Synergist v12.6 Release Notes November 2020 1 | P a g e
Version 12.6 - Release Notes
Synergist Browser Interface
November 2020
Synergist v12.6 requires 4D Server v18
Please note: These release notes relate to the Synergist browser interface only.
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[Intentionally blank page]
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UI & DESIGN ..................................................................................... 5
Option to hide the left-hand menu ............................................................................. 5
FREELANCERS .................................................................................. 6
Automatically creating freelancer purchase orders / invoices ............................................. 6
Set-up required ................................................................................................... 13
INVOICING & BILLING PLANS ............................................................... 17
Notes & comments support ..................................................................................... 17
FM exchange rate displayed when creating a sales invoice .............................................. 18
Exchange rate change on draft invoice ...................................................................... 18
Invoice list - handler filter...................................................................................... 19
Batch invoicing ................................................................................................... 20
Multi-job billing plan............................................................................................. 20
KANBAN BOARDS ............................................................................. 21
Editing a Kanban entry .......................................................................................... 21
Changing the owner on Kanban cards ........................................................................ 22
Kanban alert ...................................................................................................... 22
EXPENSES ..................................................................................... 23
Foreign-currency expense sheets ............................................................................. 23
JOBS & PHASES .............................................................................. 27
Add multiple phases to a job via phase-type list ........................................................... 27
Thermometer drop-down ....................................................................................... 28
Hovers added to the Schedule tab on Jobs & Phases ...................................................... 28
GANTT CHARTS .............................................................................. 29
Ability to edit dates inline ...................................................................................... 29
CALENDAR BOOKINGS ....................................................................... 30
Time & bookings information hover .......................................................................... 30
PURCHASING .................................................................................. 31
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Zero value purchase invoices .................................................................................. 31
Supplier prices .................................................................................................... 31
REPORTS ...................................................................................... 32
Print and download options for charts ....................................................................... 32
Run now functionality for scheduled reports ............................................................... 33
Costs & Quotes additional fields ............................................................................. 34
Missing timesheets report additional field ................................................................. 34
ACCOUNTS LINKS ............................................................................ 35
Xero import feature enhancements ......................................................................... 35
Accounts link via API for Sage Business Cloud Accounting (Previously called Sage One)............ 35
MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................. 36
Utilities Re-calc turnover ..................................................................................... 36
Re-calc turnover.................................................................................................. 36
Description fields in all FM tables are now mandatory .................................................... 37
Option to add all stages on a Job or Phase .................................................................. 37
New custom field types ......................................................................................... 38
Company settings ................................................................................................ 38
File maintenance tables ........................................................................................ 39
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Option to hide the left-hand menu
To optimize Synergist screen space, click on the icon to view/hide the left-hand
menu. This is particularly useful when accessing wide areas such as Calendar bookings
and Billing plan screens.
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Automatically creating freelancer purchase orders / invoices
When working with freelancers, it is important to track the work done, typically via
timesheets, leading to the creation of a purchase invoice to record the actual cost of the
freelancer against the jobs they have worked on.
This new feature automates the process, enabling timesheets to be associated with a
freelancer purchase order/purchase invoice. There are two main recommended methods
for achieving this and this feature supports both.
Create a special internal job to house all freelancer purchase orders
In this scenario, the freelancer time recorded against jobs would normally have an
associated resource level cost. This is achieved by selecting ‘Resource level costing’ on the
staff record and setting a cost rate that reflects the freelancer’s cost rate. In this case, you
would need to set both Cost rate and Freelancer PO cost rate (same value).
Using this set up:
On internal jobs, purchase orders will be created using the Freelancer PO cost rate
On associated jobs, the actual cost of freelancer timesheets will be recorded using
the defined resource level costing cost rate
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Create purchase orders on the jobs the freelancer is working on
In this scenario, the freelancer’s time recorded against jobs needs to have an associated
cost of ZERO otherwise the costs on the job relating to the freelancer will be double
This is typically done by selecting ‘Resource level costing’ and setting a cost rate for the
freelancer to ZERO. The cost of timesheets associated with the purchase order is defined
by the Freelancer PO cost rate.
