Styles and Trends: Fashion
Unit: Business of Textiles
Problem Area: Marketing
Lesson: Styles and Trends: Fashion
Student Learning Objectives.
Instruction in this lesson should result in students
achieving the following objectives:
Summarize fashion styles and trends by demographic group.
Summarize online and offline style and fashion resources.
Predict future fashion styles and trends.
¢ Resources.
The following resources may be useful in teaching this lesson:
E-unit(s) corresponding to this lesson plan. CAERT, Inc.
“Demographics & Lifestyle Analysis,” University of Wisconsin-Extension. Accessed Jan. 27,
Ejiofor, Mmoma. “Fashions of the Future,” Forbes. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
“Famous People by Birth Year,” Famous Birthdays. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
Francis, David. “Where Do You Fall in the American Economic Class System?” U.S. News &
World Report. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
“Future Fashion: 10 Wearable Tech Trends to Watch,” CNBC. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
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Gheysen, Pieter-Jan. “Gen Y Trends: The End of Conspicuous Branding?” InSites. Accessed
Jan. 27, 2017.
Hall, Mary. “Seasonless Fashion Week Trends for Spring 2017 and Fall 2016,” The
Recessionista®. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
Mannah, Johnny. “Top 10 Street Style Trends for Men’s Fashion Week S/S 2017,” The
Trend Spotter.Net. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
Raza, Hammad. “Fashion and Gender Roles,” Academia. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
“What Your Clothes Say About You,” Forbes. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
Williams, Alex. “How to Spot a Member of Generation Z,” The New York Times. Accessed
Jan. 27, 2017.
Wilson, Elizabeth. “Know Your Target Market,” Entrepreneur. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
Wood, Stacy. “Generation Z as Consumers: Trends and Innovation,” NC State University:
Institute for Emerging Issues. Accessed Jan. 27, 2017.
¢ Equipment, Tools, Supplies, and Facilities
Overhead or PowerPoint projector
Visual(s) from accompanying master(s)
Copies of sample test, lab sheet(s), and/or other items designed for duplication
Materials listed on duplicated items
Computers with printers and Internet access
Classroom resource and reference materials
Key Terms.
The following terms are presented in this lesson (shown in bold italics):
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Baby Boomers
Covet Fashion
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Z
Keep Shopping App
PS Dept.
Silent Generation
wearable technology
Interest Approach.
Use an interest approach that will prepare the students for the
lesson. Teachers often develop approaches for their unique class and student situations. A
possible approach is included here.
Fashion is one of the fastest-growing industries globally and is a multibillion-
dollar industry annually. Fashion is no longer geared toward branding. New
trends are constantly in play making “keeping up with fashion” nearly
impossible. Socioeconomic status plays an important factor in the ability to
“keep up” with fashion styles and trends. In this society, technology, just like
fashion, is constantly changing. First, it is necessary to explore some of the
demographics that impact market trends and then to examine some of the
technological advances and applications that help people review and purchase
the latest styles and trends.
Objective 1: Summarize fashion styles and trends by demographic group.
Anticipated Problem: What are some fashion styles and trends based on demographic
I. Impacts
A. Fashion, style, trend, and fad
1. Fashion is a popular trend of a particular style or practice of clothing, foot
wear, accessories, or other forms of adornment at a given time. Change is a
constant element of fashion: new styles, reinventing a classic, and styles pop
ularized by celebrities and royalty.
2. Style is an individual’s artistic approach to expressing himself or herself
through apparel. Style line categories that influence the silhouette include
necklines, collars, seams, sleeves, cuffs, and pockets.
3. A trend is a fashion style popular at a specific point in time that gradually
changes over an extended time. A fashion trend is a new and innovative way to
provoke a style. A trend may include one or more of the following: color, fab
rics, textures, materials, prints, graphics, accessories, footwear, or a particular
style (e.g., classic, grunge, punk, or artsy).
