City of Asheville Public Works
Stormwater Services
PO Box 7148
Asheville, NC 28802
NPDES Permit No.: NCS000435
Reporting Year: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017
WATER QUALITY……………………………………………………………………………….3
Current Fiscal Year Budget (16/17) ……………………………………………………....5
Next Year’s Anticipated Budget
Organization Chart ………………………………………………………………………..7
Yearly Maintenance Activities
Yearly Operations Activities …………………………………………………………….10
Public Education and Outreach ………………………………………………………….11
Public Involvement and Participation …………………………………………………...16
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination …………………………………………….18
Construction Site Runoff Controls ……………………………………………………....23
Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls ………………………………………………...26
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping ………………………………………….33
Total Maximum Daily Loads
The North Carolina Division of Water Quality renewed NPDES Phase II Permit NCS000435 to
the City of Asheville effective February 17, 2017 – February 16, 2022. The Stormwater
Management Plan is the City of Asheville’s program to comply with NPDES Permit NCS000435
authorization to discharge Stormwater from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
located within the City of Asheville Jurisdictional Area.
The plan is a guidance document used by City staff and the general public.
The City of Asheville is pleased to report progress for year eleven compliance with requirements
of NPDES Phase II permit in the following six measures in the plan:
Public Education and Outreach
Public Participation and Involvement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.
On June 8, 2010 the City of Asheville Council approved Stormwater Ordinance No. 3875.
(Appendix A)
The City of Asheville is delegated by the state to enforce the Stormwater, Erosion and Sediment
Control, and Illicit Discharge regulations within our jurisdictional area. The city has adopted and
enforces a stormwater, erosion control and sedimentation and illicit discharge ordinance.
(Section 7-12-2 of the Unified Development Ordinance) (Appendix B)
The city reviews and approves all development plans associated with grading, stormwater and
erosion control. For projects that are less than 10,000 square feet and greater than 500 square
feet, a sketch plan is required. A formal plan is required for projects that are 10,000 square feet
or greater. All formal plans are required to be prepared by a qualified registered NC professional
engineer or landscape architect.
For projects that disturb less than an acre and have 50 percent or less total impervious area of the
developed track and are not part of a larger development are exempt from the stormwater
ordinance. For all other project, stormwater controls must be designed by a licensed professional
and installed. The city requires 85% removal of Total Suspended Solids and also requires that
the post construction discharge not exceed pre-development discharge for the 2 year and 10 year
event. Within this ordinance, the city regulates a 30’ undisturbed buffer for construction
projects. All project have a buffer unless exempt by ordinance or have been previously
The city reviews plans and inspects construction activities inside the city limits. This is included
in the City's Unified Development Ordinance which regulates development. The city reviews
and approves development land use plans.
The city enforces a steep slope ordinance (Section 7-12-4) which limits total disturbed area based
on elevation and slope of the proposed development. The city regulates the special flood hazard
areas located within the city's jurisdictional area through our flood ordinance (Section 7-12-1).
This ordinance utilizes the latest flood maps and regulates development within this area.
(Appendix C)
State Programs: The state regulates projects that disturb over one acre that by state law cannot
be regulated by the City of Asheville.
Current FY 16-17 Budget
FY 16-17
Permit Fees
Permit Violation
Delinquent & Interest Fee
Utility Charges
Stormwater Utility Fees
Investments Income
Mark to Market Investments
CA Sold
FY 16-17
Salaries & Wages
33 full time positions
Fringe Benefits
Contracted Services
Professional Services
Copiers & Computers
Printing, Advertising & Postage
Maintenance & Operations
Training, Dues, Supplies, Materials
Insurance & Bonds
Other Expenses
Licenses, Tipping Fees, Recovery
Collection Fees
Telephone, Cell Phone & Radio Charges
Fleet Mgmt Charges
Maintenance & equipment
Street Cut Utility Charges
Cost Allocations
Mac & Equipment
Transfer to Stormwater Capital Fund
Princ Payment
FY 17-18
Soil Erosion Permits & Inspections
All grading, drainage & erosion control
Stormwater Permits & Inspections
All Stormwater quality & quantity
Floodplain Permits & Inspections
Delinquent & Interest Fee
Utility Charges
Stormwater Utility Fees
Investments Income
Sale of Capital Assets
Other Miscellaneous Revenue
Appropriated Fund Balance
Approp Fund Bal for Encumbrance
FY 17-18
Salaries & Wages
Fringe Benefits
Contracted Services
Professional Services
Copiers, Computers & IT Charges
Printing, Advertising & Postage
Maintenance & Operations
Training, Dues, Supplies, Materials
Other Expenses
Licenses, Tipping Fees, Recovery
Collection Fees
Street Cut Utility
Cost Allocations
Telephone, Cell Phone & Radio Charges
Fleet Mgmt Charges
Mach & Equipment
Principal Payment & Interest
Interest Expense
Transfer to General Capital Projects
Transfer to Stormwater Capital
Ins. & Bonds
Craven Street Improvement Project: The city finalized construction of the Craven Street
Improvement project. This project consisted of making improvements to the roadway, installing
a greenway and sidewalk. Also a major component of this project was the construction of green
infrastructure throughout the project area including pervious parking, rain gardens, constructed
wetlands, and a stream restoration. The project was completed in May of 2017.
Morris Street Stormwater Improvement Project: This project is in final design phase and
consists of the installation of approximately 1,300 lf of pipe and the expansion of green
infrastructure. Project will be bid in fiscal year 2018.
Edwin/Celia/Canterbury Drainage Improvement Project: Project consists of making
improvements to the conveyance system along with providing water quality and quantity devices
which will assist in reducing localized flooding. The City hired the firm of Hazen & Sawyer to
undertake the modeling of the watershed, develop solutions combining gray and green
infrastructure and develop construction drawings and documents. The project team is collecting
project area data and public input. Watershed modeling is also in progress.
Dingle Creek Wetland Rehabilitation Project: This project is in final design phase and
consists of the repair of inlet control structures at the constructed stormwater wetland. Project
will be bid in fiscal year 2018.
