Qualitative Inquiry and Basic Principles
Qualitative Data
General Approaches
The Qualitative Metaphor
Text as Data: Basic Strategies
Recap: The Qualitative Challenge
Relational Strategies
Tables and Cross Tabulations
Inseparable Data Collection and
Emergent Methodology
Reliability and Validity: Trustworthiness
Pattern Matching
Research Designs
Case Study
Mixed Methods
Qualitative Research in the Literature
Classroom Climate
The Art of Teaching
Minority Teachers
Learning Disability Coping Strategies
Parental Involvement
Immigrant Newcomers
Data Analysis Software
Key Terms
Application Exercises
Student Study Site
Recall from the two previous chapters that researchers seek the guidance of a research design,
a blueprint for collecting data to answer their questions. Those chapters described experimen-
tal and non-intervention designs, often incorporating statistical analysis, that are commonly
used in educational research. This chapter continues a sampling of research designs with a
Qualitative Data,
Analysis, and Design
Ou t l i n e
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 343
focus on common qualitative research. The orientation of qualitative researchers contrasts
sharply with that of quantitative researchers on many dimensions. Their thinking generates
questions that are answered with an emergent methodology, and their approach to rich sources
of data requires creativity for its analysis. Such divergent (“outside the box”) thinking is appar-
ent in the tasks of designing and analyzing qualitative research. This will become clear in this
chapter when we focus on how researchers analyze qualitative studies to extract the most
meaning while ruling out alternative explanations.
“Emergent designs in the tradition of qualitative research suggest a process that is not
predetermined. A design that emerges is one that is not finalized at the outset. Strategies for
data collection are open and depend on context. Revisions are made until the researcher is
satisfied that the direction taken affords the greatest potential for discovery, meaningful
answers to questions posed, or the generation of new hypotheses (or questions). Of course,
qualitative researchers begin with an interest or guiding question, but early decisions about
what type of data should be collected and how it should be collected will undoubtedly be revised
as the research progresses. A qualitative research design evolves and is likely not clarified until
data collection ends. What may start as a case study may indeed develop into a design that more
closely resembles a phenomenological study (described later). For this reason, this chapter is
organized somewhat differently. Qualitative research designs are described after types of
qualitative data and methods of analysis are described. The type of data collected and the
approach to its analysis are more relevant to a researcher’s compelling argument and sound
conclusion than a category name placed on a general approach to data collection.
After describing qualitative data and strategies for analysis, this chapter examines five
broad classifications of designs: case study, phenomenological, ethnographic, narrative, and
mixed methods. These designs require complex collection of data as sources of evidence for
claims about the meaning of the data. Qualitative researchers become skilled at coding and
pattern seeking using analytic induction. Making sense of data in the form of graphics, video,
audio, and text requires clear thinking that is aided by theory, models, constructs, and perhaps
metaphor. Because qualitative data analysis is less prescribed than statistical analysis and one
goal is the discovery of new ideas and their associations, many would argue that it presents a
greater challenge. Fortunately, techniques, strategies, and procedures have been developed to
help qualitative researchers extract meaning from their data (including software) and interpret
it in ways that enhance our understanding of complex phenomena.
Qualitative inQuiry and Basic PrinciPles
While there is general consensus about classification systems among researchers who use quan-
titative research designs—how they are distinguished and what to call them—there is less
consensus among qualitative researchers about designs. The same can be said for quantitative
and qualitative worldviews. One leader in the field of qualitative research in education, Sharan
Merriam, notes that there is almost no consistency across writers in how [the philosophical]
aspect of qualitative research is discussed (2009, p. 8). She also adds that, in true qualitative
fashion, each writer makes sense of the field in a personal, socially constructed way. The field of
qualitative research is indeed fragmented with confusing language in regard to its orientation
and methodological principles of data collection and analysis. Because there is little consensus
344 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
about the classification of qualitative research, Merriam (2009) uses a term that guides the
following general discussion: basic qualitative research. This chapter discusses the basic quali-
ties of qualitative research, followed by a description of common designs defined by these
qualities. Despite the lack of consensus on types of qualitative research, I believe all qualitative
research shares certain characteristics regarding making sense of data. Therefore, the chapter
begins by examining how qualitative researchers approach their data.
Qualitative Data
Most qualitative researchers would agree with Snider’s (2010) observation that numbers impress,
but unfortunately, also conceal far more than they reveal. They would also agree with Daviss (2007)
observation that good qualitative research has equaled, if not exceeded, quantitative research in
status, relevance, and methodological rigor (p. 574). Several principles guide the thinking and
planning stages of most qualitative researchers. Qualitative research, in all of its complex designs
and methods of data analysis, is guided by the philosophical assumptions of qualitative inquiry:
To understand a complex phenomenon, you must consider the multiple “realities experienced by
the participants themselves—the “insider perspectives. Natural environments are favored for
discovering how participants construct their own meaning of events or situations. The search for
an objective reality, favored by quantitative researchers, is abandoned to the assumption that
people construct their own personalized worlds. For example, the experiences of high school
dropouts, how beginning readers think about their comprehension, how an at-risk school trans-
formed into a high-achieving school, what motivated first-generation women college graduates
in Appalachia, how creativity is fostered in schools—these are all topics suited for qualitative
inquiry. Questions like these yield complex data, although the sources and formats vary.
The most common sources of qualitative data include interviews, observations, and docu-
ments (Patton, 2002), none of which can be crunched easily by statistical software. The descrip-
tion of peoples lived experiences, events, or situations is often described as “thick (Denzin,
1989), meaning attention is given to rich detail, meaningful social and historical contexts and
experiences, and the significance of emotional content in an attempt to open up the word of
whoever or whatever is being studied. The goal of qualitative data analysis is to uncover emerg-
ing themes, patterns, concepts, insights, and understandings (Patton, 2002). Qualitative studies
often use an analytic framework—a network of linked concepts and classifications—to under-
stand an underlying process; that is, a sequence of events or constructs and how they relate. Here
is one example (an abstract provided by Moorefield-Lang [2010]) of a study that uses common
sources of data to answer (“explore”) a research question under the qualitative paradigm:
This study explores the question “Does arts education have a relationship to eighth-grade rural
middle school students motivation and self-efficacy?” Student questionnaires, focus-group interviews,
and follow-up interviews were data collection methods used with 92 eighth-grade middle school
students. Strong emphasis was placed on gathering personal narratives, comments, and opinions
directly from the students. Content analysis was used to analyze the student interviews. (p. 1)
A perspective that favors the social construction of reality described above is usually referred to
in education as constructivism, falling clearly under the philosophical orientation called interpre-
tivism. This orientation honors the understanding of a whole phenomenon via the perspective of
those who actually live it and make sense of it (construct its meaning and interpret it personally).
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 345
A clear alternative, and sharply contrasted, paradigm to interpretivism is positivism, closely aligned
with objective measures and quantitative research designs. Quantitative researchers, in contrast to
qualitative researchers, are comfortable with an orientation toward understanding the objective world
via experimental designs that test hypotheses born from theories and result in statistical gener-
alizations that apply to a population at large. The researcher in this case often administers stan-
dardized measuring instruments in controlled settings, such as tests of cognitive skill, achievement,
and attitudes, and analyzes data using statistical software. The general understanding favored by
quantitative, positivist researchers comes from empirical verification of observations, not subjec-
tive experiences or internal states (emotions, thoughts, etc.) of research participants.
In contrast, the qualitative researcher often is the instrument, relying on his or her skills
to receive information in natural contexts and uncover its meaning by descriptive, exploratory,
or explanatory procedures. Qualitative researchers value case studies (or multiple-case studies),
for example, whereas quantitative researchers tend to value large sample sizes, manipulation
of treatments and conditions, and true experiments or quasi-experiments.
Both approaches to research in education have yielded valuable, influential knowledge, and it
is clear that debate will continue over which approach is more useful in education. Compelling argu-
ments are offered by advocates of both orientations. Given that many qualitative researchers favor
case studies of a single unit (person, school, etc.), the oft-cited criticism of qualitative research is
lack of generalization. Pioneer qualitative researchers Lincoln and Guba (1985) remind us that “the
trouble with generalizations is that they dont apply to particulars (p. 110). The quantitative
researcher might critically evaluate the qualitative researcher by noting, “What? Your conclusion is
based on only one participant?” And the other would respond, “What? Your conclusion is based on
only one experiment?” Suffice it to say that understanding educational effects and processes may
arise from many different approaches to research, including the mixing of both qualitative and
quantitative approaches. There is no need to identify strictly with one orientation or the other.
The division in beliefs about knowledge described above has created very different
research paradigms, splitting many researchers into quantitative (positivist) and qualitative
(interpretivist) camps. Both, however, value rigorous data collection and analysis coupled with
sound, logical arguments that characterize scientific reasoning, namely a compelling chain of
evidence that supports conclusions. Both camps are keenly aware of rival hypotheses and
alternative explanations for their findings, and both attempt to eliminate the plausibility of
counterhypotheses and their propositions. Further, interpretivist models of qualitative research,
such as original grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), whereby emerging themes are
discovered and modeled into theory, have evolved into more objective, positivistic approaches
to describing the external world, such as that advocated by Charmaz (2000).
General Approaches
The type of understanding sought by qualitative interpretivists demands great flexibility in the data
analysis process, as it does in the design and data collection phase. Qualitative research methods
are not routinized, meaning there are many different ways to think about qualitative research and
the creative approaches that can be used. Good qualitative research contributes to science via a
logical chain of reasoning, multiple sources of converging evidence to support an explanation, and
ruling out rival hypotheses with convincing arguments and solid data. Sampling of research par-
ticipants in qualitative research is described as purposive, meaning there is far less emphasis on
generalizing from sample to population and greater attention to a sample purposely” selected for
its potential to yield insight from its illuminative and rich information sources (Patton, 2002, p. 40).
346 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
Most mindful qualitative research questions are “How” or “What questions (e.g., “How
did this happen?” “What is going on here?”) and geared toward complex processes, exploration,
and discovery. The analysis itself, naturally, becomes complex. Schram (2006) describes
qualitative research as contested work in progress (p. 15) and the qualitative predisposition
as embracing complexity, uncovering and challenging taken-for-granted assumptions (p. 7)
and being comfortable with uncertainty” (p. 6). The aim of qualitative research is closer to
problem generation (“problematizing”) than problem solution (Schram, 2006).
Qualitative data collection and analysis usually proceed simultaneously; ongoing findings
affect what types of data are collected and how they are collected. Making notes, referred to as
memos, as the data collection and analysis proceed is one important data analysis strategy. The
notes, or possibly sketches, trace the thinking of the researcher and help guide a final concep-
tualization that answers research questions (or related ones) and offers a theory as an explana-
tion for the answers. These memos support all activities of qualitative data analysis as suggested
by Miles and Huberman (1994): data reduction (extracting the essence), data display (organiz-
ing for meaning), and drawing conclusions (explaining the findings). They noted, “Fieldwork
is so fascinating, and coding usually so energy absorbing, that you can get overwhelmed with
the flood of particulars—the poignant remark, the appealing personality of the key informant,
the telling picture on the hallway bulletin board, the gossip after a key meeting” (p. 72).
As noted previously, the entire process of making sense of qualitative data requires creativ-
ity. Patterns and themes among complex data dont usually pop out. The challenge is lessened
by following suggestions provided by Patton (2002, p. 514), including being open to multiple
possibilities or ways to think about a problem, engaging in mental excursions” using multiple
stimuli, side-tracking or zigzagging, changing patterns of thinking, making linkages
between the seemingly unconnected, and playing at it, all with the intention of opening the
world to us in some way” (p. 544).
The validity of qualitative research is often referred to as trustworthiness or credibility.
Common methods of assessing validity include consistency checks. Independent coders can
sample raw data and create codes or categories so that the consistency of data reduction meth-
ods can be assessed. Also common is the use of stakeholder checks. The research participants
who generated the raw data, often called informants, may be asked to evaluate the interpreta-
tions and explanation pulled from the data (e.g., “Does this represent your experience?”
“Have I captured the essence of this event?”). Other stakeholders, especially those affected by
the research, may also provide commentary on the results.
Qualitative researchers become skilled at coding using procedures as simple as handwritten
note cards or a copy/paste function in Microsoft Word or a similar program as an aid to discover-
ing recurring patterns. They may also use an array of software designed specifically for the purpose
of reducing data into manageable, but meaningful, chunks. They are also skilled at forming cat-
egories, linking categories using a meaningful system or network, creating themes, and interpret-
ing derived frameworks with reference to theory. Visual models play an important part in
describing the meaning of the data and conveying an understanding to others. The model may
portray a hierarchy or perhaps a causal chain. Process (sequence of events) models are common,
as are models related to the arts and humanities (e.g., portraiture or plays). Models must accurately
reflect the data, of course, but their creation is only limited by the imagination of the researcher.
Qualitative data analysis often follows a general inductive approach (as opposed to a
hypothetical-deductive one) in the sense that explicit theories are not imposed on the data in
a test of a specific hypothesis. Rather, the data are allowed to speak for themselves by the
emergence of conceptual categories and descriptive themes. These themes are usually embedded
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 347
in a framework of interconnected ideas that “make sense. The conceptual framework is then
interpreted by the researcher with reference to the literature on a topic in an attempt to explain,
with a theory (or a revision of one), the phenomenon being studied. Many different interpreta-
tions are typically considered before the researcher builds a coherent argument in the most
transparent way possible (revealing how the conclusion was reached) so that others may judge
the validity of the study. This is not to say that qualitative researchers never use deductive
reasoning. On the contrary, if a very specific hypothesis can be deduced from a more general
theory, qualitative researchers may explore this hypothesis using common data collection
methods (interview, observation, retrieval of documents) to determine whether the predicted
outcomes are evident. Yin (2009), in fact, recommends that theoretical propositions be in place
prior to data collection and analysis in most case studies.
Fundamental differences between quantitative and qualitative research are summarized
in Table 12.1. It becomes clear that these different orientations lead to very different strategies
for answering research questions.
Table 12.1 Key Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry That Guide Data
Collection and Analysis
Quantitative Research Qualitative Research
Tests hypotheses born from theory Generates understanding from patterns
Generalizes from a sample to the population Applies ideas across contexts
Focuses on control to establish cause or permit prediction Focuses on interpreting and understanding a social construction of
meaning in a natural setting
Attends to precise measurements and objective data collection Attends to accurate description of process via words, texts, etc., and
Favors parsimony and seeks a single truth Appreciates complexity and multiple realities
Conducts analysis that yields a significance level Conducts analysis that seeks insight and metaphor
Faces statistical complexity Faces conceptual complexity
Conducts analysis after data collection Conducts analysis along with data collection
Favors the laboratory Favors fieldwork
Uses instruments with psychometric properties Relies on researchers who have become skilled at observing,
recording, and coding (researcher as instrument)
Generates a report that follows a standardized format Generates a report of findings that includes expressive language and
a personal voice
Uses designs that are fixed prior to data collection Allows designs to emerge during study
Often measures a single-criterion outcome (albeit
Offers multiple sources of evidence (triangulation)
Often uses large sample sizes determined by power analysis or
acceptable margins of error
Often studies single cases or small groups that build arguments for
the study’s confirmability
Uses statistical scales as data Uses text as data
348 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
The Qualitative Metaphor
Generally, qualitative data analysts face the task of recording data via a variety of methods
(interviews, observation, field notes, etc.), coding and categorizing (using a variety of cluster-
ing and classification schemes), attaching concepts to the categories, linking and combining
(integrating) abstract concepts, creating theory from emerging themes, and writing an under-
standing. Metaphors are useful as interpretive tools in this process, serving a heuristic (guiding)
role or explaining the elements of a theory.
