Migration of bisphenol A from cash
register receipts and baby dummies
Carsten Lassen, Sonja Hagen Mikkelsen and
Ulla Kristine Brandt
Survey of Chemical Substances in Consumer
Products, No. 110 2011
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency will, when opportunity
offers, publish reports and contributions relating to environmental
research and development projects financed via the Danish EPA.
Please note that publication does not signify that the contents of the
reports necessarily reflect the views of the Danish EPA.
The reports are, however, published because the Danish EPA finds that
the studies represent a valuable contribution to the debate on
environmental policy in Denmark.
1.4.1 BPA in thermal paper 13
1.4.2 BPA in polycarbonate 15
2.1.1 Information from suppliers and manufacturers 17
2.1.1 Information from manufacturers and retailers 20
2.2.1 Dummies sold via the Internet 20
2.3 SUMMARY 20
3.2.1 Determination of exposure parameters for consumer exposure 26
3.3.1 Dermal exposure 30
3.3.2 Oral exposure 32
4.1.1 Cash register receipts 35
4.1.2 Dummy shield 37
4.2.1 Cash register receipts 38
4.2.2 Shield on baby dummies 43
5.1.1 Effect levels and DNEL 45
5.1.2 Absorption of BPA after dermal exposure 46
5.2.1 Exposure 47
5.2.2 Health risk assessment 48
5.3 DUMMIES 51
5.3.1 Exposure 51
5.3.2 Health risk assessment 53
Bisphenol A (BPA) has been classified an endocrine disruptor, but the experts
disagree on which concentrations it would take before these effects occur. The
substance has great political and public attention especially because BPA is in
food packaging and baby bottles. A preliminary ban has been imposed in
Denmark against BPA in materials touching food for the 0-3 year-olds and
EU has just agreed on a ban against BPA in baby bottles for the 0-1 year-olds.
Exposure of consumers and cashiers from BPA in cash register receipts made
of thermal paper has until recently not had much attention and is not included
in the EU risk assessment of BPA. Within the last 6 months new information
and data have been published causing doubt whether migration of BPA from
receipts could have damaging health effects.
This study has been initiated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency
with the aim of:
illustrating whether migration of bisphenol A from receipts creates a
health problem for Danish consumers and
illustrating whether migration of bisphenol A from the shield of baby
dummies on the Danish market constitutes a health risk for the 0-3 year-
The project has been carried out in autumn 2010. During the project period a
number of studies have been published reviewing the possible migration of
BPA in cash register receipts. Studies which have been available before 12
November 2010 are included in the discussion of the results of this study.
Steering committee
The project
has been followed by a steering committee with following mem-
Karina L. Vintersborg, Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Chairman)
Shima Dobel, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Carsten Lassen, COWI
Sonja Hagen Mikkelsen, COWI
Project group
The study
was made by a team consisting of Carsten Lassen (project man-
ager), Sonja Hagen Mikkelsen and Ulla Kristine Brandt, COWI A/S. Analysis
of BPA in products and release of BPA from the products have been carried
out by Danish Technological Institute with Ulla Christensen as contact per-
Based on an analysis of consumers’ exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) emitted
from cash register receipts and other receipts of thermal paper, the daily up-
take of BPA from these sources has been calculated in a realistic worst case
scenario to be approx. 0.24 mg BPA. In this scenario it is assumed that the
receipts are touched with humid fingers and that 50% of the quantity left on
the skin is absorbed. With this scenario the exposure will be approx. 1/5 of the
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL). As a worst case scenario has been used,
the actual exposure of the general consumer in most cases will be considerably
lower. A realistic worst case scenario for cashiers also shows a calculated up-
take below the DNEL value.
Based on analyses of migration of BPA from baby dummies with a shield of
polycarbonate, the maximum daily uptake of BPA has been calculated to be
far below the level where damaging health effects are expected.
The aim of this study is to illustrate to which extent releases of bisphenol A
(BPA) from cash register receipts constitutes a health problem for Danish
consumers and to investigate whether the releases of bisphenol A from the
shield of baby dummies made of polycarbonate is a health risk for 0-3 year old
BPA in cash register receipts ticket
on contacts with Danish suppliers of cash register receipts it is assumed
that 90% of cash register receipts in Denmark are made of thermal paper. It is
also assumed, based on general EU figures, that 70-80% of the receipts are
made of thermal paper containing BPA. BPA is used as a developer in the
process of colouring the paper when heated.
12 printed cash register receipts have been analysed in this study covering re-
ceipts from different types of shops, cash point machines and a library. Apart
from this, a test sample of a sticker from weighing vegetables in a supermarket
has been analysed. The content of BPA in 7 out of 12 analysed cash register
receipts varied from 8,700 to 17,000 mg/kg (see Table 1). There is no corre-
lation between the quantity of BPA in the cash register receipts and the mi-
grating quantity. The concentrations found are in accordance with what has
been found in other surveys. Based on Swedish studies and information from
suppliers of thermal paper, it is estimated that thermal paper containing BPA
is also used for a number of other purposes such as tickets, boarding cards,
queue tickets, parking tickets and various printer and recorder papers.
Bisphenol S (BPS) was found in three of the cash register receipts. BPS is
typically used instead of BPA in more resistant receipts from cash point ma-
chines and shops where it is expected that the receipt could be saved for many
years. Two contained neither BPA nor BPS, but the actual substances were
not determined. There are several types of thermal paper on the market where
the developers are not based on phenol chemicals, but it has not been possible
to find out which developers are used instead.
In order to e
xamine to which extent consumers are exposed to BPA from the
receipts, analyses were carried out of the migration of BPA to artificial sweat
and of the quantity released to fingers when handling the tickets.
Immersion of the cash register receipts in artificial sweat for 5 seconds showed
a migration from the receipts of 7-21µg BPA/cm
, equivalent to 10-37% of the
content of BPA in the receipts. There were no relation between the content of
BPA in the receipt and the migrated quantity, and none of the cash register
receipts were significantly different from the others in regard to releases of
BPA from the receipt.
Based on this test, four cash register receipts were selected for at test imitating
a realistic handling situation of a receipt. The tests showed significant differ-
ences in the migrated quantities depending on whether the fingers were dry
(with natural humidity), humid or with lotion. The average quantity of BPA
left on the fingers in the three situations was 11, 103 and 28 µg BPA respec-
tively. The values equal results from a Swiss study published in 2010.
Table 1
Content of BPA in cash register receipts, exposure to fingers and artificial sweat
Content of BPA BPA exposure
to artificial
sweat, 5 sec
BPA exposure to fingers, µg Place of sampling
mg/kg µg/cm
** Dry fingers Humid
Fingers with
Petrol station 1
(payment machine)
1.4 0.011 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Petrol station 2
(payment machine)
b.d. * b.d. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Furniture chain b.d.* b.d. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Toy shop 8,700 46 13 4.6 21 n.a.
Supermarket chain 1 9,300 61 11 5.4 240 n.a.
Supermarket chain 2 11,000 51 19 30.0 64 26
Discount super market 1 17,000 77 21 5.3 88 30
Discount super market 2 10,000 48 13 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Bank (cash machine) b.d * b.d n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Library 9,700 53 13 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Discount super market 3 14,000 64 7 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Hardware store 37 0.19 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Supermarket chain, sticker b.d * b.d * n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Average ** 11,400 57 14 11 103 28
* Contained BPS, quantity of BPS not determined.
** The two lowest values of 1.4 and 37 mg/kg (0.011 and 0.19 µg/cm
) are not included when
calculating the average.
n.a. Not analysed.
b.d. Below the detection limit for bisphenol A, which in this study is 0.1 mg/kg.
Based on the listed exposed scenarios it was calculated how much BPA a con-
sumer could be exposed to in a realistic worst case scenario. For this scenario
the results of migration to humid fingers were used, which in average was 9
times higher than the measured migration to dry fingers. In the scenario it was
taken into account that the consumer handles the cash register receipts several
The calculated exposure
was compared to a so-called DNEL value. The
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level) has been determined based on animal tests
and illustrates the exposure level, below which no effects are expected. At the
comparison it was taken into account that the consumer is also exposed to
BPA from other sources.
There is some uncertainty to which extent BPA deposed on the skin is actu-
ally absorbed in the body. The EU risk assessment for BPA assumed for its
calculations that only 10% is absorbed, whereas later studies indicate that it
could be a larger quantity and calculations in this study have been made as-
suming that 10% and 50%, respectively, is absorbed.
In order to assess whether there could be a risk related to the exposure, a so-
called Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR) is made by dividing the calculated
internal dose (uptake) with a DNEL value, which designates the level below
which no effects are expected to occur. If the RCR is below 1, the exposure is
assessed to cause no risk. The RCR for the worst case scenario for consumers,
where it is assumed that 50% is absorbed, was calculated to 0.14. If, at the
same time, cumulative exposure from dietary intake is included, the total
RCR will be 0.19. For cashiers a total RCR of 0.79 was calculated. In the cal-
culations it has not been taken into account that BPA on the fingers probably
reduces the amount of BPA left on the skin from the next touch. In a Swiss
study where this effect was taken into account and migration data to more dry
fingers are also included, a considerably lower absorption was calculated than
in the worst case scenarios in this study. As worst case scenarios are used here,
and the RCR values are below 1, it is estimated that with the present knowl-
edge on he effects of BPA there will be no significant risk related to the han-
dling of the cash register receipts.
BPA in baby dummies made of polycarbonate
te is made by a polymerization of BPA and the final polycarbon-
ate contains small quantities of BPA which is not polymerized. According to
information from suppliers of baby dummies it is estimated that shield and
ring in 10-20% of the dummies on the Danish market are made of polycar-
bonate. The part is diminishing, as other plastic types are used, such as poly-
propylene or co-polyester.
In analyses of BPA exposure from dummies’ shield to artificial sweat and sa-
liva, the migration to both media was below the detection limit for 6 out of 8
examined dummies. For one dummy, migration was above the detection limit
to both media, whereas for one dummy only migration to saliva was found.
In an exposure scenario where it is assumed that the baby has the dummy in
the mouth 7.75 hours a day and assuming that 50% of the amount migrated to
the skin is absorbed, the total RCR value is calculated to 0.0069 which is far
below 1. The results confirm a previous result from a large study of 2 year-
old’s exposure to chemical substances published by the Danish EPA in 2009.
The result
s of this survey thus signify that there is no immediate health risk
related to the use of BPA based cash register receipts and baby dummies. No
matter the results it is worth noticing that BPA has been classified as an endo-
crine system disruptor with the hazard statement ”Suspected of damaging fer-
tility“. The substance is also listed on the Danish EPA’s “List of undesirable
substances”, a signal list and guidance to companies about problematic sub-
stances and use of which should be reduced or terminated in the long term.
to cash register receipts are available, but it has not been investi-
gated to which extent the alternative developers are better from an environ-
mental and health perspective and the costs of changing to the alternatives is
unknown. The alternatives are probably more expensive today because they
are niche products, but this may change with an increased demand for the
alternatives. Parts of the Danish retail trades have informed, that the price for
paper with the alternative developer bisphenol S is approximately twice as ex-
pensive as BPA based paper, while thermal paper without phenol-chemistry is
claimed to be four times the price for paper with BPA. At present the health
risks of papers with alternative developers is unknown. Alternatives to baby
dummies made of polycarbonate today account for a major part of the mar-
1 Introduction
1.1 Identification of the substance
This study concerns the following substance:
Chemical name: 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol
Synonym: Bisphenol A; BPA
CAS No: 80-05-7
BPA structure:
Polycarbonate struc-
ture (polymerised
Hazard class and
category codes:
Repr. 2
Eye Dam. 1
Skin Sens. 1
Hazard codes and
H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility
H335: May cause respiratory irritation
H318: Causes serious eye damage
H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction
1.2 BPA in thermal paper
BPA is used
for coating of thermal paper where print is developed by the heat
impact from a print head. The colour is developed by the reaction between a
pigment and a developer which often is BPA, but could also be bisphenol S
(BPS) or other substances. The composition of thermal paper is illustrated
below by two manufacturers. It should be noted that “print” in the first ex-
ample is not the print caused by thermal impact, but can be a pre-print e.g. of
a ticket where the date is printed subsequently with a thermal printer in the
layer indicated as “thermal coat”. Magnetic stripes do not normally appear on
thermal paper used for receipts, but for example on certain types of tickets.
