INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 2
ADMINISTRATION AND RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................... 2
CHANGES TO RULES .................................................................................................................. 2
CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2
PORT CONSENT OR ACTION .................................................................................................... 2
OTHER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................... 2
USEFUL WEBSITES ..................................................................................................................... 5
DEFINED TERMS ......................................................................................................................... 6
1. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 15
2. CONTRACTUAL REMEDIES ........................................................................................ 15
3. ENFORCEMENT; SANCTIONS .................................................................................... 15
4. EXCLUSIONS; LIMITATIONS ON AIRPORT USE; VARIANCE.............................. 16
4.1 Exclusion............................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Limited Use of Airport ....................................................................................... 16
4.3 Short Term Exclusion ........................................................................................ 16
5. NOTICE OF VIOLATION ............................................................................................... 17
5.1 Notice of Violation ............................................................................................ 17
5.2 Content of Notice of Violation .......................................................................... 17
6. REQUEST FOR HEARING ............................................................................................. 17
7. STATUS OF SANCTION PENDING A HEARING ....................................................... 17
8. DATE OF HEARING ....................................................................................................... 18
9. HEARING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 18
10. FINAL DECISION ........................................................................................................... 18
11. CRIMINAL CITATIONS ................................................................................................. 18
1. OBSTRUCTION OF AIRPORT USE .............................................................................. 19
2. ACCESS TO NON-PUBLIC AREAS .............................................................................. 19
3. COLLISION REPORTS ................................................................................................... 19
4. ANIMALS ........................................................................................................................ 19
4.1 Definitions.......................................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Emotional Support Animal .............................................................. 19
4.1.2 Government Animal......................................................................... 19
4.1.3 Pet .................................................................................................... 19
4.1.4 Service Animal................................................................................. 20
4.2 Animals in the Terminal .................................................................................... 20
4.3 Use of Carriers and Leashes Required ............................................................... 20
4.4 Animals in Transport ......................................................................................... 20
4.5 Removal of Animals from the Terminal ............................................................ 20
4.6 Required Documentation ................................................................................... 21
4.7 Liability for Harm Caused by Animals .............................................................. 21
4.8 Animal Waste ..................................................................................................... 21
4.9 Enforcement ....................................................................................................... 21
5. SOLICITING RIDES........................................................................................................ 21
6. NO LODGING.................................................................................................................. 21
7. LOST ARTICLES ............................................................................................................ 22
8. INTOXICANTS ................................................................................................................ 22
8.1 Restricted Area Employees ................................................................................ 22
8.2 Alcoholic Beverages .......................................................................................... 22
8.3 Recreational Maijuana ....................................................................................... 22
8.3.1 Definition ......................................................................................... 22
8.3.2 Prohibition........................................................................................ 22
9. HAZARDS TO AVIATION; UNMANNED AIRCRAFT............................................... 23
10. PROHIBITED OBSTRUCTIVE ACTIONS .................................................................... 23
11. MOTORIZED VEHICLES AT THE AIRPORT ............................................................. 23
11.1 Speed Limits ...................................................................................................... 23
11.1.1 Emergency Vehicles ........................................................................ 24
11.2 Driving Recklessly or While Intoxicated ........................................................... 24
11.3 Use of Roads, Streets and Walkways ................................................................ 24
11.4 Parking ............................................................................................................... 24
11.5 Abandoned or Unreasonably Parked Vehicles .................................................. 24
11.6 Vehicles in Restricted Areas .............................................................................. 24
11.7 Pedestrian Crosswalks ....................................................................................... 24
11.8 Traffic Signs and Signals ................................................................................... 25
11.9 Unattended Vehicles .......................................................................................... 25
12. MUTILATION OF CITATIONS ..................................................................................... 25
13. AIRPORT LIABILITY ..................................................................................................... 25
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 26
2. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 26
2.1 Rules Pertaining to Security............................................................................... 26
2.2 Federal Security Regulations ............................................................................. 26
2.3 Eligibility ........................................................................................................... 27
2.4 Security Violation Enforcement ........................................................................ 27
2.5 Suspended or Revoked Access .......................................................................... 27
2.6 Escort Restrictions ............................................................................................. 28
2.7 Disqualifying Conviction Access Restrictions .................................................. 28
2.8 Compliance Testing Authorization .................................................................... 28
3. APPROVED SECURITY BADGES ................................................................................ 28
3.1 PDX Security Badges ........................................................................................ 28
3.2 Security Badges Not Issued by the Port ............................................................. 29
3.2.1 Aircraft Operator Issued Security Badges ....................................... 29
3.2.2 United States Air Force Flight Line Badges .................................... 29
3.2.3 United States and Foreign Military Flight Crew Security Badges .. 30
3.2.4 FAA Pilot Certificates or International Equivalent ......................... 30
3.2.5 FAA Form 110A .............................................................................. 30
3.2.6 TSA Inspector and FAA Special Agent Credentials ........................ 30
3.2.7 Other Security Badges ..................................................................... 30
3.3 Identification Required to Obtain a PDX Security Badge ................................. 30
3.4 Tenant Employee Authorization for PDX/POPID Security Badge ................... 30
4. BADGEHOLDER'S RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................... 31
4.1 Security Badge Display...................................................................................... 31
4.2 TSA Security Screening ..................................................................................... 31
4.3 Use of Another Person's Security Badge ........................................................... 31
4.4 Providing a Security Badge to Another Person ................................................. 31
4.5 Providing or Obtaining an Access Device ......................................................... 31
4.6 Duplication of Access Device Prohibited .......................................................... 31
4.7 Security Badge Challenge Requirement ............................................................ 31
4.7.1 Security Badge Challenge Procedure............................................... 31
4.7.2 Security Badge Challenge Compliance ........................................... 32
4.7.3 Returning Security Badges .............................................................. 32
5. ACCESS CONTROL PROCEDURES............................................................................. 32
5.1 Secured and Sterile Door Access ....................................................................... 32
5.2 Access Control System Audible Alarms ............................................................ 32
5.3 Pull Stations ....................................................................................................... 33
5.4 Forcing Open Security Doors or Gates .............................................................. 33
5.5 Reporting Malfunctions ..................................................................................... 33
5.6 Vehicle Gates ..................................................................................................... 33
5.6.1 AOA Gates ....................................................................................... 33
5.6.2 Secured Area Gates; Midfield Secured Area Checkpoints .............. 33
5.6.3 Pedestrian Access Prohibited ........................................................... 34
5.7 Elevators ............................................................................................................ 34
5.7.1 Access Procedures ........................................................................... 34
5.7.2 Reporting and Challenging Requirements ....................................... 34
6. KEYS AND LOCKS ........................................................................................................ 34
6.1 Port Issued Keys ................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Locked Out Procedure ....................................................................................... 34
7. FIREARMS, EXPLOSIVES, AND PROHIBITED ITEMS ............................................ 35
7.1 Possession .......................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Storage ............................................................................................................... 35
8. PROHIBITED ITEMS IN THE STERILE AREA ........................................................... 35
9. BADGEHOLDERS SCREENING AND SEARCHES .................................................... 35
10. PROHIBITED ITEMS IN THE SECURED AREA AND AOA ..................................... 36
11. LIGHTERS AND MATCHES ......................................................................................... 36
12. AOA ACCESS THROUGH TENANT-OCCUPIED FACILITIES ................................. 36
13. ESCORTING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 36
13.1 General Escort Requirements ............................................................................ 36
13.2 Escorting of Concessionaire's Unbadged Employees ........................................ 37
13.3 Escorting Persons in the Restricted Area ........................................................... 37
13.4 Restricted Area Vehicle Escort .......................................................................... 37
13.5 Reporting Unauthorized Activities .................................................................... 37
14. PDX AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 37
14.1 General Responsibilities .................................................................................... 37
14.2 Notification Requirements ................................................................................. 38
14.3 Unreturned PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device ................................... 38
14.4 Security Badge Training .................................................................................... 38
14.4.1 General Requirements ...................................................................... 38
14.4.2 Special Circumstances ..................................................................... 39
14.4.3 Interpreter Requirements ................................................................. 39
14.5 Badge and Access Device Audit ........................................................................ 39
15. PDX SECURITY BADGEHOLDER RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................... 39
15.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................ 39
15.2 Expired, Lost, or Stolen PDX Security Badge or Access Device ...................... 39
15.2.1 Fees .................................................................................................. 40
15.2.2 Final Determination ......................................................................... 40
15.3 Receipts for Returned PDX Security Badges and/or Access Devices ............... 40
15.4 Reporting Subsequent Disqualifying Criminal Convictions .............................. 40
16. SECURITY VIOLATIONS ENFORCEMENT ............................................................... 40
16.1 Reporting Security Violations or Suspicious Activity ....................................... 40
16.2 Investigating Reported Security Violations ....................................................... 40
16.3 Enforcement Responsibility ............................................................................... 41
17. SECURITY VIOLATIONS PENALTIES ....................................................................... 41
17.1 Suspension or Revocation of Unescorted Access Privileges ............................. 41
17.2 Suspension or Revocation of an Employer's Access Privileges ........................ 41
17.3 Reauthorization of Unescorted Access Privileges ............................................. 41
17.4 Immediate Threats to Security or Noncompliance With Security Screening .... 41
17.4.1 Temporary Suspension of PDX Security Badges ............................ 42
17.5 Badgeholder Penalties ........................................................................................ 42
17.6 Security Violation Penalties for Badgeholders .................................................. 42
17.6.1 Security Violation Letter .................................................................. 42
17.6.2 Badgeholder Suspension .................................................................. 42
17.6.3 Security Badge Revocation .............................................................. 43
17.7 Enforcement Matrix ........................................................................................... 43
18. HEARING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 45
1. AVAILABILITY AND POLICY ..................................................................................... 46
2. LOCATIONS .................................................................................................................... 46
2.1 Parking Garages ................................................................................................. 46
2.1.1 Short Term Parking Garage ............................................................. 46
2.1.1 Long Term Parking Garage ............................................................. 46
2.2 Economy Parking Lot ........................................................................................ 46
2.3 Employee Parking Lots ...................................................................................... 46
2.3.1 Employee Parking Lot ..................................................................... 46
2.3.2 Port Headquarters Parking Lot ......................................................... 47
3. COST, DISTRIBUTION AND ACCESS......................................................................... 47
3.1 Employee Parking Rates .................................................................................... 47
3.1.1 Employee Parking Lot ..................................................................... 47
3.1.2 Port Headquarters Parking Lot ......................................................... 47
3.1.3 Parking Garages ............................................................................... 47
3.2 Parking Access Identification ............................................................................ 47
4. SHUTTLE BUSES ........................................................................................................... 48
5. PARKING LOTS SAFETY AND SECURITY ............................................................... 48
5.1 Restricted Entry ................................................................................................. 48
5.2 Non-Emergency Communications ..................................................................... 48
6. ABUSE OF PARKING PRIVILEGES ............................................................................. 48
6.1 Entry Cards ........................................................................................................ 48
6.2 Damaging Parking Facilities .............................................................................. 48
6.3 Unpaid Fees for Public Parking Lot................................................................... 49
6.4 Unpaid Fees for Employee Parking Lot ............................................................. 49
9. SANCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 50
9.1 Vehicle Parking Violations ................................................................................ 50
9.2 Suspension of Parking Privileges....................................................................... 50
ABANDONED ................................................................................................................. 50
10.1 Definitions.......................................................................................................... 51
10.1.1 Abandoned Vehicle .......................................................................... 51
10.1.2 Bicycle ............................................................................................. 51
10.1.3 Law Enforcement Agency ............................................................... 51
10.1.4 Motorcycle ....................................................................................... 51
10.1.5 Storage ............................................................................................. 51
10.1.6 Tow Hearings Officer ...................................................................... 51
10.1.7 Towing ............................................................................................. 51
10.1.8 Vehicle ............................................................................................. 52
10.2 Towing and Storage of Vehicles ........................................................................ 52
10.2.1 Authority to Tow.............................................................................. 52
10.2.2 Towing After Notice ........................................................................ 52
10.2.3 Towing Prior to Notice .................................................................... 52
10.3 Notice to Interested Parties of Vehicle Towing ................................................. 52
10.3.1 Notice Prior to Towing .................................................................... 52
10.3.2 Notice Subsequent to Towing .......................................................... 53
10.3.3 Delay of Notice ................................................................................ 53
10.3.4 Notice Not Required ........................................................................ 53
10.3.5 Notice of Right to Hearing ............................................................... 54
10.4 Hearing to Contest Validity of Vehicle Tow ..................................................... 54
10.4.1 Right to Hearing ............................................................................... 54
10.4.2 Request for a Hearing ...................................................................... 54
10.4.3 Scheduling of a Hearing ................................................................... 54
10.4.4 Conduct of a Hearing ....................................................................... 54
10.4.5 Tow or Storage Found Invalid ......................................................... 54
10.4.6 Tow or Storage Found Valid............................................................ 55
10.4.7 No Appeal ........................................................................................ 55
10.5 Towing and Storage Charges; Redemption of Vehicles .................................... 55
10.5.1 Towing and Storage Charges ........................................................... 55
10.5.2 Waiver of Payment of Charges by the Port ..................................... 55
10.5.3 Release of Vehicle ........................................................................... 55
10.5.4 Person(s) to Whom Vehicle May be Released ................................ 55
11. TRIMET PASSES ............................................................................................................ 55
1. ENVIRONMENTAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ......................................... 56
2. SPILL RESPONSE ........................................................................................................... 56
3. DE-ICING MATERIALS ................................................................................................. 57
4. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PROHIBITION LIST...................................................... 57
4.1 Prohibited Chemicals and Materials .................................................................. 57
4.2 Chemicals and Materials of Concern ................................................................. 57
5. QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................... 58
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 59
2. AVOID CREATING WILDLIFE ATTRACTANTS ....................................................... 59
3. REPORTING WILDLIFE PROBLEMS .......................................................................... 59
4. REPORTING AIRCRAFT/WILDLIFE STRIKES .......................................................... 59
8. INJURED ANIMALS ....................................................................................................... 60
1. SNOW AND ICE RESPONSE PLAN ............................................................................. 61
2. EVENT LEVELS.............................................................................................................. 61
2.1 Event Level I ...................................................................................................... 61
2.2 Event Level II .................................................................................................... 61
2.3 Event Level III ................................................................................................... 61
3. EVENT COMMUNICATION.......................................................................................... 62
4. GATE/RAMP SNOW REMOVAL RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................. 62
1. EXERCISE OF FREE SPEECH ....................................................................................... 63
2. PERMIT REQUIRED ....................................................................................................... 63
2.1 Locations in the Terminal .................................................................................. 63
2.2 Locations Outside the Terminal ......................................................................... 64
2.3 Restrictions ........................................................................................................ 64
2.4 Exception ........................................................................................................... 64
3. PHYSICAL OBSTRUCTION .......................................................................................... 64
4. PERMIT VIOLATION OR DENIAL OF PERMIT ......................................................... 64
5. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................ 65
6. EMERGENCY SUSPENSION ........................................................................................ 65
7. COMPLAINTS ................................................................................................................. 65
1. COMPLAINTS AND COMPLIMENTS PROCESS ....................................................... 66
2. AIRCRAFT NOISE .......................................................................................................... 66
3. PORT POLICE ................................................................................................................. 66
4. ALL OTHER AIRPORT COMPLAINTS AND/OR QUESTIONS ................................ 66
2. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE RAMPS ........................................................................ 68
3. UNATTENDED VEHICLES PROHIBITED .................................................................. 68
4. ASSISTING AIRPORT CUSTOMERS ........................................................................... 68
5. PARKING CONTROL REPRESENTATIVE ................................................................. 68
1. FIRE INSPECTION PROGRAM ..................................................................................... 69
2.1 Christmas Trees ................................................................................................. 69
2.1.1 Natural Christmas Trees .................................................................. 69
2.1.2 Artificial Trees ................................................................................. 69
2.2 Decorations ........................................................................................................ 70
2.3 Candles or Open Flames .................................................................................... 70
3. HOT WORKS PERMITS ................................................................................................. 70
4. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM IMPAIRMENTS ........................................................... 70
5. FIRE SAFETY IN STORAGE AREAS ........................................................................... 70
7. FIRE CODES .................................................................................................................... 70
1. PROHIBITION OF SMOKING ....................................................................................... 71
2. FINES ............................................................................................................................... 71
3. APPROVED OUTDOOR SMOKING LOCATIONS ...................................................... 71
1. EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT FOR ADVERTISING SERVICES ..................................... 72
2. RESTRICTION ON ADVERTISING AT THE AIRPORT ............................................. 72
3. IN-STORE PROMOTIONS ............................................................................................. 72
4. IN-STORE DISPLAYS .................................................................................................... 72
5. CUSTOMER ACCESS TO MERCHANDISE ................................................................ 72
6. MUSIC SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................... 73
8. SIGNAGE ......................................................................................................................... 73
8.1 Terminal Appearance Standards ........................................................................ 73
8.2 Airport Public Area Signage .............................................................................. 73
8.3 Concessions Signage Standards ......................................................................... 73
1. RESTRICTED AREA DELIVERIES .............................................................................. 74
1.1 Authorized Vendor............................................................................................. 74
1.2 Vendor Access Policy ........................................................................................ 74
1.3 Vendor Delivery Hours ...................................................................................... 74
1.4 Important Vendor Delivery Contact Information .............................................. 74
1.5 Delivery Zones ................................................................................................... 75
1.6 Vehicle Identification for Delivery Zones ......................................................... 75
1.7 Delivery Zone Parking Restrictions ................................................................... 75
1.8 Delivery Through Terminal ............................................................................... 75
1.9 Application for Vehicle Operator Permit ........................................................... 75
1.10 Vehicle Operator Permit .................................................................................... 75
2. OBTAINING VENDOR ACCESS APPROVAL ............................................................ 76
3. VENDOR ACCESS GATE .............................................................................................. 76
3.1 Location ............................................................................................................. 76
3.2 Signage ............................................................................................................... 76
3.3 Escort Requirements .......................................................................................... 76
3.4 Time Limit ......................................................................................................... 76
4.1 Location ............................................................................................................. 76
4.2 Time Limit ......................................................................................................... 76
4.3 Authorized Use .................................................................................................. 77
4.4 Important North Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking Area
Contact Information ........................................................................................... 77
4.5 Vehicle Height Clearance Limitations ............................................................... 77
4.6 Vehicle Signage Requirements .......................................................................... 77
1. GREASE RECYCLING PROGRAM .............................................................................. 78
2. RECYCLABLE/COMPOSTABLE MATERIALS .......................................................... 79
3. DESIGNATED DISPOSAL ............................................................................................. 79
4. OVERSIZE ITEMS .......................................................................................................... 79
5. FOOD WASTE COLLECTION ....................................................................................... 79
6. WASTE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION .................................................................. 80
1. MAINTENANCE SERVICES ......................................................................................... 81
2. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................... 81
2.1 Port Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 81
2.2 Tenant Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 81
3.1 Contracting with Outside Vendor Services........................................................ 81
3.2 Contracting with the Maintenance Department ................................................. 82
4. EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE ................................................................................... 82
1. CONDITIONS FOR REVIEW AND PERMITS ............................................................. 83
2. PURPOSE OF TERMINAL DESIGN STANDARDS..................................................... 83
3. REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PROCEDURE ......................................... 83
4. PORT'S RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT ................................................................................. 84
1. PORT POLICE ................................................................................................................. 85
1.1 Criminal or Suspicious Activity......................................................................... 85
1.2 Crime Prevention ............................................................................................... 85
2. AIRPORT FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT .......................................................... 85
2.1 Medical .............................................................................................................. 85
2.2 Fire ..................................................................................................................... 85
1. TEMPORARY CLOSURES ............................................................................................ 86
2. INCLEMENT WEATHER ............................................................................................... 86
3. CLOSURES DUE TO OTHER CONCERNS .................................................................. 86
4. EMPLOYEE STANDARDS AND CONDUCT .............................................................. 86
1. PERMITS FOR TEMPORARY USE OF AIRPORT FACILITIES ................................ 87
2. SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ................................................................................................ 87
1. RIGHT TO DEVELOP AIRPORT ................................................................................... 88
2. INCONVENIENCES DURING CONSTRUCTION ....................................................... 88
1. POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 89
2. COMMERCIAL FILMING .............................................................................................. 89
2.1 Commercial Filming Requests ........................................................................... 89
2.2 Restrictions ........................................................................................................ 89
2.3 Filming and Photography for Internet or for Promotional Use .......................... 90
2.4 Stock Photography or Video .............................................................................. 90
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES ............................................................................................... 91
2. DRIVER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 91
2.1 Application ......................................................................................................... 91
2.2 Valid Driver's License ....................................................................................... 91
2.3 Valid PDX Security Badge ................................................................................ 91
2.4 Operation of Vehicle .......................................................................................... 91
2.5 Driver Training .................................................................................................. 91
2.6 Escort Requirements .......................................................................................... 92
3. GENERAL VEHICLE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 92
3.1 Vehicle Registration ........................................................................................... 92
3.2 Vehicle Identification ......................................................................................... 92
3.3 Vehicles Exempt From Identification ................................................................ 93
3.4 Vehicle Operating Condition ............................................................................. 93
3.5 Vehicle Equipment ............................................................................................. 93
4. RESTRICTED AREA DRIVING ..................................................................................... 93
4.1 Right-Of-Way .................................................................................................... 93
4.2 Right-Of-Way for Emergency Vehicles ............................................................ 93
4.3 Designated Service Roads.................................................................................. 93
4.4 Reckless or Careless Vehicle Operation ............................................................ 94
4.5 Maximum Speed Limits ..................................................................................... 94
4.6 Passing A Vehicle .............................................................................................. 94
4.7 Personal Vehicles ............................................................................................... 94
4.8 Escort Vehicle Requirement .............................................................................. 94
4.9 Traffic Signage................................................................................................... 94
4.10 Crossing Points .................................................................................................. 94
4.11 Containment of Vehicle Loads .......................................................................... 95
4.12 Tractor and Container Carriers .......................................................................... 95
4.13 Driving Between Aircraft and Passenger Terminal ........................................... 95
4.14 Driving Between Terminal and Ground Crews ................................................. 95
4.15 Vehicle Passenger Restrictions .......................................................................... 95
4.16 Passenger Loading Bridges ................................................................................ 95
4.17 Vehicle Guide Person ........................................................................................ 95
4.18 Collisions ........................................................................................................... 96
4.19 Foreign Object Debris ........................................................................................ 96
4.20 Unattended Vehicle ............................................................................................ 96
4.21 Parked Vehicles and Ground Service Equipment .............................................. 96
4.22 Electronic Devices ............................................................................................. 97
4.23 Hearing Protection ............................................................................................. 97
4.24 Alcohol or Use of Substances That Impair Ability ............................................ 97
4.25 Seat Belts ........................................................................................................... 97
5. DRIVING IN NON-MOVEMENT AREAS .................................................................... 97
5.1 Non-Movement Areas ........................................................................................ 97
5.2 Movement Area Boundary Line ........................................................................ 97
6. DRIVING IN MOVEMENT AREAS .............................................................................. 97
6.1 Movement Areas Generally ............................................................................... 97
6.2 Movement Area Incursion ................................................................................. 98
6.3 Movement Area Vehicle Equipment ................................................................. 98
6.4 Aircraft Tow Operations .................................................................................... 98
7.1 Penalties and Suspension of Driving Privileges ................................................ 98
7.2 Notification of Violation .................................................................................... 99
7.3 Enforcement Responsibility ............................................................................... 99
8. DRIVING VIOLATION PENALTIES ............................................................................ 99
9. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION/REVIEW .................................... 99
1. GATE USE; ASSIGNMENT; SCHEDULING .............................................................. 100
1.1 Conditions ........................................................................................................ 100
1.2 Use Conditions ................................................................................................. 102
1.3 Non Responsibility........................................................................................... 102
2. REMOTE AREA AIRCRAFT PARKING LOCATIONS ............................................. 103
2.1 North Ramp ...................................................................................................... 103
2.2 South Ramp ...................................................................................................... 103
2.3 Southeast Ramp ............................................................................................... 103
2.4 Reserve Ramp .................................................................................................. 103
2.5 Remote Parking Assignment Procedures ......................................................... 103
3. USE OF REMOTE PARKING AREAS ........................................................................ 103
4. GROUND RUN-UP ENCLOSURE ............................................................................... 104
4.1 Port Engine Run-Up Noise Management Plan ................................................ 104
4.2 Use of GRE Facility ......................................................................................... 104
4.3 Operating Hours ............................................................................................... 105
1.1 Ground Transportation Permit Required ......................................................... 106
1.2 Required Port Ground Transportation Permits ................................................ 106
1.3 Categories of Ground Transportation Operations ............................................ 106
1.4 Management of the Commercial Roadway ...................................................... 106
1.4.1 Holding Area .................................................................................. 107
1.4.2 Airport Customers Loading ........................................................... 107
1.4.3 Unattended Vehicles Prohibited .................................................... 107
1.4.4 Unattended Vehicles in the Holding Area ..................................... 107
1.5 Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles ................................................. 107
1.6 Signage ............................................................................................................. 108
1.7 Food Service .................................................................................................... 108
1.8 Driver Conduct ................................................................................................. 108
1.9 Imposing Suspensions ...................................................................................... 110
1.10 Tracking and Imposing Fines, Suspensions and Terminations ........................ 110
TRANSPORTATION ..................................................................................................... 110
2.1 Enforcement Responsibility ............................................................................. 110
2.2 Penalties and Suspension of Driving Privileges .............................................. 110
2.3 Reinstatement of Driver ................................................................................... 111
3. PENALTIES ................................................................................................................... 111
3.1 Driver Violation Penalties ................................................................................ 111
3.2 Table of Penalties ............................................................................................. 111
3.2.1 Driver Suspensions ........................................................................ 111
3.2.2 Driver Immediate Suspensions ...................................................... 111
3.2.3 Ground Transportation Permitted Business Suspensions .............. 112
4. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION/REVIEW .................................. 112
5. PERMIT ISSUANCE ..................................................................................................... 112
6. INSURANCE .................................................................................................................. 112
7. REVOCATION; SUSPENSION .................................................................................... 112
1. CIVIL RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS................................................................................... 113
1.1 Contractor ........................................................................................................ 113
1.2 Tenant or Concessionaire ................................................................................. 113
2. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY ............................................................................... 114
2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 Compliance with Regulations .............................................................. 114
2.1.2 Nondiscrimination ............................................................................... 114
2.1.3 Solicitation for Subcontracts, including Procurements of Materials and
Equipment ........................................................................................... 114
2.1.4 Information and Reports ...................................................................... 115
2.1.5 Sanctions for Noncompliance .............................................................. 115
APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................................116
TABLE A ..............................................................................................................................116
TABLE B ..............................................................................................................................117
APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................118
MAP OF TERMINAL, LANDSIDE AREA AND AIRSIDE AREA ..............................119
APPENDIX C .............................................................................................................................119
PDX EMPLOYEE LOT GUIDELINES AND TERMS OF USE ....................................119
AMENDMENT LOG.................................................................................................................122
Abandoned Vehicle ....................................................................................................................... 52
ACAA ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Access Control System ................................................................................................................... 6
Access Device ................................................................................................................................. 6
ADA .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Agreement ............................................................................................................................. 16, 114
Air Operations Area ........................................................................................................................ 6
Air Traffic Control Tower .............................................................................................................. 7
Aircraft Operator ............................................................................................................................. 6
Airfield Citation .............................................................................................................................. 6
Airport ......................................................................................................................................... 1, 6
Airport Customer ............................................................................................................................ 6
Airport Operations Supervisor ........................................................................................................ 6
Airport Security Coordinator .......................................................................................................... 6
Airport Security Program ................................................................................................................ 6
Airside ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Airside Operations .......................................................................................................................... 7
Airside Operations Department ...................................................................................................... 6
Airside Operations Manager ........................................................................................................... 7
AOA ................................................................................................................................................ 6
AOA Badge ................................................................................................................................... 30
Apron .............................................................................................................................................. 7
ASC ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Authorized Emergency Vehicle .................................................................................................... 25
Authorized Signatory ...................................................................................................................... 7
Authorized Vendor........................................................................................................................ 75
Aviation Security Department ........................................................................................................ 7
Badgeholder .................................................................................................................................... 7
Best Management Practices ...................................................................................................... 7, 57
Bicycle .......................................................................................................................................... 52
Business Day ................................................................................................................................... 7
Carrier ........................................................................................................................................... 21
CCC............................................................................................................................................... 67
Chauffeured Limousine .................................................................................................................. 7
Chief of Police ................................................................................................................................ 7
Class I, II, III, and IV Airfield Driving Violations ......................................................................... 7
Class I, II, III, and IV Security Violations ...................................................................................... 8
Collision .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Commercial Activity ....................................................................................................................... 8
Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle.................................................................................. 8
Commercial Roadway ..................................................................................................................... 8
Communications Center.................................................................................................................. 8
Concession ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Concessionaire ................................................................................................................................ 8
Concessions Department ............................................................................................................... 75
Contractor ................................................................................................................................... 114
Courtesy Vehicle ............................................................................................................................. 8
Criminal History Record Check...................................................................................................... 8
Director of Public Safety and Security ........................................................................................... 8
Driver .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Economy Parking Lot ................................................................................................................... 47
Emergency Operations Center ........................................................................................................ 9
Emotional Support Animal ........................................................................................................... 20
Employee Parking Lot .................................................................................................................. 47
Enforcement Matrix .................................................................................................................. 9, 43
Environmental Department ........................................................................................................... 57
EOC................................................................................................................................................. 9
Exclusion......................................................................................................................................... 9
Executive Director .......................................................................................................................... 9
FAA................................................................................................................................................. 9
Federal Aviation Administration .................................................................................................... 9
Fire Department ........................................................................................................................ 9, 86
FIS ............................................................................................................................................... 102
Fixed Route Vehicle ....................................................................................................................... 9
Foreign Object Debris ..................................................................................................................... 9
Formal Amendment .................................................................................................................... 2, 9
Free Speech Permit ................................................................................................................... 9, 64
GA ................................................................................................................................................... 9
GA Area Badge ............................................................................................................................. 30
General Aviation ............................................................................................................................. 9
General Aviation Area .................................................................................................................... 9
Government Animal...................................................................................................................... 20
GRE............................................................................................................................................. 105
GRE Manual ............................................................................................................................... 105
Ground Service Equipment ............................................................................................................. 9
Ground Transportation Office....................................................................................................... 10
Ground Transportation Permit .............................................................................................. 10, 113
Ground Transportation Permitted Business .................................................................................. 10
Hazardous Substance .................................................................................................................... 10
Hearings Officer ............................................................................................................................ 10
Holding Area ................................................................................................................................. 10
ICBT ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Incident Command System ........................................................................................................... 62
Incident Commander ..................................................................................................................... 62
Incursion ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Landside ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Landside Operations Department ............................................................................................... 111
Law Enforcement Agency ............................................................................................................ 52
Long Term Parking Garages ......................................................................................................... 47
Maintenance Department .............................................................................................................. 35
Marijuana ................................................................................................................................ 10, 23
Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Media Relations Department ........................................................................................................ 90
Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint .............................................................................................. 10
Minor Amendment .................................................................................................................... 2, 11
Motorcycle .................................................................................................................................... 52
Movement Area ............................................................................................................................ 11
Movement Area Boundary Line ................................................................................................... 11
Non-Movement Area .................................................................................................................... 11
Notice of Violation ................................................................................................................. 11, 18
NPDES .......................................................................................................................................... 57
Offensive Physical Contact ........................................................................................................... 11
Offensive Verbal Contact ............................................................................................................. 11
On-Demand Vehicles .................................................................................................................... 11
Operations Department ................................................................................................................. 25
Parking Access Credential ............................................................................................................ 11
Parking Control Representative .................................................................................................... 11
Parking Garages ...................................................................................................................... 11, 47
Parking Systems Department ........................................................................................................ 48
PDX........................................................................................................................................... 1, 11
PDX Security Badge ..................................................................................................................... 11
Permit and Right-of-Entry ............................................................................................................ 12
Pet ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Photography/Filming Permit ................................................................................................... 12, 90
Port ............................................................................................................................................ 1, 12
Port Commission ........................................................................................................................... 12
Port Designated Security Provider ................................................................................................ 12
Port Headquarters Parking Lot ...................................................................................................... 48
Port of Portland ............................................................................................................................. 12
Port Ordinance No. 360 ................................................................................................................ 12
Port Ordinance No. 423-R ............................................................................................................ 12
Port Ordinance No. 433-R ............................................................................................................ 12
Port Ordinance No. 450-R ............................................................................................................ 12
Port Ordinance No. 451-R ............................................................................................................ 12
Port Police ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Pull Station .................................................................................................................................... 34
Ramp ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Receiver ........................................................................................................................................ 67
Reservation Only Vehicle ............................................................................................................. 12
Responder ..................................................................................................................................... 67
Restricted Area .............................................................................................................................. 12
Restricted Area Driving Authorization ......................................................................................... 13
Reviewing Official ........................................................................................................................ 13
Roadway Access Device ............................................................................................................... 13
RON ............................................................................................................................................ 102
RPV ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Runway ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Scheduled Service Vehicle ........................................................................................................... 13
Secured Area ................................................................................................................................. 13
Secured Area Badge ...................................................................................................................... 30
Security Badge Training ............................................................................................................... 13
Security Badging Office ............................................................................................................... 13
Security Identification Display Area ............................................................................................ 13
Security Screening Checkpoint ..................................................................................................... 13
Security Threat Assessment .......................................................................................................... 13
Security Violation ......................................................................................................................... 14
Security Violation Letter ......................................................................................................... 14, 43
Service Animal.............................................................................................................................. 21
Service Road ................................................................................................................................. 14
Short Term Parking Garage .......................................................................................................... 47
SIDA ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Sterile Area ................................................................................................................................... 14
Sterile Area Badge ........................................................................................................................ 30
Storage .......................................................................................................................................... 52
Table of Penalties ........................................................................................................................ 112
Taxicab .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Taxiway......................................................................................................................................... 14
Tenant ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Terminal ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Terminal Roadway ........................................................................................................................ 14
TNC............................................................................................................................................... 15
Tow Hearings Officer ................................................................................................................... 52
Towing .......................................................................................................................................... 52
Training ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Transportation Assistant ............................................................................................................... 14
Transportation Network Company ............................................................................................... 15
Transportation Security Administration ....................................................................................... 15
Transportation Security Regulations ............................................................................................. 15
TSA ........................................................................................................................................... 2, 15
TSRs .............................................................................................................................................. 15
UAS............................................................................................................................................... 24
Vehicle .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Violation Panel ........................................................................................................................ 15, 28
1 – PDX Rules Introduction
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The Port of Portland ("Port") extends a warm welcome to all users of Portland International Airport
("PDX" or "Airport"). In order to promote a safe and enjoyable Airport experience, the Port has
enacted the Portland International Airport Rules ("Rules"), which govern and regulate the
activities and conduct of persons and entities using the Airport. The Rules must be read in
conjunction with the Port ordinances, all applicable provisions of the Charter and Code of the City
of Portland, other governing local regulations, all individual contracts that a user may have with
the Port, and all applicable state and federal laws. The Rules are subject to change at any time in
order to remain current with changing laws, regulations, and Airport operations.
