Author Guidelines
Journal Contact Info:
Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective
Contact Email
Presentation of articles
1. Title of the article (followed by subtitles if there are) (each may contain up to 120
2. Name and Surname of the author(s).
3. The name of the university, research center or other scientific entity where the
author(s) work.
4. Acknowledgments and/or funding source (if any)
5. Abstract (which must contain from 150 - 200 words)
6. Keywords (from 4-7 words)
7. The text of the article must be structured as below:
a. Introduction
b. Analysis and Results
c. Conclusion
8. Bibliography and References (which must not surpass 50 titles) must meet APA
style standards. References during the text must be followed by a progressive
number with superscript at the end of the word and explanations must be placed
at the end of the page in which the reference is being inserted.
9. Figures (following the standard formats jpeg, gif, png) must have a resolution 300-
600 dpi and be introduced in separate files, showing exactly the place where they
will be placed, followed by the figures nomination.
10. Tables must be created in Excel format, in separate files, showing exactly where
they will be placed, followed by clear descriptive labels.
Style Guide
1. Please follow U.S. spelling and punctuation conventions (i.e., labor, not labour;
globalization, not globalisation.
2. Unless noted otherwise below, all content including text, abstracts, footnotes,
appendices, and references, should have the following format:
a. 12 point Times New Roman/Times font
b. Double-spaced
c. Six-inch lines/one-inch margins all around
d. US Letter page size (8.5 X 11 in.) Left justified
3. Three headings are generally adequate to organize an article.
a. First-Level: Centered, bold, capitalize first letter of each word.
b. Second-Level: Left justify, bold, capitalize first letter of each word.
c. Third-Level: left justify and indent; bold, italicize ,and capitalize first letter
of first word only, follow with a period, include as part of text.
i. Example:
Heading One
Heading Two
Heading Three. Thenormalparagraphtexthere…
4. Use footnotes only to explain material that cannot be justified for inclusion in text
or tables. Number the notes consecutively, using Arabic numerals, beginning
with footnote “1.” Use your word processing program to insert footnotes.
Editorial Review
The Journal of Global Initiatives employs an editorial review board process to ensure
submissions are appropriate and of sufficient quality for publication in the journal
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
The Journal of Global Initiatives applies a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY 4.0) to all publications. This license allows Authors and Readers to
Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adapt (remix,
transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially. The
licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution Users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and the
original article, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable
manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions Users may not apply legal terms or technological measures
that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
For further questions, please visit the Creative Commons website or contact the journal.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for
the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose
or to any other party.
Article Processing Charges and Embargo Policy
The Journal of Global Initiatives does not charge any APCs nor does it have any
embargo on its articles.