and the
Representing the
U.S. Coast Guard Base Sector San Juan, and Rio Bayamon,
Puerto Rico
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE ............................................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 2 - RECOGNITION ................................................................................................. 2
ARTICLE 3 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ............................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 4 - UNION REPRESENTATION ........................................................................... 4
ARTICLE 5 STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ........................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 6 - GRIEVANCES .................................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 7 - ARBITRATION PROCEDURES ..................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 8 - DISCRIMINATION ........................................................................................... 8
ARTICLE 9 - SENIORITY ........................................................................................................ 9
ARTICLE 10 - SHIFT PREFERENCE .................................................................................. 10
RICO MATERNITY LEAVE & OTHERS STATE LAWS ................................................. 11
ARTICLE 12 - VACATION & PAID ABSENCE ................................................................. 12
ARTICLE 13 - HOLIDAYS ..................................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 14 - PAID SICK LEAVE ....................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 15 - REST BREAKS .............................................................................................. 14
ARTICLE 16 - CHRISTMAS BONUS ................................................................................... 14
ARTICLE 17 - UNIFORMS..................................................................................................... 14
ARTICLE 18 - TRAINING ...................................................................................................... 14
ARTICLE 19 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................. 15
ARTICLE 20 - REPORT OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ............................................... 16
ARTICLE 21 - GOVERNMENT SUPREMACY .................................................................. 16
ARTICLE 22 - WAGES ........................................................................................................... 17
ARTICLE 23 - HEALTH & WELFARE BENEFITS ........................................................... 17
ARTICLE 24 OVERTIME SCHEDULING ....................................................................... 17
ARTICLE 25- SUCCESSORSHIP .......................................................................................... 18
ARTICLE 26 UNION SECURITY ....................................................................................... 18
ARTICLE 27: DUES CHECK OFF ........................................................................................ 19
ARTICLE 28 - LEGALITY ..................................................................................................... 20
ARTICLE 29 - DURATION OF AGREEMENT ................................................................... 20
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 1
day of February 2019, between Centerra Group, a
Constellis Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer"), and the Union de
Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores (hereinafter referred
to as the "Union").
Economic changes agreed to with this CBA shall not be effective until April 1, 2019. Non-
economic changes shall be effective February 1, 2019.
1.1: The purpose of this Agreement is to establish and maintain harmonious collective bargaining
relations between the employer and the Union, to provide for the peaceful adjustment of any
differences, which may arise between them, and to set forth the basic agreement between the
parties covering rates of pay, wages, benefits, hours of work and other conditions of employment.
1.2: The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement,
each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposal with respect to any
subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining and that the
understanding and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and
opportunity are set forth in this Agreement.
2.1: The employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all full-time and regular
part-time officers for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages,
benefits, hours of employment and other conditions of employment in the bargaining unit, which
the Union is currently certified by the National Labor Relations Board Case Number 12-RC-
224587 covering all regular full-time and part-time armed security guards employed by the
Employer working at USCG Base Sector San Juan, and Rio Bayamón Housing, Bayamón, Puerto
Rico; excluding: all other employees and supervisors as defined in the Act, or may be recognized
by the Employer in the future.
2.2: For purposes of this Agreement the term "officer" shall include and be limited to only
those individuals for whom the Union has been certified by the NLRB or is voluntarily recognized
by the employer. The term “officer” shall include any member of the unit who works ten (10) or
more hours per month at any represented facility. Except as otherwise authorized by this
Agreement, Employer personnel not represented by the Union shall not perform work traditionally
performed by the bargaining unit if such assignment would result in the failure to replace departed
unit officers, layoff of an officer or reduction in the regular, straight time work opportunity of a full
time bargaining unit officer in any work week.
2.3: Non-bargaining unit officers will not perform bargaining unit work for no longer than sixty
(60) calendar days except in the case of emergency, training, or instruction.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
3.1: The Employer has the sole and exclusive right to manage its operations and to:
(a) Direct and assign the work force;
(b) Determine and change the methods and manner services are provided;
(c) Introduce new methods or improved methods of operations or equipment;
(d) Determine and change the size, composition, and qualifications of the work force;
(e) Determine the extent to which and the manner and means its business will be operated
or shut down in whole or in part;
(f) Determine whether and to what extent any work shall be performed by employees and
how it shall be performed;
(g) Maintain order and efficiency in its client's facilities and operations including the right
to select, hire, promote, demote, lay-off, assign and train employees;
(h) Subcontract any part of its operations, including unit work;
(i) Select and determine supervisory employees;
(j) Bid or not bid, or to rebid or not rebid, contracts with its clients;
(k) Determine and change starting times, quitting times;
(l) Determine and change methods and means by which operations are to be carried on; to
establish and/or abolish duties, standards of performance for employees, job
classifications, operating units or departments;
(m) Establish, change and abolish its policies, work rules, regulations, practices and
standards/codes of conduct; and
(n) Adopt new policies, work rules, regulations, practices and standards/codes of conduct;
and to assign duties to employees in accordance with the needs and requirements of the
client and the Employer, as determined by the Employer.
(o) Take whatever action is necessary or advisable to determine, manage, and fulfill the
mission of the Company and to direct the Company’s employees.
