The American Journal of Sports
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DOI: 10.1177/0363546516634679
2016 44: 2263 originally published online March 28, 2016Am J Sports Med
Ajay S. Padaki, Brian J. Cole and Christopher S. Ahmad
From 2006 to 2014
Concussion Incidence and Return-to-Play Time in National Basketball Association Players: Results
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Concussion Incidence and
Return-to-Play Time in National
Basketball Association Players
Results From 2006 to 2014
Ajay S. Padaki,
BS, Brian J. Cole,
MD, MBA, and Christopher S. Ahmad,
Investigation performed at Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
Background: Various research efforts have studied concussions in the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the
National Hockey League. However, no study has investigated the incidence and return-to-play trends in the National Basketball
Association (NBA), which this study aims to do.
Hypothesis: Increased media scrutiny and public awareness, in addition to the institution of a league-wide concussion protocol,
may have resulted in more conservative return-to-play practices.
Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology study.
Methods: All concussions to NBA players that were publicly reported in the media from the beginning of the 2006 NBA season to
the end of the 2014 season were included. The incidence and return-to-play statistics were generated by synthesizing information
from publicly available records.
Results: There were 134 publicly reported concussions to NBA players from the beginning of the 2006 season to the conclusion
of the 2014 season, resulting in an average of 14.9 concussions per season. The incidence has not changed significantly during
this time span. The average games missed after a concussion from 2006 to 2010 was 1.6, significantly less than the 5.0 games
missed from 2011 to 2014, following the institution of the NBA concussion protocol (P = .023).
Conclusion: Although the incidence of publicly reported concussions in the NBA has not changed appreciably over the past 9
seasons, the time missed after a concussion has. While players often returned in the same game in the 2006 season, the com-
bination of implemented policy, national coverage, medical staff awareness, and player education may have contributed to play-
ers now missing an average of 4 to 6 games after a concussion. A multitude of factors has resulted in more conservative return-to-
play practices for NBA players after concussions.
Keywords: concussions; basketball; epidemiology
Estimates of the annual incidence of sports-related concus-
sions in the United States range from 300,000 to more than
3 million.
Concern persists, however, that unreported and
undiagnosed concussions result in these reported ranges
underestimating the true incidence. Concussions have
been brought to the forefront of the media as those that
are suffered in sports have become an area of growing con-
cern. Studies have shown sports-related concussions to be
an issue in every major sport, including at the high school
and collegiate levels.
Furthermore, recent investigations
using national databases have demonstrated increasing
incidences of sports-related concussions at the high school
and collegiate levels for both sexes.
A national
study revealed that the high school sports-related concus-
sion incidence more than doubled from 2006 to 2012, includ-
ing a statistically significant increase in basketball.
Research and public awareness for concussion preven-
tion and treatment have expanded dramatically in profes-
sional sports over the past decade. Several investigations
have demonstrated the magnitude of the neuronal damage
incurred after mild traumatic brain injury.
cally, metabolic cascades and ionic balance within neurons
Address correspondence to Christopher S. Ahmad, MD, Columbia
University Medical Center, 622 West 168th Street, PH-1130, New York,
NY 10032, USA (email: [email protected]).
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
Department of Orthopaedics, Rush University Medical Center, Chi-
cago, Illinois, USA.
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential con-
flict of interest or source of funding: B.J.C. is a team physician for the
National Basketball Association and serves as the head team physician
for the Chicago Bulls. C.S.A. is a team physician for Major League Base-
ball and serves as head team physician for the New York Yankees.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 44, No. 9
DOI: 10.1177/0363546516634679
Ó 2016 The Author(s)
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are disrupted, leading to increased energy demand to
repair the cell.
This increased demand is met with
decreased cerebral blood flow, however, resulting from
overall homeostatic dysregulation after traumatic brain
This dysregulation results in patients being
even more vulnerable to secondary concussive events as
they recover.
If sustained, a secondary concussion is
more damaging both intracellularly and with regard to
gross cognitive defect than the initial concussion.
Therefore, player protection after a concussive event is
paramount to allowing proper neuronal recovery.
Although the media have relayed this message from the
medical community, much of this awareness has been
directed toward the National Football League (NFL) and
National Hockey League (NHL) due to the high incidences
of concussions in these sports.
Little, if any, research
has investigated concussions in the National Basketball
Association (NBA), and the total number of studies in the
NBA lags well behind its counterparts in the NHL, NFL,
and Major League Baseball (MLB).
Notably, a recent
study of concussions in the MLB revealed approximately
20 concussions per season with an average return-to-play
time of 9 days.
The growing awareness and attention given to concus-
sions has resulted in longer absences and fewer same-
game returns for professional athletes suffering concus-
sions in both the NHL and NFL.
