Australian Journal of Teacher Education
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Middle School Mathematics Pre-service Teachers
Responses to a Mathematics Content and Specic
Mathematics Pedagogy Intervention
Stephen J. Norton
Grith Univeristy+'(*,('!*#2,"--
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Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 1
Middle School Mathematics Pre-service Teacher’s Responses to a
Mathematics Content and Specific Mathematics Pedagogy Intervention
Stephen Norton
Griffith University
Abstract: Prospective middle school pre-service teachers’ knowledge
and affect in Australia has had little empirical research. In this study,
108 graduate entry pre-service teachers were surveyed for their
knowledge of middle years’ mathematics, confidence, and self-
efficacy at the commencement of a mathematics curriculum course. It
was found that their memory of middle years’ mathematics was very
poor and this was accompanied by low levels of confidence and self-
efficacy. An intervention was undertaken to address these issues. The
findings are discussed in the context of the genericism of pre-
service teacher preparation. In particular, the findings call into
question the justification for pre-service entry to such a mathematics
curriculum course on the basis of proxy measures of mathematics
knowledge, without which the teaching of the discipline becomes
The main aim of this paper is to enhance practice with respect to mathematics teacher
education, particularly in Australia but potentially more broadly across the West. The
summary of the literature below illustrates that models of the relationship between teacher
knowledge of mathematics and teacher confidence and effectiveness in classroom practice
are fairly well developed. The paper presents empirical data that support the connections
between knowledge of mathematics and confidence to teach it, but more importantly it gives
pre-service teachers a voice as to what forms of knowledge and skills they think ought to take
priority in mathematics teacher education courses.
Pre-service teachers’ voice on the nature of their professional preparation is relevant
because there is an assertion that Western universities and that includes Australian teacher
preparation institutions have manifested forms of anti-intellectualism (Keeling & Hersh,
2012; Kotzee, 2012). The key factor in this accusation is that there has been a turn away from
specific discipline knowledge to the embracing of “genericism” (Beck & Young, 2005, p.
183), such generic material including thinking skills, problem solving, and “reflective
practice. The argument is that there has been too much focus on generic training rather than
disciplinary education (Beck & Young, 2005; Winche, 2010) and this has the effect of
emptying courses of discipline content. The focus becomes on how the professional should
act, rather than what exactly the professional should do. Associated with this process is a
devaluing of discipline knowledge in its own right, a corrosive popular wisdom that Young
and Muller (2010) claim is becoming prevalent in the West but which is totally absent from
the emerging economies of South Korea, China, and India. It is claimed that genericism is a
form of anti-intellectualism and that it manifests in the dismissal of boundaries between
subjects, between school and everyday knowledge, and between academic and vocational
curricula (Keeling & Hersh, 2012; Young, 2011). The key point of the argument of the
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Vol 44, 5, May 2019 2
above-cited authors is that the pedagogic relationship between teachers and pupils in
providing specialist knowledge is played down. Young and Muller argued that “the role of
teachers cannot be reduced to that of a guide and facilitator rather than as a source of
strategies and expertise” (p. 16). In essence, the thinking is an extension of Bernstein’s
theories of pedagogic discourse, where he distinguishes between esoteric and mundane
knowledge forms and high levels of discipline knowledge that are needed to effectively
scaffold academic discourse involving esoteric knowledge forms (Bernstein, 1999, 2000).
Concerns related to the lack of sufficient focus on discipline knowledge (esoteric knowledge
forms) are not new: Shulman (1986, p. 5) commented on U.S. teacher preparation programs,
asking, “Where did the subject matter go?” Shulman (1986) further expressed concern that, in
the main, teacher education programs focus on generic competencies such as cultural
awareness, understanding youth, educational policies, recognition of individual differences,
and instructional principles. Such a focus is similarly reflected in the Australian Institute for
Teaching and School Leadership’s Professional Standards (AITSL, 2011) where, of the seven
knowledge forms, only “Know content and how to teach it” specifically focuses on the
Authors from a diversity of fields claim the dominant epistemology in the West has
become hostage to interpretations of social constructivism that devalue the expertise of
teachers in guiding learning and the critical nature of discipline knowledge (e.g., Chen,
Kalyuga, & Sweller, 2016; Graven, 2002; Hattie, 2009; Hattie & Donoghue, 2016; Kirschner,
Sweller, & Clark, 2006; Muller, 2000; Stipek, Givvin, Salmon, & MacGyvers 2001; Sweller,
2016; Tricot & Sweller, 2013). Interestingly, Depaepe and Konig (2018) in their study of
German pre-service teachers found “no linear association between their domain-general
pedagogical knowledge and their degree of confidence in being able to perform a diversity of
teaching tasks” (p. 185) and that “GPK (general pedagogical knowledge) does not explain
much variance in reported pedagogical practice” (p. 188).
Literature Review
The Importance of Content, Confidence, and Self-efficacy
While there remains controversy and debate with respect to the role of teachers in
structuring effective discourse (e.g., Chen et al., 2016; Hattie, 2009; Kirschner et al., 2006;
Sweller, 2016; Tricot & Sweller, 2014) the general consensus is that mathematics teachers
with a deeper understanding of mathematical content are able to scaffold learning more
flexibly and with purpose (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008; Beswick & Goos, 2012; Burghes,
2011; Chapman, 2015; Gess-Newsome, 2013; Jacobson & Kilpatrick, 2015; Lai & Murray,
2012; Tatto et al., 2008; U.S. Department of Education, 2008; Zhang & Stephens, 2013). A
recent study by Kleickmann et al. (2013) strongly linked mathematical content knowledge
with mathematics pedagogical knowledge and tertiary learning experiences. Interestingly, the
educational paradigm of East Asia is dominated by the view that knowledge forms such as
mathematics need to be explicitly taught, and that the foundation facts and processes take
substantive practice (e.g., Huang & Leung, 2004; Lai & Murray, 2012; Leung, Park, Shimizu,
& Xu, 2015; Li, 2004) and East Asian teacher preparation processes reflect the paramountcy
of content knowledge (Kim, Ham, & Paine, 2011; Leung et al., 2015). Recently, the
Australian Government (2018, p. 71) acknowledged that the need for “A high-quality supply
of specialist mathematics and science teachers is essential to turn this situation around”. The
Australian Government (2018, p. 77) drew on multiple sources including Hattie (2009) to
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
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Expert teachers possess deep knowledge of pedagogical content knowledge and
subject discipline, which they can employ flexibly and innovatively in their
classroom teaching. Expert teachers understand reasons for individual student
success, can anticipate student difficulties, can adapt with confidence in
unexpected situations, and in doing so promote a student’s learning growth.