The exercise of the foregoing powers and rights, together with the adoption of policies, rules, and
regulations in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith,
shall be limited only by the express and specific terms and conditions of this Agreement and the
dictates of the Government.
The Company shall not implement any changes to subjects identified as mandatory subjects of
collective bargaining pursuant to the guidance of the National Relations Labor Act and its decision
without first bargaining with the union regarding such matters.
3.2: The Employer shall retain the sole right to suspend, discipline and discharge employees
subject only to the express and specific terms of this Agreement.
3.3: The above rights of management are not inclusive of all matters or rights, which belong to
and are inherent to management.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
4.1: The Union and the Company agree that neither itself nor any of its members will intimidate
or coerce officers in their right to join a labor organization or refrain from such activity.
4.2: Except as otherwise provided, Union business shall not be conducted during working time,
exclusive of rest or meal periods or in working areas, if it interferes with security responsibilities
without the consent of the Project Manager.
4.3: For the purpose of adjusting complaints in accordance with Article 6 of this Agreement the
Union shall be entitled to be represented by one (1) Shift Steward and (1) Alternate Shift Steward
on each shift at each location. The Local Union may also designate a Chief Steward who may
substitute for the Shift Steward at any step. The Alternate shall function only when the Shift
Steward is absent from the plant, or when the Alternate is representing the Shift Steward. No
probationary officer may serve as Shift Steward, Chief Steward, or Alternate. The Union is
responsible for notifying the Employer in writing as to the individuals officially designated to act
as Shift Stewards or Chief Stewards. An officer shall not be permitted to engage in Shift Steward
or Chief Steward duties until such notification is received. No officer shall serve as a Shift
Steward, Chief Steward, or Alternate while on lay off or while on leave of absence other than
Union leave of absence.
4.4: A Shift Steward, in addition to performing regular security duties, shall be permitted during
working hours to investigate and assist in the settlement and presentation of complaints and
grievances in accordance with the grievance and arbitration procedures of this Agreement. The
time will be devoted solely to the prompt handling of legitimate complaints and grievances and
will not be abused. The Shift Steward will continue to work at their assigned duties at all times
except when permitted by their site supervisor to leave their work after appropriate arrangements
are made to cover the Shift Stewards security responsibilities.
4.5: Any Shift Steward having an individual grievance in connection with his own work may ask
for the Alternate or the Chief Steward to represent him in accordance with the provisions of this
4.6: As permitted by the U. S. Coast Guard the Shift Steward, Chief Steward, or Union Executive
Director shall notify supervision whenever they enter, or remain on the facility for the purpose of
handling an individual grievance or complaint at any time other than during their regular shift.
4.7: The affected officer may request the presence of a Shift Steward at any disciplinary meeting.
If requested, the Employer will contact the Union representative. If no representative is available
within thirty (30) minutes, management shall suspend further discussion with such officer until
arrangements can be made for Union representative.
4.8: At no time shall the Company be required to incur any expense in adhering to any part of this
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
5.1: Both the Company and the Union agree that continuity of operations is of utmost importance
to the Company’s operations. It is further understood and acknowledged that it is the intention of
the parties that all claims, disputes, or grievances arising under this Agreement be resolved by
resort to the grievance and arbitration procedures provided herein. It is therefore agreed that,
during the term of this Agreement, there shall be no cessation of work, whether by strike, walkout,
lockout, sickout, mass absenteeism, boycott, or other interference with or curtailment of
production of any kind, including sympathy strikes, and that the Union will not cause or permit
employees to cause, nor will any member of the Union take part in, any strikes, including a
sympathy strike, slowdown, stoppage of work, planned inefficiency or any other curtailment of
work or restriction or interference with the Company’s or Government’s operations for any reason
whatsoever. Nor will the Union authorize or sanction the same.
Upon hearing of any unauthorized strike, slowdown, stoppage of work, planned inefficiency or
any curtailment of work or restriction or interference with the operation of the Company, the Union
shall take affirmative action to avert or bring such activity to a prompt termination. During the
term of this Agreement, a refusal by an employee or employees to cross a strike line at the
employees’ regular place of employment, established by any other labor organization or
established by any other group, shall constitute a violation of this Article.
Any employee who violates this provision may be immediately discharged. Furthermore, it is
agreed and understood that, in addition to other remedies, the provisions of this Article may be
judicially enforced, including specific performance by way of injunctive relief.
5.2: During the term of this Agreement, the Company shall not lockout the bargaining unit or any
6.1: In order to establish effective machinery for a fair, expeditious and orderly adjustment of
grievances, the Employer and the Union agree that in the event a dispute arises between the
Employer and the Union regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement, it will be
settled by the following procedures.