Note: This feature does not handle a different rate for freelancer overtime. If an overtime
rate for freelancers has been negotiated, any adjustments to their purchase orders will
need to be done manually.
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Automatically creating purchase orders
Freelancer time will be recorded in the normal way by entering timesheets. Freelancers
can do this themselves if they have access to Synergist. Otherwise, a member of staff can
be delegated to enter timesheets for them.
Once timesheets have been entered and approved, purchase orders can be created (based
on the timesheets submitted) using the new freelancer PO cost rate described above.
Select Posted timesheets from the main left-hand menu
Select freelancer timesheets to process
This will list all freelancer timesheets that have not yet been allocated to a purchase order.
Note: A freelancer timesheet is any timesheet posted for a staff resource that has been
marked as ‘Freelancer’ (previously called ‘Sub-contractor).
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Select the timesheets you wish to process into purchase orders
You can select timesheets across multiple jobs for multiple freelancers. A purchase order
will be created for each freelancer job/phase. The purchase orders will then be
automatically joined together as consolidated purchase orders one for each Freelancer.
Actions button
Select either:
Create purchase orders or
Create purchase orders on a single phase internal job
If the action is successful, the system will report the number of purchase orders created.
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Accessing the purchase orders
The purchase orders can be accessed from the main purchasing list by searching for
Freelancer timesheets’.
Consolidated purchase orders
If multiple purchase orders are created for a freelancer, these will be consolidated.
Finalizing the purchase
The consolidated PO may be printed out and sent to the Freelancer for approval.
Once the consolidated PO has been approved, the user can select the invoices tab of the
consolidated PO and generate a purchase invoice. This can then be posted to the linked
accounts system for payment.
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Manually creating a freelancer purchase order
You can also manually create a freelancer purchase order. This can be done on the actual
job the freelancer has worked on or on an internal job depending on your processes. See
above for the different methods available.
Select Get Timesheets
This will create PO lines for each timesheet brought in.
If the Purchase order is on an internal job, the system will bring in timesheets from all the
jobs the freelancer has worked on. If the job is a normal external client job, then only
timesheets for this particular job are brought in. A date range is provided so the user can
bring in timesheets for a single month’s work.
Creating the purchase order cost
The system will bring in the freelancer’s timesheets for the specified period. These will be
shown in the Timesheets tab. In the Lines tab, a line will be created for each of the
timesheets selected for this purchase order. The unit cost is the Freelancer PO rate
described above.
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Lines tab
One line is created automatically for each timesheet.
Timesheets tab
Selected timesheets are displayed. If the user removes a timesheet, its related line
(shown above) is also removed.
Note: In Synergist, each timesheet has a related cost rate. However, for freelancers these
will normally be set to zero if purchase orders are being raised against the job the
freelancer has worked on (rather than an internal job). This way the freelancer cost is not
double counted.
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Set-up required
Company settings
Own PO numbers’ switched off (unticked).
This is a requirement since a batch of purchase orders are created in the background with
no user intervention.
Freelancer user
Create a new ‘Freelancer’ user or select an existing user. Make sure the user has an
expense account and staff record for each company they have access to.
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Creating/editing the Staff record for a freelancer user
Set the resource to use ‘Resource level costing’
Make sure the cost rates are all zero
Currency for time costing should be blank or -Base currency-
Tick the checkbox ‘Freelancer’
Set the Freelancer PO cost rate
If planning to raise all purchases on an internal job, set a resource level cost rate
(see above for details)
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Expense account setup for user
Expense account must have a default supply type
Suggest you create a new supply type called ‘Freelancers’
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Existing freelancer timesheets
If you are already creating timesheets for freelancers, you will have already paid the
freelancer for most of the timesheets currently on the system. You will need to mark these
older timesheets as being paid. The simplest way of doing this is to raise a purchase order
on an internal job. You will need to create one purchase order for each freelancer that has
existing timesheets. See ‘Manually creating a freelancer purchase order’ detailed above.
When selecting timesheets using the Get timesheets option via the Actions button, select
an appropriate date range. This should be from before the freelancer started working for
the company to the last paid timesheet. Once the purchase order has been approved, a
purchase write-off should be created from the ‘Purchase invoices’ menu and the purchase
order allocated to the write-off document.
