NIST Cryptographic Standards and
Guidelines Development Process
Cryptographic Technology Group
This publication is available free of charge from:
NIST Cryptographic Standards and
Guidelines Development Process
Cryptographic Technology Group
Computer Security Division
Information Technology Laboratory
This publication is available free of charge from:
March 2016
U.S. Department of Commerce
Penny Pritzker, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Willie May, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director
National Institute of Standards and Technology Internal Report 7977
27 pages (March 2016)
This publication is available free of charge from:
Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this document in order to describe an
experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or
endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best
available for the purpose.
There may be references in this publication to other publications currently under development by NIST in accordance
with its assigned statutory responsibilities. The information in this publication, including concepts and methodologies,
may be used by federal agencies even before the completion of such companion publications. Thus, until each
publication is completed, current requirements, guidelines, and procedures, where they exist, remain operative. For
planning and transition purposes, federal agencies may wish to closely follow the development of these new
publications by NIST.
Organizations are encouraged to review all draft publications during public comment periods and provide feedback to
NIST. Many NIST cybersecurity publications, other than the ones noted above, are available at
Comments on this publication may be submitted to:
All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Attn: Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory
100 Bureau Drive (Mail Stop 8930) Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930
Email: crypto-rev[email protected]
Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the Nation’s
measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test methods, reference data, proof of
concept implementations, and technical analyses to advance the development and productive use of
information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the development of management, administrative,
technical, and physical standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of other than
national security-related information in federal information systems.
This document describes the principles, processes and procedures that drive cryptographic standards and
guidelines development efforts at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This
document reflects public comments received on two earlier versions, and will serve as the basis to guide
NIST’s future cryptographic standards and guidelines development efforts. It will be reviewed and
updated every five years, or more frequently if a need arises, to help ensure that NIST fulfills its role and
responsibilities for producing robust, effective cryptographic standards and guidelines.
Cryptographic standards; cryptographic guidelines; cryptographic research
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Overview ..................................................................................................... 1
2. Principles................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Publications for NIST’s Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines ........................................ 5
4. Stakeholders for NIST’s Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines ....................................... 7
5. Engaging the Cryptographic Community ............................................................................... 8
6. Public Notice and Review of Proposed and Final Standards and Guidelines....................... 14
7. Policies and Processes for the Life Cycle Management of Cryptographic Standards and
Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 16
1. Introduction and Overview
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is responsible for developing
standards (Federal Information Processing Standards, or “FIPS”) and guidelines to protect non-
national security federal information systems. Outside the Federal Government, these
publications are voluntarily relied upon across many sectors to promote economic development
and protect sensitive personal and corporate information. NIST has a dual role in this regard: 1)
as a developer of standards and guidelines under federal law, and 2) as a technical contributor
and stakeholder in connection with voluntary, global standards development. NIST has authority
to conduct these activities under 15 U.S.C. 278g-3 and 15 U.S.C. 272(b)(3) and (b)(10).
The Computer Security Division (CSD), a part of the NIST Information Technology Laboratory
(ITL), is charged with carrying out these responsibilities. Cryptographic standards and guidelines
for the protection of federal information systems have always been a key component of this
effort. They must be robust and have the confidence of the cryptographic community in order to
be widely adopted and effective at securing information systems worldwide.
To ensure these standards and guidelines provide high quality, cost-effective security
mechanisms, NIST works closely with a broad stakeholder community to identify areas of need
and develop standards and guidelines. That community has expanded in recent years and now is
global in nature, as is the interest in having systems in place that will appropriately protect and
ensure the security of digitized information. That community includes experts from academia,
government agencies, and organizations that choose to adopt NIST cryptographic standards and
guidelines. Open and transparent processes are critical to developing the most secure and trusted
cryptographic standards possible. NIST strives to engage all of its stakeholders in these
processes, and continually works to strengthen its efforts in this area. This document sets forth
the principles and processes NIST will use for future cryptographic standards and guidelines,
based on discussions and input from stakeholders.
NIST must have access to the most recent and relevant expertise regarding cryptography
wherever this expertise resides. NIST must employ staff capable of soliciting, analyzing, and
putting this cryptographic knowledge to use in developing standards and guidelines, tests, and
metrics. In order to carry out its mission of protecting information and information systems,
NIST also needs to be actively involved in advancing the field of cryptography. NIST is
committed to achieving these goals by ensuring that its internal capabilities are strong and
effective, and that it has access to highly-capable external cryptographers. The agency’s research
investment in the cryptographic arena helps to ensure that the algorithms and schemes in its
standards and guidelines are secure. This research also aids in building the foundation for
standards and guidelines, whether they are developed by NIST or by other organizations.
2. Principles
NIST believes that robust, widely understood, and participatory development processes produce
the strongest, most effective, most trusted, and broadly accepted cryptographic standards and
guidelines. The following principles guide NIST’s cryptographic standards and guidelines
development processes.
Transparency: All interested and affected parties have access to essential information regarding
standards and guidelines-related activities throughout the development process. NIST is
committed to transparency in the development and documentation of its cryptographic standards
with respect to the areas of focus, selection and evaluation criteria, specifications, security and
other performance characteristics, and provenance.