6.2: Officers are encouraged to approach their immediate supervisor directly to attempt to resolve
complaints informally without invocation of the formal Grievance process. Any officer may elect
to consult with his Shift Steward regarding a specific complaint and the supervisor will make
arrangements for such consultation without undue delay. Officers may also request that the Shift
Steward handle a specific complaint with the immediate supervisor. In such cases, the supervisor
will make prompt arrangements to confer with the Shift Steward and the officer.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
6.3: Disciplinary Notice: Copies of all disciplinary notices shall he provided to the Officer and
contemporaneously to the Shift Steward when present. In addition:
Copies of such notices shall be maintained in an officer's file kept on site and after a period of
twelve (12) months, following the date of issuance, shall not serve as the basis for disciplinary
action. The only exception is suspension notices, which are to be maintained in an officer's
file for a period of two (2) years, following the date of issuance. Any officer who has filed a
grievance protesting disciplinary action shall be entitled to review his disciplinary file and to
receive copies of any current disciplinary notices.
(a) All disciplinary action must take place within ten (10) business days after an officer is put
on notice or it is void. A period of investigation or absence of knowledge by the company
of a wrongdoing is not calculated in the ten-business day calculation. The time frame may
be extended by mutual agreement and will be automatically extended if key information is
not reasonably available within the five (5) calendar days.
(b) After completion of the probationary period, no employee shall be dismissed or otherwise
disciplined without just cause unless the employee commits a crime punishable by Puerto
Rico or Federal Law or the employee is removed from working under the Employers
contract with the Government by the Government, or the employee’s credentials are denied
or withdrawn by the Government.
(c) The employer shall follow the Constellis Disciplinary Policy and Guidelines.
6.4 Steps:
Step 1: If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, it shall be reduced to writing on the
prescribed Union grievance form, dated, and signed by the Chief Steward and the aggrieved
party. The written grievance shall summarize the pertinent facts and specify the contractual
provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement allegedly violated and the relief
requested. Grievances must be presented to a Site Supervisor within five (5) business days
in which the issue is known or should have been known. The Supervisor shall give a
written response to the grievance within ten (10) business days after receiving a step one
grievance. If the matter is not resolved at Step One, it may be referred in writing to Step
Two by serving a notice of step two grievance appeal to the Site Manager / Captain within
ten business days of a step one denial by the Supervisor.
Step 2: The grievance shall be presented to the Site Manager / Captain in writing on the
prescribed Union grievance form, dated, and signed by the Chief Steward and the aggrieved
party. The written grievance shall summarize the pertinent facts and specify the contractual
provisions allegedly violated and the relief requested. The Site Manager / Captain shall
respond in writing within ten business days to a step 2 grievance.
Step 3: Should the grievance remain unresolved, it shall be referred, within ten (10)
calendar days of receipt of the Employer's response per step two, to the Employers
Director, Labor Relations, or designee, who shall arranged for a meeting with the grievant
and designated Union representative. A meeting shall be scheduled with the parties within
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
ten business days of receipt of the step 3 grievance. The meeting maybe held via a phone
call. The Employer shall respond in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the meeting.
Step 4: Should the grievance remain unsettled after the Step 3 meeting and employer
response or should the employer refuse to conduct a meeting within ten business days as
described above, the Union Executive Director may refer the grievance to arbitration by
serving a written demand for arbitration on the Employer. The demand must be mailed
within fourteen (14) calendar days after the Step 3 response. Only the Union Executive
Director may refer a grievance to Arbitration. No employee may do so on their own.
6.5: The parties agree that any grievance shall be considered withdrawn if not filed and processed
by the Union in strict accordance with the time limitations set forth above. Failure of the Employer
to act within the time limit set forth in any step shall entitle the Union to proceed to the next step
of the grievance procedure. Any time limit may be extended by mutual written agreement between
the Employer and the Union. For purposes of this Article, "days" unless otherwise specified shall
mean the Administrative days of Monday through Friday during regular first shift hours, excluding
6.6: No grievance regarding a dispute as to the interpretation of a Wage Determination, the
interpretation of the Contract (as defined on page 1 in this Agreement), the Employer’s adherence
to the Contract or the Employer’s adherence to a written request of the Government shall be
processed to Step Four since those matters are not arbitratable and no arbitrator shall have
jurisdiction over such matters.
6.7: The Union shall have no recourse under the terms of this Grievance and Arbitration terms
should the Government / Client, request in writing, when able, the Company will not assign a
Bargaining Unit employee to either a specific work assignment, or contract itself, for any reason
as the Company is bound by such request.
6.8: Any grievance involving a discharge, layoff, or other action which may accumulate back pay
liability, or any grievance filed by the Union in its capacity on behalf of a group of officers will
proceed directly to the Step 3 meeting within seven (7) days after a written grievance is submitted
to the Employer.
7.1: The parties hereto shall choose an arbitrator by mutual agreement within fifteen (15) business
days from the date of the Employer's receipt of the Union's written appeal to arbitration. If the
parties are unable to agree, then either party may file for a list of arbitrators with the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). The arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with
FMCS rules of procedures.
7.2: The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, or subtract from, or modify any of the terms of
this Agreement or to rule on any matter except while this Agreement is in full force and effect.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
The arbitrator's decision shall be based exclusively on evidence presented at the arbitration
hearing. The arbitrator's decision shall demonstrate that he has thoroughly considered the
arguments advanced by each party and cite the provisions of the Agreement serving as the basis
for the decision.
7.3: The arbitrator shall have no power to establish or change wage rates or wage scales or benefits.
