rev 2024
Transfer Applicants: Admission to the BSN (Traditional)
Transfer applicants must apply to both California State University, Los Angeles and to
the Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing through NursingCAS.
Applicants can only apply once to the BSN (Traditional) program. Applicants who are
not admitted will be offered admission by the University to their alternate major if they
qualify. There's one exception: If your application was incomplete (missing required
documents), you can re-apply for the next application cycle.
1. Cal State LA University Application via Cal State Apply:
o The university application can be found online at
o Filing Period: Opens October 1st
o Deadline: November 30th
o Applicants are responsible for making sure they meet the University transfer
applicant requirements:
o You will submit a complete set of official transcripts to Cal State LA from all the
universities and colleges you have attended. Cal State LA’s Admissions Office will
request these transcripts:
o Application Fee: Applies. Fee waiver may be available (refer to Cal State LA’s
application fee waiver for more information).
2. School of Nursing application via NursingCAS: Create an account and submit your
application through the NursingCAS platform (
Applications are accepted for Fall semester only.
o Filing Period: Opens October 1st.
o Deadline: First Friday of January (refer to program website for exact date).
o Application Fee: Applies. Fee assistance programs may be available through
NursingCAS (refer to Nursing CAS’s Applicant Help Center for more
3. TEAS Scores: All four categories (Reading, Math, Science, English) must score 70 or
higher (80+ considered competitive) within two years of the application deadline.
Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing rev 2024
o You must report the results of your ATI TEAS Scores. Download a PDF copy of
your “Individual Performance Profile” report. This report must be uploaded to the
“Documents” section under “TEAS Score Report” in NursingCAS. Please refer to
the program website for a sample TEAS score page to ensure the correct
document is uploaded.
o NOTE: There is no limit on how many times an applicant can take the TEAS exam,
and there is no minimum timeframe required between exam re-take dates.
4. Official Transcripts:
o Upload an unofficial transcript from Cal State LA GET into your NursingCAS
o Upload a copy of your “Unofficial Transcript” from “GET” into your Nursing CAS
account in the “Other” category.
o Order an official transcript from Cal State LA to send to Nursing CAS:
o Send to Nursing CAS (view instructions below):
o Check the Academic Calendar for the date Fall grades are posted.
o NursingCAS will upload the official transcript(s) with the date received and verify
courses taken. Official transcripts must be received by NursingCAS no later than
January 31st to be considered for admission. If not received, your application will
be disqualified.
o The Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing uses the “verified date” to determine when
a transcript is received. A notification is sent to the applicant from NursingCAS
that shows the verified date the “Official Transcript” was received.
NOTE: It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure their application has moved from
Submitted to Received to Verified. To check the status of your transcripts, contact
NursingCAS customer service at (617) 612-2880 or by email at
[email protected]. There is also a chat icon in the lower right corner on
the website.
5. Prerequisite Courses:
The BSN program has a strict “no retake” policy for the eight required prerequisite
courses. A grade of “B” or better in each course must be earned on the first attempt.
Retaking courses to improve a grade is not permitted as the first attempt will still be
considered regardless of when the course was taken. rev 2024
NOTE: Pre-requisite coursework can be fulfilled by any graded course that aligns with
the corresponding CSU General Education (GE) area associated with the prerequisite
(see below). In the event that multiple courses satisfy the required CSU GE area, the first
course completed will be used to meet the prerequisite requirement. If you have any
questions regarding specific courses or their alignment with CSU GE areas, please
consult with an academic advisor at your institution.
Completed by Application Deadline:
o Human Anatomy with Lab (GE B2)
o Chemistry with Lab (GE B1)
o English/Accelerated College Writing (GE A2)*
o Statistics Course (may or may not meet [B4]*; can be upper or lower division)
Completed by Spring Semester Following Application Deadline:
o Physiology with Lab (GE B2)
o Microbiology with a lab (GE B2)
o Public Speaking or Oral Communication (GE A1)*
o Cal State LA Assist Listed (GE A3)* Critical Thinking course
*Courses may also be eligible to meet the (Golden 4) university transfer requirement
To determine if a class is transferable to Cal State LA, go to the webpage
for transfer of California Community College prerequisite courses.
Cal State LA’s undergraduate studies website also has information regarding transfer
6. Grade Point Average (GPA):
There are two minimum GPA requirements to meet for application
consideration: Overall GPA & Prerequisite Course GPA must be at least 3.25.
However, to be competitive for admission, applicants are strongly encouraged to
have a GPA of 3.60 or higher (across all coursework and prerequisites).
There is no recency requirement for prerequisite courses; they do not expire.
If a science course consists of a lecture and a separate lab, the lecture and the lab
grades will be averaged and must average to a “B” or higher.
Prerequisite courses cannot be repeated, and the original grade must be a “B” or
better to be considered. rev 2024
A “B-“grade does not meet the minimum grade requirement of “B.”
AP scores of 3 or better are acceptable for prerequisite courses.
7. Volunteer or work experience in healthcare (optional, but strongly recommended):
only one specific type of experience may be submitted. Must have 50 or more hours
(100 max for credit) of service within the last 2 years. For more information see
Work/Volunteer Experience” section on the program website
If you have any questions about creating your NursingCAS account, opening your
application, or submitting your application through NursingCAS, please contact
NursingCAS at (617) 612-2880
To ensure a fair and efficient review process, application status updates are not
provided during the application window (October - January). Applicants will be
notified of their admission decision via email at the end of the review period
Monitor emails (review spam/clutter) and check NursingCAS account for any
Meeting the minimum requirements for admission means consideration not
admission into the nursing program. A selective admissions committee
composed of faculty from the Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing (PACSON) will
review all applications.
If selected, please follow the instructions on your email. Your admission is
conditional until all requirements have been completed for admissions (such as
pre-reqs in progress). If the instructions are not followed and completed
according to the requested deadlines, it can result program admission being
rescinded. rev 2024
a. Students will receive a welcome letter via email with orientation information. At
that time, you will be notified of the dates to attend a mandatory orientation
(usually in June). This orientation will secure your admittance to the Patricia A.
Chin School of Nursing. On the day of orientation, expect fees to be paid for
parking, lab coats, laboratory fees, and more.
b. In addition to the required nursing courses, students must meet the Cal State LA
requirements for both lower and upper division education. These requirements
are clearly outlined in the university catalog found online. Additional classes
required by the Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing include:
o Sociology 2010- Principles of Sociology (3 semester units)
o Nutrition 2500– Human Nutrition (3 semester units)
o Psychology 1500 – Psychology of Developing Person (minimum 3
semester units)
c. Nursing students must have a cleared background check to be acceptable to
clinical agencies. Since the California State Board of Nursing makes the final
determination on eligibility for licensure. Receiving a background check that has
positive check may be a barrier to licensure, certification, and employment.
d. Drug screening consistent with California Board of Registered Nursing
guidelines for safe nursing practice and is required annually. Clinical agencies
are requiring students be drug-free and you may be subject to random drug
testing, in addition to the required annual drug testing.