Shulman (1986) argued that the distinction between knowledge and pedagogy is
a relative recent phenomenon. Shulman (1986, p. 9) defined content knowledge as
the amount and organisation of knowledge per se going beyond knowledge of
the facts or concepts of the domain. It requires understanding the structures of
the subject matter to include understanding the facts and structures of the
subject matter to the depth of the logic behind particular propositions.
Shulman defined pedagogical content knowledge to include the most useful forms of
representations of those ideas (mathematical concepts), the most powerful analogies,
illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations in a word, the ways of presenting
and formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to others” (p. 9). It is hard to argue
that a teacher with limited understanding of the content can enact effective pedagogy. For
effective teaching the two knowledge forms are co-dependent, as illustrated by Dohrmann’s
(2012) use of the term mathematical pedagogical content knowledge. Theorists from various
fields argue that as the complexity of the discipline knowledge being taught increases, the
importance of the teacher’s content knowledge and specific pedagogy becomes more profound
(Chen, Kakyuga, & Sweller, 2016; Kirschner, Verschaffel, Star, & Dooren, 2017).
Unfortunately, international comparison does not paint a favourable picture of Western pre-
service teachers’ mathematical content knowledge (MCK), particularly in the primary
teaching years but also extending into secondary teaching (e.g., Burghes 2011; Hine, 2015;
Kim et al., 2011; Krainer, Hsieh, Peck, & Tatto, 2015; Ma, 1999; Tatto, Rodriguez, & Lu,
2015; Tatto et al., 2008). Those studies that have looked at the depth of MCK of middle
school pre-service teachers, in the West in particular (e.g., Burghes, 2011; Kleickmann et al.,
2013; Hind, 2015; Krainer et al., 2015; Tatto et al., 2015), indicate patchy MCK. There is
scant empirical data on middle years pre-service teachers knowledge from Australia.
Encouragingly, Kleickmann et al. (2013) and more recently, Depaepe and Konig (2018)
found that tertiary preparation experience had the potential to make a considerable difference
with respect to how well beginning teachers, including mathematics teachers, entered the
In addition to having a deep and connected knowledge of content, teachers need the
communication skills and affective dispositions to convert this into productive classroom
discourse. The importance of affective variables in learning mathematics has been well
documented (e.g., Ingram & Linsell, 2014; Wilkins & Ma, 2003). Wilkins and Ma (2003)
considered affective variables, including confidence, an important teacher attribute.
Confidence has been defined as how sure a person is to perform well on a particular task
(Fennema & Sherman, 1976). Confidence has been positively linked to the quality of
pedagogy, acting partly through the interaction of confidence in discipline knowledge and
self-efficacy, that is, a belief that their teaching will succeed (Bandura, 2006), and has been
linked to more effective classroom practice (Beswick, Watson, & Brown, 2006; Graven,
2002; Lazarides, Buchholz, & Rubach, 2018). As with knowledge, there has been little
empirical data on Australian middle years teachers’ confidence. Beswick et al. (2006) found
low levels of confidence with respect to critical aspects of pre-service teacher knowledge of
middle school mathematics in their relatively small sample (N = 42) of primary and middle
school teachers.
Closely related to confidence to do mathematics is self-efficacy. Hoy (2000) defined
self-efficacy as a teacher’s confidence to promote students’ learning as distinct from their
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
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personal confidence in the mathematics. In this paper, self-efficacy is defined as a self-belief
in capacity to teach particular mathematical concepts. In this regard the definition parallels
self-efficacy for instructional strategies (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy, 2001a). In the
case of mathematics teaching, self-efficacy has been linked to persistence to achieve a
mathematics teaching goal; that is, self-efficacy is task specific (Scherbaum, Cohen-Charash,
& Kern, 2006). The consensus is that higher self-efficacy is related to improved classroom
outcomes since self-efficacy is linked to persistence as well as a willingness to try new
teaching approaches and be persistent in attempting to develop understanding (Bandura,
2006; Henson, 2001; Watt & Richardson, 2013).
Certification of Mathematics Teachers
The OECD (2014) noted that “the education requirements for entry into initial teacher
training differ across OECD and partner counties” (p. 498). Duration of training can vary
widely between countries; for example, for lower secondary school it can be as high as 6.5
years in Germany. Burghes (2011) reported similar variation in teacher preparation programs
as well as differences in the levels of mathematics competency exhibited in his international
study (China, Czech Republic, England, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Russia, Singapore,
Ukraine). In Australia, initial teacher education via the undergraduate pathway is generally 3
years of discipline-based subjects and a year of curriculum-based subjects. The graduate
pathway is usually a 3-year bachelors degree in a field considered rich in mathematics,
followed by either a year in a graduate diploma teaching program or 2 years in a masters
teaching program. The typical suite of subjects taught in initial teacher education programs
includes practicum teaching, pedagogical studies, academic subjects, educational science
subjects, child/adolescent development studies, and sometimes, research skills.