Lakeshore Drive Project: This project consists of replacing approximately 160 lf of an existing
failing storm drainage system. Surveys have been completed and easements are being drafted.
Victoria Road Embankment Stabilization: This project is in final design phase and consists of
stabilizing an embankment where stormwater overtopped the roadway causing the slope to
erode. Project will be bid in fiscal year 2018.
Wellington Street Watershed Assessment: The assessment identified potential projects to help
reduce localized flooding and also identified additional projects or other areas to promote water
quality. Potential projects will be ranked and entered in the Stormwater CIP.
Swannanoa Flood Mitigation Project: City staff in partnership with the US Army Corps of
Engineers is in the final stages of a feasibility report designed to help mitigate flooding within
the Biltmore Village.
Pipe Replacement Projects New Pipe Projects
88 Gibson Rd
Lookout Rd
Fairway Rd
Beaverdam Knoll
Victoria Rd
Bingham Rd
Spooks Branch Ext
Branning St
Asbury Rd
25 Griffing Cir
Sunny Side Ln
Sedgefield Rd
E. Lookout Rd
Cherokee Rd
Hollywood St
Robindale Ave
Beaver Dam Knoll
Total feet =
Lake Shore Dr
Logan Ave
Cisco Rd
Round Oak Rd
411 Sunset Rd
Glendale Ave
Hillside Terrace & Emory Rd
Rollingview Dr
Busbee View
Rock Hill Rd
White Fawn Dr
Sweeten Creek Pk
Bull Mountain
Park Ave
Willowbrook Rd
Manila Ave
Short Coxe (relocate pipe)
Total feet =
Yearly Maintenance Activities
The maintenance activities include sinkhole repairs, replace lids, repair catch basins, road
shoulder repairs, culvert repairs and ditching:
Sink hole work orders
Catch Basin Repair/install work orders
Reset/Replace Lid
Debris Removal
1,205 tons
Sweeping Curb Miles
Ditching LF
Yearly Operations Activities
Notice of Violations (off site sedimentation,
grading w/o permit, buffer violation, etc.)
Disapproved (Insufficient information)
Disapproved (Insufficient information)
Total Disturbed Acres Permitted
1. Objectives for Public Education and Outreach
Distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach
activities about the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and the steps the
public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff.
2. BMPs for Public Education and Outreach
The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the Public
Education and Outreach Program and shall notify the Division prior to modification of
any goals.
Measurable Goals
a. Goals and Objectives
Defined goals and objectives of the Local Public Education
and Outreach Program based on community wide issues.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville performs a public education and outreach program currently through local
schools and various organizations. Currently the program includes providing basic messages
regarding clean water and the things people can do at home to help.
We also attend community meetings and discuss what stormwater is and explain ways we are
working to better the community by providing a stormwater program.
Education material is also provided on the City’s website.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
The City will continue to search for public education and outreach opportunities.
Measurable Goals
b. Describe target pollutants
and/or stressors
The permittee shall maintain a description of the target
pollutants and/or stressors and likely sources.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville works with Environmental Quality Institute (EQI) for the testing of six
stream site samples within the city. EQI has been developing an on-going water quality database
of Western North Carolina watersheds. The purpose of the research is to continue and expand
the long-term monitoring of stream sites within Buncombe County. The cost is being shared by
the Buncombe County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), Metropolitan Sewerage
District (MSD) and the City of Asheville Stormwater Services. The major focus of the
monitoring is to identify problem areas as well as areas with high water quality that need to be
maintained and to monitor areas where water quality improvement projects will be taking place.
This contract with EQI, offers technical assistance through laboratory analysis of samples and
statistical data analysis of monitoring results. Volunteers take these samples through EQI
The overall goal of the proposed research is to assess the present water quality of representative
streams and rivers within the City of Asheville. Specific objectives include:
Analyze water samples from six sites in Asheville for eight chemical parameters
monthly, with this contract it brings the total number of sites being tested in
Buncombe County to 47;
Analyze the data statistically for trends between sites (spatial) and trends within sites
over time (temporal); and
Use the results of the analyses to assess the ability of the streams to support their
various current, intended, and potential uses.
EQI laboratory analyzes all samples for the following parameters: pH, ammonia-nitrogen,
nitrate-nitrogen, orthophosphate, total suspended solids, alkalinity, turbidity, and conductivity.
17-18 Proposed Objectives:
The City will continue the contract with EQI and focus on reducing sediment in streams.
Measurable Goals
c. Describe target audiences
The permittee shall identify, assess annually and update
the description of the target audiences likely to have
significant stormwater impacts and why they were
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville target audiences are youth groups and residential property owners. Youth
groups were chosen in order to educate them early as they can help educate their parents.
Property owners were selected because of the large impact they can have on the storm water in
the community.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue our educational outreach to youth groups and property owners.
Measurable Goals
d. Describe residential and
The permittee shall describe issues, such as pollutants, the
likely sources of those pollutants, potential impacts, and the
physical attributes of stormwater runoff, in their
education/outreach program.
16-17 Accomplishment
The city’s education/outreach program for property owners has focused on the following
Car washing
Pet waste
Use of lawn and garden products
These pollutants were selected because they can harm fish and wildlife population, foul drinking
water supplies, kill native vegetation, and make recreational areas unsafe.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to educate youth groups and property owners on the dangers of these pollutants.
Measurable Goals
e. Informational Website
The permittee shall promote and maintain an internet web
site designed to convey the program’s message.
16-17 Accomplishment
Stormwater Services continues to maintain an educational stormwater website:, and a City related
blog. The website provides information about the program and also the importance of clean
water to the citizens of Asheville. It provides links that show the location of the Stormwater
outfalls. This information can be found on our MapAsheville GIS website. Contact information
is provided on the website along with the City’s hot line number.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain and update our current website with Stormwater projects and activities.
Measurable Goals
f. Distribute public education
materials to identify target
audiences and user groups.
The permittee shall distribute stormwater
educational material to appropriate target groups.
Instead of developing its own materials, the
permittee may rely on Public Education and
Outreach materials supplied by the state, and/or
other entities through a cooperative agreement, as
available, when implementing its own program.