However, to our
knowledge, no such study has been performed with respect
to the NBA. Prior epidemiological analysis of NBA injuries
shows that approximately 5 concussions were reported in
the NBA per year from 1988 to 2005.
However, as of
2011, the NBA and MLB remained the only major sports
that had not implemented a formal, unified concussion pol-
icy for the entire league to follow. The NBA instituted
a compulsory concussion policy establishing player base-
line testing and return-to-play procedures preceding the
2011-2012 NBA season. While return-to-play guidelines
vary with a multitude of factors, including severity, timing,
and type of recovery testing, the establishment of a formal
concussion policy likely represented a response to the
surge in awareness.
As NBA players sustain high-
impact injuries and falls without wearing any protective
equipment, studying their concussion incidence and
return-to-play trends is critical to furthering player protec-
tion. No analysis to date has inspected the effect the NBA’s
2011 policy has had on concussion incidence or time missed
after a concussion. We hypothesized that increased aware-
ness and publicity in addition to the institution of a formal,
league-wide concussion policy have resulted in more con-
servative return-to-play timing and more publicly reported
player concussions in the NBA.
Concussions sustained by NBA athletes from the start of
the 2006 season to the conclusion of the 2014 season
were tabulated by reviewing public media injury reports.
The list of players having concussions was formulated
from publicly available data, including media-generated
team injury reports and game reports. The length of time
missed was found by synthesizing the information from
team injury reports, national and local media releases,
game reports, and media guides. The information was com-
piled by using national sports media, including the NBA’s
official website (, ESPN, The Associated
Press, CBS Sports, and RotoWire. Team-specific websites
and local game reports and media guides were used to fur-
ther verify each concussion. The concussion data preceding
the institution of the concussion policy (2006-2010) were
contrasted with the data after the policy (2011-2014).
Injuries incurred during the preseason, regular season,
postseason, and All-Star Game were included in calculating
the seasonal incidence of concussions. However, to standard-
ize the data, concussions that were incurred in the preseason,
during the All-Star Game, and in the postseason were not
included in calculating the average games missed after a con-
cussion as external factors such as the weeklong All-Star
break and postseason elimination may have affected the
data. Preseason concussions were excluded from r eturn-to-
play data because of concerns regarding the involvement of
international teams in exhibitions games, the short duration
(8 games), and a potentially different level of in-game inten-
sity. In addition, concussions experienced by players who
were waived before fully recovering, players whose recovery
coincided with the conclusion of the regular season, and play-
ers who had concurrent injuries (orbital fracture, hematoma,
etc) were also excluded because of the potential that these
players’ recovery times could have been influenced by exter-
nal factors.
Each concussion was tabulated independently of whether
a player had incurred a previous concussion in either the
same season or previous season. In addition, for the category
of same-season repeat concussion and concussive symptoms,
a player must have been formally diagnosed with a concus-
sion in the same season, passed return-to-play guidelines,
and played in 1 or more regular season games before missing
more time due to either a second concussive event or a return
of symptoms that resulted in 1 or more missed games. This
definition of same-season repeat concussions was selected
due to the literature consensus regarding the dangers of sus-
taining a second concussion before full recovery
and that
more than 90% of athletes experience symptom resolution
and return to play within a month.
These injuries
were tabulated in an identical manner to the concussion inci-
dence. We reviewed each season’s database to assess whether
the concussion was primary or repeat according to the afore-
mentioned distinctions.
Statistical analysis was conducted using R Statistical
Programming Language (version 3.1.0; The R Foundation
for Statistical Computing). The P values reported were cal-
culated using a parametric t test, with P \ .05 indicating
statistical significance.
From the beginning of the 2006 NBA season to the end of
the 2014 season, 134 concussions were incurred, leading
to an average of 14.9 concussions per season. The highest
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number of concussions in a season came in 2012, when there
were 20, while the lowest number of concussions was in 2014,
when there were 8. The tabulation for the 2006-2014 seasons
is shown in Figure 1. A full summary of the data, which
includes both first-time and repeat concussions, is displayed
in Table 1. No significant change in the incidence of concus-
sions was found during this interval (P =.53).
The average number of games missed after a first-time
concussion was also tabulated for this time period. The first
season studied, 2006, represented the year with the lowest
average number of games missed after a concussion at
0.85. The 2006 and 2007 seasons represented the only years
in which less than 1 game, on average, was missed after
a concussion. The highest number of average games missed
was 6.0, in the 2011 season. The next 3 highest values were
consecutive seasons from 2012 to 2014, and the full range is
displayed in a box-and-whisker plot in Figure 2. Each of the
4 seasons after the institution of the NBA concussion policy
led to players missing an average of 4 or more games after
a concussion, while not one of the previous 5 seasons placed
within that range. From 2006 to 2010, an average of 1.6
games were missed after a first-time concussion. However,
after the establishment of the NBA concussion protocol pre-
ceding the 2011 season, an average of 5.0 games were
missed after a concussion from 2011 to 2014. The increase
in games missed after a concussion in the 2011 to 2014
NBA seasons compared with the 2006 to 2010 seasons was
statistically significant (P =.023).
