Developing Workflows with VMware
vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
February 2022
vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 5
1 Developing Workflows 6
Key Concepts of Workflows 7
Workflow Parameters 8
Workflow Variables 8
Workflow Schema 8
Workflow Presentation 9
Workflow Tokens 9
Phases in the Workflow Development Process 9
Best Practices for Developing Workflows in a Clustered Environment 10
Using the Scripting API to Configure or Update a REST Host Authentication 10
Creating and Editing Workflows 12
Workflow Editor Tabs 12
Defining Variables and Parameters 13
Create Workflow Parameters 13
Create Workflow Variables 15
Workflow Schema 16
Building a Workflow in the Workflow Schema 17
Edit a Workflow Schema 17
Promote Input and Output Parameters 18
Schema Elements 19
Schema Element Properties 23
Using the Business Status Property for Schema Elements 23
Schema Element Properties Tabs 24
Links and Bindings 26
Logical Flow of a Workflow 26
Element Links 28
Create Standard Path Links 28
Data Flow of a Workflow 29
Element Bindings 29
Define Element Bindings 30
Decisions 31
Create Decision Element Links 31
Exception Handling 32
Create Exception Bindings 32
Foreach Elements and Composite Types 33
Define a Foreach Element 34
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Add a Switch Activity to a Workflow 35
Requesting User Interactions While a Workflow Runs 35
Add a User Interaction to a Workflow 37
Set the User Interaction Variable 37
Set the Variable to an Absolute Date 38
Calculate a Relative Timeout for User Interactions 39
Set the Variable to a Relative Date 40
Define User Interaction Exception Behavior 41
Create the Input Parameters Dialog Box for the User Interaction 42
Calling Workflows Within Workflows 43
Workflow Elements That Call Workflows 43
Call a Workflow Synchronously 45
Call a Workflow Asynchronously 45
Schedule a Workflow 46
Prerequisites for Calling a Remote Workflow from Within Another Workflow 47
Call Several Workflows Simultaneously 47
Running a Workflow on a Selection of Objects 48
Implement the Start Workflows in a Series and Start Workflows in Parallel Workflows 49
Developing Long-Running Workflows 50
Set a Relative Time and Date for Timer-Based Workflows 51
Create a Timer-Based Long-Running Workflow 52
Create a Trigger Object 54
Create a Trigger-Based Long-Running Workflow 55
Running Workflows 56
Resuming a Failed Workflow Run 57
Set the Behavior for Resuming a Failed Workflow Run 57
Set Custom Properties for Resuming Failed Workflow Runs 58
Managing a Failed Workflow Run 58
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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Developing Workflows with VMware
vRealize Orchestrator
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator
provides information and instructions
for developing custom VMware
vRealize Orchestrator workflows.
For more general information on the vRealize Orchestrator Client, see
Using the VMware vRealize
Orchestrator Client
Intended Audience
This information is intended for developers who want to create custom vRealize Orchestrator
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Developing Workflows
You develop workflows in the vRealize Orchestrator Client. Workflow development involves using
the workflow editor, the vRealize Orchestrator APIs, and the JavaScript, Python, Node.js, and
PowerShell scripting languages.
Note To use Python, Node.js, and PowerShell scripts in your vRealize Orchestrator Client,
you must verify that your vRealize Orchestrator deployment uses a vRealize Suite or vRealize
Automation license. For more information on the vRealize Orchestrator license-based feature
enablement, see
vRealize Orchestrator Feature Enablement with Licenses
Installing and
Configuring VMware vRealize Orchestrator
n Key Concepts of Workflows
Workflows consist of a schema, workflow variables, and input and output parameters.
The workflow schema is the main component of a workflow as it defines all the
workflow elements and the logical connections between them. The workflow variables and
parameters are the properties that workflows use to transfer data. vRealize Orchestrator
saves a workflow token every time a workflow runs, recording the details of that specific
workflow run.
n Phases in the Workflow Development Process
The process for developing a workflow involves a series of phases. You can follow a
different sequence of phases or skip a phase, depending on the type of workflow that you
are developing. For example, you can create a workflow without custom scripting.
n Best Practices for Developing Workflows in a Clustered Environment
You can follow best practices for developing vRealize Orchestrator workflows by multiple
users and in a clustered environment.
n Using the Scripting API to Configure or Update a REST Host Authentication
You can configure or update the OAuth 2.0 token sending strategy of a REST host by using
either the query parameter or authorization header strategy.
n Creating and Editing Workflows
You create and edit workflows in the vRealize Orchestrator Client workflow editor.
The workflow editor is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of the vRealize
Orchestrator Client for developing workflows.
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n Workflow Editor Tabs
The workflow editor consists of tabs on which you edit the components of the workflows.
n Defining Variables and Parameters
After you create a workflow, you must define the global variables, input parameters, and
output parameters of the workflow.
n Workflow Schema
A workflow schema is a graphical representation of a workflow that shows the workflow
as a flow diagram of interconnected workflow elements. The workflow schema defines the
logical flow of a workflow.
n (Optional) Requesting User Interactions While a Workflow Runs
A workflow can sometimes require additional input parameters from an outside source while
it runs. These input parameters can come from another application or workflow, or the user
can provide them directly.
n Calling Workflows Within Workflows
Workflows can call on other workflows during their run. A workflow can start another
workflow either because it requires the result of the other workflow as an input parameter
for its own run, or it can start a workflow and let it continue its own run independently.
Workflows can also start a workflow at a given time in the future, or start multiple workflows
n Running a Workflow on a Selection of Objects
You can automate repetitive tasks by running a workflow on a selection of objects. For
example, you can create a workflow that takes a snapshot of all the virtual machines in a
virtual machine folder, or you can create a workflow that powers off all the virtual machines
on a given host.
n Developing Long-Running Workflows
A workflow in a waiting state consumes system resources because it constantly polls the
object from which it requires a response. If you know that a workflow might wait for a
long time before it receives the response it requires, you can add long-running workflow
elements to the workflow.
n Running Workflows
A vRealize Orchestrator workflow runs according to a logical flow of events.
n Resuming a Failed Workflow Run
If a workflow fails, vRealize Orchestrator provides an option to resume the workflow run
from the last failed activity.
Key Concepts of Workflows
Workflows consist of a schema, workflow variables, and input and output parameters. The
workflow schema is the main component of a workflow as it defines all the workflow elements
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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and the logical connections between them. The workflow variables and parameters are the
properties that workflows use to transfer data. vRealize Orchestrator saves a workflow token
every time a workflow runs, recording the details of that specific workflow run.
Workflow Parameters
Workflows receive input parameters and generate output parameters when they run.
Input Parameters
Most workflows require a certain set of input parameters to run. An input parameter is an
argument that the workflow processes when it runs. The user, an application, another workflow,
or an action passes input parameters to a workflow for the workflow to process when it runs.
For example, if a workflow resets a virtual machine, the workflow requires the name of the virtual
machine as an input parameter.
Output Parameters
A workflow's output parameters represent the result from the workflow run. Output parameters
can change when a workflow or a workflow element runs. During a workflow run, the workflow
can receive the output parameters of other workflows as input parameters.
For example, if a workflow creates a snapshot of a virtual machine, the output parameter for the
workflow is the resulting snapshot.
Workflow Variables
Workflow elements process data that they receive as input parameters, and set the resulting
data as workflow variables or output parameters.
Read-only workflow variables act as global constants for a workflow. Writable variables act as a
workflow’s global variables.
You can use variables to transfer data between the elements of a workflow. You can obtain
variables in the following ways:
n Define variables when you create a workflow.
n Set the output parameter of a workflow element as a workflow variable.
n Inherit variables from a configuration element.
Workflow Schema
A workflow schema is a graphical representation that shows the workflow as a flow diagram
of interconnected workflow elements. The workflow schema is the most important element of a
workflow as it determines its logic.
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Workflow Presentation
When users run a workflow, they provide the values for the input parameters of the workflow
in the workflow presentation. When you organize the workflow presentation, consider the type
and number of input parameters of the workflow. You can configure the presentation of your
workflows from the Input Form tab of the workflow editor in the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
Workflow Tokens
A workflow token represents a workflow that is running or has finished running.
A workflow is an abstract description of a process that defines a generic sequence of steps
and a generic set of required input parameters. When you run a workflow with a set of input
parameters, you receive an instance of this abstract workflow that behaves according to the
specific input parameters you give it. This specific instance of a finished or a running workflow is
called a workflow token.
Workflow Token Attributes
Workflow token attributes are the specific parameters with which a workflow token runs. The
workflow token attributes are an aggregation of the workflow's global variables and the specific
input and output parameters with which you run the workflow token.
Phases in the Workflow Development Process
The process for developing a workflow involves a series of phases. You can follow a different
sequence of phases or skip a phase, depending on the type of workflow that you are developing.
For example, you can create a workflow without custom scripting.
Generally, you develop a workflow through the following phases.
1 Create a new workflow or create a duplicate of an existing workflow from the standard
2 Provide general information about the workflow.
3 Define the input parameters and out parameters of the workflow.
4 Lay out and link the workflow schema to define the logical flow of the workflow.
5 Bind the input and output parameters of each schema element to workflow variables.
6 Write the necessary scripts for scriptable task elements or custom decision elements.
7 Create the workflow presentation from the Input Form tab.
8 Validate the workflow.
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Best Practices for Developing Workflows in a Clustered
You can follow best practices for developing vRealize Orchestrator workflows by multiple users
and in a clustered environment.
n Each developer has a dedicated test standalone vRealize Orchestrator instance for creating
and developing workflows.
n Workflows are saved as maven projects on a shared source code control system.
n To ensure optimal performance of the vRealize Orchestrator production deployment, it is
best to import workflows in a scheduled period.