The thermo coating containing BPA is only on one side of the paper. The pa-
per can have a topcoat above the thermal BPA-containing layer.
Illustration from thermal paper manufacturer Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Flensburg GmbH
Illustration fra termopapirproducent Papierfabrik August Koehler AG. Gul firkant 'Color developer'
illustrerer en phenol-fremkalder, der kan være BPA.
Thermal paper can be used for cash register receipts, paper for certain print-
ers, tickets, lottery tickets, stickers and fax paper. Suppliers of thermal paper
point out the following qualities of thermal print: soundless, reliable, low cur-
rent costs, no use of toner or ink, easy to use, no solvents and compact printer
unit. Another quality, often mentioned in connection with e.g. tickets, is that it
is practically impossible to change the print without trace.
Manufacturers of thermal paper are organised in the European Thermal Pa-
per Association (ETPA) which in 2003 organised all manufacturers of ther-
mal paper in EU except one. In 2003, ETPA assessed that 70-80% of all
thermal paper sold in EU contained BPA (DEFRA, 2003). ETPA was con-
tacted in connection with this study, but the association did not know whether
it still applies that 70-80% of the thermal paper on the European market con-
tains BPA (ETPA, 2010).
In the beginning of 2000, approx. 1,400 tons BPA were used for production
on 105,000 tons thermal paper (Møller & Helveg, 2004). On average the pa-
per contains approx 13,000 mg BPA/kg. The latest version of EU’s risk as-
sessment of BPA states that in 2005/2006 1,890 tons BPA were used for pro-
duction of 168,000 tons thermal paper (EC, 2010). This is an increase of 35%
compared to Møller & Helveg’s figures from 2000. Based on these figures the
paper contains approx. 11,000 mg/kg on average.
Until recently the primary focus related to BPA in thermal paper was releases
by recycling of the paper as discussed in the EU Risk Assessment of BPA
(EC, 2010).
1.3 BPA in polycarbonate
is used as monomer for production of e.g. polycarbonate plastic and ep-
oxy. In the production the substance is polymerised and a stable matrix is cre-
ated. By the polymerisation there will be a small part left of the monomer
which does
not polymerise. The release of bisphenol A is mainly due to re-
lease of free monomers not bound in the matrix.
1.4 Previous studies
A n
umber of previous studies have been undertaken of the release of BPA
from cash register receipts and dummy shields. As the results of these previ-
ous studies will be part of the discussion of the results in this study they will
be briefly reviewed here.
1.4.1 BPA in thermal paper
Swiss study of release of BPA from cash register receipts
of BPA from receipts was recently examined by the food control au-
thorities in the Swiss canton Zürich (Biedermann et al., 2010). 13 different
thermal papers were examined in total and 11 of the samples BPA was found
in concentrations of 8,000-17,000 mg BPA/kg, which is in accordance with
the EU average for thermal paper as indicated above. 10 of the 13 thermal
paper samples were cash register receipts and 9 samples included BPA. BPA
was also found in 2 samples of print paper, whereas there was no BPA in a
trolley ticket. The receipt samples were collected randomly from shops and
tickets for thermal print were identified based on their ability to darken when
heated. In the article it is not indicated how many of the collected receipts are
made of thermal paper. No information about manufacturers/suppliers of re-
ceipts seems to have been collected and it is thus difficult to say how represen-
tative the samples are.
The transfer to fingers was examined by holding the paper for 5 seconds with
a movement where the thumb touched the backside at the same time as the
forefinger and the long finger pressed against the BPA-containing top of the
paper. Transfer to the fingers was measured by extracting BPA from the fin-
gers by dipping them in ethanol and move them slightly for 30 sec. The re-
ceipt was only touched with one hand to imitate the movement when a cashier
takes a receipt out of the printer and gives it to the client. Control tests
showed that by extraction with ethanol, approx. 95% of the BPA released to
the fingers could be extracted.
It can be seen from the results that the transfer differs very much between the
two sides which corresponds with the fact that only one side contains BPA. By
touching the front of the paper, 2.2 µg BPA was transferred to the fingers,
whereas only 0.2 µg BPA was transferred from the backside. The authors
suggest that transfer from the back is due to contamination.
The results show that more than 1.1 µg BPA (interval: 0.2-6 µg) was trans-
ferred on average to each of the two fingers if the skin was dry and more than
10 times more if the skin was wet. The result was more or less the same
whether the receipt was held for 5 sec. or 60 sec. whereas the release was less
if the receipt only was held for 1 sec.
Some of the results, also important for the interpretation of the results of the
present study, are shown in the table below.
Table 1.1
Transfer of BPA to two fingers depending on how the receipt is held and time
et al.
, 2010)
Method BPA transfer to two fingers
Average (µg)
Holding the receipt for 1 sec. 0.4; 0.3 0.35
Holding the receipt for 5 sec.
- standard conditions (in the test) 1.2; 0.9; 1.5; 1.1 1.18
- low pressure 0.7; 0.2 0.45
- pulling the receipt through fingers 0.6; 0.7 0.65
Holds the receipt for 60 sec. 1.5; 0.7 1.10
The quantity that could be extracted did not increase significantly if the re-
ceipts were handled several times in a row which implies that BPA on the skin
prevents additional release from the receipt to the fingers. Based on this, the
authors conclude that persons at a cashier desk would have more or less the
same quantity on their fingers all the time.
Studies of to which extent BPA was absorbed in the skin showed that BPA
applied as a solution in ethanol apparently was absorbed by the skin so that
after 90 minutes only 5 and 40% of the applied dose could be extracted de-
pending on the applied concentration. The authors note that the fact that
BPA cannot be extracted not necessarily means that it has been absorbed in
the body. BPA transferred by handling receipts seems to behave differently, as
after 2 hours 88% could still be extracted from the fingers. The results also
showed that BPA is not very efficiently removed from fingers by washing
them. However, the low number of samples makes this part of the study very
The results are discussed further in chapter 5 in relation to the results of the
present study.
American studies of BPA in cash register receipts
n American study of BPA in receipts for the Environmental Working Group
in 2010 showed that 16 of the 36 collected receipts contained BPA in concen-
trations from 8,000 to 30,000 ppm mg/kg (Lunder et al., 2010). The study
also showed that 0.7-3.8% of the content of BPA could be wiped off the re-
ceipts with a wet paper cloth. The study does not mention to which extent the
paper had a top coat. Another study carried out by Warner Babcock Institute
for Green Chemistry found concentrations of 3,000 to 17,000 mg/kg in 8 out
of 10 receipts made of thermal paper (Mendum et al., 2010).
Swedish study of BPA in thermal paper
In 20
10 a study was made in Sweden of BPA in thermal paper used for vari-
ous purposes. The analysis of cash register receipts were made by different
families collecting receipts over a certain period. Pooled samples were taken of
the receipts and based on the analysis, it can not be concluded that all receipts
contained BPA.
BPA was found in all samples in concentrations varying from 5,000 mg/kg to
32,000 mg/kg with an average of 15,800 mg/kg. It is expected that a similar
content of BPA would be found in Denmark in thermal paper for similar uses.
The study also points out that BPA migrates from the thermal paper to e.g.
notes and lining in wallets. Up to 2,000 mg/kg was found in the lining of a
wallet and
up to 86 mg/kg in 20 kr. notes. It can thus be concluded that there
is also a certain exposure of BPA to these secondary sources even though the
total exposure for secondary sources must be assumed to be low compared to
the exposure to primary sources.
Table 1.2
Test results for BPA in thermal paper (Östberg & Noaksson, 2010).
Description BPA (mg/kg) BPA (%]
Receipts - family 1 14,000 1.4
Receipts - family 2 18,000 1.8
Receipts - family 3 14,000 1.4
Receipts - family 4 9,500 0.95
Receipts – wallet 1 19,000 1.9
Receipts – wallet 2 11,000 1.1
Parking tickets 32,000 3.2
Labels 5,000 0.5
Queue tickets 16,000 1.6
Cash point receipts 19,000 1.9
Print from local authority 16,000 1.6
Air tickets 5,800 0.58
Train ticket 14,000 1.4
Bus ticket 23,000 2.3
Game ticket 18,000 1.8
Medico technical paper slip 18,000 1.8
1.4.2 BPA in polycarbonate
As men
tioned previously, BPA is only released from polycarbonate by migra-
tion of free un-reacted monomers not bound in the matrix.
Norwegian studies of BPA release from baby bottles made of polycarbonate
shows that babies’ intake of BPA via infant formulae is less than the quantities
set by the food authorities as the tolerable daily intake.
BPA in the shield of baby dummies
A previous survey of dummies for
the Danish EPA published in 2009 showed
that the shield of dummies most often consist of hard plastic made of polycar-
bonate or polypropylene (Tønning et al., 2009). More than 30 different
dummies were identified in the survey by shop visits and searching on internet
shops. Out of the 21 products, for which information about the plastic type in
the shield could be achieved, 10 had a shield of polycarbonate whereas the
rest had shields of polypropylene. Because of the large number of products
and retailers it was not possible to determine the market share for each prod-
uct and thus not possible to demonstrate whether dummies with shield of
polycarbonate also represented approx. 50% of the total sale of dummies.
5 dummies were tested in the study, all with shields made of polycarbonate.
The BPA content was by a GC/MS determined at 1,000-1,900 mg/kg
whereas quantitative analysis with GC/MS of two of the shields showed a
concentration of approx. 106 and 280 mg/kg.
Analysis of
BPA migration to artificial sweat and saliva for 7.75 hours from
two dummies showed a migration of 7 mg/kg material to one of the media in
one of the tests, whereas the migration in the other tests were below the detec-
tion value. By using the value of 7 mg/kg it could be calculated that BPA from
dummies potentially could contribute with approx. 15% of the child’s daily
intake of BPA from different sources. When calculating the uptake via the
skin it was assumed, in correspondence with the EU’s Risk Assessment for
BPA, that only 10% of the BPA that is applied to the skin is absorbed in the
2 Mapping
2.1 Cash register receipts
There are a number of Danish companies selling paper for cash register re-
ceipts. Basically there are two types: thermal paper and paper printed differ-
ently. The products are sold as receipt rolls, paper rolls, thermal paper rolls,
thermal paper, thermal rolls and cash register rolls.
The aim of the mapping has been to answer two questions:
1 To which extent are receipts used in Denmark based on thermal pa-
2 To which extent do receipts of various types of thermal paper contain
Selection and provision of test material
The working group
has contacted suppliers of receipts. The suppliers have
been identified via searching on the Internet and by contacting a few, large
grocery chains like Danish Supermarket and FDB as they represent a large
part of the total use of receipts.
The two most important suppliers of thermal paper were contacted by phone
and asked to give their best estimate to the above questions based on their
own deliveries and knowledge of the market.
2.1.1 Information from suppliers and manufacturers
One supplier informed that the
company has approx. 50% of the market share
of thermal paper in Denmark. The company assesses that today approx. 80%
of receipt paper on the Danish market is thermal paper and that the share is
increasing. The company also stated that there are different qualities of ther-
mal paper which differs by different types of coating. The company primarily
works with three different qualities, but approx. 99% of the paper to the Dan-
ish market is sold in a standard quality containing BPA in top coating. A
stronger coating can be used if a longer durability of the print is desired, or if
you want the receipt to be more resistant to e.g. grease.
The other large supplier says that between 85-95% of the receipts on the Dan-
ish market are made of thermal paper. The company also estimates that nearly
all thermal paper on the Danish market contains BPA. New products are
however coming up where the more expensive bisphenol S (BPS) is used in-
stead of BPA because the producers try to meet an increasing demand for
BPA-free products. According to the company there are several different
qualities but only few qualities are used in Denmark most is standard quality.
Receipts with a 'top coat' are used in cash point machines, at some petrol sta-
tions, but also in furniture chains that have a long guarantee on many prod-
ucts and shops where you sell long-lasting consumer goods. The company
states that primarily BPS is used in qualities where long durability is required.