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4. A fad is a style popular for a short period of time that expresses personality
and a sense of belonging with peers. Often, a fad is less expensive than a clas
sic style and is sometimes termed “fast fashion.” Some fads are rediscoveries
of trends by other generations. For example, today the 1960s, 70s, and 80s
are being rediscovered in the following observable ways:
a. Fluorescent colors
b. Bangles and mood rings
c. Platform, classic Air Jordan, and boat shoes
d. Plaids and floral prints
e. Slogan and vintage T-shirts
B. Demographics are data and related factors for a specific group of people based
on socioeconomics: income, age, education, and gender. The following factors
affect style trends and markets within the fashion industry.
1. Income is the amount of disposable income an individual or a family has and is
a key factor that significantly impacts fashion trends and the global market.
Lack of disposable income or an economic recession more than likely reflects
a decline in the fashion market because people tend to save money rather
than spend it on current fashion trends. Income classes include wealthy, mid-
dle, lower, and poverty level.
a. Currently, the wealthy level is households that earn more than $150,000
per year and have more disposable income to spend on current trends.
b. The middle level is households that earn around $60,000 per year. They
are classified as “lower middle class.” The “upper middle class” earn more
than $100,000 and less than $150,000 per year. These households have
disposable income. However, they tend to be more cost-conscientious
when it comes to buying their wardrobe.
c. The lower level is households that earn around $30,000 per year. Although
low-income housing is typically located more in urban areas, the cost of
living is also higher. Therefore, costs for fashion trends take a hit as well.
According to statistics, they still spend a good percentage of their
disposable income on fashion.
d. The poverty level is generally households with an annual income below
$25,000. Although there may be minimal disposable income, the focus is
more on the necessities rather than on the most current fashion trends.
2. Age has a significant impact on spending patterns for apparel and fashion. For
example, more recent generations are less likely to be brand or logo loyal.
They do not feel the need to “fit in.” They feel comfortable “standing out” in
society. For instance, they express themselves and create an identity through
fashion. For instance, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Nicki Minaj are considered
fashion icons for the younger generations. Age classifications are Generations
X, Y, and Z; Baby Boomers; and Boomers.
a. Generation Z are home landers or centennials born after 2000 who are
typically tech-savvy and innovative. They tend not to be brand loyal
(possibly due to an economic recession or not having a reliable source of
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income). Like Generation X, they are more likely to adopt certain fashion
trends. However, they are careful about where they spend money.
Generally, they focus more on convenience and necessity.
(1) They spend lots of time online, shopping, and playing video games.
(2) They are less attached to gender specifications and are more focused
on being unique individuals looking for gender neutralism. Hence,
males wearing traditionally female apparel items is more common.
(3) Fashion icons include Jaden Smith, Bea Miller, and Kendall Jenner.
b. Generation Y are millennials who were born in the 1980s to early 2000s
and are less interested in name brands and logo apparel than other
generations. Typically, they are trendsetters. They have more disposable
income than Generation Z due to parental support or living with parents.
Millennials are careful about purchasing expensive items that are less
original because they have been personally influenced by an economic
(1) They tend to buy vintage and shop at thrift stores because they might
find unique items.
(2) They often “tweak” pre-existing clothing for a new trendy look by
modifying, cutting, and/or adding embellishments.
(3) Fashion icons include Katy Perry, Nikki Minaj, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift,
Chris Brown, Beyoncé, Drake, Miley Cyrus, Mark Zuckerberg, and
c. Generation X is the “lost generation” or “latchkey” kids who tend to be a
unique, independent, and skeptical group born between 1965 and the late
1970s who were introduced to computers and gaming systems early. They
display a more casual fashion style and are brand loyal. This group is
entering its peak earning cycle.
(1) They love to shop and also like to save. They have disposable income.
However, the latest trends are not a necessity to most in Generation
(2) They carefully research their purchases and search for the best value
for their money.
