid purposes. There are several
types of steel sign supports that require concrete footings.
1. Cantilevers and sign bridges require custom design work. List footing quantities
(excavation, concrete, rebar, and backfill) individually per location, by the bridge
designer. Each of these locations is also listed as a separate bid item for sign support
footings (specifying the type of footing and the location).
2. All ground-mounted steel supports that have footings (including triangular base
breakaways (TBB), multi-post breakaways (MPB), perforated steel square tube (PSST)
sign supports) are combined as a single bid item called “Sign Support Footings.”
Although a single cost value is entered onto the cost estimate spreadsheet, list the
footings for these three types of supports separately (by the sign designer) along with
their quantities in the Section 920 special provision. If all three support types are present
on the project, show three separate quantities. These quantities show the amount of
concrete only (in cubic yards). There is no need to include amounts for excavation, rebar
or backfill for ground-mounted supports.
Look at the sign and post data tables and tally up a total number of supports estimated for each
type and size of support. Multiplying these numbers by the standard values shown for each
corresponding size and type listed on the spreadsheet and adding the resulting numbers will
give the quantities (separately for TBBs and MPBs) that are needed to show in the special
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For concrete footings, use the sign material quantity calculation sheet to help with the
estimation. That can be found here:
Except as otherwise stated in the standard specifications and special provisions (Section 930),
list each type of steel support separately as its own lump sum bid item. Provide quantities of
steel (in pounds) in the special provision for estimating purposes. A total quantity for each bid
item (type of steel support) is necessary. Use the same website location mentioned above for
calculating concrete quantities for calculating steel quantities. There are calculation sheets for
each size of TBB, MPB, and for signal pole mounts.
After calculating quantities for each individual support, total by type of support and list the
resulting quantities in the special provision. Quantities of steel for PSST sign supports are a little
tougher to figure, because there are several different cross-sectional sizes and varying wall
thicknesses available. Some are designed to break away (slip bases), and some are designed to
yield (anchor tubes). The perforated steel square tube manufacturers can provide information
regarding the unit weight of steel (pounds per lineal foot) for each of the varying sizes and wall
thicknesses they provide. Use these values multiplied by the length of each post and the
corresponding sleeve(s) to calculate a total quantity of steel for each installation.
Add all the numbers for each “breakaway” installation to give a total quantity of steel for all
PSST breakaway sign supports. Likewise, add all the numbers for each “yielding” installation to
give a total quantity of steel for all PSST sign supports. List these values in the special provision
for estimating purposes. They are two separate bid items; show the quantities separately.
Exit number sign mounts are used in pairs. They are commonly used in 7-foot lengths, but this
may vary depending on the heights of the primary and secondary signs involved. These
supports weigh roughly 5.7 pounds per lineal foot, so it is a simple calculation for figuring the
weight of any single pair of exit number sign mounts. Add the weights of all such supports
together and place this resulting value in the special provision for estimating purposes.
Structure mounts and bridge rail mounts are custom designs provided by a structural designer.
The structural designer is responsible for providing quantities for bidding purposes on these
items. Likewise for cantilevers and sign bridges, except that the quantities for these must be
listed separately and shown as separate bid items for each individual location. After estimating
quantities for each steel bid item, select appropriate unit costs (per pound installed) for each
type of steel to calculate a lump sum cost estimate for each item.
6.3 Unit Costs and Regional Factors
ODOT’s Cost Estimating Unit stores historical project bid data (1998 and after) available at:
This site has data available with either a statewide or a regional focus.
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Bid items are listed by the standard specification section number within which they fall. For
example, wood signposts are listed by the number 0910 since they are covered by Section 910.
Costs for certain bid items vary from region to region. Focus on the data available within the
specific region of the state for the past 2-3 years. When little data is available within the region,
look to adjacent regions. If necessary, look to the statewide listings for data.
Generally, good data is available for items bid per each or per unit of measure. Finding relevant
data for items bid in lump sums is more difficult, because the data available does not indicate
the quantity of material covered by the bid amount.
6.4 Anticipated Items
When the project includes signs with unique, hard to reproduce graphic features such as scenic
byway signs, tour route signs, Historic Columbia River Highway, Lewis and Clark Trail,
Oregon Trail, and state parks shields, they are usually noted on the plans as “State Supplied
Signs.” These signs can prove difficult for some sign suppliers to accurately reproduce, and the
signs are readily available through ODOT’s Sign Shop.
If state supplied signs are called out, then it should be noted as such on the sign details sheet
next to the applicable sign(s) and in the remarks column of the sign and post data table. In the
special provisions (00160.30), list the items supplied, including the number and size of each type
of sign.
At the bottom of the bid item/estimate spreadsheet, enter a dollar amount to cover the purchase
and installation of these signs. This anticipated item amount enables the project manager to
purchase the signs from the ODOT Sign Shop when needed and to have them delivered to the
contractor at the job site for installation. The amount provided should cover the cost of
installation by the contractor as well as the purchase price of the signs. There may be occasions
where anticipated items are necessary to cover items other than state supplied signs, but they
are uncommon.
Justification is needed to support the decision to use anticipated items. There is a process to
follow for providing this justification in writing. The Cost Estimating Unit website offers a
couple of letter templates that are required submittals within this process.
Letter of Approval for Anticipated Items –
Letter of Public Interest Finding
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Chapter 7 – Design Follow-Up
7.1 Construction Support
Providing that the plans, specs, and estimate are clear enough that none of the bidders have
questions, the work required to get the project out to bid is complete.
Usually, bidder questions are directed to the project manager or resident engineer (PM/RE)
overseeing the contract. If the PM/RE gets a question they can’t answer, they will contact the
designer. Keep a copy of the documents submitted close by until the bid is opened.
After the bid is opened, send a copy of all sign drawings to the PM/RE and the Materials
Inspection Section. The sign drawings will be used to build all the non-standard signs on the
Sometimes unexpected things occur as part of construction. It is not unusual to get a call from
the PM/RE asking for a design for a sign that has been hit by a vehicle and destroyed.
Sometimes signs disappear off a project and need replacing. These requests require immediate
attention since time is critical and permanent signing is one of the last installations. The
contractor may be subject to liquidated damages if they run over the scheduled contract
completion date.
Expect to answer questions about sign placements. There are locations in the state with little soil
cover over solid rock. The contractor may want to move sign placement(s) to make drilling the
sign footing hole easier. Be aware of proper sign distances. Do not approve a sign relocation(s)
if it violates spacing requirements. Several other signs may require relocation to accommodate
the change.
Another common construction request is to change the type of support included in the original
design. Some of these requests make good sense and should be approved. Ensure there is a bid
item for the new support or have the PM/RE write a contract change order (CCO) to
accommodate the revision.
It is difficult to plan for what might occur before a sign is installed; be flexible in allowing
changes. Moving a sign to a signal pole mount to avoid blocking a new commercial sign is a
good example of an unanticipated, but reasonable change.
7.2 Shop Drawings / Submittals
Sign designs for typical MUTCD signs and standard Oregon signs can be found in the FHWA
Standard Highway Signs Manual and the Oregon Sign Policy & Guidelines (see Appendix B).
Signs that appear in these books do not require shop drawings since the designs are already
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7.2.1 Signs
The sign fabricator needs material submittals (shop drawings) for non-standard signs prior to
fabrication. Section 940 of the 2021 Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction requires the
engineer of record to supply these to the contractor upon request.
The request will usually come from the PM/RE office. The designer provides the PM/RE with
enough copies of shop drawings for each non-standard sign to ensure that all interested parties
receive copies, including:
Project manager or residential engineer.
