Is Constraint Induced
Movement Therapy
(CIMT) a feasible
treatment option in
an inpatient
environment within
the NHS?
Use of Botulinum
toxin in the treatment
of elbow flexor
spasticity in acute
Pusher Syndrome: a
relevant issue in
stroke rehabilitation
Spring/Summer 2012
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page C1
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page C2
1. To promote and facilitate
collaborative interaction between
ACPIN members across all fields
of practice including clinical,
research and education.
2. To promote evidence informed
practice and continuing
professional development of
ACPIN members by assisting in
the exchange and dissemination
of knowledge and ideas within
the area of neurology.
3. To provide encouragement and
support for members to participate
in good quality research (with a
diversity of methodologies) and
evaluation of practice at all levels.
4.To maintain and continue
to develop a reciprocal
communication process with the
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
on all issues related to neurology.
5.To foster and encourage
collaborative working between
ACPIN, other professional groups,
related organisations ie third
sector, government departments
and members of the public.
Spring/Summer 2012
ISSN 1369-958X
From the Chair 2
Participate or perish (President’s address from the
2012 ACPIN national conference and AGM) 3
Article 1
Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) –
a feasible treatment option in an inpatient rehabilitation
environment within the NHS? 4
Article 2
Use of Botulinum toxin in the treatment of elbow
flexor spasticity in acute stroke – a case report 10
Article 3
Pusher Syndrome:a relevant issue in stroke rehabilitation 16
The backbone of neurology
ACPIN national conference and AGM 2012
Lecture abstracts 20
Workshop sessions 25
Speed updates 26
Poster winners’ abstracts 27
ACPIN AGM 2012 30
Sharing good practice
Writing a case report 34
Functional stroke training – evaluating a
community-based programme 35
Sharing ‘local’ practice 36
A novel technique to attach Velcro straps
to fibreglass splints 37
Resources of interest 38
Focus on…
Paralympic classification 39
Steve Brown – Wheelchair rugby captain – GB Team 40
Jane Petty – national programme
physiotherapy lead for the MS Society 41
The life of a PhD student 43
BOOK: Physical management for neurological conditions 45
COURSE: Step into research 45
News 46
Articles in other journals 49
Regional reports 59
Writing for Synapse 63
Regional representatives 64
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 1
Current Executive Committee
Margaret Mayston
Honorary chair
Gita Ramdharry
Honorary vice chair
Jakko Brouwers
Honorary treasurer
Jo Kileff
Honorary secretary
Anne Rodger
Honorary research officer
Jane Petty
Honorary membership officer
Sandy Chambers
Honorary minutes secretary
Emma Procter
Honorary PRO
Adine Adonis
Synapse coordinator
Lisa Knight
lisaknig[email protected].com
Diversity officer
Lorraine Azam
iCSP link and Move for Health
Chris Manning
Committee member 1
Ralph Hammond
Committee member 2
Jennifer Barber
Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2012
edition of Synapse!
As usual sitting down to write From the
Chair makes me reflect on the hard
work of the exec and think of our plans
for the year ahead!
The last Chair’s address I had written
was full of despondency at the thought
of the health and social care bill being
passed and the implications that
would have for physiotherapists,
however although it was passed last
week I am feeling much more
I have just returned from the 2012
residential conference in Northampton,
The backbone of neurology, which was
a complete sell-out and unfortunately
we even had to turn people away. The
buzz and enthusiasm at the conference
was amazing. Judging by the silence
and complete attention in the lectures,
the chatter at breaks and the dancing
’til the wee small hours everyone had a
great time and the feedback from the
delegates has been fantastic. We even
got a mention in The Times by Melanie
Reid, whose full presentation can be
listened to on the website. For those of
you who were unable to attend we
also have a short video to give you an
overview of the day and the speakers’
presentations are also available on the
We have also adopted our new
constitution and are fully affiliated
with the CSP as a professional network
within the neurological alliance.
An account of all our links with other
organisations is more fully described in
the conference abstracts and on the
website and thanks to Jo Tuckey, Cherry
Kilbride, Bhanu Ramaswarmy and Dr
Fiona Jones for their involvement on
behalf of ACPIN.
I can hardly believe that my two years
as Chair has passed and it is time to
step down. Thank you for allowing me
to have the honour of being chair of
such a dynamic and enthusiastic group
of professionals, I have enjoyed every
minute and made lovely friends along
the way!
Signing off!
Siobhan MacAuley
Thank you to Siobhan for being
such a fantastic Chair. She has
shown so much dedication and
enthusiasm throughout her term
and she will be very much missed.
ACPIN Committee
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 2
These may sound like strong words,
but in these uncertain times we all
need to be prepared to make an
active contribution to the ongoing
discussions and processes, whether
they be about the economy, the NHS
or, the future of physiotherapy.
In particular, participation is needed
in the discussions about the role of
ACPIN and where it fits into the new
Professional Network structure (CSP)
and its interaction with the wider
world of neurology. We know from the
International Classification of
Functioning Disability and Health (ICF),
that a focus on participation is key to
successful rehabilitation and habilita-
tion. It is also essential for the future of
our profession.
As I am embark on my fourth and
final year as President of ACPIN I have
cause to reflect on where the physio-
therapy profession is at, the healthcare
structure and physiotherapy education.
We learnt in March of the long awaited
decision of the NHS London review of
physiotherapy education, which is
supported in the capital financially by
the NHS. A decision has been made to
support only three of the central
London schools: Kings, Brunel and
St Georges, and of course places have
been cut significantly nationwide. How
has this come about? – was the
expansion of education the result of
poor consultation, or has this come
about because of the financial crisis in
which the world finds itself? I suspect
both factors. The NHS reform discus-
sions and implementations will
continue, and the only outcome from
these will be further reduction in
budgets, less service provision, over-
worked healthcare professionals and
fewer jobs available for qualified
physiotherapists (already a significant
concern especially for new graduates).
The knock–on effect is less money
available for CPD and possibly a reduc-
tion in skill development. Will our
speciality of neurophysiotherapy
perish? I am confident we will continue
despite these cuts and changes, but it
requires our active participation – all
of us.
At times, more so in these recent
times of global recession and blind
insistence on evidence based practice
or nothing, I do feel despondent about
the vision of physiotherapy and what
might happen to the profession, and
rather pleased that I can retire soon!
But, when I look at this specific interest
group there is cause to feel confident
for the future and to continue. ACPIN
goes from strength to strength, has
well over 2,000 members and all
events are well attended. This is in
large part thanks to the dedicated work
of the executive who give their time
freely and enthusiastically, and to the
membership in general who want to
develop their skills and be the best
therapist that they can for the clients
they treat, and also to have pride and
confidence in the work that we do.
One of the many privileges in being
President is that I have had the oppor-
tunity to work with three Chairs over
my term, and to work with a large
number of committee members and
regional representatives. I have to say
that they make a formidable team.
However, I need and want to make one
plea on their behalf. The Chair,
formerly Siobhan and now, Gita, needs
to have prompt replies to their queries
from the committee members and
regional representatives about the
ACPIN response to a whole range of
matters: media releases, the Stroke
Forum, possible conference speakers,
through to who will assemble the
conference packs late at night, or make
sure that all the sandwich wrappers
and disposable coffee cups are in the
rubbish bin when the meeting is over.
The Chair did not take on the job to be
an autocrat and values and needs your
responses, and requires them in good
time without needing to send
reminders. Please respond in a timely
fashion. For the wider membership,
please make your contribution by
joining the executive, becoming a
regional representative, contributing to
Syn’apse, participating in surveys when
requested, and of course attending
meetings whether they be local,
national, or in support of ACPIN at the
national CSP conference.
That’s my grumble finished. Over
2,000 members can make a highly
significant contribution to the devel-
opment and progression of
neurophysiotherapy. Be a part of it!
This was the President’s address at the 2012
National ACPIN conference and AGM.
Participate or perish
Margaret Mayston AM FCSP PhD ACPIN President
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 3
Following a stroke, many different factors
make the use of an affected upper limb diffi-
cult. One such factor which may be overlooked
as pure motor weakness is learned non-use.
This phenomenon commences with the
inability to use the affected upper limb in the
acute phase after stroke, when the ischaemic
penumbra is maximal. The resultant feeling of
failure and the ability to manage with use of
the unaffected limb reinforces the compensa-
tory use of the unaffected side. This can result
in the person with hemiplegia no longer trying
to use the affected upper limb, even once the
penumbra has resolved and activity is
returning (Taub et al 1999).
One treatment technique which seeks to address
learned non-use is constraint induced movement
therapy (CIMT). Traditional CIMT involves mitt
wear, by way of constraint, on the unaffected
upper limb for 90% of waking hours and six hours
a day of task practice and shaping exercises for
two weeks. Suitable patients are required to have
active finger and wrist extension and have suffi-
cient cognition to take on board the demands of
the programme (Wolf 2006, 2008). CIMT was first
developed in America by Dr Edward Taub and has
been tested by more than 120 studies in various
versions from traditional to modified forms, (Taub
et al 2006) including the rigorous, randomised,
controlled, multicentre EXCITE trial which
involved 220 participants over a two year follow
up period (Wolf et al 2006, 2008).
CIMT is one of the most evidence based forms of
upper limb rehabilitation available for stroke
patients, and yet, anecdotally, it appears to be min-
imally utilised as part of routine clinical practice
by physiotherapists within the NHS. The reason for
this is unclear and is the subject of current investi-
gation amongst ACPIN members who await the
publication of survey findings. The main issues
appear to be staffing levels, lack of consensus of
how to carry out CIMT and strict inclusion criteria.
In the National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke (RCP
2008) the importance of patient commitment to a
CIMT programme is reinforced because of the
‘considerable health resource’ required to provide
this intervention. As an NHS clinician this recom-
mendation highlights one of the major barriers to
CIMT – not enough time. NHS occupational thera-
pist (OT) and physiotherapist (PT) to patient ratios
are recommended as one to five (BSRM 2009,
BASP 2010) and actual average figures fall below
these guidelines (RCP 2007, Rudd et al 2009). The
provision of six hours of supervised exercise daily
seems overwhelming and impossible in services
which are struggling to see their patients for 45
minutes, five days a week per discipline, in order
to meet published guidelines (NICE 2010).
In addition to the time factor, is the issue of a
lack of standardisation of the approach (Tuke
2008). Despite the publication of articles that have
attempted to characterise the intervention pro-
tocol (Morris 2006), specifically what sort of
exercises to carry out, has remained unclear.
Some clarity has been provided by the EXPLICIT
study (Kwakkel et al 2008) which supplied a
detailed and repeatable protocol including photo-
graphs of specific exercises used within CIMT, for
their five year research programme, the results of
which have not yet been published.
Finally, strict inclusion criteria apply in many of
the studies, particularly around mobility levels.
Current guidelines for stroke (RCP 2008) state
that CIMT should be offered to appropriate
patients who are independently mobile. In an
inpatient environment patients are rarely mobile
at admission and, in the author’s experience, are
often primarily concerned with their mobility
levels over their reduced upper limb function and
prefer to set their goals around walking in order
to facilitate discharge. A recent study by Hartigan
Constraint Induced
Movement Therapy (CIMT)
– a feasible treatment option in an inpatient
rehabilitation environment within the NHS?
Rebecca Bradshaw Bsc (Hons) MCSP
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 4
et al (2010) showed that the majority of stroke
patients with both upper and lower limb affected
identified either mobility or active tasks such as
gardening as their main goals.
This article, therefore, seeks to give an account
of a real life, NHS inpatient unit’s efforts, to incor-
porate this highly evidenced intervention into a
rehabilitation programme, in order to encourage
other practitioners to trial CIMT within their client
In our regional neurorehabilitation unit, CIMT had
not been used as described in the literature, except
as a highly modified version trialled within treat-
ment sessions and occasionally a modified version
of forced use involving only the constraint element
during specific functional tasks. For example a
patient eats two meals a day while their unaffected
upper limb is constrained. However, as a small unit
(eight neurorehabilitation beds) with a full comple-
ment of multi-disciplinary team members,
including assistant staff, we considered ourselves
well placed, to be implementing one of the most
evidence based forms of upper limb rehabilitation.
The physiotherapy team chose to present CIMT to
our area’s professional group quarterly meeting in
April 2010 and we therefore researched the subject
in depth, drawing together multiple articles
including several randomised controlled trials
(RCTs) examining the efficacy of CIMT. Studies not
only showed immediate effects after only a two
week intervention, but effects that were lasting up
to two years later (Wolf 2008). We felt that, as a
unit, we should be able to offer CIMT as a treatment
option to appropriate patients in order to ensure
that our practice is both up to date, evidence based,
and in line with national guidelines for stroke.
The EXCITE trial was one of the most recent and
powerful of the CIMT studies available (Wolf et al
2006, 2008), and its two week, intensive pro-
gramme fitted in well within our unit which
admits patients for an average of three months.
We therefore decided to base our intervention on
their protocol with the clearly laid out exercises
from the EXPLICIT trial (Kwakkel et al 2008) as a
photographic resource to ensure that the inter-
vention would be clear and easy to follow by any
member of our multidisciplinary team (MDT).
In January 2011 several members of the MDT
attended the first course in the country entitled
‘How to do CIMT?’ (Harrison Training 2010). The
trainers presented a case study of CIMT in the
community and gave many examples of the types
of exercises and activities involved as well as pro-
viding examples of how to set up a CIMT
programme with the types of paperwork required.
We adapted this paperwork to make it suitable for
our unit.
Our first opportunity to use CIMT came with a 47
year old patient admitted to our unit five weeks
after a left middle cerebral artery infarct which
was thrombolysed. We introduced the idea of the
two week intensive programme from an early
stage in order to prepare the patient. We agreed
with the patient to complete the programme in the
final two weeks of his nine week admission once
his mobility had improved (at admission he was
mobile with assistance of two and a stick, by the
time of his CIMT programme he was independent
unaided). A behavioural contract was drawn up in
which certain tasks were excluded from mitt wear
ie stairs, drinking/pouring hot drinks and show-
ering (because the mitt wasn’t waterproof) and
certain tasks were highlighted as possibly
requiring extra help eg dressing. Both the patient
and his wife signed witnessed written agreements
to formalise the process and ensure he under-
stood the commitment required of him, having
been provided with written information on the
programme a few days before. His two week pro-
gramme consisted of:
• Mitt wear for 90% of waking hours.
• Three hours of supervised intervention by the
therapy team every weekday.
• One hour intervention supervised by his wife
every weekday.
• Two hours independent shaping and task prac-
tise every weekday.
• Each hour long session consisted of four tasks –
a mixture of strength, range of movement and
dexterity tasks, each completed for 15 minutes.
• The programme started on a Wednesday in
order to provide an early break (mitt wear only
at weekends) after the first three days. See
Appendix 1 for examples of exercises used.
Having reviewed upper limb outcome measures
used in the CIMT research papers, we felt that the
most evidence based and clinically relevant for us
and for our patient were the Nine hole peg test
(NHPT) (Kellor et al 1971, Heller et al 1987,
Mathiowetz 1985) and the Jebsen test of hand
function (Jebsen et al 1969, Bovend’Eerdt et al
2001) for dexterity, and dynamometry for power
(Heller et al 1987, Sunderland et al 1989). The
Canadian occupational performance measure
(COPM) (Bodiam 1999, Cup et al 2003) was used
to measure the patient’s perception of his upper
limb use, including identification of key functional
tasks and self-rating of their current performance
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 5
level and degree of satisfaction with their current
performance. Each component is scored out of ten
with ten being the most satisfied. The measures
were completed twice in the two week pro-
gramme, the day prior to commencing the
programme and the day after completion. We also
video recorded the patient, to review the interven-
tions, and observe any changes in the quality of
movement. See Table 1 below, for results of the
above outcome measures used.
To provide the level of input required we needed a
full complement of OTs and PTs: at our unit this
reflects the BSRM (2009) and BASP (2010) recom-
mendations of one therapist to five patients, as well
as full time OT and PT assistants. We also relied on
flexibility from the rest of the MDT as the two week
period involved the equivalent of full time work for
the patient on only his arm. Speech and language
therapy and psychology therefore had to largely
withdraw. This was discussed and agreed within
our multi-disciplinary team meeting. For this
patient, no dilemma arose, as he was receiving
minimal input from other disciplines with his out-
standing goals being physical. In a different case
where other disciplines were more heavily
involved, more flexibility maybe required and
perhaps a more modified CIMT approach adopted.
The most significant resource was time – not only
during the treatment period but also in set up – we
needed to designate protected CPD time and work
was also completed during the therapists’ own time
in order to prepare and set up the programme.
However, now this has been done once, the work-
load for the next patient will be significantly less.
Minimal equipment was required – only standard
upper limb rehab equipment/functional equipment
and games such as those found around the unit in
the kitchen, garden, bathroom etc.
• CIMT does appear to be a feasible treatment
option within an NHS setting but it does require
a lot of preparation and organisation both prior
to the programme and during it.
• Providing the intervention at the end of the
patient’s stay was very effective for us – not only
from a mobility point of view but it also allowed
the team to get to know the patient before
starting the programme. This is essential to
know when to push them, when rest is required,
when to abandon an exercise because it is too
hard and when to persevere because the
challenge they’re undergoing is part of the
process of improvement.
A flexible approach
• Flexibility is required by the therapists involved
in order to adapt quickly to early changes and
improvements – exercises that were challenging
on day one were easy by day three.
• Not every session goes ahead as planned.
Although independent sessions were timetabled,
ased on writing, toilet hygiene,
feeding himself and holding a
steering wheel.
Jebson test of hand function
average of three attempts.
gross grip, average of three
Performance: 2/10
Satisfaction: 1.4/10
(standard deviations from
54.9 seconds
no drops.
41.3 pounds
Performance: 6
Satisfaction: 7.4/10
(standard deviations from
normal) between -2 and 2
considered to be within normal
28.9 seconds
no drops.
56.6 pounds
A change of two or more points
is considered clinically significant
(Law et al 2004) as cited in
Bodiam 1999).
This degree of improvement
represents an increase in speed
to perform seven dextrous,
functional tasks of between 110
and 141.2 seconds.
Normative values would be
completion within 18.8 seconds
(Mathiowetz 1985). Minimal
clinically important difference
has not been established.
Normative values would be
109.9 pounds.
Table 1
Outcome measure scoring pre and post CIMT
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 6
they were not always completed, and certainly
not for a full hour, because of fatigue and frus-
tration. In addition the sessions supervised by
the patient’s wife were not always completed –
on reflection the team would not use a patient’s
partner in an inpatient setting again. Although
she was very keen to help, what our patient
needed when she visited was someone to offload
to about the frustrations of his day and how hard
the exercises were. In future we hope one
session each evening could be completed by a
rehabilitation assistant during a quiet period to
keep the supervised sessions to four hours a day.
This would also be better for a patient with no
regular visitors.
The intervention
• Very close communication between all those
working with the patient is vital to ensure the
programme is pitched at the correct level
• CIMT is essentially a hands-off approach. As
Bobath influenced therapists, this is quite a chal-
lenge. Abnormal movement patterns are highly
likely to be employed by the patient but through
exploring the use of their upper limb and
problem solving for themselves on how to com-
plete tasks, neuroplastic changes are facilitated
and the patient’s movement should begin to nor-
malise. As physically helping the patient is
avoided, pitching the activities at the right level
is important so that tasks are difficult but not
• The element of competition is vital – timing tasks
and racing against a target as dictated by the
shaping activities is crucial in maintaining the
interest of the patient. Even with the knowledge
that repetition is vital for plasticity (Kleim et al
1998, Kleim & Jones 2008, Sadowski 2008) and
improvement, boredom is potentially a major
problem. In our experience the greater the
variety of tasks and exercises that have been
prepared, the better because although repetition
is key, novel tasks have also been shown to
promote cortical plasticity (Adkins 2006). See
Appendix 1 for some examples of exercises used.
• Our outcome measures demonstrated substan-
tial improvements but most telling were the
videos of the intervention showing change in the
quality of movement in the tasks/exercises com-
pleted on day one compared with day fourteen.
With hindsight we would video and time one or
two of the tasks identified in the COPM to show
an objective change in the tasks that were most
relevant to the patient.
• Subsequent to the described CIMT programme
we have provided MDT in-service training on
what CIMT is and fed back the experiences high-
lighted here. This has increased our MDT’s
awareness of CIMT as a treatment tool and the
roles they can play within it ie encouraging the
patient, watching for mitt wear, being supportive
during functional tasks – nursing staff may need
to help a patient more with ADLs during their
CIMT period than they had been previously.
Trialling CIMT within our unit following the
EXCITE trial example (Wolf et al 2006, 2008) has
highlighted to the team several areas for further
consideration – particularly regarding the inclu-
sion criteria:
• The EXCITE trial (Wolf 2006, 2008) actually has
lower level mobility criteria (independent toilet
transfer, independent sit to stand and two
minutes independent standing balance) than
many other studies which require the patient to
be independently mobile (van der Lee et al
1999). A high level of mobility proved beneficial
for CIMT in our experience, as it meant less time
spent with the mitt off (ie if a walking aid is
required, the mitt cannot be worn while
walking – this would limit use of the affected
upper limb in automatic tasks like opening
doors, turning on light switches etc). Having a
mobile patient also increased the scope for a
greater variety of exercises ie more dynamic
tasks like throwing a ball against the wall and
picking it up off the floor when dropped, as well
as dynamic standing tasks. Despite this, the team
felt that CIMT could be adapted for a wheelchair
user. This may tax the imagination of the thera-
pist and patient more, in order to come up with
sufficient variety of tasks, but a CIMT pro-
gramme in our experience may well serve to
improve a patient’s trunk and therefore, poten-
tially, their functional level, by increasing the
involvement of the affected side in activities of
daily living.
• Conversely, within an inpatient service, if the
patient has the potential to improve their
mobility it is difficult to completely prioritise (as
is required for traditional CIMT) the upper limb
over mobility – from a discharge planning point
of view as well as from the patient’s perspective.
Perhaps for this type of patient, CIMT would be
better provided within the community at a later
stage or perhaps a modified version of CIMT
could be considered, involving fewer hours of
massed practice daily. This might be particularly
relevant in light of recent protocol changes now
being employed by the originators of CIMT in
America. They now favour three hour training
programmes rather than six hours although mitt
wearing continues to be aimed at 90% of waking
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:21 Page 7
hours (Morris 2011). This training schedule may
make CIMT easier to apply in the inpatient NHS
• The majority of articles on CIMT thus far, have
studied patients with stroke. Various studies
have looked at patients at different lengths of
time post-stroke and some other patient groups
have been studied eg multiple sclerosis (Mark et
al 2008) and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
patients (Page 2003). TBI patients are now eli-
gible, alongside stroke patients, for Dr Edward
Taub’s Therapy Clinic. In addition to these
patient groups, CIMT could perhaps be applied
to others eg post excision of a space occupying
lesion, or patients with an encephalopathy or
infection. Anyone presenting with unilateral
upper limb weakness that is motivated, cogni-
tively intact and has some return of functional
movement and has the potential to improve
could, in theory, benefit.
As a unit we now feel confident and are set up,
ready to provide a two week intensive CIMT pro-
gramme for appropriate patients. This article has
detailed our first experience of applying CIMT to
an inpatient setting within the NHS. We faced the
day to day difficulties of real-life NHS work rather
than the controlled environment of a research
trial. What I have strived to do is share our quali-
tative experience of the practicalities including
the barriers and difficulties of trying to apply
evidence based practise into our clinical work in
the hope that it will encourage readers to also try
the approach because the effects were quite
The author wishes to thank Annie Meharg for her many helpful
comments and Stephanie Andrews for joint preparation of our CIMT
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Available at:
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(1998) Functional reorganisation
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Kleim JA and Jones TA (2008)
Principles of exercise-dependent
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damage Journal of Speech,
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(51) ppS225-S239.
Kwakkel G, Meskers CGM, van
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Mini Solitaire
ck up Sticks
Counters and jar
Nut and bolt
Cupboard and fridge
Dexterity task focusing on pincer grip – picking up and
ving small pegs between holes on a board.
Dexterity task focusing on pincer grip accuracy, trying to
pick up sticks without moving the other sticks around it.
Picking up counters from a jar and placing them on the
table and vice versa.
In hand manipulation – pick up counters one at a time,
gradually increasing the number held in the hand -
release one at a time.
Flower press with wing nuts on bolts, patient screws the
nut down then back up.
Turn over individual playing cards.
In hand manipulation – as counters task.
In hand manipulation of key to undo locks of
cupboards/drawers at various heights therefore also
range of movement and strength.
Writing grip.
Open and close cupboards/fridge and unload then
reload items in and out of cupboards/fridge.
Increase speed by timing, change height of board
ie pl
ace on a block, change distance from patient.
Speed, change distance moved, change size of sticks
eg matchsticks
Change height of jar, speed, change type of counter –
use coins, change distance of jar from patient.
Use coins or smaller counters, release into a target of
varying size, pick up from different surface / container,
distance from patient.
Speed, use standard nut rather than wing nut, distance
of press from patient.
Speed, distance of pack from patient, size of cards, lay
cards out individually or in a pile.
Use different size marbles, use different shape objects
such as pens or paperclips.
Start with low cupboards and build up to higher ones,
vary number of keys on key ring, speed, distance patient
stands from cupboard.
Follow pattern with index finger if writing too difficult,
adapted pens, start with large patterns/letters and
reduce size, mazes.
Start with lower shelves/cupboards and build up to
higher ones, different size, weight and shape items, vary
distance patient stands from cupboard.
Appendix 1
Examples of exercises
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 9
This case report describes the use of botulinum toxin A (BT-A) in the treatment of elbow flexor spasticity in a 69 year
old male, who suffered a large right middle cerebral artery infarct. The patient had BT-A administered eight weeks
post stroke, alongside 45 minutes daily physiotherapy and a splinting regime, as an in-patient on the stroke unit. A
variety of measurement tools, including goniometry, Tardieu Scale, Numeric Graphic Rating Scale, photography and
Goal Attainment Scale (GAS), were used before BT-A, and repeated on day 14 and day 28 post injection, to assess the
different components of spasticity and its impact on function. BT-A was found to be safe and efficacious in reducing
elbow flexor spasticity in this case. Improvement in patient centred goals was found, with better than expected GAS
scores at 28 days post BT-A, including a 40° increase in passive range of movement, a reduction in pain, greater
tolerance of splinting, reduction in carer burden and improved positioning. The integrated multi disciplinary team
involvement essential for best practice in spasticity management makes it difficult to distinguish the effects of
separate therapeutic components in relation to the outcomes. Clinical trials investigating the use of BT-A early post
stroke remain scarce and further research is warranted.
Key words: Botulinum toxin A, spasticity, stroke, elbow flexors.
Collateral nerve sprouting eventually enables the
nerves to re-innervate the muscle. In clinical terms
the effects of the BT-A injection last around three
to four months (Moore et al 2003). There is strong
evidence from randomised control trials (RCTs)
that BT-A reduces upper limb (UL) spasticity post
stroke (Childers et al 2004, Bakheit et al 2000,
Smith et al 2000, Simpson et al 1996). There is also
a growing body of evidence demonstrating how the
reduction of spasticity translates into functional
benefits in terms of reduction in disability, carer
burden and improvements in goal achievement
(McCrory et al 2009, Francis et al 2004, Brashear
et al 2002, Bhakta et al 2000).
In routine clinical practice BT-A tends to be given
once the clinical signs of spasticity have become
established which is usually several months post
stroke. By this time secondary complications such as
pain and contractures are likely to become estab-
lished (Cousins et al 2010). The RCP guidelines (2009)
suggest appropriate use of BT-A in the early phases
of rehabilitation may prevent soft tissue shortening
and potentially help to avoid learned disuse and facil-
itate neurological recovery. Early treatment may also
reduce the costs of long term care.
Use of Botulinum toxin
in the treatment of elbow flexor spasticity
in acute stroke – a case report
Emma Bretherton Senior physiotherapist, University Hospitals of Leicester
Spasticity is defined as ‘a velocity-dependent
increase in tonic stretch reflexes’ (Lance
1980). It can be painful, distressing, and a
potentially costly cause of disability. It may
contribute to secondary complications
including impaired function, contracture,
pressure ulcers and reduced quality of life
(Moore et al 2003). Nineteen percent of
patients after stroke are reported to have
spasticity at three months and thirty-eight
percent after one year (Watkins et al 2002).
Recent data suggest that spasticity may
develop within a week following stroke
(Malhotra et al 2008).
BT-A is recommended as an effective treatment
for focal spasticity, without affecting sensation or
the associated systemic side-effects of other anti-
spasmodic agents (RCP 2009). A meta-analysis of
36 studies has demonstrated both its efficacy and
safety (Naumann and Jankovic 2004). BT-A aims
to reduce spasticity by blocking acetylcholine
release at the neuromuscular junction, thereby
inducing muscle weakness (Barnes 2003).
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 10
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of treat-
ment intervention it is important to record valid
and reliable data about spasticity and its effects
on function. Much debate exists in the literature
regarding the measurement tools available and
their clinical relevance (Haugh et al 2006, Morris
2002). The RCP guidelines (2009) suggest the use
of a battery of tools to address the different com-
ponents of spasticity and its impact on function.
This case report aims to demonstrate the early
use of BT-A in the treatment of UL spasticity eight
weeks post stroke. The measurement tools used
include, goniometry, Tardieu Scale, Numeric
Graphic Rating Scale, Photography and Goal
Attainment Scale.
Patient A, is a sixty-nine year old male who suf-
fered a large right middle cerebral artery infarct
resulting in a dense left (L) hemiplegia. He had no
significant past medical history and was fully
independent prior to his stroke. He was an in-
patient on the stroke unit for a total of fourteen
weeks where he was under the care of a stroke
specialist multi-disciplinary team (MDT). Eight
weeks post stroke, he was making good progress
in some aspects of rehabilitation and was able to
stand and transfer with assistance of one.
However, his (L) UL remained non-functional, with
no selective voluntary activity. He developed pain
and spasticity in his (L) UL. The impact of the UL
spasticity will be the focus of this case report and
has been classified according to the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
(ICF) (WHO, 2001), see Table 1 below.
On examination eight weeks post stroke the
muscle involvement in the spasticity appeared rel-
atively focal to the elbow flexors. On palpation
biceps brachii and brachioradialis felt particularly
Initial spasticity management involves excluding
any aggravating factors such as, constipation,
infection or pain. This is because spasticity results
partly from the abnormal processing of sensory
input and nociceptive stimuli, therefore such
factors can exacerbate spasticity and make it
harder to treat (RCP 2009). Patient A complained
of pain at the site of biceps brachii and therefore
regular paracetamol was given for analgesia, no
other aggravating factors were found. However,
despite reducing the pain, the spasticity remained
unchanged. The MDT agreed that a predominantly
neural component was evident at the elbow
flexors because the resistant to passive elbow
extension was velocity dependent. This was differ-
entiated from the non-neural component ie the
mechanical restraint of soft tissues, by assessment
of slow and fast passive range of movement and
recorded with the Tardieu Scale.
The Tardieu Scale (Haugh et al 2006) was selected
to measure spasticity as it has been suggested that
it provides higher intra-rater and inter-rater relia-
bility compared with the Modified Ashworth Scale
(Mehrholz et al 2005). The Tardieu Scale also aims
to measure the relative contribution of the velocity-
dependent neural mechanisms ie spasticity (V3)
and the mechanical restraint of soft tissues ie
passive range of movement (PROM (V1)). It is
therefore suggested as a more valid spasticity scale.
