For Low Volume and Low Speed Roads
Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-05-009 November 2005
Central Federal Lands Highway Division
12300 West Dakota Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80228
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.
2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
5. Report Date
November 2005
4. Title and Subtitle
Barrier Guide
for Low Volume and Low Speed Roads
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s)
Louis B. Stephens, Jr.
8. Performing Organization Report No.
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 9. Performing Organization Name and Address
PerformTech Inc.
810 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
11. Contract or Grant No.
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Final Report
January 2005 – November 2005
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
Federal Highway Administration
Central Federal Lands Highway Division
12300 W. Dakota Avenue, Suite 210
Lakewood, CO 80228
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
COTR: Victoria A. Brinkly, FHWA WFLHD. Advisory Panel Members: Scott Whittemore and James Asirifi,
FHWA EFLHD; Ed Demming, Greg Schertz, and Mike Daigler, FHWA CFLHD; Cathy Satterfield, FHWA
WVDIV. This project was funded under the FHWA Federal Lands Highway Coordinated Technology
Implementation Program (CTIP). To provide comments concerning this document contact: Mr. Greg Schertz,
FHWA FLH Safety Discipline Leader, (720)-963-3764,
16. Abstract
This Guide is intended to provide assistance in the warranting, selection, and design of roadside barriers. The Guide
is prepared specifically for warranting, selecting, and designing barriers on Federal Lands Highways projects that
are low volume and/or low speed facilities. The guidelines present practical and useful guidance for common
conditions and situations encountered in the design of roadside barriers for Federal Lands Highway projects.
Warranting of roadside barriers is a process that involves determining the needed clear zone, identifying potential
hazards, analyzing strategies for corrective action, and evaluating the use of roadside barriers. This process is
designed to identify only the most severe hazards close to the roadway that are appropriate for shielding by barriers.
It takes into account both the cost of a barrier and the expected crashes into that barrier. Local conditions, policies,
and resources are also considered in this process. The barrier selection process includes consideration for speed,
hazard offset and special design considerations for aesthetics and severe conditions. These considerations lead to a
list of technically acceptable barriers for a specific site. Additional selection criteria are suggested for final barrier
selection. Roadside design and placement criteria expand on the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide design process,
making it more applicable to low volume, low speed rural conditions. An alternate design process is included for
locations with restricted conditions or severe cost constraints.
17. Key Words
18. Distribution Statement
No restriction. This document is available to the
public from the sponsoring agency at the website
19. Security Classif. (of this report)
20. Security Classif. (of this page)
21. No. of Pages
22. Price
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
in inches 25.4 millimeters mm
ft feet 0.305 meters m
yd yards 0.914 meters m
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km
square inches 645.2 square millimeters mm
square feet 0.093 square meters m
square yard 0.836 square meters m
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha
square miles 2.59 square kilometers km
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL
gal gallons 3.785 liters L
cubic feet 0.028 cubic meters m
cubic yards 0.765 cubic meters m
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m
oz ounces 28.35 grams g
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams (or "metric ton") Mg (or "t")
exact de
°F Fahrenheit 5 (F-32)/9 Celsius °C
or (F-32)/1.8
fc foot-candles 10.76 lux lx
fl foot-Lamberts 3.426 candela/m
lbf poundforce 4.45 newtons N
poundforce per square inch 6.89 kilopascals kPa
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
m meters 3.28 feet ft
m meters 1.09 yards yd
km kilometers 0.621 miles mi
square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in
square meters 10.764 square feet ft
square meters 1.195 square yards yd
ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi
mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
L liters 0.264 gallons gal
cubic meters 35.314 cubic feet ft
cubic meters 1.307 cubic yards yd
g grams 0.035 ounces oz
kg kilograms 2.202 pounds lb
Mg (or "t") megagrams (or "metric ton") 1.103 short tons (2000 lb) T
exact de
°C Celsius 1.8C+32 Fahrenheit °F
lx lux 0.0929 foot-candles fc
0.2919 foot-Lamberts fl
N newtons 0.225 poundforce lbf
kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforce per square inch lbf/in
*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003
Barrier Guide November 2005
List of Tables i
1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THIS GUIDE ...................................................................................1-1
1.2 CHALLENGES OF FEDERAL LANDS PROJECTS ....................................................1-2
1.3 THE ROADSIDE SAFETY PROBLEM.........................................................................1-3
1.4 LOW VOLUME ROAD ISSUES ...................................................................................1-5
1.5 LOW SPEED ROAD ISSUES ......................................................................................1-6
1.6 APPLICATIONS OF THIS GUIDE ...............................................................................1-7
2.1 THE WARRANTING PROCESS..................................................................................2-1
2.2 DETERMINE THE NEEDED CLEAR ZONE................................................................2-2
2.2.1 The Clear Zone...............................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Clear Zone Table............................................................................................2-2
2.2.3 Horizontal Curve Adjustment..........................................................................2-4
2.2.4 Opposing Traffic Clear Zone ..........................................................................2-5
2.2.5 Effects of Curb on the Clear Zone..................................................................2-5
2.2.6 Application of the Clear Zone .........................................................................2-6
2.3 IDENTIFY POTENTIAL HAZARDS..............................................................................2-8
2.3.1 Potential Hazards ...........................................................................................2-8
2.3.2 Crash History................................................................................................2-12
2.3.3 Innocent Bystander Warrant.........................................................................2-12
2.4 ANALYZE STRATEGIES ...........................................................................................2-13
2.4.1 Probability and Severity................................................................................2-13
2.4.2 Strategies for Corrective Action....................................................................2-14
2.4.3 Strategies for Specific Hazards ....................................................................2-15
2.5 ANALYZE THE NEED FOR ROADSIDE BARRIERS ................................................2-16
2.5.1 Barrier Considerations..................................................................................2-16
2.5.2 Analytical Procedures...................................................................................2-17
2.5.3 Subjective Procedure ...................................................................................2-17
2.5.4 Bridge Rail Ends...........................................................................................2-18
2.6 EXAMPLE PROBLEMS .............................................................................................2-19
3.1 BARRIER TYPES ........................................................................................................3-1
3.2 BARRIER SELECTION................................................................................................3-8
3.3 BARRIER SELECTION TABLES ...............................................................................3-10
3.4 END TREATMENTS ..................................................................................................3-13
3.5 TRANSITION SECTIONS ..........................................................................................3-20
3.6 EXAMPLE PROBLEMS .............................................................................................3-23
Barrier Guide November 2005
Section Page
Table of Contents ii
4.1.1 Design Variables ............................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Considerations for Selection L
4.1.3 Design Criteria Tables....................................................................................4-5
4.1.4 Length of Need Determination........................................................................4-6
4.1.5 Opposition Traffic Length of Need..................................................................4-7
4.1.6 Length of Need on Horizontal Curves ............................................................4-8
4.1.7 Graphic Solution...........................................................................................4-10
4.1.8 Layout Requirements ...................................................................................4-11
4.2 ALTERNATE DESIGN PROCESS.............................................................................4-12
4.3 COMMON DESIGN AND LAYOUT CHALLENGES...................................................4-15
4.4 EXAMPLE PROBLEMS .............................................................................................4-17
A.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 STEPS IN THE WARRANTING PROCESS................................................................ A-2
A.3 CALCULATION OF THE ADJUSTED TRAFFIC FACTOR ......................................... A-3
A.4 APPLICATION OF THE WARRANTING TABLES ...................................................... A-5
A.5 WARRANTING TABLES............................................................................................. A-6
A.6 SAMPLE PROBLEMS............................................................................................... A-26
Barrier Guide November 2005
List of Tables iii
Table 1.1: Objects Most Commonly Struck in Fatal Crashes ..................................................1-3
Table 1.2: Deaths in Roadside Crashes, 2003 ........................................................................1-4
Table 2.1: Clear Zone Distances from Edge of Through Traveled Way (Metric) .....................2-3
Table 2.1: Clear Zone Distances from Edge of Through Traveled Way (U.S. Customary) .....2-4
Table 2.2: Horizontal Curve Adjustments ................................................................................2-5
Table 2.3: Fixed Objects ..........................................................................................................2-8
Table 2.4: Drainage Features ..................................................................................................2-9
Table 2.5: Grading Features ..................................................................................................2-10
Table 2.6: Other Features......................................................................................................2-11
Table 2.7: Strategies for Corrective Actions ..........................................................................2-14
Table 2.8: Barrier Warrant Considerations ............................................................................2-18
Table 3.1: Roadside Barrier Systems ......................................................................................3-1
Table 3.2: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Normal Conditions ............................................3-10
Table 3.3: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Primary Design Issue: Aesthetics.....................3-11
Table 3.4: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Primary Design Issue: Severe Conditions ........3-12
Table 3.5: Available End Treatments.....................................................................................3-13
Table 3.6: Transition Sections ...............................................................................................3-21
Table 4.1: Suggested Runout Lengths, L
Table 4.2: Suggested Shy Line Offset Values, L
Table 4.3: Suggested Maximum Flare Rates...........................................................................4-5
Table 4.4: Alternate LON Design for W-Beam and Thrie-Beam Systems .............................4-13
Table 4.5: Alternate LON Design for Log and Timber Rail Systems......................................4-14
Barrier Guide November 2005
Table of Contents iv
Figure 2.1: Barrier Warranting Proccess....................................................................................2-1
Figure 2.2: Roadway with 2M (6 ft) to 2.4 M (8 ft) Clear Zone...................................................2-7
Figure 2.3: Unshielded Bridge Rail End.....................................................................................2-8
Figure 2.4: Vertical Drop and Boulders....................................................................................2-11
Figure 2.5: Delineation on a Horizontal Curve .........................................................................2-14
Figure 3.1: Three-Strand Cable, G1 ..........................................................................................3-2
Figure 3.2: High Tension Cable, HTC........................................................................................3-2
Figure 3.3: Weak Post W-Beam, G2..........................................................................................3-3
Figure 3.4: Box Beam, G3 .........................................................................................................3-3
Figure 3.5: Strong Post W-Beam, G4 ........................................................................................3-4
Figure 3.6: Thrie Beam, G9 .......................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3.7: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS ..................................................................................3-5
Figure 3.8: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL ....................................................................................3-5
Figure 3.9: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT ...............................................................................3-6
Figure 3.10: Precast Concrete Guardwall, PCG ........................................................................3-6
Figure 3.11: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG ...........................................................................3-7
Figure 3.12: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW .......................................................................3-7
Figure 3.13: Wyoming Box Beam End Terminal......................................................................3-15
Figure 3.14: W-Beam with MELT.............................................................................................3-15
Figure 3.15: W-Beam Buried in Backslope ..............................................................................3-16
Figure 3.16: W-Beam Flared End ............................................................................................3-16
Figure 3.17: W-Beam Tangent End .........................................................................................3-17
Figure 3.18: Concrete Safety Shape Buried in Backslope.......................................................3-17
Figure 3.19: Steel-Backed Timber Turned Down.....................................................................3-18
Figure 3.20: Steel-Backed Timber Buried in Backslope ..........................................................3-18
Figure 3.12: W-Beam Transition ..............................................................................................3-22
Figure 3.22: W-Beam to Thrie-Beam Transition ......................................................................3-22
Figure 4.1: Barrier Design Variables..........................................................................................4-1
Figure 4.2: Considerations for Selection L
in Order of Importance...........................................4-3
Figure 4.3: Opposing Traffic Length of Need.............................................................................4-7
Figure 4.4: Length of Need on the Outside of a Horizontal Curve .............................................4-8
Figure 4.5: Length of Need on the Inside of a Horizontal Curve................................................4-9
Figure 4.6: Graphic Solution for LON of a Tangent Section ....................................................4-10
Figure 4.7: Curved Rail Guadrail .............................................................................................4-15
Figure 4.8: Break in Barrier......................................................................................................4-16
Introduction November 2005
Objectives of This Guide 1
This guide is intended to provide assistance in the warranting, selection and design of
roadside barriers. This document is not intended to be a design standard. Rather it is a
tool for Federal Lands design engineers and owner agency representatives. Since it is
impossible to foresee all possible conditions and situations, these guidelines should not
be used as a substitute for good engineering judgment. The guide is prepared
specifically for warranting, selecting and designing barriers on Federal Lands projects
that are low volume and/or low speed facilities. Finally, the guidelines present practical
and useful guidance for common conditions and situations encountered in the design of
roadside barriers for Federal Lands projects.
Introduction November 2005
1-2 Challenges of Federal Lands Projects
The Federal Lands Highway Divisions of the Federal Highway Administration partner
with the National Park Service, the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service and
other federal, state and local agencies to plan, design and build roads into and within
federally owned lands. These roads are frequently low volume and low speed facilities.
The character of Federal Lands projects frequently raises roadside safety concerns.
Mountainous terrain, forests, boulders and water hazards are examples of common
roadside features that may be considered serious hazards. These safety concerns are
somewhat mitigated because these roads frequently have low nighttime traffic, may be
closed during the winter and many have restrictions on commercial truck usage.
It is common for environmental, wildlife and aesthetic concerns to be in conflict with
roadside safety concerns on Federal Lands projects. It is the responsibility of the
Federal Lands Highway Division design engineer, in cooperation with the land
management and road owner agency representatives, to find the proper balance of
public values related to environmental, aesthetic, safety, mobility and sustainability
Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) encourages flexibility in the application of design
standards and guidelines to accommodate local concerns about issues such as
community needs, environment and aesthetics. Federal Lands engineers have been
practicing CSS for decades. Section 9 of the Project Development and Design Manual
discusses the application of CSS on Federal Lands projects. This guide recognizes that
the full clear zones and barrier warrants recommended in the AASHTO Roadside Design
Guide may be impractical to achieve on rural low volume, low speed roads and offers
guidelines to identify the most serious roadside hazards. In light of CSS, the best
decision will not always be to implement a recommendation from this guide. Although it
is legitimate to exercise flexibility in the application of design standards and guidelines, it
is also important to have a clear understanding of the safety consequences of context
sensitive decisions so that an appropriate balance can be achieved.
Introduction November 2005
The Roadside Safety Problem 1
There are many reasons why vehicles leave the pavement and encroach onto the
roadside, including:
x Driver fatigue or inattention
x Excessive speed
x Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
x Crash avoidance
x Rebound off an initial crash within the roadway
x Environmental conditions such as ice, rain or poor visibility
x Vehicle component failure
Regardless of the reason, an encroachment into the roadside environment can lead to a
serious crash. Roadside crashes represent approximately 20 percent of all motor
vehicle fatal crashes, typically accounting for over 9,000 fatalities annually. These
events involve a vehicle leaving the roadway, for whatever reason, and hitting a fixed
object alongside the road. Of these crashes, 60 percent occur on rural roads. Forty-one
percent of all roadside fatalities occur on horizontal curves.
Trees are by far the most commonly struck object type, accounting for almost half of all
fixed object crashes. Table 1.1 lists the roadside objects most commonly struck in
roadside fatal crashes, in descending order of frequency:
Table 1.1: Objects Most Commonly Struck in Fatal Crashes
1. Tree
2. Utility Pole
3. Boulder
4. Drainage Device
5. Embankment
6. Guardrail
Introduction November 2005
1-4 The Roadside Safety Problem
Although roadside fatalities occur more frequently at higher speeds, they can, in fact,
occur at any speed, as shown below:
Table 1.2: Deaths in Roadside Crashes, 2003
Speed Limit Percent
50 km/h or less (30 mph or less) 12%
55 – 60 km/h (35 – 40 mph) 19%
70 – 80 km/h (45 – 50 mph) 17%
90 km/h or greater (55 mph or greater) 48%
No Limit or Unknown 4%
Total 100%
All of the crash statistics discussed in this section are from analysis of data from the
Fatality Analysis Reporting System by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Introduction November 2005
Low Volume Road Issues 1
For purposes of this guide, low volume roads are defined as those with an annual
average daily traffic (ADT) of under 2,000 vehicles per day (vpd). These roads present
many challenges to highway engineers. The roadside crash fatality rate for rural minor
roads is estimated to be three times the average roadside fatal crash rate for all roads in
the United States. These types of roads typically have very restricted rights-of-way, little
or no clear zones and substandard design features. Because there is less traffic, drivers
are more likely to become inattentive and fatigued. Low volume roads have a fairly high
bridge density, averaging approximately nine bridges every 100-centerline kilometers
(14 bridges every 100-centerline miles). Because of restricted conditions and rigid rails,
bridges always present roadside safety issues.
Specific design features that relate directly to increased roadside crashes include narrow
lanes, little or no shoulders, curvilinear alignment, poor delineation and poor pavement
conditions. Design inconsistencies can result in increased roadside crashes, such as
exceptionally sharp curves on a fairly straight road, abrupt narrowing of lanes and
varying shoulder widths and pavement conditions. All of these features, common on
low volume roads, contribute to increased roadside crashes.
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Roadside Design Guide (RDG) contains some guidance on low volume conditions, but
there is very little detail. The AASHTO Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low
Volume Local Roads (ADT < 400) also offers very little guidance for roadside design
Roadside crashes can and do occur on low volume roads, but corrective actions can be
difficult to justify economically. Although the probability of roadside crashes may be
fairly high, the actual numbers can be very low, making the expenditure of funds difficult
to justify.
Introduction November 2005
1-6 Low Speed Road Issues
Low speed conditions, defined as 70 km/h (45 mph) or less, are not commonly
associated with roadside crashes. In fact, the risk of death or serious injury in roadside
crashes drops significantly as vehicle speeds are reduced. The probability of serious
crashes can be estimated by the energy expended in a crash. The energy expended in
a crash is an exponential relationship to velocity or speed. Significantly less energy is
expended in low speed crashes compared to high speed crashes. Also, drivers in low
speed situations are more likely to regain control of their vehicle and avoid a roadside
crash than in a high speed situation. This is not to say, however, that serious roadside
crashes cannot occur in low speed conditions, as shown in Table 1.2.
