The contract that follows is a sample, not a model; it may contain provisions that are not
appropriate for certain providers, and it may not contain others that your program requires.
You should modify it and/or adapt it for your own use after a review of your specific program
and methods of operation. When you settle on the version that seems best for you, you should
ask a lawyer to review your contract before using it with any parents. For qualifying providers,
Public Counsel’s ECE Law Project attorneys can either review your contact for you, or find an
attorney to do so for you at no charge.
The parents of every child in your care should sign the same basic contract. If you are just
starting out, simply include the contract in the initial paperwork. If you are already providing
care without a written contract, you should ask current parents to sign a contract and then use
the same one with new parents. Make a copy of the signed contracts for the parents and keep
the original in your files.
_____________ FAMILY CHILD CARE
1. _________________FAMILY CHILD CARE (Facility # ___________) (referred to in this contract as
the “Provider”) is:
a family child care home licensed under the California Department of Social Services to provide day
care for up to children. For this purpose, child care means non-medical care for children in need
of personal services, supervision, age-appropriate activities, and education. Provider accepts children
from ages ___ through ___ years old.
We, ___________________________________________________ (name[s]), Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
(circle one) (referred to collectively in this contract as “Parent”) of
_____________________________ (child’s name) (“Child”), agree to comply with the following
rules and regulations of ___________ Family Child Care beginning on ____________________,
A. Hours of Operation
_____________Family Child Care is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday;
however, Parent agrees to strictly adhere to scheduled drop off and pick up times set forth below.
Parent must pay a fee for early drop-off and late pick-up times (see Section 3).
B. Hours of Care to Be Provided
Parent is enrolling Child in _____________Family Child Care for:
_____Five (5) full days per week, with drop-off at _____a.m. and pick-up at _____p.m.
_____Five (5) half days per week, with drop off at _____.m. and pick-up at _____ p.m.
_____Other: ____________________________________(specify)
If a Parent on a less than full-time schedule wants to substitute different hours than those agreed to in
this contract, Parent must make request to Provider in advance of schedule change. Subject to
Provider availability and discretion, Provider may but is not required to accommodate the change.
If the change results in additional hours of care, above the contracted hours, a surcharge of $ ____ per
hour will be assessed.
Deposit: A deposit of $____ is due at the time of execution of this contract. $_____ of the deposit is
non-refundable and will be used to recover start-up expenses. The remaining $_____, which
constitutes two-weeks worth of care, will be applied to the last two weeks that the Child is enrolled
in the child care. (See Section 6 for Withdrawal/Refund policy). This deposit can also be applied to
any childcare fees for which Parent currently or formerly on CalWORKs bears responsibility.
Returned Check Fee: Applicable to all payments to Provider, a fee of $_____ will be charged for any
checks which do not clear the bank.
Payment Plan (initial next to selection):
____ Entire Month: Child Care fees to be paid on the last business day of the month in
advance of the coming month. If tuition is not paid by the first of each month, a late fee of
$_____ per “Late Day” will be charged. If payment (including late charges) is not received
by the third day of the month, Provider may immediately terminate care for Child. If Child
enrolls in day care on any day other than the first day of a month, then payment for the first
month is to be prorated to cover care received during the remainder of the month and is due
upon the first day of enrollment.
____ Weekly: Child Care fees to be paid on the Friday or the last business day of each week in
advance of the coming week. If tuition is not paid by Monday of each week, a late fee of
$_____ per “Late Day” will be charged. If payment (including late charges) is not received
by the third “Late Day,” Provider may immediately terminate care for Child. If Child enrolls
in day care on any day other than a Monday, then payment for the first week is to be prorated
to cover care received during the remainder of the week and is due upon the first day of
Child Care Fees:
Full-day care: $_____ per month/ $_____ per week (circle one)
Half-day care: $_____ per month/ $_____ per week (circle one)
Holidays and child absences will be billed as if care were provided.
Late Pick-Up / Early Drop-Off Fees and Policy:
An Early Drop-off fee of $_____ for every _____ minutes you arrive before your scheduled drop-off
time will be charged. Fee is payable only in cash directly to the Provider on site. No checks will be
A Late Pick-up fee of $_____ for every _____ minutes you arrive after your scheduled pick-up time
will be charged. Fee is payable only in cash directly to the Provider on site. No checks will be
The provisions in this section apply only to Parents who are current or former recipients of
CalWORKs, when subsidized child care payment is expected to be received though an Alternative
Payment Program. In case of conflict between this Clause and other Clauses in the contract, this
Clause if applicable- shall govern.