7.4: The decision of the arbitrator shall be issued as promptly as possible. His decision shall be
final and binding upon the Employer, the Union, and the grievant.
7.5: The compensation of the arbitrator and his expenses incidental to the arbitration shall be borne
equally by the parties. Each party shall bear the expense of preparing its case and shall make
arrangements for and pay the expenses of witnesses called by them.
7.6: All awards of back wages shall not commence any sooner than ten (10) business days prior
to the date of the written grievance, unless the circumstances of the case are such that the grieving
party was unaware of the existence of the claim prior to that time. Back wages shall be limited to
the amount of wages the officer would otherwise have earned from employment with the Employer
less any unemployment compensation, intervening earnings or other offsets deemed appropriate
by the arbitrator.
7.7: Unless the parties agree in writing to the contrary, an arbitrator may hear only one (1)
grievance in any one (1) proceeding.
7.8: The parties may mutually agree to explore non-binding mediation as an alternative prior to
8.1: It is the policy of the Employer and the Union that the provisions of this Agreement be applied
to all officers covered by this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national
origin, or disability and/or sexual orientation or identity.
8.2: Wherever in this Agreement gender pronoun or the singular or plural form of a gender is used,
it is understood that such references are meant to have equal application to all officers covered by
this Agreement, male or female.
8.3: This Agreement shall not be a barrier to the Employer offering a reasonable accommodation
to any qualified officer with a disability, provided that, in the event the Employer extends such
accommodation in any manner that conflicts with the terms of this Agreement, the Union shall be
provided advance notice and be given the opportunity to explore other alternative accommodations
prior to implementation.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
9.1: The Union agrees that Union seniority shall be the time an employee has spent on the
Government contract of which this agreement covers and is further, defined in Article 9.3. This
time shall include time with previous employers, and the incumbent.
9.2: Shift bidding along with Vacation and Paid Absence calculations and Vacation schedule shall
be based on Union Seniority.
9.3: An officer shall forfeit seniority any one of the following reasons:
(a) Resignation;
(b) Retirement from the Employer;
(c) Discharge for just cause;
(d) Failure to return from a layoff within ten (10) working days after proper notification of
recall has been given to the employee;
(e) Layoff for a continuous period of time equal to the officer's seniority or thirty-six (36)
months, whichever is greater; or
(f) Completion of ninety (90) continuous days of service in a voluntary assignment outside
the bargaining unit.
9.4: An officer shall serve a probationary period of ninety (90) continuous days, which shall
encompass no fewer than sixty (60) working days, not to exceed 120 calendar days. During the
probationary period, the Employer shall have the sole discretion of disciplining or terminating such
officers. Upon completion of the probationary period to the satisfaction of the Employer, an officer
shall become a regular officer and his/her seniority shall date from the most recent date of hire.
The probationary period can only be extended by mutual consent of the Local Union President
Union Executive Director and the Employer.
9.5: Officers who accept a position out of the bargaining unit shall retain accumulated seniority
during the first ninety (90) days spent out of the bargaining unit provided they remain in the active
employment of the employer. Such officers shall regain accumulated seniority upon transfer back
into the bargaining unit within such ninety (90) days one time during the term of the Agreement.
9.6: Layoff Procedures: When it becomes necessary for a reduction in the workforce in any unit,
lay-offs will occur in the following sequence:
(a) All probationary officers;
(b) If additional reduction is necessary, part-time seniority officers; and
(c) If additional reduction is necessary, full-time seniority officers base on lowest seniority
Officers will be given as much notice as possible of layoff.
9.7: Recall Procedure: Laid-off officers will be recalled in the following sequence in line with their
(a) Full-time seniority officers, highest seniority first; then
(b) Part-time seniority officers, highest seniority first, after all full-time seniority officers
have been recalled.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
9.8: Recall rights for all officers shall continue for a period equal to the officer’s seniority or thirty-
six (36) months from date of layoff, whichever is greater. Officers who are recalled to an available
position must state their intention to accept the job within three (3) days after notice of recall and
must report to work within ten (10) days after notice of recall or else forfeit recall rights. The ten-
day report time can be extended by mutual consent. The officer shall be responsible for
maintaining a current address and telephone number with the Employer. Recall notice shall be
given by telephone, where available, and will be confirmed by registered letter to the last known
9.9: One Union representative per shift up to a maximum of three (3) officers per unit who
administer the grievance procedure (excluding alternates) shall have super seniority for layoffs and
recall purposes during the length of their term of office. The Local Union is responsible to advise
the Contract Manager in writing of the names of these officers.
9.10: Opportunities for full-time schedules will be offered to part-time officers based on their
bargaining unit seniority. Should a part-time officer decline an opportunity for full-time status,
said officer will not be offered another full-time opportunity until all current less senior part-time
officers have been afforded full-time opportunities.
9.11: The Employer shall prepare separate seniority lists for full-time and part-time officers.
Updated lists shall be provided in December and June of each year. The lists will include the
officer's name and seniority date. The Employer is responsible for posting the list at each location
and mailing a copy to the Local President and the International.
On March 30 and September 30 of each year, the Employer must prepare a separate list of
probationary full-time and part-time officers, a copy to be mailed to the Union Executive Director.
