This booklet presents accounting and tax information that may or may not be right for your specific Fraternal Unit. In view of
the complex, individual, and specific nature of tax situations, this booklet is not intended to replace professional accounting or
legal advice. Moose International expressly disclaims any responsibility for any loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the
application of the contents of this booklet. Moose International advises each Fraternal Unit to seek the advice of their own
legal or tax professional.
The material contained herein is the property of Moose International, Inc. and is confidential. Moose International owns all
copyright rights to this material, and it may not be reprinted or reproduced in any manner without the written permission of
Moose International, Inc.
© 2019 Moose International, Inc.
Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 1
References: ............................................................................................................................ 1
Special Note: .................................................................................................................................. 1
Fraternal Unit Financial Review/Audit Committee Suggested Guidelines ............................................... 2
Committee Members: ............................................................................................................. 2
Committee’s Activities: ........................................................................................................... 2
The Financial Review/Audit Program: .................................................................................... 3
Internal Controls: .................................................................................................................... 3
Verification of Assets: ............................................................................................................. 4
Certification that Returns and Reports are filed:..................................................................... 4
Available Reports: .................................................................................................................. 5
Final Report: .......................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix A Financial Review/Audit Committee Checklist ................................................................... 1
Appendix A Financial Review/Audit Committee Checklist ................................................................... 2
Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019 Page 1
This information guide is intended to assist the Financial Review/Audit Committee to perform
a limited review of its organization’s financial strength and policies. This guide should help
the Board control financial activities until an additional financial review/audit might be
deemed necessary. It emphasizes the importance of internal controls in safeguarding the
Fraternal Unit’s assets.
Any time reference is made to a Fraternal Unit within this or any other materials it refers to all
three fraternal units together - Lodges, Chapters and Moose Legions.
The General Laws
Officers’ and Committeemen’s Handbook
WOTM Handbook
WOTM Officer’s Handbook
WOTM Recorder’s Handbook
Moose Legion Code of Rules
Special Note:
Lodges and Chapters may now do all of their banking on-line (electronically) providing they
have received authorization, in writing or electronically, from the General Governor or Grand
Chancellor’s office respectively. If your Fraternal Unit decides to do its banking on-line you
should know there are some banks that do not send out monthly statements to those
customers. The statements can be reviewed on-line, (the Administrator, Recorder or Moose
Legion Secretary should print out the statement for the Fraternal Unit’s records). So, if the
Financial Review/Audit Committee is reviewing the Fraternal Unit’s books and records and
needs to see the bank statements a copy will be in the file. No password should be given to
anybody other than the Administrator, Recorder or Moose Legion Secretary, because they
are responsible for all of the Fraternal Unit’s books and records.
Page 2 Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019
Committee Members:
Lodge: At the first regular meeting after being installed, the Governor shall appoint two (2)
members of the Lodge (one of whom shall be chairman) to serve with the Prelate on a
Financial Review/Audit Committee. The three (3) members of the committee shall serve for
one (1) year. (See Appendix A for suggested responsibilities.)
Chapter: Each year the Senior Regent shall appoint one person to serve on the Progressive
Audit Committee of three (3) members, a Chairman and two (2) Committee members, to
compile the monthly financial reports for the each month. Any co-worker in good standing
shall be eligible to serve on the Audit Committee except an Elected or Appointed Officer,
Chairman of a Chapter Development, Standing or Special Committee, Ritual Director or
Escort, except where dispensations have been requested and granted to very small
Moose Legion: At the first regular meeting after being installed, the President shall appoint
two (2) good standing members, one of whom shall be chairman, to serve on the Audit
Committee. The Chaplain shall be the third member of the committee. No other member of
the Board of Directors shall be a member of this Committee.
The President shall demand and receive from the Board of Directors and each Committee
Chairman of the Moose Legion, all stocks, bonds, notes, accounts and records of the Moose
Legion required by the Audit Committee to make a full and correct report.