2 – PDX Rules Preface
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The Rules apply to activities, operations, and use of Portland International Airport. Copies of the
Rules, may be obtained during normal business hours at the Airport's Administrative Offices,
located at 7200 N.E. Airport Way, Portland, OR 97218 or by accessing the Port's public website.
Every person and entity doing business at the Airport is responsible for maintaining a current
knowledge of and complying with all Rules that are applicable to their activities at the Airport.
The Rules may be supplemented, significantly amended, or repealed ("Formal Amendment") from
time to time by the Executive Director. Any Formal Amendment to the Rules shall be effective
upon the date of signature by the Executive Director, unless the Formal Amendment specifies a
different effective date. The Rules will also be regularly updated to reflect errata corrections,
changes in contact information, changes to implement Transportation Security Administration
("TSA") security directives, or changes to those process and procedural documents referenced in
Appendix A, Table A ("Minor Amendment"). The Rules will be reviewed, and any changes will
be published electronically.
The Rules shall be construed to be consistent with, and not in limitation of, federal, state, or local
laws; Port and City of Portland Ordinances; Federal Aviation Administration and TSA directives
and regulations; and in addition to all obligations contained in any lease or other contract between
the party subject to the Rules and the Port.
Wherever the Rules require the Port's consent or approval, or permit the Port to act such consent,
approval, or action may be given or performed by the Port Commission or it may be delegated to
the Executive Director, or his/her delegates. In the event the Rules are silent as to the standard for
any consent, approval, determination, or similar discretionary action by the Port, the standard shall
be deemed to be in the sole reasonable discretion of the Port.
In addition to maintaining familiarity and complying with the Rules, Tenants and Airport users
must be familiar with and abide by the processes and procedures described in other Airport-related
documents including, but not limited to, those documents listed in Appendix A, Tables A and B.
Copies of these documents are available from the sources listed in Appendix A.
3 – PDX Rules PDX Emergency Numbers and
Other Important Numbers
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Access Control Administrator
Airside Operations Manager
Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside
Airport Operations Supervisor for Landside
Airport Security Coordinator
Airside Properties
Aviation Security Department
Commercial Roadway Manager/Ground
(503) 415-6106
Communications Center (Emergency
Environmental Compliance and Spills)
(503) 460-4000
Communications Center (Non-Emergency)
Concessions Operations Manager
Conference Center
Customer Communication Coordinator
Customer Relations Supervisor
Emergency (Port of Portland)
Environmental Department
Environmental Waste Minimization Program
(503) 415-6679
FAA Tower
Fire Department
Fire Department, Fire Prevention Office
Fire Emergency
Free Speech Permits
Landside and Terminal Operations Manager
Legal Department
Lost and Found
Maintenance Department
4 – PDX Rules PDX Emergency Numbers and
Other Important Numbers
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Media Relations Department
Medical Emergency
Noise Management
Parking System Manager
PDX Information
PDXNext Construction Activity Hotline
Permit and Right of Entry for Photography and
(503) 415-6591 or (503) 415-6151
Port Administrative Offices
Port Maintenance and Custodial Services
Port Police, Fire and Medical Airport
Assistance (Emergency)
(503) 460-4000
Port Police (Non-Emergency)
Safety Department
Security Badging Office
Security Operations Manager
Senior Concessions Operations Manager
Tenant Construction Coordinator
Tenant Design Office
Terminal Leasing Manager
Terminal Operations Manager
Transportation Security Administration
TriMet Employer Programs
Wildlife Emergency Response
5 – PDX Rules Useful Websites
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Federal Aviation Administration
Portland International Airport
Port of Portland
Port of Portland Noise
Port of Portland Public Records
Port Tenant Improvement
Transportation Security
Transportation Security
Administration Permitted and
Prohibited Items
TriMet Employer Programs
US. Customs and Border
U.S. Department of Homeland
All websites in the PDX Rules are current as of the day of publication of the PDX Rules.
6 – PDX Rules Defined Terms
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The following definitions shall apply to the Rules. Specific sections where the defined terms are
used provide the full context of each term.
"Access Control System" means the computerized access system used by the Port to
control access through doors and gates into the Secured Area and portions of the Air Operations
Area and the Sterile Area.
"Access Device" means any security key, lock combination or other device, besides a PDX
Security Badge, manufactured or created for the purpose of accessing the Restricted Area or Sterile
Area through a door or gate.
"Aircraft Operator" means any person or entity who uses, causes to be used, or authorizes
to be used an aircraft with or without the right of legal control as owner, lessee or otherwise for
the purpose of air navigation including piloting aircraft or the operation of aircraft on any part of
the surface of the Airport.
"Airfield Citation" means a citation issued by the Port's Airside Operations Department
("Airside Operations Department") or Port Police for violation of the Rules pertaining to Restricted
Area vehicle operations. No fines are associated with Airfield Citations.
"Air Operations Area" or "AOA" means that portion of the Restricted Area, located
outside the Secured Area that includes the Aircraft Movement Areas, including Runways,
Taxiways, Aprons, aircraft parking areas, loading Ramps, and safety areas, for use by aircraft and
regulated under 49 CFR 1540, 49 CFR 1542, 49 CFR 1544 or 49 CFR 1546. The AOA, with the
exception of the General Aviation Area, is designated as a Security Identification Display Area.
"Airport" means the Portland International Airport and adjacent areas as described in color
in the Map of Terminal, Landside Area and Airside Area attached hereto as Appendix B; also
referred to as PDX.
"Airport Customer" means any person who arrives at or departs from the Airport.
"Airport Operations Supervisor" means the primary point of contact for operations
Airside, Landside and in the Terminal.
"Airport Security Coordinator" or "ASC" means the person appointed by the Port to
serve as the primary and immediate contact for security-related activities and communications with
the TSA. The Airport Security Coordinator performs duties, as specified in 49 CFR 1542.3.
Reference to Airport Security Coordinator shall include his or her designee.
"Airport Security Program" means the Airport security program required by
49 CFR 1542 and approved by the TSA.
"Airside" means those areas of the Airport that are used by, or are in support of aircraft,
including Air Operations Area and the Secured Area.
"Airside Operations" means the Port run maintenance and operation of the airfield in
accordance with FAA requirements.
"Airside Operations Manager" means the Port's manager primarily responsible for the
operation of the airfield, including management of Restricted Area vehicle operations.
7 – PDX Rules Defined Terms
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"Air Traffic Control Tower" means the facility that uses air/ground communications,
visual signaling, and other devices to provide Air Traffic Control services to aircraft operating in
the vicinity of the Airport or on the Movement Area.
"Apron" or "Ramp", as these terms are each used in the Rules, means the defined area of
the Airport intended to accommodate an aircraft for the purposes of loading and unloading
passengers or cargo, or for refueling or maintenance.
"Authorized Signatory" means a person(s) designated by a Tenant or an Airport
contractor who will sign for the company and will verify that each PDX Security Badge and/or
Access Device applicant from the company has a valid need for a PDX Security Badge or Access
"Aviation Security Department" means the Port's department that is responsible for
developing, administering and enforcing the Airport Security Program and the Rules on matters of
"Badgeholder" means a person who has been issued a valid PDX Security Badge.
"Best Management Practices" means reasonable practices that are developed for the use,
handling and storage of Hazardous Substances according to industry standards. Best Management
Practices for various types of operations at the Airport have been developed by the Port and can
be obtained from the Environmental Department.
"Business Day" means Monday through Friday, except those holidays on which the Port's
Airport administrative office is closed.
"Chauffeured Limousine" means any custom luxury vehicle transporting passengers for
hire, as a common carrier defined by either State of Oregon or State of Washington law, where the
Driver is uniformed, a partition separates the Driver from the passengers, and arrangements for the
hire of the Chauffeured Limousine have been made prior to the Chauffeured Limousine arriving
at the Airport. Chauffeured Limousines are a type of Reservation Only Vehicle.
"Chief of Police" means the Chief of Port Police, who is the head of Port Police.
"Class I, II, III, and IV Airfield Driving Violations" mean the four (4) categories of
Restricted Area driving violations at the Airport, from least to most severe. An Airfield Driving
Violation means any failure to comply with the Rules on matters of vehicle operations within the
Restricted Area. Any Airfield Driving Violation may be deemed a Class IV Violation if, in the
determination of the Port, the violator had a proven intent to do harm to persons or property.
"Class I, II, III, and IV Security Violations" mean the four (4) categories of Security
Violations at the Airport, from least to most severe. A Security Violation means any failure to
comply with the Rules on matters of security. Any Security Violation may be deemed a Class IV
Violation if, in the determination of the Port, the violator had a proven intent to do harm to persons
or property.
"Collision" means an unintentional collision between an aircraft or vehicle and another
aircraft, vehicle, person, or object that results in property damage, personal injury, or death.
"Commercial Activity" means any activity undertaken at the Airport for profit or personal
gain including, but not limited to, Concessions agreements, leasing and subleasing of real and
8 – PDX Rules Defined Terms
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personal property, the sale of goods and services, advertising, rental cars, and the operation of
Ground Transportation Vehicles transporting Airport Customers to or from the Airport.
"Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle" means any vehicle traveling on streets,
roads, or highways that is owned, leased, or used by a Ground Transportation Permitted Business
or non permitted business, for the purpose of transporting Airport Customers and/or luggage to or
from the Commercial Roadway, whether said transportation is for hire or provided without charge.
A vehicle used solely for the transportation of luggage or other cargo, but not Airport Customers,
shall not be deemed a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle.
"Commercial Roadway" means that portion of the Airport roadway system or other areas
at the Airport designated, from time to time, by the Executive Director, as the roadway to be used
by Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles for the dropping off or picking up of Airport
Customers or airline crews.
"Communications Center" means the communications center at the Airport, where
police, fire, medical and other emergency response personnel are dispatched, alarms are received,
and visual monitors are observed.
"Concession" means a retail, food and beverage, passenger service, or rental car
establishment at the Airport.
"Concessionaire" means a merchant who operates a retail store, a food and beverage
establishment, a passenger service, or rental car services in the Terminal.
"Courtesy Vehicle" means any Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle utilized by a
hotel, motel, car rental company, parking facility, or other business to transport Airport Customers
and their baggage and goods to and from the Airport without direct or indirect charge to Airport
"Criminal History Record Check" means a review of a fingerprint-based criminal history
record to determine if a person has been convicted of a disqualifying crime that would preclude
issuance of any level of PDX Security Badge, as specified in 49 CFR 1542.209.
"Director of Public Safety and Security" means the Port manager in charge of public
safety and security for the Airport and other Port facilities.
"Driver" means any person driving a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle or other
authorized vehicle, or in attendance of a parked Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle or
other authorized vehicle, at the Airport.
"Emergency Operations Center" or "EOC" means the command post established at the
Airport to deal with emergency events or bad weather conditions. The EOC is managed by the
EOC Manager.
"Enforcement Matrix" means the table by which the severity and/or frequency of Security
Violations and/or Airfield Driving Violations are assessed, and sanctions determined.
"Exclusion" means a citation and order issued by a Port Police officer restricting a person
from coming onto Airport property for a duration of time due to violation of laws, or Port
"Executive Director" means the chief executive officer of the Port and his or her delegates
including, without limitation, the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Commercial Officer.
9 – PDX Rules Defined Terms
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"Federal Aviation Administration" or "FAA" means the federal agency responsible for
the safety and efficiency of aviation operations.
"Fire Department" means the Port's Fire Department based at the Airport.
"Fixed Route Vehicle" means a passenger vehicle which transports passengers on a fixed
route and/or a set of prescribed stops and keeps to a timetable.
"Foreign Object Debris" is the debris that causes damage to aircraft engines, tires, or skin
from rocks, trash, or debris found on Runways, Taxiways and Aprons.
"Formal Amendment" means a change to the substance of the Rules that may include
without limitation their cancellation or significant supplementation, or a change that impacts the
general public.
"Free Speech Permit" means a permit issued to a person or group allowing the person or
group to exercise constitutionally protected free speech rights in accordance with the Airport's
reasonable time, place, and manner requirements.
"General Aviation" or "GA" means that portion of civil aviation that encompasses all
facets of aviation, except air carriers holding a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
"General Aviation Area" means that portion of the AOA, as described in the Airport
Security Program, which is designated for parking and storage of General Aviation aircraft, and is
the only portion of the AOA not designated as a SIDA.
"Ground Service Equipment" means vehicles or equipment required to service aircraft
while enplaning or deplaning Airport passengers and cargo.
"Ground Transportation Office" means the Port office, or offices, located at the Airport
where Ground Transportation Permit applications, Ground Transportation Permits, and Roadway
Access Devices may be obtained.
"Ground Transportation Permit" means a permit, including a day permit, monthly
permit, or trip permit issued to a Ground Transportation Permitted Business authorizing
Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles to pick up Airport Customers on the Commercial
Roadway in accordance with Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port Ordinance No. 451-R.
"Ground Transportation Permitted Business" means any Ground Transportation
business that has obtained a Ground Transportation Permit to operate on the Commercial
"Hazardous Substance" means any substance, emission, pollutant, material or product
defined or designated as hazardous, toxic, radioactive, dangerous or regulated wastes or materials,
or any other similar term in or under any environmental laws, and include, but is not limited to,
petroleum and petroleum derived products.
"Hearings Officer" means the person designated by the Port to whom an appeal for an
Exclusion or the revocation or suspension of a Ground Transportation Permit is to be addressed or
the person authorized to hold a tow appeal hearing and render a decision as described in the Code
and Charter of the City of Portland 16.30.450E, Hearing Administration and pursuant to any
intergovernmental agreements between the City of Portland and the Port with respect to tow
10PDX Rules Defined Terms
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"Holding Area" means a location at the Airport designated by the Port as the official area
available for Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles or other authorized vehicles to park
while waiting to load Airport Customers or meet scheduled pick-up times.
"Incursion" means any occurrence at the Airport involving the incorrect presence of an
aircraft, vehicle or person in the protected area of a surface designed for the landing, take off; or
taxiing of aircraft.
"Landside" means those areas outside of the Terminal associated with Terminal use
outside of the Secured Area.
"Marijuana" shall mean and include all parts of the plant of the genus cannabis, whether
or not growing, the seeds thereof, the resin extracted from any part of the plant, and every
compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or its resin,
including marijuana concentrate and marijuana products and consumables. Marijuana does not
include industrial hemp, nor does it include fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from
the seeds of the plant, sterilized seed or the plant which is incapable of germination, or the weight
of any other ingredient combined with Marijuana to prepare oral administrations, food or drink.
Marijuana shall not mean medical marijuana as that term is defined under Oregon law.
"Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint" means an airfield checkpoint staffed by security
personnel who check PDX Security Badges to determine if personnel will be granted access to the
Secured Area.
"Minor Amendment" means a non-substantive modification to the Rules that may include
without limitation, errata correction, changes to Port contact information, staff titles, modification
or elimination of those documents referenced at Appendix A, changes, language updates to
comply with new TSA security directives or other DHS mandated changes to the Airport Security
"Movement Area" means Runways, Taxiways and other areas of the Airport that are used
for taxiing, hover taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading Aprons and parking
areas. It includes all areas under the direct and positive control of the Air Traffic Control Tower.
Specific approval for entry into the Movement Area must be obtained from the Airside Operations
Department and the Air Traffic Control Tower.
"Movement Area Boundary Line" means the boundary line between the Non-Movement
Area and Movement Area. This line consists of three lines: white-red-white. No person shall
cross the Movement Area Boundary Line without prior Airside Operations Department approval
and without first being in contact with Air Traffic Control Tower. Crossing the Movement Area
Boundary Line without authorization results in an Incursion.
"Non-Movement Area" means Ramp areas, Aprons, and other areas not under positive
control of the Air Traffic Control Tower.
"Notice of Violation" means the issuance by the Port of an Airfield Citation, a Security
Violation Letter, a Notice of Suspension or Revocation of a Ground Transportation Permit, a Free
Speech Permit or of a criminal citation for violation of any of the Rules.
"On-Demand Vehicles" means Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles that come to
the Airport to pick up waiting Airport Customers, on demand, and without a prior reservation.
11PDX Rules Defined Terms
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Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and Taxicabs are the most common On-Demand
"Offensive Verbal Contact" or "Offensive Physical Contact" means the use of profane
or threatening language or gestures directed at, or in front of, any Airport Customer, other Drivers,
or Port representatives or employees, and shall include any physical altercation.
"Parking Access Credential" means an Access Device issued to employees for parking in
any of the Airport's parking lots.
"Parking Control Representative" means a Port employee to whom express authority has
been delegated to provide assistance to Port Police officers in the enforcement of parking and
traffic laws and regulations pursuant to Port ordinances.
"Parking Garages" means the public parking structures located adjacent to the Terminal
and Commercial Roadway.
"PDX" means Portland International Airport.
"PDX Security Badge" means a Port-issued PDX Security Badge, including Secured Area
Badge, AOA Badge, GA Badge and Sterile Area Badge.
"Permit and Right of Entry" means a permit issued to carry on any non-exclusive
activities in generally non-exclusive areas at the Airport for a limited duration of time, which must
be issued by the Port in advance of any such activities.
"Photography/Filming Permit" means a permit and right of entry for photography and
filming purposes, which must be issued by the Port in advance of any filming.
"Port Police" means a peace officer appointed by the Port pursuant to ORS 778.250.
"Port Commission" means the Board of Commissioners of the Port.
"Port Designated Security Provider" means a security company officer contracted by the
Port and tasked by the Aviation Security Department to provide security services.
"Port of Portland" or "Port" means the port district of the State of Oregon that owns and
operates the Airport pursuant to ORS 778.005 through ORS 778.990.
"Port Ordinance No. 360" means that certain Port Ordinance No. 360 pertaining to the
Towing and Storage of vehicles illegally parked, stored or abandoned on Port property, adopted
by the Port Commission, as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Port Ordinance No. 423-R" means that certain Port Ordinance No. 423-R pertaining to
regulating use and operation of Airports and their facilities, adopted by the Port Commission, as
the same may be amended from time to time.
"Port Ordinance No. 433-R" means that certain Port Ordinance No. 433-R pertaining to
certain rents, fees, and other charges and regulating the use of facilities and services at the Airport.
"Port Ordinance No. 450-R" means that certain Port Ordinance No. 450-R, regulating the
use of the Commercial Roadway to best serve the needs of Airport Customers at the Airport,
adopted by the Port Commission, as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Port Ordinance No. 451-R" means that certain Port Ordinance No. 451-R, setting forth
a Concession fee and responsibilities of off-airport rental car, parking lot, park and fly hotel and
12PDX Rules Defined Terms
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stay, park and fly hotel businesses serving Airport Customers, adopted by the Port Commission,
as the same may be amended from time to time.
"Reservation Only Vehicle" means any Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle
transporting Airport Customers for hire, as a common carrier, where the arrangements for hire of
the Reservation Only Vehicle have been made prior to the Reservation Only Vehicle arriving at
the Airport. Reservation Only Vehicles include Chauffeured Limousines.
"Restricted Area" means the areas of the Airport within the security perimeter fence and
the Terminal, including the AOA, the Secured Area, and the Sterile Area. Access to the Restricted
Area is limited to those persons who possess a written authorization or the appropriate PDX
Security Badge.
"Restricted Area Driving Authorization" means an authorization to operate motor
vehicles within the Restricted Area given by the Port to properly trained and badged personnel.
"Reviewing Official" means the Chief Operating Officer, the Director of Public Safety and
Security, the Director of Airport Operations, the Chief of Police, or one of their respective
"Roadway Access Device" means the automated vehicle identification mechanism used to
admit Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles onto the Commercial Roadway.
"Runway" means a defined rectangular area for the landing and takeoff of aircraft along
its length.
"Scheduled Service Vehicle" means any Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle
transporting Airport Customers for hire, as a common carrier, that has a regular published time
schedule established for picking up Airport Customers at the Airport.
"Secured Area" means that portion of the Restricted Area, as defined in the Airport
Security Program, where Aircraft Operators that have a security program under 49 CFR 1544, or
49 CFR 1546, enplane and deplane passengers and sort and load baggage. The Secured Area is
described as beginning at the North Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint near the west edge of the
General Aviation Ramp on the north side, and continuing around the west and south sides of the
Terminal to the South Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint, near the east edge of the Concourse A
(Horizon) Ramp. The Secured Area is located between the security perimeter fence, or Terminal,
and the outer vehicle lane surrounding the Terminal Ramp. The Secured Area also includes all
areas within the Terminal designated as a Secured Area. The Secured Area is designated as a
Security Identification Display Area.
"Security Badge Training" means the Airport's security training system, which is
administered by the Security Badging Office.
"Security Badging Office" means the Port office responsible for the issuance of PDX
Security Badges and keys, for providing any required security and driver training, and for
processing items found in the Terminal and on shuttle buses.
"Security Identification Display Area" or "SIDA" means any area in which the display
of a PDX Security Badge is required, and includes the Secured Area and the AOA, with the
exception of the GA Area, and other areas of the Airport as designated by the Port in the Airport
Security Program. A Criminal History Record Check and a Security Threat Assessment are
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required before the Port may issue a PDX Security Badge allowing unescorted access to the
Security Identification Display Area.
"Security Screening Checkpoint" means a checkpoint used for the screening of persons
and their possessions before entering a Restricted Area.
"Security Threat Assessment" means the Transportation Security Administration process
of verifying that an individual is not a threat to civil aviation security by checking the individual
against various U.S. Department of Homeland Security records.
"Security Violation" means any act which violates the security rules or procedures
outlined in the Airport Security Program, the Rules or Transportation Security Regulations.
"Security Violation Letter" means the letter sent by the Airport Security Coordinator to
the Badgeholder and the Badgeholder's manager after the Airport Security Coordinator has
completed his or her investigation informing them of the Airport Security Coordinator's decision.
If the Airport Security Coordinator, in his or her sole discretion, determined that a violation of the
Airport Security Program occurred, the Security Violation Letter may contain a penalty to be
imposed against the Badgeholder, or it may contain a warning to the Badgeholder for the Security
"Service Road" means a designated roadway for vehicles in a Non-Movement Area.
"Sterile Area" means an area, including the Airport concourses, that provides passengers
access to boarding aircraft and to which the access is controlled by the TSA, through the screening
of persons and property, at a Security Screening Checkpoint.
"Taxicab" means any Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle which carries Airport
Customers for hire where the destination and route traveled may be controlled by an Airport
Customer and the fare is calculated on the basis of an initial fee, distance traveled, waiting time,
or any combination thereof, and which is duly permitted by the applicable regulatory jurisdiction.
"Taxiway" means a defined path, usually paved, designated for the taxiing of aircraft from
one part of the Airport to another.
"Tenant" means any person or business leasing or renting space at the Airport, including
but not limited to, Concessionaires and airlines.
"Terminal" means the primary building at the Airport where Airport Customers come to
fly in and fly out of the Airport.
"Terminal Roadway" means the roadway adjacent to the Airport providing access to the
Terminal and intended for Airport use by the general public and Ground Transportation Permitted
"Training" means a retraining for a Badgeholder who has violated the Rule pertaining to
Security. This penalty requires the Badgeholder to re-take and pass Security Badge Training
within ten (10) calendar days of the date on the Security Violation Letter. If the Security Badge
Training is not successfully accomplished within ten (10) calendar days, the Badgeholder's PDX
Security Badge shall be deactivated.
"Transportation Assistant" means an individual assigned by the Port to provide customer
service information and assure that Ground Transportation Permitted Business representatives and
Drivers comply with Rules pertaining to Ground Transportation.
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"Transportation Network Company " or "TNC" means a person or entity that provides
prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online enabled application or
platform to connect clients with drivers who use their personal vehicles to provide the requested
transportation for Airport Customers where the destination and route traveled may be controlled
by an Airport Customer.
"Transportation Security Administration" or "TSA" means the federal agency within
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that was created by the Aviation and Transportation
Security Act to regulate transportation security. The lead person for the TSA at most airports is
the Federal Security Director and his or her deputy and Assistant Federal Security Directors.
"Transportation Security Regulations" or "TSRs" means the federal regulations that
outline airport and Aircraft Operator responsibilities regarding transportation security. The most
commonly applied TSRs in civil aviation are 49 CFR 1540 (Civil Aviation Security),
49 CFR 1542 (Airport Security), 49 CFR 1544 (Aircraft Operator Security), and 49 CFR 1546
(Foreign Air Carrier Security).
"Violation Panel" means the group that has the authority to determine whether a
Badgeholder's conduct poses an immediate or continuing threat to Airport security and the safety
of the public, and whether the Badgeholder can continue to hold a PDX Security Badge. The
Violation Panel is composed of representatives from the Airside Operations Department, the
Aviation Security Department, Port Police and the Port's Legal Department.
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Chapter 1 describes the sanctions, remedies and procedures by which the Port may enforce
applicable laws, Port ordinances and the Rules.
Any person engaging in a Commercial Activity at the Airport must have an express written
agreement with the Port. Such an agreement may be, without limitation, a lease, a Concession
agreement, a permit or other authorization ("Agreement"). All services performed pursuant to
such Agreements must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules
and ordinances, including but not limited to regulations, executive orders, or other governmental
directives regarding COVID-19 (or other pandemic-related) safety protocols for employers. A
person or business that violates an Agreement issued by the Port is subject to any remedies
available to the Port under the terms of the Agreement or under civil law. In its discretion, the
Port may choose to use some or all of the procedures described in this Chapter to ascertain facts
relevant to the alleged violation of the Agreement. In addition, if the conduct that violates the
Agreement also violates any law, Port ordinances, or the Rules, the Port may also take an
enforcement action authorized by this Chapter.
Depending on the nature of the violation and its severity, the Port may take one (1) or more of the
following actions against a person or business that violates any applicable law, Port ordinances or
the Rules:
(a) suspend or revoke an Agreement or other authorization to engage in a particular
activity at the Airport;
(b) exclude a person or persons from the Airport for a period of time to be determined
by the Chief Operating Officer and/or the Port Police, not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days;
(c) for a Security Violation (as defined in Chapter 3) or an Airfield Driving Violation
(as defined in Chapter 23), suspend or revoke a person's PDX Security Badge and Access Device,
or remove their airfield driving privileges;
(d) for a violation of Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port Ordinance No. 451-R, other
Port ordinance, or any Rule governing use of the Commercial Roadway, Airfield or other PDX
facility, deactivate one (1) or more Commercial Road facility Access Devices;
(e) require a person to undergo fining to prevent future violations;
(f) issue a citation for violation of a law or a Port ordinance, punishable by a fine as
authorized by ORS 778.990 or ORS 153, and ORS 161 to 169; or make an arrest for an offense
pursuant to ORS 161 and as authorized by ORS 133, ORS 153, and ORS 161 to 169;
(g) for a violation of Rules governing use or operations on the Airfield, issue an
Airfield Citation;
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(h) seek injunctive relief to enjoin a violation of any Port ordinance, Agreement, or
Rule described in Section 2 of this Chapter;
(i) pursue any other remedy.
The Port imposes Rules pertaining to specific operations as follows: (i) Airport security in
Chapter 3; (ii) Restricted Area vehicle operations in Chapter 23; (iii) Ground Transportation
Permitted Businesses and service in Port Ordinance No. 450-R, Port Ordinance No. 451-R, and
Chapter 25.
4.1 Exclusion
If a Reviewing Official or a Port Police officer reasonably believes: (a) that a person has
violated a law, a Port ordinance or a Rule or that the person has engaged in disruptive conduct;
and (b) that the person's continued presence at the Airport endangers Airport security or public
safety, is likely to interfere with efficient operation of the Airport or is likely to substantially
inconvenience other users of the Airport; a Reviewing Official or a Port Police officer may
immediately order the person to leave the Airport and may exclude the person from the Airport for
a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days. A Reviewing Official or a Port Police officer
may issue an Exclusion after an event based upon evidence showing that: (i) a person has violated
a law, a Port ordinance or rule, or has engaged in disruptive conduct; and (ii) a person's continued
presence at the Airport endangers Airport security or public safety, is likely to interfere with the
efficient operation of the Airport, or is likely to substantially inconvenience other users of the
Airport. The Port shall issue a Notice of Violation, detailing the violation, the associated sanction
(as further described in Section 5 of this Chapter), instructions on obtaining a variance to the
Exclusion prior to a hearing, and the process for appealing the Exclusion.
4.2 Limited Use of Airport
A person who is excluded from the Airport pursuant to Section 4.1 of this Chapter may use
the Airport for the following limited purposes, subject to the following conditions: (a) fly out of
the Airport: a person may be at the Airport for not more than three (3) hours immediately prior to
the scheduled departure of a commercial flight for which the person holds a valid ticket; (b) fly
into the Airport: a person may be at the Airport for not more than one (1) hour following the
arrival of a commercial flight on which the person was a passenger, as evidenced by a ticket receipt
or airline flight manifest; or (c) use the Airport for another purpose, only in strict compliance with
a written variance from a Reviewing Official, which variance shall specify a limited period of time
and a specific purpose for which the excluded person may use the Airport.
4.3 Short Term Exclusion
If a person enters a Security Screening Checkpoint at the Airport and refuses to comply
with the lawful direction of an official authorized to conduct screening at the checkpoint, or is
denied entry into a Restricted Area, Port Police may immediately order the person to leave the
Airport and may exclude the person from the Airport for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48)
hours. The Port shall issue a Notice of Violation, detailing the violation, the associated sanction,
and instructions on obtaining a variance to the Exclusion and the process for appealing the
Exclusion. The excluded person shall be prohibited from entering the Airport for any purpose,
unless the Chief of Police grants a variance, which variance shall specify a limited period of time
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and a specific purpose for which the excluded person may use the Airport. Nothing in this Section
shall limit the authority of the Port to exclude a person pursuant to Section 4.1 of this Chapter.
5.1 Notice of Violation
Upon taking enforcement action, a Reviewing Official or a Port Police officer shall issue a
"Notice of Violation" to the person or business affected by the enforcement action. The Notice of
Violation may be served by any means reasonably calculated to provide actual notice to the person
or business alleged to have committed the violation, including but not limited to hand delivery,
first class mail to the last known address of the person or business, fax or e-mail.
5.2 Content of Notice of Violation
The Notice of Violation shall state or describe: (a) the date of issuance; (b) the law, Port
ordinances or a Rule that the person or business is alleged to have violated; (c) a brief description
of the conduct constituting the violation; (d) the time and place of the violation; (e) a description
of the sanctions that may be imposed; (f) if the sanction includes a suspension or revocation of a
right or privilege, or an Exclusion from the Airport, the date on which it is to begin and, in case of
a suspension or Exclusion, its duration; (g) the right to appeal, including the right to a hearing, and
how to file an appeal; (h) that if no appeal is filed, the sanction will become final and will take
effect upon expiration of the time to appeal. A defect in the Notice of Violation shall not be
grounds to invalidate the Notice of Violation or to refrain from imposing a sanction unless the
defect substantially prejudiced the person's or business' ability to present a defense to the
enforcement action.
A person or business that intends to appeal an enforcement action, or a permit revocation or
suspension as provided in Chapter 25, must file a written notice of appeal and request for hearing
no later than (10) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Violation. The appeal shall be
delivered to the Port's General Counsel by hand delivery, or first class mail, or e-mail as follows:
The Port of Portland
7200 N.E. Airport Way
Portland, OR 97218
Attention: General Counsel
The notice of appeal and request for hearing must particularly and specifically identify all grounds
for the appeal, including each reason or reasons that the Notice of Violation is incorrect. Any
grounds for appeal not expressly raised in the notice of appeal shall conclusively be deemed
waived and shall not be considered by the Hearings Officer.
Except as provided in Section 4 and Section 7 of this Chapter, a sanction shall not take effect until:
(a) the time to file an appeal has expired and no valid appeal has been filed; or (b) if a valid appeal
is filed, the Hearings Officer issues an order imposing a sanction.
A Reviewing Official may find and order that a sanction must take effect immediately in order to
protect Airport security or public safety, prevent interference with the efficient operation of the
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Airport, or protect other users of the Airport from substantial inconvenience. In such event, the
Reviewing Official shall provide written findings describing the basis for an immediate sanction
within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident resulting in immediate sanction. If a person or a
business is alleged to have violated a Rule pertaining to security and the violation, if proven, could
result in suspension or revocation of a PDX Security Badge, the Reviewing Official need not make
any additional findings before immediately suspending the person's PDX Security Badge and
deactivating the person's Access Devices.
A person or business subject to an immediate sanction may present additional information to the
Reviewing Official to support a request that the Reviewing Official suspend or modify the sanction
pending appeal.
If the sanction takes effect immediately, it shall remain in effect until it is amended by the
Reviewing Official, it expires by its terms or the Hearings Officer orders that it be terminated.
If a sanction is to take effect immediately, the hearing shall be held no later than fourteen (14)
calendar days from the date a hearing is requested, unless the sanction is stayed pending a hearing.
In all other cases, including cases when the immediate imposition of the sanction is stayed, the
hearing shall be scheduled no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date the hearing is
requested. The Chief Operating Officer, Port's General Counsel or Assistant General Counsel, or
the Hearings Officer shall provide notice of the time and place of the hearing not less than seven
(7) calendar days before the hearing date; notice of the hearing date shall be effective when
postmarked or sent by e-mail. The Hearings Officer may schedule the hearing at a later date if
both parties agree.
The Chief Operating Officer or the Port's General Counsel shall appoint a Hearings Officer, who
may be a Port employee or a person engaged by the Port for the specific purpose of conducting
hearings. The Hearings Officer shall have full control of the proceedings. The hearing shall be
informal and shall be designed to ascertain material facts accurately and expeditiously. The Port
shall have the burden to prove the allegations in the Notice of Violation by a preponderance of the
evidence. Each party may be represented by an attorney and allowed to examine witnesses, if
present, and to present documentary evidence concerning disputed factual matters. The Hearings
Officer shall apply the Evidentiary Rules set forth in OAR 137-003-0050 and may ask questions
of the witnesses. If a fact asserted by the Port or the appealing party is not disputed, the Hearings
Officer may treat the asserted fact as true. The Hearings Officer shall make a record of the
proceedings by whatever method they choose. Following notice to the Hearings officer and the
other party, a party may make its own record of the hearing at its own cost. The Hearings Officer
shall issue a written decision describing the factual and legal basis of the decision within thirty
(30) calendar days of the hearing.