The RDG provides very little guidance for low speed roads. Generally, criteria are
provided down to about 60 km/h (40 mph) with very little information for slower speeds.
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 provides
for low speed testing of roadside barriers and other safety devices, at 50 km/h (30 mph)
(Test Level 1) and 70 km/h (45 mph) (Test Level 2). Because of concern about high
speed conditions, Test Level 3, tested at 100 km/h (62 mph), devices are considered
standard by many highway agencies. A number of Test Level 3 barriers have been
tested and accepted. Test Level 3 devices work for Test Level 1 and 2 conditions as
well as for high speed conditions. Some barriers have been tested and accepted only at
Test Level 2 and Test Level 1.
Introduction November 2005
Applications of this Guide 1
The recommendations in this document are not the result of crash testing or macro-
analysis of crash data. The recommendations contained in this document were arrived
at by review of literature, information and comments received from Federal Lands
Highway Division engineers, logical extensions of published design criteria, engineering
judgment and economic analysis. The recommendations are reasonable applications of
good engineering practice to conditions commonly encountered on Federal Lands
projects. However, it is impossible to anticipate every condition and situation.
Engineers should use this guide as a tool, along with their experience, engineering
judgment, other appropriate guides and standards and the needs and desires of owner
agencies and the public. Frequently there will be good reasons for a designer to arrive
at a solution that is not in conformance with the recommendations contained in this
The primary guideline for roadside barrier warranting, selection and design is the RDG.
This Barrier Guide should be used as a supplement to that document for Federal Lands
projects with existing traffic volumes below 2,000 and/or speeds 70 km/h (45 mph) or
lower. The Project Development and Design Manual, Standard Drawings and the
contract documents all tae precedence over this document.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
The Warranting Process 2-1
Warranting of roadside barriers is difficult to quantify. It is more a process to ensure that
all important issues are addressed rather than a “cookbook” approach. This process is
summarized in Figure 2.1:
Figure 2.1: Barrier Warranting Process
1. Determine the needed clear zone.
2. Identify potential hazards.
3. Analyze strategies.
4. Evaluate roadside barriers.
Each of these steps is addressed in this chapter. This process is designed to identify
only the most severe hazards close to the roadway that are appropriate for shielding by
barriers. It takes into account both the cost of a barrier and the expected crashes into
that barrier. Local conditions, policies and resources are also considered in this
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-2 Determine the Needed Clear Zone
2.2.1 The Clear Zone
The area adjacent to the edge of a traveled way available for the safe recovery of an
errant vehicle is known as the clear zone. If adequate clear zone distance is available,
there is a reasonable expectation that most drivers of vehicles that leave the roadway
will have enough room to regain control and return to the pavement without a serious
crash occurring. The desirable clear zones used for barrier design and evaluation
purposes will not provide sufficient space for all vehicle departures. Some degree of risk
is acceptable in the interest of economy. The first step in the warranting process is to
determine the required clear zone because it is normally not necessary to shield hazards
located outside the clear zone.
2.2.2 Clear Zone Table
Chapter 3 of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (RDG) contains charts and tables
suggesting that the needed clear zone is a function of design speed (see the Project
Development and Design Manual for a discussion of design speed), side slopes and
horizontal curvature: all conditions that may work against the driver’s attempts to regain
control of the vehicle. Additional modifications are made for low traffic volume as an
economic consideration, recognizing that low volumes result in a lower crash probability.
The RDG clear zone recommendations provide limited information for low speed
conditions. Table 2.1 is an extension of the RDG table to account for speeds below 60
km/h (40 mph).
Table 2.1 is intended as an aid in determining what potential hazards should be
considered for barrier warrants. Although it may be useful as suggested minimum clear
zones for geometric design, Table 2.1 is not a design standard. Appropriate references
for designing slopes are in Chapter 9 of the Project Development and Design Manual
and the RDG. In general, slopes should be designed to avoid the need for barriers.
Although foreslopes as steep as 1V: 3H are traversable, slopes steeper than 1V: 4H are
not recoverable and are difficult to maintain. They should be considered marginal from a
safety perspective. Ideally, foreslopes should be 1V: 4H or flatter. If that objective
cannot be met, a combination (or “barn roof”) slope should be provided, with the top
slope 1V: 4H or flatter then breaking to a steeper slope.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Determine the Needed Clear Zone 2-3
Table 2.1: Clear Zone Distances from Edge of Through Traveled Way
(Metric Units)
1V: 6H
or flatter
1V: 5H
1V: 4H
1V: 3H 1V: 3H 1V: 5H
1V: 4H
1V: 6H
or flatter
30 km/h Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 –
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
2.0 - 3.0
0.5 - 2.0
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
0.5 - 2.0
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
40 – 50
Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
2.0 - 3.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
0.5 - 2.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
2.0 - 3.0
55 km/h Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
3.4 - 4.5
2.0 - 3.0
2.0 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.5
4.5 - 5.0
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
1.0 - 2.0
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
1.5 - 2.5
2.0 - 3.0
3.0 - 3.5
3.5 - 4.5
* See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for design speeds 60 km/h and higher.
** Foreslopes between 1V: 4H and 1V: 3H are traversable but non-recoverable. Since vehicles
will not reduce speed or change direction on these slopes, the needed clear zone is determined
by the slopes above and below the non-recoverable slope and extended by the width of the non-
recoverable slope. See Chapter 3 of the RDG for more information on this procedure.
Foreslopes steeper than 1V: 3H are considered hazards.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-4 Determine the Needed Clear Zone
Table 2.1: Clear Zone Distances from Edge of Through Traveled Way
(Continued) (U.S. Customary Units)
1V: 6H
or flatter
1V: 5H
1V: 4H
1V: 3H 1V: 3H 1V: 5H
1V: 4H
1V: 6H
or flatter
20 mph Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
2 - 6
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
3 – 7
5 - 8
6 - 10
7 - 10
2 - 6
2 - 6
3 - 7
5 - 8
2 - 6
2 - 6
3 - 7
5 - 8
3 - 7
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
25 - 30
Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
7 - 10
5 – 8
6 - 10
7 - 10
10 - 12
2 - 6
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
2 - 6
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
7 - 10
35 mph Under 750
750 - 1500
1500 - 6000
over 6000
5 - 8
7 - 10
10 - 12
12 - 14
6 – 10
7 - 12
12 - 14
14 - 16
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
10 - 12
3 - 7
5 - 8
7 - 10
10 - 12
5 - 8
7 - 10
10 - 12
12 - 14
* See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for design speeds 40 mph and higher.
** Foreslopes between 1V: 4H and 1V: 3H are traversable but non-recoverable. Since vehicles
will not reduce speed or change direction on these slopes the needed clear zone is determined
by the slopes above and below the non-recoverable slope and extended by the width of the non-
recoverable slope. See Chapter 3 of the RDG for more information on this procedure.
Foreslopes steeper than 1V: 3H are considered hazards.
2.2.3 Horizontal Curve Adjustment
On the outside of horizontal curves errant vehicles are likely to leave the roadway
tangent to the curve. Consequently, additional clear zone is needed for recovery. Table
3.2 of the RDG suggests multipliers for adjusting clear zones on the outside of horizontal
curves. The RDG recommends that this adjustment be used where there is reason to
expect the curve to be a concern. A crash history, inadequate superelevation and
serious hazards within the adjusted clear zone may be reasons to consider using an
adjusted clear zone. Since roadside crashes are more likely to occur on the outside of
horizontal curves, the use of these adjustments should always be considered.
Adjustments on the inside of horizontal curves are not appropriate. Table 2.2 expands
the RDG table to account for lower speeds.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Determine the Needed Clear Zone 2-5
Table 2.2: Horizontal Curve Adjustments
KCZ (Curve Adjustment Factor) (Metric Units)
30 40 50 55
350 1.2
300 1.2 1.2
250 1.2 1.2 1.2
200 1.2 1.2 1.3
150 1.3 1.3 1.4
100 1.4 1.4 1.5
KCZ (Curve Adjustment Factor) (U.S. Customary Units)
20 25 30 35
1150 1.2
950 1.2 1.2
820 1.2 1.2 1.2
720 1.2 1.2 1.3
640 1.2 1.3 1.3
570 1.3 1.3 1.4
380 1.4 1.4 1.5
Note: The clear zone correction factor is applied to the outside of curves only. Curves
with a radius greater than 350 M (1,150 ft) do not require an adjusted clear zone.
2.2.4 Opposing Traffic Clear Zone
For opposing traffic on a two-lane/two-way road, it is valid to consider the centerline as
the edge of the travel way, so the near side lane is part of the opposing traffic clear
zone. Therefore, the 1V: 6H or flatter foreslope column should be used in determining
opposing traffic clear zones. For most low volume, low speed conditions hazards will be
outside the opposing traffic clear zone except, possibly, on the outside of horizontal
2.2.5 Effects of Curbs on the Clear Zone
Curbs offer little or no redirection for vehicles departing the roadway. Although generally
a lower speed impact with a curb results in more redirection, crash tests and crash
analyses find that curbs are frequently mounted by an impacting vehicle even at very low
speeds. It is inappropriate to construct curbs for the purpose of avoiding or minimizing
clear zone requirements. The decision to place curbs should be based on other factors
including drainage, available right of way and land-use characteristics. The following
guidance is for determining clear zone requirements if curbs are already present:
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-6 Determine the Needed Clear Zone
x At speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph) or lower, right-of-way is usually very restricted and
roadside safety issues may not be a major design priority. In these cases it may be
appropriate to eliminate or minimize the need for a clear zone if a vertical curb with a
height of 150 mm (6 in) or higher is present. A minimum horizontal clearance of 0.5
m (1.5 ft) should be provided beyond the back of the curb.
x At speeds of 50 km/h (30 mph) to 70 km/h (45 mph), the presence of curbs may be a
consideration for using the minimum clear zones in the ranges shown in Table 2.1 of
this guide.
x At speeds of 80 km/h (50 mph) or higher, curbs will vault a vehicle causing it to
become airborne. The severity of the vaulting is a function of the height of the curb
and the slope of the face. If curbs with a height of 150 mm (6 in) or higher are
present, the higher end of the clear zone range should be selected.
2.2.6 Application of the Clear Zone
The following list includes some helpful considerations for the selection of the clear
x The RDG clear zone recommendations are based on limited research, along with
engineering judgment and experience. The clear zones as recommended in the
RDG and in Table 2.1 of this guide are approximate ranges and are not precise. The
designer must also consider site-specific conditions, operating speeds, location and
x At very low volumes (under 400 ADT), it is common that rights-of-way are restricted,
there are an overwhelming number of hazards and very little funds are available for
corrective actions. Thus clear zones may appear impractical. Nevertheless, in these
cases the clear zone concept can be used to make the roadway as safe as possible.
As a minimum, a traversable consistent shoulder should be provided. As much as
possible of the recommended clear zone (which is relatively small for low volume
conditions) found in Table 2.1 should be provided. Figure 2.2 illustrates a low
volume road with minimum clear zones. The use of the warranting process for the
conditions discussed in this chapter helps identify the most serious hazards close to
the roadway that may justify corrective actions. The barrier warranting procedure
takes very low ADT conditions into account.
x The approximate center of the range is suggested for average conditions. The high
end of the range is appropriate for sites with higher risk conditions and the low end
for less severe conditions.
x Vehicles can and will encroach beyond the recommended clear zones. If severe
hazards exist beyond these clear zones, they should be considered for protection.
x Design speed should be used to determine the clear zone. When the design speed
is unknown, it may be appropriate to use the posted speed. If the operating speed is
greater than the design and posted speeds, it may be more appropriate to use the
operating speed.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Determine the Needed Clear Zone 2-7
x If the roadway slopes vary, the slope conditions on the approach to the hazard are
used rather than those at a cross section at the hazard to determine clear zone. The
approach can be determined by using a 10-degree angle of departure from the edge
of pavement.
x See Section 3.3.4 and example problems F and G in the RDG for information on the
calculation of clear zones for combination slopes.
Figure 2.2: Roadway with 2M (6 ft) to 2.4 M (8ft) Clear Zone
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-8 Identify Potential Hazards
2.3.1 Potential Hazards
Once the desired clear zone is determined, fixed objects and roadside features that may
be hazards within the clear zone can be identified. There are many conditions that
present some degree of risk if struck but are not serious enough to consider shielding
with a roadside barrier. Tables 2.3 through 2.6 list hazards and their potential severity.
Severity increases from 1 to 3, with Group 3 being the more severe.
Table 2.3: Fixed Objects
Potential Hazard Group 1
(Low Severity)
Group 2
Group 3
(High Severity)
Bridge piers, abutments and railing ends X
Boulders, less than 0.3 m (1 ft) in diameter X
Boulders, 0.3 m (1 ft) in diameter or larger X
Non-breakaway sign and luminaire supports X
Individual trees, greater than 100 mm (4 in)
and less than 200 mm (8 in) diameter
Individual trees, greater than 200 mm (8 in)
Groups of trees, individually greater than 100
mm (4 in) diameter*
Utility poles X
* Because of driver expectancy, a group of trees at a consistent offset for lengthy distances may
experience lower encroachment rates, even though the offset may be within the clear zone. In
such instances, it may be appropriate to consider the trees a Group 2 hazard.
Figure 2.3: Unshielded Bridge Rail End
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Identify Potential Hazards 2-9
Table 2.4: Drainage Features
Potential Hazard Group 1
(Low Severity)
Group 2
Group 3
(High Severity)
Cross Drain Culvert Ends:
Exposed culvert ends with no headwalls, 1 m
(36 in) in diameter or less
Exposed culvert ends with no headwalls,
greater than 1 m (36 in) in diameter
Sloped culvert ends, less than 1.2 m (4 ft) in
Sloped culvert ends, greater than 1.2 m (4 ft)
and less than 2.4 m (8 ft) in diameter
Sloped culvert ends, 2.4 m (8 ft) or greater in
Vertical headwalls, less than 1.0 m (3 ft) in
Vertical headwalls, 1 m (3 ft) or higher X
Headwalls with parallel sloped wingwalls, 0.6
m (2 ft) or less height
Headwalls with parallel sloped wingwalls,
greater than 0.6 m (2 ft) height
Headwalls with flared and sloped wing walls,
1.0 m (3 ft) or less height
Headwalls with flared and sloped wing walls,
greater than 1.0 m (3 ft) height
Culvert end sections with crashworthy grates X
Parallel Drain Culvert Ends:
Exposed culvert ends with no headwalls,
less than 0.6 m (2 ft) in diameter
Exposed culvert ends with no headwalls, 0.6
m (2 ft) and less than 1.2 m (4 ft) in diameter
Exposed culvert ends, 1.2 m (4 ft) or greater
in diameter
Mitered culvert ends, less than 1 m (3 ft) in
Mitered culvert ends, 1 m (3 ft) or greater in
Vertical headwalls, less than 1 m (3 ft) above
ditch section
Vertical headwalls, 1 m (3 ft) or higher above
ditch section
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-10 Identify Potential Hazards
Table 2.5: Grading Features
Potential Hazard Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Parallel Ditches:
Ditches outside the preferred cross section on
Figures 3.6 and 3.7 of the RDG and with foreslope
flatter than 1V: 3H
Ditches with foreslopes 1V: 3H or steeper (Deep
ditches should also meet the foreslope criteria
1V: 3H foreslope less than 2 m (7 ft) high* X
1V: 3H foreslope 2 m (7 ft) and higher* X
1V: 2H to 1V: 1.5H foreslope less than 4 m (13 ft)
1V: 2H to 1V: 1.5H foreslope 4 m (13 ft) high and
Vertical foreslope or fill wall less than 2 m (7 ft) high X
Vertical foreslope or fill wall 2 m (7 ft) and higher X
Backslopes that are uneven, or with deep erosion
ruts, large rocks, and trees
Vertical backslope with horizontal projections of 200
mm (4 in) or smaller
Vertical backslope with horizontal projections larger
than 200 mm (4 in)
Downward intersecting slope (transverse to travel
way, such as a river bank) 1V: 4H or steeper,
between than 0.5 (2 ft) high to 2 m (6 ft) high
Downward intersecting slope (transverse to travel
way, such as a river bank) 1V: 4H or steeper, 2 m
(6 ft) or higher
Upward intersecting slope (transverse to travel way,
such as an overpass fill) 1V: 4H to flatter than 1V:
1.5H, greater than 0.3 m (1 ft) high
Upward intersecting slope (transverse to travel way,
such as an overpass fill) 1V: 1.5 H or steeper,
greater than 0.3 m (1 ft) high
* Slopes are assumed to be relatively smooth and free of obstacles. If slopes are uneven, have
deep erosion ruts, large rocks and trees or other vegetation that may cause a vehicle to be
unstable, then the classification should be increased one category. Conditions at the bottom of
these slopes must also be evaluated.
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Identify Potential Hazards 2-11
Table 2.6: Other Features
Potential Hazard Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
(High Severity)
Parallel smooth retaining wall or cut slope X
Retaining wall parallel or flared away from
approaching traffic at flatter than 1:8
Retaining wall flared away from approaching
traffic at 1:8 or steeper
Water at a depth of 0.3 m (1 ft) to 1 m (3 ft) X
Water at a depth of 1 m (3 ft) or deeper X
Figure 2.4: Vertical Drop and Boulders
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-12 Identify Potential Hazards
2.3.2 Crash History
Crash history, if available, can also be of assistance in identifying and evaluating
hazards. In order to identify significant patterns, a history of several years is needed.
Three to five years is usually sufficient, but even longer periods are useful for low
volume roads. There is a certain amount of randomness with roadside crashes.