Certification of teachers may also involve the articulation of teacher standards; this
practice has become relatively widespread and there is considerable similarly in wording
across Western educational systems. For example, the English standards are virtually
paralleled in Australia (Department of Education, 2013) and similar standards have been
articulated for the United States (National Council of Teachers or Mathematics [NCTM],
2012). In Australia, knowing the discipline, in this case Mathematics, is reflected in the
AITSL (2011) Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, where Standard 2 is “Know
content and how to teach it” (p. 3). It is anticipated that a graduate will “demonstrate
knowledge of concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the
teaching area” (p. 10). There are seven key standards in Australia (1. Know students and how
they learn; 2. Know content and how to teach it; 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching
and learning; 4. Create and maintain supportive and learning environments; 5. Assess,
provide feedback and report on student learning; 6. Engage in professional learning; 7.
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community). Arguably,
Standards 1, 3, and 5 are highly dependent on the graduates knowledge (Standard 2).
The task of preparing teachers to meet the AITSL Australian Professional Standards
for Teachers falls to the initial teacher education providers who have had their program
approved by State statutory bodies. In the study state of Queensland this is the Queensland
College of Teachers (QCT). Across Australia the dominant pathways to middle school
mathematics certification are an undergraduate pathway that includes six subjects in
mathematics, and a graduate or masters pathway. The usual selection mechanism for the
postgraduate pathway, at least for middle school mathematics accreditation, is that the
prospective teachers have successfully completed four university subjects rich in
mathematical concepts. The use of this measure of mathematical knowledge gives Australian
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mathematics teacher education providers the flexibility to structure their programs to account
for the seven teacher standards. Generally, all middle school pre-service teachers will
complete at least one mathematics curriculum subject and those seeking to be qualified to
teach senior mathematics will undertake a second mathematics curriculum subject. Some
institutions such as James Cook University have a specific middle school mathematics
content subject, but this was found to be an exception. The table attached in the Appendix
illustrates that tertiary providers have a great deal of flexibility in the duration of courses, the
focus, and how subjects are assessed. In Australian teacher preparation institutions, most
assessment is of the form of essay writing or constructing resources that will be of use to
future teaching. The inference of this analysis of teacher preparation subjects is that the detail
of mathematics content has been largely assumed, or that measuring such content via tests is
not particularly valid or useful. If detailed knowledge of middle school mathematics is not
assessed, we can reasonably assume it is not the focus of the subjects. There is considerable
international support for the use of portfolio assessment of teacher artefacts as reported of
American teacher education programs (Hutt, Gottlieb, & Cohen, 2018) and earlier, in the
West more broadly (Burghes, 2011).
In some countries (e.g., Brazil, England, France, Finland, Korea, Israel, Mexico,
Spain, Turkey, Japan, Greece, Luxembourg) competitive exams must be passed either prior to
entry or at exit of teacher training (OECD, 2014). Hine (2015) reported in the United States
that many states required pre-service teachers to pass a basic test of mathematics content
before accreditation. Hine noted the test did not assess the mathematics they would teach in
secondary classrooms. Historically, tests of teachers or pre-service teachers’ content
knowledge have tried to cover a spread of domain bases and difficulty levels. Australia has
recently introduced a threshold numeracy test (Australian Council for Educational Research
[ACER] 2018a, Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education: LANTITE). The
intent of the literacy and numeracy test for all pre-service teaching students is to ensure that
graduates are in the top 30% of the population for literacy and numeracy. The test does not
assess the content of middle school mathematics. In structure, the initial teacher education
test is similarly constructed to the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) tests (ACARA, 2018b) for school children, with many but not all questions set in
contexts. Sample numeracy questions of the literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher
education students (ACER, 2018a, p. 9) exemplify the expectations.
Numeracy Sample Question 1
Government operating expenditure on mathematics refers mainly to money spent
on schools and tertiary education.
The total operating expenditure on education in 2011-2012, 51% was spent on
primary and secondary education and 36% on tertiary education (universities
and TAFEs).
What percentage of the total operating expenditure on education in 2011-2012
was spent on the remaining aspects of the education budget?
The context of percentage places the problem as upper primary, but the actual
mathematical conceptualisation of this question is to identify that 51 and 36 must be added;
the sum (87) then needs to be subtracted from 100 to yield 13. This level of computation is
lower primary school. The last and arguably most difficult question of the sample questions is
Question 10.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics conducts a census every five years. In 2011,
the population of Australia was about 22 million. About 2% of these people
lived in remote or very remote areas.
About how many people live in remote or very remote areas in Australia in
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 6
A) 11 000; B) 44 000; C) 110 000; D) 440,000.
Finding 1% can be done by reducing 22,000,000 by two place values to 220,000 then
doubling this to 440,000. Such a computation is consistent with Year 7 minimum standards in
the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2018) and most competent Year 7 students would do
this problem mentally. Almost all the sample questions are in context and that challenges
literacy as much as numeracy, but overall it can be argued that the questions are set at about
the same level as a Year 7 NAPLAN test. Clearly, the test is not intended to be a reasonable
threshold for teachers of middle years mathematics. The test samples do not assess the forms
of mathematics middle school students struggle with, including fraction computations beyond
the simplest forms, formal algebra, or any middle years formal geometry.
TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) (International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achievement [IEA], 2011) assess children internationally in
similar ways; some questions are embedded in contexts, others are not. It is common practice
in assessing mathematics content knowledge to allocate one mark for the correct response
and zero for all incorrect responses, not least because such tests are frequently dominated by
multiple choice format.
Aims of the Study
With this background in mind, the key aim of the paper is to give informed middle
school pre-service teachers a voice in regard to the focus of graduate entry mathematics
curriculum teacher education preparation. This includes asking them what they consider
important in mathematics teaching and learning, what they want from a mathematics
curriculum subject, and how they evaluated attempts to meet their needs. In doing this,
supporting aims are to document the starting content knowledge of graduate entry middle
school mathematics pre-service teachers, their confidence and self-efficacy. These affective
data help to give supporting data for the primary aim. The ethics protocol number for this
study was EDN/34/14/HREC.
Mixed methods were used to collect and analyse the data. The study is correlational in
that the relationships between knowledge, confidence, and self-efficacy are examined. SPSS
was used to calculate descriptive and correlation statistics from the data collected at the
commencement of the subject through an author-constructed survey. Critical insights come
from summaries of pre-service teachers’ written responses at the beginning and end of a
mathematics curriculum intervention that is described below.
