IBM Cognos Analytics
Version 11.1
Event Studio User Guide
Product Information
This document applies to IBM Cognos Analytics version 11.1.0 and may also apply to subsequent releases.
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This document is intended for use with IBM
Event Studio. Event Studio is a web-based product
for creating and managing agents that monitor data and perform tasks when the data meets predened
This document describes how to use Cognos Event Studio to ensure that critical information is detected
quickly and delivered to key stakeholders in your business.
To use Cognos Event Studio, you should have
Knowledge of your business requirements.
Knowledge of business analysis concepts.
Knowledge of databases and data modeling concepts.
Finding information
To nd product documentation on the web, including all translated documentation, access IBM
Knowledge Center (
Accessibility features
IBM Cognos Event Studio does not currently support accessibility features that help users with a physical
disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use this product.
IBM Cognos HTML documentation has accessibility features. PDF documents are supplemental and, as
such, include no added accessibility features.
Forward-looking statements
This documentation describes the current functionality of the product. References to items that are not
currently available may be included. No implication of any future availability should be inferred. Any such
references are not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or
functionality. The development, release, and timing of features or functionality remain at the sole
discretion of IBM.
Samples disclaimer
The Sample Outdoors Company, Great Outdoors Company, GO Sales, any variation of the Sample
Outdoors or Great Outdoors names, and Planning Sample depict ctitious business operations with
sample data used to develop sample applications for IBM and IBM customers. These ctitious records
include sample data for sales transactions, product distribution, nance, and human resources. Any
resemblance to actual names, addresses, contact numbers, or transaction values is coincidental. Other
sample les may contain ctional data manually or machine generated, factual data compiled from
academic or public sources, or data used with permission of the copyright holder, for use as sample data
to develop sample applications. Product names referenced may be the trademarks of their respective
owners. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
iv IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
Use IBM Cognos Event Studio to notify decision-makers in your organization of events as they happen, so
that they can make timely and effective decisions.
You create agents that monitor your organization's data to detect occurrences of business events. An
event is a situation that can affect the success of your business. An event is identied when specic items
in your data achieve signicant values. Specify the event condition, or a change in data, that is important
to you. When an agent detects an event, it can perform tasks, such as sending an e-mail, adding
information to the portal, and running reports.
For information about how to use Cognos Event Studio, see Chapter 2, “Creating an Agent,” on page 17.
Note: Some of the features available in Cognos Event Studio are not compatible with Firefox. For this
reason, you are recommended to use Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.
You can follow a tutorial that shows you how to create and run an agent in response to a business
scenario. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Tutorial,” on page 41.
Source Items
IBM Cognos Event Studio works with source items that were dened in an IBM Cognos Framework
Manager model and published as a package. Source items are used to specify an event condition that is
monitored by the agent. You can also use source items to derive calculations or parameters that may be
included in the event condition.
To use Cognos Event Studio effectively, you should be familiar your organization's business and its data.
You may also need to be familiar with other components of IBM Cognos Analytics.
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting
IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting is the professional reporting tool for IBM Cognos Analytics. Use it to
author more complex reports.
Reporting offers greater flexibility in calculating and formatting results. Report authors can open IBM
Cognos Query Studio reports to create more advanced reports.
Cognos Reporting gives users access to the full range of Cognos Reporting functionality. Use Cognos
Reporting to create any report type, including charts, maps, lists, and repeaters, using any data source
(relational or multi-dimensional).
IBM Cognos Workspace
IBM Cognos Workspace is a report consumption tool that provides an integrated business intelligence
experience for business users. This web-based tool allows you to use IBM Cognos content and external
data sources to build sophisticated interactive dashboards that facilitate collaborative decision making.
IBM Cognos Framework Manager
IBM Cognos Framework Manager is the data modeling tool for IBM Cognos Analytics.
The packages you use to generate reports are based on models that are created in Cognos Framework
Manager. A model is a set of related objects, such as query subjects, dimensions, lters, and calculations.
When you open a package in Cognos Analytics, these model objects are visible in the frame.
IBM Cognos Analysis Studio
IBM Cognos Analysis Studio is the analysis tool for IBM Cognos Analytics. Use it to explore, analyze, and
compare dimensional data.
Analysis Studio helps you answer business questions by nding meaningful information in large data
IBM Cognos Query Studio
IBM Cognos Query Studio is the reporting tool for creating simple queries and reports in IBM Cognos
Analytics, the web-based reporting solution. In Query Studio, you can view data, create reports, change
the appearance of reports, and work with data in a report.
Building IBM Cognos Analytics Applications
You use the IBM Cognos Analytics components to build reporting and analysis applications.
The lifetime of an Cognos Analytics application can be months, or even years. During that time, data may
change and new requirements appear. As the underlying data changes, authors must modify existing
content and develop new content. Administrators must also update models and data sources over time.
For more information about using data sources, see the IBM Cognos Analytics Administration and Security
Guide and the IBM Cognos Framework Manager User Guide.
Before you begin
In a working application, the technical and security infrastructure and the portal are in place, as well as
processes for change management, data control, and so on. For additional information, see the IBM
Cognos Solutions Implementation Methodology toolkit, which includes implementation roadmaps and
supporting documents. Information about the toolkit is available on the IBM Cognos Information Centers
The following graphic provides an overview for how to use Cognos Analytics to build applications across
all of your Cognos Analytics components.
Locate and prepare
data sources and models
Build and publish
the content
Deliver the information
1. Locate and prepare data sources and models
Cognos Analytics can report from a wide variety of data sources, both relational and dimensional.
Database connections are created in the Web administration interface, and are used for modeling, for
authoring, and for running the application.
To use data for authoring and viewing, the business intelligence studios need a subset of a model of
the metadata (called a package). The metadata may need extensive modeling in Cognos Framework
2. Build and publish the content
Reports, scorecards, analysis, dashboards and more are created in the business intelligence studios of
Cognos Analytics. Which studio you use depends on the content, lifespan, and audience of the report,
and whether the data is modeled dimensionally or relationally. For example, self-service reporting and
analysis are done through IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting, IBM Cognos Query Studio, and IBM
Cognos Analysis Studio, and scheduled reports are created in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.
Reporting reports and scorecards are usually prepared for a wider audience, published to a portal, and
scheduled there for bursting, distribution, and so on. You can also use Cognos Reporting to prepare
templates for self-service reporting.
3. Deliver and view the information
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
You deliver content from the IBM Cognos portal or other supported portals, and view information that
has been saved to portals, or delivered by other mechanisms. You can also run reports, analyses,
scorecards, and more from within the business intelligence studio in which they were created.
For information about tuning and performance, see the IBM Cognos Analytics Administration and
Security Guide and the IBM Cognos Information Centers (
The IBM Cognos Event Studio Window
Use the IBM Cognos Event Studio window to interactively create and manage agents.
The Cognos Event Studio window is made up of four areas:
the I want to area
This area shows the main tasks that you perform when you create an agent.
the Insertable Objects area
This area shows available source items, data items used by the current agent, functions you can insert
in the event condition, and parameters you created.
the summary area
This area contains tabs with summary descriptions of the event condition and of each task dened for
the agent.
the content area
This area contains the pages and dialogs that you use to create and manage an agent.
The four areas are shown in the following example.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
I want to area
Summary area
Insertable Objects area
Content area
Figure 1. Event Studio user interface work areas
Insertable Objects Area
The Insertable Objects area contains items that you can add to the event condition and tasks.
The Source Tab
The source tab
shows a hierarchical list of the source items, both relational and dimensional, in the
model package.
The Data Items Tab
The data items tab shows a list of all the data items contained in the agent. The data items tab also
shows the calculations used in the agent.
The Functions Tab
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
The functions tab shows a list of mathematical functions, such as operators and summaries, that you
can use in event conditions and to create calculated data items.
Tip: If you are specifying an event condition and want to know the meaning of a function icon, click the
icon and read the description in the Information box.
The Parameters Tab
The parameters tab shows a list of each parameter you dened, indicated by the parameter icon. You
can use parameters when specifying the event condition.
The Run History Tab
The run history tab
shows a list of items you can specify when you add an on-error task to an agent.
Example - Create an Agent with a Single Task
You create an agent to perform a task when it detects a business event.
You are a sales manager who wants to ensure that your most valued customers are pleased with the
quality of service they receive.
You decide that, whenever a valued customer calls your support group, you will call the customer the next
day to make sure they're satised. You use IBM Cognos Event Studio to create an agent that monitors
support call records. You specify an event condition as follows:
[Call_Status]= Open AND [Customer_Profile]= Gold
Next you add a task and specify that, when the event occurs, the agent sends you an e-mail entitled
Urgent: Call Customer Today.
The e-mail message you receive contains details both about the customer and about the call. You do not
need to continually check the call system or run reports. The relevant data is sent to you only when you
need to act upon it.
An event is an exceptional item of data, dened by specifying a query expression against items in a data
package. When a record matches the event condition, it causes an agent to perform tasks.
When an agent runs, it checks the data for any event instances.
For example, you can specify an event condition as follows:
[Account_Balance] < 0
Event Instances
An event instance is a single row of data that matches the event query expression. When an agent
monitors data, it detects each event instance. The agent then follows the task execution rules to
determine if it should perform a task.
Some types of tasks are performed only once by the agent. Other types of tasks are repeated for each
event instance. For more information, see “Task Frequency” on page 8.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
Event List
An event list shows the events processed by the agent. Each event is categorized by one of the following
statuses: new, ongoing but changed, ongoing and unchanged, or ceased.
When an agent runs, it derives the status by comparing the detected events with those detected in the
previous run. There is only one event list per agent, and it is updated each time the agent runs.
For each task in an agent, the event list is checked against the task execution rules. The task is performed
for each event that conforms to the rules.
Event Key
An event key is used to determine whether an event is new, ongoing but changed, ongoing and
unchanged, or ceased.
IBM Cognos Event Studio compares the event instances detected in each agent run with those detected
in the previous run. To ensure it correctly matches the event instances for comparison, you must dene
an event key. The event key is the combination of data items that uniquely denes an event instance.
For example, you are dealing with orders that were placed for out-of-stock goods. You dene Order
Number as the event key, because each order placed has a unique number. If Order Number 1234
appears in this run and in the previous run, it is an ongoing event. If Order Number 4567 appears in this
run, but not in the previous run, it is a new event. If Order Number 7890 appeared in the last run but not
this one, it has ceased.
Task Execution Rules
When an agent runs, it uses the event key to compare the event instances it detects with those of the
previous run.
