Published by the Health Products Regulation Group, HSA and the HSA Product Vigilance Advisory Committee
ISSN: 0219 - 2152 May 2017 Vol.19 No.1
Key Points
The use of domperidone for treatment of dyspepsia,
nausea and vomiting is associated with a potential risk
of serious cardiovascular events
Precautionary measures to mitigate the risk include
contraindicating the use in patients with high risk of
cardiotoxicity and use of lowest possible dose for the
shortest possible duration
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New recommendations on the use 1-2
of domperidone
Risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation 2-3
with direct-acting antivirals
Analysis of adverse event (AE) reports 3-5
for the year 2016
Highlights of local safety signals 6-7
for the year 2016
List of Dear Healthcare Professional Letters 7
Risk of falsely elevated oestradiol levels due 8
to cross-reactivity of fulvestrant with oestradiol
Domperidone is a pro-kinetic and anti-emetic drug registered in
Singapore for the treatment of dyspepsia, as well as nausea and
vomiting due to various conditions.
HSA has recently completed a re-assessment to determine
if additional measures are necessary to further mitigate the
cardiovascular (CV) risk associated with the use of domperidone.
This follows an earlier assessment in 2012, which resulted in the
strengthening of the package inserts (PIs) of domperidone to
include warnings of increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia (VA)
and sudden cardiac death (SCD), especially in patients older than
60 years old or those taking oral doses of more than 30 mg daily.
International regulatory actions
Several other drug regulatory agencies have also carried out
assessments on domperidone and issued recommendations on
its use. The European Medicines Agency (EMA)
removed the
indication for dyspepsia due to insufcient long-term efcacy data
supporting this indication, and restricted the maximum oral daily
dose to 30 mg for its use to treat nausea and vomiting.
Canada retained the use in gastritis and nausea and vomiting
at a maximum daily dose of 30 mg as well as strengthened the
safety warnings in the PI to highlight the risk of CV events.
HSAs benefit-risk re-assessment
Domperidone is a well-established pro-kinetic drug used in
the treatment of nausea, vomiting and dyspepsia. HSA has
reassessed its risk-benet following a review of ve epidemiology
studies, which suggested an association with increased risk of
VA and SCD.
The identied cardiotoxicity risk factors included advanced age
(>60 years old), underlying CV conditions, high domperidone
dose (>30 mg/day) and concomitant use with QT prolongation
drugs and CYP3A4 inhibitors. Local reports of cardiotoxicity
associated with domperidone use were found to be isolated.
From 2006 to 2016, HSA received two cases of QT prolongation
associated with domperidone. Considering the long history of use
in local clinical setting and the relatively low incidence of locally
reported cardiac-related adverse events, HSA, in consultation
with its Medicines Advisory Committee, concluded that the
benet-risk prole of domperidone remains favourable when
used appropriately for the above indications. Additional measures
were recommended to mitigate the risk of cardiotoxicity, which
included restricting its use in high risk patients and strengthening
the CV warnings in the PI.
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
3. Drug Saf. 2010; 33: 1003-1014.
4. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2010; 19: 881-888.
Key Points
There have been overseas reports of hepatitis B virus
(HBV) reactivation in patients who received treatment
with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for hepatitis C virus
(HCV) infection
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to be vigilant for
HBV reactivation in patients who have a past or current
HBV infection, and who are prescribed DAA-containing
products for the treatment of HCV infection
Overseas cases of hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation have been
reported in patients who were treated with direct-acting antivirals
(DAAs) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In some cases, the
HBV reactivation had led to serious outcomes such as hepatic
failure and death. This risk has been observed with the use of
DAA regimens that are interferon-free.
DAAs are a class of drugs used for the treatment of HCV
infection. They inhibit viral replication, thus reducing the amount
of HCV in the body. DAAs not requiring use in combination
with interferon are registered in Singapore either as single-
ingredient or combination products. They include asunaprevir
, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Singapore) Pte Ltd),
daclatasvir (Daklinza
, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Singapore) Pte
Ltd), sofosbuvir (Sovaldi®, Gilead Sciences Singapore Pte Ltd),
simeprevir (Olysio®, Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd), sofosbuvir/
ledipasvir (Harvoni®, Gilead Sciences Singapore Pte Ltd), and
dasabuvir/ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir (Viekira Pak
, Abbvie
Pte Ltd).
