+ East Helena Public Schools
School District No. 9
P.O. Box 1280 * East Helena, MT. 59635
Superintendent/Administration Office (406) 227-7700
Eastgate Elementary School (406) 227-7770 * Prickly Pear Elementary (406) 227-7720
Radley Elementary School (406) 227-7710 * East Valley Middle School (406) 227-7740
East Helena High School (406) 227-7730
“Success For All”
REVISED/Reviewed DEC 2023
Public Comment and Board Review/adoption - December 11, 2023
East Helena District #9 Detailed Safe Return to School Plan
Dear Community members and parents,
East Helena Public Schools have achieved openness in full collaboration with our affected
communities, relying on and incorporating CDC guidance on hygiene, physical distancing,
following state, county and local directives regarding the use of masks and, perhaps most
importantly, honoring Montana’s extensive constitutional guarantees of transparency and
opportunity for public input. Our schools have pulled together in our community to successfully
operate full time, in person instruction since August 26, 2020 and we are well on our way to a
successful post-pandemic future.
District School Start Up & Reopening Plan
As demonstrated by the actions of the Board throughout the last 36 months, they have shown
thoughtful attention to the input of teachers, staff, and community members. The board
approved a reopening plan that was, and still, with revisions, remains center to the district
On Monday, August 10, 2020 the School Board adopted the final plan for the start of the new
school year. This plan, which was initially proposed on June 8, 2020, was approved as the
starting point for the school district to create a direction that will change as we learn new
information and practices to improve safety. Each school will have its own unique issues and
practices in providing safety minded protocols, in general however, the district will implement
safety measures as stated here to minimize the spread of all contagions, but targeted at the
COVID 19 pathogen.
Please be aware that though these plans are adopted by the Trustees, that the School Board
allowed administration the ability to change the plans quickly to adapt to the ever changing
COVID 19 landscape. The Board acknowledged and advocated for the need for flexibility and
understanding. Please be patient and take great care to do your part to make this workable and
protective of the health and safety of our students and staff.
EHPS School openings under the current Governor’s Order:
· Under Phase II and Phase III, the schools opened on August 26, 2020 with
in-person classroom instruction.
· Distance learning instruction was and will continue to be an option for some
6th - 12th grade students as appropriate and approved individually depending on
attendance and participation using the Distance Learning Application Form.
· Current planning is subject to change from the school district or by order of
the Governor or County Health Department.
The school district and the state of Montana have officially ended the
emergency declaration and schools are operating under typical school
board policies as published on the EHPS Website.
Student expectations and limitations:
· Face masks are optional for all students and staff, but may be required when
medically fragile or immunocompromised students or staff are present.
· Students who elect to wear face masks are expected to provide their own
preference of appropriate face masks as part of their regular school supplies.
· Teachers will work with students to routinely and regularly wash their hands
or use hand sanitizer in the classrooms.
· Teachers and other staff may, on occasion, conduct temperature checks of
students as well as asking screening questions.
Students exhibiting flu like symptoms:
· Students exhibiting flu-like symptoms that may or may not include an
elevated temperature will be sent home.
· Staging areas for symptomatic or sick students are established at each
· If a student is found to have an elevated temperature or is exhibiting flu like
symptoms, parents will be asked to pick up their student quickly.
Parents are encouraged to consult with school nursing staff regarding
safe return to school for students who were symptomatic.
Grouping and Scheduling
· There are currently no adjustments to grouping or scheduling of students
Parents are asked to take precautionary steps to ensure student and staff safety:
· Parents should continue to monitor student wellness to watch for symptoms
of COVID 19 or other transmittable medical illnesses.
o In particular, the school suggests checking each morning for a
o Having students sanitize or wash their hands before leaving for
school and when returning home.
o Question your child about how they feel before they leave for
o Keep your child at home if they are sick or exhibiting symptoms of
an illness.
· If a student exhibits symptoms of flu, RSV or COVID 19, they may be asked
to stay home from school.
· If you, or your medical professional, believe that your child may be exhibiting
symptoms or had exposure to COVID 19, you should also contact the L & C
County Health Department Nurse at 457-8900.