9.12: A full-time seniority officer who is unable to work a forty (40) hour workweek Due to union
leave, maternity leave, all military leaves, medical restrictions, such as: medical leave, or qualifies
for leave under state or federal law will continue to accumulate seniority as a full-time officer
during such time.
10.1: During the first two (2) weeks of January and July of each year, full-time officers with at
least ninety (90) days unit seniority will submit an application on the prescribed form to his/her
Supervisor indicating his/her first, second and third choices of shift preferences. The shift
preference form submitted will be valid until changed in writing during the next shift preference-
filing period. Shift preference will take effect during the first pay period of the month following
the shift preference-filing period. Shift assignments will be awarded in line with unit seniority; the
most senior person getting first choice. Once the senior officer is offered a position and refuses it
for any reason, his/her name falls to the bottom of the appropriate list.
For 2019, the first two weeks of February shall replace the first two weeks of January for the above
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
10.2: Openings that occur as a result of this shift selection process will be filled by management
utilizing the least senior officer on an off shift.
10.3: Any officer who desires a change in shift due to hardship circumstances must obtain a mutually
acceptable shift trade with another officer in his/her unit. The proposed shift change must be put in
writing, submitted to management for approval, and shall not exceed a period of thirty (30) days. A
change in shift must be approved by management prior to its effective date. Approval for a continuation
of the change in shift beyond thirty (30) days will necessitate a repeat of the above process.
10.4: If a shift vacancy occurs, once the shift preference requests have been exhausted, the vacancy
will be posted for five (5) working days.
10.5: Shift preference shall be only for a particular shift, not a specific post or location.
11.1: Family Medical Leave: The Employer and the Union acknowledge that the provisions of
the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) apply to the officers working under this
Agreement and will comply with the provisions of the FMLA.
11.2: Americans with Disabilities Act: The Employer and the Union acknowledge that the
provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) apply to the officers working
under this Agreement and will comply with the provisions of ADA.
11.3: Jury Duty: Officers serving jury duty on a scheduled workday will be provided an excused
absence for jury services and shall receive the difference between the pay received for jury service
and the hourly rate for such workday while required to serve on jury duty. Officers must provide
proof of jury service for processing of wage maintenance. The officer serving jury duty shall be
entitled to retain all earnings provided for jury service. If requested, officers will not be
required/scheduled to work the midnight shifts the evening before their jury duty begins;
Officers will be required to provide copies of their jury duty notification by the first shift following
receipt of their notice of obligation in order to be eligible for pay and/or to be removed from
11.4: Funeral Leave: Officers will be granted paid funeral leave for a maximum of three (3) days,
if work time is lost to attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family. The Funeral leave
can extend up to five (5) days, three (3) paid, and two (2) unpaid. Additional unpaid time will be
provided for officers to attend funerals out of Puerto Rico, up to five (5) unpaid days. The
Employer may grant more time if requested by the officer.
11.5: Puerto Rico Maternity Leave: Officers will be granted a minimum of eight (8) weeks with
full benefits and pay to women who experience pregnancy. The company will allow women to
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
take 4 weeks of leave during pregnancy and 4 weeks of leave after the birth of her child. Officers
will be allow to delay leave until 1 week before her due date with a doctor’s note that allows her
to continue to work. If the employee does delay leave, then she can extend her leave for 7 weeks
after the birth of her child. If the birth of the child is delayed, it does not affect the postnatal
leave. In some situations, where medically necessary, an employee can get an additional 12 weeks
of unpaid leave. The 8 weeks of paid maternity leave must be paid in full at the beginning of the
maternity leave. As per Act #3 of 1942, Law to Protect Workers Mothers.
11.6: The parties agree that acceptance of other employment during a leave of absence, without
the express consent of management; will be regarded as a voluntary quit.
11.7: Officers who are injured on the job and sent out for medical treatment will be paid up to the
end of their current shift, except when the injury is a result of the officer's negligence or disregard
to rules and/or regulations.
11.8: The Company will abide by and follow all requirement under Puerto Rico Workers
Compensation law as defined in Act 45 of April 1935.
12.1: For the purpose of computing years of service for vacation and paid absence, continuous
service on the government contract shall be used as outlined in Article 9 of this agreement.
12.2: During the term of this Agreement, all employees covered by this Agreement shall earn
vacation benefits in accordance with the following schedule. All vacation benefits will be paid at
the hourly rate in effect at the time the vacation is taken. Accrual of vacation is based upon years
of service and shall accrue for all hours paid in accordance with the following schedule:
Completed Years of Service
Not to Exceed
Upon completion of one (1) year of service
120 hours
Upon completion of ten (10) years of service
160 hours
Upon completion of fifteen (15) years of service
200 hours
12.4: Vacations shall be granted at the times most desired by the employee, after the employee’s
anniversary date provided the employee gives at least ten (10) days advanced notice to the
12.5: Vacation time shall not be cumulative from one year to the next. The Employer will pay any
earned and unused vacation within two (2) pay periods after the employee’s anniversary date of
12.6: Hours paid under this article will not be considered as time worked for the purposes of
computing overtime.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
13.1: The following holidays shall be observed:
New Year’s
Martin Luther King,
Jr’s Birthday
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Left Blank
13.2: All full-time, non-probationary employees shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay for
each holiday listed above. In addition, if they work on the holiday, they will receive their regular
rate of pay for all hours on the holiday.