One useful metaphor is a kaleidoscope (Dye, Schatz, Rosenberg, & Coleman, 2000) for
the purpose of describing qualitative data analysis. They refer to grouping similar data bits
together, then comparing bits within a pile. Differentiation creates subpiles, which eventually
become connected by a pattern they share. This process requires continual “back and forth
refinement until a grand concept emerges. For Dye and colleagues, the loose pieces of colored
glass represent raw data bits, the angled mirrors represent categories, and the flat plates
represent the overarching category. An adaptation of this metaphor appears in Figure 12.1.
Another metaphor is a jigsaw puzzle (LeCompte, 2000). Assembling data into an expla-
nation is akin to reassembling puzzle pieces. One strategy is grouping all pieces that look
alike, sky for example, and placing these pieces near the top. Other sketchy-looking objects
may be grouped together using any dimension (e.g., color) whose properties make concep-
tual sense. Puzzle pieces will have to be rearranged many times before the reassembled pieces
emerge into a coherent pattern. If successful, a whole structure will eventually be built, held
tight by the interconnected pieces. The structure is the model or theory that explains the
phenomenon of interest. If a qualitative researcher is studying the high school dropout
phenomenon, for example, the structure that surfaces might be a model of alienation, one
derived from the puzzle pieces that link to achievement, socioeconomic status, home envi-
ronment, self-esteem, social status, and bullying. The puzzle pieces might include sources of
data such as conversations, observations, school documents and records, and journals, to
name a few. Good qualitative analysis in this case would generate a rich and accurate descrip-
tion of alienation as experienced by high school dropouts—their world, why they hold a
specific view, and how it came to be.
Yet another metaphor was introduced by Seidel (1998): Qualitative data analysis is
best understand as a symphony based on three elegant but simple notes—noticing, col-
lecting, and thinking. Clearly not linear, the process is described as iterative (a repeating
cycle), recursive (returning to a previous point), and “holographic (each note contains
a whole) with swirls and eddies. When one notices, one records information and codes
it using an organizing framework. When one collects, one shifts and sorts information.
Quantitative Research Qualitative Research
Favors standardized tests and instruments that measure constructs Favors interviews, observations, and documents
Performs data analysis in a prescribed, standardized, linear fashion Performs data analysis in a creative, iterative, nonlinear,
holistic fashion
Uses reliable and valid data Uses trustworthy, credible, coherent data
Table 12.1 (Continued)
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 349
When one thinks, one finds patterns, makes sense of them, and makes discoveries
(including “wholes and “holes”). Seidel also explains these three notes using a threaded
DNA analogy as well as a topographic map and landscaping analogy (including using
your right brain for off-road investigation). As you might expect, this process is made far
easier by software developed by John Seidel and others (Ethnograph) that manages your
notes as you collect data, code data, write memos about your thinking, and complete
your analysis and writing.
Whatever the metaphor, data analysts are frequently in conversation with their data
(Shank, 2006). Potentially useful conversations may begin with questions such as “What are
you telling me?” Are you hiding anything?” “Is there anything you want to say?” “How do you
explain that contradiction?” or “Will others believe what you say?” These questions reveal that
qualitative analysis requires becoming immersed in data. There are no superficial or rigid
prescriptions for making sense of it all.
Source: Adapted from Dye, J. F., Schatz, I. M., Rosenberg, B. A., & Coleman, S, T. (2000, January). Constant comparative method:
A kaleidoscope of data. The Qualitative Report, 4(1/2). Retrieved from http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR4-1/dye.html
Figure 12.1 A kaleidoscope metaphor describing one approach to analyzing qualitative data.
Disorganized raw data bits
Category formation (based on
explicit rule). Note the emergence
of a pattern (clustering)
Final constellation
350 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
text as data: Basic strategies
Much qualitative data exists in the form of narrative (text) scripts, commonly gathered from
interviews, survey questions, journals, recorded observations, or existing documents, among
other sources. Words combine into meanings, but meanings must be sorted, interpretations
considered, and conclusions reached. One begins with a sharp but flexible focus, recognizing that
refocusing may be required to extract the greatest meaning and most trustworthy conclusions
from the data. For example, I may focus on the literal meaning of a persons story, only to find a
pattern in deeper meanings, details not mentioned, an emphasis on time, avoidance of emotional
content, or any number of other subtle clues that help identify a coherent theme, and realize that
I should be focusing on the hidden meanings of the story.
As noted previously, the sampling plan for gathering text is often purposive, meaning
that participants are selected to serve a specific purpose (not randomly to allow generaliza-
tion across a population). The purpose of this sampling plan is to maximize the value of
data for theory development by gathering data rich enough to uncover conceptual relation-
ships. Each sampling unit (person, classroom, school, etc.) may be distinctive by deliberate
selection (e.g., two students who rose to the challenge; one succeeding, one not succeeding;
and one who didnt try). Or they may be selected because they share a common character-
istic (e.g., first-year teachers); perhaps one participant’s data will help develop a theory, the
second will refine it, and the third will evaluate it. Perhaps only one school is selected
because it defies prediction (e.g., school characteristics suggest poor achievement, yet it
consistently ranks high on all achievement measures—why?). Simply, the sample selected
depends on its purpose.
Qualitative analysis of text is often supplemented with other sources of information to
satisfy the principle of triangulation and increase trust in the validity of the studys conclu-
sions. It would not be uncommon, for example, to analyze transcribed interviews along with
observational field notes and documents authored by the respondents themselves. The purpose
of multiple sources of data is corroboration and converging evidence.
Qualitative researchers often keep journals that describe their approaches to data analysis.
Being able to retrace your thinking may contribute to the emergence of new ideas, an interpre-
tive path not yet taken, or possibly connections between an early (discarded) idea and a newer
developing theme that explains previously noted inconsistencies. A recording of ideas and
decisions also enables another person to evaluate the conclusions reached based on its logical
consistency. Retracing your thinking is important; for example, describing the reasons you
began with preestablished categories for initial coding is useful for building an argument to
explain why your conclusion is based on categories that emerged only after older theories or
models did not fit the data. This is why qualitative researchers rely on memos, or written ideas,
as they occur to help sort data into categories, define their properties, and make sense of them
by discovering the relationships among categories.
Qualitative data analysis eventually reaches a point called saturation, often signaling
completion of the study when there is a judgment of diminishing returns and little need for
more sampling. This is the point where new data and their sorting only confirm the categories
(often numbering between three and six or so), themes, and conclusions already reached.
Perhaps data analysis yields a conclusion that is best described by reference to a metaphor
(e.g., teachers as orchestra leaders, contractors, or mediators). This conclusion will be strength-
ened by a description of how and why saturation was reached. For example, journal recordings
Triangulation: A
method used in
qualitative research
that involves cross-
checking multiple
data sources and
procedures to
evaluate the extent
to which all
evidence converges.
Saturation: In
qualitative research,
the point in
continuous data
collection that
signals little need to
continue because
additional data will
serve only to confirm
an emerging
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 351
of the reasoning behind major decisions over time and evidence that supports both the satura-
tion and the concluding argument build a solid case for your conclusion.
Conclusions in qualitative research are typically derived from identified patterns and
uncovered conceptual, not statistical, relationships. The discovery of connections in the data
may support a theory, revise one, or generate a new one. As described earlier, this type of
analysis is inductive, with thinking moving in the direction of specific observations to a more
general theory or explanation (often referred to as “bottom-up”). The exploration of data is
flexible in the sense that the researcher is open to new constructs (ideas) and explanations
(theories), given that existing variables are often unknown. Entirely new questions may evolve
from the analysis, potentially answerable from the same data sources. The task is often
described as iterative, meaning there is repeated movement back and forth between raw data
(narrative text), codes, categories, and plausible explanations that emerge. The process ends
with a reasonable conclusion. The task is also “interpretive because it requires sense making”
as meanings emerge. Ultimately, the qualitative data analyst aims to create a shared understand-
ing that forms a coherent structure, a unified whole. Each level of analysis, from codes to
categories to themes, reaches higher levels of abstraction.
Qualitative researchers often seek relationships between conceptual ideas generated from
the narrative data. For example, presume that teachers interviews about stress are transcribed
and their major ideas coded (e.g., emergence of compassion fatigue, resource issues, and
creative illness, among others). Later in the interviews, teachers refer to an idea coded as
protective barriers. Across several interviews, a pattern emerges: References to compassion
fatigue co-occur with mention of codes ultimately categorized as protective barriers, a major
category with several subcategories (home remedies, seeking mentorship, reducing home
visits, use of humor, etc.). Further analysis may reveal that protective barriers are associated
with less commitment to the profession (another category). From this analysis, a theory of
teacher attrition may emerge, one that posits the central role of compassion fatigue as opposed
to more tangible influences such as low pay or lack of resources.
Connections between ideas that form a whole often reveal themselves via visual aids such
as matrices, tables, concept maps, charts, boxes, and cross tabulations (categories of a critical
dimension suggested by theory). The power of visual tools to reach less-than-obvious conclu-
sions is illustrated by Wainer (2000) in Visual Revelations. Bullet-ridden planes returning to
aircraft carriers during World War II were mapped by the location of their holes so that the
manufacturer could strengthen the armor plates where there were the fewest holes, the reason-
ing being that planes damaged in those areas were likely not airworthy (they did not return).
Often these visual displays highlight contrary evidence—instances that do not fit your pro-
posed category structure. Data that “jump out in contradiction may lead to a revision of the
scheme initially imposed on the data. Sometimes counterevidence or perplexing gaps lead to
new research questions. Qualitative researchers always consider alternative explanations as
they reenter” the data and wrestle with it to locate supporting or refuting evidence. Further,
there is often a need to access additional sources of data for evaluation of a particular inter-
pretation. Finally, qualitative researchers guard against confirmation bias, or seeking out
evidence that supports their initial conclusion or personal view while other data are filtered.
Another aspect of qualitative data “wrestling involves a method of analysis known as
constant comparison, originally developed by Glaser and Strauss (1967). This process begins
with reasonable codes, categories, and themes—an emerging theory—suggested by the
first instance of narrative text (or any observation). The next instance is evaluated—or
352 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
compared—with reference to the emerging theory. It may or may not fit, and revisions may
be necessary. The next instance (source of data) is similarly compared to the tentative theory.
The task becomes one of constantly comparing the emerging, but tentative, structure to new
information until a scheme for classifying (and understanding) the meaning of data becomes
whole and coherent. This is often referred to as a core category with defined properties and
dimensions integrating all other categories, the top of the conceptual hierarchy. It forms a
storyline, the basis for communicating elements of the generated theory.
This process and its system of coding (including abstract theoretical codes) became known
more commonly as grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967); that is, discovering theory
implicit (hidden) in data. Grounded theory approaches to qualitative data continue to have
major influence among qualitative researchers. Many studies over the past 40 years have been
analyzed using grounded theory (or one of its variants), which remains one of the most com-
monly used approaches today. (In the same sense that Campbell and Stanley [1963] have had
tremendous impact in the field of quantitative design and analysis, it may be said that Glaser
and Strauss [1967] have had impact in the field of qualitative design and analysis.)
recaP: the Qualitative challenge
We have seen that the process of qualitative data analysis is concerned with the qualities exhib-
ited by data more than with their quantities. As such, many researchers believe that qualitative
data analysis is a far more challenging, time-consuming, and creative endeavor than quantita-
tive data analysis. Qualitative data analysis is less technical, less pre-
scribed, and less “linear” but more iterative (“back and forth”) than
quantitative analysis. In fact, qualitative data analysis is often performed
during data collection with emerging interpretations—a working
hypothesis—guided by a theoretical framework. Qualitative data analy-
sis evolves throughout the whole research project and is clearly not sum-
marized by a single number such as a p value, as is the case with
quantitative studies.
Interviews often produce hundreds of pages of transcripts, as do
detailed field notes from observations. All of this information requires
critical examination, careful interpretation, and challenging synthesis. A
good qualitative analysis discovers patterns, coherent themes, meaning-
ful categories, and new ideas. In general, good analysis uncovers better
understanding of a phenomenon or process. Some qualitative researchers
prefer to use the term understanding of data instead of analysis of data.
The analysis of rich descriptions occurring throughout the course of a
project often provides new perspectives, and its analysis of interconnect-
ing themes may provide useful insights. The depth afforded by qualitative
analysis is believed by many to be the best method for understanding the
complexity of educational practice. Qualitative analysis is also well suited
for exploration of unanticipated results. Above all else, it is concerned
with finding meaning embedded within rich sources of information.
Researchers with a qualitative orientation often view their work as
a challenging craft that shows in their writing. Good qualitative data
analysis often impacts readers through powerful narratives such as stories.
Hi g H l i g H t a n d
le a r n i n g CH e C k 12.1
Qua l i tat i v e data
an a ly s i s
Data analysis in qualitative research focuses
on qualities more than quantities. The sta-
tistical focus on the p value in quantitative
research is replaced in qualitative research
with pattern seeking and the extraction of
meaning from rich, complex sources of lin-
guistic (narrative) or visual (image) data.
Much effort is directed toward the creation
of categories. Words, symbols, metaphors,
vignettes, and an entire array of creative
linguistic tools or visual displays may be
used instead of the “number crunching”
employed in qualitative data analysis.
Qualitative data analysis is far less “linear”
and prescribed than the statistical analysis
used so commonly in quantitative research.
One common goal is to establish the credi-
bility of qualitative research findings and
conclusions. Describe the different skills
required for being proficient in each type of
data analysis.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 353
For example, Clark and colleagues (1996) began the data analysis section of their qualitative
study of teacher researcher collaboration by stating, Our story comes from the words and voices
of the people involved” (p. 203). Clark and colleagues study presented data in a form they called
“Readers Theater, a written script based on dialogues and interactions during meetings of 10
teacher researchers. Miles and Huberman (1994) stated that “words, especially organized into
incidents or stories, have a concrete, vivid, meaningful flavor that often proves far more convinc-
ing . . . than pages of summarized numbers (p. 1). A good qualitative analysis often yields
stimulating conclusions and sometimes affords a new and useful way to view old problems.
Qualitative research is often described as exploratory” (not confirmatory) because a research-
er’s goal is to generate a hypothesis (not test one) for further study—a hypothesis that may
generalize well beyond the data collected.