The participants in this study were the pre-service teachers of a middle school
mathematics curriculum subject delivered in 2017; 108 of 127 enrolled students participated,
representing 85% of the cohort. The subject involved 28 hours of lectures and workshops run
over 7 weeks. In this institution there are typically eight subjects spread over a 2-years
master’s degree and, for middle years mathematics teacher accreditation, one was mandatory.
Those pre-service teachers going on to be certified to teach senior mathematics (42% in
2017) were required to take a second mathematics curriculum subject focusing on senior
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 7
school mathematics curriculum, content, and pedagogy. The entry requirements for the
subject included the successful completion of Year 12 mathematics, and the completion of a
bachelor’s degree in which four subjects were considered rich in mathematical concepts. The
university in which the study was undertaken was ranked in the top 3% globally (World
Universities Search Engine, 2016) and number 12 (out of 26) in Australia for graduate
employability (The World Universities Ranking, 2017). The program and subject were
accredited by the QCT, the formal statutory body that licences teacher training programs and
registers teachers to teach.
Data-gathering Instruments
At the first workshop the pre-service teachers were given the option to complete a
survey and test of MCK. The survey qualitative data reported in this paper were in response
to two prompts, the first being, “What do you think is the most important feature of quality
mathematics teaching?” and the second prompt being, “What do you most want from this
course? The term course was used rather than subject because at the study institution a unit
of curriculum study is termed a subject; it is typically valued at 10 credit points out of 80 for
a graduate diploma and out of 160 for a Masters of Education certification. The responses to
the two open-ended questions above were coded according to themes. Open-ended questions
such as these have the advantage over multiple-choice prompts of not channelling the
responder according to the researcher’s preconceptions. The survey was conducted during the
same timeslot as the test of content. This is a very important methodological point: Asking
the pre-service teachers what they wanted from a mathematics curriculum course at the same
time as asking them to demonstrate their knowledge of middle school mathematics was
bound to impact on their responses. It is probable that had the participants been unaware of
the exact nature of middle school mathematics or not been confronted by their limits in
mathematical knowledge, their responses may have been quite different.
Starting Mathematical Content Knowledge
Starting content knowledge was assessed via a pencil-and-paper test in the first
lecture. The test contained 31 items; one mark was allocated to each mathematically correct
solution and ½ mark for each nearly mathematically correct solution (i.e., the response
demonstrated conceptual understanding in that the correct pathway to the solution was
demonstrated, but there was a minor computational error). The allocation of part marks was a
rare occurrence since almost all errors were major failures related to misunderstanding of the
concepts or profound procedural errors. Six questions were very similar or identical to
questions on the International Comparative Study in Mathematics Teacher Training
(ICSMTT) (Burghes, 2011). The test was subdivided into five subsections along content and
year level lines (whole numbers, fractions, index notation and surds, linear equations,
quadratic equations). In each section there were some questions that assessed pure procedure,
in that the required operation was stated; other questions were problem-solving orientated in
that the required method of computation was not stated. The test and the survey were
allocated 60 minutes for completion and no calculators or books were permitted, since
ACARA (2017) stipulates that children must be fluent both with and without a calculator for
procedures and content of the nature tested. The test was written solution format; the use of
multiple-choice format has been earlier cited as a poor indicator of teacher knowledge (Hutt
et al., 2018).
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 8
There were four questions related to whole number computation and problem-solving
including subtraction, multiplication, division, and simple problem-solving involving
multiplication and geometric thinking. This mathematics is consistent with upper primary
school mathematics (ACARA, 2017). Five questions assessed fraction computation and
problem-solving consistent with Year 7 and 8 mathematics (ACARA, 2018). The first of
these questions was: “A car costs $50,000. You have a deposit of $2,147, how much more
money is needed to buy the car?” (Success rate 85%).
Analysis of middle school students’ learning of fractions (Brown & Quinn, 2006,
2007) has been well documented and it is clear from NAPLAN and international testing
analysis that the pre-service teachers would have to teach and remediate fraction
misconceptions as part of their early practice. Primary pre-service teachers’ difficulties with
fraction-based concepts have been relatively well reported (e.g., Chick, Baker, Phan, & Chen,
2006; Norton & Nesbit, 2011; Widjaja & Stacey, 2009), but similar challenges for middle
school pre-service teachers have received relatively little empirical description, although
international testing studies (e.g., Burghes, 2011; Tatto et al., 2015) suggest this is an area
that warrants investigation. Sample questions assessing fraction fluency include Question 7,
“What is 4
(Success rate 42%).
Nine questions probed working with index notation, surds, and logarithm conventions
(Years 9 & 10; ACARA, 2018). Three questions from the ICSMTT test were duplicated in
this test. One such question was “Calculate 
(success rate 35%).
Entry algebra including solving, working with simultaneous equations, and relatively
simple first-order algebra problems at the Year 9 and 10 levels were assessed via six
questions (ACARA, 2018). Pierce, Stacey, and Bardini (2010) are among the authors who
have described the difficulties children have with understanding linear functions and the
challenges involved in teaching this topic area. Question 25 was the most taxing of the linear
equation questions: There are 10 more men than women at a party. If one more woman
joined the party, there will be twice as many men as women. How many men and how many
women are at the party?” (success rate 19%).
Finally, there were six questions that assessed fluency and problem-solving within the
context of quadratic equations, which is usually taught at the end of Year 10. The research
that has been conducted on middle years school students struggles with quadratics suggests
that it is a threshold topic area that is poorly understood by very significant portions of upper
middle school students (Bosse & Nandakumar, 2005; Vaiyavutjamai & Clements, 2006;
Zakaria, Ibrahim, & Maat, 2010). ICSMTT had two questions probing middle years pre-
service teachers’ knowledge of quadratics; one was duplicated in this test (ICSMTT Q6; this
test Q26). Question 28(a) asked the pre-service teachers to identify the roots of a quadratic
from a graph (success rate was 25%).