Openness: Participation is open to all interested parties. All stakeholders including security
professionals, researchers, standards developing organizations (SDOs), and users have an
opportunity to be meaningfully involved in the standards and guidelines development process.
Balance: NIST strives to achieve a balance of interests among stakeholders, weighing these
interests to develop cryptographic standards and guidelines that are secure and efficient, and that
promote interoperability. NIST solicits input and evidence from a wide range of stakeholders
representing government, industry and academia to ensure that its standards are strong and
practical, and meet the needs of the Federal Government as well as the broader user community.
Integrity: NIST serves as an impartial technical authority when it is developing cryptographic
standards and guidelines. When evaluating, selecting, and standardizing cryptographic
algorithms, NIST strives to maintain objectivity as it forms and documents its decisions. NIST
will conduct its standards selection and development processes with clear criteria, and guard
against undue or improper influence while considering the legitimate interests of stakeholders.
As part of the standards development process, NIST will avoid or appropriately manage conflicts
of interest, following procedures to manage the risk presented by those conflicts, and ensure
appropriate training for its staff. NIST will not knowingly misrepresent or conceal security
properties, and will make every effort to ensure that contributions to NIST’s work from any
organizations do not compromise the security of any mechanism recommended by NIST.
Technical Merit: NIST’s decisions during the development of cryptographic standards and
guidelines are based on the technical merit of a proposal while being mindful of security,
privacy, policy and business considerations. NIST strives to standardize secure cryptographic
algorithms, schemes, and modes of operation whose security properties are well understood, and
are efficient, robust against accidental misuse, and promote interoperability. The review of
technical merit includes a precise, formal statement of security claims, based on minimal security
assumptions and supported as far as possible by documented cryptanalysis and security reduction
proofs. In solicitations for proposed algorithms, NIST will ask for these proofs and, when
available, include them in the public record when standards and guidelines are developed.
Global Acceptability: While the statutory basis for NIST’s work in cryptography is the need for
protection of non-national security federal information systems, NIST standards are the
foundation of many information technology products and services that are developed by U.S.
suppliers and sold globally. NIST recognizes the role of its cryptographic standards in assuring
the competitiveness of U.S. industry in delivering these products and services, and is committed
to ensuring that its standards and guidelines are accepted internationally.
Usability: NIST aims to develop cryptographic standards and guidelines that help implementers
create secure and usable systems for their customers that support business needs and workflows,
and can be readily integrated with existing and future schemes and systems. Cryptographic
standards and guidelines should be chosen to minimize the demands on users and implementers
as well as the adverse consequences of human mistakes and equipment failures.
Continuous Improvement: As cryptographic algorithms are developed, and for the duration of
their use, the cryptographic community is encouraged to identify weaknesses, vulnerabilities, or
other deficiencies in the algorithms specified in NIST publications. When serious problems are
identified, NIST engages with the broader cryptographic community to address them. NIST
conducts research in order to stay current, to enable new cryptographic advances that may affect
the suitability of standards and guidelines, and so that NIST and others can take advantage of
those advances to strengthen standards and guidelines.
Innovation and Intellectual Property (IP): While developing its cryptographic standards and
guidelines for non-national security systems, NIST has noted a strong preference among its users
for solutions that are unencumbered by royalty-bearing patented technologies. NIST has
observed that widespread adoption of cryptographic solutions that it has developed has been
facilitated by royalty-free licensing terms. While NIST prefers to select algorithms that are
unencumbered by intellectual property claims, it may select algorithms with associated patents if
the technical benefits outweigh the potential costs that would be incurred in implementing the
patented technologies. NIST will explicitly recognize and respect the value of IP and the need to
protect IP if it is incorporated into standards or guidelines. Furthermore, NIST believes it is
important to balance the rights of IP holders and of those seeking to utilize technologies
involving intellectual property rights.
Overarching Considerations
Following formal processes as described in this document is necessary but insufficient in
developing robust, trustworthy, and effective cryptographic standards and guidelines. Ultimately,
the final decision about what to include in a cryptographic standard or guideline rests with NIST.
That decision must reflect a high degree of integrity to ensure that its decision will garner the
support of cryptographic experts regardless of affiliation.
NIST's mission includes the rigorous development of strong cryptographic standards for meeting
U.S. federal agency non-national security and promote the U.S. economy and public welfare by
providing technical leadership for the Nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure. In
order to make independent decisions, NIST stresses the importance of its access to sufficient
expertise, both from within NIST and from organizations and individuals external to NIST.
3. Publications for NIST’s Cryptographic Standards and
NIST uses several types of documents to publish and disseminate its cryptographic standards and
guidelines. Three categories of NIST publications are commonly used: Federal Information
Processing Standards, NIST Special Publications, and NIST Internal/Interagency Reports. Draft
and final cryptographic standards and guidelines are posted by NIST on its Computer Security
Resource Center web pages ( and are freely available to everyone.
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS): By federal statute
, FIPS publications are
issued by NIST after approval by the Secretary of Commerce and mandatory for non-national
security federal systems. They are used by NIST to publish among other things standards
for fundamental cryptographic primitives, such as block ciphers, digital signature algorithms, and
hash functions.