The types of thinking and skills needed for qualitative data analysis are different from those needed for quantitative data
analysis. Creativity, divergent thinking, keen perception of patterns among ambiguity, and strong writing skills are helpful
for qualitative data analysis. Qualitative analysis is less dependent on computing software. Whereas statistical analysis
often centers on the p value, qualitative data analysis involves more time-consuming extraction of meaning from multiple
sources of complex data.
Discussion: In what way is creativity an important skill in the analysis of qualitative data? Does this suggest that the
quantitative analysis of data is not creative?
Cr i t i C a l tH i n k e r al e r t 12.1 Qua l i tat i v e data an a ly s i s
The analytic challenge for the qualitative researcher is to reduce data, identify categories
and connections, develop themes, and offer well-reasoned, reflective conclusions. This is a
process of tearing apart and rebuilding abstract conceptual linkages, requiring synthesis and
creative insight, changing ones “lens” to reconstruct an interpretation, and definitely carefully
documenting the process to enhance the credibility of findings.
Qualitative data analysis is not intended to generalize to a larger population in the same
sense that a statistically analyzed large-scale survey would. The generalization often sought is
the generalization of ideas so that they can be applied in many contexts. In this sense, ideas
generated by a single-person or single-institution case study may be broadly applicable. A
single memorable quote in context, as we know from history, can have a powerful influence.
Lest the process of qualitative data analysis become too abstract, let’s consider a concrete
example that illustrates a few basic principles. Presume that 10 teachers are interviewed who
share a common quality: They have been classroom teachers for 40 years or more. What can we
learn from such seasoned veterans that will help novice teachers? Each experienced teacher is
asked five questions during an interview with this question in mind. The box on page 354
includes three teachers transcribed responses to one question along with a first attempt at cod-
ing the responses. (The purpose of this illustration is to convey in a concrete manner how one
might proceed with the initial stages of coding.)
354 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
Researcher question (open ended): I understand all of you
have been teaching high school continuously for 40 years or
more. What advice do you have for teachers beginning their
first year of teaching?
Teacher 1: I was scared the first year or two, almost every day.
Not for my safety or anything like that, but I kept thinking I
might fail, maybe my students wouldn’t learn anything. I was
not that much older than my students. Now, of course, I’m more
like a grandmother figure to them. I was worried they would
not take me seriously—you know, cut up and take advantage
of a young, first-year teacher. Maybe my insecurity showed,
maybe they saw my lack of confidence or figured I didn’t know
what I was doing because I was not very experienced. Now, of
course, I think how silly to have worried about such things. So,
to answer your question, I would say, “Don’t worry, be happy.”
Code: Overcome insecurity
I know some people say “Forget everything you learned in
your teacher prep program [pause], real learning goes on
in the trenches.” Sure, you learn by doing, but some old
ideas in teaching textbooks are time honored and priceless.
Code: Use learning theory
I recall one theory that focused on time, you know, all kids can
learn if given enough time. That’s so true. If new teachers know
that fact, then they won’t get frustrated. They will know that
learning algebra, for example, will eventually happen with
more time, maybe after school, maybe during the summer. New
teachers have to know some kids learn really fast; others, really
slow. But they do learn. But there is a clock with a buzzer, so I
know time runs out. Before time runs out, the teacher should
try something new, maybe explaining it with a sketch on
paper—yeah, that’s it. Try something new.
Code: Experiment with methods
Teacher 2: I remember I marched into my classroom full of
vigor and ready to conquer the world. Boy, did those rascals
put me in my place! I remember that I thought about quitting
my whole first year, crying on the way home sometimes. My
dad was a teacher, and he kept saying the first year is hard—
just keep going, he would say. That was hard. [Now, what was
your question? Laugh.] Oh yeah, I would tell new teachers that
it gets better and better every year, like a fine wine! If it didn’t,
then why would I stay in the classroom for 40 years!
Code: Brace yourself; it only improves
They have to know that the first year is trial and error. Well,
not just the first year; you have to experiment all the time to
find the right approach with some students.
Code: Experiment with methods
They should know that you won’t be teaching the same way
year after year. You can’t be a repeating robot. People change
with the times; every year can be different. What is that
motto? Change is good, or something like that. Sometimes
you have to be creative.
Code: Be flexible; adapt to change
I used to complain about chalk on my clothes; now I complain
about lugging my laptop to school. You never know when the
school’s computer—I think it’s a 1988 Apple IIe or something—will
crash on you. I use my computer a lot to update grades, make
changes to assignments and all that. My students can go to a
website 24/7 and learn what to do for homework. So, I guess
my advice is to roll with the punches and don’t expect a routine.
Routines get boring after a while anyway. Yeah, I would say keep
changing with the times and welcome new ways of doing things.
Code: Welcome innovation
Everything changes so fast these days anyway.
Teacher 3: I would say prepare to wear many hats. That is because
teaching today is very different than when I first started. I would
say something like, you are a part-time teacher, part-time coun-
selor, part-time social worker, part-time therapist, even part-time
parent! Teaching in the old days was pretty much teaching; today
it is far more and new teachers must be prepared for that.
Code: Brace yourself for multiple roles
I don’t think they train new teachers to be social workers, but
what else can you do when a student comes in hungry and
holds back tears? What did she just experience? What do you
do when another student comes in acting high on drugs? You
see, teaching becomes harder and harder when you know
that some students cannot concentrate on learning.
Code: Be prepared for challenges beyond teaching
Many have huge problems that they deal with. I do what I can,
but with so many other students, it’s just a hard job. I think they
call it compassion fatigue, or something like that. I’m one of
the lucky ones; I can go to the mountain cabin for most of the
summer. Others, I know, take on other jobs during the summer
to pay bills. New teachers should know about the challenges
from Day 1, challenges that are not related to lesson plans or
technology. The problems are not insurmountable. If they
were, I would have started a business or something like that
instead. I’ve loved every class, every semester, because you can
make a difference in kids’ lives. Students comes back sometimes
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 355
Different respondents to the same question, naturally, will respond differently by using
words or phrases that dont match yet are still conceptually related. The open codes, created by
the first pass through the data that focuses on identifying, labeling, and classifying, may be
combined into one overarching concept. For example, “Experiment with methods and
“Welcome innovation (and future codes such as “Forward thinking” or “Being flexible or Keep
trying new approaches”) are open codes that may be combined into the single concept “flexible/
inventive at first, then possibly creative/experimental. Finally, the best fit appears to be
simply “innovative, with clear properties that define it (e.g., creativity). As is true with other
levels of coding, a critical procedure is the back-and-forth comparison within categories and
their properties, between categories (to make tentative connections), and between other com-
ponents of conceptualization. Whether in the field making observations or conducting inter-
views, qualitative data analysts use many different types of coding categories, including those
connected to context, situation, ways of thinking, perspectives, processes, activities, events,
strategies, and relationships, among others (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003).
The next level of abstraction involves axial coding (Corbin & Strauss, 2007), the grouping
of open codes so that their categories (and properties) relate to each other in some analytical
way. The guiding question in this step is, “How might these categories be related?” Might they
reflect a causal chain? Do they interact? Are they instances of a broader context? These catego-
ries and their interdependence essentially become tentative answers to your research questions.
The next higher level of abstraction is selective coding, the most theoretical. The task here
is interpreting all other categories and classification schemes as representations of a single
category—one that relates all others—so that you have draped the conceptual structure. You
have answered the question “What is happening here?” by offering a central or core category
that explains the patterns you have unearthed. The data have been cracked open and placed
within a theoretical model. The core category functions as the emerging theory.
relatiOnal strategies
Qualitative data are often organized into reduced but meaningful chunks (categories), usually
by a system a coding, and interpreted by reference to relationships that emerge from data reduc-
tion. The following section describes several tools that have enabled qualitative researchers to
think about their data in ways that permit reasonable interpretation. Perhaps the most useful
after 20 years to say hello, especially when they have their
own kids in the school. They tell me I made a difference, so I
would tell new teachers that they make a difference, though
they don’t know it yet.
It may take years to find out when a student comes back
to say I influenced them in positive ways. It’s a great job.
Code: Making a difference
Memo to Self: What have I learned so far? Consider category
Adapt to Change or Welcome Innovation. Adapt has emerging
subcategories. Possible Core? Consider Be Prepared as a category
with subcategories (multiple roles, others?). Another idea: Inquire
about creativity—how they foster it among students and them-
selves. Might an all encompassing category be related to creativ-
ity? Ask a “creativity” question on the next round of questions.
Note that one teacher mentioned creativity. Perhaps they have
noticed a decline in creativity in their students over the years.
Some good evidence exists that creativity is declining in
America. Do these teachers encourage creativity, I wonder? Be
open to a creativity theme or even a theory that creativity
sustains these teachers. Perhaps they can report on the creative
accomplishments of their prior students (more than average?).
A creativity theory could be very exciting.
356 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
strategy for qualitative researchers is to ask questions and then seek answers in the data.
This questioning and (tentative) answering yields a framework for making sense of data
(i.e., deciding what to do with categories once they are revealed).
The hierarchy is one strategy designed to describe data and seek relationships. This is accom-
plished by a system of superordinate and subordinate concepts that fall in nested ranks. For
example, presume that a researcher interviewed 30 parents to learn more about their attitudes
toward schooling. Coding, category formation, and classification quickly revealed that some
parents placed highest priority on education while others substituted different priorities. One
hypothetical hierarchy describing presumed relationships appears in Table 12.2.
This hierarchy reveals that both groups of parents cite similar attitudinal dimensions related
to economic, tradition, and self-efficacy issues. They are, however, differentiated on specific rea-
sons (third subordinate level) that help us understand their values and dispositions. For example,
higher priority on schooling for economic reasons suggests that education functions as an escape
route, increasing the chances of surviving the next generation. For parents who consider educa-
tion a lower priority, economic factors are related to, for example, helping in the family business
where education is simply not needed, hence not valued. The most interesting relationship might
be the divergence of ideas about self-efficacy, clearly differentiating the groups. These ideas range
from natural ability and a can-do attitude to learned helplessness stemming from a history of
barriers (real or perceived). In this case, the researcher can conclude there is a relationship between
level of priority and the elements (values, information, etc.) of similar superordinate constructs
(e.g., tradition). The clear attitude differences between the two groups have implications for efforts
toward restructuring cognitive beliefs so that parents understand that all children can learn despite
the challenges imposed by the realities of lower socioeconomic status.
The above hierarchy is hypothetical and represents only one of many diagrams that display
uncovered relationships. Others include Venn diagrams (overlapping circles) to show connec-
tions between elements or variables and radial diagrams (center circle with a ring of outer
circles) to show connections to a core (the overarching principle).
Systems of classifications are often referred to as typologies (or taxonomies), such as those
used by car makers—SUV, luxury sedan, compact, and so forth. The idea here is to create an
arrangement from data reduction that helps us understand complex events, processes, or
constructs. Common examples include Blooms taxonomy of types of thinking (e.g., evaluation,
Table 12.2 Parents’ Attitudes Toward Education Displayed as a Hierarchy
Higher Priority Lower Priority
Economic Tradition Self-Efficacy Economic Tradition Self-Efficacy
Escape|Thrive Continuity|Values Ability|Personality Futility|Survive Expectation|Information Barriers|Helplessness
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 357
synthesis, comprehension), Gardner’s types of intelligence (e.g., social, emotional), and per-
sonality types (e.g., the Big Five, including extraversion, openness, etc.). These typologies have
spawned much research.
A hypothetical example of a taxonomy of online learning styles is shown in Figure 12.2 and
reveals major dimensions of presentation (e.g., Text), assessment (e.g., Passive), and type of learn-
ing activity (e.g., Independent). Such a taxonomy might arise from the data reduction of 200
survey responses regarding students experiences and outcomes with online learning courses. It
could also arise from interviews of 50 ninth graders about their preferences for the delivery of
online instruction. For this example, presume the interviews included snippets of a variety of
online instructional approaches to illustrate how the same material could be presented in a vari-
ety of ways. How each corner is labeled suggests a relationship among preferred styles. For
example, that Independent and Social are directly opposite suggests a negative relationship on
outcomes that compare independent learning tasks with social ones. Further, elements of each
dimension that are closer together (e.g., Active and Social) suggest stronger relationship than those
that are farther apart (e.g., Social and Passive). A collaborative (social) project, therefore, might
work better than an independent project. The point is that such taxonomies and other heuristic
diagrams offer more than a simple list. Patterns and relationships are apparent in the taxonomy
itself. This model and its implied relationships suggest the necessity of further research, including
determining how reliably online preferences can be measured and whether preferences coincide
with performance outcomes, before a formal theory of online learning can be developed.
The same relationship could also be shown as a matrix, as revealed in Table 12.3. Note the
negative signs on the diagonal suggesting a negative connection between elements.
Figure 12.2 A hypothetical example of different styles of online learning.
Passive (test)Independent
Text (book) Iconic (video)
SocialActive (project)
358 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
Qualitative researchers may use organizational systems called networks that reveal connec-
tions with a process that occurs over time. Lets presume that a qualitative researcher was
interested in studying the phenomenon of high school dropout, presumed to be a process
that occurs over time. There are many sources of data that might be collected, including
student background and psychological characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and
attitudes that reflect perseverance (assessed via interviews); academic records and student
reactions to them; student behaviors, such as responses to and from other students; trends
in academic performance, absenteeism, and other tendencies gathered from records and
observations; and school factors (climate, support structure, etc.). These complex data can
be reduced in ways that convey a meaningful depiction of the process, suggesting relation-
ships, potential direct (or indirect) causal chains, and pieces of the puzzle that may be
missing. One hypothetical network is presented in Figure 12.3, revealing an attempt to make
sense of the array of qualitative data collected in this example. It is important to note that
a network such as this is not an armchair” activity divorced from wrestling with the data.
In qualitative data analysis, ideas emerge and are tested against other data or new data of
the same kind (constant comparison). Eventually, a picture emerges from all sources of data
that appears to capture a meaningful representation. In this example, each term suggests
a potent variable linked to an outcome. School data and student interviews, for example,
may reveal the importance of support for the faltering student. The data may reveal that
perception of ineffective support (“Cant relate to the counselor”) leads to the same outcome
as having limited support (“Counselor is never there”). Other features, such as the implied
Table 12.3 Hypothetical Example of a Matrix Revealing How Online Learning Might
Be Conceptualized
Social Iconic Active
Independent Multimedia Project
Tex t Read/Discuss Term Paper
Passive Virtual Lecture Video
Figure 12.3 A hypothetical example of a network that reveals linkages in the process of dropout.
Student Characteristics School Support
Efficacy æ
History æ Low æ
Resources à Academic Performance à prior à current ó Absenteeism à Dropout
Family ä Ineffective ä
Culture ä
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 359
interaction (two-way arrow), suggest compounding influences (performance and atten-
dance affect each other). The background variables listed suggest their contribution to our
understanding of dropout, and those not listed are missing for a reason. For instance, age
is not listed, suggesting little connection between overage and underage high school stu-
dents tendency to drop out.