The district will offer COVID 19 at home test kits provided by the Montana
DPHHS to staff and families.
Transportation and Busing:
· There are currently no adjustments to busing
Access to the buildings by parents and other adults may be limited:
· Building access restrictions have been lifted and regular use of buildings by
outside groups is allowed.
Large Gatherings and Assemblies:
· There are no restrictions in place for assemblies or large student gatherings.
There are currently no restrictions for hallways, lockers, playgrounds.
Meals and Cafeteria
· There are currently no cafeteria use or seating restrictions related to COVID
19 concerns..
Organized Activities/Extracurricular
· There are no restrictions in place for organized activities or extra curricular
· Events may be live streamed online utilizing the NFHS Network, ZOOM,
Facebook Live, or our own website for viewing after the event.
Educational Delivery of Face to Face Learning
· The District will provide face-to-face learning in a traditional school setting
with the modifications, protocols and requirements put into place for student/staff
Educational Delivery of Distance/Remote Learning
· Limited full time remote learning opportunities may be available to students in
grades 6-12 with a track record of successfully working remotely on a daily basis.
Because of the staffing needs for remote learning, students and families are
asked to make a quarter/trimester or semester long commitment to this endeavor.
· EHPS has established a protocol for enrolling in remote learning that
o Parents must complete a remote learning request form to receive
permission for students to participate in off-site instruction;
o This contract will need to be signed along with expectations
outlined for parents and students;
o Grades may be altered and be assigned for remote learning
courses as pass/fail based on proficiency learning criteria
o If a student has an active 504 Plan or IEP, the district will help
determine if the accommodations and support can be delivered remotely
or will need to be modified
o All options to access remote learning will require excellent
participation and attendance to distance learning instruction.
Should School Closure be ordered by Governor Gianforte:
· Under the Governor’s order the schools will send students home immediately
to begin Distance Learning
· Limited Chromebook or iPad checkout can occur with an application and
certification that there is good internet access at home
o School hours will be observed for Distance Learning instruction
and access to staff
o A more rigorous and high performance instructional system will be
instituted using Google Classroom as the base platform.
o Student assessment and grading will be ongoing and based upon
proficiency in accomplishing the goals of the school district adopted
· Limited student access to schools will continue for the highest need students
on a case by case basis.
Our plan was created and approved by the Governor’s office in 2020 and was developed
utilizing information from the CDC and Montana DPHHS as guidance:
Office of Public Instruction http://opi.mt.gov/Re-opening-Schools
MT-PEC A Roadmap for Safely Reopening Montana’s Public Schools Using Emergency School
District Policies.
East Helena Public School District
Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan
Date of Original Adoption: March 26, 2020 Action Plan
March 26, 2020 Adopted Policy 1900, 1901 & 3650
April 27, 2020 Adopted Policies 1900 Covid-19 Series
May 11, 2020 Adopted Final Reading Policies 1900 Series
Date Policies were Revised: May 28, 2020 Updated Policies 1900 Series
June 8, 2020 Updated 2nd Reading of Updated Policies 1900
Sept. 14, 2020 Policy 1900 Series Review
Date Plan was Last Revised: December, 2022
Next Regularly Scheduled Month for Consideration: December, 2023:
Dates Reviewed:
1. March 26, 2020
2. April 1, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
3. April 9, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
4. April 23, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
5. April 27, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM Adopted Policies 1900 Series
6. May 11, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM Adopted final Reading 1900’s
7. May 28, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM 1900’s Updates
8. June 8, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM 1900’s Updates 2nd Reading
9. June 8, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
10. July 13, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
11. August 10, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
12. Sept. 14, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Review
13. Sept. 14, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Policy 1900 Series Review
14. Oct. 12, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
15. Nov. 9, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
16. Dec. 14, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
17. Jan. 11, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
18. Feb. 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
19. March 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
20. March 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Revised Policy 1905
21. April 12, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
22. April 12, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Revised Policy 1905
23. May 10, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
24. May 17, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Mask Order Revision - 1905
25. May 19, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Mask Order Final Policy 1905
26. May 27, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Working Conditions 1905 EHEA
27. June 14, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
28. March 14, 2022 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
29. January 9, 2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
30. June 27,2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
31. Dec 11, 2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
March 2020 - June 2021
The East Helena School District was ordered to close to in person instruction on March 15,
2020, under an executive order issued by then-Governor Bullock. Districts were provided a two
week period of time during which they could remain fully closed to instruction of any kind while
developing a plan for remote instruction required by the Governor.