16-17 Accomplishment
Stormwater Services inserted Protect What Matters Flood brochures into citizens combined
utility bill. The brochure included:
Facts and Myths;
Flood Insurance Information;
Stormwater Services sent a letter to property owners located within an area that has has been
identified as an area that is more subjected to flooding a Repetitive Flooding Letter. The letter
Information on preparing for a flood;
Recommended permanent flood protection measures;
Information about flood insurance policies; and
How to protect natural floodplain functions
Stormwater Services went into schools and lead tours at our water treatment plants. During each
of the tours and school visits students were given booklets inside a bag with information on how
to help protect our water.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Mail Stormwater brochures in utility bills. Continue going to community events and distribute
brochures. Continue work with schools and tours at our water treatment plants.
Measurable Goals
g. Maintain Hotline/Help line
The permittee shall promote and maintain a
stormwater hotline/helpline for the purpose of
public education and outreach.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City provides a customer service line 828-251-1122 for citizens to report illicit discharge
and accidental discharge after normal business hours and weekends. The city maintains a
helpline 828-232-4567 during normal business hours for citizens to call with questions or report
illicit discharge. Both these numbers are promoted on brochures mailed to citizens and on the
city website.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain and promote the hotline/help line.
Measurable Goals
h. Implement a Public Education and
Outreach Program
The permittee’s outreach program, including those
elements implemented locally or through a
cooperative agreement, shall include a combination
of approaches designed to reaching the target
audiences. For each media, event or activity,
including those elements implemented locally or
through a cooperative agreement the permittee shall
estimate and record the extent of exposure.
16-17 Accomplishment
Activity Estimated Number of Exposure
Water Education Tours w/activity 290
Flood Brochure Mailing 27,000
Repetitive Flooding Letter 143
Rugby Middle School 330
Buncombe County Fall & Spring Field Days 1,200
JCC Grandparents Day Fall Harvest 115
Buncombe County Workforce Program 200
Enka Middle School Career Day 360
Ira B. Jones Elementary School Career Day 300
Haw Creek Elementary School Career Day 70
City of Asheville Bring Your Son/Daughter to work 24
Green Building Commission Meeting 25
Flood Plan Conference (Speaker) 150
Neighborhood Association Meetings 94
Website & Blog Post
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to:
Search for public education and outreach opportunities
Maintain and update website
Mail informational brochures in utility bills
1. Objectives for Public Involvement and Participation
Comply with State and local public notice requirements when implementing a public
involvement and participation program.
2. BMPs for Public Involvement and Participation
The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the Public
Involvement and Participation Program and shall notify the Division prior to
modification of any goals.
Measurable Goals
a. Volunteer community
involvement program
The permittee shall include and promote volunteer
opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville partners with Asheville Greenworks to provide Adopt-a-Street Program.
Groups and organizations are encouraged to help reduce litter by participating in Asheville’s
Adopt-A-Street program. Participants agree to pick up litter from their adopted street at least six
times per year. Greenworks provides groups with bags, vests, gloves, and pick-up sticks. The
City of Asheville provides garbage pickup and signs on the street to recognize the litter reduction
efforts. This year 3 new streets were adopted and a large number of older streets opting out of
the program. The new total is 217 adopted streets.
The City of Asheville partners with RiverLink to provide Adopt-a-Stream program. This is a
hands-on way for local residents and businesses to get actively involved in improving the water
quality of the French Broad River Watershed. This very flexible program gives the tools and
knowledge to make a difference in our watershed by cleaning up local streams. Participants are
required a minimum of two cleanups per year and report any water related issues/problems to
RiverLink. The City of Asheville provides garbage pickup and signs to RiverLink to install on
the streams to recognize the litter reduction efforts.
The City of Asheville partners with Mountain True and RiverLink to provide storm drain
stenciling in our community. The city provides the stenciling equipment to Mountain True and
RiverLink, they organize and provide the volunteers. With this partnership over 170 storm
drains have been stenciled.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
The City will continue the partnerships with Asheville Greenworks, RiverLink and Mountain
True. We will also continue to look for partnerships opportunities to perform various stormwater
Measurable Goals
b. Mechanism for Public
The permittee shall provide and promote a mechanism for
public involvement that provides for input on stormwater
issues and the stormwater program.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City provides a stormwater e-mail ([email protected]) and phone number
(828-232-4567) in which the public can provide input and report on stormwater issues.
Personnel from the City’s stormwater division meet often with individual citizens to discuss their
specific concerns or questions related to stormwater.
The City provides the Asheville app for citizens to report issues or concerns.
Social media is also used to interact with citizens.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to provide a stormwater email and phone number for the public to provide input and
report any stormwater issues.
Measurable Goals
c. Hotline/Help line
The permittee shall promote and maintain a hotline/helpline
for the purpose of public involvement and participation.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City provides a customer service line 828-251-1122 for citizens to report illicit discharge
and accidental discharge after normal business hours and weekends. The city maintains a
helpline 828-232-4567 during normal business hours for citizens to call with questions or report
illicit discharge. Both these numbers are promoted on brochures mailed to citizens and on the
city website.
We also have the Asheville App where citizens can report problems or concerns.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain and promote the hotline/help line.
1. Objectives for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
a. Implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4;
b. Maintain a storm sewer system map, showing the location of major outfalls and the
names and location of waters of the United States that receive discharges from those
c. Prohibit, through ordinance, or other regulatory mechanism, non-storm water discharges
except as allowed in this permit and implement appropriate enforcement procedures and
d. Implement a plan to detect and address non-storm water discharges, including illegal
dumping to the MS4;
e. Inform public employees, businesses, and the general public of hazards associated with
illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste; and
f. Address the following categories of non-storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit
discharges) only if you identify them as significant contributors of pollutants to the
MS4: waterline flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising ground
waters, uncontaminated ground water infiltration, uncontaminated pumped ground
water, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning
condensation, irrigation water, springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains,
lawn watering, individual residential car washing, flows from riparian habitats and
wetlands, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water (discharges or
flows from fire fighting activities are excluded from the effective prohibition against
non-storm water and need only be addressed where they are identified as significant
sources of pollutants to waters of the United States).