International regulatory actions
a) European Medicines Agency (EMA)
In March 2016, the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment
Committee (PRAC) initiated a review to assess the extent of HBV
reactivation in patients treated with DAAs for HCV infection. The
review was triggered by reports of HBV reactivation in patients
co-infected with HBV and HCV, and who were receiving treatment
with DAAs for HCV infection. Approximately 30 cases of HBV
reactivation were identied by the PRAC during its review. As co-
infection with HCV is known to suppress HBV replication, it was
suggested that reactivation of HBV could be a consequence of
the rapid treatment-induced reduction in HCV and the DAAs’ lack
of activity against HBV.
The PRAC concluded its review in December 2016, and
recommended for all patients to be screened for HBV before
starting treatment with DAAs for HCV infection. It also
recommended that patients co-infected with HBV and HCV
should be monitored and managed according to current clinical
b) US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
The US FDA also conducted a review on this safety issue, and
issued a safety communication in October 2016 to warn about the
risk of HBV reactivation in patients co-infected with HCV, while
HSAs advisory
Healthcare professionals are advised of the following, when
considering the use of domperidone:
Domperidone is contraindicated in patients with existing
prolongation of cardiac conduction intervals, particularly
QTc, patients with signicant electrolyte disturbances or
underlying cardiac disease and when co-administrated with
QT-prolonging medicines or potent CYP3A4 inhibitors.
An increased risk of cardiotoxicity was observed in patients
older than 60 years.
Domperidone should be used at the lowest effective dose for
the shortest possible duration.
In adults and children aged 12 years old weighing 35 kg,
the recommended maximum oral daily dose is 30 mg, given
in doses of 10 mg up to three times daily. Taking into account
the pharmacokinetic studies and bioavailability of rectal
suppositories, the recommended rectal suppository dose is
30 mg twice daily.
In children aged < 12 years old and those aged 12 years
old weighing < 35 kg, the recommended dose is 0.25 mg/
kg orally up to three times daily. For rectal administration,
these patients may also be given 0.75 mg/kg twice daily as
HSA is working with the product registrants to update the local
PIs of products containing domperidone. These include new
recommendations on the dosing regimen, treatment duration and
relevant safety information and contraindications.
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to take into
consideration the above recommendations when prescribing
domperidone. They are also encouraged to report any suspected
serious adverse reactions related to domperidone to the Vigilance
and Compliance Branch of HSA.
Hepatitis virus
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
receiving treatment with DAAs for HCV infection. FDA’s review
of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database
and the medical literature for cases reported or published between
22 November 2013 and 18 July 2016 had identied 24 cases
of HBV reactivation in patients receiving DAAs for the treatment
of HCV. The cases of HBV reactivation had generally occurred
within four to eight weeks of starting HCV treatment, and were
heterogeneous in terms of the HCV genotype and status of
baseline HBV disease. Of the 24 cases with HBV reactivation,
two had a fatal outcome, while one patient had required a liver
The US FDA has since recommended for the package inserts
(PIs) of DAAs to be updated with warnings about the risk of
HBV reactivation. Healthcare professionals were also advised
to screen patients for evidence of current or prior HBV infection
before starting treatment with DAAs, and to monitor patients for
hepatitis are or HBV reactivation during DAA treatment and
post-treatment follow-up.
c) Other international regulatory agencies
Besides the EMA and US FDA, several other international
regulatory agencies had similarly conducted safety reviews to
assess the risk of HBV reactivation associated with the use of
DAAs for the treatment of HCV infection. In September 2016, the
New Zealand Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee (MARC)
concluded from its review that there was insufcient evidence
to conrm a causal association. However, considering that HBV
reactivation could lead to potentially life-threatening events,
the MARC recommended that the risk of HBV reactivation and
the need for screening and monitoring for HBV in patients who
are prescribed DAAs be updated in the PIs of DAA-containing
In December 2016, both the Australian Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA) and Health Canada concluded from their
safety reviews that there is a potential risk of HBV reactivation
in patients co-infected with HBV and HCV who were receiving
treatment with DAAs for HCV infection. Consequentially, both
agencies have also requested for additional safety information
regarding the risk for HBV reactivation to be updated to the PIs of
DAA-containing products.
Local situation and HSAs advisory
To date, HSA has not received any local adverse reaction
report of HBV reactivation in patients receiving treatment with
DAAs for HCV infection. The Singapore PIs for DAA-containing
products that are approved for the treatment of HCV infection in
interferon-free regimens are in the process of being updated to
include safety information regarding the risk of HBV reactivation.
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to be vigilant for HBV
reactivation in patients who have a past or current HBV infection,
and who have been prescribed DAA-containing products for the
treatment of HCV infection.