Using the Scripting API to Configure or Update a REST Host
You can configure or update the OAuth 2.0 token sending strategy of a REST host by using
either the query parameter or authorization header strategy.
Starting with vRealize Orchestrator 8.7, you can now use two different strategies for sending
an OAuth 2.0 bearer access token when making an OAuth 2.0 authorized request. The default
strategy, used in previous product versions, is to send the token in a oauth_token query
parameter when making requests to the host. Using the query parameter strategy can introduce
certain vulnerabilities, such as having the REST host server log the incoming requests.
Note The query parameter will be deprecated in a future vRealize Orchestrator release.
The newly introduced and recommended strategy is to use the Authorization header to send the
token when making request to the host.
You can configure either token sending strategy by:
n Using the OAuth 2.0 tab used in built-in REST workflows such as Add a REST Host or Update
a REST Host. For an example of using this option when running the Add a REST Host
workflow, see Add a REST Host.
n Changing the authorization strategy by adding custom scripting to your workflow.
The scripting approach uses the following methods:
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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Token sending strategy Scripting
Authorization header host.authentication =
h 2.0", ["<token>", "Authorization header"]);
Query parameter host.authentication =
h 2.0", ["<token>", "Query parameter"]);
Note The old scripting approach of creating an OAuth 2.0 authentication by passing only the
token parameter without a token sending strategy still works, and for backwards compatibility
preserves the past behavior of using the query parameter strategy.
host.authentication = RESTAuthenticationManager.createAuthentication("OAuth 2.0",
To demonstrate the scripting approach to managing your REST host authorization strategy, the
following procedure presents a sample use case of creating a workflow which can be used for
switching authorization strategies.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows and select New Workflow.
3 Add a name for the workflow and click Create.
4 Navigate to the Schema tab and add a Scriptable task workflow element.
5 Add the following input and output parameters to the workflow element:
Input or Output Name Type
Input host REST:RESTHost
Input token string
Output result REST:RESTHost
6 Under the Scripting tab, add the following script:
var oldAuth = host.authentication
var ouath20type = "OAuth 2.0"
if (oldAuth.type !== ouath20type) {
System.log ("REST host isn't using" + ouath20type);
result = host;
} else {
var oldStrategy = oldAuth.rawAuthProperties[1]
if (oldStrategy === "Query parameter") {
var newStrategy = "Authorization header";
} else {
var newStrategy = "Query parameter"
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var newAuth = RESTAuthenticationManager.createAuthentication ("OAuth 2.0", [token,
host.authentication = newAuth;
result = RESTHostManager.updateHost(host);
Note In the preceding code sample, you can also use oldAuth.getRawAuthProperty(1)
instead of oldAuth.rawAuthProperties[1]. Both function in the same way.
7 Save the workflow.
8 To change the token sending strategy of your REST host, run the workflow.
What to do next
You can verify what token sending strategy your REST host uses by navigating to Inventory >
REST-Host, selecting your host, and checking the Authorization entry.
Creating and Editing Workflows
You create and edit workflows in the vRealize Orchestrator Client workflow editor. The workflow
editor is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of the vRealize Orchestrator Client for
developing workflows.
Workflow Editor Tabs
The workflow editor consists of tabs on which you edit the components of the workflows.
Table 1-1. Workflow Editor Tabs
Tab Description
Summary Provide general information about the workflow, such
as the workflow name, description, tags, and version
number. The Summary tab can also be used to configure
the server restart behavior and workflow run failure
Variables Define the variables for your workflow. Variables were
previously known as attributes.
Input/Output Define the input and output parameters of your
workflow. The input parameters provide the data that the
workflow processes during the workflow run. The output
parameters are provided when the workflow run finishes.
Schema Build the workflow. You build the workflow by dragging
workflow schema elements from the workflow palette on
the left side of the Schema tab. By clicking an element
in the schema diagram, you can define and edit the
element's behavior.
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Table 1-1. Workflow Editor Tabs (continued)
Tab Description
Input Form Define the layout of the user input dialog box that
appears when users run a workflow. You arrange the
parameters and variables into presentation steps and
tabs to ease identification of parameters in the input
parameters dialog box. You define the constraints on
the input parameters that users can provide in the
presentation by setting the parameter properties. You can
also add external validation for your workflow by using
actions. For more information on the input form designer,
vRealize Orchestrator Input Form Designer
the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client
Version History View and manage the version history of the workflow.
Compare and restore versions and push and pull
workflows to and from your integrated Git repository. For
more information on using Git in the vRealize Orchestrator
Client, see
How Can I Use Git Branching to Manage
My vRealize Orchestrator Object Inventory
Using the
VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client
Audit View information about events related to the workflow
such as, when it was saved, when a workflow run was
performed, and when a workflow run was finished.
Defining Variables and Parameters
After you create a workflow, you must define the global variables, input parameters, and output
parameters of the workflow.
Workflow variables store data that workflows process internally. Unlike input and output
parameters, variables values can be preset. Variables were previously known as attributes.
Workflow input parameters are data provided by an outside source, such as a user or another
workflow. Workflow output parameters are data that the workflow delivers when it finishes
What to read next
n Create Workflow Parameters
You can use input and output parameters to pass data into and out of the workflow.
n Create Workflow Variables
Workflow variables are the data that workflows process.
Create Workflow Parameters
You can use input and output parameters to pass data into and out of the workflow.
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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You can create the parameters of a workflow in the workflow editor. The input parameters
are the initial data that the workflow requires to run. Users provide the values for the input
parameters when they run the workflow. The output parameters are the data the workflow
returns when it finishes running.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Inputs/Outputs tab.
4 To add a parameter, click New.
5 Create a workflow parameter.
a Select if you want to create an input or output parameter.
b Enter a name.
Note The parameter name must be a single word that can only contain letters, numbers,
and the dollar ("$") and underscore ("_") symbols.
c (Optional) Enter a description.
d Set the parameter type.
Note To create a composite type parameter, that includes multiple different parameter
types, select New Composite Type from the Type text box.
e (Optional) To create an array, click the Array check box.
f To finish creating your parameter, click Create.
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6 (Optional) Set a default value for your input parameters.
a Select the Input Form tab.
b Select your input parameter and click the Values tab.
c Select the value source for your input parameter, by expanding the Default value text
Value Source Description
Constant The default value source. Enter a constant default value for your input
Conditional value Add one or more conditional expressions that define your input
parameter value.
External source Import an external action that configures the value of your input
parameter. The filtering of available actions is done by parameter type.
Bind field Bind the value of the select input parameter to another input parameter
or variable.
Computed value Configure the input parameter value by using operators. The type of
available operators depends on the input parameter type. For example,
for number type input parameters, you can select the arithmetic
operators Add, Subtract, Multiply.
Note Compute value is not available for SDK type input parameters,
such as AD:UserGroup, SSH:Host, and so on.
7 (Optional) Configure output parameter exception handling.
a Select the Schema tab, and add a workflow element to the schema diagram.
b Add your output parameters to the workflow element.
c Expand the Exception handling menu item.
d Select a variable that you want to use to handle output parameter exceptions.
You have created an input or output parameter for the workflow.
Create Workflow Variables
Workflow variables are the data that workflows process.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Variables tab.
4 To add a variable, click New.
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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5 Create a workflow variable.
a Enter a name.
Note The variable name must be a single word that can only contain letters, numbers,
and the dollar ("$") and underscore ("_") symbols.
b (Optional) Enter a description.
c Set the parameter type.
Note To create a composite type variable, that includes multiple different parameter
types, select New Composite Type from the Type text box.
d (Optional) To create an array, click the Array check box.
e Add a value for your workflow variable.
f To finish creating your variable, click Create.
You created a variable for the workflow.
Workflow Schema
A workflow schema is a graphical representation of a workflow that shows the workflow as a
flow diagram of interconnected workflow elements. The workflow schema defines the logical
flow of a workflow.
n Building a Workflow in the Workflow Schema
Workflow schemas consist of a sequence of schema elements. Workflow schema elements
are the building blocks of the workflow, and can represent decisions, scripted tasks, actions,
exception handlers, or even other workflows.
n Schema Elements
The workflow editor presents the workflow schema elements in menus on the Schema tab.
You can use the schema elements available in the Schema tab to build a workflow.
n Schema Element Properties
Schema elements have properties that you can define and edit in the Schema tab of the
workflow palette.
n Links and Bindings
Links between elements determine the logical flow of the workflow. Bindings populate
elements with data from other elements by binding input and output parameters to
workflow variables.
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n Decisions
Workflows can implement decision functions that define different courses of action
according to a Boolean true or false statement.
n Exception Handling
Exception handling catches any errors that occur when a schema element runs. Exception
handling defines how the schema element behaves when the error occurs.
n Foreach Elements and Composite Types
You can insert a Foreach element in the workflow that you develop to run a subworkflow
that iterates over arrays of parameters or variables. To improve the understanding and
readability of the workflow, you can group several workflow parameters of different types
that are logically connected in a single type that is called a composite type.
n Add a Switch Activity to a Workflow
You can add a basic switch activity to a workflow schema that defines the switch cases
based on workflow variables or parameters.
Building a Workflow in the Workflow Schema
Workflow schemas consist of a sequence of schema elements. Workflow schema elements
are the building blocks of the workflow, and can represent decisions, scripted tasks, actions,
exception handlers, or even other workflows.
You build workflows in the workflow editor by dragging schema elements from the workflow
palette on the left of the workflow editor into the workflow schema diagram.
Edit a Workflow Schema
You build a workflow by creating a sequence of schema elements that define the logical flow of
the workflow.