(3) Fashion icons include Jared Leto, Eminem, Tony Hawk, Janet Jackson,
Kurt Cobain, Missy Elliott, Ricky Martin, Gwen Stefani, Jay Z, and
Marilyn Manson.
d. Baby Boomers are people who were born between 1946 and 1964 and
have extreme buying power in the market today. This generation had good
economic opportunities.
(1) Baby Boomers tend to be conscientious of the market and its
advertising techniques.
(2) Baby Boomers carefully analyze the market and decide to spend
(3) Fashion icons include/included Steven Tyler, Twiggy, Michael Jackson,
Jacqueline Kennedy, Madonna, and Princess Diana.
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e. The Silent Generation was born between 1909 and 1945 and is
practical, loyal, and savvy about where to spend money. They lived or were
influenced by the Great Depression, World War II, and a few recessions.
(1) They like to spend but focus on value over anything else.
(2) Fashion icons include/included Bettie Page, Bette Davis, Audrey
Hepburn, Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, James Dean,
Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Mick Jagger.
3. A person’s education level influences market choices. For example, a college
student paying for his or her education may need to use disposable income for
school or housing items. Most high school students live with their parents, and
much of their disposable income tends to be for clothing or entertainment.
Also, choosing to be economical and looking for bargains is sometimes a result
of educational level versus impulsive spending habits.
4. Gender may impact fashion spending. Typically, women spend more on fash
ion—specifically clothing and clothing trends—than do men. This may be due
to the glorification of women and fashion trends. Also, gender identity, what is
fashionable, and how others perceive gender roles impact trends, spending,
and global markets. For instance, a man who decides to wear women’s cloth
ing may be perceived as feminine, and a woman who decides to wear men’s
clothing may be perceived as masculine. Today, the identification of gender-
specific clothing is not as clear-cut as in the past. Clothing choices may be
identified or classified as a trend or fashion versus role-specific.
Teaching Strategy:
Many techniques can be used to help students master this
objective. Use VM–A, VM–B, VM–C, and VM–D to review.
Objective 2: Summarize online and offline style and fashion resources.
Anticipated Problem: What are online and offline style and fashion resources?
II. Style review and app resources
A. Style review resources
1. According to a Forbes recent interview with Dr. Baumgartner, the author of
“You Are What You Wear,” many people dress according to how they feel and
not how they wish to feel. The article discussed common wardrobe types and
related perception issues. For instance, if a person keeps every piece of cloth
ing ever purchased, he or she is said to be literally holding onto the past. Dr.
Baumgartner recommends throwing out two articles of clothing for every one
that is kept. Most people know or have observed a person who dresses too
“young” or too “old” for his or her age. The article discusses the objective of
dressing for personal goals rather than for a specific age. For example, rather
than dressing for an age, a person should dress for:
a. A night out with friends
b. A date night
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c. A job promotion
d. Another specific activity
2. With today’s technological advances, several ways exist to help amplify a ward
robe. Following are apps that identify or review current fashion styles.