13.3: Part-time employees who work on a holiday shall receive their regular rate of pay for all
hours worked, plus prorated holiday pay (.2 x the prior week's hours worked).
13.4: Any employee scheduled to work on a holiday and fails to report for duty shall forfeit the
holiday pay, unless the absence was due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee.
14.1: Paid sick leave is administered in accordance with the Employer’s policy, which shall be
consistent with Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors.
Along with Puerto Rico Act no. 180 of 1998 and Act. No. 28 of 2018.
All employees shall earn up to 96 hours of paid sick leave per full government contract year, which
shall accrue at the rate of one (1) hour for every twenty-two (22) hours worked.
Within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the next Government contract, employees must notify
the Employer of how they desire to have accrued and unused Sick Leave treated. The two (2)
options available are:
(a) Earned, unused, Sick Leave may be carried over into the next Government contract
year, but will not exceed 96 hours at any time; or
(b) Earned, unused Sick Leave may be cashed out in the first pay period beginning after
the end of the Government contract year in which the hours were earned.
Such notification shall be made by the Employee submitting a written request to the Employer. In
the event an employee does not make said notification, accrued and unused hours (not to exceed
96) shall be carried over into the next Government contract year.
14.2: Sick Leave may be taken in one (1) hour increments. An employee’s request to use paid
sick leave may be made orally or in writing and must be confirmed by a Supervisor. A leave request
must be made at least seven (7) calendar days in advance when the need for the leave is foreseeable
or otherwise as soon as practicable.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
14.3: Sick leave will be paid for absence due to illness or injury at the employee’s regular rate of
14.4: Sick leave will not be considered as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime.
14.5: A physician’s certificate may be required by the Company after three (3) consecutive days
of absence.
Employees shall receive one (1) twenty (20) minute paid rest break for shifts of five (5) hours or
The employer will pay an annual bonus of $600 on or before the 15th of December of each year,
to each employee that worked seven hundred (700) hours or more during the period of twelve
(12) months comprised between Oct. 1 of the preceding year and Sept. 30 of the current year.
The Christmas bonus will be paid in a separate check.
17.1: The Employer will determine all items of serviceable uniforms and equipment replacement
of uniform clothing will be on an "as needed" basis. No officer will be directed to operate known
unsafe equipment.
17.2: Company issued clothing and equipment shall be returned to the Company, upon request.
The Union agrees that all employees, as a condition of employment or continued employment,
shall provide written authorization allowing the Company to deduct from the employee’s
paycheck, the cost of lost or damaged equipment and all unreturned issued clothing and equipment.
The deduction for such missing items shall be the cost to the Company.
18.1: Officers will be paid for actual time spent for Employer mandated training at their applicable
regular rate of pay. Time spent in training shall count as time worked for the purposes of
computing overtime.
18.2: Whenever practicable, all Employer-administered training will be given on an officer’s
regular assigned shift.
18.3: A mileage rate at 50 percent of the IRS prescribed rate for personally owned vehicles will be
paid to the officer for travel to and from the site for mandatory Employer required training or
qualifications. Such computation shall be minus the officer’s distance from home to his / her
regular place of employment.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
19.1: Each officer is responsible for having a correct address and telephone number on file with
the Employer. All written notices shall be deemed to be properly filed if sent to the officer's last
address on file.
19.2: Officers are required to report to work clean, well groomed, and with a neat appearance.
19.3: Whenever possible a bulletin board will be provided which may be used by the Union for
posting notices that are approved by the President of the Local Union or the Chief Steward of the
Local Committee and restricted to:
(a) Notices of Union recreational and social affairs;
(b) Notices of Union elections and nomination sheets for unit officer elections;
(c) Notices of Union appointments and results of Union elections;
(d) Notices of Union meetings;
(e) Notices concerning bona fide Union activities such as: Cooperatives, Credit Unions,
(f) Unemployment Compensation information; and
(g) Other notices concerning Union affairs that are not political or controversial in nature
or adverse to the Employer.
19.4: New officers shall be introduced by the Shift Supervisor to the Chief Steward and Shift
Steward within the first workweek on site. Arrangements shall be made for the Local Union
representative to brief the new officers on the Union's representative status and this collective
bargaining agreement without interruption of security responsibilities.
19.5: Each officer will be granted relief when necessary as soon as coverage for such officer can
be practically arranged.
19.6: The Employees will be reimbursed, after submitting all receipts on the next full pay
beginning after the submission of paperwork, which is valid, legible, accurate, and complete, for
all authorized expenses of contractually required licenses and permits as listed below:
Cost not to exceed:
Puerto Rico PPR - 358 REV. 5-89 Duly filed, completed, and sworn
with Legal (Juramentada) Certification.
Puerto Rico PPR - 358 REV. 5-89 Duly filed, completed, and sworn
with Medical (Medical) Certification.
3 Photos 2 X 2 light background
Letter from the company, which you work. Specifying Policy
number date of expiration also, you could include Security Guard
course taken from an accredited institution.