By default, all elements in the workflow schema are linked. Links between the elements are
represented as arrows. When you add a new element to the workflow schema, you must drag it
onto an arrow or an existing workflow element that is not linked to a next element. After you add
workflow elements to the schema, you can delete existing links and create new links to define the
logical flow of the workflow.
A workflow schema must have at least one End workflow element, but it can have several.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Click the Schema tab.
4 Drag a schema element from the Generic menu in the left pane, to the workflow schema.
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5 Click the element you dragged to the workflow schema and enter a name.
Note You should provide each element in your workflow with a unique name that describes
its function. For example, your workflow might include two Scriptable task elements, one
used to create a virtual machine, and another used to delete a virtual machine. In such a use
case, you might want to name your elements, Create VM and Delete VM. You cannot rename
the End workflow and Throw exception elements.
6 (Optional) Right-click an element in the schema and select either Arrange vertically or
Arrange horizontally to manage the schema orientation around the specific element.
7 Drag schema elements from the Basic, Log, or Network menus to the workflow schema.
Note You can edit the names of the elements in the Basic, Log, or Network menus. You
cannot edit their scripting.
8 Repeat this procedure until you have added all the required schema elements to the
workflow schema.
What to do next
Define the properties and, if applicable, the scripting of the elements you added to the workflow
schema and link and bind them all together.
Promote Input and Output Parameters
You can promote the input and output parameters of a child element to the parent workflow.
You can promote a custom variable that you have defined in the workflow editor. You can
promote predefined variables only by replacing an input parameter with a variable of matching
Note If you promote a predefined variable and assign a custom value to it, a duplicate variable
is created to avoid overwriting the value of the original variable. The duplicate variable retains
the name of the original variable and increments the numerical value at the end of the variable's
Open a workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Add a Workflow element or an Action element to the workflow schema.
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5 Use the selected element to add a workflow or an action to the workflow.
The following notification appears at the top of the schema pane.
No Inputs/Outputs were auto-binded. To create workflow-level variables/
parameters for other inputs/outputs, please promote them.
6 Click Promote.
7 Select the mapping type for each input parameter.
Option Description
Input The argument is mapped to an input workflow parameter.
Skip The argument is mapped to a NULL value.
Variable The argument is mapped to a workflow variable.
8 Select the mapping type for each output parameter.
Option Description
Output The argument is mapped to an output workflow parameter.
Skip The argument is mapped to a NULL value.
Variable The argument is mapped to a workflow variable.
9 Click Promote.
You promoted parameters to the parent workflow.
Schema Elements
The workflow editor presents the workflow schema elements in menus on the Schema tab. You
can use the schema elements available in the Schema tab to build a workflow.
Table 1-2. Schema Elements and Icons
Schema Element
Name Description Icon
Location in Workflow
Start Workflow The starting point of the workflow. All
workflows contain this element. A workflow
can have only one start element. Start
elements have one output and no input,
and cannot be removed from the workflow
Always present on the
Schema tab
Scriptable task General-purpose tasks you define. You
write JavaScript functions in this element.
The Generic workflow
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Table 1-2. Schema Elements and Icons (continued)
Schema Element
Name Description Icon
Location in Workflow
Decision A boolean function. Decision elements take
one input parameter and return either
true or false. The type of decision
that the element makes depends on the
type of the input parameter. Decision
elements let the workflow branch into
different directions, depending on the
input parameter the decision element
receives. If the received input parameter
corresponds to an expected value, the
workflow continues along a certain route.
If the input is not the expected value, the
workflow continues on an alternative path.
The Generic workflow
Custom decision A boolean function. Custom decisions can
take several input parameters and process
them according to custom scripts. Returns
either true or false.
The Generic workflow
Decision activity A boolean function. A decision activity runs
a workflow and binds its output parameters
to a true or a false path.
The Generic workflow
User interaction Lets users pass new input parameters to
the workflow. You can design how the user
interaction element presents the request
for input parameters and place constraints
on the parameters that users can provide.
When a running workflow arrives at a user
interaction element, it enters a passive
state and prompts the user for input. You
can set a timeout period within which the
users must provide input. The workflow
resumes according to the data the user
passes to it, or returns an exception if the
timeout period expires. While it is waiting
for the user to respond, the workflow token
is in the waiting state.
The Generic workflow
Waiting timer Used by long-running workflows. When a
running workflow arrives at a Waiting Timer
element, it enters a passive state. You set
an absolute date at which the workflow
resumes running. While it is waiting for the
date, the workflow token is in the waiting-
signal state.
The Generic workflow
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Table 1-2. Schema Elements and Icons (continued)
Schema Element
Name Description Icon
Location in Workflow
Waiting event Used in long-running workflows. When a
running workflow arrives at a Waiting Event
element, it enters a passive state. You
define a trigger event that the workflow
awaits before it resumes running. While it
is waiting for the event, the workflow token
is in the waiting-signal state.
The Generic workflow
End workflow The end point of a workflow. You can
have multiple end elements in a schema, to
represent the various possible outcomes of
the workflow. End elements have one input
with no output. When a workflow reaches
an End Workflow element, the workflow
token enters the completed state.
The Generic workflow
Thrown exception Creates an exception and stops the
workflow. Multiple occurrences of this
element can be present in the workflow
schema. Exception elements have one
input parameter, which can only be of the
String type, and have no output parameter.
When a workflow reaches an Exception
element, the workflow token enters the
failed state.
The Generic workflow
Workflow note Lets you annotate sections of the
workflow. You can stretch notes to
delineate sections of the workflow. You can
change the background color of the notes
to differentiate workflow zones. Workflow
notes provide only visual information, to
help you understand the schema.
The Generic workflow
Action element Calls on an action from the Orchestrator
libraries of actions. When a workflow
reaches an action element, it calls and runs
that action.
The Generic workflow
Workflow element Starts another workflow synchronously.
When a workflow reaches a Workflow
element in its schema, it runs that workflow
as part of its own process. The original
workflow continues only after the called
workflow completes its run.
The Generic workflow
Foreach element Runs a workflow on every element from
an array. For example, you can run the
Rename Virtual Machine workflow on all
virtual machines from a folder.
The Generic workflow
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Table 1-2. Schema Elements and Icons (continued)
Schema Element
Name Description Icon
Location in Workflow
Starts a workflow asynchronously. When
a workflow reaches an asynchronous
workflow element, it starts that workflow
and continues its own run. The original
workflow does not wait for the called
workflow to complete.
The Generic workflow
Schedule workflow Creates a task to run the workflow at a set
time, and then the workflow continues its
The Generic workflow
Nested workflows Starts several workflows simultaneously.
You can decide to nest local workflows and
remote workflows that are in a different
Orchestrator server. You can also run
workflows with different credentials. The
workflow waits for all the nested workflows
to complete before continuing its run.
The Generic workflow
Handle error Handles an error for a specific workflow
element. The workflow can handle the error
by creating an exception, calling another
workflow, or running a custom script.
The Generic workflow
Default error
Handles workflow errors that are not
caught by standard error handlers. You
can use any available schema elements to
handle errors.
The Generic workflow
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Table 1-2. Schema Elements and Icons (continued)
Schema Element
Name Description Icon
Location in Workflow
Switch Switches to alternative workflow paths,
based on a workflow variable or parameter.
The Generic workflow
Pre-Defined Task Non-editable scripted elements that
perform standard tasks that workflows
commonly use. The following tasks are
n Sleep
n Change credential
n Wait until date
n Wait for custom event
n Send custom event
n Increase counter
n Decrease counter
n System log
n System warning
n System error
n Server log
n Server warning
n Server error
n System+Server log
n System+Server warning
n System+Server error
n HTTP post
n HTTP get
Basic, Log, and
Network workflow palettes
Schema Element Properties
Schema elements have properties that you can define and edit in the Schema tab of the
workflow palette.
Using the Business Status Property for Schema Elements
You can define the business status of the workflow element from the General tab.
The Business Status property is a brief description of what this element does. When a workflow
is running, the workflow token shows the business status of each element as it runs. This feature
is useful for tracking workflow status.
Verify that the Schema tab of the workflow editor contains elements.
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Click the Schema tab.
4 Select an element to edit.
5 Click the General tab.
6 Provide a business status description in the Business Status text box.
Schema Element Properties Tabs
You access the properties of a schema element by clicking an element that you have dragged
into the workflow schema. The properties of the element appear in tabs at the top right of the
workflow editor.
Workflow Schema Element Properties Tabs
Certain workflow schema elements, such as the Decision element, do not include multiple tabs to
manage their properties.
Developing Workflows with VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x
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Schema Element Properties Tab Description Applies to Schema Element Type
General Provide general information about
the schema element, such as the
name, description, input and output
parameters, and exception handling.
n Scriptable task
n Action element
n Sleep
n Change credential
n Wait until date
n Wait for custom event
n Send custom event
n Increase counter
n Decrease counter
n System log
n System warning
n System error
n Server log
n Server warning
n Server error
n System and Server log
n System and Server warning
n System and Server error
n HTTP post
n HTTP get
Enter the JavaScript script used in
the schema element.
n Scriptable task
n Action element
n Sleep
n Change credential
n Wait until date
n Wait for custom event
n Send custom event
n Increase counter
n Decrease counter
n System log
n System warning
n System error
n Server log
n Server warning
n Server error
n System and Server log
n System and Server warning
n System and Server error
n HTTP post
n HTTP get
n Asynchrous element
n Schedule workflow
n Switch
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Schema Element Properties Tab Description Applies to Schema Element Type
Info Has the same functionality as the
General tab.
n Asynchrous element
n Schedule workflow
n Switch
Cases Define to which other element the
Switch element switches to.