2. BMPs for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the Illicit
Discharge Detection and Elimination Program and shall notify the Division prior to
modification of any goals.
Measurable Goals
a. Maintain an Illicit
Discharge Detection and
Elimination Program
Maintain a written Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Program, including provisions for program assessment and evaluation
and integrating program.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville currently relies on our stormwater ordinance (Section 7-12-2) which
guides the illicit discharge process. The City will continue to follow this guidance from the
ordinance and continue to look for ways to enhance this program.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to follow ordinance and establish a written program for illicit discharge.
Measurable Goals
b. Maintain adequate legal
The permittee shall maintain an IDDE ordinances or other regulatory
mechanisms that provides the legal authority to prohibit illicit
connections and discharges.
The City of Asheville Council approved and adopted Ordinance 3875 on June 8, 2010. Section 1
(k) regulates illicit discharge (Appendix A). The city had a previous Ordinance 3520 adopted on
August 21, 2007 that addressed illicit discharge, stormwater and erosion control.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to follow ordinance.
Measurable Goals
c. Maintain a Storm Sewer
System Base Map of Major
The permittee shall maintain a current map showing major
outfalls and receiving streams.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City maintains and updates maps of the stormwater system throughout the city in both
ArcGIS and in MapAsheville, both of which are GIS based systems. The general public has
access to MapAsheville through the City’s website. These maps are updated periodically to show
the new storm drainage systems that have been installed. Both of these mapping systems show
the locations of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes that may be affected by any stormwater that may
enter them.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain and update maps of the Stormwater system in both ArcGIS and in
Measurable Goals
d. Implement a program to
detect dry weather flows
The permittee shall maintain a program for conducting dry
weather flow field observations in accordance with written
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville construction inspectors perform routine inspections of all grading, erosion
control and stormwater projects currently under construction. These inspectors are assigned a
specific area within the City in which they are familiar with the stormwater systems. Also, the
stormwater maintenance and operation staff performs routine inspections and maintenance of the
publicly maintained storm drain systems throughout the City.
In the event that they discover a suspected illicit discharge, or a resident of the city reports a
questionable discharge, City staff is notified and visit the site and take photos. In the event that
the City is unable to identify the discharge, the NC Division of Water Resources is contacted for
testing purposes. Assuming there is evidence of an illicit discharge, the owner is notified in
person (if possible) and by certified letter about what has been found, the amount of time to cure
and ramifications should they choose not to comply in accordance with section 7-12-2 of the
UDO which covers civil penalties.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Construction inspectors will continue to perform routine inspections. Also the maintenance and
operations staff will perform routine inspections and maintenance of the storm drain systems.
Measurable Goals
e. Investigate sources of
identified illicit discharges
The permittee shall maintain written procedures for
conducting investigations of identified illicit discharges.
16-17 Accomplishment
City of Asheville has staff that responds to illicit discharge concerns which includes identifying
the source and working with the property owner to resolve the issue. This fiscal year ten illicit
discharge complaints were inspected.
Provide residents with a 24/7 on call number to report illicit discharge, off-site sedimentation and
other related issues.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to perform these duties.
Measurable Goals
f. Track and document
investigations illicit
For each case the permittee shall track and document 1) the
date(s) the illicit discharge was observed; 2) the results of the
investigation; 3) any follow-up of the investigation; and 4)
the date the investigation was closed.
16-17 Accomplishment
The Stormwater Quality Specialist investigates all illicit discharge complaints. All complaints
are documented with pictures and the date the investigation was closed, as well as any follow up
needed. Complaints and inspections are also logged in a database.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to track all illicit discharge complaints.
Measurable Goals
g. Provide Employee Training
The permittee shall implement and document a training
program for appropriate municipal staff, who as part of their
normal job responsibilities, may come into contact with or
otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection.
16-17 Accomplishment
Conducted Municipal Storm Water Pollution Prevention training to the following departments:
Stormwater Services
E-building NPDES Training
Streets Division
Staff was informed of hazards associated with illegal discharge and improper disposal of waste
during the Storm Water Pollution Prevention training.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Hold training for new and existing employees within departments that have the potential for
work that could become illicit discharge.
Measurable Goals
h. Provide Public Education
The permittee shall inform public employees, businesses,
and the general public of hazards associated with illegal
discharges and improper disposal of waste.
16-17 Accomplishment
Students were informed about the hazards associated with illicit discharge and ways they can
help protect our water during the water education tours, Rugby Middle School Water Education
Day, Buncombe County Field Days and school career days.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Include educational brochures in the combined utilities bills sent to businesses and the general
public. The brochures will include information associated with illegal discharges and improper
disposal of waste.
Measurable Goals
i. Provide a public reporting
The permittee shall promote, publicize, and facilitate a
reporting mechanism for the public and staff to report illicit
discharges and establish and implement citizen request
response procedures.
The City has a 24 hour telephone number in which a staff member is on call to respond to issues
related to illicit discharge, off-site sedimentation and other related issues. This telephone
number is located on the City of Asheville's website and on educational brochures mailed
annually to the public.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to provide a 24 hour telephone number to report issues related to illicit discharge,
off-site sedimentation and other related issues.
Measurable Goals
j. Enforcement of the IDDE
The permittee shall implement a mechanism to track the
issuance of notices of violation and enforcement actions as
administered by the permittee. This mechanism shall include
the ability to identify chronic violators for initiation of
actions to reduce noncompliance.
City of Asheville Stormwater Ordinance No. 3875 allows the enforcement of notices of
violations for illicit discharge. All NOV’s are logged into our database, a hard copy of all
correspondence are kept in a file located in the Stormwater Quality Specialist office.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to enforce city ordinance.
1. The permittee has a delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program. As such, the
permittee is responsible for compliance with the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973
and Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. The delegated
Sediment and Erosion Control Program effectively meets the maximum extent
practicable (MEP) standard for Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and
controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those
activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development as
authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 and Chapter 4 of Title 15A
of the North Carolina Administrative Code.