NIST Special Publications (SP): NIST SPs document a wide range of research, guidelines, and
outreach efforts, including computer and information security. Cryptographic guidelines in the
800 series build upon the core cryptographic components specified in FIPS and other
publications produced by SDOs and by NIST, sometimes specifying additional cryptographic
algorithms, schemes and modes of operation, as well as providing guidance for their use. For
example, cryptographic SPs in the 800 series specify random bit generators, block cipher modes
of operation, key-establishment schemes, and key-derivation functions. These algorithms and
schemes use the block ciphers, hash functions, and mathematical primitives defined in FIPS
publications as fundamental building blocks. NIST also issues guidelines on the selection and
use of cryptographic algorithms via SPs in the 800 series.
NIST Internal/Interagency Reports (NISTIR): NISTIRs describe technical research of interest
to a specialized audience. NIST does not specify cryptographic algorithms in NISTIR
publications. Instead, NIST uses NISTIR publications to disseminate information about its
cryptographic standards efforts. CSD has used NISTIRs to publish workshop and conference
reports, discussion documents on new challenges in cryptography, and status reports on
cryptographic algorithm competitions.
All NIST publications containing cryptographic standards or guidelines are first released as a
draft for public comment, although the development process differs by publication type. Because
FIPS are mandated by statute and the algorithms they specify are at the heart of many critical
security technologies, they require the most formal development process. Developed by NIST,
15 U.S.C. 278g-3, as amended.
FIPS are approved and promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce. Formal announcements for
draft and final FIPS are published in the Federal Register. In part due to this development
process, FIPS tend to have relatively long development cycles. SPs are promulgated by NIST,
with announcements posted on the NIST Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) website
( rather than in the Federal Register, and may have a shorter development
cycle. The same holds true for most of the computer security-related NISTIRs published by
4. Stakeholders for NIST’s Cryptographic Standards and
NIST is statutorily responsible for developing cryptographic standards and guidelines for the
protection of information on non-national security systems that are used widely across the
Federal Government. Additionally, the Executive Office of the President occasionally directs
NIST to develop specific standards or guidelines. Therefore, U.S. Government agencies and their
suppliers and users are primary stakeholders for this work.
In addition, NIST cryptographic standards have long been adopted voluntarily by other public
and private organizations and have significant, positive impacts on U.S. businesses and
commerce and the broader global economy. For example, the Data Encryption Standard (DES),
published as FIPS 46 in 1977, filled a critical need for the financial services industry through
its adoption as American National Standard X3.92 in 1981 at a time when electronic
transactions were becoming commonplace. NIST cryptographic standards and guidelines
continue to be widely used voluntarily in the private sector. Consequently, NIST considers its
stakeholder community for cryptographic standards, guidelines, tools and metrics to be much
broader than those entities focused strictly on protecting government information on non-
national security systems.
The national security community within the U.S. Federal Government has also adopted a subset
of NIST’s cryptographic standards and guidelines through the Suite B program and, more
recently, the Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite. The National Security
Agency (NSA) has approved the algorithms that comprise these suites to protect classified
information through the Top Secret level. Because of the national security sector’s use of NIST
cryptographic standards and guidelines, that sector is also an important stakeholder.
Widespread adoption of cryptographic standards has had significant benefits for all participating
communities, whether they do so by statute or voluntarily. International adoption has resulted in
widely available commercial products that support strong cryptography. In combination with
these international standards, security services that are globally interoperable have facilitated the
rapid expansion of global e-commerce. With increasing awareness of the risks associated with
the use of the Internet, ready access to strong, reliable cryptography that is accepted globally has
become even more important throughout the world.
5. Engaging the Cryptographic Community
NIST works closely with experts in industry, academia and government to develop its
cryptographic standards and guidelines. Since the development of DES in the 1970s, the
community researching and developing cryptographic technologies within industry and academia
has expanded dramatically.
As NIST identifies national trends and needs, it can be a primary driver, functioning in a
proactive and not just a reactive mode. NIST’s technical expertise, knowledge of industry, its
relationships, and the information it gathers from interactions with others via conferences and its
work directly with other federal agencies, industry, and researchers are all crucial in making
these determinations.
Using a variety of approaches and processes, NIST works with these stakeholders to identify
areas where standards or guidelines are needed, evaluate proposals, and develop standards or
other publications. As a well-respected and trusted technical authority in this field, NIST must
balance these needs to ensure that its standards and guidelines are technically sound and have the
confidence of the community. Retaining that respect and authority requires that NIST must be
and must be seen as a trustworthy steward of the public’s interest and a leader in driving and
identifying advances in cryptography.
NIST informs and involves stakeholders through:
participation in SDO activities;
regular interactions in professional forums;
open solicitations for input;
cryptographic competitions;
early announcements of its intention to work in specific areas;
extending invitations to external subject-matter experts to work as NIST guest
presentations and discussions at conferences and standards meetings;
publication of draft documents for public review and comment; and
providing feedback on how NIST has addressed comments.
NIST also seeks input by hosting and funding external experts. NIST has a variety of
mechanisms to engage or host external researchers in cooperative work with NIST staff, and will
take steps to raises awareness about these opportunities in order to increase its access to expertise
from external sources.