However, a key criticism is that it is time-con-
suming; rating was therefore limited to V1 and V3
as recommended (RCP 2009). The position of the
patient was standardised in sitting on each test and
range of movement was measured with goniometry.
Arm pain around biceps brachii was graded
using the Numeric Graphic Rating Scale (NGRS)
(RCP 2009) where by; 0 = no pain and 10 = most
severe pain.
Four priority goals were determined through col-
laborative agreement with the patient and MDT
before the injection therapy. Please refer to Table 2.
(L) elbow flexor spasticity.
Decreased passive range of movement (PROM) (L) elbow extension.
No voluntary active movement throughout (L) UL.
Pain in (L) arm around biceps brachii.
Associated reactions into (L) elbow flexion during effortful tasks.
No functional use (L) UL.
Difficulty putting (L) arm through sleeve and dependent on carer
for assistance with dressing.
Unable to tolerate elbow extension splint; causing pain and
redness on the skin with pressure markings as the arm pulled into
elbow flexion against the splint.
Difficulty achieving or maintaining good positioning of the (L) UL
in bed and when sitting in the wheelchair.
Dependent on a carer for (L) UL dressing and positioning.
Reduced tolerance sitting out in wheelchair, greater time in bed
and decreased social interaction.
Table 1
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 11
The Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) (Ashford and
Turner-Stokes 2006) was selected as it provided an
individualised measurement approach. The validity
and reliability of the scale has been demonstrated
in other settings and preliminary studies support
that it provides a useful measure of functional
gains in response to treatment of spasticity with
BT-A (Ashford and Turner-Stokes 2006). The goals
were reviewed with the patient and measured
weekly. The numerical rating of the goals helps
clearly identify areas of progression, plateau or
deterioration. The patient’s goals were also dis-
cussed at weekly MDT care planning meetings as
part of the integrated team-work approach in spas-
ticity management during stroke rehabilitation.
The MDT agreed that BT-A would be an appro-
priate treatment selection for Patient As focal
spasticity. Following patient written consent, BT-A
was injected intramuscularly into biceps brachii
and brachioradialis. Although BT-A is reported to
diffuse into active neuromuscular junctions within
the muscle, endplate targeting has been reported
to potentiate BT-A effects (Gracies et al 2002).
Deshpande et al (2006) described the endplates of
biceps brachii as an inverted V-shaped band just
below the midpoint of the humerus. Utilising this
and knowledge of anatomical landmarks, 60 units
of Botox® was injected between two sites targeting
both heads of biceps brachii. Electromyography
(EMG) injection guidance, as recommended for
muscles more difficult to locate (Wissel et al 2009),
was used for brachioradialis where 40 units of
Botox® was injected at a single site. Relatively low
doses within the recommended range (RCP 2009)
were selected due to this being the initial treat-
ment and the acute nature of the stroke. A dilution
volume of 2mls per 100 units of Botox® was
selected due to muscle size.
Brachialis was not injected as it has been sug-
gested that it has weaker elbow flexion power and
provides muscular protection of the joint, ensuring
contact between the articular surfaces over the
flexor aspect (Huber and Heck 2008). Mayer et al
(2008) interestingly found reduced activity in
brachialis post injection of biceps brachii and bra-
choradialis, suggesting leakage of the toxin to
adjacent muscles.
The clinical effect of BT-A occurred gradually
over seven days as expected (Barnes 2003). It is
widely recognised and emphasized throughout the
national guidelines that BT-A should be used in
parallel with an integrated MDT management
plan (RCP 2009). Indeed Giiovanelli et al (2007)
suggest that physiotherapy in combination with
BT-A can significantly improve overall response.
Patient A attended forty five minute daily physio-
therapy sessions, Monday to Friday, throughout
his fourteen week hospital stay. Following RCP
(2009) spasticity guidelines, (L) elbow extension
stretching exercises and splinting were carried
out, despite the controversy in the literature that
exists with regards to their benefit (Katalinic et al
2011; Bovend’Eerdt et al 2008). Physiotherapy
also played an important role in advising the MDT,
patient and family on careful handling and posi-
tioning, contributing to the maintenance of muscle
length, control of pain and spasticity.
An elbow extension splint was made on day
seven post BT-A as recommended (RCP, 2009).
Splinting provides a prolonged stretch aiming to
KEY: +2 Much better than expected +1 Better than expected 0 Expected target goal -1 Worse than expected -2 Much worse than expected
Increase PROM of (L) elbow
xtension by 30°
Increase PROM of (L) elbow
extension by 20°
Increase PROM of (L) elbow
extension by 10°
Maintain PROM of (L) elbow
extension at 140°
Decrease PROM of (L) elbow
extension to less than 140°
Achieve a reduction in pain
ore by 5 or more points
Achieve a reduction in pain
score by 3 to 4 points
Achieve a reduction in pain
score by 1 to 2 points
Achieve no change in pain
score (7/10)
Achieve an increase in pain
score by 1 or more points
Put (L) arm through sleeve
ndependently with ease
Put (L) arm through sleeve
independently with difficulty
Put (L) arm through sleeve
with minimal assistance of 1
Put (L) arm through sleeve
with moderate assistance of 1
Put (L) arm through sleeve
with maximum assistance
of 1
Tolerate (L) arm splint for
reater than 6 hours per day
Tolerate (L) arm splint for
6 hours per day
Tolerate (L) arm splint for
4 hours per day
Tolerate (L) arm splint
2 hours per day
Not able to tolerate (L)
arm splint
Table 2
GAS Scale
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 12
improve muscle length. Optimal duration is
unclear, however, some evidence suggests splints
should be worn for at least six hours, therefore, it
was aimed that tolerance towards this would grad-
ually be reached (Tardieu et al 1988). Figure 1
displays the elbow extension splint in situ.
Nurses, occupational therapists and stroke
physicians are examples of other key members of
the MDT who were involved in the coordinated
management of spasticity. For example the occu-
pational therapists played an important role in
splinting and provision of seating. Nurses were
responsible for implementing positioning pro-
grammes and careful handling of the patient
throughout the 24-hour period, and the stroke
physician was involved in on-going medical man-
agement, including analgesic review.
Measurements were recorded prior to BT-A injec-
tions, on day 14 and day 28 post injection, in line
with follow-up recommendations (RCP 2009).
They were repeated at the same time of day and
by the same rater. Tables 3, 4 and 5 (overleaf)
display the assessment findings.
Photographs were taken to illustrate any changes
pre and post treatment, particularly with regards to
positioning of the (L) arm in bed and when sitting in
the wheelchair. The photographs displayed in
Figures 2 to 4 clearly illustrate the improvement in
positioning from pre- BT-A to day 28.
The injections were well tolerated and no adverse
effects were found in patient A, consistent with the
results of a meta-analysis by Naumann and
Jankovic (2004). A reduction in elbow flexor spas-
ticity was demonstrated by increases in the angle
at which the muscle reaction occurs (Y angle,
Table 3) and decreases in the spasticity angle on
the Tardieu Scale at day 14, with further improve-
ment found at day 28 post BT-A. This suggests that
Figure 1
Supine with elbow extension splint in situ
BT-A in conjunction with the integrated MDT
management was effective in reducing spasticity,
supporting previous RCT’s in stroke (Brashear et
al 2002, Bakheit et al 2000, Bhakta et al 2000
Figure 2
Supine: pre-BT-A
Figure 3
Supine: 28 days post-BT-A
Figure 4
Sitting in wheel chair pre-BT-A (left) and post-BT-A (right)
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 13
Smith et al 2000, Simpson et al 1996). The large
difference of 50° found between V1 and V3 on the
Tardieu Scale pre-BT-A was suggestive of a large
dynamic and neural component; whereas smaller
differences have been suggested to represent a
more mechanical restraint of the soft tissues
(Morris 2002). It is important to note that the level
of pain around biceps brachii on passive elbow
extension (V1) was limiting PROM and hence
measurement of soft tissue length was difficult to
assess. The impact of decreased pain levels must
therefore be considered when viewing the
improvements found in PROM post BT-A. The
quality of muscle reaction (X = 2, Table 3)
remaining at day 28, shows no change in the
quality component of the measure, however this
should be analysed with caution. A systematic
review of the Tardieu Scale questioned the rela-
tionship of the categories to assess quality and
found that this part of the scale was not even used
in five of the ten papers reviewed (Haugh et al
The pain score reduced more than expected to
3/10 NGRS, by day 28 post injection, supporting
analgesic effects of BT-A (Barnes 2003). Relief of
spasticity and increased freedom of movement at
a joint have been reported to be likely contribu-
tors to pain relief (Bhakta et al 1996). However,
McCrory et al (2009) and Bhakta et al (2000),
found no significant improvement in pain fol-
lowing BT-A compared with placebo in their RCTs.
It is important to note that in this case report,
patient As analgesia was changed concomitantly,
with the inclusion of Buprenorphine (BuTrans®
10 patch). This makes assessment of BT-As contri-
bution to relief of pain difficult and is recognised
as a limitation.
A reduction in elbow flexor spasticity seemed to
correlate with increasing ease of putting arm
through sleeve and reducing carer burden. This
was demonstrated by improvement in goal three
to +1 on the GAS, thus supporting a RCT that
found a reduction in disability and carer burden
following BT-A (Bhakta et al 2000).
Pre BT-A
Day 14
Day 28
V1 – V3
Table 3
Tardieu Scale for (L) elbow flexors
Pre BT-A
ay 14
Day 28
Table 5
GAS scores
Pre BT-A
ay 14
Day 28
Table 4
NGRS (L) arm pain
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 14
Patient A gradually increased tolerance to the
splint and the expected target was achieved for
goal 4 on GAS by day 28. Better than expected
changes in GAS scores were found for goals 1 to 3
at day 28. This suggests that the reduction in spas-
ticity translated into improving the ability to
achieve patient centred goals, supporting previous
findings (McCrory et al 2009, Ashford and Turner-
Stokes 2006). A probable reason for greater than
expected changes may be that alongside the
reduction in spasticity, other factors also improved
including reduction in pain, improved positioning,
greater tolerance of splinting and therapy. Greater
recovery expected in the acute stage post stroke
also needs to be considered. Research, however,
into the use of BT-A in the acute phase remains
scarce (Cousins et al 2009).
Patient A was discharged home from hospital,
following a 14-week stay, to care of the community
physiotherapy team, who provided ongoing follow-
up. The management plan was to review the
patient at the spasticity clinic in three to four
months post BT-A as recommended (RCP 2009), as
it was anticipated that the effects of the BT-A may
have worn off (Moore et al 2003). It would there-
fore be important to assess whether functional
levels had been maintained with ongoing physio-
therapy, splinting and positioning regimes. It
would also be prudent to consider whether further
injections are indicated, particularly with the
acute nature of the stroke and better than
expected achievements in GAS after 28 days.
Thorough re-assessment and use of outcome
measures are key to inform the clinical reasoning
at this point; repeated injections if indicated are
recommended at no less than three month cycles
(RCP 2009).
BT-A was found to be safe and efficacious in
reducing elbow flexor spasticity post acute stroke,
which translated into higher GAS scores. This was
reflected by an improvement in the ability to
achieve patient centred goals 28 days post BT-A,
including increased PROM, a reduction in pain,
greater tolerance of splinting, ease of putting
affected arm through sleeve, reduction in carer
burden and improved positioning. The integrated
MDT involvement essential for best practice in
spasticity management makes it difficult to distin-
guish the effects of separate therapeutic
components in relation to the outcomes in this
single case study design.
• BT-A used early post stroke may benefit patients
with focal spasticity.
• BT-A should be used in parallel with an inte-
grated MDT management plan.
• BT-A used alongside physiotherapy, splinting
and positioning regimes was beneficial in the
management of focal elbow flexor spasticity in
this individual.
• Valid and reliable outcome measures to address
the different components of spasticity and its
impact on function should be used.
• GAS captured personally relevant achievements
in response to treatment of spasticity with BT-A.
Conflict of interest
The author received financial support from Allergan to attend the
Injection Therapy Masters Module at the University of Coventry. Allergan
have had no involvement in the preparation of this case study.
Address for correspondence
Physiotherapy Department, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolen
Road, Leicester, LE5 4PW
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 15
Upon sitting upright the gentleman vigorously
extended his non-affected upper and lower
extremities, pushing upon the plinth as though
to resist an imminent fall towards his unaf-
fected side – despite the presence of a
reassuring physiotherapist sitting next to him.
This was what I witnessed during my first week
of a practice based learning placement within
an acute stroke unit, and I was left pondering
the behaviour of this patient who had suffered a
right-sided total anterior circulation stroke
(TACS). At first I could not fathom why the
person acted in this way – why would someone
with a marked left-sided hemiplegia be so deter-
mined to actively push his way onto his affected
side? I learned that the patients behaviour was
characteristic of something called ‘pusher syn-
drome’ – my immediate interest lead me to
investigate this phenomenon further, and was
nurtured over the course of a stimulating and
enjoyable placement. My experience has since
motivated me to write the following article.
The term ‘pusher syndrome’ (PS) as named by
Davies (1985) is used to describe the performance
of pushing behaviour towards the paretic side of
the body (contralateral to the cortical lesion) using
the unaffected upper and/or lower limbs, and is
commonly observed by neurological physiothera-
pists in hemiplegic stroke patients. Furthermore,
attempts by physiotherapists’ to manually correct
sitting posture in such circumstances are often
met with significant resistance from patients, who
have been reported to express a fear of falling
towards their non-affected side (Karnath et al
2000). Such ‘contraversive pushing’ may result in
loss of postural balance within the frontal plane,
causing the individual to fall laterally towards
their paretic side upon upright sitting, standing or
when performing transfers (Karnath et al 2000,
Karnath & Broetz 2003, Paci et al 2009). Indeed, it
is likely that physiotherapists are often among the
first health professionals to witness pusher behav-
iour (PB) in clinical settings, considering that
initial medical assessment upon patient admission
following acute stroke is often performed with the
patient in supine (Karnath 2007).
PS is often mistaken for similar postural disor-
ders associated with neurological injury, such as
‘listing’ whereby patients experience a loss of
sitting balance towards their paretic side sec-
ondary to muscular weakness, rendering them
unable to maintain static equilibrium (Karnath &
Broetz 2003). As these individuals are able to
recognise their loss of sitting balance they tend to
‘pull’ on objects using the non-paretic upper limb
in order to correct sitting posture – not ‘push’
(Karnath & Broetz 2003). The active PB, which
commonly manifests as abduction and extension
of the non-affected limbs, as well as resistance to
manual correction, differentiates PS from other
balance disturbances (Karnath 2007).
The underlying epidemiology and aetiology of the
disorder remain poorly understood, despite the
topic receiving considerable focus within scientific
literature during the past decade. Previously
reported prevalence rates have varied extensively,
ranging from 10 – 60% (Paci et al 2009). There is
general consensus that PB can be attributed to a
disturbed perception of verticality (Paci et al
2009). Specifically, it is believed that PS arises
from an impaired perception of body orientation
relative to gravity or ‘behavioural vertical’,
derived from the processing of visual, vestibular
and somatosensory afferent information (Paci et
al 2009). The latter comprise the subjective verti-
cals, which are: subjective visual vertical (SVV);
subjective haptic vertical (SHV); and subjective
postural vertical (SPV) (Paci et al 2009).
Pusher Syndrome:
a relevant issue in stroke rehabilitation
Jordan Hepburn,BSc (Hons) Applied Sports Science MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
Student Physiotherapist, Queen Margaret University
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 16
The finding that patients with PS demonstrate
an intact SVV, evidenced by their ability to align
their body’s longitudinal axis with earth-vertical
using visual environmental cues, implies the exis-
tence of a second graviceptive system responsible
for processing afferent activity from the trunk
from which SPV is derived (Karnath et al 2000,
Karnath & Broetz 2003). Such afferent activity
may arise from somatosensory receptors in the
skin, golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles, as
well as impulses transmitted via the renal, phrenic
or vagus nerves generated from the inertia of
mass within the body. Furthermore, patients with
vestibular lesions who demonstrate a tilted SVV
are still able to orientate themselves with earth
vertical – implying the utilisation of an alternative
graviceptive system (Karnath 2007).
In a study by Karnath et al (2000), patients with
PS were found to perceive themselves as being
upright (SPV) when tilted 18° towards the ipsile-
sional side upon a rotational seating device. So
why then do patients with PS perform contraver-
sive pushing in the presence of an ipsileisional
bias of SPV? It is believed that PB arises as an
attempt to compensate between a disturbed SPV
and an intact SVV, as opposed to resolving this
problem with weighted summation (Karnath &
Broetz 2003). This notion is supported by the
observation that PB diminishes when patients are
deprived of visual input, thus eliminating the need
to compensate (Karnath & Broetz 2003).
Furthermore, this may explain the marked patient
resistance encountered by physiotherapists when
attempting to provide postural correction, as this
may interfere with active compensatory attempts.
It has also been suggested that PB may arise via
alternative mechanisms, such as when patients
experience lateral instability upon standing or
sitting upright secondary to aligning their body’s
longitudinal axis with an ipsilesional SPV
(Karnath & Broetz 2003). Pérennou et al (1998)
expressed that PS may arise from a cessation of
contralesional afferent activity and its respective
cortical processing, termed ‘graviceptive neglect’.
Although previous authors have implied a strong
association between PS and spatial neglect, con-
sensus indicates that neglect does not cause PS –
rather that PS is highly associated with neglect
and aphasia in right and left hemisphere lesions
respectively (Pederson et al 1996, Karnath et al
2000, Karnath & Broetz 2003). Clearly, establish-
ment of the exact underlying mechanisms of PS
awaits the results of future research, although
current evidence provides a theoretical platform
from which treatment strategies can be devised.
Previously considered as a relay station to other
structures, it has been postulated that the poste-
rior lateral thalamus is predominantly involved in
the control of upright body posture, and may rep-
resent the brain structure most commonly
affected in PS (Dietz et al 1992, Karnath et al
2000, Karnath et al 2005). Therefore, this area is
likely to be responsible for the processing of the
aforementioned postural afferent activity.
However, previous experimental studies have
identified other brain areas which may be impli-
cated in the disorder including the parietal and
insular cortex, suggesting the existence of a
complex processing loop with cortical as well as
sub-cortical elements responsible for controlling
upright body posture (Saj et al 2005, Paci et al
2009). Indeed, this multicomponential model may
explain the strong association of PS with spatial
neglect and aphasia (Paci et al 2009).
Despite the potential disruption of PS to the imple-
mentation of physiotherapy interventions in
stroke rehabilitation, the disorder has a surpris-
ingly favourable long-term prognosis, with
previous studies having reported that such
patients demonstrate a complete resolution of
symptoms six-months following hospital admis-
sion (Karnath et al 2002). Although PS is not
considered to influence rehabilitation outcomes, it
can have a significant effect on the rate of
recovery post-stroke, particularly in the early
stages of rehabilitation. In the Copenhagen Stroke
Study, which examined 327 stroke patients over a
one year period, patients with PS took approxi-
mately four weeks longer to achieve the same
functional level as their unaffected counter-parts
(Pederson et al 1996). This delay in functional
recovery represents longer periods of hospital
stay and increased strain upon physiotherapy
resources, illustrating a clear rationale for physio-
therapeutic intervention specifically targeted at
treating the disorder (Karnath 2007).
The finding that the integrity of SVV is preserved
in patients with PS has led to the proposal of a
treatment approach which utilises this ability to
correct their disturbed postural body orientation
(Karnath & Broetz 2003). The ipsilesional bias of
SPV in patients with PS means that a perceived
‘upright’ body posture corresponds to a tilted
visual field – it is believed that this must be chal-
lenged primarily so that patients acknowledge
that their visual input is representative of reality,
and thus can identify their disturbed SPV
(Karnath & Broetz 2003). Karnath and Broetz
(2003) recommended the use of visual cues repre-
sentative of ‘earth vertical’ within the therapeutic
environment, such as the edges of window frames,
doors, or even the use of a therapist’s arm. Such
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 17
cues serve to promote awareness of the patients
erroneous body posture and provide a reference
point to which their longitudinal body axis can be
aligned (Karnath & Broetz 2003). Once patients
are able to assume a correct upright body posture
using this method, the therapist may begin to
incorporate non-affected upper limb activities
such as reaching for objects, involving weight dis-
tribution to the ipsilesional side in order to
minimise abduction and extension of the non-
affected limbs (Karnath & Broetz 2003, Broetz et
al 2004). Upon mastery of the latter elements in
sitting and standing, these may then be combined
with distractive activities in order to progress to
an autonomous stage of skill learning (Broetz et al
2004). Although high quality scientific studies sup-
porting its efficacy are lacking, improvements in
PB when using this treatment approach have been
recorded by Broetz et al (2004), with eight acute
stroke patients being able to stand with therapist
assistance following 18 days of daily 30-minute
treatment sessions.
It would appear that this strategy follows the
motor re-learning approach to rehabilitation as
opposed to one incorporating the Bobath method,
and perhaps neglects the re-training of
somatosensory graviceptive pathways as previ-
ously described – although alternative approaches
have been suggested (Paci et al 2009). Panturin
(2004), for example, suggested performing move-
ment of the lower trunk upon a stationary upper
trunk in order to stimulate graviceptive receptors
involved in the control of SPV. The use of mirrors
to promote patient awareness of erroneous body
posture has also been described, although evi-
dence supporting the effectiveness of this
approach in PS is lacking (Trueland 2009).
A number of assessment tools exist, which can
be used by physiotherapists to both diagnose PS
and monitor patient progress through quantifica-
tion of PB. The ‘Scale for Contraversive Pushing’
(SCP) by Karnath et al (2000) comprises of an
ordinal scale which measures PB according to
three variables: spontaneous body posture; exten-
sion of the unaffected arm/leg to increase the area
of physical contact with the ground; and resist-
ance to passive correction of posture to an upright
position measured in both sitting and standing
(Baccini et al 2008, Babyar et al 2009). Patients
are considered to have PS if a score of 1 is
achieved for each of the latter variables (Karnath
& Broetz 2003). A recent systematic review of the
literature supported the reliability, validity and
clinical applicability of the SCP, as well as the
‘Modified Scale for Contraversive Pushing’ (MSCP)
and the ‘Burke Lateropulsion Scale’ (BLS) (Babyar
et al 2009). Furthermore, the MSCP and BLS were
considered to be most appropriate for monitoring
changes in PB secondary to their wider metric
ranges, whilst the SCP remained the most exten-
sively tested measure of the three (Babyar et al
In conclusion, PS is a problem that warrants inter-
vention during rehabilitation following stroke,
given its association with longer periods of hos-
pital stay and delayed functional recovery. The
need for future research is clear, especially to
establish the efficacy of the aforementioned treat-
ment approaches. Furthermore, having witnessed
how effective evidence based management of PS
by physiotherapists can accelerate functional
recovery in such patients during my own practice
based learning experiences, as a student physio-
therapist I am motivated to tackle this problem
upon entry into the profession.
I would like to express my gratitude to physiotherapists Fiona Genney
and Suzanne Offer of Raigmore Hospital Inverness for providing me with
an invaluable practice based learning experience which inspired me to
write the current article.
Babyar SR, Peterson MGE,
Bohannon R, Pérennou D and
Reding M (2009) Clinical
examination tools for
lateropulsion or pusher
syndrome following stroke: a
systematic review of the literature
Clinical Rehabilitation (23)
Baccini M, Paci M, Nannetti L,
Biricolti C and Rinaldi LA (2008)
Scale for Contraversive Pushing:
Cutoff scores for diagnosing
‘Pusher Behaviour’ and construct
validity Physical Therapy 8 (88)
Broetz D, Johannsen L and
Karnath HO (2004) Time course of
‘pusher syndrome’ under visual
feedback treatment
Physiotherapy Research
International 9 (3) pp138-143.
Davies PM (1985) Steps to Follow:
A Guide to the Treatment of Adult
Hemiplegia (Springer, New York).
Dietz V, Gollhofer A, Kleiber M
and Trippel M (1992) Regulation
of bipedal stance: dependency
on load receptors Experim Brain
Res (89) pp229-231.
Karnath HO (2007) Pusher
syndrome – a frequent but little-
known disturbance of body
orientation perception Journal of
Neurology (254) pp414-424.
Karnath HO and Broetz D (2003)
Understanding and treating
‘pusher syndrome’ Physical
Therapy (83) pp 1119-1125.
Karnath HO, Ferber S and
Dichgans J (2000) The origin of
contraversive pushing: evidence
for a second graviceptive system
in humans.’ Neurology, (55), pp
Karnath HO, Ferber S and
Dichgans J (2000) The neural
representation of postural control
in humans Neurology 25 (97)
Karnath HO, Johannsen L,
Broetz D, Ferber S and Dichgans J
(2002) Prognosis of contraversive
pushing Journal of Neurology
(249) pp1250-1253.
Karnath HO, Johannsen L,
Broetz D and Kuker W (2005)
Posterior thalamic hemorrhage
induces ‘pusher syndrome’
Neurology (64) pp1014-1019.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 18
Paci M, Baccini M and Rinaldi L
(2009) Pusher behaviour: A
critical review of controversial
issues Disability and
Rehabilitation 31 (4) pp249-258.
Panturin E (2004) Pusher
syndrome [Letter to the Editor]
Physical Therapy (84) pp580-583.
Pederson PM, Wandel A,
Jorgenson HS, Nakayama H,
Raaschou HO and Olsen TS (1996)
Ipsilateral pushing in stroke:
Incidence, relation to
neuropsychological symptoms,
and impact upon rehabilitation.
The Copenhagen Stroke Study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil pp25-28.
Pérennou DA, Amblard B,
Leblond C and Pélissier J (1998)
Biased postural vertical in
humans with hemispheric
cerebral lesions Neurosci Lett (252)
Saj A, Honore J, Coello Y and
Rousseux M (2005) The visual
vertical in the pusher syndrome:
Influence of hemispace and body
position Journal of Neurology
(252) pp885-891.
Trueland J (2009) Seeing is
believing [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 26/01/2012].
Postgraduate Opportunities for
Neurological Physiotherapists
Coventry University’s Faculty of Health and Life Sciences has a
range of modules designed to build and extend the professional
practice of neurological physiotherapists. For example:
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The modules can be taken as stand alone modules or incorporated into one
of our MSc Programmes. They would be suitable for those therapists wanting
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For more information please contact Julie Sellars (Course Tutor)
at j.sellars@coventry.ac.uk the Postgraduate Admission Unit
on 024 77 654321 or gradadmissions.uni@coventry.ac.uk
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 19
Plasticity in
some unanswered
John C Rothwell
Professor of Human Neurophysiology, UCL
Institute of Neurology, Queen Square,
London, UK
There is now reasonable evidence that at
least some of the recovery of function fol-
lowing damage to the CNS or even the
periphery, is due to reorganisation of neu-
ral connections in the brain. It is thought
that rehabilitation therapy harnesses
these processes, allowing the CNS to
achieve optimal output from a damaged
system. New brain stimulation protocols
such as transcranial magnetic stimulation
or transcranial direct current stimulation
are presently being tested to improve
recovery, usually with the rationale that
application of ‘plasticity modifying’ inter-
ventions before or during therapy will
enhance the overall response. Effectively
the reasoning is to try to improve or
speed natural processes of reorganisation.
However, although this type of model is
attractive and based on a steadily increas-
ing body of evidence, there are still a
number of questions that need to be
addressed in future investigations, for
1 Is there any formal evidence that
behavioural learning is improved by
these interventions in clinical popula-
tions? Or could improved outcomes
actually be the result of completely dif-
ferent mechanisms?
2 How well will enhanced functions gen-
eralise to untrained movement? Will
brain stimulation therapy make newly
learned function more fixed and less
3 How well are gains within each session
of training consolidated for future use?
& AGM 2012
Hilton Hotel Northampton
9th and 10th March 2012
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 20
Are there ways in which this can be
4 Finally, if brain stimulation interventions
work by enhancing natural processes of
behavioural learning, will standard ther-
apy reach the same performance
plateau if applied for a sufficiently long
period of time?
John C Rothwell
After receiving a PhD from the University of London,
UK, in 1980, John Rothwell worked in London as a
Royal Society University Research Fellow in the
Neurology Department of Professor CD Marsden at
the Institute of Psychiatry until 1988, before moving
as a senior scientist to the Medical Research Council
Human Movement and Balance Unit at the Institute
of Neurology. In that period he developed his inter-
est in the pathophysiology of human movement dis-
orders, with particular attention to Parkinson’s
Disease, dystonia and myoclonus. The 1980s were
times of great expansion in the new technique of
transcranial magnetic stimulation, which he and oth-
ers developed for the study of the human cortical
motor system. He became acting director of the
MRC Unit in 1998 before being appointed to be head
of the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience
and Movement Disorders at UCL Institute of
Neurology in London and was elected a Fellow of
the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1994. He is cur-
rently Professor of Human Neurophysiology at UCL
Institute of Neurology. Current research projects
include using neurophysiological techniques to study
the mechanisms of neural plasticity that underpin
motor learning, and using this knowledge to devise
new therapeutic interventions for rehabilitation after
management of
people with spinal
cord injuries:
the essentials
Lisa Harvey
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Studies
Unit, Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical
School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
The primary aim of physiotherapy for
people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) is to
help individuals attain optimal levels of
independence with mobility and activities
of daily living. There are five steps
involved in planning and implementing
an appropriate physiotherapy programme
regardless of a patient’s stage of rehabili-
They are: assessing impairments,
activity limitations and participation
restrictions; setting goals; identifying key
problems amenable to physiotherapy;
administering treatments and measuring
outcomes. Often the most difficult step for
physiotherapists not familiar with SCI is
setting goals. This is difficult because it
requires an understanding of what
patients can be expected to achieve. This
of course varies, depending on a number
of factors, but most importantly depend-
ing on neurological status. Identifying key
problems amenable to physiotherapy can
also be a challenging step for physiother-
apists inexperienced in SCI. It requires an
understanding of the evidence base for
different therapeutic approaches. The best
evidence about appropriate treatments
comes from randomised controlled trials
and systematic reviews. We are still in the
early stages of building high-quality evi-
dence but there is reasonable evidence to
support the use of physiotherapy to treat
six key impairments.
These are: lack of
strength; lack of dexterity and skill; poor
respiratory function; limited cardiovascu-
lar fitness; restricted range of motion and
pain. There is also emerging evidence to
support new and novel therapeutic
approaches which include the use of
robotics. However, as we move forwards
it will be important to ascertain the cost-
effectiveness of new interventions before
advocating for their widespread rollout to
the public.
1 Harvey L (2008) Management of spinal cord
injuries: a guide for physiotherapists London:
2 Harvey L, Lin CM, Glinsky J, De Wolf A (2009) The
effectiveness of physical interventions for people
with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review
Spinal Cord 47 pp184-195.
3 Harvey L, Wyndaele JJ (2011) Are we jumping too
early with locomotor training programs? Spinal
Cord 49 p947.
