Communications and
Outreach Guide
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Basic Science Administration
Updated August 2024
Table of Contents
Feinberg Brand and Style Guidelines and Templates
Brand Guidelines .....................................................................................................................4
Branded Templates ................................................................................................................4
Electronic Letterhead ......................................................................................................... 4
Style Guidelines ........................................................................................................................4
BSA Listserv Guide
Listserv ‘How-To’ ......................................................................................................................6
Cayosoft Listserv Platform ...........................................................................................11
Cayosoft Listserv ‘How-To’ ............................................................................................11
HTML Email
HTML Templates .......................................................................................................................13
Adobe Dreamweaver ...........................................................................................................13
HTML Code Cheat Sheet ................................................................................................14
Image and Document Network Drive for HTML Emails ....................15
Events: Planning and Promotion
PlanIt Purple .................................................................................................................................17
Digital Signage .......................................................................................................................... 17
EMS Web App for Event Space ................................................................................18
Additional Event Space .................................................................................................... 18
Catering ............................................................................................................................................ 19
AV Support ...................................................................................................................................20
Furniture Moves ....................................................................................................................... 20
Furniture Reservations and Rentals ..................................................................... 20
Local Hotels .................................................................................................................................. 20
BSA Meeting Owl Pro Device ......................................................................................21
Website Development and Maintenance
Department and Center Website Maintenance .......................................22
Faculty Lab Site Development ..................................................................................22
Core Websites ............................................................................................................................ 23
Miscellaneous Website Development Requests ...................................... 23
Social Media Guidelines
Page Likes / Followers ........................................................................................................24
Post Frequency and Timing ...........................................................................................24
Images / Graphics / Videos .......................................................................................... 24
Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Table of Contents
Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Social Media Guidelines (cont.)
Sharing Links / URLs with Graphics.....................................................................24
Social Media Content Management ..................................................................24
Partners and Amplifiers .................................................................................................... 25
Additional Tools and Resources
MachForm ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Adobe Creative Cloud .......................................................................................................26
Photo Resizing without Photoshop ....................................................................... 26
Revision History
4Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Feinberg Brand and Style Guidelines and Templates
Brand Guidelines
The Northwestern Medicine brand guidelines
include logo usage, sizing and color to help us
effectively and consistently share brand-appro-
priate materials.
Branded Templates
Branded templates, provided by the Feinberg Of-
fice of Communications, are available in Power-
Point, InDesign and Microsoft Word formats.
Please contact medcommunications@north-, if you experience issues with ac-
cessing assets.
Feinberg Brand and Style
Guidelines and Templates
PowerPoint presentations
Elevator signs
Meeting agendas
Name plaques and tags
Research posters
Room cards
Style Guidelines
In alignment with the Feinberg Office of Com-
munications, the use of AP Style for all websites,
publications and formal communications such
as event invites and announcements is recom-
mended. The entries below represent frequently
used or notable exceptions.
“Dr.” Title
We list doctoral degrees on first reference (see
below), but do not use the “Dr.” title in the first or
any subsequent reference. This is an exception
to AP Style.
Feinberg Faculty
On first reference, include the degree(s) of all
faculty members after their name (e.g., MD, PhD,
DO) as well as GME if completed at Northwest-
ern. Separate dual degrees by a comma when
used after a persons first name. Do not insert
periods in degree(s) (e.g., M.D., Ph.D.).
John Doe, MD, PhD
When referenced in-text for the purpose of
publications or blog posts, include the faculty
member’s Feinberg title (including any named
professorships) on first reference, as well as a
link to the faculty member’s profile and any de-
partment or division pages.
Faculty titles are not capitalized but department
names are.
Professors should be listed as <name>, <faculty
title> of <Department> in the Division of <Divi-
Jeffrey Sosman, MD, professor of Medicine
in the Division of Hematology and Oncology
Electronic Letterhead
C2 Imaging is our new preferred vendor for
branded stationery items, including electronic
letterhead. Feinberg items will be available to
purchase in iBuyNU by the end of summer 2024.
C2 Imaging Rep: Ed Biggott, ed.biggott@vomela.
com, 847-621-5136
5Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Feinberg Brand Guidelines, Style Guide and Templates
Faculty who are department chairs should list
their department affiliation only: <name>, chair
of <Department>.
Alfred George, Jr., MD, chair of Pharmacol-
To reduce length or improve clarity, move sec-
ondary appointments to second or subsequent
Adler is also an associate professor of Med-
ical Education.
George, who is also Magerstadt Professor
of Pharmacology and Director of the Center
for Pharmacogenomics, said...
Otherwise, omit entirely as appropriate to the
Always attempt to include endowed chair titles
and dean-level appointments on first reference.
Rex Chisholm, PhD, vice dean for Scientific
Affairs and Graduate Education and Adam
and Richard T. Lind Professor of Medical
Some case-by-case exceptions may be needed
for clarity or length.