Links and Bindings
Links between elements determine the logical flow of the workflow. Bindings populate elements
with data from other elements by binding input and output parameters to workflow variables.
To understand links and bindings, you must understand the difference between the logical flow
of a workflow and the data flow of a workflow.
Logical Flow of a Workflow
The logical flow of a workflow is the progression of the workflow from one element to the next in
the schema as the workflow runs. You define the logical flow of the workflow by linking elements
in the schema.
The standard path is the path that the workflow takes through the logical flow if all elements run
as expected. The exception path is the path that the workflow takes through the logical flow if an
element does not run as expected.
Different styles of arrows in the workflow schema denote the different paths that the workflow
can take through its logical flow.
n A blue arrow denotes the standard path that the workflow takes from one element to the
n A green arrow denotes the path that the workflow takes if a Boolean decision element
returns true.
n A red dashed arrow denotes the path that the workflow takes if a Boolean decision
element returns false. Alternatively, a red dashed arrow denotes the exception path that
the workflow takes if a workflow element does not run correctly.
The following figure shows an example workflow schema that demonstrates the different paths
that workflows can take.
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Figure 1-1. Different Workflow Paths Through the Logical Flow of the Workflow
This example workflow can take the following paths through its logical flow.
n Standard path, true decision result, no exceptions.
a The decision element returns true.
b The SnapVMsInResourcePool workflow runs successfully.
c The sendHtmlEmail action runs successfully.
d The workflow ends successfully in the completed state.
n Standard path, false decision result, no exceptions.
a The decision element returns false.
b The operation the scriptable task element defines runs successfully.
c The sendHtmlEmail action runs successfully.
d The workflow ends successfully in the completed state.
n true decision result, exception.
a The decision element returns true.
b The SnapVMsInResourcePool workflow encounters an error.
c The workflow returns an exception and stops in the failed state.
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n false decision result, exception.
a The decision element returns false.
b The operation the Scriptable task element defines encounters an error.
The workflow returns an exception and stops in the failed state.
Element Links
Links connect schema elements and define the logical flow of the workflow from one element to
the next.
Elements can usually set only one outgoing link to another element in the workflow and one
exception link to an element that defines its exception behavior. The outgoing link defines the
standard path of the workflow. The exception link defines the exception path of the workflow.
In most cases, a single schema element can receive incoming standard path links from multiple
The following elements are exceptions to the preceding statements.
n The Start Workflow element cannot receive incoming links and has no exception link.
n Exception elements can receive multiple incoming exception links, and have no outgoing or
exception links.
n Decision elements have two outgoing links that define the paths the workflow takes
depending on the decision's true or false result. Decisions have no exception link.
n End Workflow elements cannot have outgoing links or exception links.
Create Standard Path Links
Standard path links determine the normal run of the workflow.
When you link one element to another, you always link the elements in the order in which they
run in the workflow. You always start from the element that runs first to create a link between
two elements.
n Open a workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
n Verify that the Schema tab of the workflow editor contains elements.
1 Place the pointer on the element that you want to connect to another element.
A blue and a red arrow appear on the element's right.
2 Place the pointer on the blue arrow.
The blue arrow enlarges.
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3 Left-click the blue arrow, hold down the left mouse button, and move the pointer to the
target element.
A blue arrow appears between the two elements and a green rectangle appears around the
target element.
4 Release the left mouse button.
The blue arrow remains between the two elements.
A standard path now links the elements.
What to do next
The elements are joined, but you have not defined the data flow. You must define the input and
output bindings to bind incoming and outgoing data to workflow variables.
Data Flow of a Workflow
The data flow of a workflow is the manner in which the workflow element input and output
parameters bind to workflow variables as each element of the workflow runs. You define the data
flow of a workflow by using schema element bindings.
When an element in the workflow schema runs, it requires data in the form of input parameters. It
takes the data for its input parameters by binding to a workflow variables that you set when you
create the workflow, or by binding to an variable that a preceding element in the workflow set
when it ran.
The element processes the data, possibly transforms it, and generates the results of its run in the
form of output parameters. The element binds its resulting output parameters to new workflow
variables that it creates. Other elements in the schema can bind to these new workflow variables
as their input parameters. The workflow can generate the variables as its output parameters at
the end of its run.
Element Bindings
You must bind all workflow input and output parameters. Bindings set data in the elements, and
define the output and exception behavior of the elements. Links define the logical flow of the
workflow, whereas bindings define the data flow.
To set data in an element, generate output parameters from the element after processing, and
handle any errors that might occur when the element runs, you must set the element binding.
Input binding
Set a schema element's incoming data. For most schema elements, you can do this from the
Inputs/Outputs menu of the General tab.
Output binding
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Define the output parameters used when an element finishes its run. For most schema
elements, you can do this from the Inputs/Outputs menu of the General tab.
Output Exception bindings
Link to exception handlers if the element encounters an exception when it runs.
Output exception bindings write values into the bound source parameter.
If the element changes the values of the input parameters that it receives when it runs, you must
bind them to a workflow variable by using an output exception binding. Binding the element's
output parameters to workflow variables lets other elements that follow it in the workflow
schema to take those output parameters as their input parameters.
A common mistake when creating workflows is not to bind output parameter values to reflect the
changes that the element makes to the workflow variables.
Important When you add an element that requires input and output parameters of a type
that you have already defined in the workflow, vRealize Orchestrator sets the bindings to these
parameters. You must verify that the parameters that vRealize Orchestrator binds are correct, in
case the workflow defines different parameters of the same type to which the element can bind.
Define Element Bindings
After you link elements to create the logical flow of the workflow, you define element bindings to
define how each element processes the data it receives and generates.
Verify that you have a workflow schema in the Schema tab of the workflow editor, and that you
have created links between the elements.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select a workflow element.
5 On the General tab of the element configuration window, expand the Inputs/Outputs option.
6 Add the appropriate workflow input or output parameters from the list of existing parameters
and variables.
7 To save your changes to the workflow schema, click Save.
You defined the input parameters that the element receives and the output parameters that it
generates, and bound them to workflow variables and parameters.
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What to do next
You can create forks in the path of the workflow by defining decisions.
Workflows can implement decision functions that define different courses of action according to
a Boolean true or false statement.
Decisions are forks in the workflow. Workflow decisions are made according to inputs provided
by you, by other workflows, by applications, or by the environment in which the workflow is
running. The value of the input parameter that the decision element receives determines which
branch of the fork the workflow takes. For example, a workflow decision might receive the power
status of a given virtual machine as its input. If the virtual machine is powered on, the workflow
takes a certain path through its logical flow. If the virtual machine is powered off, the workflow
takes a different path.
Decisions are always Boolean functions. The only possible outcomes for each decision are true
or false.
Custom Decisions
Custom decisions differ from standard decisions in that you define the decision statement in
a script. Custom decisions return true or false according to the statement you define, as the
following example shows.
if (decision_statement){
return true;
return false;
Create Decision Element Links
Decision elements differ from other elements in a workflow. They have only true or false
output parameters. Decision elements have no exception linking.
Verify that the Schema tab of the workflow editor contains elements, including at least one
decision element that is not linked to other elements.
1 Place the mouse pointer on a decision element to link it to two other elements that define
two possible branches in the workflow.
A blue arrow and a red arrow appear on the element's right.
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2 Place the pointer on the blue arrow, and while keeping the left mouse button pressed, move
the pointer to the target element.
A green arrow appears between the two elements and the target element turns green. The
green arrow represents the true path the workflow takes if the input parameter or variable
received by the decision element matches the decision statement.
3 Release the left mouse button.
The green arrow remains between the two elements. You have defined the path the
workflow takes when the decision element receives the expected value.
4 Place the pointer on the decision element, hold down the left mouse button, and move the
pointer to the target element.
A dotted red arrow appears between the two elements and the target element turns green.
The red arrow represents the false path that the workflow takes if the input parameter or
variable received by the decision element does not match the decision statement.
5 Release the left mouse button.
The dotted red arrow remains between the two elements. You have defined the path the
workflow takes when the decision element receives unexpected input.
You have defined the possible true or false paths that the workflow takes depending on the
input parameter or variable the decision element receives.
Exception Handling
Exception handling catches any errors that occur when a schema element runs. Exception
handling defines how the schema element behaves when the error occurs.
All elements in a workflow, except for decisions and start and end elements, contain a specific
output parameter type that serves only for handling exceptions. If an element encounters an
error during its run, it can send an error signal to an exception handler. Exception handlers catch
the error and react according to the errors they receive. If the exception handlers you define
cannot handle a certain error, you can bind an element's exception output parameter to an
Exception element, which ends the workflow run in the failed state.
Exceptions act as a try and catch sequence within a workflow element. If you do not need to
handle a given exception in an element, you do not have to bind that element's exception output
The output parameter type for exceptions is always an errorCode object.
Create Exception Bindings
Elements can set bindings that define how the workflow behaves when it encounters an error in
that element.
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Verify that the Schema tab of the workflow editor contains elements.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the element for which you want to define exception binding.
4 On the General tab, expand the Exception Handling option.
5 Select a workflow variable you want to use for exception handling.
6 To finish editing the workflow, click Save.
You defined how the element handles exceptions.
Foreach Elements and Composite Types
You can insert a Foreach element in the workflow that you develop to run a subworkflow that
iterates over arrays of parameters or variables. To improve the understanding and readability of
the workflow, you can group several workflow parameters of different types that are logically
connected in a single type that is called a composite type.
Using Foreach Elements
A Foreach element runs a subworkflow iteratively over an array of input parameters or variables.
You can select the arrays over which the subworkflow is run, and can pass the values for the
elements of such an array when you run the workflow. The subworkflow runs as many times as
the number of elements that you have defined in the array.