Lisa Harvey
Lisa has 25 years clinical and research experience in
the area of spinal cord injuries. She is currently
Associate Professor at Sydney School of Medicine,
University of Sydney and has a conjoint appointment
at the Moorong Spinal Unit, Royal Rehabilitation
Centre Sydney. She has over 70 publications on a
diverse range of topics including contracture and
hand management, gait along with exercise and
respiratory physiology. She primarily focuses on clini-
cal trials designed to determine the effectiveness of
different physiotherapy interventions for people
with spinal cord injury and other neurological condi-
tions. Lisa teaches widely both nationally and inter-
nationally, and is very involved in assisting with the
further development of physiotherapy services for
people with spinal cord injuries throughout the less-
resourced countries of Asia. She initiated and contin-
ues to manage a website of physiotherapy exercises
appropriate for people with neurological conditions
(www.physiotherapyexercises.com). In addition, she
has sole authored a comprehensive text book on
physiotherapy management of spinal cord injuries
and is currently coordinating a large international
initiative to develop freely available online learning
modules in spinal cord injuries for physiotherapy stu-
dents and junior clinicians. Lisa sits on the editorial
boards of Spinal Cord, Journal of Physiotherapy and
the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy and is
chairperson of the International Network of Spinal
Cord Injury Physiotherapists (www.scipt.org).
“Stop blubbing and
get to work”
neurophysiotherapy – a
consumer’s viewpoint
Melanie Reid
Journalist for The Times
A personal insight into the experience of
rehabilitation from a serious spinal injury;
the discovery that my injury was not com-
plete, as was first thought; and my subse-
quent fight to regain some function aided
by spinal physiotherapists. I will talk
about the importance of having a good
relationship with one’s physiotherapist;
about the huge impact the Locomat had
on my rehabilitation; about mental
resilience; and about my maddeningly
slow progress from Asia A to knocking on
the door of Asia D.
Melanie Reid
Melanie Reid, 54, was born in London and studied
English at Edinburgh University. An award-winning
journalist for more than 30 years, she held senior
editorial posts on the Scotsman, the Sunday Mail
and the Glasgow Herald and for the last five years
has been a columnist for The Times. In 2010 she fell
off her horse at a jump and broke her neck at C6
and fractured T12. Since then she has charted her
life in Spinal Column in The Times’ Saturday maga-
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 21
Washed up and worn
out? Implementing
evidence based practice in
the current financial climate
Michelle Price
Consultant therapist for stroke and neuroreha-
bilitation, Powys Teaching Health Board,
Brynheulog Rehabilitation Unit, Newtown
Hospital, Powys, Wales
Driving forward improvements in physio-
therapy services and implementing evi-
dence based practice is hard in the current
financial climate. Efforts to constantly
improve clinical services can leave physios
feeling washed up and worn out. This
presentation explores how the attributes
of neurophysiotherapists can help them
be instrumental in developing effective
and efficient services and gives some
practical tips on how to achieve small
changes that improve the quality of
patient care even in the most rural setting.
Michelle Price
Michelle graduated from Bath School of
Physiotherapy in 1992. She has specialised in neuro-
sciences since 1996. She moved to Wales in 1999.
She has worked in a wide variety of clinical roles
across south Wales in acute, rehabilitation and com-
munity settings. She completed an MSc in
Physiotherapy at Cardiff University in 2006. She
completed the Gateway to Lead Programme deliv-
ered by the National Leadership and Innovation
Agency for Healthcare (NLIAH) in 2008. She was the
programme manager for the All Wales Stroke
Service Improvement Collaborative (AWSSIC)
between 2008 and 2011 initially as part of the
Stroke Service Improvement Programme and then
as mini-collaboratives as part as 1000 Lives Plus.
This involved supporting the development and
implementation of care bundles for acute stroke,
early stroke rehabilitation and TIA services. She
started her role as Consultant Therapist for Stroke
and Neurorehabilitation in Powys in December
2010, becoming full time in April 2011.
The effect of
temperature on
in health and
neurological disease
Jon Marsden
Professor of Rehabilitation, School of Health
Professions, Faculty of Health, Education and
Society Plymouth University UK
Changes in temperature have several
physiological effects in healthy partici-
pants with cooling and warming having
opposite effects. Cooling a limb leads to a
reduction in motor and sensory nerve
conduction velocity, maximal voluntary
strength and the rate of force generation.
These changes are in part mediated by
alterations in voltage-gated ion channel
dynamics and a reduction in Na+/K+
ATPase activity that are vital for regenera-
tive nerve and muscle action potentials.
Limb cooling may also increase muscle
stiffness and viscosity and reduce muscle
thixotropy. A comparison of tendon and H
reflexes further suggests that cooling can
affect muscle spindle activity resulting in
a decrease in stretch reflex size.
The effect of temperature on people
with neurological deficits varies depend-
ing on the underlying pathology. In the
presence of peripheral or central nerve
demyelination an increase in temperature
can cause conduction block. This may
underlie Uhthoff’s phenomema in people
with multiple sclerosis, where symptoms
worsen with an increase in core tempera-
ture as occurs with exercise.
Cooling has been used to manage vari-
ous symptoms in people with neurologi-
cal disease. Studies of the effects of
cooling on spasticity are variable but cool-
ing does consistently reduce tremor asso-
ciated with cerebellar disease, essential
tremor or dystonia. Localised warming
may enhance reductions in limb stiffness
with stretching and recent work in people
with hereditary spastic paraparesis sug-
gests that it can lead to increases in
strength, rate of force generation and
walking ability. In people with long term
neurological conditions, autonomic nerv-
ous system dysfunction and/or vascular
changes secondary to limb disuse may
affect the vascular response to a change
in temperature. This may further impact
on temperature-related changes to the
neuromuscular system.
Jon Marsden
Jon Marsden qualified as a physiotherapist in 1991;
he undertook clinical rotations at the United Bristol
Healthcare Trust and the National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. From 1999
he worked as a postdoctoral scientist in the Sobell
Department for Motor Neuroscience and Movement
Disorders, UCL investigating the pathophysiology
and rehabilitation of walking and balance following
peripheral and central nervous system damage.
Since 2007 he has been Professor of Rehabilitation
at the School of Health Professions, University of
physiotherapy audit
2011: preliminary results
Fiona Lindop
Specialist Physiotherapist, Derby Parkinson’s
Disease Service, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary,
Derby UK
The first physiotherapy audit of the NICE
Guidelines for Parkinson’s Disease was
carried out between July and November
2011 with the aim of evaluating whether
services are providing assessment and
interventions appropriate to the needs of
people with Parkinson’s, taking into
account both the NICE and NSF for Long
Term Conditions recommendations. The
audit also looked at whether physiothera-
pists were aware of the UK Quick refer-
ence Cards which provide standardised
guidance for physiotherapists working
with people with Parkinson’s. I will pres-
ent the preliminary findings and the
implications of these results.
Fiona Lindop
Fiona Lindop is a specialist physiotherapist in
Parkinson’s Disease and related conditions, working
as part of a multi-disciplinary team in Derby who
have been awarded ‘Centre of Excellence’ status
from the American National Parkinson Foundation.
Since qualifying in Aberdeen she has worked in
London, Hertfordshire, Yorkshire and Derbyshire. She
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 22
has developed a physiotherapy-specific assessment
tool for Parkinson’s Disease (The Lindop Parkinson’s
Disease Assessment Scale- LPAS) and was a co-
writer of the physiotherapy section of the
Parkinson’s UK Guide for Professionals. Fiona is vice-
chair of the Association of Physiotherapists in
Parkinson’s Disease Europe (APPDE) and is currently
representing physiotherapy on the committee for
the national audit of the NICE guidelines for
Parkinson’s Disease.
the true backbone of
Anne Rodger
Clinical specialist, National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK
Dizziness is very common (one in five vis-
its to GPs are for dizziness). This can com-
monly be caused by dysfunction within
the peripheral vestibular system, for
which physiotherapy has a huge role in
the assessment and successful treat-
ment.Neurologically impaired people
often present with vestibular dysfunction.
This could be viewed as being a central
disorder, but it could equally be of periph-
eral origin. Being able to assess appropri-
ately is as ever the key to treatment
success. A knowledge of vestibular reha-
bilitation is essential to any physiothera-
pist involved in treating people with
balance dysfunction.
Anne Rodger
Anne qualified as a physiotherapist in 1990 and has
since worked in Brighton, Addenbrookes, The Royal
Free and most recently at the National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery where she has been a
clinical specialist for the last 10 years. She com-
pleted an MSc in Neurorehabilitation at Brunel
University in 2003. At the NHNN, she treats a mix-
ture of vestibular and neurologically impaired
patients. She helped set up the Vestibular Special
Interest Group (ACPIVR) and was the chair from
2005 to 2011.
how can we use it to
progress physiotherapy and
better communicate around
the world?
Lisa Harvey
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Studies
Unit, Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical
School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Information technology provides a rich
opportunity to progress and globalise
physiotherapy. For example, physiothera-
pists from around the world can now
communicate and share ideas through
social media forums; teachers can put
their educational material online for all to
see; clinicians can share exercise ideas
and treatment videos through sophisti-
cated internet-based software; patients
can access guidance and help from phys-
iotherapists in the comfort of their homes.
In addition, information technology is
helping to bridge the gap between phys-
iotherapists around the world. For exam-
ple, online learning packages are helping
to upskill physiotherapists from low
resource countries where access to high
quality physiotherapy-specific education
can sometimes be limited. While all these
uses of information technology are to be
welcomed they raise some interesting
issues. These include issues around
patient privacy, intellectual property, lia-
bility, funding and copyright. They also
include issues related to the potential
misuse of material and the blurring of
lines between physiotherapists’ profes-
sional and personal lives. We are yet to
work our way through the complexities
associated with advances in information
technology but regardless, the next ten
years will see information technology
change the face of physiotherapy across
the globe.
Lisa Harvey
Lisa has 25 years clinical and research experience in
the area of spinal cord injuries. She is currently
Associate Professor at Sydney School of Medicine,
University of Sydney and has a conjoint appointment
at the Moorong Spinal Unit, Royal Rehabilitation
Centre Sydney. She has over 70 publications on a
diverse range of topics including contracture and
hand management, gait along with exercise and
respiratory physiology. She primarily focuses on clini-
cal trials designed to determine the effectiveness of
different physiotherapy interventions for people
with spinal cord injury and other neurological condi-
tions. Lisa teaches widely both nationally and inter-
nationally, and is very involved in assisting with the
further development of physiotherapy services for
people with spinal cord injuries throughout the less-
resourced countries of Asia. She initiated and contin-
ues to manage a website of physiotherapy exercises
appropriate for people with neurological conditions
(www.physiotherapyexercises.com). In addition, she
has sole authored a comprehensive text book on
physiotherapy management of spinal cord injuries
and is currently coordinating a large international
initiative to develop freely available online learning
modules in spinal cord injuries for physiotherapy stu-
dents and junior clinicians. Lisa sits on the editorial
boards of Spinal Cord, Journal of Physiotherapy and
the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy and is
chairperson of the International Network of Spinal
Cord Injury Physiotherapists (www.scipt.org).
Stretch for the
treatment and
prevention of
what does the evidence
Lisa Harvey
, Owen Katalinic
Robert D Herbert
1 Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Studies Unit,
Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, The
University of Sydney, Australia. 2 Physiotherapist,
Rehabilitation Studies Unit, Northern Clinical School,
Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney,
Australia. 3 Associate Professor, Musculoskeletal
Division, The George Institute for Global Health, The
University of Sydney, Australia.
Stretch is widely used for the treatment
and prevention of contractures but little is
known about its effectiveness. A Cochrane
Systematic Review was undertaken.
1, 2
All randomised controlled trials of stretch
interventions (sustained passive stretch-
ing, positioning, splinting and serial cast-
ing) applied for the purpose of treating or
preventing contractures were considered
for inclusion. Two reviewers independ-
ently selected trials, extracted data, and
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 23
assessed risk of bias. Pooled estimates
were obtained using a random-effects
model. 35 trials with 1,391 participants
met the inclusion criterion. 25 trials inves-
tigated the effect of stretch in people with
neurological conditions. In these people,
stretch increased joint range of motion by
3° (95% CI, 0 to 5) in the immediate term
(<24 hours after last stretch), by 1° (95%
CI, 0 to 3) in the short term (<1 week
after last stretch) and by 0° (95% CI, -2 to
2) in the long term (>–1 week after last
stretch) when compared with no treat-
ment or usual care. The results were simi-
lar for people with non-neurological
conditions. The results of this review do
not support the use of stretch interven-
tions administered for less than six
months for the treatment or prevention of
contractures. These results are challenging
for the physiotherapy profession because
they require the reappraisal of an inter-
vention which we have long believed to
be effective. Contractures are a complex
problem and can not be readily treated or
prevented by stretch alone. We are yet to
identify an effective treatment strategy
but it may involve a multi-pronged
approach including a package of modali-
ties such as electrical stimulation, motor
training, botulinum toxin and stretch.
1 Katalinic OM, Harvey LA, Herbert RD, Moseley AN,
Lannin NA, Schurr K (2010) Stretch for the treat-
ment and prevention of contractures The Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 9 Art No:
CD007455. DOI:
2 Katalinic OM, Harvey LA, Herbert RD (2011)
Effectiveness of stretch for the treatment and pre-
vention of contractures in people with neurologi-
cal conditions: a systematic review Physical
Therapy 91 pp11-24.
Lisa Harvey
See previous.
Owen Katalinic
Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Studies Unit,
Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical School,
The University of Sydney, Australia
Owen is a physiotherapist working part-time as a
project officer on the freely accessible physiotherapy
exercise website: www.physiotherapyexercises.com.
The website contains exercises appropriate for peo-
ple with neurological disabilities and has recently
received funding from the NSW Department of
Ageing, Disability and Home Care to add 200 addi-
tional paediatric exercises.
Robert D Herbert
Associate Professor, Musculoskeletal Division,
The George Institute for Global Health, The
University of Sydney, Australia
Robert is a senior research fellow at The George
Institute, associate professor in the Faculty of
Medicine at the university, and senior honorary
research associate at the Prince of Wales Medical
Research Institute. Rob’s primary interest is in the
effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions, partic-
ularly stretch-based interventions for prevention and
treatment of contracture. He also conducts comple-
mentary research into the passive mechanical prop-
erties of human muscles and tendons.
What is the cause of
balance impairment
in patients with
cerebellar disease?
Lisa Bunn
Post-doctoral research fellow and physiother-
apy lecturer, School of Health Professions,
Faculty of Health, Education and Society,
Plymouth University, UK
Balance impairment is a common feature
of cerebellar disease. This affects a variety
of long term neurological conditions
involving cerebellar pathology but the
cause of balance impairment remains
unknown. In order to begin to understand
the effect of cerebellar pathology on bal-
ance this program of study explores sen-
sory processing for balance control in
persons with pure cerebellar lesions. SCA6
provides a good human model of pure
cerebellar disease; cerebellar atrophy is
principally caused by Purkinje cell death,
the condition can be genetically diag-
nosed with a blood sample and balance
impairment is commonly the presenting
symptom on initial diagnosis
Advantageously, a validated measure of
disease severity for those with SCA6 (the
scale for assessment and rating of ataxia)
is also available in order to explore
associations with measures of balance
Laboratory-based recordings of 3D
whole body motion as balance measures
were initially collected whilst subjects
were positioned in five different stance
widths (0 ,4, 8, 16 and 32cm between
medial calcanei). Once SCA6 measures
were compared against those of the
healthy control group, the extent of bal-
ance impairment and distribution of
whole body instability was better under-
stood for those with pure cerebellar dis-
ease. Laboratory driven means of
perturbing balance via manipulation of
isolated sensory afferent signals were
then used to explore sensory control
mechanisms of balance. Balance
responses to visual stimuli were particu-
larly elevated in magnitude compared to
healthy controls and response magni-
tudes correlated strongly with disease
severity scores
. A newly designed novel
home-based therapy was then trialled
and feasibility of use established.
Although underpowered (due to an initial
focus on feasibility), early outcome meas-
ures suggest potential for effectiveness of
the intervention in terms of impairment,
function and participation. A fully pow-
ered randomised controlled trial of the
therapy is now needed.
Guidelines for the management of
ataxia are currently lacking in the quantity
and scientific rigour of supporting evi-
dence base
. This program of study pro-
vides one significant contribution to future
development of guidelines concerning
management of balance impairment in
cerebellar ataxia.
1 Giunti & Wood (2007) The inherited ataxias ACNR
7 (5) pp18-21.
2 Schmitz-Hübsch et al (2006) Scale for the assess-
ment and rating of ataxia. Neurology66 (11)
3 Bunn L (2010) Sensory mechanisms of balance
control in pure cerebellar disease Doctoral thesis,
UCL (University College London)
4 Marsden J, Harris C (2011) Cerebellar ataxia:
pathophysiology and rehabilitation Clinical
Rehabilitation 25 (3) pp195-216.
Lisa Bunn
Lisa Bunn worked as a physiotherapist at Stoke
Mandeville Hospital and North Bristol NHS Trust prior
to embarking on a career as a researcher and lec-
turer. In 2006 she undertook a PhD with University
College London investigating balance impairment in
persons with cerebellar ataxia. PhD work, based in
the Institute of Neurology and the Specialist Ataxia
Centre, focussed in on patients with pure types of
cerebellar disease. One aim was to establish a base-
line from which effects of additional extra-cerebellar
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 24
pathologies can later be compared against. PhD
work led directly onto the development of a novel
therapy targeting ocular control of balance and a
feasibility study evaluating home-based delivery of
this study was conducted in 2010. Post-doctoral
research has continued to focus on neuro-rehabilita-
tion; specifically on improving an understanding of
patho-physiological mechanisms with the aim to
target future therapies. Now employed at Plymouth
University, Lisa is working on projects consistent
with this aim. Lisa is currently working a split role
between post-doctoral research, undergraduate and
post-graduate lecturing duties within the School of
Health Professions at Plymouth University.
Taking the patient to
the next level: high
intensity exercise in
neurological rehabilitation
Bernhard Haas
Associate Professor in Physiotherapy and
Deputy Head of the School of Health
Professions at Plymouth University, UK
The health related benefits of exercise in
the general population are well docu-
mented. Individuals following neurologi-
cal insult are severely tested to achieve
recommended quantities of activity and
exercise and their lack of exercise
increases the risk for cardiovascular dis-
ease further. This presentation challenges
rehabilitation professionals to support
their patients to overcome barriers to
exercise participation. The evidence for
incorporating cardiovascular and strength-
ening exercises into neurological rehabili-
tation is now firmly established. Exercise
training therefore should be the backbone
of neurological rehabilitation. High inten-
sity exercise trials have recently shown
promise in improving fitness, strength as
well as function still further and have the
potential to raise the rehabilitation out-
comes of patients in a numbers of condi-
tions. The intensity aspect of the
frequency, intensity, type and time (FITT)
exercise prescription principles therefore
should receive a stronger focus in treat-
ment planning.
Bernhard Haas
At Plymouth Bernhard has specific responsibility for
all matters relating to learning and teaching of the
seven health professions in the School (dietetics,
occupational therapy, operating department practice,
optometry, paramedicine, physiotherapy and podia-
try). Bernhard qualified as a physiotherapist in 1984
in West Berlin. He moved to the UK in 1984, working
in hospitals and trusts in Oxford and
Buckinghamshire. It was at the National Spinal
Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville where he devel-
oped his expertise in rehabilitation and patient man-
agement. He left full time work in the NHS in 1992
to take up his first teaching post at the University of
Brighton. Bernhard joined Plymouth in 2003 in order
to design the new physiotherapy programme and
taking it to its initial approval and validation. His
research interests are in the area of neurological
rehabilitation, specifically related to activity, exercise
and function in conditions such as Parkinson’s
Disease and spinal cord injury.
What is going on down
under in spinal cord injuries:
clinical driven research and
research driven practice
Lisa Harvey
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Studies
Unit, Northern Clinical School, Sydney Medical
School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
The primary aim of this workshop is to
provide an informal opportunity for dele-
gates to discuss barriers and opportunities
for driving and practicing evidence-based
practice in the clinic. While the focus will
be on spinal cord injuries, the broad prin-
ciples will be equally relevant to all areas
of neurology. The presenter will provide
some short examples of the model used
in Australia to bridge the gap between
researchers and clinicians. There will also
be an opportunity to discuss recent
advances in physiotherapy management
of people with spinal cord injuries and the
current push away from teaching com-
pensatory strategies and push towards
focusing on the potential for recovery
below the level of the lesion. The expec-
tations of the media, neuroscientists and
consumers for people with spinal cord
injury to recover and walk following
spinal cord injury and influence of these
expectations on the way physiotherapy is
being increasingly marketed and provided
around the world will also be discussed.
How to write a case study
Gita Ramdharry
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health and Social
Care Sciences, St George’s University of
London/Kingston University
This session will outline case reports, their
contribution and what to write about.
Using examples and exercises, attendees
will be given the opportunity to start
thinking about and planning a report on a
case of interest.
Independent practice – is it
for you?
Sally de la Fontaine
Milestones Clinic, Egham, Surrey
Is there a need for a support network? A
unique opportunity to discuss these ques-
tions with a panel of experienced neuro-
physiotherapists all of whom work, in
varying ways, within private practice.
Company presentations
Bioness Inc
Bioness offers award winning wireless
functional electrical stimulation (FES) sys-
tems – the NESS H200 Hand Rehabilitation
System, the NESS L300 Foot Drop System
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 25
and the highly innovative NESS L300 Plus
Thigh Simulation System. The devices
offer real therapy solutions both during
treatment sessions or for home use.
Bioness technologies can improve hand
function and walking and so independ-
ence and quality of life, as well as
improving ROM, muscle strength and local
circulation and reducing muscle tone.
With high technology that is easy to use,
the systems can be used at any stage dur-
ing the recovery process.
Saebo UK
Saebo UK are an orthotic
distributor and training
company specialising in
neurological rehabilitation. In addition to
our SaeboReach, SaeboFlex and
SaeboStretch we have now launched our
new Saebo Mobile Arm Support which we
are demonstrating at the ACPIN confer-
ence. To find out more about our Free
Assessment Sites, product range and
training please contact us at
Cyclone Technologies
Cyclone Technologies is a
leading UK manufacturer
of custom wheelchairs,
providers of functional
electrical stimulation products, spinal
injury therapy equipment, The ReWalk
and more.
What does ACPIN do?
Splinting guidelines
Jo Tuckey
Private Practitioner, co-chair of national ACPIN
2008 -2010, ACPIN representative for devel-
opment of splinting guidelines
ACPIN in conjunction with the College of
Occupational Therapists specialist section
neurological practice (COT SSNP) have
finalised a contract to produce neurologi-
cal splinting practice guidelines.
The work is being joint funded by ACPIN
and COT SSNP and being carried out at
Brunel University London under the direc-
tion of Dr Cherry Kilbride and Prof Lorraine
De Souza.
The need for splinting guidelines and
current practice was established by a joint
survey carried out in 2009/10. It was
completed by 420 therapists, one third
were physiotherapists and all responses
indicated a need for better guidelines. The
results of this survey are due for publica-
The work has commenced with the lit-
erature review; it is envisaged that the
guidelines will be completed by 2013.
There will be a call to be involved in a
Delphi Method later this year. Expressions
of interest should be sent to
This will be the first published joint
physiotherapy and OT guideline to be
International Neurological
Physical Therapy
Association (INPA)
Cherry Kilbride
Physiotherapy lecturer, Brunel University, UK,
co-Chair of national ACPIN 2008-2010, ACPIN
representative on INPA
INPA was formerly recognised at a sub-
group of the World Confederation for
Physical Therapy (WCPT) last year in
Amsterdam at the 16th World Physical
Therapy Congress.
INPA represents national groups of phys-
ical therapists with a special interest in
neurology and neuroscience. INPA is com-
mitted to promoting and facilitating excel-
lence in neurological physical therapy in
clinical practice, research and education.
For more information about the INPA,
please consult the Association web page
at: www.wcpt.org/INPA and join forum
discussion at the WCPT Neurology Forum
at: www.wcpt.org/smfforu
Intercollegiate Stroke
Working Party (ICSWP)
Royal College of Physicians London
Cherry Kilbride
See previous
The Stroke Programme at the RCP began
in 1996 and ACPIN has had a constant rep-
resentation since. The work of the Stroke
Programme is led by the Intercollegiate
Stroke Working Party, made up of repre-
sentatives from all the professional bodies
involved in stroke care including the vol-
untary sector and patient representation.
The purpose is to set evidence based stan-
dards, measure compliance in the organi-
sation and delivery of stroke care and
encourage service improvement. ACPIN
members will be familiar with the
Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
and the National Clinical Guideline for
Stroke. Nicola Hancock (past Chair of
ACPIN) is our representative on ICSWP.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 26
Behind the scenes for
Bhanu Ramaswamy
Independent Physiotherapy Consultant
Fiona Lindop and I currently represent the
CSP, ACPIN and AGILE on several projects
relating to physiotherapy and Parkinson’s.
During this session, I will summarise the
work we have completed recently, and
are involved with at the moment, for and
with the Professional Networks that fur-
ther the profession and standards of clini-
cal practice for physiotherapists working
with people with this condition.
UK Stroke Forum (UKSF)
Fiona Jones
Reader in Rehabilitation, School of
Rehabilitation Science, Faculty of Health and
Social Care Sciences, St George’s University,
London, and Kingston University. Fiona
currently represents ACPIN on the UK Stroke
forum steering committee and scientific
In December 2011, the UK Stroke forum
held another successful conference in
Glasgow. Against gloomy estimates of
reducing numbers, more delegates have
attended this conference year on year
since 2006 . ACPIN is represented on both
the UK Stroke Forum steering committee
and the Scientific Committee. We make
sure our voice is heard, working together
with colleagues from the special section
of neurologcial OTs and the Society for
Research In Rehabilitation. The aim is to
ensure that rehabilitation is fully repre-
sented as a topic within the programme,
and promote the role of ACPIN and phys-
iotherapy for people with stroke. This has
not always been easy! Fiona Jones will
present a short overview of her role on
the UK Stroke Forum committees, and
ideas for how ACPIN can gain greater
recognition and respect within these
Katherine Stone
Consultant Therapist in Neurology, PCH,
Development of a new
clinical audit tool for
splinting in neurology
‘Splints and casts are external devices
designed to apply, distribute or remove
forces to or from the body in a con-
trolled manner to perform one or both
basic functions of control of body
motion and alteration or prevention in
shape of body tissue.’ ACPIN 1998
Aim: The aim of developing a new splint-
ing audit tool is to inform delivery of best
clinical care for adults who require splints
following acquired or progressive neuro-
logical dysfunction.
Objective: To evaluate the reliability and
validity of the new splinting audit tool in
clinical practice. The audit tool was devel-
oped from the standards in the National
Clinical Guidelines for Splinting Adults
with Neurological Dysfunction ACPIN
Method: A simple questionnaire identi-
fied five clinical areas that provided
splints for this population. Physiothera-
pists and occupational therapists in each
area were identified as raters to use the
audit tool. The audit tool grouped the
standards from the guidelines into twenty
five standards within six key topics. Each
set of clinical notes was double audited.
Results: One area was unable to complete
the audit resulting in four areas completing
the double audit on twenty sets of notes.
An interrater reliability analysis using the
Kappa statistic was performed to deter-
mine consistency among raters.
Measurement of the agreement between
the raters of the categorised variables was
found to have substantial agreement
(0.61-0.80) in three of the four areas and
almost perfect agreement in one area
(0.849) see Table of Aagreement.
Kappa Interpretation
<0 Poor agreement
0.00 – 0.20 Slight agreement
0.21 – 0.40 Fair agreement
0.41 – 0.60 Moderate agreement
0.61 – 0.80 Substantial agreement
0.81 – 1.00 Almost perfect agreement
Table of agreement (Landis & Koch 1977)
Winners’ presentation abstracts
Poster winners Jodi Afori
(left) and Katherine Stone
(right) with retiring Chair,
Siobhan MacAuley.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 27
Conclusion: This new audit tool has been
found to be both reliable and valid as a
measure of the standards of practice used
in neurological splinting. Further work to
ensure validity can be explored in a larger
study. The existing guidelines are to be
revised this year to allow for new evi-
dence to be incorporated into the recom-
mendations. The audit tool can be further
refined and evaluated to ensure it is still
valid as well as reliable.
Splinting Pathway
1 Clinical indication for splinting
Goal & aims of splinting are identified
Alternatives are considered
Contraindications and cautions are
Clinical rationale to proceed is
2 Consent
Patient and carer are fully informed
with written/relevant information
Verbal consent is documented
Relevant health and social care
professionals are informed
3 Assessment
Standardised assessment proforma
is used
Aims are identified and agreed within
a management plan
Outcomes are identified as appropri-
ate, valid and relevant
• Photograph record is taken (adhering
to Trust policy)
4 Application
Splint materials follow specific
manufacturer’s guidelines
Choice of splint material is
Splint regime is recorded
5 Monitoring
Written information on splint use and
care is provided to patient and carer
Method of monitoring is established
Plan for re-assessment is documented
6 Evaluation
Evaluation of the outcome is
Decision to re-apply or discontinue
use of splint is documented
Clinical Audit Tool for Splinting in Neurology
Management of neurological dysfunction with splinting: tool for audit of service provision.
Clinical Indication for splinting
1 Goal of splinting is identified Yes / No
2 Aim(s) of splinting are clearly identified Yes / No
3 Alternatives have been considered Yes / No
Contraindications and precautions
4 Cautions are identified and clinical rationale to proceed is documented Yes / No
5 MDT decision to splint is identified (Inpatient) Yes / No
Outpatient N/A
6 GP/other health care professionals involved in care informed (outpatient) Yes / No
Inpatient N/A
7 Family member/carer is involved in discussion for feasibility Yes / No
8 Patient is fully informed with written information Yes / No
9 Verbal consent is documented Yes / No
10 Written consent documented (non-removable splint) Yes / No
Removable splint N/A
11 Standardised splinting assessment used Yes / No
12 Aim(s) are clearly agreed and identified within the management plan Yes / No
13 Outcome measure is appropriate and valid Yes / No
14 Outcome measure is relevant to the goal(s) Yes / No
15 Photograph record available (adhering to Trust protocol) Yes / No
16 Splint materials are stored and used following specific manufacturers guidelines Yes / No
17 Choice of material is documented Yes / No
18 Position (lying/seated) during application is documented Yes / No
19 Splinting regime is recorded Yes / No
20 Written information on use and care of splint is provided to patient and carer Yes / No
21 Method of monitoring is established (skin integrity, pain, swelling etc) Yes / No
22 Protocol for emergency removal of splint is established (non-removable splint) Yes / No
23 Plan for re-assessment is documented Yes / No
24 Objective measure is documented at re-assessment Yes / No
25 Decision to re-apply or discontinue splint use is documented Yes / No
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 28
Jodi Ofori
The effect of applied torque
and stretch duration on
range of movement,
passive stiffness and
spasticity in people with
multiple sclerosis.
Ofori J
; Freeman J
; Bugman G
, GibbonsP
Zajicek J
, Hobart J
, Marsden J
1 School of Health Professions, Plymouth University
2 School of Computing and Mathematics, Plymouth
3 Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry,
Plymouth University
Purpose: To determine the effect of
stretch duration and applied torque on
peri- and post stretch changes in plan-
tarflexor passive stiffness, stretch reflex
excitability and ankle range of motion in
people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS).
Relevance: 80% of pwMS have an
increase in muscle stiffness caused by
changes in passive stiffness and/or spas-
ticity. Increases in stiffness are commonly
managed with stretching. However, the
current evidence base for stretching is
variable and there is a paucity of literature
regarding the stretch-related parameters
that effectively reduce stiffness.
Participants: Participants with clinically
defined MS (n=27; age 58 ± 10 yrs), with
a median EDSS 6.0 (range 4.5-7.0) who
self-reported leg stiffness.
