K99 Application Checklist
Application Components:
Cover Letter
Include application title, Title of FOA/PA/RFA. Also include a list
of referees (name, department affiliation, institution)
Initiate a PIF to get budget started with RPM.
NIH salary cap information
No travel or equipment
Budget Justification
To justify personnel, equipment, travel, publications, direct costs
Project Narrative
3 sentences. Relevance to public health
Project Summary
30 lines of text. Includes summary of research project, as well as
career development plan, career goals, and environment
Bibliography & References
Facilities and Resources
Describe how scientific environment will contribute to success.
Especially important for CDAs.
To end of document: “All equipment and services are available
for use by the investigators at no direct costs to the sponsor,
expect where specified in the budget.”
Letters of Support
6 pages. Combined as a single PDF. Collaborators, contributors,
Key personnel. Include PMCID for all references.
Senior/Key Person
Key personnel include mentors and co-mentors, usually without
any effort. Listed as “other professional” for the “project role” field,
and enter “mentor” or “co-mentor”, as applicable in the “other
project role category” field.
Current and Pending
For mentor only, not needed for candidate.
Resource Sharing Plan
Includes primary mentor, any co-mentors
Specific Aims
1-page limit.
Research Strategy
o 6 pages (12 pate limit when combined with Candidate
Information and goals)
o Significance, Innovation, Approach
o Preliminary studies
o Explain relationship between your research and mentor’s on-
going research program.
Candidate Information and
Goals for Career
o 6 pages (12 pate limit when combined with Candidate
Information and goals)
o Candidate Background
o Career Goals and Objectives: short- and long-term goals, and
how career development will get there
o Candidate’s Plan for Career Development/Training Activities
During Award Period
Training in Responsible
Conduct of Research
1 page. Format, Subject Matter, Faculty Participation, Duration,
Mentor and Co-Mentor
6 pages. Willingness to participate in project and contribute to
development of research career. Include: 1. Plan for
development, 2. Source of support for each year of award, 3.
Nature and extent of supervision for mentoring, 4. Anticipated
clinical responsibilities and portion of time available for research,
5. Plan for transitioning to an independent investigator
Co-Mentor: address nature of role in development plan and how
share responsibility with mentor.
Description of Institutional
1 page. Describe opportunities available. State how facilities and
other resources will be made available. Robert Harrington.
Institutional commitment to
research career
1-page Letter. Department Chair. Include: 1. Agree to release
candidate from other duties, 2. Actions to ensure candidate has
required time for career development, 3. Describe academic
appointment, 4. Describe portion of time available for research, 5.
How office, lab space, equipment, and other resources will be
provided, 6. How institute will support mentor.
Authentication of key
biological and/or chemical
New requirement. 1 Page Max (grant will be rejected if longer).
Reference Letters
At least 3, no more than 5. Cannot be directly involved in
Vertebrate Animals
If live vertebrate animals are involved:
1. Describe procedures, 2. Justification, 3. Minimization of pain
and distress
PI Waiver