NIST prioritizes its participation in meetings, conferences, SDOs and industry groups based on
the expected impact of NIST’s involvement. In addition, NIST has resource limits that affect the
number of guest researchers and visiting scholars that NIST can accommodate. Within these
constraints, NIST strives to keep stakeholders informed by reaching out to the community, being
accessible for discussions, listening to concerns, responding to questions, making important
activities public, participating actively in the cryptographic research community, and supporting
voluntary standards development efforts.
Federal Stakeholders
NIST works in multiple ways with federal stakeholders, especially the agencies that are required
to use FIPS and NIST SPs for non-national security systems. Mechanisms for meeting the needs
of these organizations include the full range of vehicles NIST uses with others: encouraging
participation in NIST conferences and workshops; NIST’s participation in events organized by
others; solicitations for input as NIST sets its agenda and proposes cryptographic standards and
guidelines; and informal, one-on-one discussions. Some special collaborative arrangements,
including memoranda of understanding (MOUs), can be used in working with these agencies.
Participation in the Federal Government’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council and its
committees offers another way for NIST to ensure that it has direct links in the U.S. Government
who are most interested in or affected by NIST’s cryptographic standards and guidelines.
NIST sponsors the Federal Computer Security Managers Forum, an informal group that
promotes information sharing among federal agencies regarding information system security.
The forum maintains an extensive e-mail list, and holds bi-monthly meetings to discuss current
issues and items of interest to those responsible for protecting non-national security systems. The
forum provides an opportunity for managers of federal security programs to exchange
information system security materials and knowledge for use in other programs in a timely
manner, build upon the experiences of other programs, and reduce possible duplication of effort.
NIST uses the forum to engage federal agencies on cryptographic issues, including standards and
From time-to-time, NIST is called upon by the Executive Office of the President to develop
standards or guidelines related to cryptography for the protection of federal information systems.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a primary stakeholder in its capacity of
providing directions to agencies about their planning for and use of information technology
resources, including the protection of non-national security federal information systems.
NIST brings its cryptographic expertise to bear on priority national issues when directed by
Congress, the President, or OMB and it also assists individual agencies that have specific needs.
Recent examples include secure electronic voting, protecting the electric power “smart grid,and
health information technology initiatives that must ensure the protection of personal and
proprietary business data. This work may be accomplished through interagency agreements,
other formal measures, or by informal consultation and collaboration. NIST dedicates resources
to these kinds of assistance efforts when they are directed by Congress, the President or OMB,
when they are compatible with its mission, and where NIST has special expertise.
Multiple federal agencies contribute to NIST’s cryptography efforts in research and in
developing standards and guidelines. Consultation with several of those organizations OMB,
the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Energy, the NSA, and the Government
Accountability Office is mandated by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act
(FISMA) in order to avoid unnecessary and costly duplication of effort, and to assure that
NIST’s standards and guidelines are complementary and compatible with those employed for the
protection of national security systems and information contained in those systems.
Beyond this statutory requirement calling for NIST to consult with other agencies, the NSA, in
particular, has significant expertise in cryptography. Their cooperation with NIST is governed by
an MOU between the two agencies and technical staff meet monthly to discuss ongoing
collaborative work and future priorities.
As part of NSA and other agencies’ collaboration with NIST, their staff may assist in the
development of new standards and guidelines. This may take the form of coauthoring
publications with NIST staff, providing comments on draft documents, or submitting
cryptographic algorithms for consideration by NIST. All contributions that significantly affect
the content of any standard or guideline particularly normative statements will be clearly
and publicly acknowledged. In accordance with NIST’s authorship policy, NIST will identify the
names of any authors of standards or guidelines. If a NIST standard or guideline contains an
algorithm that was designed by another agency’s employees, NIST will acknowledge that agency
as the designer, even though NIST may not be able to list specific individuals.
As is the case
with private sector organizations, NIST will consider and acknowledge other agencies’
comments, whether they are provided during the formal public comment period or other stages
of development. That includes information that may be provided during monthly NIST meetings
The names of some NSA staff cannot, by law, be publicly revealed. 50 U.S.C. §402 note. Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) requests for documents involving any NIST-NSA collaboration are normally reviewed by both
organizations and exempted or excluded information, which may include the names of specific NSA participants as
noted, may be redacted.
with NSA. Comments from federal agencies received during the public comment period will be
posted and adjudicated in the same way as those submitted by the public.
Another venue where NIST interacts with NSA about cryptography is the Committee on
National Security Systems (CNSS), where NIST is an observer. The CNSS is chaired by the
Department of Defense, while the NSA staffs the CNSS Secretariat. The CNSS mission is to set
national-level information assurance policies, directives, instructions, operational procedures,
guidance and advisories for United States Government departments and agencies for the security
of national security systems. NIST reviews and comments on drafts of proposed CNSS
documents, including policies, directives, instructions and standards. The CNSS policy CNSSP-
15 specifies the use of NIST standardized cryptographic algorithms for the protection of national
security information.
Collaboration with federal agencies helps NIST to identify, prioritize, and conduct work in
cryptography. While all agencies share a desire to strengthen cybersecurity, there is the
possibility for tension between NIST’s mission to promulgate the use of strong cryptography,
and the law enforcement and national security missions of other agencies. Though NIST works
closely with other agencies, it makes independent decisions, and remains committed to strong
cryptography due to its vital role in protecting information and information systems. As part of
this commitment, NIST will always develop standards and guidelines that promote the use of
strong cryptography using open and transparent processes.