Therefore, a crash analysis should look for patterns of crashes at several sites that
share common characteristics, such as roadway features and hazard types. Care must
be taken to avoid overreacting to one severe crash at a specific site when there is no
established pattern. Otherwise, an expensive corrective action may be constructed to
correct a problem that may never recur.
2.3.3 Innocent Bystander Warrant
A final consideration is what is known as the innocent bystander warrant. In this case
the issue is not protecting the occupants of an errant vehicle, but protecting non-
motorists or sensitive roadside conditions. Examples are a school playground that is
within the needed clear zone, pedestrian facilities within the clear zone that will be used
frequently by many pedestrians who may be inattentive to traffic or homes within the
clear zone. Application of this warrant is difficult to quantify but it should follow the same
general process discussed in this chapter, evaluating both risks and costs of placing or
not placing barriers.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Analyze Strategies 2-13
2.4.1 Probability and Severity
The concepts of probability and severity must be understood to effectively evaluate
roadside safety alternatives. The probability (or likely frequency) of a vehicle striking any
roadside object or condition (including barriers) is determined by a complex set of
variables, including:
x Traffic volume
x Speed
x Roadway characteristics (number and width of lanes, shoulders, divided or not, etc)
x Horizontal curvature
x Grade
x Size and offset of the hazard or barrier
x Rate of encroachment (affected by familiarity of drivers, driver distractions, driver
expectancy and design consistency of the roadway)
Severity is a measure of the consequences of crashes once a hazard or condition is
struck, regardless of probability. Severity is a function of speed and the relative
seriousness of crashes. Severity is measured by the mix of likely crash types: fatal,
injury and property-damage-only. Severity can be measured by a severity index using a
0 to 10 scale. Appendix A of the RDG defines this scale using proportions of crash
types. For example, of all the crashes that might occur with a roadside feature
evaluated as a Severity Index of 5.0, 15 percent will be property-damage-only, 77
percent will be injury crashes and 8 percent will be fatal crashes.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-14 Analyze Strategies
2.4.2 Strategies for Corrective Action
Possible strategies are summarized in Table 2.7.
Table 2.7: Strategies for Corrective Actions
Strategy Possible Corrective Actions
Reduce the probability of vehicles leaving
the roadway
x Flatten horizontal curves
x Provide adequate superelevation
x Provide standard lane widths
x Pave with a skid-resistant surface
x Widen shoulders
x Pave shoulders
x Mark centerline and edge lines
x Delineate sharp curves
x Provide shoulder rumble strips
Eliminate the hazard
x Remove the hazard
x Relocate the hazard to outside the
clear zone
Reduce the severity of the hazard
x Make the hazard crashworthy or
x Shield with a barrier
Accept the risk and leave the hazard
x Delineate the edge of traveled way
x Install object markers on the
hazard, if appropriate
Figure 2.5: Delineation on a Horizontal Curve
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Analyze Strategies 2-15
2.4.3 Strategies for Specific Hazards
Of the severity groups discussed in Section 2.3.1, Group 1 hazards are estimated to
have a severity index of below 3.0 (fatalities are unlikely), Group 2 hazards have a
severity index of 3.0 to 4.9 (some possibility of serious injury and fatality, but probably
less severe than barriers) and Group 3 hazards have a severity index of 5.0 and higher
(may be more severe than a crash into a barrier). Currently acceptable roadside barriers
are estimated to have a severity index of 4.9. All these severity indices are estimated at
100 km/h (62mph), but generally will have the same relative meaning at lower speeds.
Group 2 hazards should be considered for the same corrective actions as Group 3
hazards if they have crash histories or are located so that a vehicle could strike more
than one hazard in the same run-off-the-road event.
The following strategies are generally appropriate for the severity groups identified in
Section 2.3:
Severity Group
Possible Corrective Actions
Group 1 Accepting the risk and leaving the hazard is usually
appropriate. Avoid placing these conditions in the
clear zone or take simple, low-cost corrective
actions if possible. Group 1 hazards commonly do
not justify expenditure of substantial funds to
Group 2 Consider cost-effective strategies to reduce
probability, eliminate the hazard or reduce the
severity of the hazard. Because these hazards
generally do no warrant shielding with a roadside
barrier, the cost of a corrective action should be
less than the expected cost of a barrier. If a new
road, avoid placing Group 2 hazards in the clear
Group 3 Evaluate for possible use of roadside barriers if it is
too expensive or impractical to eliminate either the
hazard or make it crashworthy. If a barrier is found
not to be warranted or if an alternate treatment is
less expensive than a barrier, treat as a Group 2
Solutions can include combinations of strategies. For instance, if a large cross drain
culvert headwall is within the clear zone, a combination of effective corrective actions
might be to improve the shoulders, add edge lines, extend the headwall to outside the
clear zone, and remodel the headwall to make it more crashworthy.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-16 Analyze the Need for Roadside Barriers
2.5.1 Barrier Considerations
Barriers are not an ideal treatment for roadside hazards on low volume, low speed roads
for a number of reasons, including the costs of installation, maintenance and repair as
well as possible environmental and aesthetic impacts. The frequency of crashes into
barriers will be larger than crashes into the hazard (simply because barriers are closer to
the travel way and longer than the condition being shielded). Crashes into barriers can
be serious events. For all these reasons, the alternate strategies and corrective actions
discussed in Section 2.4 should be carefully evaluated before deciding on a barrier.
Barriers should be considered only when other strategies are too costly or impractical
and there is a reasonable expectation that the barrier will be a better choice than leaving
the hazard unprotected.
The benefits, costs, impacts and risks of barriers should be considered, including:
x Cost of construction, maintenance, and repair when struck. These costs can be
estimated with a fair degree of certainty.
x Probability and severity of striking the barrier compared to striking the hazard. This
is more difficult to estimate because predicting potential outcomes is a very
complicated evaluation considering many variables. Analytical tools that can
quantify potential impacts on both the hazard and the corrective action are available
to assist in this analysis. Otherwise, judgment based on experience and training
must be applied.
x Aesthetic impacts of the barrier. In parks and similar settings the aesthetics of some
roadside barriers may be a valid concern. One concern may be the barrier itself and
another may be view obstruction. Chapter 3 discusses both rustic-appearing barriers
that have been developed specifically to mitigate aesthetic concerns and barriers
that minimize view obstruction.
x Environmental impacts of the barrier. There are two types of environmental impacts
commonly associated with the installation of roadside barriers. Widening of a
relatively flat area beyond the shoulder is frequently necessary to accommodate the
width of a barrier. That widening could create environmental concerns. Also
concrete and masonry barrier systems that are solid walls may restrict the movement
of small animals. Environmental impacts that might be associated with barriers are
usually quite small. Neither aesthetic nor environmental impacts can be quantified
for direct comparison with other factors, but they should be considered when
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Analyze the Need for Roadside Barriers 2-17
2.5.2 Analytical Procedures
Economic analysis is useful in evaluating the need for barriers. The computerized
Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) quantifies all the concerns discussed except
aesthetics and environmental. RSAP evaluates the probabilities and severities of
roadside hazards and barriers, along with construction, maintenance and repair costs to
determine the benefit/cost ratio of a corrective action such as a roadside barrier.
Although RSAP can provide a very site-specific analysis, there are problems with the
system, particularity as applied to low volume roads. An alternative warranting process
based on RSAP analysis is presented in Appendix A. The application of this process
ensures consistent assumptions and does not require any knowledge of the RSAP
system. It is designed to eliminate some of the concerns with RSAP.
2.5.3 Subjective Procedure
If either RSAP or the procedure discussed in Appendix A is not used, a subjective
evaluation can be made by following these steps:
1. Determine the needed clear zone.
2. From Tables 2.3 through 2.6, identify hazards within the clear zone that may warrant
barriers. Hazards that may warrant barriers include those in Group 2 if
there is a
clear crash history or multiple hazards serve to increase the severity. All hazards in
Group 3 may warrant barriers.
3. Evaluate the use of barriers using the considerations listed in Table 2.8. Although
this is a subjective analysis, it can lead to a reasonable decision concerning the use
of roadside barriers.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-18 Analyze the Need for Roadside Barriers
Table 2.8: Barrier Warrant Considerations
Consideration Barrier is more
warranted if:
Barrier is less
warranted if:
Speed 70 km/h (45 mph) or higher 40 km/h (25 mph) or lower
Hazard on outside of
horizontal curve
350 m (1,150 ft) or smaller
Radius larger than 400 m
(1,430 ft)
Hazard does not fit the
descriptions in Tables
2.3 through 2.6
Hazard is more severe Hazard is less severe
Size of hazard Very large Very small
Traffic volume Above 1,000 vpd Below 400 vpd
Hazard on inside of
horizontal curve
350 m (1,150 ft) or smaller
Radius larger than 400 m
(1,430 ft)
Hazard on a
5 percent or greater Less than 3 percent
Crash history Clear crash pattern No crash pattern
Anticipated cost of
Expected costs are low Expected costs are high
Roadway cross
Severe section elements Good section elements
Multiple hazards exist
at the site
Many additional hazards
Aesthetic impacts Serious concerns
Environmental impacts Serious concerns
Table 2.8 is intended as a guideline for barrier considerations. It is likely that specific
sites will have some considerations identified in both columns and some in neither
column. The considerations are not necessarily equal in importance.
Appendix A contains a more quantifiable procedure that is based on economic analysis.
2.5.4 Bridge Rail Ends
Bridge rail ends on the right side of approaching traffic (near side) are rigid objects,
frequently very near the traveled way. Because of their severity, they should never be
considered “not warranted.” Even though the warranting tables in Appendix A might
indicate a bridge rail is not warranted, it should be considered “possibly warranted” and
at least considered for shielding. The far side bridge rail will usually be outside the clear
zone of opposing traffic for most low volume and low speed conditions. When the far
side is outside the clear zone it still should be considered for shielding if any of the
following conditions exist:
x The travel lanes are 3 m (10 ft) or less.
x Passing is allowed and expected.
x There is a crash pattern.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Example Problems 2-19
The following are example applications of the warranting process described in this
chapter. Appendix A includes the same example problems using the warranting
procedures described in the appendix.
Problem 1
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (12 ft) lanes and 1.2 m (4 ft) paved
shoulders. There is a tangent section and a 46 m (150 ft)-long
horizontal curve on a 240 m (800 ft) radius. The whole section is
on a 3 percent downward grade.
Traffic data: 400 present ADT with a 3 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 50 km/h (30 mph). On the tangent section actual speeds
may exceed the design speed.
Hazard data: The hazard is a 1V: 2H foreslope 18 m (60 ft) high, offset 1.8 m
(6 ft) from the edge of travel way on the outside of the horizontal
curve. The slope is 150 m (500 ft) parallel to the road, including
both the horizontal curve and the tangent section. There are
some scattered trees and small boulders on the slope.
Other issues: Because of the remote location, barrier construction is expected to
be costly. There are no crash data available. There are no
aesthetic or environmental issues.
1. The hazard is at an offset of 1.2 m (6 ft). From Table 2.1, the clear zone range is 1.0
- 2.0 m (3 - 7 ft). From Table 2.2, the horizontal curve adjustment factor is 1.2. The
higher end of the range is selected as the desired clear zone because of the
seriousness of the hazard. Therefore, the slope is within the clear zone in both the
tangent and curved sections. The slope is outside the clear zone for opposing traffic.
2. From Table 2.5, the slope is a Category 3 hazard so a barrier should be considered.
3. From Table 2.8, the following considerations apply to the possible use of barriers:
Reasons to Use Barriers
a. The hazard is on the outside of a horizontal curve (for some of the
b. The hazard is more severe that the description in Table 2.4
c. The hazard is large
d. There are multiple hazards at the site
Reasons Not to Use Barriers
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
2-20 Example Problems
a. The hazard is on a tangent (on some of the section)
b. The traffic volume is low
c. The downgrade is not very steep
d. Costs of a barrier are expected to be high
e. Roadway section elements are good
Because of the hazardousness of the site, it appears that a barrier is warranted
at least on the horizontal curve section of this road. Barriers may be appropriate
on the tangent, but the warrant is less clear.
Problem 2
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (11 ft) lanes and 0.6 m (2 ft) paved
shoulders. This is a flat and tangent section. The roadway
approaches a bridge across a river. On the approach the road
leaves a cut section with a 1V; 6H foreslope to a ditch, and then
approaches the bridge on a fill with 1V: 3H side slopes. The slope
break for the fill is 0.6 m (2 ft) from the edge of the shoulder. The
fill is approximately 2.4 m (8 ft) high. On the far side a similar fill
extends 60 m (200 ft) where the fill flattens to 1V: 4H. There are
no pavement markings on the road or the bridge.
Traffic data: 1,100 present ADT with a 1 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 70 km/h (45 mph).
Hazard data: An 8.5 m (28 ft) wide bridge crosses a river with water depths of
approximately 1.5 m (5 ft). The bridge rail is a vertical concrete
Other issues: This roadway is in a park with serious aesthetic concerns.
1. Table 2.1 shows the clear zone range is 4.5 - 5.0 m (14 - 16 ft). Assuming 3.3 M (11
ft) lanes on the bridge, the bridge rail is located 1.0 m (3 ft) from the traveled way
and is in the clear zone. The bridge rail on the opposing traffic side is outside the
clear zone. The 1V: 3H slope is traversable but not recoverable, so the approach
clear zone is (using the mid-point of the range):
CZ = 4.7 + (3 * 2.4) = 11.9 m
Or, CZ = 15 + (3 * 8) = 39 ft
The river is also in the clear zone.
2. Tables 2.3 and 2.6 indicate that both the bridge rail and the river are Category 3
hazards so a barrier should be considered.
Barrier Warrants ________ November 2005
Example Problems 2-21
3. From Table 2.8, the following considerations apply to the possible use of barriers:
Reasons to Use Barriers
a. Speed is high
b. The hazards are more severe that the description in Table 2.4
c. Traffic volume is high
d. There are multiple hazards at the site
Reasons Not to Use Barriers
a. The hazard is on a tangent
b. There is no downgrade
c. There are aesthetic concerns
Barriers are recommended for both approach sides to the bridge. Barriers are not
needed on the far sides because the bridge rails are outside the opposing traffic clear
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Types 3-1
There are a number of barrier types available for use by the Federal Lands Division,
each with unique performance, cost, aesthetic and maintenance characteristics.
Barriers discussed in this section are listed below. The data tables in Appendix B
contain detailed information about each barrier system.
Table 3.1: Roadside Barrier Systems
System Designation Test Level
Three-Strand Cable G1 TL-3
High-Tension Cable HTC TL-3
Weak Post W-Beam G2 TL-2
Box Beam G3 TL-3
Strong Post W-Beam G4 TL-3
Thrie-Beam G9 TL-3
Modified Thrie-Beam G9M TL-4
Concrete Safety Shape CSS TL-4
Steel-Backed Log Rail SBL TL-2
Steel-Backed Timber
Precast Concrete
Guardwall, Type 1
Stone Masonry
Random Rubble Cavity
TL-1barriers are tested at 50 km/h (30 mph), TL-2 barriers are tested at 70 km/h (45
mph) and TL-3 barriers are tested at 100 km/h (62 mph). TL-4 barriers meet TL-3
conditions and are also tested with an 8000 kg (17,600 lb) single unit truck at 80 km/h
(50 mph). All of the above barriers are crashworthy for the conditions that they were
tested under.
Photographs of many of these systems follow.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-2 Barrier Types
Figure 3.1: Three-Strand Cable, G1
Figure 3.2: High-Tension Cable, HTC
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Types 3-3
Figure 3.3: Weak Post W-Beam, G2
Figure 3.4: Box Beam, G3
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-4 Barrier Types
Figure 3.5: Strong Post W-Beam, G4
Figure 3.6: Thrie-Beam, G9
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Types 3-5
Figure 3.7: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS
Figure 3.8: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-6 Barrier Types
Figure 3.9: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT
Figure 3.10: Precast Concrete Guardwall, PCG
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Types 3-7
Figure 3.11: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG
Figure 3.12: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-8 Barrier Selection
Selection of the most appropriate barrier system for the conditions at a specific site
involves the following steps:
1. Identify special selection issues. Normal selection issues include costs,
maintainability, repair, barrier size, dynamic deflection and available end
treatments. At times, however, one of two other issues may be very important:
a. Aesthetics
. Aesthetics of a barrier system may be more important than
the cost of the system. There are two aesthetic issues to consider. First
is the appearance of the barrier itself. Barriers are available that have a
rustic appearance that may be compatible with park and forest settings.
Because some of these barriers are considerably more expensive than
conventional barriers, their selection may affect the barrier warrant, as
discussed in Chapter 2. Second is view obstruction. Some barriers are
less obstructive than others.
b. Severe Conditions
. A large percentage of heavy trucks, high frequency of
severe crashes and other significant safety concerns may be the
overriding issue in some situations.
2. Determine the design speed. If the design speed is not known, it is acceptable
to use the posted speed. However, it may be appropriate to use the operating
speed if the actual speeds exceed the design or posted speeds. Operating
speed is usually defined as the 85
percentile speed in free flow conditions. The
operating speed can be obtained through a traffic engineering study and can be
approximated by driving with free flowing traffic.
3. Determine the hazard offset. The hazard offset is the distance between the
hazard closest to the roadway and the edge of the traveled way. The hazard
offset must allow adequate room for a barrier to be constructed and the dynamic
deflection of the barrier system. This issue is most important for hazards that
protrude above the ground such as trees and other fixed objects. Barrier offset is
discussed in depth in Chapter 4. One of the most important issues in selecting
barrier offset is side slope condition. At speeds of 50 km/h (30 mph) or higher,
slopes should be 1V: 6H or flatter in front of cable barriers and 1V: 10H for all
other barrier systems. At speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph) or less, 1V: 10H slopes
are ideal, but all barriers may perform satisfactorily on slopes as steep as 1V: 6H.