Stormwater employees enforce Ordinance 3875 adopted on June 8, 2010 by the Asheville
City Council and previous Ordinance 3520 adopted on August 21, 2007 which consisted
of erosion control, illicit discharge and stormwater. City of Asheville UDO Section
7-12-2 provides mechanisms for plan review, construction site inspections and
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to enforce the City of Asheville UDO.
2. The NCG010000 permit, as administered by the State, establishes requirements for
construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete
truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause
adverse impacts to water quality.
Regulatory Mechanism
The City of Asheville, Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7-12-2, includes
requirements for an approved Grading Permit for all land disturbance activity 500 feet or
greater. Exemptions to erosion control are allowed, in accordance with the Sediment and
Erosion Control Act.
The City of Asheville Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7-12-2, in conjunction
with the City of Asheville Standard Specifications and Details Manual requires
implementation of appropriate erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices
(BMP’s) based on plans which are approved by City staff as part of the Grading Permit
review process.
Section 7-12-2 (k)(3) of the City of Asheville UDO prohibits illicit discharges and
improper disposal into the stormwater system as follows:
7-12-2(k)(3) Illicit discharge: It is unlawful for any person to throw, drain, run or
otherwise discharge to any component of the City’s MS4 or to the waters of the State of
North Carolina or to cause, permit or allow to suffer to be thrown, drained, run, or
allowed to seep or otherwise discharge into such system or receiving water all matter of
any nature excepting only such storm or surface water as herein authorized.
Control and disposal of discarded building materials and litter are regulated under
Chapter 15 of the City of Asheville Unified Development Ordinance. This Section
requires that all waste be placed in receptacles that are made readily accessible to City
collection crews or private collection agencies.
Section 15-43 requires the control of all construction and demolition refuse as follows:
Sec. 15-43. Construction and demolition sites.
All construction and demolition
contractors shall provide onsite refuse receptacles, bulk containers or detachable
containers for loose debris, paper, waste building materials, scrap building materials
and other trash produced by those working on the site. All such materials shall be
containerized by the end of each workday, and the site shall be kept in a reasonably clean
and litter-free condition. The number and type of refuse receptacles, bulk containers or
detachable containers shall be determined by the solid waste manager based on the size
of the project. Dirt, mud, construction materials or other debris deposited upon any
public or private property as a result of construction or demolition activities shall be
immediately removed by the contractor and in all cases by the end of the workday.
Per Section 15-45 (h) of the City of Asheville UDO, a Certificate of Occupancy may not
be issued until all construction or demolition refuse has been removed from the site.
Section 15-45 (h) (4) Building materials.
The city shall not be responsible for the
collecting, handling or disposal of building materials that originate from private property
preliminary to, during or subsequent to the construction of new buildings or from
demolition of existing structures. Such materials or refuse shall be collected and disposed
of by the property owner or the person doing the work. If such material or refuse has not
been removed and disposed of by the property owner or the person doing the work, the
building inspections division shall not issue a certificate of occupancy even though other
requirements for such certificate have been met. The certificate of occupancy shall be
issued only when the requirements of this subsection, as well as any other requirements,
have been met.
Disposal of hazardous waste and concrete washout is prohibited in tree protection areas
under Section 7-11-3 (c) (2) c.
Section 7-11-3 (c) (2) c.
Prohibited activities. All contractors must be made aware of the
areas designated for protection. No disturbance can occur within the tree protection area
• Grading
• Filling
• Parking
• Storage of debris or materials, including topsoil
• Sedimentation and erosion control measures
• Disposal of hazardous wastes or concrete washout
• Attaching of nails, ropes, cables, signs, or fencing to any preserved tree.
d. Permissible encroachments.
Where physical site constraints exist, utilities may
encroach into the tree protection area provided they are tunneled at least two feet
directly below the tree roots to minimize root damage. A construction detail shall
be required.
Other encroachments various in nature may be permitted provided that the
contractor follows-through on the written recommendation of a certified arborist
or consulting arborist to minimize any potential impact and certify that the
activity will not damage the tree under normal circumstances.
e. Silt fencing.
If silt fencing is required to control sedimentation, the fencing must
be placed along the uphill edge of a tree protection zone in order to prevent
sediment from accumulating in the critical root zone area (refer to the City of
Asheville's Standards and Specifications Manual for details).
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to enforce the City of Asheville UDO.
3. The permittee shall provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate
authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. The permittee may
implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDEQ or DEQ, Division of Energy,
Mineral, and Land Resources “Stop Mud” hotline to meet the requirements of this
We provide a main Stormwater line 828-232-4567 during normal business hours Monday
– Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Also after hours, weekends and holidays we provide a
customer service number (828) 251-1122. We also provide a stormwater e-mail
[email protected] where the public can also report erosion and sedimentation
problems. All of these are promoted on our website, City channel & brochures.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to provide these resources for the public.
1. Objectives for Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls
a. Implement and enforce a program to address stormwater runoff from new
development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one
acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of
development or sale, that discharge into the small MS4. The program shall ensure
that controls are in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts.
b. Implement strategies which include a combination of structural Stormwater Control
Measures (SCM) and/or non-structural best management practices (BMPs)
appropriate for the community.
c. Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-construction runoff
from new development and redevelopment projects.
d. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs.
2. BMPs for Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls
The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the
Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. To the extent there is any conflict
between this permit and the post-construction ordinances adopted by the permittee as
approved by the Division, the post-construction ordinances shall apply with regard to
permit compliance.
Measurable Goals
a. Adequate legal authorities
Maintain through an ordinance, or other regulatory
mechanism, adequate legal authorities designed to meet the
objectives of the Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls
Stormwater Management program.
The permittee shall have the authority to review designs
and proposals for new development and redevelopment to
determine whether adequate stormwater control measures
will be installed, implemented, and maintained.
The permittee shall have the authority to request
information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports,
monitoring results, and other information deemed
necessary to evaluate compliance with the
Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program.
The permittee shall have the authority to enter private
property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times
any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations related to
stormwater discharges to determine whether there is
compliance the Post Construction Stormwater Management
The primary regulatory mechanism for the City of Asheville is the Unified Development
Ordinance (UDO). Specifically Section 7-12-2 deals with stormwater, soil erosion and
sedimentation control and illicit discharges and connections.