In addition to calculating the incidence of concussions
and number of games missed after a concussion, the number
of players returning either in the same game or in the game
immediately after a concussion was tabulated. The highest
number of players who returned after missing zero games
was 8, in 2007. This season also represented the highest
proportion of players missing zero games, at 50%. In the
2014 season, the last season studied, zero players returned
without missing at least 1 game, as shown in Figure 3.
Notably, this season was the first and only season when
zero players returned without missing at least 1 game.
The number of players returning to play without miss-
ing a game after a concussion was contrasted with the
number of same-season repeat concussions. From 2006 to
2010, 7 publicly reported same-season repeat concussions
were reported. Of note, however, only 1 player had a pub-
licly reported same-season repeat concussion since the con-
cussion policy was instituted preceding the 2011 season.
The decrease in repeat concussion and concussive symp-
tom incidence from 2006 to 2010 compared with 2011 to
2014 was not statistically significant in the small sample
size accrued thus far (P = .11).
Last, a team-specific analysis was conducted to identify
if organizational trends were present. The 134 NBA con-
cussions publicly reported between 2006 and 2014 were
sustained by players from 28 different NBA teams. From
2006 to 2010, 80% of teams reported that at least 1 player
returned from a concussion without missing a game. Of the
21 teams that reported a player concussion from 2011 to
2014, 8 (38.1%) teams reported having a player return
without missing a game. Of this subset, 1 team did not
report a concussion during the 2006 to 2010 NBA seasons.
For the remaining 7 teams, 6 (86%) also reported that
a player returned to play without missing a game before
the institution of the NBA concussion policy (2006-2010).
The incidence and return-to-play data regarding publicly
reported concussions in the NBA demonstrate trends that
support increased player protection in the years following
Summary of National Basketball Association Concussion Statistics (First-Time and Repeat), 2006-2014
Season Concussions, n
Games Missed,
Mean 6 SD
Zero Games
Missed, n
Range of
Games Missed, n
Repeat Concussions
and Symptoms, n
2006 16 0.846 6 0.99 6 0-18 2
2007 16 0.929 6 1.33 8 0-4 1
2008 14 2.92 6 3.66 3 0-12 1
2009 16 1.15 6 1.07 5 0-27 3
2010 12 2.83 6 2.14 2 0-5 0
2011 15 6.0 6 10.5 2 0-32 0
2012 20 4.38 6 4.94 1 0-20 0
2013 17 4.93 6 4.88 1 0-20 1
2014 8 5.67 6 5.51 0 2-12 0
Indicates players returning either later in the same game or in the game immediately after a concussion.
Figure 1. Concussions per season in the National Basketball
Association (NBA) from 2006 to 2014.
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the institution of a formal concussion protocol. While the
data accrued represent publicly reported information and
not official data from the NBA, the trends are important
to analyze and comprehend to further player protection.
During the 9 seasons analyzed, the incidence of publicly
reported concussions in the NBA has not changed signifi-
cantly (P = .53), with an average of 15 concussions per sea-
son. At least 12 concussions were reported per season from
the 2006 through 2013 seasons. However, only 8 concus-
sions were recorded in the 2014 season, likely representing
an anomalous value as no significant rule or diagnostic
changes were implemented preceding the season. The inci-
dence in this interval does appear to reflect a distinct
increase compared with the incidence from the previous 2
decades, however. The average concussion incidence over
the time period analyzed, 2006 to 2014, is more than 3
times greater than the value reported from 1988 to 2005.
Notably, the number of games a player missed after
a concussion following the institution of the NBA concussion
policy has increased in a statistically significant fashion as
players missed 3 times as many games from 2011 to 2014
as they did from 2006 to 2010 (P = .023). Strikingly, while
an average of 0.85 games were missed after a concussion
in the 2006 season, 5.67 games were missed after a concus-
sion in the 2014 season. In addition, while 31 players (42%)
from 2006 to 2010 returned either in the same game or the
game immediately after a concussion, that number
decreased to 14 players (23.3%) from 2011 to 2014. Most
important, these trends coincided with a decrease in repeat
concussions and concussive symptoms. While 7 players had
repeat concussions in the same season or missed additional
games due to a return of concussive symptoms from the
2006 through the 2010 seasons, only 1 player has sustained
a same-season repeat concussion since the concussion policy
was instituted. The lack of statistical significance in demon-
strating this trend (P = .11) is likely indicative of the small
sample size, since, at the time the study was conducted, only
4 NBA seasons had been completed after the concussion pol-
icy was instituted.