If you have a configuration element that contains an array of variables, you can run a workflow
that iterates over these variables in a Foreach element.
For example, suppose that you have 10 virtual machines in a folder that you want to rename.
To do this, you must insert a Foreach element in a workflow and define the Rename virtual
machine workflow as a subworkflow in the element. The Rename virtual machine workflow takes
two input parameters, a virtual machine and its new name. You can promote these parameters
as input to the current workflow, and as a result, they become arrays over which the Rename
virtual machine workflow will iterate. When you run your workflow, you can specify the 10 virtual
machines in the folder and their new names. Every time the workflow runs, it takes an element
from the array of the virtual machines and an element from the array of the new names for the
virtual machines.
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Using Composite Types
A composite type is a group of more than one input parameter or variables that are connected
logically but are of different types. In a Foreach element, you can bind a group of parameters as
a composite value. In this way, the Foreach element takes the values for the grouped parameters
at once in every subsequent run of the workflow.
For example, suppose that you are about to rename a virtual machine. You need the virtual
machine object and its new name. If you have to rename multiple virtual machines, you need two
arrays, one for the virtual machines and one for their names. These two arrays are not explicitly
connected. A composite type lets you have one array where each element contains both the
virtual machine and its new name. In this way, the connection between those two parameters in
case of multiple values is specified explicitly and not implied by the workflow schema.
Note You cannot run a workflow that contains composite types from the vSphere Web Client.
Define a Foreach Element
If you want to run a subworkflow multiple times by passing different values for its parameters or
variables in every subsequent run, you can insert a
Foreach element in the parent workflow.
When you insert a Foreach element, you must select at least one array over which the Foreach
element iterates. An array element can have different values for each subsequent workflow run.
If the subworkflow has output parameters, you must select the output parameters of the Foreach
element in which to accumulate workflow outputs, so that the subworkflow can iterate over them
as well.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 In the workflow editor, select the Schema tab.
4 From the Generic menu, drag a Foreach element in the workflow schema.
5 Create variables for the items in the array.
6 Under Workflow, select the workflow you want to add to the Foreach element.
The input and output parameters of the selected workflow are added to the Foreach
7 Add an iteration error handler.
8 Add a variable you want to use for exception handling.
You defined a Foreach element in your workflow. The Foreach element runs a workflow that
takes as parameters every element from the array of parameters or variables that you have
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For parameters or variables that are not defined as arrays, the workflow takes the same value in
every subsequent run.
Example: Rename Virtual Machines by Using a Foreach Element
You can use a Foreach element to rename several virtual machines at once. You have to insert
a Foreach element in a workflow and promote the vm and the newName parameters as input to
the current workflow. In this way, when you run the workflow, you specify the virtual machines
to rename and the new names for the virtual machines. The virtual machines are included as
elements in the array that you created for the vm parameter. The new names for the virtual
machines are included in the array that you created for the
newName parameter.
Add a Switch Activity to a Workflow
You can add a basic switch activity to a workflow schema that defines the switch cases based on
workflow variables or parameters.
Every switch activity can have multiple switch cases. Every switch case is defined by a condition
related to an variable or a parameter. If the condition is fulfilled, the workflow run switches to a
corresponding workflow element that you define. If none of the specified conditions are fulfilled,
the workflow run switches to a default workflow element that you define.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select you workflow.
3 Drag a Switch element to the appropriate element in the workflow schema.
4 In the Cases tab, add or delete switch cases.
5 Define the condition for each switch case.
6 Select the corresponding workflow element for each switch case.
7 Select the default workflow element to switch to.
8 Click Save.
You defined the switch case conditions and workflow paths.
Requesting User Interactions While a Workflow Runs
A workflow can sometimes require additional input parameters from an outside source while it
runs. These input parameters can come from another application or workflow, or the user can
provide them directly.
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For example, if a certain event occurs while a workflow runs, the workflow can request human
interaction to decide what course of action to take. The workflow waits before continuing,
either until the user responds to the request for information, or until the waiting time exceeds
a possible timeout period. If the waiting time exceeds the timeout period, the workflow returns an
The default variables for user interactions are and When you set
the variable to a given LDAP user group, you limit the permission to respond to
the user interaction request to members of that user group.
When you set the variable, you set a time and date until which the workflow waits
for the information from the user. You can set an absolute date, or you can create a scripted
workflow element to calculate a time relative to the current time.
1 (Optional) Add a User Interaction to a Workflow
You request input parameters from users during a workflow run by adding a User
interaction schema element to the workflow. When a workflow encounters a User
interaction element, it suspends its run and waits for the user to provide the required data.
2 (Optional) Set the User Interaction Variable
The variable of a user interaction element sets which users or groups of
users have permission to respond to the user interaction.
3 (Optional) Set the Variable to an Absolute Date
You set the variable for a user interaction to set how long the workflow waits
for a user to respond to a user interaction.
4 (Optional) Calculate a Relative Timeout for User Interactions
You can calculate in a Date object a relative time and date at which a user interaction times
5 (Optional) Set the Variable to a Relative Date
You can set the variable of a User interaction element to a relative time and
date by binding it to a Date object. You define the object in a scripted function.
6 (Optional) Define User Interaction Exception Behavior
If a user does not provide the input parameters within the timeout period, the user
interaction returns an exception. You can define the exception behavior in a scripted
7 (Optional) Create the Input Parameters Dialog Box for the User Interaction
Users provide input parameters during a workflow run in an input parameters dialog box, in
the same way that they provide input parameters when a workflow first starts.
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Add a User Interaction to a Workflow
You request input parameters from users during a workflow run by adding a User interaction
schema element to the workflow. When a workflow encounters a User interaction element, it
suspends its run and waits for the user to provide the required data.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab and drag a User interaction element to the appropriate position in the
workflow schema.
4 (Optional) Enter a name and description for the user interaction.
5 (Optional) Under Options, configure the security group, security assignees, and timeout date
variables for the user interaction.
6 To save your workflow, click Save.
You added a user interaction element to a workflow. When the workflow reaches this element, it
waits for information from the user before continuing its run.
Set the User Interaction Variable
The variable of a user interaction element sets which users or groups of users
have permission to respond to the user interaction.
Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select the User interaction element.
5 Expand the Options menu.
6 Click Select variable for the source parameter to set which users can
respond to the user interaction.
7 Click Create New.
8 Name the parameter.
9 Under Value, enter the name of the LDAP user group you want to add to the element.
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10 Click Create.
11 To save the changes to your workflow, click Save.
You set the variable for the user interaction.
What to do next
To configure the timeout period of the user interaction, set the variable.
n To set the timeout to an absolute date and time, see Set the Variable to an
Absolute Date.
n To create a function to calculate a timeout that is relative to the current date and time, see
Calculate a Relative Timeout for User Interactions.
Set the Variable to an Absolute Date
You set the variable for a user interaction to set how long the workflow waits for a
user to respond to a user interaction.
You set an absolute time and date in the Date object. When the time on the given date arrives,
the workflow that is waiting for a user interaction times out and ends in the
Failed state. For
example, you can set the user interaction to timeout at midday on February 12th. To calculate a
timeout that is relative to the current time and date, see Calculate a Relative Timeout for User
Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select the User interaction element.
5 Expand the Options menu.
6 Click Select variable for the source parameter to set which users can respond
to the user interaction.
7 Click Create New.
8 Name the parameter.
9 Under Value, use the calendar to select an absolute date and time until which the workflow
waits for the user to respond.
10 Click Create.
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11 To save the changes to your workflow, click Save.
You set the variable to an absolute date. The workflow times out if the user does
not respond to the user interaction before this time and date.
Calculate a Relative Timeout for User Interactions
You can calculate in a Date object a relative time and date at which a user interaction times out.
You can set an absolute time and date in a Date object. When the time on the given date arrives,
the request for a user interaction times out. Alternatively, you can create a workflow element
that calculates and generates a relative
Date object according to a function that you define. For
example, you can create a relative Date object that adds 24 hours to the current time.
Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Place a Scriptable task element before the workflow element that requires the relative Date
object for its variable.
5 Enter a name and description for the scripted workflow element.
6 Create a Date variable for the Scriptable task element.
a Under Inputs/Outputs, create a variable.
b Name the variable timerDate.
c Select Date from the list of variable types.
d Leave the value text box empty, because a scripted function provides this value.
e Click Save.
7 Define a function to calculate and generate a Date object named timerDate in the scripting
pad in the Scripting tab.
For example, you can create a Date object by implementing the following JavaScript function,
in which the timeout period is a relative delay in milliseconds.
timerDate = new Date();
System.log( "Current date : '" + timerDate + "'" );
timerDate.setTime( timerDate.getTime() + (86400 * 1000) );
System.log( "Timer will expire at '" + timerDate + "'" );
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The preceding example JavaScript function defines a Date object that obtains the current
date and time by using the getTime method and adds 86,400,000 milliseconds, or 24 hours.
Scriptable task element generates this value as its output parameter.
8 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You created a function that calculates a time and date relative to the current time and date
and generates a Date object. A User interaction element can receive this Date object as an
input parameter to set the timeout period until which it waits for input from the user. When the
workflow arrives at the User Interaction element, it suspends its run and waits either until the
user provides the required information, or for 24 hours before it times out.
What to do next
You must bind the Date object to the User interaction element's variable. See Set
the Variable to a Relative Date.
Set the Variable to a Relative Date
You can set the variable of a User interaction element to a relative time and date
by binding it to a
Date object. You define the object in a scripted function.