Prime contractor.
Signing sub-contractor.
Sign supplier (fabricator).
ODOT Materials Inspection Unit in Portland (for inspecting and approving of the signs
upon fabrication).
It is easiest to produce shop drawings for non-standard signs at the same time the sign detail
sheets are created. Since you’ll need the GuideSIGN design software to design these signs for
the data tables, it only requires a few more steps to create a report for each sign.
ODOT users have a custom sheet style and report form set up for shop (contract) drawings
within GuideSIGN. It shows the following information on an 8½” x 11” print for each
individual sign:
Project name.
Sign number.
Border width.
Corner radius.
Color and type of background sheeting.
Color and type of legend.
Sign type.
Substrate material.
Number required.
Each sheet also shows a to-scale likeness of the sign along with detailed dimensioning for all
pieces of legend and the spacing in between. The included spacing chart specifies positioning
for each individual letter, shield or arrow based on an x-y coordinate system.
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The program fills in most of this information automatically, but some text may need manual
modification. Be sure to keep a complete set of these drawings. They may be needed for
reference when an inspector or fabricator calls.
Figure 55: Example sign shop drawing
Circumstances often change from project design through construction. Occasionally, designers
must add or subtract signs from the project. The final decision to add or subtract signs lies with
the engineer of record (the person who stamped and signed the plans), since they are legally
responsible for the signing installed according to the plans.
If additions or subtractions are made, notify the Material Inspection Unit as soon as possible.
Email a copy of the design to the Material Inspection Section for added signs that are sent out
for fabrication. This streamlines the sign inspection process at the manufacturing location.
Include changes to the plans in the as-constructed drawings made after the project is completed.
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7.2.2 Steel Supports
Since sign supports lengths are estimated in the design stage, field verification is necessary
before the sign supports are ordered. Specification section 00930.02 covers the requirements for
steel sign support field verification and working drawings.
Typically, field verification of the wood posts and perforated steel square tube sign supports is
done by the project managers office; the designer may never see it. Occasionally, they send
them in for verification. A list of verified post lengths is given to the contractor so they can
order the right size posts before showing up on the project (most permanent signing is done by
a sub-contractor).
Field verify the multi-post breakaway (MPB) and triangular base breakaway (TBB) sign
supports specified prior to fabrication, based on cross-sectional information provided by the
project manager’s office. The cross-sections are taken at the locations specified in the sign and
post data tables, and sent to the designer. The designer calculates and verifies the post size
based on the field verification forms and creates a steel support shop drawing, called the
working drawing in the specification. The steel support shop drawing can be downloaded from
the sign design standards website or created from the MPB and TBB design spreadsheets that
can be downloaded from the Traffic Structures website.
Signal pole mount and secondary sign support shop drawing forms are available for download
from the sign design standards website. These include exit number sign mounts, route marker
frames, and “C” channels. These shop drawings do not require cross-sectional information to
Provide steel shop drawings to the residential engineer’s/project manager’s office for
distribution to the prime contractor, signing sub-contractor, and steel fabricator. File all field
verification forms, shop drawings, and design verification spreadsheets in ProjectWise.
The contractor will have the posts fabricated based on these drawings. This ensures the proper
size, length, and details of the support is used for each sign installation. The contractor should
not begin fabricating any steel supports until they receive shop drawings from the engineer of
Steel shop drawings are not necessary for the following types of metal sign supports:
Perforated steel square tube sign supports.
Milepost marker posts.
Adjustable sign mounts.
Mast arm street name sign mounts.
Shop drawings required for cantilevers, sign bridges, structure mounts or bridge rail mounts
are provided by the manufacturer and submitted by the prime contractor to the resident
engineer for review by the engineer of record responsible for the support design.
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Chapter 8 – Special Design Considerations
8.1 Review Requirements for Interstate Signing
The uniform appearance and application of signing on the interstate highway system is critical.
Concerns and problems on projects designed on the interstate have elevated the importance of
taking steps to assure there is a level of quality control implemented in the review of
installations for interstate signs.
Because the cost of fixing potential mistakes is more extensive on the interstate, and because
providing guidance to designers needs to be done in a timely manner to avoid conflicts with
project deadlines, a set of interstate review requirements has been established.
8.1.1 Project Delivery
For all STIP or construction projects with proposed changes to permanent signing on the
interstate highway system the following review steps are required:
DAP review.
Final plan review. DAP Review
Sign designers submit preliminary plans through the region traffic office to the Traffic
Standards Unit.
Plans will include the locations, sign content (text & symbols), estimated sizes, and
anticipated support requirements for all new or revised signs. See Appendix C Level of
The Traffic Standards Unit shall review and make comments on the submitted
preliminary signing plans within ten business days of receipt. Final Plan Review
Advance signing plans shall be submitted through the region traffic office to the Traffic
Standards Unit along with shop drawings prior to the PS&E. See Appendix C Level of
Any discrepancies between designersconcerns and review comments shall be resolved
prior to, or as part of, the final plans review.
If a design project does not have an advanced plan review as part of its project schedule,
the sign designer shall submit the plans (with the sign shop drawings) four weeks prior
to PS&E plans for review and acceptance by the Traffic Standards Unit. The Traffic
Standards Unit will reply with comments within ten business days.
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8.1.2 – Maintenance Sign Changes and Additions
Any modifications to non-standard signs on the interstate as part of maintenance activities must
be designed by a sign designer and approved by the Traffic Standards Unit. According to the
following steps:
Sign designers will submit plans showing sign content, location, size, support and sign
shop drawings to the Traffic Standards Unit for review and approval.
The Traffic Standards Unit shall review and make comments back to the designer on the
submitted designs within two weeks.
The Traffic Standards Unit will indicate final approval by sending an email to the sign
designer indicating the sign designs have been approved.
For the purpose of this manual, non-standard signs shall be considered any sign design not
detailed by a sign design included in the FHWA Standard Highways Signs Manual or the
Oregon State Sign Policy and Guidelines Manual.
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Appendix ASigning Contracts
Before starting the design, a designer may find it beneficial to assemble a list of personal
contacts involved in individual aspects of the project.
The following is a list of position titles that may be useful to add to the list for any given project.
Along with each position is some insight into how that person may be of benefit as a contact.
The names and phone numbers that correspond with these positions can be obtained from the
appropriate ODOT region tech center.
A.1 Project Leader / Consultant Project Manager
/Resident Engineer for Consultant Projects
The project leader, consultant project manager, or the resident engineer for consultant projects
(RECP) provides information about project scope and plan format. They are active in the
design phase of the project. RECPs may continue to lead ODOT staff in the construction of the
projects (See appendix A.14). Additionally, they:
Provide information about the design schedule and the critical project deadlines. This
person will also coordinate needed design resources such as a sign inventory or photos.
Often provide the names of other contacts for the specific project.
A.2 Roadway Designer
The roadway designer provides all CADD files necessary to begin the design. Additionally,
Provide files for existing features, new construction, right of way, alignments, etc.
Provide information about project scope and plan format.
Distribute preliminary plans.
A.3 Specification Writer
The specification writer is responsible for assembling the plans and specifications from each of
the project disciplines and creating a single set of contract documents. Additionally, they:
Are typically involved after the preliminary plans phase and just prior to the advance
plans and specifications phase.
Submit the plans and specifications for both advance plans and final plans.
Distribute the plans and specifications for review.
Reviews and approves any unique language added to the boilerplate special provisions.