The content of the test used in this study has a reasonable spread of the number and
algebra with which students from Year 4 to 10 are expected to become fluent, thus it is
argued there is content validity.
Assessing Confidence and Self-efficacy
Following each content question the pre-service teachers were asked to “Rate how
certain you are that you can solve each of the academic problems according to the scale 0
(cannot do at all), 50 (indicating moderately confident the solution is correct) to 100 (highly
certain). With respect to confidence, the exact explanation was presented to the participants:
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 9
“Rate how confident you are that you can solve each of the academic problems according to
the scale below”:
Cannot do at all Moderately can do Highly certain
Further explanation was provided: “0” indicated “I cannot do at all means you have
no idea how to do this mathematics and solve the problem” and 50 means “moderately can
do, means you are unsure if the solution is correct but are well on the way to a solution.”
“100 or highly confident can do this mathematics means you are very confident of your
solution.” Traditionally, Likert scales use a 4- or 5-point scale (e.g., Fennema-Sherman,
1976; Sherer et al., 1982). Bandura (2006) preferred a highly graduated scale such as the one
used in this study because he believes it is more sensitive. A further difference between this
study and earlier studies involving confidence and self-efficacy is that earlier studies tended
to be much more generic with respect to what the subjects were confident about doing, for
example, “I am sure I can learn the mathematics or “I am a self-reliant person” (Sherer et
al., 1982, p. 666). In this study participants were asked how confident they are in doing 31
very specific middle school mathematics tasks; such specificity is consistent with that
modelled by Beswick et al. (2006).
Similarly, after each question the pre-service teachers were asked to rate on a 0 to 100
scale their capacity to teach the mathematics of the form inherent in each of the problems.
Unlike the Tschannen-Moran and Woodfolk-Hoy (2001a; 2001b) teachers’ sense of efficacy
scale that tended to use generic prompts such as “To what extent can you craft good questions
for your students?” this scale is specific to the teaching of particular mathematics content.
Description of the Intervention
The intervention was intended to meet the pre-service teachers’ needs as perceived
from the analysis of similar data collected over past years. In particular, it attempted to teach
the content as well as provide specific pedagogy for a broad range of upper primary and
middle years’ mathematics. Frequently, the approach was to start with a typical student error
and diagnose the possible underlying thinking and then plan to remediate any misconceptions
with models, activities, and explicit teaching of algorithms. The organisation of the
subject/course was informed by cognitive load theory with the lecturer attempting to model
effective teaching of mathematics, including effective diagnosis of student errors and
modelling specific mathematics pedagogy. Further detail of the specific pedagogy can be
accessed at Norton (2018).
Evaluation of Intervention
Pre-service teachers’ views on the nature of the intervention were assessed via
standard student experience of course/subject (SEC) surveys that are instigated by the
university at the end of each course. SEC is voluntary and conducted online prior to the final
examination, and frequently response rates are low. In this instance, 73% (47 out of 64) on
Campus A and 58% (39 out of 67) of students at Campus B responded to SEC. The generic
course experience questionnaire contains prompts related to: 1) whether the course was well
organised; 2) whether the assessment was clear and fair; 3) the reception of helpful feedback;
4) whether the course engaged respondents in learning; 5) effectiveness of teaching team; and
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 10
6) overall satisfaction with the quality of the course. To this list the author added questions
related to 7) the learning resources supplied and of relevance to this paper; 8) whether the
{focus on mathematical content knowledge} in this course assisted learning; and 9) whether
the {focus on explicit mathematics teaching methods} in this course assisted learning… In
this paper, responses to Questions 4, 6, 8, and 9 are reported, as the other prompts are
interesting but not central to the intent of the paper. We cannot be sure that the sample is truly
representative, but in the case of Campus A it is reasonably so.
Scale Descriptors
The test has content validity since the content can be directly mapped to the content
the pre-service teachers are expected to teach. The Cronbach’s alpha statistics of .901 for the
31 items suggests a high degree of reliability. The data indicated that pre-service teachers
with similar mathematical competency succeeded or failed on the same questions as their
peers. Looking at these two factors together, we can be confident that the scale is a good
measure of the pre-service teachers explicit knowledge of the middle years mathematics
they will soon be expected to teach. The mean score was 10.29 out of 31 (33%) with standard
deviation of 6.59, maximum score of 29, and minimum scores of 1 out of 31. The distribution
of these scores is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Distribution of scores on pre-test with total possible mark 31.
In Figure 1 a positive skew is evident, in that a few students gained high marks while
a significant portion gained very low marks. Several of the students who scored less than five
marks subsequently withdrew from the program. It is not known if their performance on the
pre-test was a contributing factor.
There were 31 items that contributed to the expression of pre-service teachers
confidence that they could do the mathematics. The mean confidence score minimum was
16%, mean 46%, and maximum 92%. The Cronbach’s alpha statistic was .968. Inter-item
correlation coefficients were reasonably high between questions with similar levels of
mathematical difficulty; for example, Question 26 and 27 both probe fluency in factorising a
quadratic and the inter-item correlation coefficient was .888. As expected, where the
mathematical demands were less matched for example, Question 1 (subtraction of whole
numbers; 85% success) and Question 16 (expressing a surd with a rational denominator; 9%
success) the inter-item correlation was very low at .138. These data suggest the confidence
scale was a very good gauge of pre-service teachers confidence to do particular middle
school mathematics content over a range of difficulty levels.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 11
As was the case with confidence, the measure of pre-service teachers’ expressions that
they could teach the mathematics had a very high Cronbach alpha statistic of .964. High
levels of inter-item correlation existed between cognitively similar mathematics tasks. The
mean confidence to teach the material was 34% with a standard deviation of 22%. That is,
almost all the cohort indicated they could not teach the mathematics without a lot of
background preparation.
