New forms
1. Go to google.nd.edu
2. Log in with your NetID and password.
3. New > .
U  
In the Form Edit window, click on the
 next to the form name. This
will take you to the Forms Home. You can
select a template
here, or open a
form you created
previously. Either
can be customized for your current need.
Creating a new form
Click on  in the upper left to
name your form. Your response spreadsheet
will use the same name.
I 
Located to the right of your active question,
is the  toolbar.
Inserted after the active
question; can be re-positioned
Enter the URL of the video or locate it
in YouTube and choose 
Enlarge them by dragging the handles
Align them by choosing the desired
alignment button
Add a  and 
text, if desired
Adding questions
1. Click to add a question to
your form.
2. Enter your question/eld name
in the  eld.
3. Choose your question type
from the dropdown list and add
Note: Google will oer
suggested responses in some
instances and will switch to
a dierent question type as
deemed appropriate.
4. Click on the question 
button in the lower right to display the
Hint text eld. Then enter any hints or
clarication in the eld, such as
choose all that apply
5. Click to add another question.
people to enter a comment;
only available with Multiple choice and
  images can be added to
the question or to some question options
by clicking on the image icon
Question logic sends your user on a specic
path based on the answers chosen. You can
add question logic to Multiple choice or
Dropdown questions.
1. Divide your form into sections by adding
abreak. Any questions that will
be viewed by only certain users must be
in a separate section.
2. On the lower right of each question you
wish to add logic to,
expand the 
menu and check 
 
3. On each answers dropdown to the right,
choose the section to which the user
should be sent if they select this answer.
4. Use the dropdown between pages to skip
certain pages or to  the form.
Choose from the  dropdown.
short text
longer blocks of text
only one answer
can be picked
select several or all
possible options
select one answer from
a list
upload a le to the
host’s Google Drive
rate something
a grid of
rows and columns; one answer per
a grid of rows and
columns; multiple answers per row
choose a date
choose a time
Send the user to a
section based on an answer to a question.
Only available with Multiple choice and
Dropdown question types.
question must be
answered before the form is submitted
shues the order
of the possible responses to a question
Only for Multiple choice, Checkbox-
es, Dropdown and Grid questions
Only one shue per email address;
including group emails
Requires sending the form to each
person individually
Add a new question
Add a title and description
Add an image
Add a video
Add a section
10/26/2017 2017©University of Notre Dame
E  
Click on the question to make it active.
D  
Click on the double page icon.
D  
Click on the trashcan.
M  
Hover over a question to get the four-pointed
cursor. Drag to its new location.
Access settings and formatting tools in the
upper right toolbar:
Viewing your live form
Click on the  button to
view the live form.
Click the  button in the
upper right to return to edit mode.
Picking a theme
1. Click on the 
button to choose a new look for
your form.
2. Choose a new color or click on
the  button.
3. In the Select theme dialog,
choose one of the stock photos, upload
an image from your computer, choose an
image from your albums or get an image
from Google Drive.
4. When adding a photo from a source other
than Google, a mask will be superimposed
over your photo to allow you to crop it to
the correct size.
Changing Form settings
In the upper right of the interface,
click on the gear icon. There are
General, Presentation and Quizzes settings.
Collect email addresses
Send response receipts
Restrict to University of Notre Dame
Can submit only 1 response
Can edit after submitting
See summaries of responses
Show progress bar
Shue question order
Link to submit another response
Conrmation message
Make form a quiz
Set when to release grade
Set what respondent can see
Changes questions to include answer
key and score
1. Go to the  button in the upper right
and choose 
2. Copy the link into an email
or add the names of your
Distributing the form
1. Click on the  button in the upper
right to see the ways you can distribute
your form.
2. Click on the distribution method of your
choice: Email, URL, embed on web site.
Enter names and email addresses
Enter a subject and message
Check  to
make the form the body of the email
Click  when complete
Paste link in your own email
Embed the HTML in a Web page
Sending reminders
If you sent individual emails through the
form and checked Automatically collect
respondent’s Notre Dame username, you can
send reminders from the  tab.
Click on the  tab.
Choose  or .
To view the responses in a spreadsheet,
click the  button.
To download the responses, click
the  button and choose
Response notifications
Notications when a form is
submitted can be set in two ways.
From Form interface:
1. Click on the  button in the
Response view
2. Choose 
From Google sheets file:
1. Click 
(or open spreadsheet)
2. Go to 
3. Choose when and how to be notied
Copying response chart
1. Click on chart to make active,.
2. Cick  button in upper right.
Your form is automatically set to collect
responses; you don’t need to turn it “on.”
To close the form:
1. Toggle the switch at  >
to close the form.
2. Closing the form will bring up the Not
accepting responses message dialog
where you can customize your message.
To access approved add-ons, click on the
Add-On button:
Email Notifications for Forms:
Send out custom notications when
forms are submitted.
Form Publisher:
Create a Document or
Spreadsheet, based on a pre-
selected template
Limit the number of responses
Populate some question type options
with values from a Sheet in Drive