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A.4 Region Sign Designer
The region sign designer is responsible for the sign designs created in the region. Additionally,
they answer questions about design standards and signing policy.
Each region also has either a traffic manager or a traffic engineer.
A.5 Traffic-Roadway Section Staff
Traffic-Roadway Section staff provides technical assistance on signing issues for ODOT design
staff as well as consultants and local agencies. Additionally, they:
Publish the Traffic Sign Design Manual and the Sign Policy and Guidelines.
Maintain as-constructed plans, speed zone orders and no parking resolutions.
Provide sheet numbers for all contract signing plans.
Traffic-Roadway Section information:
A.6 District Sign Supervisor/Coordinator
The district sign supervisors and district sign coordinators are responsible for maintenance of
all state-owned signs and supports within their maintenance district. Additionally, they:
Maintain databases of their entire sign inventory within their district. (These useful
databases supplement the project sign inventory and photos.)
Provide information regarding the age and condition of existing signs and supports.
Provide comments during the plan review process. (It is highly recommended designers
check with district reps for their preferred type of posts and other aspects of signs that
the district has to maintain.)
A.7 State Parks
Oregon State Parks and Recreation sign contact provides guidance related to new or
replacement state park facility signs. Include the park sign representative in the plan review
process for any project involving state parks signing.
Contact information: [email protected].
A.8 Oregon Travel Information Council (TIC)
The Oregon Travel Information Council (formerly the Oregon Travel Experience) owns and
maintains all tourist oriented directional signs (TODS) and motorist informational signing
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(LOGOS) on our state highway system. Oregon TIC owns signing programs affecting resort
areas, museums not on the freeway, and private golf courses.
Include Oregon TIC representatives in the plans review distribution and invite their comments
regarding the appropriateness of any planned activities affecting their signs.
Notify Oregon TIC when:
Any work on our system impacts their signs in any way.
Any TOD or LOGO signs are affected by work zone staging.
Contact information: 503-378-4508;
A.9 – Right of Way
The region right of way office obtains right of way or easements needed to accommodate
permanent signing installations on the project. They’ll need detailed information from the sign
designer to complete their work.
They can provide accurate right of way CADD files if the roadway designer is unable to do so.
A.10 Sign Structures Designer
Assistance from a structural designer for several different types of steel sign supports is
required on many projects.
Cantilever and truss sign bridges use standard drawings, but these installations require a
structural designer for the project-specific design, review of steel shop drawings, and
construction support.
Bridge rail mounts, structure mounts, and other non-standard sign support designs require a
structural designer to perform the work.
The sign designer works with the project leader to communicate the structural resources needed
for the sign support designs. The sign designer needs to provide detailed sign size, sign type,
proposed structure type, and location information early in the project for the sign structures
designer resource to be selected and for this person to be able to complete their design.
In addition, there are other resources needed like survey, geotechnical, and right of way that
need early notification to perform the required project work. The sign designer needs to call out
in the signing plans and tables the sign structure designs.
A.11 Geotechnical Engineer
The geotechnical engineer can help determine foundation exploration needs for overhead
supports, along with scheduling of any drilling and testing of soil samples and creates a
geotechnical report.
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A.12Landscape Designer
If landscaping is part of the project, coordinate with the landscape designer to ensure no
conflicts exist with the sign plan.
Routinely, landscape plans to include trees at or near proposed sign locations. If not addressed,
those trees will eventually grow and block the view of nearby signs.
A.13 Other Traffic Designers
Traffic designers are responsible for related disciplines such as signal, striping, illumination, or
traffic control plans. Coordinate with other traffic designers to ensure no conflicts occur among
discipline plans. For example, signs installed behind a luminaire pole, or a DO NOT PASS sign
installed at a location conflicting with the striping plan.
As appropriate, include reference to other discipline plans in the sign plan. Communicate with
other disciplines when cross-references occur. For example, refer to a signal design sheet for
details about signs that will mount to signal poles, and notify the signal designer to ensure their
design satisfies loading requirements.
A.14 Project Manager, Inspector, Resident
Engineer, Assistant Resident Engineer
The project manager, or project inspector, or residential engineer will contact the sign designer
throughout construction for clarification about plans, questions about contract change orders
and price agreements, and other issues.
The PM or RE provides the sign designer with cross-sectional information used to calculate the
final steel post sizes and lengths included in the working drawings.
Provide technical assistance when needed. Provide the PM working drawings for fabrication of
non-standard (custom) signs, steel sign supports, secondary supports, and route marker frames.
They, in turn, forward copies to the contractors for manufacture.
A.15 Bicycle & Pedestrian Design Engineer
The bicycle and pedestrian design engineer can answer questions about the effectiveness of
existing or proposed signing as it relates to bicycle and pedestrian facilities, i.e., bike lanes, bike
paths, multi-use paths.
They also set policy and standards for handling of bicycle and pedestrian issues and for matters
relating to design of bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Contact information: 503-986-3554.
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A.16 Construction Materials Inspection Lab
ODOT’s Construction Materials Inspection Lab is responsible for inspecting custom sign
designs fabricated for ODOT construction projects.
Be sure to provide copies of shop drawings to the lab.
A.17 Survey Crew
The survey crew inventories the existing signing as they complete the topographical survey for
a project. It is a good idea to contact survey crew members to help them understand the
information that needs to be collected.
A.18 Region Mobility Liaison
The region mobility liaison plays an important role in coordinating vertical clearance
requirements with region and ODOT Commerce and Compliance Division.
Contact the region mobility liaison early in the scoping process for projects that includes any
new overhead sign supports or other features that may impact vertical clearance over the
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Appendix BSign Design Resources
The following is a list of resources to aid in the development of plans and specifications. This is
not intended as a complete list of every resource necessary or available, but it includes those
used regularly.
B.1 Existing Sign Inventory & Photos
In order to produce a complete set of permanent signing plans, you’ll need an inventory of the
existing sign installations.
The best and most complete inventory is obtained when the survey crew inventories the
existing signing as they are doing the topographical survey of the project. The exact location of
the signs can be determined and mapped into the project plans.
The Highway Design Manual explains roadside inventory needs for the various project
classifications (1R, 3R, 4R).
Access the HDM:
B.2 Digital Video Log
The digital video log consists of digital photos snapped every .005 mile (roughly 25 feet). Exact
sizes of signs and supports are nothing more than a guess on the part of the designer. The
digital video log will give a designer a start on what is in the field already; however, conducting
a field visit to verify asset sizes is highly recommended.
Access the digital video log:
B.3 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
State law requires all traffic control devices placed on Oregon highways comply with the
federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Oregon Supplements to the
MUTCD (OAR 734-020-0005). Signs placed on the state highway system should also comply
with the Sign Policy and Guidelines for the state highway system.
Existing signs and supports need to be reviewed for compliance with the current MUTCD. Once
the Oregon Transportation Commission adopts a new version of the MUTCD, all traffic control
devices placed in service from that date forward must comply with the updated guidance.
Access compliance dates for the MUTCD:
Access the MUTCD:
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B.4 Standard Highway Signs Manual
The Standard Highway Signs book contains sign layouts for almost all signs shown in the
Access the manual:
B.5 Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD
The Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD covers deviations between Oregon law and the
MUTCD. Oregon adopts these deviations through the OAR process and with permission from
Access the guide:
B.6 Sign Policy & Guidelines for the State
Highway System
The Sign Policy & Guidelines manual contains information that supplements or, in some cases,
takes exception to the information in the MUTCD. The document is generally updated once a
year to keep up with current changes in policy.