The Hearings Officer's decision is the Port's final decision concerning a violation.
The procedures described in Sections 5 through 10 of this Chapter do not apply to citations for
violations of law that are offenses as defined in ORS 161.
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No person shall obstruct, impair or interfere with the use of the Airport, or with the use of airspace
controlled by the Air Traffic Control Tower, by any other person, unless under the direction of
FAA air traffic control or as authorized by the Executive Director.
Unless authorized by the Executive Director and in compliance with the terms and conditions of
such authorization, no person shall: (a) enter any portion of the Airport not open to the general
public or which is designated for a specific use; (b) enter a Restricted Area or a Sterile Area;
(c) assist, enable or authorize another person to enter a Restricted Area or a Sterile Area.
A person involved in a Collision which results in injury to persons or damage to an aircraft, another
vehicle, or any property must immediately report such Collision to the Communications Center.
Any person involved in such a Collision shall: (a) immediately stop and remain at the scene of the
Collision; (b) render reasonable assistance to injured persons; and (c) remain at the scene of the
Collision and cooperate fully with Port Police officers or Airport Operations Supervisors
investigating the Collision.
The following rules pertaining to animals apply to all areas in the Terminal. Tenants, including
airlines, may apply additional restrictions within their premises. These rules are intended to
implement the Port's responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and to
support the implementation of the Air Carrier Access Act ("ACAA") regulations by the airlines
operating at the Airport.
4.1 Definitions
4.1.1 Emotional Support Animal
An "Emotional Support Animal" means a non task-trained animal needed by an
Airport Customer for emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship as an
accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at the Airport Customer's destination. Emotional
Support Animals must be accompanied by any documentation required by the airline the Airport
Customer is travelling on. Emotional Support Animals are a Pet and not a Service Animal as
defined by ADA and ACAA regulations.
4.1.2 Government Animal
A "Government Animal" is a dog used by Port Police or any other governmental
agency for security or law enforcement purposes.
4.1.3 Pet
A "Pet" is an animal which is not a Government Animal or a Service Animal (as
defined in Section 4.1.4 of this Chapter).
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4.1.4 Service Animal
A "Service Animal" means a service animal within the meaning of the ADA or the
ACAA, or an assistance animal within the meaning of ORS 659A.143(3), as amended. A Service
Animal is a dog individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified
individual with a disability. The airline the Airport Customer is travelling on may require Service
Animals to be accompanied by a completed hardcopy or electronic version of the U.S. Department
of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form as a condition of transportation.
4.2 Animals in the Terminal
Only the following animals are permitted in the Terminal: (a) Emotional Support Animals
when accompanying Airport Customers traveling on an airline; (b) Government Animals
(including in training); (c) Service Animals (including in training); (d) animals traveling with
Airport Customers who have arrived on an inbound flight; (e) animals being delivered to an airline
for handling and transportation; and (f) Pets in Carriers (as provided in Section 4.3 of this Chapter)
traveling with Airport Customers. No other animals are allowed in the Terminal including, without
limitation, any: (i) Pets not in Carriers; (ii) Airport employees' Pets; and (iii) animals or insects
denied access by an airline. There are areas pre-security and post-security designated for animal
relief at the Airport. Animal handlers must follow the procedures in Section 4.9 of this Chapter if
their animal urinates or defecates in the Terminal, or on the sidewalk or curb adjoining the
Commercial Roadway.
4.3 Use of Carriers and Leashes Required
All animals in the Terminal must be kept within a crate, kennel, or other appropriate
container designed for the purpose of animal transportation ("Carrier"), except as follows:
(a) Service Animals and Government Animals may be outside a Carrier; (b) animals that are too
large to travel in a standard-sized cabin Carrier (maximum dimensions are approximately
17"x10"x13") may be outside a Carrier, but must be carried (if practical) or on a leash (if carrying
is impractical); (c) animals traveling with Airport Customers who have arrived on an inbound
flight may be outside a Carrier if the Airport Customer has no Carrier available, but must be carried
(if practical) or on a leash (if carrying is impractical); and (d) animals may be outside a Carrier
when using the pet relief areas, but must be on a leash. Service Animals may be off leash if
necessary to facilitate the work or task for which they have been trained.
4.4 Animals In Transport
Airline personnel handling animals in transport should ensure that Carriers are properly
secured, and under no circumstances should animals in transport be allowed out of their Carrier.
Animals must not be left unattended in their Carrier and must be kept under close supervision and
in climate controlled environments at all times. If an animal escapes from its Carrier, Airline
personnel must immediately report the escaped animal by calling the non-emergency
Communications Center number (503) 460-4747. The Communications Center will in turn notify
the Airport Operations Supervisor on duty as well as a wildlife technician as provided in Section 4
of Chapter 6.
4.5 Removal of Animals from the Terminal
PDX Police, or any authorized Port or airline representative, may direct an animal handler
to remove the animal from the Terminal when: (a) the animal or handler violates any provisions
of Section 4 of this Chapter; (b) the animal is not housebroken; or (d) the animal is not under the
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handler's control and the handler is not taking effective action to control the animal. Animals that
are growling, biting, nipping, barking, or exhibiting similar behavior are not under control. A
handler must keep an animal within 3 (three) feet of themselves at all times (except for Service
Animals whose work or task requires a greater distance) and at least 10 (ten) feet away from any
Government Animal.
4.6 Required Documentation
Animal handlers must have on their person at all times and available for inspection all
documentation required by an airline relating to the animal. The documentation must be produced
at the request of any authorized Port and/or airline representative.
4.7 Liability for Harm Caused By Animals
Animal handlers are responsible for the protection of others who may be harmed by the
animals under their control and are liable for any injury or damage their animals may cause.
4.8 Animal Waste
Animal handlers are responsible for contacting the Port using a white paging phone to
facilitate the immediate removal and disposal of animal waste inside the Terminal or on the
sidewalk or curb adjoining the Commercial Roadway. Animal waste poses a health risk to Airport
Customers and must be removed by janitorial staff using a sanitization-based cleaning process.
Animal handlers are required to stay at the animal waste site until janitorial staff arrives to start
the cleanup process to ensure the location of the incident.
4.9 Enforcement
Failure to comply with Section 4 of this Chapter may result in enforcement action by the
Port including, but not limited to, citations and/or fines.
No person shall stand in or on the side of an Airport road for the purpose of soliciting a ride from
the owner or operator of any private, non-commercial motor vehicle or aircraft at the airport,
except in case of an emergency.
Due to the physical limitations of the Terminal, high volumes of passenger traffic and concern for
the general safety, security and welfare of the traveling public, no person shall sleep in or remain
in the Airport for the purpose of lodging, unless the following occurs: (a) the person has arrived
at, is in transit through, or will be departing from the Airport as an airline passenger within
twenty-four (24) hours, as evidenced by a valid travel itinerary, ticket, or boarding pass matching
the person's valid identification; or (b) the person is awaiting the arrival of an airline passenger on
a flight that has been unexpectedly delayed or cancelled and the passenger is expected to arrive
within twelve (12) hours, as evidenced by passenger and flight information verifiable with the
airline. Nonetheless, the Executive Director may declare an emergency and allow temporary
lodging in case of severe weather or other conditions which are beyond the control of the Port and
causing disruption to airport activity.
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No person shall abandon any personal property at the Airport. Any personal property so
abandoned shall be disposed of pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of Oregon. Any person
finding lost, misplaced or abandoned items in the public areas of the Airport shall deliver them to
the Security Badging Office, where items found in the Terminal and on shuttle buses operating to
and from Employee Parking Lots are processed.
8.1 Restricted Area Employees
No airport employee who works in the Sterile Area, Air Operations Area or Secured Area
may use, or arrive for work under the influence of any substance or intoxicant that impairs the
ability to safely perform their work.
8.2 Alcoholic Beverages
No person shall drink any alcoholic beverage at the Airport: (a) on or along any sidewalk,
roadway, or open area; (b) in the Parking Garages, other parking facilities, and other Airport areas
designated by the Executive Director for use by the general public; (c) in a motor vehicle when
the vehicle is upon an Airport road; (d) in those portions of the Terminal open for use by the
general public, including those portions designated for a specific use, except within premises
licensed by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission; and (e) except at designated Airport events,
as authorized by the Executive Director. No person in any public area of the Terminal or in any
Restricted Area, or in the area adjacent to the aircraft loading gates designated for use by
passengers waiting to board an aircraft, shall be in possession of a bottle, can, or other receptacle
containing an alcoholic beverage which has been opened, or with a broken seal, or where the
contents of which have been partially removed, unless the bottle, can, or other receptacle is
enclosed in a suitcase, carrying case, or other container.
8.3 Recreational Marijuana
8.3.1 Definition
For the purposes of Section 8.3 of this Chapter, the term "Marijuana" shall mean
and include all parts of the plant of the genus cannabis, whether or not growing, the seeds thereof,
the resin extracted from any part of the plant, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative,
mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or its resin, including Marijuana concentrate and
Marijuana products and consumables. Marijuana does not include industrial hemp, nor does it
include fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, sterilized seed
or the plant which is incapable of germination, or the weight of any other ingredient combined
with Marijuana to prepare oral administrations, food or drink. Marijuana shall not mean medical
marijuana as that term is defined under Oregon law.
8.3.2 Prohibition
No person shall consume, use, display, transfer, distribute, sell, transport, advertise,
market, or grow Marijuana on any property or facilities owned by the Port at the Airport including,
but not limited to, any buildings, structures, the Terminal, the Parking Garages or other parking
facilities, the Commercial Roadway, roadways, Runways, land, hangars, warehouses, rental car
facilities, and administrative offices. In addition to the restrictions listed above, in order to ensure
compliance with federal laws, no person shall possess Marijuana in the Secured Area, the Sterile
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Area and the Air Operations Area. In addition to the restrictions listed above, in order to ensure
compliance with federal laws, no passenger traveling out of state and no airport employee may
possess Marijuana in the Restricted Area.
The Port operates within airspace regulated by the FAA. No person shall operate or release any
Remotely Piloted Vehicle ("RPV") and/or Unmanned Aircraft System ("UAS"), a model aircraft,
a rocket, a kite, a balloon, a parachute, fireworks, a flare gun, a laser, or other article or substance
within the airspace controlled by the Air Traffic Control Tower without the prior approval of the
FAA and as authorized by the Executive Director. No person shall operate an aircraft, an RPV,
an UAS, a model aircraft, a rocket, a kite, a balloon, a parachute, fireworks, a flare gun, a laser, or
other article or substance within the airspace controlled by the Air Traffic Control Tower, except
as required for normal, routine use of the Airport or its facilities.
No person shall operate a non-powered aircraft at the Airport, except as approved by the Executive
Director and in compliance with regulations of the Port, or in case of an emergency.
The following is prohibited: (a) traveling on any portion of the Airport, except upon the designated
roads, sidewalks or other places provided for the particular class of traffic; (b) occupying roads in
such a manner that would hinder or obstruct proper use; (c) operating fully wheeled vehicles
(including, but not limited to, unicycles, bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, roller skates, roller
blades, wheeled footwear, and wheeled motor vehicles) in or on any areas of the Airport principally
designed for pedestrian traffic (including, but not limited to, sidewalks, walkways, and the interior
of the Airport and of any building on Airport property); (d) obstructing access to the use of any
building, grounds, roads, walkways, sidewalks, or other facility located upon Airport properties;
(e) erecting any table, chair, easel, mechanical device or structure, or object that would obstruct
access or egress within or outside the Terminal, without the prior written authorization of the Port.
The prohibitions listed above shall not apply to: (i) designated Airport representatives; (ii) law
enforcement officers acting in the performance of their official duties; (iii) Tenants acting in
accordance with their respective lease provisions; or (iv) Airport Customers needing a wheeled
vehicle for mobility or medical reasons (e.g., stroller, wheelchair, or gurney).
No person shall drive any vehicle at the Airport or in any parking or other area, except: (a) while
in possession of a valid Driver's license issued in that person's name, which allows such person to
legally drive on public roadways in the State of Oregon; and (b) in a vehicle which may be lawfully
operated on the public roadways of the State of Oregon, unless the vehicle is an Airport service
vehicle specifically designated for use only in the Airport Operations Area.
11.1 Speed Limits
No person shall drive a vehicle at the Airport at a speed greater than is established and
posted for each individual location. No person shall drive a vehicle at the Airport at a speed greater
than is reasonable and prudent having due regard to traffic, condition of the vehicle, surface width
of the roadway, hazard at intersections, pedestrian traffic and other conditions then existing.
Except as provided in Section 10.1 of this Chapter, in no event shall any person drive a vehicle at
the airport at a speed greater than designated herein.
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11.1.1 Emergency Vehicles
The speeds designated in Section 11.1 of this Chapter do not apply to Authorized
Emergency Vehicles. However, the Driver or operator of an Authorized Emergency Vehicle shall
not drive without due regard for the safety of all persons using the airport roadways. "Authorized
Emergency Vehicle" means vehicles of the Fire Department, the Port Police, the Port's Operations
Department ("Operations Department"), and emergency vehicles of municipal, state, federal or
other public service agencies and ambulances, while being used for emergency purposes.
11.2 Driving Recklessly or While Intoxicated
No person shall drive a vehicle at the Airport carelessly, recklessly, or while impaired by
liquor, inhalants, controlled substances, or prescription medication.
11.3 Use of Roads, Streets, and Walkways
No person shall travel in any public area of the Airport except on designated Airport roads,
streets and walkways provided for that particular class of traffic without the prior approval of the
Executive Director. No person shall use any Airport roads, streets or walkways in such manner as
to hinder or obstruct their proper use.
11.4 Parking
No person shall park or store a vehicle in any public area of the Airport except in areas
specifically posted and designated for such purpose and in accordance with the posted and
designated rules regulating parking and storage of vehicles, without the prior approval of the
Executive Director.
11.5 Abandoned or Unreasonably Parked Vehicles
No person shall abandon any vehicle at the Airport. Any vehicle abandoned at the Airport,
or any vehicle parked or stored contrary to posted parking designations, or any vehicle which
obstructs or interferes with the safe and efficient operation of the Airport may be Towed (as defined
in Section 10.1.7 of Chapter 4). The legal owner, registered owner or person entitled to possession
of a vehicle that has been Towed may reclaim the vehicle upon presentation of satisfactory proof
of ownership or right of possession, signing a vehicle release form at the Port Police office, making
payment for the actual costs incurred in the removal, preservation and custody of the vehicle,
including actual Towing fees and Storage (as defined in Section 10.1.5 of Chapter 4) charges, and
acceptance of service of citation in lieu of arrest for violation of a Port ordinance, if any, arising
from the abandonment, parking or Storing of the vehicle.
11.6 Vehicles in Restricted Areas
No person shall drive, park or store a vehicle in any Restricted Area except with the prior
approval of the Executive Director and in compliance with the terms and conditions of such
11.7 Pedestrian Crosswalks
No person shall drive a vehicle through a designated pedestrian crosswalk without stopping
and yielding if the crosswalk is occupied by a pedestrian. No person shall cross, enter, or remain
upon any street or road at the Airport except at a designated pedestrian crosswalk.
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11.8 Traffic Signs and Signals
No person shall drive a vehicle at the Airport contrary to the instructions of any official
traffic markings, notices, directions, signs or signals, unless otherwise directed by a Port Police
officer or other person as authorized by the Executive Director.
11.9 Unattended Vehicles
No person driving or in charge of a vehicle shall permit the vehicle to stand unattended on
any Airport road, unless authorized by the Executive Director.
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to change, erase, alter, mar, mark, mutilate, improperly
dispose of or destroy a citation form which has been issued under authority of any Port ordinance.
The Port assumes no responsibility for loss, injury or damage to persons or property on the Airport
or using the Airport facilities.
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The Port imposes the following Rules pertaining to security in order to provide for the safety and
security of persons and property traveling through the Airport and in order to comply with all
legally mandated requirements pertaining to the Airport. The Rules pertaining to security covered
in this Chapter are mandated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security by and through the
TSA. Failure to comply with the Rules pertaining to security, the Airport Security Program, and
all applicable federal regulations may result in enforcement action by the Port and potential TSA
civil penalties. Where appropriate, the corresponding class for the Security Violation is listed for
reference in Section 16 of this Chapter.
2.1 Rules Pertaining to Security
Unless otherwise approved by the ASC, a PDX Security Badge is required to work at the
Airport. No person or vehicle may access or be in any Restricted Area or Sterile Area of the
Airport unless they are in strict compliance with the Rules pertaining to security.
2.2 Federal Security Regulations
All persons in possession of, or applying for, a PDX Security Badge or Access Device, and
those with authority to authorize the application for or possession of PDX Security Badges or
Access Devices for use at the Airport must comply with the following TSRs found in
49 CFR 1520, 49 CFR 1540 and 49 CFR 1542, which shall be considered as part of the Rules
pertaining to security.
(a) TSR 1520 - Protection of Sensitive Security Information. Failure to comply with
this TSR Section shall constitute a Class I Security Violation.
(b) TSR 1540.103 - Fraud and intentional falsification of records. Failure to comply
with this TSR Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
(c) TSR 1540.105 – Security responsibilities of employees and other persons. Failure
to comply with this TSR Section shall constitute a Class I-III Security Violation.
(d) TSR 1540.107 - Submission to screening and inspection. Failure to comply with
this TSR Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
(e) TSR 1540.109 - Prohibition against interference with screening personnel. Failure
to comply with this TSR Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
(f) TSR 1540.111 - Carriage of weapons, explosives, and incendiaries by individuals.
Failure to comply with this TSR Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
(g) TSR 1542 - Airport Security. Failure to comply with this TSR Section shall
constitute a Class I-III Security Violation.
All TSRs are available for review online at the following links:
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(i) 49 CFR 1520, Protection of Sensitive Security Information:
(ii) 49 CFR 1540, Civil Aviation Security; General Rules:
(iii) 49 CFR 1542, Airport Security:
2.3 Eligibility
Eligibility for a PDX Security Badge will be determined by vetting applicants' and existing
Badgeholders' criminal history against the TSA's list of disqualifying crimes in 49 CFR 1542.209.
Applicants and existing Badgeholders will also be subject to ongoing Security Threat Assessments
to determine eligibility to receive or possess a PDX Security Badge. An applicant's or
Badgeholder's eligibility for a PDX Security Badge under this Section does not entitle the applicant
or Badgeholder to receive or possess a PDX Security Badge. In the interest of national security,
the Port has discretion to deny or revoke a PDX Security Badge at any time by written notice and
explanation to the applicant or Badgeholder. If the Port determines that the applicant's or
Badgeholder's past or present behavior poses a current or potential threat to Airport security or
public safety, the Port may, in its sole discretion, deny or revoke a PDX Security Badge. The
arrest of a Badgeholder on Airport property or the issuance of a citation in lieu of arrest will result
in the suspension of the PDX Security Badge, and the Badgeholder will have to meet with a
"Violation Panel", which is composed of representatives from the Airside Operations Department,
the Aviation Security Department, Port Police and the Port's Legal Department, in order for the
PDX Security Badge to be reinstated. The Violation Panel will determine if the Badgeholder is
still eligible for a PDX Security Badge and consider whether the Badgeholder's conduct poses an
immediate or continuing threat to Airport security and the safety of the public by evaluating the
activity that led to the arrest or the issuance of a citation in lieu of arrest, the history of Security
Violations or Driving Violations (as defined in Chapter 23), the participation in criminal behavior,
or any threat of violence or harm to the Airport of the public.
2.4 Security Violation Enforcement
Persons who are in violation of the Rules pertaining to security or airfield driving shall be
subject to enforcement and penalties as set forth in this Chapter. The ASC and/or the Violation
Panel reserve the right to exercise reasonable discretion in determining the class of Security
Violation and enforcement action prescribed, based on the circumstances.
2.5 Suspended or Revoked Access
Any person whose PDX Security Badge or Access Device access privileges have been
suspended or revoked, as provided in this Chapter, is prohibited from accessing the Restricted Area
with the intent to work at the Airport. Violators of the Rules pertaining to security may be subject
to a fine and arrest for criminal trespass. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a
Class II Security Violation.
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2.6 Escort Restrictions
A Badgeholder may escort only for legitimate business needs or purposes. Escorting
friends or family members without a legitimate business need or purpose or without the approval
of the ASC is prohibited. Absent the approval of the ASC, it is prohibited for a Badgeholder to
escort into Restricted Areas any Badgeholder whose access privileges have been suspended or
revoked under Section 16 of this Chapter, or anyone who has failed any of the required background
checks pursuant to Section 2.3 of this Chapter. It is strictly prohibited to escort in lieu of
completion of the PDX Security Badge application process, as more particularly described in
Section 13 of this Chapter. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class II Security
2.7 Disqualifying Conviction Access Restrictions
PDX Security Badge applicants who do not meet the eligibility requirements pursuant to
Section 2.3 of this Chapter are prohibited from accessing the Restricted Areas, with or without an
escort, unless they are in possession of a valid airline ticket boarding pass with an arrival or
departure time scheduled within three (3) hours of entry into the Sterile Area. It is prohibited to
knowingly fail to submit a prospective employee to the PDX Security Badge application process
or to knowingly provide an escort to a prospective employee with a suspected disqualifying
conviction. Failure to comply with this Section shall, at a minimum, constitute a Class II Security
2.8 Compliance Testing Authorization
Security compliance testing may only be performed by those individuals authorized by
49 CFR 1540.105(b). The ASC may authorize such testing for Tenants or other operators, but the
authorization must be in writing and identify a specific time period for testing, the specific
measures to be tested, and the manner of testing. The ASC or ASC's designee may conduct
compliance testing without written authorization. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class II Security Violation.
PDX Security Badges may be used only for business purposes and while on duty. However,
Badgeholders may use their PDX Security Badge to access the Sterile Area two (2) hours before
and two (2) hours after a regularly scheduled work shift. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute Class II or Class III Security Violation.
3.1 PDX Security Badges
Four (4) types of PDX Security Badges are issued by the Port to individuals who work at
the Airport and require frequent business-related access to Restricted Areas pursuant to Section 2.3
of this Chapter. The PDX Security Badges are: (a) Secured Area Badges; (b) AOA Badges;
(c) GA Area Badges; and (d) Sterile Area Badges. Unless revoked or suspended, the following
unexpired PDX Security Badges, when used or displayed by the persons to whom they are issued,
are recognized as valid PDX Security Badges issued by the Port. The Port retains ownership of
all PDX Security Badges, and the ASC reserves the right to deny new applicants a PDX Security
Badge, suspend the badge for an existing Badgeholder and, with cause, revoke the Badgeholder's
badge and unescorted access privileges.
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(a) "Secured Area Badge" is issued to those persons authorized for unescorted access
to all Restricted Areas, including the Secured Area, Sterile Area, AOA, and GA Area.
(b) "AOA Badge" is issued to those persons authorized for unescorted access to the
AOA, but not authorized for unescorted access to the Secured Area or Sterile Area.
(c) "GA Area Badge" is issued to those persons authorized unescorted access to the
GA Area, but not authorized for unescorted access to the rest of the AOA designated as a Security
Identification Display Area, to the Secured Area or to the Sterile Area.
(d) "Sterile Area Badge" is issued to those persons authorized for unescorted access to
the Sterile Area for employment purposes, but not authorized for unescorted access to the Secured
Area, AOA, or GA Area.
3.2 Security Badges Not Issued by the Port
3.2.1 Aircraft Operator Issued Security Badges
Security badges issued and controlled by passenger Aircraft Operators with an
approved Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program, under 49 CFR 1544 or 49 CFR 1546, are
authorized under the following conditions:
(a) Aircraft Operator Security Badges, issued to flight crew and cabin crew
members, are authorized for unescorted movement in the following portions of the Secured Area:
(i) the immediate vicinity of the aircraft to which flight crews and cabin crews are assigned;
(ii) flight crews and cabin crews operations/flight office, or the equivalent; and (iii) those areas of
the Secured Area between the areas described in (i) and (ii).
(b) Flight crew and cabin crew members must be in uniform and wear Aircraft
Operator Security Badges at waist level or above. The Aircraft Operator Security Badge must be
worn by the crew member to whom it was issued.
(c) Aircraft Operator Security Badges issued by Horizon Air to their employees
are authorized for unescorted access within the leasehold area of the Horizon Air
Maintenance/Operations facility on the AOA only.
(d) Unexpired Aircraft Operators Security Badges, with a TSA-approved
personnel identification system meeting the requirements of 49 CFR 1544.231(c), issued to
transient aircraft mechanic personnel not based at the Airport, are valid in the following portions
of the Restricted Area: (i) the immediate vicinity of the aircraft to which the transient mechanics
are assigned; (ii) transient mechanics' operations/fight office, or the equivalent; and (iii) those
areas of the Secured Area between the areas described in (i) and (ii) adjacent to the Terminal
utilized for aircraft parking.
3.2.2 United States Air Force Flight Line Badges
United States Air Force flight line badges issued to Oregon Air National Guard and
U.S. Air Force Reserve personnel based at the Portland Air Base are valid for unescorted access
in the AOA while personnel are in uniform and on official duty.
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3.2.3 United States and Foreign Military Flight Crew Security Badges
United States and foreign military flight crew PDX Security Badges are authorized
in the General Aviation Area. Flight crew members are responsible for the identification and
control of any passengers or visitors.
3.2.4 FAA Pilot Certificates or International Equivalent
FAA Pilot Certificates or the International equivalent (coupled with another photo
ID) are authorized for unescorted access within the AOA, either in the vicinity of their aircraft,
their operations/flight office or at a location in between. Pilots are responsible for the identification
and control of any passengers/visitors.
3.2.5 FAA Form 110A
FAA Form 110A, Aviation Safety Inspector's Credential, is recognized as
authorizing FAA Aviation Safety Inspectors unescorted presence in Restricted Areas of the Airport
when conducting their assigned duties.
3.2.6 TSA Inspector and FAA Special Agent Credentials
TSA inspectors and FAA special agents with valid credentials, and Federal Security
Directors, Deputy Federal Security Directors, and Assistant Federal Security Directors with TSA
credentials are approved for unescorted presence in the Restricted Areas when conducting assigned
3.2.7 Other Security Badges
Other security badges may be given temporary approval, from time to time, by the
Director of Public Safety and Security or the ASC. The acceptance of these other Security Badges
or identification media by the Port does not give the bearers permission to be in any part of a
Restricted Area unless their presence is job-related.
3.3 Identification Required to Obtain a PDX Security Badge
When applying for a PDX Security Badge, the TSA requires specific forms of
identification (including, but not limited to Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification) in order
to verify an individual's identity. In compliance with TSA regulations, the Security Badging Office
requires all PDX Security Badge applicants to provide their social security number, unless the
applicant is a foreign-born citizen and does not have a social security number. The Security
Badging Office cannot process the PDX Security Badge application, including the Criminal
History Record Check or the Security Threat Assessment, if the applicant cannot provide a social
security number.
3.4 Tenant Employee Authorization for PDX/POPID Security Badge
A business with an ongoing need for employees to have unescorted access to the Restricted
Area must maintain on file with the Security Badging Office an Authorization for PDX/POPID
Security Badge. The Authorization for PDX/POPID Security Badge shall describe the number and
type of PDX Security Badges that may be issued on behalf of the employees of the authorized
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4.1 Security Badge Display
Each unescorted person in a Restricted Area must continuously display a valid PDX
Security Badge on the outermost garment, above waist level, so as to be visible at all times. Any
person in a Restricted Area without a PDX Security Badge must be escorted, as described in
Section 14 of this Chapter. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class I Security
Violation. Intentional display of an expired or invalid Security Badge shall constitute a Class III
Security Violation.
4.2 TSA Security Screening
PDX Security Badges may not be used to bypass, or escort others in a manner that bypasses
Security Screening Checkpoints in order to board an aircraft as a passenger in violation of
49 CFR 1540.105 or 49 CFR 1540.107. In addition, Badgeholders may not bring items that have
not been screened by the TSA to an Airport Customer who is traveling as an airline passenger.
Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class IV Security Violation.
4.3 Use of Another Person's Security Badge
The use of a PDX-authorized Security Badge by anyone other than the Badgeholder for the
purpose of unescorted access to or in Restricted Areas is prohibited. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
4.4 Providing a Security Badge to Another Person
No person may provide a PDX-authorized Security Badge to any other person for the
purpose of escorted or unescorted access to or in Restricted Areas. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
4.5 Providing or Obtaining an Access Device
No person may provide an Access Device to any other person, or obtain an Access Device
from any other person, for the purpose of facilitating unauthorized access to Restricted Areas.
Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
4.6 Duplication of Access Device Prohibited
Unless otherwise authorized by the ASC, no person may duplicate an Access Device that
provides access to Restricted Areas. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class
III Security Violation.
4.7 Security Badge Challenge Requirement
All Badgeholders of PDX-issued or authorized Restricted Area Security Badges have the
responsibility to challenge individuals without clearly visible Security Badges in the Restricted
Area, unless the individuals are clearly under escort, and to immediately act to report such
incidents to the Communications Center. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a
Class I Security Violation.
4.7.1 Security Badge Challenge Procedure
The Badgeholder performing the challenge must approach and request the
challenged person to present their PDX-issued Security Badge or other authorized Security Badge
or identification. If a PDX Security Badge is presented, the challenger shall ensure the PDX
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Security Badge is valid for the area, belongs to the person in possession, and has not expired. If a
person is under escort, the challenger must also request to see either the escort registration
confirmation number or an original authorization letter issued by the Aviation Security
Department. If the challenger has reason to fear for his or her safety or is otherwise uncomfortable
in making a challenge, he/she must immediately take action to report the incident to the
Communications Center. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class I Security
4.7.2 Security Badge Challenge Compliance
If challenged while in a Restricted Area, the challenged individual must
immediately and fully display his or her PDX Security Badge or other authorized Security Badge
or identification. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
4.7.3 Returning Security Badges
PDX Security Badges are the property of the Port and must be returned to the
Security Badging Office: (a) upon termination of employment; (b) when a PDX Security Badge
expires; or (c) when a PDX Security Badge is in an inactive status. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class II or Class III Security Violation, and may trigger legal action by
the Port to include fines.
The following Rules pertaining to security apply to access through Restricted Area doors and
pedestrian gates.
5.1 Secured and Sterile Door Access
Each unescorted Secured Area Badgeholder entering the Secured Area through any door
or pedestrian gate, or entering the Sterile Area through any door, must use his or her own Secured
Area Badge at the card reader and receive a green light or an "Unlocked" message before entering.
Only one (1) unescorted Secured Area Badgeholder at any time may access the Secured Area
through any door or gate, or access the Sterile Area through any door, unless otherwise approved
by the ASC. Each Secured Area Badgeholder accessing the Secured Area or accessing the Sterile
Area through a door must ensure that: (a) no other unescorted individuals access the Secured Area
or Sterile Area while the door or gate is open; and (b) the door or gate is fully closed and secure
before leaving the Secured Area or Sterile Area. Piggybacking occurs when a Badgeholder fails
to ensure that a door or a gate closes behind the Badgeholder and an unescorted person slips in
behind without swiping his or her PDX Security Badge. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class II Security Violation and may also result in fines up to ONE HUNDRED FIFTY
DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($150.00) per violation.
5.2 Access Control System Audible Alarms
When an audible door alarm sounds at an access control door, the Badgeholder should
immediately close the door and ensure that it is secured. If the door cannot be secured, or if the
alarm continues to sound, the Badgeholder must contact the Communication Center. Failure to
comply with this Section shall constitute a Class I Security Violation.
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5.3 Pull Stations
Access Control System doors may be outfitted with an emergency override switch, or "Pull
Station," which resembles a fire alarm pull box. In the event of an emergency, the Pull Station
may be pulled and the door is thereby unlocked. The Pull Stations are intended for emergency use
only and are not to be used for routine access by anyone. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class III Security Violation.
5.4 Forcing Open Security Doors or Gates
Persons are prohibited from forcing open a door or gate providing access to Restricted
Areas for the purpose of unauthorized access. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute
a Class III Security Violation.
5.5 Reporting Malfunctions
Any Badgeholder who has used his or her PDX Security Badge to open an Access Control
System controlled door or gate is required to immediately take action to report to the
Communications Center any apparent malfunction of the alarm or locking mechanism. Any
Badgeholder in the vicinity of an Access Control System controlled door or gate emitting an
audible alarm shall check the vicinity for unauthorized personnel. After completing the inspection,
the person will attempt to secure the door and immediately notify the Communications Center of
the results of such inspection. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class II
Security Violation.
5.6 Vehicle Gates
The following Rules for access through vehicle gates shall apply.
5.6.1 AOA Gates
Only one (1) vehicle may enter or exit an Access Control System controlled vehicle
gate into the AOA on the swipe of a PDX Security Badge, unless the Badgeholder gaining access
is escorting other vehicles. A Badgeholder must also have a "D" or "M" icon on his or her PDX
Security Badge in order to be authorized to drive in the AOA outside of their employer's leasehold
area. The Badgeholder who opens the vehicle gate to enter or exit the AOA must ensure that the
gate is closed and secured behind the Badgeholder before driving away from the gate. Prior to
entering the AOA through a construction gate, Badgeholders shall present their PDX Security
Badge to a security officer for entry to an AOA gate. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class II Security Violation.
5.6.2 Secured Area Gates; Midfield Secured Area Checkpoints
In addition to the requirements of Section 5.6.1 of this Chapter, the driver of a
vehicle must use his or her Secured Area Badge and obtain a green light from the fingerprint reader
or an "Unlocked" message from a PIN reader when entering the Secured Area through a vehicle
gate or Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint. Passengers in a vehicle who are Badgeholders must
provide their PDX Security Badge to a security officer at the Midfield Secured Area Checkpoints
for validation. Those without a Secured Area Badge must be escorted. Badgeholders must comply
with the ASC, Port Police, TSA, or other authorized representatives who inspect vehicles or screen
persons at a Midfield Secured Area Checkpoint. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class III Security Violation.
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5.6.3 Pedestrian Access Prohibited
Pedestrians are prohibited from entering or exiting a Secured Area through the
Midfield Secured Area Checkpoints and the AOA through any vehicle gate, except for Port
employees from Port Police, the Fire Department, the Port's "Maintenance Department", the
Airside Operations Department, and the Aviation Security Department. Failure to comply with
this Section shall constitute a Class I Security Violation.
5.7 Elevators
The following Rules for access from elevators into the Secured Area shall apply.
