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Aircraft Communication Systems - Topologies, Protocols, and Aircraft Communication Systems - Topologies, Protocols, and
Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities
Tyler Przybylski
Niroop Sugunaraj
Prakash Ranganathan
University of North Dakota
, prakash.r[email protected]
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Tyler Przybylski, Niroop Sugunaraj, and Prakash Ranganathan. "A Whitepaper On Aircraft Communication
Systems - Topologies, Protocols, and Vulnerabilities By Center for Cyber Security Research (C2SR)"
(2023). Center for Cyber Security Research Publications.
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A Whitepaper On
Aircraft Communication Systems - Topologies,
Protocols, and Vulnerabilities
Center for Cyber Security Research (C2SR)
Tyler Przybylski, Niroop Sugunaraj
, and Prakash Ranganathan
Aviation systems are facing fierce competition driven by private investments
promoting the development of new avionics suites (AS). With these new
AS comes the need for a faster and larger bandwidth requirement for next-
generation communication systems. The legacy military (MIL) standard
1553 communication system (e.g., 1Mbps) can no longer keep up with the
surge in bandwidth demand requirements. The new communication systems
need to be designed with a system architecture background that can enable
simplistic integration with Information Technology (IT) controlled ground-
networks, military, and commercial payloads. To facilitate a seamless inte-
gration with communication architecture, the current system is highly de-
pendent on the Ethernet based IEEE 802.3 standard. Using a standard
protocol cuts down on cost and shortens time for accessibility. However,
it introduces several other new problems that developers are actively work-
ing through. These problems include a loss of redundancy, lower reliability,
and cyber-security vulnerabilities. The cyber-security vulnerabilities that
are introduced by IEEE 802.3 Ethernet are one of the larger concerns to
military defense programs, and other aviation companies. Impacts of these
new communication protocols are quantified and presented as cost, redun-
dancy, topology, and vulnerability. This review paper introduces four com-
munication protocols that can replace heritage systems. These protocols are
Corresponding Author
Email address: [email protected] (Niroop Sugunaraj)
Whitepaper, Center for Cyber Security Research (C2SR) January 18, 2023
presented and compared against each other in redundancy, reliability, topol-
ogy and security vulnerabilities in their application on aircraft, space launch
vehicles and satellites.
Keywords: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, Ethernet, EtherCAT, TTEthernet,
AFDX, Launch Vehicle, Aircraft, Topology, Redundancy, Avionics.
1. Introduction
Aerospace systems are rapidly transitioning to advanced communication
systems based on the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standards [1]. In this paper, we
broadly define aerospace systems that include aircraft systems, spacecraft
systems, and launch vehicle systems. This transition is occurring as the
legacy avionics that these aerospace systems are dependent on reaching their
limits in terms of performance, component throughput and design complex-
ity [2]. Due to this realization, design companies that build these aerospace
systems have either worked out methods to adopt the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 standard as an aerospace communi-
cation standard or built their own proprietary system based on IEEE 802.3.
The four leading aerospace communication technologies are: 1) IEEE 802.3
Ethernet, 2) Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), 3) Ether-
CAT, and 4) Time Triggered Ethernet (TTE). The engineering applications
of these four new technologies are discussed in this paper along with the
ways to implement them on aircrafts, satellites and launch vehicles. The
implementation details include topologies, redundancy, reliability, vehicular
applications, and ground support applications. Each technology has its own
software protocol that allow for the best understanding of the technology
and how security threats can and are introduced. An introduction to the
types of tools and software suites that can be used to implement, design, and
troubleshoot is presented.
This paper is organized as follows: section II provides a background on
aerospace companies that are affected by competition, section III introduces
the technology that these companies need to implement next generation
avionics into their launch vehicles, section IV presents the ground to airborne
network that avionics need to be designed for, section V introduces the four
new IEEE 802.3 Ethernet based protocols, section VI provides an overview
of open source tools that can be used for development of these protocols,
and section VII gives an review of the cyber security threats that must be
Figure 1: United Sates and Russian rocket size and comparison (
thought through during development with these next generation protocols.
1.1. Background
This paper mainly focuses on the way these new communication appli-
cations can be implemented for the space launch industries that has direct
ties to the aircraft and satellite industries. The strictest applications of these
technology are driven by the launch vehicle industry. These launch vehicle
industries comprise of government run or funded agencies such as the Na-
tional Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) and the European
Space Agency (ESA), as well as private companies like the heritage United
Launch Alliance (ULA) and Arianespace to the newer companies such as
Space Exploration (SpaceX) and Blue Origin. Each one of these space indus-
try companies focuses on three areas: a launch vehicle (rocket), the payload
(satellite), and ground support (launch pad and ground electronics). These
three parts must operate perfectly during the duration of a rocket launch,
and for aircraft systems, in order for it to be successful and communication
system is the critical backbone for these three focus areas to work flawlessly
together. The payload and launch vehicle are personalized depending on the
application for which they are deployed (e.g., extraterrestrial imagery or re-
mote sensing) requiring tailor-made specifications for each launch mission.
Ground system operations are responsible for ensuring that paylods comply
with hazard requirements, pre-mate interface testing, launch vehicle-payload
mating (integration), vehicle system tests such as flight simulation and ve-
hicle verification, and if required, a payload propellant loading pad [3]. The
U.S. launched its first small launch vehicle (SLV) in 1958 [4]. However, the
most notable endeavor was taken in 1990 when an SLV called Pegasus was
air-launched by the US to place payloads in low-earth orbit (LEO). Subse-
quent Pegasus launches in the following decades carried payloads in the 400
1000 lbs range. Mission-specific details about the Pegasus can be found in
this user guide [5] produced by Orbital ATK.
These space system companies, as well as aircraft companies, are in an
era of fierce competition [6] leading to the development of new launch ve-
hicles, aircraft, and satellite constellations. The development of these new
systems drives a need for next generation avionics and with that the need for
a new communication system that has higher bandwidth and performance.