The agent allocates a status to each event - new, ongoing but changed, ongoing and unchanged, or
ceased. If no event instances are detected, the status is no events. The task execution rules specify the
event status for which each task is performed. You can optionally specify that an event must also pass a
Boolean test before it is used in a task. If you do not set any execution rules, the agent performs its tasks
for all the event instances it detects.
You can also set a special task to execute if the agent fails, for example, if the agent condition fails or one
of the agent's tasks fails to complete. This special task can include items from the agent's run history,
such as its run time, status, and error messages.
Example - Event Status of New
You want to receive an e-mail message advising you whenever a Gold category customer phones
technical support about a new problem.
You specify that an e-mail task be performed only when the event status is new. You receive an e-mail
when the call record from a Gold customer is rst placed in the call database. However, even if the call
record is still open the next time the agent runs, you receive no further e-mails because the status of the
event is now ongoing.
Example - Event Status of Ongoing But Changed
You want a report to run if the account balance of an overdrawn customer changes.
Example - Event Status of No Events
You want to receive a daily e-mail that reassures you that none of your company's accounts has a balance
less than zero.
You dene the following event condition:
[Account_Balance] < 0
You specify that an e-mail task be performed if the event status is no events.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
In this example, you may also want to create another task that sends an urgent e-mail if any of the
account balances does become less than zero. That is, you create another e-mail task that is performed if
the event status is new.
Example - Task-Level Boolean Filter
You want to e-mail your Regional Managers whenever a very large order is received from a customer in
their territory.
You create four calculated data items containing Boolean expressions:
Item IsNorth: If ([Region] = ‘North') then (‘True') else (‘False')
Item IsEast: If ([Region] = ‘East') then (‘True') else (‘False')
Item IsSouth: If ([Region] = ‘South') then (‘True') else (‘False')
Item IsWest: If ([Region] = ‘West') then (‘True') else (‘False')
Add four e-mail tasks to the agent, one addressed to each Regional Manager. Add the appropriate task-
level lter to each task. In this example, the task that e-mails the Northern Regional Manager includes
only orders that pass the test Region = ‘North'.
Agents monitor data for instances of an event and perform tasks when events occur. These tasks can help
to notify people about events immediately, so that they can make timely and effective decisions.
When an agent runs, it checks for occurrences of the event. If it detects the event, the agent performs its
tasks for events that meet the execution rules. An agent runs its tasks either all at the same time or in the
order that you specify.
Example - Create an Agent with Multiple Tasks
You are a meteorological analyst who wants to be alerted to extreme drops in air pressure that could
result in a violent storm.
You create an agent named Pressure_Drop. You specify the event condition as follows:
[Air_Pressure].[Current_Time-60] - ([Air_Pressure].[Current_Time])>
Next, you add an e-mail task and specify that, when the event occurs, the agent sends you an e-mail
entitled Pressure Drop Alert. Finally, you add a report task that sends a report of the latest air pressure
readings to people in surrounding weather ofces.
Prompting Agents
A prompting agent prompts a user to specify values for the event condition. This can result in the task
being performed in a situation that is specic to the user.
For example, you specify an event condition that prompts sales managers to specify their region and their
product. The task is then performed only for events that are of interest to the sales manager who is
running the agent.
The prompts of an agent can also be answered by passing in the values of source items from the events of
another agent.
An agent can perform one or more tasks that you dene for it. You can use some tasks to notify the right
people quickly about a change in a business event so they can take appropriate action. Other tasks can
help you to automate a work flow.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
An agent can perform its tasks in sequence, where each task is performed in the order you choose, or in
parallel, where you specify that tasks be performed at the same time. By default, tasks are performed in
Note: For parallel tasks, tasks are run in a specic order, depending on the task types included in an
You can specify tasks that do the following:
send an e-mail
publish a news item
run a report
run a job
run an agent
send an approval request
send a notication request
update a database
call a web service
run an export
run an import
run a content maintenance task
Task Frequency
Before you specify an event condition, you should understand how often different tasks are performed.
Task type
Number of times performed
Run a report; run an agent; run a job; run an import;
run an export; run a content maintenance task
Update a database; call a web service Once per event instance
Send an e-mail; send an approval request; send a
notication request
For more information, see “How Multiple Events
Affect E-mail Messages, Approval Requests, and
Notication Requests” on page 9.
Publish a news item Once
Notication Methods
If you want to notify people about a business event, you should understand the notication methods that
an agent can use. The notication method you choose should contain all information relevant to the
event, and each person who must know about the event should be notied.
An IBM Cognos Event Studio agent can notify people about business events by
delivering an email to your audience
publishing a news item to a folder frequently viewed by your audience
The notication feature can contain dynamic information. This means that source items from a package
can be inserted into the message. The values for these items are not retrieved until the agent is run
because a notication message about a critical data item always contains the current values.
Both e-mail and news item notications can contain dynamic information. In an email task, the email can
contain dynamic content in the list of recipients, the subject, and the message body. For more
information, see “Add an Email Task” on page 46.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
The parts of a news item notication that can contain dynamic content are the headline, the screen tip,
and the text. For more information, see “Add a News Item Task” on page 48.
Although email and news item notications can both show content dynamically, only email notications
can change their target dynamically. By inserting email address items in the recipient elds, you can
specify that the recipient list change according to the data in the event list.
Email Notications
You can notify people by e-mail using either a report task or an email task. To help you decide which
method to use, you should understand how they differ.
You can use either a report task or an email task
to send a single email text message
to attach a single report in the specied output formats
Note: If you attach only one HTML report and leave the body eld empty, the report appears in the
message body.
to add links to a single report for the specied output formats
For an e-mail task but not a report task, you can also
add dynamic content to the message, which may result in multiple emails
This means that you can insert source items from a package into the message. If you insert an e-mail
address item in the recipient elds, you can tailor the recipient list so that it is specic to the data in the
send multiple reports in a single email as attachments, links, or both
For example, you can attach a report about stock usage and a report on unfullled customer orders
when a particular stock item falls below a reorder level.
attach the event list
Emailing reports from an IBM Cognos Event Studio agent is useful if you want the report to be tailored to a
specic event.
News Item Notications
A news item task publishes a headline to a folder whose contents can be viewed in an IBM Cognos
Navigator portlet and in any folder view. When someone clicks on a headline, they can open IBM Cognos
Analytics content or view a web page.
How Multiple Events Affect E-mail Messages, Approval Requests, and Notication
When you create an e-mail message, approval request or notication request, you can drag data items
into the recipient, subject, and message body elds. These data items act as placeholders. When the
agent runs, the placeholders are replaced with actual values from the data source.
If data items appear only in the message body, a single message is usually sent containing details of all
the events detected. If the recipient or subject elds include data items, many e-mails or requests may be
For an example that illustrates the effect of multiple events, see “Add an Email Task” on page 46
Dynamic Address
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
For some e-mails or requests, the appropriate recipient depends on the values in the event. For example,
an e-mail about a support call from Customer A must be addressed to Customer A's account manager.
If the data source includes an item that represents e-mail addresses, you can drag this item to the
recipient elds. The agent uses this data to generate the e-mail address dynamically. If the agent detects
several events that satisfy the event condition, it generates one message or request for each e-mail
address. The source items in the message body are grouped by address.
Dynamic Subject
If you include a source item in the subject eld, the agent generates one message or request for each
subject. The source items in the message body are grouped by subject.
Dynamic Address and Dynamic Subject
If you include source items in both the address and subject elds, the messages or requests are grouped
by address and subject.
Dynamic Message Body
If an agent detects several events that satisfy the event condition, the size of the message body in the
delivered message or request can increase. Every line that contains a data item placeholder is repeated
for each event instance that satises the task execution rules.
The Sample Outdoors Company
The Sample Outdoors Company samples illustrate product features and technical and business best
You can also use them for experimenting with and sharing report design techniques and for
troubleshooting. As you use the samples, you can connect to features in the product.
The Sample Outdoors Company, or GO Sales, or any variation of the Sample Outdoors name, is the name
of a ctitious business operation whose sample data is used to develop sample applications for IBM and
IBM customers. Its ctitious records include sample data for sales transactions, product distribution,
nance, and human resources. Any resemblance to actual names, addresses, contact numbers, or
transaction values, is coincidental. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
Samples outline
The samples consist of the following:
Two databases that contain all corporate data, and the related sample models for query and analysis
Sample cubes and the related models
A metrics data source including associated metrics and a strategy map for the consolidated company,
and a model for Metric extracts.
Reports, queries, query templates, and workspaces
To run interactive reports, scripts are required. To see all the reports included in the samples packages,
copy the les from the samples content installation into deployment folder and then import the
deployments into the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence product.
Samples are available to all users.
To implement security, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Administration and Security Guide.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
IBM Cognos Event Studio Samples
IBM Cognos Analytics includes report samples and an agent sample.
The Customer Contact Sample
This report sample is used in a tutorial in this document.
For more information, see Chapter 3, “Tutorial,” on page 41.
The Returns Agent Sample
The Returns Agent sample noties you when a customer returns a product because it was defective,
unsatisfactory, or incomplete, or because the wrong product was shipped.
This agent sample was created using the IBM Cognos Event Studio example illustrated in IBM Cognos
Analytics Getting Started. If you try this example yourself, you can compare the agent that you create with
the Returns Agent sample.
The ELM Returns Agent Sample
The ELM Returns Agent sample noties you when a customer returns a product because it was defective,
unsatisfactory, or incomplete, or because the wrong product was shipped.
Two days after detecting the event, this agents checks if the issue is resolved. If unresolved event
instances still exist, it runs the ELM Escalation Agent sample.
This agent sample is used in the topic “Example - Managing the Life Cycle of an Event” on page 11
The ELM Escalation Agent Sample
The ELM Escalation Agent sample is run by the ELM Returns Agent sample.
If more than two days have lapsed since the ELM Returns Agent sample detected an event, the ELM
Escalation Agent sample escalates the issue by sending an e-mail to the customer fullment manager.
This agent sample is used in the topic “Example - Managing the Life Cycle of an Event” on page 11.
Example - Managing the Life Cycle of an Event
Try this example to see how the ELM Returns Agent sample performs different tasks depending on the
stage of the life cycle for the event.
Event Life cycle Management (ELM) is the ability to identify, track, and take appropriate action on an event
at the right time and in the right sequence. Different information, people, and tasks are required at
different stages in the life cycle of an event.
You are the customer fullment manager for a company. After analyzing data warehouse metrics, you
determine that when orders are returned for reasons that your company can control, there is a signicant
impact on customer loyalty. Customers withhold payment for the entire order until the issue is resolved.