Company Issued
no cost to employee
Stamp from Rentas Internas Security Guard (PR IRS).
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
PRPD Negative Certificate of Good Conduct.
Puerto Rico PPR-329 Duly filed and completed and sworn with Legal
(Juramentada) Certification
Stamp from Gun Permit renewal (PR IRS 5495)
Puerto Rico Federation of Shooting of Short Arms and Rifles
Gun Club Membership
The employee will not be reimbursed for any expenses associated with his/her inability to attain
certifications under this Agreement will be given thirty (30) days to produce documentation of
showing all items are current. Time lost by an employee for a lapse in licensing or training
certification is solely their responsibility and such time will not be subject to the grievance process.
If the employee’s licensing or training certification expires/lapses, the employee will be suspended
without pay until the employer receives proof of new certification. When licenses and permits are
received by an employee, the employee will immediately notify the supervisor and provide a copy
of the license or permit. Failure to secure their license within the thirty days will result in
termination of employment as a volunteer resignation. The Employer will consider cases outside
of the control employee on a case-by-case basis and may grant an additional 30 days.
20.1: A report of physical examination and any laboratory tests made by physicians acting for the
Employer will be given to the personal physician of the officer involved upon the written request
of the officer.
20.2: Any time required to take such physicals, including travel time to and from the location of
the facility will be paid by the Employer at the officer’s appropriate rate of pay. A mileage rate per
federal tax reimbursement standards will also be paid the officer for travel to and from the site for
said annual physical examination, if such site is outside the vicinity of the officer's regular duty
21.1: The parties recognize that they are providing a service to the United States Government.
Therefore, the administration of the terms of this Agreement are subject to the wishes of the
Government. The client may supersede any understanding regarding post assignments, hours,
shifts, credentials, qualifications, etc., as the client deems to be in the interest of the Government.
21.2: Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, to the extent the Government requires
compliance with specific procedures (e.g., security clearances, medical examinations, weapon
proficiency testing, uniforms/appearance standards, staffing determinations, assignments, work
rules, drug testing, etc.), or with the requirements of the Service Contract Act, the Employer will
be permitted to adhere to those requirements without recourse by the Union or any employee to
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
the grievance and arbitration procedures under this Agreement and without any other recourse by
the Union or the employee against the Employer.
However, the Employer and the Union will meet and bargain the effects of the implementation
thereof. The Company shall be permitted to institute Government directed changes as necessary,
and prior to bargaining. Bargaining therefore should occur as soon as each party is able to meet.
21.3: The Company will provide the Union with a copy of such Government action, if available
and as permitted by permission, and if not available in writing, the Company will inform the Union
of the facts giving rise to such Government action.
21.4: Any employee removed from the contract as a result of Client directive, shall have no
recourse for such action under the grievance or arbitration section of this Agreement.
The Company agrees to pay employees at the straight time rate of pay set forth below:
Current rate
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2021
April 1 , 2022
Armed Security
23.1 Health and Welfare payments shall be provided by the Employer on behalf of the Employees
at the rates set forth below unless the Employee elects to participate in a Union or Company
provided Health Plan.
The Company agrees to pay the health and welfare benefit contribution in cash as set forth below
for each hour worked up to forty (40) hours per workweek to a maximum of 2,080 hours per
year, each vacation and sick leave hours pay:
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2021
April 2022
24.1: Scheduling of Overtime: All overtime will be scheduled as soon as possible provided that
the Employer has advanced notice. Notice for weekend overtime will be provided by completion
of the first shift on Thursday provided the Employer has advance notice.
(a) Officers will be provided with a minimum of eight (8) hours between assigned shifts.
(b) In the event that more than one officer has the same number of overtime hours, the
officer with the highest Unit seniority will be asked first and forced last.
(c) Officers at each unit accepting or required to work overtime will assume the duties of
each officer being replaced provided they can perform the available work. Duty
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
assignments may be exchanged by officers with Management's approval. If the triggering
event is as a result of a catastrophic act of God or national emergency or overtime that
comes up in any given day, overtime will be assigned based on seniority, among employees
regularly assigned to the particular work location. The Employer will attempt to rectify
overtime inequalities through the future scheduling of overtime work.
(d) On the shift immediately prior to vacation leave, officers scheduled for
vacation will be the last forced to work overtime unless the officer agrees to stay over.
24.2: An overtime rate of employee’s base pay (exclusive of health and welfare, and any other
fringe additions to pay) shall be paid for all hours actually worked after eight (8) hours in a
workday or after forty (40) hours in a workweek. The rate of pay for overtime will be calculated
at the employee’s base hourly pay one and half (1½) of that value. (Commonly denoted as time
and a half)
24.3: Overtime pay shall not be pyramided, compounded, or paid twice, for the same hours worked.
24.4: If requested by the Employer to work overtime (i.e. over eight (8) hours in a work day or forty
(40) hours in a workweek) or extra hours, the employee shall be required to do so provided they
can perform the available work.
25.1: If ownership of the employer is changed, in whole or in part, through sale, merger, or any
other manner, this agreement shall be included as a condition of such a change and shall remain
25.2: The Employer will provide the Union with notification of any change of acquisition as
soon as possible as received by the government.