Key Points
In 2016, NSAIDs and antibiotics were the two highest
reported pharmacotherapeutic groups of western drugs
suspected to cause AEs. The two major classes of AEs
were skin-related disorders and those affecting the body
as a whole
The most commonly reported vaccine AE in children
under 12 years was seizure (febrile and afebrile) with the
measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), MMR and varicella,
varicella, 5-in-1 and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines
No reports of vaccine-associated anaphylaxis were
received in the paediatric population, consistent with the
trend in the last preceding seven years
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to stay vigilant
for AEs from adulterated complementary health products
as the average number of detected cases has been 15
per year in the past ve years
This review provides an analysis of the adverse events (AEs)
associated with health products (namely western drugs, vaccines
and complementary health products) that were reported to HSA
in 2016.
Report analysis for 2016
(a) Volume of reports
In 2016, HSA reviewed 21,637 valid
local AE reports suspected
to be associated with health products, an increase of 4.9% over
preceding year. The breakdown of the number of valid reports
captured in the national AE database for the past 10 years based
on the date of receipt is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Number of valid reports captured in the AE database from year
2007 to 2016 based on date of receipt
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of AE Reports Captured
+ Reports lacking important details such as names of suspected
drugs and AE descriptions were regarded as invalid reports and
were not captured into the national AE database as they could not
be assessed for causality.
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
(e) Adverse events
The top System Organ Classes (SOC*) reported were skin-
related disorders, followed by those affecting the body as a
whole and respiratory system as shown in Table 1, a consistent
trend observed in the past 5 years.
* The System Organ Class refers to the adverse reaction terminology developed
by the World Health Organisation (WHO). (N.B: More than one AE term may be
described in an AE report)
(f) Serious AEs of interest
The drugs suspected to cause serious skin, body as a whole,
renal and hepatic adverse reactions are listed in Table 2.
Vaccine adverse event (VAE) reports
There were 315 AE reports suspected to be associated with
vaccines, of which 273 reports (86.7%) involved children aged
12 years and below, which corresponded to the age group of
vaccinees under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule.
Of these, 87.5% of the reports (n=239) were captured by KK
Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) active surveillance
sentinel site, which screens all paediatric hospital admissions for
possible relationship to vaccination.
The most commonly reported AE in children aged 12 years
and below was seizures (febrile and afebrile seizures) with
the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), MMR and varicella,
varicella, 5-in-1** and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Other
more commonly reported AEs included rash, fever, Kawasaki
disease and thrombocytopenia involving a variety of vaccines,
injection-site reactions with 5-in-1 and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
(BCG) vaccines, lymphadenitis with the BCG vaccine and
gastrointestinal events with the rotavirus vaccine.
Based on yearly trend analysis, there were more reports of febrile
seizures with the 5-in-1 vaccine and aseptic or viral meningitis
with the hepatitis B vaccine received in 2016. All patients
recovered without sequelae. Overall, the number of AE reports
received remained consistent with the expected frequencies of
AE occurrence listed in the package inserts of the vaccines or in
Figure 2. Top 20 drugs (by active ingredients) suspected of causing AEs
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mefenamic Acid
% of total no. of reports
Pharmacotherapeutic Group
Table 1. Top AEs by System Organ Class*
Ranking System Organ Class
No. of
% of
1 Skin And Appendages Disorders
e.g., angioedema, rash, urticaria
11,949 48.6
2 Body As A Whole - General Disorders
e.g., anaphylactic reaction, fever, oedema,
4,399 17.9
3 Respiratory System Disorders
e.g., coughing, shortness of breath,
1,473 6.0
4 Central & Peripheral Nervous System
e.g., convulsions, giddiness, headache,
oculogyric crisis
1,292 5.3
5 Gastro-Intestinal System Disorders
e.g., abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting
1,289 5.2
6 Urinary System Disorders
e.g., abnormal renal function, interstitial
nephritis, urinary retention
826 3.4
7 Vascular Disorders
e.g., ushing, stroke, vasculitis
412 1.7
8 Musculo-Skeletal System Disorders
e.g., arthralgia, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis
377 1.5
9 Heart Rate And Rhythm Disorders
e.g., bradycardia, chest pain, palpitation
321 1.3
10 Psychiatric Disorders
e.g., agitation, confusion, hallucination
220 0.9
** 5-in-1 refers to Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Inactivated Polio and
Haemophilus inuenza type B vaccine
(b) Source and types of reports
As in previous years, the majority of the reports analysed were
associated with pharmaceutical drugs (96.6%). The other reports
were associated with vaccines (1.6%), biologics (1.1%), and
complementary health products (CHPs) (0.7%), which included
Chinese Proprietary Medicines (CPM), health supplements,
traditional medicines, and cosmetics. Most of the reports were
contributed by the public hospitals/healthcare organisations
(57.3%) and polyclinics (39.6%), while the rest were from private
hospitals/clinics, retail pharmacies (1.2%) and pharmaceutical
companies (1.9%). Doctors (83.2%) contributed most to the
number of reports in 2016, followed by pharmacists (12.2%). The
other contributors were dentists, nurses, research coordinators
and drug companies (4.6%).