If you create a relative Date object in a scripted function, you can bind the variable
of a user interaction to this Date object. For example, if you bind the variable to a
Date object that adds 24 hours to the current time, the user interaction times out after waiting for
24 hours.
n Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
n Create a scripted function that calculates a relative time and date and encapsulates it in a
Date object in the workflow. See Calculate a Relative Timeout for User Interactions.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select your User interaction element.
5 Under Options, configure to use the timerDate variable.
6 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You set the variable to a relative date and time that a scripted function calculates.
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Define User Interaction Exception Behavior
If a user does not provide the input parameters within the timeout period, the user interaction
returns an exception. You can define the exception behavior in a scripted function.
If you do not define the action for the workflow to take if the user interaction times out,
the workflow ends in the Failed state. Defining the exception behavior is a good workflow
development practice.
Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select your User interaction element.
5 Create an exception handling variable.
a Under Exception handling, click Select variable.
b To create an exception handling variable, click Create New.
c Name the variable errorCode.
d Under Value, enter an appropriate error message.
e Click Create.
6 Drag a Scriptable task element over the user interaction element in the workflow schema.
A red dashed arrow, which represents the exception link, appears between the two elements.
The Scriptable task element binds automatically to the errorCode variable from the user
7 Define the exception handling script.
a Enter an appropriate name for the Scriptable task element.
For example, Log timeout.
b In the Scripting tab of the Scriptable task element, write a JavaScript function to handle
the exception.
For example, to record the timeout in the vRealize Orchestrator log, write the following
System.log("No response from user. Timed out.");
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8 Link and bind the scriptable task element that handles exceptions to the element that follows
it in the workflow.
For example, link and bind the scriptable task element to a Throw exception element to end
the workflow with an error.
9 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You defined the exception behavior if the user interaction times out.
What to do next
Create the dialog box in which users provide input parameters. See Create the Input Parameters
Dialog Box for the User Interaction.
Create the Input Parameters Dialog Box for the User Interaction
Users provide input parameters during a workflow run in an input parameters dialog box, in the
same way that they provide input parameters when a workflow first starts.
You create the layout of the dialog box in the input form designer of the user interaction
element, not in the Input Form tab for the whole workflow. The Input Form tab of the whole
workflow creates the layout of the input parameters dialog box that appears when you start a
workflow. The input form designer of the user interaction element creates the layout of the input
parameters dialog box that opens when a workflow arrives at a user interaction element during
its run.
Add a user interaction element to the workflow schema.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Select your User interaction element.
5 Under Form Inputs, click Edit Input Form.
6 Configure the appearance, values, and parameter constraints of the User interaction input
7 (Optional) To organize your input parameters under separate tabs, click Add Tab.
8 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
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You created the input parameters dialog box in which users provide input parameters to respond
to a user interaction during a workflow run.
Calling Workflows Within Workflows
Workflows can call on other workflows during their run. A workflow can start another workflow
either because it requires the result of the other workflow as an input parameter for its own run,
or it can start a workflow and let it continue its own run independently. Workflows can also start
a workflow at a given time in the future, or start multiple workflows simultaneously.
n Workflow Elements That Call Workflows
There are four ways to call other workflows from within a workflow. Each way of calling a
workflow or workflows is represented by a different workflow schema element.
n Call a Workflow Synchronously
Calling a workflow synchronously runs the called workflow as a part of the run of the calling
workflow. The calling workflow can use the called workflow's output parameters as input
parameters when it runs its subsequent schema elements.
n Call a Workflow Asynchronously
Calling a workflow asynchronously runs the called workflow independently of the calling
workflow. The calling workflow continues its run without waiting for the called workflow to
n Schedule a Workflow
You can call a workflow from a workflow and schedule it to start at a later time and date.
n Prerequisites for Calling a Remote Workflow from Within Another Workflow
If the workflow that you develop calls another workflow that resides on a remote vRealize
Orchestrator server, certain prerequisites must be fulfilled so that the remote workflow can
run successfully.
n Call Several Workflows Simultaneously
Calling several workflows simultaneously runs the called workflows synchronously as part
of the run of the calling workflow. The calling workflow waits for all the called workflows
to complete before it continues. The calling workflow can use the results of the called
workflows as input parameters when it runs its subsequent schema elements.
Workflow Elements That Call Workflows
There are four ways to call other workflows from within a workflow. Each way of calling a
workflow or workflows is represented by a different workflow schema element.
Synchronous Workflows
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Managed by the Workflow element schema element. A workflow can start another workflow
synchronously. The called workflow runs as a part of the calling workflow's run, and runs
in the same memory space as the calling workflow. The calling workflow starts another
workflow, then waits until the end of the called workflow's run before it starts running
the next element in its schema. Usually, you call a workflow synchronously because the
calling workflow requires the output of the called workflow as an input parameter for a
subsequent schema element. For example, a workflow can call the Start virtual machine and
wait workflow to start a virtual machine, and then obtain the IP address of this virtual machine
to pass to another element or to a user by email.
Asynchronous Workflows
Managed by the Asynchronous element schema element. A workflow can start a workflow
asynchronously. The calling workflow starts another workflow, but the calling workflow
immediately continues running the next element in its schema, without waiting for the result
of the called workflow. The called workflows run with input parameters that the calling
workflow defines, but the lifecycle of the called workflow is independent from the lifecycle
of the calling workflow. Asynchronous workflows allow you to create chains of workflows
that pass input parameters from one workflow to the next. For example, a workflow can
create various objects during its run. The workflow can then start asynchronous workflows
that use these objects as input parameters in their own runs. When the original workflow
has started all the required workflows and run its remaining elements, it ends. However, the
asynchronous workflows it started continue their runs independently of the workflow that
started them.
To make the calling workflow, wait for the result of the called workflow, either use a nested
workflow or create a scriptable task that retrieves the state of the workflow token of the
called workflow and then retrieves the result of the workflow when it completes.
Scheduled Workflows
Managed by the Schedule workflow schema element. A workflow can call a workflow but
defer starting that workflow until a later time and date. The calling workflow then continues
its run until it ends. Calling a scheduled workflow creates a task to start that workflow at
the given time and date. When the calling workflow has run, you can view the scheduled
workflow under Activity > Scheduled.
Scheduled workflows only run once. You can schedule a workflow to run recurrently
by calling the Workflow.scheduleRecurrently method in a scriptable task element in a
synchronous workflow.
Nested Workflows
Managed by the Nested workflows schema element.A workflow can start several workflows
simultaneously by nesting several workflows in a single schema element. All the workflows
listed in the nested workflow element start simultaneously when the calling workflow arrives
at the nested workflows element in its schema. Each nested workflow starts in a different
memory space from the memory space of the calling workflow. The calling workflow waits
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until all the nested workflows have completed their runs before it starts running the next
element in its schema. As a result, the calling workflow can use the results of the nested
workflows as input parameters when it runs its remaining elements.
Call a Workflow Synchronously
Calling a workflow synchronously runs the called workflow as a part of the run of the calling
workflow. The calling workflow can use the called workflow's output parameters as input
parameters when it runs its subsequent schema elements.
You call workflows synchronously from another workflow by using the Workflow element
schema element.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Drag a Workflow element schema element from the Generic menu to the appropriate
position in the workflow schema.
5 Under Workflow, select the workflow you want to call.
6 (Optional) If prompted, promote workflow input parameters or variables for use by the
7 Under Inputs, bind the required input parameters to the workflow.
8 Under Outputs, bind the required output parameters to the workflow.
9 Under Exception handling, define the exception behavior of the workflow.
10 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You called a workflow synchronously from another workflow. When the workflow reaches the
synchronous workflow during its run, the synchronous workflow starts, and the initial workflow
waits for it to complete before continuing its run.
Call a Workflow Asynchronously
Calling a workflow asynchronously runs the called workflow independently of the calling
workflow. The calling workflow continues its run without waiting for the called workflow to
You call workflows asynchronously from another workflow by using the Asynchronous Workflow
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
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2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Drag an Asynchronous element schema element from the Generic menu to the appropriate
position in the workflow schema.
5 Under Workflow, select the workflow you want to call.
6 (Optional) If prompted, promote workflow input parameters or variables for use by the
7 Under Inputs, bind the required input parameters to the workflow.
8 Under Options > Output Options, bind the required output parameters to the workflow.
9 Under Exception handling, define the exception behavior of the workflow.
10 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You called a workflow asynchronously from another workflow. When the workflow reaches the
asynchronous workflow during its run, the asynchronous workflow starts, and the initial workflow
continues its run without waiting for the asynchronous workflow to finish.
Schedule a Workflow
You can call a workflow from a workflow and schedule it to start at a later time and date.
You schedule workflows in another workflow by using the Schedule workflow element.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Drag a Schedule workflow element from the Generic menu to the appropriate position in the
workflow schema.
5 Under Workflow, select the workflow you want to call.
6 (Optional) If prompted, promote workflow input parameters or variables for use by the
7 Under Inputs, bind the required input parameters to the workflow.
8 Under Options > Output Options, bind the required output parameters to the workflow.
9 Under Exception handling, define the exception behavior of the workflow.
10 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
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You scheduled a workflow to start at a given time and date from another workflow.
Prerequisites for Calling a Remote Workflow from Within Another
If the workflow that you develop calls another workflow that resides on a remote vRealize
Orchestrator server, certain prerequisites must be fulfilled so that the remote workflow can run
n All input parameters of the remote workflow must be resolvable on the remote vRealize
Orchestrator server.
n All output parameters of the remote workflow must be resolvable on the local vRealize
Orchestrator server.