This communication system should also benefit from being standardized as
historically, space system companies have developed their own protocol for
launch vehicle deployment based on specific use-cases; this results in a myriad
of non-standardized technologies. The potential cost savings through a stan-
dardized approach will be significant [7]. A typical satellite system consists of
7 subsystems, namely: 1) command and data handling; 2) communications;
3) electrical power; 4) propulsion; 5) thermal control; 6) altitude control;
and 7) structure and mechanics. A communications subsystem is designed
to transmit/receive electromagnetic (EM) signals, modulate or demodulate
the transmitted/received signals, handle inter-subsystems communications
such as telemetry (collection and transmission of mission data, spacecraft
health, and spacecraft status) or tracking (identifying satellites’ current and
following locations), satellite timekeeping, onboard computer health mon-
itoring, power monitoring, etc. New communications systems also come
with new cyber security vulnerabilities that can affect the performance of
the aerospace system and/or its payload [1]. From a security standpoint,
the above-mentioned aerospace systems are each governed and controlled
by agencies that develop security guidelines and standards meant to pro-
tect both the developer and customer. Aircraft systems, such as commercial
and military airplanes, are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) [8]. Military airplanes can often be governed by military standards
such as military spec (MIL-SPEC) documents and National Security System
(NSS) requirements. All spacecraft systems and launch vehicle systems are
strictly regulated by the federal government whether commercial or govern-
ment. If the mission, being a spacecraft or launch vehicle, is specifically a
national security mission, it must strictly follow all of the guidelines laid
out by the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) and Instruc-
tion (CNSSI) [9]. Additionally, agencies like the Consultative Committee for
Space Data Systems (CCSDS) and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)
[10] have published documents that list recommendations to secure space
system architectures [11], well known cryptographic algorithms to allow for
inter-operability among missions that use the same algorithm(s) [12], and
critical security controls [13]. Spacecrafts may use the same communication
frequencies and it thus becomes necessary to support secure communications.
Inter-operability by using standard cryptographic algorithms will 1) secure
data produced by instruments and packages that are from multiple vendors;
2) reduce costs for space missions that utilize the same cryptographic al-
gorithm; and 3) reduce the chances of any corrupt data that could be a
consequence of intentional (e.g., malicious attackers) or unintentional (e.g.,
transmission errors) circumstances.
Each of these governing bodies develops guidelines that follow the three
tenets of information technology: confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Confidentiality is defined as “ensuring information is accessible only to those
authorized to have access” [1]. This is one of the most important tenets for
government missions involving spacecraft and launch vehicles. “Integrity is
defined as data has a complete or whole structure and availability is defined
as proportion of time a system is in a functioning condition” [1]. Applying
these tenets is a work in progress as each regulation authority is still ac-
tively working on how to appropriately develop a one size fits all guideline
for the four new communication protocols. Along with introducing these new
communication systems and their implementations, this paper also discusses
vulnerabilities and security threats that these government agencies and pri-
vate companies need to be concerned with when developing and implementing
these new communication systems.
1.2. Contributions
The contributions of this paper are listed below:
A review of the 4 most prevalent communication protocols in the launch
vehicle industry, namely etherCAT, ethernet, AFDX, and TTE. Back-
ground information on these protocols and recommendations based on
unique protocol characteristics are given.
Cyber threats and vulnerabilities for each of the previously mentioned
protocols are examined to the best of our knowledge. Countermeasures
for possible threats are identified and elaborated wherever possible.
Protocol evaluation for each of the 4 technologies based on speed, topol-
ogy, open-source support, redundancy, reliability, etc. will help in se-
lecting the appropriate protocol based on the application.
2. Results
2.1. Aerospace Companies & Research and Development
There are a limited number of companies that contain complete resources
to perform research and development (R&D) on all aerospace systems pre-
sented in this paper. Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Airbus all have formed
conglomerates that develop aircraft, satellites, missiles, rockets, and human
space capsules.
This paper describes the requirements and applications of a communi-
cation system for launch vehicle companies such as United Launch Alliance
(ULA), SpaceX, and Blue Origin. The product line and goals of each of these
companies vary slightly but each has the same goal: make the United States
and the world’s access to outer space simpler so all of mankind can reach
space [14]. This may be done by developing cheaper products and continued
reliability. ULA is one of the most heritage launch providers in the United
States as it is a combination of Lockheed Martin and The Boeing Company
[15]. The rocket line up of United Launch Alliance consists of the Atlas V,
Delta II, Delta IV, and Delta IV heavy [14]. The heritage of these rockets can
be traced back to America’s first space flights way back in the 1950s. ULA
is also working on developing a new launch system called Vulcan Centaur
which was recently chosen by the US Space Force to be used for US national
security space missions from 2021 through 2024 [16]. The Vulcan Centaur is
an upgrade to ULA’s Delta IV and Atlas V launch systems. Payload fair-
ing (the nose cone housing that protects the spacecraft from atmospheric
pressure and heat during launch and ascent) for the Centaur comes in two
configurations: 15 metres or 21 metres. Centaur’s upper stage is powered
by two engines while its boosters are powered by two other engines, each of
which produce 550,000 lbs of thrust and are fueled by liquid hydrogen/liquid
oxygen. The Centaur can have 0 - 6 solid rocket boosters (SRBs) that pro-
vide additional thrust to the spacecraft to escape earth’s gravitational force.
These solid rocket boosters separate from the external spacecraft tank and
descend to earth where they are retrieved, refurbished, and reused for future
launches. SpaceX currently flies the Falcon 9, a rocket whose first flight was
in 2006, and recently had their first flight for the Falcon Heavy in 2018. Blue
Origin has two projects, both are aimed at space tourism and space explo-
ration. The first is New Shepard, a small one stage rocket designed to take
paying tourists to the Karman Line, the boundary of outerspace at 62 miles
high. The second project is New Glenn, a two or three stage rocket, that is
still in the development stage and set to have its first launch in the fourth
quarter of 2022, but whose physical size hasn’t been seen since the early days
of the Saturn V project. The size and shapes of all of the rockets are shown
in Fig. 1 (courtesy of Blue Origin).