(c) Demographics
Chinese patients constituted the highest proportion (59.0%) of AE
reports, followed by Malays (11.0%) and Indians (7.5%). There
were more reports of AEs occurring in females (57.0%) than in
males. The age range of the patients with the highest frequency
reported was 50 to 59 years of age (15.6%), followed by 60 to 69
years (14.8%).
(d) Suspected drugs
The top 20 suspected drugs commonly reported to cause AEs
were from the following pharmacotherapeutic groups: nonsteroidal
anti-inammatory agents (NSAIDs) (21.1%), antibiotics (20.1%),
analgesics and antipyretics (9.0%), cardiac therapy agents
(8.5%), and contrast agent (1.7%) (Figure 2). This constituted
more than half of the total volume of reports received. The most
commonly reported AEs were related to allergic reactions such
as rash, angioedema and face oedema.
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
Table 2. Drugs suspected of causing serious AEs
Description WHO preferred
Suspected active ingredient(s) (2016)
(number in bracket denotes the number of times the drug has
been implicated
Top 10 suspected active ingredient(s) (2011 to 2015)
(number in bracket denotes the cumulative number of times the drug has been
Skin disorders Stevens Johnson Syndrome
(SJS) / Toxic Epidermal
Necrolysis (TEN) / SJS-TEN
Cotrimoxazole (7), Allopurinol (4), Omeprazole (4),
Pembrolizumab (3), Carbamazepine (2), Diclofenac (2),
Etoricoxib (2)
Carbamazepine (35), Omeprazole (27), Allopurinol (25), Coamoxiclav
(25), Cotrimoxazole (23), Phenytoin (22), Lamotrigine (16), Amoxicillin (15),
Ceftriaxone (15), Etoricoxib (15)
Body as a whole Anaphylactic reaction/
Diclofenac (17), Paracetamol (12), Ibuprofen (10), Ceftriaxone
(8), Naproxen (8), Aspirin (7), Coamoxiclav (7), Amoxicillin (4),
Benzylpenicillin/ Penicillin G (4), Cefazolin (4), Atracurium (3),
Etoricoxib (3), Fentanyl (3), Omeprazole (3)
Diclofenac (64), Ibuprofen (52), Paracetamol (42), Aspirin (37), Coamoxiclav
(35), Naproxen (34), Ceftriaxone (31), Amoxicillin (27), Ciprooxacin (23),
Iohexol (18)
Renal disorders Acute renal failure/Interstitial
nephritis/Renal impairment
Cotrimoxazole (4), Omeprazole (4), Ciprooxacin (3),
Coamoxiclav (3), Naproxen (3), Lisinopril (2)
Ciprooxacin (14), Diclofenac (11), Enalapril (7), Cotrimoxazole (6), Losartan
(5), Omeprazole (5), Coamoxiclav (4), Mefenamic Acid (4), Vancomycin (4),
Metformin (3), Sitagliptin (3), Sulfadiazine (3)
Hepatic disorders Hepatic failure/ Hepatitis/
Hepatitis cholestatic/
Hepatoxicity/ Jaundice
Coamoxiclav (3), Efavirenz (2), Regorafenib (2) Cotrimoxazole (8), Coamoxiclav (5), Carbimazole (5), Amiodarone (4),
Regorafenib (4), Ketoconazole (4), Simvastatin (4), Allopurinol (3), Azathioprine
(3), Fenobrate (3), Gabapentin (3), Piperacillin-Tazobactam (3)
# More than one suspected drug may be implicated in a single AE report. Only active ingredients implicated more than once are listed here.
^ Based on onset date of the AE
The commonly reported vaccines suspected to cause AEs
in adults and children above 12 years of age were the human
papillomavirus (HPV), pneumococcal, seasonal inuenza and
tetanus toxoid vaccines. The commonly reported AEs included
rash, angioedema and injection-site reactions associated with a
variety of vaccines. Serious AEs included an isolated report of
Guillain-Barré syndrome with the inuenza vaccine (with another
suspected drug, pembrolizumab) and reports of tonic-clonic
movements with the HPV vaccine and vaccine failure with the
inuenza vaccine.
VAE of interest: anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction
which can occur after different exposures to substances e.g.,
food, venom, drugs or vaccines. A study in the US using data
collected on more than nine million subjects found the risk of
anaphylaxis following vaccination to be rare, with a rate of 1.3 per
million vaccine doses administered.