Methods: The application of a constant
torque stretch using three different torque
values [high (0.42Nm/Kg), medium (0.30
Nm/Kg) and low (0.18 Nm/Kg)] over
either 30 minutes or 10 minutes was
investigated. For both stretch durations
participants were seen on three occasions
separated by a minimum of three days.
The order of the applied torque was
randomised. Ankle stiffness
(itorque/gposition) was measured
immediately before and after stretching
and at ten minute intervals post-stretch
over a 30 minute period. Slow (5o/sec-
ond {s}) and fast stretches (170o/s) of
the plantarflexors using a customised
motor were used to quantify the degree
of passive stiffness and stretch reflex
activity respectively. ROM was monitored
throughout the course of the experiment.
Analysis: The effect of applied torque on
passive stiffness, stretch reflex activity
and ROM, were compared using a
repeated measures analysis of variance
(ANOVA).For all statistical tests, the level
of significance was set at P<0.05.
Results: Constant torque stretches applied
for 10- 30 minutes significantly improved
ankle range of movement in pwMS; this
was more pronounced when higher forces
were applied (P<0.001).
Passive stiffness decreased with stretch-
ing although this was not affected by the
size of the applied torque
(P>0.05).Following a 30 minute stretch
passive stiffness decreased on average by
27% (±19%, P<0.05) and subsequently
increased by 7% in the 30 minutes post
stretch period. In contrast, 10 minutes of
stretching resulted in a 13% decrease in
passive stiffness (P<0.05) on average, this
returned to baseline levels within10 min-
utes post stretch.
There was no significant change in
stretch reflex excitability following a 30
minute stretch, regardless of the torque
applied (P>0.05). There was a significant
change in stretch-evoked stiffness follow-
ing a 10 minute stretch (P<0.05). Post hoc
tests revealed a 25% (±46%) decrease in
stretch-evoked stiffness immediately post
stretch (P<0.05). This then significantly
increased 10 minutes post stretch, such
that it was 31% (±60%) higher than
baseline levels.
Conclusions: Stretches using higher
torques led to significantly greater gains
in ROM. Longer duration stretches of 30
minutes achieved significantly greater
improvements in passive muscle stiffness
compared to 10 minutes with improve-
ments being maintained for up to 30 min-
utes post stretch.
The effect of constant torque stretches
on stretch-reflex evoked stiffness varied
with the length of stretch. Rebound
increases in spasticity after the end of a
stretch were seen, these were temporary
and the cause of this change and their
effects on function requires further inves-
Implications: The torques applied in this
study were within the range that pwMS
could apply during manual stretches of
the ankle plantarflexors (Ofori et al,
2011). Thus, this study has implications
for the short term clinical management of
stiffness and contracture. We did not find
that stretching for a period greater than
ten minutes reduced spasticity. The
impact of the reduction in passive stiff-
ness and improvement in joint ROM on
functions such as walking ability need to
be assessed.
Keywords: stretching, multiple sclerosis,
spasticity, torque, stiffness
Funding acknowledgements: This study
was funded by an MS Society grant
Ethics: This study was conducted with the
approval of Devon and Torbay REC (REF
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 29
Minutes of the ACPIN AGM 2012
The meeting opened at 12.15pm
1 Welcome and introduction to
committee members
Committee members present: Adine
Adonis, Lorraine Azam, Sandy
Chambers, Jo Kileff, Siobhan
MacAuley, Chris Manning, Margaret
Mayston , Gita Ramdharry, Anne
Rodger, Jane Petty, Kate Busby, Lisa
Knight, Nicki Guck
2 Apologies
Emma Proctor, Jakko Brouwers
3 Minutes of AGM 2011
Accepted as an accurate account
Proposer: Chris Manning
Seconder: Adine Adonis
4 President’s address
Margaret Mayston
5 Chair’s address
Siobhan MacAuley
6 Treasurer’s report
Jo Kileff
Proposal to retain the current
accountant: Langers
Proposer: Helle Sampson
Seconder: by Chris Manning
7 Re-election of existing officers to
the Executive Committee
Honorary PRO
Adine Adonis
Proposer: Gita Ramdharry
Seconder: Kate Busby
Honorary research officer
Jane Petty
Proposer: Cherry Kilbride
Seconder: Andrea Stennett
Synapse editor
Lisa Knight
Proposer: Margaret Mayston
Seconder: Anne Rodger
iCSP officer
Chris Manning
Proposer: Jane Petty
Seconder: Anita Wade-Moulton
Membership secretary
Sandy Chambers
Proposer: Sue Edwards
Seconder: Kirsty Elliot
8 Election of new officers to the
Executive Committee
Committee member
Ralph Hammond
Proposer: S Paddison
Seconder: H Sampson
Committee member
Jennifer Barber
Proposer: Kirsty Elliot
Seconder: Claire Guy
10 Constitution
Amendment to the constitution as
published on notice boards and
distributed to regional reps.
Accepted by majority vote.
11 Affiliation agreement
Vote for acceptance of affiliation
Accepted by majority vote.
12 AOB
The meeting closed at 1.00pm.
President’s address
Dr Margaret Mayston
The text of this address appears on page 3
of this edition of Synapse.
Chair’s address
Siobhan MacAuley
Our regional reps have all worked
together recently and produced A Guide
to Running an AGM so I hope we are com-
plying so far, and that I can follow their
instructions on the Chair’s address!
The instructions are to produce a report
of a description of the work over the past
year, “you may wish to mention particular
successes, frustrations, funding difficulties,
volunteer contributions or staff changes”,
“to thank those that have contributed”
and that the report should “be fairly
upbeat unless you are going to report the
folding of your organisation”. That makes
it all fairly easy and straightforward for
In a year of lots of changes within the
healthcare system, particularly in England
but no doubt to follow in the other three
countries, ACPIN has remained buoyant
healthy and growing!
We have 2,600 members now and a
streamlined online membership system,
thanks to a mammoth task undertaken by
Sandy. So clearly upbeat as we are not in
any danger of folding!
We hosted an outstanding neurology
strand at CSP congress last year, and a big
thank you to Chris for that.
We have reached capacity for this con-
ference and unfortunately even had to
turn some delegates away, a sign that
ACPIN continues to provide its members
with superb continual professional devel-
opment. Thank you to Lorraine and Nicki
for organising the delegates and the
We successfully facilitate links with a
number of other professional groups and
tomorrow morning you will get a full
account of the work and contribution from
Jo Tuckey, Cherry Kilbride, Bhanu
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 30
AGM 2012
Ramaswamy and Fiona Jones when they
present their speed updates.
Some of the frustrations have been the
work regarding the formation of the pro-
fessional networks with the CSP. We have
now become a ‘professional network’ and
sit within the neurology alliance with
ACPIVR. This was part of a streamlining
exercise within the CSP. As a result we
have also had some minor adjustments to
the constitution namely to do with the
membership criteria.
Funding difficulties … clearly not an
issue as Jo Kileff will report shortly.
Volunteer contributions … all ACPIN
committee members are volunteers and
manage to fit this in around work, family
and other demands – so thank you to all
the regions, committees and those that
work for ACPIN.
There are a few changes to the commit-
tee with Kate Busby stepping down after
a successful year as Synapse editor and
changes to the Chair and Vice Chair role.
ACPIN are always looking at ways to
improve and deliver our best to you, so
please fill in your delegate forms and let
us know how we can do that.
The thank-you’s are plentiful as I am
only the spokesperson for a tireless net-
work of people behind me. A big thank
you to our President, Margaret Mayston,
to all the exec and regional committee
members and local ACPIN groups. A thank
you to Lorraine Azam for all the delegate
arrangements and making your stay
As I am finishing my role as chair and
stepping down from the executive com-
Income 2010 2011
£ £
Course Fees 34,526 13,150
Congress 324 0
Membership 53,146 60,608
Capitation 3,186 5,864
Synapse 60 0
Database 784 899
Bank Interest 50 59
TOTAL 92,076 80,580
Figure 1 Inc ome
Expenditure 2010 2011
£ £
Courses 26,202 12,198
Synapse 12,187 8,374
Travel 10,430 9,727
Administration 4,486 3,818
Capitation 7,393 11,710
Computer costs 2,103 6,275
UK Stroke Forum/
Stroke Guidelines 76 0
Accounts, bank,
sundry 1,445 1,472
TOTAL 64,322 53,574
Figure 2 Expenditure
Courses income
£ £
March conf 13,150 12,198
Congress 0 0
Figure 3 C ourses
Reserves £
Reserves brought forward 120,398
Surplus/(deficit) 26,549
Reserves carried forward 146,947
Figure 4 Reserv es
mittee I would like to offer a personal
note of thanks to you all, for allowing me
the honour of being Chair, a thanks for all
of those people behind me on the com-
mittee, to those of you who gave your
unending support and those who were on
the end of the phone when I didn’t quite
know what to do!
Thank you and I wish ACPIN every sup-
port in the future, over to you Gita and
Treasurer’s Report
Jo Kileff
I will now present a summary of the
financial accounts for National ACPIN for
the year end 31st December 2011.
The total income (Figure 1) was
£80,580. This was a decrease on last
year’s income and was mainly due to a
decrease in income from the March con-
ference, which was intended to return
some monies to the membership. We can
see in the income figures that we have
had another substantial increase in our
membership and a resultant increase in
capitation. Bank interest remains low and
we need to continue the debate on where
to put the money whilst it is waiting to be
spent, which is proving reasonably diffi-
cult to do!
Expenditure (Figure 2) for 2011 was
down by £10,748 compared to 2010. This
was mainly due to less conference
expenses, with it being a one day event
rather than a residential course which nat-
urally has more costs involved. The capita-
tion and computing costs have increased,
other expenses have stayed much the
Courses (Figure 3), divides the course
income and expenditure up for the course
that ACPIN held this year. The March con-
ference was planned to run at a loss, with
low course fees in order to put some
money back into the membership.
Despite this we have managed to end up
breaking even. We had exhibitors for the
first time in 2011 and the costs accrued
from the exhibitors increased our income.
Congress expenses were organised by the
Outgoing Chair Siobhan MacAuley and the
incoming Chair, Gita Ramdharry at the 2010 ACPIN
conference and AGM.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 31
greater complexities this presents. Using
researched examples he led us through
the importance of variability, reward and
skill transfer as the main contributory fac-
tors to facilitating plasticity and changes
in outcome. Surprising to many delegates
who have heard him before were his
thoughts that plasticity per se was not as
important as was once thought, but it is
important to put it into the context of
adaptation and motor skills acquisition.
This led on well to Associate Professor
Lisa Harvey’s presentation on the
‘Management of Spinal Cord Injuries’.
Using clear headings of assessment, goal
setting, analysis and evidence based prac-
tice she explored the finer details of the
skills a physiotherapist would build up
specialising in this field. Steeped in a gold
standard of the importance of RCTs, Lisa
led the delegates through asking ques-
tions of established practice such as pas-
sive movements, stretching and strength
training. With the emergence of more
robotic and stimulatory equipment there
was time to discuss this and their role in
current rehabilitation.
She discussed the importance of not
raising the expectations of patients for
their outcomes but to keep a realistic and
open mind.
Much of Lisa’s talk resonated with the
next speaker, Melanie Reid. Melanie sus-
tained a spinal cord injury in April 2010,
and since that time has continued to write
a regular column in The Times newspaper
charting her progress.
Hooked by a resonance in Siobhan’s
email acknowledging rehabilitation is like
‘pushing a pea uphill with your nose
sometimes’ she agreed to travel to
Northampton, via Birmingham airport and
give what was an illuminating insight into
her experience of spinal cord injury. It gen-
erated much discussion. Notable quotes
were: ‘the gap as a patient between per-
ception and reality’, ‘wanting to be in the
gym was her salvation’, how in the gym
there was often a combination of ‘deep
emotion and gallows humour’, her dislike
of the light use of the term ‘functional’,
feeling the lokomat was her ‘break-
through in recovery’ and most discussed
off line the ‘fine line between not giving
false hope but encouraging hope’.
The AGM was concise and informative
and contained a great title from Margaret
Mayston in her address, ‘Participate or
The four workshops for an hour and a
half each were a success and all well
Michelle Price, a consultant physiothera-
pist rounded off day one with an illumi-
nating and informative session talking
about stroke service changes in Powys
and how they have been working
towards meeting need in new and inno-
vative ways using outcome to shape serv-
ices. She referred often to the PDSA
model, Plan, Do, Study, Act.
The evening gala dinner was very well
attended and involved dancing into the
night with live music.
Saturday started with ‘Speed’ updates
from work that is represented via ACPIN.
These were the Splinting Guidelines due
in 2013 which have been jointly planned
by both physiotherapy and OT organisa-
tions. The work will be undertaken by
Brunel University, and clinical involve-
ment will be requested by a Delphi
Method; expression of interest should be
sent to [email protected]om. The other
updates were from the International
Neurological Physical Therapy Association
(INPA), the Intercollegiate Stroke Working
Party (ICSWP), Behind the Scenes for
Parkinson's and the UK Stroke Forum
Fiona Lindop presented the Parkinson’s
physiotherapy audit which highlighted
the desire to improve standards of care
and equitable service for all. The full
results will soon be available and Fiona
highlighted the wealth of material avail-
able including the UK quick reference
Professor Jon Marsden gave an enlight-
ening talk on the effect of temperature on
neuromuscular function. He explained
how cooling can change neuromuscular
function but that this is altered with differ-
ing pathology. He also talked about how
temperature can alter tremor and the vari-
able results in relation to spasticity.
Ann Roger unpacked vestibular rehabili-
tation in a talk which must have opened
up this topic as an essential addition to a
therapist’s toolkit. Anyone working with
CSP and hence there were no costs
The balance sheet (Figure 4) on the
31st December 2011 showed a profit of
£26,549 and we carry forward reserves of
£146,947 into 2012. We have explored
and continue to explore ways of feeding
this money back into the growing mem-
bership. We are still supporting the writ-
ing of splinting guidelines at a cost of
£10,000. We have increased capitation to
£5 per person despite no increase in capi-
tation from the CSP as a way of directly
influencing regions’ income. We are heav-
ily subsidising this conference again this
year and will continue to run our courses
at a very low rate. We are investigating
other ideas to allow regions to benefit.
Siobhan was concerned that she would
leave as chair having spent too much
money. However, no matter how hard we
try, we continue to make money! If only
we had the same success with our own
accounts! If anyone has any suggestions
of projects that ACPIN could get involved
in that would benefit all members, do
speak to one of the committee.
Copies of Accounts 2010
Full copies of the ACPIN accounts for 2011
are available on request.
Vote for accountants
Vote to retain the current accountants for
2012: Langers, 8-10 Gatley Road, Cheadle,
Cheshire, SK8 1PY.
Delegate report
Every place had been booked, speakers
and exhibitors ready and the ‘Backbone of
Neurology’ conference was eagerly antici-
pated. Looking at the programme the del-
egates should not be disappointed.
Professor John Rothwell led the way
with an engaging presentation on plastic-
ity in neurorehabilitation, discussing the
current thinking around the importance of
this topic amid other factors that might
affect outcome. He concentrated on the
changes that could take place in the brain
rather than the spinal cord due to the
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 32
older people needs to be aware of the
importance of assessing for any impair-
ment in the peripheral vestibular system
affecting balance and dizziness. She went
through a comprehensive summary of
assessment which therapists can explore
Lisa Harvey ended a busy weekend
with two sessions, firstly some indications
suggesting the lack of evidence for pas-
sive stretch to avoid contractures. It high-
lights the importance of clinical reasoning
and mature decision making when con-
sidering treatment modalities. Her second
session was to share a number of ways
we can use information technology to
better share practice and communicate
around the world. Lisa discussed web
based exercise resources, an e learning
package, professional forums and mobile
applications. (www.physiotherapy
exercises.com and www.scipt.org)
Dr Lisa Bun delivered a presentation
looking at the cause of balance impair-
ment in patients with cerebellar disease.
Summarising a detailed understanding of
her subject, Lisa then described a newly
designed home based therapy whose
early results suggest as a potential inter-
Finally, and still from the south west
team, Professor Bernhard Haas rounded
off a very successful conference which
pulled together many strands that had
been discussed over the two days. His
subject of identifying the most effective
exercise to take people to the next level
was supported with a comprehensive
combination of evidence. Among the evi-
dence suggested for effective exercise
was strength training, intensity, velocity,
psychological elements, motivation and
This was a highly successful two day
conference exploring the backbone of
neurology, with new ideas, comprehen-
sive exhibitors and a buzz around the del-
egates. The well attended dinner and live
music added to a relaxed networking
environment and once again thanks for a
huge effort by the executive committee.
This year also saw Gita Ramdharry take
over the chair from a busy and committed
two year term from Siobhan MacAuley
who will be very much missed by all.
Annual prize for the
two best articles or
case studies
to Synapse in
2012 editions
Closing date for
supplementing articles is
August 6th 2012.
Winners will find out in
January 2013. This will be
rolled out annually.
Please email Lisa Knight, Synapse coordinator,
on lis[email protected]om for all
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 33
Case reports are defined as replicable,
detailed and credible descriptions of practice
where there is an integration of the best avail-
able research evidence with clinical
Case reports are a good way for physiotherapists
to start writing for publication. Preparing the
manuscript will develop skills in concise written
communication and critical thinking. It is also a
good way to learn about a topic. Any description,
any patient or patient management scheme that
has not featured previously in the literature is
worthy of describing in a case report. We are a
relatively young profession that often struggles to
verbalise what we do. This can be a great opportu-
nity to showcase our creativity and worth.
Case reports are low down in the hierarchy of
evidence, so what is their contribution? A compre-
hensive case report will provide new knowledge
through documentation of a novel occurrence. The
report will be of interest to other physiotherapists
and will be educational. The report may also form
preliminary work or evidence for larger studies.
Cases can be reported retrospectively or
prospectively. Retrospective cases are the most
common reports published. The intervention may
be well described and of high quality, but often the
best outcome measures will not have been used.
This will affect the credibility. Prospective reports
involve some forward planning of the intervention
and data collection. This can be done over mul-
tiple time points in a time series case description
e.g. three measurement points. It is possible that
ethical approval may be required. It is wise to
check with your local trust research and develop-
ment department first. You may find that guidance
varies from trust to trust.
Most case reports fall into three main categories:
1. Diagnostic or assessment reports: An assess-
ment or diagnostic method is described. This is
often a description of a rare or complex case.
2. Treatment or management reports: Detailed
descriptions of interventions and outcomes.
3. Educational report: A presentation of current
practice strategies with presentation of the lit-
Many case reports are between 1,500 and 2,000
words in length, but this will depend on the
journal. It's best to check with the author guide-
lines first. Many guidelines will also recommend a
structure but it is often as follows:
This should be an accurate and concise descrip-
tion of the study. Some authors recommend four
elements to a study title: the intervention; the
outcome; the population under study and the
condition of interest.
Structured abstract
This should be a structured summary of about 200
words. Some journals will provide headings they
prefer to guide an abstract.
In the introduction, there should be a clear state-
ment of the purpose of the report or study. The
background and contribution to the literature
should be highlighted.
Case report (methods and results)
This is the most salient part of the report. The
details of the methods and intervention are docu-
mented here, plus the primary aspect of the
patient's condition. Keep the results brief and suc-
This is the section where you make sense of the
findings. You will discuss how your outcome con-
tributes to the literature but be clear about your
This is the overall conclusion statement but be
careful not to be too far reaching in your supposi-
tions and avoid using unsupported statements.
Figures and captions
Although case reports can make a contribution,
you must be aware of the limitations. The inter-
ventions described will usually occur in an
Writing a case
Gita Ramdharry PhD
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 34
uncontrolled environment. There can be other
confounding factors that may have influenced the
outcome in addition to the intervention you
describe. Because of the issues with generalis-
ability of case reports, you cannot conclude that
management will be effective for other patients.
When reading case reports, be aware that publi-
cation bias is prevalent with this type of report.
Cases may have been cherry picked to best illus-
trate a hypothesis or standpoint.
To get started the first step is to formulate your
idea for the report. You could talk it through with
a colleague to structure your thinking. Don't
forget to jot down their feedback afterwards. You
may also use a tool like a mind map. Then it's time
to jump in. I recommend that if you’re struggling
to get going, don’t aim for a perfect first draft.
Either sit with a pen and paper and just write or
type at your PC without going back to edit for five
to ten minutes just to start the process. Review
what you have written and underline the main
points emerging. You can then go back and write
again, bringing these points together so your ideas
are refined. I also recommend that you get
someone else to read it and give you constructive
feedback on the clarity and message.
Then you are ready to submit. You should have
decided where you will submit before you finish
the manuscript, to ensure it meets all of the
journal requirements. Many physiotherapy jour-
nals are case report friendly and our very own
Synapse is very keen to receive your work! Expect
criticism from the review process and don’t be put
off if it seems harsh at first. Use it to refine the
report. It will be a better paper for the inde-
pendent feedback and your revisions based on it.
Go on, jump in! I know there is some fascinating
practice out there. I'm looking forward to reading
it soon!
Albrecht et al (2009) The role of
case reports in evidence based
practice, with suggestions for
improving their reporting Journal
of the American Academy of
Dermatology 60 pp412-418.
Green et al (2006) How to write a
case report for publication
Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 5
McEwen (2004) Case reports:
Slices of real life to compliment
evidence Physical Therapy 84
Neely et al (2008) Practical guide
to understanding the value of
case reports Otolaryngology -
Head and Neck Surgery 138
Rothstein (2002) Case reports: still
a priority Physical Therapy 82
In 2001, a functional training programme
(ARNI – Action for Rehabilitation from
Neurological Injury www.arni.uk.com) was
developed for people with stroke by a stroke
survivor called Tom Balchin.
A year-long feasibility study of this approach using
ARNI trained exercise instructors has been com-
pleted by Brunel University London in conjunction
with physiotherapists from the Hillingdon commu-
nity team and Hillingdon Hospital and staff from
the leisure services of the London Borough of
Hillingdon (LBH). The study was funded by LBH
from their National Stroke Strategy monies; this
was supplemented by an ACPIN research bursary
The study evaluated the delivery of four twelve-
week stroke groups using a combination of
laboratory and functional based tests including
balance, gait, strength and quality of life measures
taken before and after the twelve week pro-
gramme and then three months later. Focus
groups were conducted to explore the experience
of participation.
Results indicate a significant improvement in
functional balance and in the overall score of the
quality of life measure. Gait speed also improved
sufficiently to reach the ‘minimal clinically impor-
tant difference’, although this change was not
statistically significant; changes were noted in
strength but they did not reach the level of signifi-
cance. Participants reported positive changes in
their ‘real life’ capacity including being able to
hoover again, having the confidence to join a gym,
stroke training
evaluating a community
-based programme
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 35
The projects were mainly undertaken by Band 6
physiotherapists from the Portsmouth and
Southampton areas. Both projects had taken at
least a year to develop.
The first presentation was a project that reviewed
the outcome measures used by local physiotherapy
staff within neurology. The project collected infor-
mation on what outcome measures were actually
being used and whether there was a trend amongst
physiotherapists locally. Why certain outcome
measures, as opposed to others were used was also
evaluated. The outcome measures that were regu-
larly used by physiotherapy staff were evaluated to
see if they were the most appropriate, and in line
with best practice. Further development was
undertaken to try and collate a database of certain
outcome measures that could be easily accessed.
The second project looked at the format in which
exercise is prescribed (within neurorehabilitation).
Patient data was collected from focus groups and
local physiotherapy staff completed a questionnaire.
There were several results from this project. An
example is that patients’ preferences in exercise
using the underground, going to the pub and one
person has even started to train as an ARNI
Plans for the future include sourcing funding for
more classes to take ‘new comers’ once formal
rehabilitation has stopped and for a continuation
class for people to carry on with their exercises in
a group environment if they wish. Funding is also
being sought for a fully powered trial to continue
to explore the effectiveness of the ARNI approach.
The full results of this study are currently being
written up for publication.
For further information about the project please contact:
Jackie O’Dowd (Jackie.o@dow[email protected]) (Community
Physiotherapy Team)
Centre for Research in Rehabilitation [email protected] (Cherry
Kilbride and Meriel Norris)
Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance
Wessex ACPIN held an evening lecture on
Tuesday 19th July 2011. This was entitled
‘Sharing Local Practice’ and highlighted proj-
ects that had been developed locally. The
evening was hosted by physiotherapy staff at the
Turner Centre, St James’s Hospital, Portsmouth.
The aim of the evening was to share good clin-
ical practice amongst colleagues and further
discuss issues about these clinical areas.
Alahna Barratt and Carl Adams.
left to right: Margaret Martins,
Laura Dyer and Emma Harris.
Sharing ‘local’
Wessex ACPIN
Jenny Barber
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 36
prescription were primarily focused around the
content and delivery of their exercise programme.
Further recommendations were divided into the
production of exercise information, the content of
the exercise and the delivery of the exercise (see
Figure 1).
In summary, the evening was well attended by
members of Wessex ACPIN and it was agreed that
the discussion at the end of the evening was
extremely interesting and stimulating. I think it is
definitely something that could and should be
extended out to all regions in the future to ensure
that local research is better shared and acknowl-
edged. Further information about either of these
projects is available upon request.
Figure 1
Recommendations poster
Splinting is one of the important interventions
in the treatment or prevention of contractures.
The physiotherapists at Holy Cross Hospital, a spe-
cialist centre providing rehabilitation and long term
care for people with severe and complex disability,
developed a technique to incorporate aluminium
screw rivets (homecraft Rolyan) when fabricating
fibreglass splints. These screw rivets were used to
attach straps which were used instead of a crepe
bandage to hold the splints in position. When fabri-
cating the splint one part of the rivet was placed
between the Scotch Cast layers and a custom made
strap was attached to the splint by using the other
(screw) part of the rivet. Positioning of the screws
and the length of the straps are flexible depending
on the part of the body/limb that is being splinted eg
a figure of ‘8’ strap can be used when applying an
elbow splint. The use of straps for application/
securing of the splint has become popular with staff
as it has made the process easier especially in
patients with high muscle tone. A document with
step-by-step instructions on how to incorporate the
screw rivets and attach the strap will be made
available in the neurology section of the interactive
CSP. Please acknowledge source (Holy Cross
Hospital) when using or quoting this technique.
If you have any questions please contact:
Rasheed Meeran (r.meeran@holycross.org.uk ) Physiotherapy team
leader, Holy Cross Hospital, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1NQ
A novel technique
to attach Velcro straps
to fibreglass splints
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 37
The international Network of SCI
physiotherapists (SCIPT) is a not-for-
profit initiative of physiotherapists
worldwide. It is for physiotherapists
working in the area of spinal cord
injuries, although other physiothera-
pists are welcome to join. The website
contains presentations, documents
and videos. Registration is free.
This website has been promoted before
but in case some are not familiar re:
this website it will enable you to:
1. Search for exercises appropriate for
people with spinal cord injuries and
other neurological conditions.
2. Select exercises and compile them
into booklets for your clients.
If you register (this is free), you can:
1. Save your clients’ exercise booklet
2. Edit the text of exercises
3. Format exercise booklets in any way.
An e-learning site for health profes-
sionals working in the area of spinal
cord injuries. Provides a series of
online modules for students and junior
clinicians. The learning content
includes, case studies, videos, self-
assessment and lectures. No fee!
The website was designed to help
clinicians and researchers identify
reliable and valid outcome measures
within all phases of rehabilitation. It
provides a list of instruments each with
evidence-based summaries, instruc-
tions for implementation including
length of tests, and a link to the
instrument in a pdf format. Although
the instruments currently in the
database only contain full reviews for
stroke and spinal cord injury, more
diagnoses will be added shortly.
An excellent website for patients with
functional symptoms/ conversion
disorder/ dissociative symptoms.
You can access an eBulletin
produced by the Stroke Improvement
Programme and is available to anyone
working in healthcare, social care, or
the voluntary sector with an interest in
stroke. It contains up to date projects
and relevant information centred
around stroke care. You can email
infor@improvement.nhs.uk to opt in
or out at any time.
Contains core competency stroke
training and ten advanced modules on
the multidisciplinary management of
A comprehensive and up to date
evidence-based review of stroke
This is the website for the Association
of Physiotherapists in Parkinson’s
Disease in Europe. There is a newsletter
tab, which provides you with up to
date news on PD in Europe.
Don’t forget to use the cue cards avail-
able to assist in all staff’s clinical
practice with Parkinson’s Disease
patients. They can be downloaded
from this website.
You can access The Quality
Improvement Guide online from this
website. It provides simple but effec-
tive tools and strategies to equip staff
to drive change forwards and assists in
developing leadership skills and
highlighting the importance of utilising
teamwork. It is based on the ‘Model for
Improvement’ developed by associates
in Process Improvement
(www.apiweb.org) which has previ-
ously been used very successfully in the
UK and USA. The guide particularly
focuses on the health structure in
Wales but lot of the theory could be
utilized throughout the UK.
Mind The Gap; Enhancing therapy
provision in stroke rehabilitation
NHS Improvement (November 2011)
DOH: Service for people with neuro-
logical conditions National Audit
This feature contains resources which may prove useful in clinical practice.
Please share any resources by contacting the editor via email.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 38
The history of classification
In the 1940s, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann
founded paralympic sport as an exten-
sion of the rehabilitation process.
During the early years of the
paralympic movement, classification
was medically based. The organiza-
tional structure of medically based
classification systems reflected the
structure of a rehabilitation hospital,
with separate classes for people with
spinal cord injuries, amputations and
those with other neurological or
orthopaedic conditions.
Athletes received a class based on
their medical diagnosis, and competed
in that class for all sports offered. An
athlete with a complete L2 spinal cord
injury (resulting in lower limb paresis
but normal arm and trunk power)
would compete in a separate wheel-
chair race from a double above-knee
amputee because their medical
diagnosis was different. The fact that
the impairments resulting from their
medical condition caused about the
same activity limitation in wheelchair
propulsion was not considered in the
classification process because classifi-
cation was based on medical
Sport drives classification
As the paralympic movement matured,
sport was no longer an extension of
rehabilitation and alone became
important. The focus on sport, rather
than rehabilitation, drove the devel-
opment of what commonly became
referred to as functional classification
In functional systems, the main
factors that determine a class are not
diagnosis and medical evaluation, but
how much the impairment of a person
impacts upon sports performance. For
example, in athletics, an athlete with a
complete L2 spinal cord injury now
competes in the same class as a double
above-knee amputee (class T54). This
is because these impairments have an
impact on wheelchair propulsion that
is approximately the same. Currently
most paralympic sports use systems of
classification that are described as
functional, a notable exception being
the classification system used by the
International Blind Sports Federation
(IBSA) which remains medically based.
In contrast to the medical classifica-
tion approach in which athletes
competed in the same class for all
sports, functional systems of classifica-
tion need to be sports-specific. This is
because any given impairment may
have a significant impact in one sport
and a relatively minor impact in
another. For example the impact that
bilateral below elbow amputation has
on swimming is relatively large
compared with the impact on distance
running. Basically, in functional classi-
fication systems, an athlete with such
impairment would compete in a class
that had relatively greater activity
limitation in swimming than they
would in athletics.
Leaving medical classification
The transition from medical to
functional classification systems began
in the 1980s. There was however a
considerable debate surrounding the
relative merits of the medical and
functional approaches that caused the
transition to be slow.
One feature of early functional
systems was that they comprised fewer
classes than the existing medical
systems. Event organizers favoured this
because the complexity of event
organization was significantly reduced.