All these companies have ambitious, visionary ideas for the future of space
exploration and have begun announcing their R&D programs and what you
can expect from them in the next 5 to 30 years. In order to complete them,
they need to develop cheaper, more robust avionics which includes abandon-
ing the long utilized 1553 communication protocol for a faster, higher band-
width protocol. One such approach that has gained much traction since the
early 2000s is integrated modular avionics (IMA). This architecture presents
a smaller form factor and a partitioned environment that encapsulates differ-
ent critical subsystems to work on a shared resource platform and is appli-
cable to military (missiles) [17] and civilian (flights) use-cases [18]. Boeing’s
777 airliner is one of the most widely known aircrafts that makes use of the
Aircraft Information Management System (AIMS) (developed jointly by Boe-
ing and Honeywell) which is based on IMA. Using IMA, the AIMS module
cabinet provides means through which resources such as power, output ports,
processing requirements, etc. are shared by the software backend which uni-
fies the airplane’s functions in a single monolith [19]. Now, Boeing’s 787,
Airbus’ A350/A380, and COMAC’s C919 have fully incorporated IMA sys-
tems. Space systems are now looking to architectures that are based on the
IMA concept [20][21].
ULA has recently announced their vision of the future of space, called
Cislunar1000. This vision expects that in 30 years, 1000 people will be living
and working in outerspace. ULA plans on making this vision possible through
the introduction of Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Upperstage (ACES) which
is based on a technology called the Integrated Vehicle Fluid (IVF) [22]. This
new upperstage allows for long duration time on orbit missions, something
that is not possible today [23]. More recently in November and December
Figure 2: Aerospace communication systems.
of 2020, ULA had its 141st and 142nd launches respectively. Two rockets
(Delta IV and Atlas V) carrying payloads of “critical national security” were
launched as part of missions for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
SpaceX has already begun ushering in an era of new space technologies by
advancing the technologies of its Falcon 9 boosters and Dragon capsule. This
company is attempting to accomplish this by landing the booster on either
land or on a barge after it has separated from the second stage. SpaceX’s
newest vision involves reducing the cost of going to Mars from 10 billion per
person to the median cost of a house in the United States. Their proposal on
how to do this is a fully reusable, distributed launch system that consists of
refilling on orbit [25]. As of 2021, SpaceX launched its heavyweight Falcon 9
rocket into LEO carrying satellite for SpaceX’s Starlink constellation [26].
Blue Origin has been more secretive with what their future plans are for
their New Glenn launch system. It is known that the company is all about
space tourism based off of the intent of their New Shepard vehicle [27]. Due
to the size of New Glenn, it can be assumed that it has the capability to
launch almost an entire space station at once or transporting payloads to
the moon. New Glenn is being designed to be reused much like the SpaceX
vehicles [28].
Figure 3: Launch vehicle and aircraft ground support network.
2.2. Aerospace Communication Architecture
The architecture for the launch vehicles of the Blue Origin, ULA, and
SpaceX is relatively similar and related to the three key components in-
troduced earlier: launch vehicle, payload (satellite), and ground support as
shown in Fig. 2. Ground support for aerospace applications is used to
command and collect telemetry from launch vehicle, aircraft, or satellite be-
fore liftoff, at which time the link is disconnected making command go in a
closed loop control with the flight computer and telemetry over boarded by
a wireless system. When command goes internal as closed loop, the vehi-
cles communication protocol becomes critical as it is the physical link that
is carrying data from the flight computer (the “brains” of the rocket), to all
of the end items that perform functions critical to the success of the vehicle
mission, be it a satellite, launch vehicle, or aircraft. Finally for the satellite
or payload (missile), it most often has its own communication network, that
is often linked to the launch vehicle or aircraft to provide statusing and up-
dates prior to its deployment. Once deployed, its network becomes its own
closed loop system helping it complete its mission [29].
Ground systems are often comprised of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet as it is a
cheap and simple standard that allows them to build a massive switched
network that is often needed for support of launch vehicles, satellites and
aircraft as seen in Fig. 3. These extensive networks are needed as there
are often multiple processing facilities that the vehicles move through during
a launch campaign or vehicle processing. This switched network allows for
rapidly moving the data between the centers, as well as, to the data storage
facilities and operators on console. This IEEE 802.3 network is often copper
cabling at the vehicle interface and is then switched to a fiber interface to
allow for miles long runs back to command and storage facilities.
A launch vehicle network is often used for closed loop control and for mov-
ing telemetry. This closed loop control network interfaces with the ground
system prior to launch and then transitions internally prior to liftoff. After
liftoff, the reliability of the network becomes critical for communicating com-
mands from the flight computer to the end items used to control the rocket.
This launch vehicle network in the past has been 1553 or a version of RS422.
This meant that it was not compatible with the ground network and needed
to be converted to a different protocol [30]. If one of the four communication
protocols presented in this paper is used, it can be linked to the ground net-
work without additional processing, which should be avoided as it is another
possible point for faults and problems. The goal of a launch vehicle network
should be to keep it simple, minimizing the protocols used in order to avoid
interoperability issues that can arise from avionics components created by
different vendors and thus utilizing differently coded network stacks. When
implementing any of the protocols presented in this paper, it is best to keep
it to the simple switched network presented within.
Aircraft network operates similar to the launch vehicle network; however,
it is not necessarily a closed loop system to the same level that a launch
vehicle is. With the aircraft, external commands can be sent by the means of
wireless protocols and executed by means of human interaction through the
pilot. The aircraft network is still the network that is tasked with transfer-
ring messages and telemetry by the means of the physical link. The AFDX
protocol that is presented in this paper is a protocol that was developed
initially for the use in aircraft, by an aircraft manufacturer.
Finally, the satellite/payload network is a unique network that needs to
be designed with high reliability as this is the “mission” critical network. In
the case of a satellite, they are often designed to operate for decades in outer
space, meaning that the closed loop network has to be designed to last for
the duration of the mission. The network must also be designed to integrate
with the launch vehicle network during the launch portion of the mission to
get critical telemetry and commands to the satellite. When on the ground,
the satellite needs a network to interface with the ground to load mission
parameters before launch. Like launch vehicles, this has often been time
synchronized RS422 [31], but lately has been moving more towards one of
the protocols presented in this paper.
For all three “airborne” networks: launch vehicle, aircraft and satellite,
a key requirement in their topology is redundancy. After these networks
disconnect from the ground, they become independent and with reliability
a crucial factor in the success of the mission. To achieve this reliability
Figure 4: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet OSI layer model.
redundancy must be built into both the hardware topology of the system
and into the protocol stack of the communication network. The widely used,
heritage 1553 communication protocol had redundancy built into its topology
design with an A and B bus for each bus controller [32]. All four of the
protocols presented in this paper are based off IEEE 802.3 Ethernet which
was built as a commercially distributed system, not as a replacement for
1553. As presented in the following section, each protocol has its ability to
meet the airborne and ground network requirements, but to do so, developers
need to be aware of the protocol design and how to compensate for some of
their short falls at a system level.