5.7.1 Access Procedures
A Badgeholder whose Secured Area Badge is used to gain access to the Secured
Area must ensure that each unescorted person, on any elevator, use their own Secured Area Badge
and get an unlocked message on a PIN card reader. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Class II Security Violation.
5.7.2 Reporting and Challenging Requirements
Anyone who observes a Secured Area Badgeholder enter the Secured Area from an
elevator after being denied access, as shown by an "access denied" message on a PIN card reader,
must immediately report the incident to the Communications Center. Any Secured Area
Badgeholder calling an elevator to the Secured Area is responsible to challenge any individual not
displaying a valid PDX Security Badge who attempts to enter the Secured Area from the elevator
as the door opens, and to immediately report the incident to the Communications Center. Failure
to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
6.1 Port Issued Keys
The Port controls all keying of Port owned facilities, including Tenant premises. Keying
and lock repair are performed by a licensed and bonded locksmith employed by the Port. Requests
for the issuance of keys must be made by an Authorized Signatory following the appropriate
application process. After the request has been processed, keys will be available for distribution
at the Security Badging Office. Please refer to the PDX Key Program, which is available upon
request from the Aviation Security Department. All lost, stolen, or damaged keys must be reported
to the Security Badging Office immediately. In the event that an excessive number of keys or
Access Devices are lost or stolen, an ASC may require the Maintenance Department to rekey a
Tenant's facility at the Tenant's expense.
6.2 Locked Out Procedure
In the event a Tenant's employee is locked out or has forgotten or lost the keys to the
premises, the employee must contact the Tenant's manager for assistance in accessing the premises.
In the event of fire or a life threatening emergency, please contact the Communications Center.
The Port Police or the Fire Department will only respond in case of fire or life threatening
emergencies. Requests to unlock a Tenant's premises in case of forgotten keys or locked out events
should not be forwarded to the Port Police or the Fire Department, but instead to a Port property
manager. Only an Authorized Signatory of the Tenant may request additional keys to the premises.
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7.1 Possession
No persons, except authorized law enforcement officers or members of the armed forces
of the United States on official duty, shall possess any firearms or explosives within a Restricted
Area without written permission of the ASC, unless under escort by a Port Police officer. The Port
has the right to screen employees as they enter Restricted Areas. Prohibited items that are not
necessary for an employee's job function are not allowed. Prohibited items in Sterile Areas are
listed in Section 10 of this Chapter. This does not apply to persons lawfully transporting or
carrying firearms or deadly weapons in the General Aviation Area. Requests for permission to
possess firearms or explosives within a Restricted Area shall be submitted in writing to the ASC
who shall have sole discretion in granting or denying such requests. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
7.2 Storage
Except for firearms and explosives belonging to authorized law enforcement officers,
firearms and explosives may not be stored within Restricted Areas unless a TSA and Port-approved
storage and safety plan is on file in the office of the ASC. Failure to comply with this Section
shall constitute a Class III Security Violation.
Badgeholders who have a PDX-issued or approved PDX Security Badge may not possess or carry
items into or within the Sterile Area that are otherwise prohibited by the TSA through the Security
Screening Checkpoints unless the items are required for job-related activities. A Badgeholder is
prohibited from delivering a prohibited item to any person in the Sterile Area. A list of prohibited
items is available on the TSA website at:
Badgeholders who have a PDX-issued or approved PDX Security Badge and are authorized to
have certain items in the Sterile Area that are otherwise prohibited by the TSA for access through
the Security Screening Checkpoints, particularly various tools relating to authorized construction
projects in the Sterile Area, are prohibited from leaving said items unattended in the Sterile Area,
unless they are secured in a room inaccessible to screened passengers or in a locked storage
container. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
Badgeholders and individuals under escort of a Badgeholder are subject to screening and searches
of their person, vehicle and belongings by the TSA, Port Police, the Aviation Security Department,
or any other authorized individual upon entering or while they are within Restricted Areas.
Badgeholders can be screened at the TSA screening checkpoint, if requested by the TSA, Port
Police, the Aviation Security Department, or any other authorized individual. Failure to comply
with this Section shall constitute a Class III Security Violation and may trigger exclusion from the
Airport for up to ninety (90) calendar days.
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Badgeholders who have a PDX-issued or approved PDX Security Badge may not possess or carry
suspicious or dangerous items into or within Restricted Areas unless the items are required for
job-related activities. A Badgeholder is prohibited from carrying or delivering a prohibited item
in the Restricted Areas. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to (a) ammunition;
(b) explosives; (c) improvised explosive devices and components of improvised explosive
devices; (d) firearms and parts of firearms; (e) knives; and (f) tools. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class II or a Class III Security Violation.
There are limitations on carrying lighters and matches through the Security Screening
Checkpoints. For the most current restrictions refer to the TSA website at:
Tenants are responsible to control access onto the AOA from the facilities that they occupy. When
requested, Tenants should demonstrate to the ASC the means used to control the access, which
should have immediate deniability to unauthorized individuals. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
The following Rules for escorting shall apply.
13.1 General Escort Requirements
Only those persons with PDX Security Badges with an "E" icon or FAA Pilot's Certificates
(or international equivalent) have escort authority, and only in those areas commensurate with their
PDX Security Badge access privileges. A Badgeholder in possession of a Security Badge, other
than a PDX-issued Security Badge does not have escort authority. Escorts must ensure that
individuals being escorted have a legitimate business purpose to be within Restricted Areas.
Escorting friends or family members without a business need or purpose is strictly prohibited,
unless approved by the ASC. Escorting is prohibited through doors where "No Escorting" signs
are posted. Unless otherwise approved by the ASC, escorts may not accompany more than three
(3) people and must keep individuals being escorted within ten (10) feet to be able to identify
whether the escorted individuals are engaged in any activities other than those for which the escort
was wanted. Escorts must register all individuals using a web-based form and receive a
confirmation number prior to entering any Restricted Areas. Responsibility for an escort may be
transferred to another Badgeholder, but the Badgeholder assuming responsibility for the escort
must positively acknowledge the specific number of individuals being escorted and obtain the
escort registration confirmation number prior to relieving the original escort. Airport employers
shall not escort prospective or permanent employees into Restricted Areas in order to avoid the
PDX Security Badge application process. Employees who enter Restricted Areas as part of their
employment responsibilities must successfully complete the security badging process and obtain
a PDX Security Badge prior to beginning their employment at the Airport. Failure to comply with
this Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
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13.2 Escorting of Concessionaire's Unbadged Employees
In order to comply with TSA requirements, unbadged employees of Concessionaires who
operate in a Sterile Area must be escorted through a TSA checkpoint and must be screened by TSA
each time they enter Restricted Areas from the public side. Failure to comply with this Section
shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
13.3 Escorting Persons in the Restricted Area
Upon completion of the escort registration process described in Section 14.1 of this
Chapter, anyone may be escorted into Restricted Areas for a legitimate business purpose, with the
following exceptions: (a) Badgeholders with an expired, inactive, or malfunctioning PDX
Security Badge that has not been returned to the Badging Office or to Port Police; (b) Badgeholders
whose PDX Security Badge has been lost, stolen, or is not in their possession, and has not been
reported to the Communication Center; and (c) an applicant for a PDX Security Badge who is not
eligible pursuant to Section 2.3 of this Chapter. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute
a Class III Security Violation.
13.4 Restricted Area Vehicle Escort
A Badgeholder with driving authority may escort a vehicle into a Restricted Area for a
legitimate business purpose. While in transit within a Restricted Area, an escorted vehicle must
remain under the control and at a reasonable distance from the escorting vehicle. Unless otherwise
approved by the ASC, escorts must register all individuals using a web-based form and receive a
confirmation number prior to entering any Restricted Areas. Responsibility for an escort may be
transferred to another Badgeholder, but the Badgeholder assuming responsibility for the escort
must positively acknowledge the specific number of individuals being escorted and obtain the
confirmation number prior to relieving the original escort. The Badgeholder of the escorting
vehicle may not escort more than three (3) vehicles and must continuously monitor the vehicle
being escorted in a manner sufficient to identify whether or not the escorted vehicle(s) is engaged
in activities other than those for which escorted access was wanted. Failure to comply with this
Section shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
13.5 Reporting Unauthorized Activities
If an escorted individual engages in activities other than those for which escorted access
was granted, and the escorted individual fails to disengage from such activities when requested,
the Badgeholder providing the escort is responsible for immediately taking action to report the
incident to the Communications Center. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a
Class I Security Violation.
14.1 General Responsibilities
The Authorized Signatory should only submit PDX Security Badge applications or Access
Device request forms for their employees who have a routine and legitimate business need to
access areas of the Airport, as designated by the Authorized Signatory on a paper form or through
the Authorized Signatory internet portal. The Authorized Signatory has the responsibility to
ensure that employees who need to enter Restricted Areas more than two (2) times per month in
order to reach their primary employment location apply for and obtain a PDX Security Badge
before commencement of employment. Failure to comply with this provision shall constitute a
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Class II Security Violation. An Authorized Signatory is prohibited from signing any PDX Security
Badge application paper form or Access Device request form that does not include: (a) the
applicant's name; (b) the company name; and (c) the Authorized Signatory's initials indicating the
PDX Security Badge type or key code requested. Failure to comply with this Section may result
in removal of the Authorized Signatory status, as determined by the ASC. An Authorized
Signatory is responsible for ensuring all employees are in possession of a valid PDX Security
Badge, especially when submitting applications for renewal. An Authorized Signatory must be in
possession of a valid PDX Security Badge and must take the mandatory Authorized Signatory
Training class provided every year by the Port. Failure to comply with this Section may result in
removal of Authorized Signatory status and shall constitute a Class II Security Violation.
14.2 Notification Requirements
Immediate notification to the Security Badging Office from an employer is required
whenever an employer or Authorized Signatory becomes aware of any of the following: (a) a PDX
Security Badge and/or an Access Device issued to an employee is lost or stolen; (b) a
Badgeholder's employment is terminated and the PDX Security Badge and/or the Access Device
is not returned to the employer or the Authorized Signatory at the time of termination; (c) an
employee might be considered a threat to Airport security; or (d) an employee who has a PDX
Security Badge and/or an Access Device is convicted of a disqualifying crime. The employer or
the Authorized Signatory must contact the Security Badging Office to request immediate
deactivation of the PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device, or use the Authorized Signatory
internet portal. If the Security Badging Office is closed or access to the Authorized Signatory
internet portal is unavailable, the employer or the Authorized Signatory must contact the
Communications Center to request immediate deactivation of the PDX Security Badge and/or
Access Device. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class I III Security
Violation and may also result in fees according to the current Fee Schedule available in the Security
Badging Office.
14.3 Unreturned PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device
Every effort must be made by an employer and/or its Authorized Signatory to obtain any
PDX Security Badges and/or Access Devices that were unreturned after being deactivated. An
employer may be billed a fee for each PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device that is not
returned to the Security Badging Office within thirty (30) calendar days of an employee's
employment being terminated. Unless otherwise approved by the ASC, failure to comply with
this Section shall constitute a Class I III Security Violation and may result in fees for a lost badge
according to the current Fee Schedule available in the Security Badging Office.
14.4 Security Badge Training
14.4.1 General Requirements
A PDX Security Badge may not be issued to any person who has not been in
possession of a valid PDX Security Badge during the previous thirty (30) calendar days, until a
background check, the required Training and verification of specific identification documents have
been completed. All applicants for a PDX Security Badge must successfully complete the
Interactive Computer Based Training ("ICBT") for the PDX Security Badge they have applied for.
If the applicant fails an ICBT module, the applicant may take again the failed ICBT module no
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sooner than the next Business Day. If an applicant fails an ICBT module three (3) times, the
applicant must wait six (6) months before the failed ICBT module can be taken again.
14.4.2 Special Circumstances
The Port recognizes that some applicants may have special circumstances that make
it challenging to successfully complete the ICBT. A Security Badging Office coordinator will be
available to: (a) assist applicants in the use of the computer system; (b) clarify course questions;
or (c) explain words that the applicant does not understand. The Security Badging Office
coordinator will not read or translate course material for an applicant. Applicants with special
needs must have their employer or Authorized Signatory contact the Security Badging Office to
discuss their circumstances and reasonable accommodations prior to scheduling the ICBT.
14.4.3 Interpreter Requirements
Interpreter assistance for the ICBT is authorized if all of the following conditions
are met and apply: (a) the applicant is applying for a Sterile Area badge; (b) the applicant does
not speak English fluently; (c) the interpreter is provided and paid for by the employee's employer
or by the Authorized Signatory; (d) the interpreter must have a valid Secured Area or Sterile Area
Badge; and (e) the interpreter must assist the applicant in understanding the content of the ICBT,
but cannot provide answers to the ICBT questions.
14.5 Badge and Access Device Audit
The Authorized Signatory is responsible for complying with all Port audits of PDX
Security Badges and Access Devices. Audits shall include annual audits, special emphasis audits,
key audits, or other audits as determined by the ASC. Failure to comply with this Section shall
constitute a Security Violation.
15.1 General Requirements
A Badgeholder and/or the holder of an Access Device is responsible for safeguarding his
or her PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device. A Badgeholder shall never allow someone else
to use the PDX Security Badge for any reason. A Badgeholder is responsible for returning it either
to their Security Badging Office or to an Authorized Signatory if they no longer have a need to
access Restricted Areas of the Airport. When a PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device is no
longer required, the Authorized Signatory or the Badgeholder will deliver such PDX Security
Badge and/or Access Device to the Security Badging Office during business hours on the day the
change is effective, or on the first (1
) Business Day after the date the change is effective.
15.2 Expired, Lost, or Stolen PDX Security Badge or Access Device
If a PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device is expired, lost, stolen, or damaged so that
it cannot be used, the PDX Security Badgeholder and/or Access Device holder must notify the
Security Badging Office as soon as possible during business hours or the Communications Center
after business hours. To obtain a replacement PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device, the
PDX Security Badgeholder and/or Access Device holder must present to the Security Badging
Office an application signed by an Authorized Signatory, pay the current replacement fee, and take
the appropriate ICBT for the PDX Security Badge. If the PDX Security Badge or Access Device
is expired or damaged, the Badgeholder must return it to the Security Badging Office. It is the
Badgeholder's responsibility to renew a PDX Security Badge before it expires. Failure to comply
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with this Section shall constitute a Class II or Class III Security Violation and may also result in
fines of up to ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($150.00) per violation.
15.2.1 Fees
Fees are determined by the number of PDX Security Badges and/or Access Devices
that have been damaged or lost by an employee or stolen. The number of PDX Security Badges
and/or Access Devices for an employee is tracked separately using a rolling four (4) year period
beginning with the date the first (1
) PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device was damaged,
lost, or stolen. If a PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device is returned to the Security Badging
Office within two (2) Business Days of issuance, fifty percent (50%) of the fees for the PDX
Security Badge and full fees for the Access Device will be refunded. Tenants shall pay fees for
PDX Security Badges that are not deactivated upon separation of an employee or after the
completion of a construction project. The most current Fee Schedule is available in the Security
Badging Office.
15.2.2 Final Determination
After a PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device has been reported lost three (3)
times, the ASC will issue a letter indicating that an additional PDX Security Badge and/or Access
Device will not be issued and will outline the process for appealing this decision, as also described
in Chapter 1.
15.3 Receipts for Returned PDX Security Badges and/or Access Devices
When a PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device is returned, a receipt will be issued by
the Security Badging Office. Receipts must be retained and can be used as proof that a PDX
Security Badge and/or Access Device was returned, should a dispute arise.
15.4 Reporting Subsequent Disqualifying Criminal Convictions
Any Badgeholder who has been issued a PDX Security Badge and who is subsequently
convicted of a disqualifying crime, as described in 49 CFR 1542.209, must report the conviction
and surrender any PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device to the Security Badging Office
within twenty-four (24) hours of conviction, or as soon as it is practical. If the Security Badging
Office is closed, the PDX Security Badge and/or Access Device must be surrendered within the
same timeframe to Port Police. Failure to comply with this Section may result in the permanent
revocation of the PDX Security Badge.
16.1 Reporting Security Violations or Suspicious Activity
Unless in fear of personal safety, Badgeholders must immediately report or prevent, or take
reasonable steps to report or prevent, any suspicious activity, Security Violation, or suspected
Security Violation of the Rules to the Communications Center. Failure to comply with this Section
shall constitute a Class I Security Violation.
16.2 Investigating Reported Security Violations
The ASC or his or her designee will investigate all alleged and reported Security Violations
by Badgeholders of PDX-issued or approved PDX Security Badges of the Rules providing for
security. Upon the conclusion of the investigation phase, if necessary, the ASC will issue a
Security Violation Letter with the findings and required enforcement actions. Within seven (7)
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calendar days of the date of the Security Violation Letter, the Badgeholder may contact the ASC
or their designee to request an informal hearing to provide additional information for
consideration. The ASC or their designee may then evaluate any additional information provided,
and may revise or mitigate imposed enforcement actions if deemed appropriate. The ASC or their
designee will issue a final Security Violation Letter with violation disposition and required
enforcement actions within (7) calendar days of the informal hearing. If desired, the Badgeholder
may then file an appeal per the process described in Chapter 1.
16.3 Enforcement Responsibility
Enforcement of the Rules pertaining to security shall be the responsibility of the ASC, Port
Police, and Airport Operations. Enforcement of the PDX Rules pertaining to airfield driving will
be the responsibility of the Airside Operations Department. Both Security Violations and Driving
Violations (as defined in Chapter 23) will be taken into consideration when determining a penalty.
When a Badgeholder wants to appeal a penalty, the Violation Panel will convene to make a final
The following guidelines shall apply for penalties levied for Security Violations.
17.1 Suspension or Revocation of Unescorted Access Privileges
Upon suspension of a Badgeholder's access privileges, the Port will deactivate any PDX
Security Badge issued to the affected Badgeholder and such Badgeholder shall leave the Restricted
Areas. Upon revocation of a Badgeholder's access privileges, the Port will deactivate and
confiscate any PDX Security Badge issued to the affected Badgeholder and the Badgeholder will
leave the Restricted Area and surrender their PDX Security Badge to the Security Badging Office
or Port Police.
17.2 Suspension or Revocation of an Employer's Access Privileges
Upon either suspension or revocation of an employee's access privileges, the Port may
deactivate and/or confiscate any or all PDX Security Badges held by the affected employer,
including the PDX Security Badges of all employees, contractors and agents whose access
privileges were authorized by that employer. All affected Badgeholders must immediately
surrender any PDX Security Badge authorized by the employer to the Security Badging Office or
Port Police and, if a Badgeholder is within Restricted Areas at the Airport, leave the Restricted
Areas. The Port may also cancel the affected employer's ability to request the issuance of PDX
Security Badges, unless waived by the ASC.
17.3 Reauthorization of Unescorted Access Privileges
In all cases, if a Badgeholder's access privileges have been revoked or suspended and the
ASC has authorized the access privileges to be reinstated, the Badgeholder shall have to
successfully complete Training and fulfill any other requirements outlined in a Security Violation
Letter issued by the ASC prior to reinstatement of their access privileges.
17.4 Immediate Threats to Security or Noncompliance With Security Screening
If, in the opinion of Port Police, the ASC, or the Violation Panel, a Badgeholder's conduct
poses an immediate or continuing threat to the security of the Airport or to the safety of people at
the Airport, or doesn't comply or causes interference with the security screening process, Port
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Police or the ASC may immediately suspend the Badgeholder's Restricted Area access privileges.
Port Police or the ASC may consider the severity of a Security Violation, repetitious misconduct
or a pattern of failure to comply with security protocols, participation in criminal behavior, or a
Badgeholder's threat of violence or harm to the Airport or to members of the airport community.
The ASC may temporarily suspend access privileges if credible information from a federal, state
or local Law Enforcement Agency deems an individual or an employer is a threat to the security
of the Airport or the safety of persons at the Airport. Suspension of access privileges under this
Section is subject to those applicable portions of the appeal process described in Chapter 1.
17.4.1 Temporary Suspension of PDX Security Badges
Port Police or the ASC may temporarily suspend PDX Security Badges if credible
information from a federal, state or local Law Enforcement Agency deems an individual or an
employer to be a threat to the security of the Airport or to the safety of persons at the Airport, or
doesn't comply or causes interference with the security screening process. In addition, the arrest
of a Badgeholder on Airport property, or the issuance of a citation in lieu of arrest, will result in
the suspension of a PDX Security Badge and the Badgeholder will have to meet with the Violation
Panel to determine their status going forward. The temporary suspension is subject to due process
and review as described in Chapter 1.
17.5 Badgeholder Penalties
The "Enforcement Matrix," is a guideline to be used by the Aviation Security Department
and the Airside Operations Department for issuing penalties for substantiated Security Violations.
Although the Enforcement Matrix will generally be followed in most cases, the penalties given for
some Security Violations may vary from the Enforcement Matrix, depending on the nature of each
specific Security Violation, the timing of its occurrence and if, in the reasonable opinion of the
ASC or of the Airside Operations Department, a variation from the Enforcement Matrix is
warranted by the findings of the Security Violation investigation. All penalties imposed are in
addition to any other rights or remedies available to the Port.
17.6 Security Violation Penalties for Badgeholders
The Enforcement Matrix illustrates the possible penalties and enforcement actions for
various classes of either Security Violations or Driving Violations. The following penalties may
be imposed for violations of the Rules pertaining to security, the Airport Security Program, or any
applicable federal regulations.
17.6.1 Security Violation Letter
A " Security Violation Letter" is written by the ASC or the Airside Operations
Department and sent to the employer of a Badgeholder who has committed the Security Violation.
A copy of the Security Violation Letter is also sent to the Badgeholder who committed the Security
Violation. The Security Violation Letter may request a written response from the employer of the
Badgeholder who committed the Security Violation within seven (7) calendar days of the date of
the letter, outlining what actions have been taken to prevent future Security Violations by the
17.6.2 Badgeholder Suspension
A suspension may be levied against a Badgeholder who has committed a Security
Violation of the Rules pertaining to security or airfield driving. A suspension will result in the
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deactivation of the offending Badgeholder's PDX Security Badge for the period of time specified
in the Security Violation Letter. During the suspension period, the Badgeholder may not be
escorted in any Restricted Area or Sterile Area and may only work in public areas of the Airport.
In the case of some airfield Driving Violations, the "D" icon may be removed from a PDX Security
Badge in order to suspend or revoke driving privileges, but the PDX Security Badge may remain
valid, depending on the decision of the Aviation Security Department or the Airside Operations
17.6.3 Security Badge Revocation
A revocation may be levied against a Badgeholder who has committed a serious
Security Violation or several Security Violations of the Rules pertaining to security or to the
airfield. A revocation will result in the indefinite deactivation of a Badgeholder's PDX Security
Badge. The Badgeholder may not be escorted in any Restricted Area or Sterile Area and may only
work in public areas of the Airport. Once a PDX Security Badge has been revoked, it will not be
reinstated for a period of at least five (5) years. Prior to submitting an application for a new badge
following the five (5) year suspension period, the applicant shall meet with the Violation Panel to
ensure that the potential applicant meets eligibility requirements.
17.7 Enforcement Matrix
The Enforcement Matrix is based on the number of Security Violations and Driving
Violations occurring over a period of time. If successive Security Violations occur in a shorter
period of time, the penalties are likely to be more severe, up to and including suspension or
revocation of the PDX Security Badge. The ASC and the Violation Panel reserve the right to
consider mitigating and aggravating circumstances when determining the length and severity of a
penalty. A Badgeholder's driving and security history may be considered when assessing penalties.
In general, Class I Violations will remain under consideration for a period of two (2) years, Class
II Violations will remain under consideration for a period of three (3) years, Class III Violations
will remain under consideration for a period of four (4) years, and Class IV Violations will remain
under consideration indefinitely. As used herein, the term revocation shall generally mean that a
person whose PDX Security Badge is revoked will not be allowed to apply for a new PDX Security
Badge for a period of five (5) years. Depending on the circumstances, this period may be extended
or shortened, based on mitigating or aggravating circumstances, in the reasonable discretion of the
ASC and the Violation Panel.
Class I
Class II
Class III Security
Class IV
Citation and
required Port
driver and/or
Suspension of
PDX Security
Badge for up
to 10 days
Airfield Citation
and required
Port driver
and/or security
revocation for
any Security
Violation with
proven intent
to do harm
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Suspension of
PDX Security
Badge for up to
30 days
Citation and
required Port
driver and/or
of PDX
Badge for up
to 5 days
Citation and
required Port
Suspension of
PDX Security
Badge for up
to 30 days
Airfield Citation
PDX Security
Badge for up to
5 years
revocation for
any Security
Violation with
proven intent
to do harm
Citation and
required Port
driver and/or
of PDX
Badge for up
to 10 days
PDX Security
Badge for up
to 5 years
Airfield Citation
PDX Security
Badge for up to
5 years
revocation for
any Security
Violation with
proven intent
to do harm
Citation and
required Port
driver and/or
of PDX
Badge for up
to 30 days
PDX Security
Badge for up
to 5 years
Airfield Citation
PDX Security
Badge for up to
5 years
revocation for
any Security
Violation with
proven intent
to do harm
(and any
PDX Security
Airfield Citation
PDX Security
Badge for up to
5 years
revocation for
any Security
Violation with
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Badge for up
to 5 years
Badge for up
to 5 years
proven intent
to do harm
All reviews of any penalties as set forth in this Chapter shall be submitted to the Director of Public
Safety and Security or the Director of Operations, and shall be taken in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Chapter 1.
46PDX Rules Chapter 4, Public
Parking, Employee Parking, Abandoned
Vehicles, and TriMet Services
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Public parking is available at the Airport in parking facilities designated as public parking. Parking
for employees is available to all Airport part-time or full-time employees, including Port
employees and Tenant employees. All employees parking in any Airport parking area must do so
in accordance with the PDX Employee Parking Guidelines and Terms of Use, a copy of which is
available in the Employee Parking Office and attached hereto as Appendix D. Parking is allowed
only for Vehicles (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) and Motorcycles (as defined in
Section 10.1.4 of this Chapter) in the parking areas identified in Section 2 of this Chapter. Parking
anything other than a Vehicle or Motorcycle shall be in violation of these Rules and be subject to
the sanctions described in Section 9 of this Chapter.
There are multiple Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) parking locations at the
Airport, as follows. Motorcycle (as defined in Section 10.1.4 of this Chapter) parking is located
next to the Terminal at the north end of the lower roadway.
2.1 Parking Garages
There are three (3) parking garages ("Parking Garages") at the Airport as follows.
2.1.1 Short Term Parking Garage
The "Short Term Parking Garage" is located adjacent to the Terminal and is
connected to the Terminal by two (2) tunnels, two (2) skybridges and two (2) pedestrian
2.1.2 Long Term Parking Garages
The "Long Term Parking Garages" are located directly east of the Short Term
Parking Garage and is connected to the Terminal by two (2) tunnels and to the Short Term Garage
at the west elevator cores.
2.2 Economy Parking Lot
The "Economy Parking Lot" is located off of N.E. Airport Way, near the I-205 freeway.
Access to the Economy Parking Lot is from the Cascade Parkway exit off N.E. Airport Way.
2.3 Employee Parking Lots
2.3.1 Employee Parking Lot
The "Employee Parking Lot" is located off of N.E. Alderwood Street, south of N.E.
Airport Way in the Portland International Center.
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2.3.2 Port Headquarters Parking Lot
The "Port Headquarters Parking Lot" is located east of the Long Term Parking
Garage. The Port Headquarters Parking Lot is available to Port employees and designees. Access
to the Port Headquarters Parking Lot is from N.E. Airport Way.
3.1 Employee Parking Rates
Employee parking rates are available by calling the Port's Parking Systems Department
("Parking Systems Department"). Parking rates are subject to periodic review and change as the
Port deems necessary, with a thirty (30) calendar day written notice provided to the employer of
the person already in possession of a parking permit. Parking spaces are subject to availability,
on a first come, first serve basis.
3.1.1 Employee Parking Lot
Airport Employers or employees using the Employee Parking Lot are subject to the
PDX Employee Parking Guidelines and Terms of Use. Employees must pay a monthly parking
fee per parking space, which shall not be prorated. Tenants will be invoiced monthly for their
employees' parking spaces. Non-domicile airline employees parking in the Employee Parking Lot
are required to make payment to the Port's current parking operator on a quarterly basis, or as
established by the Port. Parking is available only on a month-to-month basis, except for
non-domicile parking which is on a quarterly basis, or as established by the Port. Employees are
allowed to park in all public parking lots, for the same price as it is available to the general public.
Those employees electing to use any public parking lot on a daily basis must pay for each day of
use at the standard general public parking rate. Parking Access Credentials for the Employee
Parking Lot are available through the Parking System Department.
3.1.2 Port Headquarters Parking Lot
The Port Headquarters Parking Lot is currently available for Port employees or
designees assigned to work at the Airport, in the Port's sole discretion. Parking Access Credentials
for the Port Headquarters Parking Lot are available for a fee through the Parking System
3.1.3 Parking Garages
Parking in the Parking Garages is available for Port employees and designees at
assigned locations. The Port reserves the right to discontinue any monthly employee parking in
the Parking Garages, in the Port's sole discretion. Parking Access Credentials for the Parking
Garage are available for a fee through the Parking System Department. Port employees and
designees granted Parking Access Credentials for the Parking Garages may not park on level 4 of
the Short Term Garage.
3.2 Parking Access Identification
Employees, or employers on behalf of their employees, who purchase monthly parking
privileges will be issued a Parking Access Credential that will allow access in and out of the
Employee Parking Lot, the Port Headquarters Parking Lot, or the Parking Garages. The Parking
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Access Credential must be returned immediately to the Port through the Employee Parking Office
upon an employee's termination or separation from employment.
Free shuttle buses operate in the Economy Parking Lot and in the Employee Parking Lot
twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Shuttle pick-up/drop-off areas are located at
marked covered shelters throughout the Economy Parking Lot, the Employee Parking Lot and the
Terminal. Shuttle buses pick up/drop off only at these designated shelters. Shuttle buses are
equipped for wheelchair access and are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
5.1 Restricted Entry
Access to the public parking lots is through a gated system requiring one of these two
options: (a) pulling a ticket; or (b) using a Parking Access Credential. For access using a Parking
Access Credential, only current Port and Tenant employees using a valid and current Parking
Access Credential may enter the Employee Parking Lot, the Port Headquarters Parking Lot, or the
Parking Garages. The entrance gates are designed to allow for one (1) Vehicle (as defined in
Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) to pass through at a time. Dual passage is not allowed. Parking
Access Credentials used to gain access into a parking area must also be used to exit, or the gate
will not be activated. It is a violation of the Rules to allow any other person to use the employee's
Parking Access Credential.
5.2 Non-Emergency Communications
For non-emergency assistance, such as flat tires, dead batteries, or Vehicle (as defined in
Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) location, anyone using the parking lots may: (a) contact any shuttle
bus driver or parking system operator employee who can relay the message to a supervisor; or
(b) press the intercom at the entry and exit gate, inside each shuttle bus shelter in the Economy
Parking Lot and the Employee Parking Lot, or at the call boxes located in the Parking Garages to
call the parking system operator employee. Emergency telephones or emergency intercom systems
located in each bus shelter and in the Parking Garages should be used to obtain emergency
6.1 Entry Cards
Parking Access Credentials are non-transferable. Misuse of the Parking Access Credential
is considered a violation of the Rules and may result in a suspension or revocation of parking
access privileges.
6.2 Damaging Parking Facilities
Any person who causes damage to any of the Port's facilities in any parking lot or in the
Parking Garages will be assessed the full cost of any necessary repair or replacement, and may
have their Parking Access Credentials temporary or permanently revoked. The unpaid assessments
shall subject the employee to suspension of the parking privileges until the assessment is paid in
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6.3 Unpaid Fees for Public Parking Lots
Anyone parking in the public parking lots must pay the appropriate fee at the time of exit
or complete an Insufficient Funds Form, if full payment is not available at the time of exit.
6.4 Unpaid Fees for Employee Parking Lot
Any Tenant or employee with a past due parking account will be subject to suspension of
parking privileges until the account is made current. An employee's employer or, if applicable, an
employee, will be fully responsible for the timely payment of the parking fee for each Credential.
A parking fee not paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the notice sent by the Port
will be considered delinquent and could result in deactivation of all Credentials on the account. If
the parking fee is delinquent three (3) times or more within one (1) year, multiple Employee
Parking Lot privileges may be revoked. A reasonable deactivation fee shall be charged to the
employee's employer or, if applicable, to the employee in order to cover any administrative
expenses incurred into by the Port, if a Credential: (a) is deactivated for nonpayment of the parking
fee; (b) is not returned upon request of the Port or on separation of the employee; or (c) is damaged
and unusable,. Access to the Employee Parking Lot will not be restored until such time as the
delinquent amount and the deactivation fee are paid in full.
Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) parking is allowed only in designated marked
parking spaces. In the Employee Parking Lot, the Port Headquarters Parking Lot and in the
Parking Garages employees shall not: (a) park adjacent to yellow painted curb; (b) double park in
any location; (c) park in striped areas adjacent to parking spaces designated for the disabled;
(d) park in areas with "No Parking" signs; (e) park in a manner that will impede the flow of vehicles
or shuttle bus traffic through the Employee Parking Lot; (f) park in more than one (1) marked
parking space; (g) park any motor homes, trailers, or boats, except when fully attached to a Vehicle
(as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) at all times on a day to day basis and with prior
approval from the Port’s Parking Department; (h) park in a disabled space without a permit;
(i) camp or stay overnight in a parked Vehicle; (j) park any Vehicle that is not used to travel to and
from the Airport; (k) park Motorcycles (as defined in Section 10.1.4 of this Chapter), Bicycles (as
defined in Section 10.1.2 of this Chapter), trailer, camper or similar, and any transportation devices
that are not a Vehicle or a Motorcycle; and (l) perform any maintenance or repairs to any vehicle;
and (m) plug into any outlet for any purpose other than charging an electric vehicle. Failure to
comply with this Section may result in citation, Towing (as defined in Section 10.1.7 of this
Chapter), or in revocation of the Parking Access Credential.
Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) parking is allowed only in designated marked
parking spaces, unless the Parking System Manager, or his/her designee, directs. There will be no
in and out privileges. The following uses are not allowed in the public parking lots: (a) parking
adjacent to yellow painted curb; (b) double parking in any location; (c) parking in striped areas
adjacent to parking spaces designated for the disabled; (d) parking in areas with "No Parking"
signs posted; (e) parking in any area that will impede the flow of Vehicle or shuttle bus traffic
through the Economy Parking Lot and the Employee Parking Lot; (f) parking so as to take up more
than one (1) marked parking space; (g) parking in a disabled space without a permit; (h) camping
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or staying overnight in a parked Vehicle of any nature; (i) parking any Vehicle that is not used to
travel to and from the Airport; (j) parking Motorcycles (as defined in Section 10.1.4 of this
Chapter), Bicycles (as defined in Section 10.1.2 of this Chapter), trailer, camper or similar, and
any transportation devices that are not a Vehicle or a Motorcycle; (k) engaging in any commercial
activity; (l) perform any maintenance or repairs to any vehicle; and (m) plug into any outlet for
any purpose other than charging an electric vehicle. All of the above are a violation of the Rules
and may result in citation and/or Towing (as defined in Section 10.1.7 of this Chapter), per Port
Ordinance No. 360.
9.1 Vehicle Parking Violations
Any person who parks a Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) or a
Motorcycle (as defined in Section 10.1.4) in violation of the Rules shall be subject to a parking
violation administrative fee per each violation, which may be assessed against either the owner or
operator of the Vehicle or Motorcycle. In addition to a parking violation administrative fee,
Vehicles and Motorcycles parked in violation of the Rules may be subject to one (1) or more of
the following sanctions: (a) the Vehicle or Motorcycle may be Towed (as defined in
Section 10.1.7 of this Chapter) and the owner or operator of the Vehicle or Motorcycle will be
subject to Towing fees associated with relocation of the Vehicle or Motorcycle; (b) the Vehicle or
Motorcycle may be fitted with a boot or other restrictive device to prevent it from being driven;
and (c) a citation for illegal parking may be issued. Before the Vehicle or Motorcycle is released,
the owner or operator of the Vehicle or Motorcycle must present photo ID, their Parking Access
Credential (if applicable), proof of Vehicle or Motorcycle ownership, and Vehicle or Motorcycle
registration, and must pay, in full, all fines or other charges. Failure to pay the parking violation
administrative fee or any other Towing fee due under this Section within five (5) calendar days of
issuance may also result in suspension of parking privileges until the fee has been paid. These
sanctions shall also apply to any trailer, camper or similar, or any transportation devices that are
not a Vehicle or a Motorcycle.
9.2 Suspension of Parking Privileges
Employees who own or operate a Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this Chapter) or
Motorcycle (as defined in Section 10.1.4 of this Chapter) that is parked in violation of the Rules
shall be subject to suspension of parking privileges for a period of up to thirty (30) calendar days.
Employees whose parking privileges have been previously suspended and who parked in violation
of the Rules on a subsequent occasion may be subject to longer suspension or permanent
revocation of employee parking privileges, in the discretion of the Port. The Port reserves the right
to revoke parking privileges to any employee for violating the Rules.
10.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply.
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10.1.1 Abandoned Vehicle
"Abandoned Vehicle" means any Bicycle (as defined in Section 10.1.2),
Motorcycle (as defined in Section 10.1.4 of this Chapter), or Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8
of this Chapter) that has been deserted or relinquished without any intent on the part of the last
operator to regain possession of the Vehicle. A Vehicle shall be considered abandoned if it has
remained in the same location for more than twenty-four (24) hours and one (1) or more of the
following conditions exist: (a) the Vehicle has an expired license plate, invalid temporary permit
or invalid or revoked registration affixed to it; (b) the Vehicle reasonably appears to be inoperative,
disabled, wrecked, partially dismantled or junked; or (c) the Vehicle has been parked in an Airport
public parking lot, or in the Employee Parking Lot or the Port Headquarters Parking Lot for more
than thirty (30) calendar days (seven (7) calendar days for a Motorcycle) without written advance
approval of extended stay to the parking system operator.
10.1.2 Bicycle
"Bicycle" means a vehicle composed of one (1), two (2) or three (3) wheels held in
a frame and propelled by pedals. A Bicycle shall be considered abandoned if it has remained in
the same location for more than twenty-four (24) hours and one (1) or more of the following
conditions exist: (a) the bicycle reasonably appears to be inoperative, disabled, wrecked, partially
dismantled or junked; and (b) the bicycle has been parked in an Airport public parking lot, or in
the Employee Parking Lot or the Port Headquarters Parking Lot for more than seven (7) calendar
days without written advance approval of extended stay to the parking system operator.
10.1.3 Law Enforcement Agency
"Law Enforcement Agency" means any state, federal, local or regional
governmental authority authorized to enforce any civil or criminal law.
10.1.4 Motorcycle
"Motorcycle" means every vehicle designed to travel with not more than three (3)
wheels in contact with the ground and with a seat or saddle for use of the rider.
10.1.5 Storage
"Storage" means the holding of a Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8 of this
Chapter), along with the related fees for such holding, at any Storage facility.
10.1.6 Tow Hearings Officer
"Tow Hearings Officer" means the hearings officer of the City of Portland, Oregon,
as described in Code and Charter of the City of Portland 16.30.450E, Hearing Administration and
pursuant to any intergovernmental agreements between the City of Portland and the Port with
respect to tow hearings.
10.1.7 Towing
"Towing" means the taking possession of a Vehicle (as defined in Section 10.1.8
of this Chapter) and removal of the Vehicle to a Storage facility or physically restraining or
immobilizing the Vehicle at the direction of a Port employee or officer.
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10.1.8 Vehicle
"Vehicle" means every motorized device in, upon, or by which a person or property
may be transported or drawn upon any street or highway. For the purposes of Section 10, Vehicle
shall include Bicycles, Motorcycles and any trailer, camper or similar, or any transportation
devices that are not a Vehicle or a Motorcycle.
10.2 Towing and Storage of Vehicles
10.2.1 Authority to Tow
Any Vehicle found on any property owned, operated, leased or controlled by the
Port in violation of the Rules set out in Section 10.2 of this Chapter, or as may be lawfully
promulgated from time to time, may be Towed and/or Stored upon the order of a Port Police
officer, an employee or contractor authorized by the Port’s Parking System Management, and
taken to or kept in a Storage area designated by the Port, and held at the expense of the owner or
other person entitled to possession thereof.
10.2.2 Towing After Notice
A Vehicle may be Towed or Stored, after first giving the notice as described in
Section 10.3.2 of this Chapter, when: (a) the Vehicle is parked or kept in violation of a posted
parking or other restriction but where there is no reasonable need to immediately remove the
Vehicle; (b) the Vehicle is parked on property owned, controlled or operated by the Port without
express Port permission; (c) the Vehicle is parked or kept in a manner that violates duly enacted
or adopted Port policies relative to that class or type of the Vehicle; (d) otherwise permitted by
law; or (e) the Vehicle is an Abandoned Vehicle.
10.2.3 Towing Prior to Notice
Vehicles may be Towed without prior notice only under one (1) or more of the
following circumstances: (a) the Vehicle is impeding or likely to impede the normal flow of
vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (b) the Vehicle is illegally parked or kept in a conspicuously noticed
or posted space, zone, traffic lane or Taxiway where parking is limited to designated classes of
Vehicles or is prohibited in excess of a designated time period, during certain hours, on designated
days, or otherwise where the Vehicle interferes or is reasonably likely to interfere with the intended
use of such a space, zone, traffic lane or Taxiway; (c) the Vehicle is blocking construction and/or
maintenance work; (d) the Vehicle poses an imminent threat to public safety; (e) the Vehicle is
driven by a person who is taken into custody by a federal, state or local Law Enforcement Agency;
(f) a federal, state or local Law Enforcement Agency believes the Vehicle to be stolen; or
(g) federal, state or local law otherwise requires or permits such removal without notice.
10.3 Notice to Interested Parties of Vehicle Towing
10.3.1 Notice Prior to Towing
Prior to Towing or Storing a Vehicle pursuant to Section 10.2.2 of this Chapter,
notice shall be given of the Port's authority and intention to Tow and/or Store the Vehicle as well
as the procedures available for obtaining a hearing to contest the validity of the proposed Tow
and/or Storage by: (a) affixing a warning for the Vehicle at least seven (7) calendar days prior to
the proposed Tow and/or Storage; and (b) mailing a notice within forty-eight (48) hours
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(Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excluded) after the warning is affixed to the Vehicle to the
registered owner(s) and any other persons who reasonably appear to have an interest of record in
the Vehicle if such information is available to the Port. The Tow warning and the mailed notice
shall state the following: (i) that the Vehicle is parked in violation of a Port ordinance or other
applicable law; (ii) that the Port intends to cause the Vehicle to be Towed, removed and/or Stored
if the violation is not corrected; and (iii) that a hearing is available to contest the validity of the
intended Tow as well as the time to request said hearing. If a timely request for hearing is made
and received pursuant to Section 10.3.2 of this Chapter, the Vehicle shall not be Towed or Stored
until the Tow Hearings Officer so orders or allows.
10.3.2 Notice Subsequent to Towing
After a Vehicle has been Towed and/or Stored pursuant to Section 10.2.3 of this
Chapter, notice shall be provided to the registered owner(s) and such other person(s) who
reasonably appear to have an interest of record in the Vehicle if such information is available to
the Port. Notice shall be mailed to such persons within forty-eight (48) hours after the Towing of
the Vehicle (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excluded) and shall state at a minimum the
following: (a) that the Vehicle has been Towed; (b) the location of the Vehicle and that it may be
reclaimed only upon evidence that the claimant is the owner or other person entitled to possession;
(c) the address and telephone number of the person or facility that may be contacted for
information on the charges that must be paid before the Vehicle will be released and the procedures
for obtaining the release of the Vehicle; (d) that the Vehicle and its contents are subject to a lien
for the Towing and Storage charges; (e) that if the Vehicle is not claimed within thirty (30)
calendar days after the mailing date of the notice, the Vehicle and its contents may be subject to
sale and that failure to reclaim the Vehicle within the thirty (30) calendar day time period will
constitute a waiver of all interest in the Vehicle; and (f) that a hearing may be requested to contest
the validity of the Tow and shall set forth the time in which a hearing may be requested and the
method for requesting such a hearing. If a Vehicle has been reclaimed prior to the time required
for the mailing of the notice, no notice need be mailed or provided; except that the person(s)
reclaiming the Vehicle shall be provided, at the time the Vehicle is released, with written notice of
the opportunity for a hearing to contest the Tow and/or Storage consistent with Section 4 of this
10.3.3 Delay of Notice
In those circumstances where it can reasonably be anticipated that mailing of notice
may hinder or prevent the apprehension of a suspect in an ongoing criminal investigation, the
mailing of notice may be delayed until such time as will not prejudice that investigation or
10.3.4 Notice Not Required
No notice need be mailed when the Vehicle does not display license plates or other
identifying markings by which the ownership of the Vehicle can be determined or when the
identity of the owner of the Vehicle is not otherwise available from the appropriate state or federal
Vehicle licensing or registration authority.
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10.3.5 Notice of Right to Hearing
Written notice of the opportunity to contest the validity of the Tow of a Vehicle,
together with a statement of the time in which a hearing may be requested and the method of
requesting a hearing, shall be given each person who seeks to redeem a Vehicle which has been
Towed pursuant to Section 10.2 of this Chapter by the Tow company or other facility holding such
10.4 Hearing to Contest Validity of Vehicle Tow
10.4.1 Right to Hearing
After a Vehicle has been Towed pursuant to Section 10.2.3 of this Chapter or prior
to Towing pursuant to Section 10.2.2 of this Chapter, and upon timely application filed with the
Tow Hearings Officer, either the owner or a person with a demonstrated financial interest in the
Vehicle, or that person's legal representative may request a hearing to contest the validity of the
Tow. In the case of a Vehicle Towed pursuant to Section 10.2.3 of this Chapter, such application
shall be received by the Tow Hearings Officer not later than five (5) calendar days after mailing
of the notice. In the case of a Vehicle covered by Section 10.2.2 of this Chapter, such application
shall be filed with and received by the Tow Hearings Officer not later than five (5) calendar days
after affixing the Tow warning to the Vehicle. The Tow Hearings Officer may, for good cause,
grant a request for hearing filed after the time limits set out above. If the notice was delayed
pursuant to Section 10.3.5 of this Chapter, the Tow Hearings Officer shall grant a request for
hearing received within ten (10) calendar days after the mailing date of the notice or ten (10)
calendar days after the date the Vehicle was reclaimed, whichever is first.
10.4.2 Request for a Hearing
A request for hearing must be in writing and shall state the grounds upon which the
person requesting the hearing believes the Tow to be invalid. In addition, all requests for a hearing
shall include the following information: (a) applicant's name; (b) applicant's address where notice
of hearing is to be sent; (c) applicant's telephone number; (d) Vehicle make and model; (e) license
number; (f) date Towed; and (g) place and approximate time of Tow, if the latter is known.
10.4.3 Scheduling of a Hearing
The Tow Hearings Officer shall conduct a hearing on the matter within fourteen
(14) calendar days of receipt of a proper request filed pursuant to Section 10.4 of this Chapter,
provided, in all cases where a Vehicle has been Towed and not yet released, the Tow Hearings
Officer shall set and conduct the hearing within seventy-two (72) hours (Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays excluded) of receipt of the request.
10.4.4 Conduct of a Hearing
The hearing shall afford a reasonable opportunity for the person(s) requesting it to
demonstrate by the statements of witnesses and other competent evidence, that the basis for
Towing or Storage of the Vehicle was invalid.
10.4.5 Tow or Storage Found Invalid
If the Tow Hearings Officer finds the Tow invalid, the Tow Hearings Officer shall
order that the Vehicle be released and as appropriate, order the return of all monies paid for Tow
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and/or Storage charges, to the person who paid such charges. If such Vehicle is yet to be Towed,
the Tow Hearings Officer shall order that such Vehicle not be. In any case where the Tow Hearings
Officer orders the Vehicle released, the Vehicle must be picked up within twenty-four (24) hours
to avoid further Storage charges.
10.4.6 Tow or Storage Found Valid
If the Tow Hearings Officer finds that the Tow was valid, the Tow Hearings Officer
shall order the Vehicle held. If such Vehicle is yet to be Towed, the Tow Hearings Officer shall
order that such Vehicle be Towed and impounded.
10.4.7 No Appeal
The decision of the Tow Hearings Officer is final, and cannot be appealed.
10.5 Towing and Storage Charges; Redemption of Vehicles
10.5.1 Towing and Storage Charges
All Towing and Storage charges shall be paid prior to release of a Vehicle Towed
or Stored pursuant to Section 10.2 of this Chapter and shall constitute a lien pursuant to
ORS 87.152.
10.5.2 Waiver of Payment of Charges by the Port
The accrued Towing and Storage charges assessed under Section 10.5.1 of this
Chapter shall be waived by the Tow Hearings Officer if, after the hearing, the basis for having the
Vehicle Towed and Stored is found to be invalid or unjustified, and no other basis exists for the
Vehicle to be held. A person's inability to pay the Towing and Storage charges, in and of itself, is
not a sufficient basis for the waiving of such charges.
10.5.3 Release of Vehicle
If the required Towing and Storage charges have been paid or if the Tow Hearings
Officer orders the Vehicle released and no other grounds exist for the continued impoundment of
the Vehicle, the Vehicle shall be immediately released to the person(s) entitled to its lawful
10.5.4 Person(s) to Whom Vehicle May be Released
A Vehicle Towed pursuant to Section 10.2 of this Chapter may be released to the
owner of record as shown on the records of the appropriate state motor Vehicles authority, to the
person who was lawfully in possession or control of the Vehicle at the time it was Towed, or to
such other person who presents to the Tow Hearings Officer sufficient evidence as the Tow
Hearings Officer in the exercise of his discretion, believes shows a right to possession and/or
control of the Vehicle.
The Port encourages its own employees and other Airport employees to utilize public
transportation provided by TriMet to and from the Airport. TriMet offers many different services
for employers of all sizes, from transit pass programs to alternative commute solutions. For more
information contact TriMet Employer Programs at (503) 962-7670 or at:
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All users of the Airport must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental
laws, and the Rules while at the Airport. All users of the Airport and Tenants must obtain all
required permits with respect to air emissions, discharge of processed waste water, and any other
regulated or permitted environmental matters. Users of the Airport and Tenants shall comply with
all terms of their environmental permits. Tenants shall comply with all environmental provisions
of their leases or other agreements with the Port. Storm water runoff from the Airport may be
permitted by the Port through the Port's Storm Water Use Agreement, or such other conditions that
the Port may choose to impose including, but not limited to, the requirement to become a
co-permittee on the Port's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") Storm
Water permits. Discharges outside the parameters of the Port's NPDES Storm Water permit, or in
violation of Port imposed conditions, are not allowed. In addition to the enforcement authorities
described in Chapter 1, the Port has adopted the Storm Water System Enforcement Rules which
govern protection of the municipal storm water system, which includes storm water facilities at
the Airport. The Port is required by law to maintain a program that allows it to detect, remove,
and eliminate illicit discharges from the Port's storm water system. Illicit discharges include any
discharge through an unauthorized connection to the Port's storm water system and any discharge
that does not consist entirely of storm water, unless specifically allowed by law. The Port may use
either the enforcement authorities described in Chapter 1, or the Storm Water System Enforcement
Rules, to address storm water-related violations.
The Port, in cooperation with a number of Tenants, has developed environmental guidelines for
users of the Airport, entitled "Best Management Practices." All users of the Airport and Tenants
shall manage and conduct all activities at the Airport in compliance with these Best Management
Practices, as applicable to such user's or Tenant's Airport activities. Copies of the Best
Management Practices are available by calling the Port's Environmental ("Environmental ").
In the event of a fuel or other spill, the responsible party shall take all necessary actions to minimize
the impact from the spill and shall immediately notify the Communications Center. Any vehicle
transporting fuel at the Airport must have a working radio or cellular telephone at all times in order
to provide such notice. All necessary actions must be taken to stop the source of the spill and
promptly implementing spill management measures to prevent the spill from adversely impacting
the environment. The responsible party shall appropriately clean up the spill as soon as possible.
The Fire Department will respond to spills on Airport property upon receipt of the above notice.
Tenants transporting fuel or other liquids, including on any vehicle operating at the Airport, shall
keep appropriate and sufficient spill response material and equipment on hand to respond to a
minor spill and have a response contractor identified for responding to a major spill. The
responsible party shall be liable for all response costs and clean-up costs, and for all damages of
any nature to persons or property as a result of the spill.
57PDX Rules Chapter 5,
Environmental Compliance
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In the event of an ice or snow occurrence, the Port will provide reasonable quantities of FAA and
Port approved de-icing material for pavement use only. An airline wishing to obtain de-icing
material must make prior arrangements through the Maintenance Department and will be
responsible for providing transportation of the de-icing material to the desired location. The
de-icing material is currently provided free of charge, however it is subject to availability and
rationing and must be applied according to manufacturer recommendations. Only de-icing
materials approved by the Port and the FAA can be used in the Secured Areas. Outside the Secured
Areas other de-icing materials can be used, but they are subject to pre-approval by the Port.
The Port's list of prohibited chemicals is intended to prohibit the placement, storage, use, transport,
generation, or treatment of certain chemicals and materials on Port properly. The preparation of
this list of chemicals and materials is based on four (4) criteria: (a) the production of the chemical
or material has been, or is about to be in the near future, prohibited by an agency of the government;
(b) the chemical or material has caused a sufficient number of human health problems from
exposure including, but not limited to, exposure caused by application, mismanagement and/or
spills, to cause the Port concern for the potential of adverse health effects; (c) the chemical or
material is highly toxic and there are acceptable substitutes; and (d) pesticides and insecticides
used in any experimental or pilot program where the pesticides and insecticides have not been
finally approved for the proposed application by the Environmental Protection Agency. The Port
may allow exceptions to this prohibition on a case-by-case basis. Requests for exceptions shall be
made, in writing, to the Port by the Tenant. No use of prohibited chemicals or materials will be
made without prior written approval of the Port, which may be granted or denied in the Port's sole
4.1 Prohibited Chemicals and Materials
(a) Polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs);
(b) Asbestos and asbestos containing materials;
(c) Methyl bromide;
(d) Chlorinated solvents;
(e) Ozone depleting products (e.g. halon, target CFC refrigerants);
(f) Radioactive materials (excluding such material that is contained in exit signs,
smoke detectors, gamma source for calibration and like devices.
4.2 Chemicals and Materials of Concern
The following is a non-inclusive list of chemicals and materials that are not included in the
prohibition, but are of serious concern to the Port, and Best Management Practices must be
followed in conjunction with their use. Written procedures are required to be given to employees
for their management and use, and for emergency response. A safety data sheet shall be acquired
for each chemical and material. The written procedures and any safety data sheets need not be
submitted to the Port, but must be available for review, upon request by Port officials or agents.
Tenants using or storing the following chemicals and materials are required to submit to the Port
copies of the annual State Fire Marshall Report, listing these chemicals and materials:
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Environmental Compliance
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(a) all lead containing chemicals and materials;
(b) cadmium;
(c) OSHA's list of regulated carcinogenic chemicals and materials;
(d) phostoxin;
(e) chlorine gas;
(f) concentrated acids, e.g. sulfuric acid.
Questions concerning environmental compliance with the Rules and for exemptions to the
Prohibited Chemicals and Materials list should be directed to the Environmental Department.
59PDX Rules Chapter 6, Wildlife
Hazard Management Program; Domestic
Animals in the Airport
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The Port has developed a FAA-required Wildlife Hazard Management Program in order to
minimize the number of aircraft wildlife strikes that occur at the Airport. Because of its
geographical location, the Airport has a particularly high potential for wildlife incidents with
aircraft. Therefore, the Port must take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks. Port wildlife
staff patrol the Airfield during at least sixteen (16) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, in order to
disperse wildlife from flight paths, identify attractants to wildlife, and determine appropriate
wildlife management strategies. The success of this program depends on the cooperation of all
Tenants, vendors, Airport employees and visitors. Below are some specific ways in which all
Airport users and visitors can help this program be successful.
Good housekeeping on Ramp areas minimizes the amount of trash, food wrappers, and food scraps
that are a strong attractant to wildlife. Keeping garbage can lids closed and doing regular clean-ups
can prevent birds and animals from using hazardous areas near Runways to forage for food, and
will decrease problems with pests in buildings. It is not acceptable to feed the birds at the Airport.
This includes birdfeeders hanging from buildings, people putting out seed, or throwing food scraps
to birds in any area on or near the Airport. Feeding of birds is particularly problematic on or
around the Airfield, at the cell phone waiting area, and on the Commercial Roadway between the
Terminal and Parking Garages.
If a Tenant finds that there is a problem with wildlife in the area, such as birds nesting in a jetway
or other areas at the Airport, a call to the Port wildlife emergency response will help the Port
determine the best response to the problem. Urgent concerns, such as injured or displaced wildlife,
must be addressed by Port wildlife staff immediately. Port wildlife staff can also often offer
practical advice to Tenants for ongoing problems with wildlife, or determine if an outside
contractor needs to be called in to resolve the issue.
The Port maintains a database of all wildlife strikes that occur at the Airport. This database
automatically generates the FAA-required Form 5200-7, Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report that is
then sent to the FAA. Reporting strikes allows Port wildlife staff to know of issues as soon as they
arise, address them as soon as possible, and then quickly report strikes to the FAA. After a wildlife
strike has occurred at the Airport, the first call should be to the Airport Operations Supervisor for
Airside, so that a Runway inspection can be completed to remove any resulting Foreign Object
Debris. The twenty-four (24) hour telephone number to call to report a wildlife strike is
(503) 460-4134. Pilots, maintenance personnel, or airline managers can also call Port wildlife staff
to follow up with strike information or discuss the Wildlife Hazard Management Program at the
Airport. The wildlife contact information is as follows:
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Hazard Management Program; Domestic
Animals in the Airport
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Wildlife Manager
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Telephone: (503) 415-6179
Mobile: (503) 807-4585
Wildlife Technicians
5:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., 7 days a week
Mobile: (503) 830-0713
Tenants can avoid creating wildlife attractants by refraining from the use of certain landscaping
materials around their buildings. The Port developed specific landscaping standards which have
been accepted by the FAA and codified by the City of Portland pursuant to the Portland
International Airport Plan District (Chapter 33.565 of the Code and Charter of the City of
Portland), which outline what plant species are acceptable for the Airport, and their composition
and spacing requirements. A copy of these standards can be obtained by calling the Port's Wildlife
Manager or at https://www.portofportland.com/Environment/Wildlife. Any time a Tenant is
replacing landscaping material, modifying existing landscaping, or landscaping a new area, the
plant material and design must comply with the standards outlined in the Port's Wildlife Hazard
Management Program.
For assistance with injured or lost animals, please call any of the numbers listed above.
61PDX Rules Chapter 7, Snow and Ice
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Whenever a snow and/or ice event occurs or is forecast to occur at the Airport, a command post
will be established and notification of appropriate entities will be made. Generally, during initial
preparation for a snow and/or ice event, or during clean-up functions following an event, the
command post may be mobile, and is limited to an "Incident Commander" staffed by the Airside
Operations Department. During larger events, an EOC may be staffed, and the EOC Manager will
then be responsible for determining priorities, assignments of staff and tactical strategies to meet
the safety and efficiency demands of the Airport.
Response procedures at the Airport have been established to assist in the overall success of
controlling snow and/or ice events. Pre-established event levels have been defined to assist staff
in determining the severity of a snow or ice storm. These event level descriptions are as follows.
2.1 Event Level I
Anticipated freezing precipitation. Light or forecasted precipitation with the possibility of
freezing. Precipitation events are manageable and can continue to be managed with regularly
scheduled Airside Operations Department and Maintenance Department staff, or minimal
additional resources. The Maintenance Department will be contacted and additional maintenance
call-outs will be made as needed. The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside on duty will act
as the Incident Commander. Event and clean-up are not anticipated to last more than eight (8) to
ten (10) hours. An "Incident Command System" event management structure will be established.
2.2 Event Level II
Up to four (4) inches of snowfall is forecast over a twenty-four (24) hour period. Any ice
storm or freezing rain and/or icing event up to twenty-four (24) hour duration. Any complications
to a Level I event (e.g. aircraft incident, Hazardous Substance incident, or an extended security
incident). The Airside Operations Department will transition to twelve (12) hour shifts and
twenty-four (24) hour coverage. Port staff will be recalled to the Airport as needed. For snow
events, the Port-contracted Gate/Ramp snow removal team will be placed on stand-by six (6) to
twelve (12) hours prior to call out and may perform surface treatment and snow removal off airfield
as required. An Incident Command System event management structure will be established. The
EOC will be staffed as needed for internal and external communication and coordination.
2.3 Event Level III
Over four (4) inches of snowfall is forecast over a twenty-four (24) hour period. Severe
icing or freezing rain event up to twenty-four (24) hour duration. Any complications to a Level II
event. The Airside Operations Department will transition to twelve (12) hour shifts and
twenty-four (24) hour coverage. All available Port and Port-contracted resources will be recalled,
assigned or staged. An Incident Command System event management structure will be
established. The EOC will be staffed as needed for internal and external communication and
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The Airport Operations Department shall be responsible for communicating operational impacts
during any snow/ice event. The Airport Operations Department will activate a snow desk to
communicate incident specific operational impacts to both Airside and Landside for events with
an anticipated duration greater than twelve (12) hours. The snow desk phone number is
(503) 460-4134. The Airport Operations Department shall communicate operational information
on the VEOCI PDX Airport Conditions website and through the Port's Event Notification System
at http://pdx.com/conditions, and shall maintain current Airport status information concerning:
(a) Airport Operations Department's employee levels and contact information; (b) EOC status and
contact information; (c) Runway and Taxiway condition and configuration including:
(i) open/closed/restricted status; (ii) forecast closure and opening times for snow removal and
surface treatment; and (iii) surface friction readings generated by continuous friction measuring
equipment; (d) FAA Notices to Airmen; (e) aircraft parking impacts; (f) weather observation and
forecast data; (g) Terminal and Landside impacts; and (h) general Tenant advisories.
Snow removal responsibilities are as follows:
(a) The Airside Operations Manager and the Airport Operations Supervisor will
manage the staging and dispatch of Ramp snow removal staff and equipment.
(b) The Snow Desk will direct the snow removal teams in response to requests from
airlines operations staff.
(c) Airlines staff shall contact the Snow Desk to request snow removal at gates and
Ramps. Airlines staff should be aware of the scheduled use of Ramps and parking positions
requiring snow removal and be prepared to relocate Ground Service Equipment to accommodate
the operation of snow removal equipment.
(d) Tenant leases specifically identify areas of responsibility for snow/ice removal that
will be completed by the Tenant or the Port. Port snow/ice removal areas will be prioritized in
accordance with the Emergency Operations Center prioritization schedule and the tactical needs
of the Airport.
63PDX Rules Chapter 8, Free Speech
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The use of the Airport for the purpose of engaging in free speech activities, as defined in Port
Ordinance No. 423-R and these Rules, shall not impair or interfere with the rights of other persons
or the transportation function of the Airport. No person engaging in free speech activities shall
physically or verbally obstruct, delay or interfere with the free movement of any persons, vehicles
or aircraft in, upon or through the Airport or otherwise prevent the orderly and efficient use of the
Airport for its primary purpose. To insure compliance with this principle, the Port has established
reasonable time, place, and manner requirements for the exercise of free speech activities at the
Airport. The Rules are intended to balance an individual's free speech rights with the preservation
of the Airport's transportation primary purpose and shall apply to all persons, groups, and
organizations desiring to use the Airport for free speech activities. The large volumes of Airport
Customers and vehicular traffic in the Terminal and on the adjacent roadways, the size and layout
of the Terminal, security issues, and the ongoing construction activity in and around the Terminal,
makes it necessary for the Airport to regulate the time, place, and manner of the free speech
activities, particularly those free speech activities involving use of placards, signs, tables, and other
physical devices.
All free speech activities on Airport property shall be conducted only with the express permission
of the Port through a Permit for the Exercise of Free Speech ("Free Speech Permit"). The Free
Speech Permit will specify the requirements for the exercise of free speech activities in order to
prevent interference with travel, Airport operations, safety, security, and ingress and egress from
the Port Headquarters Building and the adjacent Employee Parking Lot. No person, while engaged
in free speech activities, shall physically or verbally obstruct, delay or interfere with the free
movement of any person at the Airport. Holders of a Free Speech Permit for informational
picketing are allowed a maximum of ten (10) persons per pedestrian in a terminal location
designated by the Port. Other designated areas may be available to accommodate a larger number
of participants. A Free Speech Permit will be valid for a period not to exceed seven (7) successive
days, but may be renewed. Requests for Free Speech Permits should be submitted at least three
(3) Business Days in advance of the date of intended use to facilitate timely Free Speech Permit
issuance. There is no charge for a Free Speech Permit. Anyone engaging in free speech activities
on Port property at the Airport must have a copy of their Free Speech Permit on their person and
be able to present it, if requested by a Port Police officer or a Port employee.
2.1 Locations in the Terminal
A limited number of locations will be assigned by the Port to holders of Free Speech
Permits on any particular day in the Terminal on a first come, first served basis in a terminal
location designated by the Port.
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2.2 Locations Outside the Terminal
Free speech activities shall not be permitted: (a) outside the Terminal on paved portions
of streets, roadways or driveways; and (b) anywhere in the Port Headquarters Building, except for
one (1) location just outside and in front of the building.
2.3 Restrictions
The following restrictions shall apply:
(a) free speech activities shall not be permitted in those portions of the Airport not open
to the general public;
(b) no person shall engage in free speech activities within ten (10) feet of any person
waiting in line or any person loading and unloading baggage;
(c) the use of sound or voice amplifying apparatus in or adjacent to the Terminal is
prohibited. Chanting, dancing or similar conduct are prohibited;
(d) tables, stands, chairs or other structures shall not be used or placed upon Airport
(e) no person shall engage in free speech activities in a manner that obstructs entrance
to or exit from the Terminal, walkways, roadways, parking or concourses;
(f) collection of money and gathering of signatures inside or outside the Terminal on
Airport property is prohibited;
(g) holders of a Free Speech Permit must obey all directions of Port Police officers and
other uniformed or authorized Port personnel designated to facilitate the movement of Airport
Customers and traffic in, to, and from the Terminal, walkways and roadways;
(h) all signs used on Airport property shall be of professional quality and, for safety,
security and congestion purposes, no signs larger than twenty-two (22) inches by twenty-eight (28)
inches shall be permitted; and
(i) use of sticks or rigid holders is prohibited.
2.4 Exception
A person whose certified physical disability prevents or makes standing difficult may use
a folding chair during permitted Free Speech Activities.
In no event shall anything that may constitute a physical obstruction be brought into the Terminal
by the holder of a Free Speech Permit without the prior written approval of the Port. Due to safety
and congestion concerns, no free speech activities can take place outside of the Terminal along the
walkways of the upper or lower Commercial Roadway, or on or adjacent to the Airport roadways
at any time.
A Permittee who violates the terms or conditions of a Permit may have his or her Permit revoked
and may be refused the right to obtain another Permit for a period of time that the Port deems
reasonable. The Permit may also be denied if the Port determines that the activity does not
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constitute legally protected free speech. Denial or suspension of a Free Speech Permit may be
reviewed, pursuant to the appeal procedures set forth in Chapter 1.
This Chapter does not apply to the issuance of any permit for a Commercial Activity.
The Executive Director may suspend a Free Speech Permit without notice in the event of an
emergency at the Airport impacting, or potentially impacting the safety of persons and property,
or when necessary to implement required emergency security procedures.
Any person having a complaint or concern regarding the exercise of free speech rights at the
Airport may contact the Port's Legal Department.
66PDX Rules Chapter 9, Customer
Complaints and Compliments
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The Port is committed to providing Airport Customers, employees, Tenants, and visitors alike,
prompt and equitable resolution to complaints and compliments regarding Airport and Terminal
facility issues. The Port also appreciates and wishes to acknowledge the receipt of compliments.
The Port is committed to responding to Airport Customer issues in an open, courteous and timely
manner, and recognizes that Airport Customer communications may take place via the web,
telephone, e-mail, written notes, or face-to-face. The following process has been developed to
ensure that Airport Customers are heard and that their concerns or compliments are appreciated
and receive a prompt response.
Complaints and comments regarding aircraft noise are handled by the Port's Noise Management
Office, see: https://www.portofportland.com/NoiseManagement. The Noise Management Office
also supports and sponsors various committees that: (a) focus attention on Airport activities;
(b) educate the public on the aviation environment; and (c) work to minimize negative impacts of
Airport activities on the community. The Citizen Noise Advisory Committee is comprised of
fifteen (15) citizen members from multiple jurisdictions in the Portland metro area. The Citizen
Noise Advisory Committee meets monthly and acts in an advisory capacity to the Executive
Director. Public participation is encouraged and each meeting has time allotted for public
comment. Airport Noise Management Office staff members are also available for presentations
to neighborhood associations and other organizations.