To identify these issues and resolve them as quickly as possible, you decide to run the ELM Returns
Agent sample. To run this agent, do the following:
Perform setup tasks that are necessary only to demonstrate this example. These tasks are as follows:
Congure your mail server so that IBM Cognos Analytics can send notications.
Modify the agent samples to send e-mails to you.
Simulate the occurrence of initial events.
Simulate the passage of time and the resolution of some events.
Preview the output of all agent tasks.
Detect initial events and act on them as necessary.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
Detect an ongoing, unresolved event and escalate the issue.
Conrm that the ELM Escalation Agent sample completed all its tasks successfully
Example - Congure Your Mail Server
Congure your IBM Cognos Analytics mail server to send notications using IBM Cognos Event Studio.
1. Start IBM Cognos Conguration.
2. In the Explorer pane, click Notication.
3. Enter the notication properties:
In the SMTP mail server box, type a mail server that is appropriate for your environment.
In the Account and Password box, type your e-mail user ID and password.
In the Default sender box, type the following:
4. Save the conguration.
Example - Modify the Agent Samples to Send E-mails to You
The IBM Cognos Event Studio agent samples named ELM Returns Agent and ELM Escalation Agent are
set up to send e-mails to other people.
To view the e-mails that these other people would normally receive, change the recipient e-mail address
to your own e-mail address.
Modify the ELM Returns Agent Sample
Use the following steps for the ELM Returns Agent sample.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > GO Sales (Query).
2. Click Event Studio Samples.
3. Click the Event Studio button
on the actions toolbar next to the ELM Returns Agent sample.
Event Studio starts, and the ELM Returns Agent sample appears.
4. Click the Follow up required e-mail task.
5. In the Specify the email to send window, in the To box, replace
[email protected] with your own e-mail address.
6. From the File menu, click Save.
7. From the File menu, click Exit.
The destination address is changed to your e-mail address so that the agent sends e-mails to you. The
sender address remains notications@ibmcognos.
Modify the ELM Escalation Agent Sample
Use the following steps for the ELM Returns Agent sample.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > ELM Escalation Agent and
launch Event Studio.
Event Studio starts, and the ELM Escalation Agent sample appears.
2. Click the Outstanding Returned Item Order e-mail task.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
3. In the Specify the email to send window, in the To box, replace
Ful with your own e-mail address.
4. From the File menu, click Save.
5. From the File menu, click Exit.
The destination address is changed to your e-mail address so that the agent sends e-mails to you. The
sender address remains notications@ibmcognos.
Example - Simulate the Occurrence of Initial Events
Run part of the IBM Cognos Event_Studio_ELM_Agent_Modify_GoSales.sql script to simulate data
The following data changes can be simulated:
change the date to the current date
change the follow-up code to -1 in four records
A code of -1 indicates that follow-up is required.
1. In SQL Query Analyzer, from the File menu, click Open.
2. Go to c10_location/webcontent/samples/datasources/sqlserver and double-click the
Event_Studio_ELM_Agent_Modify_GoSales.sql le.
3. In the toolbar, from the list of databases, click gosales.
4. In the Query window, under Part 1, select all sixteen lines of code.
5. From the Query menu, click Execute.
The database is updated with the changes.
Example - Preview the Output of Each Task of an Agent
You can preview the output of the IBM Cognos Event Studio ELM Returns Agent sample based on the
current data, without running the agent.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > ELM Escalation Agent and
launch Event Studio.
Event Studio starts, and the ELM Escalation Agent sample appears.
2. From the Actions menu, click Preview All.
A window appears that shows the event list and the output that would be produced by each agent task.
Based on this preview information, you can decide whether to run the agent.
Example - Detect Initial Events and Act on Them
Run the IBM Cognos Event Studio ELM Returns Agent to detect the initial instances of products returned
for specic reasons.
When these events are detected, the ELM Returns Agent does the following:
It runs the AssignStaff stored procedure.
AssignStaff provides details about the sales representatives associated with each event instance,
including the e-mail address.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
It sends an e-mail to the appropriate sales representatives, advising them to contact their customer.
It runs the ELM Escalation Agent.
The ELM Escalation Agent checks for returned product events flagged by the ELM Returns Agent. If
one of these events still exists after two days, the ELM Escalation Agent sends an e-mail to the
customer fullment manager.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > GO Sales (Query) > Event Studio
2. Click the run with options button on the actions toolbar next to the ELM Returns Agent sample.
3. Under Time, click Now.
4. Under Prompt values, clear the Prompt for values check box.
5. Click Run.
6. Click OK.
You receive two e-mails, originally intended for sales representatives Karen Bowman and Clarice Oliveira.
The e-mail to Karen Bowman noties her of one returned order. The e-mail to Clarice Oliveira noties her
of the three returned orders assigned to her.
The task execution rules for the ELM Returns Agent sample specify that all tasks are performed for new
events only. If you do not receive any e-mails, the agent may already have run, so that none of the
detected events are new. You can reset the event list so that when the agent runs next, all detected
events have a status of new.
Tip: From the Actions menu, click Reset Event List.
Example - Simulate the Passage of Time and the Resolution of Some Events
Run part of the Event_Studio_ELM_Agent_Modify_GOSALES.sql script to simulate data changes.
First, change it so that two days elapsed since the ELM Returns Agent sample was last run. Second, for
three of the four event instances found the last time that the ELM Returns Agent sample ran, change the
follow-up code from -1 to +1. This indicates that only one of the these event instances still requires
follow-up and the other instances are resolved.
1. In SQL Query Analyzer, from the File menu, click Open.
2. Go to install_location/webcontent/samples/datasources/sqlserver and double-click the
Event_Studio_ELM_Agent_Modify_GOSALES.sql le.
3. On the toolbar, click GOSALES from the list of databases.
4. In the Query window, under Part 2, select all lines of code that appear after the comments.
5. From the Query menu, click Execute.
The database is updated with the changes.
Example - Detect an Ongoing Unresolved Event and Escalate the Issue
Run the IBM Cognos Event Studio ELM Returns Agent sample a second time. The agent now detects only
one event because you modied the follow-up codes in the previous task. In addition, because two days
lapsed since the sales representative was notied, the event condition of the ELM Escalation Agent
sample is met. The ELM Escalation Agent sample detects the event and sends an e-mail to the customer
fullment manager.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > GO Sales (Query) > Event Studio
2. On the actions toolbar, click the run with options button next to the ELM Returns Agent sample.
3. Under Time, click Now.
4. Under Prompt values, clear the Prompt for values check box.
5. Click Run.
6. Click OK twice.
After this agent runs, you receive only one e-mail. Instead of being sent to the sales representative, this
issue is escalated to the customer fullment manager.
Example - Conrm that the ELM Escalation Agent Sample Completed Its Tasks
You can conrm that the IBM Cognos Event Studio ELM Escalation Agent sample, which is run by the
ELM Returns Agent sample, completed its tasks successfully.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, click Team content > Samples > Models > GO Sales (Query) > Event Studio
2. On the actions toolbar next to the ELM Escalation Agent sample, click More.
3. Click View run history.
4. In the Actions column, click the view run history details button
A window appears showing that the event query and e-mail task succeeded.
Chapter 1. IBM Cognos Event Studio
16 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Create an agent to monitor data for instances of an event and to perform tasks.
Before you begin
Before you create an agent, you should understand the notication methods that an agent can use. You
should also know how often an agent performs different types of tasks.
To create an agent, do the following:
Specify the event condition.
Add one or more of the following types of tasks for the agent to perform when the event status meets
the task execution rules:
e-mail task
news item task
report task
job task
agent task
approval request task
notication request task
database update task
web service task
export task
import task
content maintenance task
planning macro task
migration task
Specify the task execution rules.
After you create an agent, you can:
preview it
test it
run it
modify the event condition
modify a task
modify the task execution rules
Specify an Event Condition
When you specify an event condition, you describe a specic occurrence of data items that an agent must
detect before it performs its tasks. The event condition is a query expression that you create using items
from the package.
For more information, see “Specify an Event Condition” on page 43.
Before you begin
If you want to include parameters or calculations in the event condition, you must create them before you
dene the event.
1. From the Actions menu, click Specify Event Condition .
2. Create a detail expression, a summary expression, or both:
If you want part of the event condition to apply to values of individual source items, click the Detail
tab and follow step 3.
If you want part of the event condition to apply to aggregate values, click the Summary tab and
follow step 3.
3. In the Expression box, create a query expression:
Drag items from the source tab or type text directly.
Drag operators, summaries, and other mathematical functions from the functions tab or type text
Tip: To see the meaning of an icon on the functions tab, click the icon and read the description in the
Information box.
If you want to insert a parameter, drag it from the parameters tab.
If you want to insert a calculation, drag it from the data items tab.
Insert values if required.
Tip: To select from a list of possible values for the selected item, click the select value button .
Move the values you want from the Select Value box to the Selected Items box and click OK.
Note: IBM Cognos Event Studio always processes data items before performing aggregation on an
expression. This can lead to conditions being evaluated before the data item contains information.
For example, you can type the following expression:
[Unit price] * [Quantity sold]> 5000
4. To check the event list to ensure that you specied the event condition correctly, from the Actions
menu, click Preview.
5. To determine how many event instances there are, from the Actions menu, click Count Events.
6. From the File menu, click Save As .
7. Specify a name and location for the agent and click OK.
You can preview the event list returned by the event condition. For more information, see “Preview the
Data” on page 34.
Dene a Parameter
You can dene a parameter and include it in an event condition. When the agent runs, it prompts the user
to enter a value for the parameter. You can also use parameters to accept the results of a previous agent.
For more information, see “Dene a Parameter to Insert Into an Event Condition” on page 42
1. From the Insert menu, click Parameter .
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
2. In the Parameter name box, type a name for the parameter.
3. Click OK.
The parameter appears in the data items tab.
You can include the parameter when you specify an event condition.
Dene a Calculation
A calculation is a query expression that denes an arithmetic combination of data items. For example, you
can dene a calculation named Product Sales that is the product of the unit price and the quantity sold.
For more information, see “Dene a Calculation to Insert Into an Event Condition” on page 42
1. From the Insert menu, click Calculation
2. In the Name box, type a name for the calculation.
3. In the Expression box, dene the calculation:
Drag items from the source tab or type text directly.
Tip: If you type the text, you must include the full path of each data item. For example, you can type
the following expression:
[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Unit price] * [gosales_goretailers].
Drag operators, summaries, and other mathematical functions from the functions tab or type text
Tip: To see the meaning of an icon on the functions tab, click the icon and read the description in the
Information box.