The incidence did not vary
signicantly by age.
Analysis of the local VAE reports for the past ten years found
six cases of anaphylaxis, three associated with the tetanus
toxoid vaccine, two with the inuenza vaccine and one with the
typhoid vaccine. The age of the patients ranged between 34 to
43 years old.
There have been no cases of anaphylaxis in children reported to
HSA related to vaccines. KKH’s active surveillance of VAEs at the
inpatient setting for close to seven years did not report any cases
of anaphylaxis following vaccination. This observation was also
noted by a study of anaphylaxis in children seen at the paediatric
emergency department in the same hospital from 2007 to 2014.
Based on more than one million patient attendances where 485
episodes of anaphylaxis were picked up, none was associated
with vaccines.
Despite its rarity, anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening
medical emergency that healthcare professionals should be
prepared to treat. It is also important to recognise anaphylaxis
and distinguish it from a vasovagal reaction for the purpose of
clinical management. HSA had developed a guide for recognising
anaphylaxis, in consultation with Prof Chng Hiok Hee, Clinical
Professor in Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology. Healthcare
professionals may wish to refer to the guide which contains a
questionnaire to aid reporting of anaphylaxis as an AE.
Complementary health products (CHP) AE
In 2016, there were 161 suspected AE reports involving CHPs,
an increase of 15% over the preceding year. Of these, 99 reports
(61%) were associated with glucosamine-containing products,
describing mostly non-serious hypersensitivity reactions (e.g.,
rash, pruritus and periorbital oedema).
There were ten reports (6.2%) of hepatic reactions (e.g.,
transaminitis and jaundice) associated with CHPs, of which
seven patients were hospitalised. One of the implicated products,
‘Snake Powder Capsules’, was found to be adulterated with
western medicines, namely, chloramphenicol, chlorpheniramine,
dexamethasone, ibuprofen and tetracycline.
With the help of astute clinicians, HSA detected 11 adulterated
CHPs and issued ve press releases.
Common adulterants
included corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone), antihistamines
(e.g., chlorpheniramine) and analgesics (e.g., ibuprofen, diclofenac).
The Vigilance and Compliance Branch would like to take this
opportunity to thank you, our healthcare professionals for your
active participation in the reporting of AEs. This has helped HSA
in the early detection of potential safety signals and enabled the
relevant regulatory actions to be taken to safeguard public health.
With your vigilance in reporting AEs to HSA, Singapore has
retained its rst position globally in 2016 in terms of the number of
valid ADR reports per million inhabitants submitted to the World
Health Organisation global pharmacovigilance database for ve
consecutive years since 2011.
1. Vaccine 2014; 32(39): 5000-5005
2. The J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 137 (3): 868-878
3. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2016; 45: 542-8
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) conducts regular individual
and aggregated reviews of all adverse event (AE) reports. This
is to identify serious, unexpected AEs that were not included in
the drug’s package insert (PI) or higher than expected reporting
frequency of established AEs from clinical trials or global post-
marketing experience. Any local safety signals and signicant
drug-AE pair of interest relevant to the local context will be
published in this bulletin to raise the awareness of our healthcare
In 2016, the following local safety signals were identied by HSA:
Gemeprost and uterine rupture
Gemeprost (Cervagem®, Sano-Aventis Singapore Pte Ltd)
is a prostaglandin analogue indicated for the softening and
dilatation of the uterine cervix prior to transcervical intrauterine
operative procedures in pregnant patients in the rst trimester of
gestation, therapeutic termination of pregnancy in patients in the
second trimester of gestation and induction of abortion of second
trimester pregnancies complicated by intrauterine foetal death.
HSA was alerted by one healthcare institution which observed a
cluster of seven reports over a period of nine months of uterine
rupture associated with gemeprost indicated for the termination
of mid-trimester pregnancy. Patients’ age ranged from 25 to 38
years old and gemeprost was the only suspected drug listed in
the reports. The diagnosis of uterine rupture was conrmed in all
the patients through scans and repair of the uterus was done in
which all patients recovered. Six out of the seven patients had
past history of uterine surgery where lower segment caesarean
section was performed.
HSA investigated this issue and the product quality report by the
company did not show any product quality issues for the affected
batch. Further investigations carried out by the healthcare
institution identied a group of patients at risk for uterine rupture
(e.g., two or more previous uterine scars) and a risk mitigation
protocol for gemeprost was implemented. Following this, no
further cases of uterine rupture associated with gemeprost were
reported to-date.
