Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019 Pp.166 - 182
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol10no1.15
A Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans
Maryumah Hejji Alanazi
Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology
Northern Border University
Arar, Saudi Arabia
Planning a lesson remains a challenging task for the teachers. The transition from a student into a
pre-service teacher and turn out into an effective teacher is a challenging task in the teaching field.
We all know the nexus between the significant roles of a lesson plan in an effective teaching-
learning process. This study aims to analyze the pre-service trainee teachers' attitudes, ideas, and
obstacles in designing lesson plans. The sample involved pre-service teachers who enrolled in a
teaching practice course at the College of Education and Arts Northern Border University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Fifty pre-service trainee teachers participated in the research and the
data collected through casual informal interviews, daily and weekly lesson plans. This study used
a methodological triangulation research design that combined ways of quantitative and qualitative
data collection. This method offers better and localized insights about pre-service teachers’
attitudes of the lesson plan designing. Also analyze the problems in organizing and arranging the
information related to the lesson or topic. The finding of the research revealed that the pre-service
trainee teachers were well aware of lesson planning and its importance but, they found some
problems during their planning.
Key words: designing lesson plans, pre-service trainee teachers, obstacles in planning, pre-service
trainee’s aptitudes, of lesson plan designing
Cite as: Alanazi, M. H. (2019). A Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in
Designing Lesson Plans. Arab World English Journal, 10 (1) 166 - 182.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol10no1.15
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
1. Introduction
Effective Teaching is a multifaceted process which needs meticulous planning, preparation and interest.
Also, the teachers needed knowing the required needs of the students. Understanding the students’
priorities and incorporating them into the lesson plan helps the teachers to become an effective teacher.
Furthermore, the teacher should be aware of the background knowledge of their students, their
development in social contexts along with the knowledge of the subject matter, curriculum goals,
and teaching (Darling-Hammond, 2006). Finding the answer to the question, how to design an
effective lesson plan, and learning to plan it effectively is not an easy task which cannot happen by
chance. Persistent innovative hard work, understanding the classroom dynamics and students’
needs are the important features to be considered while designing the lesson plan to become an
effective teacher. (Holm & Horn, 2003).
Meticulous lesson planning is a deliberative process to enhance students’ subject matter, self-
learning and social learning. Understanding these 3S (subject matter, self-learning and social
learning) is very important in the lesson planning process (Henderson &Gornik, 2007). According
to Henderson and Gornik (2007), the teacher is expected to consider the relativeness of the course
design, course planning, and unit/lesson planning while designing the lesson plan.
Effective teaching can be done only with effective planning. So, lesson planning is the key to
successful teaching. Just filling the details in a given template is not a lesson planning. It is a creative art
to pour out the unique thoughts of individuals. Thus, planning for classroom teaching is one of the
significant skills that pre-service teachers must gain during their training period.
According to Tashevska, (2008), the planning process is difficult for the pre-service trainee
teachers. Furthermore, the literature also emphasized that trainee teachers spent more time planning their
lessons and find planning to be challenging.
Yildririm,(2003, states that lesson planning is an important skills for the trainees’ for gaining
experience since it forces them to reflect on the following:
What to teach?
How to teach?
How to evaluate?
According to Johnson, (2000), Rusznyak , Walton, (2011) and Brittin (2005), lesson planning is one of the
vital components which Provides an effective teaching-leaning environment. Also, they insisted on the
teaching and learning environment, i.e., the teachers are required to set up a learning environment in which
students can learn effectively, and this involves planning materials, strategies, and timing.
1.1 Literature Review
Lesson planning s the systematic process of deciding what and how students should learn.
Lesson Planning is a key responsibility of teachers. According to Borich, (2007), teachers decide
about the form and content of their instruction, such as how much presenting, questioning, and
discussing to do how, how much material to cover during the allotted time, and depth in the subject
to make instructions.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
As stated by Richards and Bohlke (2011), “planning a lesson before teaching is considered as
a prerequisite process to stay your ground to teach an effective less.”(p.35). Also, planning allows
the students to learn effectively in the classroom teaching so that they can gain specific
competencies in the classroom teaching.
Rhalmi (2010), insights the planning as a concrete direction for a teacher to move forward
and can save and manage his/her time efficiently, Gross.B (2009) said, that through the lesson
planning a teacher can manage her time to organize teaching, effort and resources efficiently.