25.3: Should the employer subcontract all or any part of the work defined under Article 2.1 the
subcontractor shall be bound by all Articles of this agreement.
26.1: All officers hereafter employed by the Employer in the classification covered by this
Agreement shall become members of the Union or pay Union fees not later than the one hundred
twenty first (121st) day following the beginning of their employment, or the date of the signing of
this Agreement as a condition of employment.
26.2: An officer who is not a member of the Union at the time this Agreement becomes effective
shall become a member of the Union or pay Union fees within ten (10) days after the thirtieth
(30th) day following employment, and shall remain a member of the Union or pay Union fees, to
the extent of paying an initiation fee and the membership dues uniformly required as a condition
of acquiring or retaining membership in the Union, whichever employed under, and for the
duration of this Agreement.
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
26.3: Officers meet the requirement of being members in good standing of the Union, within the
meaning of this Article, by complying with the Union Constitution and bylaws and by tendering
the periodic dues and initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or retaining
membership in the Union or, in the alternative, by tendering to the Union financial core fees, as
defined by the U, S. Supreme Court in NLRB v. General Motors Corporation, 573 U.S. 734 (1963)
and Beck v. Communications Workers of America, 487 U.S. 735 (1988).
26.4: In the event the Union requests the discharge of an officer for failure to comply with the
provisions of this Article, it shall serve written notice on the Employer requesting that the
employee be discharged effective no sooner than two (2) dates of the date of that notice. The
notice shall also contain the reasons for discharge. In the event the Union subsequently determines
that the employee has remedied the default prior to the discharge date, the Union will notify the
Employer and the officer, and the Employer will not be required to discharge that officer.
26.5: The Union agrees to indemnify the Employer against any loss or claim, including but not
limited to, the reimbursement of attorney's fees and costs, which may arise as the result of the
Employer's compliance with the Union's request to discharge an employee for failure to comply
with the provisions of this article.
26.6: If any provision of this Article is determined to be invalid under the law of any state,
commonwealth, or territory in which employees covered by this Agreement are employed, the
remaining provisions of this Article shall remain in effect to the extent reasonably practicable and
the affected shall be modified to comply with the requirements of the applicable state law or shall
be re-negotiated for the purpose of adequate replacement.
27.1: The employer agrees to deduct initiation fees and Union dues for proportionate share
payments from the wages of officers who voluntarily authorize the Employer to do so on a properly
executed payroll deduction card in the form attached. Such deductions shall be made from the
first paycheck of each month, or the first pay received in that month in which the officer has
sufficient net earnings to cover the Union membership dues or payments. Funds deducted, along
with a summary sheet including the names, addresses, social security number, and the amount of
dues deducted from each, shall be remitted to the Union Executive director within fifteen (15) days
after the first regular payday of the month and the Employer will provide a monthly summary sheet
describing gross amounts remitted and schedule, by person and Social Security number, indicating
amounts withheld. The Employer will provide to the Union Executive director quarterly reports
that will include officer’s names, address, city, state, zip code, and current wage rates, sorted by
Union Local. The Employer shall also inform the Union Executive Director, in writing, of the
change of status of any bargaining unit employee, i.e. medical leave, military leave, promotion out
of the bargaining un.t etc.
27.2: The Union agrees it will promptly furnish to the Employer a written schedule of the Union
dues, initiation fees, and proportionate share payments. The Union also agrees to promptly notify
the Employer in writing of any changes to these amounts. Union authorization cards must be
Agreement Between Triple Canopy, a Constellis Company, &
Union de Profesionales Seguridad De la Seguridad Privada y el Transporte de Valores
submitted prior to the fifteenth (15th) of the month proceeding the date that deductions are to be
27.3: The Union agrees to indemnify the Employer against any loss or claim, including but not
limited to the reimbursement of attorney's fees and costs, which may arise as a result of the
Employer's compliance with the Union membership or check off articles. In addition, the Union
agrees to return to the Employer any erroneous or improper overpayment made to it.
28.1: Should the parties hereafter agree that applicable law renders invalid or unenforceable any
of the provisions of this Agreement, including all agreements, memoranda of understanding, or
letters supplemental, amendatory, or related thereto, the parties may agree upon a replacement for
the affected provisions. Such replacement provisions shall become effective immediately upon
agreement of the parties, without the need for further ratification by the Union membership, and
shall remain in effect for the duration of this Agreement.
28.2: In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement, including all agreements,
memoranda of understanding, or letters supplemental, amendatory, or related thereto, shall be or
become legally invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the
remaining provisions thereof.
29.1: This Agreement shall remain in full force and effective until 11:59 p.m. on September 30,
2022, and shall continue in effect from year to year, unless and until either party shall notify the
other party in writing at least sixty (60) but not more than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to
the expiration of the term (or any extended term) of its desire to terminate or modify.
29.2: This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by both parties, and it supersedes any
and all prior understandings between the parties.
, the parties here
have executed this Collective Bargaining
Agreement effective
of: February 1, 2019.
Richard Eaton, Director, Labor Relations Date
, a
, & I
January 23, 2019