For departments that do not have divisions,
continue the “of” usage without the “Division
Vipul Shukla, PhD, assistant professor of
Cell and Developmental Biology
In a story that mentions multiple faculty mem-
bers from the same division, second (and sub-
sequent) faculty affiliations can omit the “in the
Division of” language. But if different divisions or
departments are represented, the full affiliation
should be used in all cases.
School Name
Use “Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine” on first reference within a page, and
“Feinberg” or “the medical school” on second ref-
erence. Never use “Feinberg School of Medicine,”
“Feinberg School” or “FSM.”
6Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
BSA Listserv Guide
BSA Listserv Guide
The Basic Science Administration maintains
numerous listservs for faculty, staff and student
use. The electronic mailing lists offer an efficient
way to disseminate information to large numbers
of people using a single email address. Users
are added to appropriate listservs depending on
their roles within the department.
Direct Login to Listserv Admin Dashboard (login
with your email address and NetID password)
NUIT Knowledge Base
Listserv Request Form
Listserv Policies and Guidelines
Breakdown of Basic Science Department
Note: Categories are NOT uniform across de-
partments. Notice differences in how positions
like research faculty are handled (e.g., postdocs
vs. faculty)
Northwestern University IT Help
Need IT help related to listservs?
Primary Contact for BSA Listservs
Yesenia Navarro, Communications Specialist
Listserv ‘How-To
List Dashboard
The list dashboard contains lists that you own/
manage. Owners control access to the list and
define the configuration settings.
From the Dashboard
Clicking on the list name will pull up the latest
messages as well as an archive of past messag-
Clicking on the number of subscribers will pull
up the subscriber list and the option to add or
delete subscribers.
Subscriber Management
When you search for a subscriber in the “Sub-
scription Management” tab, you can specify a
certain list, or choose the “Select List” option to
search in all lists you own.
Note: When you search for subscribers, you must
enter the email address only (no names).
Adding Subscribers
* Remember to add subscribers to BSFSM-ALL
and your department listservs.
Note the accepted formats of email address
entry: Henry Brown
Henry Brown <>
Adding Subscribers Via Subscriber Management
• Select “Subscriber Management” from the
left-hand navigation menu
• Select the list you would like to add the per-
son to
• Enter their email address and name in the
entry field (note option to notify the user
that they are being added, or the default do
not notify option)
7Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Adding Subscribers Via Subscriber Reports Menu
Select “Subscriber Reports” from left-naviga-
tion menu (or click the number of subscribers
from the “List Dashboard” to pull up “Subscriber
Adding a Subscriber by Selecting a List
Use the “Add Subscriber” entry field. (Note op-
tion directly below the “Add Subscriber” field to
“Send Email Notification.” Check this box before
clicking the “Add Subscriber” button if you want
the person to know that they have been added
to the listserv). This also serves as a notification
to co-list owners that an individual has been
Receiving a Request to Add a Subscriber
If someone requests to be subscribed to a list-
serv directly through the listserv system, owners
receive an automated message (see Figure 1):
BSA Listserv Guide
Listservs Training Video (recorded October 2021)
Cayosoft Listserv Training Video (back-up list-
serv platform for the Department of Biochem-
istry and Molecular Genetics; recorded October
If you click on the provided link, the person will
be added to the list automatically.
Figure 1: Sample email request to add a subscriber
You can access “Bulk Operations” from “Sub-
scriber Reports” to add or remove in bulk from a
specific list. For specific instructions on how to
add or delete subscribers in bulk, please follow
Knowledge Base instructions.
8Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Removing Subscribers
* Remember to remove subscribers from BSFSM-
ALL and department listservs.
Remove Subscribers Via the “Subscriber Man-
agement” Menu
• Select “Subscriber Management” from the
left-hand navigation menu
• Select the list you would like to add the per-
son to
Enter their email address in the “Search
for Subscribers” entry field, and click the
“Search” button
Subscriber settings screen will appear (see
Figure 2)
From this screen, you can either select the
“Delete” button, which will remove the person
from the specific listserv (in this case, BIO-
CHEM-ALL), or if you select the “Delete from
All Lists” button, the person will be removed
from all listservs in the system that you own.
Figure 2: Example of subscriber settings screen
BSA Listserv Guide
9Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Remove Subscribers Via “Subscriber Reports”
Select “Subscriber Reports” from left-hand
navigation menu (or click the number of sub-
scribers from the “List Dashboard” to pull up
“Subscriber Reports”)
Select list
To remove anyone from a specific list, click
check box to the left of the name(s)
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click
“Delete Subscribers” button (again, if you
select the “Send Email Notification” option
at the bottom of the Subscriber Reports
page, the subscriber will receive an auto-
mated message – in this case that you have
removed them from a list)
Exporting List of Subscribers
Select list in question (either through your
“List Dashboard” or “Subscriber Reports”)
The default report format is “Table,” which
presents a list of subscribers on screen
If you select “CSV format” from the “Report
Format” drop-down menu and click “update,”
you will get a pop-up to open or save a CSV
file, which you can then save as an Excel
spreadsheet, if you prefer. (Comma Sepa-
rated Values format is a plain text format
in which values are separated by commas,
while Excel spreadsheet files contain infor-
mation about all the worksheets in a file,
including both content and formatting.)