Insert values if required.
Tip: To select from a list of possible values for the selected item, click the select value button
Move the values you want from the Select Value box to the Selected Items box and click OK.
4. Click OK.
The calculation icon appears on the data items tab.
You can include the calculation when you specify an event condition or specify a task.
Adding Tasks
You can add multiple tasks to an agent. However, you can specify only one event condition per agent.
Each task is performed for the event list that meets the execution rules you specify for the task. The agent
performs tasks in the order that you add them, unless you change their order later. You can save an agent
and add additional tasks to it later.
You can add source items or data items to some types of tasks. When the agent performs the task, it uses
the current value of the item. If you want the agent to use the value that a particular item had the previous
time the agent ran, you can insert the previous function before the item.
To insert the previous function, from the Insert menu, click Previous Value.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Add an Email Task
Add an email task to an agent to send an email about an event to specied recipients. You can include
content, such as report output, in an email task.
For more information, see “Add an Email Task” on page 46.
You can also add other types of tasks. Email tasks share some similarities with report tasks. For more
information, see “Email Notications” on page 9.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Send an email.
3. In the To box, and if applicable, in the Cc or Bcc boxes, enter the email addresses of the recipients
using one or more of the following methods:
Type the addresses directly, separating each email address with a semicolon.
If your model contains a data item that is an email address, drag this item from the source tab or
from the data items tab. When the agent runs, the current value in the package replaces the data
item for each event instance.
Click Select the recipients. Select the users, groups, roles, contacts, and distribution lists. Select
the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the Selected entries list, and click OK.
4. In the Subject box, type the subject of the email.
Tip: You can also drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab. When the agent runs, the
current value in the package replaces the data item for each event instance.
5. In the Body box, type the email message text directly or drag items from the source tab or from the
data items tab.
If you insert data items in the Body box, the body message will be longer. When the agent runs, the
current value in the package replaces the data item for each event instance. For more information, see
“How Multiple Events Affect E-mail Messages, Approval Requests, and Notication Requests” on page
If the email has a single HTML attachment and the Body box is empty, the attachment appears inline.
6. To change the message format from HTML to plain text or vice versa:
To change from the default HTML format to plain text format, click Change to plain text.
Note: If you switch to plain text format, any HTML formatting changes are lost.
To change from plain text to HTML, click Change to HTML format. You can then use formatting
buttons to edit the message.
7. To add attachments, click Attach and choose the attachments.
8. To add links, click Add links, select the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the
Selected entries list, and click OK.
Important: When you click a link that was generated and sent with email, saved output is opened if it
exists. If there is no saved output, the following message is displayed:
Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead.
Report outputs can be generated using a Report run task in the agent or with a separate report
9. From the File menu, click Save .
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
You can preview the email task. When the agent runs, it retrieves values for all source and data items and
sends the email to the recipients you chose.
Add a News Item Task
Add a news item task to an agent to publish a headline to a folder.
For more information, see “Add a News Item Task” on page 48.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In IBM Cognos Analytics, create a new folder.
2. In IBM Cognos Event Studio, specify an event condition.
3. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
4. Click Publish a news item.
5. In the Headline box, type the text you want to appear at the top of your news item.
Tip: You can also drag items from the source tab or the data items tab.
6. To add a description in the Screen tip box and in the Text box, type a description of the entry.
The screen tip is limited to 100 characters.
Tip: You can also drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab.
7. Under Link to, choose an object to appear when you click a news headline:
To link to IBM Cognos Analytics content, click Select an entry, go to the entry, and click OK. For
example, if you want the Customer Contact report to appear when someone clicks the headline, click
Select an entry, locate the Customer Contact report, and click OK.
Tip: You can add a report task that runs a report before the news item task is performed. If you link
that report to the news item task, the report always shows information about current event
instances when someone clicks the headline.
To link to a URL, type the URL address in the box.
If the URL points to a web site address, include the protocol, such as http. For example, to create a
URL for the IBM web site, you would type
8. Under News list location, click Select a location, go to the folder or portlet in which the news item
will be published and click OK.
From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the news item task. When the agent performs the news item task, it publishes the news
headline to the location you chose. When you click the headline, the Cognos Analytics entry or the web
page you linked to appears.
The description text appears when you set your preferences to use the details view. The screen tip
appears when you pause your pointer over the icon for the entry in the news list location.
Add a Report Task
Add a report task to an agent to run a report that is related to an event.
For more information, see “Add a Report Task” on page 44
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
You can also add other types of tasks. Email tasks share some similarities with report tasks. For more
information, see “Email Notications” on page 9.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
You must have permissions to run the report that you select. For more information, see the IBM Cognos
Analytics - Reporting User Guide.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run a report.
3. In the Select the Report dialog box, specify the report, query, analysis, or report view to include in the
Search the folders to nd the entry you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. To customize the report, under Options, click Set and make the necessary changes.
5. If the report includes parameters, under Prompt values, choose how to specify prompt values for
each parameter:
If you are using an item, in the Method column, click Use an item and drag an item from the source
tab or from the data items tab to the Value column.
Tip: When you specify a data item, values from the event list are passed as prompt values in the
report. If the event list has multiple instances, then multiple values are passed as prompt values.
Therefore, you must ensure that the report being run has a prompt that can accept multiple values.
For more information, see the IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting User Guide.
If you are using a value, in the Method column, click Use a value, click Specify values, and in the
Value column, type a value.
Tip: If you want to clear the prompt values and return to the default values, click Reset to default.
6. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the report task. When the agent performs the report task, it runs the report and delivers
it according to the delivery options you chose.
Customize the Report
You can change the report options from the defaults to customize the report for your audience.
The following are the options you can change:
Change one or more report output formats.
Change one or more languages.
Change one or more delivery methods.
Burst the report if it was authored with bursting specications.
Default options are set by the report author. You can change some default run options for reports.
You change the report options when you click Set or Edit in the Specify the report to run dialog box. For
more information, see “Add a Report Task” on page 21.
1. In the Select the report options dialog box, select the Override the default values check box.
2. Under Formats, click the formats you want for the report output.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
3. To select different or additional languages for the report, click Select the languages and use the arrow
keys to move the available languages to the Selected languages box and click OK.
Tip: To select multiple languages, press Ctrl+click or Shift+click.
4. Under Delivery, choose a delivery method:
To save the report, select the Save check box, then click the button next to Save the report.
To save the report as a report view, select the Save check box, then click the button next to Save the
report as a report view. You can change the name or target folder of the report view by clicking Edit
the options. Make the changes, and click OK.
Tip: Save the report as a report view if you do not have write access to the report. You can then add a
link to the report view when you specify an e-mail task.
To print the report, select the Print the report check box and click Select a printer. Click the button
next to the printer you want to use and click OK. Or, if the printer is not listed, you can type the
printer information.
Tip: If you have administrator privileges and want to set up the printer for future use, click New
printer. You must type the network address of the printer by using the format \\server_name
\printer_name for a network printer on a Windows operating system installation and printer_name
for a UNIX operating system installation or for a local printer.
To e-mail the report, select the Send the report by email check box.
5. If you clicked Send the report by email, click Edit the options to specify what you want:
To send the e-mail to IBM Cognos Analytics recipients, click Select the recipients. Select the check
box next to the names you want to include, and click To, Cc (copy), or Bcc (blind copy). The entries
that you select are listed under Selected entries. Click OK.
Tip: To select all entries in a list, click the check box. To remove names from Selected entries,
select the check box next to the name and click Remove. To search, click Search. In the Search
string box, type the phrase you want to search for. For advanced search features, click Advanced.
If you want to send the e-mail to other recipients, in the To:, Cc, or Bcc boxes, type the email
addresses separated by semicolons (;).
Tip: If you logged on, your name automatically appears in the To list box.
Under Subject, type the subject of the e-mail.
Under Body, type a message to be included in the e-mail.
If you want to include an attachment, select the check box to include the report or a link to the
report, and click OK.
If you are an administrator, you can prevent users from including attachments. For more information,
see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide.
6. Under Bursting, specify whether the report should be bursted.
This option is available only if the report author dened burst keys in the report.
7. Click OK.
The Specify the report to run dialog box appears.
8. Continue specifying the report. For more information, see “Add a Report Task” on page 21
Add a Job Task
Add a job task to an agent to run a job. A job identies a collection of reports, report views, agents, and
other jobs that are scheduled together and share the same schedule settings.
For example, you create a job named Two Reports, and select two reports that you want the job to run. In
IBM Cognos Event Studio, you add a job task and select the Two Reports job. When the agent runs and
detects events that meet the task execution rules, it runs the Two Reports job.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
Before you create a job task, you must create a job.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run a job.
3. In the Select the job dialog box, specify the job to include in the agent.
Search the folders to nd the job you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. From the File menu, click Save .
You can preview the job task. When the agent performs the job task, it runs all the IBM Cognos Analytics
items identied in the job.
Add an Agent Task
Add an agent task to an agent to run another agent. By running multiple agents in sequence, you can use
the output from one agent as the input to another agent. You can also use multiple agents that interact
with each other using data retrieved from different data sources. This removes the need to join databases
using IBM Cognos Framework Manager.
For more information, see “Example - Adding an Agent Task” on page 25.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run an agent.
3. In the Select the agent dialog box, choose an agent.
Search the folders to nd the agent you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. If the task includes parameters, under Prompt values, choose how to specify prompt values for each
If you are using a value, in the Method column, click Use a value, click Specify values, and in the
Value column, type a value.
If you are using an item, in the Method column, click Use an item and drag an item from the source
or from the data items tab to the Value column.
Tip: If you want to clear the prompt values and return to the default values, click Reset to default.
5. From the File menu, click Save .
You can preview the agent task. When the agent performs the agent task, it runs the agent you specied.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Example - Adding an Agent Task
You want to run the high_returns_followup agent to detect a high rate of returned items and resolve the
related issue. However, for each item that has a high rate of return, you also want to check the
importance of the customer to your company as calculated from data in a data warehouse system. The
customer's importance value is calculated using projected sales and prot data.
You create a second agent named high_returns_customer_check that is run by the high_returns_followup
agent. When a high return event occurs, the high_returns_followup agent runs and passes customer
details to the high_returns_customer_check agent. The high_returns_customer_check agent then runs a
query to check the customer importance value. If the customer importance value is high, the
high_returns_customer_check agent sends an e-mail asking the customer services agent to contact the
customer and x the problem immediately.