Recently, Malick (2015), exemplifies planning to the same extent as other researchers, that
lesson planning prevents time to waste because it helps the teacher to be systematic and
orderly. Hibanaz (2010), considers that lesson planning provides step-by-step directions. It checks
to understand before proceeding. Thormbury (2012) epitomizes the planning process and the
detailed pre-lesson decision-making as a quality of an effective teacher.
Mahon (2011, p. 4) exposed about the lesson plan as, an organized outline for signal
instructional periods. It tells the instructor which teaching method is to be used for the lesson, what
is to be taught, and in what sequence to present information.
Furthermore, Edge and Garton (2009) insist to clarify the following three questions which will
help the teacher to plan:
i. What are the aims of the lesson?
ii. How to achieve these aims?
iii. How to ensure the achievement of the aims?
Haynes(2010) also supports the aforesaid statements, Mishra,(2008,250), talk about the attitude of
teachers toward the lesson planning, in particular, experienced teachers. He avowed that
“experienced teachers may create mental the picture” but if they want to always shine, they must
instigate lesson planning to sustain the formidable stirring classroom atmosphere.
Akin to the aforementioned researchers, Savage (2014:2) also supports above-said ideas
about the lesson plan as a focal point of the teaching-learning process. According to
Borich (2004), “Planning is an important responsibility of teachers. Teachers are intent to decide
about their entire course content such as form, mode of instruction, material coverage, time etc.,”
Wong (2009, p. 81) explains that “the well-managed classrooms are based on well-set
lesson plans”:
i. Students may deeply engage with their work.
ii. Teachers can get the expected outcomes from the students.
iii. Teachers don’t need to waste time to organize the class
iv. Classroom must be a work oriented stress –free pleasant environment
Lesson plan affects not the teacher’s instruction but also classroom management. So, designing
the lesson plan is very important to enhance the skills of the students and manage the classroom
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
as well. Lesson plan designing and implementing in the classroom are differentiated to cater for
heterogeneous students’ abilities and learning styles. The lesson plan is suitable to adjust the
lessons to accommodate the various learning needs of students. It must be developed into units
linking syllabus outcomes and learning experiences, considering and accommodating
students’ prior knowledge and experiences.
1. Aims
This study aims to analyze the pre-service trainee teachers' attitudes, ideas, and obstacles in
designing lesson plans. Also, this study is to identify the pre-service teachers’ level of
competency in the lesson plans designing along with their language skills, strengths, and
weaknesses of their readiness in the field at the College of Education and Arts, Northern Border
University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2.1 Research Context
This study was conducted at the place where the researcher teaches and supervises students. The
students registered for various courses at the faculty of Education and Arts, Northern Border
University, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thus the context of the study involves Saudi Arabia,
a teacher education program, and a specific course.
2.2 Statement of the problem
The former studies cited above regarding lesson planning explain the importance of lesson
planning and hurdles in preparing lesson plans encountered by the teachers, particularly pre-
service trainee teacher. The earlier studies make us realize, the importance of lesson planning
particularly for the pre-service trainee teachers.
It is an alarming note to know that a large percentage of pre-service trainee teachers who
undergo the teachers’ education programme are facing problems during
their practical sessions. For instance, if the pre-service trainee teachers aren’t equipped definitely
they will encounter various difficulties and hindrances during their practical sessions.
As a supervisor of pre-service trainee teachers, the researcher tried identifying the real
problems in the practical session. Pre-service teachers may face many problems but for this study,
the researcher thought the root cause of all other problems is planning the lesson. Lesson planning
was main problem of concern in the researcher’s mind when this study was conducted.
The development of teaching information and examining the lesson plans they have prepared
are facilitated through the lessons to be conducted on the field, and this contributes to the
development of prospective teachers. In this context, answers have been sought for two main
research questions:
1. What is the general attitude toward designing lesson plans?
2. What were the pre-service trainee teachers’ obstacles to designing lesson plans?
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
2.3 Test group
Since this research focuses on pre-service trainee teachers' outlooks of lesson planning,
their experiences of lesson planning were considered important for this research. Pre-service
trainee teachers in their final year who enters into the teaching practice sessions (age group
between 20-24 years, native female Saudi students) are required to design lesson plans and teach.
Therefore, the sample involved pre-service trainee teachers who participated in a teaching practice
session during the 2016-2017 academic year. Fifty pre-service trainee teachers take part in the
research. Through asking spontaneous questions, the Researcher probes and expands the
interviewees’ responses to explore the subject in-depth. (Rubin & Rubin, 2005, p. 88).