Access the manual:
B.7 ODOT Traffic Manual
The ODOT Traffic Manual covers the traffic policies, practices, and organization within ODOT.
It includes information on where to find specific policies, procedures, warrants, and design
consideration for traffic items.
Access the manual:
B.8 Speed Zone Orders
Speed zone orders are official documents that set out the limits of speed zones that differ from
the statutory speeds listed in state law.
Obtain any existing speed zone orders for the sections of highway inside the limits of the
project. Any new speed zone sign installations shown on the plans must be consistent with the
speeds and locations spelled out in the speed zone order(s). Existing installations that are
improperly located or are otherwise inconsistent with the order must be corrected. This is
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necessary for proper enforcement. New speed zone orders do not necessarily contain school
speed 20 information; check with the road authority.
Request copies of speed zone orders through the Traffic-Roadway Section: 503-986-3568. Be
prepared to provide the highway name and mile point limitations.
Access speed zone order information:
B.9 No Parking Resolution
Check for any no-parking resolution for the state highway with the region traffic unit. Provide
the name of the highway and the mile point limits of the project.
On city streets and county roads, the local jurisdiction controls the no-parking sections of
roadway. Usually, the public works department can get this information.
No-parking resolutions are like speed zone orders in that signing in the field must reflect the
language of the resolution in order to allow for proper enforcement. If “No Parking” signing is
present in a location not covered by the resolution, it is there illegally and should be removed.
Signing which permits on-street parking in urban areas is allowed on our highway system, but
it is the responsibility of the local jurisdiction to set the limits and to install, maintain and
enforce the signing.
B.10 Contract Plans Development Guide
This two-volume document provides the designer with all the technical information, such as
standards and drafting standards, to produce plans that will be bid through a Transportation
Commission Services Contract. There is a charge for this publication.
Access this guide:
B.11 Standard Specifications and Special
Obtain the Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction:
The standard specifications are supplemented by special provisions:
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B.12 Standard Drawings
Standard drawings pertaining to permanent signing are in the TM200 drawing series. Those
pertaining to structural steel sign supports can be found in the TM600s.
Access Oregon Standard Drawings:
B.13 As-Built Plans
The Traffic-Roadway Section maintains sets of as-built plans as we receive them from our
construction field offices. As-builts are not available for all projects that include permanent
signing, but we keep those we receive on file.
They can prove useful in the absence of a good sign inventory and photos. You can collect
information such as overall sign dimensions and letter sizes used on guide signs, especially
those that are overhead and otherwise hard to measure in the field.
Do not rely on as-built plans for accuracy if more than 10 years old. After 10 years, there is a
strong possibility signs and/or supports have been replaced through normal maintenance
activity. If this is the case, there is no guarantee they were replaced with something of like size.
It is always better to get actual field data on-site, whenever possible.
As-builts should be considered as a last resort for inventory purposes. FileNet is our repository
for all plans.
Accessed FileNet: Traffic Plan Search - Traffic Plans (
B.14 Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan contains information about the design and
maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. There is a section that focuses on appropriate
signing for bicycle facilities, whether they are located on or off the state highway system.
Access the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan:
B.15 OARs and ORSs
Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) provide important
guidance in the use of permanent signing.
Enforcement of many traffic signs and the associated fines are governed by OARs and ORSs. It
is important to use sign language defined by statute and the appropriate fines established.
Access OARs:
Access ORSs:
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B.16 Qualified Products List
The qualified products list (QPL) is a comprehensive list of all finished products which have
been evaluated by ODOT for use on state highways.
Sign designers are frequently asked by district crews and region traffic to investigate new
products to implement on the state highway system. It is important to check with the QPL to
ensure that products are approved. New products not listed can be referred to the ODOT
Materials Laboratory for possible acceptance.
Access the QPL:
B.17 Traffic Control Devices Handbook
The Traffic Control Devices Handbook is produced by FHWA. It augments the MUTCD and
links MUTCD standards and warrants with the activities related to complying with the
The document is not available online but can be purchased through different traffic-related
B.18 Interstate Highways Control Cities List
AASHTO’s “List of Control Cities for Use in Guide Signs on Interstate Highways” identifies
major destinations along an interstate route. Control cities are determined by AASHTO, with
input from states.
Use these control city legends in the following situations, along a freeway, to provide
consistency and continuity in directional guide signing:
1.) Interchanges between freeways.
2.) Separation points of overlapping freeway routes.
3.) Directional signs on intersecting routes, to guide traffic entering the freeway.
4.) Pull-through signs.
5.) Bottom line of post-interchange distance signs.
Access the list:
B.19 Non-Field-Tested Materials Acceptance
The Non-Field-Tested Materials Acceptance Guide (NTMAG) provides guidance for
documentation required for material acceptance on ODOT construction projects.
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B.20 TransGIS
TransGIS is a powerful tool to see locations of signs in the ODOT sign database. However, not
all signs are in the database, so a field visit is still best to determine what signs may be affected
by the project. TransGIS can give a person a good idea though.
The sign layer must be turned on. It is under the “equipment – highway” category.
Access TransGIS here: ODOT TransGIS (
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Appendix CLevel of Development
Access the Project Delivery Handbook: SBS-Guidebook.pdf (
Access the Phase Gate Delivery Manual: Phase-Gate-Delivery-Manual.pdf (
C.1 – Draft Design Acceptance Package
The draft design acceptance package, often called D-DAP, is a preliminary stage to design
acceptance package.
During this stage of the development process, determine the right of way needed for signs,
along with which sign structures are needed for the project, as these tasks will take the longest.
C.2 – Design Acceptance Package
The design acceptance package is a standard part of Statewide Transportation Improvement
Program projects.
STIP projects may require the use of large overhead guide signs. When this occurs, the earlier
major signing needs are identified the better. Installations requiring right of way purchases or
overhead structural support design should be identified early on so that others affected (right of
way agents, structural designers, foundations exploration crew) have plenty of time to complete
their work within the overall project schedule.
During this stage, provide signing plan and sign details sheets to show location, size, and type
for major guide signs. A rough estimate of permanent signing costs may be warranted
particularly where overhead supports are required, as these are quite expensive compared to
typical ground-mounted sign installations.
C.3 – Preliminary Plans
Items usually completed for the preliminary review include:
Signing plan sheets.
Sign detail sheets.
Completed sign and post data table sheets.
The specifications, special provisions, and estimate are usually completed with the advance
plans, but these items may be requested on occasion at the preliminary plans stage.
If pressed for time, it is acceptable to send out preliminary plans with incomplete sign and post
data tables. Although it is better to include them, the most important information to show at
this point is the type of signs and supports and where they are going. This can be accomplished
with the signing plans and sign details.
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It is not uncommon for major changes to occur as part of the preliminary plans review so
preparing specs and estimate at this design stage may not be useful. Wait until later in the
process for specs and estimate to ensure all items are thoroughly covered in the plans.
The preliminary plans are usually submitted to the roadway designer for review distribution.
Request the road designer send copies of the package to additional parties, including the district
manager and the district sign crew for review. Make sure these people are included in the
distribution list, as they are not always automatically listed.
Remember, these are the people who will maintain the product. The district sign crew review is
important, as they know what signs are in the field and the condition they are in. Depending on
who is impacted by the project, it may be necessary to send plans to additional parties, such as:
Oregon Travel Experience (required when logo or specific service signs are impacted).
State Parks and Recreation.
National Park Service.
US Forest Service.
If there is an entity that needs a set of plans after the distribution is sent out, request a copy
from the contractor plans unit and mail them to the requestor. The more review interested and
impacted parties have in signing, the better the plans will be. This would be the time to have the
plans reviewed by another sign designer if one is available.