Add an Approval Request Task
Add an approval request task to an agent when you want an event to occur only after approval. This task
sends an approval request related to an event to the task inbox of specied recipients in IBM Cognos
A recipient can be a potential owner or a stakeholder. Multiple users, groups, roles, and distribution lists
can be assigned as potential owners of an approval request task. Stakeholders can be users, groups,
roles, and distribution lists that are identied as interested parties, but are not potential owners.
Tip: To track the progress of an approval request task that you create, you can add yourself as a
You can include content, such as report output, in an approval request.
You can set up approval requests with different actions:
Approve/Reject the request
The task owner must approve or reject the request from their task inbox to complete the task. If you
schedule further agent tasks to run after the approval request task, these are dependent on approval by
the task owner. If the request is rejected, no further agent tasks will run.
Specify which of the remaining tasks to run
When you schedule further agent tasks to run after the approval request, the task owner must select
which of those tasks to run on completion of the approval request.
You can add start date and due date deadlines to an approval request when you create the task in IBM
Cognos Event Studio. Alternatively, potential owners or stakeholders can add deadlines at a later date by
updating the approval request from their task inbox.
You can set up notication options for e-mails to be sent to
all potential owners when an approval request is created
the task owner when an approval request is not completed by the due date
the task owner when an approval request is not started by the start date
Note: Stakeholders are also copied on e-mails.
In addition, you can set up notication options for the task owner and all stakeholders to receive emails
the status of an approval request changes (started, completed or canceled)
the owner of an approval request changes
a comment is added to an approval request
Note: Potential owners and stakeholders can unsubscribe from receiving specic notications by
updating the approval request from their task inbox.
You can add customized icons, using your own graphic les, to approval requests that appear in a
recipient's task inbox.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
To add a customized icon, use one of the following methods:
Type the explicit location and name for the graphic le.
Insert an item from the Insertable Items pane that contains a value for the relative path and name for
the graphic le.
Files to support custom icons must be located within the c10_location\webcontent directory and a copy
of the les must exist on all Cognos Analytics gateway server installs.
For example, to use the le green.jpg, where Cognos Analytics is installed in c:\program les\IBM\cognos
\c10\, green.jpg must exist within a path contained within c:\program les\IBM\cognos\c10\webcontent\
When you congure a task to use green.jpg (located in c:\program les\IBM\cognos\c10\webcontent
\samples\images\) as a customized icon, the value you enter in the icon Item box is either
./samples/images/green.jpg (explicit location)
or, an item from the insertable items pane which contains the value ./samples/images/green.jpg
(relative location)
You can also add other types of tasks.
1. Specify an event condition which always returns the value True. For example "1=1".
For more information, see “Specify an Event Condition” on page 17
2. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
3. Click Run an approval request.
4. In the Potential owners box, and if applicable, in the Stakeholders box, enter the names of the
recipients by using one or more of the following methods:
If your model contains a data item that is a user, group, role or distribution list, drag this item from
the source tab or from the data items tab. When the agent runs, the current value in the package
replaces the data item for each event instance.
Click Select the recipients to select the users, groups, roles or distribution lists.
To choose from listed entries, click the appropriate namespace, and then select the required check
Tip: To make the user entries visible, click Show users in the list.
To search for entries, click Search and in the Search string box, type the phrase you want to search
for. For search options, click Edit. Find and click the entry you want.
Click the Potential Owner or Stakeholder arrow button to update the Selected entries list, and
click OK.
Tip: To remove entries from the Selected entries list, select them and click Remove. To select all
entries in a list, click the check box.
Click OK.
Note: You must add at least one stakeholder. By default, you are added as a stakeholder when you
create the approval request.
5. In the Subject box, type the subject of the approval request.
Tip: You can also drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab. When the agent runs,
the current value in the package replaces the data item for each event instance.
6. In the Body box, type text directly or drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab.
If you insert data items, the body message will be longer. When the agent runs, the current value in
the package replaces the data item for each event instance. For more information, see “How Multiple
Events Affect E-mail Messages, Approval Requests, and Notication Requests” on page 9.
7. To change the message format:
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Click Change to plain text to change from the default HTML format to plain text format.
Note: If you switch to plain text format, any HTML formatting changes are lost.
Click Change to HTML format to change from plain text to HTML. You can then use formatting
buttons to edit the message.
8. To add attachments, click Attach and choose the attachments.
9. To add links, click Add links, select the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the
Selected entries list, and click OK.
10. Select the following due date options if required:
Start within to add a start by deadline, and then type the number of days in the Days box.
Due within to add a due date deadline, and then type the number of days in the Days box.
11. To add a customized icon to the approval request in the task inbox, drag an item from the source tab
or from the data items tab into the icon Item box.
Tip: To revert to using the default task icon, select the Default icon option.
12. To change the priority of the approval request, select a predened option from the Priority list or
drag an item from the source tab or from the data items tab into the priority Item box.
13. Select the action required by the task owner to complete the task:
Approve/Reject the running of all remaining tasks (default)
By default, the approval request contains Approve and Reject action buttons. To change the
default button names, click Customize, type the required names, and then click OK.
Specify which of the remaining tasks to run
Select the tasks to include in the approval request.
Note: Only agent tasks that are scheduled to run after the approval request are listed here.
By default, the approval request contains a Submit action button. To change the default button
name, click Customize, and type the required button name. When you have nished, click OK.
Tip: You can also change the names of the agent tasks as they appear in the task inbox. For
example, you could append the task type to the agent task name.
14. Select the approval request creation and deadline notication options as required:
Send notication upon creation (default)
Send notication if not started by start by date
Send notication if not completed by due date
15. Select the approval request change notication options as required:
Owner changed
16. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the approval request task. When the agent runs, it retrieves values for all source and
data items and sends the approval request to the recipients you specied.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Add a Notication Request Task
Add a notication request task to an agent to send a secure notication about an event to the task inbox
of specied recipients in IBM Cognos Analytics.
A notication request can have various recipients:
users, groups, roles, and distribution lists to whom the request is sent (To list recipients)
stakeholders to whom the request is copied (CC list recipients)
Tip: To track the progress of a notication request task that you create, you can add yourself as a copied
(CC) recipient (stakeholder).
You can include content, such as report output, in a notication request.
You can set up the following notication options:
Request an acknowledgement from each recipient included on the To list, with an optional deadline
All recipients receive an email when a notication request is added to their task inbox.
Recipients included on the To list receive an email if they have not acknowledged a notication request
by the deadline date.
Stakeholders included on the CC list receive an email on the deadline date informing them that some
recipients on the To list have not acknowledged the notication request.
You can also add other types of tasks.
1. Specify an event condition which always returns the value True. For example 1=1.
For more information, see “Specify an Event Condition” on page 17
2. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
3. Click Run a notication request.
4. In the To box, and if applicable, in the Cc box, enter the names of the recipients by using one or more
of the following methods:
If your model contains a data item that is a user, role or group, drag this item from the source tab
or from the data items tab. When the agent runs, the current value in the package replaces the
data item for each event instance.
Click Select the recipients to select the users, groups, roles or distribution lists.
To choose from listed entries, click the appropriate namespace, and then select the required check
Tip: To make the user entries visible, click Show users in the list.
To search for entries, click Search and in the Search string box, type the phrase you want to search
for. For search options, click Edit. Find and click the entry you want.
Click the To or Cc arrow button to update the Selected entries list, and click OK.
Tip: To remove entries from the Selected entries list, select them and click Remove. To select all
entries in a list, click the check box.
Click OK.
5. In the Subject box, type the subject of the notication request.
Tip: You can also drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab. When the agent runs,
the current value in the package replaces the data item for each event instance.
6. In the Body box, type text directly or drag items from the source tab or from the data items tab.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
If you insert data items, the body message will be longer. When the agent runs, the current value in
the package replaces the data item for each event instance. For more information, see “How Multiple
Events Affect E-mail Messages, Approval Requests, and Notication Requests” on page 9.
If the notication request has a single HTML attachment and the Body box is empty, the attachment
appears inline.
7. To change the message format:
Click Change to plain text to change from the default HTML format to plain text format.
Note: If you switch to plain text format, any HTML formatting changes are lost.
Click Change to HTML format to change from plain text to HTML. You can then use formatting
buttons to edit the message.
8. To add attachments, click Attach and choose the attachments.
9. To add links, click Add links, select the entries you want, click the arrow button to update the
Selected entries list, and click OK.
10. To change the priority, select a predened option from the Priority list or drag an item from the
source tab or from the data items tab into the Item box.
11. Select the notication request notication options as required:
Send notication by email upon creation
Request acknowledgement
Send notication if not acknowledged within
Type the specied number of days in the Days box.
12. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the notication request task. When the agent runs, it retrieves values for all source and
data items and sends the notication request to the recipients you specied.
Add a Database Update Task
Add a database update task to an agent to run stored procedures that exist in a database. A stored
procedure takes arguments as input and updates the database. The database that contains the stored
procedures can be different from the database in the package that the agent is monitoring.
For information about running stored procedures, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide.
You can also add other types of tasks.
A stored procedure is accessible in IBM Cognos Event Studio only if it was marked as a data modication
type in IBM Cognos Framework Manager. If the input parameters to the stored procedure task are
unavailable, check how your procedure has been modelled. For more information, see the IBM Cognos
Framework Manager User Guide.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Update a database.
3. Under Package, select the package to use to update the database.
4. Under Data modication stored procedure, select a stored procedure that exists for the package you
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
5. If the stored procedure includes arguments, under Arguments, choose how to specify values for each
If you are using a value, in the Method column, click Use a value, click Specify values, and in the
Value column, type a value.
If you are using an item, in the Method column, click Use an item and drag an item from the source
tab or from the data items tab to the Value column.
Tip: To clear the argument values and return to the default values, click Reset to default.
6. From the File menu, click Save .
You can preview the database update task. When the agent performs the database update task, the
stored procedures are run and the database is updated.
Add a Web Service Task
Use a web service task to trigger an external process. Web services let software programs interact with
one another using standard Internet protocols, so interaction is not dependant on operating system or
program language compatibility. Web services also work well in a distributed environment because they
use URLs to reference programs.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
When you specify the web service URL, IBM Cognos Event Studio calls a web server and requests the Web
Services Description Language (WSDL). This shows you the web service input and output parameters.
Note: Before you can run a web service task in Cognos Event Studio, you must follow additional
preparation steps. For more information, see “Preparing to Run a Web Service Task” on page 39
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Advanced.
3. Click Call a Web service.
4. In the Web service URL box, type the URL of the web service.
If the URL points to a web site address, you must include the protocol, such as http.