Provider will only provide care during days and hours approved by the Alternative Payment Program
as described on the most recent Notice of Approval (or Provider Payment Request) for Stage 1 or
Child Care Certificate for Stage 2 or 3 (attached hereto).
This approved care begins on _________________, 20__.
If a Parent wants to add additional hours to those indicated on the Certificate/Approval, Parent must
make this request to Provider in advance. Subject to Provider availability and discretion, Provider
may -- but is not required to -- accommodate the additional hours. A surcharge of $ ____ per hour
will be assessed.
Parent is responsible for the payment of any days and hours not approved on the Child Care
Certificate or Notice of Approval.
If a Parent wants to add additional hours to those indicated on the Certificate/Approval, Parent must
make this request to Provider in advance. Subject to Provider availability and discretion, Provider
may -- but is not required to -- accommodate the additional hours. A surcharge of $ ____ per hour
will be assessed.
______________________(Parent[s]of Child) is/are current or former (circle one) CalWORKs
recipients and is/are entitled to CalWORKs child care subsidies for the care of Child.
Provider will only provide care during days and hours approved by the Alternative Payment Program
as described on the most recent Notice of Approval (or Provider Payment Request) for Stage 1 or
Child Care Certificate for Stage 2 or 3 (attached hereto).
This approved care begins on _________________, 20__.
Alternative Payment Program:_________________________
Name of APP Contact person: __________________________________
Phone number of APP Contact Person: _______________________________
Current CalWORKs child care Stage:
______ Stage 1
______ Stage 2
______ Stage 3
Parent will notify Provider immediately if any of the above information changes.
It is expected that the Alternative Payment Program will pay Provider for the care provided.
However, Parent is responsible for the payment of any days and hours not approved on the
Child Care Certificate or Notice of Approval. In addition, Parent is responsible for child care fees
not reimbursed by the Alternative Payment Program („APP‟) because of lack of required pre-
authorization or because Parent fails to submit required paperwork (such as variable work schedules)
to process payment.
Parent will notify Provider immediately when parent receives notice of termination of child care
subsidies. Parent will keep Provider up to date about any changes which should also be reported to
the County Welfare Department or the Alternative Payment Program. In particular, Parent will notify
Provider immediately if Parent has reason to believe CalWORKs child care subsidies will be
terminated when termination or change is due to a change in Parent‟s work or school schedule. If
Parent fails to do so, Parent is fully responsible for child care fees not reimbursed by the Alternative
Payment Program.
Parent acknowledges that he/she has a current copy of the Parent Handbook or other policies and
agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the CalWORKs child care program (including the
reporting duty to the County Welfare Department and the Alternative Payment program in case of
certain changes).
Parent understands that his/her cooperation with Provider is essential to ensure that Provider is
compensated for the care provided to Child. Parent will personally drop-off and pick-up Child or
send an authorized representative to do so. Parent will follow the Alternative Payment Program‟s
instructions on completing any paperwork to be submitted to the program.
In particular for Stages 2 and 3 CalWORKs child care Attendance Sheets:
Parent shall on a daily basis sign-in and sign-out the Child using the exact times the Child
was dropped off (e.g. 7:53 a.m. instead of 8:00 a.m.) and picked up, accompanied by a
Parent shall indicate the specific reason for a later drop-off or early pick-up;
Parent shall indicate the specific reason for the Child‟s absence upon return to care.
If Parent has to pay a Family Fee and, according to the Alternative Payment Program‟s policies,
this is to be collected by the Provider, then the Parent must pay Provider the Family Fee on each
first day of the month on which care is provided.
Parent is responsible for any co-payment, meaning the difference between the Regional Market
Rate ceiling reimbursed by the Alternative Payment Program and the rate Provider charges non-
subsidized families.
This co-payment amounts to $_____a month. The co-payment is payable on the first day of the
month in which care is provided.
The full fee will be charged to the Alternative Payment Program for all excused absences.
Parent shall notify Provider of any absence as soon as the Parent knows that the child is unable
to attend on a particular day.
Parent is responsible for the payment of any unexcused absences for which Provider did not
receive payment through the Alternative Payment Program. The rate is $_____ per day, payable
immediately upon notification by Provider that absence was unexcused.