List Configuration / List Moderation
From “List Configuration” in the left-hand nav-
igation, you can select a list to view or change
the configuration settings, including send-set-
tings, moderation, list ownership, etc.
The “My Configuration” tab will display an over-
view of the list settings. As you browse through
the configuration tabs, you can click on the
small question mark icon to learn more about
each setting option or consult the Knowledge
Send Settings Summary
Private - Only people who are subscribed to
the list may send mail or files to the list.
Editor - Only a pre-defined editor (or editors)
can send mail or files to the list. Any mes-
sages sent by non-editors will need to be
approved by an editor or moderator before
being distributed to list subscribers.
Owner - Only the owners can send mail or
files to the list. Quiet owners do not receive
the administrative messages generated
by the listserv system – for example, when
someone unsubscribes from a list or some-
one requests to join the list.
Special: Dean Eric Neilson and his assistant
Sharon Atas are special subscribers to all
BSA listservs, which means they can send
but do not receive messages to the listserv.
“Confidential” Setting
You can search the “Listserv Archives” in the
left-hand navigation menu to determine if your
listserv(s) are included in the full listing of avail-
able listservs.
BSFSM-ALL Listserv
Note: This list includes the entire BSA commu-
nity as well as “external” subscribers that are
interested in receiving seminar announcements.
The Professional Affairs team is defined as quiet
owners they can add or remove individuals for
their department.
The list uses the editor and moderator func-
tion; all BSA staff members are defined editors.
General inboxes are also included as editors for
send-privileges (e.g.,,, BSA-Procurement@
BSFSM-ALL List Configuration Details
Editor: When used in conjunction with the
Send= Editor” option, it causes all mail sent to
the list to be automatically forwarded to the first
BSA Listserv Guide
10Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
person listed in the “Editor=” keyword, who will
then determine whether to allow it to be distrib-
uted to the list. The editors are the only persons
(with the list owners) who are allowed to mail di-
rectly to the list. Any editor can send mail to the
list while only the first one will receive copies of
mail sent to the list (but see also “Moderator=”).
When the “Hold” option is enabled “Send= Edi-
tor,Hold”, the moderators may approve postings
using the “OK” mechanism or the web-based
moderation interface rather than forwarding the
posts back to the list.
This keyword defines which editors of a mod-
erated list receive postings for approving and
forwarding to the list. The default is the first edi-
tor as defined by the “Editor=” keyword. If mul-
tiple moderators are defined, the load is spread
across them.
Note that all editors may still post directly to
the list, but only those editors defined by “Mod-
erator=” will have messages from non-editors
forwarded to them.
If the parameter “All” is coded before the list of
moderator addresses, LISTSERV will send copies
of all postings to all moderators, any of whom
may approve the message.
Other Administrative Messages
Subscription Renewal Monitoring Reports
You will regularly receive “Subscription renewal
monitoring reports” via email (see below).
BSA Listserv
Annual System Check
The listserv system also does an annual system
check around early July in which every subscrib-
er on every list receives an automated message
asking the person either to:
1. Do nothing, which keeps them on the partic-
ular list
2. Unsubscribe if they no longer want to receive
messages, and instructions to do so are pro-
vided in the email.
As list owners, you will receive a barrage of
automated emails related to this annual system
For Editor/Moderated Lists: “Approval Required”
If you manage a moderated list and an owner or
editor attempts to send a message to the
listserv, you will receive an automated message
(see below).
As depicted, you will receive a copy of the at-
tempted message as an attachment. If you want
to approve the message, you can either click on
the link in the automated message, or you can
to the listserv system and you will see a
prompt that indicates that you have messages
awaiting moderation.
11Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
* For use of the Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Genetics (BMG)
Owner-only send
Individuals that should be added as “Qui-
et” list owners: BSA staff that should have
access to send to the BIOCHEM-ALL list and
all BMG core faculty members
The original BIOCHEM-ALL listserv was expe-
riencing send issues, so Feinberg IT created a
Self-Service Group or distribution list, which is
managed by a tool called Cayosoft; It should be
maintained to continue to serve as a backup.
Northwestern University IT finds distribution lists
more appropriate for communication among
members of the Northwestern community. List-
servs are typically reserved for communications
with a mix of internal and external subscribers.
BSA Listserv Guide
Direct Login to Cayosoft Dashboard (login with
your NetID and password)
Cayosoft Knowledge Base
Group Details:
Name: FSM Biochemistry
Group name: DL_FSM_BIO_CHEM
Yesenia Navarro
Matt Temkin
Colleen De Luca
Beverly Kirk
Cayosoft Listserv ‘How-To
1. From the “Self-Service” group management dashboard, select “My AD Groups.”
Cayosoft Listserv Platform
12Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
BSA Listserv Guide
2. Select FSM Biochemistry, which highlights the “Actions” menu on the right-hand side.
3. Select “Membership” from “Actions” menu
4. Add a new member by entering their NetID or email address in the “Find” search bar and then click
“+Add” button – this will open the “Modify Membership on (FSM Biochemistry)” screen
5. Remove an existing member by searching for them either by NetID, email address or name, selecting
the person within the list, and click “Remove Members” button
6. Important: When add/remove actions are done, click blue “Update” button at the bottom of the
“Modify Membership on (FSM Biochemistry)” screen (see screenshot below)
Per, Dr. Shilatifard, only faculty can send emails to the BIOCHEM-ALL listserv.
13Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
HTML email templates using the Feinberg brand
are used for official announcements and events
by basic science academic departments, insti-
tutes, centers and cores.
HTML Templates
Templates for HTML emails are hosted on the
BSA bulk email host drive (\\bsa.fsm.northwest-\bsa > html-templates).
HTML Email
HTML Email
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Dreamweaver, part of the Adobe Creative
Cloud (CC) suite, is the program used to edit
HTML templates. Feinberg IT can install Adobe
CC on your computer if it was not downloaded
during your employee onboarding. Then, you can
download Dreamweaver.
Dreamweaver allows you to view the stylized
template and the HTML code at the same time
(see Figure 3).
If your workspace does not already have a split
view, you can adjust this setting by clicking
It is recommended that you copy
and paste all final content into
Dreamweaver, as there is no spell
or punctuation checks integrated
into the platform.
Figure 3: Adobe Dreamweaver, split screen view
“View” > “Split Vertically” from the top menu. You
can work on the side that you feel most com-
fortable using.
14Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
HTML Email
HTML Code Cheat Sheet
Hyperlinks should be underlined and blue for
visibility and readability. Existing Feinberg
templates should already have this update
incorporated into the HTML code. However,
should you need to update this in a file, you
will need to update the unvisited and visited
link color to #0056b3 (line item 15 and 21 in
the example below).
Frequently used (replace RED text with your
Underline <u>TEXT</u>
Bold <strong>TEXT<strong>
Italicize <em>TEXT</em>
• To manually embed a link <a href=”https://”>TEXT</a>
• To change the color of a font, search for the
HEX color via Google, or another preferred
Northwestern purple HEX color: #514689
Northwestern grey HEX color: #748283
• To add bullets (five bullets in sample HTML
code below; each bullet begins with a <tr>
tag and ends with a </tr> tag):
<!--Bulleted List-->
<table style="margin-left: 25px; margin-right:
25px; font-family: Calibri,Trebuchet,Ari-
al,sans-serif; color: #54585A; margin-top: 4px;"
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top">&bull;</td><td style="pad-
ding-left: 8px;font-size: 16px;">Bullet 1</td>
<td valign="top">&bull;</td><td style="pad-
ding-left: 8px;font-size: 16px;">Bullet 2</td>
<td valign="top">&bull;</td><td style="pad-
ding-left: 8px;font-size: 16px;">Bullet 3</td>
<td valign="top">&bull;</td><td style="pad-
ding-left: 8px;font-size: 16px;">Bullet 4</td>
<td valign="top">&bull;</td><td style="pad-
ding-left: 8px;font-size: 16px;">Bullet 5</td>
<!--Bulleted List ends-->
15Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Image and Document Network
Drive for HTML Emails
Feinberg IT grants access to the BSA bulk email
network drive; Contact Yesenia Navarro to fa-
cilitate access. Once you have access, the drive
can be retrieved via the following information:
PC instructions for mapping drive and path:
Mac instructions for mapping drive and
path: smb://
Image and Document Host Drive Cheat
The primary function of the BSA bulk email net-
work drive is to host additional images and doc-
uments that are not already part of the HTML
template. Guidance on how to use the drive is
detailed below:
URL for images The root hyperlink to the drive
[FILE-NAME].[FILE-TYPE=jpg or png]
You will find placeholder images already
embedded in the templates designed with
headshots. In the code view, you will just
need to update the red text with the name
of your file and file type if the image is not a
‘png’: <img src=https://bsa.fsm.northwestern.
edu/images/placeholder-150x150.png alt="-
File names should have no spaces; use hy-
phens to separate words/names, if needed
Image size
Ideally, images should be no larger than 250
pixels wide.
You can resize images using Adobe Photo-
shop, Photoshop Express or another pre-
ferred method.
HTML Email
Other things to note:
There are other folders in addition to the im-
ages folder in the host drive including tem-
plates, pdfs and email. Please make sure you
are dropping your files in the correct folders
because it will impact the URL structure that
is used in the HTML file.
Template folder: All Feinberg branded tem-
plates are located in the host drive for your
convenience. (I also have them in One-
Drive; all updates and new templates will be
dropped in both places).
PDF folder: If you plan to hyperlink to a PDF
document in an announcement, you can also
use the drive for this. Simply add a hyper-
link, as you regularly would in Dreamweaver
and use the following prefix: https://bsa.fsm.[FILE-NAME].pdf
Email folder: HTML files for emails can also
be stored in the network drive. For example,
BSA uses this option to host HTML emails
linked in our monthly X/Twitter event posts. If
something changes (e.g., a cancellation, time
change, title added, etc.), the existing HTML
file can be overwritten, and those changes
are live to the post and there is no need to
make corrections or update posts. The link
for this is (red text is the file name in the
following example): https://bsa.fsm.north-
Please do not delete or overwrite files that
are not yours. If you think this could become
an issue, create a folder within these existing
folders with department-abbreviated names,
but note that the URL structure will change.
16Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
HTML Email
Inserting HTML Source Code to Outlook
Once you have finalized your HTML file in
Dreamweaver, you will need to import your
source code to Outlook. Instructions on how to
send on a PC are linked here. Mac users simply
need to open the HTML file in a web browser,
copy it, then paste it in a new Outlook email
A LWAYS test your links!
17Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Events: Planning and Promotion
PlanIt Purple
PlanIt Purple (PiP) is Northwestern’sweb-based
calendar. It serves as a central database for
events throughout the Northwestern community.
Posting your events to PiP will help publicize your
event as widely as possible and will reduce the
likelihood of event scheduling conflicts.
All faculty and staff have access to PiP though
the PiP admin login page, which uses your NetID
and password. You will then be directed to your
dashboard, where can access groups that you
have privileges to. You can create, edit or cancel
an event from this dashboard. Event listings can
be created/updated from a computer, phone or
Events that are posted in PiP are automatically
fed to corresponding department websites. You
can also manually add a listing from an external
department group to your feed by scrolling down
to the bottom of the listing and adding it to a
particular group feed (see screenshot below).
Events: Planning and Promotion
To get access to a group, reach out to the group
contact or a group manager to add you as a
co-manager or contributor. If the group contact
is no longer current, you may request access via
the Northwestern IT Service Request Form.
If an event is cancelled, do not
delete the event in PlanIt Purple.
Instead, edit the listing and check
off “Flag Event as Cancelled,” so
that the cancellation is properly
Digital Signage
The medical school has digital signage through-
out its Chicago campus to provide faculty, staff
and students with timely and informative con-
tent, such as news and weather. When you add
your event to PlanIt Purple and submit a request
form, it will also be added to these digital moni-
tor. Generally, the Office of Communications has
a one-business-day turnaround for inclusion in
the monitor feed.
Up to three calendar entries may be selected
weekly to appear as full-screen slides. Entries
must meet the following requirements:
The “Title” field must include the specific
title of the talk.
Titles should not be in all-caps.
Titles should not be submitted with “TBA” or
“TBD,” nor with any other incomplete infor-
• Requests must be submitted two weeks prior
to the event date to allow for production and
Paper flyers are generally not allowed to be
posted in any foyers or public spaces of Feinberg
buildings unless there is a designated bulletin
board area.
Group Administration: Create Groups, Your
Dashboard, Manage Groups, Manage Users
Events: Add Events, Edit Events, Cancel Events,
Delete Events, Share Events
18Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Bulk Email and Listservs
Monthly BSA Seminars Bulk Email
Each month, BSA sends a monthly seminars
email (example linked) with a roundup of all BSA
department, institute and center events to an
all-Feinberg audience. Events published on PiP
are the primary source for content for the events
email, so it is important to keep PiP listings
updated with speaker, title, date, time, location
details, etc., if you are responsible for event co-
ordination for your department. The BSA com-
munications specialist reaches out to all events
coordinators mid-month to update events for
the following month to ensure all information is
up to date.
Bulk Email
Departments may also choose to send a bulk
email for their event if it is hosted in space large
enough to accommodate large audiences (e.g.,
atriums, SQ and Hughes auditoriums) and is
appropriate for a broader Feinberg audience
consisting of any combination of Feinberg facul-
ty, staff, students, McGaw residents and fellows
and/or TGS students. Bulk emails must follow
guidelines set forth by Northwestern University
IT. Additional school-level policies are outlined
on the Office of Communications’ Bulk Email
Plan for a 72-hour (three business days) turn-
around on the delivery of your message to allow
for the drafting and approval of your email. Re-
quests for bulk email are submitted on the Bulk
Email webpage.
All other internal or targeted emails can be sent
via BSA, department, institute or center listservs.
See additional information in the Listservs sec-
Events: Planning and Promotion
EMS Web App for Event Space
EMS Web App (formerly VEMS) is the space
management system, managed by the Feinberg
Office of Finance & Administration, is a portal
that allows you to search for and book space
across the Chicago campus.
If you do not have an EMS account but would
like to reserve space in any of these locations
on the Chicago campus, fill out the associated
request form. Requests will be sent to the re-
spective room coordinators, and you will receive
a confirmation once the request has been pro-
cessed. Please allow up to two business days for
processing. You will also receive a summary email
of your request immediately upon submitting.
If you will be regularly reserving space and need
an EMS account, please complete the VEMS
Web User Info Worksheet and submit it to fsm-
Additional Event Space
If campus space is limited, please see a list of
campus partner contacts who may have space
available to reserve at cost.
On Campus Event Space
Pritzker School of Law: Tiffany Hanna, tiffa-
Kellogg School of Management - Weiboldt
Hall: Theresa Kleptach, t-kleptach@kellogg.