5. Click Retrieve.
The available web service operations are retrieved.
6. Under Operation, click the web service operation you want to perform.
The available method and the list of arguments is retrieved.
7. If the operation includes arguments, under Arguments, choose how to specify values for each
If you are using a value, in the Method column, click Use a value, click Specify values, and in the
Value column, type a value.
If you are using an item, in the Method column, click Use an item and drag an item from the source
tab or from the data items tab to the Value column.
Tip: To clear the argument values and return to the default values, click Reset to default.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
8. From the File menu, click Save .
You can preview the web service task. When the agent performs the web service task, it calls the web
service and runs its service.
Example - Adding a Web Service Task
You want to notify customer service representatives and suppliers about orders that have a high rate of
return. You could do this by adding an e-mail task. However, you know that some of the service
representatives and suppliers do not have access to e-mail. You also know that they all closely monitor
the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
You decide to notify the service representatives and suppliers by creating records in the CRM system.
Each record is linked to a customer name and to the type of product that was returned. Your company
developed a web service that creates CRM records. In IBM Cognos Event Studio, you add a web service
task that calls your company's web service.
When the agent performs the web service task, the web service updates the prole of customers who
returned products. An updated customer prole can improve your sales performance in two ways:
It helps the services representative contact the customer quickly to resolve the current problem.
It helps the supplier ensure that they don't make the mistake of supplying a particular product to that
customer again.
Add an Export Task
Add an export task to an agent to export entries to a deployment archive.
For more information, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run an export.
3. Click Select the export, and specify the export to include in the agent.
Search the folders to nd the export you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the export task.
Add an Import Task
Add an import task to an agent to import entries from a deployment archive to your target environment.
For more information, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run an import.
3. Click Select the import and specify the import to include in the agent.
Search the folders to nd the import you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the import task.
Add a Content Maintenance Task
Add a content maintenance task to an agent to run a content maintenance task. A content maintenance
task searches the content store for user information that no longer exists in your external namespaces. It
can also x the content store by deleting any users that do not exist in your external namespaces.
For more information, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run a content maintenance task.
3. Click Select the content maintenance task and specify the content maintenance task to include in
the agent.
Search the folders to nd the content maintenance task you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
4. Under Mode, choose whether to nd or nd and x problems:
To nd user information that no longer exists in your external namespaces, click Find only.
To nd and delete from the content store any users that do not exist in your external namespaces,
click Find and x.
5. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the content maintenance task.
Add a Planning Macro Task
Add a planning macro task to an agent to run Contributor macros when specied conditions are met. A
planning macro is created in IBM Cognos Planning Contributor to automate tasks such as loading import
data and publishing data.
For more information about planning macros, see the IBM Cognos Planning Contributor Administration
You can also add other types of tasks.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Advanced.
3. Click Run a planning macro task.
4. Click Select the planning macro and specify the task to include in the agent.
Search the folders to nd the task you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
5. From the File menu, click Save .
You can preview the task.
Add a Migration Task
Add a migration task to an agent to migrate IBM Cognos Series 7 PowerPlay
content to IBM Cognos
PowerPlay. The migration task must be dened in IBM Cognos Administration.
For more information on dening a migration task, see the IBM Cognos PowerPlay Migration and
Administration Guide.
You can also add other types of tasks.
Before you begin
Before you add any type of task, you must specify an event condition.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Advanced.
3. Click Run a migration task.
4. Click Select the migration task and specify the task to include in the agent.
Search the folders to nd the task you want.
Click the entry and click OK.
5. From the File menu, click Save
You can preview the task.
Specify the Task Execution Rules
Task execution rules specify when a task is performed. By default, a task is performed for new instances
of events and all ongoing instances of events, but you can change this.
For more information, see “Change the Task Execution Rules for a Report Task” on page 45 or “Change
the Task Execution Rules for an Email Task” on page 47.
You specify the task execution rules separately for each task in the agent.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Before you begin
Before you specify the task execution rules, you must add one or more tasks.
1. In the I want to area, click Manage the task execution rules .
2. On the Event Key tab, click one of the following:
Include all items (default)
Include only selected items, then on the source tab , click one or more data items that
uniquely dene an event and drag it to the box.
For example, click Order Number, because no two event instances can have the same order
The event key is dened for all tasks in the agent.
3. Click the Event Selection tab.
4. In the Task box, click the task that the agent will perform for the event statuses you specify.
5. Under Select when to perform each task page, click one of the following:
For selected events, and select one or more event status values.
When the agent or any of its tasks fail.
6. Click OK.
The execution rules for each task you selected are set.
Tip: If you want to reset the execution rules for every task in the agent to the default values, from the
Actions menu, click Remove Task Execution Rules. Each task is reset to be performed for new
instances of events and all ongoing instances of events.
7. Save the agent.
Preview the Data
You can see the list of events detected when the event denition is applied to the current data. You can
also see preview information about each task in your agent.
For example, you are an administrator and want to preview the event list and all the tasks before you
make the agent available for other people to use.
The preview information for each type of agent item is described in the following table.
Agent item
Preview information
The event list A table appears with columns for each data item contained in the event condition.
For each event instance, a row appears that shows the value of each data item.
e-mail task Representations appear of all e-mails that would be sent using the default task
execution rules. Data items in the recipient, subject, and body elds are replaced
by values from the source data.
News item task A representation appears of the news item that would be created using the default
task execution rules. Data items in the recipient, subject, and body elds are
replaced by values from the source data.
34 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Agent item Preview information
Report task If the report accepts prompt values, a table appears with columns for each
parameter. For each event instance, a row appears that contains the prompt
If the report does not accept prompt values, a sentence appears telling you that the
report will run once.
Job task A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
Agent task If the agent accepts prompt values, a table appears with columns for each
parameter. For each event instance, a row appears that contains the prompt
If the agent does not accept prompt values, a sentence appears telling you that the
agent will run once.
Approval request
A representation appears of the approval request that would be created using the
default task execution rules. Data items in the recipient, subject, and body elds
are replaced by values from the source data.
In addition, a table appears indicating the approval request deadlines, priority, and
action button names.
request task
A representation appears of the notication request that would be created using
the default task execution rules. Data items in the recipient, subject, and body
elds are replaced by values from the source data.
In addition, a table appears indicating the priority and notication request options.
Database update
If the stored procedure accepts arguments, a table appears with columns for each
argument. For each event instance, a row appears that contains the argument
If the stored procedure does not accept arguments, a sentence appears telling you
that the stored procedure will run once.
Web service task If the web service accepts arguments, a table appears with columns for each
argument. For each event instance, a row appears that contains the argument
If the web service does not accept arguments, a sentence appears telling you that
the web service will run once.
Export task A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
Import task A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
maintenance task
A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
Planning macro
A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
Migration task A sentence appears telling you that the task will run once.
Items shown on the preview pages show data for every event instance in the event list. If you change the
task execution rules, the preview data remains the same. For more information, see “Specify the Task
Execution Rules” on page 33.
Before you begin
Before you can preview data, you must dene an event condition.
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
From the Actions menu, click Preview All or Preview.
The Preview All report begins with a table of contents that contains links to the preview information for
each agent item. The Preview report shows preview information for the agent item on the current page.
Create a Schedule for an Agent
By scheduling an agent to run at regular intervals, you do not have to manually run the agent. The agent
monitors data and performs tasks to ensure that problems are dealt with as soon as possible.
Only one schedule can be associated with each agent. If you require multiple schedules for an agent,
create agent views and then create a schedule for each view.
1. In the I want to area, click Schedule the agent.
2. Under Frequency, select how often you want the schedule to run.
3. Under Start, select the date and time when you want the schedule to start.
4. Under End, select when you want the schedule to end.
Tip: If you want to create the schedule but not apply it right away, select the Disable the schedule
check box. To later enable the schedule, clear the check box.
5. If you want to override the default values that you dened for the agent, under Prompt values, select
the check box.
6. Click OK.
Specify Default Options for an Agent
Specify default options for an agent when you want every task in the agent to use the same values for
report task options or content maintenance options.
1. From the Actions menu, click Set Default Options for All Tasks.
2. Specify the default options you want.
3. From the File menu, click Save
Allow Users to Subscribe to the Alert List of the Agent
You can specify that you want users to be able to add their e-mail addresses to the agent alert list.
When the agent runs, the alert list is added to the Bcc box in all e-mails sent using e-mail tasks or report
1. From the Actions menu, click Manage Alert List.
2. Select the Allow users to add themselves to the alert list check box.
Tip: If you want to remove everyone from the alert list, click Remove all.
3. From the File menu, click Save
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Change the Order in Which to Run Tasks
You can change the order in which to run tasks. By default, all tasks run at the same time. These tasks are
called parallel tasks. If some tasks require a signicant amount of processing time, parallel tasks can
save time.
Note: For parallel tasks, tasks are run in a specic order, depending on the task types included in an
You can also specify that one task nishes before the next task begins. These tasks are known as
sequential tasks.
For example, an agent runs a report task that saves a prompted report. Next, the agent runs an e-mail
task and attaches the saved report. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Tutorial,” on page 41.
If your agent contains any of the following tasks, and the task includes a saved report from a report task,
you must order the tasks in a particular way:
email task
approval request task
notication request task
You must order the e-mail task or request task after the report task. If you do not order the tasks in this
way, the saved report output or report link is missing from the e-mail or request that is created.
1. In the I want to area, click Reorder the tasks .
2. Choose whether to specify the order or run all tasks at the same time:
To run the tasks in a specic order, click In sequence and, in the Tasks box, click tasks and change
their order by clicking Up or Down.
To run all the tasks in parallel, click All at once.
3. Click OK.
4. From the File menu, click Save .
Modify an Event Condition
Modify an event condition when you want to change the data instances that prompt the agent to perform
its tasks.
1. Click the edit agent button for the agent you want to modify.
2. In the summary area, click the Event tab.
3. Change the values as required. For more information about the values required for an event condition,
see “Specify an Event Condition” on page 17.
4. From the File menu, click Save .
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Modify or Delete a Task
Modify or delete a task when you want to make changes to any of the tasks in the agent.
If you want to add a task, in the I want to area, click Add a task, and click a task type. For more
information, see “Adding Tasks” on page 19.
1. Click the edit agent button
for the agent you want to modify.
2. If you want to modify a task, do the following:
In the summary area, under Tasks, click the tab for the task you want.
Change the values as required. For more information about the values required for each type of task,
see “Adding Tasks” on page 19.
3. If you want to delete a task, do the following:
In the summary area, under Tasks, click the tab for the task you want to delete.