Pre-service Teachers’ Views
For the open-ended prompt, “What do you think is the most important quality of
teaching mathematics?” seven themes were identified in 115 comments. Examples of the
comments and how they were classified are listed below. This detail gives us confidence that
the finding is grounded in the data. Comments are shown in Table 1 with relative frequency
of occurrence.
Content knowledge
Deep understanding of the material; deeper understanding of the
content; know content enough to teach…
Be able to communicate maths principles so student can understand it;
simple communication of maths concepts to teach effectively; teach in
an appropriate way so student can learn and understand; ability to
explain mathematics; can fully explain things fully
mathematics to the
real world
Showing them how to use maths in real life; make maths relatable
Understand student
Be able to understand how children learn; identify weaknesses
Make maths
Make maths interesting
Engage students in
Engage with students to help them learn; engage students
Teaching for
Getting kids mastering the basics and feeling like it is possible that
they can do it.
Table 1. Responses to “What do you think is the most important quality of teaching mathematics?” (n = 115)
Given the proximity of the content test and the survey it may not be surprising that
depth of content knowledge emerged as the most critical variable.
For the open-ended prompt, “What do you most want from this course?five themes
were identified, as illustrated in Table 2. Many of the comments had two themes, for
example, “learn the content and how to teach it” and “improve my maths in order to be able
to teach it”. The total number of comments was 122.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 12
Pedagogy for teaching
Effective methods to guide students to maths knowledge; teaching
methods appropriate to the content; how to teach maths
Content knowledge
Skills in understanding mathematics; revision of the material I will
be teaching; greater understanding/refresh of maths concepts
Confidence; confidence to teach the concepts to a class
Differentiation ability
Teach maths so all different types of students can understand the
Technology related
To learn how to use technology to make learning exciting
Table 2. Responses to the prompt “What do you most want from this course?” (n = 122)
Content Knowledge, Confidence, and Self-efficacy
As illustrated in Figure 1, in terms of the participants’ MCT the average mark for the
total of 31 items was 10.324/31 (33%) with a standard deviation of 6.642. It is evident that a
large portion of the pre-service teachers had very limited capability to successfully do the
mathematics tested. Second, seeing the mathematics they would soon be accredited to teach
caused most to report low self-confidence to do the mathematics and even lower self-
confidence that they could teach the material without considerable preparation. However,
success in the mathematics and associated confidence and self-efficacy was not uniform
across the content domains, as illustrated in Table 3. Rather, pre-service teachers were more
capable and more confident with primary mathematics compared to Year 10 mathematics.
This is not unexpected since primary mathematics is more likely to be used in daily life and
thus remembered; in any case, it is simpler.
Concept areas
Success rate in
content areas
Mean confidence in
Mean self-
Whole number computation and
problem-solving (Years 3 to 6,
ACARA, 2017) (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
Std 30%
Std 26%
Std 26%
Fraction computation and problem-
solving (Years 7 to 8, ACARA, 2017)
(Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10)
Std 33%
Std 29%
Std 28%
Index notation and logarithm
computation (Year 9 and 10, ACARA,
2017) (Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15,
Q16, Q17, Q18, Q19)
Std 23%
Std 24%
Std 21%
Linear equation computation and
problem-solving (Year 8 and 9,
ACARA, 2017) (Q20, Q21, Q22, Q23,
Q24, Q25)
Std 28%
Std 33%
Quadratic equation computation and
problem-solving (Year 10 and 10
Advanced, ACARA, 2017) (Q26, Q27,
A28a; Q28b, Q28c, Q29)
Std 24%
Std 31%
Std 22%
Table 3. Summary of Mathematical Competency in the Different Domains of Knowledge and Associated
Confidence and Self-efficacy
While the average success rates are reported according to year level and concept area,
there is a great deal of variation within each concept area. For example, 85% of participants
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 13
were successful with subtraction of whole numbers (Year 3; ACARA, 2018) and 41% were
successful in dividing a 5-digit number by a 2-digit number (Year 6; ACARA, 2018).
Clearly, the further up the grade minimum standard the questions represented, the greater the
difficulty level and decreased success rates. Unfortunately, success eluded about half the
intake with regard to fraction computation (typically taught in Years 7 and 8). The forms of
errors the pre-service teachers made were consistent with those earlier reported by Brown and
Quinn (2006, 2007). Success related to Year 8 and 9 linear algebra was at about 30% and
questions related to Year 10 simultaneous equations and quadratic equations had success
rates from 7% to 25%. Interpreting the word problem and solving for the roots of the
quadratic is typically taught in Year 10. Question 26 was: “A triangle has an area of 
If the height is 3 cm shorter than the base, find the length of the base of the triangle?” This
question had a success rate of 12%. Where there was an opportunity to compare success on
particular questions (Questions 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, and 26) the success rates of this sample
were typically half of that cited by Burghes (2011) for pre-service teachers in the UK.
Table 3 also illustrates the pre-service teachers’ declining confidence in the
mathematics and confidence that they could teach the material without increasing effort in
planning prior to classroom engagement. It is worth noting that success in doing the
mathematics is so closely mirrored by confidence to teach the mathematics, yet the
participants were consistently more confident that they could do the mathematics than was
warranted by the data. As indicated by the very high reliability statistics, the same 20% or so
who had a good knowledge of index laws and logs were able to succeed with questions
related to quadratic equations. For the majority of students, as articulated in their survey
responses, they were closer to “cannot teach this concept at all – means you have no idea
where to start and would have to do a lot of background preparation before teaching this
concept in the classroom” than “highly certain I can teach this concept – means you have
sufficient confidence in your knowledge of mathematics and pedagogy to virtually walk in
and teach this concept”.
Pre-service Teachers Evaluation of the Intervention
SEC mechanisms allow teaching academics to add prompts which are responded to on
a 1 5 scale, where 1 indicates strong disagreement with the statement and 5 represents
strong agreement. Academics have limited flexibility with the wording of these prompts,
having to insert a phrase in the existing structure. The mean responses to three most relevant
prompts are documented in Table 4.