Tables and Cross Tabulations
Another method for exploring relationships among qualitative data is tabling the occurrences
of categories and examining their connections (cross tabulations). In a hypothetical study of
academic dishonesty, for example, 100 college freshman were interviewed to learn more about
behaviors considered dishonest. Each student was asked to describe five scenarios involv-
ing dishonesty in both 100% online and traditional face-to-face (F2F) courses (each type
separately). All students were enrolled in both types of courses.
The researchers codes from the scenarios revealed a major category best described as
social versus nonsocial. An example of social dishonesty was receiving help with a test (having
an accomplice”); a nonsocial dishonest behavior was submitting the same paper to two
different courses against course policy. Creating a tally of social and nonsocial instances of
dishonest behavior and cross-tabulating these with the course the student referenced (online
versus F2F) revealed the pattern shown in Table 12.4.
Table 12.4 Hypothetical Cross Tabulation of Type of Dishonesty and
Type of Course
Type of Dishonesty
Type of Course
F2F Online
Social Lower Higher
Nonsocial Same Same
Note: The body of the
table reveals the frequency
of cheating behaviors.
Data that qualitative researchers wrestle with (text, pictures, etc.) are not amenable to easy analysis by machine. Yet, just
as scatter plots help the quantitative researcher visualize numbers and relationships between variables, qualitative researchers
have developed a series of visual aids to help uncover, explore, and explain relationships embedded in the data.
Discussion: Think about relational diagrams and models other than those described in this chapter and describe the value
of those displays in exploring qualitative data and portraying the hypothesized relations.
Cr i t i C a l tH i n k e r al e r t 12.2 Qua l i tat i v e re l at i O n s
This table reveals a relationship between the two variables being investigated: Online
courses are linked to more social dishonesty (seeking answers to online tests from others),
but both types of courses are equally linked to nonsocial (“independent”) dishonesty
(e.g., excessive paraphrasing without citation). Such a finding might give rise to a social
network theory of academic dishonesty. A logical research question to help develop this
360 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
theory would inquire into the rationale for considering help with exams more or less accept-
able depending on the type of course.
Only creativity limits how qualitative data may be analyzed and presented graphi-
cally. Other common methods of visualizing qualitative information include a concept map
(displaying the relations between concepts in two- or three-dimensional space) and an ordered
array of linked conditions, as in a wavelength, as suggested by Slone (2009).
inseParaBle data cOllectiOn and analysis
Qualitative data analysis and collection occur together, a point emphasized by Merriam (2009).
She paints a picture of what could happen otherwise by asking the reader to imagine sitting at
a dining room table, data collection done, and data analysis ready to go:
In one pile to your left are a hundred or so pages of transcripts of interviews. In the middle of the
table is a stack of field notes from your on-site observations, and to the right of that is a box of
documents you collected, thinking they might be relevant to your study. (p. 170)
Merriam asks, Now what? Where to begin? How do you approach hundreds of pages of
data? Overwhelmed? Drowning in data? Did reading the first and second transcripts suggest
that you should have asked the third participant a different question, one that opens up a
potential theme to explore? Her conclusion from this scenario: “It is doubtful that you will be
able to come up with any findings. You have undermined your entire project by waiting until
after all the data are collected before beginning the analysis (p. 170).
The enlightened” approach would see you focusing on the data from the first participant
after collecting that data and writing reflective notes and memos to yourself. A potential cat-
egory, even theme, might surface early. The second source of data could be used as a compari-
son; perhaps a tentative category emerges. Data collection the next day will likely be better
organized, your thoughts more sharply focused and refined, and your emerging theory in
process. The main point that Merriam emphasizes is that data analysis and data collection
occur simultaneously; otherwise it not only is overwhelming but also jeopardizes the poten-
tial for more useful data and valuable findings. Making good sense of data as it comes in (its
interpretation) is a process of organization, reduction, consolidation, comparison, and recon-
figuration. One has to “break the code, so to speak.
One example of simultaneous data collection and analysis is analytic induction. Presume once
again that I am investigating the phenomenon (problem) of dropping out of high school. My goal
is to develop a descriptive model that can later be tested for cause-and-effect connections. I locate
and conduct an open-ended interview with one recent 11th-grade dropout at her home address
(a rich source of data in itself). My interview is detailed and illuminating, and sufficient for me to
sketch out an emerging theory to explain dropping out. My next interview provides more informa-
tion, some discrepant, some not, using my loose model as a source of comparison. I revise my model
to fit the second case. My third interview provides rich data (and documents from the students
home) but also requires model modification. With each interview, I revise the model after com-
parison of the case with the model, adding new components and processes as needed so that all
cases fit the model. Eventually, there are no new cases that do not fit my model, even after I purposely
search for and interview a case others predicted would not fit. When no reformulation is needed,
my model becomes the theory that explains the problem of high school students not graduating.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 361
The theory contains ample theoretical propositions (hypothesized relationships between variables),
clear definitions, and a creative metaphor (perhaps a slow computer that freezes) that captures the
essence of my major themes. It is ready for another researcher to investigate its validity.
Merriams (2009) years of experience in conducting qualitative research yield these time-
tested recommendations:
Use findings from previous observations to guide the next observation
Track your ongoing learning with written memos
Test your ideas and themes with participants
“Play with visual models (e.g., charts, diagrams, grids, boxes, even doodles!) as well as
metaphors, analogies, and so forth
Although Merriam notes that qualitative data collection and analysis can go on “indefinitely,
practical and theoretical indications for ending a study exist (Lincoln & Guba, 1985), including
the exhaustion of sources and saturation of categories (limited new knowledge appears to be
forthcoming), evidence of “regularities and a sense of “integration, and overextended” findings
(new data yields information far afield from the research questions or interests).
Let's return to the example of teacher interviews. Try to envision more open-ended or
focused interview questions (perhaps 10 in all) across more teachers (20 in all). There will be
hundreds of codes, but many are conceptually the same (e.g., “Welcome innovation and
Experiment with methods”). The first task is to reduce conceptually similar codes into
one grand” code (e.g., innovation). Further reduction is necessary, that being the combination
of the related grand codes into a meaningful category with the help of your memos—a category
that captures the essence of codes that define it (e.g., flexibility). Saturation is reached once you
are convinced the data hold no new surprises, as evidenced by the same recurring code and
category patterns in new data. Data collection comes to an end once evidence for saturation
exists; there is no need to collect more information.
Eventually, the 25,000 or so words from your interviews are reduced into perhaps five
categories (three to eight is reasonable and common). This task can be made far more manage-
able with qualitative software to manage codes, memos, possible categories, and final categories.
Uncovering the regularities or patterns among categories is a process called thematic analysis
(Shank, 2006). The uncovered patterns often create a network of themes. It is in this network show-
ing the meaningful relations among constructs (presumed qualities, traits, abilities, etc.) that the
theory emerges. This process is aided by many visual displays (e.g., cognitive maps) that capture
synthesized relations among the qualities that exist in the data. In the previous example of inter-
views with long-term teachers, the following categories could have surfaced: flexibility, resilience,
preparation, and innovation. A major theme connecting these categories might be the adaptive
teacher. A theory of teacher adaptation would follow this qualitative analysis and be depicted by a
visual model of the hypothesized relations. The model might predict, for example, that flexibility
interacts with preparation but not with the other constructs, which are either part of a stable per-
sonality (e.g., resilience) or qualities that develop over time in the classroom (e.g., innovation).
emergent methOdOlOgy
Many models of qualitative data analysis have been proposed to help guide researchers. In educa-
tion and psychology, perhaps the most influential has been grounded theory (Glaser, 1998; Glaser
& Strauss, 1967). Grounded theory helps the researcher understand the multiple sources of data,
Grounded theory:
An approach to
qualitative data
analysis using
methodologies, such
as constant
comparison, that
permits a theory to
develop from the
data (from the
ground up) without
preconceived or
inflexible ideas.
362 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
which are often observations, conversations, and interviews that are combined during the task of
note taking. Grounded theory is an example of emergence in research. This term suggests an
approach that is counter to hypothesis testing, where a preconceived idea about a relationship is
tested, or forced, by a statistical model (such as the t test that assumes a two-group comparison).
An emergent methodology approach to data analysis seeks to understand the situation and
discover a theory implicit in the data itself. Instead of crunching numbers to arrive at a p value, a
grounded theory researcher uses note taking and coding to find categories or themes (akin to
variables for the quantitative researcher), sorts information into meaningful patterns, and writes
persuasively and creatively about whatever it is that has been discovered in the data.
The process of constant comparison plays a central role in grounded theory. Here is an
example: Suppose that you have conducted interviews with 20 high school teachers related to
the topic of classroom challenges. Consider the first interview only. Dick (2005) recommended
that you ask yourself these questions: “What is going on here? What is the situation? How is this
person managing the situation?” Perhaps the construct of civility” as a
label comes to mind. Next, you code the second interview using the first
as a frame of reference. Dick (2005) referred to this as constant com-
parison, for you are comparing data set to data set and, eventually, data
set to theory.
All the while, theoretical ideas should be surfacing (“emerging”) in
your thinking as an explanation for patterns that might explain references
to civility and related categories (or whatever theme is being expressed).
Eventually, categories and their properties become saturated, as we have
noted, meaning further interviews will probably add little to what is
known about an emerging category. As properties of the categories
become well defined, linkages between them become more sensible.
Eventually, a theory or explanation of category relationships surfaces as
ideas are compared (“constantly”) with actual data.
The literature, or published ideas and findings in related fields, is
also treated like data in a constant comparison process. It emerges as well;
in fact, the relevant literature is probably unknown at the beginning of
the study. Dick (2005) summarized the search for meaning this way: “In
short, in using grounded theory methodology you assume that the theory
is concealed in your data for you to discover” (Memoing section, para. 4).
reliaBility and validity: trustwOrthiness
Can you trust the findings of a qualitative study? Do the concepts offered make sense, given the
data collection, analysis, and interpretation? Are the arguments compelling? Are they supported
with sound reasoning and ample evidence? Is the whole process, from research question to
implications, truly transparent and open to critical thinking by the reader?
Many qualitative researcher agree that data trustworthiness, whether collected from direct
observations, focus groups, or interviews, is evidenced by the following (Lincoln & Guba, 1985):
methodology: An
approach to
qualitative data
analysis that relies
on inductive
reasoning and a
continual interplay
between data and
Hi g H l i g H t a n d
le a r n i n g CH e C k 12.2
em e r g e n t me t H O d O l O g y
Emergent methodology (induction) is used
by qualitative data analysts as they gradu-
ally build a structure for understanding
their findings. They constantly compare a
construction of their understanding against
data (from the ground up), all the while
revising their models as needed without
inflexible preconceptions. As each new find-
ing and possible explanation emerges, it
is checked against other sources of data
until a point of saturation is reached, thus
completing the analysis. Explain why
qualitative data analysts may not feel
“finished” in the same sense that statistical
analysts might.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 363
Transferability refers to evidence supporting the generalization of findings to other
contexts—across different participants, groups, situations, and so forth. This is akin to the
notion of external validity used by quantitative researchers. Transferability is enhanced by
detailed descriptions (as is typical in qualitative research) that enable judgments about a
fit with other contexts. Comparisons across cases (“cross-case comparisons”) or other
units of analysis (classrooms, schools, etc.) that yield similar findings also increase trans-
ferability. At the theoretical level, transferability can be achieved by evidence of theoretical
transference; that is, the same ideas apply more widely and are shown to be applicable in
other fields.
Dependability is akin to the concept of reliability in quantitative research paradigms. In
this case, the qualitative researcher gathers evidence to support the claim that similar find-
ings would be obtained if the study were repeated. Naturally, even if the study were repeated
in the same context with the same participants, it would become a “new” study, given the
ever-changing social world and perceptual shifts (including news events that may change
our thinking overnight). Dependability is enhanced by common qualitative strategies (audit
trails, rich documentation, triangulation, etc.) but also by traditional methods such as inter-
coder or interobserver agreement (two coders or observers are consistent) and code-recode
consistency (the same coding or observation occurs more than once using the same “human
Confirmability refers to objectivity (neutrality) and the control of researcher bias. Bias in
qualitative research is an ever-present concern, but unbiased interpretations are more likely
once researcher self-reflection recognizes them overtly and factors them into the design by, for
example, intentionally seeking potentially contradictory evidence predicted by alternatives
(essentially different biases or worldviews). Confirmability is also enhanced by consistency
with quantitative research findings that reach similar conclusions. Other evidence includes the
consensus reached by peer review.
Credibility refers to the believability of the findings and is enhanced by evidence such as
confirming evaluation of conclusions by research participants, convergence of multiple sources
of evidence, control of unwanted influences, and theoretical fit. Maximum confidence in the
believability of conclusions comes from support provided by participants agreement, analysis
of multiple sources of data, others interpretations, and prediction based on relevant theoretical
models (i.e., a predicted pattern matches an actual pattern). As such, credibility is related to
construct validity, uncovered by evidence revealing that the construct being studied is the same
one theory presumes exists. The concept of credibility is also close to the idea of internal valid-
ity as used in quantitative designs (ruling out alternative hypotheses while controlling extrane-
ous influences and artifacts that distort findings).
Many researchers argue that the most important criterion for judging a qualitative study
is its credibility. To assess credibility, one would focus on the data quality, its analysis, and
resultant conclusions. Any weak link here would threaten the usefulness of the study. According
to Miles and Huberman (1994, pp. 11–12), qualitative analysis includes three streams of activ-
ity, each deserving sharp focus to evaluate credibility: data reduction (simplifying complex
data by, for example, extracting recurring themes via coding); data display (e.g., matrices,
charts, graphs, even stories); and, finally, drawing conclusions and verifying them as a means
of testing the validity of findings. Qualitative researchers often rely on triangulation to
Credibility: An
overarching criterion
for judging the
trustworthiness of
qualitative data
analysis. Credible
conclusions are
believable when
accompanied by
strong evidence,
clear logic, valid
data, and the ruling
out of alternative
364 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
enhance the credibility of their study. Recall that this refers to the use of multiple sources of
data and collection strategies, all of which should converge.
Essentially, the daunting task for qualitative researchers is to take massive amounts of
data, often (not always) in the form of interviews or detailed field notes from extensive obser-
vations, and communicate what the data reveal in a credible way. The interpretation of quali-
tative data depends on the background and creativity of the researcher far more than
interpretation of quantitative data does. Also, there are no agreed-on, 10-step procedures that
all qualitative data interpreters use. Nevertheless, in some way or other, most interpreters will
face the task of organizing the data to enhance the study’s credibility. As we have seen, this
task nearly always involves coding, a modifiable system for categorizing information in the
data in a way that permits the data to speak for themselves.
These procedures are directed toward the concepts of reliability and validity that are
familiar to quantitative researchers and educational practitioners. Unfortunately, the nomen-
clature surrounding the concepts of reliability and validity in qualitative research is not con-
sistent (as you might expect among researchers who value personal meaning and interpretation).