NIST understands that having its own independent cryptographic expertise is essential in order to
carry out its statutory responsibility to develop strong cryptographic standards and guidelines to
protect non-national security federal information systems. Moreover, this capability is vital to
NIST’s development of standards and guidelines that promote economic development and
protect sensitive personal and corporate information.
Voluntary Standards Developing Organizations
NIST recognizes the important role that voluntary SDOs play in the global adoption of strong
cryptography for the agency’s various stakeholders. NIST is committed to pursuing a global
acceptance strategy for NIST’s cryptographic standards, and active participation in SDOs helps
to ensure that NIST cryptographic standards and guidelines are highly secure and interoperable
with those of international partners.
Based on need, impact, and industry interest, NIST decides how to engage with specific SDOs,
which existing voluntary standards it can adopt or adapt, which standards may be best developed
by an SDO rather than by NIST, and which of NIST’s standards and guidelines are brought to
SDOs for adoption.
Federal policy contained in OMB Circular A-119
directs all agencies to use voluntary consensus
standards in lieu of government-unique standards “except where inconsistent with law or
otherwise impractical.” NIST is committed to making maximum use of standards produced by
SDOs as the first option in addressing a need for cryptographic standards. The section of this
document, “Policies and Processes for the Life Cycle Management of Cryptographic Standards
and Guidelines,” provides detail about how NIST implements this strategy.
When NIST decides to develop a standard, NIST will give strong consideration to submitting
that standard to an SDO for broader acceptance, use, alignment, and impact. In the past, SDOs
have adopted important NIST cryptographic standards as foundational building blocks for
security protocols. For example, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher is
included in ISO/IEC 18033-3:2010, is the preferred block cipher for IEEE 802.11 to secure
wireless networks, and is mandatory to implement in version 1.2 of the Internet Engineering
Task Force’s (IETF) Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
When selecting priorities for working with SDOs or using standards produced by those
organizations, a major consideration for NIST is the degree of active participation in the SDO
from cryptographic researchers, industry, and others in the user community.
NIST staff participates in SDOs either through a NIST membership in an organization (e.g.,
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc.
working groups, INCITS
technical committees) or as
individuals (e.g., IEEE Standards Association
working groups and IETF working groups). NIST
experts also participate in some international SDOs through U.S. National Body or Member
State representation. ANSI
is the sole U.S. representative for two major non-treaty international
standards organizations, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and via the
U.S. National Committee (USNC) the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). For
treaty-based international standards bodies, such as the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU), the Department of State represents the United States.
Working with SDOs provides an important avenue for outreach to and feedback from multiple
stakeholders. In many cases, NIST staff members are contributors, editors, or working-group
Office of Management and Budget, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus
Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities, OMB Circular A-119 Revised, February 10, 1998.
Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc., Financial Industry Standards
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
chairs for proposed voluntary standards that use cryptography. NIST participates in the SDO
standards process along with industry involved in the design, development, and implementation
of cryptography. This interaction promotes the exchange of information and provides early
feedback on the effects of NIST standards and the need for new or different standards.
It is important that the roles of the NIST staff working with SDOs are very clear to all involved.
NIST has agency-wide guidelines governing participation in SDOs.
These guidelines make it
clear that participation in SDOs can, and must, tie directly to NIST’s mission and key goals. IT
security clearly falls within that realm.
The Research Community
NIST is deeply involved in the cryptographic research community through: participating in
research conferences; serving as program committee members; serving as speakers and
reviewers for conferences and workshops; and writing papers on NIST research. NIST also
invites and hosts guest researchers, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars; funds academic
research; and provides services, such as the NIST Randomness Beacon,
for the research
community. As a result, cryptographers around the world often know the NIST contact in their
area of interest, in addition to their identification through NIST web pages about their work.
NIST encourages and informally receives valuable informal information, often based on
independent cryptanalysis, from researchers. When NIST proposes new FIPS or SPs, or changes
to those publications, it reaches out to and relies on input from this community, and others, as an
important part of the process.
Cryptographic algorithm competitions are an especially powerful vehicle for working with
cryptographers from the broad research community to fill particular standards-related needs.
They allow NIST to standardize a state-of-the-art, widely accepted cryptographic primitive by
involving the international cryptographic research community in an open competition to select an
algorithm that NIST will standardize and promote. Competitions are only one of several
approaches for establishing a cryptographic standard; sometimes the needed standard has already
been developed by an SDO and been well accepted by the community. Moreover, competitions
are very time and resource intensive. However, they can bring significant benefits when properly
used. Section 7 of this document, Policies and Processes for the Life Cycle Management of
Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines, provides details about how NIST approaches these
N. Rioux, E. Puskar and M.J. DiBernardo, Guidelines for NIST Staff Participating in Documentary Standards
Developing Organizations’ Activities, NISTIR 7854, May 2012.
6. Public Notice and Review of Proposed and Final Standards
and Guidelines
NIST strives to be open and transparent in its cryptographic standards and guidelines activities.