In 1989, the bodies responsible for
organizing the Barcelona 1992
paralympic games – the predecessor to
the IPC (International Paralympic
Committee), the International Co-
ordination Committee of World Sports
Organizations for the Disabled (ICC),
and the Organizing Committee – signed
an agreement which stipulated that all
paralympic sports contested at the
Barcelona 1992 paralympic games were
to be conducted using sports-specific
functional classification systems. This
administrative decision greatly acceler-
ated the transition to functional
classification systems. At the time of
this decision many sports had not
begun to develop functional systems.
Given the short timeframe and the
absence of relevant scientific evidence,
the classification systems that were
developed needed to be based on
expert opinion. Within each of the
sports, senior paralympic classifiers
from a diverse range of backgrounds
(medical doctors, therapists, athletes
and coaches) led the development of
functional systems of classification.
Paralympic classification today
Since the widespread adoption of
functional systems of classification,
paralympic sport has continued to
mature rapidly. Currently there are
Paralympic classification
Paralympics GB
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 39
more than 15,000 registered competi-
tors with the international governing
bodies of the 25 paralympic sports, and
a much larger (but indeterminate)
number of athletes competing at local,
national, and regional level in their
home countries that are not registered
internationally. At the elite level,
successful paralympic athletes are
receiving increasing peer and commu-
nity recognition and many receive
commercial sponsorship and other
financial rewards.
It is well recognized that the classifi-
cation an athlete is assigned has a
significant impact on the degree of
success they are likely to achieve.
Unfortunately however, paralympic
classification and classification
research have not matured as rapidly
as other areas of paralympic sport and
current paralympic classification
systems are still too often based on the
judgement of a small number of
experienced classifiers, rather than
empirical evidence. As a consequence,
the validity of the methods used in
functional classification systems can be
strengthened. In 2003, the IPC devel-
oped a classification strategy with the
overall objective to support and co-
ordinate the ongoing development of
accurate, reliable, consistent and
credible sport focused classification
systems and their implementation. The
IPC Classification Code is a direct result
of recommendations made in this
The IPC recognizes the need for
systems of classification that are
evidence-based and mandates the
development of such systems.
Future outlook
The IPC continues to be committed to
the development of evidence-based
classification systems, so that athletes
who enhance their competitive
performance through effective training
will not be moved to a class with
athletes who have less activity limita-
tion (as they would in a performance
classification system), but will be
rewarded by becoming more competi-
tive within the class they were
“What inspired you to be involved in
wheelchair sport?”
Before my injury I was very sporty and
especially into team sports, jumpers for
goal posts and all of that. I liked the
social aspects, and the trust and
friendships that built up. When I was
in hospital in June 2005 I missed it and
did not realise how important sport
was to me. During rehab I got involved
in table tennis and swimming but they
didn’t have that ‘edge’ and I was not
strong enough to be involved in
basketball. Then one day I was asked if
I was interested in watching a GB
wheelchair rugby game. I was not
strong enough to push the distance so
my Dad pushed me down to the Stoke
Mandeville Stadium. Here were a
bunch of guys doing their best to get
people out of their chairs while I was
struggling to stay in it. Watching them I
could not believe they were as injured
as me but gradually I discovered that
some of their injuries were higher than
mine. Two days after my discharge in
October 2005 I went to my first training
Everything was new to me, the
lifestyle, the sport; it was not like
returning to football, but everyone was
so friendly and welcoming, and they
really helped me to come to terms with
my injury. Now it is hard to believe I
am captain of this team.
“How has involvement in sport
changed your attitudes, or feelings
about yourself or others?”
I had always been motivated in
whatever I did and wanted to be good
at it so when I took up rugby, I set
small goals to achieve all along the
way and I knew to be good at it I
needed to work hard. I am keen to
Steve Brown
Wheelchair rugby captain- GB Team
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 40
support and help others who have the
drive and desire to want to succeed
and it is great to see people achieve
their potential.
“What would your advice be for
anyone newly injured?”
Look at the glass as half full. See how
others have achieved things and
believe in yourself. Also to keep things
in perspective! It should not have
taken me to lose two thirds of my body
to make the most of the other third.
“What is the feeling of the honour of
being able to captain the rugby team
at the London Paralympics?"
Representing your country in anything
is an absolute honour. I remember a
coach saying to me after I had been at
a Kent Crusaders training sessions “You
are the right shape, height and have
the motivation and if you put in the
work you could represent your country.
From then on, I knew if I worked hard
this was possible. With loads of
support from physios, coaches, nutri-
tionists I just worked to improve. I
remember the meeting I had when
they offered me the captaincy and as I
went in I thought I had done
something wrong. Seeing me nervous,
they assured me everything was fine
and told me they would like to offer
the captain’s role to me. I was lost for
words and then said yes.
“Do you have any top training tips?”
Do as you are asked. There is so much
support from strength coaches, condi-
tioning teams, nutritionists, physios
and they know what you need to do,
listen to them and work towards your
goal. One question I always ask myself
is, “Is this going to make my chair go
faster?” What I eat and when I go to
bed will make a difference. By not
following their guidance it is contra-
dictory to all I’ve strived for. For me
self-direction and self motivation is
key and in the team I cannot afford to
be the weak link.
During training today I looked around
the athletes and what they were
working for. It takes your breath away
seeing them working so hard towards
their own goals, keeping fit and
healthy. They work so hard for their
coaches and teammates, striving for
their best.
I began working for the MS Society six
years ago after 30 years service in the
NHS. My final job in the NHS was as
Clinical Lead for Neurology at the Royal
Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield.
The original remit of my current job
was very much focused on supporting
the MS Society’s strategy to develop
new physiotherapy and occupational
therapy posts in the NHS and in Social
Services. In those days, the Society
invested significantly in pump priming
the development of new services. In
the last three years, the emphasis has
changed to influencing and overseeing
the sustainability and development of
high quality services.
We knew from a scoping exercise of
the Society’s membership, that people
affected by multiple sclerosis, valued
physiotherapy as much as the support
of the specialist nurses. However, it
also became obvious that it is much
more difficult to gain funding for MS
therapist posts.
It was – and still is - hard to get
recognition for the consultant or
specialist role for Allied Health
Professionals in the NHS and we also
know that many therapists do like to
keep their skills within other long term
neurological condition groups. One
way round this, was to support the
development of neurotherapist posts,
which later could develop a specialist
interest in MS. Their work could be
supported through the MS Society’s
information and education strategy,
and also through the MS Professional
Network. It also became evident that
we needed to collect information and
evidence on the impact of these posts,
to make sure they were sustainable in
the long term.
Working with the post holders and
with our service development officers, I
have supported professionals to deliver
high quality evidence based practice.
This work is now shaping our future
educational offer to professionals. I
have helped physiotherapists to
measure the impact of their posts
through MS-specific outcome measures,
satisfaction surveys and the cost effec-
tiveness of keeping people out of the
acute setting and supporting self-
management within the community.
Right now, we are developing a UK-
wide service development toolkit, to
Jane Petty
Life as the national programme physiotherapy
lead for the MS Society
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 41
help post holders to assess and
develop services. Several projects are
underway to help nurses and thera-
pists measure the cost of their service
and how they can demonstrate they
are making savings (using the MS
Society’s Cost calculator©). We are
working on adapting the economic
value of for example: a physiotherapist
in stroke care, to one specific for MS
and will be holding workshops for
allied health professionals on how to
use the tools developed in the future.
Another important aspect of my work
is to develop a position statement and
resource base for physiotherapy and
exercise. There have already been
several different projects around
exercise; providing advice for the
newly diagnosed and introducing them
to many different ways of exercising
including kick-boxing.
The current work around physio-
therapy and exercise is particularly
important. This is because in 2010 the
MS Society decided it could not
continue to pump prime posts and
would instead work to develop service
models through a partnership of
people with MS, our branch services,
the NHS and other providers. The aim
being, to develop pathways which
focus on exercise fitness and physio-
This meant we had to develop
evidence based practice through our
research programme which will emerge
as service models to help the sustain-
ability and development of services
and make sure we continue to see high
quality services. I worked with the CSP
to produce the document, Physio
works for MS and to identify their
research priorities around MS.
In addition to this, the MS Society
research grant programme is currently
funding research into:
1 The effects of a practical exercise
programme on physical activity and
quality of life in people with MS
We know that exercise is beneficial to
people with MS – but there are still
many unanswered questions about
who will benefit most, how much
exercise is helpful and what types of
exercise are recommended. An
exercise programme designed specif-
ically for people with MS will be
tested in this three year study. 120
people with MS will be split into two
groups. They will either receive a
twelve week exercise programme or
their usual care. Researchers will
compare the following three things
in the two groups of people:
physical activity levels
disability levels
quality of life
2 A pilot study into the effects of
Pilates on posture, pain, and quality
of life in wheelchair users with MS
This three month clinical trial of 30
people with MS who use wheelchairs
looked at the impact that Pilates has
on posture, pain and quality of life.
3 A three year clinical trial to deter-
mine if FES improves walking
performance in people with MS.
The following information is being
the perspectives of 10 to 15 people
with MS to assess how their
walking performance and feelings
of fatigue vary when using FES
assessing the long term effects of
using FES compared with another
treatment for dropped foot, the
dynamic ankle foot orthosis
In 40 to 50 people with MS
researchers will assess:
feelings of fatigue
ability to engage in activities of
daily living
levels of physical activity and
quality of life
4 A one year pilot study explore if
wearing textured insoles in shoes
can improve balance problems
experienced by people with MS.
This builds on earlier research
(already funded by the MS Society)
5 Using quality adjusted life years
in MS.
A quality-adjusted life year (QALY) is a
health economic tool used to
compare different treatments and
interventions – so that the NHS can
make decisions on which treatments
to fund. QALY’s are a generic
measurement however, and don’t
take the specifics of how MS can
impact on a person’s life into
account. This means that some treat-
ments and services
As well as working with clinicians and
researchers, I still meet many people
with MS in my role at the MS Society.
An issue that often arises is people
feeling that they need access to neuro-
physiotherapy on a regular basis, to
benefit from the service. It is part of my
role to get people to think differently
about how they could self manage
their MS through exercise and activity.
Although we have supported the
development of new posts, what also
became obvious was that we had a
network of branches throughout the
country that were supporting physio-
therapy, exercise groups and all sorts of
activity opportunities.
Many of these volunteer branches
also had significant funds and legacies
that were not being used for the
benefit of the wider MS population.
They were only attracting a small
percentage of the membership and
people with MS in their area.
I am currently work with the
branches and membership to change
people’s mindset, so that exercise and
activity rather than continued physio-
therapy is identified as the way to help
people with MS maintain their
I am also trying to address the issues
that people with MS have told us about
(through research from Leeds and
Oxford Brookes Universities). One point
made was that they felt the fitness
instructors didn’t understand the
symptoms of MS. Consequently, we
have jointly developed a Masters
module with REPS 4 accreditation (for
fitness instructors and physios) with
Oxford Brookes University. This covers
physical activity for people with a
neurological condition and we
currently offer 50% grants to undertake
the study. The study is an e-learning
resource with two weekends spent
working with people with a neurolog-
ical condition in a gym setting.
Work with our volunteer branches is
focusing on setting up exercise and
activity opportunities, ideally in
partnership with other providers. This
is so it can become part of a pathway
to activity. We have also organised
activity taster days where people with
MS can try out activities such as
archery, tai chi, climbing walls, boccia,
Pilates, yoga and canoeing. The main
principle being to demonstrate what
opportunities there are out there to
take part in activity, despite a
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 42
Another exercise initiative we are
supporting is a pilot of Yoodoo sports
with Leonard Cheshire. This aims to
encourage disabled people to use
leisure centres as a move on from the
‘Inclusive Fitness Initiative’ (IFI), using
a buddy system.
In Summary, the job I originally took
with the MS Society has developed into
a national programme, supporting
therapists across the four nations of
the UK. This involves more travel than I
had originally anticipated and I have
become something of a Billy no mates
in hotel rooms! However, every day is
different and I feel I am making a
difference, using and disseminating
the knowledge I have gained and am
still gaining!
I can be contacted on:
From a discussion had within our
National ACPIN research workshop, it
seems that entering into postgraduate
research can be very daunting with no-
one knowing entirely what to expect,
or how it should feel to be a student
again! We have decided to follow two
PHD students on their epic journey
through the highs and lows that they
will inevitably experience! The want to
be able to share any useful advice they
have to give to others along the way to
assist with anybody who is thinking of
pursuing the research avenue
PHD student 1
Ever felt like you are just tired of the
monotony of life and just wanted to do
something different?
Well, that was me! I found myself in
a job for a long time and thought I
liked what I was doing. There were
days when I felt that I wanted to do
something different. But what was that
something different? I never fully
thought about that. To cut a long story
short, I decided to go down the road of
academia. I applied for and was
awarded a PhD place at one of Britain’s
prestigious universities! This started my
period of change and I was thrilled!
With all the excitement I somehow did
not think too much about going from
being a clinician to a full time PhD
student. How hard could it be anyway?
The transition
I would like to think that I was a good
clinician and that I made a difference
in the lives of my patients – blowing
my own trumpet here! But making the
transition was not easy. I suddenly
went from a job where I was known,
celebrated (by a few), to a place where
no one knew my name, strengths or
weaknesses. It felt like I was starting a
new career and was at ground zero and
had to work my way up, wherever up
maybe in the academic world.
Also, I had to make the transition in
my mind from working in a big team to
working solo. Well, I paused and
thought about that! Did I have to work
solo? It was possible, because I had
everything I needed. I had a well kitted
out office that I shared with other PhD
students. I was assigned a desk that
had a panoramic view of the univer-
sity. I was in full view of people
passing, exquisite landscape, cars etc,
priceless, but also had the potential to
be very distracting. After much deliber-
ation (in my mind) I made the
conscious decision to enjoy the experi-
ence. So, I’ve decided to make friends
and to bring some people along with
me on my journey. Now we have a
little informal group of like-minded
PhD students. This I am beginning to
see the fruits thereof. You will hear
more about our group later.
Starting the journey
“I’m still adjusting”. Four months into
the program and I find myself still
making that statement. Oh dear! I’ve
been to the library and have read
books about people who have done
their PhD so I can learn from them and
help me to put things into perspective.
I am realising more and more that
the relationship with your supervisors
is crucial. I have two supervisors and
have met them a few times now. But
each time we meet my mind runs at a
million miles per hour. There is usually
more to read and more refining of my
research question. I am now officially
obsessed with finding this research
question. I thought I had it ‘nailed’.
I thought I knew exactly what my study
was about but I am now dubious. I was
so eager to move swiftly to do my
study, but I still have more reading to
do. I’ve read already over 200 articles
to choose the ones more relevant to my
study. However, I can’t tell you exactly
what I’ve read because they’ve all
rolled into one. I’ve been told by
people who have walked this way
before that it is best to go through this
process now rather than later. This is to
ensure that no one has done the study
that you want to do. I must admit (only
to you) that I now can see the logic
behind this, as I am now a little more
familiar with the key authors in my
I guess you are wondering who my
supervisors are, but I can’t tell you
(smile) because this blog is anonymous
(tee hee hee!) anyway back to the blog.
I became very concerned so I spoke to
my little support group to see what
they think about my little frustration.
Rest assured they reported that they
were going through the same issue. In
The life of a PhD student
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 43
academia they call what we are going
through ‘the process’. Apparently we
all have to go through ‘the process’.
This is where your supervisors
challenge you about your study. They
call this finding ‘the research
question’ haahha. Well, I thought I
knew my research question but I’m
now four months in and am still
searching. Hopefully by the second
blog (if they allow me to write anymore
about this subject), I would have found
my research question. Otherwise I will
be in great trouble.
So, what’s good about doing a PhD
I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of horror
stories like I have and you probably
think I am a bit crazy to still proceed.
But others have done it and so can I.
I think of this phase of my life as a
journey into the unknown, which is
scary but can be exciting at the same
time. I am able to do flexible working
as I am in control (most days) about my
start and end time. I get to choose my
flexible working conditions. You might
say that you get the same in the NHS
and that is true but you have to apply
for flexible working and make a very
good case for it. I on the other hand
just have flexible working and don’t
have to go through the drama of
applying for it. Also, for the first time
in a long while I get Christmas off. Yup,
did not have to apply for leave over the
Christmas period because the univer-
sity was officially closed anyway. Wow!
That was lovely.. I think the greatest
thing though is getting paid to do
something that I really enjoy.
So, ‘am still adjusting’. I must now
go and try to find my ‘research
PHD Student 2
After ten years working clinically in the
NHS I am now a full time student
again! It has taken five years to get
here but I am now where (I think) I
want to be. I have taken a circuitous
route to get to the starting point of my
PhD journey but have learnt a lot about
research processes along the way which
will no doubt be useful in the future.
In the first of this series I want to
explain my personal experiences of
getting to this point. I won’t be putting
any gloss on my experiences so I
suspect that some people may be put
off while reading this. My aim though
is to encourage others to join me on
this career route. It is not an easy one
but six months in, it has already been
very rewarding.
To go back to the beginning, I
completed an exceptionally good post
graduate diploma in neurological
rehabilitation in 2006 at the University
of Western Australia and discussed my
future plans with Barby Singer the
course leader. Having discussed my
career plans with her she advised me
on going straight to a PhD rather than
building from an MSc. This advice has
been corroborated by other researchers
that I have spoken with however this is
due to my particular career plans and
others will find the MSc route prior to
PhD a better option.
I had developed two main areas of
interest by this time. Neuroplasticity, in
particular the potential of transcranial
magnetic stimulation as a therapeutic
technique and spasticity, in particular
the very early treatment of it. Having
had many further discussions with
researchers and clinicians my chosen
plan was to investigate the changing
aspects of the upper motor neuron
syndrome over the first six months post
stroke With this in mind in May 2007 I
met with Dr Anand Pandyan at Keele
University regarding how to progress
this interest forward.
The challenge in deciding on a
specific research area rather than
joining a university through a PhD
studentship is that there is no
immediate funding. This is why it has
taken so long for me to begin the PhD.
For some, writing grant applications
is not a concern until after the PhD but
I have already written four full applica-
tions to different funding bodies. The
feedback is sometimes hard to take,
particularly when decisions appear
politically driven rather than due to
sound scientific rationale. Nevertheless
it was the biggest grant application
that finally came off in November 2009.
A National Institute of Health Research,
Research for Public Benefit Grant.
Different funding bodies require
different approaches to the research
methodology. The NIHR grant aims to
generate research that will translate in
to patient benefit. We therefore devel-
oped a double blind randomised
controlled trial investigating Botulinum
Toxin and electrical stimulation to the
forearm extensors as soon as signs of
abnormal muscle activity on EMG
presented. I will talk in more detail
about the trial in further entries but for
an overview look on the ISRCTN website
number: ISRCTN57435427.
The grant funding however, is only
available once a positive ethical
opinion has been given. This took a
very long time to come as the named
principal investigator Steve Sturman
(Consultant Neurologist) and I worked
for many hours in our spare time on
the protocol and ethics forms. Because
the trial uses a drug it requires further
approval by the MHRA and only certain
research ethic committees can hear it.
It was therefore to Manchester in
December 2010 that Anand and I
travelled to sit and argue our case to a
panel of 12 on an ethics committee.
They were very positive but advised on
a number of changes to patient infor-
mation and consent sheets before we
were given the all-important positive
ethical opinion in April 2011. Shortly
after this the MHRA agreement came
through and we were able to get the
grant funding. This allowed me to
begin my three year secondment from
the NHS as a full time PhD student in
July 2011.
I suppose my journey to the start has
been a back-packing expedition rather
than a relaxed business class flight but
I have seen more and encountered far
more challenges this way and
hopefully it has led to a more rounded
and fulfilling experience.
So, from being an experienced clini-
cian I now find myself at the lower end
of the pecking order as a PhD student.
Not quite student, not quite member
of the university staff and not a clinical
member of staff in the hospital. It
does feel a bit strange but I would not
change it. Whether this view changes
as I continue is yet to be discovered.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 44
Physical management for
neurological conditions
Third edition
Edited by: Maria Stokes and Emma Stack
Churchill Livingstone
ISBN 978-0-7234-3560-0
Review by Elizabeth Hooks Senior
Physiotherapist, Poole Community Therapy Team
This physiotherapy orientated textbook
has been refined and includes four
new chapters. It is very easy to read,
using key points to help the reader
summarise and revise what they have
read. It comes across with a non-
prescriptive approach that strongly
encourages a multi-disciplinary and
patient-centred way of working. As an
overview the book is set out into three
main sections.
The first section of the book looks at
neurological and neuromuscular
conditions. Each chapter explores a
different condition; the chapters are
well set out, outlining the main points
regarding pathology, diagnosis, assess-
ment principles, management and the
physiotherapist’s role and treatments.
This allows the reader to gain a good
comprehensive coverage of the basics,
and allows them to be well enough
informed to manage patients with
these conditions. Experienced clini-
cians may find some of the information
a little basic in some areas. However, it
is a very good aide-memoire for those
areas in which clinicians may not find
themselves working on a regular basis.
The second section moves into
describing physiotherapeutic
approaches, starting with the guiding
principles and moving onto
summarising the most often used
techniques. Vestibular rehabilitation,
the management of pain, altered tone,
and also neuropsychology are
discussed in more detail.
The third section looks at core
rehabilitation skills that physiothera-
pists utilise on a daily basis, allowing
the reader to research or revise the
most essential facts in the areas of
exercise training, self management and
The book appears to be aimed at
undergraduates. However, it would be
a valuable addition to any department,
particularly those supporting rotational
staff. It will save time for clinicians
who want an overview of different
clinical groups, or treatment
techniques, without having to trawl
through a long literature search.
Finally, the book provides some
useful contact details and websites for
a variety of associations and support
groups, in a well set out appendix. In
addition, each chapter is well refer-
enced and where appropriate gives
details of additional resources. The
publishers also offer a feature called
‘pageburst™’, which allows you to
access the textbook online or through
an iPhone. I have tested this feature,
but in practice found it failed to load.
Step into research
Wessex ACPIN
An evening lecture was hosted by the
Royal Hampshire County Hospital. This
took place on Wednesday 21st
September 2011 and was called ‘Step
into Research’. The aim of the evening
was to ‘re-visit’ research as a topic for
Wessex ACPIN members. Also to support
band 5 and 6 physiotherapy staff
thinking about research/undertaking
research and review what research was
happening locally. We tried to format
the evening in a slightly different way,
so that people attending would be
able to `mingle’ with presenters at the
start of the evening initially and then
enjoy the lecture during the middle
part of the evening. Time was also
available at the end for further inter-
action with colleagues and guest
speakers. We wanted to try this
approach to meet the different needs/
level of support/questions from the
people attending, rather than a ‘tradi-
tional’ single lecture format.
We also tried to keep the structure of
the evening very informal and relaxed.
This was done purposefully, so that
members were not discouraged from
thinking that research was ‘only for
senior level physiotherapists’. We had
representatives from the University of
Southampton, South Coast DeNDRon,
South Central Stroke Association and
Wessex members who had undertaken
MSc research volunteered to talk in
small groups/answer questions.
The main speaker during the evening
was Dr Jane Burridge, a research
physiotherapist from the University of
Southampton. Dr Burridge talked about
the two ends of the research process
and explored clinically driven research
that leads to effective changes in
practice. Wessex ACPIN members were
also able to learn about what research,
in relation to neurological therapy, is
taking place at the University of
Southampton. This includes pioneering
robotic equipment for upper limb
therapy and hand activity.
Wessex ACPIN also supports entry into
research and continued professional
development with a bi-annual bursary
scheme that is available.
Reviews of research articles, books, courses and equipment in Synapse are offered by regional ACPIN groups or individuals in response to requests
from the ACPIN committee. In the spirit of an extension of the ERA (evaluating research articles) project they are offered as information for members
and as an opportunity for some members to hone their reviewing skills. Editing is kept to a minimum and the reviews reflect the opinions of the
authors only. We give the authors of the original book or paper the opportunity to respond. We hope these reviews will encourage members to read
the original article and not simply take the views of the reviewers at face value.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 45
Physio wins The Royal
Society of Medicine’s
Gordon Holmes Prize
for Clinical Neuroscience
Lisa Bunn has won The Royal Society
of Medicine’s Gordon Holmes Prize
for Clinical Neuroscience for 2012,
which is open to all trainees in neu-
rosciences including neurology, neu-
rosurgery, neurophysiology,
neuropathology or neuroradiology.
As well as the prestige of winning, a
financial prize of £300 is awarded.
“I was initially shortlisted based on
submission of an abstract of my work
in January 2012 (along with four oth-
ers)”. The programme for the night is
available on: www.rsm.ac.uk/
academ/cnc05.php Each shortlisted
individual had ten minutes to pres-
ent a very concise but informative
account of their work and answer
five minutes worth of questions.
The prize was awarded to the
project because it was an ‘excellent
example of translational neuro-
science’ and the feedback was that
the talk was clear and well-paced.
Presentations took place during an
evening event at the Royal Society of
Medicine on March 1st 2012.
Lisa lectured at our ACPIN conference
this year presenting on her area of
research, ‘What is the cause of balance
impairment in patients with cerebellar
disease’. She is the first physiotherapist
to have received this award, with her
major competitors being neurologists
and neuroscientists. Lisa should be
congratulated on this break through
and we wish her all the best with her
ongoing drive in research to better
neurorehabilitation in the future.
Interactive CSP update
Chris Manning iCSP link moderator
for neurology.
There are 10,140 registered users on
the neurology network. The mem-
bership is growing by approximately
1,000 each year. This and the grow-
ing ACPIN membership demonstrate
the high profile neurology has in our
Many of the posted items, discus-
sions, documents and websites,
relate to topics covered in the ACPIN
national conference, ‘The Backbone
of Neurology’. Use the discussion
forum to carry on debates you may
have had at the conference. Keep in
Other news
An update of other ACPIN news can
be found in the section on this years
conference, the session named,
Speed updates- What does ACPIN Do?
on page 26 of this edition of Synapse.
ACPIN constitution revised
March 2012 (Revised from previous constitution dated November 2008,
November 2004 and 17th July 1996)
1.1 This Clinical Interest Group shall be known as the ‘Association of
Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology’, herein referred to as
ACPIN, or ‘The Group’.
2.1 To promote and facilitate collaborative interaction between ACPIN
members across all fields of practice including clinical, research and
To promote evidence informed practice and continuing professional
development of ACPIN members by assisting in the exchange and
dissemination of knowledge and ideas within the area of neurology.
2.3 To provide encouragement and support for members to participate
in good quality research (with a diversity of methodologies) and
evaluation of practice at all levels.
2.4 To maintain and continue to develop a reciprocal communication
process with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy on all issues
related to neurology.
2.5 To foster and encourage collaborative working between ACPIN, other
professional groups, related organisations ie third sector, govern-
ment departments and members of the public.
Any other objective not in conflict with 2.1 to 2.5 above which appears
to be appropriate to the needs and interests of the members of ACPIN.
3 ACPIN shall not take any action or express any view which in any way
affects or concerns the general policy of the Chartered Society of
Physiotherapy (CSP) without the express agreement of the Council of the
Chartered Society.
Membership shall be available upon completion of an application form
and payment of the appropriate subscription in the following terms:
4.1 Full members shall be registered Chartered Physiotherapists in good
standing with the CSP (This section includes CSP members who live
Associate members shall have a professional interest in neurology and
thus, in the opinion of the Executive Committee are suitable to
become associate members of ACPIN. Associate members will not have
the right to hold any elected post within ACPIN. CSP Support workers
whose names appear on the register maintained by the Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy shall be eligible for associate membership.
4.3 Overseas members shall be qualified Physiotherapists who are
members of their country’s governing body.
4.4 Student members shall be Undergraduate Physiotherapists who are
student members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
4.5 Full and Associate members shall have the right to vote.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 46
5.1 Application procedure
Applications for full, associate and student membership shall be
submitted in the first instance to the membership secretary. A new
member will be allocated to one Regional Group, according to the
location of his or her place of work or residence in accordance with
the map annexed hereto. A member who works or lives close to the
boundary of any region may elect to join an adjacent region.
5.2 Capitation
Regional Groups shall be entitled to receive a proportion of the
annual subscription paid by each member allocated at a level deter-
mined by the National Committee. It shall be open to the National
Committee to set different levels of local subscription allocations
among Regional Groups.
5.3 Regional constitutions
Each Regional Group shall adopt a written constitution in accor-
dance with guidelines at Appendix 1 of this constitution. A Regional
Group may not amend its own constitution without prior agreement
of the National Committee, signed by a resolution passed by a
majority of committee members present.
Shall comprise of:
6.1 Nine honorary officers, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer,
Membership Secretary, Research Officer, Public Relations Officer,
Minute Secretary, Diversity Officer Post, or any others holding office
in accordance with Clause 7.2 below.
6.2 Not more than four full members elected at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM) who shall be entitled to serve as members of the
Executive Committee for such period as shall be permitted in the
case of an Honorary Officer.
6.3 The Executive Committee shall be empowered to co-opt four mem-
bers to serve in addition to those elected members, should the need
arise. The total number of coopted members shall never exceed one
third of the total membership of the committee. The Executive
Committee hereafter referred to as Executive shall be responsible for
the general management of the Group.
6.4 If any Executive Committee member fails to attend two-thirds of the
yearly total of meetings without good reason, where good reason is
decided at the discretion of the majority of the remaining Executive
members, their term of office shall be deemed to have lapsed. The
vacancy may be filled by the Executive Committee at its discretion.
7.1 Only full members shall be eligible for election as Honorary Officers.
Any candidate for election as an Honorary Officer must submit a
written nomination, countersigned by at least two other full mem-
bers to the Chair.
7.2 The Honorary Officers, whose numbers shall not exceed nine, shall
comprise Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Research
Officer and Diversity Officer and such other officers that the Executive
consider expedient for the efficient management of the affairs of the
7.3 Honorary Officers shall be elected by ballot of enfranchised members
of the group at the AGM, save and except the Chair, who shall be
elected by a ballot of all Executive Committee Members at the first
Executive Committee Meeting to be held after the AGM in the year of
the Chair’s retirement.
7.4 Honorary Officers will hold office for two years, and may offer them-
selves for re-election for not more than three consecutive terms.
(Giving a maximum of six years service). A former Honorary Officer
may offer him or herself for first election not less than two years after
retirement from any earlier honorary office. An Honorary Officer may
transfer from one honorary office to another for the aggregate length
of continuous service. An Honorary Officer shall not exceed a period
of six years, as set out above. (See exception below for Chair).
7.5 The Chair Person must be on the Executive Committee for a mini-
mum of two years prior to becoming Chair for up to a maximum of
four years ie two terms with at least one year prior to taking the
Chair as Vice Chair.
7.6 In normal circumstances the Chair and Secretary shall not retire in
the same year as each other.
7.7 Retiring Honorary Officers shall leave office at the AGM and newly
elected replacements take office immediately, so that the Chair shall
hand over office at the first National Committee Meeting following
the AGM.
7.8 The Office of President shall be occupied by a person suitably quali-
fied and distinguished who has been invited by the Executive
Committee for a period not exceeding four years. The President shall
be entitled to attend all meetings of the Executive, but shall not
have voting rights.
7.9 Should any casual vacancy arise among the Honorary Office, except
Chair, that vacancy shall be filled by co-option of a suitably quali-
fied member of the Group, who shall hold office until the next AGM.
A casual vacancy for the Chair shall be filled by vote of the National
Committee as set out above. Any period of office served as a result of
the appointment following a casual vacancy shall not count towards
the maximum six year period of office for any member of the
Executive Committee.