The participants of this study were fifty teacher trainees studying in the College of
Education and Arts, Northern Border University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this study, the
teacher trainee students enrolled in different departments of their undergraduate programme of
teacher education. Their schedule allowed them to learn the course and its theoretical ideas before
the practicum. It would encourage the students to address the practical issues that might arise
during their teaching practice. Since this research focuses on the pre-service teachers' outlooks of
lesson planning, their experiences of planning were considered important for this research.
Fifty pre-service trainee teachers participated in this study and submitted their weekly and
daily lesson plans. At the end of the practical sessions, the trainee teachers were asked to attend
the review session. The observer prepared a questionnaire to know about the trainee teachers’
competence in teaching and designing lesson plans, also consisting of a list of informal interview
questions to know about their pre-service teaching experience. The review process provided an
opportunity for them to give their individual opinion.
The interview and review process were held at the university and conducted at times that
were suitable both for the pre-service teachers and the researcher. Each interview took
approximately 30 minutes. The researcher informed the pre-service teacher trainees about the
importance of the study. The pre-service teacher trainees were then divided into three groups based
on their preference:
i. Interest in using readymade teaching kit
ii. Interest in using own creative teaching kit
iii. Interest in using both the teaching kits.
An analysis of the open-ended items and field notes from the informal interviews were done after
reading and re-reading the daily and weekly lesson plans.
2. Methodology
This study used methodological triangulation research design that combined procedures of
quantitative and qualitative data collection. This analysis to provide better and localized insights
about the pre-service trainee teacher's attitudes of the lesson plan designing and problems in
organizing and arranging the information in the findings part. Methodological
triangulation research design involves using more than one method to gather data, l interviews,
observations, questionnaires, and documents.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
The suggested method was considered to be an appropriate research method design. The first
part was the review process. The second part involved interviewing the pre-service trainee teachers
to review their rationale for their preferred lesson plan design.
3.1 Informal Interview
In addition to observing the pre-service trainee teachers’ teaching practices the researcher
formulated additional interview questions based on observed occurrences. Questions are related to
their field challenges, flexibility of unit plans, and the goal of each lesson and objective of the
lesson achieved or not.
1. Did you face any challenges while preparing the lesson plan?
2. Do you think your lesson plan is flexible to accommodate any special needs?
3. Did you think about the students’ needs while preparing the lesson plan?
4. Did you consider the lesson /topic objectives while preparing the lesson plan?
5. Do you think the students can achieve the objective of the topic or the lesson at the end of the
3.1.1 Interview -Analysis
During the implementation of the lesson plan submission, the analysis showed that few
participants experienced different challenges as discussed in their interviews.
One of the students discussed the challenges in teaching and designing lesson plans. She ensures
that this teaching experience has helped her to achieve lesson’s end goal. She also said that, “I
think the great challenge is always finding the suitable materials as well as activities according to
the objective of the lesson”.
Although other few students experienced challenges when implementing the daily lesson
plan. Their challenges were unrelated to the areas expressed by other students. Instead, this student
discussed challenges only about time constraint.
3.1.2 Review session
It is very important to review the teaching process done by the pre-service teachers to enhance
their professional teaching. All 50 different lesson plans collected from the pre-service trainee
teachers were reviewed using the following indicators:
1. Designed with the proper objectives
2. Time Management
3. Scheduling of assessment
4. Materials and methods
5. Activities
6. Originality
7. Creativity
Daily and Weekly Lesson Plans
Daily Lesson Plans: The requirement of the practical session was each student would
submit a daily lesson plan. Students were required to provide the complete teaching kit on that
particular day of their teaching before entering the class.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
Weekly Lesson Plans: The weekly lesson plan is required to be submitted before a week.
All daily and weekly lesson plans were submitted to a supervisor (researcher).
3.2 Data Analysis
The following components were looked over in the collected lesson plans:
1. Designing plans (incorporating all the necessary requirements)
2. Scheduling of the assessment (whether the exercises and testing are meeting the objectives
or not)
3. Assigning the task
4. Creativity
The above-mentioned components were analyzed into two different aspects:
i. Designing the lesson plan
ii. Planning the activity
3.2.1 Research Study Question -Analysis
The results are reported for each research study question (Q). Assertions about the findings
of the study questions are indicated as tentative declarative statements and evidence for them si
stated in numerical values or quotations. Along with this the researcher’s explanations and
discussions are provided.