B. Fashion app resources
1. Covet Fashion is a virtual shopping and styling game tool in which users com
pete for top fashion looks. The URL is
2. The Keep Shopping App is a tool that allows clients to shop and buy online
products from virtually any store. The URL is
3. is an Instagram shopping website and app for Apple and
Android users to “like” a photo by adding a caption. This action triggers an
email of that photo and allows the creator to provide shopping or styling ser
vices. The URL is
4. The Lyst is an Apple-based website and an app that allows shoppers to view
numerous brands from thousands of designers. The tool allows shoppers to
buy from multiple retailers on one site. It also lets the users know when an
item goes on sale for potential purchase at a later time. The URL is
5. Pinterest is a social media site that allows a person to view style blogs. Users
can “like” or “save” a pin for future reference. The URL is
6. Polyvore is a website and an app that allows users to play the role of a style
editor by creating specific collections and describing how to wear specific
trends. The site has a virtual “mood board” that allows members to curate
products into a shared product index and use them to create image collages
called “Sets.” The URL is
7. The Pose is a website and an app tool used to post or tag photos that allow
users to view and comment on the style. It also allows a client to view, trade,
and/or buy from others on the site. The URL for the app is
8. PS Dept. (Personal Shopping Department) is an online iOS personal shopper
site that helps a user find a specific fashion item. Once an item is located, an
email is sent with further information about where to shop, how much the item
costs, and other specifications. The app URL is
9. ShopStyle is a shopping search engine website and app that helps refine a
client’s search to locate a specific fashion item at a set spending limit. Shop
ping categories include women’s bags, shoes, beauty, jewelry, men’s items,
kid’s items, home, offers, sale items, and the editor’s blog. The URL is
10. Stylebook is a virtual closet app that displays the user’s real clothes to help
develop a personal look. A key feature is shopping less because the site gives
the client choices that “go with” what the client already has in his or her
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closet. Stylebook is partnered with ShopStyle to link clients who are looking for
items to the ShopStyle site. The URL is
11. Stylect is an iPhone and iPad app that allows users to “like” a shoe and then
to alert the user when that item is on sale. The app URL is
12. Tradesy is a website and an app that allows its clients to buy and sell authen
tic high-end designer items. If a client chooses to sell an item, the company
receives a commission; the client can apply the remaining profit to other pur
chases at a discount. The URL is
13. Whisp is a private messaging app that allows users to chat or message with
other shoppers. Clients can view an image of interest and post that image to
other Whisp users via a message. Then viewers are able to review the posted
item before purchasing and chat with others about the product’s pros and
cons. The URL is
C. Style resources
1. Style magazines that review men’s and women’s trends from the runways and
where to purchase include:
a. Allure
b. Bazaar
c. Elle
d. Glamour
e. GQ
f. InStyle
g. Harper’s Bazaar
h. Marie Claire
i. Redbook
j. Vogue
k. Women’s Wear Daily (WWD)
2. Each magazine also has an online site.
Teaching Strategy:
Many techniques can be used to help students master this
objective. Use VM–E as a handout or as a projected image to review current online
fashion tools. Assign LS–A.
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Objective 3: Predict future fashion styles and trends.
Anticipated Problem: How can future fashion styles and trends be predicted?
III. Future fashion styles and trends
A. Wearable technology is electronics worn on the body as an accessory or as part
of the garment’s fabric. It is a future fashion and style trend hitting markets
globally in the upcoming years. For example, future garments or fashion include:
1. Items that measure biometrics: blood pressure, heart rate, etc.
2. Items that “light up” for style and safety reasons
3. Items that use tracking devices or built-in navigation systems
B. Current fashion styles and trends that help predict the future include:
1. Garments that manage heart rate and blood pressure
2. Garments that use built-in solar panels that charge electronic devices (e.g.,
3. Garments that react to certain stimuli in the environment (e.g., light or sound),
such as designer of Rainbow Winters, Amy Winters, creating garments that
react to sound (The louder the environment, the more the garment lights up
and creates a “show” for people to view.)
4. Garments that use built-in tracking chips to locate an item or a person using
an app, such as Asher Levine creating clothing with tracking chips using the
TrackR app
5. Garments that use built-in navigation systems (e.g., a company called Adafuit
that sells helmets with built-in navigation that directs a person to turn right or
left using lights that flash on the side of the helmet)
6. Garments that use LED lights, glow-in-the-dark threads, or luminescent
threads applied to clothing (Ying Gao is currently creating articles of clothing
that appear to be moving when stared at for a period of time.)
7. Garments that use sensors for athletic garments to measure biometric data
(e.g., heart rate and blood pressure) and when making a movement that could
cause bodily injury
8. Garments that use built-in heating coils in pant leg linings to keep the wearer
9. Garments that use microchips in recently released Adidas running shoe soles
that monitor the terrain and adjust shock absorption to prevent injury
10. Garments that use fabrics with conductive fabric fibers (An MIT student,
Amanda Parkes, has been studying a fabric called nitinol—a mixture of tita
nium and nickel that changes shape when heated. Within a few seconds, a
pair of pants can be turned into shorts when heat is applied directly and is
able to return to full-length pants when cooled.