The little consensus that exists appears to center around the concept of, once again, trustworthi-
ness. Related concepts used by qualitative researchers include dependability, credibility, trans-
ferability, confirmability, and authenticity; traditional reliability and validity; and construct,
internal, and external validity.
Qualitative researchers agree on strategies that promote trustworthiness in a study. These
procedures are described well by Merriam (2009) and include:
Triangulation, or multiple sources of data as evidence
Member checks, or arranging for those who provided data to evaluate the conclusions
Saturation, or continuous data collection to the point where more data add little to regularities
that have already surfaced
Peer review, or consultation with experts
Audit trail, or the detailed record of data collection and rationale for important decisions
Thick description, or providing rich detail of the context of the study
Plausible alternatives, or the rationale for ruling out alternative explanations and accounting for
discrepant (negative) cases
Because qualitative research designs are usually flexible, evolving, and may include
a general hunch as to how you might proceed (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003, p. 40), the audit
trail becomes especially important. It provides the information needed for readers to
evaluate your conclusions (or repeat the study) and have trust (or not) when acting on
the implications. The general advice to “hang loose (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003, p. 49) means
being open and flexible when planning a design, but rigor is a more appropriate word
when describing qualitative procedures to establish trustworthiness. Because the goal of
much qualitative research is a deeper understanding of a phenomenon or process, docu-
mentation of the rigor leading to a meaningful conclusion and understanding becomes
especially important.
Pattern Matching
The trustworthiness and rigor of qualitative research and its data analysis are boosted by a
general procedure called pattern matching (Trochim, 2000), a strategy for aligning data to
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 365
theoretical propositions. The qualitative researcher might ask, “Heres an idea—is it right? What
are contrary, competing explanations? Can I rule them out?”
This procedure always involves an attempt to link two patterns where one is a theoretical
pattern and the other is an observed or operational one (Trochim, 2000, p. 73). In its simplest
form, the theoretical realm is matched with the observational realm, component by component.
Trochim recommends visual devices such as diagrams, charts, maps, etc. For example, a concept
map (theoretical realm) is matched with a correlation matrix (observational realm), and the
distances between constructs on the map should be linked to data analysis findings among
the correlations—greater distance, lower correlations. Concepts next to each other should yield
the highest correlations, validating theoretical expectations. One major advantage of pattern
matching, according to Trochim, is that it requires researchers to specify or “be more careful
about (p. 76) the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of their empirical work.
Yin (2009) also emphasizes the value of pattern matching, especially when the theoretical
propositions and observational data coincide as predicted and do not coincide as predicted. One
study on creativity, for example, might gather data on five outcome variables (the presumed effects
of some cause), such as three measures of creativity and two measures of personality, with the
expectation that no linkages will be evident between early childhood experience and later per-
sonality in contrast to measures of creativity. The same concept can apply to myriad presumed
causes (other than early childhood experiences), some revealing connections (and some revealing
no connection) with one or more presumed effects in accordance with theoretical propositions.
The same idea may be extended to rival explanations when there are sound arguments for a
particular pattern that either supports or refutes the rival explanation. Fine examples of other
complex pattern matching strategies are provided by de Vaus (2009, pp. 253–260).
research designs
A qualitative research design is the “logic that links data to be collected (and the conclusions to
be drawn) to the initial questions of the study” (Yin, 2009, p. 24). Qualitative researchers have
referred to their designs in various ways using difference classification schemes. What follows is
a brief description of major qualitative designs, those that have appeared in substantial numbers
and contributed in significant ways to the research base in education. All these designs share the
general analytic approach to qualitative data described in the preceding section. It is important
to recognize in each the approach to qualitative inquiry and not pigeonhole a design as, for
example, a multiple-case study or a phenomenological study. This is because researchers them-
selves may refer to their designs differently.
Case Study
Many description-oriented research questions in education can be answered by intensive study
of a single person, single group, or similar unit, such as a classroom or school district. For
example, one may wonder (as did Jean Piaget) what the most prominent qualitative changes in
childrens thinking are as they progress through the school years. Piaget answered this question
(in part) by very extensive, extraordinarily detailed study of his own children. As it turned out,
Piagets findings based on his case studies generalized remarkably well to other children as
well. Different case studies, however, may not be so widely applicable. Lets suppose that
Mrs. Rogers is immensely popular with her math students, and that her students outscore
366 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
others by a wide margin on standardized tests of quantitative reasoning. A case study of this
phenomenon may reveal charismatic personality factors coupled with very innovative and
highly effective cooperative learning strategies. However, Mr. Patel, another very popular and
stellar teacher (in terms of student achievement), may have none of Mrs. Rogerss charisma
factors or share her teaching strategies. Mr. Patel may display great humor and give highly
entertaining lectures. A well-known cinematic case study is Stand and Deliver, the 1988 true-
story film about Jaime Escalante, the dedicated high school math teacher who inspired his
high-potential but at-risk students to excel beyond others expectations by passing the Advanced
Placement calculus exam (a rare accomplishment by any student in the state at that time).
Yin (2009, p. 19), a recognized leader in case study methods, emphasized that case studies
may also be useful for explaining presumed causal links between variables (e.g., treatment and
intervention outcomes) “too complex for survey or experimental designs. Further, they may
describe the real-life context in a causal chain, illustrate specific constructs, and illuminate a
situation when outcomes are not clear. Theoretical ideas are important in case study design
and are usually developed prior to data collection, since they guide the type of data collected.
These can be stories that relate events in a process or describe traits and abilities within a
structural framework and are instrumental in explaining the complex results. Yin also believes
that case studies are eminently justifiable in several circumstances, including critical theory
testing, unique situations, and typical cases that are especially revealing or require observation
and data collection over time (p. 52). Although a case study design may include only a single case
(perhaps one person, classroom, or school), designs built around multiple cases (or at least two)
are often more informative, given their potential to replicate findings and test (or rule out) rival
explanations. Case studies pose challenges partly because the mindful researcher must use
creative insight and careful interpretation to make sense of and explain findings (explanation
building) that were observed as well as what was not observed. (Yin likens the researcher to a
historian, who interprets history and builds a logical argument around an explanation, as
opposed to a chronicler of history, who describes only the facts.) Further, the evidence may come
from sources as diverse as archival records, documents, structured or open interviews, various
types of observation (in which the researcher may participate, or not, in some event), and
physical artifacts (Yin, 2009, p. 98) in order to provide converging evidence (known as triangu-
lation). Done well, case studies will produce engagement, excitement, and seduction (p. 190).
Those who conduct case studies, however, are probably interested not so much in general-
izing their findings to others as in telling a story. The story is often full of rich narrative detail
and may offer insights about complex processes not possible with, for example, the simplistic
rating scales used in a large survey. Good case studies are usually fascinating to read; they are
engaging and often speculative. Readers of case studies often find useful ideas within the rich
descriptions; they may also be stimulated to look at old problems in new ways. Researchers
who use case study designs often find that their research generalizes to the extent that others
can use ideas embedded within the descriptions in some other, often personal, context. In this
sense, usefulness may be more important for case studies than wide generalization.
The oft-cited expression associated with phenomenology is “lived experience, meaning there
is interest in how a persons (or groups) experience becomes embedded in consciousness and
what meaning that carries. There is a sharp focus on the essence of an experience; that is, on
Case study design:
An approach to
qualitative research
that focuses on the
study of a single
person or entity
using an extensive
variety of data.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 367
trying to understand the basic structure of that experience and interpreting the meaning it has
for a person or group (a socially anxious senior, first-year teachers, gifted learners, etc.).
One example of a phenomenological study is provided by Meister (2010), who has an
interest in the phenomenon of change and how it impacts practicing educators. She conducted
in-depth interviews with 10 teachers described as the best by school administrators in order
to answer several questions, including How were these teachers able to remain engaged and
enthusiastic over the course of their teaching tenure?” and “How did these teachers experience
professional growth?” (p. 881). (Notice the “How” questions. You will recall that most good
qualitative questions begin with “How?” or “What?”) As is typical in qualitative research, several
themes emerged from her analysis, including “ . . . colleagues are their support network; and
their commitment to the students transcends academic achievements (p. 880).
Here is the abstract of another example of a phenomenological study provided by Polidore,
Edmonson, and Slate (2010). Note the reference to “life experiences and the in-depth study of
three teachers (a multiple-case study), suggesting this is blend of designs—a phenomeno-
logical case study:
A scarcity of research exists regarding the voices of African American teachers who taught in the
rural South. In this study, we report the life experiences, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings of three
female African American educators as they pertain to their experiences teaching before, during,
and after desegregation. Three female African American educators who taught before, during, and
after desegregation in the same school district in the rural South were interviewed extensively. Data
analysis revealed themes that mirrored those themes found in resiliency research. By examining
these resilience themes within the context of this study, a model of adult resilience in teaching
emerged. (p. 568)
Yet another example is provided by Penland (2010):
The purpose of this study was to examine the lived educational experiences of American Indians
who grew up during the 1950s and 1960s, known as the termination period in American history.
The research for this phenomenological study consisted of interviews with eight participants who
were willing to share their personal experiences from this selected time. Ten reoccurring themes
were uncovered: chaos brings balance, challenge to become bi-cultural, the importance of teachers,
external support systems, spirituality, tribal influences, influences of economic resources, cultural
awareness and value, relevant curriculum, and recruitment of Native teachers. By uncovering these
stories, it is hopeful that educators would benefit by being able to further illuminate and contextu-
alize an understanding for more culturally responsive pedagogy. (p. 430)
Many variations of phenomenological studies exist in education (e.g., Moustakas, 1994). A close
cousin to phenomenology is a qualitative approach commonly called ethnography, distinguished
by a focus on the culture of a society. This usually involves immersion in a culturally distinct group
to study everyday life and relies on participant observation as a data collection method. Because
qualitative researchers investigate phenomena that do not lend themselves to straightforward
measurement, they may not know at first what should be observed, let alone whether the construct
could be measured with any degree of meaningfulness. A researcher in this case might use an
ethnographic design, one of many used in qualitative approaches to educational research.
design: A non-
descriptive research
design that is
usually participatory
and extends over a
period of time in a
natural setting. It
often uses
methods, interviews,
and a variety of
other qualitative
methods to study
the culture of a
distinctive group.
368 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
Ethnographic research has been associated with the study of anthropology in situations
where the researcher observes, or even becomes part of, a group whose culture and social
networks are described. Ethnographic researchers may pose a variety of questions. For exam-
ple, they may ask, “What is it like to teach in a high school that has many students with behav-
ioral problems?” “What is the home environment like for an at-risk preschooler?” “What is an
all-girls school like?” “In what ways does typical Catholic education differ from typical public
education?” or “Is there such a thing as a typical homeschool, and if so, what is homeschooling
really like for elementary school children?”
Ethnographic research designs usually specify procedures and guidelines for taking field
notes. These notes often form the backbone in the analysis of ethnographic data. The field notes
may take many forms, including detailed observations and general interpretations, reflections,
and summaries of recorded interviews. Ethnographic designs in educational settings, like most
qualitative research, frequently employ the strategy of triangulation, a type of qualitative cross-
validation (corroboration) or data cross-checking procedure. This is particularly important in
ethnographic studies because multiple data sources or data collection procedures are expected
to agree (converge) to support a conclusion. For example, a researcher studying the culture of
high-achieving homeschoolers might uncover a pattern in interviews, then check to see whether
the same pattern holds up in written correspondence, in chosen printed materials, in minutes
of a meeting, in personal journals, or during participant observation. The researcher can also
check to see whether the same pattern using the same data collection technique is consistent
over time. If the multiple sources of data collection are in agreement, the findings are believed
to be more credible. Triangulation greatly enhances the validity of qualitative findings.
Published reports of educational ethnographies reflect the rich detail of the blueprints
used to carry them out. They are mostly narrative in form, and a better understanding of the
phenomenon studied is often conveyed by a good metaphor or illuminating story instead of a
pie chart or bar graph. Fine examples of ethnographic studies in education can be found in two
premier journals (among others): American Educational Research Journal and Qualitative
Studies in Education.
The design of ethnographic research often centers on the extent to which the researcher
participates within a group or merely observes a group. The participant versus observer role is
not a simple dichotomy. Ethnographic designs may fall anywhere on a participant-observer
continuum. An ethnographer studying the lives of teachers in inner city schools may participate
in teaching activities or become involved with conflict resolution in the classroom but be a
strict observer during faculty meetings. One example of an ethnographic study is provided by
de la Piedra (2010), who documented how adolescents “vernacular literacy practices (p. 575)
enhance the relevance of school learning. De la Piedras research methodology was classic
qualitative and ethnographic, focusing on the sociocultural climate of the school and home by
using participant observation and collecting multiple sources of evidence. She says,
I conducted participant-observations at school approximately once a week. I visited the students
households and conducted interviews and observations that lasted between two and four hours.
I conducted informal and formal interviews with teachers, students, parents, and administrators,
which were transcribed and analyzed for patterns and emerging themes. I also analyzed students
written artifacts, written school materials, and pictures. An undergraduate assistant helped with
data gathering and transcription. In addition, two key informants—teachers from the middle
school—provided us with important information and interpretations of events. (p. 577)
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 369
Research labeled narrative is also closely related to phenomenology as well as case study
research in the family of qualitative research designs. This type of research is distinguished
by the life story method, in which people describe their life experiences via storytelling.
The task for the researcher is to create a written account (hence narrative) of a persons
life from the stories to illuminate the meaning of his or her work or life experiences in
ways that help us understand the complexities of, for example, the home environment as
it relates to school, the classroom as it relates to the challenges of teaching, or the win-
dow-into-the-world chronology of rising from teacher to school superintendent. Far more
than a historical record, narrative research captures the voice of the participant and offers
a collection of themes that help us understand the phenomenon being investigated. The
outcome of narrative research is a researcher-generated story (a retelling) that answers
“How” and “What” questions about the life story and meaningful experiences that have
implications for others. This process is referred to as restorying, and the challenge for the
researcher is to define the elements of the persons stories (the raw data), identify themes,
uncover important sequences, and retell the story in ways that provide insight (the mean-
ing of the story).
Although many narrative studies in education are completed with a single participant
(case study), we have already seen that qualitative research borrows principles and design
features in clever ways to create hybrid designs. Qualitative research may be especially informa-
tive when integrated with quantitative research, as described below.
Mixed Methods
Chapter 3 introduced the idea of mixed methods designs, those that integrate or weave together
components of qualitative and quantitative designs and analyses. Indeed, mixed methods
designs appear in the published literature with increasing frequency, supporting the conclusion
that mixed methods is a paradigm whose time has come (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004,
p. 14). This is among the most challenging types of research, since the researchers task is to
merge both types of data to answer questions that suggest data integration. Mixed methods
research implies more than back-to-back separate studies that generate separate data sets, such
as Phase 1 (quantitative) followed by Phase 2 (qualitative) without a clear connection. Good
qualitative research will answer, with data of different types combined, questions that cannot
easily be answered in this back-to-back manner. Here are some examples:
Does a drug education program reduce risk taking behavior, and if so, how does it achieve its
How do exceptionally creative students approach problems, and are these strategies predictable
from early tests of cognitive skills?