2.3. Communication Protocols
2.3.1. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Standard
Figure 5: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet switched star top ology.
Ethernet is the backbone of the Internet that everybody uses without
even thinking due to its simplicity and ease of configuration. First developed
Figure 6: An IEEE 802.3 based Ethernet frame with UDP protocol.
as a 3 Mbps network allowing up to 256 users, Ethernet was hoped to be a
flexible, decentralized and low cost technology [33]. This technology quickly
grew into a 10 Mbps network, than a 100 Mbps network, a 1 Gbps network
and to what can be used today as a 10 and 40 Gbps network [34].
This rapid growth is facilitated due to its wide adoption as an IEEE stan-
dard 802.3. Because of its rapid adoption, a working group was formed to be
in charge of the standard and keep pace with the changes. The Internet En-
gineering Task Force (IETF) was established to oversee the implementation
and standardization of the Internet Protocol (IP) [35]. This task force has de-
veloped thousands of Request For Comments (RFC) to govern the use of the
IP protocol [33]. These RFCs are the guidelines to developing system proto-
col stacks to ensure interoperability between developers. RFCs standardize
IPv4 protocols such as ICMP which is commonly used for Ping messages,
IGMP multicast network requirements, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
requirements [35].
The Ethernet protocol can theoretically be defined by the first two layers
of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network stack (Physical Link
and Data Link layers) [36], as shown in Fig. 4. For the simplicity and
purposes of this paper, only layers one (Physical Link) and two (Data Link)
are discussed. Ethernet’s physical layer is defined by the cabling it uses
and the type of devices that can be deployed on the network. Ethernet
typically uses a full-duplex set of twisted pair cables (CAT 5, CAT 6, CAT
6a, or CAT 7) which can have speeds of 1 or 10 Gbps. Such cabling is
most commonly done in a star configuration as this configuration allows for
direct communication devices and switches while reducing packet collisions.
Ethernet’s data layer primarily handles the Media Access Control (MAC)
sublayer where devices equipped with networking capabilities, typically by
an internal network interface card (NIC), are identified by hardware addresses
to identify the source and destination addresses of packet transmissions. This
star configuration utilizes Ethernet switches to form a mesh network [33].
Aerospace applications of the 802.3 standard are often based off of the
100BaseTx design, also known as Fast Ethernet. Gigabit links can be used
for interfaces from the airborne Ethernet switch to the ground switch, but for
all airborne-to-airborne links, 100BaseTx is best used as it is a simpler MLT-
3 signal than the Gigabit PAM-5 signal [34]. Using 100BaseTx in a switched
network star topology, shown in Fig. 5, allows for the implementation of
physical redundancy in the airborne system. This is possible as to meet
criticality requirements, most avionics boxes are designed to be physically
redundant, having either an ‘A’ and ‘B’ side, or channel 1 and channel 2
side [37]. By adding in Ethernet switches the two sides can be physically
separated into two separate but functionally equivalent networks. This can
create single string, single fault tolerant, or dual redundant system based off
of the way the physically separated networks are connected to the end items.
The protocol implementation of 100BaseTx Ethernet uses layer 2 MAC
addressing schemes, layer 3 IP version 4 (IPv4) EtherType (0x0800), and
layer 4 UDP or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Each layer of this
packet or frame contains its own Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) totaling
three for each packet. This triple check allows for verification of messages
to ensure that no bits were flipped during transmission of the messages.
This error checking is critical in ensuring any side of the physical network is
working and healthy at all times. A typical Ethernet IPv4 UDP packet looks
as shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 7: AFDX redundant star topology.
Figure 8: AFDX frame.
Implementation of the standard in a star topology means the introduction
of an Ethernet switch. The Ethernet switch connects nodes to each other
through multiple ports, introducing another layer of software called “switch-
ing fabric” [33]. This switching fabric is a store-and-forward mechanism,
requiring that the complete packet be scanned in before the switch acts on
the information. The switch learns who is on each port by resolving MAC
addresses to IP addresses using the Address Resolution Protocol, EtherType
(0x0806). This is a unique feature that does not exist in the following three
protocols discussed in this paper. The switch also introduces the ability to
create a Virtual network or VLAN. These are used to separate physical net-
works into multiple logical networks, such as separating control commands
from telemetry commands [33].
Even though Ethernet was developed as a commercially distributed pro-
tocol not designed for the redundancy and criticality requirements needed
for use in aerospace systems, it can be adapted pretty easily to meet the
requirements. The network designer needs to be fully aware of the protocols
mentioned above and develop controlling software to make it all work as one
fluent system. A couple companies have realized some of the down falls of
standard Ethernet and developed additional protocols built into the standard
layers of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. The next three presented protocols are all
based off of standard Ethernet with either patented or standardized add-ons.
2.3.2. Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX) was developed to be a
safety critical network using a reliable redundancy management mechanism
to provide aircraft a reliable network [2]. AFDX is an Ethernet-based tech-
nology that was created by Airbus and has since been used by Boeing and
other commercial aerospace companies [36]. Built on the Ethernet technol-
ogy, AFDX offers higher available bandwidth and provides a deterministic
performance that is done through a “virtual link” (VL) concept [2]. AFDX
was developed to help solve some of the real-time deterministic characteris-
tics that the IEEE 802.3 standard is missing. The topology design of AFDX
is based off of a two independent and redundant network schemes, shown in
Fig. 7. This network scheme consists of three main elements, similar to IEEE
802.3 Ethernet: the end systems (ES), switches, and physical links. The end
items are connected to the switches via a redundant, full duplex physical
links natively creating a dual redundant system. The physical interface uses
the IEEE 802.3 PHY chips capable of speeds of 100Mbps or 1Gpbs. The
network is applied in a star topology, shown in Fig. 7, which allows for the
network to be scalable, much like 802.3 Ethernet [2].
To form a star topology, the AFDX network utilizes switches like 802.3
Ethernet, however these AFDX switches have added features beyond 802.3
Ethernet [2]. These switches implement the unique features of AFDX that al-
low for meeting the crucial timing requirements needed for airborne systems.