7.10 Committee members will hold office for two years and may offer
themselves up for re-election for not more than two consecutive
terms for a maximum of four years. However, a Committee Member
who goes on to hold an Honorary Officer’s post can remain in this
Honorary post for up to six years, offering themselves up for re-elec-
tion at two yearly intervals during this period. Thus maximum serv-
ice on the Executive Committee can total ten years.
The National Committee shall consist of the Executive and
Representative elected from each Region. This may be the Regional
Chair or the Regional Representative and shall be full members of
the Regional Group whom they represent.
9.1 The AGM shall be held in the month of March at a convenient time
and place, to be decided by the Executive, providing that no more
than 54 weeks shall elapse between AGM’s.
9.2 Notice of the date, time and place of the AGM shall be given to all
members by the Chair not less than 28 clear days in advance. Such
notice shall be accompanied by a provisional agenda.
9.3 The AGM shall receive reports from the Honorary Officers, consider
the accounts, and appoint an Auditor for the following year, hold
elections for office and transact such other business as notified to
the Secretary in writing not less than 14 days before the said AGM.
10.1 An EGM may be called by the Secretary upon receipt of instructions
from the Executive or upon written representation from not less
than one third of the fullmembership.
10.2 Not less than 28 days clear notice of an EGM shall be given, specify-
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 47
ing date, time and place, to all members of the Group. Such notice
shall also include an agenda which comprises a full and exhaustive
programme for the business which is to be considered at any such
11.1 All voting at Annual General Meetings or Extraordinary General
Meetings shall be by a show of hands. Voting at all Committee
Meetings shall be by a show of hands.
11.2 Any full or associate member may appoint another full or associate
member to act as his or her proxy at any Annual or Extraordinary
General Meeting by giving notice in writing to the Secretary. Such
notice specifying whether the said proxy is directed to vote in accor-
dance with the wishes of the members or given discretion in the
casting of any vote.
11.3 A National Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting shall
not be deemed quorate unless at least 50 full members, or one third
of the total full membership attends, whichever be the less.
11.4 Any other Committee Meeting shall require a quorum of not less
than one third of the membership of the Committee.
The Group may be wound up by a resolution passed at an Annual or
Extraordinary General Meeting supported by a simple majority of full
members casting votes. In the event of a motion to wind the Group up
being passed the CSP will be informed and entitled to recoup the balance
of the year’s capitation fees. The remaining assets of the Group shall be
handed over to the Members Benevolent Fund of the Chartered Society of
This constitution may only be amended by a resolution passed by an
Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the group provided:
13.1 The proposed amendment has been notified to the Secretary in
writing and is supported by the signatures of not less than ten full
13.2 At least 14 clear days notice has been given to each full member of
the proposed amendment.
13.3 The proposed amendment receives the support of at least two thirds
of the votes cast at the relevant meeting.
13.4 The amendments must be approved by the PPSD at the Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy
When formulating a Constitution, Regional Groups shall have regard to the
provisions of the National Constitution, and in particular shall adopt the pro-
visions of Articles 1 to 5 thereof.
Regional Groups shall make provision for the election of a Regional
Committee not less than one month before each Annual General Meeting of
the National Group.
That Committee must include a Regional Representative who shall serve for
two years on the National Committee. It is envisaged that each Region will
also elect a Secretary and a Treasurer. The same time limits on service on a
Regional Committee shall apply as in the case of the National Committee and
Not less than four meetings should be required to be held each year within
normal circumstances.
Amendment to the Constitution shall be at a Regional Annual General
Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, but shall only take effect when it
has been approved by Resolution of the National Executive and by the PPSD
at the CSP.
Winding up shall be by resolution of the members, save that if full member-
ships falls below 10 a Regional Group will be deemed to have been wound
up and its remaining members shall be allocated to other convenient
Regional assets shall pass automatically to the National Group.
A copy of the Constitution of each Regional Group must be supplied to the
National Honorary Secretary.
The appropriate provisions of this Constitution may be adopted by Regional
Groups by the making of amendments to meet the specific needs of such
groups. It is envisaged that each Regional Group will adopt this Constitution
subject to such amendments.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 48
Volume 92:10
• Bell KR, Brockway JA Hart T, Whyte J, Sherer M,
Fraser RT, Temkin NR and Dikmen SS Scheduled
telephone intervention for traumatic brain
injury: a multicenter randomized controlled
trial pp1552-1560.
• Herrmann SD, Snook EM, Kang M, Scott CB, Mack
MG, Dompier TP and Ragan BG Development and
validation of a movement and activity in
physical space score as a functional outcome
measure pp1652-1658.
• Hirsh AT, Braden AL, Craggs JG and Jensen MP
Psychometric properties of the community
integration questionnaire in a heterogeneous
sample of adults with physical disability
• Huisinga JM, Filipi ML, Schmid KK and Stergiou N
Is there a relationship between fatigue ques-
tionnaires and gait mechanics in persons
with multiple sclerosis? pp1594-1601.
• Moreno CC, Mendes LA and Lindquist AR Effects
of treadmill inclination on the gait of indi-
viduals with chronic hemiparesis pp1675-1680.
• Norweg A, Ni P, Garshick E, O’Connor G, Wilke K
and Jette AM A multidimensional computer
adaptive test approach to dyspnea assess-
ment pp1561-1569.
• Selassie AW, Varma A and Saunders LL Current
trends in venous thromboembolism among
persons hospitalized with acute traumatic
spinal cord injury: does early access to reha-
bilitation matter? pp1534-1541.
• Severinsen K, Jakobsen JK, Overgaard K and
Andersen H Normalized muscle strength, aero-
bic capacity and walking performance in
chronic stroke: a population-based study on
the potential for endurance and resistance
training pp1663-1668.
• Waters DL, Hale LA, Robertson L, Hale BA and
Herbison P Evaluation of a peer-led falls pre-
vention program for older adults pp1581-1586.
Volume 92:10 (Supplement)
• Amtmann D, Cook KF, Johnson KL and Cella D
The PROMIS initiative: involvement of reha-
bilitation stakeholders in development and
examples of applications in rehabilitation
research ppS12-S19.
• Carlozzi NE, Tulsky DS and Kisala PA Traumatic
brain injury patient-reported outcome meas-
ure: identification of health-related quality-
of-life issues relevant to individuals with
traumatic brain injury ppS52-S60.
• Cella D, Nowinski C, Peterman A, Victorson D,
Miller D, Lai JS and Moy C The neurology qual-
ity-of-life measurement initiative ppS28-S36.
• Haley SM, Ni P, Lai J-S, Tian F, Coster WJ, Jette AM,
Straub D and Cella D Linking the activity meas-
ure for post acute care and the quality of life
outcomes in neurological disorders ppS37-S43.
Lai JS, Cella D, Choi S, Junghaenel DU, Christodoulou
C, Gershon R and Stone A How item banks and
their application can influence measurement
practice in rehabilitation medicine: a promise
fatigue item bank example ppS20-S27.
• Quatrano LA and Cruz TH Future of outcomes
measurement: impact on research in medical
rehabilitation and neurologic populations
• Tulsky DS, Carlozzi NE and Cella D Advances in
outcomes measurement in rehabilitation
medicine: current initiatives from the
National Institutes of Health and the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Research ppS1-S6.
• Tulsky DS, Kisala PA, Victorson D, Tate D,
Heinemann AW, Amtmann D and Cella D
Developing a contemporary patient-reported
outcomes measure for spinal cord injury
Volume 92:11
• de Araújo RC, Lúcio Jr F, Rocha DN, Sono TS and
Pinotti M Effects of intensive arm training with
an electromechanical orthosis in chronic stroke
patients: a preliminary study pp1746-1753.
• Barclay-Goddard R, Lix LM, Tate R, Weinberg L
and Mayo NE Health-related quality of life
after stroke: does response shift occur in self-
perceived physical function? pp1762-1769.
• Conroy SS, Whitall J, Dipietro L, Jones-Lush LM,
Zhan M, Finley MA, Wittenberg GF, Krebs HI and
Bever CT Effect of gravity on robot-assisted
motor training after chronic stroke: a ran-
domized trial pp1754-1761.
• Fritz SL, Merlo-Rains AM, Rivers ED, Peters DM,
Goodman A, Watson ET, Carmichael BM and
McClenaghan BA An intensive intervention for
improving gait, balance and mobility in indi-
viduals with chronic incomplete spinal cord
injury: a pilot study of activity tolerance and
benefits pp1776-1784.
• Gadidi V, Katz-Leurer M, Carmeli E and Bornstein
NM Long-term outcome poststroke: predictors
of activity limitation and participation
restriction pp1802-1808.
• González-Fernández M, Davis C, Molitoris JJ,
Newhart M, Leigh R and Hillis AE Formal educa-
tion, socioeconomic status and the severity of
aphasia after stroke pp1809-1813.
• Hastings J, Robins H, Griffiths Y and Hamilton C
The differences in self-esteem, function and
participation between adults with low cervi-
cal motor tetraplegia who use power or
manual wheelchairs pp1785-1788.
• Jensen MP, Alschuler KN, Smith AE, Verrall AM,
Goetz MC and Molton IR Pain and fatigue in
persons with postpolio syndrome: independ-
ent effects on functioning pp1796-1801.
• Kasser SL, Jacobs JV, Foley JT, Cardinal BJ and
Maddalozzo GF A Prospective evaluation of
balance, gait and strength to predict falling
in women with multiple sclerosis pp1840-
• Krause JS and Saunders LL Health, secondary
conditions and life expectancy after spinal
cord injury pp1770-1775.
• Marchetti GF, Whitney SL, Redfern MS and
Furman JM Factors associated with balance
confidence in older adults with health condi-
tions affecting the balance and vestibular
system pp1884-1891.
• Meeus M, van Eupen I, van Baarle E, De Boeck V,
Luyckx A, Kos D and Nijs J Symptom fluctuations
and daily physical activity in patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome: a case-control
study pp1820-1826.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 49
• de Niet M, Latour H, Hendricks H, Geurts AC and
Weerdesteyn V Short-latency stretch reflexes
do not contribute to premature calf muscle
activity during the stance phase of gait in
spastic patients pp1833-1839.
• Page SJ, Murray C, Hermann V and Levine P
Retention of motor changes in chronic stroke
survivors who were administered mental
practice pp1741-1745.
Volume 92:12
• Denkinger MD, Lindemann U, Nicolai S, Igl W,
Jamour M and Nikolaus T Assessing physical
activity in inpatient rehabilitation: validity,
practicality and sensitivity to change in the
physical activity in inpatient rehabilitation
assessment pp2012-2017.
• Fisher SR, Galloway RV, Kuo YF, Graham JE,
Ottenbacher KJ, Ostir GV and Goodwin JS Pilot
study examining the association between
ambulatory activity and falls among hospi-
talized older adults pp2090-2092.
• Hakkennes SJ, Brock K and Hill KD Selection for
inpatient rehabilitation after acute stroke: a
systematic review of the literature pp2057-2070.
• Hase K, Suzuki E, Matsumoto M, Fujiwara T and
Liu M Effects of therapeutic gait training using
a prosthesis and a treadmill for ambulatory
patients with hemiparesis pp1961-1966.
• Oh-Park M, Wang C and Verghese J Stair nego-
tiation time in community-dwelling older
adults: normative values and association
with functional decline pp2006-2011.
• Sosnoff JJ, Boes MK, Sandroff BM, Socie MJ, Pula
JH and Motl RW Walking and thinking in
persons with multiple sclerosis who vary in
disability pp2028-2033.
• Wu CH, Liou TH, Hsiao PL, Lin YC and Chang KH
Contribution of ischemic stroke to hip fracture
risk and the influence of gender difference
Volume 93:1
• Bird M-L, Hill KD and Fell JW A randomized
controlled study investigating static and
dynamic balance in older adults after train-
ing with pilates pp43-49.
• van Bloemendaal M, Kokkeler AM and van de
Port IG The Shuttle Walk Test: A new approach
to functional walking capacity measurements
for patients after stroke? pp163-166.
• Cherry BJ, Zettel-Watson L, Chang JC, Shimizu R,
Rutledge DN and Jones CJ Positive associations
between physical and cognitive performance
measures in fibromyalgia pp62-71.
• Clark E, Hill KD and Punt TD Responsiveness of
two scales to evaluate lateropulsion or Pusher
Syndrome recovery after stroke pp149-155.
• Eicher V, Murphy MP, Murphy TF and Malec JF
Progress assessed with the Mayo-Portland
Adaptability Inventory in 604 participants in
four types of post–inpatient rehabilitation
brain injury programs pp100-107.
• Goedert KM, Chen P, Botticello A, Masmela JR,
Adler U and Barrett AM Psychometric evaluation
of neglect assessment reveals motor-
exploratory predictor of functional disability
in acute-stage spatial neglect pp137-142.
• Hitzig SL, E. Escobar MR, Noreau L and Craven BC
Validation of the reintegration to Normal
Living Index for community-dwelling persons
with chronic spinal cord injury pp108-114.
• van Leeuwen CM, Post MW, Westers P, van der
Woude LH, de Groot S, Sluis T, Slootman H and
Lindeman E Relationships between activities,
participation, personal factors, mental
health and life satisfaction in persons with
spinal cord injury pp82-89.
• Lewek MD, Osborn AJ and Wutzke CJ The influ-
ence of mechanically and physiologically
imposed stiff-knee gait patterns on the
energy cost of walking pp123-128.
• Kong KH, Lee J and Chua KS Occurrence and
temporal evolution of upper limb spasticity in
stroke patients admitted to a rehabilitation
unit pp143-148.
• van Vliet PM, Wimperis A, Creak J, Taylor A and
Vandereijk C Feedback device for improvement
of coordination of reach-to-grasp after
stroke 167-171.
• Yogev-Seligmann G, Giladi N, Brozgol M and
Hausdorff JM A training program to improve
gait while dual tasking in patients with
Parkinson’s Disease: a pilot study pp176-181.
• Yue Y, Song W, Huo S and Wang M Study on the
occurrence and neural bases of hemispatial
neglect with different reference frames
• Zimbelman J, Daly JJ, Roenigk KL, Butler K,
Burdsall R and Holcomb JP Capability of two
gait measures for detecting response to gait
training in stroke survivors: gait assessment
and intervention tool and the Tinetti Gait
Scale pp129-136.
Volume 93:1 (Supplement)
• Hilari K, Needle JJ and Harrison KL What are the
important factors in health-related quality of
life for people with aphasia? A systematic
review ppS86-S95.
• Meinzer M, Rodriguez AD and Gonzalez Rothi LJ
First decade of research on constrained-
induced treatment approaches for aphasia
rehabilitation ppS35-S45.
• O’Halloran R, Grohn B and Worrall L
Environmental factors that influence commu-
nication for patients with a communication
disability in acute hospital stroke units: a
qualitative metasynthesis ppS77-S85.
• van de Sandt-Koenderman ME, van der Meulen
I and Ribbers GM Aphasia rehabilitation: more
than treating the language disorder ppS1-S3.
• Saur D and Hartwigsen G Neurobiology of lan-
guage recovery after stroke: lessons from
neuroimaging studies ppS15-S25.
• Smits M, Visch-Brink EG, van de Sandt-
Koenderman ME and van der Lugt A Advanced
magnetic resonance neuroimaging of lan-
guage function recovery after aphasic stroke:
a technical review ppS4-S14.
•Tompkins CA Rehabilitation for cognitive-
communication disorders in right hemisphere
brain damage ppS61-S69.
Volume 93:2
• Barclay-Goddard R, King J, Dubouloz CJ and
Schwartz CE Building on transformative learn-
ing and response shift theory to investigate
health-related quality of life changes over
time in individuals with chronic health con-
ditions and disability pp214-220.
• Brogårdh C, Flansbjer UB and Lexell J No specific
effect of whole-body vibration training in
chronic stroke: a double-blind randomized
controlled study pp253-258.
• Cicerone KD Facts, theories, values: shaping
the course of neurorehabilitation The 60th
John Stanley Coulter Memorial Lecture pp188-191.
• Connell LA and Tyson SF Clinical reality of
measuring upper-limb ability in neurologic
conditions: a systematic review pp221-228.
• Doeltgen SH and Huckabee ML Swallowing
neurorehabilitation: from the research labo-
ratory to routine clinical application pp207-213.
• Hoffman JM, Dikmen S, Temkin N and Bell KR
Development of posttraumatic stress disorder
after mild traumatic brain injury pp287-292.
• Krause JS, Terza JV, Erten M, Focht KL, Dismuke CE
Prediction of postinjury employment and per-
centage of time worked after spinal cord
injury pp373-375.
• Lin MR, Yu WY and Wang SC Examination of
assumptions in using time tradeoff and stan-
dard gamble utilities in individuals with
spinal cord injury pp245-252.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 50
• Montero-Odasso M, Muir SW and Speechley M
Dual-task complexity affects gait in people
with mild cognitive impairment: the inter-
play between gait variability, dual tasking
and risk of falls pp293-299.
• Page SJ, Levin L, Hermann V, Dunning K and
Levine P Longer versus shorter daily durations
of electrical stimulation during task-
specific practice in moderately impaired
stroke pp200-206.
• Saunders LL and Krause JS Behavioral factors
related to fatigue among persons with spinal
cord injury pp313-318.
• Velthuis MJ, Peeters PH, Gijsen BC, van den Berg
JP, Koppejan-Rensenbrink RA, Vlaeyen JW and
May AM Role of fear of movement in cancer
survivors participating in a rehabilitation
program: a longitudinal cohort study
• Wijesuriya N, Tran Y, Middleton J and Craig A
Impact of fatigue on the health-related qual-
ity of life in persons with spinal cord injury
Volume 93:3
• Benito-Penalva J, Edwards DJ, Opisso E, Cortes
M, Lopez-Blazquez R, Murillo N, Costa U, Tormos
JM, Vidal-Samsó J, Valls-Solé J, European
Multicenter Study about Human Spinal Cord Injury
Study Group Gait training in human spinal
cord injury using electromechanical systems:
effect of device type and patient
Characteristics pp404-412.
• Carroll SL, Greig CA, Lewis SJ, McMurdo ME,
Sniehotta FF, Johnston M, Johnston DW, Scopes J
and Mead GE The use of pedometers in stroke
survivors: are they feasible and how well do
they detect steps? pp466-470.
• Chiu HT, Wang YH, Jeng JS, Chen BB and Pan SL
Effect of functional status on survival in
patients with stroke: is independent ambula-
tion a key determinant? pp527-531.
• Chuang LL, Wu CY and Lin KC Reliability, valid-
ity and responsiveness of myotonometric
measurement of muscle tone, elasticity and
stiffness in patients with stroke pp532-540.
Motl RW and Fernhall B Accurate prediction of
cardiorespiratory fitness using cycle ergome-
try in minimally disabled persons with relaps-
ing-remitting multiple sclerosis pp490-495.
• Pershouse KJ, Barker RN, Kendall MB, Buettner
PG, Kuipers P, Schuurs SB and Amsters DI
Investigating changes in quality of life and
function along the lifespan for people with
spinal cord injury pp413-419.
Volume 25:10
• Brady MC, Clark AM, Dickson S, Paton G and
Barbour RS Dysarthria following stroke – the
patient’s perspective on management and
rehabilitation pp935-952.
• Brock K, Haase G, Rothacher G and Cotton S Does
physiotherapy based on the Bobath concept,
in conjunction with a task practice, achieve
greater improvement in walking ability in
people with stroke compared to physiother-
apy focused on structured task practice alone?
A pilot randomized controlled trial pp903-912.
• Gharib NMM, El-Maksoud GM and Rezk-Allah SS
Efficacy of gait trainer as an adjunct to tradi-
tional physical therapy on walking perform-
ance in hemiparetic cerebral palsied children:
a randomized controlled trial pp924-934.
• Ma HI, Hwang WJ, Fang JJ, Kuo JK, Wang CY,
Leong IF and Wang TY Effects of virtual reality
training on functional reaching movements
in people with Parkinson’s disease: a ran-
domized controlled pilot trial pp892-902.
Volume 25:11
• Forghany S, Tyson S, Nester C, Preece S and
Jones R Foot posture after stroke: frequency,
nature and clinical significance pp1050-1055.
• Hedman LD and Sullivan JE An initial explo-
ration of the perceptual threshold test using
electrical stimulation to measure arm sensa-
tion following stroke pp1042-1049.
• Khan CM, Oesch PR, Gamper UN, Kool JP and
Beer S Potential effectiveness of three differ-
ent treatment approaches to improve mini-
mal to moderate arm and hand function
after stroke – a pilot randomized clinical trial
• Lau RWK, Liao LR, Yu F, Teo T, Chung RCK and
Pang MYC The effects of whole body vibration
therapy on bone mineral density and leg
muscle strength in older adults: a systematic
review and meta-analysis pp975-988.
• Morioka S, Fujita H, Hiyamizu M, Maeoka H and
Matsuo A Effects of plantar perception training
on standing posture balance in the old old
and the very old living in nursing facilities: a
randomized controlled trial pp1011-1020.
de Sèze MP, Bonhomme C, Daviet JC, Burguete E,
Machat H, Rousseaux M and Mazaux JM Effect of
early compensation of distal motor deficiency
by the Chignon ankle-foot orthosis on gait in
hemiplegic patients: a randomized pilot
study pp989-998.
Volume 25:12
• Carda S, Invernizzi M, Baricich A and Cisari C
Casting, taping or stretching after botulinum
toxin type A for spastic equinus foot: a single-
blind randomized trial on adult stroke
patients pp1119-1127.
• Cauraugh JH, Naik SK, Lodha N, Coombes SA and
Summers JJ Long-term rehabilitation for
chronic stroke arm movements: a randomized
controlled trial pp1086-1096.
• Novak I Effective home programme interven-
tion for adults: a systematic review pp1066-1085.
• Steenbeek D, Gorter JW, Ketelaar M, Galama K
and Lindeman E Responsiveness of Goal
Attainment Scaling in comparison to two
standardized measures in outcome evaluation
of children with cerebral palsy pp1128-1139.
Volume 26:1
• Connell LA and Tyson SF Measures of sensation
in neurological conditions: a systematic
review pp68-80.
• Hiyamizu M, Morioka S, Shomoto K and
TShimada T Effects of dual task balance train-
ing on dual task performance in elderly peo-
ple: a randomized controlled trial pp58-67.
• Ward CD Is patient-centred care a good thing?
Volume 26:2
• Dalton C, Farrell R, De Souza A, Wujanto E,
McKenna-Slade A, Thompson S, Liu C and
Greenwood R Patient inclusion in goal setting
during early inpatient rehabilitation after
acquired brain injury pp165-173.
• Liao W, Wu C, Hsieh Y, Lin K and Chang W Effects
of robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation on
daily function and real-world arm activity in
patients with chronic stroke: a randomized
controlled trial pp111-120.
• Muller F, Cugy E, Ducerf C, Delleci C, Guehl D,
Joseph P, Burbaud P and Dehail P Safety and
self-reported efficacy of botulinum toxin for
adult spasticity in current clinical practice: a
prospective observational study pp174-179.
• Taylor-Piliae RE and Coull BM Community-
based Yang-style Tai Chi is safe and feasible in
chronic stroke: a pilot study pp121-131.
Volume 26:3
• Hesse S, Mach H, Fröhlich S, Behrend S, Werner C
and Melzer I An early botulinum toxin A treat-
ment in subacute stroke patients may prevent
a disabling finger flexor stiffness six months
later: a randomized controlled trial pp237-245.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 51
• Kang H, Kim Y, Chung Y and Hwang S Effects of
treadmill training with optic flow on balance
and gait in individuals following stroke: ran-
domized controlled trials pp246-255.
• Peurala SH, Kantanen MP, Sjögren T, Paltamaa J,
Karhula M and Heinonen A Effectiveness of con-
straint-induced movement therapy on activ-
ity and participation after stroke: a
systematic review and meta-analysis of ran-
domized controlled trials pp209-223.
• Turner-Stokes L, Bill A and Dredge R A cost
analysis of specialist inpatient neurorehabili-
tation services in the UK pp256-263.
• Turner-Stokes L, Sutch S and Dredge R
Healthcare tariffs for specialist inpatient neu-
rorehabilitation services: rationale and
development of a UK casemix and costing
methodology pp264-279.
• Turner-Stokes L, Sutch S, Dredge R and Eagar K
International casemix and funding models:
lessons for rehabilitation pp195-208.
Volume 26:4
• Cobley CS, Thomas SA, Lincoln NB and Walker MF
The assessment of low mood in stroke
patients with aphasia: reliability and validity
of the ten-item hospital version of the Stroke
Aphasic Depression Questionnaire (SADQH-10)
• Coupar F, Pollock A, Rowe P, Weir C and
Langhorne P Predictors of upper limb recovery
after stroke: a systematic review and meta-
analysis pp291-313.
Taylor WJ, Brown M, William L, McPherson KM,
Reed K, Dean SG and Weatherall M A pilot cluster
randomized controlled trial of structured
goal-setting following stroke pp327-338.
Volume 33:10
• Jones F and Riazi A Self-efficacy and self-
management after stroke: a systematic
review pp797–810.
• Scherer MJ, Craddock G and Mackeogh T The
relationship of personal factors and subjec-
tive well-being to the use of assistive tech-
nology devices pp811–817.
• Turner BJ, Fleming J, Ownsworth T and Cornwell
P Perceived service and support needs during
transition from hospital to home following
acquired brain injury pp818–829.
Volume 33:11
• Hunt MR and Ells C Partners towards auton-
omy: risky choices and relational autonomy
in rehabilitation care pp961–967.
Volume 33:12
• Hartley SE, Goodwin PC and Goldbart J
Experiences of attendance at a neuromuscu-
lar centre: perceptions of adults with neuro-
muscular disorders pp1022–1032.
• Kayes NM, McPherson KM, Schluter P, Taylor D,
Leete M and Kolt GS Exploring the facilitators
and barriers to engagement in physical activ-
ity for people with multiple sclerosis pp1043–
• Nilsson C, Bartfai A and Löfgren M Holistic group
rehabilitation – a short cut to adaptation to
the new life after mild acquired brain injury
Volume 33:13-14
• Comans TA, Currin ML, Brauer SG and Haines TP
Factors associated with quality of life and
caregiver strain amongst frail older adults
referred to a community rehabilitation service:
implications for service delivery pp1215–1221.
• Darrigrand B, Dutheil S, Michelet V, Rereau S,
Rousseaux M and Mazaux JM Communication
impairment and activity limitation in stroke
patients with severe aphasia pp1169–1178.
• Doig E, Fleming J, Cornwell P and Kuipers P
Comparing the experience of outpatient ther-
apy in home and day hospital settings after
traumatic brain injury: patient, significant
other and therapist perspectives pp1203–1214.
• Eccles FJR and Simpson J A review of the
demographic, clinical and psychosocial corre-
lates of perceived control in three chronic
motor illnesses pp1065–1088.
• Geyh S, Peter C, Müller R, Bickenbach JE,
Kostanjsek N, Üstün BT, Stucki G and Cieza A The
personal factors of the international classifi-
cation of functioning, disability and health in
the literature – a systematic review and con-
tent analysis pp1089–1102.
• Hirsche RC, Williams B, Jones A and Manns P
Chronic disease self-management for individ-
uals with stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal
cord injury pp1136–1146.
• McColl MA, Shortt S, Gignac M and Lam M
Disentangling the effects of disability and
age on health service utilisation pp1253–1261.
• Muenchberger H, Sunderland N, Kendall and
Quinn EH A long way to Tipperary? Young peo-
ple with complex health conditions living in
residential aged care: a metaphorical map
for understanding the call for change pp1190–
• Pellerin C, Rochette A and Racine E Social par-
ticipation of relatives post-stroke: the role of
rehabilitation and related ethical issues
• Perry KN, Nicholas MK and Middleton J
Multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain
management programmes for people with a
spinal cord injury: design and implementa-
tion pp1272–1280.
• Van Rijssen HJ, Schellart AJM, Anema JR and Van
Der Beek AJ Determinants of physicians’ com-
munication behaviour in disability assess-
ments pp1157–1168.
Volume 33:15-16
Dogan A, Mengüllüoglu M and Özgirgin N
Evaluation of the effect of ankle-foot orthosis
use on balance and mobility in hemiparetic
stroke patients pp1433–1439.
• Duncan RP and Earhart GM Measuring partici-
pation in individuals with Parkinson’s
Disease: relationships with disease severity,
quality of life and mobility pp1440–1446.
• Eccles FJR, Murray C and Simpson J Perceptions
of cause and control in people with
Parkinson’s Disease pp1409–1420.
• Hall E, Verheyden G and Ashburn A Effect of a
yoga programme on an individual with
Parkinson’s Disease: a single-subject design
• Khan F and Pallant JF Use of the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health to identify preliminary comprehensive
and brief core sets for Guillain Barre syn-
drome pp1306–1313.
• Kostanjsek N, Rubinelli S, Escorpizo R, Cieza A,
Kennedy C, Selb M, Stucki G and Üstün TB
Assessing the impact of health conditions
using the ICF pp1475–1482.
• Lindsay S Discrimination and other barriers
to employment for teens and young adults
with disabilities pp1340–1350.
• Mahmoudi H, Haghighi AB, Petramfar P,
Jahanshahi S, Salehi Z and Fregni F Transcranial
direct current stimulation: electrode montage
in stroke pp1383–1388.
Volume 33:17-18
• Bart O, Agam T, Weiss PL and Kizony R Using
video-capture virtual reality for children with
acquired brain injury pp1579–1586.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 52
• Chung, EY, Packer TL and Yau M A framework
for evaluating community-based rehabilita-
tion programmes in Chinese communities
• Findley PA, Banerjea R and Sambamoorthi U
Excess mortality associated with mental illness
and substance use disorders among veteran
clinic users with spinal cord injury pp1608–1615.
• Gaskill A, Foley FW, Kolzet J and Picone MA
Suicidal thinking in multiple sclerosis pp1528–
• Graven C, Brock K, Hill K and Joubert L Are reha-
bilitation and/or care co-ordination inter-
ventions delivered in the community effective
in reducing depression, facilitating participa-
tion and improving quality of life after
stroke? pp1501–1520.
• Jones JA and Curtin M Reformulating mas-
culinity: Traumatic brain injury and the gen-
dered nature of care and domestic roles
• Nijs J, Aelbrecht S, Meeus M, Van Oosterwijck J,
Zinzen E and Clarys P Tired of being inactive: a
systematic literature review of physical activ-
ity, physiological exercise capacity and muscle
strength in patients with chronic fatigue syn-
drome pp1493–1500.
• Pooyania S, Mohr S and Gray S Alien hand syn-
drome: a case report and description to reha-
bilitation pp1715–1718.
• Szilasiova J, Krokavcova M, Gdovinova Z,
Rosenberger J and Van Dijk JP Quality of life in
patients with multiple sclerosis in Eastern
Slovakia pp1587–1593.
Volume 33:19-20
• Collett J, Dawes H, Cavey A, Meaney A, Sackley C,
Wade D, Howells K Hydration and independ-
ence in activities of daily living in people with
multiple sclerosis: a pilot investigation
• Gauld S, Smith S and Kendall MB Using partici-
patory action research in community-based
rehabilitation for people with acquired brain
injury: from service provision to partnership
with Aboriginal communities pp1901–1911.