Complaints and comments regarding the actions or conduct of any member of Port Police should
be immediately forwarded to an on duty Port Police supervisor, twenty-four (24) hours a day
through the Communications Center.
For all other complaints and questions:
(a) The individual receiving the complaint or question ("Receiver") shall forward the
complaint or question with all pertinent information to the Customer Communication Coordinator
("CCC") by e-mail at PDXCustomerService@portofportland.com or by telephone.
(b) If the Receiver is also the person responsible for responding ("Responder"), the
Receiver shall determine the appropriate action to take and respond to the Airport Customer. A
copy of all documentation and the response shall be forwarded to the CCC. Verbal complaints,
comments and responses shall be documented in writing by the Receiver.
(c) If a complaint or question is focused on Airport security in areas under the
jurisdiction of the TSA or FAA, the complaint or question should be directed to the CCC, to be
forwarded to the TSA Customer Support Manager at the Airport. All TSA queries may also be
directed to the TSA using the TSA's toll free number 1-866-289-9673.
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Complaints and Compliments
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(d) All complaints and questions to be responded to by the Port shall receive an initial
response not later than the end of the second (2
) work day (for the Responder) following receipt
of the complaint or question. The initial response shall, at a minimum:
(i) Acknowledge receipt of the complaint or question;
(ii) Identify who will be responding and how they may be contacted; and
(iii) Indicate when a response will be provided.
(e) If more than one department, division, or agency is involved in preparing a response
to a complaint or question, the Receiver should forward the complaint or question to the CCC,
who will provide the initial response and manage the complaint resolution process.
(f) Each complaint shall be investigated thoroughly and responded to by mail, e-mail,
telephone or in person. The findings, conclusions and response to the investigation shall be
documented in writing, by the Responder. Complaint resolution should be completed within ten
(10) Business Days.
(g) Complaints or questions regarding matters within the jurisdiction of the airlines and
other Tenants are beyond the control of the Port and will be handled by the airlines and other
Tenants, in accordance with their respective complaints procedure.
68PDX Rules Chapter 10, Parking
Control Representatives and Terminal
Roadway Management
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Vehicles shall not park at the curb, except for active loading or unloading. Active loading or
unloading means that all Airport Customers and their luggage are at curbside next to their vehicle
being loaded or unloaded. Vehicles may be cited for illegal parking for loading times exceeding
five (5) minutes. Drivers who do not move vehicles when requested, or leave a vehicle unattended,
will be subject to citation. Unattended vehicles may also be towed at the owner's expense.
Wheelchair accessible ramps are identified by signage on both the upper and lower Terminal
Roadways. Handicapped accessible parking is not available on the Terminal Roadways. Drivers
will be required to move their vehicles if not in the process of active loading or unloading.
Port regulations prohibit unattended vehicles on the Terminal Roadway. Therefore, any
unattended vehicle will be cited and/or towed, with the Towing charge assessed to the vehicle
People who need to assist Airport Customers shall not park on the Terminal Roadway, and the
driver must remain within the vehicle at all times while using the Terminal curbs.
The Executive Director and his or her designee, Port Parking Control Representatives, Parking
Control Supervisors or their designees, and Port Police have the authority to regulate traffic
movement and congestion on the Terminal Roadway and to issue citations to individuals who fail
to obey all applicable laws, Port ordinances and the Rules.
69PDX Rules Chapter 11, Fire and Life
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The Fire Department, in conjunction with the City of Portland Fire Department, conducts regular
inspections of all Tenant space, including storage areas, for the purpose of fire prevention and to
ensure compliance with fire safety practices. An inspection report will be issued to the Tenant
after each inspection containing information relating to findings of non-compliance and/or
recommendations by the inspector with a date of re-inspection to ensure that the required
corrections have been completed. The Tenant is responsible for responding with corrective action
to items identified during the inspection that are within the Tenants premises, within the timeframe
identified on the inspection report. The Fire Department will work with the Tenants to ensure
compliance with the fire safety practices and codes. The City of Portland Emergency Services
levies fines for non-compliance with fire code requirements. Tenants can report potential fire code
problems, or concerns about fire safety to the Fire Department.
2.1 Christmas Trees
Christmas trees are allowed in the Terminal during a designated holiday season by special
permit only. Permits are available by calling the Fire Department, Fire Prevention Office between
7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permitted trees shall not be placed in any exit
path or near any heating device. Christmas trees located in public spaces shall not have wrapped
gift boxes under them. A fine wire mesh shall be used around the base of any tree and extended
to the width of the lower branches to preclude the possibility that a package could be hidden under
the tree. This mesh shall be flame proof and must be see-through.
2.1.1 Natural Christmas Trees
Display of natural Christmas trees, if permitted, shall comply with all of the
following: (a) the tree shall be mounted securely in a tree stand with a water-type reservoir and
must be watered daily; (b) it may be decorated only with UL-listed miniature lights in good,
working and safe condition and UL-listed heavy duty (14 gauge minimum) extension cords with
built-in overload protection (breakers) in good, working and safe condition; (c) it shall be removed
from the Terminal no later than the first (1
) Business Day following New Year's Day; (d) it shall
be removed sooner at any indication of dryness, such as brittleness, loss of color, or falling needles;
and (e) it must be sawed off at an angle at least one (1) inch above the original cut and kept in a
water-tight container with the water level above the cut as long as the tree is indoors.
2.1.2 Artificial Trees
Display of artificial trees, if permitted, and which are non-metallic, may be
decorated only with UL-listed miniature lights in good, workable and safe condition and UL-listed
heavy duty (14 gauge minimum) extension cords with built-in overload protection (breakers) in
good, workable and safe condition. Metallic trees or decorations shall not be decorated with any
type of electrical decoration or devices. Trees shall not be placed in any exit path or near any
heating device.
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2.2 Decorations
Any Tenant requesting to display decorations within their leasehold shall submit advance
request to the Port in writing. All decorations shall be either fire retardant, or treated with a flame
retardant to be flame resistant. Electrical decorations used other than on trees, must use only
UL-listed miniature lights in good, workable and safe condition and UL-listed heavy-duty (14
gauge minimum) extension cords with built-in overload protection (breakers) in good, workable
and safe condition. Boughs, wreaths and similar decorations shall be removed at any indication
of dryness such as brittleness, loss of color, or falling needles. Decorative lighting shall conform
to uniform fire and electrical code requirements. Representatives of the Fire Department will be
available to review proposed decorations to determine if they comply with the requirements of the
Rules. Any Tenant decorating with any form of tree, boughs, wreaths or other natural decorations
or lighting shall have a 2A 10BC (five (5) pound ABC-type dry chemical) rated fire extinguisher
readily available for use and shall instruct Tenant's employees on the use of such fire extinguisher.
2.3 Candles or Open Flames
Candles, or any other source of open flame, are not allowed for any decorations or
ceremonies, unless specifically approved, in writing, by the Fire Department, prior to such use.
Cutting, welding, brazing, or any other process resulting in a spark being produced, requires a
valid Fire Department permit. To obtain a permit contact the Fire Department at least twenty-four
(24) hours prior to the operation requiring such cutting, welding, brazing, or other similar process.
No one shall tamper with, disable, or otherwise impair any fire protection or life safety device.
Impairments for the reason of inspection, maintenance, repair or replacement of fire protection or
life safety devices shall be coordinated with the Maintenance Department at least seventy-two (72)
hours in advance.
Tenants using storage areas must be aware of these common storage problems and must correct
them to ensure fire safety: (a) storage too close to sprinkler heads; (b) improper storage of
flammable and combustible liquids, and aerosols or oily rags; (c) blocking of exit ways, fire
equipment, and electrical panels.
All mobile fuel trucks and fuel farms must be inspected no less than quarterly in accordance with
Federal Aviation Regulation Part 139. Any discrepancies noted during the inspection process must
be corrected in accordance with FAA Fire Codes and/or International Fire Codes.
The Rules shall not be construed as granting any form of exclusion from any Fire Codes and/or
Building Codes. All fire codes and ordinances must be obeyed.
71PDX Rules Chapter 12, Smoking
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Except for designated outdoor smoking areas, as described in Section 3 of this Chapter, no person
shall smoke or carry lighted cigars, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, pipes, vaping devices,
matches, or any open flame in any enclosed areas at the Airport, including all Secured Areas and
the AOA.
The Port may impose a fine of up to TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS
($250.00) for each violation of Section 1 of this Chapter.
Smoking will only be permitted in officially posted and designated outdoor smoking areas. The
Port may change the location of the outdoor smoking areas from time to time in order to
accommodate operations and to comply with the law. Notice of changes of location may be
provided by signage. The Port will maintain an updated map showing the locations of the outdoor
smoking areas. All persons using the outdoor smoking areas are responsible for keeping them
72PDX Rules Chapter 13, Terminal
Advertising, Promotion and Signage
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The Port maintains a separate advertising contract for placement of a limited amount of advertising
and promotional displays in designated areas in the Airport. If an individual Tenant is interested
in advertising in the public areas of the Terminal or on the concourses, the Port's advertising
Concessionaire should be contacted directly regarding available spaces. Contact information for
the Port's advertising Concessionaire can be obtained by calling the Senior Concessions Operations
Manager. All other Tenant advertising and promotion requests shall be made in writing to the
Port's Aviation Business and Properties Department. Advertising materials cannot be placed in
the Parking Garages or in the rental cars lobby. This Section applies only to contracts for the
limited amount of space available for commercial advertising at the Airport. The Port has different
rules for free speech activities. Those interested in conducting free speech activities at the Airport
should refer to Chapter 8 regarding the Free Speech Permit program.
The Port does not allow the placement of commercial advertising materials ("Materials" at the
Airport that: (a) could negatively impact the comfort and safety of Airport Customers and
employees; (b) conflict with or detract from the Airport's primary business and transportation
purposes; or (c) are prohibited by law. This includes Materials that: (i) violate intellectual
property rights; (ii) are deceptive or misleading; (iii) could result in a loss of income to the Port;
(iv) depict violence; (v) appear to attribute a message to the Port; (vi) have aromatic or scented
displays; or (vii) promote vaping, tobacco or Marijuana products. Decisions on whether to allow
the placement of Materials at the Airport shall not be based on viewpoint or content, but on whether
the effect of the Materials would violate the policies identified above.
Individual Concessionaires are encouraged to hold in-store promotions. Concessionaires will be
required to remove promotional displays or merchandise considered objectionable by the Port or
alter objectionable features. Promotional activities for the Concessionaire's other Portland retail
locations (flyers, brochures, etc.) are only allowed within the leased space, unless otherwise
approved, in writing, by the Port.
Concessionaires are encouraged to creatively merchandise and display their products and wares.
Should the contents of the display be objectionable to the Port, in its sole discretion, the
Concessionaire will be required to remove the objectionable display upon written notice by the
Airport Customers should have clear access to merchandise throughout the Concessions location.
Access means an individual's clear and unobstructed entry into and through the Concession without
barriers or obstacles to reach merchandise or services. All Concessionaires are required to comply
with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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Music systems may be installed and maintained to create a pleasant and relaxing shopping or eating
environment in enclosed spaces leased to a Concessionaire. The music shall be licensed in
accordance with the law and volume levels should be moderated to ensure that it does not compete
with the music and paging system operating in the public areas, and must not be audible outside
the Concession premises, at any time, including after closing for the day.
Currently, the Port provides Concessionaires with three (3) major sales promotions and/or events
per year during: (a) the summer travel season; (b) the winter holiday season; and (c) the spring
break period. Although participation in these events is not mandatory, Concessionaires will be
invoiced per the terms of their leases. Additional sales promotions, events and marketing
opportunities may be offered during other times of the year, for example Valentine's Day, Mother's
Day, Father's Day, etc., as well as ongoing customer loyalty programs.
8.1 Terminal Appearance Standards
It is the Port's intent and policy to maintain the aesthetics of the Terminal and to carefully
control signage within the Terminal to avoid confusion, clutter, and interference with the overall
interior of the Terminal. The requirements of the PDX Signage Master Plan must be adhered to.
Signs must be reviewed and approved through the Port's Site and Facility Design Group.
8.2 Airport Public Area Signage
All informational and directional signs in the public areas are the responsibility of the Port.
Tenants with questions or concerns about the signage should contact the Site and Facility Design
8.3 Concessions Signage Standards
Retail and food and beverage Concessionaires, due to the nature of their businesses, have
additional signage and display standards for use within their leasehold. All Concessionaire signage
must be in compliance with the PDX Signage Master Plan. Tenant signage must be submitted for
approval through the Port review process prior to installation.
74PDX Rules Chapter 14, Authorized
Vendor and Tenant Deliveries
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Chapter 14 is to be used in conjunction with, and is subject to the Restricted Area vehicle driving
requirements found in Chapter 23 and is intended to maintain and improve the safe operation of
vehicles in the Restricted Area. The Port reserves the right to change access times in accordance
with changes in airfield traffic patterns and/or weather.
1.1 Authorized Vendor
An "Authorized Vendor" is an entity that has a written contractual agreement with a Tenant
or an Agreement with the Port to deliver a product or provide a service to the Airport, excluding
Taxicabs, limousines, shuttles, or other passenger transportation services, courier services and
construction contractors.
1.2 Vendor Access Policy
Airside access is restricted to days and times that do not conflict with airfield operations.
The vendor access gate to the airfield is open and staffed to accommodate escort service to the
Terminal receiving/loading dock per the posted schedule at the access gate. The Port reserves the
right to schedule deliveries and/or modify operating hours. Per TSA requirements, all Concessions
deliveries are required to be received at the Terminal receiving/loading dock, where the Port
Designated Security Provider will follow a process established by the Port. Prior to arrival at the
receiving/loading dock, all incoming shipments are inspected at the inspection dock, located near
the entry gate. The process is conducted prior to completion of delivery to the Concessionaire
storage facility, store, restaurant or other place of business at the Airport. Concessions deliveries
are restricted from being delivered from the public areas directly. This includes, but is not limited
to the North Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking Area, front Terminal curbside
and Airport parking lots.
1.3 Vendor Delivery Hours
Vehicles will be escorted from the vendor access gate NA44/45 to the inspection dock
through the North Midfield Security Check Point to the receiving/loading dock by the Port
Designated Security Provider. Normal operating hours are established by the Port's Concessions
Department ("Concessions Department") and may be changed based on patterns of vendor traffic
and optimization of the process. The current vendor delivery hours are available by request to the
Port Designated Security Provider or to the Dock Master. Vehicle drivers who have a Secured
Area Badge are then allowed to complete their deliveries, unescorted. Vehicle drivers who do not
have a Secured Area Badge must make arrangements in advance with the receiving
Concessionaire(s) for a security escort to complete the delivery process at the Terminal. Upon
completion of delivery at the Terminal, contact the Port Designated Security Provider or the Dock
Master to be escorted back to the vendor access gate NA44/45 and exit the Restricted Area.
1.4 Important Vendor Delivery Contact Information
Important contact information is as follows:
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Concessions Operations Manager
(503) 708-8801
Concessions Operations Specialist
(503) 334-6908 or
(503) 538-9956
Dock Master
(503) 764-6229
1.5 Delivery Zones
The authorized delivery and loading zone is the Terminal receiving/loading dock, which is
accessible through vendor access gate NA44/45. Non-compliance will result in the citation and
Towing of the vehicle. The delivery zone is subject to change during construction.
1.6 Vehicle Identification for Delivery Zones
All vehicles utilizing the Terminal receiving/loading dock must be adequately marked with
company name and/or logo on both sides of the vehicle. Requirements for marking vendor
vehicles are outlined in Section 3.2 of this Chapter.
1.7 Delivery Zone Parking Restrictions
Use of the Terminal receiving/loading dock is restricted and subject to change at the Port's
sole discretion.
1.8 Delivery Through Terminal
Efforts should be made to avoid using public areas of the Terminal for large quantity
deliveries during peak hours. If supplies must be transferred through the public portions of the
Terminal, these pick-ups/deliveries should be scheduled during non-peak aircraft arrival and
departure times. The Port reserves the right to determine delivery routes through the Terminal and
to reschedule deliveries as it becomes necessary. Whenever possible non-public areas on both
levels of the Terminal should be used to transport materials and products.
1.9 Application for Vehicle Operator Permit
Concessionaires may submit requests on the vendor's behalf for Restricted Area access to
the airfield as described in Section 1.1 of this Chapter. Concessionaires who require vendor
deliveries in the Restricted Area must be authorized in advance by the Port. Before a vehicle
operator permit can be granted, vendor employees with the Port's approval are required to complete
an airfield driver's training course administered by the Security Badging Office. Vendor
employees that do not require or are not approved for a vehicle operator permit will be provided a
vehicle escort by the Port's vendor escort contractor.
1.10 Vehicle Operator Permit
It is the policy of the Port that no person shall drive in the Restricted Area unless: (a) such
person has a valid vehicle operator permit issued by the Port to such person; or (b) such person is
escorted by a person having a vehicle operator permit issued to such escort (i.e. the Port's assigned
vendor escort contractor). A PDX Security Badge by itself does not convey permission to operate
a vehicle in the Restricted Area.
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Vendors desiring access to the Restricted Area will coordinate with the Concessions Operations
Manager or Senior Concessions Manager who on their behalf will facilitate the authorization
process. The Concessions Operations Manager or Senior Concessions Manager shall submit an
authorization form to the Port to confirm the need for the vendor's services and access to the
Restricted Area. Vendors shall comply with the Rules and all regulations adopted by the Port, the
Executive Director, or the Executive Director's designee to such vendor's use of Airport property.
3.1 Location
Vendor access gate NA44/45 provides access to the Restricted Area of the Airport is
located off of Frontage Road, east of 82
3.2 Signage
All vehicles shall display identifying signage affixed to the exterior of both sides of the
vehicles. The identifying signage shall be distinctly recognizable and visible from a distance of at
least fifty (50) feet. All identifying signage shall provide sharp contrast to the vehicle color and
preferably be reflective. The identifying signage shall be made professionally, at least twelve (12)
inches long or in diameter, and with lettering at least three (3) inches high. Any rented vehicles
operating on the airfield must have signage to indicate the company that is using the vehicle on
the airfield. Failure to comply with this Section shall constitute a Class I Driving Violation per
Section 3.2 of Chapter 23.
3.3 Escort Requirements
The Port Designated Security Provider will escort all vendor vehicles. The Port Designated
Security Provider will be located at the designated vendor access gate and will provide escort for
all Concessions vendors from the airside access gate to the Terminal receiving/loading dock. No
vendor vehicles are to be driven in the Restricted Area without the Port Designated Security
Provider or the Port's authorization.
3.4 Time Limit
There are no posted airside delivery time limits. However, it is expected that deliveries
will occur as quickly as possible, in order to provide space and time for other deliveries that need
to be completed that same day. Every effort must be made to ensure that delivery vehicles have
exited the airfield prior to the end of vendor access hours.
4.1 Location
The North Service Parking Area is located on the north end of the lower roadway. The
South Service Parking Area is located at the south end of the lower roadway, adjacent to the light
rail station. Both the North Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking Area are dedicated
parking areas, clearly marked and not available for public parking.
4.2 Time Limit
Authorized operators are required to limit active loading and unloading to a maximum of
forty-five (45) minutes. Authorized operators who exceed the time limit shall leave the area for at
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least one (1) hour before returning to the North Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking
Area for additional loading and unloading. Time limits are subject to change at the Port's
4.3 Authorized Use
Authorized operators are not permitted to occupy the North Service Parking Area and the
South Service Parking Area with multiple vehicles or for extended periods of time. The number
of vehicles is limited to two (2) vehicles at any time. Moving from one (1) parking spot to another
to avoid being cited and/or towed for time limit violations, commonly known as space jumping, is
prohibited, and citation or Towing may occur. No vehicles may be left unattended in the North
Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking Area at any time. The vehicle driver must be
with the vehicle and be able to move the vehicle at all times.
4.4 Important North Service Parking Area and the South Service Parking Area
Contact Information
Important contact information is as follows:
Airport Operations Supervisor
(503) 460-4181
Ground Transportation Office
(503) 415-6686
4.5 Vehicle Height Clearance Limitations
Drivers must observe vehicle height clearance signage posted at the entrances to the North
Service Parking Area. Additionally, the three (3) parking spaces at the end of the North Service
Parking Area are reserved for vehicles over ten (10) feet in height, per posted signage. Violators
will be subject to citation and/or Towing.
4.6 Vehicle Signage Requirements
All vehicles shall display identifying signage affixed to the exterior of both sides of the
vehicles. The identifying signage shall be distinctly recognizable and visible from a distance of at
least fifty (50) feet. All identifying signage shall provide sharp contrast to the vehicle color and
preferably be reflective. The identifying signage shall be made professionally, at least twelve (12)
inches long or in diameter, and with lettering at least three (3) inches high. Failure to comply with
this Section shall constitute a Class I Driving Violation per Section 3.2 of Chapter 23.
78PDX Rules Chapter 15,
Environmental Practices
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Tenants are required to properly manage their own refuse in accordance with Title 17,
Chapter 17.102, Solid Waste and Recycling Collection, of the Code and Charter of the City of
Portland and Chapter 17.103, Prohibitions and Restrictions on Single Use Plastic, as it may be
amended from time to time. The Port administers the waste management contract for the hauling
of solid waste and recyclable/compostable materials at the Terminal. Tenants operating on Port
property are required to separate recyclable/compostable materials from their waste streams and
ensure that recyclables/compostables are not placed into landfill bound waste containers. Tenants
using the central waste collection area in the Terminal located beneath the concourse connector
are required to have SIDA badges in order to deposit waste materials originating in the leased
premises in the Terminal.
All Concessionaires are required to participate in the grease recycling program implemented by
the Port. Food and beverage Concessions facilities constructed after the year 2004 must install
and maintain used cooking oil/liquid grease tanks, as specified in the Port design standards and
specifications. The Port will perform regular inspections in order to ensure proper maintenance
and that the grease tanks are operating as designed. Any problems and/or deficiencies identified
during an inspection must be promptly addressed by the Concessionaire. Concessionaires will
also install and maintain grease traps, as required by Chapter 29 of the Oregon Structural Specialty
Code, the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code, the manufacturer's specifications, and any applicable
Best Management Practices. Concessionaires are solely responsible for all costs associated with
the interception, collection and appropriate disposal of fats, oils and grease generated by their
operations on the premises, and for compliance with all related laws. For those food and beverage
Concessionaires who do not have their own heat traced grease recycling facilities, the Port provides
a grease rendering bin in the central waste collection area for cooking oil recycling only. Transport
of grease materials by Concessionaires is prohibited but, provided by the Port at Concessionaire's
cost. Water and sludge are not to be disposed of in this container. If a grease spill occurs, the
Concessionaire should immediately report the spill to the responsible Concessions Operations
Manager or to the Communications Center. Concessionaires will be billed for all clean-up costs
incurred by the Port for cleaning up grease spills. The Port has the specific right to conduct
inspections, without notice, of all grease interception, collection and transport systems and
equipment to ensure that the required level of maintenance is being provided. The results of these
inspections will be provided to the Concessionaires in writing. Subject to the notice requirement
set forth below, if the Port determines that a Concessionaire is not adequately maintaining its
grease interception and collection systems and equipment, the Port will have the right to hire a
third party to undertake the maintenance and repair of Concessionaire's grease interception and
collection systems and equipment, at Concessionaire's sole cost, for the remainder of the
Concessionaire's lease term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Port will provide up to two (2)
written notices in any year to a Concessionaire, with a time for cure, before it may exercise its
option to contract with a third party to perform maintenance of Concessionaire's grease
interception and collection systems and equipment. The Port also reserves the right to recover the
cost of repair or maintenance of its grease waste, sanitary waste, sanitary sewer and other facility
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systems that are damaged or adversely impacted by a Concessionaire's failure to properly maintain
its equipment or properly dispose of fats, oils or grease as required above.
Pursuant to Title 17, Chapter 17.102, Solid Waste and Recycling Collection, of the Code and
Charter of the City of Portland, as it may be amended from time to time, Portland businesses,
including Tenants in multi-tenant buildings, malls, office parks, and airports, must separate
recyclable materials from mixed waste and set out separated materials for recycling within
practical limitations. The City of Portland requires property owners and/or managers that offer
waste collection services to provide a recycling collection system that allows Tenants to comply
with the City of Portland's recycling requirements. For Port-provided waste collection services,
detailed information is available to Tenants on what is recyclable/compostable and how these items
should be managed. Removal of recyclable materials from Port provided containers is prohibited
in accordance with ORS 459A.080.
The Port maintains at the Terminal a centrally located solid waste and recycling/composting center
with trash compactors and recycling/food waste facilities. The solid waste and
recycling/composting center is located on the west side of the Terminal beneath the concourse
connector. Waste generated by Tenant operations, deliveries, and storage areas shall be disposed
of in this area. Terminal Tenant managers will advise their employees on how, where and what to
recycle/compost to ensure compliance with Port and City of Portland requirements. Temporary
storage, abandonment or disposal of waste in places other than the designated bins anywhere on
Port property is not permitted and is subject to corrective action and fines. Placing recyclable
materials and other prohibited items (bulky items, Hazardous Substances, liquids) into waste
compactors bound for the landfill is prohibited. Placing non-recyclable materials and other
prohibited items (bulky items, Hazardous Substances, liquids) into recycling containers is
It is the responsibility of the Tenant to store and properly dispose, recycle or donate oversized
items that cannot be managed using the standard containers provided by the Port. The Port may
occasionally host special events to collect, salvage and recycle items that cannot be easily placed
into the compactor or recycling containers.
The Port has implemented a food waste collection program consistent with the City of Portland's
Portland Composts! program. Tenants in the Terminal who produce food waste are required to
participate in the food waste collection program and all other Tenants are encouraged to
participate. Items that may be placed into the food waste recycling containers include all types of
foods (including vegetative waste, meat, bones, plate scrapings, coffee grounds etc.). It is the
responsibility of the Tenant to purchase and use appropriate compostable bags or reusable
containers for food waste and compostables disposal. Restaurants and food providers at the
Airport are encouraged to use durable plates and flatware that can be cleaned and reused.
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For questions and/or information about waste management, contact the Port's Waste Minimization
Team at (503) 415-6245 or [email protected], the Port's Waste Minimization
Program Manager at (503) 415-6679, or the METRO Recycling Hotline at (503) 234-3000.
81PDX Rules Chapter 16, Terminal
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The Maintenance Department is responsible for the repair and upkeep of the Airfield, Airport
grounds, and the public or common areas of the Terminal and leased spaces, as set forth in the
leases and in the lease Maintenance Matrix. The Maintenance Department may also be available
to assist Tenants with other repairs and maintenance-related activities, as work scheduling will
allow. The Maintenance Department has established fees for these Tenant services. For
information, Tenants should contact the Maintenance Department.
2.1 Port Responsibilities
The Maintenance Department is responsible for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the
following items found within the Tenants premises, unless otherwise specified in the lease:
(a) broken lock or key in store front roll-up gate; (b) electrical power supplied to the store (Tenant
responsibility begins at outlet); (c) storefront exterior wood refurbishment in the Oregon Market;
(d) HVAC system; and (e) pest control.
2.2 Tenant Responsibilities
The Tenant is responsible for the following, and all other items as provided in the Tenant's
lease: (a) maintaining the premises in good repair and keep in a clean condition and orderly
appearance; (b) any other upkeep and repair within their leasehold including, but not limited to,
spot lights; display case and spot and window lighting; carpet; fixtures and any equipment or
custom features of the premises; (c) arranging for janitorial service for inside the leasehold; and
(d) cleaning or repairs to Terminal facilities outside the leased premises that are damaged by the
Tenant's employees while conducting support activities for the Tenant.
Tenants who desire to contract for maintenance work can do so by contracting with a reputable
outside vendor (who must be approved, in writing, by the Port) or, when available, the
Maintenance Department for those items outside the Port's regular maintenance responsibilities in
accordance with Tenant's lease.
3.1 Contracting with Outside Vendor Services
Tenants must coordinate with the Port's Property Manager or Tenant Construction
Coordinator to complete the proper permit forms and review before receiving Port approval for
the use of an outside vendor. The outside Vendor must be licensed and bonded. The finished
work product must meet or exceed Port standards and the original materials and workmanship
must conform to any federal, state, or local rules and regulations. All work shall be subject to
inspection by the Port.
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3.2 Contracting with the Maintenance Department
Tenants contracting with the Maintenance Department will be billed on an hourly basis for
labor and the cost of supplies and may be subject to a minimum billing policy. Questions
concerning current maintenance billing rates can be submitted to the Maintenance Department.
When requesting maintenance services by authorized Port employees, Tenants should identify the
items in need of attention and time frame for completion. Efforts will be made to meet the request
in a timely manner, depending on the Maintenance Department's staff level and workload, and
after Port acceptance and approval, which will be based on availability to meet requirements within
agreed on timeframes and using available resources.
The Maintenance Department will respond to emergencies as a priority based on the severity of
the emergency. A Tenant should make clear in the request to the dispatcher that an emergency
situation exists that requires immediate attention. Examples of emergency maintenance requests
are: broken water pipes, broken display window glass, exposed electrical wiring, inoperable entry
gate, etc. All costs of repairs determined to be the Tenant's responsibility will be billed to the
83PDX Rules Chapter 17,
Improvements to Leased Space at the
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The review and construction permitting processes ensure compliance with Port design standards
and specifications, and ensure that new construction is compatible with present and future Airport
facilities. Tenants are required to obtain a Port tenant construction permit in order to carry out any
structural or non-structural alterations on Port property.
The purpose of the Terminal Design Standards is to give existing and prospective Tenants clear
information to guide them in designing, constructing, and maintaining a space which supports the
mission and operational needs of the Airport. The Terminal Design Standards will assist the
Tenant in understanding some of the unique conditions of PDX and how these conditions affect
the design, construction process, and the construction cost of their space. It is the intent of the Port
to encourage individual brand and expression within Tenant lease spaces, as well as construction
with high quality materials that can withstand the unique conditions of an airport environment. In
addition, the Tenant will be required to establish a space consistent with the quality of design and
materials found in the public spaces of the Airport in order to create a unified experience for
Airport Customers.
Tenants must contact the Business and Properties Property Manager, who will coordinate with the
Tenant Improvements Team to discuss any plans for Tenant improvements, alterations, or
construction, and must follow the Port's review and construction permitting process. The Port has
developed a multi-step process to ensure that applicants comply with the Terminal Design
Standards and provide the highest quality of planning, architecture, and engineering at the Airport.
The required steps may include:
(a) Pre-Design Orientation Meeting
(b) Schematic Design Review
(c) Design Development Review
(d) Construction Document Review and Permit Issuance
(e) Pre-Construction Meeting
Each applicant is required to become familiar with the content and intent of the Terminal Design
Standards and Port Master Specifications, and all other Port documents applicable to their
location. The current applicable documents may be obtained by contacting the Business and
Properties Department or the Tenant Improvements Team. Each applicant shall also require their
designers and contractors to become familiar with these documents as well and to make inspections
as necessary to ensure compliance. The applicants are also required to comply with applicable
regulations of other governing bodies, which may include the City of Portland, the County of
Multnomah, the State of Oregon, and the FAA. The Americans with Disabilities Act also applies.
84PDX Rules Chapter 17,
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The review process is an official Port review of a Tenant's proposal and is mandatory for all
Tenants. The review process is coordinated by the Tenant Improvements Team in coordination
with Business and Properties property managers. All drawing submittals shall be professionally
drawn to industry standards and stamped by a design professional licensed in the State of Oregon.
Each step of the review process takes approximately fifteen (15) Business Days, provided all the
required documents have been received by the Tenant Improvements Team. After the review
process is completed and all permits and jurisdictional approvals have been issued, the Tenant will
work with the Tenant Improvements Team during construction and close-out of the project..
Additional information regarding Port standards and specifications, the review process, and the
Tenant construction permit application can be found on the Port's public website:
Construction and alteration of Port facilities is ongoing and must be thoughtfully scheduled,
coordinated, and staged to meet the demands of the traveling public. The Port reserves the right
to add amenities, develop or otherwise improve the Airport. During construction, remodeling,
expansion, relocation, maintenance, and repair of the Airport, Tenants should expect some
inconveniences including, but not limited to, noise, dust, vibration, and changes in access. Should
any Tenant experience extraordinary, unworkable conditions related to construction, that Tenant
should immediately contact the appropriate Port Property Manager during business hours or an
Airport Operations Supervisor after business hours. The Port will attempt to remedy the situation,
or at least to minimize the construction impact on the Tenant.
85PDX Rules Chapter 18, Port Police and
Fire Departments
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Port Police, located on the third floor of the Terminal, is responsible for the overall safety and
security of the Airport. Port Police officers are recognized by the State of Oregon as fully certified
officers of the law, with primary jurisdiction over the Airport. Port Police officers are on duty
twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.
1.1 Criminal or Suspicious Activity
Persons should call the Communications Center to report a crime in progress or other
suspicious activity. Port Police officers are available to meet with business representatives,
employees and concerned citizens to discuss specific issues regarding criminal activities in the
Terminal or about the Airport.
1.2 Crime Prevention
Port Police routinely patrols the Terminal, the airfield, and the roadways and areas on the
perimeter of the Airport. Port Police meets with Airport businesses on a regular basis to discuss
current problems, ideas, and methods of improving security. Business managers with questions
or concerns may contact Port Police for assistance.
The Port has a fully trained and equipped fire department ("Fire Department") located at the
2.1 Medical
The Fire Department has Emergency Medical Technicians on duty twenty-four (24) hours
a day, seven (7) days a week, to handle medical emergencies. Persons should call the
Communications Center or 911 for medical emergency or assistance.
2.2 Fire
Persons should call the Communications Center or 911 immediately to report any fire,
smoke or fire alarm. Report any other potential hazard relevant to the Fire Department through
the Communications Center. Tenants should attempt to fight the fire with a portable fire
extinguisher only if: (a) Tenant has been trained in the use of a fire extinguisher; (b) the Fire
Department has already been notified; and (c) Tenant can do so without being exposed to injury
or the possibility of becoming trapped by the fire.
Automatic external defibrillators will be located throughout the Terminal for emergency use by
trained personnel. Automatic external defibrillators will be monitored, tested, and maintained by
the Fire Department.
86PDX Rules Chapter 19, Concessions
Hours of Operation and Conduct
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Concessionaires requiring a temporary closure of their Concessions for audit, store remodeling,
maintenance work, inventory, or other purposes, must advise the Port, in writing, at least three (3)
calendar days in advance of the closure and receive the Port's approval. This written notice should
include the proposed date for closure and purpose of the closure, as well as the specific date set
for re-opening. If closure is approved by the Port, a professionally produced sign must be placed
in public view advising Airport Customers of the closure and the date for re-opening.