These switches are store and forward and allow for parallel processing.
The AFDX communication frame is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3
standard [38]. AFDX specifies the use of the IP, and uses UDP, allowing for
more determinism in a control network. Determinism refers to the capability
of an AFDX switch to determine the time taken by any data packet to
reach its destination and perform packet scheduling thus preventing packet
collisions. Within the AFDX frame, both the IP and UDP layer implement a
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) allowing for extra security and safety [29].
AFDX also implements the standard IEEE 802.3 MAC addressing scheme.
An example of a AFDX frame, taken is shown in Fig. 8 [38].
A software, protocol advantage that AFDX has natively designed into is
systems is a redundant transmission mechanism. This feature is where AFDX
starts separating itself from IEEE 802.3 Ethernet. Every AFDX frame that is
transmitted on the network has a duplicate copy sent on each network. This
means that the message would go out network A and Network B as shown in
Fig. 8. The end item processes the messages from both networks and does a
compare of the messages to ensure that they are the same. If they are not,
the end items know which network is not functioning properly and can shut
it down. This topology is similar to what was proposed in the IEEE 802.3
Ethernet section, however the difference is that it is built into each physical
redundant side of the avionics boxes [39]. Therefore, the designer can opt to
not physically duplicate the boxes depending on the criticality of the design,
which in some cases can save development time and money.
AFDX has solved some of the timing and redundancy shortcomings that
are present in IEEE 802.3 Ethernet by implementing a proprietary layer
on top of the standard Ethernet. If a designer would choose to use this
system in their airborne architecture, they would not be able to natively
talk with the ground system as standard Ethernet switches do not work
with the AFDX [38]. This limitation can be fixed through a processing
unit that converts from AFDX to Ethernet, however this can add a layer
of cost to the program. A previously listed limitation to this deterministic
system was inaccuracy in packet transmission timing due to delay otherwise
known as jitter [40]. However, the ARINC-664 Part 7 specification for AFDX
communication link maximum jitter is specified by two formulae that are
classified as requirements for the network and this enhances its reliability
Figure 9: EtherCAT frame.
2.3.3. EtherCAT
EtherCAT is a technology that was developed based on the IEEE 802.3
standard to be a real-time, Ethernet like, protocol and introduced to the pub-
lic in 2003 [42]. EtherCAT works as Master and Slave network in a way that
is similar to the legacy 1553 MIL standard communication protocol, where
transmission of a frame can only be initiated by the EtherCAT master, thus
making it the controller [43]. The Master and Slave EtherCAT ports use a
standard IEEE 802.3 RJ45 PHY and MAC layer, capable of speeds up to
200Mbps. The protocol implementation for the master and slave is an Ether-
CAT specific FPGA or ASIC [44][33]. Both the master and slave systems use
a 100uS clock which limits the jitter. The EtherCAT protocol allows slaves to
read and write frames on-the-fly, meaning that there is no store-and-forward
delay, unlike 802.3 Ethernet and AFDX [25]. Due to this on-the-fly method
and combined with the use of full duplex, the latency is only what is caused
because of the hardware. EtherCAT payloads are embedded in a standard
Ethernet frame using the EtherType identifier of (0x88A4) [42]. As shown
in Fig. 9, this single Ethernet frame is capable of transporting several Ether-
CAT payloads, known as datagrams, and as a result, the protocol overhead
that IEEE 802.3 Ethernet has is largely omitted. In this Ethernet frame, the
standard source and destination fields are populated with the addresses of
the sending and receiving devices [25].
The topology design for EtherCAT networks is flexible and can be line,
tree or star [42]. Each topology allows for up to 65,535 devices in one seg-
ment with a master. However, the most used topology is the line, or daisy
chain topology. Since each EtherCAT slave contains two ports, the Master
connects the port one of the first slave. Then port two of the first slave is
connected to port one of the second slave and so forth [43] as shown in Fig.
10. This removes the requirement for a switched network which would cause
excess latency. However, implementation as a line topology means that the
redundancy is limited to single fault tolerance, one of the lowest levels of
EtherCAT was originally designed for automation technology such as
robotics and has recently been reviewed for use in avionics systems. Its
similarities to 1553 with no switched network mean that there is a risk for
increased cabling needs, and if there are many slaves in the network, that
latency can add up as it is not point to point making messages move through
each slave to get to the end item. The implementation of this protocol also
does not support an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet system that would be used on
the ground network. Therefore, use of this protocol in an airborne network
requires separate processing to interface with the ground system.
Figure 10: EtherCAT line architecture.
2.3.4. Time Triggered Ethernet
Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTE) is the final communication protocol that
is based on the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard. TTE was developed by a
European company TTTech with academia involvement for use in avionics
applications and industrial automation [43]. The technology was developed
to have a reliant communication protocol that had microsecond accuracy.
TTE introduces three Quality of Service (QoS) message types to aid in the
real-time requirements: time-triggered, rate-constrained which is AFDX, and
best-effort. Time-triggered is the highest priority of the three message types
and is sent only at predefined times for critical applications. Rate-constrained
guarantees bandwidth, but is not synchronized thus increasing jitter. Rate
constrained is a form similar and often the same as AFDX. Finally best-effort
is the lowest level QoS and is used for non-critical applications due to having
no latency guarantees [45] .
Time-Triggered Ethernet added a time synchronization service which is
called Time-Triggered (TT) frames. This method works between the use of
senders, receivers, and switches. The switch is the key component to the
technology, implementing the TT protocol [32]. It knows the time-triggered
windows and can hold frames based off of when they were sent by the sender
and when they must be received by the receiver. This is synchronous mes-
saging due to the known window timing. There are other non-IEEE 802.3
Ethernet protocols like the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus and syn-
chronous RS-422, however TTE is the only Ethernet based protocol that
introduces this synchronous ability and works on preset periods and phases
within which sender and receiver nodes operate [46].
Similar to AFDX, TTE implements the standard IEEE 802.3 MAC and
full duplex PHYs for Layer 1 and Layer 2 needs that are capable of 10Mbps,
100Mbps, or 1Gpbs. This implementation is specific to the sender and re-
ceiver. However at the switch, the proprietary hardware and software is used
in order to implement the timing protocols [32].