Comments should come back within a few days. Take time to review all the comments to see if
they apply to this situation. A note back to the person submitting the comments is sometimes in
order, especially if you’ve chosen not to incorporate the changes requested.
C.4 – Advance Plans and Specifications
After receiving the comments on the preliminary plans, check with the project’s roadway
designer to see if there are any changes in the roadway plans. Quite often, changes occur to the
alignment, stationing, or another item without notice. Incorporate any identified changes from
the designer and preliminary plans review. The new set will be sent out as advance plans.
The special provisions and estimate will accompany the advance plans. Submit these
electronically at the same time as the plan sheets. Include completed sign and post data tables if
not already provided.
Package the revised plans, special provisions, and estimate together and deliver it to the
specifications writer. They will incorporate the material with the items from the other designers
and send out the advance PS&E documents. Plans are hand-delivered or mailed. Specials
should be electronically “red-lined” (using track changes) and sent to the specifications writer
attached to an email. Estimate can be hand-delivered or sent electronically.
Once the advance plans are sent, review the roadway and striping plans to make sure they
match with the permanent signing. If not, change the plans or send the respective designer a
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message informing them the plan sets do not match. The sign designer, roadway designer or the
striping designer may need to make changes so everything matches for the final plan.
C.5 – Final Plans
After receiving the comments on the advance plans and specifications, check with the roadway
designer to see if there are any changes in the roadway plans. Again, changes to the alignment,
stationing, or some other item may occur without notice. Last minute changes in the plans
sometimes result from the review at advance plans stage. Incorporate all necessary changes,
including those resulting from the advance plans comment period, into the plans.
Once all changes have been made, the plans sheets are printed on mylars, signed by the
engineer of record and sent out as final plans in the bid documents.
The specifications writer receive stamped, final mylars for publication. Plans without a PE
stamp and signature will be returned. Make any final changes to the special provisions and
estimate, based on comments received during advance plans and specifications, and submit
these electronically to the specifications writer at the same time that mylars are submitted.
When special provisions from all disciplines are assembled into a single document, the spec
writer will send out signature sheets for each engineer of record to sign and stamp.
C.6 – PS&E
The final stage of review of the plans, specifications, and estimates. This is usually the last
review and only small changes are incorporated to the project before it is submitted to the
Project Controls Office (PCO). There is usually a final PS&E check list to make sure everything
is ready to be reviewed by PCO.
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Appendix DSign Sizes
Table 9: Sign Sizes for Conventional Single and Multi-Lane Roads, Expressways, Freeways, along
with Minimum and Oversized Dimensions
Sign or Plaque
Expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized
36 x 36
36 x 36
36 x 36
30 x 30
48 x 48
Speed Limit
36 x 48
36 x 48
48 x 60
48 x 60
30 x 36
48 x 60
Do Not Pass
36 x 48
36 x 48
48 x 60
48 x 60
24 x 30
48 x 60
Slower Traffic
Keep Right
36 x 48 48 x 60 48 x 60 18 x 24 48 x 60
Keep Right
R4-7, 7a, 7b
36 x 48
36 x 48
48 x 60
48 x 60
24 x 30
48 x 60
Keep Left
R4-8, 8a, 8b
36 x 48
36 x 48
48 x 60
48 x 60
24 x 30
48 x 60
Do Not Enter
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Wrong Way
36 x 24
42 x 30
42 x 30
42 x 30
30 x 18
42 x 30
Parking Only
R8-4 30 x 24 30 x 24 48 x 36 48 x 36
48 x 36
No Stopping on
R8-5 36 x 48 36 x 48 48 x 60 48 x 60 18 x 24 48 x 60
No Stopping
Except on
R8-6 36 x 48 36 x 48 48 x 60 48 x 60 18 x 24 48 x 60
W1-1, 2, 3, 4,
36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
W1-8 24 x 30 30 x 36 36 x 48 36 x 48 18 x 24 36 x 48
Alignment /
W1-10, 10a,
10b, 10c, 10d,
36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
48 x 48
Hairpin Curve
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
48 x 48
Truck Rollover
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
48 x 48
270-degree Loop
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
48 x 48
W2-1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8
36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
30 x 30 48 x 48
Advanced Traffic
W3-1, 2, 3 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
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Sign or Plaque
Expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Hill with Grade
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Hill Blocks View
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
48 x 48
Bump or Dip
W8-1, 2
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Soft Shoulder
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Slippery When
W8-5 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Truck Crossing
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Loose Gravel
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Rough Road
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Low Shoulder
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Uneven Lanes
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
No Center Line
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Bridge Ices
Before Road
W8-13 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Fallen Rocks
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
W8-15 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Metal Bridge
W8-16 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Shoulder Drop-
W8-17 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Road May Flood
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Gusty Winds
W8-21 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
Fog Area
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
No Shoulder
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Shoulder Ends
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Left (Right) Lane
W9-1 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48 48 x 48 30 x 30 48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Large Animals
W11-3, 4, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22
36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
30 x 30 48 x 48
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Sign or Plaque
Expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized
Farm Vehicle
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
W11-8 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
30 x 30 48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Golf Cart
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
W11-14 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
30 x 30 48 x 48
Bicycle /
W11-15 36 x 36 36 x 36 48 x 48
30 x 30 48 x 48
Trail Crossing
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Double Arrow
36 x 36
36 x 36
48 x 48
30 x 30
48 x 48
Advisory Speed
W13-1P 24 x 24 24 x 24 30 x 30 30 x 30 18 x 18 30 x 30
Advisory Exit or
Ramp Speed
W13-2, 3 36 x 48 36 x 48 48 x 60 48 x 60 24 x 30 48 x 60
Dead End, No
W14-1, 2 36 x 36 36 x 36
30 x 30 48 x 48
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Appendix EMileage Control Table
Table 10: Mileage Control Table
City Highway M.P. Description County
Adair Village
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 & Arnold Ave.
Adams 008AA 11.90
Jct. Cayuse-Adams Front. Rd. 008AA (Old
Oregon Washington Hwy) & Preston St.
Jct. Succor Creek Hwy. 450 (1st. St.) & Main St.
Jct. Albany-Junction City Hwy. 058 & Albany-
Corvallis Hwy. 031 (Pacific Blvd.)
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (Trade St.) &
Bellevue-Hopewell Hwy. 153 (5th St.)
Jct. Shaniko-Fossil Hwy. 291 (Main St.) &
Antelope Hwy. 293
Jct. of Columbia River Hwy. 002 & John Day
Hwy. 005
Ashland 063 19.11
Jct. Rogue Valley Hwy. 063 (Main St.) & Water
Astoria 092(2W) 98.13
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy. 092 (Marine
Dr.) & 14th St.
Athena 334 17.34
Jct. Athena-Holdman Hwy. 334 (Main St.) &
3rd St.
Jct. Main St. & 1st St.
Jct. Pacific Highway East 081 & Main St.
Baker City
Jct. Whitney Hwy. 071 (Main St.) & La Grande-
Baker Hwy. 066 (Bridge St.) & Auburn Ave.
Bandon 009 273.94
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (2nd St.) & Elmira
Jct. Nehalem Hwy. 102 (Main St.) & Market St.
Barlow 081(1E) 22.89
Jct. Pacific Highway East 081 & Barlow Rd.
(Irving St)
Bay City 009 59.93
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & C St. (Hayes
Oyster Dr.)