Concussions in the NBA have received significantly less
media coverage and national publicity than concussions in
other major sports. This deficit, in addition to the relatively
low incidence of concussions with respect to the NFL and
NHL, may have resulted in the NBA being the last major
American sport to institute a league-wide formal concussion
policy. A succinct summary of the concussion policy can be
found on the NBA’s official website (
A multitude of factors, including this concussion policy,
likely influenced the trends displayed over the past 9 sea-
sons. National awareness regarding the deleterious effects
of concussions has likely made players more willing to
report concussions and team physicians more conservative
in holding out players for longer periods of time. In addi-
tion, the concussion policy itself explicitly bans concussed
players from returning in the same game and has imple-
mented baseline neurocognitive testing to help guide
a safe return to play. The concussion policy also mandates
coach and player education regarding concussions and
involves multiple physicians in the care of the players, as
the team physician now collaborates with the NBA concus-
sion program director before officially clearing a player to
return to exhibition games. The increase in games missed
in the 2008 and 2010 seasons, before the institution of the
concussion policy, likely indicates the importance of aware-
ness and education in addition to the influence of concus-
sion coverage nationally. These factors, compounded with
the formal concussion policy, help to explain the dramatic
increase in the number of games players miss after concus-
sions in the time span studied.
In addition, team-specific analysis indicates the further
potential that awareness and formal policy can have in
protecting players. Most players who returned from a con-
cussion without missing a game after 2011 played for
organizations that also had players return without missing
a game before 2011. These organizations and their players
Figure 2. A box-and-whisker plot of games missed following
a first-time concussion spanning the 2006 to 2014 National
Basketball Association (NBA) seasons.
Figure 3. Averages games missed after a concussion, num-
ber of players missing zero games, and number of players
having repeat concussions from the 2006 to 2014 National
Basketball Association (NBA) seasons.
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will likely benefit from the continuing publicity and
increased education regarding concussions.
The challenges in continuing to improve care in the
treatment of concussions in the NBA and other profes-
sional sports remain substantial. Beginning with diagno-
sis, previous studies have shown that less than half of
players will report a concussion at the time it occurs,
and as only a minority of concussions result in loss of con-
sciousness, team physicians must be vigilant in monitoring
for signs and symptoms. While public awareness continues
to grow, both the medical staff and the sports culture must
adapt to encourage players to report their symptoms
promptly. Failure to do so increases the chances of further
concussive events in the same season and can result in
a variety of serious complications.
After diagnosis, a comprehensive examination and lon-
gitudinal monitoring must be performed to best guide
return to play. The policy the NBA has instituted helps
to protect players by banning a return to play in the
same game that a concussion was diagnosed, a practice
that was not always upheld before this rule. While the
underlying goal of the medical staff should be to protect
the player with a conservative approach,
external pres-
sures, including the player’s desire to return, must be care-
fully managed to optimize safety.
Therefore, methodical
and thorough testing must be performed. Comparing post-
concussive cognitive test scores to baseline levels, prevent-
ing physical activity before symptom resolution, and astute
neurological examination all assist the medical staff in
ensuring an optimal return-to-play date.
While the data reported in this study resulted from
a review of various injury reports and databases, a major
limitation of this study is the inability to include concussed
players who were not formally diagnosed with a concussion.
In addition, as no official, central database exists to dis-
close NBA concussions, those that were not publicly
reported could not be included in this investigation. Also,
despite the methodical approach to compiling the concus-
sion data, human error could also affect the data due to
the decentralized compilation. As with studies performed
in other sports,
the incidence reported likely signif-
icantly underrepresents the true incidence of concussions
in the NBA. This phenomenon consequently alters other
data that were reported, including the average games
missed after a concussion and the incidence of players
returning after having missed zero games. This being
said, significant efforts aimed toward accurate injury
reporting have been instituted, including the use of an
electronic medical record in the NBA in 2011.
Regardless of this limitation, however, this study shows
that the concussion trends reported in other American pro-
fessional sports also are present in the NBA. The number
of games missed after a concussion has risen significantly
after the institution of a formal concussion protocol and
the number of players returning to play the game immedi-
ately after a concussion has dropped to almost zero. Fur-
ther studies analyzing these trends in both the NBA and
other professional sports are needed to help protect players
and raise awareness regarding the importance of reporting
symptoms and sitting out until the players are fully
recovered. Greater transparency and public disclosure of
concussion data in professional sports could help research-
ers and physicians protect players of all ages.
The authors thank Jeff Stotts, founder of InStreetClothes,
for his dedicated work in tabulating NBA injury incidence
and for his assistance with this study.
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