Of the four IEEE 802.3 Ethernet protocols presented, TTE is the only
one that implements synchronous communication for some developers, this is
a peace of mind protocol similar to the long lived, legacy 1553 which makes
them comfortable in using it. TTE switches also have built-in mechanisms to
contain errors that may critically affect the system(s) they belong to. This
is an additional factor that improves the protocol’s reliability [47]. However,
since it is a tightly-controlled proprietary protocol, like AFDX, it can become
costly trying to implement this protocol. This protocol may be the best
choice for use on satellites. This is due to the development cycle of satellites
often being a one-time design, meaning that cost is usually not an issue unlike
recurring designs such as launch vehicles and aircraft.
3. Discussion
3.1. Communication Protocol Evaluation Tools
There are many open sourced and licensed tools that are available to cap-
ture and construct packets for all the listed protocols in this paper (please see
Fig. 11). One of the most widely used and supported open-sourced packet
capture tools is Wireshark. This tool works on both Linux and Windows
machines and utilizes Tcpdump to create packet capture (PCAP) files. Tcp-
dump is a network debugging tool that can passively or actively intercept
packets on a network. One downside of Wireshark is that its real-time cap-
ture capabilities vary based on the performance statistics of the machine it
is running on and therefore accuracy down to the millisecond is not always
An open source tool designed for Linux called Arkime (formerly called
Moloch) can also work with Wireshark as it works with PCAP files to capture
and analyze network traffic. Arkime also has an application programming
interface (API) for visualization of such data with custom dashboards and
protocols like the IEEE 802.3. One of the major benefits of Arkime is that
is based on the “ELK” stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) which
allows users to analyze, index, and search multi-modal data regardless of
their type while offering speed and flexibility.
Tcpreplay is a tool that allows for the replay of a string of packets cap-
tured by Wireshark and stored as a PCAP file. This kind of tool can be useful
when data is being captured and an error is discovered. If the transmitted
packets are captured, TcpReplay can replay the same string of packets to
determine if the error happens again or if it was a single occurrence. This
tool is an open-source tool.
Figure 11: Tools to evaluate aircraft communication protocols.
An open-source packet generation tool that can be used to simulate some
of the vulnerabilities mentioned below is called Ostinato. Ostinato allows for
a user to construct a packet by filling in text boxes with the required IPv4
and transmit layer information. It then builds the packet and sends out on
the wire based on user inputs of packets per second and number of bursts
of the packet. This ability also allows for executing DoS attacks discussed
below because Ostinato allows for randomizing MAC and IP addresses per
packet generated.
If time-sensitive packet capture is required, then netANALYZER real
time Ethernet analyzer by Hilscher is the best choice [48]. This device is
a passive packet capture device that works for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and
EtherCAT. The device’s accuracy is +/- 5ns. This device can plot packet
capture real-time in a histogram and can log packet capture files as PCAP
files for later dissection in Wireshark and other PCAP tools.
3.2. Protocol Security Threats and Vulnerabilities
As implementation of 21st century communication protocols rapidly ex-
pands in the aerospace industry, federal regulation boards and developing
companies IT and Security departments need to adapt and create new gov-
erning guidelines for these new protocols. Most recently in the aircraft indus-
try, it has been up to the company IT departments to create guidelines as the
FAA has struggled and been slow at adapting and creating new guidelines
to mitigate cyber security risk [1]. Current FAA regulations, standards, and
guidance do not address cyber security vulnerabilities [8]. For the spacecraft
and launch vehicle industries, their designers and company IT are struggling
with following often archaic guidelines based off of early 1970s communica-
tions protocols and operating systems. This lack of update of requirements
does not only apply to communication protocols but to the end item compu-
tation systems and the switching devices used to enable the communication
As the industry shifts from expensive custom built operating systems for
the computation systems and switching devices, to a commercial off the shelf
(COTS) approach, the number of lines of code (LOC) raises from 50 thousand
to 100’s of millions lines of code [43]. This creates a logistics and man power
nightmare in trying to verify and validate every single line of code within the
communication system. As stated in the introduction, keeping in mind the
three tenants of security and understanding for each protocol when selecting
a communication standard to use is a necessary requirement. One must also
be aware of the entire picture when assessing security risks for each protocol,
such as not limiting the evaluation to the specific design [37]. For example,
a design engineer might be developing a communication network for a space
vehicle or launch vehicle. The engineer must remember that when the vehicle
is sitting on the ground, the communication bus is most likely be linked to
a ground network, introducing vulnerabilities that are not present once the
vehicle is off of the ground. This problem is particularly credible for airborne
systems that use standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.
With these factors in mind, security vulnerabilities are presented for each
communication protocol with mitigation factors suggested.
3.2.1. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Vulnerabilities
Ethernet is the protocol that the following three discussed protocols are
based off of. Because of this, the majority of vulnerabilities related to the
frame structure are common between the protocols. However, Ethernet, be-
ing an open-sourced switched network introduces vulnerabilities unique to it
that the other three protocols fixed through their proprietary nature. Due to
the desire for Ethernet to be cheap and easily deployable, security and Ether-
net vulnerabilities have never been a major consideration when designing the
standard [33]. The vulnerabilities are tied directly to its easily expandable
network, meaning the ARP and MAC table learning are one major intro-
duction of vulnerabilities. This sub-protocol is what allows for the basis of
all intrusive Ethernet attacks by allowing an attacker to obtain access to the
network [49]. This access can be achieved through either a direct connection
to the network or through the use of a malware application. There are mul-
tiple ways the attacker can utilize this network access: network access for
learning about the topology for a later attack, eavesdropping, manipulation,
and disruption [33].
1. Network Access: Network access is required to execute all types of
attacks discussed in this paper. Access is facilitated by implementa-
tion issues and most often not caused directly by the Ethernet standard
architecture. An attacker gaining access directly breaks the confiden-
tiality tenet and can lead to the other two tenets being broken after
the attacker gains access.