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Beaverton 029 3.95
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (S.W. Canyon
Rd.) & S.W. Broadway
Jct. McKenzie-Bend Hwy. 017 (E. 3rd St.) &
Central Oregon Hwy. 007 (Greenwood Ave.)
Columbia River Hwy. 002 overcrossing
Boardman Conn. 002GX
Bonanza 023 6.97
Jct. Dairy-Bonanza Hwy. 023 (Market St.) &
Central St.
Brookings 009 357.08
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Chetco Ave.) &
Pacific Ave.
Brownsville 212 6.23
Jct. Halsey-Sweet Home Hwy. 212 (Bishop
Way) & Main St.
Jct. Central Oregon Hwy. 007 (Broadway Ave.)
& Steens Hwy. 442 (Monroe St.)
Butte Falls
Jct. Broad St. & Fir Ave.
Canby 081(1E) 21.14
Jct. Pacific Highway East 081 (1st Ave.) & Ivy
Cannon Beach 009 29.53
Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 overcrossing Sunset
Canyon City
Jct. John Day-Burns Hwy. 048 & Main St.
Jct. Main St. & 1st St.
Carlton 029 37.99
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (Main St.) & Pine
Cascade Locks
Jct. NW Wa Na Pa St. & Forest Lane
Hood River
Cave Junction
Jct. Redwood Hwy. 025 & Oregon Caves Hwy.
Central Point
Jct. S. Front St. & Pine St.
Chiloquin 488 4.58
Chiloquin Spur Hwy. 488 (Chocktoot St.) at
east end of Williamson River Bridge
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy. 092 & Mist-
Clatskanie Hwy. 110
Jct. Van Duyn Rd. & Pearl St.
Columbia City
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy. 092 & E St.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Main St.) & Wasco-
Heppner Hwy. 300 (Walnut St.)
Coos Bay 009 238.31
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Broadway) &
Anderson Ave.
Coquille 035 11.14
Jct. Coos Bay-Roseburg Hwy. 035 (Birch St.) &
Main St.
Cornelius 029 16.56
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (Adair St.) & 12th
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (4th St.) &
Corvallis-Lebanon Hwy. 210 (Van Buren Ave.)
Cottage Grove 226 14.79
Jct. Goshen-Divide Hwy. 226 (9th St.) & Main
Jct. Cove Hwy. 342 (Main St.) & French St.
Creswell 226 5.78
Jct. Goshen-Divide Hwy. 226 (Front St.) &
Oregon Ave.
Jct. Culver Hwy. 361 (1st Ave.) & C St.
Dallas 191 3.40
Jct. Kings Valley Hwy. 191 (Main St.) &
Washington St.
Damascus 174 2.60
Jct. Clackamas-Boring Hwy. 174 & SE Foster
Jct. Salem-Dayton Hwy. 150 (3rd St.) & Amity-
Dayton (Ferry St.)
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 & South Fork Rd.
Depoe Bay
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Collins St.
Jct. North Santiam Hwy. 162 & Forest Ave.
Jct. Main St. & Donald-Gervais Rd.
Jct. Umpqua Hwy. 045 (B St.) & Cedar St.
Dufur 004 13.22
Jct. The Dalles-California Hwy. 004 & Boyd
Loop Rd. /1st St.
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 & S.W. 9th St.
Dunes City
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Clear Lake Rd.
Durham 141 8.32
Jct. Beaverton-Tualatin Hwy. 141 (Upper
Boones Ferry Rd.) & Bridgeport Rd. /
Rivendell Rd.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Eagle Point 022 9.42
Jct. Crater Lake Hwy. 022 & Nick Young Rd. /
S. Royal Ave.
Jct. D St. & 6th Ave.
Echo 320 35.70
Jct. Lexington-Echo Hwy. 320 (Main St.) &
Thielsen St.
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (8th Ave.) &
Weston-Elgin Hwy. 330 (Division St.)
Jct. Umpqua Hwy. 045 (A St.) & Elkton-
Sutherlin Hwy. 231
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (North St.) &
Enterprise-Lewiston Hwy. 011 (1st St.)
Jct. Woodburn-Estacada Hwy. 161 &
Clackamas Hwy. 171
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (7th Ave.) &
Eugene-Springfield Hwy. 227 (Washington St.)
Fairview 123 17.62
Jct. Northeast Portland Hwy. 123 (Sandy Blvd.)
& Fairview Ave.
Falls City
Jct. North Main St. & Mitchell St. & 4th St.
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Florence-
Eugene Hwy. 062 (Ninth St.)
Forest Grove
Jct. Pacific Ave. & College Way
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (7th St). & Shaniko-
Fossil Hwy. 291 (Washington St.)
Garibaldi 009 55.56
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Garibaldi Ave.) &
7th St.
Gaston 029 25.45
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (Front St.) &
Main St.
Jct. North Santiam Hwy. 162 & Horeb St.
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Pacific Way
Jct. Pacific Highway East 081 & Gervais Rd.
Gladstone 064 11.05
East Portland Freeway 064 overcrossing
Washington St.
Jct. Molly St. & Pacific Ave.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Gold Beach 009 328.48
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. (Ellensburg St.) &
Moore St.
Gold Hill
271 2.36
Jct. Sams Valley Hwy. 271 (2nd Ave.) and Gold
Hill Spur Hwy. 486 (2nd Ave.) & Dardanelles
Jct. Main St. & Center St.
Grants Pass
Jct. Redwood Hwy. 025 (6th St.) & G St.
Grass Valley
Jct. Sherman Hwy. 042 (Mill St.) & Sherars
Bridge Hwy. 290 (Krusow St.)
Jct. Main St. & Greenhorn Rd. & Bonanza Rd.
Jct. Powell Blvd. & Main Ave.
Haines 066 40.69
Jct. La Grande-Baker Hwy. 066 (Front St.) &
4th St. (Anthony Lakes Hwy.)
481 54.70
Jct. Baker-Copperfield Spur Hwy. 481 &
Halfway-Cornucopia Hwy. 413 (Main St.) &
Pine Creek Hwy. 414 (Record St)
058 19.36
Jct. Albany-Junction City Hwy. 058 (2nd St.) &
Halsey-Sweet Home Hwy. 212 (American Dr.)
Hammond 104 0.10
Jct. Fort Stevens Hwy. 104 (Pacific Dr.) & Lake
Happy Valley
Jct. King Rd. & 129th Ave.
Harrisburg 058 28.59
Jct. Albany-Junction City Hwy. 058 (3rd St.) &
Smith St.
Helix 335 0.00
Jct. Havana-Helix Hwy. 335 (Main St.) &
Columbia St.
Jct. Heppner Hwy. 052 (May St.) & Wasco-
Heppner Hwy. 300 (Main St.)
Hermiston 054 5.46
Jct. Umatilla-Stanfield Hwy. 054 (1st St.) &
Main St.
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (Baseline St.) &
Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 (1st Ave.)
Jct. Central Oregon Hwy. 007 & Barnes Ave.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Hood River
Columbia River Hwy. 002 undercrossing Hood
River Front. Rd. 002DS (2nd St.)
Hood River
Jct. Pacific Highway East 081 & J St.
Huntington 449 5.89
Jct. Huntington Hwy. 449 & Snake River Rd (
E. Washington St )
Jct. North Santiam Hwy. 162 & Main St.
Imbler 010 12.20
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (Ruckman St.) &
Main St.
043 2.35
Jct. Monmouth-Independence Hwy. 043
(Monmouth St.) & Independence Hwy. 193
(Main St.)
Jct. Heppner Hwy. 052 & Green St.