That includes involving stakeholders from the time that NIST identifies an area of interest
through the full life cycle of managing a standard or guideline. Public notice and review of
proposed and final standards and guidelines is a key element. Basic features are noted below;
details are described in Section 7, Policies and Processes for the Life Cycle Management of
Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines.
NIST provides public notice of its most significant activities in cryptography, including:
plans for cryptographic standards and guidelines, including seeking information from the
public about available standards and guidelines or ongoing development work;
invitations for public participation in NIST-sponsored workshops and conferences that
discuss and advance topics in cryptography and its standardization;
participation by NIST staff in workshops and conferences sponsored by other
organizations on cryptography and standardization;
announcements of draft cryptographic standards and guidelines for public review and
comment; and
announcements of NIST’s responses to comments and posting of final publications.
All announcements are posted on the NIST CSRC website ( Requests for
comments on proposed FIPS, as well as announcements of the final FIPS, are published in the
Federal Register.
When NIST is aware of SDOs working on related standards, NIST will reach
out to relevant working groups to inform them of these announcements. In addition, press
releases usually accompany significant announcements, and NIST Information Technology
Laboratory (ITL) Bulletins provide information about the use of cryptographic standards and
In some cases, NIST maintains a public email forum for ongoing open discussion of
subjects relevant to cryptographic standards or research activities.
The primary public comment and feedback mechanism for NIST cryptographic standards and
guidelines is the posting of drafts and requests for comment on the CSRC website. Comment
periods depend on the size and complexity of the drafts, as well as prior history of public
exposure and commentary, but typically run from 30 to 90 days.
If the nature or extent of changes to a draft resulting from comments is sufficiently extensive,
one or more additional cycles of public review may be conducted.
NIST will track, post, and publicly respond to all comments received as a result of a request for
comment on a draft FIPS or draft guideline, in compliance with applicable law. When NIST
receives a comment that contains information that is proprietary or falls under privacy, Freedom
of Information, or national security statutes, it is obligated by law to protect that information
from disclosure. In these cases, NIST will work with the commenter to identify what information
may be publicly disclosed. In the event that NIST receives restricted information that has or will
materially affect a standard or guideline, NIST will make every effort to provide a meaningful
summary of the comment. NIST will publicly provide rationale for all substantive changes to
draft documents, either as a response to a public comment or in a separate description and
justification for the change.
For standards developed within consensus-based SDOs, feedback is generated and received in
accordance with the policies and procedures of the respective SDOs. In these cases, in keeping
with its own principles, NIST takes into account the transparency and openness of the
environment in which those standards are developed before adopting or recommending a
The value of NIST’s processes for cryptographic standards and guidelines depends upon the
active involvement of subject matter experts from the cryptographic community, as well as those
organizations that use and depend on these standards and guidelines. NIST encourages all
stakeholders to provide input throughout the process from start to finish including but not
limited to reviewing and commenting on drafts when they are posted for public comment. This
contributes to NIST’s objectives of gaining the full engagement of researchers, implementers and
users on its standards and guidelines.
7. Policies and Processes for the Life Cycle Management of
Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines
NIST has policies and processes for the life cycle management of cryptographic standards and
guidelines. These cover the initial identification and selection of areas to be addressed through
development, solicitation and response to comments and recommendations, submission of
standards for consideration by SDOs, and regular maintenance and review, including updating
and withdrawing the approval of a standard or guideline. General approaches are described in the
previous sections; process details are described below. Public participation is fundamental to the
management of NIST’s cryptographic standards and guidelines throughout their life cycle.
1. Triggers: Identify and Evaluate the Need
NIST considers a variety of factors in initially identifying the need for a cryptographic
standard or guideline. Major considerations include:
Is there a legal or administrative directive or guidance? NIST has statutory requirements
and high-level Executive Branch directives to undertake work in particular areas. These
include statutory mandates (e.g., FISMA), Presidential Directives (e.g., Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12)), and OMB guidance (e.g., M-04-04).
Did an environmental or technological development trigger a particular interest? As
processing speeds and memory get faster and cheaper, new advances in technology
demand that NIST constantly monitor the strength and effectiveness of the algorithms in
its standards and guidelines. Attacks and other security breaches can also be triggering
events. Research that shows vulnerabilities of a widely used cryptographic standard can
be a motivation for a new or revised standard or guideline. NIST may hold workshops to
assess the need, to discuss cryptographic research or proposed algorithms, or as part of a
cryptographic competition, for example.
Is it a compelling area for NIST’s engagement? Work on a new standard or guideline
should be useful, first and foremost, to the Federal Government’s ability to carry out its
non-national security functions and to promote the U.S. economy and public welfare. The
work that is contemplated should have broad applicability, rather than simply fill a niche
Does it appear to be a matter that the communities of interest consider to be both
important and practical to address? This could include identifying existing methods that
are used to solve similar challenges within those communities.
2. Announce Intent to Work on a Standards or Guidelines Project
Once NIST identifies a need for a standard or guideline in a particular area and decides to
work on a project, it will:
Publicly announce the need and its planned work on a project via the CSRC website and
other mechanisms. The announcement will provide the problem statement, a review of
possible approaches for producing a standard or guideline, and a rough development
Solicit input through the website, presentations, newsletters, and workshops, and/or an
open solicitation for comments.