The technical reason why BPS is used in these qualities has not been investi-
of the leading suppliers import thermal paper which they cut and pack
for the retail business or sell to small suppliers. The companies receive the
majority of the coated paper from the following four large manufacturers of
quality paper; primarily from the two first:
1. Papierfabrik August Koehler AG, Oberkirch, Germany
2. Mitsubishi HiTec Paper, Flensborg, Germany
3. Jujo Thermal Ltd. Kauttua, Finland
4. Kanzan Spezialpapiere GmbH, Dueren, Germany
A large internet supplier of receipt rolls estimates that approx 90% of the re-
ceipt rolls on the Danish market are made of thermal paper and that the ma-
jority contain BPA. The company estimates there are maximum 10 different
qualities of thermal paper on the Danish market.
An examination of the product lists for thermal paper on August Koehler’s
and Mitsubishis’ homepages confirm that there are different qualities of ther-
mal paper for receipts ref. Appendix 1 and 2. The qualities are characterised
by their sensitivity (how easy to print) and their durability.
At Koehler they have three different qualities of thermal paper for receipts:
1. Paper with standard sensitivity that can last for minimum 7 years.
2. Paper with high sensitivity that can last for minimum 8 years
3. Paper with medium sensitivity that can last for minimum 5 years
At Mitsubishi they have seven different qualities of thermal paper for receipts:
1. Paper with low sensitivity that can last minimum 10 years
2. Paper with standard sensitivity that can last minimum 5 years
3. Paper with standard sensitivity that can last minimum 7 years
4. Paper with standard sensitivity that can last minimum 25 years
5. Paper with high sensitivity that can last minimum 5 years
6. Paper with high sensitivity that can last minimum 10 years
7. Paper with high sensitivity that can last minimum 12 years
A leading supplier explains that a quality with high sensitivity can be used at a
fast printer with a very precise result. The less heat required developing col-
our on the paper, the more sensitive it is. The contacted companies explain
that BPA is important for the sensitivity of the thermal paper, but they are not
aware whether the paper with high sensitivity contains more BPA.
thermal paper quality with high durability has a coating protecting against
grease and UV radiance. Thermal paper can be identified from non-thermal
paper by scratching a nail tip over the paper. If it is thermal paper the nail will
leave a colour line as the heat from the scratch is sufficient to develop the col-
One of the leading suppliers estimates that the use of thermal paper for re-
ceipts in Denmark is 1,000 to 1,200 tons per year. 2/3 is used in daily food
chains and the rest in other sectors such as selected goods stores (e.g. furni-
ture stores), restaurants, petrol stations, libraries, hospitals, etc. When testing
the receipts it turned out that approx. 60% of the receipts contain BPA (Table
4.1), but the actual percentage is probably larger as it by the collection has
aimed at covering many different types of receipts. The questioned suppliers
estimate that the majority of receipts made of thermal paper contain BPA. In
this study it will be assumed that the Danish market equals the EU average
where 70-80% of the thermal paper contains BPA. Based on the estimates and
figures of the average content of BPA in thermal paper 11,000 – 13,000
mg/kg (ref. section 1.2,), it is estimated that the total content of BPA in re-
ceipts used in Denmark is between 9 and 12 tons BPA a year.
Alternative developers
Analysis of
the receipts (section 4.2.1) revealed that some types of thermal
paper types do not contain BPA or BPS. Both Jujo Thermal and Kanzan Spe-
zialpapiere deliver thermal paper without the two substances, but it has not
been possible to get information about which developers are used.
Jujo Thermal describes the paper types on their website where they inform
that phenol-chemicals are not used in the paper, i.e. the paper neither contains
BPA nor BPS (Jujo, 2010). An example of the types without phenols,
AP62KJ-R, is listed to have 25 years ”image stability” and may be used for
receipts, labels, bank receipts, parking tickets and medical purposes.
2.2 Baby dummies
As mentione
d in the previous mapping, baby dummies are sold in many types
of shops: baby care shops, pharmacies, groceries, daily food stores, internet
shops, etc. A mapping of the market for dummies was made in relation to an-
other test in 2008/2009 (ref. section 1.4) and it has thus not been the intention
to repeat this mapping.
In order to have an indication of whether there have been major changes in
the last years in relation to plastic in the shields, a search was made on the
supply of dummies in Danish internet shops. A few key manufactur-
ers/importers of dummies with consumer facts (Danish: varefakta) registered
with the Danish Institute for Informative Labelling (Dansk Varefakta Nævn)
were contacted. Altogether they are representing more than 30 different labels
including ”Apotekets” (from the pharmacies) and Matas.
Phase 2 of the internet search included purchase of dummies with a shield of
polycarbonate representing a representative sample of manufacturers of
dummies sold by different shops, including internet shops.
2.1.1 Information from manufacturers and retailers
Only two of the three manufacturers of labelled dummies have contributed to
the study as the third and smallest supplier have stopped the production and
the product will no longer be marketed.
The largest Danish manufacturer estimates that 10-20% of the shields on
dummies on the Danish market are made of polycarbonate today and that the
share is decreasing. The company assess that this is due to a large pressure
and wish from both politicians and consumers to find alternatives to polycar-
bonate. When contacted, less than 5% of the company’s own products were
made of polycarbonate and this share is also decreasing. The company is out-
phasing polycarbonate entirely and plans not to use it at all by the end of
2010. Tritan
copolyester is used an alternative to polycarbonate, but it is
not as suitable as it is more fragile, less heat-resistant and not apt for print.
A Danish distributor of dummies from a leading international manufacturer
says that this manufacturer also have used the alternative Tritan
since February 2010.
2.2.1 Dummies sold via the Internet
study of dummies sold on the Internet in view of identifying dummies with
shield of polycarbonate for this study showed that in this market segment still
is a major part of the dummies have a shield of polycarbonate (ref. appendix
Out of 15 types of dummies where the plastic type of the shield was specifi-
cally indicated, 10 were made of polycarbonate. These 10 dummies were pro-
duced by 7 different manufacturers in Denmark, Sweden, USA, Germany
and Austria. It should, however, be noted that a major part of these are sup-
plied as dummies with the possibility of having the child’s name printed on
them (MyDummy) and that polycarbonate apparently is very suitable when
names should be printed on the dummy.
2.3 Summary
The study
shows that the largest Danish suppliers of cash register receipts as-
sess that approx. 90% of cash receipts used in Denmark is based on thermal
paper. The usage is increasing and several large stores are about to change
from non-thermal paper to thermal paper. Furthermore the study indicates
that BPA is used in thermal coating on the major part of receipts. For papers
with long durability some manufacturers are now using BPS. In some types of
receipts other developers are used, but it has not been possible to find out
which substances are used.
In Denmark, use of thermal paper for receipts is estimated to be between
1,000 and 1,200 tons a year. According to the contacted companies, the Dan-
ish market is dominated by two large suppliers having a market share of more
than 90%.
There are approx. 10 different qualities of receipts on the Danish market, dif-
ferentiating by different sensibility and durability. The content of BPA is im-
portant for a visible print on the receipt.
According to a leading supplier of dummies, dummies of
polycarbonate rep-
resent 10-20% of the market. The market is actually moving away from
dummies made of polycarbonate replaced by dummies of copolyester. An
internet search shows that there are still many types of dummies on the mar-
ket made of polycarbonate. As dummies made of polycarbonate are particu-
larly good for print it is assumed that the sale via the internet not necessarily is
representative for the entire market as there are relatively many dummies sold
via the internet.
3 Exposure scenarios
3.1 Calculation of consumer exposure
Exposure scenarios are developed in line with the REACH guidance ‘Guid-
ance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment. Chapter R.15
- Consumer exposure estimation’, version 2 from April 2010 (ECHA, 2010a).
Algorithms and formulae for dermal exposure are based on the models shown
in section R. on dermal exposure and scenarios involving non-volatile
substances migrating from an article and R.15.3.3 on oral exposure. The for-
mulae are here modified to include results of analysis of BPA migrating to sa-
liva and sweat simulants. The potential uptake per time unit (internal dose) of
BPA from exposure to cash register receipts and dummies is compared to the
DNEL (Derived No Effect Level) for BPA.
3.2 Cash register receipts
The exp
osure calculations involve calculating the amount of substance which
will migrate from the surface of a product in contact with skin. As outlined in
the guidance document, the essential parameters used for this model are:
Weight fraction compound: the fraction of the compound in the total
Amount of product: the total amount of product applied to the skin
The surface area of the exposed skin
The migration rate of the substance absorption
The contact time of the substance absorption
Skin contact factor, a factor that can be used to account for the fact that
the product is only partially in contact with the skin.
The dermal load is then calculated using the following equation (Equation
where is the weight of the receipt. is the share of BPA in the re-
ceipt and
is the rate BPA migrates from the receipt to sweat. is
the area in contact with the skin in those cases where the skin in only partly in
contact with the receipt. The default value for
is 1. is the time
the skin contacts the receipt.
The used parameters are explained in Table 3.1.
Tier 1 exposure scenario
For a Tier 1 assessment (first rough assessment of potential risks) of the ex-
posure from
cash register receipts, the migration of BPA from collected re-
ceipts to a sweat simulant was measured and used for the calculation of the
dermal load.
By using the migration of BPA (Migr.) to a sweat simulant per surface and
time unit the dermal load is calculated based on the following equation:
where the measured migration to sweat per surface and time unit is consid-
ered equivalent to the amount of BPA migrating to the skin:
The Tier 1 model probably result in a considerable overestimation of the ex-
posure as the amount of BPA which can be extracted from the submerged
receipt is expected to exceed the amount of BPA which can migrate to the
fingers when handling the receipt, even when the fingers are humid.
The external
dermal dose (dermal exposure of the skin) in mg per kg body-
weight is then calculated based on migration data to the sweat simulant:
which is equivalent to:
If you include absorption through skin in the formula, the internal dermal
dose (what is absorbed and may be taken in the blood veins) of BPA mg per
kilo bodyweight is calculated as:
Parameters and symbols used in the formula that here are used for the dermal
exposure scenarios are explained in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
Explanation of symbols used in exposure scenario for skin (based on ECHA, 2010
Input parameter Description Unit
Amount of product used mg
Weight fraction of substance in prod-
mg/mg product
Rate (fraction) of substance migrating
to skin per time unit
Migr. Amount of substance migrating to
skin per skin area and time unit
Extr. Amount extracted from exposed fin-
gers per area and time unit
Fraction of product in contact with
skin (default = 1)
Contact duration between article and
Contact area between product and
Dermal concentration of substance on
BW Body weight kg
n No of incidents per day d-1
* Dermal absorption %
Output parameter Description Unit
Dermal load on skin due to migration mg/cm
Dermal dose per day and body weight mg/kg bw/d
* For a Tier 1 estimation, a dermal absorption of 100% is normally used.
Realistic worst case scenario
A more realistic worst case scenario is based on measurements of BPA ex-
tracted from a known skin area exposed to receipt for a typical handling time.
In this case the equation for the dermal load is as follows:
The external
dermal dose in mg per kg bodyweight is then calculated based
on data from analysis of the amount of BPA extracted from the fingers using
the following equation:
If you include the absorption through the skin in the formula, the internal
dermal dose in mg per kg bodyweight is calculated as:
As illustrated exposure will depend on the migration of BPA in the receipt,
how long time receipt is in contact with the skin (contact duration), how many
times during the day the person is in contact with thermal paper/receipts (fre-
quency) and the area of the fingers in contact with the receipts.
3.2.1 Determination of exposure parameters for consume
r exposure
In the exposure scenario for cash register receipts the parameters “duration of
contact”, “frequency of incidents per day” and “surface of exposed skin”
were determined as follows:
Duration of contact
of contact has been set based on observations of consumer behav-
iour in a large supermarket. 25 random customers were observed and on av-
erage they held their receipt for 11 seconds in the shop. Nine of the 25 cus-
tomers didn’t want to take the receipt. The 16 customers who took the receipt
on average held their receipts for 17 seconds. For some of the time they held it
with two hands; for some of the time they held it in only one hand. Two cus-
tomers held it for 55 and 66 seconds, respectively, most of the time with one
hand. The customers that chose to take the receipt all kept it. They didn’t
throw it out but put it in their pocket, bag or purse. These customers will
most likely be in contact with the receipt one or two times more when it is
disposed of and/or archived. We assume that the customers are in contact
with the receipt for a shorter period the second time they handle the receipt
(e.g. to throw it out).