Irrigon 002 175.57
Jct. Columbia River Hwy. 002 (Main Ave.) &
Division St.
Island City
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (B St.) & Cove
Hwy. 342 (1st. St.)
Jacksonville 272 33.23
Jct. Jacksonville Hwy. 272 (California St.) &
Oregon St.
Jct. Jefferson Hwy. 164 & Main St.
John Day
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Main St.) & John Day-
Burns Hwy. 048 (Canyon Blvd.)
Johnson City
Jct. Roots St. & 81st. Ave.
Jordan Valley
Jct. I.O.N. Hwy. 456 (Main St.) & Bassett St.
010 71.42
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (Main St.) &
Joseph-Wallowa Lake Hwy. 351 (Main St.) &
Little Sheep Creek 350 (Wallowa Ave.)
Junction City 091(1W) 109.47
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (Ivy St.) & 6th
River Rd. N. & Chemawa Rd.
King City 091(1W) 11.19
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 & Royalty
Klamath Falls
Jct. Klamath Ave. & 5th St.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Lafayette 091(1W) 32.29
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (3rd St.) &
Madison St.
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (Island Ave.) & La
Grande-Baker Hwy. 066 (Adams Ave.)
Lake Oswego
Jct. Oswego Hwy. 003 (State St.) & A Ave.
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Airport Way
Jct. Fremont Hwy. 019 (G St.) & Klamath Falls-
Lakeview Hwy. 020 (4th St.)
Jct. Santiam Hwy. 016 (Main St.) & Grant St.
Jct. Heppner Hwy. 052 (Main St.) & Lexington-
Echo Hwy. 320 (E St.)
Lincoln City
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & D River.
Main St. & Robinson Ave
Long Creek
Jct. Pendleton-John Day Hwy. 028 &
Kimberly-Long Creek Hwy. 402 (Main St.)
Lostine 010 54.89
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (State St.) &
Wallowa St.
Jct. Pengra Rd. & Moss St.
Lyons 211 24.41
Jct. Albany-Lyons Hwy. 211 (6th St.) & Main
Jct. The Dalles-California Hwy. 004 (4th St.) &
Culver Hwy. 361 (D St.)
Malin 050 24.25
Jct. Klamath Falls-Malin Hwy. 050 (Broadway
St.) & Rosicky Ave.
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Laneda Ave.
Maupin 004 45.20
Jct. The Dalles-California Hwy. 004 (Deschutes
Ave.) & 4th St.
064 23.25 Jct. East Portland Freeway 064 & Prescott St. Multnomah
McMinnville 091(1W) 37.72
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (Adams St.) &
3rd St.
Jct. Central Ave. & 8th St.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Merrill 050 13.99
Jct. Klamath Falls-Malin Hwy. 050 (Front St.) &
Main St.
Jct. Culver Hwy. 361 (Jefferson Ave.) & 6th St.
Mill City
Jct. Broadway St. & 1St. Ave.
Jct. Murder Creek Conn. 001NH & Murder
Creek Conn. 001NF (Old Santiam Rd.)
008 30.62
Jct. Oregon-Washington Hwy. 008 (Main St. &
Columbia St.)
Jct. Pacific Highway East (McLoughlin Blvd.) &
Clackamas Hwy. 171
Jct. Ochoco Hwy. 041 & Service Creek-
Mitchell Hwy. 390
Molalla 161 12.76
Jct. Woodburn-Estacada Hwy. 161 (Main St.)
& Molalla Ave.
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (Pacific Ave.) &
Monmouth Hwy. 194 (Main St.)
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (5th St.) &
Territorial Hwy. 200
Jct. Kimberly-Long Creek Hwy. & 2nd St.
Jct. Sherman Hwy. 042 (Main St.) & 1st St.
Columbia River Hwy. 002 undercrossing
Mosier Interchange Conn. 002IC
Mt. Angel
Jct. Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 & Main St.
Mt. Vernon
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Main St.) &
Pendleton-John Day Hwy. 028 (Mountain
028 120.51
Myrtle Creek
Jct. Main St. & 2nd Ave.
Myrtle Point 035 20.58
Jct. Coos Bay-Roseburg Hwy. 035 (8th St.) &
Spruce St.
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (H St.) & 7th St.
Jct. Pacific Highway West 091 (Hancock St.) &
Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 (College St.)
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City Highway M.P. Description County
033 0.00
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Corvallis-
Newport Hwy. 033 (Olive St.)
North Bend
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Sherman Ave.) &
Cape Arago Hwy. 240 (Virginia Ave.)
North Plains
Jct. Sunset Hwy. 047 & N. Plains Conn. 047AK
(Glencoe Rd.\1st St.)
North Powder
Old Oregon Trail Hwy. 006 overcrossing La
Grande-Baker Hwy. 066
Jct. Central Oregon Hwy. 007 (Main St.) &
Succor Creek Hwy. 450 (Adrian Blvd.)
Jct. 1st St. & Locust St.
Jct. Willamette Hwy. 018 & Crestview St.
Jct. Oregon St. & Idaho St.
Oregon City 081(1E) 12.56
Jct. Main St. & Pacific Highway East 081 (5th
Jct. Fremont Hwy. 019 (Main St.) & Mill St.
Pendleton 067 3.39
Jct. Pendleton Hwy. 067 (Dorion Ave.) & Main
Philomath 033 50.63
Jct. Corvallis-Newport Hwy. 033 (Main St.) &
13th St.
Jct. Rogue Valley Hwy. 063 (Main St.) & 4th St.
Pilot Rock 028 15.58
Jct. Pendleton-John Day Hwy. 028 (Birch St. &
Birch Pl.)
Jct. Burnside & Front St. (Naito Parkway)
Port Orford
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Oregon St.) &
Port Orford Hwy. 251 (9th St.)
Jct. Powers Hwy. 242 (1st Ave.) & Poplar St.
Prairie City
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Front St.) & Main St.
Jct. Graham Rd. & Blakely St.
Jct. Ochoco Hwy. 041 (3rd St.) & Crooked
River Hwy. 014 (Main St.)
Rainier 092(2W) 46.97
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy. 092 (B St.) &
1St. St.
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City Highway M.P. Description County
Redmond 480 121.29
Jct. Redmond Spur Hwy. (6th St.) & Evergreen
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Umpqua Hwy.
Richland 012 42.15
Jct. Baker-Copperfield Hwy. 012 (Main St.) &
1st St.
Jct. Main St. & 5th Ave.
Jct. Childs Rd. & Pilkington Rd.
009 50.82 Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & 1st Ave. Tillamook
Rogue River
Pacific Hwy. 001 overcrossing Depot St. Conn.
060AF (Depot St.)
Pacific Hwy. 001 overcrossing North Umpqua
Hwy. 138 (Harvard Ave.)
Jct. Columbia River Hwy. 002 overcrossing
Rufus Conn. 002FK (John Day Dam Rd.)
002FK 2C109.95
St. Helens 092(2W) 28.56
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy 092 &
Columbia Blvd.
St. Paul 140 28.11
Jct. Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 (Main St.) &
Church Ave.
030 26.14
Jct. Willamina-Salem Hwy. 030 (Center St.) &
Willamina-Salem Hwy. Conn. 072AC
(Commercial St.)
Jct. Mt. Hood Hwy. 026 (Pioneer Blvd.) &
Eagle Creek-Sandy Hwy 172 (Meinig Rd.)
Scappoose 092(2W) 20.91
Jct. Lower Columbia River Hwy. 092 &
Columbia Ave.