Issue formal requests for comments or information, as needed.
3. Consider Requirements and Solutions
To ensure that NIST has broad and in-depth knowledge of the challenge, requirements to be
addressed, and potential solutions including work by others early in the process, NIST
Identify the requirements and goals of the proposed standard or guideline project, for
example, by determining the desirable security properties and the evaluation criteria for
assessing potential solutions.
Investigate the literature and what solutions are already incorporated into products and
Determine what kind of analysis has been done on various options and the most
appropriate additional analysis to undertake. This work would include an analysis into the
design of a cryptographic algorithm or scheme, including any constants used in the
Pursue security proofs for proposed cryptographic algorithms or schemes. While not a
prerequisite for consideration, security proofs are useful tools for analyzing and vetting
cryptographic algorithms being evaluated for inclusion in NIST standards and guidelines.
Proofs are usually conducted based on assumptions about the basic components of a
scheme using a specific threat model; the correctness of a proof and the applicability of
the threat model must be evaluated alongside an algorithm. NIST will pursue proofs and
encourage their development and analysis by the research community. In solicitations for
proposed algorithms, NIST will ask for these proofs and, when available, include them in
the public record when standards and guidelines are developed.
4. Define a Specific Plan and Process
NIST has several approaches that it may use to meet the needs for cryptographic standards or
guidelines. These include adopting or adapting existing SDO-produced standards,
encouraging and participating in the development of new standards by SDOs, or developing
NIST standards which, in some cases, may involve holding a competition. NIST will solicit
input from stakeholders in determining the most appropriate approach for a particular
standard or guideline. After making a decision, NIST will publicly state and explain the
reason for this determination. Options include:
Work with SDOs
From the time that NIST first identifies a specific standards-related need, the agency will
explore relevant SDO-developed standards that are available or already in process as an
alternative to developing its own standards. If there is an existing standard that has been
developed via a vigorous and documented participative process, NIST may choose to
adopt the standard in its entirety or to provide guidelines for its use rather than develop its
own standard.
If a needed standard does not already exist, NIST will consider the potential for
encouraging SDOs while involving industry, the user community, and cryptographic
researchers to begin the process of developing such a standard. This approach will
contribute to the global acceptability of the resulting standard.
One important consideration is the development time required. NIST may consider
assigning its own staff to participate in one or more SDO standards development efforts if
the work is of sufficient priority and could potentially meet NIST’s needs. The resources
required to provide this support also will be taken into account.
Develop a New Standard or Guideline
When NIST identifies a requirement for a standard and determines that no suitable
standard already exists, NIST experts in cryptography may begin development of a new
standard or guideline, working in collaboration with experts in academia, industry and
government. The development team is responsible for ensuring that NIST’s principles
and processes described in this document are followed throughout the development
process. Transparency and collaboration are accomplished through formal public review
processes and interaction with experts at public workshops and industry meetings. For the
development of new cryptographic algorithms, NIST may invite contributions from the
public. If the work has broad applicability, and where feasible, NIST will contribute that
work to an SDO with the goal of bringing about broader acceptance, use, and impact.
Hold a Competition
If NIST decides to pursue the development of a standard or guideline, it may use an open
competition. When a competition is used, interested parties will have an opportunity to
participate in the competition by reviewing core requirements and evaluation criteria,
publishing research papers, submitting comments, and attending public workshops.
Researchers worldwide may contribute candidate designs and papers on the theory,
cryptanalysis and performance of the candidates. The winning submitters are recognized,
but agree to relinquish claim to intellectual property rights for their design so that the
winning candidate can be available for royalty-free use. NIST determines the algorithm
submission requirements and selection criteria, organizes workshops, hosts a competition
website and e-mail discussion forum, selects the winning algorithm (based on its own
analysis and that of the public), and explains and documents the selection.
A typical competition starts with a public dialog on the need and requirements for a new
algorithm, both on-line and through public workshop(s), as well as a Federal Register
announcement inviting comments on NIST’s proposed criteria. A subsequent Federal
Register notice states the submission requirements, schedule and selection criteria. A
candidate conference is held, usually collocated with a major cryptographic research
conference, for each “round” of the competition to review the candidates and research
results (i.e., cryptanalysis, performance and proofs of properties) on the candidates.
Following each round, NIST announces the candidates selected to continue to the next
round, and provides a report that documents the rationale for the selections. This
winnowing allows the community to focus its analytical efforts on the most promising
candidates. The last round usually includes approximately five strong candidates.
Following the final candidate conference, NIST selects the winner, writes a final report
and formally proposes a standard or guideline for the algorithm through the normal FIPS
or Special Publication process.
NIST will consider the use of open competitions to establish cryptographic standards
particularly when no consensus exists yet around the best algorithmic approach.
Competitions work best when a proposed algorithm or scheme requires a great deal of
new cryptanalysis, as these competitions can focus the attention of cryptographers around
the world. Decisions to use competitions will be made while recognizing and considering
that these competitions are lengthy and resource intensive.
5. Develop a NIST Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) or Special Publication
(SP) Guideline
If NIST concludes that it will produce a FIPS or SP, a multi-step process is used. NIST will:
Announce its intent to develop a FIPS or SP via multiple mechanisms, including the
NIST website, newsletters, public presentations, and direct notifications to relevant SDOs
and communities of interest.