4. Identify technically acceptable barriers. Tables 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 provide
guidance for the identification of technically acceptable roadside barriers, using
the primary design issue, design speed and available hazard offset. All barriers
found in the selection tables are crashworthy and are technically acceptable
alternatives for the selected conditions of speed and hazard offset.
5. Select the most appropriate barrier. The following issues should be
considered when selecting the most appropriate barrier from the technically
acceptable list:
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Selection 3-9
a. The maintaining agency may have policies concerning barriers that can
be used. It is appropriate to restrict barrier types in order to simplify
maintenance and minimize the number of spare parts that must be
stocked. Barriers not allowed by the maintaining agency should be
eliminated, as long as those allowed are non-proprietary.
b. Cost is normally the overriding issue.
c. If aesthetics is a concern but not the overriding issue Table 3.2 can used,
with aesthetics as one of the other selection criteria. However, if
aesthetics is more of a concern than cost, Table 3.3 should be used,
which will restrict consideration to barriers designed for aesthetics or to
minimize view obstruction.
d. Ease of maintenance.
e. Safety performance. Generally, barriers with more deflection result in
less vehicle damage upon impact.
f. Available end terminals and transitions, if needed.
A barrier must be placed so the hazard is outside the dynamic deflection distance and to
allow enough room for the construction of the barrier itself. These factors are included in
the minimum barrier – hazard offset, found in the data tables in Appendix B. The larger
the minimum barrier – hazard offset, the closer to the traveled way the barrier must be
Barriers placed closer to the roadway must be longer to adequately protect the hazard
(see discussion in Chapter 4). Therefore, barriers with larger minimum barrier – hazard
offsets will usually have to be longer and thus more costly. As a general rule, the more
flexible the barrier system, the lower the cost per foot; but this benefit may be offset by
the longer lengths required.
The data tables in Appendix B contain additional information that may be of assistance
in barrier selection.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-10 Barrier Selection Tables
The following tables can be used to identify technically acceptable barriers, based on the
primary design issue, speed and available hazard offset.
Table 3.2: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Normal Conditions
Speed Minimum Available Hazard Offset
Meters (Feet)
Metric U.S.
1.5 - 2.0
(5 - 6)
2.4 - 3.5
(8 - 11)
30 - 50
20 - 30 mph
55 - 70
35 - 45 mph
1. Modifications to the G4 system are available to reduce deflection.
2. General note: steel elements in barriers can be supplied with weathering steel, adding an
aesthetic element to barriers primarily selected for cost.
3. See Table 3.1 for definitions of acronyms.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Barrier Selection Tables 3-11
Table 3.3: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Primary Design Issue:
Speed Minimum Available Hazard Offset
Meters (Feet)
Metric U.S.
1.5 - 2.0
(5 - 6)
2.4 - 3.5
(8 - 11)
30 – 50
20 - 30
55 – 70
35 - 45
1. G1, HTC and G3 systems are listed because of minimized view obstruction rather than
the aesthetics of the barrier itself.
2. See Table 3.1 for definitions of acronyms.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-12 Barrier Selection Tables
Table 3.4: Technically Acceptable Barriers, Primary Design Issue: Severe
Speed Minimum Available Hazard Offset
Meters (Feet)
Metric U.S.
1.2 - 2.1
(4 - 7)
30 - 50
20 – 30
55 - 80
35 – 50
1. General note: steel elements in barriers can be supplied with weathering steel, adding an
aesthetic element to barriers primarily selected for cost.
2. See Table 3.1 for definitions of acronyms.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
End Treatments 3-13
The end treatment of a roadside barrier is a key element in ensuring that the system is
as safe as possible. Selection of a satisfactory end treatment that meets the
requirements of the situation must be part of the barrier selection process. End
treatments for the various barrier types are discussed below.
Table 3.5: Available End Treatments
Barrier System End Treatment Test Level Reference
Three-Strand Cable
Three-Strand Cable
High-Tension Cable
TL-3 See Supplier
Turned-down Must be
outside CZ
Weak Post W-Beam
Buried in Backslope TL-2 STD 617-17
Wyoming Box
Beam End Terminal
Box Beam (G3)
Turned Down End Must be
outside CZ
MELT TL-2 STD 617-12
Low Speed
TL-2 STD 617-14
Buried in Backslope TL-3 STD 617-17
Flared Terminal TL-3 STD 617-19
Strong Post W-Beam
Tangent Terminal TL-3 STD 617-20
Thrie-Beam (G9) None available.
Transition to G-4,
then use
appropriate end
Modified Thrie-Beam
None available.
Transition to G-4,
then use
appropriate end
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-14 End Treatments
Table 3.5: Available End Treatments
Barrier System End Treatment Test Level Reference
Buried in Backslope TL-3
Crash Cushion TL-3
Sloped Terminal Must be
outside CZ
Concrete Safety
Transition to G-4,
then use
appropriate end
Turned-Down Must be
outside CZ
STD 617-61 Steel-Backed Log Rail
Buried in Backslope TL-3 STD 617-62
Turned-Down TL-2 STD 617-82 Steel-Backed Timber
Rail (SBT)
Buried in Backslope TL-2
Turned-Down Must be
outside CZ
STD 618-3 Precast Concrete
Guardwall, Type 1
Transition to G-4,
then use
appropriate end
Buried Terminal TL-3 STD 620-3
Stand Alone
Must be
outside CZ
STD 620-3
Stone Masonry
Transition to G-4,
then use
appropriate end
Buried Terminal TL-1 Random Rubble
Cavity Wall (RCW)
Stand Alone
Must be
outside CZ
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
End Treatments 3-15
Figure 3.13: Wyoming Box Beam End Terminal
Figure 3.14: W-Beam with MELT
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-16 End Treatments
Figure 3.15: W-Beam Buried in Backslope
Figure 3.16: W-Beam Flared End
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
End Treatments 3-17
Figure 3.17: W-Beam Tangent End
Figure 3.18: Concrete Safety Shape Buried in Backslope
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-18 End Treatments
Figure 3.19: Steel-Backed Timber Turned Down
Figure 3.20: Steel-Backed Timber Buried in Backslope
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
End Treatments 3-19
Whenever a backslope is available a buried in backslope end treatment should be
considered. A buried in backslope end is usually preferable because the end is not
exposed, the length of need described in Chapter 4 is not an issue because the hazard
is completely cut off, it is not as sensitive to side slope conditions and it is less expensive
than most other end treatments. It may be appropriate to extend a barrier for a short
distance in order to reach a backslope in order to take advantage of these benefits.
When selecting an end treatment the terrain surrounding the end and possible grading
requirements should be considered. The following are issues that should be considered:
x Advance Terrain
. The terrain in advance of the end should be flat (1V: 10H) and
unobstructed. End treatments that require more flare will also require larger
platforms of flat area around the end. Grading platforms built to accommodate the
end treatment must be smoothly transitioned to the existing side slope so that the
entire approach to the end remains traversable (1V: 3H or flatter).
x Adjacent Terrain
. The area immediately around the end should be essentially flat
and free of obstructions so that a vehicle striking the end will not be in a roll, pitch or
yaw. Other devices, including those that are breakaway, should not be placed in this
region. The recommended dimensions are shown in figures 8.1 and 8.2 of the RDG.
Care must be taken to avoid building a slope steeper than 1V: 3H immediately
upstream and behind the terminal in order to accommodate these dimensions.
Extending the barrier to a flatter area may be the only solution in this case. This
issue is not as important for ends that are buried in backslopes.
x Immediate Downstream Terrain
. All of the end treatments, with the exception of
those buried in a backslope, are gating terminals, meaning that an angular hit by a
vehicle right at the end will result in the vehicle passing through the system.
Generally the end will swing, or gate, around the third post. Therefore, a clear zone,
traversable and unobstructed, should be available behind the end treatment. For
high speed conditions this should be an area 20 meters (75 feet) long and 6 meters
(20 feet) wide. At lower speeds, as much clear zone behind the end treatment
should be provided as possible. The width should be at least consistent with that
available on the approach to the end treatment. This issue is not important for ends
buried in backslopes and may not be as important for the W-beam tangent end
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-20 Transition Sections
Another important component of a roadside barrier is the transition section. Transitions
are necessary when a barrier is connected to another type of barrier system with a
different dynamic deflection. A very common transition situation is a bridge approach
barrier. When a barrier system transitions to another system with less deflection, as in
the case of a strong post w-beam to a concrete bridge rail, the corner of the more rigid
barrier must be shielded. This is accomplished by increasing the stiffness of the
approaching system, generally through reduced post spacing and increased beam
strength. Rubrail, extra beam depth from a thrie-beam or curb, is also needed in order
to avoid the potential for a wheel snagging at the corner of the rigid rail.
When the more rigid system transitions to a less rigid system, as in the case of a
downstream rail at the end of a bridge rail, the need is to ensure that the downstream
system has adequate tensile strength at the connection.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Transition Sections 3-21
Table 3.6 illustrates the various transition sections that are available.
Table 3.6: Transition Sections
Upstream Barrier Downstream
Test Level Reference
Strong Post W-
Beam (G4)
TL-3 See Note
Three -Strand Cable
Rigid Barrier TL-3 See Note
Strong Post W-
Beam (G4)
TL-3 See Supplier
High-Tension Cable
Rigid Barrier TL-3 See Supplier
Strong Post W-
Beam (G4)
TL-2 See Note
Weak Post W-Beam
Rigid Barrier TL-2 See Note
Strong Post W-
Beam (G4)
TL-3 See Note
Box Beam (G3)
Rigid Barrier TL-3 See Note
Thrie- Beam TL-3 Manufactured
Concrete Safety
Shape (CSS)
TL-3 STD 617-27
and 28
Strong Post W-Beam
Vertical Concrete
TL-3 STD 617-25
and 26
Concrete Safety
Shape (CSS)
TL-3 See Note
Thrie-Beam (G9) and
Modified Thrie-Beam
Vertical Concrete
TL-3 See Note
Stone Masonry
Guardwall (SMG)
TL-2 STD 617-64
Stone Masonry
Guardwall (SMG)
TL-3 STD 616-65
Curved Back
Vertical Wall
TL-3 STD 617-66
Steel-Backed Timber
Straight or Curved-
End Structure
TL-2 STD 617-68
Note: Transition details are available in various State DOT standard drawings.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-22 Transition Sections
Figure 3.21: W-Beam Transition
Figure 3.22: W-Beam to Thrie-Beam Transition
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
Example Problems 3-23
The following are example applications of the barrier selection process described in this
Problem 1
. This problem is the same as Problem 1 of Chapter 2.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (12 ft) lanes and 1.2 m (4 ft) paved
shoulders. There is a tangent section and a 46 m (150 ft)-long
horizontal curve on a 240 m (800 ft) radius. The whole section is
on a 3 percent downward grade.
Traffic data: Present ADT is 400 with a 3 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 50 km/h (30 mph). On the tangent section actual speeds
may exceed the design speed.
Hazard data: The hazard is a 1V: 2H foreslope 18 m (60 ft) high; offset is 1.8 m
(6 ft) from the edge of traveled way on the outside of the
horizontal curve. The slope is 150 m (500 ft) parallel to the road,
including both the horizontal curve and the tangent section. There
are some scattered trees and small boulders on the slope.
Other issues: Because of the remote location, barrier construction is expected to
be costly. There is no crash data available. There are no
aesthetic or environmental issues.
Recommendations: A barrier is warranted on both the tangent and horizontal curve
Solution: Neither aesthetics nor severe conditions are the overriding
concerns in this situation, so Table 3.2 applies. The available
hazard offset is 1.8 m (6 ft) from the edge of traveled way. For 50
km/h (30 mph), the following barriers are technically acceptable:
HTC, G2, G3, G4 and G9. Of these systems, the client agency
only uses the G4 and G9. The G4 is the least expensive and is
therefore the selected barrier.
Barrier Selection _______ November 2005
3-24 Example Problems
Problem 2. This problem is the same as Problem 2 of Chapter 2.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (11 ft) lanes and .4 m (2 ft) paved
shoulders. This is a flat and tangent section. The roadway
approaches a bridge across a river. On the approach the road
leaves a cut section and approaches the bridge on a fill with 1V:
3H side slopes. The slope break for the fill is 0.6 m (2 ft) from the
edge of the shoulder. The fill is approximately 2.4 m (8 ft) high.
On the far side a similar fill extends 60 (200 ft) where the fill
flattens to 1V: 4H. There are no pavement markings on the road
or the bridge.
Traffic data: Present ADT is 1,100 with a one percent annual growth factor.
Design speed is 70 km/h (45 mph).
Hazard data: An 8.5 m (28 ft)-wide bridge crosses a river with water depths of
approximately 1.5 m (5 ft). The bridge rail is a vertical concrete
Other issues: This roadway is in a park with serious aesthetic concerns.
Recommendations: The clear zone is 11.9 m (39 ft). A barrier is warranted on the
near sides of both approached to the bridge.
Solution: Aesthetics is an important issue in this case, so Table 3.3 applies.
The available hazard offset is 1.0 m (3 ft) from the edge of
traveled way. For 70 km/h (45 mph), SBL and SBT barriers are
technically acceptable. The SBL system, a TL-2 system, does not
have a transition design available so the SBT system is
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-1
Chapter 5 of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (RDG) contains roadside barrier
layout and design guidance. It is important to understand the philosophy behind the
design process presented in the RDG. If a vehicle leaves the roadway at approximately
10 degrees in the vicinity of the upstream end of a roadside barrier and the driver then
attempts to correct and return to the pavement, the vehicle could be traveling parallel
and behind the barrier. This design process is intended to allow sufficient room for a
vehicle to come to a stop before striking the hazard if it should get into this situation. An
important part of the layout process is to allow a clear zone behind the barrier upstream
of the hazard. This is also an important concept to remember in the construction and
maintenance of the roadway.
4.1.1 Design Variables
Figure 4.1 shows the variables that are considered in the RDG design process.
Figure 4.1: Barrier Design Variables
The variables used in the design process are defined below:
Edge of Traveled Way
Clear Zone
Length of Need
when Flared
Length of Need
when Straight
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-2 Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process
x L
is the lateral distance from the edge of the traveled way to the back of the hazard.
x L
is the clear zone width, measured from the edge of the traveled way. L
as a check on L
. It is not necessary to shield a hazard beyond the clear zone, so L
does not have to be greater than L
x L
is the lateral distance from the edge of the traveled way to the front edge of the
x L
is the offset of the roadside barrier, measured from the edge of the traveled way to
the front face of the barrier. The designer must select the barrier offset. Factors to
consider in selecting L
are listed in Section 4.1.2.
x L
is the runout length, measured longitudinally from the upstream extent of the
hazard along the edge of pavement. L
is the stopping distance off the pavement.
values are found in Table 4.1.
x L
is the shy line offset. Rigid objects such as roadside barriers close to the
pavement tend to intimidate drivers, causing them to slow down or shift positions.
This may result in a loss in capacity that can be a concern for high volume roads.
Although it is preferable to locate barriers at or beyond the shy line offset, it is
seldom an important factor for low volume conditions. Shy line values are found in
Table 4.2.
x If the barrier is placed on a flare, the flare is described as a: b in the RDG. Placing a
barrier on a flare is a design decision. Benefits are that less barrier is needed
(improving both safety and costing less) and the end treatment is moved further
away from traffic. The ability to include a flare is usually limited by the site terrain.
Slopes in front of a barrier should be 1V: 10H or flatter, which is often difficult to
achieve. The flare a: b is in the standard section of the barrier and is not related to
any flare that may be required for an end treatment. End treatments must be laid out
from the projection of the barrier at the point of beginning of the end treatment. If a
barrier is laid out on the maximum flare, it may be necessary to exceed the maximum
flare because an additional flare for the end treatment is introduced. It is acceptable
to exceed the maximum flare rate for this purpose. When possible, very flat flare
rates should be used when the barrier is located within the shy line offset. Chapter 5
of the RDG has more detail on suggested flare rates in this case.
x If a flare in the standard section is used, L
is the tangent length of the barrier and
defines the beginning point of the flare, measured from the upstream limit of the
hazard. L
is a design tool that allows the flare point to be reactive to specific site
requirements. The only requirement for L
is that a flare should not begin within a
transition section.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-3
4.1.2 Considerations for Selecting L
The designer determines the barrier offset, L
, taking into consideration a number of
issues. Table 4.1 lists these considerations, in order of importance.
Figure 4.2: Considerations for Selecting L
In Order of Importance
a. Available hazard offset
b. Slopes in front of the barrier
c. Presence of curbs
d. Soil Support Behind the Barrier
e. Available Shoulder
f. Shy Line Offset
g. Location
Each of these considerations is discussed below:
x Available Hazard Offset
. Tables 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 match appropriate barrier types
with the available hazard offset. The hazard offset includes both the deflection
distance and the depth of the barrier system. This criterion is not as important for
hazards that go down, such as steep downward slopes, as for hazards that protrude
x Slopes in Front of the Barrier
. Maintain a slope of 1V: 10H or flatter in front of the
barrier. This should include any flare in the barrier and the approach to the end
treatment. Conventional cable and some of the high-tension cable systems have
been successfully tested on 1V: 6H slopes. Although the flatter slopes are
preferable, it may be a reasonable trade-off to accept slopes as steep as 1V: 6H in
front of barriers if the speeds are 40 km/h (25 mph) or lower.
x Presence of Curbs
. Avoid placing barriers if curbs are present. Specific criteria
1. It is preferable to not use barriers with curbs at speeds 80 km/h (50 mph)
and higher. If necessary, the best location for the barrier is in front of the
curb. If the curb is sloped and no higher than 100 mm (4 in) the barrier
may be placed flush with the face of the curb. Do not place a wall-type
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-4 Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process
(CSS, PCG, or SMG) barrier on top of a curb. Remove the curb if
necessary. A shoulder gutter design may be good option to a curb.