Based on these observations a standard handling was determined representing
both the handling in the shop and the subsequent handling when the receipt is
thrown out or archived (and later thrown out). In this scenario the receipt is
held with both hands for about 10 sec. where the fingers move over the re-
ceipt while it is checked and then folded. When folding the receipt, the BPA-
containing side is turned out so all fingers are in contact with this side during
The frequency of contact with receipts containing
BPA has been estimated by
extrapolating data on payment card transactions and the payment methods in
a large Danish supermarket chain as described below.
A large Danish supermarket chain has provided information on number of
transactions where credit cards are used as payment method. Information
about total number of payment card transactions in Denmark is based on in-
formation from Nets (previously PBS), data on the Danish population are
from Statistics Denmark and the two largest suppliers of receipts have pro-
vided an estimate of the percentage of receipts based on thermal paper. The
percentage of receipts of thermal paper containing BPA is based on general
EU data as it is assumed that these data also apply for the Danish market.
Obviously there can be variations in the pattern of payment methods in differ-
ent sectors. Customers who shop in stores selling expensive consumer goods
more often use credit cards as payment whereas customers in small newspa-
per stands rather pay cash. Using data from a large supermarket chain is con-
sidered to give a good average picture of the payment patterns in Danish
stores in the absence of more precise data. Parameters and results from the
calculation of how many receipts the consumers handle annually can be seen
in Table 3.2.
Based on the above, the total number of receipts with BPA used in Denmark
is estimated at 1,220 million a year. Alternatively the number can be estimated
based on the total tonnage of thermal paper rolls delivered, estimated by a
leading supplier at 1,000-1,200 tonnes per year. In a recent Swedish study of
BPA in
thermal paper, the average weight of 47 randomly sampled cash regis-
ter receipts is reported to be 0.55 gramme (Östberg, T. & E. Noakson ,
2010). Using this average weight and assuming that 75% of 1,000-1,200 tons
thermal paper contains BPA, the total number of BPA-containing receipts can
be estimated at 1,355 – 1,627 million. This alternative estimate indicates that
1,220 million receipts in Table 3.2. are probably not far from the actual num-
ber and the uncertainty of this estimate is probably lower than the uncertainty
on other parameters used for estimating the total number of handled receipts.
In addition to when the receipts are received, the receipt will be handled again
at least once when it is disposed of. It is possible to imagine many different
scenarios for the disposal and/or archiving. Some people save all their receipts
in a binder, others keep them in their wallet until it is full and then throw most
of them out and keep a few. Before the receipts are disposed of, the customer
often checks it again and all received receipts will be handled twice. Here it is
roughly assumed that those consumers who carefully check the receipts and
keep them, on average handles each receipt 2.5 times.
Some consumer groups receive more receipts than the average consumer.
Women with children at an age where they do not shop themselves receive
considerably more receipts than the average. It is here roughly estimated that
these consumers receive twice as many receipts as the average consumer, and
they thus handle about 3.6 receipts a day (ref. Table 3.2).
Besides cash register receipts the consumer will also be exposed to BPA in
thermal paper used for other applications: library receipts, queue tickets, la-
bels, parking tickets, boarding pass etc. It has not been possible to obtain data
on use of thermal paper for all these applications. It has been roughly assumed
that the consumer group “women with children” on average handle one of
these receipts/ tickets a day.
Table 3.2
Parameters used for calculating the frequency i.e. number of events receipts handled
per day
Credit card transactions:
Danish credit card transactions in 2009 * 828 million
Internet transactions * 45 million
- here of Dankort/Visa Dankort * 38 million
Dankort as % of total 83%
Number of Dankort transactions less internet transactions 790 million
Number of transactions assuming that Dankort transactions
represent 83% of total
952 million
Data for supermarket chain:
- card transactions per year 125 million
- transactions per year 237 million
- card transactions in percent of all transactions 53%
Estimated number of transactions (receipts)
in Denmark
1,807 million
Share of receipts made of thermal paper **** 90%
Share of receipts made of thermal paper containing BPA 75%
Estimated number of receipts with BPA-containing thermal
1,220 million
Receipts per inhabitants:
Population in Denmark above the age of 12 in 2009 4.7 million
BPA-containing receipts per consumer above 12 years, per year 259
BPA-containing receipts per consumer above 12 years per day 0.7
Number of times each receipt is handled 2.5
BPA-containing receipts handled per consumer above 12 years
per day
Factor for consumers handling more than the average 2
BPA-containing receipts handled per consumer per day in the
group handling relatively many receipts.
BPA-containing receipts handled per consumer per day in the
group of consumers handling relatively many receipts – includ-
ing thermal paper used for other purposes
* Total number of card transactions in Denmark in 2009 was 3,038 million, but according
to Nets (personal contact) the main part of these transactions are not payments in
shops in Denmark. There are only data for transactions with Dankort.
Source: NETS, 2010.
*** Source: Statistics Denmark.
**** Source: Leading suppliers of receipts.
Contact area between product and skin
The contact area between the cash register receipt and skin highly depends
how the receipt is handled. When checking the receipts the customer will usu-
ally touch the receipts several times at different parts of the surface.
Consequently the touched part of the receipts will be larger than the part of
the skin touching the receipts. The touched surface has been estimated by let-
ting two persons handle four receipts after their fingers had been blackened
with ink. The test was illustrating two different scenarios. In scenario 1, the
tomer receives the receipt, looks at it briefly and throws it away. In sce-
nario 2 the customer examines the receipt more closely before folding it and
putting it in the purse. Scenario 2 is the scenario used later in connection with
studies of how large quantities of BPA migrating from the receipt to the fin-
As the receipts have BPA on the upper side only, it is of great importance for
the exposure whether the receipt is folded with the upper side or the lower
side against the finger pads. In scenario 2 the receipt is folded with the upper
side turning outside in touch with the finger tips.
In scenario 1 where it primarily was the thumb, which was in contact with the
receipt but touched it several places, the blackened part of the upper side was
on average 8.3 cm
. The total surface of thumbs having been in contact with
the receipt was smaller. In scenario 2 where the receipt was folded, was on
average 46 cm
of the blackened upper side. The major part of this area, how-
ever, was touched for much less than 5 seconds.
The results of the Swiss study indicate that even though the receipt is handled
several times it does not result in a significantly higher amount of BPA on the
skin. It is therefore assumed that migration of BPA to the skin is proportional
with the skin area being in touch with the receipt. The area of the finger pads
being in touch with the receipt is different from person to person, but typi-
cally approx. 10 cm
of the finger pads (on 8 fingers) will be in contact with
receipt when it is checked and folded with the front side turning out.
The parameters used in the two scenarios are shown in Table 3.3.
Scenario for
cashier workers
Focus of this study is exposure of the consumers, but as the cashiers are also
exposed to BPA in receipts, a variation of the scenario has been made with
values that are assessed to be representative for a cashier’s handling of the re-
ceipts. No studies have been made in order to determine the parameters. A
cashier in a supermarket roughly handles approx. 100 receipts a day (equiva-
lent to one transaction each 4.5 min.) and the receipt is handled with one
hand for 5 seconds.
Table 3.3
Parameters for the exposure scenarios for exposure of consumers and cashiers to BPA
in cash register receipts
Parameters for exposure scenarios Value Source
Total migration from re-
ceipt to sweat simulant in
for 5 seconds
Measured value
Migr , mg/cm
Migr. 2.8*10
Calculated based on measured
Duration of contact, sec.
per incident
Consumers: 10
Cashiers: 5
Consumers - based on observa-
Cashiers – Rough estimate
Fraction product in contact
with skin, cm
1 Default value
Frequency, number of inci-
dent per day
Consumers: 4.6
Cashiers: 100
Consumers: worst case based
on calculations of total number
of receipts per year in Denmark.
Cashiers: rough estimate
Surface of finger pads
being in contact with the
receipts, cm2 A
Consumer: 10
Cashier: 5
Consumers: Worst case based
on observations. Cashiers:
Rough estimate based on as-
sumption that cahiers only han-
dle the receipt with one hand.
Dermal absorption, %
10 / 50
Dermal absorption of 10% as in
the EU risk assessment (EU,
2010) and 50% as indicated in a
later study (ref. section 5.1.2,
et al
, 2011)
Body weight of consumer
and cashier, kg
BW 60
Average body weight of a grown
3.3 Baby dummies
In the
previous study of 2 year-olds’ exposure to BPA from dummies with
shield of polycarbonate it has been assumed that the child is exposed via sweat
and saliva for 7.75 hours a day (Tønning et al, 2009). This value was deter-
mined as a worst case based on British and German studies of babies’ dummy
behaviour. The reason was that children, when they use the dummy, partly
will be in contact with the shield when they have the dummy in their mouth,
partly will be in contact with shield and ring when they handle the dummy.
Often the children touch the dummy when they have it in the mouth. When
they have the dummy in the mouth a part of the shield will be in contact with
saliva from the mouth and a part of this saliva will be swallowed. There will
also be part of the shield that is in contact with the skin around the mouth.
The child can use the dummy when it sleeps, during the night and during the
day and it can use the dummy for comfort. We assume that, as in the previous
study, the baby has oral contact with approx 25% of the surface of the shield
(approx. 50% of the part facing the mouth) and has dermal contact with
approx. 25% of shield and ring (if the dummy has a ring) but so that the ma-
jor contact is between face and shield.
3.3.1 Dermal exposure
In this sce
nario the exposure calculation involves an estimation of the same
essential parameters used for the calculation of the dermal exposure from
BPA in cash register receipts.
For dummies only the
worst case scenario has been made based on migration
of BPA from the dummy shield to a simulant sweat.
The exposure will depend on the amount of BPA in the dummy shields and
handle, the migrating to sweat, the contact duration, the area of the shield in
contact with the skin and the absorption of the substance.
According to the guidance document, the dermal load is calculated as follows:
being the weight of the dummy, the fraction of BPA in the
shield and
the rate of BPA migrating from the pacifier to sweat.
is the contact area between the skin and the shield (surface of the shield) and
is the share of this area in contact with the skin. is the period
the skin is in contact with the dummy.
When results of analysis of the migration (Migr.) of BPA per surface unit
from the shield to simulant sweat are available for a period equivalent to the
contact period, the formula for dermal exposure is as follows:
where the measured Migr. is equivalent to:
The external dermal dose can then be calculated as:
And the absorbed (internal) dermal dose in mg per kg body weight can then
be calculated based on the following formula:
is the surface of the skin in contact with the dummy’s shield,
is the part of the shield in contact with the skin, n is number of con-
tacts with the shield per day,
is the absorption through the skin and BW
is the body weight for the baby using the dummy.
For the exposure assessment two calculations are made where it is assumed
that the dermal absorption is 10% in line with the EU risk assessment and 50%
based on new studies as mentioned in the section on cash register receipts.
Parameters used in the dermal exposure scenario are shown in Table 3.3 3.4.
Table 3.4
Parameters for dermal exposure scenario for BPA in baby dummies
Parameter Value Source
Total amount migrating to
sweat per kg or cm
over 7.75
4.17 g/27.8 cm
shield (0.15)
Based on analysis of migration
from a 27.8 cm
shield for 7.75
Migration to sweat, g/cm
Migr. 0.019
Based on total migration divided
by with 7.75 hours
Contact duration, hours T
7.75 (Tønning
et al,
, 2009)
Fraction of contact area for
skin, cm
Default – 1 cm
skin touches 1
of the shield
Surface of exposed skin, cm
The exposed skin surface is set to
equal 25% of the shield. (Tønning
et al,
, 2009)
Dermal absorption, %
10 / 50
Dermal absorption of 10% as in
the EU risk assessment (EU,
2010) and 50% as indicated by a
later study (Zalko
et al.