Uterine rupture is a rare AE reported with gemeprost, most
commonly in multiparous women and in those women with a
history of uterine surgery.
Healthcare professionals are advised
to monitor patients’ cervical dilatation and uterine contractions
when using this drug in the termination of pregnancy especially
in patients at higher risk of uterine rupture or during the second
trimester or the second course of the therapy.
Dinoprostone Vaginal Delivery System
10mg and placental abruption
Dinoprostone Vaginal Delivery System (VDS) 10mg (Cervidil®,
Ferring Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd) is indicated for the initiation
of cervical ripening in patients, at- or near-term, who have
favourable induction features and in whom there is a medical or
obstetrical indication for induction of labour.
In 2016, HSA received two reports of placental abruption with
dinoprostone VDS 10mg. The patients were reported to experience
severe vaginal bleeding and one neonate died in connection with
placental abruption during labour. Cardiotocography monitoring
was done before and after dinoprostone VDS 10mg insertion. The
company’s review of the manufacturing records and analyses of
samples from the implicated batch did not show any deviations.
Placental abruption is a complication of pregnancy, with a
background incidence of between 0.2 to 1% of pregnancies.
Risk factors for placental abruption include chronic hypertension,
eclampsia, premature rupture of membranes, previous abruption,
maternal age and smoking during pregnancy.
Placental abruption as an AE is currently not listed in the PI of
The company recently submitted an application to
update the PI to reect the uncommon occurrence of placental
abruption, based on observations from clinical studies. Healthcare
professionals are advised to take into consideration the reports of
placental abruption following the use of dinoprostone-containing
preparation in the routine monitoring of patients for the induction
of labour.
Pembrolizumab and Stevens Johnson
Syndrome (SJS)/Toxic Epidermal
Necrolysis (TEN)
Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®, MSD Pharma (Singapore) Pte
Ltd) is indicated for the treatment of patients with unresectable
or metastatic melanoma, and those with locally advanced or
metastatic non-small cell lung carcinoma whose tumours express
PD-L1 as determined by a validated test and who have received
platinum-containing chemotherapy.
From June 2016 to November 2016, HSA received three reports
of SJS/TEN associated with pembrolizumab. The patients’ ages
ranged from 45 to 81 years old. In one case, SJS developed
after 19 weeks of therapy, given once every three weeks. The
second and third patient developed SJS and TEN, 10 and 14
days, respectively after their rst dose. Pembrolizumab was the
only suspected drug in all three cases. Two patients recovered
and one died.
At least one case of pembrolizumab-associated SJS has been
described in published literature, with onset of rash beginning
one week after the rst dose. The patient rst developed
maculopapular rash and diagnosis of SJS was made following
four skin biopsies as the reaction progressed.
In the WHO global
pharmacovigilance database (as of 31 March 2017), three other
cases of pembrolizumab-associated SJS/TEN were reported in
the United States and France. Two of them had co-suspected
drugs, and in one case the patient died.
The company will be issuing a Dear Healthcare Professional
Letter (DHCPL) and HSA is currently working with them to update
the local PI to reect this new safety information, and will continue
to monitor this signal closely.
1. Singapore package insert for Cervagem®. Approved June 2016
2. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0125246
3. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 213:573.e1
5. Singapore package insert for Cervidil®. Approved July 2013
6. Reactions Weekly 2016; 1621:203
For details of the DHCPL, please log on to MOHAlert via your
professional board’s website.
Medical devices
8 Nov 2016*
SynchroMed® II Implantable Drug Infusion Pump
Updated information on the issue of overinfusion
10 Nov 2016*
8840 N'Vision® Clinician Programmer and
SynchroMed® II Infusion System
Update of the Model 8870 software application card to
mitigate the potential for clinical effects of drug over-
delivery during the SynchroMed® II full system priming
bolus procedure
Therapeutic products
22 Sep 2016*
Technescan DTPA for Injection
Change of representation of active ingredient in the
12 Dec 2016
Dilantin® (phenytoin sodium) 20mg and 100mg
Potential non-engagement/securing of the Child
Resistant Closure for certain batches
3 Jan 2017
Mirena® (levonorgestrel) Intrauterine Delivery
Affected product may have an incorrectly mounted
insertion tube which may result in the inversion of the
insertion depth scale
25 Jan 2017
Bayer Aspirin 500mg tablets
Notication of drug shortage and advisory to switch
patients taking affected product to alternative therapies/
2 Feb 2017
Zelboraf® (vemurafenib)
Potential risk of Dupuytren’s contracture and plantar
fascial bromatosis associated with use
20 Mar 2017
Solu-Medrol® 500 mg/8ml injection
Selected batches do not contain Singapore Approved
5 Apr 2017
Cotellic™ (cobimetinib)
Risk of severe haemorrhage associated with use of
(1 DECEMBER 2016 TO 30 APRIL 2017)
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to report any suspected
serious AEs related to health products to the Vigilance and
Compliance Branch of HSA. With your continuous vigilance in
identifying these serious AEs, regulatory or clinical actions may
be taken to mitigate the risks and help protect public health.