School of Professional Studies: Sachin Patel,
Off Campus – Affiliate or preferred vendor
Hospital Space
Prentice and NMH: Roberta Ibarra, confcntr@, 312.926.2652
19Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Hyatt Centric:
Double Tree (next to campus): Kevin Stein-
buch, (he man-
ages other hotels so mention which one you
are interested in)
Other Conference Space
111 S. Wacker Conference space: Stephanie
(Note: They are unable to sign our event rider,
but the deans office typically will accept
their contract without it. They also let you
use a caterer of your choice since they don’t
have an in-house caterer.)
One North Wackerinfo@conferencecen-
Northwestern Preferred Catering Contacts
Compass – Northwestern Dining: Victoria
Amazing Edibles: Diana Streit, diana@, 312.563.1600
Catered by Design: Tami Henry, tamih@ca-, 847.965.4094 ext. 205
Catering by Michaels: Katie Free, kfree@, 847.213.5010
Food for Thought: Brian Kiefer, bkiefer@, 847.745.5134
Jewell Events: Katherine Piotrowski, kpi-, 312.374.8205
Limelight Catering: Nicole Orlando, norlan-, 773.883.3080
BSA-Vetted Non-Preferred Caterers
ezCater: Jen Hoke,;
Grubhub style website - visit linked site to
order with a p-card.
Sazon Chicago: Ursula Adduci, sazonchica-, 773.620.2052; must acquire a
Events: Planning and Promotion
Non-Preferred Caterers
Departments that do not use a preferred cater-
er listed above must create a Generic Catering
Agreement with the Office of General Council.
A Catering Agreement is required for each
banquet, reception, private function, or other
formal catering event.
All catering vendors should sign the Cater-
ing Agreement and generate a Certificate of
Liability Insurance for the date of the event.
Departments need to provide the Office of
Risk Management with the insurance certifi-
cate prior to the event date.
All catering vendors should sign the Catering
Agreement, Northwestern Event Rider and
generate a of Certificate of Liability Insur-
ance for the date of the event.
Submit to Feinberg Deans Office for approv-
al – See Feinberg’s Contract Review Process.
Housekeeping must be notified for any catering
event after-hours or on weekends. Please com-
plete the Housekeeping Event Request Form on
the Catering Resources page and submit it to
Northwestern Facilities at facilities@northwest-
Each classroom in Lurie has a designated “ca-
tering set-up location.” Catering tables are NOT
provided by Feinberg. If the catering table set up
is the only space required for event catering, no
additional reservation and/or space is needed.
If catering will extend beyond a single table set
up, the appropriate event space (i.e., Ryan Family
Atrium or Potocsnak Family Atrium) should also
be reserved.
The conference rooms in Simpson Querrey Bio-
medical Research Center (SQBRC) have creden-
zas that may be used for catering. Housekeep-
ing is required for all catered events in SQBRC
conference rooms.
20Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Full information on catering and event locations
within Feinberg can be found in the Event and
Atrium Guide.
Source: Office of Finance & Administration, Ca-
tering Resources
AV Support
Feinberg IT/AV Support provides support from
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If
you need support during those times, the AV
team can arrange for an outside vendor to come
in and provide support at cost or provide you
with extensive training on the AV system.
Request for AV support can be made via this
AV related items such as mobile podiums, pro-
jectors, and extra mics, etc. – particularly for
events taking place in the atrium – are available
upon request. Inquire about available options.
Furniture Moves
Furniture should not be removed from its orig-
inal location within classroom spaces, though
furniture can be reconfigured. For furniture
reconfiguration and removal of the Ryan Family
or Potocsnak Atrium furniture for events, please
complete the Reebie Moving Request Form.
REEBIE will communicate fees associated with
furniture moves upon request and with sufficient
lead time.
Furniture Reservations and
Feinberg Furniture Reservations
All furniture reserved from the FSM facilities co-
ordinator must include an EMS reservation ID. All
furniture is reserved on a first come, first served
basis. Review page 4 of the Feinberg Atriums
and Event Spaces Guidelines for furniture offer-
ings and reservation process information.
FSM Facilities Coordinator: Marian Minicone,, 312-503-
For events with catering, linens and furniture
might be an option through the catering service.
Inquire about this option.
Event Furniture and Supplies (Non-Pre-
ferred) Vendors
In the case that your event is either off cam-
pus or furniture is not available or not offered
by FSM facilities for an on-campus event, you
may need to source a vendor to rent furniture or
other event supplies, such as poster tack boards,
easels, center pieces, linens, etc.
Currently, there are no preferred vendor(s) for
furniture reservations. In some cases, if you are
working with a catering vendor for your event,
they may be able to facilitate or coordinate the
rental of event furniture or supplies at cost.
Below are some vendor options for event furni-
ture and supplies. Please contact the vendor for
cost inquiries.
If you engage with the contacts below, please
ensure that you follow the appropriate contract
review process for non-preferred vendors.