Teaching Strategy:
Many techniques can be used to help students master this
objective. Use VM–F. Assign LS–B.
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Use the student learning objectives to summarize the lesson.
Have students explain the content associated with each objective. Student responses can
be used in determining which objectives need to be reviewed or taught from a different
angle. If a textbook is being used, questions at the ends of chapters may be included in
the Review/Summary.
Use the included visual master(s) and lab sheet(s) to apply the
information presented in the lesson.
Evaluation should focus on student achievement of the objectives for the
lesson. Various techniques can be used, such as student performance on the application
activities. A sample written test is provided.
Answers to Sample Test:
Part One: Matching
1. f
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. e
Part Two: True/False
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. T
Part Three: Short Answer
1. The four demographic factors that influence fashion and style are income, age,
education, and gender. The descriptions will vary and should be similar to the
a. Income: The amount of disposable income an individual or a family has is a key
factor that significantly impacts fashion trends and the global market. Lack of
disposable income or an economic recession more than likely reflects a decline
in the fashion market because people tend to save money rather than spend it
on current fashion trends.
b. Age: Age has a significant impact on spending patterns for apparel and fashion.
For example, more recent generations are less likely to be brand or logo loyal.
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They do not feel the need to “fit in.” They feel comfortable “standing out” in
society. They express themselves and create an identity through fashion.
c. Education: A person’s education level influences market choices. For example, a
college student paying for his or her education may need to use disposable
income for school or housing items. Most high school students live with their
parents, and much of their disposable income tends to be for clothing or
d. Gender: Gender may impact fashion spending. Typically, women spend more on
fashion than men. This may be due to the glorification of women and fashion
trends. Also, gender identity, what is fashionable, and how others perceive gen
der roles impacts trends, spending, and global markets. For instance, a man
who decides to wear women’s clothing may be perceived as feminine, and a
woman who decides to wear men’s clothing may be perceived as masculine.
Today, the identification of gender-specific clothing is not as clear-cut as in the
past; clothing choices may be identified or classified as a trend or fashion versus
2. Answers will vary. See Content Summary and Teaching Strategies: I.B.2.a.1-3.
3. Answers will vary. Examples can be found in the Content Summary and Teaching
Strategies: II.B.1-13. However, a student may use an example not included in this
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Sample Test
Name ________________________________________
Styles and Trends: Fashion
Part One: Matching
Instructions: Match the term with the correct definition.
a. Baby Boomers d. Generation X
b. Silent Generation e. Generation Y
c. demographics f. Generation Z
_____1. Home landers or centennials born after 2000 who are tech-savvy and innovative
_____2. The “lost generation” or “latchkey” kids who are a unique, independent, and skeptical
group born between 1965 and the late 1970s and were introduced to computers and
gaming systems early
_____3. Data and related factors for a specific group of people based on income, age,
education, and gender
_____4. People born between 1946 and 1964 with extreme buying power in the market today
_____5. People born between 1909 and 1945 who are practical, loyal, and savvy about where
to spend money
_____6. People born in the 1980s to early 2000s who are less interested in name brands and
logo apparel than other generations; trendsetters
Part Two: True/False
Instructions: Write T for true or F for false.
_____1. The amount of disposable income an individual or a family has is a key factor that
significantly impacts fashion trends and the global market.
_____2. Now the identification of gender-specific clothing is not as clear-cut as in the past.
_____3. Age has little impact on spending patterns for apparel and fashion.
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_____4. Clothing that reacts to stimuli in the environment—light or sound—is a future trend.
_____5. Few apps exist to identify or review current styles and fashion.
_____6. Wearable technology is a future trend that will hit markets globally in the upcoming
Part Three: Short Answer
Instructions: Answer the following.