To ensure that the parameters of the remote workflow are resolvable, the inventory objects
that the workflow uses must be available both in the remote and the local vRealize Orchestrator
servers. In case the remote workflow uses objects from a plug-in, the same plug-in must be
available on both
vRealize Orchestrator servers. The inventories of the remote plug-in and the
local plug-in must be identical. In case the remote workflow uses library objects in vRealize
Orchestrator, like workflows and actions, the same workflows and actions must exist in the
inventories of the remote and the local vRealize Orchestrator servers.
For example, suppose that you insert the Rename virtual machine workflow in a Nested
workflow element in the test workflow that you develop. You want to run the Rename virtual
machine workflow in a remote vRealize Orchestrator server. When you run the test workflow,
the Rename virtual machine workflow is called within the run of the test workflow. You specify a
virtual machine to rename from the inventory of the local vRealize Orchestrator server. Because
the Rename virtual machine workflow runs on the remote vRealize Orchestrator server, the same
virtual machine must be available in the inventory of that server. Otherwise, the Rename virtual
machine workflow cannot resolve its vm input parameter. Therefore, the vCenter Server plug-in
on the local and the remote vRealize Orchestrator servers must be connected to the same
vCenter Server instance.
Call Several Workflows Simultaneously
Calling several workflows simultaneously runs the called workflows synchronously as part of the
run of the calling workflow. The calling workflow waits for all the called workflows to complete
before it continues. The calling workflow can use the results of the called workflows as input
parameters when it runs its subsequent schema elements.
You call several workflows simultaneously from another workflow by using the Nested workflows
element. You can use nested workflows to run workflows with user credentials that are different
from the credentials of the user of the calling workflow.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
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2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
3 Select the Schema tab.
4 Drag a Nested workflows element from the Generic menu to the appropriate position in the
workflow schema.
5 Click Add Workflow, and add a workflow to the Nested workflows element.
6 Repeat for all the workflows you require.
7 To finish editing your workflow, click Save.
You called several workflows simultaneously from a workflow.
Running a Workflow on a Selection of Objects
You can automate repetitive tasks by running a workflow on a selection of objects. For example,
you can create a workflow that takes a snapshot of all the virtual machines in a virtual machine
folder, or you can create a workflow that powers off all the virtual machines on a given host.
You can use one of the following methods to run a workflow on a selection of objects.
n Run the Run a workflow on a selection of objects workflow. To access the workflow, navigate
to Library > Workflows and enter the name of the workflow in the workflow search bar.
n Create a workflow that calls the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel
n Create a workflow that obtains an array of objects and runs a workflow on each object in the
array in a loop of workflow elements.
n Run a workflow from JavaScript by calling the Workflow.execute() method in a For loop in a
scripted element in a workflow.
Which method you decide to run a workflow on a selection of objects depends on the specific
workflow and can affect the performance of that workflow. For example, running the Run a
workflow on a selection of objects workflow is the simplest way to run a workflow on multiple
objects and requires no workflow development, but it can only run workflows that take a single
input parameter.
Creating a workflow that calls the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel
workflows allows you to run on multiple objects workflows that take more than one input
parameter. The calling workflow must create a properties array to pass the input parameters
to the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel workflow. These workflows are
only for use in other workflows. Do not run them directly.
Running a workflow in a For loop in a scripted element is faster than running a workflow in a loop
of workflow elements, but it is less flexible and limits the potential for reuse. Most importantly,
running a workflow in a scripted loop loses the checkpointing that vRealize Orchestrator
performs when it starts each element in a workflow run. As a consequence, if the vRealize
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Orchestrator server stops while the scripted loop is running, when the server restarts, the
workflow resumes at the beginning of the scripted element, repeating the whole loop. If the
vRealize Orchestrator server stops while running a workflow with a loop of workflow elements,
the workflow resumes at the specific element in the loop that was running when the server
Implement the Start Workflows in a Series and Start Workflows in
Parallel Workflows
You can use the Start workflows in a series and Start workflows in parallel workflows to run a
workflow on a selection of objects.
You cannot run the Start workflows in a series and Start workflows in parallel workflows directly.
You must include them in another workflow that you create. To use the Start workflows in a
series and Start workflows in parallel workflows to run a workflow on a selection of objects, you
must obtain the objects on which to run the workflow. You pass these objects and any other
input parameters that the workflow requires to the workflow as an array of properties. The Start
workflows in a series and Start workflows in parallel workflows emit the results of running the
workflow on the selection of objects as an array of
WorkflowToken objects.
You implement the Start workflows in a series and Start workflows in parallel workflows in
the same way. The Start workflows in a series workflow runs the workflow on each object
sequentially. The Start workflows in parallel workflow runs the workflow on all the objects
Open a workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
1 In the workflow schema, add a Scriptable task or an Action element to obtain a list of objects
on which to run the workflow.
For example, to run a workflow on all the virtual machines in a virtual machine folder, you can
add the getAllVirtualMachinesByFolder action to the workflow.
2 Link the scripted element or action and bind the input and output of the scripted element or
action to workflow inputs or variables.
For example, you can bind the vmFolder input of the getAllVirtualMachinesByFolder action
to a workflow input parameter and the actionResult output to a workflow variable in the
calling workflow.
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3 Add a Scriptable task element to cast the list of objects into a properties array.
For example, if the objects on which to run the workflow are an array of virtual machines,
allVMs, returned by the actionResult output of the getAllVirtualMachinesByFolder action,
you can write the following script to cast the objects into a properties array.
propsArray = new Array();
for each (var vm in allVMs) {
var prop = new Properties();
prop.put("vm", vm);
4 Bind the inputs and outputs of the scriptable task to workflow variables.
In the example scriptable task element in step 3, you bind the input to the allVMs array of
virtual machines and you create the propsArray output variable as an array of Properties
5 Add a Workflow element to the workflow schema.
6 Select either of the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel workflows and
link the workflow element to the other elements.
7 To run on the objects, bind the wf input of the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows
in parallel workflow to the workflow.
For example, to remove any snapshots of all the virtual machines returned by the
getAllVirtualMachinesByFolder action, select the Remove all snapshots workflow.
8 Bind the parameters input of the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel
workflow to the array of Properties objects that contains the objects on which to run the
For example, bind the parameters input to the propsArray variable defined in step 4.
9 (Optional) Bind the workflowTokens output of the Start workflows in a series or Start
workflows in parallel workflow to a variable in the workflow.
10 (Optional) Continue adding more elements that use the results of running the Start workflows
in a series or Start workflows in parallel workflow.
You created a workflow that uses either of the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in
parallel workflows to run a workflow on a selection of objects.
Developing Long-Running Workflows
A workflow in a waiting state consumes system resources because it constantly polls the object
from which it requires a response. If you know that a workflow might wait for a long time
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before it receives the response it requires, you can add long-running workflow elements to the
Every running workflow consumes a system thread. When a workflow reaches a long-running
workflow element, the long-running workflow element sets the workflow into a passive state. The
long-running workflow element then passes the workflow information to a single thread that polls
the system for all long-running workflow elements running in the server. Rather than each long-
running workflow element constantly attempting to retrieve information from the system, long-
running workflow elements remain passive for a set duration, while the long-running workflow
thread polls the system on its behalf.
You set the duration of the waiting period in one of the following ways.
n Set a timer, encapsulated in a Date object, that suspends the workflow until a certain time and
date. You implement long-running workflow elements that are based on a timer by including
a Waiting timer element in the schema.
n Define a trigger event, encapsulated in a Trigger object, that restarts the workflow after the
trigger event occurs. You implement long-running workflow elements that are based on a
trigger by including a Waiting event element or a User interaction element in the schema.
Set a Relative Time and Date for Timer-Based Workflows
You can set the variable of a Waiting timer element to a relative time and date by
binding it to a Date object. You define the Date object in a scripted function.
When the time on the given date arrives, the timer-based long-running workflow reactivates and
continues its run. For example, you can set the workflow to reactivate at midday on February 12.
Alternatively, you can create a workflow element that calculates and generates a relative Date
object according to a function that you define. For example, you can create a relative Date object
that adds 24 hours to the current time.
n Create a workflow.
n Open the workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
n Add some elements to the workflow schema.
1 Drag a Scriptable task element from the Generic menu in the left pane to the workflow
schema, and place it before the element that requires the relative Date object for its variable.
2 Click the Scriptable task element.
3 Enter a name and description for the scripted workflow element in the Details properties tab
in the right pane.
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4 On the Inputs/Outputs properties tab, create a workflow variable.
a Name the variable timerDate.
b Select Date from the list of variable types.
c Leave the variable value text box blank. A scripted function provides this value.
d Click Create.
5 Click the Scripting tab for the scripted workflow element.
6 Define a function to calculate and generate a Date object named timerDate in the scripting
pad in the
Scripting tab.
For example, you can create a Date object by implementing the following JavaScript function,
in which the timeout period is a relative delay in milliseconds.
timerDate = new Date();
System.log( "Current date : '" + timerDate + "'" );
timerDate.setTime( timerDate.getTime() + (86400 * 1000) );
System.log( "Timer will expire at '" + timerDate + "'" );
The preceding example JavaScript function defines a Date object that obtains the current
date and time by using the getTime method and adds 86,400,000 milliseconds, or 24 hours.
The Scriptable task element generates this value as its output parameter.
7 Click Save and confirm your selection.
You created a function that calculates and generates a Date object. A Waiting timer element can
receive this Date object as an input parameter, to suspend a long-running workflow until the date
encapsulated in this object. When the workflow arrives at the Waiting timer element, it suspends
its run and waits for 24 hours before continuing.
What to do next
You must add a Waiting timer element to a workflow to implement a timer-based long-running
Create a Timer-Based Long-Running Workflow
If you know that a workflow has to wait for a response from an outside source for a predictable
time, you can implement it as a timer-based long-running workflow. A timer-based long-running
workflow waits until a given time and date before resuming.