• Gebruers N, Truijen S, Engelborghs S and De
Deyn PP Incidence of upper limb oedema in
patients with acute hemiparetic stroke
• Kierkegaard M, Harms-Ringdahl K, Holmqvist
LW and Tollbäck A Functioning and disability in
adults with myotonic dystrophy type 1
Kuys SS, Brauer SG and Ada L Test-retest reliabil-
ity of the GAITRite system in people with
stroke undergoing rehabilitation pp1848–
• Pearl G, Sage K and Young A Involvement in
volunteering: an exploration of the personal
experience of people with aphasia pp1805–
• Perry L and Middleton S An investigation of
family carers’ needs following stroke sur-
vivors’ discharge from acute hospital care in
Australia pp1890–1900.
• Tsai SF, Yin JH, Tung TH and Shimada T Falls effi-
cacy among stroke survivors living in the
community pp1785–1790.
Volume 33:21-22
• Danielsson A, Willén C and Sunnerhagen KS Is
walking endurance associated with activity
and participation late after stroke? pp2053–
• Fayed N, Cieza A and Bickenbach JE Linking
health and health-related information to the
ICF: a systematic review of the literature from
2001 to 2008 pp1941–1951.
• Hansen T, Kjaersgaard A and Faber J Measuring
elderly dysphagic patients’ performance in
eating – a review pp1931–1940.
• Kim JH and Park EY Rasch analysis of the
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
scale used for the assessment of community-
residing patients with stroke pp2075–2083.
• Kwok T, Pan JH, Lo R and Song X The influence
of participation on health-related quality of
life in stroke patients pp1990–1996.
• Lehman LA, Woodbury M, Shechtman O, Wang
YC, Pomeranz J, Gray DB and Velozo CA
Development of an item bank for a comput-
erised adaptive test of upper-extremity func-
tion pp2092–2104.
• Martins EF, De Sousa PHC, De Araujo Barbosa PHF,
De Menezes LT and Costa AS A Brazilian experi-
ence to describe functioning and disability
profiles provided by combined use of ICD and
ICF in chronic stroke patients at home-care
• Melchior H and Velema J A comparison of the
Screening Activity Limitation and Safety
Awareness (SALSA) scale to objective hand
function assessments pp2044–2052.
• Miller A, Clemson L and Lannin N Measurement
properties of a modified Reintegration to
Normal Living Index in a community-
dwelling adult rehabilitation population
• Papadimitriou C and Stone DA Addressing exis-
tential disruption in traumatic spinal cord
injury: a new approach to human temporal-
ity in inpatient rehabilitation pp2121–2133.
• Welfringer A, Leifert-Fiebach G, Babinsky R and
Brandt T Visuomotor imagery as a new tool in
the rehabilitation of neglect: a randomised
controlled study of feasibility and efficacy
Volume 33:23-24
• Arnadottir SA, Gunnarsdottir ED, Stenlund H and
Lundin-olsson L Participation frequency and
perceived participation restrictions at older
age: applying the International Classification
of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
framework pp2208–2216.
• Beesley K, White JH, Alston MK, Sweetapple AL
and Pollack M Art after stroke: the qualitative
experience of community dwelling stroke sur-
vivors in a group art programme pp2346–2355.
• Kamada K, Shimodozono M, Hamada H and
Kawahira K Effects of five minutes of neck-
muscle vibration immediately before occupa-
tional therapy on unilateral spatial neglect
• Lohmann S, Strobl R, Mueller M, Huber EO and
Grill E Psychosocial factors associated with the
effects of physiotherapy in the acute hospital
• McClure JA, Salter K, Meyer M, Foley N, Kruger H
and Teasell R Predicting length of stay in
patients admitted to stroke rehabilitation
with high levels of functional independence
• Ng SSM Contribution of subjective balance
confidence on functional mobility in subjects
with chronic stroke pp2291–2298.
• Njelesani J, Couto S and Cameron D Disability
and rehabilitation in Tanzania: a review of
the literature pp2196–2207.
• Reinhardt JD, Miller J, Stucki G, Catherine Sykes C
and Gray DB Measuring impact of environ-
mental factors on human functioning and
disability: a review of various scientific
approaches pp2151–2165.
• Smith C, Olson K, Hale LA, Baxter D and
Schneiders AG How does fatigue influence
community-based exercise participation in
people with multiple sclerosis? pp2362–2371.
• van Velzen JM, van Bennekom CAM, van
Dormolen M, Sluiter JK and Frings-Dresen MHW
Factors influencing return to work experi-
enced by people with acquired brain injury: a
qualitative research study pp2237–2246.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 53
Xiong T, Bunning K, Horton S, Hartley S Assessing
and comparing the outcome measures for the
rehabilitation of adults with communication
disorders in randomised controlled trials: an
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health approach pp2272–2290.
Volume 33:25-26
• Bergmark L, Westgren N and Asaba E Returning
to work after spinal cord injury: exploring
young adults’ early expectations and experi-
ence pp2553–2558.
• Davenport TE, Stevens SR, Baroni K, Van Ness JM
and Snell CR Reliability and validity of Short
Form 36 Version 2 to measure health percep-
tions in a sub-group of individuals with
fatigue pp2596–2604.
• Den Oudsten BL, Lucas-Carrasco R, Green AM,
The Whoqol-Dis Group Perceptions of persons
with Parkinson’s Disease, family and profes-
sionals on quality of life: an international
focus group study pp2490–2508.
• Garrett R, Immink MA and Hillier S Becoming
connected: the lived experience of yoga par-
ticipation after stroke pp2404–2415.
• Kitsos G, Harris D, Pollack M and Hubbard IJ
Assessments in Australian stroke rehabilita-
tion units: a systematic review of the post-
stroke validity of the most frequently used
• Kiyota Y, Hase K, Nagashima H, Obara T and Liu
M Adaptation process for standing postural
control in individuals with hemiparesis
Koskinen S, Hokkinen EM, Wilson L, Sarajuuri J,
Von Steinbüchel N and Truelle JL Comparison of
subjective and objective assessments of out-
come after traumatic brain injury using the
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF) pp2464–2478.
• Liddle J, Fleming J, Mckenna K, Turpin M,
Whitelaw P and Allen S Driving and driving ces-
sation after traumatic brain injury: processes
and key times of need pp2574–2586.
• Offenbächer M, Sauer S, Hieblinger R, Hufford
DJ, Walach H and Kohls N Spirituality and the
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health: content comparison of
questionnaires measuring mindfulness based
on the International Classification of
Functioning pp2434–2445.
Volume 34:1
• Buchanan RJ and Huang C Caregiver percep-
tions of accomplishment from assisting peo-
ple with multiple sclerosis pp53–61.
• Cikajlo I, Rudolf M, Goljar N, Burger H and
Matjacic Z Telerehabilitation using virtual real-
ity task can improve balance in patients with
stroke pp13–18.
• Hu GC, Hsieh SF, Chen YM, Hu YN, Kang CL, Chien
KL The prognostic roles of initial glucose level
and functional outcomes in patients with
ischemic stroke: difference between diabetic
and nondiabetic patients pp34–39.
• Juengst S, Skidmore E, Pramuka M, McCue M and
Becker J Factors contributing to impaired self-
awareness of cognitive functioning in an HIV
positive and at-risk population pp19–25.
• van Leeuwen CMC, Post MWM, van Asbeck FWA,
Bongers-Janssen HMH, van der Woude LHV, de
Groot S and Lindeman E Life satisfaction in peo-
ple with spinal cord injury during the first
five years after discharge from inpatient
rehabilitation pp76-83.
• Ploughman M, Austin MW, Murdoch M, Kearney
A, Fisk JD, Godwin M and Stefanelli M Factors
influencing healthy aging with multiple scle-
rosis: a qualitative study pp26–33.
Volume 34:2
• GlässeA, Coenen M, Kollerits B and Cieza A
Validation of the extended ICF core set for
stroke from the patient perspective using
focus groups pp157–166.
• Omu O and Reynolds F Health professionals’
perceptions of cultural influences on stroke
experiences and rehabilitation in Kuwait
Phadke CP , Ismail F and Boulias C Assessing the
neurophysiological effects of botulinum toxin
treatment for adults with focal limb spastic-
ity: a systematic review pp91–100.
• Sahin N, Ugurlu H and Albayrak I The efficacy of
electrical stimulation in reducing the post-
stroke spasticity: a randomized controlled
study pp151–156.
Volume 34:3
• Høyer E, Jahnsen R, Stanghelle JK and Strand LI
Body weight supported treadmill training ver-
sus traditional training in patients dependent
on walking assistance after stroke: a random-
ized controlled trial pp210–219.
• Morris K, Hacker V and Lincoln NB The validity
of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-
Revised (ACE-R) in acute stroke pp189–195.
• O’Brien MR, Whitehead B, Jack BA and Mitchell
JD The need for support services for family
carers of people with motor neurone disease
(MND): views of current and former family
caregivers a qualitative study pp247–256.
• Stergiou-Kita M, Rappolt S and Dawson D
Towards developing a guideline for voca-
tional evaluation following traumatic brain
injury: the qualitative synthesis of clients’
perspectives pp179–188.
• Tousignant M, Corriveau H, Roy PM, Desrosiers J,
Dubuc N, Hébert R, Tremblay-Boudreault V and
Beaudoin AJ The effect of supervised Tai Chi
intervention compared to a physiotherapy
program on fall-related clinical outcomes: a
randomized clinical trial pp196–201.
Volume 34:4
• Johansson GM and Häger CK Measurement
properties of the Motor Evaluation Scale for
Upper Extremity in stroke patients (MESUPES)
• Morris R and Morris P Participants’ experi-
ences of hospital-based peer support groups
for stroke patients and carers pp347–354.
Ng L and Khan F Use of the international classi-
fication of functioning, disability and health
to describe patient-reported disability: A
comparison of motor neurone disease,
Guillain-Barré syndrome and multiple sclero-
sis in an Australian cohort pp295–303.
• Thomas A, Saroyan A and Lajoie SP Creation of
an evidence-based practice reference model
in falls prevention: findings from occupa-
tional therapy pp311–328.
Volume 34:5
• Finger ME, Escorpizo R, Glässel A, Gmünder HP,
Lückenkemper M, Chan C, Fritz J, Studer U, Ekholm
J, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G, Cieza A ICF Core Set for
vocational rehabilitation: results of an inter-
national consensus conference pp429-438.
• Hsieh MY, Ponsford J, Wong D and McKay A
Exploring variables associated with change in
cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for anxiety
following traumatic brain injury pp408–415.
• Rundquist PJ, Dumit M, Hartley J, Schultz K and
Finley MA Three-dimensional shoulder complex
kinematics in individuals with upper extremity
impairment from chronic stroke pp402–407.
• Singh R, Venkateshwara G, Kirkland J, Batterley J
and Bruce S Clinical pathways in head injury:
improving the quality of care with early
rehabilitation pp439–442.
Volume 34:6
• Cattaneo D, Ferrarin M, Jonsdottir J, Montesano
A and Bove M The virtual time to contact in the
evaluation of balance disorders and predic-
tion of falls in people with multiple sclerosis
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 54
• Kersten P, White PJ and Tennant A The consulta-
tion and relational empathy measure: an
investigation of its scaling structure pp503–509.
• Post MWM, van der Zee CH, Hennink J, Schafrat
CG, Visser-Meily JMA and van Berlekom SB
Validity of the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of
Rehabilitation-Participation pp478–485.
• Van de Velde D, Bracke P, Van Hove G,
Josephsson S, Devisch I and Vanderstraeten G The
illusion and the paradox of being
autonomous, experiences from persons with
spinal cord injury in their transition period
from hospital to home pp491–502.
Volume 34:7
• Baert I, Feys H, Daly D, Troosters T and
Vanlandewijck Y Are patients one year post-
stroke active enough to improve their physi-
cal health? pp574–580.
• Ghahari S and Packer T Effectiveness of online
and face-to-face fatigue self-management
programmes for adults with neurological
conditions pp564–573.
• Guilcher SJT, Craven BC, McColl MA, Lemieux-
Charles L, Casciaro T and Jaglal SB Application of
the Andersen’s health care utilization frame-
work to secondary complications of spinal
cord injury: a scoping review pp531–541.
• Reed MC, Wood V, Harrington R and Paterson J
Developing stroke rehabilitation and commu-
nity services: a meta-synthesis of qualitative
literature pp553–563.
Volume 34:8
• Crosby GA, Munshi S, Karat AS, Worthington E
and Lincoln NB Fatigue after stroke: frequency
and effect on daily life pp633–637.
• Kirkevold M, Christensen D, Andersen G,
Johansen SP and Harder I Fatigue after stroke:
manifestations and strategies pp665–670.
• Mason RR, Cochrane DJ, Denny GJ, Firth EC,
Stannard SR Is eight weeks of side-alternating
whole-body vibration a safe and acceptable
modality to improve functional performance
in multiple sclerosis? pp647–654.
• Phang SH, Ginis KAM, Routhier F, Lemay V The
role of self-efficacy in the wheelchair skills-
physical activity relationship among manual
wheelchair users with spinal cord injury
Volume 34:9
• Frank AO, De Souza LH, Frank JL, Neophytou C
The pain experiences of powered wheelchair
users pp770–778.
• Morris R, Jones J, Wilcox J and Cole S Depression
and anxiety screening after stroke: adherence
to guidelines and future directions pp733–739.
• Randström KB, Asplund K and Svedlund M
Impact of environmental factors in home
rehabilitation – a qualitative study from the
perspective of older persons using the
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health to describe facilitators
and barriers pp779–787.
• Tebbet M and Kennedy P The experience of
childbirth for women with spinal cord
injuries: an interpretative phenomenology
analysis study pp762–769.
• Turner-Stokes L, Scott H, Williams H and Siegert
R The Rehabilitation Complexity Scale –
extended version: detection of patients with
highly complex needs pp715–720.
• Yorkston KM, Bamer A, Johnson K and Amtmann
D Satisfaction with participation in multiple
sclerosis and spinal cord injury pp747–753.
Volume 91:10
• Hunter AJ, Snodgrass SJ, Quain D, Parsons MW
and Levi CR HOBOE (Head-of-Bed Optimization
of Elevation) study: association of higher
angle with reduced cerebral blood flow
velocity in acute ischemic stroke pp1503-1512.
• Szturm T, Betker AL, Moussavi Z, Desai A and
Goodman V Effects of an interactive computer
game exercise regimen on balance impairment
in frail community-dwelling older adults: a
randomized controlled trial pp1449-1462.
• Van der Wees PJ, Moore AP, Powers CM, Stewart
A, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG and de Bie RA
Development of clinical guidelines in physical
therapy: perspective for international collab-
oration pp:1551-1563.
Volume 91:11
• Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor AP and
Nelson CA Impact of elliptical trainer
ergonomic modifications on perceptions of
safety, comfort, workout and usability for
people with physical disabilities and chronic
conditions pp1604-1617.
• Patel AT Successful treatment of long-term,
poststroke, upper-limb spasticity with
onabotulinum toxin A pp1636-1641.
Volume 91:12
• Agree EM and Freedman VA A quality-of-life
scale for assistive technology: results of a pilot
study of aging and technology pp1780-1788.
• Allen DD and Wagner JM Assessing the gap
between current movement ability and pre-
ferred movement ability as a measure of dis-
ability pp1789-1803.
• Bean JF, Ölveczky DD, Kiely DK, LaRose SI and
Jette AM Performance-based versus patient-
reported physical function: what are the
underlying predictors? pp1804-1811.
Craik RL From 1994‘s ‘physical disability’ to 2011’s
‘advances in disability research’ pp1706-1707.
• DeJong G, Hsieh CH, Putman K, Smout RJ, Horn
SD and Tian W Physical therapy activities in
stroke, knee arthroplasty and traumatic brain
injury rehabilitation: their variation, similar-
ities and association with functional out-
comes pp1826-1837.
• Ellis T, Cavanaugh JT, Earhart GM, Ford MP,
Foreman KB, Fredman L, Boudreau JK and Dibble
LE Factors associated with exercise behavior in
people with Parkinson’s Disease pp1838-1848.
• Jette AM and Latham NK Disability research:
progress made, opportunities for even
greater gains pp1708-1711.
• Rimmer JH, Chenn MD and Hsieh K A concep-
tual model for identifying, preventing and
managing secondary conditions in people
with disabilities pp1728-1739.
• Robinson CA, Shumway-Cook A, Ciol MA and
Kartin D Participation in community walking
following stroke: subjective versus objective
measures and the impact of personal factors
• Roush SE and Sharby N Disability reconsidered:
the paradox of physical therapy pp1715-1727.
• Sullivan KJ and Cen SY Model of disablement
and recovery: knowledge translation in reha-
bilitation research and practice pp1892-1904.
• Van Swearingen JM, Perera S, Brach JS, Wert D
and Stephanie A Studenski Impact of exercise
to improve gait efficiency on activity and
participation in older adults with mobility
limitations: a randomized controlled trial
• Zanca JM, Natale A, LaBarbera J, Schroeder ST,
Gassaway J and Backus D Group physical ther-
apy during inpatient rehabilitation for acute
spinal cord injury: findings from the SCI rehab
study pp1877-1891.
Volume 92:1
• Khalil H, Quinn L, van Deursen R, Martin R,
Rosser A and Busse M Adherence to use of a
home-based exercise dvd in people with
Huntington Disease: participants’ perspec-
tives pp69-82.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 55
• van Kordelaar J, van Wegen EEH, Nijland RHM,
de Groot JH, Meskers CGM, Harlaar J and Kwakkel
G Assessing longitudinal change in coordina-
tion of the paretic upper limb using on-site
3-dimensional kinematic measurements
• Yang XJ, Hill K, Moore K, Williams S, Dowson L,
Borschmann K, Simpson JA and Dharmage SC
Effectiveness of a targeted exercise interven-
tion in reversing older people’s mild balance
dysfunction: a randomized controlled trial
Volume 92:2
• Deng H, Durfee WK, Nuckley DJ, Rheude BS,
Severson AE, Skluzacek KM, Spindler KK, Davey CS
and Carey JR Complex versus simple ankle
movement training in stroke using telereha-
bilitation: a randomized controlled trial
• Fairbairn K, May K, Yang Y, Balasundar S, Hefford
C and Abbott JH Mapping Patient-Specific
Functional Scale (PSFS) items to the
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF) pp310-317.
• Freburger JK, Shank KH, Knauer SR and
Montmeny RM Delivery of physical therapy in
the acute care setting: a population-based
study pp251-265.
• Newell A, Van Swearingen JM, Hile E and Brach
JS The Modified Gait Efficacy Scale: establish-
ing the psychometric properties in older
adults pp318-328.
•Opheim A, Jahnsen R, Olsson E and Stanghelle JK
Balance in relation to walking deterioration
in adults with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy
• Russell D, Rosati RJ and Andreopoulos E
Continuity in the provider of home-based
physical therapy services and its implications
for outcomes of patients pp227-235.
Volume 92:3
• Holdsworth LK, Valerie S. Webster VS and Rafferty
D Defining, agreeing on and testing an inter-
national physical therapy core data set:
results of a feasibility study involving seven
countries pp378-387.
• Lee ACW and Harada N Telehealth as a means
of health care delivery for physical therapist
practice pp463-468.
• Matsuda PN, Shumway-Cook A, Ciol MA,
Bombardier CH,and Kartin DA Understanding
falls in multiple sclerosis: association of
mobility status, concerns about falling and
accumulated impairments pp407-415.
• Pardasaney PK, Latham NK, Jette AM, Wagenaar
RC, Ni P, Slavin MD and Bean JF Sensitivity to
change and responsiveness of four balance
measures for community-dwelling older
adults pp388-397.
• Prado-Medeiros CL, Silva MP, Lessi GC, Alves MZ,
Tannus A, Lindquist AR and Salvini TF Muscle
atrophy and functional deficits of knee
extensors and flexors in people with chronic
stroke pp429-439.
• van Swigchem R, van Duijnhoven HJR, den Boer
J, Geurts AC and Weerdesteyn V Effect of per-
oneal electrical stimulation versus an ankle-
foot orthosis on obstacle avoidance ability in
people with stroke-related foot drop pp398-
Volume 16:4
• Carmeli E, Peleg S, Bartur G, Elbo E and Vatine JJ
HandTutor™ enhanced hand rehabilitation
after stroke — a pilot study pp191-200.
• Hackman D What’s the point? Exploring
rehabilitation for people with 1° CNS tumours
using ethnography: patients’ perspectives
• Jandt SR, da Sil Caballero RM, Forgiarini Jr LA and
Dias AS Correlation between trunk control,
respiratory muscle strength and spirometry in
patients with stroke: An observational study
Volume 17:1
• Gunn H and Freeman J Repeated falls: A key
outcome or an adverse event? pp1-3.
• Janssen J, Pas R, Aarts J, Janssen-Potten Y, Vles
H, Nabuurs C, van Lummel R, Stokroos R and
Kingma H Clinical observational gait analysis
to evaluate improvement of balance during
gait with vibrotactile biofeedback pp4–11.
• Ko M, Hughes L and Lewis H Walking speed
and peak plantar pressure distribution dur-
ing barefoot walking in persons with dia-
betes pp29–35.
• Thomson D and Hilton R An evaluation of stu-
dents’ perceptions of a college-based pro-
gramme that involves patients, carers and
service users in physiotherapy education
Volume 42: 10
• Bushnell C Depression and the risk of stroke
in women: an identification and treatment
paradox pp2718-2719.
• Chen YH, Kang JH and Lin HC Patients with
traumatic brain injury: population-based
study suggests increased risk of stroke pp2733-
• Fischer U and Rothwell PM Blood pressure
management in acute stroke: does the scan-
dinavian candesartan acute stroke trial
(scast) resolve all of the unanswered ques-
tions? pp2995-2998.
• Langagergaard V, Palnum KH, Mehnert F,
Ingeman A, Krogh BR, Bartels P and Johnsen SP
Socioeconomic differences in quality of care
and clinical outcome after stroke: a nation-
wide population-based study pp2896-2902.
Volume 42: 11
Abstracts from the 2nd Canadian Stroke
Congress, 2011 ppe586-e629.
• Bally J, Mégevand P, Nguyen D, Landis T and
Granziera C Crossed ataxia: a case report and a
diffusion tensor imaging tractography study
• Barclay-Goddard R, Stevenson T, Thalman L and
Poluha W Mental practice for treating upper
extremity deficits in individuals with hemi-
paresis after stroke ppe574-e575.
• Ingeman A, Andersen G, Hundborg HH,
Svendsen ML and Johnsen SP In-hospital med-
ical complications, length of stay and mortal-
ity among stroke unit patients pp3214-3218.
• Pendlebury ST, Wadling S, Silver LE, Mehta Z and
Rothwell PM Transient cognitive impairment
in TIA and minor stroke pp3116-3121.
• Ronne-Engström E, Enblad P and Lundström E
Outcome after spontaneous subarachnoid
hemorrhage measured with the EQ-5D
• Veerbeek JM, Koolstra M, Ket JCF, van Wegen EEH
and Kwakkel G Effects of augmented exercise
therapy on outcome of gait and gait-related
activities in the first six months after stroke:
a meta-analysis pp3311-3315.
• Webster F, Saposnik G, Kapral MK, Fang J,
O’Callaghan C and Hachinski V Organized outpa-
tient care: stroke prevention clinic referrals
are associated with reduced mortality after
transient ischemic attack and ischemic stroke
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 56
Volume 42: 12
• Cramer SC Improving outcomes after stroke by
leaps (locomotor experience applied post-
stroke) and bounds pp3659-3660.
• Howard G, Cushman M, Kissela BM, Kleindorfer
DO, McClure LA, Safford MM, Rhodes JD, Soliman
EZ, Moy CS, Judd SE and Howard VJ Traditional
risk factors as the underlying cause of racial
disparities in stroke: lessons from the half-
full (empty?) glass pp3369-3375.
• Morgenstern LB, Sánchez BN, Skolarus LE, Garcia
N, Risser JMH, Wing JJ, Smith MA, Zahuranec DB
and Lisabeth LD Fatalism, optimism, spiritual-
ity, depressive symptoms and stroke outcome:
a population-based analysis pp3518-3523.
• Rist PM, Lee IM, Kase CS, Gaziano JM and Kurth T
Physical activity and functional outcomes
from cerebral vascular events in men pp3352-
• Saposnik G, Raptis S, Kapral MK, Liu Y, Tu JV,
Mamdani M and Austin PC The iScore predicts
poor functional outcomes early after hospi-
talization for an acute ischemic stroke pp3421-
Volume 43: 1
• Barker-Collo S, Starkey N, Lawes CMM, Feigin, V
Senior H and Parag V Neuropsychological pro-
files of five-year ischemic stroke survivors by
oxfordshire stroke classification and hemi-
sphere of lesion pp50-55.
• Béjot Y, Aboa-Eboulé C, Hervieu M, Jacquin A,
Osseby GV, Rouaud O and Giroud M The deleteri-
ous effect of admission hyperglycemia on sur-
vival and functional outcome in patients with
intracerebral hemorrhage pp243-245.
• Bowen A, Knapp P, Gillespie D, Nicolson D and
Vail A A systematic review of nonpharmaco-
logical perceptual rehabilitation after stroke
and other adult-acquired nonprogressive
brain injury ppe3.
• Diederich K, Quennet V, Bauer H, Müller HD,
Wersching H, Schäbitz W, Minnerup J and
Sommer C Successful regeneration after exper-
imental stroke by granulocyte-colony stimu-
lating factor is not further enhanced by
constraint-induced movement therapy either
in concurrent or in sequential combination
therapy pp185-192.
• Di Lazzaro V, Profice P, Pilato F, Capone F, Ranieri
F, Florio L, Colosimo C, Pravatà E, Pasqualetti P and
Dileone M The level of cortical afferent inhibi-
tion in acute stroke correlates with long-term
functional recovery in humans pp250-25.
• Dong JY, Zhang YH, Tong J and Qin LQ Depression
and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of
prospective studies pp32-37.
• Flint AC, Kamel H, Navi BB, Rao VA, Faigeles BS,
Conell C, Klingman JG, Sidney S, Hills NK, Sorel M,
Cullen SP and Johnston SC Statin use during
ischemic stroke hospitalization is strongly
associated with improved poststroke survival
• Garg RK, Liebling SM, Maas MB, Nemeth AJ,
Russell EJ and Naidech AM Blood pressure
reduction, decreased diffusion on MRI and
outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage
• Grube MM, Dohle C, Djouchadar D, Rech P,
Bienek K, Dietz-Fricke U, Jöbges M, Kohler M,
Missala I, Schönherr B, Werner C, Zeytountchian H,
Wissel J and Heuschmann PU Evidence-based
quality indicators for stroke rehabilitation
• Paciaroni M et al Systemic thrombolysis in
patients with acute ischemic stroke and inter-
nal carotid artery occlusion: the ICARO study
• Parker C, Schwamm LH, Fonarow GC, Smith EE
and Reeves MJ Stroke quality metrics: system-
atic reviews of the relationships to patient-
centered outcomes and impact of public
reporting pp155-162.
• Qureshi AI Significance of lesions with
decreased diffusion on MRI in patients with
intracerebral hemorrhage pp6-7.
Winter J, Hunter SM, Sim J and Crome P Hands-on
therapy interventions for upper limb motor
dysfunction after stroke ppe1-e2.
Volume 43: 2
• Gauthier LV, Taub E, Mark VW, Barghi A and
Uswatte G Atrophy of spared gray matter tis-
sue predicts poorer motor recovery and reha-
bilitation response in chronic stroke
• Goldstein LB and Rothwell PM Advances in
prevention and health services delivery 2010–
2011 pp298-299.
• Hofmeijer J and van Putten MJAM Ischemic
cerebral damage: an appraisal of synaptic
failure pp607-615.
• Kidwell CS and Heiss WD Advances in stroke:
imaging pp302-304.
• Laver K, George S, Thomas S, Deutsch JE and
Crotty M Virtual reality for stroke rehabilita-
tion ppe20-e21.
• Minnerup J and Schäbitz WR Improving out-
come after stroke: time to treat new targets
• Nogueira PG, Ferreira R, Grant PE, Maier SE,
Koroshetz WJ, Gonzalez RG and Sheth KN
Restricted diffusion in spinal cord infarction
demonstrated by magnetic resonance line
scan diffusion imaging pp532-535.
• Pendlebury ST, Mari J, Bull L, Mehta Z and
Rothwell PM MoCA, ACE-R and MMSE versus the
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke–Canadian Stroke Network vascular
cognitive impairment harmonization stan-
dards neuropsychological battery after TIA
and stroke pp464-469.
• Ruscher K, Kuric E and Wieloch T Levadopa
treatment improves functional recovery after
experimental stroke pp507-513.
• Smith WS and Schwab S Advances in stroke: crit-
ical care and emergency medicine pp308-309.
• Stecksén A, Asplund K, Appelros P, Glader EL,
Norrving B, Eriksson M and for the Riks-Stroke
Collaboration Thrombolytic therapy rates and
stroke severity: an analysis of data from the
Swedish Stroke Register (Riks-Stroke) 2007–2010
• Tilson JK, Wu SS, Cen SY, Feng Q, Rose DR,
Behrman AL, Azen SP and Duncan PW
Characterizing and identifying risk for falls in
the leaps study: a randomized clinical trial of
interventions to improve walking poststroke
• Wiedmann S, Norrving B, Nowe T, Abilleira S,
Asplund K, Dennis M, Hermanek P, Rudd A, Thijs V,
Wolfe CDA and Heuschmann PU Variations in
quality indicators of acute stroke care in six
European countries: the European
Implementation Score (EIS) collaboration
Volume 43: 3
• Batcho CS, Tennant A and Thonnard JL ACTIVLIM-
stroke: a crosscultural rasch-built scale of
activity limitations in patients with stroke
• Bernstein AM, Pan A, Rexrode KM, Stampfer M,
Hu FB, Mozaffarian D and Willett WC Dietary pro-
tein sources and the risk of stroke in men and
women pp43:637-644.
Daniels SK, Anderson JA and Willson PC Valid
items for screening dysphagia risk in patients
with stroke: a systematic review pp892-897.
• Dennis M, Mead G, Doubal F and Graham C
Determining the modified Rankin Score after
stroke by postal and telephone questionnaires
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 57
• Donahue MJ, Strother MK and Hendrikse J Novel
MRI approaches for assessing cerebral hemo-
dynamics in ischemic cerebrovascular disease
• Howard G, Waller JL, Voeks JH, Howard VJ, Jauch
EC, Lees KR, Nichols FT, Rahlfs VW and Hess DC
Simple, assumption-free and clinically inter-
pretable approach for analysis of Modified
Rankin Outcomes pp664-669.
• Jette AM, Ni P, Rasch EK, Appelman J, Sandel ME,
Terdiman J and Chan L Evaluation of patient
and proxy responses on the activity measure
for postacute care pp824-829.
Legg LA, Quinn TJ, Mahmood F, Weir CJ, Tierney J,
Stott DJ, Smith LN and Langhorne P
Nonpharmacological interventions for care-
givers of stroke survivors ppe30-e31.
• Leira EC, Ludwig BR, Gurol ME, Torner JC and
Adams Jr HP The types of neurological deficits
might not justify withholding treatment in
patients with low total National Institutes of
Health Stroke Scale scores pp782-786.