Campus A mean
Campus B mean
This course engaged me in learning
Overall I am satisfied with the quality of this course.
The {focus on mathematical content knowledge} in this course
assisted my learning.
The {focus on explicit mathematics teaching methods} in this
course assisted my learning.
Table 4. End-of-course Student Evaluation (Campus A participation 58%; Campus B
participation 73%; maximum score 5)
Across the 86 responses to SEC, two students (about 2%) did not agree with the
statement valuing the focus on mathematical content and eight did not agree with the explicit
teaching methods used in the course.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 14
In total, there were 69 written responses to the university-mandated prompt, “What
did you find particularly useful about this course? The dominant themes were opportunity to
learn the content in an understandable way and opportunity to see explicit pedagogy enacted.
The four comments below best encapsulate the spirit of these responses:
I enjoyed the high level of content knowledge. This allowed me to understand
mathematics concepts in a way I haven’t before. It took a lot of mathematics
concepts from abstract ideas to understandable in my mind which will allow me
to teach this content more effectively to students. (PST 1: Campus A)
I found the focus on mathematical content knowledge in this course extremely
helpful as I was a little rusty with some of the concepts. The focus on content has
therefore made me much more confident with my own mathematics ability. The
lecturer taught us the content as he would teach his students (school). I found
this incredibly helpful as it not only assisted us to know the content but also how
to teach it. (PST 2: Campus B)
Having taken this course, I can now say with confidence that I am equipped with
these tools, I believe it has made me a better teacher. (PST 3: Campus B)
Quite frankly I would have felt grossly under-prepared to teach mathematics in
high school if I had not attended this class. (PST 4: Campus A)
Across the two campuses there were 61 written comments in response to the prompt,
“How could this course be improved?” The sequence of commonality of the themes was:
timetable-related issues (all the workshops and lectures); issues with the distribution of the
text and video support; not enough time to cover all the material. There was one comment
that questioned the focus on mathematical content:
This course teaches mathematics from primary to early secondary in a
traditional didactic manner. This didactic style is the expected pedagogy.
Experienced graduates have forgotten much of the maths, which is a justification
for the course approach. This is a false basis, we have forgotten the detail of the
maths because we do not use it and it is irrelevant. This course should be about
pedagogy for how to deliver math that is engaging and relevant, and in
alignment with teaching pedagogy evidence. (PST 6: Campus B)
Discussion and Conclusions
The first finding from this study is that the level of content knowledge that the pre-
service teachers brought to the course was disturbing. About a third could not multiply by a
2-digit number; less than half could divide by a 2-digit number and success tended to become
increasingly elusive the more advanced the mathematics questioned. The data from this study
were significantly more alarming than those reported in international studies (e.g., Burghes,
2011; Tatto et al., 2015). What is new in the data detail is the degree and spread of challenge
exhibited at enrolment. The pattern of errors made tended to comprise conceptual errors (not
knowing what processes and algorithm to apply) and procedural errors (not being able to
apply correct processes and computations). The errors made by the pre-service teachers
mimicked those made by children with respect to whole number computation (Norton, 2012),
fractions (Brown & Quinn, 2006, 2007), and primary or elementary bound pre-service
teachers (Chick et al., 2006; Widjaja & Stacey, 2009). The pre-service teachers experienced
difficulties with early algebra not so different from that reported for children (Pierce et al.,
2010) and the mathematics surrounding quadratic equations was particularly troubling, as it is
for middle school children (e.g., Bosse & Nandakumar, 2005; Vaiyavutjamai & Clements,
2006; Zakaria et al., 2010). In this regard this paper adds to the emerging data on pre-service
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 15
teachers’ entry knowledge and concerns expressed by earlier authors (e.g., Beswick & Goos,
2012; Hine, 2015). These data expose the unsuitability of using proxy measures such as
mathematics courses completed as valid estimates of depth of mathematical understanding.
Concerns with regard to the use of such metrics have been articulated by other authors (e.g.,
Burgher, 2011; Qian & Youngs, 2016).
Almost all the middle school mathematics pre-service teachers, when shown the
specific mathematics they would be expected to teach, recognised their limitations and were
reasonably accurate (if somewhat optimistic) in their capacity to do the mathematics at this
time. This finding has methodological implications, in that there is merit in asking about
confidence and self-efficacy associated with very specific mathematics tasks. In this regard
the specific questioning format supports the methods used by Beswick et al. (2006) to
consider seeking teachers views on very specific tasks, a proposition supported by Depaepe
and Konig (2018). Perhaps more importantly, the dominant view expressed was that the pre-
service teachers wanted to learn the mathematics and the specific didactics of how to teach it
and were supportive of this approach in their SEC evaluations. This begs the question: If
depth of content and specific pedagogy has the overwhelming support of cognitive load
theorists and East Asian educationalists, is anticipated by Western theorists, and demanded
by national accreditation standards, what can explain the absence of assessment of discipline
knowledge across Australian institutions mathematics curriculum assessment protocols?
Similarly, if confidence and self-efficacy are important for structuring classroom discourse
(e.g., Beswick et al., 2006; Depaepe & Konig, 2018; Hoy, 2000) why the apparent disregard
of these attributes in pre-service teacher preparation? There are several potential explanations
for the current focus of teacher education programs in ways that do not necessarily account
for a deficit of content knowledge.
A potential explanation for the lack of relevant mathematics content knowledge at
intake is that given the earlier studies completed by the pre-service teachers, middle years
content can be assumed. Clearly, at least in this instance, the assumption is flawed since only
a very few pre-service teachers could demonstrate competency with even lower secondary
school mathematics. Similar, results have been reported for other cohorts of middle years
mathematics teachers (Norton, 2018). It is possible, but improbable, that the study institution
is unique in attracting such a large portion of pre-service teachers who have the above-
reported level of mathematics knowledge. The common enrolment processes across states
and institutions suggest this is improbable. In addition, the OEDC (2014) data indicate that
significant portions of lower secondary pre-service teachers feel unprepared to teach the
content. A range of authors investigations of this challenge indicate the concern is relatively
widespread across many Western educational systems (e.g., Burghes, 2011; Hind, 2015;
Kleickmann et al., 2013; Krainer et al., 2015; Tatto et al., 2015).