Section 7-12-2(f)(1) calls for all development and redevelopment to which this subsection
applies shall comply with the standards herein. The design of facilities to comply with these
standards shall be based on procedures contained in the stormwater BMP manual or as approved
by the stormwater administrator guided by the spirit, purpose and intent of this section.
Section 7-12-2 (f)(1)(b) calls to provide extended detention for the difference between the
pre-development and post development volume of the 2-year 24-hour SCS Type II design storm.
The increase in runoff volume must be detained between 24-hours to 72-hours. Provided that the
stormwater administrator may require volume control for the difference between the
pre-development and post development volume of the 25-year 24-hour storm if by using existing
watershed master plan analysis it is found that that additional volume reduction is required to
protect downstream properties, natural and built drainage facilities due to the additional runoff
volumes from the 25-year 24-hour storm event.
Section 7-12-2 (f)(2)(a) calls for the run-off from the first one inch of rain to be detained
between 48 and 120 hours. Section 7-12-2(f)(2)(b) calls for all structural stormwater systems to
have a minimum 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Devices listed
in the North Carolina Division of Water Resources Stormwater as achieving 85% TSS removal
are accepted as well as proprietary devices on a case-by-case basis. The proprietary devices
must have site specific supporting data that demonstrates that they will achieve the desired
performance with the specific soil types of the proposed site and the anticipated flows.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to operate our program.
Measurable Goals
b. Strategies which include
Stormwater Control
Measures (SCMs)
appropriate for the MS4
Strategies which include Stormwater Control Measures
(SCMs) appropriate for the MS4, include, but are not limited
to compliance with 15A NCAC 02H Section .1000
effectively meets the Post-construction Stormwater Runoff
control requirements.
The City of Asheville requires that all projects that involve a stormwater BMP have an Operation
and Maintenance (O & M) Agreement filed with the city and recorded in the Buncombe County
Register of Deeds office before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The agreement binds the
owner and any future owners. The agreement requires the owner to maintain, repair and if
necessary, reconstruct the structural BMP. It also grants the city a right of entry in the event that
the Stormwater Administrator has reason to believe that it has become necessary to inspect,
monitor, maintain, repair or reconstruct the structural BMP. The agreement states that if the
Stormwater Administrator has deemed an order directing the correction, repair, replacement or
maintenance of the facility has not been satisfactorily complied with within a reasonable period
of time the city may, after notice to the owner enter the land and perform any necessary work to
place the facility in proper working condition. The cost can be recouped by placing a lien on the
property or charging 150% of the cost for labor and materials.
In addition to the post-construction requirements, all private projects that involve the installation
of a stormwater BMP must have a private inspection contract between the financially responsible
person and an individual of equivalent licensure of the designer or certified specialist for
bi-weekly inspections of the installation of the BMP. The grading and stormwater permit cannot
be issued until this contract has been provided to the city.
The City of Asheville enforces a 30 feet wide undisturbed aquatic buffer along all jurisdictional
perennial or intermittent streams (7-12-2(f)(3)). The city does not currently have any designated
trout streams within our jurisdiction. Also, the city does not issue permits for any work in
conjunction with jurisdictional streams or wetlands without permits being issued by DWR or the
Army Corps of Engineers.
Section 7-11-4 of the UDO established the requirements for green space reservation in both
residential and non-residential developments in the city’s jurisdiction. For single family and
duplex subdivisions with lot size of one acre or more a minimum of 20% of the subdivision lot
area is to be reserved as open space. In other residential areas 500 square feet of open space per
unit or 15% of the lot area, whichever is greater, is to be reserved. Non-residential uses (schools,
churches) must reserve a minimum of 20% of lot area. For all non-residential areas excluding
the Central Business District 5 to 15% of the lot area is to be reserved.
The City of Asheville’s Public Works Department operates two vacuum trucks that clean out
storm drainage pipes and structures. The city operates these trucks on a cycle and inspects and
cleans areas on a periodic basis. The city also operates 3 sweepers to assist with preventing any
material from entering into the storm drainage system. The City’s of Asheville
s Public Works
staff will also responds to complaints on storm drains and other drainage structures as needed.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to require that all projects that involve a stormwater BMP have an Operation and
Maintenance Agreement filed with the city and recorded in the Buncombe County Register of
Deeds office before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
Measurable Goals
c. Plan reviews
The permittee shall conduct site plan reviews of all new
development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than
or equal to one acre (including sites that disturb less than one
acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or
sale). The site plan review shall address how the project
applicant meets the performance standards and how the
project will ensure long-term maintenance.
UDO Section 7-12-2 provides the mechanism for the City of Asheville to review plans.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to enforce the UDO.
Measurable Goals
d. Inventory of projects with
post-construction structural
stormwater control
The permittee shall maintain an inventory of projects with
post-construction structural stormwater control measures
installed and implemented at new development and
redeveloped sites, including both public and private sector
sites located within the permittee’s corporate limits that are
covered by its post-construction ordinance requirements.
16-17 Accomplishment
Every BMP constructed within the City of Asheville is required to have an Operation and
Maintenance (O & M) Agreement written that describes the location of the structure, lists the
owner, describes the structure proper, and describes the function and required maintenance. The
owner of the BMP is required to have the structure inspected by a licensed professional every
year and provide the results of the inspection to the City of Asheville. The city maintains a
database listing all O & M agreements located within our corporate limits, the owner's
information and when the annual inspection report was received.
Staff conducts random inspections of BMPs within our corporate limits.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue this requirement.
Measurable Goals
e. Deed Restrictions and
Protective Covenants
The permittee shall provide mechanisms such as recorded
deed restrictions and protective covenants that ensure
development activities will maintain the project consistent
with approved plans.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville requires Operation and Maintenance agreements to be recorded as part of
the project closeout process. The City uses this O & M agreement to ensure the post
construction SCM is maintained and functions as designed. The City also maintains a hard copy
of the agreement and an electronic listing of each BMP which includes the location, owner and a
running list of the dates of inspections.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to require a recorded BMP.