• Lyden P Editorial on ‘A simple, assumption-
free and clinically interpretable approach for
analysis of modified Rankin Outcomes’ pp621-
622, published online before print February 16
• de Man-van Ginkel JM, Hafsteinsdóttir T,
Lindeman E, Burger H, Grobbee D and
Schuurmans M An efficient way to detect post-
stroke depression by subsequent administra-
tion of a nine-item and a two-item patient
health questionnaire pp854-856.
• Oh S, Bang OY, Chung CS, Lee KH, Chang WH and
Kim GM Topographic location of acute pontine
infarction is associated with the development
of progressive motor deficits pp708-713.
• Palnum KH, Mehnert F, Andersen G, Ingeman A,
Krog BR, Bartels PD and Johnsen SP Use of sec-
ondary medical prophylaxis and clinical out-
come among patients with ischemic stroke: a
nationwide follow-up study pp802-807.
• Rowat A, Graham C and Dennis M Dehydration
in hospital-admitted stroke patients: detec-
tion, frequency and association pp857-859.
• ScheppSK, Tirschwell DL, Miller RM and
Longstreth Jr WT Swallowing screens after
acute stroke: a systematic review pp869-871.
• Shi Q, Presutti R, Selchen D and Saposnik G
Delirium in acute stroke: a systematic review
and meta-analysis pp645-649.
• Tong DC Avoiding thrombolysis in patients
with mild stroke: is it SMART? pp625-626, pub-
lished online before print February 2 2012.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 58
East Anglia
Nicola Alexander
In East Anglia 2011 saw high mem-
bership numbers, well attended and
well received courses. Our strong
committee now represents the whole
of the region and with our new chair
Louise Dunthorne at the helm an
exciting 2012 course programme has
been planned.
At the time of writing the 2012
course programme is as follows:
29th June Connective tissue and
myofascial course at Addenbrookes
21st/22nd September Locomotion a
two day course, with Helen
Lindfield, Bobath Tutor at Ipswich
Please keep an eye on the ACPIN
website for up to date East Anglia
ACPIN course information. In a cli-
mate where course funding can be
difficult, we will continue to keep
course costs low in 2012.
As ever, if you would like to
enquire about any of our courses, or
have any course ideas, please get in
touch. I look forward to seeing you at
our courses this year.
Nikki Guck
My apologies must first be said to the
committee for my bad time manage-
ment in not getting a report to print
in time of the last Synapse; this
should not be seen as a committee
failure but my time management.
This past six months has been
pretty static for the committee with a
very strong team who are always
willing to give up time for meetings
and organisational duties. We have
the largest ever number of ACPIN
members in Kent, this is hopefully as
a result of the team driving to deliver
education programmes that are
appropriate to the needs of neuro-
physiotherapists in the region. We
hope that in the future we continue
to grow year on year, especially in
the challenging financial climates of
the NHS and peoples personal cir-
cumstances. Because of this we will
continue with our study days and try
to use local clinicians and facilities to
keep the costs low.
We successfully ran in collabora-
tion with the MS Trust an oversub-
scribed MS study day on 20th
September 2011, which generated lots
of thought provoking discussions
between clinicians regarding
research and clinical interventions to
manage the patient holistically.
In December 2011 we enjoyed our
annual Christmas evening lecture with
food and mulled wine with a brilliant
lecture from a neurologist to explain/
discuss the pharmacological manage-
ment in neurological conditions.
The AGM was titled “Mind over
As this goes to print we are in the
process of designing a newsletter
which we will upload onto the ACPIN
website under the Kent region to
allow local staff to be aware of
upcoming events and/or allow net-
working within the region. We have
been running a raffle ticket alloca-
tion per person that attends our lec-
tures/study days and at the end of
the year are offering a free place to
the 1-2 day ACPIN national confer-
ence which will allow Kent ACPIN
members to use some of the money
that they have generated.
The Kent committee would like to
say a big thank you for your contin-
ued support and as usual if you have
any suggestions, ideas on courses or
any other queries please feel free to
contact us on kentacpin@
Andrea Stennett
Happy New Year to you all! We’ve
spent the latter half of 2011 working
on the program for 2012. This year is
tipped to be a year of great excite-
ment with the Olympics, Paralympics
and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
celebrations! Likewise we have an
exciting program for you that is
geared towards enhancing your
knowledge and professional devel-
We started the year in February
with our AGM and study morning,
‘Exploring the neuroscientific basis of
neurophysiotherapy’ with Dr
Margaret Mayston. Thank you Dr
Mayston for an informative morning.
Other events include two study days
with Professor Janice Eng and
Professor Sandra Brauer on the 21st of
April and 30th of June respectively.
Our annual wine and cheese event
will be in September this year and
our final event will be a study morn-
ing showcasing the research of our
physiotherapy colleagues in
November 2012. Please keep checking
our website (www.acpin.net/
London.html) for any changes and
details about registration.
As a committee we are well aware
of the economic situation facing us at
this time and as such we have con-
tinued to keep the cost of our study
mornings and study days to a mini-
mum. We are able to do this because
our courses are usually well
attended. In return, this is our way
to show our appreciation to you for
your continued support.
Our committee bid farewell to one
of our long-standing members, Mrs.
Sandra Chambers. Sandy we wish
you all the best with your future
endeavors and thank you for all your
hard work and wise words of wis-
dom over the years to the London
Committee. Sandy will still be active
on the National ACPIN committee so
I‘m sure we will see her around.
I would like to take this opportu-
nity to inform you that from time to
time we will send out emails per-
taining to different issues for you to
give your thoughts and opinions. So,
watch out for these emails. It is
important to get your views and ideas
on topics that could have an impact
on you in your clinical practice.
The Department of Health has
recently published the Allied Health
Professionals Referral to Treatment
Revised Guide in December 2011. This
may be of interest to you especially if
you work in the community. You can
view it at www.dh.gov.uk/en/
If you have any ideas for future
courses, feedback or general com-
ments please email us at london
Manchester ACPIN
Stuart McDarby
2011 was another successful year for
Manchester ACPIN, with a combina-
tion of bi-monthly lectures and a
Saturday morning course on
‘Management of the neurological
shoulder’. This was undoubtedly one
of the highlights of the year and
received positive feedback from our
As with other years, we have
aimed to produce another interesting
and relevant programme for 2012 and
we will continue with a schedule of
evening lectures every other month
and a two day course in September.
The course in September is pre-
sented in conjunction with
Merseyside and Yorkshire ACPIN and
we are pleased to present the inter-
nationally renowned Anne
Shumway-Cook. Further information
will follow later in the year regarding
places but it might be worth pen-
cilling it into your diaries now!
As always we welcome any ideas
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 59
on speakers, topics and possible
venues and we strive to ensure our
programme represents neurological
physiotherapy in the 21st century.
Once again we would encourage
ACPIN members in Lancashire and
Cheshire to contact us if they would
like information on our programme,
or just come along if you fancy it!
Our committee has remained con-
sistent in 2011 with six members. We
like to think of ourselves as a small
but friendly and approachable
bunch and we always welcome any
interest in members joining our
Here’s to an interesting and thought
provoking 2012 and we hope to see
you at some of our get togethers!
Anita Wade-Moulton
Membership stands at 59.
In September 2011 we hosted a lec-
ture on Devics Disease which was
very well received and enlightening
on the recent developments of this
condition from a physiotherapy per-
spective and its similar presentation
to MS. The Walton Neurology Centre
is researching with Oxford on the
diagnostics and treatment of this
condition so was good to hear from
the ‘horses mouth’ what is happen-
ing so close to home.
February 21st was the AGM and
lecture on ‘Respiratory management
of the neuromuscular patient’
It is always a good reminder what
many of our patients have experi-
enced before they enter the hectic
and demanding ‘Rehabilitation pro-
See the ACPIN website for our
future programme.
In September 2012, on Friday 21st
and Saturday 22nd, Merseyside are
working with Yorkshire and
Manchester ACPIN to host a two day
course by the eminent American
physiotherapist, Dr Ann Shumway-
Cooke! Venue yet to be confirmed,
keep yourselves posted on the ACPIN
web site.
If you have any suggestions on
topics or suggested speakers/course
tutors that you would like to be on
our program please let us know. Also
if you would like the venue to be
nearer your base please contact one
of the committee. We are aware the
venues are often Liverpool based but
we are open to other suggestions if it
means offering a closer venue to
more of our distant members. We are
aiming to change some of the venues
in our next program of lectures and
Could I remind all Merseyside
members to help our committee (and
myself as regional representative) to
be part of ACPIN and have your say
when it comes to replying to emails
forwarded on from the National
Committee. We do need your feed-
back and input regarding issues and
practice so as to gain an accurate pic-
ture from all member’s views.
Whilst I am on my begging plat-
form could I also remind all MSc stu-
dents and those participating in
research or interested in doing case
studies we need articles for Synapse.
If you are unsure if your work quali-
fies or need some advice please con-
tact me and I will point you in the
right direction to someone who can
help you!
North Trent
Anna Wilkinson
North Trent had a quiet end to last
year. On the 31st January 2012, Jane
Barton, consultant neuropsychologist
gave us a talk on ‘Psychological care:
what is important and whose
responsibility is it?’. We have also
planned a joint talk by David Nichols,
a podiatrist on neurological rehabili-
tation and myself on the correction
of biomechanics. We are also plan-
ning day courses on vestibular reha-
bilitation and a facilitation and
handling day aimed at junior staff.
Keep an eye out for other lectures
to be planned for later on in the
year. If there are any topics our
members want to hear presented,
please let us know as we have some
spaces later on in the year.
We are also pleased to have four
potential new committee members
attending our next meeting and look
forward to welcoming them.
We look forward to seeing you at
our future lectures.
Northern Ireland ACPIN
Dr Jacqui Crosbie
For 2011/12 programme, the commit-
tee has again organised a mix of lec-
ture and practical evening events. In
the rest of 2012 session we plan to
again join with the local AGILE group
to run a session on a topic of mutual
interest to both of these groups.
We opened the year in October 2011
with an evening demonstration of
the Bioness upper and lower limb
FES stimulators. This gave members
an opportunity to try out the equip-
ment and to discuss clinical implica-
tions for patients, with
representatives of the company. In
November we had a presentation
from a local research group based in
Queen’s University Belfast. Jemma
Ennis (School of Psychology)
explained the purpose of her PhD
study which examined the use of FES
for upper limb movements in people
with stroke. She had also used tran-
scranial magnetic stimulation to
assess the patency of the partici-
pants’ corticospinal tract. It was
interesting to hear that it is thought
that FES can act as a primer for this
pathway when used 30-40 minutes
before active exercise is used by the
therapist, thus increasing the poten-
tial for reorganisation and improve-
ment in conductivity within the CNS.
In January 2012 the session high-
lighted the importance of nutrition
for recovery, with speaker, Glenda
Duncan, a dietician at the Regional
Acquired Brain Injury Unit in Belfast.
Feedback from some of our mem-
bers has indicated that the rotational
band 5 physiotherapists find the NI
ACPIN meetings useful for keeping in
touch with neurological rehabilita-
tion. The job situation in NI for newly
qualified physiotherapists remains
difficult and attending ACPIN meet-
ings is a good way for therapists who
are still seeking employment to
maintain clinical knowledge and to
Our current chair Anne-Marie
O’Kane has been successful in gain-
ing a promotion. This is taking her to
the Northern Board so unfortunately
she has had to step down as NI ACPIN
Chair. The NI Committee will elect a
new Chair for the forthcoming year.
Oxford ACPIN
Claire Guy
From our committee to all Oxford
members, welcome to our report for
the Spring edition. Our evening lec-
tures remain the mainstay for Oxford
ACPIN with regular attendance over
20 and although the venue tends to
be Oxford, we will hope to be shar-
ing these more widely. Please let the
committee know your preference on
venue location.
We were able to support two suc-
cessful courses last year, Richard Sealy
and Martine Nadler presented
‘Neuroplasticity, learning and cogni-
tion’, sharing their knowledge and
using stimulating and fun delegate
participation, I would never have
thought I would learn to juggle on
and neuroplasticity course! The sec-
ond course was looking at pusher
behaviour which was very well
attended. Evening lectures are still
popular, the research evening was
once again a success with four local
speakers making short presentations
with discussion and the topics were
self blood pressure management fol-
lowing stroke or TIA, physiotherapists
experiences of activity pacing with
chronic pain patients, stroke patients
experiences of weekends and gait.
Another new topic was neuro lin-
guistic programming (NLP) exploring
our communication with patients.
The 2012 programme started with
Brid Spillane sharing her dissertation
topic, and the AGM had a local
Paralympian, Nikki Emerson speak-
ing, whose approach to life in a
short space of time post SCI is an
There may be changes on the
committee but it will remain strong
and representative. Please let us
know ideas for lectures, check front-
line and email fliers for dates of ses-
sions and you can always contact me
on Claire.guy@buckshealthcare.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 60
Scotland ACPIN
Gillian Crighton
The AGM was held on 28th April in
Perth with a lecture on motor
imagery. Further courses organised
for 2012 include; ‘The neurological
hand’ in June in Dundee, ‘FES’ in
September in Glasgow and ‘Balance’
in October in Inverness. Look out for
flyers for more details!
If you are interested in joining the
Scottish ACPIN committee, please
contact myself or the chair Fiona
Genney (fiona.g[email protected]).
We meet four times a year in Perth.
Remember you can apply to us for
course funding; up to £250, as long
as you have been a member of ACPIN
for a year or more. Please apply by
email to Fiona, giving the full details
of the course. All we ask is that you
are prepared to share your learning
with other ACPIN members after the
If you have any ideas for courses /
events or would like to share useful
websites please do not hesitate to
contact me at gilliancrighton
South West ACPIN
Helen Madden
South West ACPIN continues to run
well attended evening lectures and
courses supported by our large
membership. Courses organised over
the last six months have included an
overview of evidence-based practice
with Huntingdon’s Disease, a study
day alongside the Multiple Sclerosis
Trust, and the Devon subgroup held
its first event on the latest findings
on human anatomy.
Courses planned so far for 2012
include a Parkinson’s Disease study
day with Bhanu Ramaswamy, an
evening lecture on orthotics, and our
AGM which will provide an opportu-
nity to look at different technology
now in use within physiotherapy
practice. Courses will continue to be
advertised on our regional page on
the ACPIN website, interactive CSP
and via email to our members.
Places for courses will only be con-
firmed once a completed application
form and payment has been received
by the course organiser.
Our CPD fund will also be reviewed
at the AGM in 2012 as to whether we
continue with this, or explore other
options in supporting our members
with CPD.
Changes within the committee
include that Wales have formed their
own region as from 2012 so we wish
them every success with this. Our
Devon subgroup now has a number
of people on the committee, so we
hope to be organising more events in
the Devon/Cornwall area.
Please get in touch with us if you
wish to find out more information
about being on the committee as we
always welcome new members, or
ideas/suggestions for future courses.
Surrey and Borders
Emma Jones
Surrey and Borders ACPIN has had a
successful 2011. This has included
having a healthy membership of over
100, and a varied programme
encompassing both evening lectures
and practical study days. This was
concluded in November with an
evening lecture on Intrathecal
2012 has commenced with posi-
tively. This has included having a
well-attended AGM and an informa-
tive and interesting lecture from
Claire Ward, a clinical specialist phys-
iotherapist on ‘Using the ICF Model to
support patient-centred rehabilita-
tion’. This was an interactive and
thought provoking session and one
attracting a variety of our members.
Please see our regional page on
the ACPIN website for our pro-
gramme. Ongoing events will also be
forwarded to Surrey and Borders
ACPIN members by email and may be
advertised in frontline and on the
iCSP website, so keep your eyes
Please do not hesitate to contact
me with any queries or suggestions
for future programmes on
emrob222000@yahoo.co.uk. We
look forward to seeing you all at
future events!
Gemma Alder
Welcome to any new and existing
members. Thank you to all ACPIN
members that have continued to
support the running of Sussex ACPIN.
The committee will continue to pres-
ent a combination of study days and
evening lectures and endeavour to
have these at a number of different
locations throughout Sussex.
We have had an inspiring combi-
nation of study days and evening
lectures thus far including; an
informative evening lecture on
‘Neglect post brain injury, uncompli-
cating a complex neurological condi-
tion’; followed by a very active study
day with Bob Wood tilted ‘Dynamic
movement screening and functional
exercise’. We enjoyed an evening
lecture with Margret Hewett on her
PhD which focused on ‘The experi-
ence of TIA patients’. February
brought a proactive but warming
study day on ‘Aquatic physiotherapy
in neurological conditions’ with
Jacqueline Pattman. In March we
had our AGM which I was delighted
to present a study day on ‘Motor
relearning a problem solving
approach; theory and applications in
neurophysiotherapy for stroke’.
The Sussex committee are grateful
to all of the programme speakers for
educating and enlightening us.
We have a selection of other
events in the pipeline for the rest of
2012. These will include; ‘Vestibular
rehabilitation – the dizzy patient’; ‘A
neurorehabiltation Msc journey’ and
‘The assessment and treatment of
apraxia’. More information and con-
firmation of these courses will be
available on the website in the near
As always your thoughts and ideas
are important to us they really aid us
shaping the course format for the
following year. Please feel free to
contact myself, or any of the commit-
tee members to share your ideas.
Visit the ACPIN website
to apply for or to renew
your membership,
find out what is
happening in your region,
download past
presentations from
ACPIN conferences and
much more!
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 61
Adele Griffiths
Wales has formed a new regional
ACPIN group under the title of Wales
ACPIN during 2011, after many years of
being affiliated with the South West
ACPIN branch. An informal commit-
tee met regularly in 2011 and ran sev-
eral events, with formal election of
officers at the AGM in February 2012.
There are currently 66 ACPIN mem-
bers in Wales and the numbers are
growing steadily.
The inaugural meeting of Wales
ACPIN was an evening lecture given
by Dr Monica Busse-Morris on
research developments in
Huntingdons Disease. A day course
focusing upon ‘Pushers’ received
good feedback and in December a
two day practical course in Mid Wales
gave participants an opportunity to
practice skills in upper limb rehabili-
tation. The AGM on February 4th in
Port Talbot was part of the Winter
training day with guest Dr Lori Quinn
speaking about motor control.
walesacpin for sharing minutes,
information and for members to link
up. There are also plans to use
WebEx for sharing lectures with those
who are unable to attend; increasing
opportunity to view lectures and
reducing travel costs for members.
This initiative has received support
from the ACPIN Executive committee
for 2012 and if it is successful it may
be rolled out to other regions.
The main event planned for 2012 is
an exciting three day balance course
taught by Anne Schumway Cook and
Marjorie Woolacott co-hosted by
Cardiff University September 7-9th.
Jenny Barber
The last six months have been very
eventful. We have had a mixture of
events, from an `ataxia’ study day, a
`research’ evening and also our
annual Christmas meal!
Dr Lisa Bunn, from the University of
Plymouth, led a study morning on
ataxia. This was very well attended
and a popular course. We also had
an evening that focused on research
which reflected what was happening
clinically within our profession. This
was led by Dr Jane Burridge, from
Southampton University. The evening
was supported by the local branch of
Dendron, the Stroke Association,
information from the MS Trust and
local colleagues involved in research
(ie experience of working at Masters
Level). This was a two part event that
allowed members to attend the sec-
ond part at the University of
Southampton campus and see PhD
projects, work with robotics and
neuro-technology equipment. Our
band 6 physiotherapist colleagues
from the Southampton and
Portsmouth area hosted a joint
evening event, where they `shared
local practice’ by outlining projects
that looked in detail at exercise pre-
scription and outcome measures.
Our committee has undergone
some changes also. We have a new
Chair, Nicola Perkins. Our Regional
Representative is now Jenny Barber
and Gina Turner is Regional
Secretary. We are fortunate to have a
large committee (about ten mem-
bers) and also have a large regional
membership (approximately one
hundred and five members). We
continue to have our bursary, to sup-
port members with external courses
and professional development.
Wessex ACPIN also has strong links
with a physiotherapy project in
Ghana. We are supporting this proj-
ect to develop physiotherapy services
in the area and enhance the learning
experience of our colleagues in
In January in Poole there was an
event on the commissioning process.
In February there was an evening
focused on ‘neurosurgery’ led by a
local consultant. Wessex ACPIN com-
mittee also met in February. We did
not have any regional events
planned for March, as our focus was
on the national ACPIN conference. In
April, we continued our events with
an evening ‘Psychology’ lecture, fol-
lowed by our AGM. In May, we have
a ‘Gait’ study day planned, led by
Anna Gould. We also will be hosting
an evening looking at the ‘pusher
syndrome’ later in the year. More
information about any of these
events can be obtained from email-
ing at wessexacpinsec
West Midlands
Cameron Lindsay
The West Midlands region continues
to increase in numbers (201 members
in December 2011). In the last six
months we have welcomed Ulrike
Uta and Anna Billingham to the
regional committee team.
Obtaining study leave to attend a
day course during the week has
become almost impossible so in
December we tried a different for-
mat. Our Multiple Sclerosis study
event began at 3.00pm and finished
at 7.00pm. This allowed people to
take a shorter time off work but still
allow for an intensive study session.
Interdisciplinary colleagues from
both clinical and research areas pro-
vided very interesting and thought
provoking lectures on areas of
fatigue, bladder management, dis-
ease modifying drugs and ataxia.
Over 70 people attended the study
day so given the attendance and the
feedback this format is likely to be
employed again.
We continue to attempt to get a
series of discussion or debate
evenings up and running with one
or more people advocating for diver-
gent points of view. Our first two
topics are stretching and core stability
in neuro rehab. The debate is aimed
at getting people thinking and per-
haps identifying areas of research in
a friendly atmosphere however we
are struggling to find people willing
to advocate for a certain point of
At our recent AGM we announced
a new initiative to present a bursary
to a member of the West Midlands
ACPIN region on a bi-annual basis.
We wish to express thanks to the
Wessex ACPIN committee who have
helped us develop the policy. A bur-
sary of £500 will now be awarded in
March and September.
We are aware that the committee
continues to be made up of people
local to Birmingham and would love
to hear from people elsewhere in the
region who would be willing to join
the committee. We would also like
to locate upcoming events in differ-
ent venues around the region so any
suggestions would be gratefully
Yorkshire ACPIN
Kirstie Maclaren
Despite weddings and babies,
Yorkshire committee have continued
to try and offer a varied and interest-
ing programme of events for 2012.
Our AGM covered some of the latest
updates in MS, Parkinson’s, MND,
and brain injury as well as volun-
teering in Bangladesh. Future events
for 2012 include Master Classes with
Mary Lynch-Ellerington, Neglect,
Spasticity Management and hope-
fully rerunning the popular Ataxia
course. Dates and venues are still to
be confirmed so please keep watch-
ing the ACPIN website for details.
Flyers for the courses are also sent to
all Yorkshire members via Email so
please ensure you have an up to date
email registered by checking the
website. We also use iCSP and front-
line to ensure the details get to as
many people as possible.
We are continuing to look at using
venues from all around our area and
setting up links with venues we have
not used before such as Harrogate
and possibly Northallerton. If you
have a venue that you think would
be of use or know of a good speaker
or topic that we could use please
contact us as we are always happy to
Membership continues to rise in
Yorkshire making us one of the
biggest and most active groups
which we hope to continue
throughout the year. We are always
on the lookout for more committee
members as it’s a brilliant way of
meeting other like minded physio-
therapists in the area and accessing
great CPD opportunities as well as
being very sociable! If you are inter-
ested in finding out more (without
being press ganged!) please email
me for a chat.
We try to be as interactive as possi-
ble so please feel free to email myself
at Yorkshireacpin@yahoo.co.uk, or
the committee, if you have any
questions, suggestions or even com-
plaints as we aim to provide a service
that’s tailored to the needs of phys-
iotherapists in our area.
Look forward to seeing more of
you over the coming few months!
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 62
Synapse is the official peer-reviewed
journal of the Association of Chartered
Physiotherapists in Neurology (ACPIN).
Synapse aims to provide a forum for
publications that are interesting,
informative and encourage debate in
neurological physiotherapy and
associated areas.
Synapse is pleased to accept submitted
manuscripts from all grades and
experience of staff including students.
We particularly wish to encourage
‘novice’ writers considering publication
for the first time and ACPIN provides
support and guidance as required. All
submissions will be acknowledged
within two working weeks of receipt.
Examples of articles for submission:
Case Reports
Synapse is pleased to accept case reports
that provide information on interesting or
unusual patients which may encourage
other practitioners to reflect on their own
practice and clinical reasoning. It is recog-
nised that case studies are usually written
up retrospectively. The maximum length is
3,000 words and the following structure is
Title – this should be concise and reflect
the key content of the case report.
Introduction – this sets the scene giving
background to the topic, and why you con-
sider this case to be important, for example
what is new or different about it? A brief
overview of the literature or the incorpora-
tion of a few references is useful so people
can situate the case study against what
already is known.
The patient – give a concise description of
the patient and condition that shows the
key physiotherapeutic, biomedical and psy-
chosocial features. Give the patient a name,
but not their own name. Photographs of the
patient will need to be accompanied by
explicit permission for them to be used. Only
relevant information to the patients’ prob-
lem should be included.
Intervention/method – Describe what
you did, how the patient progressed and
the outcome. Aims, treatment, outcomes,
clinical reasoning and the patient’s level
of satisfaction should be addressed.
Indications of time scales need to be
Implications for practice – Discuss the
knowledge gained, linking back to the
aims/purpose, and to published research
findings. Consider insights for treatment
of similar patients, and potential for
application to other conditions.
Summary – List the main lessons to be
drawn from this example. Limitations
should be clearly stated, and suggestions
made for clinical practice.
References – the Harvard style of referenc-
ing should be followed (please see
Preparation of editorial material below).
Original research papers
These should not exceed 4,000 words and
papers should include the following
Abstract – (maximum of 300 words)
Method – to include design, participants,
materials and procedure
Conclusion – including implications for
Abstracts of thesis and dissertations
Abstracts from research (undergraduate and
postgraduate) projects, presentations or
posters will be welcomed. They should be
up to 500 words, and broadly follow the
conventional format: introduction, purpose,
method, result, discussion, conclusion.
Audit report
A report which contains examination of the
method, results, analysis, conclusions of
audit relating to neurology and physio-
therapy, using any method or design. This
could include a Service Development
Quality Assurance report of changes in
service delivery aimed at improving quality.
These should be up to 2,000 words.
Sharing good practice
This Synapse feature aims to spread the
word amongst ACPIN members about
innovative practice or service develop-
ments. The original format for this piece
started as a question and answer session,
covering the salient points of the topic,
along with a contact name of the author
for readers to pursue if they wish.
Questions were loosely framed around the
following aspects (this would be for an
What was the driving force to initiate it?
How did you go about it?
What measurements did you use?
What resources did you need?
What did you learn about the process?
How has it changed your service?
However recent editions have moved away
from this format, and provide a fuller
picture of their topic eg Introducing a
management pack for stroke patients in
nursing homes (Dearlove H Autumn 2007),
An in-service development education pro-
gramme working across three different
hospitals (Fisher J Spring 2006), A therapy
led bed service at a community hospital
(Ramaswamy B Autumn 2008) and
Establishing an early supported discharge
team for stroke (Dunkerley A Spring 2008).
Product news
A short appraisal of up to 500 words, used
to bring new or redesigned equipment to
the notice of readers. This may include a
description of a mechanical or technical
device used in assessment, treatment
management or education to include
specifications and summary evaluation.
Please note, ACPIN and Synapse take no
responsibility for these products, it is not an
endorsement of the product.
Course, book or journal reviews relevant to
neurophysiotherapy are always welcome.
Word count should be around 500. This
section should reflect the wealth of events
and lectures held by the ACPIN Regions
every year.
Focus on…
This is a flexible space in Synapse that
features a range of topics and serves to offer
different perspectives on subjects.
Examples have been a stroke survivor’s
own account, an insight into physiotherapy
behind the Paralympics and the topics of
research, evidence and clinical measure-
Five minutes with…
This is the newest feature for Synapse,
where an ACPIN member takes ‘five min-
utes’ to interview well-known professionals
about their views and influences on topics
of interest to neurophysiotherapists. We are
always keen to receive suggestions of indi-
viduals who would be suitable to feature.
Copies should be produced in Microsoft
Word. Wherever possible diagrams and
tables should be produced in electronic
form, eg excel, and the software used
clearly identified.
The first page should include:
The title of the article
The name of the author(s)
A complete name and address for
Professional and academic qualifications
for all authors and their current positions
For original research papers, a brief note
about each author that indicates their
contribution and a summary of any funds
supporting their work.
All articles should be well organised and
written in simple, clear, correct English.
The positions of tables and charts or photo-
graphs should be appropriately titled and
numbered consecutively in the text.
All photographs or line drawings should
be at least 1,400 x 2,000 pixels at 72dpi.
All abbreviations must be explained.
References should be listed alphabetically,
in the Harvard style. (see www.shef.ac.uk/
library/libdocs/hsl-dvc1.pdf) eg:
Pearson MJT et al (2009) Validity and inter-
rater reliability of the Lindop Parkinson’s
Disease Mobility Assessment: a preliminary
study Physiotherapy (95) pp126-133.
If the article mentions an outcome
measure, appropriate information about it
should be included, describing measuring
properties and where it may be obtained.
Permissions and ethical certification;
either provide written permission from
patients, parents or guardians to publish
photographs of recognisable individuals, or
obscure facial features. For reports of
research involving people, written confir-
mation of informed consent is required.
An electronic and hard copy of each article
should be sent with a covering letter from
the principal author stating the type of
article being submitted, releasing copy-
right, confirming that appropriate
permissions have been obtained, or stating
what reprinting permissions are needed.
For further information please contact the
Synapse coordinator Kate Busby at:
The Editorial Board reserves the right to
edit all material submitted. Likewise,
the views expressed in this journal are
not necessarily those of the Editorial
Board, nor of ACPIN. Inclusion of any
advertising matter in this journal does
not necessarily imply endorsement of
the advertised product by ACPIN.
Whilst every care is taken to ensure
that the data published herein is accu-
rate, neither ACPIN nor the publisher
can accept responsibility for any omis-
sions or inaccuracies appearing or for
any consequences arising therefrom.
ACPIN and the publisher do not spon-
sor nor otherwise support any
substance, commodity, process,
equipment, organisation or service in
this publication.
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 63
Nic Hills
e Nichills82@gmail.com
Nikki Guck
e Nikki.guck@
Andrea Stennet
e andstennett@yahoo.com
Stuart McDarby
e Stuart.McDarb[email protected]
Anita Wade-Moulton
e anita@burscough
Emma Fitzsimmons
e emma-fitzsimmons@
Jacqui Crosbie
e dr.jacqueline.crosbie@gmail.com
Anna Wilkinson
e anna@morerehab.com
Claire Guy
e claire.guy@buckshosp.nhs.uk
Gillian Crighton
e gilliancrig[email protected]
Katy Coutts
Helen Madden
Emma Jones
Gemma Alder
e gemma.alder@wash.nhs.uk
Jennifer Barber
Cameron Lindsay
e camlin3@hotmail.com
Kirstie McLaren
e kirstie.mclar[email protected]
MAY 2012
Kate Busby (this issue)
Future issues: Lisa Knight
Editorial Advisory Committee
Members of ACPIN executive and
national committees as required.
t 44 (0) 1395 263677
e kw@kwgraphicdesign.co.uk
Henry Ling Limited
The Dorset Press
Address for correspondence
Lisa Knight
Synapse Editor
e lisaknight@finchingfield.plus.com
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page 64
SYNAPSE Spring 2012 28/05/2012 11:22 Page C3
Spring/Summer 2012
ISSN 1369-958X
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