From the Edit menu, click Delete .
4. Save the agent.
Modify the Task Execution Rules
Modify the task execution rules when you want to change the list of event instances for which a task is
1. Click the edit agent button for the agent you want to modify.
2. In the I want to area, click Manage the task execution rules.
3. Change the values as required. For more information, see “Specify the Task Execution Rules” on page
4. If you want to reset the task execution rules to the default values, from the Actions menu, click
Remove Task Execution Rules.
The task is performed for new instances of events and all ongoing instances of events.
5. From the File menu, click Save .
Test an Agent
Before you run an agent, you can test whether certain conditions are met to increase the chance that the
agent runs successfully.
The conditions are as follows:
The event condition is a valid query expression.
All parameters are satised correctly.
All referenced data items exist.
1. From the Actions menu, click Validate .
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
The View the validation results dialog box appears.
2. If an error message appears, x the error and then repeat steps 1 to 2.
If an error message appears when you run the agent, write down the error message and troubleshoot
the problem.
For more information, see the Troubleshooting section of the IBM Cognos Analytics Administration and
Security Guide.
3. When the No Errors message appears, click OK.
The agent is now ready to run.
Preparing to Run a Web Service Task
Before you can run a web service task in IBM Cognos Event Studio, you must generate the required Java
object (.jar) le for the web service and register the domain name for the web service.
Generating a Java Object File
When you generate Java object (.jar) les, the folder c10_location\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
\es_ws_objs is created automatically, and les are stored here by default.
If you are an administrator, you can change this folder using IBM Cognos Conguration.
To generate .jar les, you must be running Java Development Kit (JDK) with a Java compiler (javac.exe).
Note: If you are running multiple web services, you must generate a separate .jar le for each one.
Because each generated le has the same le name, you must rename each .jar le before generating the
next one.
1. On a Windows operating system, open the le c10_location\bin\es_build_ws_objs.bat in an
XML editor.
On non Windows operating systems, open the le c10_location\bin\ in
an XML editor.
2. Modify the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point a JDK location.
3. Run the following command from the c10_location\bin location:
On a Windows operating system, type
es_build_ws_objs <web_service_URL>
For example, es_build_ws_objs http://wtwincqclab7/ws6/service.asmx?wsdl
On non Windows operating systems, type
./ <web_service_URL>
This command generates a le named es_ws_objs.jar in the specied location.
The following steps are optional, and only required if you want to change the default location for your
Java object les.
4. Start IBM Cognos Conguration.
5. In the Explorer window, click Local Conguration.
6. In the Properties window, next to Advanced properties, click inside the Value box, and then click
the edit button.
7. Click Add, and then type the following property name in the Name box:
Chapter 2. Creating an Agent
Note: You must create this folder manually in your directory structure.
8. In the Value box, type the required folder location.
Note: The location must be accessible to the server user.
9. Click OK, and save your changes.
10. Restart the services.
Registering the Domain Name
You must register the domain name for the web service in the IBM Cognos Application Firewall (CAF)
using IBM Cognos Conguration.
1. Start Cognos Conguration.
2. In the Explorer window, under Security, click IBM Cognos Application Firewall.
3. Add host and domain name to the Cognos list of valid names:
For the Valid domains and hosts property, click the value and then click the edit button.
In the Value - Valid domains or hosts dialog box, click Add.
In the blank row of the table, click and then type the host or domain name.
4. Click OK, and save your changes.
5. Restart the services.
40 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Chapter 3. Tutorial
This tutorial shows how the various tasks in creating an agent are related to each other. It shows that
managing task execution rules is performed for each task in an agent, but that specifying an event
condition is performed once for an agent.
You are the Director of Sales of a company. The Finance department identied a problem with invoice
payments. Analysis of warehouse data shows that a large proportion of late payments are by customers
who returned damaged or faulty items and did not receive replacements.
Customers tend to withhold payment for the entire order even if only one or two items are in dispute.
They may even refuse to pay for other completed orders until the disputed order is resolved.
Therefore, rapid resolution of the returns issues has a direct effect on cash flow. The Director of Finance
asks you to establish a process that closely monitors data for problems with high rates of return and takes
immediate action to resolve any problem it detects.
You decide to use IBM Cognos Event Studio to detect event instances and notify the people who must
quickly resolve the issue.
You create an agent named high_returns_followup. The agent detects cases where the actual value of
returned products is greater than the threshold value that the person running the agent denes. You
include a parameter in the event condition to represent this threshold value. Initially, you concentrate on
large return orders because they have the greatest effect on cash received. After you address problems
with the largest returns, you monitor lower valued returns.
To provide sales representatives with customer contact information, you decide to add a report task that
runs the Customer Contact report. The sales representatives can then quickly call the retailer and try to
resolve the issue.
Before you can distribute the report, you require a sales manager to approve and sign it off as being
accurate, so you decide to an approval request task.
When you add the e-mail task to distribute the report, you specify that the e-mail message be in HTML
format. When you edit an HTML message, you can click a button that inserts a table. You list return values
by order number in the table. Then you attach to the e-mail message both the report that you saved in the
report task and the event list that shows the event instances for which the agent performed its tasks.
To create this example agent, perform the following tasks:
Start Cognos Event Studio and select the Go Sales (query) package.
Dene a parameter named total_return_value_for_item.
Dene a calculation named order_item_return_value_calc.
Specify an event condition that contains the calculation and parameter.
Add a report task that saves a report customized with contact information for the retailers who returned
the products.
Change the task execution rules for the report task.
Add an approval request task that sends the report to the sales manager for sign-off.
Add an e-mail task that sends an email to the sales representative for the returned product. Attached to
the email is the approved report.
Change the task execution rules for the email task.
Add a news item task that publishes a dynamic headline that shows the current value of preventable
Schedule the agent.
Save the agent.
Run the agent.
Start IBM Cognos Event Studio
You want to start IBM Cognos Event Studio and ensure that your agent uses a data package that it can
monitor for the events you want and that it can use to perform tasks.
You decide to use the Go Sales (query) package because it contains data items related to returned
products, retailers, and order details.
1. Click the Event Studio link
2. In the Select a package window, click Go Sales (query).
Cognos Event Studio opens in a new window. The data items you can use are listed in the Insertable
Objects area.
Dene a Parameter to Insert Into an Event Condition
You want to dene a parameter named total_return_value that you can insert into an event condition.
1. From the Insert menu, click Parameter.
2. In the Parameter name box, type
3. Click OK.
To see the parameter, in the Insertable Objects area, click the parameters tab .
Dene a Calculation to Insert Into an Event Condition
You want to dene a calculation named total_return_value_calc that you can insert into an event
condition. This calculation must determine the total value of each order returned.
1. From the Insert menu, click Calculation.
2. In the Name box, type
3. In the Expression box, do the following:
In the Insertable Objects area, click the functions tab and expand Summaries.
Click the total function item, and drag it to the Expression box.
In the Insertable Objects area, click the source tab and expand Returned items (query).
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Under Returned items (query), expand Returned items.
Click the Return quantity measure item, and drag it to the Expression box.
After you insert the source item, type for.
Under Returned items (query), expand Order.
Click the Order number item, and drag it to the end of the expression.
After you insert the source item, type a closing parenthesis.
The calculation expression is dened as follows:
total([Returned items (query)].[Returned items].[Return quantity]for[Returned items (query)].[Order].
[Order number])
4. Click OK.
The calculation appears as a calculation icon on the data items tab.
Specify an Event Condition
You want the agent to detect cases where the actual value of returned products is greater than the
threshold value that the person running the agent denes.
Also, you want to see what parameter value would return an event list of between 5 and 10 items from
the current data.
1. Click the Detail tab.
2. In the Insertable Objects area, click the source tab .
3. Expand Returned items (query).
4. Under Returned items (query), expand Returned items.
5. Click the Return quantity measure item, and drag it into the expression box.
6. After the source item you just inserted, type
> 0 and
7. On the data items tab , click the order_item_return_value_calc calculation that you dened
previously, and drag it to the end of the expression.
8. At the end of the expression, type a greater than symbol:
9. Click the parameters tab , click the total_return_value parameter that you dened previously,
and drag it to the end of the expression.
10. At the end of the expression, type
11. On the source tab, under Returned items (query), expand Return reason.
12. Click Reason description, and drag it to the end of the expression.
13. At the end of the expression, type
14. To include only the description types you want, do the following:
On the source tab, under Return reason, click Reason description.
Chapter 3. Tutorial
Above the Expression box, click the select value button .
In the Select Value window, use Shift+Click to select Incomplete product, Unsatisfactory
product, and Defective product.
Click the insert button , and click OK.
The detail expression appears as follows:
[Return quantity]>0 and [order_item_return_value_calc]>?total_return_value_for_item? and [Reason
description] in ('Defective product','Incomplete product','Unsatisfactory product')
15. Do the following to see whether an event list of between 5 to 10 items is returned when the total
return value calculation exceeds $4000:
From the Actions menu, click Preview.
On the report viewer Prompt pages, in the Provide a number box, type
Click OK.
Add a Report Task
Sales representatives must ensure that items returned for a preventable reason are not returned again for
the same reason. You want to save a report of customer contact information associated with the
excessive rate of return event that you dened. Sales representatives can use this information to contact
the retailer, discuss how to prevent future returns, and then take the appropriate action.
You decide to add a report task that runs the sample report named Customer Contact. When the agent
runs the report task, the value of the Retailer name data item for each event instance is passed to the
report output.
By adding an email task, you can include additional information in the e-mail message that you cannot
include using the report task.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Run a report.
3. Specify the report that you want to run:
Click Public Folders, and click Go Sales (query).
Click Event Studio Samples.
Click Customer Contact Report and click OK.
4. Under Options, click Set.
5. Specify the run options that you want:
Select the Override the default values check box.
Under Formats, select the PDF check box and ensure that none of the other check boxes are
Under Delivery, select the Save check box, and ensure that Save the report is selected.
Click OK.
6. Specify the prompt values that you want:
In the Method column, click Use an item.
In the Insertable Objects area, click the source tab and expand Sales (query), Retailer.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Click Retailer name, and drag it to the Value box.
7. Save the agent.
Change the Task Execution Rules for a Report Task
The status of each event instance is obtained by comparing the event instances of the current run of the
agent to those of the previous run. You want to specify which event statuses will cause the agent to
perform the report task.
You know that for the event condition you specied, the Product name, Retailer name, and Order
method data items have duplicate values in two or more event instances. However, because the Order
number data item has a different value for each event instance, you choose it as the event key.