Q1. Which of the teaching material kit was preferred to design the lesson plan by these
pre-service teachers and why?
The Participants preferred using the ready-made teaching kit to design the lesson plan
based on their preference and convenience. Majority of the pre-service trainee teachers, i.e., 80%
of the pre-service trainee teachers preferred the ready-made teaching kit, Out of 50 pre-service
trainee teachers 14 % of them preferred both, only six percentages of the trainee teachers preferred
the use of their own teaching kit or lesson plan. The justifications for their preferences appeared
to be contained in their personal views of each teaching kit.
Q2. What are pre-service teachers’ personal views of the lesson plans designing?
The pre-service trainee teachers believed that using their own innovative teaching kit to
design the lesson plan was better and effective. But many constraints prevent them to design their
own lesson plan. Still, a maximum number of the students are very much interested in using their
own innovative teaching kit.
Many students preferred to use the external resources and readymade teaching kits to
design the lesson plan and felt they are indeed helpful for them. One student said, “It gave me self-
confidence. I now understand how to design the lesson plan in the future. I understand my ability".
Another student stated, The lesson plan designing tasks gave me lots of confidence in my ability
to create new tasks”. This feedback was very constructive.
About 20% of the pre-service trainee teachers said: “I discovered my ability to design and
write a lesson plan and do effective teaching since I prepared and designed the lesson plan.”
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
According to another student, “This is the first time I learned how to write and design the lesson
plan. I learned what it took to design an effective lesson plan.”
The disadvantages and negative responses, about the use of readymade teaching kits in
their lesson plans, were exposed by some pre-service teachers.
Other trainee teachers complained: “we don't have experience in designing the lesson plan
and we feel it is not fair to have this readymade teaching kit”; Other 25% of the trainee teachers
said, “The classroom teaching is very new but the lesson is simple still we were dispersed”; 35%
of the trainee teachers indicated, “we could not find suitable activities also not able to think. 30%
of the trainee teachers said that the teacher didn’t understand that it’s our first time designing the
lesson plan and taking the class.” Time allotment to complete the lesson plan was insufficient;
25% said, “The time given for this lesson plan designing was not enough; another 25% indicated,
because of the time constraint and being new to this task we became so stressed.”
Q3. What are the problems pre-service teachers been facing in the lesson plans designing?
The majority of participants indicated that lesson planning is a challenging and time-
consuming task. Most of the participants pointed out that teaching in the field was a new and
exciting experience, that they gained experience.
One student declared that “I came out of the shell, really broke through my fear of facing
an audience when I take the class. I feel proud now that I can be a teacher. Another participant
said, “In the teaching practice session the lesson planning was the best part because it made a
difference for how I feel about my ability to prepare a lesson plan and take my class. “One student
suggested, Lesson planning taught us how to enhance the teaching to succeed. Other students
commented: “my individual effort and creativity made me able to see how it helps to succeed in
teaching. Lesson planning taught me how planning is important in teaching. It taught me to know
how to become an effective teacher.
Q4. Why did the pre-service teachers select combined teaching kit?
The pre-service trainee teachers justified their preferences relating to their personal
problems and real challenges in following different teaching kits.
A large percentage of the participants (60%) reported the combined teaching kit was
superior to the own teaching kit. Both the teaching kits are having advantages over the teaching
methods while teaching in their schools. At the same time, all types of teaching kits involved new
expectations and difficulties. They claimed they did not have enough time to get to know students
regarding their needs, characteristics, levels of learning, etc., and these issues influence their
planning. Therefore, designing a lesson plan became very challenging.
The results suggest opportunities should be created for pre-service teachers to get
acquainted with the students during their practice. The lesson plans produced by pre-service
teachers showed that the pre-service teachers have demonstrated progress in designing lessons and
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
making conjectures of student’s learning. This backed the sessions for teaching practice; pre-
service teachers were able to selectively employ various methods and learning tools to support
students’ learning.
3.2.2. Casual Interview -Analysis
All the pre-service trainee teachers who participated in the research stated they planned
their lessons during their practice, but they also indicated they had some difficulties during their
Many students (pre-service trainee teachers) said they found it difficult to design the
appropriate activities to the students’ requirement. Then they plan their lessons, most of the time
they might have difficulty in choosing the activity. The pre-service trainee teachers always get
confused finalizing the appropriate activities for the children. Many students felt that since they
didn’t know their students, their capability and need, the activities they prepared were not
appropriate, either difficult or too easy. Many of them repeatedly said the same answers in a
different way.