Measurable Goals
f. Provide a mechanism to
require long-term operation
and maintenance of
structural Stormwater
Control Measures (SCMs)
The permittee shall implement or require an operation and
maintenance plan for the long-term operation of the SCMs
required by the program. The operation and maintenance
plan shall require the owner of each SCM to perform and
maintain a record of annual inspections of each SCM.
Annual inspection of permitted structural SCMs shall be
performed by a qualified professional.
City of Asheville ordinance requires that an annual inspection of permitted structural BMPs be
performed by a qualified professional and a copy sent to the city.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to enforce ordinance.
Measurable Goals
g. Inspections
To ensure that all stormwater control measures are being
maintained pursuant to its maintenance agreement, the
permittee shall conduct and document inspections of each
project site covered under performance standards, at least
one time during the permit term. Before issuing a certificate
of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy, the
permittee shall conduct a post-construction inspection to
verify that the permittee’s performance standards have been
met or a bond is in place to guarantee completion. The
permittee shall document and maintain records of inspection
findings and enforcement actions and make them available
for review by the permitting authority.
16-17 Accomplishments
To ensure that all stormwater control measures are being maintained pursuant to maintenance
agreements, the City of Asheville conducts and inspects each project site covered under
performance standards, at least one time during the permit term. Before issuing certificate of
occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy a post-construction inspection is performed.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue the inspections process.
Measurable Goals
h. Educational materials and
training for developers
The permittee shall make available through paper or
electronic means, ordinances, post-construction
requirements, design standards checklist, and other materials
appropriate for developers. New materials may be
developed by the permittee, or the permittee may use
materials adopted from other programs and adapted to the
permittee’s new development and redevelopment program.
16-17 Accomplishments
Ordinances, post-construction requirements, design standards checklist, and other materials
appropriate for developers are available electronically on our website (
All close out documents are given to developers during the pre-con meetings and are available
upon request.
City staff meets individually with developers as necessary.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain website and provide documents to developers during the pre-con meetings.
Measurable Goals
i. Enforcement
The permittee shall track the issuance of notices of violation
and enforcement actions. This mechanism shall include the
ability to identify chronic violators for initiation of actions to
reduce noncompliance.
16-17 Accomplishments
A file is created for all notices of violation that contains all information pertinent to the project
including owner information, contractor information, project address, any permit numbers
attached to the project, a copy of the written notice of violation and any photos that were taken.
A digital file is also created which includes all of the aforementioned information. The digital
files are broken down by year. Every time a new violation is discovered, the inspector reviews
the digital files containing previous notices of violation to discover is a pattern of repeat
violations is beginning to occur with a particular contractor or owner prior to the new notice of
violation being written.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to track the issuance of notices of violation and enforcement actions.
3. Post-construction Stormwater Runoff Controls for New Development
a. In order to fulfill the post-construction minimum measure program requirement the
permittee may use the Department’s model ordinance, design its own
post-construction practices that meet or exceed the rules found in 15A NCAC 02H
1000, or develop its own comprehensive watershed plan that is determined by the
Department to meet the post-construction stormwater management measure required
by 40 Code of Federal Regulations §122.34(b)(5) (1 July 2003 Edition).
b. The permittee shall meet the requirements of the post-construction program for
construction projects that are performed by, or under contract for, the permittee. To
meet this requirement, the permittee may either develop the necessary requirements
for post-construction controls that will pertain to their own projects, or develop
procedures to ensure that the permittee meets these requirements by complying with
another entity’s Phase II Stormwater Management Programs for post-construction. If
the permittee decides to rely on another program for compliance with these program
areas for their own projects, they shall indicate in their Stormwater Management
Program that the permittee will fully comply with the requirements of the second
party’s post-construction programs.
c. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H.0150, for areas draining to Nutrient Sensitive Waters,
permittees, delegated programs, and regulated entities must use stormwater control
measures (SCMs) that reduce nutrient loading in order to meet local program
requirements, while still incorporating the stormwater controls required for the
project’s density level. Documentation shall be provided where it is not feasible to
use stormwater control measures (SCMs) that reduce nutrient loading. In areas where
the Department has approved a Nutrient Sensitive Water Urban Stormwater
Management Program, the provisions of that program fulfill the nutrient loading
reduction requirement.
d. The design volume of SCMs shall take into account the runoff at build out from all
surfaces draining to the system. Where streets “convey” stormwater, all SCM shall
be sized to treat and control stormwater runoff from all surfaces draining to the SCM
including streets, driveways, and other impervious surfaces.
1. Objectives for Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal
a. Implement an operation and maintenance program that includes a training component
and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal
b. Provide employee training to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from activities
such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new
construction and land disturbances, and stormwater system maintenance.
2. BMPs for the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal
The permittee shall implement the following BMPs to meet the objectives of the
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Program and shall notify the Division prior
to modification of any goals.
Measurable Goals
a. Inventory of municipally
owned or operated facilities
The permittee shall maintain current inventory of facilities
and operations owned and operated by the permittee with
the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff.
16-17 Accomplishment
The Real Estate Manager with the City of Asheville maintains a current inventory of facilities
and operations owned and operated by the City.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to work with the Real Estate Manager to maintain a current inventory of facilities.
Measurable Goals
b. Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) for municipally
owned or operated facilities
The permittee shall maintain and implement, evaluate
annually and update as necessary an Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) program for municipal owned and
operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted
stormwater runoff. The O&M program shall specify the
frequency of inspections and routine maintenance
16-17 Accomplishment
Stormwater staff continuing to work with each individual department within the City of
Asheville organization to formalize and implement an Operation and Maintenance program for
each department. The O&M specifies the frequency of inspections and routine maintenance
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to work with each City of Asheville department on their O & M specifications.
Measurable Goals
c. Spill Response Procedures for
municipally owned or
operated facilities
The permittee shall have written spill response procedures
for municipal operations.
16-17 Accomplishment
As part of the O&M program for each City department, a written spill response procedure is
Spill kits and Good Housekeeping Posters have been placed at the Public Works Department
vehicle yard. Small spill kits were also placed in all supervisors vehicles for the department.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue the O&M program for each department.