2. Avoid placing barriers with curb present at speeds 50 km/h (30 mph) to
70 km/h (45 mph). If necessary, the best location for the barrier is in front
of the curb. If the curb is sloped and no higher than 150 mm (6 in) the
barrier may be placed flush with the face of the curb. Do not place a wall-
type (CSS, PCG, or SMG) barrier on top of a curb. Remove the curb if
possible. A shoulder gutter design may be good option to a curb.
3. It is acceptable to place curbs in line with the face of a barrier at speeds
40 km/h (25 mph) and lower.
x Soil Support Behind the Barrier Post.
For strong post systems, ensure that at
least 0.6 m (2 ft) are present from behind the posts to a slope hinge. At speeds 50
km/h (30 mph) and lower this criterion can be reduced to 0.3 m (1 ft). This criterion
ensures the soil support necessary for the posts to resist deflection. This is not an
important issue for either rigid or flexible systems. If this criterion cannot be
achieved, 2.1 m (7 ft)-long posts or halved post spacing can be used to mitigate the
loss of soil support. If this criterion cannot be achieved, then the strong post system
will deflect more than indicated in Chapter 3 and Appendix B.
x Available Shoulder.
If possible, the full shoulder should be provided plus at least
0.6 m (2 ft). This allows the shoulder to function as designed and allows a vehicle to
park on the shoulder and occupants to exit out the passenger door.
x Shy Line Offset.
The shy line offset, as discussed earlier, should be provided if
possible. This is not usually an important issue on low volume roads.
x Location.
Locate the barrier as far from the road as possible, taking into
consideration all the above criteria. The further away from the edge of the traveled
way, the more recovery area is available for errant vehicles and there is less barrier
to build and maintain.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-5
4.1.3 Design Criteria Tables
Tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 list criteria that are used in the AASHTO RDG design method.
Table 4.1: Suggested Runout Lengths, L
Traffic Volume (ADT)
Over 6000 vpd 2000 – 6000
800 – 2000 vpd Under 800 vpd
Design Speed
Km/h mph
Runout Length
m ft
Runout Length
m ft
Runout Length
m ft
Runout Length
m ft
40 25 40 125 35 115 30 100 27 90
30 20 30 100 27 90 24 80 20 70
* See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for design speeds 50 km/h (30 mph) and higher.
Table 4.2: Suggested Shy Line Offset Values
Design Speed
km/h mph
Shy Line Offset, L
m ft
40 25 0.8 2.5
30 20 0.6 2.0
* See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for design speeds 50 km/h (30 mph) and higher.
Table 4.3: Suggested Maximum Flare Rates
Design Speed
km/h mph
Rigid Barriers Semi-Rigid Barriers
40 25 7:1 6:1
30 20 7:1 6:1
* See the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide for design speeds 50 km/h (30 mph) and higher.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-6 Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process
4.1.4 Length of Need Determination
The length of need, or distance upstream from the hazard necessary to adequately
shield the hazard, is determined by the following formula:
X = L
+ (b/a)(L
) – L
(b/a) + (L
If there is no flare, the formula simplifies to:
X = (L
– L
The lateral offset of the end of the length of need is determined by the following formula:
Y = L
– (L
If there is no flare in the barrier, then Y is equal to L
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-7
4.1.5 Opposing Traffic Length of Need
If the hazard is within the opposing traffic clear zone on a two-lane/ two-way road, a
downstream length of need should be provided. The edge of pavement in this case is
the centerline, as shown in Figure 4.3 (Figure 5.27 of the RDG). Usually, however, the
hazard is outside the opposing traffic clear zone on low volume and low speed roads.
If the hazard is outside the opposing traffic clear zone but the barrier is within the clear
zone, then a crashworthy end treatment should be used on the downstream end. If the
barrier is also outside the opposing traffic clear zone, an end treatment is not required
but should be considered. In general, features installed on the roadside for safety
purposes should be safe for all foreseeable conditions. The relatively small investment
for a crashworthy end could prove to be very worthwhile.
Figure 4.3: Opposing Traffic Length of Need
Edge of Traveled Way
Clear Zone
Length of Need
when Flared
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-8 Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process
4.1.6 Length of Need on Horizontal Curves
Figure 5.32 of the RDG, shown below as Figure 4.4, illustrates a graphic solution for a
barrier length of need on the outside of a horizontal curve. The barrier length is a
function of the distance it is located from the edge of the traveled way and can most
readily be obtained graphically by scaling. Additional information concerning this
procedure can be found in the RDG discussion accompanying Figure 5.32. Section
4.1.7 of this Guide discusses a graphic solution for length of need of a barrier on a
tangent section of road.
Figure 4.4: Length of Need on the Outside of A Horizontal Curve
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-9
To determine the length of need on the inside of a horizontal curve, locate the point on
the hazard closest to the roadway and draw an arc with a radius of L
. Then draw a line
from the center of the arc (the closest point to the roadway) to where the arc intersects
the edge of traveled way. Barrier is then laid out to intersect this line. This process
ensures that there will be at least L
, or stopping distance, to the hazard if a vehicle
should leave the roadway and get behind the barrier. This is illustrated in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5: Length of Need on the Inside of a Horizontal Curve
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-10 Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process
4.1.7 Graphic Solution
The length of need on tangent sections can be determined graphically, as with horizontal
curves. This involves laying out a sketch to scale of the roadway and hazard, then
identifying a point of departure on the edge of the traveled way by measuring a distance
upstream of the hazard. A line is then drawn from that point to the back of the hazard
or the clear zone, whichever is less distance from the edge of traveled way. Alternative
barrier designs can now be laid out using different values for L
, L
and with or without
flares. This graphic process, shown in Figure 4.6, yields the same length of need as the
Figure 4.6: Graphic Solution for LON of a Tangent Section
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Overview of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide Design Process 4-11
4.1.8 Layout Requirements
The length of need, either by formula or graphical design, determines the approximate
point at which the barrier must be able to resist penetration by a vehicle. Therefore, the
gating portion of an end treatment must be outside this point. The length of need is
normally measured to the third post of the end treatment. Standard sections of barrier
should not be cut to meet this exact point. Designers should round up to the closest full
length of barrier. For W-Beam guardrail, this would be 3.8 m (12 ft-6 in) and for SBT and
SBL barriers, this is 3.0 m (10 ft).
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-12 Alternate Design Process
The full length of need as provided by the AASHTO RDG design process is the preferred
method to determine the length of need. However, it is frequently difficult to achieve this
length on low volume and low speed roads because of either restrictive site conditions or
because it is simply not economical. An alternate approach for low speed and low
volume roads is based on intercepting a vehicle that leaves the roadway at
approximately 10 degrees. The resulting length of need will not provide the stopping
distance necessary for a vehicle that leaves upstream of the barrier end and gets behind
the barrier in an attempt to regain control. Therefore, this process accepts some
additional risk when compared to the AASHTO RDG process. However, the amount of
additional risk may be relatively small on low speed and low volume roads, particularly
for long barriers that are protecting area hazards.
The designer selects the barrier offset, or L
as described in Section 4.1.2. The length
of need is calculated by the following formula, which provides shielding of the hazard for
angles of departure of approximately 10 degrees:
X = 6 (L
– L
As with the AASHTO RDG procedure, the length of need is rounded up to the nearest
length of barrier being used. The gating portion of the end treatment extends beyond
this point. Table 4.4 should be useful for G4, G2, G9, and G9M barrier systems. Table
4.5 provides the same information for SBL and SBT barrier systems.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Alternate Design Process 4-13
Table 4.4: Alternate LON Design for W-Beam and Thrie-Beam Systems
Metric Units
– L
Guardrail Lengths LON (m)
1.2 m 2 7.6
1.5 m 3 11.4
1.8 m 3 11.6
2.0 m 4 15.2
2.4 m 4 15.2
2.7 m 5 19.1
3.0 m 5 19.1
3.7 m 6 22.9
4.3 m 7 26.7
4.9 m 8 30.5
U.S. Customary Units
– L
Standard Barrier
LON (ft)
4 ft 2 25
5 ft 3 37 ½
6 ft 3 37 ½
7 ft 4 50
8 ft 4 50
9 ft 5 62 ½
10 ft 5 62 ½
12 ft 6 75
14 ft 7 87 ½
16 ft 8 100
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-14 Alternate Design Process
Table 4.5: Alternate LON Design of Log and Timber Rail Systems
Metric Units
– L
Standard Barrier
LON (m)
1.2 m 3 9.1
1.5 m 3 9.1
1.8 m 4 12.2
2.0 m 5 15.2
2.4 m 5 15.2
2.7 m 6 18.3
3.0 m 6 18.3
3.7 m 8 24.6
4.3 m 9 27.4
4.9 m 10 30.5
U.S. Customary Units
– L
Standard Barrier
LON (ft)
4 ft 3 30
5 ft 3 30
6 ft 4 40
7 ft 5 50
8 ft 5 50
9 ft 6 60
10 ft 6 60
12 ft 8 80
14 ft 9 90
16 ft 10 100
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Common Design and Layout Challenges 4-15
Site conditions commonly create problems in the design and layout of roadside barriers.
Some common situations include the following:
x Multiple Hazards
. Although a barrier may be placed to shield a specific hazard, the
designer should be aware of other serious hazards present and provide adequate
shielding for all. An example may be an approach to a bridge passing over a river.
As the bridge approach increases in height, the side slopes become steeper than 3:
1. In this case there are three hazards: the bridge rail end, the river and the steep
foreslope. The barrier layout should provide appropriate shielding for all three.
x Intersecting Roads
. Frequently intersecting roads interrupt a barrier. The Curved
Rail Guardrail (CRG) was developed for this application. The CRG connects G4
barrier on the mainline to a barrier or appropriate end treatment on a side road or
driveway. Details of the CRG are shown in Standard Drawings 617-21 and 627-22.
An important feature of the CRG is the provision of the indicated clear zone behind
the barrier. If the G4 barrier transitions to a bridge end on the mainline, the full
transition section must be provided. If there is not room for a completed transition
and the CRG as shown in the Standard Drawing, then the CRG is not an appropriate
design to use and a crashworthy end or crash cushion must be used.
Figure 4.7: Curved Rail Guardrail
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-16 Common Design and Layout Challenges
x End Treatment. The layout of a barrier must take into account the operating
characteristics of the selected end treatment. The slopes in front of, immediately
behind and approaching the end treatment must be relatively flat and unobstructed.
Care must be taken not to create a hazardous slope in the construction of the
platform necessary to provide these flat slopes. Frequently the only solution to this
problem is to extend the barrier upstream to a point where the existing foreslopes are
flat enough to install the end treatment properly. Because of the cost, long
extensions may affect the barrier warrant. See Section 3.4 for a discussion on the
grading requirements associated with end treatments.
x Buried in Backslope Terminal
. If a buried in backslope terminal is used, a length of
need determination is not necessary because the end treatment prevents a vehicle
from proceeding beyond the terminal. Therefore, the only design and layout issue
with a barrier using this terminal is to extend the barrier to an appropriate burial point.
x Breaks in a Barrier
. If a break in a barrier is needed for pedestrian or wildlife access,
the exposed end of the barrier must have either an appropriate end treatment or
must be shielded by the downstream end. A 30-degree angle is adequate to provide
this shielding, as illustrated in Figure 4.8. This layout is only appropriate when the
barrier is outside the opposing traffic clear zone. If the barrier is in the opposing
traffic clear zone then crashworthy end treatments on both terminals is needed.
Figure 4.8: Break in Barrier
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Example Problems 4-17
The following are example applications of the barrier design process described in this
Problem 1.
This problem is the same as Problem 1 discussed in Chapters 2 and 3.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (12 ft) lanes and 1.2 m (4 ft) paved
shoulders. There is a tangent section and a 46 m (150 ft) long
horizontal curve on a 240 m (800 ft) radius. The whole section is
on a 3 percent downward grade.
Traffic data: 400 present ADT with a 3 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 50 km/h (30 mph). On the tangent section actual speeds
may exceed the design speed.
Hazard data: The hazard is a 1V: 2H foreslope 18 m (60 ft) high, offset 1.8 m (6
ft) from the edge of travel way on the outside of the horizontal
curve. The slope is 150 m (500 ft) parallel to the road, including
both the horizontal curve and the tangent section. There are
some scattered trees and small boulders on the slope.
Other issues: Because of the remote location, barrier construction is expected to
be costly. There are no crash data available. There are no
aesthetic or environmental issues.
Recommendations: A barrier is warranted on both the tangent and horizontal curve
sections. The selected barrier system is G4.
1. Select the barrier offset, L
. Using the criteria listed in Section 4.1.2, the following
considerations apply:
a. Available hazard offset
. The available hazard offset is 1.8 m (6 ft).
b. Slopes in front of the barrier
. The slope in front of the hazard is 1V: 10H
or flatter, so this is not an issue.
c. Curbs.
No curbs are present.
d. Soil Support Behind the Barrier
. Because of the low speed, the barrier
could be located so that the back of the barrier is 0.3 m (1 ft) from the
slope break.
e. Available Shoulder
. The only way to achieve the criterion of the shoulder
plus 0.6 m (2 ft) is to add additional fill to flatten the slope by
approximately 0.6 m (2 ft), allowing the shoulder plus 0.6 m (2 ft), 0.3 m
(1 ft) for the barrier depth and 0.6 m (1 ft) for soil support. Such widening
is impractical in this case, so this criterion must be violated.
f. Shy Line Offset.
From Table 4.2 the desired shy line offset is 1.1 m (3.6
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-18 Example Problems
g. Locate as Far as Possible. In this case there is no flexibility to locate the
barrier any further than the slope break.
Locating the barrier face 1.2 m (4 ft) from the edge of the traveled way will meet all
the above criteria except the shoulder plus 0.6 m (2 ft). Violation of this criterion will
have some negative impact on the usability of the shoulder but will not affect barrier
2. A flare is not practical at this location because of the existing slopes.
3. Using the AASHTO RDG design method, the design variables are as follows:
x L
is 38 m (126 ft).
x From Table 2.1, L
is 2.0 m (7 ft). This is using the 1V: 4H slope upstream of
the hazard. L
will be used in the calculations.
x L
is 1.8 m (6 ft).
x The selected L
is 1.2 m (4 ft).
x From Table 4.1, L
is 40 m (130 ft).
4. The length of need is (in metric units):
X = L
+ (b/a)(L
) – L
(b/a) + (L
X = (L
– L
X = (40)(2.0 – 1.2)
X = 16 m
This rounds to 5 lengths of guardrail, or 19.0 m
The length of need is (in U.S. customary units):
X = (130)(7 – 4)
X = 55.7 ft
This rounds to 5 lengths of guardrail, or 62.5 ft.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Example Problems 4-19
5. The hazard is outside the clear zone for opposing traffic, so no length of need is
necessary on the downstream end. Forty lengths of guardrail are needed to shield
the hazard, or 152 m. The total guardrail length is: 152 + 19 m = 171 m. In U.S.
customary units, the total guardrail length is 500 + 62.5 = 562.5 ft.
6. A tangent terminal would be most appropriate in this case because the existing
slopes make it difficult to accommodate a flared terminal. The barrier is outside the
opposing traffic clear zone, so a downstream terminal is not required but should be
If the alternate design process is used, the length of need is:
X = 6 (L
– L
X = 6 (2.0 – 1.2)
X = 4.8 m
This rounds to 2 lengths of guardrail, or 7.6 m for the length of need.
In U.S. customary units:
X = 6 (L
– L
X = 6 (7 – 4)
X = 18 ft
This rounds to 2 lengths of guardrail, or 25 ft for the length of need. All other
considerations are the same as the AASHTO RDG method.
If the site conditions make it difficult to install the four lengths of guardrail for the full
length of need, it could be shortened to two sections. The shortened sections allow a
larger degree of risk of a vehicle getting behind the upstream end of the barrier and not
being able to come to a stop before hitting the hazardous slope.
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
4-20 Example Problems
Problem 2. This problem is the same as Problem 2 discussed in Chapters 2 and 3.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (11 ft) lanes and 0.4 m (2 ft) paved
shoulders. This is a flat and tangent section. The roadway
approaches a bridge across a river. On the approach the road
leaves a cut section and approaches the bridge on a fill with 1V:
3H side slopes. It is 37 m (120 ft) from the cut section to the
bridge. The slope break for the fill is 0.6 m (2 ft) from the edge of
the shoulder. The fill is approximately 2.4 m (8 ft) high. On the far
side a similar fill extends 60 m (200 ft) where the fill flattens to 1V:
4H. There are no pavement markings on the road or the bridge.
Traffic data: 1,100 present ADT with a 1 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 70 km/h (45 mph).
Hazard data: A 9 m (30 ft)-wide bridge crosses a river with water depths of
approximately 1.5 m (5 ft). The bridge rail is a vertical concrete
Other issues: This roadway is in a park with serious aesthetic concerns.
Recommendations: The clear zone is 11.9 m (39 ft). A barrier is warranted on both
approaches near sides of the bridge. SBT is the selected barrier
1. Select the barrier offset, L
. Using the criteria listed in Section 4.1.2, the following
considerations apply:
a. Available hazard offset
. The available hazard offset is 1.2 m (4 ft).
b. Slopes in front of the barrier
. The slope in front of the hazard is 1V: 10H
or flatter, so this is not an issue.
c. Curbs
. No curbs are present.
d. Soil Support Behind the Barrier
. The SBT barrier is a strong post system
so there should be 0.6 m (2 ft) behind the posts before a slope break. To
meet this criterion the barrier offset should be 0.2 m (1 ft). If this is
violated there will be more deflection in the barrier than anticipated.
h. Available Shoulder
. To meet this criterion, additional fill is necessary,
which is unrealistic in this case.
i. Shy Line Offset.