Unauthorized Joins: Because of the nature of the Ethernet standard
protocol being easily expandable, unauthorized joins are one of the eas-
iest ways to join the network [50]. This can be done through obtaining
a physical link to the Ethernet switch through connections through a
wall socket and disconnecting an end user and using its physical link
[17]. This vulnerability can be introduced when an end link is discon-
nected from an approved computer and the switch does not shut down
the link. Solutions to this method are to introduce software at the
switch level that limits the way the network can expand [50]. These
can be things such as controlling unauthorized connections, doing port
shutdowns when appropriate, and implementing hard coded MAC ad-
dress tables. However, in large networks, hardcoded tables can become
nearly impossible to keep up to date. This is a solution for small iso-
lated networks such as launch vehicle or aircraft networks. For the IT
ground network, they need to implement additional protections against
unauthorized joins.
VLAN Join: Because Ethernet switches often transmit VLAN adver-
tisements, an attacker can create a computer that looks like an Ethernet
switch using virtual software and therefore listens to the VLAN man-
agement messages. This establishes this computer as a switch and it
can therefore intercept messages. A solution to this is to appropriately
disable this feature and manually add Ethernet switches to the network
Remote Access: Most Ethernet switches have the ability to be remotely
accessed through Serial Network Management Protocol (SNMP), tel-
net, or secure shell (SSH). Using these methods, the attacker can open
a remote administration system and gain access to the network [17].
2. Traffic Confidentiality - Eavesdropping:
Once an attacker has gained access to the network, they can begin
eavesdropping on the Ethernet packets. Due to the design of the Eth-
ernet frame, lots of information can be gained by just scanning the
packets: IP & MAC addresses of end items on networks, VLAN in-
formation, and more topology information [17]. One way hackers can
eavesdrop is by flooding random MAC addressed Ethernet packets to
the switch, thus filling up its buffer. Once that happens, Ethernet
switches are designed to broadcast unresolved packets out every port,
thus allowing the attacker to eavesdrop [33]. An attacker could also
enable the port mirroring feature of the Ethernet switch and passively
eavesdrop on all packets that transmit through the switch. Eavesdrop-
ping in the network breaks the confidentiality tenant which is one of the
main tenants for military applications. It is important to stop and pre-
vent eavesdropping in a launch vehicle, aircraft, and satellite network
in order to prevent critical data from getting into the wrong hands.
3. Traffic Integrity - Manipulation: Another method for an attacker
to modify traffic on the network. If the attacker is able to imitate
the user, they can often gain temporary control of an end item in the
network. This breaks the integrity tenant that was presented in the
security section. One way to do this is called a man in the middle
attack. This is done by the attacker directing traffic through its link.
If the traffic is not protected by any secure measure, it can be modified
and then passed on. As stated in the last sentence, one way to protect
from this happening is to encrypt the data and have extra security
checks within the packet to know if the data has been manipulated
in any way [17]. Preventing manipulation in an aerospace network is
critical to keeping control of assets on the network. This can be crucial
for launch vehicles and satellites that are sitting on a pad ready for
liftoff. For the launch to be successful, everything must be carefully
coordinated and if there is manipulation of data in the network. This
can cause major problems in the launch sequence.
4. Denial of Service - Disruption:
Unlike the previous vulnerabilities, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are
not meant to gain access and instead are meant to prevent access [17].
These attacks can lead to partial or total loss of service for as long as the
attack is sustained prevent launch vehicles from launching, spacecraft
from operating, or aircraft from taking flight.
3.2.2. AFDX Vulnerabilities
AFDX is a technology that is based off of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and there-
fore has many of the same vulnerabilities as IEEE 802.3. Even though AFDX
is a proprietary technology, it lacks one of the advantages that EtherCAT
has due to its frame utilizing an EtherType of 0x0800 which is IEEE 802.3
IPv4 protocol. This makes it so that the attacker can access the network,
discussed in section II.A.1, in the same manner as the standard. This is im-
portant to recognize because any time the item, whether spacecraft, launch
vehicle or aircraft, is plugged into an IT ground network, it becomes sus-
ceptible to access attacks. The one thing that is not similar to IEEE 802.3
are the switches used in AFDX. Since AFDX was designed to meet critical
timing requirements, the AFDX switches look for special delimiters in the
AFDX payload, shown in Fig. 4 [45]. This means that the attacker needs
to recognize these delimiters and make sure that they are matched in any
attempt at spoofing, DoS, or manipulation. The AFDX switches do not use
virtual networks and thus are not susceptible to the VLAN join attack dis-
cussed in the section above. AFDX is designed for critical timing and to
facilitate this has a unique configuration of redundancy built into its topol-
ogy and its protocol. One way the protocol does this is to send duplicate
packets for every message transmitted. If there are no transmission errors
the duplicate packet is discarded. This means that the attacker must apply
the same manipulation or spoofing to each packet in order not to raise red
flags in the system [45].
3.2.3. EtherCAT Vulnerabilites
EtherCAT, in general, is vulnerable to all attacks that exist on IEEE
802.3 Ethernet, however, some attacks may not cause the same damage, but
rather interrupt the real time ability that makes EtherCAT unique [24]. The
type of Ethernet attack that has the ability to cause the most damage in an
EtherCAT network is a man in the middle attack. However, in the application
of all four protocols discussed in this paper, it can be argued that a man in
the middle attack poses the same level of threat for all protocols. This is
due to the highly sensitive nature of these protocols all being used as a
control system and thus if a man in the middle attack occurred, the attacker
could theoretically obtain control of the device it hacked [25]. An attack
not discussed in the Ethernet section, but that does apply to all Ethernet
based protocols, is a Replay-Attack. This is an integrity attack where the
attacker records a frame and then later resends it [17]. In EtherCAT, this
duplicate packet can cause slaves to execute older commands setting them
or the system into an undesired state. This attack is especially damaging
in the EtherCAT network because unlike IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, EtherCAT
has no way to add extra authentication into its frames [51]. Another type
of attack that affects all Ethernet based protocols is MAC address spoofing
[52]. Since there is a lack of authorization and authentication observed in
EtherCAT communications [53], a MAC address spoofing attack takes the
attacker frame and assumes the identity of the EtherCAT master by using
its MAC address. By doing so, the attacker has gained full control of the
EtherCAT network and can now control all slaves. This was proved by a
testbed simulation carried out for etherCAT vulnerabilities in ICS systems
where a system admin cannot explicitly tell that MAC-based spoofing has
taken place due to the lack of authentication. This can lead to devastating
consequences for aerospace applications [54]. This can lead to devastating
consequences in the aerospace industry: it can mean loss of mission for a
spacecraft or launch vehicle, an untimely launch of a launch vehicle, loss of
aircraft control leading to injury or death of the pilot.