Although our district was authorized to remain closed, we quickly mobilized and began remote
instruction during the timeframe when we were authorized to remain closed. Thereafter, our
district continued pursuant to a reopening plan approved by the Governor beginning March 30,
On April 22, 2020, then-Governor Bullock lifted his Stay at Home Order, and Announced a Plan
to Begin Phased Reopening of Montana. As part of that plan, effective May 7, 2020, all schools
were provided the option to return to in-classroom teaching at the discretion of local school
Our school district finished the 2020-21 school year through remote instruction. During the
2020-21 school year, our means of operation included cohort protections for In-person
instruction and also a hybrid model of offsite remote learning participation in classroom
Our district developed a plan for reopening to in person instruction, with contingencies, and we
implemented that plan for the 2020-21 school year. The reopening plan, details regarding which
are provided below, included adoption of various model policies provided by the Montana
School Boards Association under its 1900 Series, including model policies aligned with CDC
guidance regarding mitigation strategies to limit exposure to and transmission of COVID-19 in
school settings.
Our district is finishing the 2020-21 school year strong, having provided high quality learning
opportunities to the students in our community in safe and effective learning environments.
We embraced a fundamental principle of providing extensive transparency to our community
throughout the above timeframe. We publicly noticed, held meetings regarding, and provided
extensive opportunities for our community to provide us with feedback regarding the School
District’s plans and we carefully considered such feedback in developing and refining the School
District’s plans throughout the last 14-15 months.
Safe Return to Schools and Continuity of Services Plan Contents:
March 2020-June 2021
Part I: Documentation of Meaningful Consultation in Developing and Refining the School
District’s plan from March 2020 Through June 2021:
We noticed, held, and invited public comment on our evolving plans for a safe return to school
and continuity of services on the following dates since March 2020:
1. March 26, 2020
2. April 1, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
3. April 9, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
4. April 23, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM
5. April 27, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM Adopted Policies 1900 Series
6. May 11, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM Adopted final Reading 1900’s
7. May 28, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM 1900’s Updates
8. June 8, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM 1900’s Updates 2nd Reading
9. June 8, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
10. July 13, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
11. August 10, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
12. Sept. 14, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Review
13. Sept. 14, 2020 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Policy 1900 Series Review
14. Oct. 12, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
15. Nov. 9, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
16. Dec. 14, 2020 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
17. Jan. 11, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
18. Feb. 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
19. March 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
20. March 8, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Revised Policy 1905
21. April 12, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
22. April 12, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Revised Policy 1905
23. May 10, 2021 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Update
24. May 17, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Mask Order Revision - 1905
25. May 19, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Mask Order Final Policy 1905
26. May 27, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM Working Conditions 1905 EHEA
27. June 14, 2021 - Posted & accessible via ZOOM School Re-Opening Planning
28. January 10, 2022 - TBA Posted and accessible via ZOOM - Re-opening revision
29. March 14, 2022 - Posted and accessible via ZOOM - Re-opening revision review
30. January 9, 2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
30. June 27,2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
31, DEC 11,2023 - Regular school board review with public comment -Posted &
accessible via ZOOM
Our invitation for public input included a general opportunity for the public to provide input and
was provided to everyone interested.
East Helena Public School District provided in-person instruction to a majority of its students
during the 2020-2021 school year and thereby is recognized to have safely reopened and
provided continuity of services to its students and is recognized to have engaged in meaningful
consultation with stakeholders in the course of 28 public meetings. East Helena Public Schools
(EHPS) has committed to periodic review and, as necessary, revision of our plans.