You decide that the report task that you added previously should be performed for both:
new event instances
New event instances are instances that are detected when the agent runs and were not previously
ongoing event instances in which the return quantity has changed
Ongoing event instances are detected when the agent runs and have previously been detected. In this
case, only ongoing event instances in which the return quantity has changed cause the report task to
1. In the summary area, click new report.
2. In the I want to area, click Manage the task execution rules.
3. Click the Event Key tab.
4. Click Include only selected items.
5. On the source tab , expand Returned items (query) and Order.
6. Under Order, click Order number, and drag it to the Event key box.
7. Click the Event Selection tab.
8. Under Select when to perform each task, select the New events and Ongoing events check boxes.
This chooses the event status for which the report task is performed.
9. Click OK.
10. Save the agent.
Add an Approval Request Task
You require a sales manager to approve the accuracy of the report that you saved previously and to sign it
off before it is distributed to the sales representatives.
You decide to add an approval request task. When the agent is run, a task will be created within My Inbox
in IBM Cognos Analytics and notications will be sent via email to the potential owner and stakeholder
identied for the task.
For more information on approval request tasks, see “Add an Approval Request Task” on page 25.
Note: When you add an approval request, the task execution is automatically set to sequential.
1. In the I want to area, click Run an approval request.
Chapter 3. Tutorial
2. Click the source tab , and expand Sales (query).
3. Expand Sales Staff.
4. Click Manager Email and drag it to the Potential owners box.
Note: You are automatically added as a stakeholder of the task.
5. In the Subject box, type
Customer Contact Report for Approval
6. In the Body box, type:
Please approve or reject the content of the attached report. If you approve
this report it will be distributed to
7. To add the email distribution list for the sales representatives to the message:
Click the source tab, and expand Sales (query).
Expand Sales Staff.
Click Email and drag it to the end of your message.
8. Save the agent.
Add an Email Task
When the Customer Contact report has been approved by the sales manager, you want to notify sales
representatives about orders that have a high rate of return.
You decide to add an email task. You specify that the e-mail message use HTML format. When you edit an
HTML message, you can click a button that inserts a table. You list return values by order number in a
table. Then you attach to the email message both the report that you saved previously, and the event list
showing the event instances for which the agent performed its tasks.
Note: The email task will only execute if the approval request that you previously added is approved by
the potential owner.
1. In the I want to area, click Add a task.
2. Click Send an email.
3. Click the source tab , and expand Sales (query).
4. Expand Sales Staff.
5. Click Email and drag it to the To: box.
6. In the Subject box, type
Urgent: Please contact customer
7. In the Body box, type:
Please contact your customer about the following returned order(s), and
determine how to prevent it from happening again
8. Add a table to the Body message:
Click the insert table button .
Type 4 in the Number of columns box, type 2 in the Number of rows box, and click OK.
9. Type the column headings in the rst row:
In the rst cell, type
Order Number
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
In the second cell, type
Value of items returned
In the third cell, type
Reason description
In the fourth cell, type
Customer name (see attached contact information)
10. Select the heading row, and click the bold button .
11. Enter data items in the second row:
Click the source tab, expand Sales (query), then expand Order, and click Order number and drag it
to the rst cell.
Click the data items tab , click total_return_value_calc, and drag it to the second cell.
Click the source tab, expand Returned items (query), then expand Return reason, and click
Reason description and drag it to the third cell.
Expand Sales (query), then expand Retailer site, and click Retailer name and drag it to the fourth
12. In the Body box, after the table, type
Thanks, the GO Sales Customer Loyalty Team
13. Click Attach, and click Attach the event output.
14. Click Attach, and click Attach the report Customer Contact.
15. Save the agent.
Change the Task Execution Rules for an Email Task
The status of each event instance is obtained by comparing the event instances of the current run of the
agent to those of the previous run. You want to specify which event statuses will cause the agent to
perform the email task.
You know that for the event condition you specied, the Product name, Retailer name, and Order
method data items have duplicate values in two or more event instances. However, because the Order
number data item has a different value for each event instance, you choose it as the event key.
You decide that the email task you added previously should be performed only for event instances that
did not appear in the event list the last time the agent was run.
Tip: You can add multiple tasks to an agent and use task-level lters to include only those events that
satisfy a Boolean condition. See “Example - Task-Level Boolean Filter” on page 7.
1. In the summary area, click new message.
2. In the I want to area, click Manage the task execution rules.
3. Under Select when to perform each task, select the New events check box and ensure that none of
the other check boxes are selected.
4. Click OK.
5. Save the agent.
Chapter 3. Tutorial
Add a News Item Task
The customer fullment manager wants to be informed of the current preventable returns. However, he
does not always check his e-mail. He prefers to view important updates on a Web dashboard that he
checks regularly.
You decide to add a news item task that updates a headline with the total value of returns that are
preventable. That is, you publish the values of products returned because they are incomplete, defective,
or unsatisfactory.
1. Create a folder named High Returns.
Click the new folder button
In the Name box, type
High Returns
Under Location, click Select My Folders.
Click Finish.
The High Returns folder appears in My Folders.
2. In IBM Cognos Event Studio, in the I want to area, click Add a task.
3. Click Publish a news Item.
4. In the Headline box, type Preventable Returns for Large Value Individual Items.
5. Drag the calculation data item total_return_value_calc to the end of the text you just typed.
6. Under Link to, choose what you want to link to:
Click Select an entry.
Click Public Folders, and click Go Sales (query).
Click Event Studio Samples.
Click Customer Contact Report and click OK.
7. Under News list location, click Select a location, go to the High Returns folder in which the news
item will be published and click OK.
8. Under Run this news item for the events, review the event status that will cause the news item to be
9. From the File menu, click Save.
When the agent performs the news item task, it publishes the news item to the My Headlines folder.
The description text appears when you set your preferences to use the details view. The screen tip
appears when you pause your pointer over the icon for the entry in the news list location.
Schedule an Agent
When the excessive rate of return event you dened occurs, signicant potential revenue has already
been lost. Following up on returned products increases your shipping charges and administration fees.
However, the most important impact of returned products is that they can reduce customer loyalty and
decrease your future sales. Therefore, it is important that you respond quickly to an event instance as
soon as it occurs.
You decide that you can provide a timely response to event instances by monitoring the data hourly. You
also decide that $17,000 is an appropriate threshold value for this initial schedule.
IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
1. In the I want to area, click Schedule the agent.
2. Under Frequency, click By Day, and ensure that the frequency is Every 1 hour(s).
3. Under Start, select the date of tomorrow, and specify the time as 9:00 AM.
4. Under End, click No end date.
Tip: You can edit the schedule later if you want to add an end date.
5. Under Prompt values, select the Override the default values check box, and then click Set.
6. On the prompt page, in the Provide a number box, type
7. Click OK twice.
A schedule is created and the high_returns_followup agent runs hourly, starting tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
Save an Agent
You want to save the agent in My Folders. You also want to give the agent a meaningful name and
description so that you can easily distinguish it from other agents.
1. From the File menu, click Save.
2. If this is the rst time you are saving the agent, in the Save As dialog box, describe the agent:
In the Name box, type
In the description eld, type
This agent checks for orders that have a high value of returned products.
It then sends a report by e-mail to the appropriate sales reps so that they
can contact the retailers and prevent future returns.
Ensure that the Location is set to My Folders.
Click OK.
The agent high_returns_followup appears in My Folders, next to an agent icon
Run an Agent
You decide to run the agent immediately to test the results.
If you want to successfully run the agent described in this tutorial, you must rst perform the tasks in all
the other examples. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Tutorial,” on page 41.
1. In My Folders, click the run with options button on the actions toolbar next to the
high_returns_followup agent.
2. Under Time, click Now.
3. Under Prompt Values, select the Prompt for values check box.
Chapter 3. Tutorial
4. Click Run.
5. On the Prompt page, in the Provide a number box, type
6. Click OK twice.
The high_returns_followup agent runs using the prompt value you entered. To see the results of the run,
you can review the run history of the agent.
50 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
Chapter 4. Troubleshooting
This chapter describes some common problems you may encounter.
You can nd more troubleshooting topics in the Troubleshooting section of the IBM Cognos
Administration and Security Guide.
A Report Link in an Email Notication Does Not Work
If a report link in an email notication does not work, the Gateway URI may not be congured correctly.
You must change the host name portion of the Gateway URI from localhost to either the IP address of the
computer or the computer name. If the URL in the email contains localhost, remote users cannot open the
The Page Cannot Be Found Error Appears for Reports
When a report is distributed by email, no error message appears if the report output from the email link is
not available. This can occur when the output is deleted or when the user does not have permissions to
the report. Instead, the error The Page Cannot Be Found appears.
You are unable to view the report output from the email link when Allow Anonymous Access is set to
True and when the Anonymous user does not have access to the report output.
When you run a secured report from an email link and when Allow Anonymous Access is set to True, a
passport is automatically issued to the Anonymous user. The Anonymous user is not prompted to log on
and is unable to view the report output.
Metadata Change in Oracle Essbase Not Reflected in Reports and in the
When there is a metadata change on the Oracle Essbase server, the change is not immediately reflected
in the metadata tree in the studios. In addition, when a report is run, the report does not pick up the
republished changes.
To view the new structure, you must restart the IBM Cognos Content Manager server.
Errors When Running Web Service Tasks
When running a Web service task, you might encounter errors.
You must modify one the following les to add the ThreadStackSize (Xss) parameter:
bootstrap_win32.xml in the bin folder for a 32-bit installation
bootstrap_win64.xml in the bin64 folder for a 64-bit installation
Adding this parameter prevents these errors:
CNC-ASV-0001 The Following Agent Service General Error Occurred: java.lang.StackOverflowError
CNC-ASV-0007 An error occurred with the agent Web service task.
1. Open the appropriate version of the install_location\bin\bootstrap_win.xml le in an XML editor.
2. Add the following text for the parameter (shown in bold) exactly as shown here:
<param condName="${java_vendor}" condValue="Sun">-XX
<process name="catalina"> ...<param condName="${java_vendor}"
param condName="${java_vendor}"
The maximum stack size (Xss) parameter is set to 512 MB to avoid an overflow exception error.
Email editing toolbar buttons not available in Firefox 14.01 or Firefox 10.06
When you create an email to send to an individual, group or dynamic recipient, the editing toolbar buttons
are not available when you use Firefox 14.01 or Firefox 10.06.
These toolbar buttons are available in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
52 IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide
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IBM Cognos Analytics Version 11.1: Event Studio User Guide