, 2011)
Body weight, kg
BW 4.5
Body weight of a 1-2 month old
Incidents per day
n 1
One contact incident lasting 7.75
hours is estimated as worst case
et al,
, 2009)
3.3.2 Oral exposure
Oral expos
ure is the result of swallowing saliva containing BPA migrated from
the dummy to the saliva. Oral exposure expressed as the internal dose will de-
pend on the amount of BPA migrating to the saliva and the amount of saliva
swallowed during use of the dummy.
The amount of BPA migrating to the saliva will be determined in an analysis
where the shield of a pacifier is submerged in a saliva simulant and the
amount of BPA migrated to the saliva simulant is measured over a time period
of 7.75 hours. It was decided to let the migration tests (for both sweat and sa-
liva simulant) follow the same period of time as used for contact period in the
exposure scenario to avoid any uncertainty about changes in the migration
rate over time.
It is assumed that BPA can migrate to an exposed area around the mouth cor-
responding to 25% of the surface of the shield.
It is assumed that the absorption is 100% and that the total amount of BPA
migrating to the saliva from 25% of the surface of the shield will be ingested
by the child.
When the migration of BPA from the shield to the saliva (Migr.) per surface
unit is analysed for a given time period, the formula for the daily internal dose
is calculated as follows:
For the worst case scenario, the body weight of a 1-2 month old baby of 4.5
kg is chosen.
Table 3.5
Parameters for oral exposure scenario of BPA in baby dummies
Parameter Value Source
Surface of shield, cm
27.8 Analysis
Fraction of surface in con-
tact with saliva, cm
25% of shield surface
. 2009)
Contact duration, hours T
7.75 (Tønning
et al.
. 2009)
Total amount migrating to
saliva per cm
over 7.75
hours, g/cm
/7.75 time
Calculated based on analysis of
migration from 27.8 cm
for 7.75 hours
Migration rate to saliva,
/ hour
Migr. 0.0063
Calculated based on total migra-
tion (divided by 7.75 hours)
Oral absorption, %
It is assumed that the child swal-
lows all the saliva containing BPA
Body weight, kg
BW 4.5
Body weight of a 1-2 month old
baby has been selected for the
Incidents per day
n 1
One contact incident lasting 7.75
hours is estimated as worst case
et al.
. 2009)
4 Analyses
4.1 Collection, methods of analyses and test design
4.1.1 Cash register receipts
Collection of cash register receipts
ed on information from the suppliers on where it can be expected to find
receipts of different qualities of thermal paper, 12 printed receipts was col-
lected from the following shops or places:
Shops representing groceries: grocery chains, discount supermarkets and a
toy shop.
Shops that are expected to use receipts with long durability: a furniture
chain and a hardware store.
Machines that are expected to use weather resistant paper qualities (e.g.
with top coat): two cash machines at petrol stations and a cash withdrawal
machine in a bank.
A library.
Furthermore, there has been collected one sample of a sticker from the weigh-
ing of vegetables in a supermarket.
At the collection is has been envisaged that the receipts were printed with at
least 6-10 transaction lines. A total of 7 receipts have been collected from each
of the collection points.
Disposable gloves were used at the sample collection to avoid cross contami-
nation of the tests.
Analyses of content
subsample of each type of receipt was weighed and the surface measured.
The subsamples were selected so they represent an average receipt with 6-10
printed lines.
BPA was extracted from the sample by immersing the sample in methanol at
60C for one night. The extracts were subsequently diluted with methanol,
deuterium labeled internal standard BPA-dx was added and analysed by use
of reverse phase HPLC.
For each analysis series, two control samples of low and high concentration
level were included to verify the calibration.
In order to verify the presence of BPA, the tests were analysed with GC/MS.
In this analysis it was also qualitatively determined whether the sample con-
tained BPS, but the BPS concentration was not quantified.
For all samples a double determination was made (applies for all analysis), i.e.
for each test two analyses of extraction fluid/contact fluid were carried out.
Analysis of migration to sweat
Based on the results of the analyses of the content all 7 samples containing
BPA were selected for migration analysis.
A subsample of each of the 7 types of receipts was weighed and the surface
are was measured. As with the analysis of the content the subsamples were
taken so they represented an average receipt with 6-10 printed lines. The
sample was immersed in 20 ml sweat simulant, pre-heated to 37 C for 5 sec-
onds. It was ensured that the entire surface was exposed to the contact media.
The sample was not shaken during the immersion.
For the migration tests an extraction time of 5 sec. were used which is some-
how shorter than what the average time a receipt is handled. The short time
was chosen to avoid that the receipt began to dissolve and the migration thus
would be unrealistically high.
The used sweat simulant is described in DS/EN ISO 105-E04 and consist of
1-histidine monohydrochloride-1-hydrate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydro-
gen phosphate and sodium hydroxide for adjustment of pH to pH 5.5. The
simulant has previously been used for migration analysis in other of DEPA’s
consumer projects.
A part sample of the contact media was diluted with methanol added deute-
rium labelled internal standard of BPA-dx and the sample was analysed by
reverse phase HPLC.
Analyses of migration to fingers
It is a
ssumed that the exposure of the consumer primarily will be through fin-
ger pads via sweat and tests were made of how much BPA was migrated to
the fingers when handling BPA-containing receipts.
The test method follows the method used in the Swiss study (Biedermann et
al., 2010), however the handling of the receipts in the present study corre-
sponded to a consumer’s handling of the receipts. In the Swiss study focus
was on the cashier’s handling of the receipt.
Before the first test and between all the tests the hands were washed with hot
water and soap and air-dried. The fingers were then moved for a while to ob-
tain a natural humidity on the surface.
The receipt was held with both hands and handled with hands’ thumb, fore-
finger, long finger and ring finger. The fingers moved down over the receipt
for 5 sec. and then the receipt was folded with the front (with BPA) outwards.
The folding took 5 more seconds. During the folding where the fingers all the
time were in contact with the BPA-containing front there was a light pressure
for each folding.
The forefinger, long finger and ring finger were then dipped for 30 seconds in
ethanol in a Petri dish to extract the BPA from the fingers. The fingers were
moved slowly during the extraction and rinsed afterwards with ethanol col-
lected in the dish. This was repeated with the two thumbs. In the Swiss study
various extraction methods were used and the result was that a satisfactory
extraction could be achieved by lowering in ethanol for 30 sec. (95% recovery
in recovery tests).
One time
during the test an extraction was carried out of possible leftovers of
BPA on the fingers after being washed by dipping the fingers for 30 sec. in
ethanol with subsequent rinse in the same way as after handling the receipts.
When testing with humid fingers the fingers were moistened with sweat simu-
lant. There were no visible drops on the fingers, but they were shiny. The re-
ceipts became visibly humid (dark) where they were handled the first time,
but after the first handlings there were no longer a visible effect of the han-
dling. The fingers were in the test more humid than normally when sweating
on a hot summer day or after a run. As the humidity changed very fast be-
cause the liquid was absorbed by the skin there has been made no attempt to
quantify the degree of humidity.
When testing fingers with hand lotion, a lotion labelled ”Derma Helse,
Decuderm u/parfume, hudneutral, specialpleje” was used. A limited amount
of lotion was put on, drying in so the fingers were shiny without being very
greasy. There were no visible marks on the receipts after touching.
Recovery and analyses of intake to the skin
To te
st the recovery of BPA, two fingers were dipped in a known amount of
BPA diluted in water and the fingers were subsequently dipped in ethanol for
30 sec. for the extraction of BPA. The aim of the test was to show to which
extent the amounts that were extracted from the fingers after handling of the
receipts correspond to the amounts that actually migrated. Two tests were
carried out where 1.9 and 9.5 µg BPA, respectively, were applied to two fin-
gers. As BPA is difficult to dissolve in water a dilution was made in ethanol,
which subsequently was diluted with water so that the diluted solution con-
tained 0.3% ethanol. As it was not possible to make a sufficiently high solution
of BPA so that the 9.5 µg BPA could be put on once it was necessary to put it
on 5 times with the evaporation of water in between the applications.
Before the extraction it was ensured that the water had evaporated which was
approx. 1 min. after the application of the 9.5 µg BPA. With this method
there is a risk that there has already been an uptake of BPA in the skin. At the
tests with handling of the receipts an extraction was made immediately after
the handling (which took 10 sec.) and there is thus a possibility that the ex-
traction in the tests with the receipts are better than at the recovery tests.
A similar test was made where extraction of the applied BPA was made after
two hours.
4.1.2 Dummy shield
8 types of
dummies made of polycarbonate were purchased representing 8
different manufacturers. Six of the dummies were bought via the Internet
whereas the two others were bought in daily groceries shops.
Analyses of content
There has been made
no analyses of the content of the dummies. BPA are
free monomers in polycarbonate and it should be expected that the concentra-
tion is at same level as found in previous studies. In the study of 2-year-old’s
exposure to chemical substances (Tønning et al., 2009) concentrations of 106
and 280 mg BPA/kg, respectively, were found in two dummy shields.
Before the analysis all dummies were scalded for 5 min in boiling water and
the dummies were left for 7 days before the analyses. By leaving the dummies
for a week any potential diffusion of the BPA to the surface of the dummies
after the scalding would be taken into account.
Analyses of migration to saliva and sweat
Before the
analyses the shield was removed from the dummies, the shield was
weighed and the surface area measured. The intact
shields were lowered in
the contact media of a saliva simulant and a sweat simulant for 7h45 min at
37C. The contact media were heated to 37C before the products were im-
A single extraction for each dummy shield was made with the selected contact
A subsample of the contact media was diluted with methanol with deuterium
labelled internal standard of BPA-dx and analysed by reverse phase HPLC.
For each analysis two control tests were included at low and high concentra-
tion level for the verification of the calibration. The contact media was added
a known concentration of BPA and BPA-dx in order to demonstrate the re-
covery of BPA.
The used artificial sweat simulant is described in DS/EN ISO 105-E04 and
consists of 1-histidinmonohydrochloride-1-hydrate sodium chloride, sodium
dihydrogen phosphate and sodium hydroxide for the adjustment of pH to pH
For migration analyses with saliva a simulant of artificial saliva was used. The
used saliva simulant is described in a JRC rapport (JRC, 2001). The artificial
saliva consists of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium carbonate,
potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, sodium chloride and hydrochloric
acid for adjustment of pH to pH 6.8. The stimulant has been used before in
DEPA’s consumer projects.
4.2 Results of analysis
1 Cash register receipts
Analysis of content of BPA in cash register receipts
The results
of the analysis of BPA in receipts and migration to artificial sweat
are shown in Table 4.1. The area is indicated as the area of the receipt, i.e. the
area is the
BPA-containing front.
The analyses of the content show that 9 of the 12 receipts contained BPA, but
two of these contained BPA in such small quantities that it probably derives
from a cross contamination.
The content of BPA in the 7 receipts with high BPA content varies from
8,700 to 17,000 mg BPA/kg. The two receipts containing most BPA are from
to discount supermarkets and contained 17,000 and 14,000 mg BPA/kg re-
spectively. Lower values were found in five receipts from a discount super-
market, two grocery chains, a library and a toy shop. These receipts contained
between 8,700 and 11,000 mg BPA/kg. The average value for the 7 receipts
were 11,400 which is slightly lower than the average values found in the
Swedish, S
wiss and American studies referred to in section 1.4. In these stud-
ies the
following average values were found: 15,000 mg/kg (Sweden), 12,500
mg/kg (USA) and 13,500 mg/kg (Swiss).
There is no direct connection between the content of BPA in mg/kg and in
. The receipt from the grocery chain 1 has a higher content of BPA per
kilo paper than the receipt from daily goods chain 2 whereas the opposite ap-
plies when looking at BPA per cm
. It is thus two different paper qualities.
In three of the 12 receipts the concentration of BPA was below the detection
limit of 0.1 mg/kg. A subsequent GC/MS analyses showed the presence of
BPS (bisphenol S) in these receipts, but there have been made no quantitative
analyses of BPS. These receipts are from a bank (cash withdrawal machine),
petrol station (payment machine) and a furniture store. This confirms infor-
mation from receipt suppliers that thermal paper for these purposes is often
coated and contains BPS instead of BPA.