You implement a workflow as a timer-based long-running workflow by using the Waiting timer
n Create a workflow.
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n Open the workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
n Add some elements to the workflow schema.
1 Drag a Waiting timer element from the Generic menu in the left pane to the workflow
schema, and position it where you want to suspend the workflow run.
If you implement a scriptable task to calculate the time and date, the scriptable task element
must precede the Waiting timer element.
2 Click the Waiting timer element.
3 Enter a description of the reason for implementing the timer in the Details properties tab in
the right pane.
4 Click the Inputs tab.
The parameter appears in the list of variables.
5 Bind the parameter to an appropriate Date object.
n Select a predefined Date object from the proposed list, for example one defined by a
Scriptable task element elsewhere in the workflow.
n Alternatively, create a Date object that sets a specific date and time for the workflow to
6 (Optional) Create a Date object that sets a specific date and time that the workflow awaits.
a Click the Select variable text box, and then click Create New.
The New Variable dialog box appears.
b Enter a name and description for the variable.
c Click the Value text box to set the variable value.
A calendar appears.
d Use the calendar to set a date and time at which to restart the workflow.
e Click Create.
7 Click Save and confirm your selection.
You defined a timer that suspends a timer-based long-running workflow until a set time and date.
What to do next
You can create a long-running workflow that waits for a trigger event before continuing.
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Create a Trigger Object
Trigger objects monitor event triggers that plug-ins define. For example, the vCenter Server
plug-in defines these events as Task objects. When the task ends, the trigger sends a message to
a waiting trigger-based long-running workflow element, to restart the workflow.
The time-consuming event for which a trigger-based long-running workflow waits must return
a VC:Task object. For example, the startVM action to start a virtual machine returns a VC:Task
object, so that subsequent elements in a workflow can monitor its progress. A trigger-based
long-running workflow trigger event requires this VC:Task object as an input parameter.
You create a Trigger object in a JavaScript function in a Scriptable task element. The
Scriptable task element can be part of the trigger-based long-running workflow that waits
for the trigger event. Alternatively, it can be part of a different workflow that provides input
parameters to the trigger-based long-running workflow. The trigger function must implement the
createEndOfTaskTrigger() method from the vRealize Orchestrator API.
Important You must define a timeout period for all triggers, otherwise the workflow can wait
n n Create a workflow.
n Open the workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
n Add some elements to the workflow schema.
n In the workflow, declare a VC:Task object as a variable or input parameter, such as a VC:Task
object from a workflow or workflow element that starts or clones a virtual machine.
1 Drag a Scriptable task element from the Generic menu in the left pane to the workflow
One of the elements that precedes the Scriptable task must generate a VC:Task object as its
output parameter.
2 Click the Scriptable task element.
3 Enter a name and description for the trigger in the Details properties tab in the right pane.
4 Click the Inputs/Outputs tab.
5 Select or create an input variable of the type VC:Task.
This VC:Task object represents the time-consuming event that another workflow or element
6 (Optional) Select or create an input parameter of the Number type to define a timeout period
in seconds.
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7 Create an output parameter with the following properties.
a Create the Name property with the value trigger.
b Create the Type property with the value Trigger.
c Click Create.
8 Define any exception behavior in the Exception handling menu.
On the Scripting tab, define a function to generate a Trigger object.
For example, you can create a Trigger object by implementing the following JavaScript
trigger = task.createEndOfTaskTrigger(timeout);
The createEndOfTaskTrigger() method returns a Trigger object that monitors a VC:Task
object named task.
10 Click Save and confirm your selection.
You defined a workflow element that creates a trigger event for a trigger-based long-running
workflow. The trigger element generates a Trigger object as its output parameter, to which a
Waiting Event element can bind.
What to do next
You must bind this trigger event to a Waiting Event element in a trigger-based long-running
Create a Trigger-Based Long-Running Workflow
If you know that a workflow has to wait for a response from an outside source during its run,
but do not know how long that wait is, you can implement it as a trigger-based long-running
workflow. A trigger-based long-running workflow waits for a defined trigger event to occur
before resuming.
You implement a workflow as a trigger-based long-running workflow by using the Waiting event
element. When the trigger-based long-running workflow arrives at the Waiting event element,
it stops its run and waits in a passive state until it receives a message from the trigger. During
the waiting period, the passive workflow does not consume a thread, but rather the long-running
workflow element passes the workflow information to the single thread that monitors all long-
running workflows in the server.
n Create a workflow.
n Open the workflow for editing in the workflow editor.
n Add some elements to the workflow schema.
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n Define a trigger event that is encapsulated in a Trigger object.
1 Drag a Waiting event element from the Generic menu in the left pane to the workflow
schema, and place it where you want to suspend the workflow run.
The scriptable task that declares the trigger must immediately precede the Waiting event
2 Click the Waiting event element.
3 Enter a name and description of the waiting event in the Details properties tab in the right
4 Click the Inputs tab.
The trigger.ref parameter appears in the list of inputs.
5 Click the Select variable text box to bind the input parameter to an appropriate Trigger
The Trigger object represents a trigger event that another workflow or workflow element
6 Define any exception behavior in the Exception handling tab.
7 Click Save and confirm your selection.
You defined a workflow element that suspends a trigger-based long-running workflow, that waits
for a specific trigger event before restarting.
What to do next
You can run a workflow.
Running Workflows
A vRealize Orchestrator workflow runs according to a logical flow of events.
When you run a workflow, each schema element in the workflow runs according to the following
1 The workflow binds the workflow token variables and input parameters to the input
parameters of the schema element.
2 The schema element runs.
3 The output parameters of the schema element are copied to the workflow token variables
and workflow output parameters.
4 The workflow token variables and output parameters are stored in the database.
5 The next schema element starts running.
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This sequence repeats for each schema element until the end of the workflow.
Workflow Token Check Points
When a workflow runs, each schema element is a check point. After each schema element
runs, vRealize Orchestrator stores workflow token variables in the database, and the next
schema element starts running. If the workflow stops unexpectedly, the next time the vRealize
Orchestrator server restarts, the currently active schema element runs again, and the workflow
continues from the start of the schema element that was running when the interruption occurred.
However, vRealize Orchestrator does not implement transaction management or a rollback
End of Workflow
The workflow ends if the current active schema element is an end element. After the workflow
reaches an end element, other workflows or applications can use the output parameters of the
Resuming a Failed Workflow Run
If a workflow fails, vRealize Orchestrator provides an option to resume the workflow run from the
last failed activity.
You can change the parameters of the workflow and attempt to resume it, or retain the
parameters and make changes to external components that affect the workflow run. For
example, if a workflow run fails due to a problem in a third-party system, you can make changes
to the system and resume the workflow run from the failed activity, without changing the
workflow parameters.
Set the Behavior for Resuming a Failed Workflow Run
You can set the behavior for resuming a failed run for each custom workflow. The default
workflows in the library use the default system setting for resuming a failed workflow run.
You can change the default system behavior creating a system property in the Control Center.
See Set Custom Properties for Resuming Failed Workflow Runs.
Verify that you have permissions to edit the workflow.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and select your workflow.
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3 On the Summary tab, select an option from the Resume workflow from failed behavior
drop-down menu.
Option Description
System default Follows the default behavior.
Enabled If a workflow run fails, a pop-up window displays an option to resume the
workflow run.
Disabled If a workflow run fails, it cannot be resumed.
4 Click Save and confirm your selection.
Set Custom Properties for Resuming Failed Workflow Runs
By default, vRealize Orchestrator is not set up to resume failed workflow runs. You can enable
vRealize Orchestrator to resume failed workflow runs and set a custom timeout period after
which failed workflow runs cannot be resumed.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Control Center as root.
2 Select System Properties, and click New....
3 Under Key, enter com.vmware.vco.engine.execute.resume-from-failed.timeout-sec.
4 Under Value, enter the custom timeout period in seconds.
Note The value you set overrides the default timeout setting of 86400 seconds.
5 (Optional) Under Description, enter a description for the new system property.
6 Click Add.
Managing a Failed Workflow Run
You can resume a workflow run from the last failed activity if resuming a failed run is enabled for
the workflow.
When the resume failed workflow feature is enabled, you can change the parameters of
the workflow and try to resume it. You can also retain the parameters and change external
components that affect the workflow run. If you do not select an option, the workflow run times
out and cannot be resumed. For modifying the timeout period, see Set Custom Properties for
Resuming Failed Workflow Runs.
In this use case, you create a simple workflow designed specifically to fail during its run. This
workflow demonstrates the basic functionality of the resume failed workflow feature.
1 Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client.
2 Navigate to Library > Workflows, and click New Workflow.
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3 Enter the name resume workflow test and click Create.
4 On the Summary tab, click the Resume workflow from failed behavior drop-down menu.
5 Select Enabled.
6 On the Inputs/Outputs tab, click New.
7 Create an input parameter with the following properties.
Option Description
Name fail
Type boolean
8 On the Schema tab, drag three Scriptable task elements into the schema diagram.
9 Name the schema elements before failure, failure, and after failure.
10 On the Scripting tab of the before failure element, enter System.log("Before
11 Add the fail input parameter to the failure element.
12 On the Scripting tab of the after failure element, enter System.log("After
13 Save the workflow, and click Run.
14 Toggle on the fail check-box, and click Run.
The workflow run reaches the Waiting state.
15 On the top-right, select Answer.
16 To cancel the workflow run, select Cancel and click Answer.
17 To resume the workflow run, select Resume, and navigate to the Parameters tab.
18 Toggle off the fail check-box, and click Answer.
The workflow run reaches the Completed state.
You now know how to manage failed workflow runs.
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