Marquee Event Rentals: Christine Huerta,, 708-485-8587
Indestructo Rental Company, Inc.: Nichole
Hall’s Party Rentals:,
Local Hotels
Northwestern has discounted rates for local ho-
tels near the Chicago and Evanston campuses
for guests traveling on behalf of the University.
Find rates on the Hotel Rates page.
Club Quarters: 75 E. Upper Wacker Dr., Chi-
cago, IL 60611
Events: Planning and Promotion
21Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Doubletree Hotel: 300 E. Ohio St., Chica-
go, IL 60611
Hotel Saint Clair: 162 E. Ontario St., Chica-
go, IL 60611
Hyatt Centric (formerly Wyndham Chicago):
633 N. St. Clair St., Chicago, IL 60611
Loews Chicago Hotel: 455 N. Park Dr., Chi-
cago, IL 60611
MileNorth Hotel (formerly Affinia Hotel): 166
E. Superior St., Chicago, IL 60611
Omni Hotel: 676 N Michigan Ave., Chicago,
IL 60611
The Peninsula Hotel: 108 E. Superior St.,
Chicago, IL 60611
Warwick Allerton Hotel: 701 N. Michigan Ave,
Chicago, IL 60611
BSA Meeting Owl Pro Device
The BSA Meeting Owl Pro is a mobile videocon-
ferencing device. BSA currently owns one unit
that can be reserved for basic science academic
department events and meetings.
Availability can be checked and reservations can
be made via the BSA Owl Device Outlook calen-
dar (instructions to add outlook calendar:
PC instructions | Mac instructions
BSA administrative assistant Keith Davis is the
owner of the Outlook calendar and keeps of the
device in Ward 8-140. To arrange for pick up of
the device, email Keith at k-davis3@northwest-
Events: Planning and Promotion
22Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Website Development and Maintenance
Department and Center
Website Maintenance
All Feinberg sites are built in Cascade, Fein-
berg’s content management system, hosted on
Feinberg servers and supported by the Office of
Select department staff have ownership rights
of their department/center sites and may update
it as needed. All existing department and center
websites are otherwise maintained by the BSA
communications specialist, which include up-
dates to page structure, creation of new pages,
updating lab blocks, adding news, announce-
ments, etc.
Cascade Training and Support
If you are a site owner and require assistance
with your site, please contact the BSA commu-
nications specialist (Yesenia Navarro, yesenia., or to escalate,
please contact the Feinberg Web Team through
their Maintenance/Support Request Form.
To gain access to Cascade, users must be
approved by the BSA communications special-
ist and the Feinberg Web Team and attend a
Cascade training first. The Feinberg Web Team
regularly holds training sessions for full-time
employees who have been approved for Cascade
training by both their unit administrator and the
Web Team. To attend training, desired Cascade
users must have their unit administrator caom-
plet an approval form. Limits on the number of
Cascade users per department or unit are set by
the Office of Communications.
To start the process of requesting access to a
Cascade department or center site and receiv-
ing Cascade training, contact Yesenia Navarro.
Faculty Lab Site Development
Faculty investigators can build and manage a
laboratory website at no cost via the following
The Feinberg-branded website template is fully
supported by the Feinberg Office of Communi-
cations, hosted on Feinberg servers and utilizes
a content management system called Cascade.
These sites are built by the Feinberg Office of
Communications Web Team and the BSA Com-
munications Specialist and maintained by the
PI or a full-time lab staff member. The Office of
Communications regularly holds training ses-
sions and offers technical support as needed.
Before initiating a lab site request, you must
collect all necessary site content before
getting on our project queue. Download a list
of the content requirements. When you have
your site content, contact the BSA Commu-
nications Specialist to request a site.
Training: A PI or the BSA Communications
Specialist can approve a team member for
Cascade training.
Request Cascade support.
NUsites is a self-service, WordPress installation
hosted on Northwestern servers. Plugins and
themes are limited to ensure maximum secu-
rity and compatibility. These sites are built and
maintained by the PI, a lab staff member or other
support staff. If you do not have experience in
WordPress or with building websites, Cascade
may be a better option.
View NUsites documentation and guides.
To discuss lab site options, please contact BSA
communications specialist Yesenia Navarro.
Website Development and Maintenance
23Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Core Websites
Standalone Feinberg-branded core sites are now
considered legacy sites and will no longer be
made. It is recommended that core sites be built
within the cores relevant department or center
site, as It is best overall for upkeep and findabil-
ity. Alternately, cores may choose to host their
sites on NUsites, but they would not have sup-
port from BSA or the Feinberg Office of Com-
Miscellaneous Website
Development Requests
In December 2021, Northwestern Procurement
organized a committee of digital communicators
across several Northwestern schools to build a
diverse collection of qualified vendors that any
unit at Northwestern may engage for website
development and design. As a result, there is no
need to engage in separate bids – those cho-
sen have a contract in place and have already
agreed to Northwestern’s Terms & Conditions.
Seven firms were awarded Pre-Qualified Con-
tracts. See preferred vendor list and navigate to
“Website Design.”
The Feinberg Web Team will continue to en-
gage in the existing web design/project request
process. However, when necessary, they may
share recommended vendors for the creation of
third-party websites such as consortiums and
out-of-scope projects.