Committee’s Activities:
The Committee members should be concerned with the following:
Familiarizing themselves with the reporting process and internal controls.
*The adequacy of internal controls (the system used to create and verify various records
required by the House Committee, Moose International, and the various state and local
*The accuracy of records and reports to the House Committee, Governmental offices and
Moose International.
The proper authorization of activities and expenditures.
The verification of the physical existence of assets (including inventories excluding House
A review of tax-exempt status and identification of any activities that could endanger it.
Ensure that payroll taxes, licenses, sales taxes, and any other taxes and the Fraternal
Unit’s reports are properly filed as required by respective governing authorities.
Reviewing Moose programs and understanding their financial relationships.
Audit required financial reports and statements, and attest to their accuracy.
Attest and assure that financial reports are read at Fraternal Unit’s meetings.
Conduct special financial reviews/audits when requested by the Board of Officers.
*Conduct monthly financial review of House Committee records.
Verify Membership information.
*Indicates House Committee activity only.
Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019 Page 3
The Financial Review/Audit Committee must establish in their own minds that the controls
required by the organization, the Fraternal Units, House Committee, and governmental
bodies are being followed. It must perform substantive testing to verify that transactions were
properly recorded. Testing must include, but is not limited to: bank statement reconciliation,
review of minutes, review of receipts, and comparisons of current and previous financial
statements. The results of these and other testing will provide evidence to the completeness
of the financial accounts and statements.
The Financial Review/Audit Committee should review the items found deficient in the
previous financial review/audit to assure that the indicated items were addressed and no
longer continue to be deficient.
The Financial Review/Audit Program:
The Financial Review/Audit Committee should develop a written plan for each account,
function, or class of financial transactions it has selected for the examination. The plan
should indicate the relationship to the financial statement assertions and financial
review/audit objective. An example would be to verify the purchases of small games of
chance against the control sheet. Games in must equal games out.
The following are examples of how financial review/audit objectives could be developed:
Financial Statement Assertion
Financial Review/Audit Objective
Existence of Assets
Verify inventories included on the balance sheet
physically exist.
Accuracy of the Fraternal Unit Assets
Verify Expenditures
Verify inventory quantities include all products,
materials and supplies on hand.
Inventory listings are accurately compiled in the
inventory accounts.
Savings and Investments
Verify that the savings accounts match deposits
and withdrawals.
Proper authorizations for withdrawals are
documented in the meeting minutes and a
dispensation received from the General
Governor’s office for Lodges. This is not a
requirement for the Women of the Moose.
All transfers from one account to another are
complete and accurate.
Verification of Membership
Verify all applications received since the last
report have been entered and transmitted to
Moose International.
Internal Controls:
The Financial Review/Audit Committee must be attentive to the adequacy or inadequacy of
internal controls. Lack of good internal controls can make the financial review/audit task very
difficult, if not impossible. When reviewing internal controls, the committee should use
common sense as its guide. There are some very good reasons for internal controls
Preventing loss by theft.
Safeguarding the assets of the Fraternal Unit.
Assuring that transactions are authorized and properly recorded.
Preventing mistakes by an employee.
Page 4 Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019
Additionally, the internal controls should be reviewed for compliance with the laws of each
Fraternal Unit, the General Laws, the WOTM Handbook and the Moose Legion Code of
Rules as well as any regulatory agencies. Test these controls by assessing the activities
performed by the employees and specific transactions for compliance.
Verification of Assets:
The Financial Review/Audit Committee shall make its primary objective to verify bank
balances, count of securities, savings account balances, as well as fixed and saleable
inventories. The committee shall examine statements and compare them to documented
records agreed to by the Boards. There should be evidence that checking accounts are
reconciled each month.