1. List and briefly describe the four socioeconomic factors that affect style trends and markets
in fashion.
2. Describe how Generation Z will impact fashion styles and trends.
3. Describe your favorite fashion app by listing its features and benefits.
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Demographics are data and related factors that help describe a
specific group of people: income, age, education, and gender. To
which age demographic do you belong? To which age
demographic do your parents belong? To which age demographic
do your grandparents belong? How accurately do the descriptors
explain each group?
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Examine each set of generational icons. Do you agree with the
way each generation is depicted, or are there some icons and
descriptors with which you do not agree? Explain a marketing
technique you would use to reach each generation.
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Examine this cartoon. Then share your views about a
marketing strategy you would use to target young
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After examining how demographics (e.g., education,
income, gender, and age) impact the fashion market,
explore and discuss how lifestyle, occupation, and interest
impact styles and trends in the apparel and fashion
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The fashion glossary in this visual master represents the
most popular sites used to view or create current fashion
styles and trends as of this writing. Most apps listed here
are free and available for Android and Apple users. Some
are able to download to your computer, and many more
are available. Use this list to explore some of the latest
trends in the fashion industry. In your opinion, which
resources best depict fashion industry trends?
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1. Covet Fashion is at
2. The Keep Shopping App is at
3. is at
4. The Lyst website and an app are at
5. Pinterest is at
6. Polyvore is at
7. The Pose is at
8. PS Dept. is at
9. ShopStyle is at
10. Stylebook is at
11. Stylect is at
12. Tradesy is at
13. Whisp is at
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Based on the fashion trends today, what do you predict
will be the fashion trends of the future?
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Name ________________________________________
Create a Fashion Blog
The purpose of this activity is to create a blog to share with the class.
1. Review current fashion trends and styles via online tools.
2. Review current fashion trends and styles via offline resources.
3. Write a review or observation of the selected fashion trend or style.
4. Create a blog about a current fashion trend using online and offline tools.
5. Present the blog and posts to the class.
lab sheet
Internet access
computer with projection and presentation capability and word processing
Items for visual aid production: poster board, markers, pen, pencil, etc.
1. Research four to five fashion online blogs about current fashion industry trends.
2. Use a smartphone or computer to do one of the following:
a. Download and review all aspects of one of the resource apps discussed in class (i.e.,
Polyvore, Stylect, Pinterest, Stylebook, Shopstyle, Pose, or
b. Read and review a fashion magazine or view via its website. Check out all the articles
and/links (e.g., Marie Claire, GQ, Women’s Wear Daily, Glamour, Elle, and Vogue).
3. Create a blog about a current fashion trend. Write a review about selected fashion trends
in a magazine or online resource. Write the blog entry using a word-processing program
or a publishing or presentation tool. Post via the electronic tool (or create a poster board
about your blog).
4. Present your blog post and layout to the class via a projection device or other visual aid.
5. Turn in your completed blog post to your instructor.
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Name ________________________________________
Future Fashion Trends
The purpose of this activity is to research future trends in fashion.
1. Research future fashion trends.
2. Assemble a list of five companies or designers and their future fashion trends.
3. Create a future fashion trends presentation, and present it to the class.
lab sheet
device with Internet access
PowerPoint or Prezi
1. Research a minimum of five future fashion trends and the companies or designers behind
each. NOTE: Remember you are researching future trends, not current trends. First,
determine which wearable technology and/or fashion trends you wish to research. For
a. Fitness and/or biometrics
b. LED lighting
c. Military and safety garments
d. Conductive fabrics
e. Microchips
f. Navigation and tracking
g. Sustainable fashion
h. Other: _________________________
2. Create a six-slide presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi of the five future trends that
includes the companies and/or the designers. Include pictures, sketches, diagrams, and
information about your future fashion findings.
3. Present your Future Fashion Trends project to the class.
4. Turn in your completed lab sheet to your instructor.
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