Scio 211 9.80
Jct. Albany-Lyons Hwy. 211 (1st Ave.) & Main
Scotts Mills
Jct. 3rd St. & Grandview Ave.
Seaside 009 21.05
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Roosevelt Dr.) &
Seneca 048 25.26
Jct. John Day-Burns Hwy. 048 (Barnes Ave.) &
1st St.
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August 2023 page 135
City Highway M.P. Description County
Shady Cove
Jct. Crater Lake Hwy. 022 & Rogue River Dr.
Jct. Shaniko-Fossil Hwy. 291 & D St.
Sheridan 157 7.13
Jct. Willamina-Sheridan Hwy. 157 (Main St.) &
Bridge St.
Jct. Pine & Oregon St. (1st St.)
Jct. Siletz Hwy. 181 (Gaither St.) & Buford Ave.
Jct. Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 (1st St.) &
Cascade Hwy. South 160 (Oak St.)
Sisters 015 92.50
Jct. McKenzie Hwy. 015 (Cascade St.) & Elm
Jct. Main St. & Ash St.
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Main St.) & Willow St.
Jct. McKenzie Hwy. 015 (South A St.) &
Springfield Hwy. 228 (2nd St.)
Stanfield 054 11.03
Jct. Umatilla-Stanfield Hwy. 054 (Main St.) &
Coe Ave.
Jct. Washington St. & 1st Ave.
Jct. Starr St. & Center St.
Jct. Main St. & 4th St.
Jct. Sumpter Hwy. 410 (Mill St.) & Granite St.
Sutherlin 231 25.39
Jct. Elkton-Sutherland Hwy. 231 (Central Ave.)
& Calapooia St.
Sweet Home
Jct. Santiam Hwy. 016 (Main St.) & Halsey-
Sweet Home Hwy. 212
Talent 063 14.20
Jct. Rogue Valley Hwy. 063 & W. Valley View
Tangent 058 8.81
Jct. Albany-Junction City Hwy. 058 & Birdfoot
The Dalles
Jct. 3rd St. & Union St.
Jct. Pacific Hwy. West 091 & Beaverton-Tigard
Hwy. 144
Tillamook 009 65.74 Tillamook
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August 2023 page 136
City Highway M.P. Description County
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Main Ave.) &
Wilson River Hwy. 037 (3rd St.) & Netarts
Hwy. 131 (3rd St.)
131 9.08
Beg. Of Timberline Hwy. 173
Jct. Main St. & 3rd St.
Jct. Historic Columbia River Hwy. (Columbia
Blvd). & SW 257th. Ave (NW Graham Rd)
Tualatin 001 289.50
Jct. Pacific Hwy. 001 undercrossing Nyberg
Jct. 3rd St. & Chicago St.
Jct. Main St. & Camas St.
Jct. 6th St. & G St.
Jct. La Grande-Baker Hwy. 066 (Main St.) &
Beakman St.
Unity 005 212.45
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Main St./1st Ave.) &
South Burnt River Ln. (S. Fork Rd.)
Jct. John Day Hwy. 005 (Glenn St.) & Central
Oregon Hwy. (A St.)
Jct. Florence-Eugene Hwy. 062 and Territorial
Hwy. 200
Vernonia 102 62.09
Jct. Nehalem Hwy. 102 (Bridge St.) & State
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Alsea Hwy. 027
(Hemlock St.)
Wallowa 010 47.31
Jct. Wallowa Lake Hwy. 010 (1st St.) & Ellen St.
& Whiskey Creek Rd.
Jct. Ft. Stevens Hwy. 104 (Main Ave.) &
Warrenton-Astoria Hwy. 105 (Harbor St.)
Jct. Wasco-Heppner Hwy. 300 (Clark St.) &
Celilo-Wasco Hwy. 301 (1st. St.)
Jct. Gross St. & 4th St.
West Linn
E. Portland Freeway Hwy 064 overcrossing
Oswego Hwy. 003 (Willamette Dr.)
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August 2023 page 137
City Highway M.P. Description County
Jct. Water St. & Main St.
Wheeler 009 47.39
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 (Nehalem Blvd.) &
Gregory St.
Willamina 157 2.28
Jct. Willamina-Sheridan Hwy. 157 (S. Main St.)
& NW Main St.
Jct. Pacific Hwy. 001 overcrossing Wilsonville
Conn. 001RD (Wilsonville Rd.)
Winston 035 73.37
Jct. Coos Bay-Roseburg Hwy. 035 (Douglas
Blvd.) & Main St.
Woodburn 140 37.87
Jct. Hillsboro-Silverton Hwy. 140 & Boones
Ferry Rd./Settlemier Ave.
Wood Village
Jct. Columbia River Hwy. 002 undercrossing
NE 238th Ave. Conn. 002IO (238th Dr.)
Yachats 009 164.46
Jct. Oregon Coast Hwy. 009 & Yachats River
Jct. Tualatin Valley Hwy. 029 (Maple St.) &
Yamhill-Newberg Hwy. 151 (Main St.)
Jct. Eagle Valley Rd. (Front St.) & Applegate
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August 2023 page 138
Appendix FAbbreviations
Table 11: Abbreviations
Word Abbreviation
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ODOT Traffic Sign Design Manual
August 2023 page 139
Appendix GProjectWise Naming Conventions
for Signs
Table 12: ProjectWise (PW) Naming conventions for sign files
Document Name Format Document Description
<Sheet-No> - Plan Sheet - Sign
Details Plan
<Sheet-No> - Plan Sheet - Sign
<Sheet-No> - Plan Sheet - Sign
Removal Plan
<Sheet-No> - Plan Sheet - Sign &
Post Data Table Plan
<Sheet-No> - Plan Sheet - Sign
Sign Print Set
Sign Notes/Table <Title> Linked to
Sign CAD File for Plan Sheets
Sign Design Base File
Sign Plans Submitted at dDAP
Sign Plans Submitted at DAP
Sign Plans Submitted at Prelim
Sign Plans Submitted at Advance
Sign Plans Submitted at Final Plans
Signing Inventory
Shop Drawings - Signs
Shop Drawings - Steel
Sign Working
Advance Signing Estimate
DAP Signing Estimate
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August 2023 page 140
Document Name Format Document Description
dDAP Signing Estimate
Final Signing Estimate
Prelim Signing Estimate
Signing Estimate - Working
<Title> Miscellaneous Document
Scoping/Proof of Concept Sign
PSnE Signing Estimate
Signs Photo - <Location>
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ODOT Traffic Sign Design Manual
August 2023 page 141
Appendix HExample of a QA/QC Check List
for Sign Design
Although not a thorough list, an example of a QA/QC check list for sign design at DAP.
Table 13: Example check list for QC review of sign plans
Checked by
R/W locations Identified
Sign Conflicts with work done identified
Sign inventory in project area, identify signs/supports needing
Identify need for any new signs or change in signing
Pre-liminary Cost estimates
Get requests needed for STRE approval in
Region Traffic
Send plans on Interstate to sign HQ
Non-MUTCD or Non-SP&G compliant signs into HQ
Identify TIC signs impacted
North arrow has proper orientation
Alignment names and stations shown
All road names/highway names shown
Base map is current to roadway and striping plans
Standard drawings listed and checked
Legend notes checked
General construction notes checked
Title Block/proper project name checked
All exiting signs borders show as dashed
A note for existing signs shown as dashed
Custom Signs: Font and sizes shown
Overhead street name signs fit on signal mast arm
Signs larger than 4'x8' made on extruded aluminum
All comment logs addressed
Sign and Post Data table matches design plans
All applicable specs checked
boiler plates used are up-to date
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