Certification that Returns and Reports are filed:
Even though the Fraternal Unit is classified as a Not-for-Profit organization (501(C)-(8)), it is
still required to file tax returns, complete various regulatory forms and/or reports. Failure to
comply could result in fines, loss of its Not-for-Profit status, or loss of its charter. The
Financial Review/Audit Committee shall make a list of these documents during the planning
phase and verify that the Fraternal Unit complies. The list might include the following:
Payroll Taxes
Sales Tax and licenses
Form 990 (including Schedule B)
Various Fraternal Reports
For further information on Taxes refer to the handout “Understanding Tax: Exemptions,
Forms and Filing Requirements for Fraternal Units” and the Women of the Moose Recorder’s
Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019 Page 5
Available Reports:
At the monthly financial review/audit it would be helpful if the Chairman of the Financial
Review/Audit Committee has computer experience and has read the and Quick
Books Pro Tutorials, which should be maintained in the Administrator’s, Recorder’s or Moose
Legion Secretary’s office. The following reports should be printed from Quick Books or and available for the Financial Review/Audit Committee.
The following reports are found in Quick Books
A Chart of Accounts
Company & Financial
Profit & Loss Standard
Profit & Loss Detail
Income by Customer Detail
Expenses by Vendor Detail
Balance Sheet Detail
Missing Checks
Vendors & Payables
Unpaid Bills Detail
The following reports are found in under the Go To menu selection:
Monthly Reports
Member Status Reports
Arrears Report
Applicants Reports
Final Report:
Upon conclusion of the financial review/audit, the committee chairman must prepare a written
report and present it to the Board of Officers. The report must detail the findings of the
financial review/audit and make recommendations to the Board and the Fraternal Unit as to
what is needed to comply.
Audit Committee Quick List Appendix B, Page 1
Monthly Responsibilities
Verify all investments, CD’s, and savings accounts are safe and secure
Ensure cash received by the Administrator and/or Administrative Assistant from all sources are
receipted and deposited in gross weekly.
Verify deposits from Moose International (member dues) and credit card deposits, if applicable,
are recorded in QuickBooks
Verify credit cards are used for purchases ONLY NO cash advances
Verify deposits from all income sources are on bank statements and entered in QuickBooks:
This verification includes totals from the weekly House Committee Envelope, raffles, vending,
gaming, hall rentals, membership dues, etc.
Verify the current Administrator, Governor, and Treasurer are the only officers with proper
check signature cards on file with the bank for all checking accounts
Verify all checks written have two (2) signatures and canceled checks match QuickBooks
entries, checkbook stubs and bills
Verify ACH payments match bills, and recorded in QuickBooks/checkbook
Review and investigate checks written for cash (see Section 43.4 of General Laws pertaining
to cash and cash expenditures). Verify a “Cash Purchases Journal is kept and filed for
information Note: This does not apply to Women of the Moose except for Bingo
Verify all licenses and permits are current
Verify all insurances, payroll, real estates, and sales taxes are remitted on time and are current
Verify there are three (3) consecutive years of 990 Federal Tax returns and the present fiscal
year 990 is current
Verify monthly QuickBooks reconciliation and reconciliation balance match monthly bank
Review and verify the monthly financial statement is successfully transmitted to Moose
Board of Officers and Membership meeting minutes are accurate (following agendas),
complete, approved and signed by the Administrator, Governor, or presiding officer
Ensure all new applicants are entered in the body of minutes with sponsor and voted on for
Verify all new applicants are transmitted and enrolled
Ensure Lodge Guest Book is being used properly.
Ensure there is an Incident Log Book behind the bar
Review Committee to file a written report of their review to the Board of Officers and the
membership monthly. Report to contains suggestions when applicable
A copy of this checklist and Financial Review Report(s) to be filed in a safe location and kept
for seven (7) years
Any questions raised by the Audit Committee shall be submitted with the report to Moose
International. (For further information see Sec. 43.5 of the General Laws
Submit in writing to Moose International any concerns with the Financial Report.
Page 2 Financial Review/Audit Committee Guidelines August 2019
Note: If any of the above items are not performed properly, they are to be brought to the
attention of the Board of Officers for proper action and corrections.