Two of the BPA-containing receipt had a far lower content of BPA of 37 and
0.28 mg BPA/kg, respectively. These receipts are from a hardware store and
petrol station. The low content of BPA in the two receipts, and the fact that
the GC/MS analyses did not reveal presence of BPS, may be why another de-
veloper is used in these receipts. BPS has only been made analysed qualita-
tively. The quantities of BPA equals the amounts which the Swedish survey
showed could be migrated from BPA-containing receipts to notes. By sam-
pling and analyses new clean gloves have been used for each test and cross
contamination should consequently not be possible. The receipts give a colour
reaction with the test method used to verify whether it is thermal paper or not.
The receipts could be cross contaminated from the manufacturers who also
manufacture BPA-containing paper. The suppliers have confirmed that the
thermal paper originates from the Finnish manufacturer Jujo and the Ger-
man-Japanese manufacturer Kanzan. Jujo states at their website that in certain
types of the company’s thermal paper phenol based developers are not used.
As expected based on information from suppliers, the receipts with long du-
rability from payment and cash withdrawal machines or from a furniture
chain and hardware store did not contain BPA. The fact that 5 out of 12 sam-
ples did not contain BPA cannot be used to conclude that there will only be
BPA in 60% of receipts made of thermal paper on the Danish market. By se-
lecting the receipts it has been deliberately tried to get a large coverage and
cover most of the applications where special thermal paper is used. The major
part of the tonnage is for receipts for groceries and these receipts all contained
BPA. As there is no information indicating that the Danish market differs
considerably from the EU market it has been assumed that 70-80% of the re-
ceipts of thermal paper used in Denmark contain BPA equivalent to the latest
known EU average.
Analyses of migration of BPA from cash register recei
pts to artificial sweat
Analyses of migration of BPA from receipts to artificial sweat showed that 18
to 37% of the total content of BPA was migrated to the contact media within 5
seconds. Migration varied from 7 to 21 µg/cm
with an average of 14 µg/cm
There was no linear correlation between the content of BPA in the receipts
and the migration rate. None of the receipts differed from the others with a
considerably lower migration rate indicating a topcoat on top of the BPA-
containing surface. This is in correspondence with information from the sup-
pliers that thermal paper with top-coat typically contains BPS as a developer.
If it is assumed tha
t approx. 10 cm
of the receipt is handled for 5 seconds it
can be calculated that approx. 140 µg BPA are migrated by each event.
In the Swiss study, 41 µg BPA on average was migrated to fingers when the
receipts were handled for 5 seconds with wet fingers. If, as in the present
study, it is assumed that the receipt is handled with 8 fingers it corresponds to
a migration of 164 µg BPA.
The measured migration was thus of the same size as found in the Swiss study
when the receipts were handled with entirely wet fingers. As it is not usual to
handle the receipts with wet fingers, 4 of the receipts were selected for further
analyses in a more realistic exposure situation.
Table 4.1
Test results of BPA content in cash register receipts and migration to artificial sweat
BPA content BPA migration
to artificial
Place of sample Id-nr.
mg/kg µg/cm
** µg/cm
/5 sec
in % of
content **
Petrol station 1 (payment ma-
B1 1.4 0.011 n.a. n.a.
Petrol station 2 (payment ma-
B2 < d.l.* < d.l. n.a. n.a.
Furniture chain B3 < d.l.* < d.l. n.a. n.a.
Toy shop B4 8,700 46 13 28
Grocery chain 1 B5 9,300 61 11 18
Grocery chain 2 B6 11,000 51 19 37
Discount supermarket 1 B7 17,000 77 21 27
Discount supermarket 2 B8 10,000 48 13 27
Bank (cash withdrawal machine) B9 < d.l.* < d.l. n.a. n.a.
Library B10 9,700 53 13 25
Discount supermarket 3 B11 14,000 64 7 10
Hardware store B12 37 0.19 n.a. n.a.
Grocery chain, sticker K1 < d.l. < d.l. n.a. n.a.
Average *** 11,400 57 14 25
* Contained BPS. BPS content is not quantified.
** Area of one side of the receipt.
*** The two lowest values of 1.4 and 37 mg/kg (0.011 and 0.19 µg/cm
) are not included
when calculating the average.
"< d.l." The concentration is below detection limit of 0.1 mg/kg per receipt.
n.a. Not analysed.
Analyses of migration of BPA from cash receipts to fingers
Based on the analyses of migration to sweat the following receipts were se-
lected for further analyses of migration of BPA to fingers: B4, B5, B6 and B7.
Receipts B6 had the highest migration to artificial sweat – the two others were
randomly chosen.
The test results of BPA migration to fingers are shown in Table 4.2. The av-
erage amount migrated to dry fingers (with some natural humidity) were
measured to be 11.3 µg BPA to 8 fingers. There was a considerable variation
a one of the figures was approx. 5 times higher than the others. In the Swiss
there was an average migration of 1.13 µg BPA (variation from 0.2 to 6
µg BPA) per finger under standard conditions (slightly oily fingers). If it is
assumed that the receipt is handled by 8 fingers (as in the handling situation,
used in the present study) 9.04 µg BPA would migrate to the skin if the Swiss
results were used.
The results for dry fingers in this study consequently correspond quite well
with the results under standard conditions in the Swiss study.
Migration was approx. 9 times higher when the fingers were humid. On aver-
age 103 µg BPA migrated to 8 humid fingers. There was a considerable varia-
tion with a factor 10 between the lowest and the highest value. The high varia-
tion may partly be due to different degree of humidity on the fingers. As con-
siderable variations in the measurement for dry fingers and sweat simulant
were seen as well there seems to be a considerable degree of mere chance. The
calculated average is consequently encumbered with a considerable uncer-
tainty. The 90% confidence interval on the average can be calculated to be 25-
181 µg BPA.
In the Swiss study the migration to wet fingers was about 35 times higher than
the migration to dry fingers (standard conditions) and the migration to humid
fingers about 15 times higher. The differences compared to the results of the
present study could very well be due to differences in moistness, but also be a
coincidence due to the low number of samples in both studies.
The migration to fingers with hand lotion was approx. 2.5 times the migration
to dry fingers. The Swiss study found that the migration was 9 times higher to
fingers with lotion than at standard conditions. The lower effect of the lotion
seen in the present study could very well be an effect of the fact that fingers
were covered with less lotion than in the Swiss study.
The extraction of BPA from fingers before start of the experiment showed in
the first two tests that 0.07 µg BPA and 0.16 µg BPA could be extracted from
fingers after they have been washed. After the wash upon handling the cash
register receipts with wet fingers 0.27 µg BPA could be extracted. The results
indicate that BPA is absorbed in the skin and is not washed off. The 0.27 µg
BPA equals 5% of the lowest value measured after handling of the receipts
and 0.3% of the average value for migration of BPA from receipts to humid
fingers which is used in the exposure calculations. This illustrates that even
after thorough washing of fingers with soap there will still be some BPA left
on the skin and also that there have been a risk of transfer a smaller amount of
BPA from one test to the next. The test sequence was dry fingers, humid fin-
gers and fingers with hand lotion so it was not possible to transfer BPA from
the tests with high migration rates of BPA to tests with small migration rates.
Table 4.2
Test results of migration of BPA from cash register receipt to 8 fingers after han-
dling the receipt
Migration after handling receipt
µg BPA *
Place of sample Id-
Dry fingers Humid fin-
Fingers with lotion
Toy shop B4 4.6 21 n.a.
Grocery chain 1 B5 5.4 240 n.a.
Grocery chain 2 B6 30.0 64 26
Discount super market 1 B7 5.3 88 30
Average 11 103 28
n.a. Not analysed.
* At the handling the receipt was touched for 10 sec. and was in contact with
approx. 10 cm
of the skin.
Recovery and absorption in the skin
The results
of the recovery tests showed that after adding a known amount of
BPA 80% and 45% of the applied quantity, respectively, could be extracted.
The low value of 45% of the applied quantity is from the test where 9.7 µg
BPA was applied to 2 fingers. In order to add a sufficient large amount, BPA
was applied as 5 drops where each drop could dry before the next drop was
applied. It took approx. 6 minutes from test start till BPA was extracted from
the fingers. There will be a larger possibility that BPA can be absorbed in the
skin in this test than in the tests with the receipts where the extraction started
10 sec. after the first handling of the cash register receipts. It is thus estimated
that the test where 1.5 µg BPA was applied as one droplet and extracted after
approx. 1 min. gives a more realistic picture of how much of the BPA mi-
grated from the receipts will be extracted. In the test with 1.5 µg BPA there
was a recovery of 80%. In the Swiss study with a similar extraction of 30 sec.
in ethanol, 95% of the applied BPA was retrieved immediate after it had been
applied, 83% after 5 min. and approx 40% after 20 min. and there were no
major change during the period from 20 min. to 2 hours. In those tests the
applied BPA were diluted in ethanol. Tests where the BPA was applied di-
luted in ethanol gave in the present study only a recovery of approx. 50% im-
mediate after the ethanol had vaporized (data not shown) and the test was
therefore repeated with BPA diluted in water which is more like the actual ex-
posure situation.
After 2 hours, 32% and 20%, respectively, of the applied amount could be ex-
tracted. It is far less than found in the Swiss study where 88% of the applied
amount could still be extracted from fingers after 2 hours upon handling a
receipt. When BPA had been applied diluted in ethanol, 40% and 5% could be
extracted depending on the used concentration. The differences may be due
to the fact that in the present test, the fingers were relatively dry without lotion
or oil, whereas the fingers in the Swiss study were slightly oily, but additional
studies would be necessary to clarify the reason for the difference.
The recovery tests indicates that the measured migration of BPA from the re-
ceipts are less than the actual migration, but considering the relatively large
uncertainty on the average values, and the uncertainty as a consequence of
differences in time between adding BPA and extraction, this difference will
not be adjusted. The tests demonstrate that the applied BPA relatively fast is
absorbed in the skin, so it cannot be extracted with ethanol. After 2 hours,
68% and 80%, respectively, of the applied quantity of BPA could not be ex-
tracted. To
what extent the BPA, which is absorbed by the skin will be taken
into the body will be discussed as part of the health assessment in Section 5.2.
Table 4.3
Result of recovery tests
Extraction after addition Extraction after 2 hours Applied BPA to 2 fin-
gers, µg
Extracted BPA,
Extracted in %
of applied BPA
Extracted quan-
tity, µg BPA
Extracted in %
of applied BPA
1.9 1.5 80% 0.6 32%
9.7 4.4 * 45% 1.9 20%
* As BPA had to be applied 5 times, there were approx. 5 min. from start to the fingers were
immersed in ethanol for extraction.
4.2.2 Shield on baby dummies
The result
s of BPA migration from the shield of dummies to artificial sweat
and saliva are shown in Table 4.4.
Migration of
BPA above the detection limit was found to both saliva and
sweat from one of the shields whereas from another shield only migration to
saliva was found. In both cases the concentration in the artificial saliva was
only slightly above the detection limit of 0.1 mg/kg, whereas it was approx. 5
times the detection limit in the artificial sweat.
The only dummy (S5) for which migration to sweat was measured was de-
signed without a ring.
At a previous analysis of migration of BPA from 2 dummies, carried out as a
part of a large study of 2-year-olds’ exposure to chemical substances migra-
tion above the detection limit was only found in one test (Tønning et al.,
2009). In this test the migration was 7 mg/kg material to sweat from one of
the dummies which is approx. 50 times higher than the values found in this
study. In the previous study migration to saliva above the detection limit was
not demonstrated in any of the tests.
Table 4.4
Test results of BPA migration from dummies’ shield to sweat and saliva
Migration of BPA to sweat Migration of BPA to saliva Id-nr. Weight
Surface of
mg BPA
/kg shield
µg BPA
Total migra-
µg BPA
mg BPA
/kg shield
µg BPA
Total migra-
µg BPA
S2 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
S3 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
S4 7.36 32.0 < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. 0.12 0.028 0.89
S5 8.53 27.8 0.49 0.15 4.17 0.16 0.049 1.36
S6 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
S7 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
S8 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
S9 - - < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l. < d.l.
"< d.l." means below detection limit which is 0.1 mg/kg shield.