Accepting that pre-service teachers have a strong background in middle school
mathematics confers flexibility upon the teacher preparation provider in that it gives the
middle school mathematics educator licence to focus on generic principles. It can be argued
that such an approach is consistent with the guidelines set out by AITSL (2011) in the
Professional Standards, since they are relatively generic in expression. In this study, if the
pre-service teachers had not been asked to demonstrate their knowledge at course
commencement, no one would have been any the wiser as to their level of knowledge. As
illustrated in the literature review, the threshold LANTITE test (Australian Government
Department of Education and Training, 2017) is not intended to be a threshold for content for
teaching middle years mathematics. Similarly, the very specific context in which the pre-
service teachers were asked to reflect upon their confidence and self-efficacy was likely to be
important in how they responded to the probing of their affective attributes, in particular,
decreasing their reported confidence and self-efficacy at the start of the course. Arguably, had
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 16
the pre-test not been administered, no remediation would be seen as necessary, a proposition
supported by Depaepe and Konig (2018). Without being confronted with personal deficit in
content, pre-service teachers may have been happy to have completed generalist pedagogy
mathematics curriculum courses and reported relatively high levels of satisfaction. Indeed,
this was the case at Campus B until 2015. It is argued that the relatively generic focus of
mathematics curriculum courses across Australia has been relatively well reviewed, in part
because of the way these courses are assessed and presented to pre-service teachers.
One pre-service teacher (PST 6) provided a good rationale to dismiss the data and
his/her reasoning has some theoretical support and is a good justification of the current
mathematics teacher program focus. PST6 did not consider this lack of knowledge important
since the material had probably been forgotten, possibly because it was not relevant to their
post-school lives. This participant’s articulation is a justification for a generic approach to
mathematics curriculum courses and a greater focus upon principles such as how to make
mathematics engaging and relevant. Such a view of the primary role of pre-service teaching
mathematics curriculum courses is largely reflected in the program structures which illustrate
teacher preparation institutions attempts to meet the AITSL (2011) teacher standards. As
illustrated in the Appendix, there is no necessity for pre-service teachers, once enrolled with
rare exception to demonstrate their knowledge of middle school mathematics outside of
take-home assignments. In this regard the summary of assessment protocols supports the
assertions of a range of authors who claim that discipline knowledge in Western tertiary
institutions has been de-emphasised (e.g., Beck & Young, 2005; Bernstein, 1999, 2000;
Keeling & Hersh, 2012; Young, 2011; Young & Muller, 2010). The very low level of
mathematics demanded of the teacher registration test does little to alleviate this concern.
PST 6 also rejected the emphasis on focusing on the content and providing explicit
models of how to teach the whole number, fractions, algebra, surds, quadratics, probability,
and geometry concepts that were a focus of the intervention. PST 6 rejected what he/she
described as “traditional didactic manner”. In this regard PST 6 manifests the view that
principles of learning, potentially emphasising facilitation and co-construction (alignment
with “teaching pedagogy evidence”), are preferable to a more didactic approach favoured by
the author and East Asian educators (e.g., Huang & Leung, 2004; Lai & Murray, 2012; Leung
et al., 2015; Li, 2004), meta-data analysts (e.g., Hattie, 2009; Hattie & Donoghue, 2016), and
cognitive load theorists (e.g., Chen et al., 2016; Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006; Sweller,
2016; Tricot & Sweller, 2014). It needs to be noted, however, that while the views of PST 6
provide a reasonably coherent justification for existing generic mathematics teacher
education programs and curriculum courses/subjects, they are counter to those expressed by
the majority of the pre-service teachers enrolled in the mathematics course informing this
What the testing data do not show, but what is implied in the student evaluation
comments and ratings, is that most of the pre-service teachers improved their base level
understanding of mathematics over the life of the intervention. Thus, most of them would
make considerable progress in the first few years of teaching. The question is whether putting
the onus to develop domain-specific knowledge and expertise onto the novice teacher in
effect, to teach themselves once in practice is the best policy. Such an expectation is likely
to have both cognitive and affective implications for themselves as beginning teachers, and
for their students.
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Vol 44, 5, May 2019 17
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Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Vol 44, 5, May 2019 23
Course code
Assessment forms
contact face to
Edith Cowan
Report working mathematically 60%
Case Study 40%
Excelsia College
Journal task 25%
Unit of work 45%
Essay 30%
Assignments; Tutorial presentation; oral; tutorial
33 hrs
EDN 7024
Closed-book exam 60%
Classroom-based research assignment 40%
32 hrs
University of
Review of digital resources 33%
Mathematical investigation inquiry 33%
Resource, working with families 33%
24 hrs
Tasks exploring numeracy-related issues 50%
Critical reflections on numeracy 50%
24 hrs
Online assignment: interview student about some
aspect of mathematics; planning a sequence of
lessons; Online and in-class discussion.
University of
Presentation and report 50%
Assessment folio 50%
University of
Essay on the use of technology 50%
Prepare teaching materials 50%
University of
Learning log 60%
Teaching plan 40%
University of
4000-word essay 60%
2000-word assignment 40%
32 hrs
University of
Lesson plan 30%
Website comparison and report 30%
Exam 40% (includes mathematics skills test)
University of
Two reports 50% each
36 hrs
University of
New England
Teaching design task 40%
Written task focus on assessment 40%
20% Online quizzes X 5 20%
University of
New England
Curriculum Investigation 45%
Practical curriculum investigation 40%
Online tasks 15%
University of
Essays/written assignments
Lesson plan
8 hrs
Key: *Sourced from online university web sites.
Table A1. Sample of Course Assessment Australian Mathematics Middle Years Curriculum Courses