Do themes in students autobiographies predict going-to-college rates?
Do students who score high in college algebra excel in critiquing classical music?
What is happening to achievement scores in low-income schools, and why is this happening?
Do life stories about overcoming obstacles in youth correlate with job satisfaction measures?
Does factor analysis of teacher ratings correlate with school climate?
What do interviews with homeless students tell us that test scores and school records do not?
370 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
The advantages of mixed methods research include the potential to offer more compre-
hensive understanding of a complex process, including the convergence, corroboration, expan-
sion, and elaboration of findings (Greene, Caracelli, & Graham, 1989). The weaknesses of
quantitative and qualitative research can be offset by the strengths of both—words can add
meaning to numbers and numbers can add precision to words (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004).
One can also argue that approaches to research in education are most valuable when they match
the learning sciences (Bryman, 2006), a complex interplay of text, images, and quantities.
All data collection methods and strategies for data analysis apply to mixed methods stud-
ies and range from statistical maneuvers in quantitative studies to pattern matching or thematic
extraction in qualitative studies. Schulte, Slate, and Onwuegbuzie (2010) provide one illustra-
tion of a mixed methods study. Several hundred respondents provided views of the character-
istics of effective school principals, which were analyzed using qualitative grounded theory to
extract 29 themes (e.g., building relationships). The themes were then statistically analyzed
(factor analysis) to reduce them into five related clusters, or meta-themes. These overriding
themes were then analyzed and tested statistically for relationships among demographic vari-
ables such as ethnicity. In this case, quantitative analysis followed qualitative analysis. Perhaps
quantitative analysis more commonly precedes collection and analysis of qualitative data. For
example, test data could be used to identify extreme, interesting, even representative cases for
follow-up interviews or observation. The same data set might also yield different types of data.
Transcripts of interviews, for example, could also include the delay (in seconds) before answer-
ing the question or the time between expressed ideas. Hesitation might suggest anxiety or depth
of processing. Audio measures taken from videotaped interviews might suggest other meanings
behind the text (e.g., confidence of response).
A formal classification scheme for mixed methods designs has been offered by Creswell
and Clark (2007). In the triangulation design, there is a direct comparison of both types of
data. The issue here is how well the statistical findings complement the qualitative evidence.
Do the two match up? In the embedded design, there is a need for one type of evidence within
(embedded in) a larger study of the other type. Do parenting styles explain extreme out-
comes on college admission tests? In the exploratory design, the findings from one type of
data are required to develop a second study. What themes exist in interview data on teacher
despair that permit the construction of a scale to measure despair? In the explanatory
design, there is a need for one type of data to explain the other type. How do school leader-
ship styles influence the correlation between socioeconomic status and achievement test
scores among students?
Given the variation in both quantitative and qualitative designs and approaches to integrat-
ing them, it becomes apparent that mixed methods designs are the most complex in the field
of educational research. Yet they may be the most useful because they honor true complexity
of learning in our schools. Evaluating mixed methods research is also challenging, although
guidance is available on how to think about its validity (e.g., Dellinger & Leech, 2007; Leech,
Dellinger, Brannagan, & Tanaka, 2010) and why it is useful to separate concerns about
methodological rigor (procedures) from those about interpretive rigor (conclusions) (Teddlie
& Tashakkori, 2006). Capitalizing on the complementary strengths of both quantitative and
qualitative approaches to research (and avoiding the negative overlaps) requires creative strat-
egies that contribute to legitimation (Onwuegbuzie & Johnson, 2006), “bilingual nomenclature
reflecting qualitative and quantitative researchers concern for validity.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 371
Qualitative research in the literature
The following section describes qualitative studies that have appeared in the published litera-
ture. They illustrate the value of a wide variety of qualitative designs and how researchers think
about them.
Classroom Climate
Pierce (1994) investigated the importance of classroom climate for at-risk learners in an
interesting study that she described as a qualitative case study. (You will, however, also
recognize elements of an ethnography. Descriptive qualitative research often uses blended
research designs; in fact, an ethnographic case study” is quite common in the research
literature.) Pierces study is clearly not experimental; it is descriptive, as the purpose was
to describe in a natural environment how one teacher created a climate that enhanced
learning. Her chosen teacher taught middle school (social studies) and had 24 years
of experience.
Inspection of Pierces research design section reveals that participant observation was the
method of data collection, and that students were used as key informants (those who provided
data) to increase the accuracy of the recorded data (which were mostly observations in the
form of audiotapes and field notes). Both participant observation and the use of key informants
are hallmarks of ethnographic research designs. Pierce also described the use of “triangulation,
in her case referring to the convergence of observations and conclusions from the teacher, her
students, and herself. Other data were collected from interviews, field notes, and archival
records—note the appearance of triangulation once again. The credibility of her data was
increased to the extent that all three sources were in agreement.
Pierce stated that collected data were categorized, analyzed, and interpreted . . . according
to the context in which they occurred (p. 38). The context provides an important backdrop for
all descriptive studies. One cannot fully understand the case (in a case study) without analyz-
ing how it is embedded within its setting. Ethnographic case study designs are holistic in the
sense that the person is total (unified) and cannot be fragmented into independent parts.
Holistic description also suggests that the naturalistic setting must be preserved and inter-
preted in a richly complex social context.
Pierce reported that “from the initial classroom observations, questions were generated
that tended to focus subsequent observations on specific classroom interactions and behaviors
(p. 38). She continued, “Repeating patterns of behavior began to emerge, creating specific
categories and subcategories that were used to develop a working hypothesis tentatively
explaining how this specific classroom operated (p. 38). Notice how the design of the study
shaped her “working (tentative) hypothesis. This is radically different from experimental
designs used in quantitative research in which hypotheses are often deduced from theory, as
explained in Chapter 4. Hypotheses derived from theory are fixed for the duration of the
research in quantitative, experimental research.
Hypotheses derived from qualitative observations in descriptive research, by contrast,
are flexible. Descriptive (qualitative) research questions can be developed and refined as
the study progresses. You will not find any level of statistical significance in a report such
as Pierces. Findings are often presented as an assertion, as was the case with Pierces (1994)
372 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
qualitative study: The classroom ambiance developed through
the behaviors and interactions of the teacher and students was
one in which the threat of failure was diminished . . . [and] students
were provided a safe-haven atmosphere that enhanced learning
outcomes (p. 39).
As you can imagine, ambiance is a difficult quality to describe.
Pierce used student and teacher quotations to help capture its essence.
Her use of the safety-net” metaphor also helps the reader understand
her conclusions. Such metaphors are invaluable communication devices
for qualitative researchers. Pierce continued with an assertion that the
climate was created with three identifiable components, undoubtedly
the result of a careful process of categorization in her analysis.
Qualitative data are often categorized in some form or another to aid
description and assertion.
Pierce used vignettes in her results and discussion. Vignettes are
very brief stories, and they are commonly used by qualitative research-
ers to support an assertion. Careful readers of Pierces report probably feel they know the
teacher of this case study without ever having met her; this familiarity is one mark of a
good case study. Any reporting of the teachers numerical test scores from a battery of
measuring instruments would pale by comparison.
The Art of Teaching
Flinders (1989) provides a fine example of qualitative case study research. His study received
the Outstanding Dissertation of the Year award bestowed by the Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development in 1987. It also contributed to a conceptualization of “responsive
teaching (Bowers & Flinders, 1990), in which the context of teaching and learning is best
viewed as a complex ecology of inseparable language, culture, and thought. His published
study begins this way: Penelope Harper quickly takes roll, steps out from behind her desk,
and glances around the classroom. Her eyes meet those of her students (Flinders, 1989,
p. 16). These opening sentences quickly reveal how the reporting of a qualitative study can
differ from that of a quantitative one. Instead of describing relevant theory or summarizing
reviews of the research literature, Flinders chose to “tell a story. In fact, Flinders (1993)
reported that he found his inspiration for this research by going ‘back to school.’” Many
qualitative researchers use metaphor as a mechanism for sharing findings. Flinders chose the
teacher as artisan metaphor to describe his findings, referring to a “beautiful lesson or
“well-orchestrated class discussion.
Flinders collected a large amount of data, mostly in the form of interviews, extensive field
notes from observations (in which he shadowed or followed teachers for entire days), and
written documents. His findings, in part, took the form of four artistic dimensions. These
findings, or focused themes, did not spring from a computer after statistical analysis. Rather,
like most qualitative findings, they more likely emerged” from the researchers system of
categorizing and making connections among all types of data. Flinders could not simply enter
interviews, observations, and written documents into a computer, sit back, and watch his
findings flash on a screen.
Hi g H l i g H t a n d
le a r n i n g CH e C k 12.3
Ca s e st u dy de s i g n s
Case study designs rely on extensive data
collection, usually over time, with a sin-
gular focus on one person or entity (e.g.,
a school). A variety of qualitative meth-
ods, including narrative vignettes, may
be used to capture rich description and
explanation. Which of the following titles
is more likely to reflect case study research:
“Social Phobia: A Journey Through High
School” or “Birth Weight, Social Skills,
and Graduation Rates”?
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 373
The analysis of such complex forms of qualitative data, such as extracting prominent
themes, is a daunting intellectual experience for many beginning researchers. The artistic
dimensions of teaching Flinders described were the result of his insight and keen perception
more than a crunching of numbers. Behavioral observation scales (such as the type found in
quantitative studies in which observers rate the frequency of specific behaviors) and stop-
watches (used to measure how long teachers wait before answering their own questions) and
structured personality inventories (used to measure already established dimensions of
personality) would not likely capture the essence of the art of appreciation in the classroom.
Flinders, like most qualitative researchers, used memorable prose in his analysis; in this case,
he referred to the idea of teachers putting signatures on their work as support for his model
of teaching as an art or a craft.
Qualitative researchers may not close their reports with a simple summary. They often
punctuate their reports in a provocative way, maybe by asking challenging questions or upset-
ting our traditional thinking about something. The mark of a good qualitative study, in addition
to how well it stimulates the reader’s thinking, is its persuasiveness.
The Flinders case study (actually a multiple case study of six teachers) deserves high
marks for introducing new ways of thinking about teaching as an art. It is an example of
educational connoisseurship (first introduced in Chapter 6) because it focuses on interpreting
the process work in the context of schooling as art. It is also an example of educational criti-
cism, a form of qualitative research that uses observations to seek analysis and interpretation
bound together in a manner that is empowering. Flinders design aimed for structural
corroboration, an approach akin to the traditional notion of validity.
The Flinders study also represents a blend of ethnographic and case study designs. The
study is clearly descriptive and ethnographic, as its goal was to experience classrooms in an
attempt to describe through the eyes of classroom teachers how they view professional life.
The researcher’s concern that an image would fail to capture the artistry suggests that teachers
views might be described best by a descriptive metaphor, in this case borrowing from fine
arts. (Evidently, rating scales could not capture the essence of teachers perceptions.) Flinders
was able to describe teachers perceptions well because he had conducted extensive
interviews; his questions were very effective for the purpose of understanding the art of
teaching. Flinders also made careful classroom observations—his field notes—and
reviewed classroom documents.
Since Flinders described teaching as an art, which is an insightful description, others can
now understand how a lesson could be “beautiful” or a class discussion “well orchestrated. New
ideas will undoubtedly emerge from this model of teaching, and thus the descriptive research
done by Flinders will have made a valuable contribution, one that would not be possible with-
out a descriptive qualitative research design.
There are many qualitative designs used by educational researchers. Some are simple;
others are complex. They may be creative, flexible, informal, and dynamic. All of them, however,
serve an important guidance function in that they structure the plan for collecting data and
determine how the data will be organized. Generally, qualitative research designs help the
process of research by ensuring that the research question (or hypothesis) can, in fact, be
answered (or tested) efficiently with a minimum number of rival explanations. As is true with
many qualitative research designs, most ethnographic designs have built-in flexibility and
allow for adjustments as the research progresses. In fact, qualitative research designs are often
374 P a r t I V: D e s I g n a n D a n a l y s I s
referred to as working or emergent designs. Qualitative designs are also well suited for blending
several different types of research, such as case studies and action research, as the following
study illustrates.
Minority Teachers
In conducting research best described as an action research case study, Kauchak and
Burbank (2003) observed that a critical problem facing educators today is the inability of
our teacher education system to produce substantial numbers of teachers from racial, ethnic,
and language minority groups (p. 63). Given the context of this problem statement, these
researchers sought to answer these two questions: “What knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs
influence the student teaching experiences of minority candidates?” and “What influences
do school contexts and teacher preparation programs have on the teaching experiences of
minority teacher candidates?” These researchers realized the value of rich or “thick qualita-
tive data and chose to explore these questions using in-depth study of two minority preser-
vice teachers. Kauchak and Burbank conducted intensive interviews with the two
candidates and analyzed a series of assignments designed to identify the interplay between
belief systems and how those belief systems manifested themselves in instructional and
curricular choices (p. 64).
The researchers focused on transcripts of interviews, work samples, and professional
development portfolios in an attempt to create categories for coding the complex data. Once
meaningful categories were created, the researchers could begin to interpret the emerging
themes that helped answer their research questions. They discovered that these two candidates
held very different beliefs about teaching. For example, one candidate saw the curriculum as
malleable and responsive and assumed that it must be connected to students’ lives. The same
candidate viewed classroom management as a method for establishing relationships with
students, making connections to them as individuals (p. 71). The other candidate had oppos-
ing views and perceived the curriculum as fixed and classroom management as a struggle
and an obstacle. Kauchak and Burbank identified five possible factors to explain candidates
differences on these important dimensions of teaching (e.g., match with students culture and
different stages of professional development).
Kauchak and Burbank’s major findings were that minority teachers bring unique voices
and perspectives and sometimes dramatically different background experiences to a teacher
education program and are shaped by those factors in complex ways. The answer to their
research questions, it turned out, was far from simple. They used their five emerging factors
arising from their multiple sources of data to conclude that very different attitudes influence
teaching in unique and dramatically different ways. They also learned that differences in school
contexts and teacher preparation programs can influence teaching experiences in various ways,
depending on the teacher’s unique background.
Kauchak and Burbank observed that “like most exploratory research, these case studies
raise more questions than they answer” (p. 72). New questions include the following: What
attitudes do we want our minority teachers to possess? Do minority teaching candidates inter-
act differently with same-culture students? What placement settings permit the exploration of
unique background experiences? These researchers recognized that their study was clearly
exploratory, and because of the limitations of case study methodology, attempts to generalize
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 375
beyond these teachers and settings are not warranted. Their study, however, does call attention
to an important source of new hypotheses to be tested by future research: the exploratory action
research case study.
Learning Disability Coping Strategies
Many of the core principles of qualitative design and analysis are provided by a study of cop-
ing strategies among high school students with learning disabilities (Givon & Court, 2010).
The researchers noted the almost insurmountable challenge of achieving academic success
among these learners, creating a need to listen attentively to the voices of the students them-
selves, and to learn about their wishes, difficulties, and needs (Givon & Court, 2010, p. 283).