5 Health assessment
5.1 Basis of the toxicological assessment
5.1.1 Effect levels and DNEL
cally the risk assessment is made by comparing the calculated exposure in
a realistic worst case scenario with the Derived No Effect Level (DNEL)
which indicates the exposure level below which no damaging health effects are
The risk assessment in this project is based on NOAEL (No Observed Ad-
verse Effect Level) derived from the critical effect. REACH applies a DNEL
value calculated based on NOAEL (or similar) and relevant assessment fac-
tors (AF – a kind of correction factors) for calculating the risk.
The DNEL value is derived for bisphenol A (BPA) based on NOAEL ad-
justed by a number of different assessment factors. The assessment factors to
be used depend on which study NOAEL is based on (ECHA, 2010b).
The endpoint-specific DNEL (the value is determined in relation to certain
organs where effects are seen) is based on the following equation:
is the corrected NOAEL value, i.e. the carefully selected NOAEL-
value which the DNEL value is calculated from (ECHA, 2010b).
The assessment factors applied are listed in the table below. The assessment
factors have been established on the basis of the principles in the REACH
Table 5.1
Assessment factors applied for determination of DNEL
Parameter Value Assessment factor
Interspecies Allometric scaling. Corrections for differ-
ences in metabolic rate per kg body
4 for rats
7 for mice
Interspecies Remaining differences between different
Intraspecies Individual differences 10
Dose-response LOAEL to NOAEL if LOAEL is applied
because NOAEL is not established
A NOAEL of 5 mg/kg bw/day is based on studies of two generations of ro-
dents where the critical effects were changes in body weight and organ weight
(in breed and adult rats) and liver effects (in mice) (Tyl et al., 2001, Tyl et
al., 2006) as recommended in the updated Scientific Opinion of bisphenol A
from 2010 (EFSA Journal 2010; 8(9):1829).
The total assessment factor is 175 based on a factor of 2.5 for general inter-
species differences, 7 for allometric scaling between mice and humans and 10
for intra
species differences. The assessment factor for rats has not been used
as it is not considered relevant here.
DNEL for bisphenol A is thus 0.029 mg/kg bw/day (NOAEL/AF).
This DNEL will be used for comparison with the estimated dermal and oral
exposure. EFSA has also taken into account the results of later toxicity studies
showing low-dose effects in rodents, e.g. a neurotoxicity study indicating an
effect on learning in male rat offspring in a test following OECD TG 426, and
concluded that these tests did not give reasons to reconsider the NOAEL used
for establishing the TDI. In general, the opinion of EFSA is that the BPA-
related low-dose effects in rats have not been demonstrated in a robust and
reproducible way and thus do not allow a conclusion regarding the toxicologi-
cal relevance for humans. This is also due to the fact that toxic kinetics differs
among the species (how the substances are taken into the body and what hap-
pens to them) and that BPA is less bio-available in humans compared to ro-
5.1.2 Absorption of BPA after dermal exposure
In the
EU risk assessment of BPA (EC, 2010) it is assumed that only 10% of
the dose applied to the skin is absorbed in the body liquids. The percentage is
based on an unpublished draft report (In Vitro Technologies, 2001), where 5
and 50 mg BPA/cm
were applied to skin samples, respectively. It should be
noted that the applied quantities are approx. 1000 times larger than the
amounts applied to the skin when handling cash register receipts.
A recent survey of BPA’s ability to penetrate the skin gave a similar result
(Kaddar et. al, 2008). In the study the penetration to pig skin was examined
using a so-called ”Franz cell”. Skin that had been frozen was used in the
study. After 2, 5 and 10 hours of exposure the intake of BPA to the skin was
3, 6.9 and 11.4% of the applied dose, respectively. The BPA that penetrated
the skin surface mainly accumulated in the dermis. After 10 hours 65% of the
applied BPA was still on the skin surface. The test lasted 10 hours because
this is the maximum period the workers handle BPA in their working envi-
ronment. The authors assume that hereafter BPA is removed from the skin.
In a new French study, diffusion and metabolism of BPA have been examined
using skin cultures and viable human skin explants and short-term cultures of
skin from pig ears (Zalko et al., 2011). BPA was effectively absorbed in both
skin model with 68% absorbed in pig ears skin and 46% in the viable human
explants. BPA was extensively metabolised in both models whereas the same
did not apply if the samples had been made non-viable by freezing. The most
important metabolites was BPA mono glucuronide and BPA mono sulphate
which totals 73% and 27% in skin from pig ears and the human explants, re-
spectively. The authors note that some of the metabolites have less estrogenic
activity than BPA so that the metabolism to some extent may be considered as
detoxification. At the same time it is also possible that the BPA conjugates are
transformed to BPA before or when they reach the target organs. The authors
conclude that the study demonstrates that BPA is readily absorbed and is me-
tabolized in the skin and that contact with the free monomer contributes to
the human exposure to BPA. The trans-dermal absorption (absorption trough
skin) was not determined in this test.
on this information it is assumed that dermal absorption may account
for 50% of the applied amount and not only 10% as considered in the EU risk
assessment. Both absorption factors are used in the calculations.
5.2 Cash register receipts
5.2.1 Exposure
Exposure of consumers
In order to c
alculate the internal dermal exposure of consumers (the amount
absorbed in the body via the skin) values for total migration to the skin per
unit area and time are used as well as exposed skin surface and exposure time
per event, number of events and a factor for the dermal absorption.
For the Tier 1 scenario the average measured migration for 5 seconds was
0.014 mg/cm
corresponding to a migration rate of 0.0028 mg/cm
/sec. The
calculation, based on studies of migration to sweat, is a first rough assessment
of the potential exposure which is refined with the realistic worst case sce-
In the realistic worst case scenario used in this study, the average migration to
humid fingers based on analysis were 103 µg/kg for an exposure of 10 cm
fingers) for 10 seconds corresponding to a migration rate of 0.00103
Parameters and results of the dermal exposure scenarios are shown in Table
5.2. The maximum internal dose D
der, int,
in the worst case scenario for consum-
ers has been calculated to be 0.004 mg/kg bw/d equivalent to a dose of 0.24
mg/d for a 60 g person. The formula for calculation of D
der, int,
is shown in sec-
tion 3.2.
Table 5.2
Input and output parameters for dermal exposure scenarios for cash register receipts
Tier 1 scenario
based on migra-
tion to sweat
Realistic worst case
scenario based on
measured migra-
tion to humid fin-
Realistic worst
case scenario for
cashiers based
on measured
migration to hu-
mid fingers
Migr. 0.0028 0.00103 0.00103 mg/cm
1 1 1 cm
10 10 5 s
10 10 5 cm
BW 60 60 60 kgbw
N 4.6 4.6 100 d
* 10/50 10/50 10/50 %
0.028 0.028 0.0103 mg/cm
0.021 0.021 0.0079 mg/kgbw/d
der, int
* 0.0021/0.0107 0.0021 / 0.0107 0.0008 / 0.004 mg/kgbw/d
* D
der, int
is calculated based on 10% uptake and 50% uptake.
When calcul
ating the dermal exposure of cashiers based on a very conserva-
tive scenario as shown in Table 5.2, assuming that the person have humid fin-
gers all
day and 100 individual contact events where the receipt is touched for
5 seconds with a contact surface of 5 cm
. Based on these assumptions the
internal dermal load is calculated at 0.0043 mg/kg bw/day and 0.0215 mg/kg
bw/day for 10% and 50% uptake respectively.
In relation to the exposure of the consumer it is reasonable to assume that
each event is independent on the previous event, but this do not seem to be
the case for cashiers handling a large number of receipts daily. The key ques-
tion is whether BPA on the skin surface limits additional intake of BPA to skin
from the receipts that are handled after each other. This will be discussed fur-
ther in the health risk assessment.
5.2.2 Health risk assessment
The risk characterisation ratio, RCR, shows the relation between the calcu-
lated absorption of the substance (the internal dose) and the DNEL which is
the exposure level below which no damaging health effects are expected.
When RCR is below 1, the exposure is considered not to cause any risk. In
order to consider other sources for exposure and that the RCR should be cal-
culated based on the total exposure to BPA, an estimate have been made of
other contributions to the BPA-load.
In the EU risk assessment report (EC, 2010) is presented some conservative
estimates of the average consumer exposure in the EU via the diet. The esti-
mates are shown in Table 5.3. The daily intake of BPA with food is estimated
at 1.5 µg/kg
bw/day). For a person of 60 kg this corresponds to 90 µg
BPA/day. An oral intake rate of 100% has been used.
Table 5.3
Conservative estimate of total dietary exposure of adults to BPA (EU risk assessment).
Age of
Source of exposure
Dietary exposure to BPA based on conservative
migration value in µg/kg bw/day
3 kg canned
Migration from polycar-
bonate tableware and stor-
age containers
Potential dietary exposure
from all sources
Risk characterisation
DNEL: 0.029 mg/kg
RCR is calculated for the two consumer exposure scenarios based on a dermal
absorption rate of 10% and 50% respectively and the results are shown in
Table 5.4. The Tier 1 estimation for consumer exposure is shown as well.
can be seen from Table 5.4, that the RCR for exposure of receipt is well
below 1
for both the Tier 1 estimate and the two consumer exposure scenar-
ios where the exposure is based on very conservative assumptions.
When calcul
ating RCR from exposure to both food and cash register receipts
) for the two worst case consumer scenarios, RCR is still below 1
(0.08 and 0.19, respectively) and based on these assumptions the exposure of
BPA to receipts is not considered to constitute a risk.
Furthermore, it can be seen from Table 5.4 that the RCR
in the worst case
scenario is of the same magnitude as the RCR
based on conservative as-
sumptions of the average consumer exposure of BPA in food in the EU. The
results show that the exposure to cash register receipts potentially may result
in absorption of the same magnitude as intake with food. Based on new stud-
ies of the relation between absorption of BPA and BPA-concentration in
blood serum in mice and monkeys, American scientists conclude that a level
of non conjugated BPA (i.e. BPA not bound to other substances) in blood
serum of approx. 2 ng/ml serum, which has been found in several studies of
humans, indicates that the total exposure of BPA from different sources are
considerably higher than previously assumed (Taylor et al., 2010). BPA in
receipts may potentially be one of the sources which previously have been un-
Table 5.4
Calculation of RCR for BPA exposure to consumers in receipts and food
Output parameter Tier 1 scenario
estimate based on
migration to
sweat simulant
Realistic worst case sce-
nario based on meas-
ured migration to wet
0.028 0.0103 mg/cm
0.021 0.0079 mg/kgbw/d
der, int
0.0021 / 0.0107 0.0008 / 0.004 mg/kgbw/d
DNEL 0.029 0.029 mg/kgbw/d
0.07 / 0.37 0.03 / 0.14 -
0.052 0.052 -
0.13 / 0.42 0.08 / 0.19 -
Other sources of exposure relevant for consumers are considered in the EU
risk assessment report, e.g. dermal exposure to epoxy resin based adhesives,
oral exposure to dental fissure sealants, and exposure to humans via the envi-
ronment. For all endpoints (i.e. specific organs where effects are seen) as-
sessed in the EU risk assessment the conclusion was that exposure from these
sources are very low.
The dermal RCR is calculated for two very conservative cashier scenarios
based on a dermal uptake of 10% and 50% respectively and the results are
shown in Table 5.5. As in the consumer scenarios, the contribution from die-
tary exposure is added and the combined RCR has been calculated.
Table 5.5
Calculation of the risk characterisation ratio for BPA exposure to cashiers
Output parameter worst case scenario for
0.0052 mg/cm
0.043 mg/kgbw/d
der, int
0.0043 / 0.0215 mg/kgbw/d
DNEL 0.029 mg/kgbw/d
/ DNEL) 0.15 / 0.74 -
0.052 -
0.2 / 0.79 -
As it can be seen from the table, RCR
is less than 1 for both the scenario
with 10% and the scenario with 50% dermal absorption rate.