For more information, please consult the Fein-
berg Office of Communications.
Website Development and Maintenance
24Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Social Media Guidelines
Page Likes / Followers
Be sure to ask others to like/follow your page to
start building your audience. You can email peo-
ple from your department and team, Feinberg
and your professional networks to start building
your audience. (It will take some time!) Like other
related pages or follow related accounts so you
can see other posts to share on your page and
also get ideas for how you want to create and
share your own content.
Post Frequency and Timing
Posting a couple times every week on Facebook
and Instagram and a couple times every day or
every other day on X (formerly Twitter) is recom-
mended. When you are first getting started, you
will want to share others’ posts (from Feinberg/
Northwestern and beyond, like relevant news
stories and other studies) if you do not have
that much original content to share.
Images / Graphics / Videos
You also want to use the best-quality images
you can that are sized for web (ideally under
2MB) in the best sizes possible. You don’t want
the first thing visitors see on your page to be
a blurry photo. Horizontal/landscape images
work best for posts (ideally a 16:9 aspect ratio).
Through your Northwestern email, you should
have access to an app called Adobe Express to
create graphics and help you size images. You
can even use this app from your smartphone. You
can also use a free online program called Canva
to help with this. Adobe Express is recommend-
ed since the pro version is free for Northwestern
employees. The platform also easily integrates
Feinberg’s brand elements into your designs.
Sharing Links / URLs with
If you are using a photo, graphic or video with
a URL to a news story, study, etc.,“shrink” the
URL so you don’t have long, alphabet-soup
URLs bogging down your posts. You can use free
websites such as TinyURL or Bitly (for up to 100
links per month).
Social Media Content
Features among the following content manage-
ment platforms vary, but the primary purpose is
to help you plan and schedule your posts across
X Pro (formerly known as Tweetdeck) (As
of 2023, X no longer offers a free content
management platform. However, you can
still schedule posts, save drafts and review
scheduled posts by using the regular posting
feature from your account.)
Content Scheduler via Adobe Express (free
for Northwestern users)
Sprout Social (paid service)
Hootsuite (paid service)
Social Media Guidelines
25Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Partners and Amplifiers
On X
Feinberg School of Medicine:
Basic Science Administration: @NU_BSA
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics:
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nikon
Imaging Center: @CAM_NUChicago
Cell & Developmental Biology: @NU_CDB
Center for Genetic Medicine:
Neuroscience: @Neuroscience_NU
Identify other campus partners (e.g., depart-
ments, centers) and beyond.
Additional Social Media Guidance
On Instagram
Feinberg School of Medicine:
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nikon
Imaging Center:
Cell & Developmental Biology: @nu_cdb
On LinkedIn
Feinberg School of Medicine
Basic Science Administration
Social Media Guidelines
26Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Additional Tools and Resources
MachForm is a form management platform. Any
staff member can be granted permission to cre-
ate forms. Email for
If you already have access to MachForm the
administrative panel can be accessed at forms.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Northwestern University's agreement with Adobe
offers the full Adobe Creative Cloud software
suite for use by eligible faculty and staff.
Adobe Express
Adobe Express is an online and mobile design
app, which allows you to easily create social
graphics, infographics, banners, flyers, short vid-
eos, webpages and more. This is a great alterna-
tive to Adobe InDesign and Illustrator for individ-
uals that have little-to-no graphic/web design
experience. The site offers various templates and
custom and standard sizes for common design
needs. Adobe Express also has the capability of
incorporating the medical school’s brand.
To access Adobe Express:
Select “Login with school account”
Enter your Northwestern email address >
click “Continue
Select “Company or School Account”
You may be redirected to the Northwestern
Online Passport or SSO. If so, use your NetID
and password, then click “Log in”
Please reach out to BSA communications spe-
cialist Yesenia Navarro to be invited to access
Feinberg brand assets, including logos, color
palettes and fonts.
Photoshop Express
Photoshop Express allows you to resize photos
quickly and easily in just three steps with stan-
dard and custom image size options.
Adobe Tutorials
Explore the Adobe videos to assist with creative
Adobe Express
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Photo Resizing without
Resize photos without any Photoshop skills.
Open image in Preview
Select “Tools”
Choose “Adjust Size”
Action: reduce image resolution, or height
and size > Then save
Open image in Photos
Click on the ellipsis button in the menu bar
at top
Click resize
Choose from default size options provided >
Then save
Additional Tools and Resources
27Communications and Outreach Guide
Updated August 2024
Revision History
Revision History
1/16/24 - Extended events section with information on furniture reservations/rentals, preferred and
non-preferred vendors for catering, additional campus space (school affiliates), hotels, and event
vendor contacts.
8/2/24 - Added new vendor (C2 Imaging) for stationery, including electronic letterhead, in the to
the Feinberg Brand and Style Guidelines and Templates section; updated website development
project guidance; new department and center site owners must be approved for training; updated
Social Media Partners and Amplifiers section; added a new free social media tool for scheduling
content (Adobe Calendar via Adobe Express).