Part II: Contents of The School District’s plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
and Continuity of Services:
Following the lifting of the Stay-at-Home Order and subsequent reopening of the state on April
22, 2020, East Helena Public School District utilized the Montana Public Education Center
Roadmap for Safely Reopening Montana’s Public Schools Using Emergency School District
Policies and accompanying MTSBA Model Emergency Policies. Utilizing these resources
supported our district’s continued service to students with transparency and accountability while
ensuring the operations of the school district reflected the circumstances in our community.
The policies ensured our Board of Trustees and school leaders honored the following priorities:
quality instruction to students; a healthy and safe setting for students, staff, and the community;
needed support of teachers and staff; and responsible financial and operational procedures. The
policies provided an actionable plan for completing the 2020-2021 school fiscal year in a
manner that met these priorities and secured district funding while providing an operational
platform for considering long term innovations in the delivery of education services.
East Helena Public School District implemented policy options that facilitated collaboration
between the Board of Trustees, administrative team, employees, parents, students, health
officials, and community as we established protocols aligned with CDC guidance addressing
how instruction was to be delivered to students; how gatherings and events would take place on
school property; how the health and safety of staff and students would be protected and
preserved while schools were open; and how financial and operational functions of the school
district would continue during the period of public health emergency.
East Helena Public School District reviewed, considered, and addressed numerous areas of
operation in our reopening process. On the topic of school district policy and procedures, the
district considered emergency policies and procedures, adoption and amendment of policies,
suspension of policies, and administrative procedures. To support students’ academic, mental,
social and emotional success, the district considered alternative grading, counseling, extended
school year, student instruction proficiency determinations and declarations, support for
particularly vulnerable students, transportation services, access to internet for students, food
preparation and service, summer school and additional student instruction resources. To ensure
the health and safety of students, teachers, and staff, the district considered cleaning and
disinfection, community use of facilities, county board of health orders, diagnosis and
confidentiality, hand washing and related hygiene protocols, school closure orders, stay at home
orders, symptom monitoring and isolation, travel quarantines, visitors, volunteers, vulnerable
individuals, masks and personal protective equipment, and physical distancing.
Following the Roadmap for Safely Reopening Montana’s Public Schools Using Emergency
School District Policies ensured East Helena Public School District has remained in compliance
with guidance and best practices provided by federal, state, or local health officials. Our school
district has continued to adapt and adjust our policies as new and updated guidance and best
practices have become available.
Further, the policies provide options for consideration through input from our board of trustees,
administrative team, employees, parents, students, health officials, and community as
collaborative partners as we have worked our way through ever evolving changes due to the
pandemic. By considering all possible perspectives and factors when making the decisions to
adopt or adjust a policy, or to implement a policy, we focused on the health and safety of our
students, staff, and community for delivery of learning and services to our students. The policies
have enabled us to adjust our procedures and practices during different phases in compliance
with guidance and best practices provided by federal, state, and local agencies.
The School District’s plan meets the requirements of Section 2001(i)(1) and (i)(2) of the ARP
Act. The School District’s plan is available on our website and, as noted above, was developed
through a process that included months of public comment. Further, we have, as part of the
organization of the School District’s plan for purposes of the ARP Act, revised the School
District’s plan at a meeting held on June 14, 2021 and this latest revision will be reviewed in a
public meeting on January 10, 2022 that included not just a notice of opportunity for public input
but which specifically invited meaningful consultation with and input from students; families;
school and district administrators; special education administrators; teachers, principals, school
leaders, other educators, school staff, and their unions as demonstrated at multiple Board
East Helena Public Schools has and will continue to consider the input of all affected parties and
have carefully deliberated regarding the best possible means by which our district can provide
safe effective learning environments for each of our students.
East Helena Public School District will continue to follow the policies of the Board of Trustees
available on the Website while engaging in reevaluation processes to continue to ensure the
health, safety and wellbeing of our students, teachers, staff, and community through 2024.
Appendix – East Helena Public School District
EHPS website URL
EHPS school district’s adopted 1900 policies in their entirety
MT-PEC A Roadmap for Safely Reopening Montana’s Public Schools Using
Emergency School District Policies.