Table 1: Next generation aerospace communication protocol evaluation.
Feature\Protocol IEEE 802.3 Ethernet AFDX EtherCAT TTEthernet
Speed (Mbps) 10/100/1000+ 100/1000 100/200 100/100/1000
Duplex Full Full Full Full
PHY Standard 802.3 Standard 802.3 Standard 802.3 Standard 802.3
MAC 802.3 MAC 802.3 MAC 802.3 MAC 802.3 MAC
Topology Star Star Line Star
Single String / Single Fault
/ Dual Redundant (Up to Developer)
Natively Dual Redundant Single Fault Tolerant
Single Fault/
Dual Tolerant
Proprietary (Cost) Open Source Proprietary
Open Source/
Reliability (Timing) Manageable with Implementation Manageable with Implementation
Built-in Timing Improvements
QoS Provides Best
Timing Options
Ground Support Yes Additional Processing Required Additional Processing Required Additional Processing Required
Security Vulnerabilities IEEE 802.3 Vulnerabilities IEEE 802.3 Vulnerabilities IEEE 802.3 Vulnerabilities IEEE 802.3 Vulnerabilities
Open Source Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tool Support
3.2.4. Time-Triggered Ethernet Vulnerabilities
Time triggered Ethernet (TTE) is one of the hardest proprietary protocols
for an attacker to gain access on. This is due to the complexity of its protocol
along with the high proprietary nature of the switches that route the traffic
[32]. TTE has all the same risks for spoofing, manipulation, and DoS attacks,
however because of the structure of the protocol with the three different QOS
message types, it becomes extremely difficult for an attacker to accurately
spoof all message types accurately. The first QoS type of Time-Triggered
poses the biggest challenge for an attacker due to the scheduled timing of the
packets [26].
3.3. Future Trends
The aviation industry has made significant milestones from the first com-
mercial flight in 1914. These milestones (e.g., supersonic/hypersonic air-
craft, deployment of CubeSats, and artificial intelligence-based aircraft de-
sign strategies) have paved way for the next-generation of aerospace tech-
nology to actively investigate areas such as eco-friendly and sustainable fuel
sources (i.e., decarbonization), autonomous flight systems, and the poten-
tial for smart factories to model a data-driven approach for optimization
and visibility into the manufacturing process. Fly-by-wire technology has
brought benefits such as lower weights (replacement of heavy mechanical sys-
tems with wiring), reduced maintenance costs, improved safety, and precise
handling but also opens the possibility for the software-defined networking
(SDN) paradigm in addition to a more secure supply chain through artificial
3.3.1. Software-defined Networking (SDN)
Software-defined Networking (SDN) allows for centralized network man-
agement, control, and monitoring. Additionally, SDN can also accommodate
modifications and new changes through network modularity. It is important
to note that SDN may not necessarily reduce the hardware complexity in
a closed-loop communication system, but rather offloads a majority of the
functions to a centralized server [55]. According to Elmasry and colleagues
[56], the aviation sector may see approvals from the FAA to move all cock-
pit communications to commercial infrastructure (i.e., 5G infrastructure or
broadband satellites) as long as high-end encryption mechanisms are in place.
An additional layer of security can be provided by SDN by separating cock-
pit and cabin traffic using general purpose processors (GPPs) that relay data
from air to ground over secure tunnels. Onboard devices communicate with
a ground gateway that establishes security and service policies to meet the
aircraft’s requirements.
3.3.2. Artificial Intelligence
There are limited standards that exist to regulate cybersecurity in the
aviation industry. According to Mirchandani and Adhikari [57], there are
several threat vectors that exist for aerospace systems (i.e., space systems
and subsystems, space operations, ground services, support infrastructure,
etc. ), one of which is the supply chain. A standard called the NAS9924 by
the Aerospace Industries Association [58] released in 2013 outlines a security
baseline for manufacturers supplying components (e.g., COTS) to aerospace
and defense companies and is the only publicly known standard for cyberse-
curity regulation in aviation. In addition to the lack of policies for aerospace
cybersecurity, the supply chain is complex and integration of multi-vendor
systems from different vendors drastically increases the attack surface. Op-
erational and mission lifespans of space assets can easily last decades and un-
patched security vulnerabilities in legacy systems can be exploited [59]. For
such threats and vulnerabilities, artificial intelligence-based cognitive com-
puting will enable aerospace and defense customers to supply chain assess
data and produce supply risk scoring and supplier performance. Cognitive
computing will offer insights and a comprehensive visibility into the supply
chain that will allow suppliers to predict and prevent threats. An effective
cognitive computing system will require resilient and high fidelity data from
supply chain, procurement, manufacturing, and product development pro-
cesses to produce actionable intelligence that can secure the supply chain
4. Conclusion
The selection of an Ethernet based protocol for use on aerospace systems
is dependent on the application-specific implementation. Each of the four
protocols presented have their own pros and cons that can be traced back
to their implementation. It can be agreed that each of these four protocols
meets the main requirements needed for next-generation avionics systems:
bandwidth increase, redundancy, reliability, and system integration. TTEth-
ernet stands out to be the most robust of the four protocols when compared
on metrics such as redundancy, reliability, and security. Its add-on design to
standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet makes it the best option for highly critical and
sensitive applications such as for satellite designs. For aircraft and launch
vehicles, the best options are either AFDX or standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.
It is possible that 802.3 Ethernet could be carefully implemented to have the
same functionality as AFDX without the extra cost of purchasing a propri-
etary design. Both technologies offer the ability to have full redundancy,
methods for reliability, and configuration support with existing Ethernet-
based ground systems. Through the implementation of any of these four
protocols, the next generation of avionics systems will enable design com-
panies to successfully build and fly their future aircraft, launch vehicle, and
satellite programs.
Recommended Citation
Tyler Przybylski, Niroop Sugunaraj, and Prakash Ranganathan. “A
Whitepaper On Aircraft Communication Systems - Topologies, Protocols,
and Vulnerabilities By Center for Cyber Security Research (C2SR)” (2023).
Electrical Engineering Student Publications. 11.
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