Measurable Goals
d. Streets, roads, and public
parking lots maintenance
The permittee shall evaluate existing and new BMPs
annually that reduce polluted stormwater runoff from
municipally-owned streets, roads, and public parking lots
within their corporate limits. The permittee must evaluate
the effectiveness of these BMPs based on cost and the
estimated quantity of pollutants removed.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City of Asheville reduced polluted stormwater runoff from streets, roads and public parking
lots within our corporate limits by street sweeping and the use of vacuum trucks. During this
fiscal year we sweep approximately 4,254 miles of curb and gutter, our target is three to four
times per year. This operation removed 1,205 tons of material from entering the steams and
rivers. The City actively maintains our existing infrastructure to prevent. The City evaluates our
budget annually to identify funding opportunities to be utilized toward stormwater programs.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue our street sweeping operations, stormwater maintenance operations and other
stormwater projects.
Measurable Goals
f. Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) for municipally –
owned or maintained catch
basins and conveyance
The permittee shall maintain and implement an O&M
program for the stormwater sewer system including catch
basins and conveyance systems that it owns and maintains.
16-17 Accomplishments
The City of Asheville’s maintenance program consists of leaf and garbage pick-up, yard waste
and brush removal, street sweeping, and storm-drain cleaning and maintenance within the city's
rights of way.
The City of Asheville's Public Works Stormwater staff periodically cleans and inspects all catch
basins in our maintained system. The Public Works Department upgrades or rehabilitates
existing structures when warranted. Staff also sweep on an annual basis, our target is 3-4 times
per year.
Through this operation the city removed 1,205 tons of material that had the potential to enter the
Stormwater system.
The City of Asheville’s Public Works Department operates two vacuum trucks that clean out
storm drainage pipes and structures. The trucks have cleaned and inspected 6,574 drains this
fiscal year. The city operates these trucks on a cycle and inspects and cleans areas on a periodic
basis. The city also operates 3 sweepers to assist with preventing any material from entering into
the storm drainage system. The City of Asheville
s Public Works staff also responds to
complaints on storm drains and other drainage structures as needed. The City of Asheville's
Public Works Department staff cleans the storm drainage systems on an average of once a year
or as otherwise needed with a vacuum truck.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Stormwater staff will continue to clean and inspect all catch basins in our system. The goal is to
continue to operate vacuum trucks cleaning out storm drainage pipes on a periodic basis,
continue to clean the storm drainage system on an annual basis and the City of Asheville plans to
continue to perform street sweeping operations.
Measurable Goals
g. Identify municipally owned
or maintained structural
stormwater controls
The permittee shall a current inventory of
municipally-owned or operated structural stormwater
controls installed for compliance with the permittee’s
post-construction ordinance.
16-17 Accomplishments
City of Asheville has an inventory of municipally owned or operated structural stormwater
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to maintain spreadsheet.
Measurable Goals
h. O&M for
municipally-owned or
maintained structural
stormwater controls
The permittee shall maintain and implement an O&M
program for municipally-owned or maintained structural
stormwater controls installed for compliance with the
permittee’s post-construction ordinance.
The O&M program shall specify the frequency of
inspections and routine maintenance requirements.
The permittee shall inspect and maintain all
municipally-owned or maintained structural stormwater
controls in accordance with the schedule developed by
permittee. The permittee shall document inspections and
maintenance of all municipally-owned or maintained
structural stormwater controls.
16-17 Accomplishments
Maintenance takes place on an as needed base. These are inspected routinely by City staff.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue maintenance when needed.
Measurable Goals
i. Pesticide, Herbicide and
Fertilizer Application
The permittee shall ensure municipal employees and
contractors are properly trained and all permits,
certifications, and other measures for applicators are
16-17 Accomplishments
The City of Asheville Parks and Recreation department ensures that municipal employees and
contractors are properly trained on application of pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Parks and Recreation will continue to require this training.
Measurable Goals
j. Staff training
The permittee shall implement an employee training program
for employees involved in implementing pollution
prevention and good housekeeping practices.
16-17 Accomplishments
Conducted Municipal Storm Water Pollution Prevention training to the following departments:
Stormwater Services
E-building NPDES Training
Parks & Recreation Maintenance
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Conduct Municipal Stormwater Pollution Prevention training for departments within the city
involved in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices.
Measurable Goals
k. Prevent or Minimize
Contamination of
Stormwater Runoff from
all areas used for Vehicle
and Equipment Cleaning
The permittee shall describe measures that prevent or
minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from all
areas used for vehicle and equipment cleaning.
16-17 Accomplishment
The City has a wash bay with an oil water separator where vehicles and equipment are cleaned.
17-18 Proposed Objectives
Continue to require vehicles and equipment be washed at the city’s wash bay.
1. Objective of a Water Quality Recovery Program: Reduce levels of the pollutant of
concern in accordance with approved Waste Load Allocation (WLAs) assigned to
stormwater in an approved TMDL. N/A
2. The Permittee shall comply with the requirement of an approved TMDL. N/A
3. Within 12 months of the final approval of a TMDL, the permittee’s annual reports shall
include a description of existing programs, controls, partnerships, projects, and strategies
to address impaired waters and a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls,
partnerships, projects and strategies address impaired waters. N/A
4. Within 24 months of the final approval of a TMDL, the permittee’s annual reports shall
include an assessment of whether additional structural and/or non-structural BMPs are
necessary to address impaired waters and a brief explanation as to how the programs,
controls, partnerships, projects and strategies address impaired waters. N/A
5. Within 36 months of the final approval of a TMDL, the permittee’s annual reports shall
include a description of activities expected to occur and when the activities are expected
to occur. N/A
6. If there was no storm water load allocation in the TMDL, in lieu of developing a Water
Quality Recovery Plan, the permittee shall evaluate strategies and tailor and/or expand
BMPs within the scope of the six minimum measures to enhance water quality recovery
strategies in the watershed(s) to which the TMDL applies. The permittee shall describe
the strategies and tailored and/or expanded BMPs in their Stormwater Management Plan
and annual reports.