From Table 4.2 the desired shy offset is line 2.3 m (4.1
ft). This criterion will also have to be violated.
j. Location
. In this case there is no flexibility to locate the barrier any further
than the slope break.
Locating the barrier face 0.6 m (2 ft) from the edge of the traveled way appears to be
the most reasonable choice. This offset allows only 0.2 m (1 ft) behind the posts,
which will result in more deflection in the system than planned. However, there are
no protruding hazards near the barrier. This offset will also violate the shoulder plus
0.6 m (2 ft) and the shy line offset. Violation of these criteria will have some negative
Barrier Design and Placement November 2005
Example Problems 4-21
impact on the usability of the shoulder and traffic capacity but will not affect barrier
2. A flare is not practical at this location because of the existing slopes.
3. Using the AASHTO RDG design method, the design variables are as follows:
x From Chapter 2, L
for this problem is 11.9 m (39 ft). L
will be used for L
in the calculations.
x L
is 1.0 m (3 ft).
x The selected L
is 0.6 m (2 ft).
x From Table 4.1, L
is 60 m (200 ft).
4. The length of need is (in metric units):
X = L
+ (b/a)(L
) – L
(b/a) + (L
X = (L
– L
X = (60)(11.9 – 0.6)
X = 57.0 m
This rounds to 19 lengths of SBT rail, or 58 m
The length of need in U.S. customary units:
X = (200)(39 – 2)
X = 190 ft, which rounds to 19 lengths of SBT rail, or 190 ft.
5. Because of the higher speeds and traffic volumes, it was decided not to use the
alternate design procedure.
6. The barrier should be flared back and buried in the cut section at approximately 130
ft from the bridge. Although this does not provide the length of need, the buried end
prevents a vehicle from striking the river. Standard Drawing 617-61 requires that the
turned-down terminal be flared back 0.6 m (2 ft), and that a flat area be provided 1.5
m (5 ft) beyond the back of the end. The additional fill required by this design would
result in slopes steeper than 1V: 3H if it were constructed at the end of the length of
need. Therefore, the barrier must be extended to the 1V: 4H slopes, 60 m [200 ft]
away from the bridge. The flared end treatment is over a distance of 10 meters (30
ft), so the total barrier length is 70 m (230 ft).
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Table Contents A-i
Table of Contents
ROADSIDE BARRIER WARRANTS................................................................. A-1
A.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... A-1
A.2 STEPS IN THE WARRANTING PROCESS............................................ A-2
A.4 APPLICATION OF THE WARRANTING TABLES .................................. A-5
A.5 WARRANTING TABLES......................................................................... A-6
A.6 SAMPLE PROBLEMS .......................................................................... A-26
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-ii List of Tables
List of Tables
Table A.1: Traffic Growth Adjustment Factor, TG ........................................................................A-3
Table A.2: Horizontal Curve Adjustment Factor, HC....................................................................A-3
Table A.3: Down Grade Adjustment Factor, DG ..........................................................................A-4
Table A.4: Barrier Warrant Considerations For “Possibly Warranted” Conditions .......................A-5
Table A.5: Key to Warranting Tables ...........................................................................................A-7
Table A.6: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 1.2 X 1.2 meters....................................................A-8
Table A.7: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Objects 4 Feet X 4 Feet ...................................................A-9
Table A.8: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 1.2 meters Wide X 3.0 meters Long ...................A-10
Table A.9: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 4 Feet Wide X 10 Feet Long...............................A-11
Table A.10 Barrier Warrants for Vertical Headwall 1.0 Meter High X 2.4 Meters Long .............A-12
Table A.11: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Headwall 3 Feet High X 8 Feet Long ........................A-13
Table A.12: Barrier Warrants for Headwall with Flared Wing Walls 1.2 Meters High X 2.0 Meters
Long X 2.4 Meters Wide .............................................................................................................A-14
Table A.13: Barrier Warrants for Headwall with Flared Wing Walls 4 Feet High X 6 Feet Long X 8
Feet Wide ...................................................................................................................................A-15
Table A.14: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 4 Meters High X 30 Meters Long ............A-16
Table A.15: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 13 Feet High X 100 Feet Long................A-17
Table A.16: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 14 Meters High X 30 Meters Long ..........A-18
Table A.17: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 46 Feet High X 100 Feet Long................A-19
Table A.18: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Foreslopes 4 Meters High X 30 Meters Long ...........A-20
Table A.19: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Foreslopes 13 Feet High X 100 Feet Long...............A-21
Table A.20: Barrier Warrants for Group of Trees 2.4 Meters Wide X 30 Meters Long ..............A-22
Table A.21: Barrier Warrants for Group of Trees 8 Feet Wide X 100 Feet Long.......................A-23
Table A.22: Barrier Warrants for Water 1.0 Meters Deep X 30 Meters Long ............................A-24
Table A.23: Barrier Warrants for Water 3 Feet Deep X 100 Feet Long .....................................A-25
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Introduction A-1
The warranting process described in this appendix was developed using the Roadside
Safety Analysis Program (RSAP). A number of assumptions were made concerning
factors such as roadway type, cross section elements, hazards and barrier cost. These
assumptions reduced the number of variables normally considered to the following:
x Hazard type and size
x Hazard offset
x Traffic volume
x Traffic growth
x Horizontal curvature
x Grade
x Speed
Traffic volume, traffic growth, horizontal curvature and grade are taken into account by a
factor termed “Adjusted Traffic Factor” (ATF). ATF is calculated by modifying the initial
average daily traffic (ADT) with adjustments for traffic growth, horizontal curvature and
grade. The ATF is then used in warranting tables for each hazard type. Speed and
hazard offset are considered in the warranting tables.
RSAP was run using these variables to determine the ATF required to yield a
benefit/cost (b/c) ratio of both 1.0 and 4.0. If the b/c was less than 1.0, a barrier is
clearly not warranted. If the b/c was greater than 4.0 a barrier is warranted. The b/c of
4.0 allowed for barrier systems more expensive than the strong post w-beam (other than
the concrete safety shape, stone masonry and precast concrete systems). The range of
ATF that resulted in b/c of between 1.0 and 4.0 indicated that barriers are possibly
warranted. Some guidelines are provided to assist in the application of engineering
judgment concerning the use of barriers in this range.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-2 Steps in the Warranting Process
The steps to determine warrants for roadside barriers on low speed and low volume
roads using this procedure are:
1. Determine the needed clear zone, as described in Section 2.2.
2. Using Tables 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, identify hazards within the clear zone that
may warrant barriers. Hazards that may warrant barriers include those in Group
2 if there is a clear crash history or if multiple hazards serve to increase the
severity. All hazards in Group 3 may warrant barriers.
3. Collect the necessary data to perform the analysis. Such data include the length
and width of the hazard; the offset of the hazard from the roadway; speed,
present traffic volume and anticipated traffic growth factor of the road; curve
radius and grade of the road, if appropriate; available crash data and other
concerns such as environmental and aesthetic impacts.
4. Calculate the ATF using information from Tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 and the
formula presented below. The factors in these tables adjust the initial ADT to
account for expected traffic growth and the effects of horizontal curves and
5. Select the warranting table or tables (summarized in Table A.5) that most closely
approximate the actual hazard. Since it is impossible to anticipate all possible
roadside hazards, it may be necessary to use two closely associated tables and
interpolate the results.
6. Using the ATF with the warranting tables, classify possible roadside barriers as
either not warranted, possibly warranted or warranted. If roadside barriers are
possibly warranted, consider the factors in Table A.4 to evaluate the need for
barriers at that location.
Concrete safety shape, precast concrete guardwall, and the stone masonry guardwall
barrier systems are very expensive. The warranting tables do not fully take into account
the expense of these systems. Usually there must be a barrier warrant based on safety
to justify these systems and
also an exceptional need such as aesthetics or an unusual
safety concern.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Calculation of the Adjusted Traffic Factor A-3
The Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF) used in the warranting tables is determined by the
following formula:
ATF = Initial ADT * TG * HC * DG
The factors TG, HC, and DG are found in Tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 respectively.
Table A.1: Traffic Growth Adjustment Factor, TG
Annual Growth
0% 1.00
1% 1.10
2% 1.21
3% 1.34
4% 1.49
5% 1.65
Table A.2: Horizontal Curve Adjustment Factor, HC
Radius Adjustment Factor (HC)
Meters Feet Hazard on Outside of
Hazard on Inside of
586 or greater 1,911 or greater 1.00 1.00
441 – 585 1,431 – 1,910 1.50 1.25
351 – 440 1,151 – 1,430 2.50 1.50
291 – 350 951 – 1,150 3.50 1.75
290 or less 950 or less 4.00 2.00
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-4 Calculating of the Adjusted Traffic Factor
Table A.3: Down Grade Adjustment Factor, DG
Percent Down Grade Adjustment Factor (DG)
0 – 2% 1.00
2.1% – 3.0% 1.10
3.1% – 4.0% 1.40
4.1% – 5.0% 1.70
5.1% – 6.0% 1.90
6.1% and larger 2.00
For example, a road has an initial ADT of 350 and a projected annual growth factor of
two percent. The hazard being analyzed is on the outside of a 500 m (1,700 ft)-
horizontal curve and on a downgrade of four percent. The ATF is:
ATF = Initial ADT * TG * HC * DG
ATF = 350 * 1.21 * 1.50 * 1.40
ATF = 889
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Application of the Warranting Tables A-5
The warranting tables will yield one of three results:
1. A barrier is not warranted.
2. A barrier is possibly warranted.
3. A barrier is warranted.
If the result is that a barrier is “possibly warranted”, the decision to place barriers cannot
be clearly quantified and additional considerations must be made. Table A.4 lists the
considerations that might be applied in this evaluation.
Table A.4: Barrier Warrant Considerations For “Possibly Warranted”
Consideration Barrier is more warranted if: Barrier is less warranted if:
Adjusted Traffic Factor ATF is at the high end of range ATF is at the low end of range
Roadway cross
Section elements are more
severe than assumed
Section elements are less
severe than assumed
Size of hazard does
not fit the assumption
Hazard is larger Hazard is smaller
Hazard does not fit the
description in the
warrant table
Hazard is more severe Hazard is less severe
Expected cost of
Expected costs will be low Expected costs will be high
Multiple hazards exist
at the site
Many additional hazards
Operating speed Likely to exceed design speed At or below design speed
Crash history Clear crash pattern No crash pattern
Aesthetic impacts Serious concerns
Environmental impacts Serious concerns
It is difficult to quantify the considerations outlined in Table A.4 if more than one
consideration is applicable. This table is intended to aid in the necessary exercise of
professional judgment.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-6 Warranting Tables
The tables in this section were developed using RSAP. The following assumptions were
made in the analyses:
x Costs. A life cycle of 20 years and a discount of four percent were assumed. Costs
for roadside barriers were assumed to be $68.40 per m ($18.00 per ft), plus
$2,000.00, to account for end treatments.
x Roadway characteristics. Two-lane, two-way rural collector roads were assumed,
with 3.4 m (11 ft) lanes and 0.6 m (2 ft) shoulders. Truck volumes of ten percent
were also assumed.
x Segments were assumed to be 600 m (2,000 ft) long, with no grade and no curvature
(the ATF accounts for grade and curvature).
x Several hazards from Group 3 (discussed in Section 2.3) were analyzed at varying
offsets and sizes.
x Guardrail lengths were estimated using minimal lengths of need. Length of need
was calculated to the appropriate clear zone for the speed and ADT. All lengths
were rounded to the nearest 3.81 m (12.5 ft) section. Guardrail offsets were
assumed to be 0.6 m (2 ft) from the hazard for speeds of 50 km/h (30 mph) and less,
1.0 m (3 ft) for speeds of 55 km/h to 70 km/h (35 to 44 mph), and 1.2 m (4 ft) for
speeds of 80 km/h (50 mph) and greater, with a maximum offset of 3.0 m (10 ft).
The warranting tables are based on benefit/cost (b/c) ratios of both 1.0 and 4.0.
Considering the assumptions if conditions do not result in a b/c of at least 1.0, then a
roadside barrier is clearly not warranted. If a b/c of 4.0 or greater is found, then a barrier
is clearly warranted. At conditions between 1.0 and 4.0 a barrier may be warranted, and
is designated as “possibly warranted.”
These tables are appropriate only for rural two-lane roads with speeds of 80 km/h (50
mph) or less and initial traffic volumes less than 2,000 vehicles per year. If the tables
are used for other conditions, the results will not be dependable.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-7
Table A.5: Key to Warranting Tables
Hazard Table
Fixed object, 1.2 m (4 ft) X 1.2 m (4 ft) A.6
Fixed object, 1.2 m (4 ft) X 3.0 m (10 ft) A.7
Vertical headwall, 1.0 m (3 ft) high A.8
Headwall with flared wing walls, 1.2 m (4 ft) high A.9
1V: 2H foreslopes, 4m (13 ft) high A.10
1V: 2H foreslopes, 14m (46 ft) high A.11
Vertical foreslope, 4m (13 ft) high A.12
Group of trees, 30 m (100 ft) long A.13
Water, 1 m (3 ft) deep A-14
In the warranting tables, length is measure parallel to the road and width is
perpendicular to the road.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-8 Warranting Tables
Table A.6: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 1.2 X 1.2 meters
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 3.5 m 0 – 249 250 – 999 1,000 (+)
3.6 – 4.9 m 0 – 249 350 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
5.0 – 6.0 m 0 – 499 500 – 2,399 2,400 (+)
6.1 – 6.6 m 0 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
6.7 – 7.2 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
7.3 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 299 300 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
2.4 – 4.9 m 0 – 399 400 – 1,899 1,900 (+)
5.0 – 6.0 m 0 – 799 800 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
6.1 – 7.2 m 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
7.3 (+) All
50 km/h 0.6 – 1.7 m 0 – 799 800 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
1.8 – 2.9 m 0 – 999 1,000 (+)
3. 0 – 3.5 m 0 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
3.6 – 4.2 m 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
30 km/h All All
Note: This is the most appropriate table to use for an unprotected end of a bridge wall.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-9
Table A.7: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Objects 4 Feet X 4 Feet
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 11 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 999 1,000 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 249 350 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 499 500 – 2,399 2,400 (+)
20 – 21 ft 0 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
22 – 23 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
24 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft 0 – 299 300 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
8 – 15 ft 0 – 399 400 – 1,899 1,900 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 799 800 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
20 – 23 ft 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
24 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 5 ft 0 – 799 800 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
6 – 9 ft 0 – 999 1,000 (+)
10 – 11 ft 0 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
14 ft (+) All
20 mph All All
Note: This is the most appropriate table to use for an unprotected end of a bridge wall.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-10 Warranting Tables
Table A.8: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 1.2 meters Wide X 3.0 meters
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 3.5 m 0 – 149 150 – 599 600 (+)
3.6 – 4.8 m 0 – 199 200 – 949 950 (+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 399 400 – 1,699 1,700 (+)
6.1 – 6.6 m 0 – 999 1,000 (+)
6.7 – 7.2 m 0 – 2,499 2,500 (+)
7.3 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 199 200 – 899 900 (+)
2.4 – 4.8 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 699 700 – 4,799 4,800 (+)
6.1 – 6.6 m 0 – 1,149 1,150 (+)
6.7 (+) m All
50 km/h 0.6 – 1.7 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,599 3,600 (+)
1.8 – 2.9 m 0 – 799 800 (+)
3. 0 – 3.6 m 0 – 949 950 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 1,049 1,050 (+)
4.3 – 4.8 m 0 – 1,749 1,750 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 2,499 2,500 (+)
5.5 (+) m All
30 km/h 0.6 – 1.1 m 0 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
1.2 (+) m All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-11
Table A.9: Barrier Warrants for Fixed Object 4 Feet Wide X 10 Feet Long
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 11 ft. 0 – 149 150 – 599 600 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 199 200 – 949 950 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 399 400 – 1,699 1,700 (+)
20 – 21 ft 0 – 999 1,000 (+)
22 – 23 ft 0 – 2,499 2,500 (+)
24 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft 0 – 199 200 – 899 900 (+)
8 – 15 ft 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 699 700 – 4,799 4,800 (+)
20 – 21 ft 0 – 1,149 1,150 (+)
22 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 5 ft 0 – 599 600 – 3,599 3,600 (+)
6 – 9 ft 0 – 799 800 (+)
10 – 11 ft 0 – 949 950 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 1,049 1,050 (+)
14 – 15 ft 0 – 1,749 1,750 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 2,499 2,500 (+)
18 (+) ft All
20 mph 2- 3 ft 0 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
4 (+) ft All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-12 Warranting Tables
Table A.10 Barrier Warrants for Vertical Headwall 1.0 Meter High X 2.4
Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 299 300 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 399 400 – 1,899 1,900 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 í 999 1,000 (+)
5.5 – 6.0 m 0 – 1,799 1,800 (+)
6.1 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 699 700 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 899 900 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
5.5 (+) m All
50 km/h 0.6 – 1.7 m. 0 – 1,700 1,800(+)
1.8 – 2.3 m 0 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
2.4 – 2.9 m 0 – 2,199 2,200 (+)
3.0 – 3.6 m 0 – 2,399 2,400 (+)
3.7 (+) m All
30 km/h All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-13
Table A.11: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Headwall 3 Feet High X 8 Feet
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 299 300 – 1,199 1,200 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 399 400 – 1,899 1,900 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 999 1,000 (+)
18 – 19 ft 0 – 1,799 1,800 (+)
20 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 699 700 – 4,999 5,000 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 899 900 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
18 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 5 ft. 0 – 1,700 1,800(+)
6 – 7 ft 0 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
8 – 9 ft 0 – 2,199 2,200 (+)
10 – 11 ft 0 – 2,399 2,400 (+)
12 (+) ft All
20 mph All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-14 Warranting Tables
Table A.12: Barrier Warrants for Headwall with Flared Wing Walls 1.2
Meters High X 2.0 Meters Long X 2.4 Meters Wide
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 1.7 m 0 – 599 600 – 3.599 3,600 (+)
1.8 – 2.3 m 0 – 649 650 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 699 700 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 í 899 900 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
50 km/h All All
30 km/h All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-15
Table A.13: Barrier Warrants for Headwall with Flared Wing Walls 4 Feet
High X 6 Feet Long X 8 Feet Wide
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Effective ADT
Speed Hazard Offset
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 5 ft. 0 – 599 600 – 3.599 3,600 (+)
6 – 7 ft 0 – 649 650 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 699 700 (+)
12 –13 ft 0 í 899 900 (+)
14 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
14 (+) ft All
30 mph All All