This way the next time you list ‘Freelancer timesheets to process’, only the unpaid
timesheets will be listed.
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Notes & comments support
Invoice notes and Internal comments are now included on invoice approval emails and in
the invoice export.
Invoice approval alert
Invoice export
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FM exchange rate displayed when creating a sales invoice
When creating a currency sales invoice, the Job currency and FM exchange rate appear in
a window with the options to:
Change the currency
Alter the exchange rate
Apply the latest FM exchange rate
Exchange rate change on draft invoice
To change the exchange rate on a draft invoice, click on the pencil icon towards the right
of the displayed exchange rate. A window will open, allowing the invoice exchange rate to
be changed.
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Invoice list - handler filter
Handler filter added to the ‘Invoice list’ filter and ‘Draft invoice list’.
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Batch invoicing
Batch invoicing, previously only available from the job/phase lists and client card, is now
available in the following areas:
Project jobs tab
Project phases tab
Campaign jobs tab
Campaign phases tab
This is particularly useful for users who want to create a multi-job invoice for an entire
project based on billing plans.
Multi-job billing plan
This is a new option under ‘Preferences. Previously, the Planned to recognise figure could
be displayed in the billing plans display. This figure has now been renamed to ‘BP
An additional option, ‘Recognised’, is now available. This represents the total recognised
for invoices raised against the plan
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Editing a Kanban entry
Each Kanban card has an ‘Edit’ button towards the top right-hand corner. Click on the
‘Edit’ button to make revisions to the activity.
Kanban card edits can be made to the following fields:
Activity type
Start date and time
End date and time
Activity owner (see below)
Note: You can also delete a Kanban entry from this view. Deleting a Kanban entry will
also delete the activity record it relates to.
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Changing the owner on Kanban cards
To change the owner on a Kanban card:
Click on the avatar in the top left corner
Select the new owner from the drop-down list
Kanban alert
The activity immediate alert feature will now send an alert on change of Kanban status.
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Foreign-currency expense sheets
Expenses could already be entered in a foreign currency. However, the resulting purchase
expense sheets and related purchase invoices were always created in the base currency
(typically Sterling GBP). This was an issue for companies whose staff worked abroad and
preferred to be paid in the currency where they lived. These employees would also expect
submitted expenses not to be affected by fluctuations in exchange rates.
To solve this issue, Synergist now allows for expense sheets to be saved in foreign
currencies. Once processed, these expense sheets are converted into currency purchase
invoices which can be posted to any linked accounts system that supports foreign currency
Initial set up
To implement this feature, Synergist expense accounts need to be set up for foreign
currencies and have the default currency set as the currency the user wishes to be paid in.
Select your user’s expense account from the Supplier list
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Navigate to the Financial tab
Make sure the account is set as Multi-currency
Set the default currency
Tick the new option ‘Post expenses in default currency’
Creating a currency expense sheet
Create a new expense sheet in the conventional way
Notice the Reimbursement amount is now showing in Euros
The currency is set to the user’s default currency
The current currency rate (in this case Euros to Sterling) is displayed
The rate can be adjusted at this point in the process if required
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Add an expense line
This will now default to Euros where previously it would have been in the base currency
(typically Sterling).
Creating an expense line for a different currency
The user might then wish to enter another expense line. Imagine if they had travelled to
the USA and had a hotel receipt in US Dollars.
The user could still enter the expenses in Euros if they wanted to (on the left-hand side).
However, it could be more convenient to enter the expense in US Dollars to match their
The exchange rate shown is the current exchange rate between US Dollars and the base
currency (in this case Sterling). The system first converts the dollar amount to its
equivalent in Sterling, and then converts that base currency value to Euros. This way the
system will create a Euro invoice for the accounts system and still track the cost of this
expense against the job in base currency (Sterling).
$100 = £66.66
£66.66 = 80
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Expense sheet
This has resulted in an expense sheet for a total of €280.
Once approved and posted, an expense purchase invoice for €280 is created. This can
then be posted to the linked accounts system for payment.
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Add multiple phases to a job via phase-type list
It is now possible to quickly create a set of phases based on phase types.