As mentioned previously, it is a key question for the exposure of the cashiers
to what extent BPA on the skin surface limits the uptake of BPA from cash
register receipts that are handled subsequently. The Swiss study shows that
the amount of BPA on the skin does not increase by contact with additional
receipts. In a test with standard conditions the average amount of BPA trans-
ferred to the skin of one finger was 1.2 µg BPA. After touching 10 receipts the
average quantity transferred was 1.0 µg BPA. There was no effect of touching
a receipt for 60 sec. instead of 5 sec. On this basis the authors conclude that
the cashiers somehow maintain a constant amount of BPA on the fingers. A
test showed that 2 hours after touching the thermal paper the amount ex-
tracted was 88% of the quantity that could be extracted immediately after
touching the receipt. This could indicate that the absorption via the skin is not
a fast process but as only one test was made, the result is considered to be
very uncertain. Based on the results the authors assume that there will con-
stantly be approx. 3 µg BPA per finger and that 27% of this is taken up in 2
hours, i.e. a constant absorption rate of 0.41µg BPA per finger. During a
working day of 10 hours where the receipts are touched with 10 fingers the
total BPA uptake is estimated at 41 µg BPA. If the hands are not washed be-
fore going home additionally 30 µg BPA will be left on the fingers which could
also be resorbed. The total uptake under standard conditions (moisturized
skin) has been estimated at 71 µg BPA/day. This amount is considerably
lower than the amount calculated in the present study (up to 1,290 µg
BPA/day) which is partly due to the fact that the present study considers a
worst case situation where the receipts are touched with humid hands and
each event are considered independent of the previous event.
Whether BPA is absorbed further in the body is uncertain, but the results of
the Swiss study shows that BPA after a while can no longer be washed off
which gives the substance plenty of time to be absorbed via the skin or me-
tabolized. This is also in accordance with the results of this study showing that
only a small amount of the applied BPA can be extracted from fingers after 2
A new American study of BPA concentration in urine from 389 pregnant
women found the highest average values for different occupational groups in a
group of cashiers (Braun et al., in press). The average value (geometric mean)
for 17 cashier workers were 2.8 µg BPA/g creatine whereas the value for
workers in the health sector and office workers was 2.1 µg BPA/g creatine.
Due to the large variation the differences were not at a 95% significant level
even when data were
adjusted for socio-economic factors. The authors also
mention that the results should be interpreted cautiously. Apart from cashier
work a high content of BPA in urine was positively associated with the intake
of canned vegetables, exposure to tobacco smoke and to high molecular
weight phthalates.
There is no doubt that cashiers potentially have a higher exposure to BPA
than consumers as they are in contact with a significantly more cash register
receipts during a day. However, it is not clear to what extent the number of
contact events influence the total uptake of BPA as there is some indication
that the skin is saturated at a certain point, but there is no available informa-
tion about the actual uptake via the skin over time.
Although the combined RCR in this scenario is closer to the DNEL than in
the consumer scenarios the conclusion, based on this very conservative esti-
mate, is that the exposure does not cause any concerns with regard to the risk
for cashiers.
5.3 Dummies
5.3.1 Exposure
In order to c
alculate the worst case internal dermal and oral exposure of chil-
dren between 0 and 3 years, the total dermal and oral load per handling event
are calculated based on migration per unit area of the shield and time. The
body weight of a 1-2 month old baby of 4.5 kg is used for calculation.
The migration to sweat was measured at 0.15 g/cm
per 7.75 hour corre-
sponding to 0.019 g/cm
/h (shield S5).
The maximum migration to saliva was measured at 0.049 g/cm
per 7.75
hour corresponding to 0.0063 g/cm
/h (shield S5).
The input and output parameters for dermal scenario are shown in Table 5.6.
Table 5.6
Input and output parameters for dermal exposure scenario for dummies
Input parameter worst case scenario
for dermal exposure
based on migration to
sweat simulant
Migration to sweat Migr.
0.019 g/cm
Fraction of contact
with saliva
Surface of shield
27.8 cm
Dermal absorption
10 / 50
Body weight of a 1-
2 month old baby
Events per day, n Events per day, n 1 d
Dermal load L
0.00015 mg/cm
Dermal dose
0.00023 mg/kgbw/d
Internal dermal
der, int
0.000023 / 0.00012
* For most dummies the surface would also include a ring, but this dummy was designed
without a ring, but the shield had a relatively large surface that could be in contact with
** D
der, int
is calculated based on 10% uptake and 50% uptake.
The input and output parameters for the oral scenario are shown in Table 5.7.
Table 5.7
Input and output parameters for the oral exposure scenario for dummies
Input parameter worst case scenario for
oral exposure based on
migration to saliva
Migration to saliva Migr.
0.0063 g/cm
Fraction of contact
area for saliva
0.25 cm
Surface of shield S
27.8 cm
Oral absorption F
100 %
Body weight of a 1-2
month old baby
BW 4.5 Kg
Events per day n 1 d
Oral load L
0.000049 mg/cm
Oral dose
0.00008 / 0.00003 mg/kgbw/d
Internal oral dose D
oral, int
0.00008 / 0.00003 mg/kgbw/d
5.3.2 Health risk assessment
In the
EU Risk Assessment Report (EC, 2010) the daily oral intake of BPA
with food is estimated at 8 µg/kg bw/day) for a 1-2 month old baby of 4.5 kg
corresponding to 35 µg BPA/day. RCR
is based on intake of BPA from
baby bottles made of polycarbonate.
The calculated RCR
is shown in Table 5.8 and this is added to the total
dermal and oral RCR for dummies to provide a more complete picture of the
potential exposure and risk.
The risk characterisation ratio is calculated for the two scenarios based on mi-
gration of BPA to sweat and saliva simulant. A calculation of the total expo-
sure has also been made considering other sources. The internal dermal expo-
sure is calculated based on a dermal uptake of 10% and 50% respectively and
the results are shown in Table 5.9.
Table 5.8
Conservative estimate of total dietary exposure of a 1-2 month old baby to BPA
Age of
Source of exposure
Dietary exposure to BPA based on conservative
migration value in µg/kg bw/day
1-2 month old
Infant feeding bottles
Risk characterisation
DNEL: o.o29 mg/kg
It can be seen in Table 5.9 that RCR for both dermal and oral exposure and
the combined RCR is considerably below 1 based on a conservative estimate.
In comparison, the estimated oral intake with food, in this case from polycar-
bonate baby bottles, is considerably higher.
RCR for intake with food, which is much higher than the RCR calcu-
lated based on exposure to BPA in dummies, is added the total RCR is 0.28
no matter which absorption factor is used.
Table 5.9
Calculation of the risk characterization ratio for BPA exposure to children
Output parameter worst case scenario
for dermal exposure
based on migration to
sweat simulant
worst case scenario for
oral exposure based on
migration to saliva simu-
0.00015 0.000049 mg/cm
0.00023 0.00008 mg/kgbw/d
der, int
0.000023 / 0.00012 0.00008 mg/kgbw/d
DNEL 0.029 0.029 mg/kgbw/d
(sweat) 0.0008 / 0.002 -
(saliva) - 0.0026
0.279 / 0.281
5.4 Summary and conclusion
The result
s of this study show that there is no immediate health risk related to
use of BPA-containing cash register receipt and baby dummies.
For exposure to BPA in receipts, RCR is far below 1 for worst case scenario
exposure of consumers and according to the REACH guidelines for consumer
exposure there is thus no relevant risk related to the exposure.
Exposure to cashier workers the highest RCR is still below 1. However, small
changes in the assumptions will make it above 1. The calculated exposure
with worst case scenario is by far higher than the exposure found in an earlier
Swiss study where the exposure was not estimated for a worst case situation,
but rather a typical situation and where it is also taken into account that the
skin at a certain time is saturated so smaller amounts of BPA migrate to the
skin. When RCR is still below 1 with the used worst case scenario it should
then be concluded that there seems to be no health risk for cashier workers.
The calculated exposure to BPA in dummies is far below the exposure to
BPA in baby bottles and the calculated RCR for exposure to BPA in dummies
only contributes insignificantly to the total RCR when other sources are in-
The health assessment is based on a NOAEL value based on existing knowl-
edge, but lately there have been results questioning whether health effects may
occur at smaller doses than previously considered. The European Food Safety
Authority, EFSA has concluded that new studies of low-dose effects of BPA
do not give sufficient documentation that exposure from these doses could
cause effect at humans and concluded that the no-observed-adverse-effect
level (NOAEL) of 5 milligram/kg body weight/day identified in the previous
evaluation in 2002, remains. At the moment the suspicion of effects from
small doses of BPA cannot be rejected, but in this study NOAL is set as rec-
ommended by EFSA.
matter the results of this study it is worth to note that BPA has been classi-
fied as an endocrine system disruptor with the hazard classification Repr.2,
H361f: ”Suspected of damaging fertility“. The substance is also on the Dan-
ish EPA’s “List of undesired substances”, a signal list and guidance to com-
panies about problematic substances and use which should be reduced or
terminated in the long term. Alternatives to cash register receipts are available,
but it has not been investigated to what extent the alternative developers are
better than BPA from an environmental and health perspective and the costs
of changing to the alternatives is unknown. Parts of the Danish retail trades
have informed, that the price for paper with the alternative developer bisphe-
nol S is approximately twice as expensive as BPA based paper, while thermal
paper without phenol-chemistry is claimed to be four times the price for paper
with BPA. At present the health risks of papers with alternative developers is
unknown. Alternatives to baby dummies made of polycarbonate today ac-
count for the major part of the market.
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Appendix 1 Koehler’s assortment of
thermal paper
POS = point of scale
Appendix 2 Mitsubishi’s assortment
of thermal paper
Appendix 3 Dummies sold in Danish
internet shops
As part of Phase 1 in this project a search was carried out for Danish internet
shops (or internet departments of other shops) selling dummies. This search
was made in the beginning of September 2010. It is not a thorough mapping
as the intention of the mapping was mainly to identify a sufficient number of
labels with a shield of poly carbonate.
The following internet suppliers and range of dummies were found at the
Light grey background: Shield material not listed.
Dark grey background: Shield of poly carbonate.
White background: Entire dummy made of latex or shield of polypropylene
Net shop Product name Material Web address Comment/
Hevea Sut Latex (the whole
European standard
EN 1400
www.superbest.dk NUK (Germany),
anatomic dummy,
shield: ?, nipple:
European standard
EN 1400
www.superbest.dk BIBS dummy with
shield: polypropyl-
ene, nipple: latex
European standard
EN 1400
NAM (Austria) Mini shield: polypropyl-
ene, nipple: latex
BPA free
NAM (Austria)
shield: polypropyl-
ene, nipple: latex
NAM (Austria) Air
og Air Maxi Sut
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex or
silk teat
Nûby™ (USA) shield: ?, nipple:
EU product safety
2001/95/EC, has
CE label, PVC and
Net shop Product name Material Web address Comment/
347p.html phthalate free
Tolico (Denmark) shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, PVC and
phthalate free
www.dreamchild.dk Chicco Latex (the whole
Contains no aller-
gens nor carcino-
www.dreamchild.dk AVENT (Phillips)
shield: ?, nipple:
BPA free
www.dreamchild.dk Pussycat shield: polypropyl-
ene, nipple: latex
Dansk Varefakta
(Danish informative
www.helsebixen.dk BornFree™ shield: ?, nipple:
100% free of
bisphenol A, PVC
and phthalates
www.navnesutten.dk Deluxe name
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk NIP (Germany) shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk AVENT (Phillips)
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: silicone
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk Esska (Sweden),
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk Esska (Sweden),
Ellipse, flat
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk Esska (Sweden),
Happy, flat
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: latex
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
www.navnesutten.dk Nûby (USA), Air,
shield: polycarbon-
ate, nipple: silicone
EU Standard EN
1400, free of PVC
and phthalate
Net shop Product name Material Web address Comment/
paradisvej.com Elodie Details
shield: ?, nipple:
EU standard EN-
Apotekets Sut shield: ?, nipple:
Dansk Varefakta
(Danish informative
labelling), EU stan-
dard 1400
www.babysam.dk MEDA narresut ? http://www.babysa
www.babysam.dk Disney narresut shield: ?, nipple:
www.babysam.dk Round dummies shield: ?, nipple:
baby-vest.dk Avent Naturally shield: ?, nipple:
Dansk Varefakta
(Danish informative
www.matas.dk Narresut shield: ?, nipple:
Dansk Varefakta
(Danish informative