* DHCPLs not published in Dec 2016 issue
Doctors, dentists and pharmacists can claim continuing
education points for reading each issue of the HSA
ADR News Bulletin. Doctors can apply for one non-core
Continuing Medical Education (CME) point under category
3A, dentists can apply for one Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) point under category 3A and pharmacists
can apply for one patient-care Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) point under category 3A per issue of the
Useful Information
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
6 Dec 2016
Exactech Equinoxe Reverse Shoulder Fixed Angle
Torque Dening Screwdriver
Potential non-retention of screw head in the affected
15 Dec 2016
Claria MRI™ CRT-D SureScan™ and Amplia MRI™
CRT-D SureScan™ devices
Loss of LV pacing that may occur for all models
10 Jan 2017
Synthes Radial Head Prosthesis
Voluntary recall due to possible loosening post-operatively
at the stem bone interface for the radial stem
21 Feb 2017
Medtronic Strata™ II/Strata™ NSC Valves
Update to the Instruction For Use due to possible reverse
polarity of the valve magnet that can lead to inaccurate
pressure level reading on the Strata™ Indicator Tool or
StrataVarius™ system
24 Feb 2017
Starclose SE Vascular Closure System
Voluntary recall of selected lots due to difculty or failure in
deploying the StarClose SE Clips
27 Feb 2017
MiniMed™ 640G Insulin Infusion Pump
Software issue that could prevent the internal battery of
the pump from charging
1 Mar 2017
Endurant™/Endurant II™ 23mm and 25mm Bifurcated
Stent Graft Systems
Voluntary recall of specic lots due to greater susceptibility
to fabric permeability variations that may be associated
with endoleaks observed during the initial implant
3 Mar 2017
Cordis® S.M.A.R.T® Flex Vascular Stent System sizes
5x200mm and 6x200mm
Voluntary recall of all unexpired lots due to higher
frequency of deployment issues compared to other sizes
22 Mar 2017
Medtronic StrataMR™ Adjustable Valves & Shunts
Voluntary recall of all unused units due to the potential for
underdrainage of cerebrospinal uid
31 Mar 2017
Lotus™ Valve System
Voluntary recall of all units due to a higher than anticipated
number of reports of early pin release prior to locking the
valve in its nal position
11 Apr 2017
Zenith Alpha™ Thoracic Endovascular Graft
Update to the Instructions for Use due to new information
including recommendations on patient selection, device
planning and sizing, and patient monitoring for blunt
thoracic aortic injury
Adverse Drug Reaction News • May 2017 • Vol.19 • No.1
A/Prof. Chan Cheng Leng, BSc (Pharm) Hons
Executive Editor
Valerie Wee, BSc (Pharm)
Editorial Board
Clinical Prof. Goh Chee Leok
Prof. Edmund Lee Joo Deoon
Clinical Prof. Chng Hiok Hee
Clinical A/Prof. Gilbert Lau Kwang Fatt
Asst Prof. Tan Tze Lee
Contributing Authors
Belinda Foo, BSc (Pharm) Hons
Lee Pui Ling, BSc (Pharm) Hons
Adena Lim, BSc (Pharm) Hons, MPharm
Anna Lim, BSc (Pharm)
Patricia Ng, BSc (Pharm)
Jalene Poh, BSc (Pharm)
Dr Anuradha Poonepalli, MBBS, PhD
Sally Soh, BSc (Pharm) Hons
Liesbet Tan, BSc (Pharm) Hons
Tham Mun Yee, BSc (Pharm) Hons, MPH
Dr Dorothy Toh, BSc (Pharm) Hons, MPH, PhD
Editorial Assistant
Saw Huiping
Please send your enquiries,
comments and suggestions to:
Vigilance and Compliance Branch
Health Products Regulation Group
Health Sciences Authority
11 Biopolis Way, #11-01,
Helios, Singapore 138667
Tel : (65) 6866 3538
Fax : (65) 6478 9069
The contents are not to be reproduced in part
or in whole, without prior written approval
from the editor. Whilst every effort is made
in compiling the content of this publication,
the publishers, editors and authors accept no
liability whatsoever for the consequences of
any inaccurate or misleading data, opinions
or statements. The mention of any product
by the authors does not imply any ofcial
endorsement of the product by the Health
Sciences Authority.