From a job or an opportunity record:
Select ‘Add multiple new phases’
Select from a list of phase types - one phase will be created for every phase type
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Thermometer drop-down
User interface improvements to the thermometer drop-down list on jobs & phases.
Hovers added to the Schedule tab on Jobs & Phases
This feature presents key information to the user without them having to open the record.
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Ability to edit dates inline
Note: Selecting a new date inline will only change the dates if it is aligned with your
business rules.
If your company settings dictate your job dates to be ‘Stage driven’, selecting a new date
for the job start/end date will have no effect. To change job dates, you need to amend
stage dates.
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Time & bookings information hover
When creating or editing a booking, the user can hover over the charge-code information
button and the total estimated for the job-phase will be displayed. The values correspond
to the information found in the Time & bookings estimate view.
This popup also appears in MyCalendar and Weekly timesheet to the right of the
charge code.
Note: The values displayed are for the job-phase/charge code not just the user. This
enables the person booking into the calendar to see the full picture of the estimate and
remaining time without having to open up the job in a separate tab.
Estimate Time & bookings
These figures appear in the above hover.
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Zero value purchase invoices
You can now post a PI that contains a zero-value analysis line. Zero-value lines don't get
sent to the postings table.
Supplier prices
Referencing the materials table
When creating supplier prices, you can create your own price codes (as before) or use the
materials table (new feature). This links the supplier price back to the materials record in
File Maintenance. You can then access your supplier prices from within FM by selecting the
material record. The material cost in File Maintenance is not synchronised to the material
cost in supplier prices. You may set the supplier price for the material to any value you
want it to be.
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Print and download options for charts
Available in the Dashboard, Saved reports and Data viewer, click on the icon to
reveal options to print, download or view charts in full screen.
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Run now functionality for scheduled reports
‘Run’ buttons have been added to each line in the reports table, enabling the immediate running of
individual reports. The ‘Run’ buttons are only visible when there is an email address associated with
the report.
This feature is useful when setting up a scheduled report and wishing to run the report once as a
test run.
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Costs & Quotes additional fields
‘Completed date’ and ‘Final invoiced date’ columns have been added to the end of the
‘Costs & quotes’ report when exported as a CSV.
Missing timesheets report additional field
A ‘Staff team’ column has been added to the end of the Missing timesheets report when
exported as a CSV. Please note that this column is not included in the PDF version.
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Xero import feature enhancements
A new facility to split a line allows the allocation of multiple purchase orders
Part/Final switch provided for purchase lines
Upload sales invoice PDFs to Xero as part of an invoice batch post
o Only supported when S3 attachments are used (i.e. cloud)
Each time a non-copy invoice is PDF'd, the file is uploaded to the site's S3
bucket using a file name of SI_<uuid>.pdf
<uuid> is the UUID of the [Invoice Header] record
o When posting to Xero or QBO, relevant sales invoice PDFs will also be sent if
they exist
Accounts link via API for Sage Business Cloud Accounting (Previously called
Sage One)
Accounts link for posting Sales & Purchase transactions.
Note: Sage’s API allows invoice lines to be assigned a nominal code but it does not allow
the assignment of a cost centre, department or project. Sage BCA calls these ‘Analysis
Synergist v12.6 Release Notes November 2020 36 | P a g e
Utilities Re-calc turnover
Re-calc turnover
Select clients and/or suppliers. Then enter a start date. The system will calculate the
turnover figure for all clients and suppliers for the current company. The totals will be
displayed on the client/supplier cards. This process is typically done once a year to re-set
the turnover figure for the year.
Note: Reports and dashboards do not generally use this figure. The turnover is re-
calculated based on the start/end date of the report specified.
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Description fields in all FM tables are now mandatory
Example: File Maintenance > Activity types
Option to add all stages on a Job or Phase
When adding stages to a Job or Phase, click on the ‘-All-‘ option at the top of the list if you
wish to select all the available stages.
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New custom field types
Text area field
Time field
Example of new custom fields added to a job card:
Company settings
‘IBAN’ and ‘BIC/Swift’ fields have been added to the Financial information panel.
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File maintenance tables
All tables now have sortable column headings on main lists
Exchange rate currency symbols are now mandatory