[Verify in your Provider handbook whether your Alternative Payment Program allows for 10
Best Interest Days on which the Provider will be paid, even though the Child does not attend day
care. If the APP does allow such Best Interest Days, the following clause will apply:]
The Alternative Payment Program will pay Provider for 10 days of best interest per child per
year. Best Interest Days include family vacation, relative visits, and days home with Parent
(other than illness). Parent must inform Provider at least 24 hours in advance of the Child‟s
absence from care. If Parent wants to take additional Best Interest Days, Parent is responsible for
the payment of those days for the rate of $____ per day, and must be paid in advance. Parent is
responsible to pay Provider for any Best Interest Days for which Provider does not receive
reimbursement from the Alternative Payment Program.
After being terminated from the CalWORKs child care program, Parent may contract with
Provider at Provider‟s discretion for continued care. If Provider chooses to continue providing
care, a new contract for non-subsidized care--under the same fee rate and conditions as Provider‟s
non-subsidized customers--must be signed by both parties.
The full fee will be charged for all absences. Fees are akin to tuition and are based on enrollment, not
attendance. No refund, credit, or makeup day is provided for children who are absent due to illness or
vacation. Parent shall notify Provider of any absence as soon as the Parent knows that Child is unable
to attend on a particular day.
Please be considerate if your child shows any signs of an oncoming illness. Provider has the
obligation to protect children in her care from illness whenever possible. Children with the following
conditions must be kept home and will be sent home if these conditions become apparent:
Fever over 101º F
Skin rash or eruptions of unknown origin
Constant cough
Heavy nasal discharge
o If a runny nose is related to allergies, please provide a doctor‟s note stating that fact.
Conjunctivitis such as pink eye or thick discolored drainage from the eyes
Sore throat
Upset stomach
Parasites nits, lice, crabs, etc.
Communicable diseases chicken pox, measles, ring worm, scarlet fever
Child will also be sent home when the Provider believes, in her judgment, that Child‟s condition
poses a threat to the health or safety of Child or other children or staff in the program.
A Child who becomes ill at school will be separated from the group and Parent will be called. Parent
must pick up Child within one hour after being notified of Child‟s illness. After one hour, Parent will
be charged the actual cost of additional expenditures related to isolated care.
If Child is sent home due to illness, this will be considered an absence in accordance with Section 4.
Child should be symptom-free for 24 hours before he/she returns to day care.
Parent must provide two weeks notice in writing before withdrawing Child from the program. If
Parent fails to provide two weeks written notice, Parent will be charged for two weeks of care, even
though Child is no longer in the program. The deposit paid at enrollment will be applied to this
amount due.
A. Two-Weeks Notice
Provider may terminate Child‟s enrollment in the family day care home effective upon two
weeks notice to Parent, for any reason. The pre-paid deposit for the final 2 weeks of attendance
will be applied at this time. If there are any outstanding debts owed by Parent such that the
deposit does not cover the outstanding debt plus the last two weeks of child care, Provider will
apply the prepaid deposit first to the outstanding debt and the balance on a per day basis for as
many days as the remaining sum permits. This may reduce the remaining number of days of care
from ten (or two weeks) to the number of days possible given the amount of deposit remaining.
If Provider‟s two-week notice of termination occurs in the midst of a longer pre-paid payment
period, a pro-rated amount will be refunded to Parent after first deducting any outstanding
charges owed.
B. Immediate Termination
Provider may terminate Child‟s enrollment in Provider‟s program effective immediately, if any of
the following conditions arise:
(1) In the sole judgment of Provider, the Child‟s behavior or the Parent‟s behavior poses a
significant threat to the physical or mental health or well-being of one or more of the other
children at the family child care home, the Provider, or other persons on Provider‟s
premises, and Provider is unable to reasonably eliminate the threat.
(2) Any payment owed by Parent to Provider under this contract is not paid within three
days after such payment is due;
(3) The child is picked up late more than five times in any thirty day period.
If, pursuant to any of the reasons set forth above, Provider terminates Child‟s enrollment in the
midst of a payment period (monthly or weekly), a pro-rated amount will be refunded to Parent
after first deducting any outstanding charges owed. Provider will also refund the pre-paid deposit
for the last two weeks of care at this time, after first deducting any outstanding charges that
remain due and owing.
No care will be provided on the following holidays:
New Year‟s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Labor Day Memorial Day
Fourth of July Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day President‟s Day
These holidays will be billed as though care were provided.
Provider will give Parent a minimum four weeks‟ notice if Provider plans a vacation. Parent will be
responsible for finding alternative care during Provider‟s vacation, but no fee will be charged by
Provider during Provider‟s vacation.