Retail and food and beverage Concessions are expected to be open at all times during the
designated hours specified in the lease. Concessionaires should make every effort to be open on
time and stay open during inclement weather, or other emergency situations, in order to provide
services to the traveling public, especially if delayed flights are involved.
Should a Concessionaire call for closure or curtailment of hours due to an emergency, strike,
lockout, or other cause, notification of such an event should be made immediately to the Senior
Concessions Operations Manager.
The Port maintains high standards for its own employees and encourages Concessionaires to
employ personnel eager to assume a high standard of service to the public. Employees are
expected to be courteous at all times and shall refrain from acting in a loud, boisterous, or otherwise
improper manner. Concessionaires are encouraged to include extensive customer service training
with their overall instruction of new personnel, as well as a thorough orientation of the Airport, so
that employees can correctly answer Airport Customer questions regarding Airport facilities,
directions, etc. Complaints received by the Port concerning a Concessionaire's employee or
employees will be forwarded to the Concessionaire for response. A copy of the Concessionaire's
written response shall be forwarded to the Port's Customer Service Manager. Appropriate dress,
grooming and hygiene are required of all employees who serve the public.
87PDX Rules Chapter 20, Permit and
Right of Entry; Suspicious Activity
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In addition to Free Speech Permits, Tenants and members of the public may request a Permit and
Right of Entry to conduct various activities in non-exclusive use areas of the Airport for specified
durations of time. A reasonable fee will be charged for any Permit and Right of Entry associated
with a Commercial Activity. Questions concerning Permits and Right-of-Entry should be directed
to the Operations Department.
For security reasons, no person in or about the Airport who is unable to give a satisfactory
explanation of his or her presence, shall be allowed to remain in or about any area or facility of the
Airport. Tenants and Airport Customers should contact Port Police through the Communications
Center if they are concerned that a person may be engaged in suspicious or disruptive conduct.
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The Port reserves the right to add amenities, develop or otherwise improve the Airport in such
manner as it deems necessary and appropriate in its sole discretion. Construction and alteration of
Port facilities is ongoing to meet the demands of the traveling public.
During construction, remodeling, expansion, relocation, maintenance, and repair of the Airport,
Tenants and other users of the Airport should expect some inconveniences during the process
including, but not limited to, noise, dust, vibration, and changes in access. Observed unsafe
conditions should be immediately reported to the Communication Center. Should any Tenant
observe significant uncommunicated adverse working conditions related to construction, the
Tenant should immediately contact the PDXNext Construction Activity Hotline at
(503) 460-4338. The Port will ensure that the identified activity is being performed per established
construction requirements.
89PDX Rules Chapter 22, Media/Press
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The media is generally permitted on Airport property in the course of normal media operations,
subject to the following limitations: (a) where applicable the Rules restrict access; (b) where safety
and operational conditions, in the sole judgment of Port management, preclude access; (c) where
the physical presence of media representatives would unreasonably hinder Airport operations;
(d) where portions of Port property or facilities are leased or otherwise subject to a permitted use
by a third party (in which case, permission for access rests with the lessee or other permitted user).
Media vehicles on assignment are generally required to park in the public parking areas. If a media
vehicle is allowed to park on the upper/outer Commercial Roadway for live broadcasting, the
vehicle must have signage visible from the exterior of the vehicle. Parking in non-public areas,
including the upper/outer Commercial Roadway, with the exception of the media live broadcasting
area, requires prior written permission from the Port. Media vehicles are not allowed inside the
Secured Areas without an authorized Airport escort. Members of the media do not require a special
permit in order to provide regular news coverage at the Airport, but are required to obtain a Permit
for other specific projects or productions.
The Port makes some of its facilities available for commercial film activity on a fee basis, to the
extent feasible, in the Port's sole discretion. A Permit and Right of Entry for Photography and
Filming ("Photography/Filming Permit") must be obtained from the Port in advance of any filming
or photography activity.
2.1 Commercial Filming Requests
Parties interested in using any Port facility as a setting for film or commercial production
must contact the Port's Media Relations Department ("Media Relation Department") to request a
Photography/Filming Permit. The complete details of the request should be received at least five
(5) Business Days prior to the starting of filming in order to ensure adequate time for Port staff to
complete the required Photography/Filming Permit. Parties need to complete a worksheet which
provides a detailed description of the filming to be done, including: dates, times, locations, number
of persons and vehicles on site; any special lighting, sound, and/or parking needs. The Port retains
sole discretion to grant or deny any Photography/Filming Permit application. Fees will be charged
based on the duration, time, and complexity of each project, on a case-by-case basis.
2.2 Restrictions
Any Photography/Filming Permit issued to the media or a production company, or any
other filming crew or party, will not allow interference or disturbance with the day-to-day business
or operations of the Airport, the Port, or the Tenants. If such interference or disturbance occurs,
the Port may require immediate termination of the filming. The Port does not control access to
private businesses located on the Airport, including within the Terminal. Any approval for use of
or filming of or in leased space or facilities must be agreed to separately with the Tenant leasing
the space. The use of the Port's logo, or reference to the Port in the context of the filming, must
receive advance written approval from the Media Relations Department. Use of any Tenant logo
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must receive prior written approval from the Tenant. Parties may not solicit extras on Port
property. No barbeques or open fires are allowed. Without advance written approval by the Port,
the following are not allowed: (a) explosives or firearms; (b) explosive sound effects or sounds
like gun shots; and (c) weapons. Interrupting business operations, or failure to follow the Rules,
the applicable Photography/Filming Permit, or Port filming guidelines, may result in immediate
revocation of the right to film on Port property, without a refund of the Photography/Filming
Permit fees.
2.3 Filming and Photography for Internet or for Promotional Use
Any party interested in using Port property located at PDX, other than the seventh (7
floor of the Short Term Parking Garage or the Long Term Parking Garage, the cell phone waiting
area, or any other area that is designated as a free photography and filming area, shall be required
to obtain a Photography/Filming Permit pursuant to Section 2.1 of this Chapter. Any party that
profits monetarily or otherwise (including advertising, self-promotion, or any other benefit
therefrom) from the use of any photograph or film obtained at the Airport, no matter where taken,
shall be required to obtain a Photography/Filming Permit pursuant to Section 2.1 of this Chapter.
If the Ports determines that a party has profited from a photograph or film obtained on Port property
located at PDX, that party shall be required to pay all applicable fees associated with such use
and/or immediately cease use of such photograph or film. Any party that posts photographs or
film on any social media site may only do so for personal entertainment purposes and in no way
shall profit from such posting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Port may use all legally
available remedies to stop the use or the receipt of payment from the use of photographs or film
obtained without Port permission.
2.4 Stock Photography or Video
Stock photography or videos owned by the Port may be requested through the Media
Relations Department and may only be used for non-commercial purposes.
91PDX Rules Chapter 23, Restricted
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No person shall drive in the Restricted Area unless: (a) such person has successfully completed
the required training and is in possession of a valid, appropriately annotated PDX Security Badge
(with a "D" icon); or (b) such person is escorted by an individual who meets the foregoing badging
requirements. The Restricted Area includes both Non-Movement Areas and Movement Areas.
Requirements for operations in Non-Movement and Movement Areas are described in Section 5
and Section 6 of this Chapter. Employers who obtain authorization to operate vehicles within the
Restricted Area are responsible for their employees' and vendors' compliance with the Rules.
Failure to comply with this Section may result in a Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix
in Chapter 3.
In order to obtain authorization to operate a vehicle in the Restricted Area, each applicant must
comply with the following.
2.1 Application
An applicant must be approved by the Authorized Signatory of his or her employer and
must have a business need for the authorization to drive in the Restricted Area. The applicant and
the Authorized Signatory must complete the applicable portions of the PDX Security Badge
Application prior to taking the Port-required driver training.
2.2 Valid Driver's License
The applicant must possess a valid driver's license. The Restricted Area Driving
Authorization is invalid during any period that a driver's license is not valid. Failure to comply
with this Section may result in a Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
2.3 Valid PDX Security Badge
The applicant must possess a valid PDX Security Badge. The Restricted Area Driving
Authorization is revoked or suspended for any period the PDX Security Badge of such driver is
revoked or suspended.
2.4 Operation of Vehicle
In addition to the requirements listed above, no vehicle shall be operated in the Restricted
Area unless the driver is licensed to operate a specific class of vehicle with a license released by
an appropriate state-licensing agency, or if allowed by Oregon law, by the driver's employer
through a company training/certification program.
2.5 Driver Training
The applicant must successfully complete all required Port driver training courses and, if
applicable, the Port's hands-on Movement Area training course.
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2.6 Escort Requirements
Only those persons with a legitimate business purpose who have an appropriately annotated
PDX Security Badge (with a "D" or "M" icon) may escort vehicles within the Restricted Area.
Unless otherwise coordinated, vehicle operators without a PDX Security Badge must be escorted
by an appropriately badged driver (as described in Section 1 of this Chapter) operating an
appropriately marked vehicle (as described in Section 3.2 of this Chapter). Escorts must
continuously accompany, monitor and control the movements of vehicles operated by unbadged
drivers while those vehicles are within the Restricted Area. Responsibility for a vehicle escort
may be transferred to another appropriately badged vehicle operator. Citations for infractions or
violations incurred by an unbadged vehicle operator will be issued to that vehicle's escort. Any
deviation from the escort requirements must be approved by an Airside Operations Manager.
Failure to comply with this Section may result in a Class II Violation per the Enforcement Matrix
in Chapter 3.
PDX Security Badge Icons Relating to Restricted Area Vehicle Operations
Training Required
C Contractor Computer-based training for airfield
construction; limited Restricted
Area access based on construction
D Restricted
Area Driver
Computer-based training for
Restricted Area vehicle operation.
Vehicle operation within the
Restricted Area; vehicle
escort (see Section 2.6 of this
E Escort Hands-on training with the Airside
Operations Department.
Vehicle escort (see
Section 4.8 of this Chapter).
F Flagger Hands-on training with the Airside
Operations Department.
M Movement
Area Driver
Computer-based training for
Movement Area vehicle operation;
hands-on training with the Airside
Operations Department.
Vehicle operation within the
Movement Area (see
Section 6 of this Chapter).
Vehicles operating in the Restricted Area must comply with the following requirements.
3.1 Vehicle Registration
The vehicle must be properly licensed in the State of Oregon.
3.2 Vehicle Identification
The vehicle shall display identifying signage affixed to the exterior of both sides. The
identifying signage shall be distinctly recognizable and visible from a distance of at least fifty (50)
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feet. All identifying signage shall provide sharp contrast to the vehicle color and preferably be
reflective. Such identifying signage shall be professionally manufactured, at lease twelve (12)
inches in diameter or square, with lettering at least three (3) inches in height. Failure to comply
with this Section shall constitute a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
3.3 Vehicles Exempt From Identification
Vehicles exempt from vehicle identification requirements include: (a) unmarked Port
Police vehicles, as authorized by the Chief of Police or his or her designee; (b) vehicles under
authorized escort; (c) vehicles within the boundaries of the General Aviation Ramp; and (d) any
other vehicle authorized, in writing, by the Airside Operations Manager. Proof of such
authorization must be in the vehicle.
3.4 Vehicle Operating Condition
The vehicle must be in sound mechanical and structural condition with unobstructed
forward and side vision from the driver's seat. In addition, the vehicle must have the appropriately
rated and inspected fire extinguishers, if a service vehicle or fuel truck. The Port may determine,
in its sole discretion, whether a vehicle is safe or unsafe to operate in the Restricted Area. Failure
to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3
and, at the discretion of the Airside Operations Manager, the vehicle may be prohibited from
operating on the airfield.
3.5 Vehicle Equipment
The vehicle must be equipped with either: (a) running lights appropriate to the vehicle, if
equipped with an electrical system or connections, which must be used between sunset and sunrise,
or when visibility is less than one thousand (1,000) feet; or (b) reflective devices displayed on the
front, rear and sides of a contrasting color to the equipment. Vehicles must be equipped with
functioning seat belts. Installation and maintenance of seat belt equipment is the sole responsibility
of the vehicle owner. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3 and, at the discretion of the Airside Operations Manager, the
vehicle may be prohibited from operating on the airfield.
4.1 Right-Of-Way
Drivers in the Restricted Area shall yield the right-of-way to moving aircraft and
pedestrians at all times. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.2 Right-Of-Way for Emergency Vehicles
Drivers shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle using red or blue emergency lights
and/or an audible emergency signal. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II
Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.3 Designated Service Roads
Drivers shall use the designated Service Roads or vehicle lanes except when servicing an
aircraft. Additional requirements for operating in Non-Movement Areas are specified in Section 5
of this Chapter. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
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4.4 Reckless or Careless Vehicle Operation
Drivers shall not operate vehicles in a reckless manner that could threaten the life or safety
of any person or damage or destruction of property. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a
Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.5 Maximum Speed Limits
The maximum speed limits at the following locations are as follows:
Perimeter/Service Road
20 mph
10 mph
Bag Tunnel/Concourse Pass-Throughs
5 mph
For all other locations, the maximum speed limits will be posted at the locations
themselves. Regardless of the above or posted speed limits, no vehicle shall be driven at a speed
that endangers persons or property. Drivers shall proceed at a speed which accounts for
congestion, reduced visibility, slippery surfaces, or any other hazardous condition. Failure to
comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.6 Passing A Vehicle
Passing a vehicle shall be accomplished in a safe manner, within the confines of designated
roadways and within the posted or designated speed limit. Failure to comply with this Section
shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.7 Personal Vehicles
No personal vehicles are allowed in the Restricted Area, unless authorized by the Port.
Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in
Chapter 3.
4.8 Escort Vehicle Requirement
Pursuant to Chapter 3, an escort vehicle must meet Security Badging Office requirements
for drivers and may only: (a) escort up to three (3) vehicles; and (b) escort two (2) tractor trailer
rigs, or two (2) buses. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.9 Traffic Signage
All traffic signs, including stop signs and pavement markings, must be obeyed at all times.
Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in
Chapter 3.
4.10 Crossing Points
All vehicles must proceed with caution after stopping at an aircraft crossing point. Failure
to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
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4.11 Containment of Vehicle Loads
Drivers are responsible for the containment of any loads or materials being carried and/or
towed in or by their vehicles. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per
the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.12 Tractor and Container Carriers
Tractor and container carriers shall tow no more carts, pods, igloos, or containers than are
safe, under control, and tracking properly. The maximum tractor train length is: (a) four (4)
baggage/cargo carts inside the Terminal baggage tunnel; (b) five (5) baggage/cargo carts outside
the Terminal baggage tunnel; (c) two (2) large transporters/dollies; (d) four (4) small
transporters/dollies; (e) two (2) of any mix of large or small transporters/dollies; and (f) four (4)
of any mix of baggage/cargo carts and small transport/dollies. Any deviation from these
requirements must be approved by the Airside Operations Manager. Failure to comply with this
Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.13 Driving Between Aircraft and Passenger Terminal
Except for those vehicles servicing an aircraft, no driver shall park or pass between an
aircraft and the Terminal when an aircraft is parked at a gate position. Failure to comply with this
Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.14 Driving Between Terminal and Ground Crews
Unless directed by the aircraft ground crew, no driver shall drive between the Terminal and
ground crews: (a) pushing back an aircraft; or (b) returning to a gate after pushing back an aircraft.
For the purposes of cargo Ramp ground handling, vehicle operators should not drive between
active ground crews and the point of origin of the pushback operation, unless so directed by the
ground grew. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement
Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.15 Vehicle Passenger Restrictions
No driver shall: (a) operate any vehicle that is overloaded or carrying more passengers
than the vehicle was designed to carry; (b) ride on the running board or stand up in the body of
moving vehicle; or (c) ride with arms or legs protruding from the vehicle, except when the vehicle
was specifically designed for such use. The driver is responsible for the activities of all passengers
in the vehicle. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement
Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.16 Passenger Loading Bridges
Vehicles may be operated under passenger loading bridges only on designated and marked
vehicle roadways. The Airside Operations Department must approve the parking of vehicles or
equipment under any passenger loading bridge. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a
Class I Violation and, in addition, may be subject to fines per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.17 Vehicle Guide Person
A vehicle guide person is required whenever the visibility of the driver is obstructed.
Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in
Chapter 3.
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4.18 Collisions
An Collision occurring in the Restricted Area that results in injury to a person or damage
to an aircraft, another vehicle, or other property requires involved vehicle operators to:
(a) immediately stop and remain at the scene of the Collision; (b) render reasonable assistance, if
the driver is capable of doing so, to any person injured in the Collision; (c) immediately report the
Collision to the Communications Center; and (d) provide any information to Port Police, the Port's
Risk Management Department, and the Safety Department in order to complete an Collision report
investigation. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement
Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.19 Foreign Object Debris
All drivers driving in the Restricted Area shall assist in the maintenance of clear and
uncluttered Restricted Areas to avoid aircraft damage due to Foreign Object Debris. If any Foreign
Object Debris is sighted in the Movement Area, drivers should notify the Airport Operations
Supervisor for Airside. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.20 Unattended Vehicle
Drivers shall not leave the engine running on an unattended vehicle, except when required
for aircraft servicing. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class I Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.21 Parked Vehicles and Ground Service Equipment
When not servicing an aircraft or undertaking their intended functions, vehicles and
Ground Service Equipment shall be parked only in approved, marked parking stalls or within a
Tenant's own area. No driver shall do any of the following: (a) park a vehicle in an aircraft parking
area, a marked safety area, or any grass area; (b) park a vehicle in a manner that obstructs or
interferes with any Movement Area, Restricted Area, or adjacent aircraft parking position;
(c) park, or leave unattended, vehicles or other equipment that interfere with the use of a facility
by others or prevents movement or passage of aircraft, emergency vehicles, or other vehicles and
equipment; (d) park a vehicle or equipment within three (3) feet of a fire hydrant, or in a manner
that prohibits a vehicle accessing the fire hydrant; (e) park a fuel tanker, except when servicing an
aircraft, within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft or building, other than maintenance facilities and
garages for fuel servicing tank vehicles. Failure to comply with this Section may result in the
issuance of a parking Airfield Citation to the owner of the vehicle or equipment and a fine as set
forth in the table of Airfield Fines as shown in the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3. Vehicles or
equipment parked as described in (a) through (e) may be towed to an alternate location at the
owner's expense. When working a scheduled flight on a Port-managed parking position (Terminal
gate or remote parking Ramp), Ground Service Equipment required to ground handle the aircraft
may be staged at the Ramp area associated with the parking position thirty (30) minutes prior to
the arrival of the aircraft. Ground Service Equipment must be removed from the Ramp area
associated with the parking position thirty (30) minutes after the aircraft is moved from the parking
position. Accommodations for extraordinary circumstances, including unusual aircraft type or
handling of consecutive flights on the same Post-managed parking position, must be
communicated and coordinated with the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside.
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4.22 Electronic Devices
The use of entertainment headsets, text messaging devices, and other entertainment devices
is prohibited while driving in the Restricted Area. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a
Class I Driving Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.23 Hearing Protection
Hearing protection or communications headsets may be worn while operating a vehicle, in
accordance with safety regulations and requirements.
4.24 Alcohol or Use of Substances That Impair Ability
No driver shall operate a vehicle, or any other equipment, within the Restricted Area under
the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. No driver shall operate a vehicle, or any other equipment,
within the Restricted Area while under the influence of any prescription or over-the-counter
medication that impairs, or may impair, the driver's physical or mental abilities. Failure to comply
with this Section shall be a Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
4.25 Seat Belts
Persons operating or riding in a vehicle so equipped must wear a seat belt when operating
outside of designated aircraft Apron parking. Enforcement of this Section does not apply to leased
spaces. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II Violation per the Enforcement
Matrix in Chapter 3.
5.1 Non-Movement Areas
Drivers driving in a Non-Movement Area must have successfully completed the Port's
driver training and have in their possession a valid PDX Security Badge with a "D" icon.
5.2 Movement Area Boundary Line
No person, vehicle, or aircraft under tow shall cross the Movement Area Boundary Line
from the Non-Movement Area without prior approval from both the Airport Operations Supervisor
for Airside and the Air Traffic Control Tower. Requirements for operations in the Movement
Areas are described in Section 6 of this Chapter. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a
Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
6.1 Movement Areas Generally
Drivers driving in a Movement Area must successfully complete Movement Area training
as well as a hands-on evaluation of their familiarity with the Movement Area from qualified
Airside Operations Department personnel. Drivers must have in their possession a valid PDX
Security Badge with a "D" and "M" icon. Drivers shall not enter the Movement Area without
coordinating with the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside. Drivers shall not enter the
Movement Area without receiving, acknowledging and understanding the approval from the Air
Traffic Control Tower via VHF radio to proceed on the driving route requested. If any of the
above requirements cannot be met, the driver must contact the Airport Operations Supervisor for
Airside for assistance. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class III Violation per the
Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
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6.2 Movement Area Incursion
Upon observing or being notified of a possible Movement Area Incursion, the Airside
Operations Manager will take the following actions: (a) suspend the Restricted Area Driving
Authorization of the vehicle operator pending administrative review of the incident; (b) ensure that
the vehicle operator is appropriately escorted from the scene of the incident; (c) obtain written
statements from all personnel involved in or who witnessed the incident; and (d) compile all
pertinent data and information to investigate the incident, and forward to the Port's Risk
Management Department and the Safety Department. The Airside Operations Manager shall
complete an administrative review and implement resolution for the incident, including
notification of the vehicle operator's employers, appropriate coordination with FAA personnel, and
issuance of an Airfield Citation, if appropriate.
6.3 Movement Area Vehicle Equipment
Any vehicle operating in the Movement Area must be equipped with: (a) flashing amber
rotating beacon or omni-directional strobe; (b) two-way capable radio providing continuous
communication with the Air Traffic Control Tower ground control frequency; and (c) light gun
signal placard and Movement Area map (these documents may be obtained from the Airside
Operations Department). Additionally, aircraft fueling vehicles and any other vehicle of eight (8)
feet or more in width shall be equipped with a flashing amber beacon and flashing front, tail, and
clearance lights to be activated at all times the vehicle is operating. Vehicles not so equipped may
not operate in the Movement Area unless escorted by an authorized vehicle that meets all of the
foregoing equipment requirements. Failure to comply with this Section shall be a Class II
Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
6.4 Aircraft Tow Operations
Tow crews involved in aircraft towing operations in the Movement Area must ensure that
the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside is notified prior to commencing the towing
operation. Tow crews must also request and receive approval from the Air Traffic Control Tower
via VHF radio to proceed on the towing route requested. Tow crews shall not cross the Movement
Area Boundary Line, without receiving, acknowledging, and understanding the Air Traffic Control
Tower approval. Appropriate aircraft and vehicle lighting must be used for the duration of all
towing operations. With the exception of single-gate pushback operations that originate from and
return to the same gate, aircraft tug drivers and aircraft brake riders in tow operations must also
have in their possession a valid PDX Security Badge with an "M" icon. Brake riders without a
valid PDX Security Badge shall not enter the Movement Area without coordinating with the
Airside Operations supervisor. Airline staff tasked with utilization of the two-way ground control
radio and of communications with the Air Traffic Control Tower will be considered primarily
responsible in the event of an incident or a Movement Area Incursion. Any deviation from these
requirements must be approved by the Airside Operations Manager. Failure to comply with this
Section shall be a Class III Violation per the Enforcement Matrix in Chapter 3.
7.1 Penalties and Suspension of Driving Privileges
Any driver who does not comply with the provisions of the Rules or any Port direction
issued to him/her will be subject to penalties as set forth in Section 7 and in Section 8 of this
Chapter. Penalties for failure to comply with this Chapter may result in an Airfield Citation,
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suspension or revocation of Restricted Area Driving Authorization, or suspension or revocation of
the driver's PDX Security Badge.
7.2 Notification of Violation
The supervisor or employer of a driver receiving an Airfield Citation will be notified of the
violation by letter.
7.3 Enforcement Responsibility
Enforcement of this Chapter is the responsibility of the Airside Operations Department and
Port Police, who are each authorized to issue Airfield Citations to any driver in violation of the
Rules. In addition to immediate penalties and Airfield Citations, Port Police may also issue
criminal citations for certain driving or vehicle operating violations, and/or confiscate the vehicle
operator's PDX Security Badge.
The Enforcement Matrix and penalties for violations of this Chapter are explained in Chapter 3.
Periods of sanction may be extended or shortened, based on mitigating or exacerbating
circumstances, in the reasonable discretion of the Airside Operations Manager and/or the Violation
Except for the right of Port Police to confiscate a PDX Security Badge and escort a suspected
violator from the Restricted Area, which shall be effective immediately, all other enforcement
actions under the Rules shall be prosecuted under, reviewed and become effective as provided in
the Rules. The review process set forth in Chapter 1 shall apply to any review made pursuant to
this Chapter.
If a Restricted Area Driving Authorization has been revoked, a driver may apply to the Airside
Operations Manager for reinstatement only if the amount of time specified in the original
revocation has passed. Upon authorization by the Airside Operations Manager, the applicant must
successfully complete all requirements for obtaining Restricted Area Driving Authorization,
including the successful completion of the training and the requirement that the driver possess a
valid government issued driver's license and PDX Security Badge. The Airside Operations
Manager may grant the application for reinstatement after a determination that the driver has
undergone such training or education or otherwise implemented such safeguards so as to
reasonably assure the Port that: (a) the driver is not likely to further violate the Rules pertaining
to driving; and (b) granting of Restricted Area driving privileges to such driver is not likely to pose
a risk or danger to the Port or to others.
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Port Ordinance No. 423-R and Port Ordinance No. 433-R, as they may be amended from time to
time, regulates the use and operation of the Airport and its facilities. For the purpose of scheduling
gates, any unresolved conflicts which are not fully addressed under this Section will be decided on
the basis of Port Ordinance No. 423-R.
1.1 Conditions
Port-owned gates are subject to common use with no dedicated premises for airlines. The
Port schedules the use of the gates. The policies that have been developed for the use of gates are
designed to maximize gate utilization and are intended to provide general guidance. The schedule
may be modified daily to meet actual operational situations, with the intent of ensuring the
equitable treatment of all airlines. The following are conditions for the use of gates:
(a) Airlines requesting use of any gate must submit in writing to the Airside Operations
Department the flight number, arrival and departure time, type of aircraft, and flight frequency.
Schedules should be updated on a monthly basis.
(b) Short notice use of a gate, such as for fog diversions or unscheduled flights, may
be requested by contacting the Airside Operations Department. An airline requesting short notice
gate assignments must use the airline's own leased gates or previously scheduled common use
gates before the Airport Operations Supervisor will affect the relocation of a gate scheduled or
occupied by another airline. The Airport Operations Supervisor may assign an open gate on any
concourse prior to relocation of another airline. When the relocation of another airline is required
to accommodate a short notice gate request, the Airport Operations Supervisor will use the
following descending precedence to prioritize competing requests for gate usage: (i) tow on, tow
off; (ii) tow on, RON, tow off; (iii) tow on/off, RON, live out; (iv) live-in, tow off/on; (v) live-in,
RON, live-out; (vi) live in/out. The Airside Operations supervisor may deviate from the priority
list due to unusual circumstances, availability of common use computer equipment, or specific
operational requirements. Any request that requires relocation of another airline must be received
at least sixty (60) minutes prior than the previously scheduled use of the affected airline. Once the
request for the short notice gate assignment has been confirmed and an aircraft has been relocated,
the requested gate becomes a scheduled gate and the requesting airline will be invoiced for the
gate use.
(c) The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside will schedule, approve, and publish
a master schedule each month based on gate usage information submitted by the airlines. A
schedule showing all approved use times will be sent to the airlines upon request. All schedule
information must be submitted in writing by the twenty-third (23
) day of each month or gate
usage may be rescheduled to another airline.
(d) The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside will maintain a log of exceptions for
amendments to scheduled gate or remote Ramp parking for a particular month. Amendments to
previously submitted gate usage information should be communicated to the Airport Operations
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Supervisor for Airside as soon as practicable after schedule confirmation. The airline must contact
the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside at least three (3) hours prior to the scheduled time
of gate or Ramp usage or risk incurring charges for use of the parking position.
(e) The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside will submit a usage report to the
Common Use Program Manager on or before the second (2
) Business Day of each month,
describing gate and Ramp parking activity for the previous month. The usage report will include
the gate usage information, as well as appropriately reported exceptions to requested parking. The
Port will bill the airlines for common use gate and Ramp utilization based on the usage report.
(f) Outside of scheduled usage, gates are generally assigned on a first come, first
served basis, but the Port may deviate from this general practice if it deems it in the best interest
of efficient Airport operations.
(g) Non compliance with the Rules, including use of gates in a manner other than that
scheduled with the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside, may result in that airline's loss of
precedence for a specific gate or relegation of the scheduled operations to a remote parking Ramp.
(h) International flights requiring inspection will always have Federal Inspection
Station ("FIS") gate assignment priority.
(i) The Port is not obligated to provide use of gates unless forty-eight (48) hours
advance notice is given. However, the Port will schedule an international gate upon request such
as in the event of a flight diversion. Unless otherwise coordinated with the Airside Operations
Department, the requesting airline must deplane passengers and utilize the FIS facility.
(j) When an aircraft is parked overnight at a gate, it will be the airline's responsibility
to maintain a means to relocate their aircraft to a remote parking area when deemed necessary by
the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside.
(k) An airline repeating a flight from a previous schedule will have preference in a
current schedule. A flight's schedule time may vary up to thirty (30) minutes without losing
(l) Live aircraft operations take precedence over remain-overnight ("RON") and
extended aircraft parkingmeaning two (2) or more hours. At the direction of the Port, an airline
with a scheduled ground time exceeding two (2) hours at a gate will be required to move its aircraft
whenever another airline has requested that gate for loading and/or unloading passengers. The
requesting airline must utilize gates it leases or has previously scheduled to use before the Airside
Operations Department will affect the relocation of an occupied gate.
(m) The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside will use the following descending
precedence to prioritize competing requests for scheduling of gates: (i) live-in (passengers
deplane), live-out (passengers enplane), no extended parking required; (ii) live-in (passengers
deplane) extended parking/RON, live-out (passengers enplane); (iii) live-in, extended
parking/RON, tow off or tow on, extended parking/RON, live-out priority between these two
operations will be determined by the Airside Operations Department on a case by case basis;
(iv) live-in, tow off or tow on, live-out - priority between these two operations will be determined
by the Airside Operations Department on a case by case basis; (v) tow on, extended parking/RON,
tow off; and (vi) tow on, tow off.
(n) A thirty (30) minute grace period will be allowed for departure delays.
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(o) The Airside Operations Department must be advised on any arrival delay over
fifteen (15) minutes. If a delay is anticipated to extend beyond the grace period, the delayed airline
may be required to use an alternate gate. In this case the airline should contact the Airport
Operations Supervisor for Airside.
(p) Airlines with several flights throughout the day will generally be assigned to the
same gate.
(q) Gates may be limited to certain types of aircraft. Aircraft will only be assigned
gates that can safely accommodate them.
(r) Unless otherwise coordinated with the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside:
(i) staging of Ground Service Equipment needed to service arriving flights may begin no earlier
than thirty (30) minutes prior to the anticipated arrival time of the aircraft; and (ii) Ground Service
Equipment must be removed from the gate Ramp area no later than forty-five (45) minutes after
the aircraft has left the gate for departure.
1.2 Use Conditions
The following are restrictions for the use of gates:
(a) Heavy maintenance is not permitted at any gate. Alternate locations for heavy
maintenance needs should be coordinated with the Airside Operations Department.
(b) Routine maintenance is permitted within the scheduled gate use time.
(c) Maintenance will not be allowed if the spillage of fuels, hydraulic fluids, etc., is
(d) Loading fuel into trucks from the hydrant system at gates is prohibited. Trucks
should be filled from the fuel station on the north Apron or the central Ramp.
(e) Airlines, ground handlers, or fuelers will be responsible for immediately cleaning
grease, hydraulic fluid, or other substances which may be spilled on the Apron.
(f) Cleaning and maintenance of ground equipment is prohibited.
(g) Airlines must use preconditioned air units on gates where they are installed.
1.3 Non Responsibility
The Port shall not be deemed responsible for personal injury or property damage resulting
from or arising out of an airline's use of the gates. Any airline using the gates will be obligated to
indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Port and the Port's commissioners, officers, employees,
and agents from and against all claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever,
including without limitation reasonable attorney fees arising out of its acts or omissions in
connection with its use of the gates. Airline will also be obligated to fully compensate the Port for
harm to the Port's real or personal property caused by the acts or omissions, negligent or not, of
airline in connection with its use of the gates. The Port will give an affected airline prompt and
reasonable notice of any claim, liability, cost or expense to provide the airline an opportunity to
investigate and defend.
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The Port has three (3) remote aircraft parking locations. The Port has established these remote
area parking Rules to maximize the capacity of the remote parking areas. All requests for use of
remote parking locations must be coordinated with and approved by the Airport Operations
Supervisor for Airside.
2.1 North Ramp
The North Ramp is located east of the Concourse E gates. Up to eight (8) aircraft may be
accommodated depending on aircraft size and parking configuration utilized. Aircraft must be
towed in/out at the west-end Apron entrance, but may taxi out via Taxiway A4. Parking is limited
to aircraft size A330 or smaller.
2.2 South Ramp
The South Ramp contains one (1) aircraft parking spot located between Taxiway E5 and
Taxiway E6 that is capable of accommodating a B747 aircraft, pending a ramp management plan.
2.3 Southeast Ramp
The Southeast Ramp is located at the PDX Cargo Center adjacent to Taxiway exit B8.
Depending on aircraft type, there are five (5) aircraft parking positions available. Parking is
limited to aircraft size B767-300 or smaller.
2.4 Reserve Ramp
The Reserve Ramp is located on the former US Air Force Reserve Apron adjacent to
Taxiway J. The Apron extends from the west end of Building 375 to a line of barricades at the
east end of Building 320. Depending on aircraft type, there are up to eight (8) aircraft parking
positions available. Aircraft up to B747-8 may be accommodated.
2.5 Remote Parking Assignment Procedures
Airlines requiring scheduled overnight parking must submit a request, in writing, to the
Airside Operations Department prior to the twenty-third (23
) day of each month. Requests must
include aircraft type, hours, and dates. The Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside will assign
parking and publish a schedule each month, based on the information received. Airlines will
receive a written copy by the first (1
) day of each month upon request. It will be the airline's
responsibility to notify the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside of any cancellations. Short
notice remote parking requests will be assigned by contacting the Airport Operations Supervisor
for Airside.