After analyzing the pre-service trainee teachers’ teaching during the practical sessions it
came to lights that they needed many more sessions before starting their practical teaching at
schools to acquire a wide range of experience. As a result, they do not have an opportunity to make
familiar with the students they teach. Some students had an opinion that if the class consisted of
students with visual intelligence and interest, it was easy for them to consider and use the visual
aids. This answer indicates the pre-service teachers should consider student’s multiple
intelligences when they prepare their lesson plans. Few of the pre-service trainee teachers said they
faced problems to identify the appropriate teaching methods while they were practicing in the
school. They said: “We don’t know the how to apply the teaching methods consequently
we found it difficult to during the classroom teaching.” These students claimed they didn't have
proper exposure regarding the teaching methods and techniques. This issue draws attention to
the importance of education courses. This issue gave a spark to the researcher to analyze and find
out the causes and solutions.
Lesson plans show differences according to the different subjects. For example; in Islamic,
Special Education, and English, each student prepares activity-based lesson plans in which
students can be active. In each subject, the methods, techniques, activities, and materials what they
use is different. Therefore, lesson plans are different. Aims are different in each subject and this
influences the lesson plans.
3.2.3 Lesson Plan Review -Analysis
Use of information sources for designing Lesson Plans
After analyzing all (50) lesson plans prepared by the pre-service trainee teachers based on the
following criteria:
1. Following one’s own innovative teaching kit to design the lesson plan
2. Following the external resources teaching kit to design the lesson plan
3. Following both external resources own teaching kit to design the lesson plan
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
During the informal interviews, it was found that the pre-service trainee teachers were of
the opinion that using own innovative teaching kit in designing a lesson plan is more
effective. But when the researcher was reviewing the lesson plan the researcher found out that
only 56% (28) of the pre-service trainee teachers tried to apply their own creative teaching and
logical thinking in designing their lesson plans. 18 % of the pre-service trainee teachers (19)
used the lesson plan design with suitable modification according to their subjects which were
given in the classroom as an example; they haven’t paid any specific interest to design lesson
plans. 26 % of the trainees (13) used both interpersonal sources, web sources / external
resources teaching kit and own teaching kit materials to design the lesson plan. In fact, it was
the fabricated lesson plans, there was no originality and creativity.
Figure-1. Type of Teaching Material Kit Preferred to Design the Lesson Plan by the Pre-
Service Trainee Teachers
The majority of the students, 56% (28 of them), utilized only the web resources and
readymade templates. These results showed that maximum number of the pre-service trainee
teachers 18 % (9 of them), couldn’t design their lesson plan on their own; 26 % (13 of them), or
tried but because of their time constraint and inconvenience they were unable to complete the
lesson plan on their own and so made use of fabricated lesson plans.
This result is an alarm for the teacher trainers to focus more on the lesson plan designing
and to emphasize the importance of designing a lesson plan.
3.2.4 Planning and Assigning Activities- Analysis
The two important components which the teacher should keep in mind while designing the
lesson plans.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
1. Activities
2. Rubrics
The teacher must match the activities with the real, factual world. This would enhance the
students’ awareness and interest in specific topics. So they must incorporate it in the concluding
part of the lesson plan.
The second but major component is rubrics, which accordingly to the trainee teachers must
be prepared and used to evaluate the students’ in the planned activities. The pre-service trainee
teachers must know and be aware of the importance of rubrics and an evaluation method. So
that the pre-service trainee teacher can prepare the rubrics themselves to achieve their best. If they
realize the significant role of rubrics, the trainee teachers must prepare the rubrics on their own,
according to their subject and the classroom teaching. Correspondingly, they should inform and
alert the students at the beginning of the class to get good grades or to plan for their examinations.
Figure 2. Planning and Designing Activities
Only 28% of the trainees were able to prepare and apply the activities as per the plan in the
classroom. Other 68% of the trainees used the off-the-rack tasks which are mentioned in the plan
because of this they were not able to understand the structure of the class and level of the
students, so they were not able to execute the plan as they expected. Remaining 4% of the trainees
prepared activities; it’s merely readymade and not at all used in the classroom.
4. Discussion
Pre-service teachers who were all participated in the research pointed out that they have
difficulty in finding appropriate activities for their students' learning levels. Supporting this
finding, Nilsson (2009), stated that pre-service trainee teachers lack experience regarding planning
and managing teaching activities.