Provider reserves the right to take ____ personal days per year, upon reasonable notice to Parents.
In the event Provider becomes sick or has another emergency, Provider may secure a qualified
substitute to care for the children enrolled in the program at Provider‟s home. If Provider is unable to
do so, Provider will notify Parents as soon as possible that Provider will be unable to provide care
that day.
If Provider closes the day care home due to illness or emergency, beyond the number of personal days
described above, Provider will refund that pro rata portion of any monthly/weekly fee paid by Parent
in advance for the additional days of closure.
Provider requires payment from the Alternative Payment Program up to the allowed maximum 10
holidays. [Check handbook for APP policy; most allow this.] Parent must find alternative care during
these days.
Provider is a mandated reporter of suspected child abuse under the terms of the California Penal Code
§ 11166. Provider and its employees who have knowledge of or observe the Child, in their
professional capacity or within the scope of their employment, whom Provider or the employee
knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse, have a statutory duty to report the
known or suspected instance of child abuse to a child protective agency. In addition, Provider and
any employees who have knowledge of or who reasonably suspect that mental suffering has been
inflicted upon the Child or that his or her emotional well-being is endangered in any other way, must
report the known or suspected instance of child abuse to a child protective agency.
Provider will release Child only to:
(1) parents with legal and/or physical custody or to the Child‟s legal guardian;
(2) anyone Parent or guardian has authorized by prior arrangement with Provider in writing; or
(3) police or welfare workers with proper authorization.
Provider will not release the Child to anyone under the age of 18.
Parent must sign the Child in/out upon arrival and departure each day. Parent must not remove the
Child from day care home without notifying Provider.
All persons other than parents picking up the Child will be required to provide their drivers license /
ID card and will be required to sign in with Time and full signature.
A. Clothing: Parent should provide a change of clothing for the Child. All clothing must be labeled.
Provider is not responsible for soiled or lost clothing.
B. Medications: All medication must be in the original container for Provider to dispense it. The
following provisions also apply:
i. Prescription Medication: Provider will administer prescription medication only so long as
Parent has submitted to Provider (1) a signed permission form with instructions provided by
parent, and (2) a prescription from the Child‟s doctor with required dosage and times to be
ii. Over the Counter Medication: Provider will administer over the counter medication only so
long as (1) Parent has submitted the medication to Provider in the original packaging; (2) the
medication is to be administered according to package instructions; and (3) Parent has
completed a signed form with name of medication, dosage, and times to be given. The
required dosage and times to be administered must be included in doctor‟s note/Parent form.
“As needed” or “as directed” will not be accepted.
C. Discipline: Provider will not use any corporal punishment. If discipline is required, Provider
will use redirection and/or a time-out.
D. Medical Conditions/Allergies: Parent must fill out a form provided by Provider listing Child‟s
allergies and all medical conditions.
Parent has seen and read the Parent/Provider Handbook and agrees to abide by all policies and
procedures contained in the Parent/Provider handbook.
Provider reserves the right to modify and/or amend this agreement upon two (2) weeks written notice
of any changes in the basic rates or services; provided, however, that any changes in the
government-subsidized reimbursement rates shall be effective immediately and do not require any
prior notice to Parent. Changes in basic rates/services do not require Parent consent, but all other
changes require Parent consent. Provider has the right to modify and/or amend this agreement to
reflect changes in the rules and policies with regard to CalWORKs child care, including those
changes reflected in the provider handbook.
This agreement, together with those documents specifically incorporated herein by reference, contains
the entire agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter hereof.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision hereof shall not affect the other
provisions hereof, and this agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or
unenforceable provisions were omitted.
No right under this contract shall be waived (lost) merely by delaying or failing to exercise it.
Consent to one act shall not be considered consent to any other or subsequent acts. Any waiver of a
default under this agreement must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default
concerning the same or any other provisions of this agreement.
This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of
Provider Signature Date
Print Provider Name
Parent Date
Print Parent‟s Name
Parent Date
Print Parent‟s Name
This document was prepared by Public Counsel’s Early Care & Education Law Project in November
2009 and is meant to provide general information. This document is not all-inclusive and is not
intended to provide any individual or entity with specific legal advice. Receiving this document does
not create any lawyer-client relationship. For questions or comments, please call the ECE Law Project
Intake line at 213/ 385 2977 ext. 300.
© 2010 by Public Counsel. Please contact Public Counsel if you plan to make multiple copies and/or
plan to charge for distribution of this product.