20 mph All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-16 Warranting Tables
Table A.14: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 4 Meters High X 30
Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 549 550 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,599 3,600 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 749 750 – 4,999 5,000(+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
5.5 – 6.0 m 0 – 3,999 4,000(+)
6.1 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 3.4 m 0 – 949 950(+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 1,049 1,050 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
4.3 – 4.8 m 0 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
5.5 (+) m All
50 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 2,149 2,150 (+)
2.4 – 2.9 m 0 – 2,349 2,350 (+)
3.0 – 3.6 m 0 – 3,399 3,400 (+)
3.7 (+) m All
30 km/h All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-17
Table A.15: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 13 Feet High X 100 Feet
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 549 550 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 599 600 – 3,599 3,600 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 749 750 – 4,999 5,000(+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 1,399 1,400 (+)
18 – 19 ft 0 – 3,999 4,000(+)
20 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft 0 – 949 950(+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 1,049 1,050 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
14 – 15 ft 0 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
18 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 7 ft 0 – 2,149 2,150 (+)
8 – 10 ft 0 – 2,349 2,350 (+)
10 – 11 ft 0 – 3,399 3,400 (+)
12 (+) ft All
20 mph All All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-18 Warranting Tables
Table A.16: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 14 Meters High X 30
Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 149 150 – 649 650 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 199 200 – 749 750 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 249 250 – 899 900 (+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 399 400 – 1,599 1,600 (+)
6.1 – 7.2 m 0 – 899 900 (+)
7.3 (+) All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 949 950 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 299 300 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,599 1,600 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 549 550 – 3,149 3,150 (+)
5.5 – 6.0 m 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
6.1 (+) All
50 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 749 750 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 799 800 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
30 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
2.4 (+) m All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-19
Table A.17: Barrier Warrants for 1V: 2H Foreslopes 46 Feet High X 100 Feet
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 149 150 – 649 650 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 199 200 – 749 750 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 249 250 – 899 900 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 399 400 – 1,599 1,600 (+)
20 – 23 ft 0 – 899 900 (+)
24 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 949 950 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 299 300 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,599 1,600 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 549 550 – 3,149 3,150 (+)
18 - 19 ft 0 – 1,299 1,300 (+)
20 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 749 750 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 799 800 (+)
14 (+) ft All
20 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
8 (+) ft All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-20 Warranting Tables
Table A.18: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Foreslopes 4 Meters High X 30
Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
6.1 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
5.5 (+) m All
50 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
4.9 (+) m All
30 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 (+) m All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-21
Table A.19: Barrier Warrants for Vertical Foreslopes 13 Feet High X 100
Feet Long
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
20 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
18 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
16 (+) All
20 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 (+) All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-22 Warranting Tables
Table A.20: Barrier Warrants for Group of Trees 2.4 Meters Wide X 30
Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 149 150 – 549 550 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 199 200 – 749 750 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 249 250 – 899 900 (+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
6.1 – 7.2 m 0 – 749 750 (+)
7.3 (+) All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 999 1,000 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 299 300 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,649 1,650 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
5.5 – 6.0 m 0 – 799 800 (+)
6.1 (+) All
50 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 449 450 – 2,149 2,150 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 599 600 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 799 800 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
30 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 2,599 2,600 (+)
2.4 – 2.9 m 5,000 (+)
3.0 (+) m
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-23
Table A.21: Barrier Warrants for Group of Trees 8 Feet Wide X 100 Feet
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 149 150 – 549 550 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 199 200 – 749 750 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 249 250 – 899 900 (+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
20 – 23 ft 0 – 749 750 (+)
24 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 999 1,000 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 299 300 – 1,249 1,250 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,649 1,650 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
18 - 19 ft 0 – 799 800 (+)
20 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 449 450 – 2,149 2,150 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 599 600 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 799 800 (+)
14 (+) ft All
20 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 2,599 2,600 (+)
8 – 9 ft 5,000 (+)
10 (+)
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-24 Warranting Tables
Table A.22: Barrier Warrants for Water 1.0 Meters Deep X 30 Meters Long
Metric Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
80 km/h 1.2 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
4.9 – 6.0 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
6.1 (+) m All
60 km/h 1.0 – 2.3 m 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
3.7 – 4.8 m 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
4.9 – 5.4 m 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
5.5 (+) m All
50 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
2.4 – 3.6 m 0 – 749 750 (+)
3.7 – 4.2 m 0 – 799 800 (+)
4.3 (+) m All
30 km/h 0.6 – 2.3 m 0 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
2.4 (+) m All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Warranting Tables A-25
Table A.23: Barrier Warrants for Water 3 Feet Deep X 100 Feet Long
Continued, U.S. Customary Units
Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
Speed Hazard Offset
From Edge of
Travel Way
Not Warranted Possibly
50 mph 4 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000(+)
16 – 19 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
20 (+) ft All
40 mph 3 – 7 ft. 0 – 249 250 – 1,099 1,100 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 349 350 – 1,499 1,500 (+)
12 – 15 ft 0 – 449 450 – 1,999 2,000 (+)
16 – 17 ft 0 – 2,999 3,000 (+)
18 (+) ft All
30 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 599 600 – 3,199 3,200 (+)
8 – 11 ft 0 – 749 750 (+)
12 – 13 ft 0 – 799 800 (+)
14 (+) ft All
20 mph 2 – 7 ft. 0 – 3,799 3,800 (+)
8 (+) ft All
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-26 Sample Problems
The following are example applications of the warranting process described in this
Problem 1.
This problem is the same as Problem 1 of Chapter 2.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (12 ft) lanes and 1.2 m (4 ft) paved
shoulders. There is a tangent section and a 46 m (150 ft)-long
horizontal curve on a 240 m (800 ft) radius. The whole section is
on a 3 percent downward grade.
Traffic data: 400 present ADT with a 3 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 50 km/h (30 mph). On the tangent section actual speeds
may exceed the design speed.
Hazard data: The hazard is a 1V: 2H foreslope 18 m (60 ft) high, offset 1.8 m
(6 ft) from the edge of travel way on the outside of the horizontal
curve. The slope is 150 m (500 ft) parallel to the road, including
both the horizontal curve and the tangent section. There are
some scattered trees and small boulders on the slope.
Other issues: Because of the remote location, barrier construction is expected to
be costly. There are no crash data available. There are no
aesthetic or environmental issues.
1. The hazard is at an offset of 1.2 m (6 ft). From Table 2.1, the clear zone range is
1.0 - 2.0 m (3 - 7 ft). From Table 2.2, the horizontal curve adjustment factor is
1.2. The higher end of the range is selected as the desired clear zone because
of the seriousness of the hazard. Therefore, the slope is within the clear zone in
both the tangent and curved sections. The slope is outside the clear zone for
opposing traffic.
2. From Table 2.5, the slope is a Category 3 hazard so a barrier should be
3. The following ADT adjustment factors were obtained from Tables A.1, A.2 and
TG = 1.34
HC = 1.00 for the tangent section and 4.00 for the curved section.
DG = 1.10
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Sample Problems A-27
4. The Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF) for the tangent section is:
ATF = ADT * TG * HC * DG
AFT = 400 * 1.34 * 1.00 * 1.10
ATF = 590
5. The Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF) for the curved section is:
ATF = ADT * TG * HC * DG
ATF = 400 * 1.34 * 4.00 * 1.10
ATF = 2,358
6. From Table A.11, guardrail is possibly warranted on the tangent section and is
clearly warranted on the curved section.
7. For the curved section, the following issues from Table A.4 are considered in
determining to place a roadside barrier:
Reasons to use a barrier:
a. The hazard is larger than assumed in Table A.11.
b. The hazard is more severe than assumed in Table A.11.
a. There are multiple hazards, although only a few.
b. Actual speeds may exceed the design speed.
Reasons to not use a barrier:
c. The roadway cross section elements are less severe than assumed.
d. The barrier will probably cost more than assumed.
In this case a roadside barrier is recommended for the horizontal curve and not for the
tangent sections. Client agency desires and budget concerns should be considered
before a final decision is made.
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-28 Sample Problems
Problem 2. This is the same as Problem 2 in Chapter 2.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (11 ft) lanes and 0.6 m (2 ft) paved
shoulders. This is a flat and tangent section. The roadway
approaches a bridge across a river. On the approach the road
leaves a cut section with a 1V: 6H foreslope to a ditch, and then
approaches the bridge on a fill with 1V: 3H side slopes. The slope
break for the fill is 0.6 m (2 ft) from the edge of the shoulder. The
fill is approximately 2.4 m (8 ft) high. On the far side a similar fill
extends 60 m (200 ft) where the fill flattens to 1V: 4H. There are
no pavement markings on the road or the bridge.
Traffic data: 1,100 present ADT with a 1 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 70 km/h (45 mph).
Hazard data: An 8.5 m (28 ft) wide bridge crosses a river with water depths of
approximately 1.5 m (5 ft). The bridge rail is a vertical concrete
Other issues: This roadway is in a park with serious aesthetic concerns.
1. Table 2.1 shows the clear zone range is 4.5 - 5.0 m (14 - 16 ft). Assuming 3.3 M
(11 ft) lanes on the bridge, the bridge rail is located 1.0 m (3 ft) from the traveled
way and is in the clear zone. The bridge rail on the opposing traffic side is
outside the clear zone. The 1V: 3H slope is traversable but not recoverable, so
the approach clear zone is (using the mid-point of the range):
a. + (3 * 2.4) = 11.9 m
or 15 + (3 * 8) = 39 ft.
The river is also in the clear zone.
2. Tables 2.3 and 2.6 indicate that both the bridge rail and the river are Category 3
hazards so a barrier should be considered.
3. The following ADT adjustment factors were obtained from Tables A.1, A.2 and
TG = 1.10
HC = 1.00
DG = 1.00
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
Sample Problems A-29
4. The Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF) for the tangent section is:
ATF = ADT * TG * HC * DG
ATF = 1,100 * 1.10 * 1.00 * 1.00
ATF = 1,210
5. Table A.6 provides the closet description of the hazard. Interpolating between 80
km/h (50 mph) and 60 km/h (40 mph), a barrier is warranted at an ATF of at least
1,200. A barrier is recommended for the bridge rail.
Barrier is recommended for both approach sides to the bridge. Barrier is not needed on
the far sides because the bridge rails are outside the opposing traffic clear zones.
Problem 3.
Roadway data: A two-lane road, with 3.6 m (11 ft) lanes and .4 m (2 ft) paved
shoulders. The section being studied for roadside safety
improvements is approximately 16 km (10 miles) long, with many
horizontal curves of varying radii. There are no grades steeper
than 2.0 percent.
Traffic data: 500 present ADT with a 1 percent annual growth factor. Design
speed is 60 km/h (40 mph).
Hazard data: The primary hazards present are 1V: 1.5H side slopes from 9 m
(30 ft) to 12 m (40 ft) high. The slopes are from 1.2 m (4 ft) to 2 m
(6 ft) from the edge of travel way. These slopes are intermittent
but occur on both sides of horizontal curves.
Warrant Issue: What curves warrant shielding with barriers?
Table A.11 is for 1V: 2H foreslopes, 14 m (46 ft) high. The actual hazard is
slightly steeper and lower than this table. Table A.11 indicates that:
Barriers are not warranted at an Adjusted Traffic Factor (ATF)
below 250.
Barriers are possibly warranted at ATFs from 250 to 949.
Barriers are warranted at an ATF of 950 and above.
The ATF is:
ATF = Initial ADT * TG * HC * DG
ATF = 500 * 1.10 * HC * 1.00
Roadside Barrier Warrants November 2005
A-30 Sample Problems
Barriers warranted if the ATF is 950 or above. Therefore, the horizontal
curve factor that will result in barriers being warranted is:
950 = 500 * 1.10 * HC * 1.00
HC = 1.73 or greater
From Table A.2 for hazards on the outside of the curve, the first HC greater
than 1.73 is 2.50, for curves with a radius smaller than 440 m (1,430 ft).
For hazards on the inside of the horizontal curve, the first HC greater than
1.73 is 1.75, for curves smaller than 350 m (1,150 ft).
Therefore, on this project, barriers are warranted for the following conditions:
Slopes on the outside of horizontal curves with a radius smaller
than 440 m (1,430 ft).
Slopes on the inside of horizontal curves with a radius smaller
than 350 m (1,150 ft).
Using the same process, barriers for 1V: 1.5H slopes at all other locations
are possibly warranted on this project so should be considered.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Table of Contents B-i
Table of Contents
BARRIER DATA TABLES................................................................................. B-1
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-ii List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure B.1: Three-Strand Cable Guardrail, G1 ................................................. B-3
Figure B.2: High Tension Cable, HTC............................................................... B-5
Figure B.3: Weak Post W-Beam, G2 ................................................................ B-7
Figure B.4: Box Beam, G3 ................................................................................ B-9
Figure B.5: Strong Post W-Beam, G4............................................................. B-11
Figure B.6: Thrie-Beam, G9............................................................................ B-13
Figure B.7: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS ....................................................... B-17
Figure B.8: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL ......................................................... B-19
Figure B.9: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT.................................................... B-21
Figure B.10: Precast Concrete Guardwall Type 1, PCG ................................. B-23
Figure B.11: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG ................................................ B-25
Figure B.12: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW ............................................ B-27
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
List of Tables B-iii
List of Tables
Table B.1: Barrier Data Tables ......................................................................... B-1
Table B.2: Three-Strand Cable Guardrail, G1................................................... B-2
Table B.3: High Tension Cable, HTC................................................................ B-4
Table B.4: Weak Post W-Beam, G2.................................................................. B-6
Table B.5: Box Beam, G3 ................................................................................. B-8
Table B.6: Strong Post W-Beam, G4 .............................................................. B-10
Table B.7: Thrie-Beam, G9 ............................................................................. B-12
Table B.8: Modified Thrie-Beam, G9M............................................................ B-14
Table B.9: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS ........................................................ B-16
Table B.10: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL ........................................................ B-18
Table B.11: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT ................................................... B-20
Table B.12: Precast Concrete Guardwall Type 1, PCG .................................. B-22
Table B.13: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG ................................................. B-24
Table B.14: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW ............................................. B-26
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-1
The tables contained in this appendix provide detailed data on each system that may be
useful in barrier selection. Table B.1 can be used as a key to the barrier data tables.
Table B.1: Barrier Data Tables
System Designation Data Table
Three – Strand Cable G1 B.2
High-Tension Cable HTC B.3
Weak Post W-Beam G2 B.4
Box Beam G3 B.5
Strong Post W-Beam G4 B.6
Thrie-Beam G9 B.7
Modified Thrie-Beam G9M B.8
Concrete Safety Shape CSS B.9
Steel-Backed Log Rail SBL B.10
Steel-Backed Timber
SBT B.11
Precast Concrete
Guardwall, Type 1
PCG B.12
Stone Masonry
SMG B.13
Random Rubble Cavity
RCW B.14
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-2 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.2: Three-Strand Cable Guardrail, G1
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: Three strands of cable are mounted on breakaway posts. Penetration of
a vehicle is prevented by the tensile strength of the cable.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$20.00 $26.00 Deflection 1.1 * 2.3 * 3.5
System Depth 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 1.3 2.5 3.7
Beam Description: 19 mm diameter steel cables.
Post Description: S75 x 8.5 steel, 1600 mm long at 5000 mm spacing
9 kg/m steel u-channel, 1525 mm long at 5000 mm spacing
140 mm diameter wood, 1830 mm long at 3800 mm spacing
Compatibility: A terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult, one is
* Estimated values
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$6.00 $8.00 Deflection 3.5 * 7.5 * 11.5
System Depth 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 4 * 8 * 12
Beam Description: ¾ inch diameter steel cables.
Post Description: S3 x 5.7 steel, 5 ft-3 inch long at 16 ft spacing
4 lb/ft steel u-channel, 5 ft long at 16 ft spacing
5 ½ inch diameter wood, 6 ft long at 11 ft-6 inch spacing
Compatibility: A terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult, one is
* Estimated values
Notes: Weathering steel posts are available. Reduced post spacing is recommended
for tight curves (3.8 m spacing for radii up to 135 m and 4.9 m for radii up to 220 m) (12
ft spacing for radii up to 440 ft and 16 ft for radii up to 720 ft). Closer post spacing can
reduce lateral deflection to some extent.
Potential Benefits: Low cost, very little rebound of impacting vehicles, no drifting of
snow, no view obstruction.
Potential Problems: Even minor impacts can cause maintenance problems, the high
deflections limit application, spare parts must be available and crews trained in repair
and maintenance.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-3
Figure B.1: Three-Strand Cable Guardrail, G1
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-4 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.3: High Tension Cable, HTC
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: Manufacturers’ Published Data
Description: Three or four strands of pre-stretched cable are mounted on steel posts.