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
Pre-service trainee teachers meet their trainer every day in the field. However, if the pre-
service trainee teachers do not meet their trainers before their visits to schools, they have difficulty
in understanding the students' level of learning, needs, and expectations. However, it is important
to note that the only limitation this research faced was, it only focused on pre-service trainee
teachers' opinions and problems in designing a lesson plan. Therefore, exploring the teachers’
views about the teaching practice in addition to analyzing the pre-service trainee teachers' lesson
plans will help us to acquire a deeper understanding of how pre-service teachers learn to plan their
5. Conclusion
The findings regarding the lesson plan designing conclude that the use of information and
resources of the trainee teachers vary depending upon their knowledge. This current finding
showed a clear picture of the pre-service trainee teachers’ interest and competency level. This
research finding may help the educators and trainer to think and execute the far-reaching teaching
strategies to motivate the trainees to excel in their plan designing tasks.
Pre-service teachers used a broad selection of information channels and resources in
their lesson plan design. Few trainees actively seek information for their lesson plans from
external information sources, but the entire information taken from web sources. This is the
foremost objectionable feature among the trainees.
These external sources cannot provide entire information regarding a particular lesson
what they desire to teach. However, out of laziness or their own problems, trainees
are interested to take the readymade materials and reluctant to prepare on their own. At the time of
teaching, the trainee teachers perplexed and fail to execute the assigned task. Eventually, they are
unable to deliver the teaching task effectively and lose their confidence. It
is very important to mention that; the creative skills of the pre-service trainee
teachers were at best as they designed the activities for their teaching practice session. Majority of
the teacher trainees were good in preparing and arranging aids. This effort clearly showed their
creative skills.
As an observer, the researcher found two contrast practices among the pre-service trainee
teachers. One of trainees were competent enough to attract the class because their engagement plan
was supple and adept. Hence, it was easy for them to execute
the plan and accelerate the class. Moreover, the trainees conducted the activities suitable to
the standard and the interest of the children using the rubrics. The researcher could notice and
understand the material which was prepared and designed by them showed their communicative
competence. It is important to give a optimistic note that these pre-service trainee teachers’ lesson
plan designing and execution were commendable. It was very obvious the trainees who were not
successful in their teaching were using the off-the-rack materials without any rehearsal. Actually,
they are all ignoring their literary skill and purely relying on the prefabricated materials.
During the first few days of training the trainees felt nervous and out of excitement became
anxious. It was observed during the whole training period that the majority of the students were
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
struggling in administering their plan. The researcher could feel there were some problems in their
plan and its execution.
But, the pre-service trainee teachers’ perception regarding specific information cannot be
indicated only in terms of their current lesson plan. They may instantly access well-known
information resources to sufficiently complete the designing lesson plan task. The readymade
teaching kit and jerry-build lesson planning materials are extremely simple and easy to use, but it
impedes the students from thinking and writing on their own. Moreover, they felt that this practice
i.e., the training session is merely to score marks and complete the course. This clearly indicates
that the pre-service trainee teachers failed to recognize the importance of the training sessions.
Another important obstacle is designing the lesson plan; it is a very new notion for them.
In this context the main issue is time. So, just to teach them to manage the time is very
important. In addition to that, making them understand the information acquisition is a very
important factor in the process of designing the lesson plan also which in turn will help them to
design the task on their own.
Predominantly, the findings of this research offered insights into the pre-service trainee
teachers' point of view of designing lesson plans. The findings revealed that although most of the
pre-service trainee teachers are aware of the importance of lesson planning, they found it difficult
to develop a lesson plan.
It is assumed that the pre-service trainee teaches are not spending considerable time to
design the lesson plan. If they, pre-service trainee teachers spend more time on designing lesson
plans, they will become meticulous in designing and excellent in executing it.
So, the study concludes that the trainers must focus and give special attention to the trainees
to design the lesson plan effectively. Also, insist the pre-service trainee teachers spend enough
time to plan their lesson.
About the Author:
Dr. Maryumah Hejji Alanazi is an Assistant Professor of TESOL at the College of Education &
Arts at Northern Border University in Arar, Saudi Arabia. Her research interests include issues in
Language learning and teaching, Educational Technology, teacher Education, and professional
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Sample Lesson Plans
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 10. Number 1. March 2019
Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing Lesson Plans Alanazi
Arab World English Journal
ISSN: 2229-9327
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Title of My Research : A Study of the Pre-Service Trainee Teachers Problems in Designing
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