This led Givon and Court to their purpose, which was “to explore the emotional and cognitive
processes experienced by high school students with both verbal and non-verbal learning
disabilities, and to identify coping strategies they employed” (p. 283). The researchers selected
20 students to provide data, giving this rationale: The young people were considered to be
the experts on their own experience. The sample was a purposive sample, meaning that sub-
jects were chosen on the basis of being able to give information about the topic for a range of
disabilities. . . (p. 283).
The primary data for Givon and Court were “in-depth, semi-structured interviews with
the students themselves but also included other interviews with parents and teachers as well
as examination of school records. They note, These multiple data sources also served for
cross-checking of data in the analysis phase. A triangulation process serves to confirm, vali-
date, and extend hypotheses emerging from the data contained in the semi-structured inter-
views (p. 283). This study is also marked by data collection over three years (Grades 10 to 12)
to describe the students changing experiences and the development of their perceptions and
coping processes.
One example of Givon and Courts open and flexible interview questions was, “I am
interested in the life stories of students who are being examined for matriculation in the
framework of special dispensations. Please tell me your life story from when you remember
yourself until today. An example of a focused question was, “What were the first signs of your
difficulty?” Over 60 questions were asked, varying over the three years and covering a wide
range of understandings, strategies for coping, personal assessments of support systems, and
ideas about the future.
Givon and Court used grounded theory for guidance during the data analysis, in which
the resultant model emerges from the data itself in which it was grounded’” (p. 286). After
transcribing the audiotaped interview, they used qualitative software (ATLAS.ti) “to manage
the datasets, and as an aid in coding and compiling flow charts to show connections between
codes. Their analytic procedure is described as follows:
We first identified categories and sub-categories in the semi-structured interview transcripts
using an open-coding process. These were re-checked, re-assembled, linked to, compared, and
cross-checked with each other and with data from the complementary sources. Constant com-
parison allowed us to identify core categories which were those which appeared frequently, or
with greater clarity and focus than others, and which could be related to other categories,
confirmed by other data, or categories, or differentiated from them. This axial coding process
enabled us to distinguish two central axes around which the other core categories rotated. The
376 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
process of selective coding also enabled us to follow a storyline which
enabled a conceptual model to be constructed which differentiated
between coping styles, causality, and adaptive and maladaptive behav-
iors. As Merriam (2001) writes, researchers who build theory in an
applied field such as education need to evaluate their emerging theory
in terms of how well it fits in the area to which it will be applied and how
useful it will be to practitioners in this area. We tried to attend both to
the richness and robustness of the grounded theory and how thoroughly
it was grounded in the data, and to its clarity and applicability for edu-
cators working with students with learning disabilities. (pp. 286–287)
These researchers discovered four coping strategies: avoidance,
rebellion, reconciliation, and determination. They presented a concep-
tual model, including a flow chart, to explain the findings, including two
thematic axes around which the core categories revolved” (the cognitive
field and emotional field). Their findings (including quoted excerpts)
and explanations of them with reference to the literature are described
in depth, typical of qualitative research. They end their report with
important implications: Teachers, school counselors, and remedial
educators can use the four coping strategy models to discover students
present coping styles, strengths, and weaknesses, and to then help students improve their
strategies for coping” (p. 298).
Hi g H l i g H t a n d
le a r n i n g CH e C k 12.4
et H n O g r a p H i C
tr i a n g u l at i O n
Ethnographic research designs often use rich
qualitative measures over an extended time
in a natural setting (a “culture”). They may
be “participatory,” in the sense that the
researcher joins a group (to a greater or lesser
extent) to understand its social dynamics
and meaning. Triangulation (convergence of
measures) enhances the meaningfulness of
data, and the findings are often revealed in
a story. Which of the following titles is more
likely to reflect ethnographic research: “The
Social Work of Teaching” or “Correlates of
Teaching Satisfaction”? How might sources
of data in either study become triangulated?
Ethnographic and case study research designs may combine, yielding rich, detailed analysis that is not possible with
simpler surveys. Ideas that spring from ethnographic and case study research sometimes generate new areas of research
or new ways to think about old problems.
Discussion: What research topic would you like to pursue using an ethnographic case study? Can you explain why its rich,
detailed analysis might lead to new areas of research?
Cr i t i C a l tH i n k e r al e r t 12.3 et H n O g r a p H i C Ca s e st u d i e s
Terms for designs in research are confused by the word case. The label case study refers to a qualitative design that focuses
on the extensive study of a single person (or group) using multiple sources of data. By contrast, a single-case design is a
type of quasi-experimental design (described in Chapter 10) that evaluates an intervention using a single person (or small
group). The terms single-case designs and single-subject designs are used interchangeably.
Discussion: Researchers using case study designs have different objectives than those using single-case designs. Discuss
how each design might be applied to the study of bullying in school.
Cr i t i C a l tH i n k e r al e r t 12.4 Ca s e st u d y ve r s u s si n g l e Ca s e
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 377
McNulty (2003) wondered, “What are the life stories of adults who were diagnosed with dyslexia
as children?” (p. 365). His rationale for selecting a qualitative research design is well stated:
Rather than approaching the study with a specific set of questions or variables, a more open-ended
inquiry into the events and emotions related to living with diagnosed dyslexia over the course of
life was thought to be a useful way to authentically articulate participants experiences. (p. 365)
McNulty described his non-intervention research design as the “life story method of nar-
rative analysis, a method of qualitative research that articulates the experiences of a group
by describing the qualities within a type of life in a manner that is accurate, relevant, and
compelling as determined by those who are familiar with it (p. 365). The life story research
design, then, refers to the study of a phenomenon by comparing and contrasting accounts of
people who share the same experience.
McNulty began by defining dyslexia by its primary symptoms: difficulty reading and spelling
attributed to a problem with the phonological coding of written language. He selected 12 adult
research participants (ages 25 to 45) and interviewed them extensively (using audiotapes). Using
transcripts, he determined common and contrasting elements of the shared story, created a
typology (or classification scheme) that fit all cases, and eventually created a collective life story
based on participants own words. Validation of the life story was accomplished by a self-
validation circle in which the participants reviewed the collective story and judged whether it
was an accurate, relevant, and compelling depiction of the experience (p. 365). Further, McNulty
sought others (none of whom were original participants) who had undergone the shared dyslexia
experience to review the collective story’s accuracy and generalization. This enabled him to revise
the collective life story from the perspective of the wider community similarly affected by the
phenomenon of dyslexia. McNulty’s analysis was aided by a structural framework that used the
elements of a story (prologue, exposition, plot, subplot, resolution, etc.).
The life stories as reported are indeed fascinating. Interpretive analyses of the narrative
life stories in context enabled McNulty to characterize dyslexics attempts to compensate on
functional, emotional, and psychological levels. McNulty’s creative life story research design
effectively uncovered the experiences of dyslexics over the course of life. It revealed what he
labeled “LD trauma and the importance of a “niche for overcoming problems related to low-
ered self-esteem.
Parental Involvement
Neuman, Hagedorn, Celano, and Daly (1995) described teenage mothers beliefs about learning
and literacy in an African-American community as revealed in a series of peer group discussions.
The researchers identified the beliefs of 19 low-income adolescent mothers, hoping to use this
knowledge to enhance the literacy opportunities of the mothers children. All the mothers lived
in impoverished areas and had toddlers enrolled in an early intervention program. The mothers
had dropped out of high school and were attempting to complete adult basic education. The
researchers noted that parental beliefs have been described using a variety of empirical, self-report
instruments that are problematic because they tend to reflect mainstream culture and solicit It
depends reactions. Neuman and colleagues opted for an open-ended interview format in the
378 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
hope of extracting “far richer and more accurate understandings of beliefs (p. 807). The 10 hours
of discussion were videotaped while observers took notes in an adjacent observation room.
The researchers task of converting data into codable categories was guided by the constant
comparative method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), a continuous process of category identification
and clarification that results in well-defined categories and clear coding instructions. The
research team viewed tapes and read transcripts independently and began to identify themes
(categories) by “highlighting particular words or phrases—their tone and intensity—which
reflected these themes (Neuman et al., 1995, p. 809). Examples of categories that emerged from
the data included “how children learn (“being told” versus experience or interaction”) and
the mothers role and responsibility in schooling.
The next phase of the analysis was directed toward finding linkages among categories that
reflected similar views. Neuman and colleagues found, for example, close ties among all of the
following categories: “Learning is telling, Teachers role is training, Teachers method is drill
and practice, and “Learning is demonstrated by recitation. This was a different perspective from
that pertaining to categories linked by play, imagination, and meaningful activities. The mothers
views of themselves as teachers were also examined via comparisons and contrasts of categories
that fit a common perspective (what the researchers called typology”). This was followed by an
assessment of the credibility of the categories and their representations by members of the
research group who had not been involved with data reduction (coding into categories).
The researchers then presented their analytic categories and interpretation to knowledge-
able outsiders for examination and revision. The researchers wanted to be certain that their
reconstructions accurately reflected the reality of their subjects. Finally, Neuman and colleagues
derived a set of theoretical propositions within and across categories and perspectives that
seemed to best encompass parents beliefs about learning and literacy for their children
(p. 810). They concluded that mothers beliefs fall on a continuum of perspectives on learning
(what they labeled “transmissive, maturational, and “transactional”) and that “through a
better understanding of parental beliefs, parental involvement programs may be designed to
enable culturally diverse parents to realize their aspirations for their children (p. 822).
Studies such as that of Neuman and colleagues illustrate the challenge of qualitative data
analysis. Good interpreters must tolerate ambiguity as they search for recurring regularities in
complex data. Their thinking must be flexible; they must attend to counterevidence as well as
evidence as they clarify categories and themes. They must also present their findings in ways
that preserve the findings validity and full meaning and show how a better understanding
afforded by the data can be useful for readers.
An ethnographic case study by Rubin (2003) illustrates many of the advantages—and
challengesof qualitative data analysis. Rubins focus was detracking, or the conscious organiza-
tion of students into academically and racially heterogeneous classrooms (p. 540) as a counter-
measure to the practice of sorting and grouping students by ability. Her review of the literature
revealed an absence of research on the close consideration of students experiences with detrack-
ing in the nested contexts of school and classroom . . . embedded in a larger social, political, and
economic framework that is marked by race- and class-linked inequalities (p. 543). Her efforts
directed toward the unpacking of the detracked classroom were an attempt to probe the mystery
of how daily events and interactions often add up to large patterns of inequality” (p. 543).
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 379
After providing a detailed context for the study, Rubin described her methodological
orientation as both “interpretive and critical, meaning that she retained a perspective that
reality is a social construction and that our social world is best understood as one dimension
of inequality. Overall, her concern was eliciting the perspectives of student participation in
detracking and answering the central question “How do students and teachers enact detrack-
ing in the classrooms of a racially and socioeconomically diverse urban high school?” (p. 545).
She also listed four subquestions directed at better understanding the experiences of the
various participants and the interlocking contexts of detracking at the study site emerging as
data collection proceeded (p. 545). You can readily see that her analysis was not aimed at
simply computing a p value and rejecting a null hypothesis.
Rubins research participants included two teachers and five “focal” students selected as
key informants. Her data collection occurred in four phases: first-semester classroom observa-
tions, initial interviews, shadowing” (or following), and end-of-year classroom observations
and interviews. These sources yielded a wealth of field notes, but she also collected many writ-
ten documents (“artifacts”), including e-mails, class handouts, student portfolios, and school
newspapers. As with most qualitative studies, Rubins data analysis was ongoing and “iterative.
She began her analysis by composing analytical memos on topics that emerged as significant,
thus forming the basis of her initial assertions. More-formal data analysis included creating a
coding scheme based on the constant comparison and grouping of data chunks (p. 549).
Two categories emerged: the official world of detracked classrooms (such as expectations
established by teachers) and the unofficial world (such as students social and academic
desires and the meanings they constructed from official practices). Rubins findings essentially
described the collision (clash and tension) between these two worlds in a rich way, often
extracting quotations for illustration. Her unpacking (unraveling) of detracked classrooms
led Rubin to conclude that “the use of progressive pedagogies within detracked classrooms,
while well intentioned, cannot alone resolve the inequalities permeating that setting and may
in some ways reinforce them (p. 567).
There has been an explosion of interest in qualitative research and analysis in recent years.
As a result, there are many valuable sources available for those wanting to learn more about
qualitative research and analysis in education. Sage Publications in Thousand Oaks, California,
publishes a wide variety of books, journals, and electronic products focused on qualitative
inquiry. Many other publishers include qualitative research references in their offerings, and
one of the most widely cited references is Bogdan and Biklen (2003).
The following two brief descriptions of mixed methods studies highlight their advantages.
Immigrant Newcomers
The mixed methods challenge did not deter researchers Suárez-Orozco and colleagues (2010),
who provided a good example of mixing methods. They noted the challenges that new immigrant
students face in the U.S. school environment, including the early adolescent declining education
cycle. Their research focused on the factors that impede or promote newcomer immigrant
achievement by using a longitudinal (five-year) mixed methods design. Longitudinal designs
(in which the same cohort is studied over time) overcome many of the limitations of cross-
sectional designs (in which different participants at different stages are studied at the same time).
This permitted a study of the “trajectories over time: “What factors are associated with distin-
guishing upward and downward performance over time? How do protective personal, family,
380 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
and school characteristics influence academic trajectories?” The quantitative outcome measure
(GPA) for the sample of about 400 students was statistically analyzed in ways that defined groups
for more intensive qualitative analysis: slow decliners, precipitous decliners, low achievers,
improving achievers, and high achievers. Qualitative analysis involved the selection of 75 case
studies for semistructured interviews and ethnographic observations to capture a range of
patterns of school engagement and performance (p. 607). The researchers qualitative analytic
strategy included the use of software to facilitate the inductive and deductive development and
application of codes across data sources, as well as the creation of conceptual models (p. 607).
Further, they noted that “internal validity was established by pattern matching” (p. 607) and
described the essence of the mixed method advantage: The quantitative findings were both
reflected in and augmented by the multiple case study analysis (p. 610) and A series of case
studies triangulate many of the quantitative findings as well as illuminate patterns not detected
in the quantitative data (p. 602). In ways that are not possible with an index such as GPA, their
case studies deepened an understanding of and captured complexity in the immigrant experi-
ence, including the remarkable resilience of newcomer immigrant youth (p. 616).
Researchers Ge and Land (2003) also provided a fine example of mixed methodology by
blending qualitative case studies with a quantitative quasi-experiment. Many educators value
complex problem solving tasks, especially those designed to “help students see the mean-
ingfulness and relevance of what they learn and to facilitate transfer by contextualizing
knowledge in authentic situations (Ge & Land, 2003, p. 21). The problem is that many stu-
dents fail to transfer knowledge across contexts. After a review of published research reports
and theoretical ideas, Ge and Land believed that scaffolding” strategies could help students
improve their problem solving performance. (Scaffolding is a term coined by the Russian
theorist Lev Vygotsky and refers to the guiding help of a more capable peer, particularly in
the “zone where a learner is close to performing a task independently.) Scaffolding was
operationally defined by Ge and Land as the use of question prompts (e.g., “What do we
know about the problem so far?”) and peer interaction (e.g., collaborative learning requiring
the sharing of information).