The following Rules relating to Remote Area aircraft parking apply when using any of the remote
parking areas:
(a) parking will be at the sole risk of the owner or operator of the aircraft, without any
responsibility or liability to the Port for any loss of, or damage to, the aircraft while parked;
(b) the owner or operator shall be responsible for moving, tying down, and securing
the aircraft;
(c) parked aircraft must maintain a minimum of twenty (20) feet between wing tips;
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(d) cargo operations, as opposed to cargo aircraft parking, will not be allowed in the
remote parking areas;
(e) aircraft owners or Operators will be responsible for immediately removing spilled
fluids, or other substances and Foreign Object Debris, and will comply with all applicable
environmental laws and regulations and reporting requirements;
(f) airlines parking aircraft in the remote parking areas must report and pay the
applicable monthly storage fees;
(g) remote parking of aircraft for storage, sale, or other long-term parking must have
prior written Port approval;
(h) use of the remote parking area, for the purpose of aircraft maintenance, must have
prior written Port approval;
(i) only equipment directly involved with servicing a remote parked aircraft will be
permitted within the remote parking area;
(j) unless otherwise coordinated with the Airport Operations Supervisor for Airside,
equipment must be removed from the parking area once the aircraft is relocated;
(k) reflective cones are required for the marking of wing tips and tail; and
(l) at the discretion of the Airport Operations Supervisor, revenue generating use will
take priority over non-revenue generating use.
4.1 Port Engine Run-Up Noise Management Plan
The Port constructed a Ground Run-Up Enclosure ("GRE") in the year 2001 to reduce noise
levels generated by aircraft maintenance engine ground run-ups. Ground run-ups are routine
aircraft engine maintenance tests performed as a check to ensure safe and reliable operation of the
aircraft engine, as required by FAA regulations and aircraft engine manufacturers. The Ground
Run-Up Enclosure Procedure Manual For Aircraft Maintenance Engine Run Ups referenced in
Appendix A, Table A ("GRE Manual") describes the twenty-four (24) hour operational
procedures associated with GRE operations at the Airport. The GRE Manual also describes the
GRE dimensions and features in detail. The goal of GRE procedures is to bring engine ground
run-up activities into conformance with Oregon Department of Environmental Quality industrial
noise regulations by reducing noise impacts on the neighborhoods located in the near vicinity of
the Airport.
4.2 Use of GRE Facility
The following aircraft must perform all engine maintenance ground run-ups within the
GRE: all jet aircraft up to and including the McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 and turboprop aircraft
over twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) pounds maximum take-off weight. Excluded from
this requirement are: (a) reciprocating engine aircraft types; (b) rotorcraft; (c) aircraft larger than
the McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 (wingspan greater than 171 feet); (d) military jets using the
Oregon Air National Guard's ground run-up facility; and (e) propeller aircraft under twelve
thousand five hundred (12,500) pounds maximum take-off weight and aircraft larger than the
McDonnell-Douglas MD-11,with a wingspan greater than one hundred seventy-one (171) feet.
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Idle engine runs for purposes of leak checks and other maintenance procedures are not considered
to be maintenance engine ground run-ups and should not be done in the GRE. Idle runs may be
performed at the aircraft's parking location.
4.3 Operating Hours
The GRE is available for use twenty-four (24) hours a day, three hundred sixty-five (365)
days per year. Use of the GRE is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is the responsibility
of the Aircraft Operator to confirm the availability of the GRE. Occupancy of the GRE by another
aircraft is not an acceptable reason to conduct an unsuppressed run-up unless unscheduled
maintenance requires a run-up, without which a scheduled flight will be delayed or cancelled.
Because use of the GRE is on a first-come, first-serve basis, Aircraft Operators should exercise
good planning to ensure that the GRE is available in sufficient time to complete all required ground
run-ups prior to returning the aircraft to service.
106PDX Rules Chapter 25, Ground
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1.1 Ground Transportation Permit Required
No Ground Transportation Permitted Business may use the Commercial Roadway, the
Terminal Roadway, or any other portion of the Airport to pick up Airport Customers without first
obtaining the applicable permit. The Port issuance of new Ground Transportation Permits is
subject to Commercial Roadway capacity and service moratoriums may be in place at any time
with respect to one or more service categories from time to time.
1.2 Required Port Ground Transportation Permits
All Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses included, but not limited to, off-Airport
rental car businesses and off-airport parking lot operators, must obtain the applicable Ground
Transportation Permits pursuant to Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port Ordinance No. 451-R.
On-Airport hotels and similar entities holding written agreements with the Port pursuant to which
they use the Commercial Roadway, the Terminal Roadway, or other portions of the Airport for
complimentary Airport Customers transport must also obtain a Ground Transportation Permit
pursuant to Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port Ordinance No. 451-R. Ground Transportation
Permitted Businesses may operate vehicles at the Airport only within the permitted service
category(ies) and only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Rules pertaining
to Ground Transportation, the Ground Transportation Permit, and applicable Port ordinance(s).
1.3 Categories of Ground Transportation Operations
Ground Transportation Permits are divided into the following service categories: (a) Fixed
Route Vehicles; (b) Reservation Only Vehicles; (c) Courtesy Vehicles; (d) Scheduled Service
Vehicles; (e) On-Demand Vehicles, including Taxicabs; (f) Park & Fly; (g) Stay, Park & Fly; and
(h) transportation network companies. The Port reserves the right to amend these service
1.4 Management of the Commercial Roadway
In order to maintain the safe, efficient, and orderly use of the Commercial Roadway, the
Port may designate locations on or off the Commercial Roadway which may be used by Ground
Transportation Permitted Businesses as parking, staging, and/or Airport Customer pick-up areas.
The Port may designate different locations for different categories of Ground Transportation
Permitted Businesses and may impose different requirements with respect to the use of such
locations. Areas designated for use by the different Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses
are subject to change by the Port to accommodate changes in the physical layout of the Commercial
Roadway, patterns of traffic, volumes of use, changes in Rules, TSA or FAA regulations, the
addition of or removal of categories of Ground Transportation services, construction, repair or
maintenance of Airport facilities, and for other reasons, as deemed necessary or convenient, at the
sole discretion of the Port. Except in the case of an emergency or a temporary and insignificant
change, the Port shall post all changes in the areas designated for use by Ground Transportation
Permitted Businesses and in the Ground Transportation Office not less than seven (7) calendar
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days prior to such changes taking effect. Temporary emergency changes shall be effective
immediately upon posting. Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses must follow the
reasonable requests and instructions of Port staff, Port Police and other agents of the Port in
connection with temporary or permanent designation of areas for use by Ground Transportation
Permitted Businesses. Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses may drop off Airport
Customers only on the upper outer Terminal Roadway.
1.4.1 Holding Area
All Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses wishing to pick up Airport
Customers must report to the Port designated Holding Area in parking spaces designated for the
service category. Vehicles may enter the Commercial Roadway only when called up by a
Transportation Assistant or other agent of the Port. Drivers shall not leave their vehicle unattended
for more than thirty (30) minutes in the Holding Area, except for restroom breaks in the Holding
Area. Courtesy Vehicles are not required to wait in the Holding Area.
1.4.2 Airport Customers Loading
Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses shall pick up Airport Customers only
in those areas of the lower Commercial Roadway designated by the Port for the applicable service
category, unless otherwise authorized by a Transportation Assistant or other agent of the Port.
Doors and trunks must be kept closed at all times unless the Ground Transportation Permitted
Business is actively loading or unloading Airport Customers and/or luggage. Ground
Transportation Permitted Businesses may only use those portions of the Commercial Roadway
designated by the Port to pick up Airport Customers.
1.4.3 Unattended Vehicles Prohibited
No Driver waiting on the Commercial Roadway shall leave his or her Commercial
Ground Transportation Vehicle unattended.
1.4.4 Unattended Vehicles in the Holding Area
Ground Transportation Permitted Businesses that have an appointment with the
Ground Transportation Office shall report to the Holding Area and obtain permission from the
Transportation Assistant or a Port representative to leave their Commercial Ground Transportation
Vehicle unattended.
1.5 Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles
All Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles must be registered with the City of
Portland, unless exempt, and with the Port through the Port's Ground Transportation Office, and
must be listed on the Ground Transportation Permit for Ground Transportation Permitted
Businesses. If a Ground Transportation Permitted Business wishes to replace a Commercial
Ground Transportation Vehicle, the Ground Transportation Permitted Business must pay the Port
a non-refundable per Vehicle fee and such replacement must be registered and approved in advance
by the Ground Transportation Office. Daily substitutions of vehicles are prohibited. The Port has
the right to charge a day pass fee to any Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle that operates
without prior approval. Substitutions are permitted for the purpose of vehicle repairs and
maintenance that require more than one (1) calendar day to perform. All properly registered and
insured Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles will be issued a Roadway Access Device
which will provide that Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle access to the Commercial
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Roadway. No Driver or Ground Transportation Permitted Business shall use the Roadway Access
Device assigned to a particular Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle to admit any other
vehicle to the Commercial Roadway. Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles are required
to line up at the rear of the applicable queue, moving as far up in the queue as safely possible, and
progress through the queue until it is the Driver's turn to proceed to the Commercial Roadway to
pick up Airport Customers. If a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle is not called up and
leaves the queue and/or the Driver departs the Holding Area, that Driver and the Commercial
Ground Transportation Vehicle must return to the end of the queue. On-Demand Vehicles which
are first in their respective queues must wait until electronically signaled and then must
immediately proceed to the Commercial Roadway. No maintenance, including oil changes,
washing, vacuuming or other detailing of Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles is allowed
in the Holding Area. In order to minimize exhaust fumes, vehicles must be turned off while in the
Holding Area or on the Commercial Roadway waiting for Airport Customers.
1.6 Signage
Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles, except for Chauffeured Limousines, shall be
clearly and professionally signed to show the name and telephone number of the Ground
Transportation Permitted Business operating the Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle.
Lettering must be no less than three (3) inches in height. The dimensions of any exterior sign must
be no less than eight and a half (8½) inches by eleven (11) inches. All markings required herein
shall be painted professionally, neatly and plainly or affixed to the Vehicle with a magnetic sign
on both the Driver's door and the front passenger door of the Commercial Ground Transportation
Vehicle, or otherwise attached by permanent decal. No electronic or digital signage is allowed.
With the exception of Courtesy Vehicles, all signage must obtain Port approval, unless it follows
the guidelines outlined in this Section.
1.7 Food Service
No food or drink vendors are allowed in the Holding Area without a Port issued Permit and
Right of Entry to operate in the Holding Area.
1.8 Driver Conduct
Drivers must treat each other with respect. No shouting or fighting is allowed. Vandalism
to Port property, including the restrooms provided in the Holding Area, is prohibited. Violations
of the following may result in suspension or termination of a Ground Transportation Permit or
other action or citation by the Port. Only Drivers are authorized to be in the Holding Area.
Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) leaving a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle unattended in the Holding
Area (except as provided in Section 1.4.4 of this Chapter) or on the Commercial Roadway. Drivers
must be immediately available to move their Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicles when
required at all times;
(b) saving parking spots or positions in the queue for other Drivers, blocking other
Drivers from moving up in the queue or using a parking space;
(c) public nudity or sunbathing in the Holding Area or within the shrubbery or grass
areas surrounding or adjacent to the Holding Area;
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(d) releasing or depositing waste water, chemicals, soap or any other fluids on the
paved surface of the Holding Area, on or into the soil adjacent to the Holding Area, into the
drainage system for the Holding Area, or into any Holding Area garbage receptacles;
(e) discarding any debris or garbage, except into receptacles intended for such purpose;
(f) storing or leaving personal items in or around the Holding Area;
(g) discarding personal, household or business debris or garbage into any Holding Area
garbage receptacles;
(h) erecting, altering, adding, replacing; or defacing any structure, facility, sign or
grounds in or adjacent to the Holding Area;
(i) selling goods or services within the Holding Area or on Port property without the
prior written consent of the Port;
(j) refusing any fare;
(k) hacking any Airport Customer by words, gestures or signage, meaning a Driver's
attempt to solicit, persuade, or urge an Airport Customer to hire a particular Commercial Ground
Transportation Vehicle, or dissuade an Airport Customer from using any other Commercial
Ground Transportation Vehicle;
(l) refusing to obey directives or instructions of a Transportation Assistant, a Parking
Control Representative, or of any other Port representative;
(m) refusing to obey a lawful order of a Port Police officer;
(n) obstructing operation areas in or around the Holding Area;
(o) fighting or engaging in Offensive Verbal Contact or Offensive Physical Contact;
(p) escalating fares or fares that exceed usual or customary fares for the service
(q) unless exempt, operating without a valid City of Portland business license or any
other business or vehicle permits required by law;
(r) using another Ground Transportation Permitted Business' Roadway Access Device
to enter the Commercial Roadway without the Port's permission;
(s) operating without a Ground Transportation Permit or operating in a service
category not authorized by a Ground Transportation Permit;
(t) interfering with any Airport Customer's choice of ground transportation services,
or interfering with any other Driver with whom any Airport Customer is negotiating for ground
transportation services;
(u) providing inaccurate, incomplete or deceptive information in order to obtain a
Ground Transportation Permit or a Roadway Access Device;
(v) attempting to pick up an Airport Customer already waiting for another Commercial
Ground Transportation Vehicle;
(w) providing or offering to provide payment to any person at the Airport in return for
the referral of Airport Customers or preferential treatment, on the Commercial Roadway;
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(x) possession, consumption or providing service while under the influence of alcohol
or any controlled substance;
(y) conducting any illegal activity at the Airport;
(z) picking up an Airport Customer in any areas other than those designated for such
(aa) failing to comply with any other provision of the Rules, Port ordinances, or the
Ground Transportation Permit;
(bb) operating a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle on the Commercial
Roadway that has non-functioning headlight(s), taillight(s), a cracked windshield, or is otherwise
deemed unsafe to transport Airport Customers; and
(cc) reckless driving or public endangerment on Port property.
1.9 Imposing Suspensions
For purposes of imposing suspensions, compilation of violations will be maintained against
the Driver, the vehicle and the Ground Transportation Permitted Business. The Ground
Transportation Permitted Business is responsible for ensuring Driver and vehicles abide by any
1.10 Tracking and Imposing Fines, Suspensions and Terminations
For purposes of tracking and imposing fine(s), suspension(s) and termination(s) of a
Ground Transportation Permitted Business, violation compilations shall be for a three (3) month
rolling period for suspensions and twelve (12) month rolling period for termination(s).
2.1 Enforcement Responsibility
Enforcement of this Chapter is the responsibility of the Ground Transportation Office, the
Port's Landside Operations Department ("Landside Operations Department"), Port Police, and
other Port representatives as assigned by the Commercial Roadway Manager, who are each
authorized to issue citations to any Driver in violation of the Rules.
2.2 Penalties and Suspension of Driving Privileges
Any Driver or Ground Transportation Permitted Business that fails to comply with the
provisions of the Rules or Port-issued directions will be subject to enforcement action, including
penalties. Penalties for failure to comply with this Chapter may result in a citation, suspension or
termination of a Ground Transportation Permit. Offenses that warrant the immediate suspension
of a Driver and removal of a Ground Transportation Permit shall include, but not be limited to the
following: (a) fighting; (b) misrepresenting fare to an Airport Customer; (c) acting in a rude,
offensive or otherwise unprofessional manner with Airport Customers, the general public, Port
staff, or Airport employees; (d) soliciting; (e) reckless driving and reckless endangerment of the
public on Port property; (f) commission of any misdemeanor or felony related to driving or public
safety; and (g) such other offenses which Port staff deems an immediate threat to the safety of
Airport Customers or the security of the Airport.
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2.3 Reinstatement of Driver
The decision to reinstate a Driver will only occur after meeting with the Landside
Operations Manager or his or her designee. The Landside Operations Manager or his or her
designee will review the incident report and decide whether the facts in the report constitute a
violation of the Rules, Port Ordinance No. 450-R, Port Ordinance No. 451-R, and/or the Ground
Transportation Permit pursuant to Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port Ordinance No. 451-R to
determine if there has been a violation. If so, a written notice will be issued to the Ground
Transportation Permitted Business pursuant to Chapter 1. Ground Transportation Permitted
Businesses are fully accountable for the actions of their Drivers. Violations of the Rules by a
Driver shall be deemed a violation by the Ground Transportation Permitted Business.
3.1 Driver Violation Penalties
The "Table of Penalties" set forth below is a guideline to be used by the Manager of the
Landside Operations Department, or his/her designee, for issuing penalties for substantiated
violations. Although the Table of Penalties will generally be followed in most cases, the penalties
given for some violations may vary depending on: (a) the nature of each specific violation; (b) the
timing of its occurrence; and (c) if, in the reasonable opinion of the Landside Operations Manager
or his or her designee, a variation from the Table of Penalties is warranted by the findings of an
investigation. All penalties imposed are in addition to any other rights or remedies available to
the Port, pursuant to Chapter 1.
3.2 Table of Penalties
The Table of Penalties is based on the number of citations received in a rolling twelve (12)
month period. If successive violations occur in a shorter period of time, the penalties are likely to
be more severe, up to and including suspension or termination. The following penalties may be
imposed for violation of this Chapter.
3.2.1 Driver Suspensions
3 violations per Driver
30 day suspension of Driver
4+ violations per Driver
Termination of Driver
3.2.2 Driver Immediate Suspensions
Misrepresenting fares
14 day suspension of Driver
14 day suspension of Driver
Acting rudely or unprofessionally
14 or 30 day suspension of Driver
(depending on severity)
Reckless driving or endangerment
30 day suspension of Driver
112PDX Rules Chapter 25, Ground
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60 day suspension of Driver
Misdemeanor or felony related to
driving or public safety
90 day suspension of Driver
Offenses deemed an immediate
threat to safety
90 day suspension of Driver
3.2.3 Ground Transportation Permitted Business Suspensions
No city-issued company or Driver
Immediate suspension
Expired insurance
Immediate suspension
Except for the right of Port Police to confiscate an Access Device, which shall be effective
immediately, all other enforcement actions under the Rules shall be processed pursuant to
Chapter 1. The review process set forth in Chapter 1 shall apply to any review made pursuant to
this Chapter.
A permit to operate a Commercial Ground Transportation Vehicle at the Airport ("Ground
Transportation Permit") will not be issued unless the Ground Transportation Permit application is
complete and all of the required documentation has been submitted and meets the requirements of
the Rules. Upon issuance of the Ground Transportation Permit, the Ground Transportation
Permitted Business shall also be issued one or more Roadway Access Devices, as provided in the
All Ground Transportation Drivers and Vehicles must be fully insured pursuant to the Ground
Transportation Permit, and keep a current certificate of insurance on file with the Port's Ground
Transportation Office. If the Port receives a notice of insurance cancellation, the Ground
Transportation Permitted Business Roadway Access Devices will be deactivated immediately, and
will not be re-activated until proof of current insurance is provided to the Port and the deactivation
fee is paid, as required by Section 16.1.3 of the Ground Transportation Permit.
The Landside Operations Manager or his or her designee is authorized to revoke or suspend any
Ground Transportation Permit for violation of the Rules, Port Ordinance No. 450-R and Port
Ordinance No. 451-R as they may be amended, or any applicable successor Port ordinance, the
Ground Transportation Permit, or violations of law pertaining to operations on the Commercial
Roadway, in accordance with Chapter 1 of the Rules.
113PDX Rules Chapter 26, Civil Rights
and Nondiscrimination
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Every person and entity doing business at the Airport or otherwise utilizing Airport property to
provide services to the public pursuant to an agreement with the Port, including but not limited to
a lease, a Concession agreement, license, permit or other contract or authorization ("Agreement")
must comply with the following provisions, which shall be deemed incorporated into and made a
part of each Agreement. Failure to comply with the below obligations is grounds for termination
of the Agreement.
1.1 Contractor
For any person or entity doing business at the Airport pursuant to an Agreement that is not
a lease agreement or transfer agreement (as used in this Section, each a "Contractor"), the
following shall apply:
(a) The Contractor agrees to comply with pertinent statues, Executive Orders
and such rules as are promulgated to ensure that no person shall, on the ground of race, creed,
color, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from participating in any activity
conducted with or benefiting from Federal assistance.
(b) This provision binds the Contractor and subcontractors from the bid
solicitation period through the completion of the contract. This provision is in addition to that
required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
1.2 Tenant or Concessionaire
For any person or entity doing business at the Airport pursuant to an Agreement that is a
concession agreement, license, or permit, the following shall apply::
(a) The (tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) agrees to comply with
pertinent statues, Executive Orders and such rules as are promulgated to ensure that no person
shall, on the ground of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from
participating in any activity conducted with or benefiting from Federal assistance. If the
(tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) transfers its obligations to another, the transferee is
obligated in the same manner as the (tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee).
(b) The (tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) for himself/herself, his/her
heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration
hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that:
(i) In the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise
operated on the property described in this Agreement for a purpose for which a Federal Aviation
Administration activity, facility, or program is extended or for another purpose involving the
provision of similar services or benefits, the (tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) will maintain
and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all requirements imposed by the
Nondiscrimination Acts and Regulations listed in the Pertinent List of Nondiscrimination
Authorities (as may be amended) such that no person on the grounds of race, color, or national
114PDX Rules Chapter 26, Civil Rights
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origin, will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination in the use of said facilities.
(ii) With respect to an Agreement, in the event of breach of any of the
above Nondiscrimination covenants, the Port will have the right to terminate the Agreement and
to enter, re-enter, and repossess said lands and facilities thereon, and hold the same as if the
Agreement had never been made or issued.
(c) These provision binds the (tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) for the period
during which the property is owned, used or possessed by the
(tenant/concessionaire/lessee/permittee) and the Airport remains obligated to the Federal Aviation
Administration. This provision is in addition to that required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
All individuals working on Airport property or visiting Airport property shall do so without being
subjected to discrimination and/or harassment, including sexual harassment.
In furtherance of its nondiscrimination policy the Port prohibits Tenants, service providers, and
contractors from discriminating against or harassing any person employed at the Airport, visiting
the Airport, or seeking the services of Tenants, service providers, and contractors, on the basis of
the person's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, domestic partner status, marital status, or disability.
Specifically, for any person or entity doing business at the Airport pursuant to any Agreement,
they must comply with the following nondiscrimination requirements:
2.1 Requirements
During the performance of this contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees, and
successors in interest, agrees as follows:
2.1.1 Compliance with Regulations
The Contractor (hereinafter includes consultants) will comply with the Title VI List
of Pertinent Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities, as they may be amended from time to time,
which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract.
2.1.2 Nondiscrimination
The Contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, will
not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of
subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The Contractor will
not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Nondiscrimination Acts
and Authorities, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity, project, or
program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR part 21.
2.1.3 Solicitations for Subcontracts, including Procurements of Materials
and Equipment
In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the
Contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or
leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the Contractor of
115PDX Rules Chapter 26, Civil Rights
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the contractor’s obligations under this contract and the Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities on
the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
2.1.4 Information and Reports
The Contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the
Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records,
accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the sponsor or
the Federal Aviation Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such
Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities and instructions. Where any information required of a
contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information,
the Contractor will so certify to the sponsor or the Federal Aviation Administration, as appropriate,
and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
2.1.5 Sanctions for Noncompliance
In the event of a Contractor’s noncompliance with the non-discrimination
provisions of this contract, the sponsor will impose such contract sanctions as it or the Federal
Aviation Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to:
(a) Withholding payments to the Contractor under the contract until the
Contractor complies; and/or
(b) Cancelling, terminating, or suspending a contract, in whole or in part.
Any violation of this nondiscrimination policy should be reported to the Customer
Communication Coordinator (see Chapter 9) for investigation. To the extent permitted by law,
should it be determined that any employee of a Tenant, service provider, or contractor has violated
this policy, the Executive Director may impose appropriate corrective action including, but not
limited to, imposing a requirement that the Tenant, service provider, or contractor provide
diversity/cultural sensitivity training to its Airport based employees, as a condition of continued
use of Airport facilities. The required training shall take place within a time frame designated by
the Executive Director. The Tenant, service provider, or contractor shall be responsible for all
costs associated with the training.
All organizations employing individuals at the Airport, including Tenants, service
providers, and contractors, are urged to provide their employees with annual workplace diversity
and cultural sensitivity training.
116PDX Rules Appendix A
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The documents in Table A and Table B are hereby incorporated into the Rules by reference. The
documents in Table A describe the processes and procedures for Tenant activity at the Airport and
are updated regularly. Airport User and Tenant activities will also be subject to Port Ordinances
listed in Table B.
Airport Certification Requirements
Interested Parties
Airport Layout Plan
Interested Parties
(503) 415-6111
Airport Master Plan
Interested Parties and Airline
(503) 415-6142
Airport Security Program
Tenants with Security
(503) 415-6490
Asbestos-Containing Materials
Operations and Maintenance Plan
(503) 415-6679
Environmental Best Management
(503) 415-6678
General Aviation Minimum Standards
Tenants who also operate at
GA Airports
(503) 415-6565
Emergency Response/Evacuation Plan
(503) 415-6490
Free Speech Permit
Interested Parties
Ground Run-up Enclosure Procedures
Airline Tenants
Ground Run-up Enclosure Website
Airline Tenants
Maintenance Matrix
(503) 415-6074
Part 150 Study
Interested Parties
(503) 415-6555
Port Employee Parking Policy and
Application Form
All Airport Employees
(503) 415-6883
Port Tenant Construction Permit
(503) 415-6176
Storm Water Enforcement Rules
(503) 415-6325
117PDX Rules Appendix A
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Technical Design and Development
Port Design Standards
(503) 415-6233
Tenant Lease Agreement
(503) 415-6074
Tenant Operating Guidelines
Concessions Tenants
(503) 415-6022
Port Ordinance No. 360
Ground Transportation Permitted
Businesses, Tenants
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 361
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 370-R
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 377-R
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 423-R
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 433-R
(503) 415-6562 or
(503) 415-6034
Port Ordinance No. 450-R
Ground Transportation Permitted
(503) 415-6515 or
(503) 415-6686
Port Ordinance No. 451-R
Ground Transportation Permitted
(503) 415-6515 or
(503) 415-6686
118PDX Rules Appendix B
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119PDX Rules Appendix C
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1. The undersigned Portland International Airport ("PDX") employee issued a valid Port of
Portland ("Port") parking credential ("Credential") ("Cardholder") is hereby granted a revocable
right to park a passenger vehicle in the "Parking Area" shown on the map attached to these PDX
Employee Lot Guidelines and Terms of Use ("Guidelines"), in accordance with the provisions of
these Guidelines and any policies, rules, and procedures adopted by the Port including, but not
limited to, those that may limit access to the Parking Area to certain days and hours; certain
portions of the Parking Area; or may require Cardholder to display an identifying sticker on
Cardholder's car. Cardholder has only those rights to use the Parking Area expressly granted by
these Guidelines.
2. Cardholder may park one (1) vehicle in the Parking Area at any given time and may not
transfer the Credential or allow access to another vehicle into the Parking Area. No trailers or
motor homes are allowed in the Parking Area.
3. Cardholder is responsible for the condition of the Credential and will be assessed a
replacement fee of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($25.00), if the Credential is
lost or otherwise damaged. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Credential fails to function as
designed, Cardholder may be eligible for a parking refund if Cardholder parks in the Economy Lot
and if the Port, or designee, determines the cause of the malfunction is not due to damage of the
Credential or the Credential has expired.
4. Cardholder may park in any available space in the Parking Area for a monthly parking fee.
The Port may increase the rate upon thirty (30) calendar days' notice. If applicable, the Port will
bill Cardholder's employer, on a monthly basis. Cardholder shall not be entitled to a prorated
refund of a monthly payment for days a space is not used or if the effective date or expiration date
of the Credential is prior to the end of a month for which payment has been made.
5. If Cardholder qualifies as non-domicile, payment can be made with a credit card, in person
at the Employee Parking Office, Room T1TB17Z at the PDX terminal, or through a personal check
to SP Plus, P.O. Box 56506, Portland, OR 97238. Payments will only be accepted for a maximum
of ninety (90) calendar days, or three (3) month periods. Cardholder may apply a credit to the next
month, if the Credential is not used during a month that is pre-paid. To obtain a credit, Cardholder
must contact SP Plus within thirty (30) calendar days of the month the card is not used. A credit
may not be applied to a month more than sixty (60) calendar days in the future.
6. The Port or Cardholder may terminate the Credential, upon at least thirty (30) calendar
days written notice to the other. In its sole discretion, the Port may immediately and without notice
revoke all rights granted to Cardholder, if Cardholder engages in misconduct in the Parking Area.
The Credential shall expire immediately, without notice or proration upon termination of
Cardholder's employment with Cardholder's employer. The Credential must be returned
immediately to the Port through the PDX Employee Parking Office upon termination or separation
from Cardholder's employment.
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7. These Guidelines grant Cardholder a license to park and shall not be construed as creating
a bailment. Cardholder's use of the Parking Area is at Cardholder's own risk. Cardholder hereby
releases Port, its Commissioners, employees, and agents, from any claim arising out of Port's
ownership, operation, management, or maintenance of the Parking Area including, but not limited
to, claims for injury, including personal injury, or damages of any nature, whether or not arising
from negligence. The Port shall have no duty to provide security for the Parking Area, and no
liability for theft or vandalism of Cardholder's car or its contents.
8. Cardholder shall maintain automobile liability insurance at all times on any car parked in
the Parking Area, in amount not less than the minimum limits established by the law of the state
in which Cardholder is domiciled or, if none, the minimum established by Oregon law.
9. By accessing and parking in the Parking Area, Cardholder agrees to be subject to all Port
policies or procedures including, but not limited to, these Guidelines and the PDX Rules, as they
may be amended from time to time. These Guidelines supersede all prior and contemporaneous
oral or written agreements regarding parking at PDX.
Directions from I-205 (Northbound or Southbound)
Take the Airport Way exit (heading west) off of I-205
Turn left (south) on 82
Follow 82
to N.E. Alderwood Road
Turn left (east) on N.E. Alderwood Road
Follow N.E. Alderwood Road to the Employee Lot
Directions from 82
Follow 82
Avenue northbound to N.E. Alderwood Road
Turn right (east) at the signal at N.E. Alderwood Road
Follow N.E. Alderwood Road to the Employee Lot
Directions from the Terminal
Take Airport Way eastbound
Turn right (south) on 82
Follow 82
Avenue to N.E. Alderwood Road
121PDX Rules Appendix C
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Turn left (east) on N.E. Alderwood Road
Follow N.E. Alderwood Road to the Employee Lot
122PDX Rules Amendment Log
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December 17, 2021 Preface
Removed Nondiscrimination Policy to create a new
Chapter 26, Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination.
December 17, 2021 PDX Emergency Numbers And Other Important Numbers
Updated miscellaneous Port phone numbers.
December 17, 2021 Defined Terms
Added Security Violation Letter and
Transportation Network Company. Deleted Decision Letter.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 1, Enforcement of Rules - Section 2, Contractual
Remedies, is updated to add language regarding compliance with
federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules and ordinances for
COVID-19 and other pandemic safety protocols for employers.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 2, Public Order Section 4.1.1
, Emotional Support
Animal, is updated to differentiate between Service Animal and
Emotional Support Animal. Section 4.1.4, Service Animal, is
updated to include DOT service animal form condition. Section
4.2, Animals in the Terminal, is updated to include new animal
relief area. Section 4.8, is
updated to remove specific phone
December 17, 2021 Chapter 3, Security Section 3.1(i) and (d)
, PDX Security
Badges, is modified to add a clarification. Section 3.2.2, United
State Air Force Flight Line Badges, is updated to specify is
modified to clarify unescorted access for military. Section 3.2.4,
FAA Pilot Certificates or International Equivalent, is updated to
clarify unescorted access. Section 3.3, Identification Required to
Obtain a PDX Security Badge, is updated to remove "may change
from time to time." Section 4.6, Duplication of Access Device
Prohibited, is modified to add a clarification. Section 4.7.1,
Security Badge Challenge Procedure, is updated to clarify badge
Section 4.7.2, Security Badge Challenge Compliance, is updated
to clarify badge challenge procedures. Section 5.1, Secured and
Sterile Door Access, modified to remove card reader specifics.
Section 5.6.2
, Secured Area Gates; Midfield Secured Area
Checkpoints, is updated to clarify checkpoints. Section 5.6.3, is
updated to clarify checkpoints. Section 8, Prohibited Items in the
Sterile Area, modified to change the title and add a clarification.
Section 10,
Prohibited Items in the Secured Area and AOA,
modified to change the title and add a clarification. Section 13.1,
Genera Escort Requirements, removed reference to badge
classification. Section 13.3, Escorting Persons in the Restricted
Area, modified to remove card reader specifics. Section 15.2,
Expired, Lost, or Stolen PDX Security Badge or Access Device,
123PDX Rules Amendment Log
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is modified to clarify badge holder. Section 16.2, Investigating
Reported Security Violations, is rewritten. Section 16.3,
Suspension or Revocation of Unescorted Access Privileges,
edited to clarify process. Section 17.6.1, Security Violation Letter,
modified to change the title and add a clarification. Section 18,
Hearing Procedure, is modified to include Director of Operations.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 4 -
Public Parking, Employee Parking, Abandoned
Vehicles, and TriMet Services Section 2.1, Parking Garages, is
modified to add third garage. Section 3.1
, Employee Parking
Rates, is modified to clarify employer. Section 3.2
, Parking
Access Identification, is
modified to add return of parking
credential. Section 5.1
, Restricted Entry, is modified to clarify
parking credential. Section 6.4
, Unpaid Fees for Employee
Parking Lot, is modified to clarify administrative expenses.
Section 7, Prohibited Parking Practi
ces in Employee Parking
Lots, is modified to include update prohibited parking practices.
Section 10.1.1, Abandoned Vehicle, is modified to decrease the
number of days to consider a vehicle abandoned. Section 10.2.1,
Authority to Tow, modified to remove t
he term Landside
Operations Manager. Section 10.3.1, Notice Prior to Towing, is
modified to clarify information available to Port. Section 10.3.2,
Notice Subsequent to Towing, is modified to clarify information
available to Port.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 8 Free Speech Section 2
, Permit Required, is
modified for clarity. Section 2.1
, Locations in the Terminal, is
modified to simplify terminal location.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 14 Authorized Vendor and Tenant Deliveries Section
1.4, Important Vendor Delivery Contact Information
, updated
contact phone number.
December 17, 2021 Chapter 21 Port Construction Section 2
, Inconveniences
During Construction, updated hotline phone number.