Seek information about existing standards, standards in development, guidelines, or other
information that could inform and assist NIST in the effort.
Request information on potentially pertinent patents (in initial solicitations for
information as well as in its publication of draft standards). This includes disclosure,
where possible, of issued U.S. patents, pending U.S. patent applications, and
corresponding foreign patents and applications. In considering an algorithm that is or
may be subject to patent protection, NIST may seek assurances from the patent holder
that royalty-free or royalty-bearing licenses will be made available on a Reasonable and
Non-Discriminatory (RAND) basis.
Consider the option of using, adapting or profiling an existing standard or guideline,
rather than producing an entirely new standard or guideline.
Develop a draft FIPS or SP which may be entirely new or based on an existing standard
or specification and, in the case of a FIPS, post that draft for public comment via a
Federal Register notice. Note that NIST employs multiple communication channels to
announce a draft standard. Time allotted for public comments is:
o a minimum of 90 days for a new FIPS;
o a minimum of 30 days for SPs and small revisions to existing FIPS.
Similar mechanisms are used for announcing and accepting comments on a draft SP,
except that the Federal Register process is not used.
Release any significant analyses and evaluations of algorithms or schemes that have been
made available to NIST, in accordance with applicable law.
Ensure that specifications of new algorithms or schemes provide design rationale,
including a description of the provenance of any constants used within the specification.
Consider and post comments and NIST’s disposition of those comments.
o NIST will track, post, and publicly respond to all comments received as a result of
a request for comment on a draft FIPS or draft guideline, in compliance with
applicable law
o NIST will publicly provide rationale for all substantive changes to draft
documents, either as a response to a public comment or in a separate description
and justification for the change.
o NIST will encourage all commenters to use the public comment process to ensure
that their comments are received, given due consideration, and attributed.
Decide whether to finalize a FIPS or SP, or revise it and seek another round of comments.
o If there are no substantial changes, NIST will proceed to finalize the publication.
o Where there are significant dissenting comments, NIST will determine whether
all views have been given full consideration and whether an additional comment
period would provide additional information, and proceed accordingly.
Finalize and approve a FIPS or SP, including an internal NIST editorial review and NIST
management review and approval. Guidelines are reviewed by the Director of the NIST
Information Technology Laboratory. For FIPS (standards), the NIST Director approves
the publication prior to submission to the Secretary of Commerce for final approval and
Announce the final FIPS or SP via the CSRC website and other communication channels.
For FIPS, NIST will also publish a Federal Register notice.
6. Consider Contributing Standards and Guidelines for Adoption by SDOs
NIST recognizes the value of having cryptographic standards and guidelines adopted by
SDOs. Therefore, NIST will consider contributions to SDOs as follows:
All FIPS and SP guidelines developed by NIST will be considered for contribution to
an SDO for their consideration.
Because of the resources required to support a contribution (e.g., editors), NIST will
consider stakeholdersinput on potential submissions when determining priorities for
Priority will be given to: standards and guidelines that are being adopted by industry;
contribution to SDOs with international scope; standards that fulfill a critical need,
including those that result from competitions; and conformance-based standards,
rather than recommendations or guidelines.
7. Maintain Standards and Guidelines: Reviewing, Updating, and Withdrawal
Cryptographic standards and guidelines must be reviewed and maintained regularly because
of rapid technological advances, the specific applications and assets for which these
standards and guidelines are used, the threat environment, and the tolerance for risk by a
particular sector or organization. NIST is committed to periodic review and maintenance of
all cryptographic standards and guidelines. Maintenance can include updating or
withdrawing the publication. When each standard or guideline is published, NIST identifies
when the document will be subject to a review of its relevance and for possible updating.
NIST uses the following approach:
Review standards and guidelines regularly. The planned review period is identified
when the document is initially finalized; FIPS are reviewed at least every five years
or more frequently if issues arise. This may involve seeking public comment on the
applicability and currency of the standard or guideline. Comments on proposed
updates to or the withdrawal of a FIPS will be solicited using the Federal Register.
Make the review results public, including any public comments received.
Renew, update or withdraw the standard or guideline. Renewal involves keeping the
document unchanged. Update involves making revisions to the document (technical
and otherwise). Withdrawal may be immediate, or it may be a phased withdrawal
(“sunsetting”). Some technical content of a withdrawn standard or guideline can
potentially be moved to another new or existing standard or guideline. An analysis of
the comments received on existing FIPS will be published in the Federal Register and
the comments posted on the CSRC website; comments received on existing SPs will
be posted on the CSRC website. NIST also will announce its decision on any
maintenance effort (e.g., document update or withdrawal) that will take place.
NIST will use the processes and procedures described in this publication to develop future
cryptographic standards and guidelines. They are designed to provide broad opportunity to offer
input on its cryptographic standards and guidelines, and to maximize openness and transparency.
NIST will review this publication and its processes and procedures every five years and more
frequently if a need arises.
Please address any comments regarding these principles, processes and procedures and NIST’s
use of them in developing cryptographic standards and guidelines to Chief, NIST Computer
Security Division at [email protected]. All comments and NIST’s responses will be posted on the
CSRC website.