All website references were last accessed on 5 May 2017. Copyright © 2017 Health Sciences Authority of Singapore. All Rights Reserved.
Key Points
Medical and scientic literature as well as rare international post-
marketing reports suggest that fulvestrant can cross-react with
oestradiol (E2) immunoassays due to its structural similarity with
E2. This can result in falsely elevated E2 levels, which may in turn
lead to misinterpretation of the menopausal status of women
Healthcare professionals are advised to indicate if their patient is
on fulvestrant when requesting for blood tests that include E2, and
to consider the need to review the previously reported test results
Healthcare professionals may wish to consider alternative
methods for E2 measurements (e.g., liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry) in patients on fulvestrant
HSA would like to highlight to healthcare professionals about the risk of
falsely elevated oestradiol (E2) levels due to cross-reactivity of fulvestrant
with E2 immunoassays, which can result in unnecessary therapy
Fulvestrant (Faslodex®, AstraZeneca Singapore Pte Ltd) has been
registered in Singapore since 2006. It is indicated for the treatment of
post-menopausal women with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive, locally
advanced or metastatic breast cancer for disease relapse on or after
adjuvant anti-oestrogen therapy, or disease progression on therapy with
an anti-oestrogen. Fulvestrant is a competitive ER antagonist with an
afnity comparable to E2. Its mechanism of action is associated with down-
regulation of ER protein levels.
Medical and scientic literature as well as rare international post-marketing
reports suggest that fulvestrant can cross-react with E2 immunoassays
due to its structural similarity with E2. This can result in falsely elevated E2
levels, which could potentially lead to unnecessary surgery or endocrine
therapy modication due to misinterpretation of menopausal women as
being premenopausal.
Case report on falsely elevated E2 levels in a
postmenopausal patient
A 36-year-old woman with ER-positive breast cancer underwent bilateral
oophorectomy, followed by treatment with letrozole and fulvestrant. The
patient was later found to have an unexpected increase in E2 level which
was inconsistent with the menopausal symptoms she experienced, such as
hot ushes. A pelvic ultrasound revealed a possible small soft tissue density
in the left adnexal region that was suspected to be residual ovarian tissue
persisting after oophorectomy (a rare condition known as ovarian remnant
syndrome). The patient subsequently underwent additional imaging and
surgical intervention with diagnostic laparoscopy to remove the possible
remnant. Pathology however, revealed no ovarian tissue, thus ruling out
ovarian remnant syndrome as the cause of her increased E2 levels.
Testing of the patient’s serum E2 levels using a more sensitive and
specic liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
method showed the patient’s serum E2 levels to be undetectable, hence
conrming that an exogenous agent was likely to be cross-reacting with
the immunoassay and producing falsely elevated serum E2 readings.
Fulvestrant possesses the basic structure of E2 with the exception of an
aliphatic chain of 14 carbons at position (Figure 1). This allows the drug
to bind anti-E2 antibodies in the immunoassay and cause false positive
results. Based on this structural similarity, fulvestrant was deemed the most
likely culprit that led to the falsely elevated E2 reading in this patient.
Actions by other regulatory agencies
Health Canada has published an advisory regarding the risk of unnecessary
therapy modication due to falsely elevated E2 levels in patients taking
Apart from issuing a Dear Healthcare Professional Letter in
Canada, AstraZeneca has also updated the Faslodex® product monograph
to include warnings about this safety issue.
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),
Medicines Agency (EMA)
and United States Food and Drug Administration
have also updated the product labelling of Faslodex®
with warnings that fulvestrant can interfere with E2 measurement by
immunoassays, resulting in falsely elevated E2 levels.
Local situation
To date, HSA has not received any local ADR reports of falsely elevated
E2 levels associated with the use of fulvestrant. HSA is working with
AstraZeneca to update the local Faslodex® package insert to reect
information on the drug-mediated cross-reactivity of fulvestrant with E2
HSAs advisory
Healthcare professionals are advised to indicate if their patient is on
fulvestrant when requesting blood tests that include E2 levels and to consider
alternative methods such as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
instead of immunoassays to detect E2. Healthcare professionals may also
consider the need to carry out a review of the previously reported E2 test
results in patients on fulvestrant.
Figure 1. Chemical structure of oestradiol and fulvestrant
2. Clin Breast Cancer 2016; 16: e11-3
3. Faslodex® Australian Product information, updated on 8 August 2016
4. Faslodex® Summary of Product Characteristics, updated on 9 November 2016
5. Faslodex® US Product label, updated on 7 December 2016
Oestradiol Fulvestrant