From a solid theoretical background and review of relevant empirical studies, Ge and Land
(2003) derived three research hypotheses: (a) “If students receive question prompts, then they
will perform better on a problem solving task than those who do not”; (b) “If students work in
collaborative peer groups, then they will perform better on a problem solving task than those
who do not ”; and (c) “If students receive question prompts and work in collaborative peer groups,
then they will perform better than all comparison groups. Ge and Land were also interested in
answering a separate research question: “How does using question prompts and peer interaction
influence students thinking during problem solving?” They chose mixed methodology to test
their research hypotheses and answer this research question. They stated that this multimethod
approach “helps a researcher to seek a triangulation of the results from different data sources;
examine overlapping and different facets of a phenomenon; discover paradoxes, contradictions,
and fresh perspectives; and expand the scope and breadth of a study (p. 25).
Ge and Land used a quantitative quasi-experimental design to test their three hypoth-
eses and a qualitative case study design to answer their research question. The quantitative
tests of hypotheses were quasi-experimental since students had already been placed in
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 381
intact classrooms (a natural setting”); they couldnt be assigned on a case-by-case basis
to the treatments. Further, the groups of three to four participants could not be determined
randomly; they were preexisting, formed previously by the course professors for the pur-
pose of completing class projects. (Had the subjects been assigned randomly to each of
the four conditions, the quantitative design would be described as “true experimental, a
far better design for uncovering cause-and-effect relationships.) With intact groups, the
researchers were nevertheless able to implement their four treatment conditions within a
115-minute laboratory session. The treatment combinations were formed by the research-
ers two quasi-independent variables, question prompts (yes versus no) and peer interac-
tion (yes versus no).
The case study design was chosen to supplement findings from the tests of hypotheses
and to gain insights into students problem-solving processes through think-aloud protocols,
interviews, and observations (Ge & Land, 2003, p. 25). The problem being solved by students
in the quasi-experiment was related to customers having difficulty finding what they need in
a large supermarket. Students problem solving reports were scored by a systematic rubric that
awarded points across four dimensions of the solution. These reports were then analyzed as a
function of the four treatment groups formed by the two quasi-independent variables (prompts
with peer interaction, prompts without peer interaction, no prompts with peer interaction, and
no prompts without peer interaction). The three hypotheses were tested by four dependent
variables functioning as the operational definition of problem solving performance, each
reflecting a facet of problem solving: problem representation, developing solutions, making
justifications, and monitoring and evaluating.
A total of 117 undergraduate students provided data for the quasi-experiment; eight stu-
dents participated in the comparative, multiple-case studies. Ge and Land reported that case
study participants were selected “based on informed consent, level of verbal interaction (with
peer conditions), and willingness to be audio taped or videotaped for think aloud protocols,
observations, and interviews (p. 28). (A protocol is simply a written record, in this case of
subjects thinking out loud.) The protocols, observations, and interviews formed the basis of
the qualitative case studies aimed at answering the research question. The interview questions,
as you would expect, were directed at understanding the effects of question prompts and peer
interaction (the independent variables, or treatment conditions).
Ge and Lands quantitative data analysis revealed that the use of question prompts resulted
in better problem solving performance across all four dependent variables. The peer interaction
influences were less striking, with only one of the four measures (problem representation) being
significantly higher in the interactive peer collaboration condition (compared to the individual
condition). Thus, Ge and Lands data supported the first hypothesis, did not (generally) support
their second hypothesis, and did not support their third hypothesis. The qualitative data (think-
aloud protocols, observations, and interviews) were analyzed via a process of data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Ge and Land began by “reading and
jotting marginal notes on transcripts; identifying patterns and labeling concepts; organizing
labeled concepts into data display matrixes; identifying themes; and drawing conclusions
(p. 29). As is customary, their qualitative conclusions were supported by clear examples. Far
more complex than quantitative data, the examples revealed information (or insight) that
numbers data could not.
The answer to Ge and Lands research question, based on qualitative analysis, showed that
students thinking benefits from question prompts by engaging in one or more metacognitive
382 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
activities (four were described). Students thinking benefits from their peer interactions as they
build on each others ideas by eliciting explanations, sharing different perspectives, and taking
full advantage of each others knowledge. It was clear that the qualitative component of this
study revealed these positive influences of peer interactions that the quantitative data did
not, illustrating why researchers often use several research designs within the same study
(mixed methodologies).
The Ge and Land study also illustrates how an inferential study can be combined with
a descriptive one. Because Ge and Lands quantitative outcomes were all associated with tests
of significance (as revealed by their p values and the consequent acceptance or rejection of
their null hypotheses), we know that they intended to generalize to a larger population
similar to those who composed the sample and provided data. (Recall from Chapter 5 that
each research hypothesis is associated with an underlying null hypothesis suggesting no
difference in the larger population.) Ge and Land’s research question was directed at learn-
ing how thinking is influenced by question prompts and peer interaction and was answered
by a descriptive (not inferential) portion of the study. This is because their goal was a descrip-
tion of the sample participants thinking; there were no associated tests of significance and
associated p values. Their answer did, however, reveal ideas for future research that might
use inferential statistics.
In addition, their study illustrates how case study research can complement group
research. The tests of three research hypotheses (quantitative findings) clearly represented
group research; the research question (qualitative findings) was answered with a type of
multiple case study analyzed by identifying patterns and labeling concepts. Ge and Land’s
individual orientation was most apparent in their results and discussion in reference to the
ideas expressed by a single case (not a group consensus). Their research
was also traditional, with formal tests of hypotheses and an interest
beyond a single classroom. (Recall that teacher research focuses on a
specific problem facing a classroom teacher with the intent of taking
action to improve practice.)
data analysis sOftware
Many software programs exist for the benefit of qualitative researchers.
Among the most commonly used are NVivo, ATLAS.ti, Ethnograph,
HyperRESEARCH, QDA Miner, MAXQDA, Qualrus, and Xsight as well as
several open-source programs such as Transana and Coding Analysis
Toolkit. Each has its dedicated fans, but they all facilitate coding, organiza-
tion, and rapid retrieval of information. (Qualitative software is not
essential for basic analysis. I still hear stories about the old days when
the living room floor was covered with constantly shifting index cards.)
Most programs are well designed for self-instruction, are menu driven,
and support common sources of qualitative data (text, image, audio,
video). They facilitate transcription and support different strategies for
annotating, sorting, classifying, and generating custom reports (models,
charts, etc.). Of course, software cannot think for you, but these programs
ease common tasks in qualitative analysis, such as searching for trends
and relationships and building and testing theories.
Hi g H l i g H t a n d
le a r n i n g CH e C k 12.5
Qua l i tat i v e data
an a ly s i s sO f t wa r e
Data analysis software is essential for the
statistical analysis of quantitative data
and is becoming increasingly popular for
qualitative data management and analy-
sis. SPSS appears to be a leading program
for statistical analysis; it is easy to use
(including a spreadsheet format, guided
menus, etc.). SPSS is also used for analyzing
open-ended survey or interview responses
(via Text Analysis for Surveys).
There are many popular programs for
qualitative researchers, facilitating retrieval
of complex sources of data, permitting a
variety of coding, and enhancing category
Explain how a qualitative software
program could facilitate a common task
such as constant comparison.
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 383
Many rich descriptions of processes and phenomena in education are accomplished best with qualitative approaches
to research. Common qualitative designs include case study, phenomenological, ethnographic, narrative, and mixed
methods designs. Many qualitatively oriented research questions (“How?” and “Why?”) generate hypotheses or raise
new questions with the goal of understanding a socially constructed reality. Data collection and analysis are insepa-
rable, and common sources of data include interviews, observations, and documents. Text data are analyzed in a
Critical Thinking Toolbox
Concept maps represent knowledge and ideas graphically,
often as networks with “nodes” and links (relations). They
are especially useful for communicating complexities and
enhancing learning by integrating new and old knowledge
into more complex cognitive structures. The new structure
itself may help thinkers identify assumptions and avoid
blind acceptance of messages such as political pitches,
commercial advertisements, and so on. Avoidance of blind
acceptance is a marker of critical thinking.
Data Analysis Software in Quantitative Research
Statistical analysis of quantitative data is made possible by
two main vendors, SPSS and SAS. Data for analysis may be
inputted directly into a data window or imported from another
source (e.g., a spreadsheet program from a word processor
such as Microsoft Word). Both SPSS and SAS have become
increasingly user-friendly (especially SPSS), given their pull-
down menus, help functions, and tutorials. Both programs
contain an extensive array of statistical tests and maneuvers
and permit easy management and recoding of data. Graphs,
charts, and tables can accompany most statistical procedures,
greatly assisting with interpretation and report generation.
Some statistical procedures also include annotations on the
output. One of the most popular and economical statistical
software programs is the student version of SPSS on a single
CD, which is easily installed on a desktop or laptop computer.
Data Analysis Software in Qualitative Research
Qualitative computer programs replace more than the
hand-analysis tasks of marking, color coding, and literally
cutting and pasting information onto index cards. Software
programs store data for retrieval in ways that are not prac-
tical any other way. Digitized storage permits data orga-
nizing and management, coding and searching, ease in
developing and connecting themes, exploring data by
“memoing” ideas, and presenting and reporting findings.
Making sense of data, of course, is an interpretive task
reserved for human cognition. Software cannot replace
human creativity, but it surely manages with great effi-
ciency tasks that are likely to lead to an insightful recogni-
tion of the data’s meaning. Qualitative data analysis
programs manage all types of data, including text, audio,
image, and video.
Data Analysis Software in Action Research
Teacher action researchers often find that desktop comput-
ers have all the software they need to analyze classroom
data, present findings, and put what they learn into action.
Spreadsheet programs embedded in word processing pro-
grams have limited, but often sufficient, statistical and
graphic capabilities. Qualitative analysis and many statisti-
cal analyses may also be accomplished with the functional
capabilities of Word and Excel.
Software in Mixed Methods Research
With the growing influence of mixed methods studies,
software designers have developed programs to facilitate
the merging of both statistical and qualitative data. NVivo,
for example, enables users to import and export quantita-
tive data sets using familiar formats (SPSS, Excel, etc.). This
serves the purpose of mixed methods data analysis
because text, audio, image, video, and numerical data can
be housed in one data structure, sorted, and classified into
typologies based on either or both types of data.
Critical Thinking Questions
What might a concept map of data analysis software used
in educational research look like? How might it be connected
to what you have learned previously? Could it reveal assump-
tions that might not be acceptable? (Hint: Think about
limitations of menu-driven choices, assumptions built into
the software, etc.) How might such a map assist your critical
thinking about data analysis in general?
Cr i t i C a l pe r s p e C t i v e s 12.1 data an a ly s i s sO f t wa r e
384 P a r t I V : D e s I g n a n D a n a ly s I s
Case study design 366
Credibility 363
Emergent methodology 362
Ethnographic design 367
Grounded theory 361
Saturation 350
Triangulation 350
aPPlicatiOn exercises
1. Consider each of the following research scenarios. Determine which of the following qualitative research designs is most appro-
priate: case study, phenomenological, ethnographic, narrative, or mixed methods.
a. Studying how Ms. Overton consistently closes the gender gap in her AP chemistry classes.
b. Studying how high school mentoring affects students’ aspirations and career decisions.
c. Studying how many hours per night sixth graders report working on homework assignments and how they feel about it.
d. Studying how tribal educators differentiate instruction to meet varying learning styles.
e. Studying how students with severe social anxiety cope with social demands in high school.
f. Studying what it is like to teach at a private progressive school.
g. Studying how a teacher recounts her life in the classroom for 70 years.
h. Studying the extraordinary accomplishments of ten 75-year-old full-time teachers to learn why they believe the mind is
a muscle.
i. Studying master teachers in their classrooms to learn about their view that teaching is a type of “heartfelt artistic expression.
j. Studying students who struggled with math anxiety during their schooling by asking them to recount their experiences and
tell their story with insight into their challenges.
k. Studying how an at-risk school outperforms all others in the urban district.
1. Studying all-girls schools to learn how they shape career aspirations and socialization.
manner described as creative, iterative, and nonlinear. When cracked open, the meaning that emerges is often conveyed
by metaphor. Qualitative inquiry favors field work and natural environments. Data analysis is often accomplished by
coding, category formation, and theme extraction using techniques such as pattern matching (linking observations
and theory). Analysis continues until saturation (diminishing returns). The goal is insight, and discoveries are often
presented with visual heuristics such as hierarchies, typologies, networks, and cross tabulations. Qualitative research-
ers frequently employ triangulation, a type of cross-validation (corroboration) or data cross-checking procedure in
which multiple data sources or data collection procedures are expected to agree (converge). The process is akin to a
rigorous art, with the researcher functioning as the instrument and analyzer, and the result is often powerful narrative
in story form. One influential model of making sense of qualitative data is grounded theory, which emphasizes the
emergence of meaning concealed in data. Credibility or trustworthiness, established with compelling evidence, is
enhanced by emergent methodology, or the continual interplay between data and developing interpretation known as
constant comparison. Qualitative data analysis is facilitated by software programs that are valuable for functions such
as coding, retrieval, sorting, and other types of pattern seeking. Mixed methods research integrates qualitative and
quantitative data, the advantages of both offsetting the weaknesses of both, and attempts to arrive at a more complete
answer to a research question.
Key terms
Chapter 12: Qualitative Data, Analysis, and Design 385
2. Locate a recent published report of qualitative research in education in a premier journal such as the American Educational
Research Journal. Focus on the data analysis section and summarize how the researchers established the credibility of
their findings.
3. Ask five students enrolled in another education course to write a brief essay titled “How Students Learn. Carefully analyze the
essays for a common theme. Is there one? How might you describe this theme? Can you justify this theme? Do you think someone
else would extract a similar theme after studying the essays?
student study site
Log on to the Web-based student study site at www.sagepub.com/suter2e for additional study tools including:
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Web Resources Web Exercises
Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2003). Qualitative research in
education: An introduction to theory and methods (4th ed.).
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bowers, C. A., & Flinders, D. (1990). Responsive teaching.
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Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating qualitative and quantitative
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Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and quasi-
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Charmaz, K. (2000). Grounded theory: Objectivist and construc-
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Clark, C., Moss, P. A., Goering, S., Herter, R. J., Lamar, B.,
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logue: Teachers and researchers engaged in conversation
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Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2007). Basics of qualitative research:
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Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2007). Designing and conducting
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Davis, S. H. (2007, April). Bridging the gap between research and
practice: Whats good, whats bad, and how can one be sure?
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tices on the United States–Mexican border. Journal of
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students with learning disabilities: A longitudinal qualita-
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tics of effective school principals: A mixed-research study.
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Seidel, J. V. (1998). Qualitative data analysis. (Originally pub-
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