Penetration of a vehicle is prevented by the tensile strength of the cable.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$60.00 $100.00 Deflection 1.2 * 1.5 * 2.0
System Depth 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 1.4 1.7 2.2
Beam Description: 19 mm diameter high tension steel cables.
Post Description: Steel posts. Length and spacing varies by manufacturer and design
Compatibility: A terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult, some
manufacturers have tested transitions available.
* Estimated values. Deflections vary by manufacturer and post spacing.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$18.00 $30.00 Deflection 3.5 * 4.5 * 6.5
System Depth 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 4.0 5.0 7.0
Beam Description: 0.75 inch diameter high tension steel cables.
Post Description: Steel posts. Length and spacing varies by manufacturer and design
Compatibility: A terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult, some
manufacturers have tested transitions available.
* Estimated values. Deflections vary by manufacturer and post spacing.
Notes: Some systems have been tested on 1V: 6H slopes. Weathering steel posts are
available. TL-4 systems are available.
Potential Benefits: Maintenance is relatively easy, crash damage to system is limited,
little rebound of impacting vehicles, no drifting of snow, no view obstruction.
Potential Problems: Since this is a new technology, contractors are not likely to be
experienced. Spare parts must be available and crews trained in repair and
maintenance. All available systems are proprietary.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-5
Figure B.2: High Tension Cable, HTC
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-6 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.4: Weak Post W-Beam, G2
Test Level: 2
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: This system consists of a w-beam mounted on weak posts with no block-
outs. Upon impact the posts break away and the tensile strength of the beam contains
the vehicle.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$40.00 $52.00 Deflection 1.1 * 1.4 * 2.0
System Depth 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 1.3 1.6 2.2
Beam Description: 2.67 galvanized steel w-beam.
Post Description: S75 x 8.5 steel posts, 1600 mm long at 3.8 m spacing.
Compatibility: A turned down terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult,
some manufacturers have tested transitions available.
* Estimated values.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$12.00 $16.00 Deflection 3.5 * 4.5 * 6.5
System Depth 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 4.0 5.0 7.0
Beam Description: 12 gauge galvanized steel w-beam.
Post Description: S3 x 5.7 steel posts, 5 ft-3 inch long at 12 ft spacing.
Compatibility: A turned-down terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult,
some manufactures have tested transitions available.
* Estimated values.
Notes: The system is rated at TL-3 if the following modifications are made:
x Raise the mounting height of the center of rail to 660 m (26 in)
x Add w-beam back-up plates at each post
x Center rail splices mid-span between posts
The system can be constructed with weathering steel.
Potential Benefits: The primary benefit is initial cost.
Potential Problems: Problems include accommodation of the deflection distances and
large repairs usually required when system is hit. Variations in mounting height, caused
by either poor construction or surrounding terrain, can result in a system failure.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-7
Figure B.3: Weak Post W-Beam, G2
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-8 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.5: Box Beam, G3
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: This system consists of a box beam mounted on weak posts with no
block-outs. Upon impact the posts break away and the tensile strength of the beam
contains the vehicle.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$40.00 $52.00 Deflection 1.1 * 1.4 * 2.0
System Depth 0.2 0.2 0.2
total 1.3 1.6 2.2
Beam Description: 152 mm x 152 mm x 4.8 mm steel tube.
Post Description: S75 x 8.5 steel posts, 1600 mm long at 1.8 m spacing.
Compatibility: A turned-down terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult,
some transitions are available.
* Estimated values.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$12.00 $16.00 Deflection 3.5 * 4.5 * 6.5
System Depth 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 4.0 5.0 7.0
Beam Description: 6 in. x 6 in. x 0.19 in. steel tube.
Post Description: S3 x 5.7 steel posts, 5ft-3 in. long at 6 foot spacing.
Compatibility: A turned-down terminal is available. Although transitions are difficult,
some transitions are available.
* Estimated values.
Notes: Variations in mounting height, caused by either poor construction or surrounding
terrain, can result in a system failure. The system can be constructed with weathering
Potential Benefits: Minimum snow drifting and view obstruction. Less visually
obstructive than w-beam.
Potential Problems: Problems include accommodation of the deflection distances,
large repairs usually required when system is hit, unique spare parts, and maintenance
crew training.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-9
Figure B.4: Box Beam, G3
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-10 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.6: Strong Post W-Beam, G4
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: RDG, M617-10 and M617-11
Description: The strong post w-beam is the most commonly used roadside barrier. It
has proven effective in a wide range of conditions. The strong posts serve to limit
deflection. Block-outs are necessary to prevent wheel snags on the non-breakaway
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$52.00 $82.00 Deflection 0.2* 0.6 * 1.0
System Depth 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total 0.4 0.8 1.2
Beam Description: 2.67 galvanized steel w-beam.
Post Description: Wood posts can be either 200 mm square, 200 mm deep by 150
mm wide or 180 mm in diameter, with a minimum length of 1620 mm. W150 x 13.5 steel
posts with a minimum length of 1780 mm can also be used. In either case, block-outs
are required. Block-outs may be either wood or recycled plastic. If steel block-outs
are used, the system becomes TL-2. Standard post spacing is 1905 mm.
Compatibility: Several terminals and transitions are available
* Estimated values.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$16.00 $25.00 Deflection (ft): 1.0 * 2.0 * 3.0
1 1.0 1.0 1.0
2.0 3.0 4.0
Beam Description: 12 gauge galvanized steel w-beam.
Post Description: Wood posts can be either 8 inches square, 8 inches deep by 6
inches wide or 7 inches in diameter, with a minimum length of 5 ft-5 in. 6 x 9 steel posts
with a minimum length of 5 ft-11 in. can also be used. In either case, block-outs are
required. Block-outs may be either wood or recycled plastic. If steel block-outs are
used the system becomes TL-2. Standard post spacing is 6 ft-3 in.
Compatibility: Several terminals and transitions are available
* Estimated values
Notes: There are several options available to reduce the deflection characteristics
including reducing the post spacing by fifty percent, nesting w-beams, using a rub rail
mounted on the posts below the block-outs, and increasing the embedment of the posts
by up to 0.3 meters (1 ft). The system can be constructed with weathering steel.
Potential Benefits: This system is commonly used. Damage as a result of crashes is
usually limited. Although severe hits can destroy the system, it is not uncommon for the
system to remain serviceable after several crashes.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-11
Potential Problems: Aesthetics of the system may be a problem, although the wood
posts with weathering steel do provide an attractive alternative. May obstruct views
somewhat and drift snow.
Figure B.5: Strong Post W-Beam, G4
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-12 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.7: Thrie-Beam, G9
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: This system is very similar to the strong post w-beam, with the extra depth
of the thrie-beam.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$72.00 $100.00 Deflection 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.7
System Depth 0.3 0.3 0.3
Total 0.5 0.5 1.0
Beam Description: 2.67 galvanized steel thrie-beam.
Post Description: Two types of posts are available. Wood posts are 200 mm deep by
150 mm wide and 1980 mm long. W150 x 13.5 steel posts, 1980 mm long can also be
used. In either case, block-outs are required. Block-outs may be either wood or
recycled plastic. Standard post spacing is 1905 mm.
Compatibility: A manufactured transition to standard w-beam must be used, then a w-
beam terminal. A transition to a rigid system is available.
* Estimated values.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$22.00 $30.00 Deflection 1 * 1 * 2
System Depth 1 1 1
Total 2 2 3
Beam Description: 12 gage steel thrie-beam
Post Description: W6 x 9 steel, 6 ft-6 in. long or 6 in. x 8 in. wood, 6 ft-6 in. long. In
either case, block-outs are required. Block-outs may be either wood or recycled plastic.
Standard post spacing is 6 ft-3 in.
Compatibility: A manufactured transition to standard w-beam must be used, then a w-
beam terminal. A transition to a rigid system is available.
* Estimated values.
Notes: If steel posts and steel block-outs are used, the system is TL-2. The system can
be constructed with weathering steel.
Potential Benefits: Minimum sensitivity to variations in height, small deflections provide
design flexibility.
Potential Problems: Obstruction of views, drifting of snow, cost and unique spare
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-13
Figure B.6: Thrie-Beam, G9
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-14 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.8: Modified Thrie-Beam, G9M
Test Level: 4
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: The modification to the standard thrie-beam is a triangular notch in a steel
block-out that allows the rail face to remain near vertical in an impact, reducing the
potential of a vehicle rolling over the rail.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$72.00 $100.00 Deflection 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.7
System Depth 0.3 0.3 0.3
Total 0.5 0.5 1.0
Beam Description: 2.67 galvanized steel thrie-beam.
Post Description: W150 x 13.5 steel posts, 2060 mm long with block-outs. Block-outs
are M360X25.6 steel with a triangular notch in the web. Standard post spacing is 1905
Compatibility: A manufactured transition to standard w-beam must be used, then a w-
beam terminal. A transition to a rigid system is available.
* Estimated values. Tests with a 20,000 school bus yielded a deflection of 1.0 meter.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$22.00 $35.00 Deflection 1.0 * 1.0 * 2.0
System Depth 1.0 1.0 1.0
Total 2.0 2.0 3.0
Beam Description: 12 gauge steel thrie-beam
Post Description: W6 x 9 steel, 6 ft-9 in. long with block-outs. Block-outs are M 14X18
steel with a triangular notch in the web. Standard post spacing is 6 ft-3 in.
Compatibility: A manufactured transition to standard w-beam must be used, then a w-
beam terminal. A transition to a rigid system is available.
* Estimated values. Tests with a 20,000 school bus yielded a deflection of 3.0 feet.
Notes: The system can be constructed with weathering steel.
Potential Benefits: Minimum sensitivity to variations in height, small deflections provide
design flexibility, very little repairs necessary for moderate to severe crashes.
Potential Problems: Obstruction of views, drifting of snow, cost and unique spare
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-15
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Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-16 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.9: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS
Test Level: 4
Standards Reference: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide
Description: Rigid concrete barrier. Impacting vehicles tend to ride up on the lower
slope, dissipating some of the energy of the crash and thus reducing the rebound that
might occur. This system is normally used as a median barrier but can be used in a
single-face configuration on the roadside.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$260.00 $360.00 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 0.6 0.6 0.6
Total 0.6 0.6 0.6
Beam Description: The New Jersey shape has a lower slope of 55
, breaking to 84
255 mm above the vertical reveal. The “F” shape is similar, breaking at 180 mm.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: Crash cushions or transitions to a strong post W-beam with a
crashworthy end treatment are commonly used as terminals. Transitions to other
systems are available.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$80.00 $110.00 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total 2.0 2.0 2.0
Beam Description: The New Jersey shape has a lower slope of 55
, breaking to 84
inches above the vertical reveal. The “F” shape is similar, breaking at 7 inches.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: Crash cushions or transitions to a strong post W-beam with a
crashworthy end treatment are commonly used as terminals. Transitions to other
systems are available.
Notes: The “F” shape is preferred because vehicle lift and roll is less pronounced than
with the New Jersey shape. The CSS should not be used with a curb, since placing this
system on a curb prevents an impacting vehicle from riding up the lower slope as
designed. Textured designs are available to improve the aesthetics of the system.
Potential Benefits: Many situations require that the barrier have no deflection and/or a
higher test level. No repair is necessary on most impacts.
Potential Problems: Initial cost, obstruction of views, drifting and storage of snow and
pavement drainage.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-17
Figure B.7: Concrete Safety Shape, CSS
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-18 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.10: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL
Test Level: 2
Standards Reference: M617-80 and M617-81
Description: This system was developed as an aesthetic alternative. Impact forces are
distributed to the posts through the steel rail.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$130.00 $165.00 Deflection 0.3 * 0.3 N/A
System Depth 0.6 0.6
Total 1.0 1.0 N/A
Beam Description: 250 mm diameter log with steel rail backing.
Post Description: 300 mm diameter log with a 140 mm block-out. The post is notched
40 mm for the block-out attachment. Standard spacing is 3 meters.
Compatibility: One terminal design is available. No transition design is available.
* Estimated values
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$30.00 $40.00 Deflection 1.0 * 1.0 N/A
System Depth 2.0 2.0
Total 3.0 3.0 N/A
Beam Description: 10 inch diameter log with steel rail backing.
Post Description: 12 inch diameter log with a 5.5-inch block-out. The post is notched
1.5 inches for the block-out attachment. Standard spacing is 10 feet.
Compatibility: One terminal design is available. No transition design is available.
* Estimated values
Potential Benefits: The log elements give the system a rustic appearance that may be
appropriate for many park and forest settings.
Potential Problems: Cost is the primary problem, along with limited terminal options
and no available transition section. It may require periodic application of stain to
maintain the aesthetic appearance.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-19
Figure B.8: Steel-Backed Log Rail, SBL
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-20 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.11: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: M617-60
Description: This system was developed as an aesthetic alternative. Impact forces are
distributed to the posts through the weathering steel plate.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$165.00 $230.00 Deflection 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.6
System Depth 0.6 0.6 0.6
Total 0.8 0.8 1.2
Beam Description: 150 x 250 mm timber with steel plate backing.
Post Description: 250 x 300 x 2.1 m rough sawn timber with a 100mm block-out.
Standard spacing is 3 m.
Compatibility: Two terminal designs are available and transitions designs are available.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$50.00 $70.00 Deflection 1.0 * 1.0 2.0
System Depth 2.0 2.0 2.0
Total 3.0 3.0 4.0
Beam Description: 6 in. X 10 in. timber with steel plate backing.
Post Description: 10 in. X 12 in. X 7 ft rough sawn timber with a 4-inch block-out.
Standard spacing is 10 feet.
Compatibility: Two terminal designs are available and transition designs are available.
* Estimated values
Notes: Type A includes the block-out described above. If the 100 mm (4 in) block-out
is not provided (Type B), the system is rated as Test Level 2.
Potential Benefits: The timber and weathering steel elements give the system a rustic
appearance that may be appropriate for many park and forest settings.
Potential Problems: Cost is the primary problem, along with limited terminal options. It
may require periodic application of stain to maintain the aesthetic appearance.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-21
Figure B.9: Steel-Backed Timber Rail, SBT
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-22 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.12: Precast Concrete Guardwall Type 1, PCG
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: M 618-2
Description: This is a precast, reinforced concrete wall capped with artificial stone
facing. The wall functions as a rigid vertical faced barrier.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$575.00 $750.00 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 1.2 1.2 1.2
Total 1.2 1.2 1.2
Beam Description: 685 mm high and 650 mm wide, with a 360 x 1050 mm footer.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A terminal section is available.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$175.00 $225.00 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 4.0 4.0 4.0
Total 4.0 4.0 4.0
Beam Description: 27 inches high and 26 inches wide, with a 12 inch X 42 inch footer.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A terminal section is available.
Potential Benefits: The artificial stone elements give the system a rustic appearance
that may be appropriate for many park and forest settings.
Potential Problems: Initial cost is the primary problem, along with limited terminal
options. Other problems include obstruction of views, drifting and storage of snow and
pavement drainage.
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-23
Figure B.10: Precast Concrete Guardwall Type 1, PCG
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-24 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.13: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG
Test Level: 3
Standards Reference: M620-1
Description: This is a reinforced concrete wall capped with a natural stone and mortar.
The wall functions as a rigid vertical faced barrier.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$650.00 $1,000 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 1.2 1.2 1.2
Total 1.2 1.2 1.2
Beam Description: The concrete core is 685 mm high and 650 mm wide, with a 225 x
1050 mm footer, 150 mm below the ground and reinforcing steel.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A sloping terminal design is available, but it must be placed outside the
clear zone.
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / ft) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$200.00 $300.00 Deflection 0.0 0.0 0.0
System Depth 4.0 4.0 4.0
Total 4.0 4.0 4.0
Beam Description: The concrete core is 27 inches high and 16.5 inches wide, with a 9
inch X 42 inch footer, 6 inches below ground and reinforcing steel.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A sloping terminal design is available, but it must be placed outside the
clear zone.
Potential Benefits: The stone elements give the system a rustic appearance that may
be appropriate for many park and forest settings.
Potential Problems: Cost is the primary problem, along with limited terminal options.
Other problems include obstruction of views, drifting and storage of snow and pavement
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-25
Figure B.11: Stone Masonry Guardwall, SMG
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
B-26 Barrier Data Tables
Table B.14: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW
Test Level: 1
Standards Reference: Park Service Drawings
Description: This is a reinforced concrete wall capped with a natural stone and mortar.
The wall functions as a rigid vertical faced barrier.
Metric Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (m)
Low High Speed: 30 –50 km/h 55 – 70 km/h 80 (+) km/h
$500 $750 Deflection 0.0
System Depth 0.6
Total 0.6
Beam Description: 685 mm high with a core wall height of 510 mm above grade and a
width of 600 mm. The steel reinforced concrete footing is 225 mm by 1050 mm, 150 mm
below ground level.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A terminal can be constructed by flaring the barrier to beyond the clear
U.S. Customary Units
Cost Range ($ / m) Minimum Barrier – Hazard Offset (ft)
Low High Speed: 20 – 30 mph 35 – 45 mph 50 (+) mph
$150 $225 Deflection 0
System Depth 2
Total 2
Beam Description: 27 in high with a core wall height of 20 in above grade and a width
of 24 in. The steel reinforced concrete footing is 9 in by42 in, 6 in below ground level.
Post Description: N/A
Compatibility: A terminal can be constructed by flaring the barrier to beyond the clear
Potential Benefits: The stone elements give the system a rustic appearance that may
be appropriate for many park and forest settings. The smaller design of a TL-1 system
is less expensive to construct than the SMG.
Potential Problems: Cost is the primary problem, along with limited terminal options.
Other problems include obstruction of views, drifting and storage of snow and pavement
Barrier Data Tables November 2005
Barrier Data Tables B-27
Figure B.12: Random Rubble Cavity Wall, RCW